TABLE OF CONTENTS Jana S. ROSKER Introduction .... WWftfifcfrftifr Methodology in Sinological Research Bauruei DUH tt^Jg t (The Methodology of Chinese Philosophy—Exemplified by the Four Square Framework)..............3-27 Jer-shiarn LEE ^Ujii ImM (1723-1777) (On Dai Zhen (1723-1777) and His Philosophy of Evidential Research and Its Reflection)..........29-41 f^W^ Wllit^i^ New Interpretations of Classical Philosophy Hsien-Chung LEE ^ TiltfJ H r^tfJ ^^PMSSiH:^ (A Comparison of the Cognitive Perspective Applied in "Referring to Things" and "Equality of Things") . . . 45-64 Jung-Tao TSAI M&M fft^kWMM (Interpretative Dialects of Wang Bi's Exegesis of Lao-Tzu).......................................65-89 Literary and Linguistic Studies Ming-chang LIN m mmmmm (The Sadness of Life—Han Yu's Poetry of Grief and Sorrow).........93-110 Chia Ning CHU ^m^mm^mmm (An Analysis of Li Bai's Poetry from the Perspective of Linguistic Stylistics).....................................111-130 Historical Investigation Chinyun LEE ^^ mmmmMi&mszmjjmi (German Trade and the Transportation of Coolies at Pakhoi) ........133-142 Asia n and A f r i c a n Studi e s 5 I A » Recent Contributions from Taiwanese Academic Circles: Methodology, Philosophy, Literature and History Univerza v Ljubljani Volume XVI, Issue 1, April 2012 ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES Journal of the Department of Asian and African Studies University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts Recent Contributions from Taiwanese Academic Circles: Methodology, Philosophy, Literature and History Volume XVI, Issue 1 Ljubljana, April 2012 ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES, Volume XVI, Issue 1, Ljubljana, April 2012 Editor-in-chief: Jana S. Rošker Managing editor: Nataša Visočnik Layout editors: Saša Istenič, Nataša Visočnik Copy editor: Chikako Shigemori Bučar Editorial Board: Andrej Bekeš, Jana S. Rošker, Chikako Shigemori Bučar, Andrej Ule, Mitja Saje, Maja Lavrač, Takemoto Takahashi, Yuriko Sunakawa, Wang Yi, Raul David Findeisen, Gou Chengyi, Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik, Tamara Ditrich, Nikolai Jeffs, Nataša Hrastnik, Mateja Petrovčič, Kristina Hmeljak Sangawa, Nataša Visočnik, Nagisa Moritoki, Luka Culiberg, Maja Veselič All articles are peer-reviewed. © University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2012. All rights reserved. Published by: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani/Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana For: Oddelek za azijske in afriške študije/Department of Asian and African Studies For the publisher: Andrej Černe, Dean of Faculty of Arts Ljubljana, 2012, First edition Number printed: 200 copies Graphic Design: Mare Kovačič Printed by: Birografika Bori, d. o. o. Price: 7,00 EUR ISSN 1408-5429 This publication is indexed in the Cobiss database. This journal is published three times per year. Yearly subscription: 18 EUR, (Account No.: 50100-603-40227) Ref. No.: 001-033 ref. »Za revijo« Address: Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za azijske in afriške študije, Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija tel.: +386 (0)1 24 11 450, +386 (0)24 11 444 faks: +386 (0)1 42 59 337 This journal is published with the support of the Slovene Book Agency (JAK). CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 930.85(529)(082) RECENT contributions from Taiwanese academic circles : methodology, philosophy, literature and history / [editor-in-chief Jana S. Rošker]. - 1st ed. - Ljubljana : Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete = University Press, Faculty of Arts, 2012. -(Asian and African studies, ISSN 1408-5429 ; vol. 16, issue 1) ISBN 978-961-237-497-6 1. Rošker, Jana S. 261161728 TABLE OF CONTENTS Jana S. ROSKER Introduction..........................................................................................v-xi M^Pffi^lffi^feM Methodology in Sinological Research Bauruei DUH —(The Methodology of Chinese Philosophy—Exemplified by the Four Square Framework)...............................3-27 Jer-shiarn LEE M^M (1723-1777) Z^M^RgfeM- (On Dai Zhen (1723-1777) and His Philosophy of Evidential Research and Its Reflection)......................................29-41 New Interpretations of Classical Philosophy Hsien-Chung LEE ^ ^ (A Comparison of the Cognitive Perspective Applied in "Referring to Things" and "Equality of Things")...........45-64 Jung-Tao TSAI «^Tii» (Interpretative Dialects of Wang Bi's Exegesis of Lao-Tzu).............................................................................65-89 Literary and Linguistic Studies Ming-chang LIN H (The Sadness of Life—Han Yu's Poetry of Grief and Sorrow)............................93-110 Chia Ning CHU (An Analysis of Li Bai's Poetry from the Perspective of Linguistic Stylistics)..........................................................................111-130 iil M Historical Investigation Chinyun LEE (German Trade and the Transportation of Coolies at Pakhoi)......................133-142 UDK: 001.8+001 COPYRIGHT ©: JANA S. ROSKER Introduction Jana S. ROSKER* Since the establishment of the Department of Asian and African Studies at the University of Ljubljana, its members have been closely cooperating with several Taiwanese universities, academic organizations and foundations. The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation has provided generous subventions to many representatives of our Chair of Sinology, and thus helped us to carry out various research projects related to Chinese and Taiwanese culture. We have established exchange cooperations with several prominent Taiwanese universities: the National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Chengchi University, Soochow University in Taipei, Fo Guang University in Yilan, Fu-jen University in Hsinchuang, the National University of Education in Hsinchu, the National Chinan University in Nantou, the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, and the National Chiayi University. Members of our Department have held lectures at most of these universities and we continuously carry out common research projects with our Taiwanese colleagues. Many authors of the present issue of our academic journal have visited Slovenia already. Prof. Lee Chinyun from the National Chinan University obtained her PhD degree at our Faculty in 2000 and taught classical Chinese at our Department for several years. Prof. Lin Ming-chang from Soochow University held a guest lecture on traditional Chinese art at our Department in 2007, and Prof. Lee Hsien-Chung was invited by the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology to hold a series of lectures on traditional Chinese logic at our Faculty in 2012. * Jana S. Rosker, Full Professor of Sinology and head of the Department of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail address: Every year, two or three of our undergraduate and at least one postgraduate student spend one or more academic years in Taiwan, mostly financed by national scholarship provided by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education. In this respect, I would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the friendly and most cooperative staff of the Taiwanese Representative Office in Vienna, who has always showed much understanding for us and provided our Department with all kinds of support and continuous help. The academic cooperation, which enabled me and many of my colleagues at our Department to build meaningful bridges between Slovenia and Taiwan in the field of sinological research, is of immense importance for general mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries. I sincerely hope that this cooperation will lead us to yet further fruitful exchanges and therefore continuously enrich our mutual understanding in the future. The present issue of our academic journal, Asian and African Studies, represents one of the many results of such cooperation. The authors are internationally established and well-known Taiwanese scholars with whom the Department of Asian and African Studies has been collaborating in the areas of social studies and humanities for several years. The articles in this volume are published in Chinese, because it is our firm belief that sinological research cannot remain limited to sources in Western languages. The volume not only represents a bridge which links Slovenian and international sinologists to Taiwanese scholarship; it also provides an opportunity for direct insight into the original sources, defining this discourse. Such a decision of the editorial board is based on the conviction that the incorporation of material in native language into any intercultural research framework provides a more objective, and at the same time, hermeneutically more proper understanding of the complex problems under investigation. Our aim in compiling this anthology is threefold: to highlight the significance of academic cooperation between Taiwan and Slovenia, secondly, to revise prevailing historical, methodological and intellectual approaches in Taiwanese scholarship dealing with Chinese tradition, and thirdly, to develop and enhance intercultural communication in Chinese studies. The focus of the studies gathered here is on the current Taiwanese contributions in researches and perspectives concerning various relevant and significant issues in contemporary Sinology. It is our firm belief that their research provides a good path to enrich our knowledge and to understand current guidelines, which prevail in contemporary Taiwanese academic world. In order to delineate an image of this world and of specific scholarly discourses that are rooted in it, the articles of the present volume explore a multicolored range of diverse theoretical aspects of traditional Chinese culture, its philosophy, literature and history. The collection opens with an examination of specific methodologies, necessary for any research in traditional Chinese discourse. The first two articles which deal with specifically Chinese theoretic methodologies follow the basic presumption, according to which contemporary (Chinese and Western) Sinological research can easily be led to misinterpretations of its subject matter if it fails to take into consideration the fundamental methodological conditions, determined by specific Chinese historical, linguistic and philosophical contexts. This presumption (and its results) is of special importance because, unfortunately, in current Sinological research, it is still common to project content and form of "Western" discourses, which have still been shielded by the majority of political (and thus also economic) power. This danger has also been recognized by both authors of the first section, who have been—each in his own way—dealing with research and renewed disclosure of traditional Chinese philosophical thought. The first author, Duh Bauruei fi®^ from the National Taiwan University, clearly shows that despite their tendencies towards openness and interdisciplinary approach, the discourses of modern science and humanities are still more or less determined by the core of the "Western" paradigmatic network. In his article The Methodology of Chinese Philosophy—Exemplified by the Four Square Framework —t^H^^ft^^fr) the author critically questions such approaches and provides a new referential framework for a more proper understanding of traditional Chinese theoretical discourses. In conscientious effort to preserve the characteristic structural concatenations of the subject matter, the author thoroughly considers the specific categorical legitimacy of such texts in order to meet the demands of the most important methodological conditions, on the basis of which we can, regardless of the complexity of the problems, attain some reasonably relevant conclusions. In this context, Prof. Duh Baorui advocates the basic research method of traditional Chinese through the lens of traditional categories and methodological processes. This method represents the central element of the proposed theoretical framework which has been named "the methodology of research in the history of Chinese philosophy". Such a methodology is based on hermeneutical methods in interpreting original sources. In this aspect, this referential framework differs from the frameworks of the so-called "methodology of Chinese philosophy". Prof. Duh clearly points out the methodological inconsistency and explains how and why they still permeate modern Western paradigms. His basic approach is rooted in the conviction that the research in specifically Chinese theory has to follow differences in problem conceptions and materials, and should not remain limited to the research in ideologies. This presumption has also been shared in the work of Dai Zhen, a pre-modern Chinese philosopher, who's theoretical approaches are analyzed by Lee Jer-shiarn ^WR from the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, who is the author of the second article On Dai Zhen (1723-1777) and his Philosophy of Evidential Research and Its Reflection 1723-1777 SS). He exemplifies the work of Dai Zhen, a conceptually innovative premodern philosopher who is regarded as the greatest Chinese thinker of the 18th Century, to show the importance of the specific Chinese pragmatism which had always stood in opposition to excessively speculative philosophical currents that led away from concrete social problems. This spirit of pragmatism in solving social and political problems is also undoubtedly reflected in Dai Zhen's theory of knowledge and methodology. However, Prof. Lee Jer-shiarn points out that Dai Zhen's contribution to the development of Chinese thought is most evident in his application of scientific procedures based on "proof and evidence" ( which led him to both a substantiated refutation of "empty" Neo-Confucian commentaries and the premise that new problems required new methods for solving them. His elaboration of the new methodologies enabled later theoreticians to perform even more detailed analyses of historical and cultural problems, thereby aiding them in their search for new solutions to the specific theoretical and practical problems of their time. The article does not only highlight the germs of modern scientific methodology within traditional Chinese theories, but also indicates that such framework can further prove itself to be most helpful for the establishment of innovative theoretical approaches in current Sinological studies. The frameworks that are outlined by the first scope of the present volume also determined the main spirit of its second which deals with studies in classical (ancient and early medieval) Chinese philosophy. In his article A Comparison of the Cognitive Perspective Applied in "Referring to Things" and "Equality of Things" ( Lee Hsien-Chung from the National Taiwan University explores classical Chinese logic from the perspective of cognitive purposes, methods, and their results in the works of Gongsun Long and Zhuangzi respectively. He shows that within the system of specific Chinese philosophy, both scholars have a mutually complementary significance, although belonging to different streams of thought and following different theoretical approaches. Such a view follows the basic presumption according to which it is wrong to interpret those discourses according to the model of traditional Western logic and that it is necessary to reconstruct the autochthonous Chinese logic. This view which leads us to the necessity of cultural interpretations of logic is of utmost importance for the further research in this field. Prof. Lee Hsien-Chung clearly asserts that Chinese logic has autonomous particularities that have to be reconstructed in a systematic way without framing them into methodological and conceptual structures of modern (Western) research paradigms. The second article belonging to the scope of philosophical studies, Interpretative Dialects of Wang Bi's Exegesis of Lao-Tzu is written by Tsai Jung-Tao from the National Chiayi University. It explores the history of research in Wang Bi, one of the most significant theorists of early medieval China and highlights three different paths that lead to the understanding of his work. These three paths simultaneously represent three important currents in sinological research. The first one has been exemplified by the Taiwanese scholar Lin Lizhen, the second by Yu Dunkang, a theoretician from the P.R. China, and the third by the German sinologist Rudolf Wagner. The author shows that the first approach is hermeneutical, the second belongs to pragmatic philosophy and that the third focuses on philological research. Through his analyses of these particular approaches Prof. Tsai Jung-Tao asserts the mutual complementarity of the three research currents. The complementary view that permeates these two research articles also manifests itself in both issues which define the central focus in the third scope of the present volume. It contains two articles dealing with studies in traditional Chinese literature. Lin Ming-chang from the Fo Guang University analyses different expressions of sad emotions in the poetry of Han Yu, who belongs to the most well-known poets and prose writers from the Tang Dynasty. This traditional scholar is among the most personal and at the same time the most open of Chinese authors. Due to the fact that he often writes most frankly about his own life, his feelings, his career or his friends, Han Yu has been placed in the center of attention in various sinological researches on traditional Chinese literature. In his article The Sadness of Life—Han Yu's Poetry of Grief and Sorrow (T^M—^ff^M'lf Prof. Lin Ming-chang explores his work from the perspective of emotional expressiveness, questioning the prevailing ideological interpretations. On such basis, the author proposes an innovative hermeneutical approach in the research of traditional Chinese poetry which offers new insights into the complexity of its artistic and aesthetic significance. In addition, Prof. Lin points out the fact that Han Yu, being a traditional Confucian, believed in an orderly universe, responsive to human actions and not indifferent to human suffering. Thus, the article offers new possibilities of interpretation showing how Han Yu's poetry is a mode of self-discovery and self-development that opens not only to the paths of inner conversation, but also to substantial dialogues between different research approaches. Chu Chia Ning from the National Chengchi University is the author of the article An Analysis of Li Bai's Poetry from the Perspective of Linguistic Stylistics (fmfl^^t^filWfff) which also deals with research in classical poetry of Tang Dynasty. His article follows a different disciplinary approach: while the previous article in this issue is based on the research in aesthetic dimensions of this poetry, Prof. Chu Chia Ning applies linguistic analysis to the work of Li Bai, the major poet of this "Golden era of Chinese poetry". This prominent writer was not only a master of profound expression, but also set the rules of versification of his time, being famous for the technical virtuosity of poetry and the mastery of verses. Pointing out that the prevailing research on classical Chinese poetry is almost entirely dominated by its contents, concentrating solely on the aesthetic modes of expression, the author follows a new scheme for the inter-relation of linguistic analysis and poetry criticism that is rooted in phonological research. However, he also takes into account the rigid restrictions in the repertory of morphological and syntactic constituents used in Li Bai's poems, simultaneously considering the eliminations inherent to these poems, showing how they permit the reader to follow the masterly interplay of the actualized constituents. The article thus provides possibilities of a more integral insight into the entirety of classical Chinese poetic expression. However, integral insights into any level of Sinological research are also shaped by historical evidences and various historiographical modes of their interpretation. Therefore, the present volume also provides an example of Taiwanese academic inquiry in the field of critical historiography. Lee Chinyun from the Chinan University in Puli proceeds in her article German Trade and the Transportation of Coolies at Pakhoi (SH^ffi^^kftW fe^K^^SÉ) with the awareness for a growing need for intercultural comparison in the field of historiography simply and unavoidably because of the great increase in international and intercultural communication, not only in economics and politics, but also in various fields of cultural life. Through the analysis of their concrete historical conditions in Pakhoi, an important international treaty port located on the extreme southeast of China, Prof. Lee Chinyun illuminates the general role and social functions of Chinese coolies in Western colonies. Her article allows the reader to rethink existing modes of "historical memory" as the universal cultural means of orienting human practical life in its temporal dimensions. Such a foundation allows us to establish new historical consciousness based on constitutive factors and procedures. In a systematized form the relationship of these elements can namely be used to identify the varieties of historical thinking in different contexts over time. One of the objectives of this research is an intercultural exchange of knowledge on history as a medium of identity-forming. The search for new aspects of cultural identity is also the main paradigm which links various conceptual and methodological approaches applied in the contributions of the present volume. Their thematic diversity reflects the multifaceted potential for theoretical creativity and renewal in the Taiwanese academic world. Methodology in Sinological Research UDK: 1(510):001.8 COPYRIGHT ©: BAURUEI DUH Methodology of Chinese Philosophical History-Exemplifies by the Four Square Framework Bauruei DUH* rnmrn-. taw^m *m im mm, Abstract The author suggests a method of text interpretative orientated methodological approach which has given the name of methodology of Chinese philosophical history. It is actually an interpretational system constructed by four basic philosophical questions which have all marked Chinese philosophy. They are cosmology, ontology, practical theory and theory of perfect personality. This paper focuses on introducing the methodology, its functioning, as well as its contributions and limitations. Any scholar can use this methodology to do his or hers own research work, as well as apply traditional Western philosophical method to the Chinese philosophy without any contradiction. Keywords: methodology of Chinese philosophical history, cosmology, ontology, practical theory, theory of perfect personality, text interpretation * ttfö«, Bauruei Duh, Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. E-mail address: m, »«»wra^, rnrnm^, «tt^aft^m^®^» m* (Duh, Chen 2008),^ mm, lii^iffwf^ftit. ^«jë^M^ ^mm, mirnem vr? -V1» m, m^m^, min, ^mrnm^w^nwám^rnwi^m^mmx^^^m^m haw, «^SW^i^^m» (Zhang 1983),MMW«*0W (Feng 1989), mff^ft» (Liu 2009),^ m^mmm*^ m^^mñ^m......^rnwM-mm^^m, m? i«, 1991), mtämmmm^m, 1983), e i» , 1981), m «^SW^+AIS», 1983)( «isiüí), 1997)( mmm , 1985)« m^um-^^ m^^m^mm^m^m^m^ (^MX, 1996), Œ}, «ffi» ^ hammmMnmR^rnm^« m, -mmmmmm^mm^M^mm, iÂfti^ÈftWift. iffs^s»». nmm Hmm^rnmmmfa° mm* irnmnr, ^M^&M&.-wtmMM&^^&^w tili« £ aw r ž, mîmmm, ^^m^m^u^mmmmm mm, ^îrnm ^«sigH^W^W ontology ontology ^ffl £ theory of being theory of value,! ffi}, 2011, 185-195)» mmmm, R^mmrnz„ Hfí^ts. mxmmmmx^mmmwm^m, «WM; ië ^m^ñm&mm. i&^rnzm}, 1995)« M.-èms&ÂMS ^nt^Titü.^iii.Ätffii imrn^mi MW irnrnmi n^mmximm, mmm-mmm, tmn&mMmmmm, ^mmmskmmm* tm^mtmrn-mmrnmrmrn* rMöJ^ws^rn^H^w^M, MÍ rt, ^ #J, r«, m^m, ai, r^ « rw^ mizami « Qfâ (Lao wftrnfà* »lit ölififflAff iSÜIttio mmmfönm, 1983),^rns iï&ffi^m&mwT^ûmfàtofflmMMm^fàMwftMBmmmi-m a, ffi.Ä.tt. ftJ , ÖÄ», m, fiííii^ «IÄ, 2011 ^ 9 M^rnm 880 504-524„±»^MA^« ¡^»tt«, 2010 ^ 10 mmmxftMm 437 m* tt«, 2009^ 11 426 m-. * 77-102ottfö^, 2009 «Am m 423 m-. * 57-76« 2011 ^6n 3-5 2011X4% 9 mwxmummmmïàfr^ >,T2011 2009 ¥ s M 7-9 0, mrnxm^m^° 2009 x ix&m muAXMWuàm 1985), MMMMM^MWM Mm, Hâëiiio UM, Mm, ^rnmmm^mwim, ««»gsM^iÄ-s^ ^^mmmmmmmmn-Mnmn, m nmmi^mmmmmMtmm» ömxat» u^tir^». ^^Mrmmmm zm, ^mmmm^Mmmmmm^mmmmmmmrn, UM mm, wm MéifemgM^MMmf^Mw«?^^^, nrn uxmmr, nm, mmtmt^-rnmmmmmMm^m^M, fím^w^w» A. teMM^M^ffi^ê i&Mmmmm&sm&^m mmmm,Mmi mmuimrnTiumMpmzmimMmmm ^m^mmnm, » ÂMSTO^ffiMtë^, MOXM^r^ÄM^Mif««?» mm. SM. ñ'ú gï^ift^iiêtifti im SftM^W^Wft^WMtM^» , 2002,M 25-54), më^ 1983), m, ím^Rmmmmt^nmm^M mm cMMm,iñ%^rn))) «ä^A»» lÄW^^tt^^W^M, ft-^líWütf^»«^.ttitl mmmmtm Htloti.ftatf^TIi, tt^ë^TffiJTfèMÂ^ffi« ttfernrnfammmm mm&mmwftmmMMu rra^w^j mzm^m^mmnzmmm, Wo (2005m^mm (2010) zft, mm, T, fcm^sttm&mrn, Mm&^m, mm mrnm^mm&^M« Metodologija kitajske filozofije—na primeru štirikotnega ogrodja Članek prinaša pomembne novosti na področju metodologije kitajske filozofije. Avtor prikaže, da je tudi v zgodovini zahodne filozofije prevladala vrsta najrazličnejših metod, ki druga z drugo pogosto niso konsistentne; to, kar jih združuje, je zgolj njihov teoretski pristop. Zato ne vidi razloga, da bi se moralo raziskovanje kitajske filozofije prilagajati kateri koli izmed teh metod, in se zavzame za kreiranje mnogih različnih metodoloških pristopov. Vsak od pristopov, ki temeljijo na doslednem upoštevanju tradicionalnih kategorij in postopkov, je namreč prav tako filozofski in konsistenten, kot je katerakoli metoda raziskovanja zahodne filozofije, ki temelji na upoštevanju njenih specifičnih paradigem. Predlagana sta dva pristopa: prvi izhaja iz splošnih filozofskih vprašanj, ki jih odpira skozi prizmo specifičnih teorij kitajske filozofije. Drugi izhaja iz raziskovanja z izključno uporabo tradičionalnih kitajskih kategorij in končeptov. Avtor predlaga, da se podobna metodologija uporabi tudi v raziskovanju s področja tajvanske (kitajske) sinologije (guo xue), t.j. vede, ki raziskuje kitajsko literaturo, umetnost in kulturo. Sicer ni nujno, da tudi raziskovalci teh področij v svojem delu izhajajo iz enega od obeh zgoraj omenjenih pristopov. Skupno točko obeh disciplin pa avtor vendarle vidi v študijah treh prevladujočih idejnih smernic, ki so merodajno opredelile tradicionalne kitajske diskurze, torej v študijah konfucijanstva, budizma in daoizma. Zato je tudi teoretska konsistenca tajvanske (kitajske) sinologije možna samo ob uporabi tradicionalnih konceptov in kategorij, umeščenih v osnovno ogrodje kitajske filozofske metodologije. References Duh, Bauruei ft^^. 1995. Fanzhe dao zhi dong (Reverse Action of Dao). Taipei: Hongtai chuban she. Duh, Bauruei ft^^. 2005. Bei Song ruxue (North Song Confucianism). Taipei: Shangwu yinshuguan. Duh, Bauruei 2010. Nan Song ruxue (South Song Confucianism). Taipei: Shangwu yinshuguan. Duh, Bauruei tt^^. 2011. "Dui bentilun gainian shiyong de taolun." ^^fl^H^ii (Discussion of the Use of the Ontology Concept). Zhexue fenxi ^^ftfä 24: 8. Duh, Bauruei ft^^, and Chen, Ronghua IH^^. 2008. Zhexue gailun (Introduction to Philosophy). Taipei: Wunan wenhua. Fang, Dongmei A^^. 1981. 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Taipei: Taiwan xuesheng shuju. Tang, Junyi M^Mk. 1986. Zhongguo zhexueyuanlun: daolunpian (The Original Doctrine of Chinese Philosophy: Introduction). Taipei: Taiwan xuesheng shuju. Tang, Junyi 1986. Yuan daopian ^MM (Tracing the Source of Dao). Taipei: Taiwan xuesheng shuju. Zhang, Dainian 1983. Zhongguo zhexue shifangfalun fafan ^H^^ii^ft^ (A Brief Expression on the Methodology of Chinese Philosophical History). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju. Zhang, Liwen ^A^. 1989. Dao M. Beijing: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1990. Qi Beijing: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1991. Li S. Beijing: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1993. Xin Beijing: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1996. Xing ft. Beijing: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1996. Tian Beijing: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1996. Zhongguo zhexue fanchou fazhan shi: Tian dao pian AMM (Categorical Development of Chinese Philosophical History: Universal Philosophy). Taipei: Wunan wenhua. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 1997. Zhongguo zhexue fanchou fazhan shi: Ren dao pian AMM (Categorical Development of Chinese Philosophical History: The Human Way). Taipei: Wunan wenhua. Zhang, Liwen ^AA. 2000. Bian Taipei: Qilue chuban she. Zhu, Bokun a. 1991. Yixue zhexueshi (History of Philosophical Aspects of Yi Jing). Taipei: Landeng chuban she. UDK: 1(510) COPYRIGHT ©: JER-SHIARN LEE WiMM (1723-1777) Z^mtimRRRR On Dai Zhen (1723-1777) and His Philosophy of Evidential Research and Its Reflection Jer-shiarn LEE* 1«. ms^m, mm, mm, ^rnrnm Abstract Dai Zhen was known as a leading proponent of the evidential research (kaozheng) school during the Qian Jia Era. However, he regarded kaozheng as primarily a means of revealing the truth. Moreover, he was regarded as a philosopher rather than as merely a kaozheng, or textual, scholar. In this respect, his philosophical writings reflect an attempt to substitute his own philosophy for the Song Philosophy of Principle (lixue). Dai Zhen's philosophical *^R, ISIitttftS^flflfiUfSftS, ««o lfS#: Jer-shiarn Lee, Professor, Graduate School of Chinese Studies, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. Taiwan. E-mail address: mmm (1723-1777) i^iffisss writings indicate the impact philology had on philosophical issues. The methodology Dai Zhen adopted was essentially linguistic, that is, xungu (etymology, lit., "glossing"). The merit of this methodology was that it would trace back the original meanings of key terms in the Classics, and this in turn, would benefit the understanding of the Confucian tradition. The aim of this paper is to explore Dai Zhen's attempt to reconstruct the Confucian tradition, and to assess his philosophy of evidential research in order to manifest its value and limitation. Key words: evidential research scholarship (kaozhengxue), revivalism, philosophy of principle (neo-confucianism), Han learning, philosophy of evidential research a« (1130-1200) A ^M^Mte^rniAKtttiAo (1736-1820), mm, m, t, si, m^mmrmmmMZ mm. m^A^^MMrnzMm, urnnm. (Hu 1971); m^^mmm^m JÄ3 i^zmm. (Qian 1976)» H^iaftfiëfiili^.lâ, £ -mrnzim^rn, mm, (960-1126),®^®^ (618-907)» (574-648) M* «ame»» bp®«, MWë, (Pulleyblank 1960, 77-114)» (960-1279) «ü^iwm MÍ m^ffiW^AMSMW^ (Lo 1976, (1042-1048) (ÜEi) (992-1057) (Pi 1987, 202)„ mmm, m* é^tófl^M^ÁM^M" (de Bary 1953, 92)„ï^ (1021-1086) (de Bary 1953, ^^R: mmm (1723-1777) žtiffisgs (Chan 1987, 132) 0 ^Âëï 1025 ^ilj 1100 êlKiÂIfèWifâÛtlo ï^ft«*,^» (1007-1072) m ^ (1036-1101) mimrn^i^m)) g^ss. ^^ (1019-1101) R^m (1009-1059) -»»«WM®« mzrn^mmrnm (1279-1368),^ (1368-I644) (1247-1331) 1513 ë fèfêfô (Pi 1987, 202) 0 M,«, (1472-1529) Ä (1488-1559),^ (1541-1617) R0M (1541-1620) ^M'MM^MM ÍW (Elman 1984, 215-216).ÂÏtf^tÎfeÂtli^^fi^ (1613-1682) ffiffîft (Hummel 1943-44, 42l-426)oÄRfiMfeÄM ftÄ^M^ (Ch'ien 1975, 287-291; Ch'ien 1986, l8l-l82)„Ä^M^W^ Ä^Ä^M^Ä (1636-1704) (Hummel 1943-44, 908-910) Sfë^, (Elman 1984, 43-44)» «^tïîin-i.ii, ^rn^Zm, i^rnj -MA^E ^ (Hummel 1943-44, 909-910)» (Hummel 1943-44, 423-424)oT^MJ^M, ^mm (1223-1296) mffl,«, ft (Elman 1984, 45)» (Dai 1975, 305);^-^^ ■MixmmM^mx^m&^Mmztm^mM^ (Dai 1975, 1100),^ MR, m^mmmLttrnmimm° mttfemsttrnMim (Liang 1972, mmmmmmzmm^M'Mft^m^immMzn&m^m iff if, A-x^mm^rnxn^mrnm, * »iai^tt. ss (1697-1758) mrnrn^ mmm (1723-1777) ¿^ittssgs (Liang 1973, 68) (Liang 1972, ^mmmm, rnmrnzMntitysiiiiii. (Dai 1975, 1100)« (Dai 1975, iKSSWi^tifoftS ^MmzmmnT-. 1102) i^X^ffiX^B, iif^IfilSt^S. (Dai 1975, M—rns w (Dai 1975, (1728-1804) R (1729-1781) mmmmZmM; , mm-. 1766 (Cheng 1971)0(^), mW»: 1772 ^„(H) , i^^^mmm.)): 1777 (Chin 1990)« tH^^a^iti^ift rn* m, (Chang 1962, «mm®»««, ^mmrnmmmtm« (Elman 1984, 19)o£«J (Chang 1963, (Elman 1984, 19)» sit, ^^R: mmm (1723-1777) žtiffisgs 1974, 57)» M, MRMMRÏÏ ëo (Duan 1971, 5) rnz, li^èo (Dai 1975, 1098) MRffimmzmm, (Elman 1984, 19)» rttJ mirni^mm-, miti , r»j .r^j.r^j t», i^mjRrnm s«» n^mM^^^m Dai 1975, 1100)« ?L ^ UmZo J (Dai 1975, 305) foft, feoj (Dai 1975, 1100) W^ZMM, S tt^MtmMfàl^ïïiËMRB, MxMZ^m (Dai 1975, 1088)» ímzMm, tÄüitiÄ-Äilto mmz^m^mm&wmmmtiímznmmmk, määr kffiftzim^to. rnrnuM, ^mmmmmmzmwmmMmuM m, ü^r^ü«. sí, mmmm^MmimmmMm^mñZ^m rnrnM t» M raj s«» zmm, (Lao 2005, 608)0 $M, m (Lee 2007, ímM^mmpñmz r^j (Lao 2005, ««íf, si^füféffiii.É^óf^^^.isiit^ i. ti, mm,m (1764-1849) RMffi (1763-1820) ^ŽH (Elman 1984, 21)„ i-ft^f.iKŽIit^^A^lii (1869-1936) (Zhang 1985, 122-124; Lee 1993)» Dai Zhen (1723-1777) in njegova filozofija dokaza in njena refleksija Osnovna hipoteza članka se nanaša na vprašanje metode, ki je bila skupna vsem pripadnikom Struje dokazovanja in se osredotoča na ožje vprašanje po tem, na kakšen način je bila ta metoda uporabljena pri sestavi (preporodu) »nove« konfucijanske aksiologije. Avtor se najprej osredotoči na vprašanje metode, ki je bila skupna vsem pripadnikom Struje dokazovanja in se nato posveti obravnavi ožjega vprašanja po tem, na kakšen način je bila ta metoda uporabljena pri sestavi (preporodu) »nove« konfucijanske aksiologije. Prvi del članka podrobno predstavi Strujo dokazovanja v obdobju zgodnje dinastije Qing. Drugi je posvečen analizi razvoja Dai Zhenove filozofije, tretji pa izpostavi specifiko Dai Zhenove metodologije in njene povezave z njegovim idejnim sistemom. Lee Jer-shiarnov prispevek vsebuje predstavitev in opredelitev posamičnih hipotez iz sodobnega teoretskega spora o metodologiji interpretacije kitajske filozofije: avtor zagovarja hermenevtični pristop in utemelji tezo, po kateri je Dai Zhenova nova metodologija dokaza temeljila na lingvističnem in hermenevtičnem (in ne na analitičnem) utemeljevanju. Filozofsko delo in nove metodologije, katere je razvijal Dai Zhen (1723 - mmm (1723-1777) ¿^ittssgs 1777), ki sodi k najpomembnejšim kitajskim teoretikom 18. stoletja, je v akademskih krogih zahodne sinologije in moderne kitajske teorije namreč še vedno predmet burnih razprav. Avtorjeva dobro utemeljena teza predstavlja pomemben doprinos v sodobnih debatah, opredeljenih z vprašanjem o metodološki specifiki tradicionalne, zlasti novoveške, kitajske teorije. Kljub temu, da avtor vseskozi zagovarja uporabo hermenevtične metode, je pričujoči članek sestavljen tudi v skladu z načeli filološko analitičnih pristopov. V nadaljevanju svojega prispevka avtor podrobno razišče teoretske implikacije vrste novosti, ki jih je v novoveško kitajsko metodologijo vnesla Dai Zhenova filozofija dokaza: medtem ko so njegovi predhodniki iz Struje dokaza v dokazu videli cilj vsakega spoznanja, in so pogosto izvajali »dokazovanje zaradi dokazovanja«, je dokaz pri Dai Zhenu predstavljal zgolj sredstvo za razkrivanje strukture resnice (zhen li). References Chan, Wing-tsit. 1963. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chan, Wing-tsit. 1987. Chu Hsi: Life and Thought. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. Chang, Carsun. 1962. Development of Neo Confucian Thought. New York: Bookman Assciates. Cheng, Chung-yin. 1971. Tai Chen's Inquiry into Goodness. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press. Ch'ien, Edward T. 1975. "Chiao Hung and the Revolt Against Ch'eng-Chu Orthodoxy." In The Unfolding of Neo-Confucianism, edited by William Theodore de Bary, 287-291. New York: Columbia University Press. Ch'ien, Edward T. 1986. Chiao Hung and the Restructuring of Neo-Confucianism in the Late Ming. New York: Columbia University Press. Chin, Ann-ping, and Freeman, Mansfield. 1990. Tai Chen on Mencius: Explorations in Words and Meaning. New York: Yale University Press. Dai, Zhen ^M. 1975. Dai Dongyuan Xiansheng quanji (Complete Works of Mr. Dai Zhen). Taibei: Dahua Shuju. de Bary, William Theodore. 1953. "A Reappraisal of Neo-Confucianism. " In Studies in Chinese Thought, edited by Arthur Wright, 92. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Duan, Yucai SIS. 1971. Dai Dongyuan Xiansheng nianpu (A Chronological Biography of Mr. Dai Zhen). Hong Kong: Chongwen Shudian. Elman, Benjamin A. 1984. From Philosophy to Philology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Hu, Shi i^fi. 1971. Dai Dongyuan de zhexue (The Philosophy of Dai Zhen). Taibei: Shangwu yinshu guan. Hummel, Arthur W. ed. 1943-44. Eminent Chinese of the Ch 'ing Period (1644-1912). Washington: Government Printing Office. Lao, Siguang 2005. Xinbian Zhongguo Zhexueshi (A History of Chinese Philosophy: New Edition). Guangxi: Guangxi shifan daxue chuban she. Lee, Jer-shiarn ^^M. 1993. Chang Ping-lin (1869-1936): A Political Radical and Cultural Conservative. Taibei: Wenshizhe chuban she. Lee, Jer-shiarn 2007. "Lun Xunzi sixiang zhi maodun." (On the Inconsistency in Xunzi's Thought). Xingda zhongwen xuebao MA^^^fK 12: 159-176. Liang, Qichao ^^M. 1972. Qingdai xueshu gailun (Intellectual Trends in the Qing Period). Taibei: Shangwu yinshuguan. Liang, Qichao ^^M. 1973. Jindai Zhongguo xueshu luncong (Essays on Modern Chinese Scholarship). Hong Kong: Chongwen shudian. Lo, Winston W. 1976. "Philology, an Aspect of Sung Rationalism." Chinese Culture 17(4): 1-26. Pi, Xirui 1987. Jingxue lishi (History of Classical Studies). Taibei: Yiwen yinshu guan. Pulleyblank, Edwin. 1960. "Neo-Confucianism and Neo-Legalism in T'ang Intellectual Life, 755-805." In The Confucian Persuasion, edited by Arthur Wright, 77-114. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Qian, Mu ^f§.1976. Zhongguo jin sanbainian xueshu shi ^HffiHW^^Ifii (A History of Chinese Scholarship in the Past Three Hundred Years). Taibei: Shangwu yinshu guan. Yu, Yingshi 1978. Lishi yu sixiang Iffi ^^^/^vn^ (History and Thought). Taibei: Lianjing chuban she. Zhang, Binglin 1985. Zhang Taiyan quanji (Complete Works of Zhang Binglin). Shanghai: Renmin chuban she. Zhang, Xuecheng 1974. Wenshi tongyi ^iffl^ (General Meaning of Literature and History). Taibei: Shixue chuban she. New Interpretations of Classical Philosophy UDK: 1(510) COPYRIGHT ©: HSIEN-CHUNG LEE ww m r^j A Comparison of the Cognitive Perspective Applied in "Referring to Things" and "Equality of Things" Hsien-Chung LEE* ffigjo r^j mi^^i nn. Abstract While Gong Sun Longzi advocated the cognitive perspective of "referring to things", (zhi wu Zhuangzi advocated the cognitive position of "equality of things" (qi wu which strongly criticized the former. The cognitive model of Gong Sun Longzi is basically a subject-object dualism, but Zhuangzi's cognitive perspective is that all things are penetrated into One by Dao. The purpose of this article is to compare the cognitive purpose, methods, and results between Gong Sun Longzi and Zhuangzi and to illustrate that the cognitive perspective of "referring to things" may easily fall into skepticism, or 1 mm. Hsien-Chung Lee, Professor of philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. E-mail address: agnosticism, and Zhuang zi's "equality of things" point of view is, although mysterious, a cognitive approach, providing a stage for "overall grasp". Both of them have complementary significance of the cognitive problems in the traditional Chinese philosophy. Keywords: referring to things, equality of things, subject-object dualism, Dao tong wei yi 1984, ^«¿Hl.ilfffiKi^Si-^IDtilJ to^I'Jft (Kuang 1985, 141-158) ^Till^.JlHrtJI^iiiittt, If^Ufi». (Lee 1992, 64) J m ^-AffiMiiJTfenW^M^N^^WfSMmo TH.ttwyiftojtK^«) «if-^Ti t» i^ij. r^^Mj, m-.t^ffimmffiM, ftB^MJ (Wang 1971, 425) MMTMrnSo mmnrnmrnm, wrn mmmi em, && m, cmhi«) (Gao 1984, 45) ^WM-WPIM: (the equality of thing) (Chen 2006, 151) mm, -M r^jmtioteMr^ J (Huang 1978, 67) M ^smw immi j »j ^^mrni^mi zrn, «ta^A^«»] (Huang 1978, 67) íifttíéftoJíii^^i, tiKii.jr^i Tëï^r^^j» g*, «TW «fê»» .S^tilftlfí^ rwjteof^r^ttJÄ^tirwj «TOÉ mm mm?m,ffi m^i (Wu 2009, 64-65) mm ^»^MI^tatm, mrnum MM» m r^j m r«j ,mrn mj si, e^et^mw* 2 r^j Pang 1982, 23; Wang 2004, 129; Zhou 1994, 5 MI mmnrn^imi, mjM imi iAT^tfiHiJi^i, m^nimm^mmftmm: ^Tž^i^.j® ru ër^MW r^j rfêj m®, iwmmi ; mä, ^ ^io^ pan, rsnj» ÄA^WM, A« tätj , r^TJi^ffiioS^,^ rfêj fil®. (H) «M Rwm&mm, J ^WfitfiAMr^AKmitu (H) mrn^- IAA ftTo [-JW^tlSM m^JBSMnil (comprehensive harmony) T — J^M^^^oftM (Chen 2006, 156) i»J m&mmm, »Wim m&r&wzn, ^xmnîmmmTm^-mm)): MÄÄ^^I (Wu 2009, 48) ptê» ^sfflfflitži^^ r-j n^r^j, rnrnm ¡-i^Mm^m^mmm, r^j mi H, n r^j MM) m? »tmSMÎT^MWTSMfMM^WS, ië ÍMÜ-. Ä^Ii^Itti^Ii^l^I^I. mm «T^fc^wfg«^, r^j «r^^-wa tí» in^.J ^rnrnnmä^mmm^m, fi^gimifts mm&ftft, rn-rn^mm^ rmj , mêcsatow) m&wmm mt^J MM r^j £ mm, rm^tmrn^mmt^m, mm^m^^mrm^m^m 3 rnrnm Hii.flfeffl^ffllSI. Mr^rfê, (Xu 1966, 13) ( = iïfàmfàmw: r^j rn^? i^Tift.isifê? nu (H) fw^isi^it r^j ffiT^^r^j ëêMê^, « mm-. »-«W^Mffi^-iiaAÀ^-i^WHÀfèH.l®, ffi ÔTO^M.P«!^ (Chen 2006, 177) miaí^AÍ? M* AM immmmm, mmmm m&Mimmmw&mt^, mm^&mtmmmmmmm, m ran r* (0) TMAJ rttAJTMAJ M®, ttMAÄ mm, tf, ü^f^íHt^teii i^nm, rn^^rn, ma^KKIW 1974, 91) S^A^WgAWA», m* m^Aë&M^AA IAA m^^&m^xu^m&m^vm haioéa^A^A r^&^j r^j , «ATM^A, rëj , « immm ,®m IAA äta^J AK, Mï »A M, Ä.mS^AfeW A« ffiA (mm) -IMAM; im aTWlfflíffl). M^TW^Ho (Ceng 2005, 137) mmmtmtm i. m®] m mmi ST, fÀSt^itsi^ê-trstfis^o nmmñ^m, a r^^Mj mmmmm^m^m&mm zrn immim (-) mtornfttotärntoMm i.mi^mrnmmmmñ M im^MiBñimmi iiffoAi^awi®, fimA^m^m^-mimmn^Mm, mm MW, ASIi^fliSi^aJWIf », fëmwz r^j mmuz rfêj IfôfêttiStt^riiSiJo (Ceng 2005, 136) Asian and African Studies XVI, 1 (2012), pp. 45-64 Primerjava kognitivnih modelov zhiwu in jiwu Lee Hsien-Chung, avtor pričujočega članka, razišče in obrazlaga klasično kitajsko logiko s perspektive kognitivnih namenov, metod in njihovih rezultatov v delih Gongsun Longa in Zhuangzija. V svojem prispevku pokaže, zakaj je doprinos obeh obravnavanih avtorjev, ki sodita h klasikom antične kitajske filozofije, enakovreden in opozori na dejstvo, da je njun pomen za kasnejše razvoje kitajske miselnosti komplementaren. To vzajemno dopolnjevanje obeh diskurzov je zanimivo in zelo pomembno za uvid v specifiko vzajemnih vplivov tradicionalnih teoretskih diskurzov, saj sta obravnavana avtorja pripadala popolnoma različnim idejnim strujam in sta poleg tega v svojih delih uporabljala popolnoma drugačno metodologijo; tudi njun temeljni teoretski pristop je bil opredeljen z različnimi paradigmami. Avtorjeva temeljna teza je osnovana na predpostavki, po kateri je zmotno, če poskušamo antične kitajske diskurze interpretirati v skladu s tradicionalno zahodno logiko, in da je rekonstrukcija avtohtone kitajske logike nujno potrebna. To stališče, ki je tesno povezano s potrebo po upoštevanju kulturnih implikacij logičnih diskurzov, je prav zaradi te povezave izjemno pomembno za nadaljnji razvoj raziskav tega področja. Avtor jasno prikaže, da vsebujejo diskurzi tradicionalne kitajske logike avtonomne in specifične posebnosti, katere je potrebno sistematično rekonstruirati, ne da bi jih pri tem umeščali v metodološke in konceptualne strukture prevladujočih sodobnih (beri: zahodnih) raziskovalnih paradigem ter sovpadajočih konceptov in kategorij. References Ceng, Chunhai tf^^, ed. 2005. Zhongguo zhuxue kailun (Introduction to Chinese Philosophy). Taipei: Wunan shuju. Chen, Guying IH^fe 2006. Lao Zhuang xinlun (New Discourse of Laozi and Zhuangzi). Taipei: Wunan tushu gongsi. Gao, Shufan, ed. M©^. 1984. Zheng Zhongxingyin yi da zidian (Zheng Zhong Big Dictionary of the Shape, Sound and Meaning). Taipei: Zhengzhong shuju. Guo, Qing-fan 1974. Zhuangzi jishi ^X^f? (Zhuangzi Variorum). Taipei: Heluo tushu chubanshe. Huang, Jinhong 1978. Xinyi Zhuangzi duben (The New Translation of Zhuangzi Reading). Taipei: Sanmin shuju. Kuang, Zhiren 1985. "Gongsun Longzi zhi wu pian shishu." ^MMXT^^MJ f?^ (Commentary on Gongsun Longzi's Chapter on Concepts and Objects). Dong HaiXuebao 26: 141-158. Lee, Hsien-Chung XM^. 1992. Xian Qin mingjia (mingshi) sixiang tanxi ^ ^JSiJSf^ (On Name and Object in the Pre-Qin School of Names). Taipei: Wenshizhe chubanshe. Pang, Pu M^. 1982. Gongsun Lungzi yanjiu ^MtliW^ (A Study of Gongsun Longzi). Taipei: Muduo chubanshe. Wang, Xianqian i^^. 1971. Zhuangzi jijie ^^^^ (Zhuangzi Variorum). Taipei: Lantai shuju. Wang, Zuoli 2004. Gongsun Longzo zhong de yiyi (Theory of Meaning in Gongsun Longzi). Hong Kong: Xiandai zhishi chubanshe. Wu, Yi ^tn. 2009. Xinyi Zhuangzi neipian jieyi W^ÄT fa^M^ (The New Translation of Inner Chapter of Zhuangzi).Taipei: Sanmin shuju. Xu, Fuguan 1966. Gongsun Longzi jiangshu ^Mtl^MÄ (Commentaries of Gongsun Longzi). Taizhong: Donghai daxue chubanshe. Zhou, Yunzhi M^Z. 1994. Gongsun Longzi zhengming xueshuo yanjiu ^MtliE^i^ (Theory of Rectification of Names by Gongsun Longzi). Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe. UDK: 1(510) COPYRIGHT ©: JUNG-TAO TSAI ^rn mrnmm Interpretative Dialectics of Wang Bi's Exegesis of Lao-Tzu Jung-Tao TSAI* m Ktelfo (Rudolf G. Wagner) «i^ «^Tft» ^»M^bm^^ffilfti^ ^-Hflll. rnrnrn-. xrn, wmrnm, Abstract Wang Bi, the most prominent scholar of metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, was an unprecedented genius throughout the history of Chinese philosophy. In this article, the author examines the brilliant contributions made by Lin Li Zhen, Yu Dun Kang and Rudolf G. Wagner, who are noticed for their research of Exegesis of Lao-Tzu. It is a * m&m, IS.lfift: Jung-Tao Tsai, Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chiayi University, Taiwan. Email address: MEM: ISitfSJW^iii synthesis of the directions of investigation, approaches, and significant findings they have come up with. Among the three interpretations, Lin focuses on the explanation of Wang's metaphysic thinking while Yu emphasizes Wang's secular concerns by proposing the "philosophy of thoroughness" and political holism. As for Wagner, he approaches this work with the views of linguistic philosophy and suggests refined stylistics as interpretative strategy, which functions to enrich the textual contents. Keywords: Wang Bi, Exegesis of Lao-Tzu, sinology in Europe, Lin Li zhen, Yu Dun kang, Rudolf G. Wagner (Zeng 1988, 30-49; Chen 1993, 14-26; Wang 2000, 57-62) ^Affi Wagner fi (X^i^^W M e rudolf g. *m--- Wagner - mix M^Sffl, «TOffiM^«^» (Lin 2003, 7) «M« m* a*, mmrnmrn, (-) rwmMM«« (Yu 2007a, 149-153) itÜ. A*» ) A^M, mm&ft^M 20m 40iMn^mmm, ili^^l^ït!» (Yu 2007a, 1) mmmm xj mwn^m&^^'ÈMnâmmzmm (Yu 1997)0^x4 2004 üfitMMfifti^tifti^^ífüMinii. -zrn (Yu 2004, 1) «wia, MM, MA^A «AA», iïfflo MïA»^, ffitt^B: ï^mX, A^^AAA^Ao J (Yu 1991, 198) rAA^MftA^M, AAAÄftAAMAo AŽiffftA!f«0J ( m^mm.MA#A» in-, ía^aa, -m -fâo ...... ANfffflž, WA^MAJWA^, in-, Ž.If, AŽite; AAMoMAMA^A^AM» J (<^AM> ) (Su 1992, 318, 341-342, 259) ÎAJÉIIHAW^A ^a, xxmîmxnmMxmmMX'MmmxmoM^xxmmm^ Hftl. JlëtliWIÎi fô^&rn asa «M^fefAmëWiW EM, mm^^mnm^i-mmm: mm^ 'immA^mmwmmmm^mimmm^m^Mm Km, (Yu 2007b, 16-23) If^SIiffiffliMilffio (Yu 2007b, 23-32) MMM^TOgl mm, ä«> (Tang 1957) ^rnw, ^mm^mmmm^ «mm«, ± ft«», (Yu 2007a, 180) m») a^T^.m^A m)) mm-. mm^^w&M, Ainifi. AM, ^m^txm,® h. w [iAiiJiws»!^. âfëft: TMfflJ .rWÄJ^^Mo (Lin 1988, 39) T^^J^fô-^W^^tt^W (Yu 2007a, 157-162) M m^AA*» ) m, ^pwm To (Yu 2007a, 100) m>» a»,» zm, «IS^I^IB ^o ...... Mm «^A» «AM; i^B^Ii. EM, r^i^rmmmmmm «^aasms^A, mm^xm ^ r^g^j .imMmfèi&mitti, iti«. «^A»0= r^ m, ^ërw^jo ï^wrwjëÂMwm, ÜUTN. (Mou 1989, 128-139; Yu 2007a, 159) A^Xf^^fê^, ......o fàZft ...... (Dai 2002, 44-53) mw, ■ämrn^R-mFmiW: (Dai 2007, 73) ^m^mA^m^mmmmnm^um-ummmmfäoinai 2007, WIAI^o (Dai 2007, 111) ffitfm^A^^AWi^M. (Dai 2007, 156-157) Kfäm (Rudolf G. Wagner) «MfmgöWA^WS»»« fl.ft^i^f^ftäSÜA^^iig^A®«»! (Hans-Georg Gadamer) i^.fÜgBi^ft^lgäW^iWif. (Wagner 2008, ÖA (Wagner 2008, 6) immm^ mäm .m^mm-, ^»«^t» tüftlii^tf? J (Chen, Pei 1974, 796) J (Liu 1982, 650) M^SÄMfM^, Uli», (Wagner 2008, 26-28) «Am-. r«AX, ^iri^líJlIif^giKSt^iWffS. (Yu 2007a, 112) Kiriíjffl rmxj wiifHiiÑto^üo a. mrnrn A^ (ifâît- TAJ WM^MXÂifê, MëAA KAM» rXAA^, ......(«^AíAmHA*» MA», ^ ¿m» rwj r&j ffisw TM^J, mi, TMJ ; « «^t» mm.-. istrnfc, nn te; rwj , M^mítwjc^) ±rn, rwj ^.r^J^rWJ Wlifë-f! TMJ fiifflJ^H. mSWMlif, m r^j Mt, mrmraj; rwMfflj »1^0= (xtm) ) tiit-iÂJê rwj ëTWJA^W^ASÎA (Lin 1988, 39) A^WMffll «o M*, «^A»0 = MAA, íaaaaj gm^w^m^w^a» ôéaahaa J r^ë-^AAii, -li^ižtffl. A Kfffižrt^j (entity) ^ I^iŽ^tMUS^^tf. J (Mou 1989, 142, 154) MMtA^ m rMM^J.TWMMJ WMAA, fco j («^AÎA mA*») ^^i^itWË». MAAAAg^MTAAJ. ÍASA l^mU ÎAfèJA^o AAA, rnz, ii^r^itumji^ r^^jo (Lin 1988, 50) SJJ , rarsm^&.MWK feZ* ...... ^tiBi «AM» J ) WSE^ j.iiiii.^sii^i.sit.iitB, a^T^.mExm)) IMB^. a. m r^^j mfc (-) mm ......& s^ni....... m, r^^m^j mnm (Lin 1988, 55) Mil» (-) «M mm, r^j ë^«®, lor^j mm-. ...... S.IH+A M}) mmmnM, »Mi« ^Mím^M; (H) m^rnfa r^Am^j rnmmi {MMm, TOMi^M Ao MM, KSiiiWii. Mif, rMMTOJ, rAftMMJWMA, (Lin 1988, 67) a gtfi as. ^MAW^M- (Tsai 2007, 131-309) IM±Z [iiliJfHUi: AAA^AAfflfAAA^AoSA,^ AA*» = AM» MAHÄ^, ^AAW s, tmm&mé, äama il. ^nim (Mou 1989, 155164) ^0= rAmm^mr-m, mzMzrnrnfà, «si. mmmmimmf,%mmmmft, ^ih^Ü. AA rntm, ès». J (««»>) AM, ^ûl^fMfifiX^fèÎl^. mz&Mz, wmmmm, ¿iff. mmmn* (««m») awiii. x^m^TirnM.mmzrn zit^^Mi, imazm nisfi. amM^rn. mm)) -m-SJW^^o (Lin 1988, 78) ffili, ftm««, fi^liiftwu.iil TSJ^A, rwj .TM^WJ K^rartK urnrnn, j cm f.ii^iž.it^A^A^A, mmu un. ......A^», MAM; MW, È^JS.WAIS w^ma, ö^nif. («A AM») M, AÄM-^JWÄÄ, . (Yu 2007a, 34) mmnkt, ^mmMmmmiiM^i^Mmmio (Yu 2007a, 43) mmrnmnmr »WM^MST ífwittt. mmm tbTMffiafëJ (Interlocking Parallel Style),Mf TMMJ , MëMM «um min = 0*) Ažoja « HëMA mmmm^nmm (Wagner 2008, 58-59) mmrn&iž^} mm. rnmrntt, miu, {^.m^x^m-. raio^, rnrnm, ^^ias-^AT^o m, tATH®Žf.íi^i fii^t.iâti ¡i^iiž. J g*, im¡±, it^J^T^^^Êi, J; a mwm J ; r^g^io AAMfÉI'JAA, ait®! J ^AAW^m, föttm^tämm* m-AOTT^A^A, ^A^MJ.TAA», ÉA^AJ , IM A, m^immîm^, ffÄHHis«^, ^J^ rÉA^AJ^r^AJo (Wagner 2008, 103-106) W^ffiWM^fà mm^m r^j , gm. T—^ wm mas, aîiêa^ tb mMW^«, mm 'ùmm r^AtAJ ^MMW, HtffgiSï^ Dialektika interpretacij Wang Bijevih Komentarjev k Laoziju Pričujoči članek Tsai Yung-Taota je posvečen raziskovanju zgodovine interpretacij Wang Bijevega dela Komentarji k Laoziju. Wang Bi je v večini virov opisan kot eden najlucidnejših duhov kitajske zgodovine. Številni sodobni teoretiki ga štejejo ne zgolj k osrednjim predstavnikom, temveč tudi k ustanoviteljem Šole misterijev. Po Wang Bijevih komentarjih Laozijevega Klasika poti in kreposti je odsotnost najizvornejši dao, ki je enak naravi, brezskrajnosti, novorojenemu, preprostosti in resnici. Wang Bi sodi torej k tistim interpretom Laozijeve »večplastne« filozofije, ki njegov pojem odsotnosti (wu) enačijo z daotom, s prazačetkom in razlogom vsega obstoječega. Po drugi strani ostaja Wang Bi zvest načelu komplementarnosti vseh vzajemno nasprotujočih si polov; zato je koncept odsotnosti zanj sicer izvorni in primaren, nikakor pa ne tudi neodvisen protipol koncepta prisotnosti. Avtor izpostavi tri struje interpretacij njegovega dela, ki hkrati predstavljajo tudi tri različne metodološke pristope v sodobni sinologiji in kitajski teoriji. Prvo predstavi na primeru dela sodobnega tajvanskega teoretika Lin Lizhena, druga na primeru raziskav, nastalih pod peresom Yu Dukang iz Ljudske republike Kitajske, tretjo pa na primeru komentiranega prevoda Wang Bijevih del, katerega je izdelal znani nemški sinolog Rudolf Wagner. Avtor prikaže in nazorno utemelji razlike med temi tremi interpretativnimi strujami in pokaže, da je prva hermenevtična, medtem ko sodi druga na področje pragmatične filozofije. Tretja struja je osredotočena na filološke raziskave. Avtor pričujočega članka prikaže vzajemno komplementarnost vseh treh obravnavanih teoretskih in metodoloških pristopov. MEM: ISitfSJW^iii References: Chen, Ming IH^. 1993. "Liu chao xuan yin yuan shei sijie rengui—dalu xuanxue yanjiu sishi nian de huigu yu fansi." X^XMitMAif ® (The Mainland Metaphysics to Study 40 Year Review and the Reconsideration). Shumu jikan 27: 2. Chen, Shou IH^. 1974. Sanguo zhi (History of the Three Kingdoms). Taipei: History publishing house. Dai, Lianzhang 2002. Xuan zhi, xuanli yu wenhua fazhan M (Unreliable Wisdom, Profound Theory and Cultural Development). Taipei: Zhonguo wenzhe zhuankan. Guo, Qingfan 2001. Zhuangzi jishi ^X^f? (The Zhuang-zi Collection and Interpreation). Taipei: Dingyuan wenhua. Lin, Lizhen 1988. Wang Bi Taipei: Dong Da tushu. Lin, Lizhen 2003. "Ou Mei 'Wi Jin xuanxue' yanjiu gaikuang ji zhuyao xueshu lunzhe pingjie." (On the Studies of 'Neo-Taoism of the Wei and Jin Periods' in the West and Their Major Works). Zhexueyu wenhua 30: 4. Liu, Xie Sffi. 1982. Wenxin diaolong X'^Mfti. Taipei: Hongye wenhua gongsi. Lou, Yulie SX^l 1992. Wang Bi ji jiaoshi I^^^ff (The Interpretation of Wang-Bi Anthology). Taipei: Huaz Zheng shuju. Mou, Zongsan 1989. Caixingyu xuanli Xtt^Xffl (Physical Nature and Speculative Reason). Taipei:Taiwan xuesheng shuju. Su, Yu 1992. Chunqiu fanlu yizheng (Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju. Tang, Changru 1957. Wei Jin Nan Bei chao shi luncong (Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties' History: Collected Articles). Beijing: Sanlian shudian. Tsai, Jung Tao ^/SM. 2007. Wei Jin chushi sixiang zhi yanjiu (Wei Jin Life and Thought). Taipei: Wenjin chubanshe. Wagner, Rudolf G. 2008. Wang Bi 'Lao Zi zhu' yanjiu (On Wang Bi's Commentary of Lao Zi), translated by Yang Lihua. Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe. Wang, Xiayi 2000. "Wei Jin xuanxue yanjiu de huigu yu qianzhuan." (Reflections and Outlook of Wei Jin Metaphysics). Philosophical Researchers 2: 57-62. Yu, Dun-kang AÄ^. 1997. Neisheng waiwang de guantong: Bei Song Yixue de xiandai chanshi ^M^biWSffl-AA^^Wi^Allff (Interpretations of Northern Song Period Studies of the Book of Change). Shanghai: Xuelin chubanshe. Yu, Dun-kang A^^. 2007a. He Yan Wang Bi xuanxue xintan WS (A New Research on He Yan and Wang Bi's Philosophy). Beijing: Fangzhi chubanshe. Yu, Dun-kang A^^. 2007b. Wei Jin xuanxue shi (Wei Jin Metaphysics History). Beijing: Bijing daxue chubanshe. Yu, Jiaxi 1991. Shishuo xinyujianshu fiäimMS (Notes and Commentary on Shishuo xinyu). Taipei: Huazheng shuju. Zeng, Chunhai tf^^. 1988. "Wei Jin xuanxue ji Taiwan wushi nian lai yanjiu zhi huigu yu zhanwang." (Reflection and Outlook of Taiwan's 50 Years of Research of Wei Jin Metaphysics). Zhixue zazhi 25: 30-49. -BP PT Literary and Linguistic Studies UDK: 82-1(510):82.0 COPYRIGHT ©: MING-CHANG LIN The Sadness of Life-Han Yu's Poetry of Grief and Sorrow #BJii Ming-chang LIN* Mum-. m. ^x^m Abstract This paper is a study of the element of melancholy apprehension in Han Yu's poetry. Han's apprehension of melancholy, which up to now has received very little attention, is discussed in three aspects: (1) the fear of old age and sickness, (2) the fear of hunger and cold, and (3) the fear of death. Against the background of Han Yu's unstable and uncertain life and career, the new reading and analysis show that melancholy lies at the very heart of his personality and writing. Keywords: Han Yu's poetry, humorous and satiric poetry, prosaic poetry, writing for entertainment WmmM&m^n Ming-chang Lin, Assistant Professor, Department of Literature, Fo Guang University, Taiwan. Email address: Bi (Wang 2000, (Yan 1984)» MMÛM «UM »M^A,^«» «^Ätf « J (Yan 1984, 87) (Li 1988, AM^ÄP^Äo ^„J (Ou 1967, 254) MMSfMAffl^^AAffiAff^MA«^ ñmmm* (Li 1986, 3274), (Zhu 2002, 3283)« 1 son ^ il n i9 s. (Qian 2002, 107) rmsxsj &MZ'If (Zhu 2005, 98) ^x/Kim^x rrnmx^jo (Zhi 2000, 43) zm, SWItt.J (Li 1999, 72) ^^H,®®, 2 2007 mmm 2006 Sft.hE Samt ...... »s.......siüi.J -iffiií.......Ö 0= Í^AHA, ut Ät^A^A? J (Han 1977, 61) ^gpA^, J (Han 1977, 148) ^ÄA^ a*, mmm^k^amä SiS^S.ii^^^.ffilHt. (Qian 2007, 715) mm, mm^mmmmMB, iK^fili-tlfSgl.^^iSMIiSlfit, MX^Am (Qian 2007, 843) SSAtflilfft- (Qian 2007, 860) r^ea^, I^ai.......MX«®^, (Qian 2007, 1183) fe» j rwM, Rin^m« J (Qian 2007, 174) ë «fílKJ (Li 1986, 3274),mëA^ üíl^.J (Qian 2007, 38) to (Xu 2006, 7-8) m&mmB-.iAm^nm, ti^ü. «fiis.Etr^i.R ««SAJ o »^Äl.liffftl.s^lif, ti^Äl. fflMAim^TO T» ^MIL^AAt^o «M«Jo^XAA#iiJ (Qian 2007, 84)o^j±A^ (Han 1977, ifflSt-t^IS- fä Mñí lfm X^X^^oJ (Qian 2007, D mpñ^: r mm (Han 1977, mrnñrnm, g^MKJ (Qian 2007, 100)3o«fißi^K^ Añ^nrn, tëtètiAWfs. iMw^M^MfMMxra, riñ J (Qian 2007, 139) m, «toxämm (Qian 2007, 229), R'ùirnmmm, ^mrnrna, ^««íx iü^T.J ' 32 ^o ' (Qian 2007, 182) (Qian 2007, 188) îma^A, »MAJ (Qian 2007, 191)« A^MWÊ irnrnrnm ^J? (Qian 2007, 202) NAAHAA, fe (Xu 2006, 9-10) sifflas, iÊtrifiist^i. MAAM (Qian 2007, 241) « XM-tÄl.JXti r^HA/«, »#®ILA (Qian 2007, 241-242) mrnrn^Mo (Qian 2007, 245) im, So M (Qian 2007, 246) Í^AMI» n^Ä^ftft. -asj^AWA 5 j (Qian 2007, 241) rn^zítmn, ïxmmmmJ » (Qian 2007, 257) M^imn^MM R&fëwm m. \mmmm, (Qian 2007, 264-268) (Qian 2007, 270) ^ëra» J (Qian 2007, 271) ^tWSf íltt. m, MMmMrMfMM*»»^ %, mmmtmj mm mmmfrXMzm, «su. mm-m m, tftuto^iÄif, j J (Qian 2007, 390) (Qian 2007, 962) WH rs#j fio M ^ÄS.^Üffii.Ä^-B^. J (Qian 2007, 84) ^HMMfM^ mmm, «ä^-b^wä üS.KHÄDfŽ! wftmmMW^, m^nmmmm. ë» ÍMM+M, MM+M, ^MtäX^ aj (Qian 2007, mm, mn^nj^m-ujT^M^«™®^^^^ «Ä l#Iff|1|fêM,*ffPi#0 J (Qian 2007, 1132) X (Qian 2007, 1138) Œ&t^te -mm iti^tjo mMZwmm, Mmzrn^, S^ŽB^^^. fài^zm, 1999, 198), m ««tt, rtt^fê» (Xu 2006, 182, 189) ffMêAïAMAë^MMWtêAÂl« iië mfàmmftMnïïz Sffl^. MAA^A, AA»J (Li 2000, 180) t mnñ&m^mmm: m^rnm*......tee^fê, mmínrnm* j (Qian 2007, 396) 1 sabaras» Piži^lfttt^o AAA«9, nxn&ttmm, asw «fJ.gtiHISI, I^f.aftÄ^Itt, fffe^tStti.J (Qian 2007, 1097) «AM, A^PAAM» ^A ^A^AAoJ (Qian 2007, 1101) 10 ÜMS» 7 8 m&B&.rnmmü. jc»#« 2007, 403)®^. «ŠAfAil. 9 ^ffl+HA "ÄI^izSI^Mio a, me Ä0«J (Han 1977, 35) «tAMAS^AtA mj .mrn^mM^^x^M^xmrnm, aam«-»»,-^ nn\ (Zhang 1967, 5)„ MATO, Eiáfi.J (Qian 2007, 1102) ñMMmUñ, MMT^ filêtèB^fflNofîSftM, AAMArTAM«, J (Qian 2007, 1105) gflf. au awaa^, i^fi.KHB^.I^fêS.J (Qian 2007, 1109) Hff^H: [H^i^lo J (Qian 2007, 1118) mAMl$»I>j0: (Qian 2007, 1118) MëAMS StfMëliiJWAëAMWfflm, MM! M« HMM^É, mM lÜToJ (Han 1977, 3) «AAÄPMtAo 0: «WÎA i^iä.tttiÄ-iiii. ^mmm, iiÂioaiifîAi^û? (Han 1977, 65) (Qian2007, 1199) (Han 1977, 65/3) «PÍA 11 (Ye 1990, (Ye 1990, MoJ (Lin 1998, 31) 1998, 35), (Lin 1998, 17) liiii.tttxf^ifÄiffi^^iAi, uimmxmmm, Élfî^IWffti^A.J (Lin 1998, 29) rw^j.ra^j wffiÄTo M, aaaaas» mmm^, (^««MÄ») 0: [iïtil.Âiaiioï I^iffit.ii^ü.J (Qian 2007, 1272) ««-MM, ft J (Qian 2007, 1272) fÉ^'H^^MA^««^ (Qian 2007, 1280) A^AMA^T» A?J (Su 2011, 358) AAA«J , »A-fMMArT^AAÄ, tSISffloJ (Qian 2007, 1275) O zaskrbljenosti, ogorčenju, žalosti in hrepenenju v Han Yujevi poeziji Pričujoči članek odpira nova spoznanja na področju proučevanja poezije velikega literata dinastije Tang, Han Yuja. Literarni kritiki Han Yujevo poezijo pogosto označujejo kot »prozaično«, igrivo in razlagalno, pri čemer se osredotočajo predvsem na literarno-tehnične in slogovne značilnosti njegovih pesmi. Vendar, kot poudarja avtor članka, kritiki premalo pozornosti posvečajo melanholičnemu pridihu, ki preveva Han Yujevo poezijo in ponuja vpogled v druge, skrite ravni njegovega pesniškega izražanja. Han Yu je bil namreč že od otroških let dalje nenehno izpostavljen človeškim tegobam, kot so bolezen in izguba bližnje osebe, ki so se jim kasneje pridružili še družbeni nemiri in negotovost, kar zadeva poklicno pot. Na prvi pogled daje vtis odgovornega konfucijanskega učenjaka, ki so ga težke življenjske izkušnje zgolj psihološko okrepile. Vendar pozorno branje njegovih pesmi razkriva, da na najgloblji ravni njegovo notranje razpoloženje odraža predvsem melanholijo, zaskrbljenost in strah. Avtor se posveti reinterpretaciji in analizi Han Yujeve poezije z avtobiografskega vidika ter poudari pomemben vpliv pesnikovih življenjskih izkušenj na njegovo literarno ustvarjanje. Hkrati poudari pomembno vlogo satiričnih elementov, prek katerih pesnik izraža svoje ogorčenje nad tedanjimi političnimi boji. Osrednja hipoteza članka je, da se za navidezno igrivostjo in duhovitostjo Han Yujevih pesmi skrivajo pesnikova resnična čustva in misli, njegovo notranje razpoloženje in občutki, kar odraža njegovo izjemno sposobnost prikrivanja oziroma skrivanja lastnih čustev za masko humorja. Članek obravnava Han Yujevo poezijo z vidika ogorčenja nad tedanjo družbeno-politično situacijo, tegob, grenkobe in razočaranja. Pri tem se avtor osredotoča predvsem na tri osrednje motive Han Yujeve poezije: (1) strah pred boleznijo in staranjem (2) strah pred lakoto in mrazom (3) strah pred smrtjo. Reference Chou, Zumo 1999. Sui Tang Wudai wenlun xuan Rt^S^^^M (The Selected Readings of Literary Theories of Sui, Tang and Wudai). Beijing: Yanbian renmin chuban she. Dong, Hao ^fn. 2001. Quan Tang wen ^^^ (All Tang Texts). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju. Han Yu ^f^. 1977. 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This goal was achieved by three ways: (1) By analyzing the rhythm of Li Bai's poems, (2) by analyzing the lexical structure of Li Bai's works, and (3) by analyzing the syntactic structure of Li Bai's poetry. Keywords: Li Bai's poetry, Tang poetry rhythm, stylistics, entering tone Chia Ning Chu, Professor, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan. E-mail address: MASAM T (^AMi'JA A d'JAA, 2002 (signified) J® r^ fê (signifier)J , AÖ(701 A-762 A) ^M^A, mm, f^s^wit, ^.m.M^mmnrn^^Mmimmm'È.m if. AÔÂANSfèWù/K, iffl^^IfèMit.IÛ^Ki^*^ 2007/08/0l~2008/07/3l H. -----AB^töÄE m, m^mm^m^mwMm, x^xim. »i, MM, ^(xua) (k^n) — (?jet) ^ (yuo)S (tsju), W(dzham)#(buhuam) M (tjuet) ^(tsjag)^(?jeg), ^(tsjuei)^(yu) A(kak) A(pju9n)^(san), (muo)#(dzhjuoq) ^(pjek) |JÜ (fren)T(ya) ^(sjaq)^(yiu£i)&(ghjëp) H (dhi£n)^(ka), ff(tshi£q)g(la)^(phju3t)fr(yeq)^(?j3i)o wir^t. g(si£i)#(taq)A(thai)^(bhek)W(yju)^(ti£u)M(dhau), X(kha)^Ci)^(yueq)P(dzhjuœt)P(qa)M(mjëi)^(ti£n)o (^MÄ) m(mjeq)^(ù'œu)m(san)#(pjuet)#(lug)B(phjœn)^(tgju)0 M«) ffl(?jen)^(xua)H(sam)|^Çqjuet)|T(ya)^Qaq)^(teju)o (kjuàèn)^(yjuei)M(mjuag)M (qjuet)^(khug)S(4hjag)^(than)0 iih-j W(tshi£q)A(thi£n)W(yju)^jt)*(lAi)Ä(kj9i)^(zji)o (M^) mj MTX :J ^(gj œi)^(bhuat)|A(qzo)|-S(pk)|^(?jàëm)|^(tghj £k)|^(zj £q) o (WMXt ÍT(yeq)^(lak)¿I(sjuo)&(ghjëp)#(tghjuen)„ (^TME^CM^^ ^(juok)Ifr(yeq)|X(pju3t)|fr(yeq)|-&(kak)|^(tsjen)^(gjaq) o E'J) ffi(tcjat) %(xua) H (muan)ffi(dzhien) &J(ghj ek) <> () ^(qjuet)l^(thuo)A(khuq)»(tua)P(jak)|0 rm-imj (tshjgp) ^(pjuet)^(tJhjo)g(ph3k) E(qek)' ^AA) (H) AA: ?(tshj^p) £(pjuet) ^(tgj^t) ^(tjhjo) S(phak) ^(xue) H(muan) ^(dzhisn) fij(ghjek)„ urn! xm^u^xm, iflft^^HtwKi. A® (K) mmm\m^mm AS* ^mrnxmm: ffi(sjag) ®(gjeq) A(pjuat) M(dhau) @(yjuen), (4hj3k) S(tcjei) #(4hjag) Ä(pjug) ^(Ja)„ ^Jo A. (sam) LÛ(fœn) A(puan) ^(lak) W(tshi£q) LÛ(Jœn) ^ (gjai), -A?jet)| A(gjuei) A(tjug) A(pju3n) p(bhek) S(luo) M (tj) „ âJo rn, (-)AT^îM^ SIA m-ñmmm, fSitt^i^i^iTffi^i.w in-. ^mmmi (#m> B^AfS (MAA) (MM) iWi^iii.fstt^sifi. (#m> m&AM^ mmm ^itsfi.iiitsiiiftttT, m^m-Mu^-mmmtm ^T^ffiWA^rtSo (Zhang 2010, 28) i+fMMAf^MWimA^M m«» * re^HA iphms^ (Li 2008, 6) mtmmmmm, & Ififtti.f^ftiti^.i^^fiift, M^Af^A®' - (A 20 A) ^(A 19 A)A (A 8 A)H(A 8 A) A (A 7 A) M (A 6 A) A (A 5 (A 3 A) AA (A 2 A) HMAA (A 2 A)« mmm^ H^A^W^A, rit^SH. (^A^mms) (tfiMHf) miMTmrnrn^* írnn-. iwio mmnm^x^, ^«»M» (sgaaiA^) nsfîÂ. (»n&so) MrnMMrn^ñ, âtAntù. (A^tmmrnM) rnm, ^^mmm^m^^mMmM^mm^ mm*, mmmmmm — 2 l 1 2 6 M 2 3 2 — 1 1 1 1 3 £ 1 4 4 1 1 % 4 1 — 1 A 1 W 1 l n ^ 10 2 3 17 14 —- 4 M 2 3 6 — 1 A 1 2 i 2 MAA 2 1 HA 1 1 AA 2 A 1 HH 1 A0 1 AS 1 AA 1 n nT 7 9 4 3 10 (Cao 2008, 89) "yellow"^M (Cao 2008, 89-90) ^ rn- rM&mm-mmm* (Cao 2008, 91) 'A-A-^ ftWil^HKlWIl^MftWSSfAftllfflÖfeii. (Liu, Ning 2008, 22) ff, ÖA^fl/AAttWAMÄo (Liu, Ning 2008, 23) ff^itt^t^-^ A-MfiM, ÊNilt^ifiltto Mïmi^Itt^, HñMWAAtt MSMS51 (Yu 1999, 78) » 19 A) Ö(A 16 A) ^(A 11 A)^ (A 9 7 6 A) 5 A) ¿I(A 4 4 A) (A 2 A) ^ (A 2 A) ^ (A 2 = W^HM, (^AA) -»»rwnjo AAo) âffilf, (»AA^-AAM^) âm^b^^w, nrnm^üm- (w^^amaa) íttlMffM, SS^fèSo (^A^E) A * H BT 1 1 1 1 2 2 a 2 1 1 4 * 3 2 4 9 £ 10 2 12 m 3 1 2 6 M 1 1 $ 2 2 s 1 6 7 * 3 1 4 * 4 15 2 21 1 1 a 4 3 3 2 4 16 » 1 1 & 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 o BT 7 12 7 34 16 17 93 m-tommmftM, iiiitfff. Sft^tl.Hiii. (f^A^MAA®) ^A/ma-Û» cm^T-^mwrnm) ET/MA-M, m^/^m-m. (Mn&so) mm/m^-^, ma/as-s» a^a^mat®) (öA) (-) -Wtt l^AAAM^, 1/Í-Ü4. (ÄAAA^) (wrnmm) (H) imn-. ffs-if/t,i0-tA/tt«®SA) (M^®*) m^Mxmiimtmn: xmx—mm, mm/Ms-m0 mxxAw-x^m) i^/w-M, rn*/^«,, cmxiT-^mwmm) A, AS* m^-Mm/mm-m, H'ii/^i'i. (M^A) -ft-as/0-if.ii-s^/e-ii. (tfüHf• A^) ^I.fftiKítHi^.i!^-, mM/mz-mm^„ c^mmmmi) fê^/rng• titm«-mm/mm. (tfünt• A-)A M-mrn / /mm-M- crar^) AH) (»HiiHSlf (-mm^rn miu-. n^/mrn-^, c^B.-^mwrnm) m^/mrn-ñ, n/sí'So nn/m^-m. (a^^-M) mw /nrn• rn, ü/iä-So (TML^AMM ) mm/(^T^mm-ra-M) prn/^B-w, Ä/^-mo (#bs^sž) mk/w.-\kñ,\wk/(ff^m) ia/a^'i, i^/mh-fô. (m^a^maa®) crnm+rntj wh/M-A, SB/H'I. (xa-^^M) (xti+iix) ^ffii^f^i. imn-. ^«-si/^^-t.j mmmimn: w&.^rn/M&.rn* A) A Ö waam AS fàMM^mrn, /a ëÉMAAMMA, I-ffl^fITiAfJJ (fJït.IHMft ra* » mm (MÄ^M) (Atf+K») rn^-MW/mm-M, (^ma) (íía+aid +Atf) A) (M+Atf) H--\ ¡^^ feo mximm^MftT^^xtmn^tmmm^mm^Mxin Analiza Li Baijevih pesmi iz jezikovno-slogovnega vidika Članek temelji na tezi, da je analiza Li Baijeve poezije z literarnega stališča, ki se osredotoča predvsem na vsebino, nezadostna. Avtor trdi, da se je potrebno k pesmim velikega pesnika dinastije Tang približati tudi s slogovnega vidika, ki je bil doslej precej zanemarjen. Zaradi hitrega razvoja tehnologije se na področju slogovne analize pojavljajo nove metode. Zato so se raziskave na tem področju zelo izboljšale, saj je v kratkem roku mogoče analizirati obsežne korpuse besedil z zanesljivimi rezultati. Ta novi pristop k jezikovni analizi med drugim tudi spreminja perspektivo tradicionalne kitajske poezije. To omogoča raziskovalcem, da izvedejo poglobljene analize literarnih oblik, in s tem postanejo fonološke, leksikalne in sintaktične študije dostopnejše. Avtor poudarja, da lahko na podlagi analize Li Baijevih jezikovnih spretnosti in njegovega pesniška sloga ter s kombinacijo rezultatov s študijem literarne vsebine pesmi dobimo popolno sliko njegovih del. Analiza v članku se osredotoča na tri pomebne vidike Li Baijevih pesmi: ritem predstavitve, besedišče in sintakso. Tako članek z novim pristopom k analizi poezije, ki kombinira stilističen in literarni vidik, predstavlja pomemben prispevek na področju klasične kitajske literature v obdobju Tang in na področju Li Baijeve poezije. References Cao, Hongjuan W^^i. 2008. "Yinghan yanse ci 'yellow' han 'huangse' de wenhua neihan duibi yanjiu. " A^IISfetAyellowAn'"^"WAA^S^fcWA (A Contrastive Study on Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Term "Yellow" and between English and Chinese). Panzhihua xueyuan xuebao 25: 1. Chu, Chia Ning (Zhu, Jianing) AA^. 1993. "Cen Can Baixuege de yunlu fengge." ÖA^WbI^Ä^ (Rhythm of Cen Can's Song White Snow). Zhongguo yuwen 436: 28-31. Chu, Chia Ning AA^. 1994. "Yuyin fenxi yu Tangshi jianshang" ^AAt^^MÄ (Voice Analysis of Tang Poetry). Huawen shijie 74: 32-36. Chu, Chia Ning AA^. 1996. Congyuyan fenggexue kan Du Fu de qiuxing ba shou W^ÄAA (Du Fu Xing's Autumn Thoughts from the Linguistic Perspective). Taipei: Taiwan Daxue 07. Chu, Chia Ning AA^. 2007-2008. Cong shengyunxue, cihuixue, Jufaxue jiaodu fenxi Tangshi de yuyan .^äfÄS^ffH^if (A Linguistic Study of Tang Poetry). Taipei: Guokehui zhuanti yanjiu jihua (National Science Council Research Project). Chu, Chia Ning AA^. 2009. Ting Tangshi de Jiaoxiang—you shengyun fenxi shige de yinyuexing —EÖ^bMA^^^WA^A (A Linguistic Analysis on the Rhythm of Tang Poetry). Shengyun Luncong 16. Taipei: Taiwa xuesheng shuju. Li, Wenna AA®. 2008. Tangshi Songci zhong Sh uwei de Shiyong yu Fanyi ^^As^^ SAWiiffl^Mi^ (Translation and Application of Tang and Song Poems). Chengdu: Xinan minzu daxue xuebao (renwen sheke ban). Liu, Dajie SAA. 2001. Zhongguo Wenxiao Fazhan Shi MA (The History of Chinese Literature Development). Taipei: Huazheng shuju. Liu, Huijun SÄA, and Ning, Wenbin ^AÄ. 2008. Qianlun yinghan hei, baiyanse ci wenhua neihan de bijiao ^ iHI, ÖlSAtfAAfaSÖAt^. (Comparison of Cultural Connotation of Black and White Color Terms between English and Chinese). Hunan, Changsha: Wenshi bolan (Lilun). Yu, Fengchun A^A. 1999. "Lun Hanyu yanseci de renwenxing tezheng." ilmlft ffWAAftf^^ (On the Human Features of Chinese Color Terms). Dongbei shida xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 5: 181. Zhang, Xuebing ^AA-. 2010. "Yi" ziyiyiyanbian ji wenhua neihan"—"AÄ^MSA AA^S (The Meaning Evolution and Cultural Connotations of the Word "Yi"). Wuhan: Wenxue jiaoyu AA^A ■a Historical Investigation UDK: 93/94(510): 339(430) COPYRIGHT ©: CHINYUN LEE German Trade and the Transportation of Coolies at Pakhoi AAS Chinyun LEE* m Abstract The purpose of this article is to discuss the extension of German imperial maritime power into Pahkoi, China. In addition to their engagement with international trade there, German merchants transported Chinese laborers from Pahkoi to colonies around the world to work planting tropical crops, mining and paving railroads. Chinese coolies and the Chinese government took the opportunity to learn negotiation skills, and thereby maximized their profits. Keywords: Deli, plantation, coolie trade, Tanzania, colony * S^gftSISAABiSaÄS, «ÄomTSA: Chinyun Lee, Assistant Professor, National Chi Nan University, Department of History, Taiwan. Email address: ffia^ 1876^im (Pakhoi) mmm 1914 «mm (Margary Affair, 1875 IS^fBH^ii^ (1876 nRnmnwmm&u .i^iffist-f^iwiiKi^ifflffitt, #AAA, (Jarman 2008, 323) M^ilJ 1880 «A^M^gAAW^S (cassia) fnAMf (aniseed) m^fc^Wm (indigo) pj 1913 IP 1/10)H#HM, ilAMAMiAi^nAffi: AMA MMMM^, (Parker 1917, 151) {fi! lAiiPia, 1909 HPf S^fctl 5%, (BAB, (BAB, 1157/142) KAA ^IP, ^tiiiPMii! (kerosene lamps),nnnMM,M^A^, g SASA^go (China Inspectorate General of Customs 2001, 9/862) «^P 1895 A^AS^AMMM! (syndicate), (BPP, 19/522) M MMM^MA«, u 75 m^^m^m^m^mmmRnwmxmR «0 60 %3\ 100 AMM ilMMSSARAMtt«». (BPP, 17/352) mmmmnmAtä&m, a-sto^am. »aus, um ^ÄIT^Iit-fi^^^feitliflffilWia. (BPP, 10/391) 1901 (Norddeutscher Lloyd Steam Navigation Company) MA 15 IS^^WAAfftÄ AA (Scottish Oriental Steamship Company) fi 15 ÄfA ATOT, (Allen 1954, 126) (Bremen) (Hamburg) ^SÄMAAA (HamburgAmerika Steam Navigation Company) 1850 (Ville 1990, 74, 84, 1894 AS (viiie 1990, (Rhederei M. Jebsen in Apenrade)» 1909 ^ilM^ft^fEMMS 246mix, ka 216ixmm^n,^^ 30ritii^i. (bab, 1158/ 559) «M^mA^m^M: 1880 ^ii^A^iat,- n 1877 ^m 1891 xmm, n 1896 tm 1888 m 1898 n^m 1840 ^mx^m, tb, (Chen 1985, 1/7) , fctmuRbmuuM^rn 1890 -A-^aa (bpp, 17/248) (Vladivostok) .^^^Bi^tK^ii^iK^IS^ISa^^Si, 1889 U ^jm^m. (BPP, 16/686) 1902 ¿»MM^MIL, «»M (quarantine)» (China Inspectorate General of Customs 2001, 36/213) «feM^A^MfA^AS^A, (Zhang 2000, 25-29) mtU^M 0 f^nt. (BPP, 18/46-47) Îttfi^f^tfiKftS^!®!. (BAB, 1157/624.) 1883 63 fêRmÏÏfôo (BPP, 17/248) mtëfrttMM&RM&fè 1880 ^BM, fE^W 210 MMfttt P, (China Inspectorate General of Customs 2001, 8/856) WêiAo ttfe 1891 «s^AMWëiifft, 1892 (BPP, 17/676) ^Àif. m, ^tojum^IM «M^tra, 4 1889 (Sumatra) WHS (Deli) (BPP, 17/168) 299 100 %?imwm (Penang), 444 483 ^»^«»Mî^«^^^ m^XïïMM 11,341 m 8,406X&, ffiE^—êan. (BPP, 17/248) 1890 (Deli Planters Association) « ifMtl 1890 ^ 10mmrn^ fftMT 1,287 ^iAaifi.ifln^K 10,997 ainnifi^^iil.i^i^t^^i. (BPP, 17/248) «»sw^ ^-mmmm^nnn, mmrn^mmmrn —WiMM^M Reuter, Brôckelmann & A^Ä^AA (Asiatische Küistenfahrt Gesellschaft),fMT^M^ÄP^k »MHÄ, ÄffiAA» (BPP, 17/248) AAöMWAAffi», SSA-«^,^ Afö^^li(BPP, 17/169-171.) ilffiiffi^l^Üax+tSft« 1903 AMIft^lA« AA^A Muntok (China Inspectorate General of Customs 2001, 34/179) 1904 A Muntok WAAMWiAfi^ ap, ^^«msaak, M 1906 AM 200 Att sn. »TOMW^AS 1899 AAAAA^S, 1900 aaaaa 1901 AS 1903 A^AH^ AAAftS, 1907 %-Rffl 1,833 AM» 1908 & 1909 (China Inspectorate General of Customs 2001, 38/226; 41/710; 43/712; 45/766; 47/820; 50/187) MSAAffiMfAAfeMÄgAMK*®» 1890 AMAASA (Tanzania) (Baron von Soden) ^SSJA A^föfflA^Aim £ 1892 A 5 n 1 m^m P^PA ÄM^Äfö^ (Dar-es-Salaam, ÄfiilälAÄj^El Mfä (Bagamoyo,ifi#^^), fi® (Tanga, fiHÖlftiP),!!^ UMm (Lindi,£ Dar-es-Salaam liiRKIHilSiRil«. (BPP, 17/696) MMMM XX (Cocoa).fS^ MMA; AE^ SE, ftA^, (Chen 1985, 9/272-4) 1905 30 SA.^H mxmn* 1900 x 3 n 1 bmx^^W^»^ (samoa),M4^^# MMf«, «»«MWSMKo 1903 289 523 (1905 564 £ 60 smA, 12 ^ ^nu&mmmxw. 1907 11.5 10 ^«HW 4.8 # 7 iTAT, 10 ^.HtSfiHiff^^fi m, wmzmgtew&Am.ft&mgBMM&R* ^»««t® 50%,«® 20 A» (Moses 1973, 101-124) ^HWAWK lililg^^ti^fift. n 1888 ^mmx^mv&rn #^(Maluku Islands), 1907 R® t^teAt-^siir. 1899 ^m&mrn^mtmm^mMmm, 1901 277(pimm 1985, 857, 59) xmmAA^Am^®^— ama^iaa-ambaswma, 90%mm&Rmmm®,?i 1875 a 1894 1,781,349 AA, 89 loHSf^^^ (MCTR, 49/296297) Mmi^M^AMiAM^SAAo (Edward Harper Parker, 1849-1926)^ 60 a 100 A tSIK*. -^AAAMMS^MAAM^MAAMUJASHA mm, smaa^-wikmwsa»^ (Parker 1904, 254-258) A, ¡^^ n 1890 AW 8% a 1910 AW 12%;ffi|W|— fM^rn, (Ville 1990, 49) «W^JAAA^MMM^lANMS aw« rn, iii^^sASMWM^M®; ffio Nemško trgovanje in transportacija kulijev v pristaniškem mestu Pakhoi (Beihai) Leta 1876, po t.i. diplomatski krizi Margary, je Pakhoi na jugovzhodni obali Kitajske postal pristaniško mesto. Že od 1880 pa vse do 1914 pa so si pristanišče z njegovo okolico prilastile nemške ladje, ki so zlomile mogočen britanski pomorski monopol v Južnokitajskem morju ter ohranjevale nemški vpliv tudi nad Francozi, ki so krepili svojo oblast na severu Indokine. Glavni vzrok za njihov uspeh je bil spoštljiv odnos nemških kapitanov in posadke. Prvotno je bil njihov namen trgovanje z dobrinami a v letu 1889 so začeli s premeščanjem kitajskih kulijev v Deli v severno Sumatro, kjer so Nizozemci imeli svoje plantaže tobaka. Ko je nemško cesarstvo pospešilo svojo svetovno politiko z ustanavljanjem kolonialnih podjetij, so nemške ladje začele s premeščanjem kitajskih kulijev v Tanzanijo, Samoo, otočje Maluku in ostala kolonizirana območja z namenom, da bi sadili kakav, riž in ostale pridelke kot tudi izkopavali fosfat. Nemški lastniki plantaž so imeli legitimno pravico za kaznovanje delinkventov z ječo do treh mesecev, za kaznovanje z globo v višini 30 mehiških dolarjev in za kazen do 20 udarcev z bičem. Za razliko od črnih afriških sužnjev, so bili kitajski kuliji glavni delovni vir kolonij Zahoda in so imeli svobodo odločanja o tem, kam bi želeli iti, ter uživali boljše pogoje in bili bolje plačani. Njihovi zaslužki so bili pomembna subvencija njihovi domači ekonomiji. Vlada dinastije Qing, podprta z javnim mnenjem in rastočim nacionalizmom, se je uspešno pogodila za ustanovitev konzulata v Samoi, ki je varoval kulije pred pretiranim kaznovanjem nemških kolonizatorjev, kot tudi naložil davek na kulije. Nepričakovan razvoj je bila tudi uvedba kitajske hrane kolonijam. References Allen, G. C. and Donnithorne, Audrey G.. 1954. Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development, China and Japan. New York: Macmillan. Bundesarchiv Berlin (BAB). R 9208. Chen, Hansheng IHMM. 1985. 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