136 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. Makedonium – Spomenik ilindenske vstaje • Kruševo, Severna Makedonija • Kipar: Jordan Grabuloski • Arhitektka: Iskra Grabuloska • Slikarja: Petar Mazev, avtor amfiteatra in keramike; Borko Lazeski, avtor vitražev • Material: beli beton, steklo • Status: kulturni spomenik • Fotografije: Vladimir Deskov • Besedilo: Ana Ivanovska Makedonium – Ilinden monument • Kruševo, North Macedonia • Sculptor: Jordan Grabuloski • Architect: Iskra Grabuloska • Painters: Petar Mazev, author of amphitheatre and ceramics; Borko Lazeski, author of stained glass • Material: white concrete, glass • Status: cultural monument • Photographs: Vladimir Deskov • Text: Ana Ivanovska 21_ MAKEDONIUM, KRUŠEVO, 1974 Jordan Grabuloski, Iskra Grabuloska, Petar Mazev, Borko Lazeski MKD 137arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Makedonium, znan tudi kot Spomenik ilindenske vstaje, sta zasnovala Jordan in Iskra Grabuloska in pomeni vrhunec njunega dela. Umeščen je na najvišjo točko hriba Gumenje, od koder gleda na mesto Kruševo. Ima dvojni pomen: postavljen je bil ob 30. obletnici srečanja ASNOM (Protifašistično združenje narodne osvobo- ditve Makedonije), v čast narodnoosvobodilnemu boju (1941–1944), z odprtjem na dan 2. avgusta 1974 pa je obenem obeležil ilindensko vstajo (2. avgust 1903) in zato postal univerzalni simbol makedonskega boja za svobodo in neodvisnost. Spomeniku se približamo po urejeni poti skozi pokrajino. Pristop je razdeljen na več sekvenc, globoko prežetih s simboliko. Začetek označujejo bele betonske skulpture, ki simbolizirajo pretrgane verige (delo Jordana Grabuloskega). Prvi del oblikuje krožni prostor »kripte«. Iz sten rastejo valjaste skulpture s kovinskimi plo- ščicami z imeni krajev ali oseb ali z datumi, povezanimi z zgodovinskimi dogodki. Pot vodi naprej do »amfiteatra« s številnimi valjastimi betonskimi »sedeži« in ži- vobarvno keramično steno. Ta je dopolnjena z geometrijskimi oblikami, ki jih je izdelal priznani slikar Petar Mazev. Jedro kompleksa oziroma vrhunec spominske poti je sam spomenik. Sferično skulpturo iz belega betona premera okoli 20 m oblikujejo velika štrleča ovalna okna. Zgornja imajo vgrajene vitraže, delo Borka Lazeskega, iz nižjih pa se odpirajo čudoviti pogledi po pokrajini. Vsaka stran prika- zuje dogodke, povezane z ilindensko vstajo. Simbolika je prisotna po celotnem interierju. Stenske niše spodnjih oken so na vseh štirih straneh pokrite z reliefi; ti v abstraktnem jeziku, značilnem za obdobje, v katerem so nastali, upodabljajo nacionalno prebujenje in boj makedonskega ljudstva za osvoboditev. Spomenik še danes služi v spomin na 2. avgust, ki pomeni enega najpomembnejših datumov v zgodovini makedonskega naroda. Obisk spomenika je vključen v redni šolski kuri- kulum, v zadnjem času pa je vzbudil tudi mednarodno zanimanje in pozornost. Spominski kompleks je bil kmalu po zgraditvi uvrščen na seznam kulturnih spome- nikov in je tako od samega začetka pod zaščito lokalnih institucij. Kljub temu bi bil potreben celovite obnove in vzdrževanja. Makedonium, also known as the Monument to the Ilinden Uprising, was de- signed by Jordan and Iskra Grabuloska and ranks as their finest work. Sited at the highest point of hill Gumenja, it overlooks the town of Kruševo. Its significance is twofold: it was erected on the 30th Anniversary of the meeting of ASNOM (Anti- fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia) honouring the Peo- ple’s Liberation Struggle (1941–1944). With the opening ceremony held on 2nd August 1974, it also celebrated the Ilinden Uprising of 2nd August 1903, thereby becoming a universal symbol of Macedonian struggle for freedom and independ- ence. The monument is approached via a path laid out in the landscape. The ac- cess is divided into several sequences deeply permeated with symbolism. The beginning is marked by white concrete sculptures symbolising broken chains (work of Jordan Grabuloski). The first section is formed by a circular space of the “Crypt”. Cylindrical sculptures with metal plaques containing the names of places, persons, or dates connected with historical events project from the walls. The path continues towards the “Amphitheatre” with numerous cylindrical concrete “seats” and a ceramic wall in vivid colour. The wall is complemented with geomet- ric shapes made by renowned painter Petar Mazev. The heart of the complex and the climax of the memorial path is the monument itself. The spherical white con- crete sculpture measuring approximately 20 m in diameter is characterised by large projecting oval windows. Those on top contain stained glass, the work of Borko Lazeski, while the lower windows open up beautiful views of the landscape. Each of the sides depicts events of significance to Ilinden. There is symbolism present throughout the interior. On all four sides, the wall alcoves of the lower windows are covered on all four sides by two reliefs each depicting - in an abstract language characteristic of the period in which they were created - the national awakening and the struggle of the Macedonian people for liberation. To this day, the monument serves as a memorial of 2nd August, one of the most important dates in the history of the Macedonian nation. It is part of the regular school cur- riculum while also having lately raised international interest and attention. The memorial complex was listed as a cultural monument soon after being built and has thus enjoyed the protection of local institutions from the very beginning. Even so, however, it is in need of comprehensive renovation and maintenance.