Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018, 19-38 19 CONCEPT OF TOURIST AND ECONOMIC REGIONALIZATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE ON THE TUZLA TOURIST- GEOGRAPHICAL REGION IN THE AREA OF NORTHERN BOSNIA Senada Nezirović Dr., assistant professor Department of Geography Faculty of Science Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina e-mail: Nusret Drešković Dr., associate professor Department of Geography Faculty of Science Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina e-mail: Ranko Mirić Dr., associate professor Department of Geography Faculty of Science Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina e-mail: UDK: 911.5:379.85 COBISS: 1.01 Abstract Concept of tourist and economic regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina with special reference to the Tuzla tourist-geographic region in the area of Northern Bosnia In this paper, the authors work on the basis of the present knowledge, especially in the interest of realization of the concept of long-term development of tourism, to point out the need and representational basis for the separation of tourist-geographic regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The basis of the functional tourist and economic regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina served the concept of separation of tourist-geographical regions. The research of tourism development of the Tuzla region within this work requires the spatial definition, ie the demarcation of the tourist region in the area of Northern Bosnia. During the delimitation of the Tuzla tourist region, the former geo-tourist and economic concepts of the Northeast Bosnia- Herzegovina regionalization were taken into account with six proposals being made. For this purpose, a geographic analysis was carried out and proposals for certain corrections of the former physiognomic boundaries and the spatial coverage of regional units of the first and second level were made, along with the established guidelines for further research in this field. During the field research conducted, the emphasis was placed on the detailed attribution of tourism potential and their role in spatial organization and tourism development. Motives and goals basically come down to the need to establish a more effective coordination of tourism Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 20 development at the Tuzla tourist region, linking tourism destinations, to a range of common development issues, and achieving greater efficiency of the overall economic development. This paper provides a short analysis of the areas where there are tourism resources and facilities with the dominant function of tourism, i.e. in which tourism can become a dominant economic activity. Keywords Regionalization, Tuzla tourist region, tourism Uredništvo je članek prejelo 5.10.2018 Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 21 1. Introduction All the researches carried out in the past period, in which the natural geographic, demographic and tourism geographic features in the development of tourism in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been analyzed in detail, represent the need for a more creative approach to the design of zones and facilities for tourism. This primarily relates to the activation of tourist areas (zones and localities) that are located near main traffic areas or significant tourist centers within the tourist regions. The data for the tourist regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina are very scarce, only a few authors have dealt with this issue. In earlier phases of scientific research in the study of tourism-geographic regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the researches of Bračić (1963) and Blašković (1972) were noticed. Bračić divided the tourist area of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina into: Una, Banjaluka, Tuzla, Sarajevo, Drina, Neretva and Trebinje's, while Blaškovićclassified the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the Dinaric tourist region, which included three tourist regions: Central Bosnia, Herzegovina and the Bosnian Krajina (Western Bosnia). (Mirić et al. 2017) According to this regionalization, the Tuzla area was within the framework of the Middle Bosnia region. In the earlier phases of scientific researches for the study of tourist areas of tourist-geographical regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, geographic and economic-geographic criteria were taken into account, as confirmed by authors Petrović (1977), Klapić (2002) Nurković and Mirić (2005) who have dealt with this issue. 1.1 Economic regionalization Krešimir Papić gave a proposal of two-stage regionalization of economic nodal- functional regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This regionalization was based on the interconnection of municipalities and regions, which were, by their size, position and coordinating importance, macro-regional centers. According to this regionalization in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, four macro-regions were identified in the first and 21 regions in the second stage of regionalization: 1. Western Bosnia or Banja Luka macro-region (Banja Luka region, Bihać region, Drvar region, Jajce region, Prijedor region) 2. Eastern Bosnia or the Tuzla macro-region (Brčko region, Tuzla region, Zvornik region). 3. Central Bosnia or Sarajevo-Zenica macro-region (Bugojno region, Doboj region, Goražde region, Livno region, Sarajevo region, Sokolac region, Travnik region, Visoko region, Zenica region) 4. Herzegovinian or Mostar makroregija (Čapljina region, Konjic region, Mostar region, Trebinje region). East Bosnian (Tuzla) economic macro-region included subregion Tuzla, subregionBrčko and subregion Zvornik in second-tier regionalization within which 18 municipalities were located. The integrative function of the economic macro- regional center was given to Tuzla (Klapić 2002). According to the size of the territory 6.841 km² (12% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina) was the fourth, according to the number of inhabitants 949. 594 (20% of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina) was the third and according to population density (135 / km²) was the first. (Fig.1) Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 22 Fig 1: Nodal-functional regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Source: The map was made by authors according to the research of authors Petrović and Klapić. 1.2 The Concept of Functional Tourism Regionalization The most extensive researches of spatial basics of functional tourism regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina are presented in the study "Tourism and homogenization of socio-economic and cultural development of Bosnia and Herzegovina" in 1986. In the proposed study, the authors identified four tourism macro-regions: Central, Herzegovinian, East and West Bosnian in the primary 13 tourist centers and in the second secondary division. The territory of Northeast Bosnia belonged to the East-Bosnian and Central Tourism Macro-region. According to this draft, the territory of the East-Bosnian tourist macro- region was Tuzla and Doboj tourist center, and within the Central macro-region it was Srebrenica tourist center. Tuzla Tourist Center gathered the municipalities of Tuzla, Lukavac, Srebrenik, Živinice, Banovići, Kalesija, Lopare, Brčko, Bijeljina, Ugljevik and Zvornik; Doboj Tourist Center: Gračanica and Gradačac; and in Srebrenica tourist center were the municipalities: Srebrenica, Vlasenica, Bratunac, Kladanj and Šekovići. (Festić, Međedović, Spahić, Milanović 1986, 127) (Tab.1). Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 23 Tab. 1. The Concept of Functional Tourism Regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tourist area Area Number of of residents Municipality I. Central macroregion encompasses 38 municipalities: 1.Sarajevo tourist region 5.156km² 515. 000 Sarajevo-Centar, Novo Sarajevo, Novi Grad, Ilidža, Vareš, Breza, Visoko, Kiseljak, Fojnica, Kreševo, Hadžići, Trnovo, Olovo, Sokolac, 2.Travnik tourist region 2. 050km² 236. 000 Travnik, Novi Travnik, Zenica, Vitez, Busovača, Kakanj, 3.Srebrenik tourist region 2. 231km² 125.000 Srebrenica, Vlasenica, Bratunac, Han Pijesak, Kladanj, Šekovići, 4.Foča tourist center: 3. 614km² 207.000 Foča, Višegrad, Rudo, Rogatica, Goražde, Čajniče, Kalinovik 5. Konjic tourist center : 1. 858km² 77.000 Konjic, Jablanica, Prozor II.Herzegoviniantourist region includes 13 municipalities: 1.Mostar tourist region : 3. 841km² 178.000 Mostar, Sokolac, Nevesinje, Čitluk, Ljubinje, Lištica, Posušje 2.Čapljina tourist region 1. 161km² 95. 000 Čapljina, Ljubuški, Grude, Neum, 3.Trebinje tourist region : 2. 629 km² 3. 000 Trebinje, Bileća, Gacko, III. The East Bosnian Tourism Macroregion encompasses 25 municipalities: 1.Tuzlatourist center : 4. 162km² 588.000 Tuzla, Lukavac, Srebrenik, Živinice, Banovići, Kalesija, Lopare, Brčko, Orašje, Bijeljina, Ugljevik, Zvornik 2.Dobojtourist center: 4. 843km² 567.000 Doboj, Gračanica, Tešanj, Teslić, Zavidovići, Žepče, Maglaj,Derventa, BosanskiBrod, Gradačac, Šamac, Modriča, Odžak, IV. West Bosnian Tourism Macroregion encompasses 30 municipalities 1.Livno tourist center : 3. 653km² 110. 000 Livno, Duvno, Kupres, Glamoč 2.Banjaluka tourist center 7. 407km 550. 000 Banja Luka, BosanskaGradiška, Prnjavor, Laktaši, Čelinac, Kotor Varoš, SkenderVakuf, Jajce, MrkonjićGrad,Bugojno, DonjiVakuf, GornjiVakuf 3.Bihać tourist center 8. 485km² 535. 000 Bihać, VelikaKladuša, DrvarBosanska Krupa, BosanskiPetrovac, BosanskoGrahovo, Prijedor, Bosanski Novi, BosanskaDubica Source: The authors made a tabular representation according to the source "Tourism and homogenization of socio-economic and cultural development of BiH“, Sarajevo. 1.3 Regionalization by Chambers of Commerce For the purposes of economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Economic Institute Sarajevo has made a proposal for the regional deployment of the Chambers of Commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are seven Chambers of Commerce: Bihać (7 municipalities), Banjaluka (17 municipalities), Doboj (9 municipalities), Tuzla (19 municipalities), Zenica (12 municipalities), Sarajevo (24 municipalities) and Mostar (18 municipalities). (Papić 1977) Given the limitations of work, getting acquainted with the fields of chambers of commerce is reduced to getting acquainted with the basic characteristics of the Tuzla Chamber of Commerce. According to this proposal, within the territory of the Tuzla Chamber of Commerce were the following municipalities: Banovići, Bijeljina, Brčko, Bratunac, Gračanica, Gradačac, Kalesija, Kladanj, Lukavac, Lopare, Orašje, Srebrenik, Srebrenica, Zvornik,Ugljevik,Vlasenica, Šekovići, Tuzla and Živinice. Compared to the East Bosnia Tuzla economic macro- region, the Tuzla Chamber of Commerce also included the municipality of Gračanica (Klapić 2002). According to the 1991 census, in the area of the Tuzla Chamber of Commerce lived 949. 594 or 21,1% of the total population of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hodžić, Kofrc 2006) (Fig.2). Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 24 Fig. 2: Regionalization according to the Chambers of Commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Source: Map made by the authors on the basis of the source of Economic-Geographic Region of BiH, Geographic review, Sarajevo, page 38. 1.4. The administrative structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1995 After the last war (1992-1995), the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina is administratively regulated as a state with two entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and Republic of Srpska (RS) and special administrative area of the Brčko District (BD BiH). FBiH territory is organized in 10 cantons: the Una-Sana Canton with headquarters in Bihać, the Posavina Canton with headquarters in Orašje, the Tuzla Cantonwith headquarters in Tuzla, the Zenica-DobojCanton with headquarters in Zenica, the Bosnia-Podrinje Cantonwith headquarters in Goražde, the Central Bosnia Canton with headquarters inTravnik, the Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonwith headquarters in Mostar, the West-Herzegovinawith headquarters in ŠirokiBrijeg, the Sarajevo Canton with headquarters in Sarajevo and the Canton 10 with headquarters in Livno. (Official Gazette Tuzla Canton 2008) The territory of the Republic of Srpskais regulated by the regional principle, which includes six mezoregions, namely: Banja Luka with headquarters in Banja Luka, Bijeljina with headquarters in Bijeljina, Doboj with headquarters in Doboj, Prijedor headquartered in Prijedor, East Sarajevo with two mezoregional headquarters Pale and Lukavica (East Ilidža), Trebinje with headquarters in Trebinje. Within the framework of mezoregions there are four subregions: Zvornik, Gradiška, Foča and Mrkonjić Grad (Urban Planning Institute of RS 2008). The Brčko District of BiHwas founded on 1. March 2000 on the territory of the former Brčko municipality and declared as a separate area. The Brčko District covers a territory of 493 km², with 59 settlements. Entities and BDBiH do not have sovereignty, and borders between them do not have the characteristics of a state border. (Dayton Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 25 Agreement, annex 4 1995,74). According to the 2013 list, there are 3. 791. 622 inhabitants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, of which: FBiH 2. 371. 603, RS 1. 326. 991, BDBiH 93. 028. (Fig. 3). Fig 3: Territorial arrangement of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1995. Source: Map made by the authors according to the Deyton Peace Agreement. 1.5 Regionalization by economic-geographic regions Positive experiences of economic regionalization have been demonstrated by the European Union's Project for Regional Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004. In this proposal of economic-geographical regionalization, based on the association of municipalities, the following regions are separated: North-West, Central-North, North-East, Central-East and South Bosnian and Herzegovinian Economic-Geographical Region. (Okerić 2012, 985) According to this concept, there are 38 municipalities in the Tuzla economic-geographic region with an area of 7. 841 km². (Fig. 4) Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 26 Fig 4: Economic Geographical Region of BiH. Source: The map made by the authors according to the source of the economic region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012. 1.6. Geographical regionalization The last geographically relevant attempt to adequately differentiate the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the physiological basis is the geographical regionalization of Nurković and Mirić (2005). This regionalization is reflected in the two-tiered regional structure, ie the allocation of four macro-regional units, which are subdivided to a total of 12 mezoregions. The territory of the Posavina-Spreča-Majevica of the lower Drina Mesoregion includes the area of Northeast Bosnia, namely the Tuzla region. Fig 5: Geographical regionalisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Source: The map made by the authors according to source Nurković. Mirić. 2005. Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 27 2. Materials and Methods An emphasized interest in regional issues and within the more rational spatial organization of economic activities is one of the essential characteristics of the contemporary era. A regional component of the economic development of individual states or groups of countries is present in almost all plans and analyzes. It is the basis for a better understanding of certain parts of the territory or the state as a whole and an important segment of territorially harmonized development. The exploration of the tourist development of north-eastern Bosnia in this work requires the spatial definition, ie the inclusion of the Tuzla tourist region in the area of North Bosnia. The motives and objectives of the search basically come down to the need to establish more effective coordination of tourism development at the regional level, the interconnection of tourist destinations, a range of common development issues, and the achievement of greater efficiency of the overall economic development. During the conducted field research, the emphasis was placed on the detailed attribution of tourism potential and their role in spatial organization and tourism development. Using the experience of thepractical and theoretical tourist and economic regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina so far, as well as detailed analyzes of tourism-geographic potentials, in the paperare isolatedthe examples of tourism regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research has confirmed the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of tourism- attractive resources in which specific forms of relief, pleasant climate, hydrographic and biogeographic rarity are distinguished, which are a good basis for creating a new image of space in tourism-geographic marketing, linking tourist communities and acquainting more and more visitors with the destinations that offer favorable conditions for rest, recreation and treatment. The tourism-geographical features of the area are presented in this paper, and a shorter analysis of municipalities with dominant tourist potentials and facilities with the dominant function of tourism, in which tourism can become a significant economic activity. The methodology in this paper required the application of combined qualitative and quantitative comparative methods, methods of analysis and synthesis. The complexity of the research required the use of data from different sources, in addition to the references, there were used planning documents, maps, field sketches and statistical indicators. Collected materials and work data are processed according to their structure by modern methods including GIS technology. 3. Results and Discussions 3.1. Delimitation of the Tuzla Tourist Region in Northern Bosnia The new administrative territory of the north-eastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina was created in 1995, consisting of the territory of the Tuzla Canton with 13 municipalities, Mezoregion Bijeljina with 10 municipalities and the Brčko District as an autonomous area with one municipal center. The Tuzla Canton has a surface area of 2.652 km², representing 11.1% of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where 47.278 inhabitants live. Includes the following: the central, northwest, and western part of Northeast Bosnia.The average population density of this area is 230 inhabitants per 1km². Tuzla, Gradačac, Gračanica, Kladanj, Lukavac, Srebrenik, Banovići, Doboj-Istok, Kalesija, Čelić, Sapna, Teočak and Živinice (Population Census 2013) are part of the Tuzla Canton. The Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 28 Mezoregion Bijeljina has a surface area of 3.483 km², where 477.278 inhabitants live. Includes the northeastern, eastern and southern part of Northeast Bosnia. The Bijeljinamezoregion consists of municipalities: Bijeljina, Bratunac, Lopare, Milići, Osmaci, Srebrenica, Sekovići, Vlasenica, Ugljevik and Zvornik. The District is located on the right bank of the Sava River in the north-eastern part of the macro-region of Northern Bosnia. It borders with municipalities: Srebrenik, Lopare, Bijeljina, Gradačac and Orašje (Government of Brčko District BiH, 2008). Tab. 2: Territory of the Tuzla tourist region. Source: Stastatistical Yearbook of BiH, RZS Sarajevo, 1991, Tuzla Canton Space Plan by 2015, Spatial Plan of RepublikaSrpska by 2015, Development Strategy of Brčko DistrictBiH until 2013, Population Census of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013. Fig 6. Administrative territory of the Tuzla tourist region since 1995. Source: The authors made the map by source. The commitment of the author for the territorial definition of the Tuzla tourist region has its basis in the proposed linkage between the municipalities of the economic and commercial organization, and is also in agreement with the territories of East Bosnian Territory 1992.g Area /km² Population 1991 Territory 1995. Area km² Population 2013 Tuzlanska makroregija 6.841 949.594 Sjeveroistočna Bosna 6.628 857.372 19 municipalities 24 municipalities Subregija Tuzla 2.803 380.742 Tuzlanski kanton 2.652 477.278 9 municipalities 13 municipalities Subregija Zvornik 2.041 157.973 Mezoregija Bijeljina 3.483 287.066 5 municipalities 10 municipalities Subregija Brčko 1997 250.999 Distrikt Brčko 493 93.028 Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 29 Tuzla macro-region, largely with the East Bosnia tourist region concept, proposal of the Tuzla economic geographic macroregion and the Posavina-Speča-Majevica-Drina geographic mezoregions. During the conducted field research, the emphasis was placed on the detailed attribution of natural-geographic and social geographic tourism motives and their role in spatial organization and tourism development. Below are summarized concise characteristics for the Tuzla tourist region, along with detailed statistical indicators and the presentation of spatial plans for tourism development. (Population List of BiH 2013). According to this type of administrative arrangement, the territory of the Tuzla tourist region is located within the geographical coordinates between 44 and 45° north latitude and 18 and 20° east longitude. From the east and north, it is bordered by the rivers Drina and Sava, from the west and south by the mountains Ozren, Konjuh and Javor. Within this territory, it occupies an area of 6. 628 km² (or 7.7% of the territory of BiH), which, according to the 2013 list, has 857.372 inhabitants. The average population density of this area is 129 inhabitants per km² (Census of BiH 2013). Tab. 3: Demographic indicators of the Tuzla region until 1992 and from 1995. Source: Statistical Yearbook of BiH, RZS Sarajevo, 1991, Spatial Plan of the Tuzla Canton 2005-2015, Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska by 2015, Brčko District Government of BiH, 2007: Brčko District Development Strategy of BiH, 2008-2013. During the conducted field research, the emphasis was placed on the detailed attribution of natural-geographic and social geographic tourism potential and their role in spatial organization and development of tourism. The article below provides a short analysis of the areas of the municipalities of Tuzla, Gradačac, Srebrenik, Kladanj, Vlasenica, Zvornik and Srebrenica, where there are dominant tourist potentials and facilities with a dominant function in tourism, i.e. where tourism can become a leading economic activity. Municipality Area km² Number of residents Area km² Number of residents 2013 1991 1991 1995 Banovići 176 26. 507 182 23. 431 Čelić - - 144 12. 083 DobojIstok - - 41 10. 866 Kalesija 271 41. 795 201 36. 748 Kladanj 325 16. 070 328 13. 041 Lukavac 348 57. 070 338 46. 731 Gračanica 387 59. 050 215 48. 395 Gradačac 405 56. 378 219 41. 836 Sapna - 122 12.136 Srebrenik 248 40. 769 249 42. 762 Teočak - 31 7. 607 Tuzla 306 131. 861 296 120. 441 Živinice 283 54. 653 298 61. 201 TK 477. 278 Bijeljina 734 96. 796 734 114. 663 Bratunac 293 33. 575 293 21. 619 Osmaci - - 71 6. 172 Milići - - 285 12. 272 Lopare 428 32. 400 299 16. 568 Šekovići 191 9. 629 191 7. 771 Srebrenica 527 37. 211 527 15. 242 Ugljevik 199 25. 641 164 16. 538 Vlasenica 531 33. 942 234 12. 349 Zvornik 499 81. 295 387 63. 686 BM 287. 066 Total 6.841 949. 594 6.628 857. 372 Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 30 3.1.1. Municipality of Tuzla The municipality of Tuzla is located on the southeastern slopes of Majevica mountain. It includes the central part of Northeastern Bosnia, stretches along the valleys of the Jala and Solina rivers. It has an area of 296 km² where 120.441 inhabitants live. Tuzla is the center of Tuzla Canton and represents the largest city center. It has a favorable geographic position, gravitates to a large area, is geographically connected to all parts of north-eastern Bosnia and the state. In written sources, it is first mentioned in the work "De administrando imperio" of the Byzantine emperor and historian Konstantin Porfirogenita from the middle of the 10th century when the city was called Salines and the wider area Soli (Middle Ages cantons in the Northeast Bosnia 2008). Dominant tourist potentialsare: salty Pannonian Lakes, Archaeological Park, Ilinčica, Kiseljak and Stara Majevica excursion sites. Visitors can get acquainted with archaeological sites, urban-architectural heritage, religious facilities, and saltwater wells for brine exploitation. Two hotels, 4 motels and two boarding houses and more accommodation facilities are available from accommodation (Tourist Board of Tuzla Canton, Tuzla 2018). Fig. 7: Hotel Mellain in Tuzla. Source: Tourist Board Tuzla Canton, 2018. 3.1.2. Municipality of Gradačac The Gradačac municipality is located at the foot of Ozrenmountain, in the far north part of the northeastern Bosnia. It includes the south and southeastern part of Middle Posavina. It has an area of 219 km 2 where 41.836 inhabitants live. Gradačac is connected to Bosanski Šamac, Gračanica, Doboj, Tuzla and the Brčko District by traffic. It is mentioned for the first time in 1302 in written sources. During the 18th century (after the border of the Ottoman empire was established on the Sava) the strategic importance of Gradačac as a frontier settlement gained significance affecting the expansion and development of the city (Values and condition of Husein Captain Gradašćević Tower). Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 31 Dominant tourist potentialsare thermal sources of Ilidža, the lake accumulations ofHazna and Vidara. Visitors can get to know the cultural monuments, architectural heritage and the buildings of Gradaščević. The hotel and boarding house are available from accommodation. Fig. 8: Banja Ilidža Gradačac. Source: Archive of Banja Ilidža, 2018. 3.1.3. Srebrenik Municipality The Srebrenik municipality is located in the northern part of north-eastern Bosnia, stretching along the valley of the Tinja River. It has an area of 249 km² where 42.762 inhabitants live. Srebrenik is connected to Tuzla, Županja, Gradačac and the Brčko District by traffic. It was first mentioned in 1333 in written sources as the center of the parish of Usora, where Ban Stjepan II Kotromanić ruled and Tvrtko I King Bosna was born (Srebrenik Municipality Archive, Social and Culture Services, Srebrenik 2018). Dominant tourist potentialsare: the locality of Lipici on Majevica and the Hrgovi area near the river Tinja. Visitors can get to know the best preserved medieval city of Srebrenik and its surroundings. The hotel, three motels and boarding house are available from accommodation. Fig 9: Hotel Orion Ormanica. Source: Tourist Board Tuzla Canton, 2018. Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 32 3.1.4. Kladanj Municipality The Kladanj Municipality is located in the southwestern part of north-eastern Bosnia, extending along the Drinjača River Valley. It has a surface area of 328 km² with a population of 13. 041. Kladanj is connected by traffic to Tuzla, Sarajevo and Zvornik. In written sources, it was first mentioned in 1366 in the travelogue of Fr Marinić. Dominant touristpotentialsare: Male Waters (Muška voda), hunting areas of Konjuh, Ujča river canyon, Karaula area, speleological objects of Djevojačka and Bebravska cave. Visitors can get acquainted with objects of oriental architecture and stećak necropolis (tombstones). Two hotels and motel are available from accommodation. 3.1.5. Municipality of Banovići The Municipality of Banovići is located on the tri-border area of Tuzla, Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton.It is located in the southwestern part of Northeast Bosnia, the surface area is 185 km², where 23.431 inhabitants live. The territory of the municipality stretches along the slopes of Konjuh Mountain, and the city center next to the Litve River at 330 m above sea level. It borders with municipalities: Lukavac, Živinice, Kladanj, Olovo and Zavidovići. It is connected by traffic with: Tuzla, Zenica, Sarajevo and the Banovići-Brčko railway line that is 92 km long. The hotel and boarding house are available from accommodation. Dominant tourist potentials are: part of the protected landscape of Konjuh, hunting grounds of Zelenboj, waterfall on Velika Zlaća, Zobik excursion site with the mountain lodge, Borovac cave in Pribitkovići village, Mačkovac area and Ramićko lake. Visitors can learn about prehistoric localities, stećak (tombstones), industrial heritage. A special significance in the tourist offer is the narrow train track and the train Ćiro. Fig.10: Complex of the objects of Etnoavlija on Mačkovac. Source: Municipality of Banovići Archive, 2018. Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 33 3.1.6. Municipality of Vlasenica The Vlasenica municipality is located in the western part of Northeast Bosnia, extending along the northern slopes of Javormountain. It has an area of 234 km² where 12. 349 inhabitants live. Vlasenica is connected by traffic with Sarajevo, Tuzla and Zvornik.In written sources, it was mentioned for the first time in 1244 as a parish of Birač, and at the time of Ottomans it was nahija/nahiye (Archive of the Municipality of Vlasenica 2018). Dominant tourist potentialsare: the sky center Velika Igrišta, the Ružina water excursion site and campground near the Drinjača and Jadar. Visitors can find archaeological sites, necropolis of tombstones and religious buildings. The hotel and boarding house are available from accommodation. 3.1.7. Zvornik municipality The Zvornik Municipality is located on the left bank of the Drina river. It stretches to the east border region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has an area of 387 km², where 63. 686 inhabitants live. Zvornik is connectedby traffic with Bijeljina, Tuzla, Sarajevo and Trebinje and by the two bridges on the Drina River in Zvornik and Karakaj with Mali Zvornik (R Serbia). In the written sources, the first mention of it was in 1410 under the name Zvonik, and in 1519 as Zvornik. At the time of Ottomans, it became the center of the Zvornik sandžak, which belonged to the whole northeastern Bosnia (Handžić 1975). Dominant tourist potentialsare: mineral water Vitinka, the accumulation of Zvornik and Vidikovac Lakes in Divič. Visitors can get to know the archaeological sites, medieval fortresses Zvornik, Kušlat and religious objects. The hotel and two motels are available from accommodation. Fig.11: IX International Kayaking and Canoeing Competition at Zvornik Lake Divič, 2018. Source: 3.1.8. Srebrenica municipality The Srebrenica municipality is located along the central part of the river Drina river in the extreme southern part of north-eastern Bosnia. It has an area of 530 km² with 15.242 inhabitants. Srebrenica is connectedby traffic to Zvornik, Bijeljina, Tuzla and Sarajevo, via the Drina river bridge with Bajina Bašta (Republic of Serbia). In written sources, the first mention is made in 1353. At the time of Roman rule, it was a significant mining and trading center of Roman Argentarias, and in the Middle Ages the seat of the Bosnian Franciscans. (Treasures on the Roads of Yugoslavia, 1983) Dominant tourist potentialsare: mineral springs, cliffs and the canyon of the Drina river, the accumulation of Peručac Lake, the hunting fields of Sušica. Above the Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 34 canyon of the Drina River, on the slopes of Sušica mountain lies the natural reserve of Pančić Omorika. Visitors can get acquainted with archaeological sites, medieval fortresses and objects of oriental culture. The hotel, boarding house and two motels are available from accommodation. Tourism resources are not by themselves sufficient to activate this area, and therefore the role of traffic and other accompanying services, such as accommodation and catering, which in some way represent the basis of the overall tourist receptiveness and overall tourism development is also very important. Fig. 12: Passing Perućac Lake through the canyon. Source: Tourist Organization of Srebrenica, 2018. 4. Conclusion After defining a tourist region, i.e. designing of a new state, in this case of state development of each destination and environment which are essential for the development of such a destination, the logical sequence of activities is to apply the following managerial activity, namely to find an effective and efficient organizational mechanism for successful implementation of the planned not only development goals and strategies, but also the operationalization of the same. Tourism development is based on a natural and cultural-historical heritage, which implies the transformation of existing comparative advantages such as natural resources and cultural-historical heritage into competitive advantages through service-creative services. Analyzing the present situation of the tourist-geographic area of Tuzla region, it can be noted that although there is a favorable environment Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 35 for tourism development, tourism infrastructure is below expectations of visitors. There are still no defined tourist visits, a large number of visitors remain shortly and there is missing records of arrivals, so that tourism development can not be fully monitored. There is not enough promotion of tourism potentials, along with the traffic infrastructure which is not developed enough, and there is the inadequate tourist equipment of the available resources. Successful business operations in tourism should be based on the continuous improvement of the quality of services. This can be achieved by mutual cooperation of all business entities and employees in tourism business. Tourism in the Srebrenica region is less developed, although there are great opportunities for its development. Considering the existence of solid bases for the development of mountain hunting industry, sport fishing, natural beauties and a large number of cultural monuments, it can be treated as a whole as a very interesting tourist area. The tourist offer of the Srebrenica-Vlasenica area should be directed towards the spa-health direction (accommodation in hotels and private houses), recreational direction (outside the spa) with various contents such as excursions and walking in the surroundings. This possibility is provided by numerous meadows with the fragrant plants and forest complexes at the foot of the Sušica, the accumulation of Peručac and the Drina Canyon. Air temperatures are of the utmost importance for recreational tourismtrends. Warm days range from the middle of June to the middle of September, which also allows complementary types of tourism, spa, walking and sports- recreational tourism. In accordance with all that has been analyzed and said in this paper, it is logical to impose strategic directions on the tourism industry in the whole area of the region, which implies: intensified development of tourism and provision of quality tourist services, better capacity utilisation, extended tourist season, better business organization, increased labourproductivity, more efficient growth and faster development of underdeveloped areas. References Agencija za statistiku BosneiHercegovine, 2014:Rezultati popisa stanovništva, domaćinstava I stanova u Bosni I Hercegovini 2013.godine.str.3. Arhiva općina Tuzla, Služba za kulturne I društvene djelatnosti, Tuzla, 2008.godina. 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Revija za geografijo - Journal for Geography, 13-2, 2018 37 CONCEPT OF TOURIST AND ECONOMIC REGIONALIZATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE ON THE TUZLA TOURIST- GEOGRAPHICAL REGION IN THE AREA OF NORTHERN BOSNIA Summary A clearer illustration of the potential possibilities of tourist development of the Tuzla region is as follows: Dominant tourist potentials are: KonjuhProtected Landscape, unique salted Pannonian Lakes, Drina River Canyon, Sušica Natural Reserve, Pančičevaomorika relic, mountain hunting areas in Srebrenica and Kladanj, Drina Lakes , climatic areas in Srebrenica and Kladanj, medicinal thermal and mineral springs. The backbone of the development are the spa baths in Tuzla, Gradačac, Srebrenica and Dvorovi. (Spatial Plan for Tuzla Canton 2005-2015, Tuzla). The tourist offer of this area is based on the development of health, excursion, hunting, and recreational tourism. In the development of spa tourism, a special place belongs to Srebrenica because of the special properties of mineral water CrniGuber (Black Guber). The forested area, clear water, medicinal springs with good accessibility provide the Black Guber health resort with great tourist opportunities, which have not been utilized so far. The climate is favorable for recreation with a varied clientele structure in terms of their age, because the healing in this spais based on the recovery of anemic diseases. In this regard, this area has great tourist potentials, as the reconstruction of existing bathing facilities is inprocess. Therefore it can be said that what the Black Guber and the other valuable ambienties of Javor and Osat mountain areas are worth is not less valuable than the ones that are providedby the most representative locations of Zlatibor and Divčibare in neighboring Serbia. In the Kladanj region, the climate zone is related to the KladanjOligomineral Men's water on Konjuh. Thanks to the natural environment, climate and healing properties of Men's Water, tourism demand in this area can be increased by building a rehabilitation and recreation center. Spacious greenery, meadows and forest complexes are very attractive for walking and vacation in this area. The tourist offer of Men's water can be supplemented by the activation of excursion tourism field of regional and wider importance. The forested area of Vlasenica, Šekovići and Srebrenica is characterized by clean air in high percentage of oxygen. Of special importance in the development of sport and recreation are the accumulations of the Drina lakes, Zvornik and Peručac. The tourist demand of the mentioned accumulationsis reflected in the sports recreational direction through sport fishing, rowing, boat and other vessels riding, and on the accumulation of Peručaceven sailing. The newly constructed Pannonian Salt Lakes in Tuzla have real chances for developing a tourism business. In addition to these basic forms of tourism, the followingcan be developed: transit, culture and pilgrimage (religious) tourism. The most important route is Županja-Orašje- Srebrenik-Tuzla-Sarajevo-Mostar. This route, besides being on the international E-70 Zagreb-Belgrade corridor, connects parts of the Pannonian and continental region with the Adriatic Sea. The contact of the area with Slavonia was expressed by the Tuzla- Doboj-SlavonskiBrod and Tuzla-Bijeljina-Novi Sad and Belgrade routes. With respect to the rest and refreshment of visitors on the main road, a significant place belongs to Kladanj, due to its natural values and transit traffic. The possibility of development of cultural and manifest tourism are opened upby visits to cultural and historical monuments. Special value makes their attraction for visitors to this area. Senada Nezirović, Nusret Drešković, Ranko Mirić: Concept of tourist and economic ... 38