Scientific paper Uncertainty Budget for 226Ra Activity Concentration in Water by Alpha Spectrometry Yana Spasova,* Stefaan Pommé, Ljudmila Benedik, Uwe Watjen European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel, Belgium * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 04-06-2007 Abstract Alpha-particle spectrometry is the most frequently used technique for the activity determination of alpha emitters, such as radium, uranium, plutonium, americium and thorium in environmental samples. In this paper an extensive uncertainty budget is presented for a typical alpha-particle spectrometry measurement of the 226Ra activity concentration in drinking water. The most influential parameters contributing to the uncertainty are investigated. The set-up used is a common alpha-spectrometry system for environmental samples using PIPS detectors. In particular, the influence of geometrical parameters as well as the activity distribution in the measured sources on the solid angle is scrutinised. Keywords: Uncertainty, alpha-particle spectrometry, solid angle 1. Introduction Alpha-particle spectrometry provides the best information about alpha emitters such as radium, uranium, plutonium, americium and thorium in environmental samples because of its high energy resolution, reasonably good counting efficiency and low background. However, the preparation of alpha-spectrometric sources requires long chemical procedures to isolate the studied isotopes. The sample preparation and the quality of the source with respect to uniformity influence the measurement results. In recent years more attention is paid to the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty and to the preparation of an uncertainty budget. However, there is no common procedure on how to estimate realistic uncertainties. When calculating the combined uncertainty on the results obtained by alpha spectrometry, several components have to be taken into account in the uncertainty budget, such as the sample preparation and the chemical recovery, spectral deconvolution, system dead time and solid angle. In this work, we evaluate the uncertainty propagation of dimensional parameters, such as the detector radius RD, the source-detector distance d, the source radius Rs and the eccentricity of the source material. The corresponding equations can be used for the evaluation of the uncertainty budget for the solid angle subtended by the detector. An example is taken from the analyses of 226Ra activity concentration which were carried out in the frame of an intercomparison exercise organised by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) on determination of 226Ra, 228Ra, 234U and 238U in mineral water.1 The experimental set-up used is a common alpha spectrometry system for environmental samples which consists of an alpha detector (PIPS) in a vacuum chamber, where the source is deposited on a flat substrate that is placed in a parallel plane, centred at the symmetry axis of the detector. All uncertainties mentioned below refer to standard deviations. 1. 1. Uncertainty Due to Sample Preparation and Chemical Recovery For measuring 226Ra by alpha-particle spectrometry, each water sample needs extensive chemical separation prior to counting in order to remove interferences from other alpha emitters. In this work, a co-precipitation procedure was used for the preparation of the radium sources, using BaSO4 as a carrier.1,2133Ba was added as a tracer for the determination of the chemical yield of the radiochemi-cal procedure and its activity concentration in the sample was determined by gamma-ray spectrometry with a high- purity germanium detector (HPGe).12 The detector end-cap has a 0.15 mm thick Be window. The gamma-ray peak analysis was done with the GammaVision-32 software. The chemical yield was determined by relative measurements based on the comparison of the measured peak areas of the 133Ba tracer in the water samples (NBa_133 le) and a 133Ba standard source (NBa_133Std) that was prepared in the same manner.1 The recovery factor of the standard (RBa_133Std) was determined by measuring the activity left in the filtrate and the washing solution after the filtration of BaSO4. The chemical yield Rchem was calculated from: (1) in which NBa133 is the net area of 133Ba in the sample and the standard source, respectively; tBa133 is the counting time of the sample and the standard source measurements; mB 1-133 mass of added Ba in the sample and in the barium standard source, respectively; RBa.133Std is the recovery factor of the standard source. In evaluating the uncertainty due to the sample preparation and the chemical yield, the contributions of the weighing of the tracer, geometrical reproducibility and peak area determination have to be taken into account. Also the use of 133Ba for yield correction must be taken with caution, as one may suspect a different microscopic chemical behaviour between radium and barium. It has been shown in literature2 that the yield ratio YRa_226/YBa_133 is slightly higher than 1 («1.04), with a typical uncertainty of 8%. This is the major uncertainty component in the chemical procedure. An independent, squared sum was made of the components due to the sample preparation and the chemical recovery, including uncertainty on the standard (2%), weighing (1%), counting uncertainty (1%) and yield ratio uncertainty (8%), leading to a 8% total uncertainty for the chemical yield. 1. 2. Uncertainty on the Solid Angle 1. 2. 1. Point Source Approximation The detection efficiency is obtained directly from the relative solid angle, i.e. the ratio of the solid angle to 4n steradian. The simplest configuration is that of a point source on the symmetry axis of the circular detector. The solid angle Q corresponds to: Q = 2JI(1 -cos0) G = arctgi^ (2) (3) in which Rd represents the radius of the detector and d is the distance between the source and detector. One can easily verify that, as a rule of thumb, the relative uncertainty on the solid angle is about twice that of the polar angle. The uncertainty on the polar angle will generally be calculated from the relative uncertainties on the distance d and the detector radius RD. Varying these dimensions would correspond to the following relative uncertainties: (4) in which p is a correlation coefficient. Positively correlated changes of the dimensions due to variations in temperature tend to cancel out. If the detector and distance tube have the same coefficient of expansion, then the correlation factor is one, hence the corresponding uncertainty increase is nil. In this work, we used a 450 mm2 PIPS detector (Rd = 11.95 ± 0.05 mm) and put the source at a distance (varying a bit amongst chambers) of about 5.0 ± 0.5 mm. Propagation of the estimated uncertainties on RD and d via Eq. 4, leads to 5% standard uncertainty on Q. 1. 2. 2. Co-axial Homogeneous Disk Source The approximation for a point source is too rough in our case, considering that the radius of the active part of the measured sources was about 11 mm. A further step in increasing the accuracy of solid angle determination is by representing the source as a flat disk with a radius RS, assuming a homogeneous distribution of the active material and perfect alignment of source and detector on a common symmetry axis. It has been shown that the corresponding solid angle can be rigorously calculated from:3,4 (5) in which 2RsRd ' y ~ 2RSR|)' cp = (i — 0.5)7i/n and n is an integer value of choice (e.g. n = 50). This Eq. 5 can easily be differentiated for the different geometrical parameters. The uncertainty on the source radius, for example, leads to the following relative uncertainty: cr(Q) c(Rs) Rs 2?i O ~ Rs Q n c(Rs) I 2k Rj Rs Q n Rs £-T(n)+ i=l cT(n) gx 8x SRi; 8y 3RS in which we define T