Misko Suvakovic Asymmetries of Language and Sight Introduction to a Philosophy of Art 0. The Basic Postulate My basic postulate is: view, seeing and the seen in painting can be stud- ied through indirect forms of representation. The mediation of sight points to the intentional nature of artificial optical and visual phenomena of art. Inten- tionality makes visual and linguistic effects comparable. Potential asymmetry of the sight scene and the language scene of art (painting) is the problem which I p ropose to elaborate. 7. Representation Representa t ion is a structural, epistemological, semantic and technical me thod of creat ing or producing a work of art, which visually and optically refers to a real or fictional object, being, situation or event. Note: (1) phenom- ena perceived by the sense of sight are termed visual, whereas (2) facts re- lated to light, whose aspects are dependent upon physical laws of transmis- sion of light and not the receptive faculties of the subject of perception are te rmed optical. In a stricter theoretical sense a visual work is said to represent some- thing if it is its reference (external to the work, what the work refers to in its appearance , structural relationships of elements and potential meanings). A reference can be a real reference (object f rom the real world) or a fictional reference (fictional object of fantasy, text, film, theatre, theory). A painting represents a real or fictional object, being, situation or event by showing, describing or signifying it. A paint ing shows an object by being its visual analogy or representation of its visual appearance . The visual aspects of an object's appearance and its representa t ion in a representat ional work of art are congruent. At least some of the visual aspects of object representation are congruent with the usual analogous object representat ion in culture, science, art, religion. The rela- t ionship be tween a paint ing and the object it visually depicts is asymmetrical, since the paint ing visually and optically depict the object but the object never Filozofski vestnik, XVII (2/1996), pp. 203-215. Miško Šuvakovič depicts the painting. It is necessary to distinguish between the similarity of two objects and the similarity of their appearance or the similarity of their features. One must distinguish the optical similarity f rom the visual, and the visual similarity from that of signification. Any discursive representation of an object is a description, since one does not see the appearance of an object f rom significational effects of a lin- guistic language. Language states and explains its properties and appearance. Non-analogous linguistic signs or texts are ascribed to visual aspects. A paint- ing describes an object not when it shows the appearance of the object by its symbolic aspects, but when it indirectly points to its properties. A painting signifies: (1) by naming the object (by stating that a certain object is designated as X - the role of the title or inscription in a painting), (2) by defining the named object as a sign by which it represents the object in language or in visual and pictorial expression by creating a kind of an alpha- bet, and (3) by using the visual sign as a literal showing of an object (iconic and allusive sign), as a standardized language sign (sign in ideographic or phonetic alphabets) and as a basis for non-literal symbolic, metaphorical and allegorical representation. The abstract paintings of Barnett Newman (»The Stations of the Cross«, 1966) represent crucifixion by arbitrarily, but inten- tionally, signifying (suggesting) the state of crucifixion. The state is not liter- ally seen, it is suggested by the relationship of pictorial meanings of the paint- ing and the linguistic meanings of its title. If the idea of signification is radicalized, one may say that Newman's painting does not correspond (does not refer) to the historical state of crucifixion, but corresponds with the texts which represent Christ's crucifixion. The painting does not refer to reality, but to the textual production of meaning, sense and value. Reference is estab- lished as an exchange between the pictorial text of painting and the linguistic religious text. The idea of representation is based on four semiotic-media levels of painting determination (its visual horizon): (1) group of beliefs and concepts (superdetermination, ideological or spiritual horizon, metatext of culture) which form the framework of signification and sense of a work of art, which is expected to represent something (e.g. the theory of mimesis in the Western tradition, the theories of Realism in the 19th century, the theories of me- chanical reproduction in Modernism, the theories of mimesis of mimesis in Postmodernism), (2) group of techniques and media procedures by which a painting is created and by which, in a potential literal or non-literal way, the painting refers to the object represented (the mirroring principle, print, trace, visual similitude, index signs, fine art illusionism, linguistic-semantic refer- ence, usage of forms of expression which serve for representation in a given 204 Asymmetries of Language and Sight culture, visualization of textual representation), (3) appearance of the work which refers to the object of representation by its visual similitude (analogous iconic representation), its physical-phenomenal characteristics (the index char- acter of representation) and on the basis of expressing rules, habits or agree- ments (symbolic level of representation), and (4) preparedness (habits, cus- toms, rules, convictions) of the viewer to regard a painting as a representation and not a decoration, an abstract, expressive or fictional composition. Two opposed conceptions of representation can be singled out: (A) es- sentialist and (B) relativist theory of representation. The essentialist ontological theory of representation is based on the view that the notion of an artistic painting derives from the notion of mirroring image and reflection (Abbild]. A surface is a painting if it represents some- thing, if by its appearance (referentially) it refers to something in the world. It represents something because it is in an ontological relationship with the object of representation. This relationship is based on reflection (literal me- diation of the observed). Reflection is recognized as a painting because be- tween the painting and the object which it represents there is an optical or visual similitude, and frequently also the intention to achieve an illusionist visual congruity. A painting is a painting because it contains within itself (i.e. the ontological dimension) its archetype (Urbild) or at least some of its prop- erties. Between the painting and the object, according to Hans Georg Gadamer, there is a relationship of mutual belonging, since in the painting only the being of the represented object appears. According to ontological essentialist theories, the development of painting and sculpture as art arises through the evolution and transformations of the basic mirroring image model (from re- flection to an artistic painting). Western painting can be regarded as a multi- tude of transformational lines from objectual-optical necessity (reflection, in- variant, literal visual information) to visual overdetermination (ideology, the theory and the practice of mimesis) and visual arbritrariness (significational interpretation by pictorial means). As opposed to the ontological essentialist theories, the relativist theories are formulated around the interpretation of representation as a practice of signification, conventional reference and symbolization. The starting point is that representation is not based on the mirroring principle. The visual simili- tude between the painting and the object (the appearance of the painting and the object) represented is not sufficient in order to establish whether or not the painting represents something. Similitude is a symmetrical relationship, and visual similitude of the image and the object it represents is asymmetri- cal. The critique of the notion of similitude results in the attitude that recogni- tion of the structure of paint blots on a surface represents shoes (Van Gogh), 205 Miško Šuvakovič a bouquet of flowers (Cézanne) and human figures (Picasso) depends on the rules (convictions, ideologies) of signification (representation) which a soci- ety accepts as their presentation of the world. Nelson Goodman demonstrates that a paint ing depicts an object and that the pictorial form configurated in the painting is recognized as a depic- tion of the object by the rules of representation and the according convictions shared by the painter and the viewer of the painting. The ontological essen- tialist answer to the question »Why do we see an object in a painting?« is »Because the painting imitates the object« or »Because the painting imitates our experience of the object« or »Because the painting establishes an optical order which imitates the optical order of the sight«. The relativist answer would be »Because the painting belongs to a certain form of representat ion (symbolic and ideological expressions) which we are accustomed to read as pictorial representations of such-and-such an object.« Goodman does not in- terpret the recognition of an object in a painting by a literal connexion be- tween the pa in t ing and the ob jec t , bu t by e s t a b l i s h i n g an a r b i t r a r y classificational relationship. There is no such thing as an innocent eye which would perceive the thing itself independently of our system of classification (convictions, knowledge, values). The eye does not perceive the thing itself, the eye always perceives an object. The similitude between a paint ing and an object is not determined by a congruence of the visual properties of the paint- ing's appearance and the properties of the object 's appearance, but by a sys- tem of classification and nomenclature, i.e. artistic practice (or Artworld, ac- cording to Arthur Danto, or ideology, according to Althusser, Schefer, Rotar, Devade). According to Goodman: (1) every paint ing is more similar to any other painting throughout the history of art than to the external object it represents, and (2) art does not imitate nature, since nature (what is experi- enced, perceived, understood and presented as nature) is a product of art, science, religion and everyday customs. The relativist concept of a painting is founded upon conventions of fine art representation and the phenomenological arbitrariness (openess) of visual percept ion . It is on these g rounds that Goodman rejects the notion of a painting as a copy of reality, maintaining a symbolic significational character of depiction or painting. Realistic repre- sentation is not based on the quantity of optical and visual information about the world, but on simplicity and availability, which depends on the observ- er's degree of being accustomed to certain forms of representation. The style of representation to which an observer is accustomed is regarded as more realistic, and such paintings are considered more similar to reality: »If repre- sentation is a matter of choice, regularity a matter of information, realism is a matter of habit.«1 Charles Harrison and Fred Or ton regard realism in paint- 206 Asymmetries of Language and Sight ing as a me thodo log ica l f r a m e w o r k of representa t ion and critique of modes of r ep resen ta t ion : »Real i sm is not a mat ter of cor respondence , or even of conven t ions of c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . O n this poin t Modern is t theory has always b e e n correct . It is a mat te r of how, on what basis, one goes about the process of cri t icism and cor rec t ion of any representa tion.«2 A pa in t ing can always be shown to b e a f o r m of conven t iona l order . T h e pictorial order expresses the viewpoint of the artist or his culture. T h e correspondences between the painting and its r e f e rence (the objec t of representat ion) are not s imply given to the eye in a m i r ro r i ng m a n n e r ; they are a consequence of publ ic and tacit rules of the symbol ic o r d e r of p ic tor ia l mat te r ( language/pictorial games within pa in t ing as an art). A radical iza t ion of such a posit ion leads to the s tandpoint that a work of art does no t r ep resen t an object, being, situation or event in a literal way, bu t r ep resen t s h o w they are perceived, exper ienced , expressed, under - stood, in t e rp re ted and va lued in the culture of its origin. A paint ing is not a t race of the pe rce ived , on the contrary , the perce ived is the effect (trace, result) no t only of the pa in t ing ' s appearance , but also its pictorial and semi- ological mean ings . Acco rd ing to semiologists of pa in t ing such as U m b e r t o Eco, Jean-Louis Schefer or Braco Ro ta r an iconic code (characteristic visual order of repre- sentation) has two aspects: (1) an iconic code is a system of iconic signs which result f r o m a conceptua l iza t ion of percept ion , and (2) an iconic code is a sign o rde r rea l ized u p o n g raph ic convent ions which belong to the order of visual rhetoric . Schefer and Rotar in their semiologies of painting show the connexion b e t w e e n t h e e m p i r i c a l p l a n e of t h e v i s u a l a n d t h e i d e o l o g i c a l o v e r d e t e r m i n a t i o n which t ransforms the visual into a text (system of mean- ing, effects of sense a n d potent ia l values of communica t ion , apprecia t ion, k n o w l e d g e and possess ion) . Visuali ty is an empir ical hor izon or pa in t ing ach ieved by m e a n s of sensual art iculation. The ideological articulation of art is buil t u p o n empir ica l ar t iculat ion. An iconic code, i.e. the characteristic sign o rde r wh ich represen t s someth ing by its visual similitude, is not a naive (mir- ror ing, literal) effect of pe rcep t ion , but a speculative hor izon of paint ing as an art and rhe tor ica l pic tor ia l id iom. T h e theory of mimesis is therefore not to be r e g a r d e d solely as a m o d e l of creat ing a paint ing and a percept ion of the re la t ionship b e t w e e n the pa in t ing and the world, but also as a form of ideo- logical supers t ruc tu re (superdeterminat ion) by which percept ion (view, the 1 Nelson Goodman, »Reality Remade«, in Joseph Margolis, Philosophy Looks at Art, Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1987, p. 300. 2 Charles Harrison, Fred Orton (eds.), Modernism, Criticism, Realism - Alternative Con- text For Art, Harper and Row, London 1984, p. xix. 207 Miško Šuvakovič M » « n o t W i r . « : CNNAD.UAMM IAV, ONTARIO, OUEIEC, ST. U W R E N C E RIVER. NEW I R U N S W K K , MAN1T0IA, AKIMISKIISLAND, LAKE WINNIPEG, I. VKK (It TtIK WOODS, L\KT. N I P I G O Y U K E SUPERIOR. U K [ HURON LAKE MICHIGAN, LAKE ONTARIO, LAKE ERIE, MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, M m U H l s m s , VERMONT, (flXNECTICUT, RHODE B U N D , NEW YORK. NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE. MARYLAND, WEST VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA, OHIO. MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, EASTERN IORDERS OP NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH bAKOTA, NEBRASKA, KANSAS, OKLAHOMA TEXAS, MISSUl' « . I L L I N O I S INDIANA, TENNESSEE, ARKANSAS. LOUISIANA. MISSISSIPPI, A L A I A l l A GEORGIA, NORTH CAROLINA S O l f f f l CAROU I M , FLQRI1M, C U M , H A H U U l , A T L t i f T I C OCEAN, A M t t O S l l U v D S , GULP OP MEXICO, JTRA1TJ 6t FLOHOi Art & Language (Terry Atkinson, Michael Baldwin), Map (1967) 208 Asymmetries of Language and Sight perceived, experience) and understanding of a painting are limited and di- rected. A pictorial representation has a general epistemological value which can be described as an archeological structure of knowledge, in fact, it points to the proximity (interweaving, link) between the perceived and the linguistic in the constitution of knowledge. Representational pictorial systems are determined by the following char- acteristics: (1) painting is a technique which aims to produce an effect for the eye (body, look, seeing, placing the perceived into a language), i.e. to pro- duce itself as something entirely subordinate to the economy of visual pro- duction of effects, (2) the function of a representational painting is in covering up the material morphology of the pictorial: to mark the departure from the material literal appearance of the surface by simulation, to start the game of differences, to remove f rom it the literal nature of the significational identity of the surface, (3) one system of representation is read from other systems (the criterion of interpictoriality, analogous to intertextuality), in other words, it is impossible to read a system of a visual (pictorial) representation on its own basis. A painting does not represent by simply (optically) existing or by literally referring to the objects of the world, but by motivatedly or conven- tionally referring to the objects of the world pointing to other paintings and texts in the history of painting and culture (religious, ideological, sexual text). 2. Visual Meta-Language There is no general system of visual and pictorial representation which could be described by the terms visual language or, in a narrower sense, pictorial language. There are certain analogies between visual (pictorial) sys- tems and language (linguistic systems), there are mutual correspondences between appearance and signification, there is a presence of language (lin- guistic) material in structuring of the pictorial matter, there are similarities between language games (with linguistic and semiotic elements) and picto- rial, visual and optical games. There is no painting which does not produce sense, meaning and value. But the production of sense, meaning and value is not achieved according to closed consistent models, but according to open, unstable and variable formulations (stylistic schemes, individual poetics, his- torical coding, arbitrary or motivated combinations or games). If visual (and pictorial) representation is analogous at least in some aspects to linguistic representation, then by visual (pictorial) structures one can represent the ap- pearance of another work of art, i.e. its concept of constitution, appearance and functioning as a presentation, expression or construction. 209 Miško Šuvakovič Visual meta language is the structural and significational order of a visual work of art by means of which other works of art are shown and represented, as well as aspects of Artworld, stylistic patterns, genre rules and schemes, ways of setting up meaning in a work of fine art, language-pictorial games, visual properties of a work of art, conceptual and ideological overdetermi- nations. A work of art or an aspect of Artworld which is shown or repre- sented is a first degree work of art, and the work of art which represents it is a second degree work of art or visual, more strictly speaking pictorial, meta- language. Some examples of visual meta-language in painting are neo-Dadaistic and the early proto-Pop Art paintings of Jasper Johns such as »Flag« (1954- 55), »By the Sea« (1961) or »Fool's House« (1962). The painting »Flag« is a meta-example of literal representation showing a cultural artefact (flag). The painting is realized in such a way that it covers the canvas f rom edge to edge, and is thus simultaneously a concrete flag and a painting (representation) of a flag. The painting »Fool's House« is an example of visual meta-language be- cause it demonstrates language games in the relationships of the elements of the painting, objects and words. The idea of language game is taken f rom Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy of language. Roy Lichtenstein's Pop Art paintings based on representation of comic frames or comic-like paraphrases of Picasso's portraits and Leger's scenes are meta-visual examples. His idea of visual meta-language is interpictorial. It is based on a transfer of subject matter and iconographic solutions from one stylistic or cultural system of representation into another (from popular mass culture or French post-cubist modernism into American high modernism). With the painting »Whaam!« Lichtenstein shows how comic sequences are literally transferred f rom the Roy Lichtenstein, Whaam! (1963) 210 Asymmetries of Language and Sight world of popular culture into the world of high modernism. The representa- tion of Picasso's portrait has a more complex function: (1) the post-cubist portrait is realised in the way of comic (transfer from the high art of modern- ism into the popular culture of the comic), and (2) the comic-like form is effected as an artistic painting, whereby the transfer from one context into another is reduced to a hermeneutical absurdity (by pictorial means high art is interpreted as an expression of popular culture, and an icon of popular culture is realized and exhibited as an example of high art). In conceptual art the idea of visual meta language is most often inte- grated with the effects of linguistic meta-language. For conceptual art any seeing means reading. For instance, in the work of the group Art & Language »Map to not indicate...« (1967) the visual scheme of the map is not there to represent the North American continent, but to represent an anomalous look of the map, i.e. the anomalous relationship between the text and the map. Visual elements are a support for meta-linguistic intentions of the artist to br ing linguistic and visual language, paradoxically and anomalously, into the same plane of representat ion (semantic interchangeability). Let us consider another example. The concept of analytical proposition was introduced into art practice by Joseph Kosuth in his text »Art after Philosophy« (1969). Ac- cording to Kosuth, works of art are analytical propositions because they do not supply information on facts, but show the artist's intention. A work of art understood as an analytical proposition does not describe the behaviour of physical or mental objects, but expresses formal definitions of art or formal consequences of that definition. Kosuth's work »One and Three Chairs« (1965) is an example of artistic work as an expression of an analytical proposition. To the proposition »chair« correspond: the visual expression (the photograph representing the chair), the expression of the chair as a three-dimensional object, and the linguistic expression (a dictionary definition of the term »chair«). The expression of proposition can be seen (photograph), utilized (object - chair) or read (text of the dictionary definition). 3. Mimesis of Mimesis T h e mimes i s of mimes i s ( representa t ion of the represented) is a Postmodernist eclectical (postmetaphysical, posthistorical) conception of art. A painting does not represent reality, the original essence of art or the artist's direct emotion. A painting represents historical or current forms of represen- tation of reality, fantasies or language games. Mimesis is interpreted as the ideology and the art of imitation, emula- 211 Miško Šuvakovič Neša Paripovič, Self-Portrait ( 1989) tion and illusionist representation of appearance of real or fictional objects, situations, events and beings. The concept of mimesis has been exposed to criticism and destruction in modern art, f rom post-impressionism to minimal and conceptual art. In abstract constructivist, concretist and formalist art it is rejected as historically superfluous. In surrealism and fantastic painting the principle of mimesis is applied as a stylistic pattern, i.e. impossible, fantastic and fictional events, situations and beings are represented in the way the real world is represented in mimetic art. In hyperrealism the forms of imitation, emulation and illusionist representation are rhetorically perfected and sup- ported by contemporary technological devices. The result of hyperrealism is not the realization of the ideas of traditional mimesis, since hyperrealist painting and sculpture are representations of photography. The works of hyperrealism are paradoxically a double mimesis: representations of the depicted object and representations of the effects of technical media by which the object was represented in the first instance and on whose basis the hyperrealist work was effected. Chuck Close's portraits are pictorial representations of photogra- phy with all the sharpness and non-sharpnessfound in photographic copies and blow-ups. 212 Asymmetries of Language and Sight With the postmodernist revival of representation the idea (technique and ideology) of mimesis regained attention. Mimesis of mimesis can be in- terpreted as a visual deconstruction of pictorial metaphysics. Whereas philo- sophical deconstruction shows and disjoins the entire body of Western meta- physics (deconstruction of logocentrism in philosophy, literature, ideology), mimesis of mimesis is a citational-collage-montage production of a visual work of art which disjoins visual metaphysics (anomalous nodes of logocentrism - Derrida, ocularcentrism - Jay , euclydocentrism - Deleuze). A Postmodernist painting is an ecstatic and obscene reflection and simu- lation of other works of art, symbolic scenes, aspects of Artworld, culture and society. According to Postmodernist theory every work in the history of art was created by representat ion (expression, transformation) of existing mod- els of representation, but only the art and theory of Postmodernism set this principle as a poetic foundation of art production. In Postmodernist painting of the eighties, trans-avantgarde (Clemente), neoexpressionist (Kiefer), anach- ronistic (Mariani) or retrograde (Irwin) paintings are based on eclectic repre- sentation, citation, collage and montage of traces of scenes, expressions, iconographies and genre models of traditional European, antimodernist and modernist art. They are no longer meta-linguistic and not in the sense in which the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan claims that there is no meta-language! For instance, David Salle's painting »Doors with Light« (1989) has a seeming structure of visual meta-language since it simultaneously represents various forms of representation in high art and popular culture. However, it does not have the legitimacy of meta-language, since it introduces the schemes of visual meta-linguistic scenes into an expressively subjective and arbitrary (expres- sive, eroticized, entropic, non-motivated) painting. It is demonstrated that subjectivity (fragmentariness) and visual arbitrariness penetrate the objectiv- ity of meta-language, transforming it into a reflection of reflection (mimesis of mimesis). Neša Paripovič, in his series of works completed between 1988 and 1993, represents a painting (painting on a wall, graffiti, drawing on paper, ambient- sculptural arrangement in front of a painting) by a photograph. The estab- lished method is the mimesis of mimesis (representation of the represented), whereby painting as representation of a manual expressive iconic trace is deconstructed to a luminous photographic print. The tactile direct expres- sion of painting traces on the wall cools down to the luminous (alienated print). Paripovič shows that a photograph represents the represented and expressed painting by becoming a visual and polysemantic interpretation of what cannot be subjected to discourse interpretation (pictorial signifier). By imposing a visual voice (the voice of photography) the manual character of 213 Miško Šuvakovič painting is reduced to the shown skeleton of a painting which is seductively and fatally immersed in the language of photography. His works are intervisual since they show how the objectual, the optical, the visual, the pictorial, the semiological and the linguistic confront each other (transfigure) institution- ally (in media) by various forms of visual representation (the difference be- tween the power of representation in painting and in photography). Trans- figuration is a method of transferring one visual order with all its optical, visual and significational-ideological characteristics into another visual sys- tem. This involves a change of sensual effects, meanings, sense and values of the transferred material, as well as of the system into which the elements of another system are inserted (photography rhetorically masks the body of paint- ing, whereas painting penetrates the semantic effects of photography). Literature Art & Language, »Abstract Expression«, Art-Language, vol. 5, no. 1, Banbury 1982. Benjamin, Andrew, Art, Mimesis and the Avant-Garde, Routledge, New York 1991. Blinder, David, »U obranu slikovnog mimesisa«, Dometi, no. 12, Rijeka 1989. Bozicevic, Vanda, Rijec i slika - Hermeneuticki i semanticki pristup, Hrvatsko filozofsko drustvo, Zagreb 1990. Brunette, Peter, Wills, David (eds ),Deconstruction and the Visual Arts - Art, Media, Architecture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York 1994. Bryson, Norman, Vision and Painting - The Logic of the Gaze, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1983. 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Goodman, Nelson, Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols, Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis 1969. 214 Asymmetries of Language and Sight Goodman, Nelson, Of Mind and Other Matters, Harvard University Press, Cam- bridge, Mass. 1984. Greenberg, Clement, The Collected Essays and Criticism, vols. 1-4, University Press of Chicago, Chicago 1986-1993. Harrison, Charles, Orton, Fred (eds.), Modernism, Criticism, Realism - Alternative Context For Art, Harper and Row, London 1984. Harrison, Charles, Essays on Art & Language, Blackwell, Oxford 1991. Harrison, Charles, Baldwin, Michael, Ramsden, Mel, »On Conceptual Art and Painting, and Speaking and Seeing: Three Corrected Transcripts«, Art- Language, New Series Number 1, Banbury, June 1994. »Imitation und Mimesis«, Kunstforum, Bd. 114, Kôln 1991. Jay, Martin, Downcast Eyes - The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought, University of California Press, Berkeley 1994. Kosuth, Joseph, Art After Philosophy and After - Collected Writings 1966-1990, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1990. Krauss, Rosalind, The Optical Unconscious, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., London 1993. Marin, Louis, To Destroy Painting, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London 1995. Mitchell, W. J . T. (ed.), The Language of Images, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1980. Mitchell, W.J . T., Picture Theory, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1994. Oliva, Achile Bonito, »Figure, Myth and Allegory« in Brown, Turrell Julia, Singerman, Howard (eds.), Individuals - A Selected History of Contemporary Art 1945-1986, Abbeville Press Publishers, New York 1986. Prinz, Jessica, Art Discourse - Discourse in Art, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ. 1991. Rodgers, Paul, »Toward a Theory/Practice of Painting in France« Artforum, New York, April 1979. Rotar, Braco, Likovna govorica, Državna založba Slovenije and Založba Obzorja, Ljubljana, Maribor 1972. Schefer, Jean-Louis, Scénographie d'un tableau, Seuil, Paris 1969. Schier, Flint, Deeper Into Pictures - An Essay on PictoralRepresentation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1989. Suvakovič, Miško, Prolegomena za analitičku estetiku, Cetvrti talas, Novi Sad 1995. Suvakovič, Miško, Postmoderna, Narodna knjiga, Beograd 1995. Suvakovič, Miško, Neša ParipovičAutoportreti - Eseji o Neši Paripovicu, Prometej, Novi Sad, 1996. Wollheim, Richard, Painting as an Art, Thames and Hudson, London 1987. 215