80 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook Great Snipe Gallinago media ^oketa – osebek opazovan 1.5.2000 ob mlaki blizu ceste proti Rudinam na otoku Krku (UTM VL60, Hrva{ka) On 1 May 2000, Eva Vukeli~ and I were searching for birds in the surroundings of Rudine on the island of Krk. In a pond along the road to Rudine, overgrown with Bulrush Schoenoplectus sp., we found a Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus, Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, Wood Sandpiper Tringa gareola, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, and a Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis. In a certain moment, a brown and heavy snipe- like bird flew up from the wet shore. The tail was spread and showed some whiteness on the sides. The bird then landed on the other side of the pond. We reached a conclusion that we were dealing with a Great Snipe. This bird is a rare and not regular migrant in the period from March to April, and more common in the eastern parts of Croatia [Kralj, J. (1997) Croatian ornithofauna in the last 200 years. – Larus 46: 1-112]. In the same period, another observation was reported by Slavko Polak at another locality on Krk. However, the rare observations can also be due to the few observers, to the bird’s inconspicuous behaviour and to the difficulties in distinguishing it from the Common Snipe [Harris, A., Shirihai, H. & Christie, D. (1996): The Macmillan birder’s guide to European and Middle Eastern Birds. – Macmillan, London]. Maarten de Groot, Droevendaalse steeg 61, 6708 PN Wageningen, The Netherlands, e-mail: m.degroot@rocketmail.com Podhujka Caprimulgus europaeus European Nightjar – between 24 and 26 Apr 2002, European Nightjars census was conducted in the southern part of Dugi otok island, around the town of Sali (UTM WJ17, N Dalmatia). On the 12.1 km long transect from lake Mir past Sali to the Dragoraj, 11 calling males were counted. Med popisom sov na Dugem otoku med 24.4. in 26.4.2002 v okviru dalmatinskega biolo{kega tabora, kjer sem popisoval veliko uharico [Bordjan, D. (2002): Gostota pojo~ih samcev velike uharice Bubo bubo na Dugem otoku (S Dalmacija, Hrva{ka). – Acrocephalus 23 (115): 189- 191], sem popisoval tudi podhujko na transektu od jezera Mir na enem polotoku mimo mesta Sali do Dragoraja na drugem polotoku na ju`ni strani Dugega otoka. Popisoval sem z metodo izzivanja s pomo~jo kasetnika kak{no uro po son~nem zahodu in kon~al nekje po polno~i. Na transektu, dolgem 12,1 km, sem popisal 11 pojo~ih samcev. Podhujke sem na{el v treh jasno lo~enih skupinah. Ena je bila na in v okolici Gmajnega polja s petimi pojo~imi osebki, druga v dolini Magrovica s tremi in tretja s tremi samci med gri~em Stra`ica in Dragoraj. Prva skupina je bila opazovana na travnikih v bli`ini borovih gozdi~kov, druga v bli`ini olj~nega nasada s travniki v njegovem zaledju. Tretja skupina je zasedala obmo~je posesti, razmejenih s kamnitimi zidovi. Na teh posestih so bili pa{niki, nasadi breskev in oljk ter vinogradi, med njimi pa posamezni borovi gozdi~ki. Tudi Rucner [Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. – Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministarstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb] omenja podhujko kot pogosto gnezdilko mediteranske in submediteranske Hrva{ke. Omenja jo tudi kot pogosto na Dugem otoku, kar lahko potrdim tudi s svojimi podatki. Dejan Bordjan, ul. 8. februarja 50, SI-2204 Milklav`, Slovenija, e-mail: dejanonih@email.si Srbija (Srbija in ^rna Gora)/ Serbia (Serbia & Montenegro) Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus Pritlikavi kormoran – {tiri opazovanja na krapovskem ribniku v Ba~u (UTM CR62, JZ Ba~ka, Vojvodina), ki ka`ejo na mo`nost gnezdenja vrste v bli`ini: (1) 1.8.2001 en osebek, (2) 24.8.2001 skupina 9 osebkov, (3) 28.10.2001 en osebek, (4) 25.11.2001 velika skupina 45 osebkov According to the results of the last countrywide census of heron and cormorant colonies in Serbia, carried out in 1998, there are no breeding pairs of Pygmy Cormorant in southwestern Ba~ka, Vojvodina [Puzovi}, S., Gergelj, J. & Luka~, [. (1999): Heron and Cormorant colonies in Serbia. – Ciconia 8: 11-114]. However, the area is very rich with stagnant euthrophic waterbodies, suitable for feeding by this species, and a number of still suitable niches for its breeding, particularly in the Danube floodplain between Mladenovo and Plavna. Unfortunately, it can be stated that the entire area has been still poorly studied from the ornithological point of view. However, I made several excursions to the largest waterbody in the area, carp fishpond situated near Ba~ (UTM CR62). It is a 581 ha large system of six big and several very small ponds managed semiextensively. This means that all of the ponds are belted with spacious belts of emergent vegetation, and most of the surface of two the biggest ponds is covered by flotant vegetation. In one of the ponds, numerous islets covered with reed can also be found. Pigmy Cormorant is a regular summer and autumn visitor to the fishponds. On 1 Aug 2001 I saw one bird overflying, while on 24 Aug 2001 a group of nine individuals was observed. In this group, I determined eight adults and a single juvenile. One bird was also observed on 28 Oct 2001. The greatest flock was seen on 25 Nov 2001 in the very wide channel used as a collecting depression for the neighbouring ponds during fish harvest. The flock of 45 individuals was resting on the reed and reedmace stand very