origina! scientific paper UD C 595.74(263.35} GENUS MACRONEMURUS COSTA, 1855 iN THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF THE BALKAN PENINSULA (NEUROPTERA: MYRMELEONTIDAE)* Dušan DEVETAK Department of Biology, University of Maribor, Si-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 ABSTRACT Distribution of two ant-lion species, Macronemurus appendicular (Latreille) and M. bilineatus Brauer, in the north western part of the Balkan Peninsula is described and preliminary analysis of food supply of M. appendiculatus is carried out. Key words: Macronemurus, Neuroptera, distribution, Balkan, feeding INTRODUCTION The NW part of the Balkan Peninsula has a rich fauna of Myrmeieontidae (ant-lions), comprising about 20 species in 15 genera (Aspock eL a!., 1980; Troger, 1988; Devetak, 1992a, 1992b). The genus Macrone­murus Costa, 1855 is represented in the region with two species, Macronemurus appendiculatus (Latreille) (Fig. 1) and M. bilineatus Brauer. Both species can easily be distinguished (Hoizel, 1987). In M. appendiculatus the pronotum is characterized by a dark median stripe, which never occurs in M. bilineatus, but two lateral stripes are present in the latter species. Macronemurus contains about 40 species, distri­buted ail over Africa, southern Europe and SW Asia (Hoizel, 1986, 1987). Palearctic species of the genus are revised by Holze! (1987). Feeding habits of the pit-building ant-lion larvae have been described from different aspects (see Gepp & Hoizel, 1989), but information concerning adults is scar­ce. The intestinai content of adults was investigated by Steizl & Gepp (1990), Stelzl (1991) and Devetak (1996). In this paper distribution of the genus Macronemurus in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula and some information concerning food supply are presented. MATERIAL AND METHODS Specimens are deposited in the Natural History Museum, Zagreb (coll. Museum ZG), insect Collection of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (col!. SAZU LJ) and the author's collection (Maribor). The ant-lions have been collected by the following entomologists (in order to save space, abbreviations of their names are used in the text): J. Carnelutti (JC), D. Devetak (DD), M. Devetak (MD), M. Filipovid (MFI), M. Frankovid (MFR), P. JakSid (PJ), F. Jan2ekoviC (Fj), P. Prosenjak (PP), ). Staudacher (]S), T. Soljan (T§) and F. Velkovrh (FV). Six males and six females of M. appendiculatus ori­ginating from the island of Brae and preserved in 70% ethanol were dissected and the digestive tract was iso­lated. The partially digested food particles suspended in alcohol were examined microscopically. The best re­sults were obtained without staining. The insects' activity was recorded in field with a Sony video camera recorder CCD-TR750F. * Dedicated to the memory of Dr Narcis Mršič (19514 997). 203 ANNALES 11/'97 Dufa n DEVETAK : CFNU S MACRONEMURU5 COSf 'm . -' -­ v " >'.. . •. •B Fig. 1: Macronemurus appendiculatus (Latreille, 1807) (A) Male in resting position. (B) Right wings of a male. Fore wing length 23 mm. RESULTS Distribution of Macronemurus in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula Macronemurus appendiculatus {Latreille, 1807) Literature records: Croatia: Novak {1891): Hvar; Klapalek {1906): Vis; Werner {1920): Cruž, Pula, Korčula, Brač: Supetar and Milna; Esben-Petersen (1925): Cruž; Holzel (1987): Gruž, Vis, Split; Saure (1989): Zaostrog. Bosnia and Hercegovina: Klapalek (1898, 1899, 1900): Hercegovina: Mostar; Spring of the jasenica near Mostar Doflein (1921) recorded the species in Macedonia without information on the locality. Materia! examined (m, males; f, females): Croatia: Biograd na moru, 11 .-19.VII.1973, 2m 5f, DD; Brač: Bol, 12.V1I.1987, 1m 7f, 12.VII.1990, 1m H VII. 1997, 19m 51 f, MD, DD; Cres: Beiej, 27.VI1.1997, 3f, MFI; I stri a: Premantura, 18.VII.1986,1f, DD; Istria: Pula: Stoja, 10.VII1.1983, 1f, DD; Istria: Rt Kamenjak, 13.VII.1986, If, 1 .-4.VIII.1995, 2m If, DD; Kaštel Kambelovac, 4.V1H. 1986, 1m, PP; Korčula: Korčula, 29.Vli.-2.Vlll.1980, 5m 6f, DD ; Komati: Levrnaka, VI.1978, 2m 1f, FV; Lošinj: Nerezine, 22.-30.VILI993, 4m, DD ; Makarska, 25.VS. 1931, jS (coll.SAZU Lj); Mljet, VI.1980,1m If, JC; 7.VIII. 1980, If, DD ; Obrovac: Golubič, rijeka Krupa, 2.VIM. 1984, 1f, MF (coll. Museum ZG); Pag: Povljana, 3.'VII. 1956, If, 30.VL1960, 2f, 26.VK.i978, 3f (coll. Museum ZG); Planac, 1.V1II.1927, If, TŠ (coll. Museum ZG); Rab; Lopar, 21.VI.1976, 2f, DD; Unije, 7.VIU964, 1f {coll. A, 1855 !N TH E NORTHWESTERE N FAR T 203-208 SI. 1: Macronemurus appendiculatus (Latreille, 1807) (A) Samec med mirovanjem. (B) Desni krili samca. Dolžina sprednjega krila 23 mm. Museum ZG); Vele Srakane, 11.IX. 1961, I f (coll. Muse­um ZG); Zadar, 17.VI1I.1937,1f, JS {coll. SAZU Lj), Habitats: grassland and garrigue. In southern Istria and Dalmatia, M. appendiculatus is one of the most abundant ant-lion species. World distribution: Holomediterranean element. Macronemurus bilineatus Brauer, 1868 Literature records: Pongracz (1923): Kosovo: Morina; Dimitrova (1924) and Dimitrowa (1925): Macedonia: Bogdanct (Gevge­lija) and Petrovska planina (Kavadarsko); Holzel {1987}: Macedonia: Drenovo-Kavadar, Ohrid, Petrina plan. Brauer (1868) described the species from "Syra" in Dalmatia, but the meaning of this unnative (or fictive?) name and thus the position of this locality has not been solved. Pongracz (1923) refers to a female of M. appendiculatus from Morina, but from his illustration (p. 157) it obviously concerns M. bilineatus. Material examined: Macedonia: Dojransko Ezero: Dojran, 19.-24.VII. 1975, 1 m; Dojransko Ezero: Djopčeli, 20.-23.VII.1975, If; Prilep: Pletvar (1000 m a.s.i.), 16.V1I.1980, 1m 1f, 20.VI1.1983, 1f, PJ. Yugoslavia: Serbia: Kosovo: Kosovo polje, Caravica, 24.VI1.1979, 1m, DD ; ibarska klisura: Košutovac, 24.VII. 1987, 2m 2f, PJ. Yugoslavia: Montenegro: Tuzi, 14.V1I1.1982, 1f, 24. VIII.1982, If, Fj. Habitats: grassland and garrigue. World distribution: Pontomediterranean element. The finding-places for both species in NW Balkan are shown in Fig. 2. 204 DiiSan DEVETAK : CENU S MACRONEMURUS COSTA , [655 I N TH E NORTHWESTS:RE N PAR T ..., 203-208 iuu km Fig, 2: Finding-places of M. appendiculatus (circles) and M. bilineatus (triangles) in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula. SI. 2: Razširjenost volkcev M. appendiculatus (krogci) in M. bilineatus (trikotniki) v severozahodnem delu Balkan­ skega polotoka. The food supply of M. appendiculatus In the intestinal content of 3 males and 2 females ar­thropod fragments were found. One male consumed a large amount of pollen grains and in two individuals of both sexes fragments of plant tissue were recorded (Figs. 3-6). Only a few identifications of the arthropod frag­ments were possible, in other cases one can only specu­late on the origin of these food remains. The following structures were recognized: compound eyes, antenna! and leg segments, mandibles, cuticuiar fragments with bristles and lepidopteran scales. From the size of partially digested arthropod fragments and the size of the ant-lions it can be concluded that M. appendiculatus is able to consume smaller prey than the prey of Palpares (Devetak, 1996), which is the largest ant-lion species in the area. These results are very similar to the investigated feeding habits in four central European ant-lion species (Stelzl & Gepp, 1990; Stelzl, 1991) and in Palpares libelluloides (Devetak, 1996). It is not clear whether the plant tissues in Macronemurus originated from the in­testinal content of herbivorous prey (e.g. caterpillars) or had been digested directly. The ingestion of pollen has been also reported for some American species (Stange, 1970) and the European ant-lions (Stelzl & Gepp, 1990). CONCLUSIONS The ant-lions of the genus Macronemurus are com­mon in the northwestern part of the Balkan. M. appen­diculatus occurs in the coastal part of Croatia and in Hercegovina, and M. bilineatus inhabits Montenegro, Serbia (Kosovo) and Macedonia (Fig, 2). M. appendiculatus feeds on insects, pollen and pos­sibly on plant tissues (Figs. 3-6). Both species inhabit grassland and garrigue. In southern Istria and Dalmatia, M. appendiculatus is one of the most abundant ant-lion species. 205 ANNALES l!/'97 DuSan DEVET AK: GENUS MACRONLMURUS COSTA. 1855 !N THE NORTHWESTER EN PART ..., 203-208 Figures 3-6. siike 3-6. 206 DuSan DEVETAK : CENU S MACRONEMURUS COSTA , 1 855 IN TH E N O RT H WES T ER EN PART ..., 203-208 Figs. 3-6: Food remains from the digestive tract of M SI. 3-6: Ostanki hrane iz prebavil M. appendiculatus. appendiculatus. Bar 100 pm. Merilo: 100 pm. Fig. 3: Insect tarsi and a fragment of compound eye. SI. 3: Tarzi žuželk in del sestavljenega očesa. Fig. 4: Two arthropod fragments of unknown origin. SI. 4; Fragmenta členonožcev neznanega izvora. Fig. 5: A lepidopleran scale and two ommatidia. SI. 5: Luska z metuljevih kril in dva omatidija. Fig. 6: Pollen grains. SI. 6: Pelodna zrna. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Maribor) for providing the specimens, i owe thank to Dr. Tone Novak (University of Maribor) for critical reading I thank Dr. Franjo Perovtc (Natural History Museum, of the manuscript. I am gratefuf to my son Miha Devetak Zagreb) for the loaned material, and Predrag jakšič for the assistance in the in-field investigation. (Priština) and Mag. Franc janžekovič (University of RO D MACRONEMURUS COSTA , 185 5 V SEVEROZAHODNE M DEL U BALKANSKEG A POLOTOK A (NEUROPTERA ; MYRMELEONTIDAE) * Dušan DEVETAK Oddelek za biologijo, Univerza v Mariboru, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 POVZETEK Rod volkcev Macronemurus je splošno razširjen v severozahodnem delu Balkanskega polotoka. Vrsta M. appen­diculatus poseljuje obalno področje Hrvaške in Hercegovino, vrsta M. bilineatus pa Črno goro, Srbijo (Kosovo) in Makedonijo (si, 2). Pri analizi prežvečenih in deloma prebavljenih ostankov hrane iz prebavila vrste M. appendiculatus sem ugo­tovil, da se volkec hrani z žuželkami, cvetnim prahom in morda z rastlinskimi tkivi (si. 3-6). Med ostanki žuželk so bili fragmenti nog, anten, sestavljenih oči, kutikularnih ploščic in lusk s kril metuljev. Obe vrsti poseljujeta travnate habitate in garigo. V južni Istri in Dalmaciji je M. appendiculatus najpogostejši volkec. Ključne besede: Macronemurus, Neuroptera, razširjenost, Balkan, prehranjevanje REFERENCES Aspöck, H., U. Aspöck, H. Hölze! (Mitarb. H. Rausch) 1980. Die Neuropteren Europas. Eine zusammen­fassende Darstellung der Systematik, Ökologie und Cho­rologie der Neuropteroidea (Megaloptera, Raphidi­optera, Planipennia) Europas. 2 vois, Goecke & Evers, Krefeld. Brauer, E. 1868. Zwei neue Myrmeieon-Arten. - Verb. K.K. Zool.-ßot. Ges. Wien, 18:189-190. Posvečam spominu dr. Narcisa Mršica 0951-1997). Devetak, D. 1992a. 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