IMMIGRANT ARCHIVES University of Minnesota a ameri LETO XXV — ŠT. 2 FEBRUARY, 1953 VOL. XXV. — NO. 2 PO-KONVENČNA KAMPANJA PRINESLA 579 NOVIH! feb ZADNJI IZID: A B lžnice: Odrasle Mlad; Skupaj Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. 8 3 29 40 Št. 95, So. Chicago, 111. 1 15 22 38 St. 25, Cleveland, Ohio 3 4 29 36 Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 4 30 34 Št. 24, La Salle, 111. 1 3 29 33 Št. 2, Chicago, 111. 1 3 22 26 Št. 23, Ely, Minn. 3 7 15 25 Št. 55, Girard, Ohio 3 3 16 22 Št. 34, Soudan, Minn. 14 5 3 22 Št. 54, Warren, Ohio 2 18 20 Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 2 1 16 19 Št. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 7 11 18 Št. 15, Cleveland, Ohio 1 4 12 17 Št. 14, Cleveland, Ohio 2 3 11 16 Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. 9 6 15 Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. 2 1 10 13 Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. 4 9 13 Št. 8, Steelton, Pa. 1 1 9 11 Št. 13. San Francisco, Cal. 3 1 6 10 Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio 2 7 9 Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. 5 3 8 Št. 94, Canton, Ohio 2 6 8 Št. 35, Aurora, Minn. 1 6 7 Št. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 7 7 Št. 90, Presto, Pa. 7 7 Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio 1 1 4 6 Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio 2 4 6 Št. 50, Cleveland, Ohio 2 4 6 Št. 73, Warrensville Hgts, O. 6 6 Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. 2 4 6 Št. 89, Oglesby, 111. 1 5 6 Št. 16, So. Chicago, 111. 5 5 Št. 29, Browndale, Pa. 5 5 Št. 49, Noble, Ohio 5 5 Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. 2 3 5 Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. 5 5 Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 1 3 4 Št. 56, Hibbing, Minn. 1 1 2 4 Št. 91, Verona, Pa. 3 1 4 Št. 9, Detroit, Mich. 2 1 3 Št. 65, Virginia, Minn. 1 2 3 Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio 2 2 Št. 28, Calumet, Mich. 2 2 Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. 1 1 2 Št. 33, Duluth, Minn. 1 1 2 Št. 57, Niles, Ohio 2 2 Št. 67, Bessemer, Pa. 2 2 Št. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. 1 1 2 Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. 1 1 Št. 30, Aurora, 111. 1 1 Št. 39, Chisholm, Minn. 1 1 Št. 40, Lorain, Ohio 1 1 Št. 42, Maple Hgts, O. 1 1 1 Št. 45, Portland, Ore. 1 1 Št. 52, Hibbing, Minn. 1 1 Št. 63, Denver, Colo. 1 1 Št. 66, Canon City, Colo. 1 1 Št. 80, Moon Run, Pa. 1 1 Št. 83, Crosby, Minn. 1 1 Št. 84, New York, New York 1 1 aj novih članic v decembru 106 68 405 579 Nadaljevanje na straneh 40 — 41. ZMAGOVALKA MED PODRUŽNI-CAMI JE: PODRUŽNICA ŠT. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. NA PRVEM MESTU MED POMOČNICAMI JE: CHRISTINE MENART, TAJNICA ŠT. 7. PO-KONVENČNA KAMPANJA je bila zaključena zadnjega decembra. Vpisanih je bilo do tistega časa 579 novih, kar je kolosalen uspeh in nad-kri I ju je PRED-KONVENČNO KAM-PANJO za 164 članic. Torej v enem letu smo pridobile nad tisoč članic v dveh kampanjah! Najsrčnejše čestitke podružnici št. 7, Forest City, Pennsylvania, in njeni požrtvovalni in agilni tajnici Christine Menart, ki je jasno dokazala, da se lahko mnogo dobrega naredi tudi v majhni naselbini, če je „dobra volja" in lepo sodelovanje. Prav gotovo ni nihče pričakoval, da bo podružnica št. 7 kdaj dospela na najvišje mesto v kampanji, ampak dandanes se na svetu lahko marsikaj doseže, tudi v krajih, kjer bi nihče ne verjel, kadar se zavzamejo dobri in neutrudljivi ljudje. Mesto Forest City, Pa., ima zdaj popolno pravico biti eno najbolj ponosnih med nami. Obenem naj bo ponosna tudi vrla tajnica Christine Menart, ki se Je zavzela za lep cilj in ga tudi tako uspešno dosegla. V tej kampanji, ki je prinesla tako imeniten uspeh, se je potrudilo 60 naših podružnic. V seznamu naših pomočnic na 40 in 41 strani pa boste brali imena skoraj od vseh podružnic. V seznamu pomočnic je 143 imen in to je že zelo lepa družba zvestih članic. Kar premislite, koliko bi pri naši Zvezi lahKO dosegle, če bi šle še druge dobre č.anice na delo! Priliko boste imele v prihodnji kampanji, ki se bo pričela s prvim majnikom. Dotlej pa kar pridno delajte za uspeh svojih podružnic, ker napredek je prav vsak mesec zelo prijazno sprejet. Vsem novo pristoplim pa kličemo: DOBRODOŠLI MED NAG! Prireditev v Chicagi dne 25. januarja, ko je bil posvečen naš Zvezin dom in potem pa koncert v dvorani Sv. Stefana je bila ena najlepših in tudi vsestranski uspeh, o katerem bomo poročali v prihodnjih izdajah. Bog Vas živi vse skupaj! Naše iskrene čestitke podružnici št. 16, South Cnicago, ki bo slavila srebrni jubilej svojega obstoja v nedeljo dne 15. februarja. Vrši se slavnostni banket in lep program, ki bo vseboval tudi kazanje filmskih slik po Mr. Tonetu Wenzel-u, katere je posnel v starem kraju lansko poletje. Pričakuje se lepa udeležba. Začetek ob eni popoldne v dvorani Sv. Jurija na Ewing Avenue, So. Chicago, III. Ponosnim pionirkam in vsem vrlim odbornicam naše nailepše poklone in želje, da bi dočakale še mnogo obletnic! Ivan Zorman: Slovenian Women’s Union r Najiskrenejše čestitke izrekamo našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu, prečastitemu patru Aleksandru Urankarju, ki je sedaj župnik fare Sv. Janeza Evangelista v Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Spoštovana slovenska naselbina v velemestu Milwaukee je zelo srečna, dobiti tako razumnega vodjo v svoji veliki fari. Gotovo ne bo dolgo vzelo, ko se bo pokazalo gospoda patra vzorno vodstvo. Slovenska ženska zveza je ponosna na svojega duhovnega svetovalca ter mu želi še mnogo nadaljnih doprinosov, posvečenih Bogu in človečanstva. V Zene v krščanstvu Very Rev. Aleksander Urankar, duhovni svetovalec Ni še dolgo tega, kar sem se razgovarjal s katoliško ženo. Najbolj mi je v tem razgovoru ugajal stavek: Nikoli ne bi hotela razočarati svojih prijateljev in ljudi, ki vame stavijo zaupanje. Ustreči jim hočem, delati hočem in jim pokazati, da spoštujem njihovo pričakovanje kot osebno priznanje. Lepo načelo. Da bi le vsak človek, zlasti oni, ki drže vajeti v rokah upoštevali ta izrek. Zena krščanska, vate premnogi stavijo svoje zaupanje. Bog predvsem. Katoliška cerkev, svet, naši domovi in družine. Tako bi morala reči tudi ti: Ne morem in ne smem jih razočarati, ker toliko od mene pričakujejo, ker vame tako verujejo. Krščanstvo je popolnoma preustvarilo mišljenje in vero v ženo. Stara pesem. 1. Dalo je ženi spet osebno vrednost, da ni ostala to kar je bila, sužnja, dekla in blago, s katerim je lahko svet razpolagal, kot je hotel. 2. Postavilo je ženo na stopnjice templa človeške družbe, kjer sprejema in pozdravlja novo-došle državi jančke človeške družbe. Prerojen je človeške družbe je v njenih rokah. Kot rojenec in rojenica drži usodo sveta v rokah. 3. Po sv. zakramentu zakona je postala so-vrstnica in sodelavka moža in sostvarnica članov božjega kraljestva. O krščanski ženi je lahko dejal nek papež: dajte mi mnogo dobrih in plemenitih mater in vrgel bom svet s tečaja, preosnovil bom zemljo. Odkar je krščanstvo dalo ženi spet veljavo, zaupanje, moč in zdravje duhovnega posvečenja, je žena dolžna, da ne zapravlja tega zaupanja človeštva v njo, zaupanja božjega v njo, zaupanja cerkve. 1. Krščanska žena naj misli z Bogom in cerkvijo. Misli in mišljenje so važni dandanes. Od mišljenja je odvisen nazor človeka. Komunizem — ideologija. Z idejami treba danes v boj. Ne z orožjem. Najlepših idej nam daje Kristus. S cerkvijo misliti se pravi, z njenimi očmi gledati na svet in z njeno dušo gledati v večnost, etc. 2. Krščanska žena naj čuti s cerkvijo. Se veseli z njo v njenih zmagah, trpi z njo v njenem preganjanju, obnavlja z njo nehanje duhovno, dela z njo načrte za preobnovo cerkve. 3. Krščanska žena dela s cerkvijo. Ne po svojih muhah, ne, da služi kapricam sveta in se udinja težnjam materijalizma, s cerkvijo prisega na program Kristusovega evangelija in ta program usovršuje v dnevnem življenju, etc. Kristusov program je samo eden: Prinesti mir svetu na podlagi pravičnosti in s tsm m'vom pomagati krščanski ljubezni do razmaha. T ~ir je danes na jezikih vseh ljudi. Samo eni so krivi preroki v ovčjih oblačilih. Mir je mogoč le eden: mir z Bogom, mir z ljudmi, mir z samim seboj. Tega miru nam noben ne more dati, razen Bog. Tudi ljubezen je le ena: tista, ki pozna strp-Ijivost, ki se ne prenagli, ki potrpi, ki pozna razumevanje potreb bližnjega, ki dela za edinost in skupnost med člani Kristusove družine. Tisti, ki razdirajo, rujejo, režejo in ranijo, niso v Kristusovih vrstah, so krivi preroki v ovčjih oblačilih. J- Marie Prisland: USKI pisatelj Leo Tolstoj je nekoč opisal moža, ki ni bil zadovoljen s tem, kar je imel, dasi je lastoval precej obširno posestvo. Želel je še več zemlje. Toliko zemlje bi rad, da bi se od enega kraja do drugega ne videlo konca. Mož je čul, da je nekje v daljni deželi navada, da vsak dobi toliko zemlje, kolikor je more obhoditi od sončnega vzhoda do zahoda. Mož se je napotil v to bajno deželo. Prišedši tja je rekel njenemu glavarju: „Veliko zemlje bi rad! Slišal sem, da jo vi dajate zastonj.” Glavar mu odgovori: ,,Dobiš toliko zemlje, kolikor je boš lahko obhodil. Ko sonce vzide začni, in ko zaide, nehaj. Če prideš ob sončnem zahodu točno na prostor, kjer si začel, bo vse tvoje, kar si obhodil.” „Dobro”, je rekel mož ter se pripravil, da bo drugi dan pričel hoditi točno ob sončnem vzhodu. Čim se je pojavil prvi sončni žarek na nebu, se je mož spustil na pot. V par urah je prehodil mnogo zemlje, a mu še ni bilo dovolj. Premišljeval je, kako bi bilo, če bi pričel teči, namesto hoditi. Vse to, kamor oči sežejo, bi bilo njegovo. Mož se je potil, sonce je pripekalo, on pa je vzlic vročini tekel, da bi obhodil več zemlje. Saj bo potem vse njegovo. Na večer se bo že odpočil. Potem bo dobro njemu in njegovi družini. Lastnik ogromnega posestva bo . . . Bolj in bolj je žgalo sonce, bolj in bolj se je možek žulil. Mesto, odkoder je pričel svoj obhod, je že davno izginilo. Premišljeval je, ali bi se vrnil nazaj, ali bi hodil še dalje in se podvizal, da bi dobil več zemlje. Sonce se je že bližalo zatonu, a mož je še vedno tekel. Še lahko nekaj pridobim, če se požurim, si je mislil, ter širil svoj krog... Na mesto, kjer ga je čakal glavar s svojimi ljudmi, se je vrnil do sekunde natančno. Obstal je, se ozrl nazaj in ni videl do kraja zemlji, katero je obhodil in ki bo za-naprej njegova, da, popolnoma njegova. To ga je silno vzradostilo. A bil je truden, v resnici truden. Vlegel se je na zemljo, da bi si malo odpočil. Kar naenkrat je glasno zasopel in ves izmučen izdahnil. Glavar je tedaj rekel svojim ljudem, naj umrlemu možaku dajo toliko zemlje, kolikor je potrebuje: — šest čevljev na dolgo in tri na široko. Izkopali so jamo in ga položili vanjo. * * * Vsak človek ima karakter. Karakter pa ni isto kot osebnost. Osebnost je nekaj, kar pride samo od sebe. Mnogim ljudem je osebnost že prirojena. Osebnost je zdravje, mičnost in gotova razpoloženost. Karakter, oziroma značaj, pa je vse kaj drugega. Značaj je kremenitost, plemenitost, širokogrudnost, duševna lepota. Osebnost je privlačna in zanimiva, značajnost pa spoštovanja vredna. * * * Cvetlice poklonimo prijateljem, nikdar sovražnikom. Cvetlice, ki jih prejmemo, nam govorijo o srcih, ki nas imajo rada, o prijateljih, ki nas ljubijo. Vsaka posamezna cvetlica v šopku nam pripoveduje o dragi in ljubi osebi, ki nas želi razveseliti. Cvetlice govorijo samo lepoto in prijaznost. S cvetlicami lahko povemo mnogo lepega in osrečimo one, ki jih ljubimo. The Sientific Monthly navaja zanimivo poročilo glede današnje ameriške dobe. Pravi: Sveža in nova kultura ter znanost — ne samo denar — značijo sedanji čas, katerega smo Amerikanci pripravljali zadnjih 300 let. Le redkokdaj se pripeti, da bi človeštvo tako eksplodiralo z idejami in znanostmi kot se je to dogodilo v zadnjem desetletju. Znanost je zdaj bolj napredovala v desetih letih kot poprej v stoletjih. Nova kultura, novi običaji se pojavljajo povsod! Sedanji običaji se seveda zelo razlikujejo od prejšnjih. Na primer: Amerikanci potrošijo 98 odstotkov več za knjige kot pred sto leti. Od leta 1940—1950 se je Amerika elektrificirala bolj kot ves čas, odkar je bila elektrika iznajdena. Nakupovalna moč našega prebivalstva je zdaj 53 odstotkov višja kot 1. 1940. Če odštejemo sedanje visoke cene, delavec še vedno zasluži 35 odstotkov več kot je zaslužil leta 1938. V zadnjem desetletju se je en milijon Amerikancev selilo iz enega kraja v drugega; iz farm v mesta ali obratno, iz ene hiše v drugo. Povprečna človeška hrana se je izboljšala v toliko, da današnji otroci vzrastejo za dva in tri palc« višji kot otroci pred 50. leti. 45 odstotkov več Ameiikancev je letos graduiralo iz kolegijev in univerz kot leta 1940. V Ameriki zdaj v svojih domovih živi 54 odstotkov več družin kot pred 100 leti. V zadnjem desetletju se je pridobilo več olja kot v vseh letih poprej, odkar so olje prvič našli. Produktivnost se je v zadnjih desetih letih dvignila za 52 odstotkov. V pretečenih desetih letih so Amerikanci potrošili 140 odstotkov več za otroške igrače, 219 odstotkov več za kamere in filme, 129 odstotkov več za cvetlice ter 283 odstotkov več za televizijske in radio aparate in fonografske plošče. Za opero 85 odstotkov več in za gledališča 42 odstotkov. Poset koncertov in oper se je dvignil za 130 odstotkov. Izdatki za časopise in revije znašajo zdaj 76 odstotkov več. Amerikanci zdaj potrošijo 460 odstotkov več za bolniško zavarovalnino kot so leta 1940. Socialna zavarovalnina (Social Security) jim daje mir srca, ko se pričnejo leta kupičiti. Amerika je v zadnjem desetletju odkrila mnogo novih zdravil ter nov način prehrane, ki človeku podaljša življenje. Zdravniška znanost je človeku dodala 10—12 let v primem živi jenske dobe zadnje generacije. Povprečna življenska doba je zdaj 68 let, v pričetku tega stoletja je bila 47 let. Kako. da smo Amerikanci dospeli do te zlate dobe in v tem času? — 1. Ker se v ameriškem ljudstvu pretaka kri vseh svetovnih narodov. V daljne kraje so navadno odšli le pogumni ljudje, ki so hoteli iz sebe napraviti nekaj in doseči nekaj. Zato so potomci prvih Amerikancev pogumni, neustrašeni in napredni. 2. Amerikanci so dovolj širokogrudni in odprte glave, da lahko sprejmejo vsako spiemembo z dobro voljo. 3. Amerikanci so zmožni kombinirati in inteligentno sodelovati z tudi najmočnejšim individualizmom. t. Anierikanska iznajdljivost in radovednost je rodila velike ideje, ki so bile vprežene za izboljšanje naroda, okoliščin in našega življenskega standarda. 5. Delavnost, iznajdljivost in globoka vernost prvih ameriških pionirjev je gradila podlago in sejala seme za današnjo novo Ameriko in nove Amerikance. * *• sH Prvi: „Kam greš z laterno?” D. ugi: ,,K svoji ljubici.” Prvi: „Ko sem jaz hodil vasovat, nisem nosil laterne s seboj.” Drugi: ..Verjamem, verjamem! Saj se vidi, kaj si dobil.” VPLANINAH (Nadaljevanje) "Človeka vedno zelo nerodno popišem. Tudi za to imam nekam svojo govorico. Ne morem popisovati oči, las, ust, rok in postave sploh. Vem, da so razni pisatelji mojstri v tem naravoslovnem analiziranju. Meni se dogaja, da se ob tem opisovanju smejem in dolgočasim. Zato poskušam povedati drugače. Kakor koli. Z besedami, ki pomenjajo neko doživetje, neko misel, idejo, hrepenenje ali kaj podobnega.” “Na primer ...” "Dobrota, ki je žalostna... Veselje, ki ničesar ne sluti... Želja po veliki sreči... Spomin na mladost... Pesem, ki je izzevenela. Zdravje, ki se veseli življenja...” "In kako ste imenovali to svojo ljubezen?” “Obzirnost, ki bo v skrbi za druge umrla. Neprestana misel na mater in dom.” “Lepo ime ... Le da ji ne boste naložili preveč skrbi.” “Ne vem, kako bo. Svet je velik. So še druga mesta. Večja in lepša. Tudi tam so ljudje. In to je tako usodno. Vsakdo pride s kako novostjo, ki je morda vredna zavzetosti in vneme.” "Včeraj ste govorili o neki .krvavordeči roži’. Nisem bog ve kaj razumela. Mislila sem, da razlagate neko tujo, samo prebrano zanimivost.” “Kako pa mislite sedaj?” "Dn vam je vse to mnogo bliže, da je bolj vaše, kakor se mi je dozdevalo.” “Kes. Nekoliko je ta čudna povest tudi moja. Le način je povsem drugačen. Tam je vse rdeče od krvi, ki teče iz srca. Tam je polno obljub, priseg in besed, ki so strašna vez. Jaz komajda pozdravim. Govorim olenc, Jennie Mismas, Veronica Sedmak, Jennie Perusek, Mary Perhavec, Frances Kasunič, Margaret Sile, Helena Petkovšek in Mary Fer-kul. Bog jim naj da večni mir in pokoj ter večna luč naj jim sveti! Spomnimo se jih v molitvi. Vsem preostalim pa izrekamo globoko sožalje nad dragoceno izgubo svojih dragih. V odboru imamo letos par sprememb. Predsedniški urad je odložila naša zvesta predsednica Ivanka Krall in to radi svojega rahlega zdravja. Torej imamo zdaj novo predsednico, ki je nam vsem dobro poznana dosedanja zapisnikarica Julia Brezovar. Urad zapisnikarice je pa prevzela naša prejšnja blagajničarka .Dorothy Strniša. Bivši predsednici sestri Ivanki Krall, se lepo zahvaljujemo za vse, kar je storila dobrega za korist naše podružnice in Zveze ter ji želimo ljubega zdravja. Novim odbornicam pa obilo sreče in blagoslova v vseh poslih. Članice pa prosim, da pridno sodelujete, pa bo šlo delo naprej in bomo vse zadovoljne. Prišel je čas, ko smo lahko izpolnile obljubo, katero smo napravile že dolgo let nazaj, namreč, da kupimo slikano okno za cerkev Svetega Vida. Zato so nas na zadnji seji obiskali naš duhovni vodja in župnik Rev. Louis Baznik in smo mu izročili gotovo vsoto za okno. Rev. Baznik so nam v lepih besedah izrekli globoko zahvalo in tudi povedali, da bo na tem oknu, za katerega smo izročile denar, slika Brezjanske Marije Pomagaj. Na vrhu bo podoba Marije Pomagaj in spodaj pa slika cerkve iz Brezij. Vse smo bile zelo zadovoljne, da bo naša podružnica imela tako pomenljivo sliko na oknu, za katerega je Prispevala. Naš šivalni klub ima vsak torek večer sestanek pri sestri Angeli Kriz-•Han, materi naše glavne tajnice Albine Novak, na 1098 Norwood Road. Katero veseli, pride lahko pogledat in se nam pridruži. Sestanki so zanimivi za tiste, ki se zastopijo na ročna dela in tudi za vse tiste, ki bi se rade navadile novih vzorcev, ker med nami je vedno kaj novega. Sedaj pa prosim vse članice, da bi bile točne s plačevanjem asesmenta. Ako vam ni mogoče priti na sejo, lahko prinesete na 25. v mesecu, kjer po-bram zvečer v dvoran, kakor druga društva. Na dan seje pa pridem že ob šestih zvečer v dvorano, torej, če ne morete ostati za sejo, lahko prinesete plačat in ne bo zadržka. Vsaka ima dovolj priložnosti poravnati, samo lepo vas prosim, ne čakajte, da pridem k vam kolektat, (ker sem stara ratala in „punca” nima več urnih nog, kot je bilo to včasih mogoče), torej pri najboljši volji vam ne morem več ustreči z obiski. Upam, da boste upoštevale ta moj iskren opomin ter skrbele, da boste imele asesment i>orav-nan. Najboljša navada je plačati nekaj mesecev naprej, potem se prihrani skib meni in tudi vsaka sami sebi, kar je nad vse važno. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam in vas vabim na prihodnjo sejo, ko bomo praznovale rojstne dneve z lepo zabavo. Vse vas lepo pozdravljam Mary Otoničar, tajnica Op. ured. Dne (i. februarja je rojstni dan od Mrs. Otoničar, torej naj se vsaka spomni na njo, saj je dovolj dobrega naredila za vse in pridite gotovo na sejo, ter jo razveselite, kar si gotovo zasluži! Čestitke, Mrs. Otoničar! Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Zopet je eno leto za nami. Bog daj, da bi leto 1953 prineslo obilo blagoslova in uspeha pri našem delu, kakor tudi v družinah. V februarju ne bo seje, zato bo v marcu toliko bolj važno, da ste vse navzoče. Upam, da bo takrat tudi vreme bolj ugodno in ne bo težave priti na sejo. Naša pridna zapisnikarica, Ana God-lar, je bila v Chicagi, kjer je obiskala dom in urad naše Zveze in se ji je prav lepo dopadlo. Pohvalila je, da sta naša glavna tajnica Albina Novak in urednica Corinne, prav lepo uredile prostore, kar je vse hvalevredno in tudi v ponos naši Zvezi, ker bo gotovo vsak dobil lep vtis o našem Zve-zinem domu. Bog blagoslovi Zvezin dom in tiste, ki v njem prebivajo in delujejo za korist organizacije. Karolina in Valentin Peck iz Ivan Avenue, sta 7. januarja slavila 40 letnico zakonskega življenja v družbi mnogih prijateljev in sorodnikov. Slavljencema kličemo: še na mnoga leta, daj vama in družini Bog zdravja in zadovoljnosti! Zopet je smrt posegla v našo sredo in odvzela sestro Mary Kadunc, ki je umrla dne 4. januarja po mučni bolezni (rak). Dokler je mogla, je delala dobra dela. Pomagala je tudi č. g. Alojziju Hribšeku, kateremu je bila krstna botra in ko je prišel v Ameriko kot begunec, se je materinsko zavzela za njega in novo mašo je pel dne 17. julija 1949 pri Svetem Lovrencu v Newburghu. Sedaj je nastanjen v Floridi,, odkoder je prišel na pogreb in je opravil pri krsti pokojne ginljive molitve in potem imel pogrebno mašo. Možu in družini naše sožalje. Blagi pokojni pa večni mir in plačilo v nebesih! Bolezen se tudi oglaša. Naša prva predsednica Jennie Pink je že dolgo bolna. Sestra Frances Gerjevič tudi že dolgo boleha na nogah. Njima in vsem bolnim sestram želimo ljubega zdravja. Članicam se pa priporoča, da obiščete bolne sosestre, ki bodo hvaležne vas videti. V praznikih so prišli naši vrli fantje vojaki na kratke dopuste in ti so bili: Eddie Potokar, sin naše predsednice Theresa Potokar, Eddie Petrič, sin naše sestre Petrič ter Charles Straus, sin sestre Anna Straus, 22680 Chardon Rd., ki se je potem vrnil v Ca li fornijo in med tem časom je že gotovo v Koreji. Bog bodi z našimi vojaki vsepovsod. Pozdrav in na svidenje v marcu! Frances Perme, 19664 Tyronne Ave. poročevalka. Št. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Seja v januarju je bila dobro obiskana. Ustoličen je bil nov odbor za leto 1953. Vsem bivšim odbornicam se izreka najlepša zahvala za vsa dobra dela. Novim odbornicam pa gredo naše želje, da bi bilo njihovo uradovanje v veselje in zadovoljnost vseh članic in njim samim. Po seji smo pa igrale karte in kuhale „kavo”. Pridite na prihodnje seje. ker bomo imele po vsaki seji vsaj kratko domačo zabavo, ki bo vsem v razvedrilo. Doslej smo imeli pri nas tako prijetno zimo, da lepše bi si ne mogli pričakovati v naši po navadi mrzli državi. Snega je bilo samo toliko, da vemo, da je bel in toplomer je kazal samo par dni pod ničlo, drugače pa izgleda kot da smo v Californiji in ne v Duluth, Minnesota. Da bi le bilo vse skozi tako lepo, to je gotovo vseh želja. Pozdrav vsem članicam in na svidenje na prihodnji seji! Mary Shubitz, tajnica Št. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Z veseljem poročam, da smo imele prav lepo udeležbo na seji v januarju. Na tej seji smo imele tudi sprejem novopristop-lih članic. Med nami je bila navzoča glavna nadzornica in tajnica podružnice Mrs. Mary Lenich iz Eveletha in ž njo je prišla Mrs. Mary Stimac iz Eveletha. Mrs. Lenich je na seji sprejela 20 novih članic v odrasli oddelek in tri v mladinski oddelek. To je bila lepa čast za naše nove članice, da so bile sprejete po glavni odbornici Mrs. Lenich. Ona je tudi vse povedala in pojasnila o lepih ciljih naše Zveze ter poročala mnogo dobrega in koristnega o Zvezi in vrlem delovanju v zadnjih letih, kar so vse navzoče z največjim zanimanjem sledile. Prav iskrena hvala za vse podatke in nasvete, sestra Lenich. Ona je res plemenita žena, ki ima Zvezo vdano pri srcu in velik vpliv med nami ter posebno za pridobiti naše navdušenje pri delu za napredek Zveze. Obljubile smo, da bomo tudi v bodoče vedno delovale za dobrobit svoje podružnice in Zveze. Med nami je bila navzoča tudi vrla predsednica podružnice št. 23, Ely, Minnesota, Mrs. Katarina Slogar. Tudi ona nam je podala mnogo lepih priporočil in raztolmačila, kako pridno delujejo članice in mladina pri podružnici št. 23, kje: gojijo poseben oddelek ali takozvani Dawn Club za mladino in tiste, ki so rade živahne. Upamo, da bomo tudi pri naši podružnici počasi vpeljale enake lepe sestanke kot jih imajo v Ely. Hvala lepa, Mrs. Slogar za Vaš prijazen obisk. Odbor za letos je pa sledeč pri naši podružnici: Predsednica Mary Erchul, podpredsednica Anna Ahčin, tajnica in blagajničarka Mary Pahula, nadzornice: Angela Pavlich, Angela Plan-tan in Sofia Zavodnik. Poročevalka Barbara Japel. Po Leji v januarju smo imele prav prijetno razvedrilo. Hvala lepa vsem, ki ste prinesle okusna okrepčila in vsem, ki ste pomagale in stregle. Vljudno ste vse vabljene na prihodnjo sejo v februarju. Pomnite, da bodoče seje so tudi pri nas lahko zelo živahne, ako boste se udeležile, ker več ko vas pride na sejo, toliko bolj prijetno bo med nami. Upati je, da bo vreme ostalo kar vso zimo tako milo kot je dosedaj. Tako, da se gre prav lahko iz hiš, ker snega še ni bilo preveč in mogoče ga tudi ne bo, saj to je naše upanje. Splošno upanje je na zgodnjo pomlad, ki bo vzbudila naiavo in ozelenela naše vrtove in bodo zopet rožce cvetele, na nebu pa sonce rumeno žarela in bomo hvalili Boga za Njegovo usmiljenost nad nami zemljani. Iskreno pozdravljam vse glavne odbornice in članice pri SŽZ. Želim vsem skupaj, da bi zdrave in zadovoljne bile vse to leto 1953! Bog daj, da bi lep napredek, katerega smo dočakale pri naši podružnici, ostal med nami dolgo časa in da se boste vse članice še naprej tako pridno zavzele za lepe uspehe v svojih vrstah. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste tako zvesto sodelovale, kar nam je vsem v čast in ponos! Mary Erchul, predsednica. Št. 37, Greaney, Minn. — Drage sestre' Voščim vsem članicam in glavnim odbornicam SŽZ ljubo zdravje in srečno novo leto 1953! Prazniki so bili prav lepo praznovanj, ker smo imeli prav milo zimo. Snega nimamo skoraj nič, kar seveda ni navada v naši mrzli Minnesoti, toda za letos je pa vreme vse drugače kot po navadi, kar je vsem v veliko zadovoljnost. Naše seje so prav dobro obiskane v poletnem času in se vršijo po domovih članic in po dve se skupaj vzameta in pripravita okusen prigrizek. Po seji se pa lepo pogostimo in po- govorimo. Pozimi nimamo sej, ker nismo nikdar sigurne, kako bo z vremenom, zato opustimo za nekaj mesecev in prihodnja redna seja bo meseca aprila in vas že sedaj opominjam, da pridete v polnem številu, kar bo vsem v veselje, da se zopet vidimo. Imele smo tudi žalostne slučaje. V zadnjem letu je preminil Anton Sta-rich, soprog naše podpredsednice Ma-rv Starich, ki je bolehal delj časa. Staričeva družina je prišla sem na Homestead ali farm in to so bili prvi naseljenci ter se nahajajo tukaj že nad 40 let. Vzgojili so veliko družino, ki je spoštovana med nami in to je pričal tudi veličasten pogreb blagega očeta. Ginljivo je bilo videti, ko so sinovi nosili njegovo krsto k večnemu počitku. Bog mu daj večni mir in pokoj. Družini pa naše globoko sožalje. Tako so odšli v večnost iz tega sveta kar štirje gospodarji, ki so si bili najbližji sosedje tukaj na farmi. Preminili so v kratkem času, drug za drugim: Ignatz Babich, John Koche-var, Joseph Kasun in Anton Starich. Vsi so dočakali častitljivo starost in zapustili so lepo dediščino naši domovini s svojimi pridnimi rokami in to pri vzgoji spoštovanih otrok in lepo u:ejenih podjetij. Bog jim naj bo dober plačnik za velik trud in delo, ki so ga posvetili v dobrobit človeštva in dežele Amerike. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice in glavne odbornice! Frances L. Udovich, tajnica. St. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Najprej sesti ski pozdrav in želje, da bi bilo novo leto 1953 blagoslovljeno zavas in vam prineslo zdravje in vsestransko zadovoljnost. V naši Minnesoti imamo prav milo zimo in to pomaga, da se tudi kar dobro počutimo. Ravno danes, ko pišem te vrstice sneži, ampak pravijo, da ne bo preveč snega, kar upamo, da vedo, kaj prerokujejo. Prva seja v tem letu se je vršila 7. januarja in bila vsem v zadovoljnost izpeljana. Sklenile smo, da bomo imele kartno zabavo po prihodnjih sejah in tudi dober prigrizek. Torej pridite v lepem številu in pripeljite tudi svoje prijateljice in domače, potem bo še lepše razvedrilo in zabava. Naša podružnica je zopet izgubila eno svojih zvestih članic. Nagloma je umrla sestra Josephine Tancabel dne 17. januarja. Naj ji ljubi Bog podeli obilno plačilo za dobra dela na tem svetu ter večna luč naj ji sveti. Vsem preostalim žalujočim izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Med nami je več članic, ki so rahlega zdravja. Želimo, da bi skoraj se vsem vrnilo ljubo zdravje in da se boste v kratkem zopet prav dobro počutile. Vas vse skupaj najlepše pozdravljam ! Mary Nosan, predsednica in poročevalka. Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. — Glavna seja se je vršila na mojem domu. Zelo bi bila rada odklonila urad predsednice, pa ni hotela nobena druga prevzeti. Jaz sem dostikiat pri slabem zdravju, zato bi bila rada videla, da bi katera druga prevzela. Ne vem, zakaj se branite, kakor tudi ne vem, zakaj ne pridete vse na sejo in še posebno letos, ko imamo vedno lepo vreme. Vse bi morale biti prav ponosne, da smo združene. Kadar katera umre, vsak pravi, oh, kako veličasten pogreb so naredile ženske! Ko to slišimo smo kar vesele, da imamo tako lepo podiužnico v naselbini, zato bi se pričakovalo od vas, da pridete vse na sejo in se bomo lepo pogovorile in imele vsaj za par kratkih ur lepo družabno veselje. Prihodnja seja se vrši v nedeljo, 8. marca, ob dveh popoldne. Če nas bo več bomo lahko mnogo dobrega ukrenile, kar bo vsem v korist. Hvala vsem tistim, ki ste prišle doslej na seje in povsod sodelovale, kadar je vaša pomoč potrebna. Najlepša hvala naši vrli tajnici in vsaki posebej, ki greste na loke za dobrobit članstva in podružnice. Vsaka članica naj bo ponosna, da Zveza sedaj lastuje svoj dom, kjer se nahaja naš glavni urad v velemestu Chicago. Vsa čast vrlim odbornicam, ki se tako vneto zanimajo in trudijo za Zvezin uspeh. — (Tukaj prilagam dva dolarja, ker bi rada imela ime od Mrs. Pavlin Topolka in svoje ime v Spominski knjigi zapisano.) Bog vas blagoslovi in srčen pozdrav vsem članicam. Johanna Zallar, predsednica. Št. 41, Cleveland (Collinwood, Ohio. Udeležba prve seje v tem letu je bila prav povoljna. Da bi le tako ostalo vse nadaljne mesece. Po seji smo se malo posedle in se gostile s okusnim pecivom, katerega je prinesla predsednica, sestra Frances Jamnik. Sestra Francka Meše nam je pa postregla s fino turško kavo. Obema naša najlepša zahvala. Oddale smo mali vzglavnik, za kateiega so navzoče prispevale štiri dolarje v blagajno. K temu je darovala še sestra Mary Mihelčič dolar, ker ona je namreč dobila omenjeni dobitek. Vsem dobrosrčnim članicam, prav lepa hvala! Z veseljem smo sprejele v svojo sredo sestro Mary Jakopin, kateri kličemo: iskreno dobrodošla! Najlepše čestitke sesti i Mary Mihelčič, ki je ravno na božični dan postala pra-stara mamica krepkemu pra-vnuku, katerega je sestra Mihelčič že vpisala v naš mladinski oddelek, za kar ji prav prisrčna hvala. S kazanjem slik iz domovine, kakor nam je obljubila sestra Anna Grajzar ni bilo nič, ker je Ančka ravno tisti večer bila zadržana. Upamo pa, da bo obljubo izpolnila ob pivi priložnosti. V dokaz, da smo ponosne na to, da Ima Zveza sedaj svoje lastne prostore, je bilo odobreno, da se daruje DESET DOLARJEV za Spominsko knjigo ob priliki formalne otvoritve in posvetitve glavnega urada. V dobrobit blagajne za zgoraj omenjeni namen so dobrodušno prispevale, sestre: Sophie Milavec, Nellie Pintar, i\Iary Jakopin, Agnes Sernel in Frances Stego, vsaka po en dolar. Podpredsednica sesti a Francka Meše je pa darovala kar celo kljuko (pet dolarjev), za nabavo žalnega traka. Darovali sta vsaka po $ 1.20 sestri Louise Radell in Molly Brodnik. Tako vidite, se je novo leto prav dobro začelo za podružnico. Vsem požrtvovalnim darovalkam tisočera hvala. Poročati imamo žalostno vest, da je po večletni mučni bolezni preminila sestra Jennie Stavanja. Naj ji bo lahki ameriška zemlja in naj počiva v miru. Vsem preostalim naše globoko sožalje. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo sestri Mary Koman in soprogu nad izgubo dragega in edinega sina Louis-a. Mladi Louis je izgubil življenje v letalski nesreči v Washingtonu, D. C., v službi domovine. Pokojni je bil vnuk naše nekdanje agilne predsednice Mary Lu-šin. Tudi njej naše globoko sožalje. Dragemu mladeniču pa naj bo podeljeno rajsko veselje. Iz bolnišnice se je vrnila na dom sestra Mary Germ. Vse ji želimo skorajšnjo okrevanje in enako tudi vsem drugim bolnim sestram. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. Prepričajte se, da je res, ko vam poročamo, da imamo po vsaki seji prav lepo družabno zabavo. Vsaka nekaj zanimivega pove in tako gremo vselej domov v zadovoljstvu, da smo imele tako lepo priložnost biti skupaj vsaj za pra kratkih ur. Na svidenje! Ella Starin, tajnica. Št. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Moja prva želja je, da vam voščim vsem skupaj zdravo, zadovoljno in vseh lepih užitkov polno novo leto 1953! Bog daj, da bi vse članice pri SŽZ imele v tem letu vso srečo in blagoslove, ki napravijo življenje lepo in zadovoljno. Tudi tistim, ki so rahlega zdravja, želim, da bi jim novo leto prineslo ljubega zdravja in odgnalo vse znake bolezni od vseh. Na glavni seji smo izvolile novo tajnico in to je Joannle Verbick, 3137 So. 30 Street. Njen telefon je EV. 4-5133, Moje glavno priporočilo je, da boste se navadile vse imeti asesment Plačan za naprej in ne za nazaj. Nekatere imate slabo navado, da pustite, da vas mora tajnica opominjat ali se Pa zanašate, da bo ona založila, kar seveda ni pravilno postopanje, ker ni-toa nobena tajnica dolžnost dati svoj denar za vas. Toda, kaj naj stori, če nimate plačano, ko mora odposlati 25. v 'mesecu naprej, da je na glavnem Uradu pred prvim? To so velike skrbi za tajnico, ki bi jih lahko olajšale članice, če bi poskrbele vsaj toliko, osebno pa od mene, prav prisrčno zahvalo za Tvoje delo, za katerega Ti ne moremo me dovolj poplačati. Jaz Te bom pogrešala, ker sva bili, kakor sestre vsa ta leta ter delale v slogi druga za drugo v korist podružnice. Naj Ti ljubi Bog da zdravje in srečo, da bi še dolgo let živela in hodila na seje! Naša nova tajnica je Fanny Rem-šak. Ona je še mlada in imamo vse upanje, da bo dobro uradovala, ker je prijazna in razumna. Zato prosim vse članice, da ji greste na roko in redno plačujete svoj asesment. Kateri ni mogoče priti na sejo plačat, naj pa pošlje ob pravem času, ker tajnica mora vsak mesec redno za vse poslati ob pravem času na glavni urad. Vas vse lepo prosim, pridite na seje ter potrudite se pridobiti nekaj novih članic, da bo tudi naša podružnica v daljnem Washingtonu lepo napredovala v tern letu. Sedaj se prav lepo zahvaljujem naši podpredsednici sestri Mary Mehelic za tako bogato postrežbo po seji v imenu vseh navzočih članic. Pozdravljam vse članice naše Zveze ter ostajam vdanostno Vaša Josephine Richter, predsednica. Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Drage sestre! Najlepša hvala vsem dragim sestram, ki ste se v lepem številu odzvale na glavno sejo v decembru. Naša vrla zapisnikarica je pa napekla dobrih potic in dobrosrčne članice so prinesle vsakovrstnih dobrot, tako, da smo se prav izvrstno zabavale. Potem smo pa imele igranje s številkami za dobitke, kar je bilo vsem v veliko veselje. Prisrčna hvala vsem našim požrtvovalnim in dobrosrčnim članicam za vso pomoč. Vse smo obžalovale, ker je bila naša draga sestra predsednica Mrs. Mary Kuzma ravno takrat v bolnišnici. Zdaj se zdravi na svojem domu. Vse iz dna srca želimo, da bi ji ljubi I!og kmalu podelil ljubo zdravje. V preteklem letu nismo bile nič preveč agilne za napredek podružnice. Toda upati je, da boste letos nadomestile in poskrbele, da bomo tudi pri naši podružnici lepo napredovale, kakor so mnoge podružnice v preteklem letu. Drage sestre, prav nič vas rada ne motim zopet z opominom, da bi vse tiste, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, poskrbele, da imate plačan svoj dolg, saj vsaka dobro ve, da jaz ne morem zalagati in če ste dolžne tri mesece skupaj, to pomeni suspendacija in četrti mesec ste že črtana, zato naj nobena ne bo tako brezbrižna, da ne bi Pazila v svoji knjižici, da ima lepo in redno plačano svoj mesečni asesment. Nobena ne ve kdaj pride bolezen ali še celo smrt in to so tisti časi, ko je največja tolažba od svojih dobrih so-sester. Lepo vas prosim, drage moje sestre, da bi vse poskrbele, da boste hnele asesment v redu plačan in potem bo za vas boljše kot za tajnico, da si ji ne bo treba beliti glave, ko Pride čas za odposlati asesment na Slavni urad in v knjigah pa vidi, da Članice dolgujejo. Saj ni težko biti točen in ko se enkrat oprimete te lepe navade, boste same zadovoljne, ker bo vsa skrb v kraju. Za tajnico bo pa še enkrat večje veselje, če bo imela vse knjižice lepo podpisane, da so plačane. Verjemite mi, da bom vsaki članici globoko hvaležna za sodelovanje v tem ozihu. Vabim vas vse na prihodnjo sejo, saj naše seje so vedno kratke in zanimive in po seji pa imamo vselej lepo družabno lazvedrilo. Blagoslovljeno novo leto želim vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam SŽZ! Mary Lovše, tajnica Št. 89, Oglesby, III. — Čakam, da bi se katera iz naše naselbine oglasila, pa ni nič glasu, zato bom pa jaz poročala nekaj novic. To je moj pivi dopis. Naša glavna seja 11. decembra se je vršila v Dickonson domu in udeležba je bila dokaj dobra. Izvoljen je bil sledeč odbor: Predsednica Anna Štor, podpredsednica Mary Ambrož, tajnica Frances Kirbach, blagajničarka Frances Nemeth, zapisnikarica Mary Kernz. Sestra Celia Hobneck je bila dve leti zapisnikarica, toda je želela, da bi kateia druga prevzela ta posel, in to je storila sestra Kernz. Naša glavna predsednica Mrs. Josephine Livek, je praznovala svoj rojstni dan in je darovala lepo darilo. Članice smo sklenile, da bomo skupaj zbrale za sklad, za eno okno v novi cerkvi. Po seji smo imele božični party. Naše mlade članice so zelo lepo okinčale prostor in mize, da je bilo ozračje napolnjeno z božičnim duhom. Na mizi so pa bila lepo raz-vrstena vsakovrstna okusna jedila. (Nekatere so se pritoževale, da morajo šteti svoje kalorije vsled debelosti, in se je bilo težko premagati od dobrot. Pa smo bile vesele, da so napravile to pot izjemo, ha, ha!) Naše vrle članice so res prinesle skupaj samo najboljše stvari. Obiskal nas je tudi Miklavž, ki je razdelil darila. Odrasle smo prinesle darilo v vrednosti 50 centov za izmenjavo, toda za otroke smo pa me darovale darila. Predsednica odbora za ta party je bila Rose Ann Prey in je vse lepo uredila in vodila. Naše mlade članice so ji pa lepo pomagale. Vse je bilo prvovrstno, da članice ne morejo prehvaliti. Letos nimamo preveč mrzlo zimo, kar je meni prav všeč, da ni treba zmeraj „furnes bizat” in „kolen ša-flat”. Le, da bi bilo tako lepo do pomladi, potem pa vemo, da bo. V tem letu nas zopet čakajo zanimive seje in želim, da bi članice prišle na vsako sejo. Za vsak mesec imamo poseben odbor, ki bo poskrbel lepo zabavo in okusna okrepčila kot potice, krofe, klobase in druge dobrote. (Pa tudi, če se pokaže na vagi.) Zdaj pa imamo žalostno vest poročati. Za vedno je zatisnil svoje oči soprog naše članice Anna Claudnic ter poleg nje zapušča dva nedorasla otro- ka. Star je bil komaj 35 let. Bolehal' je več mesecev. Vem, kako je bi kr težko v bolezni in potem pa še smrt, ker smo sosedi. Naše globoko sožalje. Pokojniku pa večni mir in pokoj! Vsem bolnim želim ljubo zdravje,-Vas vse skupaj prisrčno pozdravljam,. Anna Štor, predsednica. Št. 91, Oakmont, Pa. — Na seji v januarju smo imele piav lepo udeležbo. Bil je rojstni dan naše predsednice Mrs. Flisek, ki nas je pogostila s kavo in sladoledom. Sestra Tončka Kaus je pa prinesla eno okusno potico, kakor zna speči samo ona, ki je pravi mojster v tej stroki. Imele smo se prav imenitno; smeha in potice nam ni manjkalo, in za zabavo smo pa pokrivale številke (po nekaterih državah in pošta sploh, je proti temu, da bi omenili v listih bingo, zato oprostite. Op. ured.), da smo nekoliko pomagale svoji ročni blagajni, kar je gotovo tudi važno. V decembru smo na seji sprejele tri nove članice za kar gre hvala naši vrli predsednici sestri Flisek. Dobrodošle med nas! Na zadnji seji je bilo sklenjeno, da-imamo odslej seje vsake tri mesece,-ker smo precej raztresene po okolici: in ni nič razveseljivo, posebno ne zai odbornice, ki pridejo na sejo vsak mesec in čakajo, katera bo še prišla. Včasih je udeležba res zelo majhna, da se sploh seja ne vrši, zato upamo, da boste vse prišle vsake tri mesece, ker bo nam že kar dolgčas in bomo z veseljem prišle zopet skupaj. Prihodnja seja bo dne 9. aprila, to je na drugi četrtek v mesecu, in si zapomnite datum ter pridite vse na sejo! Konvencija v Detroitu mi bo ostala v trajnem spominu. Videla in slišala sem toliko lepih in zanimivih stvari, da je bilo kar prijetno biti skupaj z zastopnicami od vseh podružnic za nekaj dni. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse glavne odbornice in delegatke, s katerimi sem imela čast se spoznati, posebno pa Mrs. Frances Oblak in Mrs. Christine Rupnik. lipami, da se' še kdaj: vidimo. Imamo več bolnih sester, katerim želimo, da bi jim ljiubi Bog povrnili najboljše zdravje na svetu. Želela bi, da bi se včasih še katera druga izmed naših vrlih članic ogla-sila, saj vas je mnogo, ki ste sposobne pisati kot jaz, kajti vse rade beremo. Želim, da bi bilo leto 1953 srečno za vse in vsem delilo božji blagoslov; naši podružnici pa najmanj pol ducata novih članic! Amalia Sorcfr Št. 93, Brooklyn, New York. - V našem mestu smo imeli zelo lepo svatbo, ko sta se poročila naša zala mlada članica Prances Pirnat in Mr. Kest-nar, najmlajši sin Kestnarjeve družine. Oba, ženin in nevesta, imata mnogo svojih sorodnic pri naši Zvezi in obe družini uživati zelo lep ugled in spoštovanje v naši naselbini. Vesel rojstni dan vsem, ki slavite v februarju! Dne 3. februarja je rojstni dan naše glavne nadzornice Mrs. Josephine Praust, ki je tudi tajnica št. IS. Naša vrla tajnica največje podružnice, Mrs. Ma y Otoničar od št. 25 bo imela rojstni dan (i. februarja; Francka Sušel, tajnica druge največje podružnice v Ohio št. 10 bo pa imela dne 23. februarja svoj dan. Isti dan je tudi rojstni dan vrle tajnice št. 47, Mrs. Helen Tomažič. Dne 27. februarja je pa rojstni dan bivše predsednice št. 25, Mrs. Jennie Krall. Dalje je ta mesec lojstni dan sledečih predsednic: Mrs. Josephine Schlossar, predsed. št. 17 v West Allis, dne 12. februarja; Mrs. Kose Kramer pri št. 43 dne 5. februarja; pri št. 6(i pa slavi svoj dan Mrs. Katherine Yekovec dne 23. februarja. Dne 8. februarja je pa rojstni dan predsednice št. 88 Mrs. Mary Kuzma. Slednja je že dolgo časa v bolniški postelji. Njej kot vsem slavljenkam želimo ljubega zdravja ter mnogo veselih bodočih dni! Želimo, da bi bila mlada zakonca srečna v svojem bodočem življenju in, da bi uživala zadovoljnost, zdravje ter bila blagoslovljena v obilni meri. (Slika na strani 59.) Naznanjam vsem našim članicam, ne to the next meeting and meet your newrly elected officers. They are ,l mighty fine group of officers! Mary Kukar, Treasurer. Pictures appearing on page 45 were aken in Slovenia by Mr. and Mrs. Zu-Pancic of Indianapolis, Ind. A SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL GRANDMOTHERS- Come on, Grandma — show ’em you’re as young as you feel!; Wherever we have bowlerettes, the grandmothers have this opportunity of making a wonderful showing! Whether or not you are affiliated with a regular bowling team, you may enter into the fun of this special event at the forthcoming Midwest Bowling Tournament to be held March 21st and 22nd, 1953, at the Cermak Bowling Lanes, in Chicago, 111. Deadline for entries for place on the Grandmother teams is February 21st. Notify the league secretary in your vicinity! Junior teams are also encouraged to enter into the special events planned for the young bowlers. Thr Directors of the Midwest Bowling Association extend this invitation, with hearty hopes for your interest! To all celebrants of birthdays in February: MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Supreme Auditor, Mrs. Josephine Praust of Cleveland, Ohio, celebrates her birthday on February 3rd. She is also secretary of branch 18. Former Supreme officer and secretary of branch 25, Mrs. Mary Otoničar celebrates on the 21st; and Mrs. Frances Susel, former supreme officer and secretary of branch 10 on February 6th; Mrs. Jennie Krall, former president of no. 25„ February 27th: Mrs. Helen Tomazic, branch 47, February 23rd, Among the celebrants are the following branch presidents: No. 17, West Allis, Wis., Mrs. Jos. Schlossar — Feb. 12. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. Rose Kraemer, Feb. 5. No. (!(>, Canon City, Colo, Mrs. K. Yekovec, February 23. No. 88, Johnstown, Pa., Mary Kuzma, February 8. God bless yon all with health and contentment! CONGRATULATIONS TO BRANCH 7, FOREST Cl TV, PA. . First place winners in the Post-Conven-tion campaign which ended December 31st, is branch 7, Forest City, Pa. and among the workers the winner is MRS. CHRISTINE MENART, dilligent secretary of branch 7. Details on the campaign will appear in the coming edition. No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Greetings to all in this New Year of 1953. First of all I would like to thank all our loyal and ambitious members who so willingly cooperated wherever they could. It was a pleasure working with such a nice group; let’s keep up the good work and see wrhat we can do in 1953! Our December meeting wras well attended; many things were discussed and all our 1952 officers were reelected. After the business session, we enjoyed a Christmas party, which will be remembered, especially the Potica, Krofi, Cake, Home made Wine, etc. These who were absent missed a lot of fun. We sang Christmas Carols and our favorite Slovenian* melodies. If we only could get together oftener! At that time, we had a group picture taken — anyone wishing to order one may contact Mrs. Rose Kotar, or let me know! Our branch has made wonderful progress — at present we have fifty-one more members than in December, 1951; and we lost only one member! We ibave really taken a great step forward! Our deepest sympathy to all who have lost their dear ones, and to the family of Agnes Zedar, who passed away November 23rd. May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace! To all sick members we wish a speedy recovery. Special Hello to Lucia Kos, our eldest member, who recently celebrated her 86th birthday. Since she has been confined to her home, I’m sure she would enjoy a visit by some of her sister members! Our meetings will be held at Zvon Hall, at 2 P.M. every second Sunday of the month. Do attend and help us form our plans for the next project, which is a party for the juveniles. Hope to see a nice attendance! Christine Menart, Secretary No. 9, Detroit, Mich. — Our January meeting was fairly well attended, thanks to the members who braved the ice and snow to heed my appeal! You showed that your heart is with us and SWU. As you know, dear members, our post-convention campaign for new members is over, but this does not mean that we can forget all about getting new members. Our branch could show nice progress If each one of us would try and get at least one new member. We got acquainted with two new members at our last meeting, Amalia Banks and Lokadia Jodis, and our secretary, Angela Stupar’s grandson has the honor of being our first boy member. Congratulations, Angela! Being that all of us members are so scattered all over the city of Detroit we will hold our meetings every three months — so our next meeting will be on April 12th. We have on hand a Margo Waterless Cookware set — and we will be notifying every member of the method by which we will dispose of it. We are anxious to eliminate the need for any extra assessments for our small branch, so do cooperate. Come to the April 12th meeting and maybe, you will be the one who can take this lovely prize home! At that meeting, •we are also planning on social activity, and popular games will be play-•ed. The members themselves are donating prizes and the first offer came ifrom our new member, Amalia Banks! .Thanks a lot, everyone! We are offering a Holy Mass for ■ our sick members, so that they may [Boon again enjoy good health. I wish the members would notify our secretary, or me, so that we could at least send them a card and say a prayer for them if we can’t get to see them personally! Mary Gornik, President 25th ANNIVERSARY CONGRATULATIONS TO BRANCH 16. SO. CHICAGO, , ILLINOIS On February 15, 1953, Branch 16 will celebrate its silver ju-' bilee with a Grand Banquet at, St. George’s Church Hall, So. | I Chicago. To the loyal officers and members who have achieved wonderful progress and a grand spirit of sisterhood, we extend heartfelt felicitations and wishes for success in every .future activity. Živio, South Chicago! No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Greetings and a great big hello, again! Now that the new year has begun, we all hope it will be a great one! Despite the slippery weather, we all had a very nice attendance at first meeting in 1953. Sorry, we forgot to mention last month, that Mrs. Anna Buck is our new Treasurer. Five birthdays and one anniversary were recently celebrated. The proud birthday girls were Mrs. Rose Skul, Mrs. Antonia Yaki, Mrs. Elsie Star-cevich, Mrs. Mary Kompare and Mrs. Agnes Bregar. (The anniversary celebration concerned Mr. and Mrs. Paul Springer to whom we express many good wishes for happiness! Ed.) The members were treated to some won-derfl’ul home baked cakes and poti-cas, bi ought by the celebrants themselves. We all drank a toast of congratulations, with a delicious home made beverage. The members always enjoy themselves at our meetings, and that evening, we played popular games for donated gifts which the members contributed. The doorprize, $ 1.25, from the Sunshine Fund was won by Agnes Bregar, and yours truly was the lucky lady who took home the kolachky. Ann L. Springer No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Happy New Year greetings to all of our Supreme Officers and members and friends and may the new year bring happiness and prosperity. Our December meeting was well attended and it gave us officers a big thrill to see such a good turn-out. Please keep up the good record in the future. During the summertime we have no meetings, so do try to be diligent now! Meetings are held every 3rd Sunday of the month at 2 P.M. at the St. Mary’s School Hall, So. 61st Street and W. Madison. In 1953 we shall celebrate our branch’s 25th Anniversary, and it was decided that we have a Breakfast to take place after the 7:00. High Mass at St. Mary’s Church, when we expect all our members to receive Holy Communion. Every member, whether she attends or not will be liable for a contribution on this day! Many members have already promised delicacies for the tables and all donations will be most welcome in the line of potica, flancete or what have you. So, make it a "must” to be there on Sunday April 26th. It is the custom of our branch to celebrate Mother’s Day by offering a High Mass for all the living and dead members of our branch. At that time, we again expect our members to take Holy Communion in a body. That’s Mother’s Day, May 10th, Sunday morning at the 7:00 High Mass! I’m sure you are all aware of our Church redecoration program. Our pastor, Rev. Michael Setnicar, has had the windows replaced by stained glass windows, which improves the looks of the church 100%. It has been decided, that our Blanch contribute in the name of SWU No. 17; and therefore we are asking 1.00 from every member to help us carry out our proposed plan. Election of officers for 1953 resulted in the following: President Josephine Schlosser; Vice-President Josephine Kerzich; Secretary Marie A. Flo-ryan; Treasurer Frances Piwoni; and Recording Sec’y, Fanny Medle. Auditors are: Marion Marolt, Vicky Kastelic and Josephine Imperl. Spiritual Advisor is Father Setnicar. Some details on the business of the last meetings are quite important. Such as: A member who is hospitalized shall receive a gift or flowers in the value of $ 2; this includes new mothers whose Infants may be insured free for one year and then may continue with the same insurance for only 10 cents per month. Another important decision Is that every member who does not attend the Annual meeting will be fined 25 cents. Because It is the desire of the membership to sponsor no social activity as might bring money into the treasury, we will request a 1.00 per year obligation to the treasury to compensate for its yearly expenses. Every member will also be asked to contribute 10 cents Into the treasury whenever theie is a death in the membership. Please visit our sick members - this month Jennie Juzina is on the sick list. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to you, Jennie, from all of us and we hope to see soon again at our meetings. We would like to visit any member who is sick, so please contact any of the officers, so that we may come to see you at. such time! (Phone no. SP 4-2061.) Marie A. Floryan, Secretary No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. — The Joliet Bowling League had Its annual Christmas party at the Rivals Clubroom. We enjoyed a delicious dinner, prepared by the Ladies of SWU branch no. 20. The tables were beautifully decorated in the Christmas motif. After diiner, the gills sang Christmas carols and had a wonderful time. Thanks to everyone who helped make the party a success! Your ten-pin reporter, Jo Mlakar No. 23, Ely, Minn. — As we don’t have a reporter for the S. W. U. No. 23, I thought I’d give a little report of our Xmas meeting as it indeed was a very fine meeting. The attendance was one that would be very fine if it could continue for the coming year. There were over 120 members at the meeting which was very good. The Dawn Club members were in charge of the lunch and entertainment. When theie is entertainment to be gotten the first one to be asked is Mary Hutar and she takes charge of the program. All the worries of the program are over when we get her ok, which we know she will willingly give. In behalf of the S. W. U. No. 23 we are very grateful to Mary Hutar for all the work she has done for us and we are very lucky to have such a member. The following program is the program we enjoyed: First, Rose Ann Mavetz sang the following songs and was accompanied by M. Hutar “Dete Rajsko,” and “Zveličar preljubi”. Geraldina Leustek, our Juvenile member played “Orphan’s Waltz” and a piano solo “Star Dust”. We had community singing led by M. Hutar. Santa Claus was there to distribute the gifts. Florence Markovich was in charge of the lunch and was assisted by her committee. All the officers were reelected, but a new recording secretary was elected as Mrs. Brgant declined to take the office and Mrs. Peter Strucel is replacing her. It seems as if at the meetings the members just wanted the election over in a hurry so they just hollered "the old ones” and it "’as all over! 1 think they should Rive everybody a chance to be in office. In same cases I do think it's ok to have the same officers as they aie acquainted with the members as Well as the work, but some think that *f they have new officers they will have larger attendances at the meetings. But that’s for the members to decide. Heie’s hoping that the year 1953 will be a Very Prosperous and blessed year for you all. Mary M. Shikonya, Treasurer. Dawn Club No. 23, Ely. Minn. — °ur December meeting was very well attended, as this meeting is one that "e all wait for. At this meeting we have our annual Christmas party and •host important of all, our by-laws ai'e discussed and voted upon, and last but not least election of officers takes place. The by-laws of the Dawn Club are the same with no changes. The newly elected officers of the Club are the following: Florence Markovich re- elected chairman, Pauline Pishler -tieasurer, Rose Ferderber - secretary, Louise Seliga and Molly Richards -auditors, Mary Skradski - reporter. As the by-laws read, no officer is to be reelected into the office after two terms, so we had quite a few changes. We want to thank the past officers for their wonerful work and the cooperation they have given, not only to the club but also to the Slovenian Women’s Union No. 23. Whenever they had any piograms and lunch to be taken care of at their meeting, they could always depend on the Dawn Club officers and members, I am thanking them in behalf of the Slovenian Women’s Union No. 23, and I hope and I know that the newly elected officers will do as well, especially our newly elected reporter Mrs. Mary Skradski who will replace me. I know you will enjoy reading her reports as I know she is very capable of doing a wondeiful job. Our Christmas party was in charge of Mary Knapp, chairman, assisted by Florence Markovich, Rose Ferderber, Margaret Pecha, Angela Godec, Mary Jamnik, Katherine Merhar and Mary Novak. The tables were beatifully decorated in Christmas motiff also the lunch was very much enjoyed by all. Santa Claus was there and brought gifts which we exchanged. Games were played with the following winners — Jeanete Vidmar, Chinese Checkers-Margery Skubitz, Tally-Ho, Molly Richards-Canasta, Barbara Ro-sandich-Pinocle, and Barbara Brenen-Cootie. Wishing you all a very happy and a very prosperious 1953. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya - reporter ..No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. — Hello from the Ely Dawn Club! Congratulations to you, Albina and your daughter, for your wonderful work for Zveza. You are both cherished in our memories! Having had this job or reporting eight years ago, I feel “at home” writing all about our events; and if it won't be too hard to get started again, I hope to tell the world of our wonderful activity as members of SWU up here in the magnificant north. In our beautiful city of Ely, on the evening of January 19th, our dear Dawn Club held its annual meeting with almost 100% attendance. This was fortunate, since we are all recovering from 40 degree below zero temperatures. President Florence Markovich opened the meeting with prayer and began the regular order of business listing the new officers. Our new members were accepted with much applause. They are Mrs. Molly Zuponcich, Mrs. Emma Pucel, Mrs. Rose Pucel, Mrs. Rose Kosir and Mrs. Stanley Lobe. We made a good showing in the new member campaign, and are very proud of that honor! The Birthday Club was again resumed with Mrs. Vidmar and Mrs. Joe V'idmar as co-chairman. Birthday honors were sung to Mrs. Emma Pucel, Mrs. Rose Ferderber and Pauline Ferderber. (Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you, Emma, Pauline and especially, Rose! May God be good to you, all! Ed.) Plans were made for a Valentine Hankie Party for the February meeting. The committee is composed of: Mrs. Louise Seliga, chairman, assisted by: Miss Mary Shinkonya, Miss Mary Stubler, Mrs. Margie Skubitz, Mrs. Mary Skufca, Mrs. Mary Starkovich, Mrs. Mary K. Skradski and Mrs. Mary Toylan. Mrs. Flank Vranesich is chairman of the sick-list committee deserves our thanks for bringing in such a wonderful group! The doorptize was given to Mrs. Emma Pucel. After the meeting, we were served a delicious lunch which was prepared by Mrs. Pauline Pishler, chairman of the committee and Molly Richards, Ann Rowe, Mary Pucel. Winners of our popular games were Mrs. Mary Starkovich and Mrs. Stanley Tx>be. Birthday girls for February are: Mrs. Anthony Skradski, Feb. 24th, Mrs. Frank Vranesich, Feb. 9th and Mrs. Mary K. Pucel and Mrs. Mary Toylan. Mary K. Skradski, Reporter. No 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — I want to take this opportunity to thank all the members who elected me as Treasurer again-believe me, it is a great pleasure to work with such a wonderful committee of officers, especially our dear president, Mrs. Trontel and our good, relfable and beloved secretary Mrs. Coghe, and everyone of you dear sisters who have attended the meetings so faithfully the past year. I know that you are not sorry for your efforts, because we had some wonderful times with all the birthday celebrations and our grand Christmas party! So, please keep up the good work and good spirit because our 25th Anniversary is coining up and there will be a lot of plans to make. We will miss our dearly beloved sister Mrs. Josephine Bercik, who was called by the Lord on Dec. 26th. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family, and may God’s perpetual light shine upon her eternally! Wishing each and everyone of you a Happy and Prosperous New year and God bless you, all! Antoinette Stayduhar, Treasurer. No. 28, Calumet, Mich. — At our December meeting, there was an unusually large attendance. Election of officers was held; those serving for the new year are: President, Ann Heinemann; Vice-President, Mary Plautz; Financial Secretary, Mary Bracco; Recording Secretary, Mae Munch; Treasurer, Stefanie Ryan; Trustees, Anna Stanfel, Angeline Che-cada and Mary Kocjan; Conductors, Mary Bonenfant and Edna Fink; Sen-tinals, Theresa Augustine and Gertrude Kastelec. After the business meeting, our annual Christmas party took place. Santa Claus presented each member with a gift. Entertainment followed and several members received prizes. A delectable lunch was served by the lunch committee 011 beautifully decorated tables. Our sick members were remembered in the usual manner and we wish them a speedy recovery. We are sorry to report that the Angel of Death has taken two of our members recently, Josephine Strauss and Anna Krall. May their souls rest in peace! Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved families. Wishing you all a happy New Year and (Jood Health! Ann Heinemann, President No. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — A very Happy and Blessed New Year to all SWU members, from all of us at No. 31. This is your newly-elected reported, Miss Elsie Pershern endeavoring to keep you informed of our meetings and activities from time to time. A friend and I joined SWU last December, and being the two youngest members present at the meeting, we really enjoyed being with the older group. After the business meeting, we had a lot of fun playing popular games. I certainly wish that the other younger members would attend the meetings as 1 am sure that they would come every month if they knew what a nice time we have. At our Januaiy 14th meeting, the installation of officers was held. Those remaining in office are Mrs. Antoinette Lucich, President; Mrs. Anna Zgonc, Vice-President; Mrs. Rose Klink, Secretary; Mrs. Joe Lopp, Recording Secretary; and newly-elected Mrs. Genevieve Novak is the Treasurer. I also wish to mention our Auditors who are Mrs. Caroline Bra-dach, Mrs. Frances Plesha and Mrs. Josephine Stephancich. We all wish to express our deep gratitude to Mrs. Mary Kem for her fine service as our past Treasurer. In closing I certainly hope that all members will attend the monthly meetings this year. May you all enjoy good health and prosperity in the New Year! Elsie Pershern, Reporter. ..No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — My initial effort in reporting for Branch 34, Soudan Minnesota is done with some pride for after a virtual standstill in membership over a number of years, twenty new members were initiated into the Slovenian Ladies Union, and three into the juvenile department at a meeting held at the Catholic Men’s Clubrooms on Sunday afternoon Jan. 18. Mrs. Mary Lenich, Eveleth, president of the auditing committee of the Supreme Board was present and conducted the initiatory ceremony. Also present were Mrs. Anton Slogar, pres, of the Ely Branch, and Mrs. Mary Stimac, Eveleth. New members initiated Sunday were as follows: Wayne Passi, Anthony Plantan, Frank Popesh, Charles Adkisson, Anthony Musich, Ralph Gornick, John Spollar, Ignatz Spollar, Louis Zupanich, Albert Trucano, Tony Pecha, Owen Koski, Louis Cvetan, Einest Johnson, Joseph Jamnick, John Zavodnick, Nick Tekautz, James Brulla, Ludwig Mesojedec and Miss Patricia Tezak. Juvenile members are Mary Agnes Dragavon, Edward Dragavon and Ann Marie Bo-bence. This makes for almost a one hundred percent increase as the membership report in the last Zarja listed Branch 34 as having 24 members. Mis. Lenich gave a talk on the aims and accomplishments of the organization, and Mrs. Slogar brought greetings from the Ely branch and spoke of the work and social activities in which the Ely branch participates. During the business meeting, election of officers was held resulting in the re-election of Mrs. Joseph F. Erchul as president; Mrs. Steve Ahčin as vice president and Mrs. Mary Pa-hula, secretary - treasurer. Mrs. Jacob Pavlich was re-elected on the board of trustees and new members 011 the board are Mrs. Frank Plantan and Mrs. John Zavodnick. Mrs. Anthony P. Yapel was chosen Sergeant-at-arms and leporter. Following the meeting refreshments were served and a social hour followed with many women getting prizes. Meetings are held monthly 011 the third Sunday at 2 P. M. in the afternoon at the Catholic Men’s Club-100ms. New members are always welcome. May I take this opportunity to thank our guests, Mrs. Lenich, Mrs. Slogai and Mrs. Stimac for coming to our meeting. 1 hope that their enthusiasm for the Slovenian Ladies Union “rubbed off” on us a little so that we may continue to grow in numbers and accomplishments. Barbara Yapel, Reporter. No. 37, Greaney, Minn. — Greetings to eve yone and best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year 1953. Minnesota as you know, is usually a very cold state during the winter season but the good Lord has spared us from the usual snow storms and cold weather, the below zero kind — like we are used to having. This winter, the climate has been very mild. No one here will mind if it continues to be as nice as it is now, all through the winter season. Our regular meetings will start in the month of April and every member should be present. It’ll be an interesting meeting and refreshments will be delicious. The two members who are serving on the committee for the first meeting of this season will prepare something extra good for all of us so do come and enjoy it. During the past year we lost another very good neighbor Anton Sta-l'ich, husband of our Vice-president Mis. Mary Starich who passed away in the month of October. The Starich family settled here on the farm some 40 years ago. The family was large and now they are all grown up and very respectable citizens of our community. It was very touching to see the sons as pallbearers at the father’s funeral. May his soul rest in peace everlasting. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. In a very short time we mourn the loss of four of our pioneer settlers, namely: Ignatz Babich, John Koche-var, Joseph Kasun and Anton Starich. Their contribution to the building of our great America will always be an honor to their memory. May they be rewarded in abundance in heaven. Hoping to see all our members at the April meeting, Fraternally yours, Frances L. Udovich, Sec’y. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — On Dec. 20th, 1952 our branch held its first Christmas party for the juvenile members. It was a line get-together and also it was grand to meet the youngsters. Three movies were shown, which were enjoyed by the parents as well as the children. Then, we waited for Santa Claus! While waiting lor him to arrive, the children sang Jingle Bells — then the big moment came when Santa arrived and presented each child with a gift, l>op corn balls, and an “ice cream Santa Claus”. He shook hands and talked with each child and told them he would visit them all again 011 Christmas Eve. It was a most. enjoyable party for all! I wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. John Iieberirisek for showing the movies and for the use of their hall; Mrs. Mary Tiatnik, Mrs. Ceil Groth and Mrs. Mary Bentz for their co-operation in making our Christmas party such a grand success; and also the parents who brought their youngsters lo the affair! Rose Kraemer, President. No. 45, Portland, Ore. — On December 31st, 1952, I concluded my 13 years as secretary of our branch. FRANCES PIRNAT AND MR. KESTNAR PLIGHT VOWS BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. — Among the lovely recent brides was Miss Frances Pirnat, charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pirnat of Brooklyn, New York, who was married to Mr. Kestnar, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Kestnar of Brooklyn. Both families have a big following oT friends and are among the most respected in the com- munity. The bride, her mother and sister Leona are members of branch no. 93 as are most of the groom’s relatives. This picture was taken on the church steps with the attendants and the parents of the bride and groom. Congratulations and may the young couple be blessed with happiness and the very best of good luck in their future life! Branch no. 93, Brooklyn joins us in extending our most worthy felicitations to the Pirnat and Kestnar families! During those years, I tried my best to •satisfy the members and I hope I succeeded in achieving some progress. At this time, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who co-operated ^vith me and made my work more enjoyable. My thanks to our p:esident, Yustina Misetich for the help given me during the months of my absence; ftnd my heartfelt thanks to all who caine to see me at the hospital and •hen made visits to my home. Thanks, also to all who sent me cards, flowers ilnd gifts. From our branch, I also received a beautiful present - so thanks •o you. all! My get-well cards came from all over including those from our Su-I'leme Secretary, Mis. Novak and her daughter, Mrs. Josephine Richter, ^resident of No. 79, Enumclaw, and a gift from Mrs. Rose Jackson of Sherwood, Oregon. She is a member No. 4, Oregon City. To everyone, 1 say, THANK YOU! I hope that all the members will cooperate with my successor, Jacobimi Nenmrnik just as you did with me! As soon as I am able to get around •‘gain, I’ll be seeing you at our meet-ittgs. Wishing you all Blessed and Prosperous New Year! Louise Struznik L No. 54, Warren, Ohio. - It’s the hope of all of our members that the year 1953 will bring every branch a substantial increase in membership and also fill our hearts with strong desires to continue wo; king as hard as we can for the progress of our organization. We had a very good attendance at our annual meeting. Three new officers were elected, namely: Carolyn Knezovih, treasurer; Pauline Rubinic, Recording secretary and Isabele Rek, sentinel. The rest of the officers remained at their respective places. Many thanks to all who have worked in the past; we hope that we will continue to work in the same good spirit as we have in the past. The meeting was followed with a Christmas party. The refreshments were most delicious. Our members really out did themselves with good things and filled the table to capacity with all kinds of goodies. Santa Claus was also there to pass out the gifts and we are grateful to Mrs. Plevjak for lending the costume. Thanks also to Andy Kasan for his wonderful help. Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 I*. M. in the Slovenian Hall. Our next birthday party will be coming up so do come to the meetings and enjoy yourself. Congratulation to the Supreme Officers on the success of making a rea ity of our own Home Office building and we hope that the dedication program on January 25th was a big s.iccess. May God bless our new Home Office and also all of the Officers who a e sacrificing their time and efforts 1'or its success! If the dedication was in the summertime we’d have surely been in Chicago for the event. Wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to all our sick members. Felicitations to our High School graduates Jane Hrusovsky and Joanne Racher who received their high school diplomas in January. Wi)l be seeing you at the meeting on February 17! Rose Racher, President. No. 56 Hibbing, Minn. — Guess it’s about time I undertake to start the new year. First of all best wishes to all for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Branch 56 has re-elected all their officers for the coming year. We had a very successful year in 1952. Our meetings are being well attended, which makes everyone feel good and our December meeting proved it. There were a lot of new faces and I'm sure everyone enjoyed them- selves. We started out with a turkey dinner which was served by the following committee: Angeline Passi-no, Frances Puhek, Amelia Domen, Mary Bissonette, Anne Satovich, Mary Eaton and Angela Genac. The tables were beautifully decorated in the Christmas theme. During the dinner Mary Ann Petrick entertained at the electric organ with Christmas music. Right here we want to give the Petrick family a great hand of thanks for supplying their family organ for the occasion which was very generous of them and which I am sure was enjoyed by the ladies immensely. Of course Santa was there in person distributing candy and nuts and gift exchange. Of course Santa wasn’t who everybody thought he was. We want to give our vote of thanks to Mrs. Passino for preparing the turkey. We hope to make this dinner an annual affair, so members do your share when called upon to help. The year 1953 holds a big event in store for us as we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary on August 15. We are having a big celebration in Hibbing this year and our general committee is already making plans. The date has not been set yet. There will be many months of planning. Each and everyone of us will have to do our share so our undertaking will be a success. We will have more on this as the year progresses. Remember saying your rapinwax coupons and arco coffee coupons. We have very good response on this project. Hoping to see you all at our February meeting, and let’s make a date for every month on the second Tuesday to see each other as well as plan for our Minnesota Day. With best wishes I remain. Your reporter Anne B. Satovich, Br. 56 No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — The first meeting of our branch in 1953 was attended very satisfactorily. We had a nice party after the meeting and will continue to have parties all through the year and every member is invited to come every month. Our meetings are now going to be held on the second Tuesday of every month. The leason for the change from the first Tuesday of the month is because many of our members have other meetings on the same day at the same time and we decided to make the change which may be to our benefit and bring us a bigger attendance. We have a new member Rose Ann Kermik, daughter of Mrs. Agnes Ker-mik Welcome! Mrs. Carolyn Fabjan has been on the sick list for some time. May she recover very soon! The best of health to all our membeis! We had a wonderful time at the Christmas party and everyone was glad that they came. Remember that you’ll always have a good time when you come to our meetings, so don’t miss any of them! We’ll see you at the meeting on the second Tuesday of the month! .Johanna Prinz, Reporter. No. 72, Pullman, III. - Our December meeting was fairly well attended, tho we were a little disappointed that more did not show up. You really missed a fine meeting and a good time afterwards. It was our annual meeting and of course election of officers took place. The following were elected to office: Mrs. Angela Bezlaj, president Mrs. Mary Klun, vice-president Mrs. Jennie Orazem, treasurer Mrs. Mary Dresher, secretary Mrs. Ursula Mikl, sergeant of arms Mrs. Andolshek and Mrs. Zadnik, auditors. It was decided that we continue to hold our meetings at the home of. Mrs. Zadnik, at 11821 Parnell Ave. Please remember this address, and let us see you there a little more often. After the meeting we had a little party, with some delicious Christmas refreshments. Mrs. Klun, who is here from Cleveland, again visited with us. We hope she will decide to remain permanently. Mrs. Andolshek has not been well and to her we wish a speedy recovery. Also our good wishes to any other member who may be ill. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mary Mlakar on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Paulin. Due to the difficulty of traveling in winter weather, we are not having any meetings until March. Our next meeting will be held on March 18th. We’ll be looking for you. With best wishes to all for a happy New Year. , Wilma M. Zagar No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. — In starting our first meeting of 1953, we were honored with the presence of three of our six new members. Thanks to Louise Epley, who gets credit for all of them. They say that Louise would make a good saleswoman as she certainly has a way of getting you to sign on the dotted line! There weie many interesting things discussed at the meeting, which included a bake sale to be held at Iiusso’s Food Store on Saturday Jan. 31st. 1 know this will be a successful event, as all our members are wonderful bakers and everything is sold as soon as it comes in! A luncheon is also on the list for some future date. So you see, we need more members at the meetings so that we can satisfy all. I’m sorry to report that “Grandma” Yane is on the sick list this month. Hurry and get well, Mrs. Yane, as we missed you at the last meeting. Congratulations to all the celebrants of birthdays this month, who are: Mary Urgo, Helen Kainec, Ann Fike, Molly Sawyer, Josephine Rogel, Mary Mauer, Adeline King and Josephine Valich. Many of our boys were home on furlough for the holidays, among them was Michael Juratovac, son of our President, Mary Juratovac. Before leaving, Michael gave his fiancee a diamond ring. The lucky girl is De-lores Kowalski. Best of luck! Frances Travnik No. 83, Crosby, Minn. — Our first meeting of the year was held the evening of January 5th at the home of Mrs. Mary Zauhar. We had the installation of officers. They are: President, Miss Antoinette Deblock; Vice-President, Mrs. Kate Mrkonich; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Mary Deblock of Ironton; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Anna Vidmar; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Deblock of Riverton; Auditors, Mrs. Katherine Grgurich, and Mrs. Antonia Vukelich. Mrs. Molly Domain was our installing officer. The Sentinels were appointed, also. They are: Mrs. Mary Marolt and Mrs. Mary Zauhar. Mrs. Evka Perpich wras appointed to do our purchasing and Mrs. Helen Kovali and Mrs. Anna Zauhar will serve on our sick committee. Plans were made to sell cards to make some money for our treasury. We are certainly hoping to make a success of this venture. With all the officers and membeis working together, we cannot help but come out on top! Sincerely, Antoinette Deblock, President No. 89, Oglesby, III. — The December meeting was well attended. As usual, we met at the Dickonson house, where we combined a business meeting with a Christmas party. The election of officers which took place at that time resulted in the following staff: President, Mrs, Anna Stor; Vice-President, Mrs. Mary Ambrož,; Secretary, Mrs. Frances Kir-bach; Treasurer, Mrs. Frances Nemeth; and Recording Secretary, Miss Mary Kernz. Our Supreme President, Mrs. Josephine Livek was with us and we celebrated her birthday by giving her a birthday gift. We have decided to raise some money to buy a window for our new church, which is now under construction. You will all be notified! For our Christmas Party, we had a nice attendance of both adults and juveniles and Santa Claus had to distribute presents to 70 persons. Our young ladies are very active, and they decorated the tables and served the refreshments. Everything was very tasty, especially the potica, krofi and ham and klobase (or sausages, Ha! Ha!). Rose Anne Prey was the hostess and she had wonderful help. Thank you girls — very well done! Oh, I hear the wind blowing — old man winter is in his glory. Now that the Holidays are over, we must plan on starting the New Year out right! If more members would attend the meetings, we could make some marvelous plans. Last year the members were very active, both tile adults and the young were "on the ball!” Thanks a lot for helping in every way. After every meeting we are going to play popular games and have a lot of fun, WOMAN’S GLORY The Kitchen All recipes are tested by contributor Frances Jancer 1110 — 3rd St., LaSalle, 111. With the holiday season at a close, our next thoughts are to the Lenten Season, and once again the housewife must use strategy to prepare wholesome nutritional meals tor her family without the use of meat. Some fine it hard to do, and others have no trouble at all. Fish, cheese and eggs, plus a variety of noodles, macaroni and spaghetti have been widely designed for use during this season which lasts for 40 days. Try some of the following on your family this season. TUNA FISH CHOW MEIN 2 cups Tuna fish, or a 13 ounce can of tuna fish, % cup chopped onion, 1 cup sliced button mushrooms, 1% cups sliced celery, 1 % tablespoons flour, 1 \k cups soup stock or consome, 1 cup sliced cooked chestnuts, % teaspoon salt, 3 to 4 tablespoons soy sauce. Drain tuna fish, reserving the oil; beat oil in a skillet. Add onion mushrooms and celery and cook about 5 minutes, adding more fat if necessary. Blend in flour. Slowly stir in stock or consomme and simmer uncovered about 15 minutes or until vegetables are soft. Add chestnuts which have been cooked in water and sliced, the tuna fish broken into pieces. Add salt and soy sauce to taste, stirring gently to and we are going to eat again! Some ladies are on a diet, and so am I — but, if there’s anything good on the table we cannot keep away! Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Anna Claudnic, who is our member, and her family on the loss of her beloved husband and father. May lie rest in peace! Wishing you all good health and happiness and God’s blessing! Anna Stor, President. No. 96, Universal, Pa. — Our annual meeting took place on December 1952, at home of our President, Pauline Kokal; usually our meetings are held at the Slovenian Hall, but 0|> this occasion, we took our children to Mrs. Kokal’s home. A large attendance was on hand and it certainly "as nice to see so many members Present, among them our member, Victoria Pryatel and the ladies from Benton. Let’s all try and be present avoid mashing the tuna fish. Serve on Chinese or fried noodles. Makes about 6 servings. Note: canned consomme can be used for this as also the canned Chinese noodles. Ask your grocer about them. PRUNE STRIPS 1 Vt cups graham cracker crumbs, % teaspoon baking powder, % cup peanut butter, 2 well beaten eggs, % cup maple flavored sirup, 1 cup prunes, cooked and cut fine. Combine cracker crumbs and baking powder. Add peanut butter to beaten eggs; blend well. Add sirup and prunes. Combine the two mixtures. Pour into a greased pan 7 by 11 by 2 inches, lined with waxed paper. Bake in a moderate oven 350 degrees about 30 minutes. Remove from pan immediately; strip off the paper and cut into strips. Roll in confectioners sugar. MACARONI A LA KING 1 eight or nine ounce package of noodles, 2 tablespoons butter, 1% cups thinly sliced button mushrooms, % cup green pepper, cut thin, % cup pimento, cut in thin strips, 3 cups thin white sauce, 1% teaspoons salt, Vž teaspoon dry mustard, % cup but-teied crumbs. Cook macaroni; drain well. Heat butter in skillet; add mushrooms and green pepper and cook until soft. Combine all ingredients except the buttered crumbs. Place in a greased casserole, top with the buttered crumbs and a dash of paprika. Bake in a moderate oven 375 degrees about 25 minutes or until browned. Makes 6 servings. VEGETABLE CRABMEAT CASSEROLE 1 medium sized cauliflower, 1 cup canned crab meat (6 % oz. can), 1 can of condensed celery soup (1 % at our regular meetings from now on. The time is every second Sunday of the month at 2 P. M. at the Slovenian Hall, Universal. The officers for 1953 are as follows; President, Pauline Kokal; Vice-President, Anna Podobnik; Secretary, Maiy Klemenčič; Treasurer, Frances Veletic; Recording Secretary, Mary Sacsek. During the month of November, we lost one of our good members, Mrs. Mary Previc, who is survived by four sons and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Pavlick and Helen Grabowski, who is also member of our biancli. We extend to them our sincere sympathy and ask God’s mercy! On the sick list, we still have Mrs. Skerl of Center. WTe hope she’ll soon be well. On the road to recovery is our member Mrs. Snoznik who recently had an accident and fractured her wrist. We miss you at our meetings. cups), % cup milk, % cup grated cheese. , Separate cauliflower into flourets; boil until tender; drain, and place in a greased casserole. Remove shell tissue from crabmeat; flake; add celery soup and milk. Pour crab-meat mixture over cauliflower. Top with grated cheese; sprinkle with paprika. Bake in a moderate 375 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes or until brow'ned. Makes 6 servings. APPLESAUCE PUDDING 2 y2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon baking soda, 1 % teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, Ms teaspoon ginger, % cup ground suet, % cup seedless raisins, % cup chopped nuts, 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs, % cup light molasses, 2 well beaten eggs, 1 cup applesauce. Sift flour, measure, add salt and baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and ginger, and sift again; add ground suet, raisins, nuts and bread crumbs. Combine molasses, well beaten eggs and applesauce. Turn into first mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour into a greased and sugared 1 % quart mold. Steam 2 % hours. Serve with orange hard sauce, Makes 8 to 10 servings. Note to steam: Put 1 inch of water in a steamer or covered roasting pan or kettle. Place the mold on a rack and cover steamer. Use medium heat until steam escapes, then reduce to low. Your canning steamer will do the trick. , ORANGE HARD SAUCE 4 tablespoons butter, 1 cup confectioners sugar. 1 teaspoon boiling water, few grains of salt, 2 teaspoons grated orange rind, 1 tablespoon orange juice. Cream butter and sugar together thoroughly. Add boiling water, salt and orange rind and juice. Beat until smooth and fluffly. Makes about 1 cup orange sauce. Congratulations are extended to our capable and hand working secretary Mary Klemensic, who recently became the mother of a darling baby girl. Santa Claus also made his appearance at our meeting following the discussion of business. He distributed gifts to all present — even some funny ones! Josephine Barkovich and Jennie Mozina sure had a time unwrapping their packages and yours truly received a funny prize, too! Then, we were served a delicious lunch by President Kokal and her charming daughters. We wish to thank Mrs. Richter for her delicious potica, Mrs. Fiances OBlock for her luscious date and nut bars and all the lest who helped prepare the treat. Here’s wishing for health and happiness to all our members! Mary E. OBlock -=rzz: Junior s* "Page These winsome lads are now members of SWU To the left are pictured three dear little members of the juvenile dept, of Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. They are: Michael Skol? Francis, Thomas Joseph Francis and Louis Patrick Francis, son of our popular member, Mrs. Stanza Skok Francis who is well-known in sports and music circles To the right, above is smiling little Frank Joseph Konechnik, age 2 of Indianapolis, Ind., and below is Martin Andrew Lambert, age 3, also of Rrancli No. 5, Indianapolis. These little fellows have captured our hearts, too! ST. VALENTINE’S DAY The sending of valentines on St. Valentine's day observes one of the very special days of the year. This custom did not originate with St. Valentine; however, he probably would approve of sending messages of love and kinuness with his name on them. Valentine’s day is one of festivity, loving thoughts and kind feeling and not one of annoyance, as the so-called comic valentines convey. It is observed in more or less the same fashion that it was when first started, probably before the fourteenth century. The beginning of this custom is not definite. However, there are several stories known that want to claim its origin. Not much is known about St. Valentine, except that he wa . a bishop who lived about 300 years after Lord Jesus was on earth. He was a martyr, so called because he admitted he was a Christian. During early times when Christianity was in its infancy. the Romans put to death all those who claimed they were Christians; St. Valentine was an early martyr. The Romans held a feast each year in February which was known as “Luper-calia” — in honor of a god by the name of Lupercus. Lupercus watched and protected the shepherds and their flocks from the hordes of wolves that surrounded the wilderness of Rome. All Roman gods were honored with these special feast or ceremonial days. On this day, the names of all voung women were placed in a box, then the young men drew the names by chance from the box. The name that each drew became his lady love. The Christian priests wanted the people to forget their heathen gods; however the annual feast continued and was called St. Valentine's day because St. Valentine’s birthday was about that time of year and the people wanted to commemorate his holy life. The nature of the festival was changed bv putting in the box names of saints and martyrs. The name that each person drew was his or her valentine and all were supposed to live of that person throughout the year. But as the above custom changed, the names put in boxes were of living people instead of saints and became valentines. The sending of pretty tokens and messages in kind remembrance arose from this cu tom. It used to be the custom for people to compose valentines, complete with verses. Now they are printed in great numbers. By comparison the valentines of today have hearts, cupids, flowers, verses, etc., much the same as those of olden times. There are other stories about the origin of St. Valentine’s day. Another is of country tradition that "usually this time of year the birds choose their mates, and probably from this came the custom of voung men and women choosing valentines. or special loving friends on that day." So let’s continue to make February 14 a day that we send or give loving thoughts and words to our dearest friends and relative*. No. 20, Joliet Jr. Cadets. — On Dec. 30 the Junior and Senior Cadets of the Joliet branch had a belated Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ancel. Before the gifts were opened the Junior Cadets played games such as, Coffee Pot, What’s My line, Telephone, and Panto-mine Quiz. We also had some very delicious sandwiches, cookies, etc. After that we proceeded to the living room and gave Mr. and Mrs. Ancel a gift of a set of heavy ironware frying pans in appreciation from all of the cadets for the use of their brand new home. Also Mrs. Josephine Erjavec gave each one of the officers a gift of a beautiful little Virgin Mary Shrine. And from each group of cadets our Captains a!so got a gift in appreciation of all the time they spend with us teaching us all the different drills and intricate formations. Then the gifts were pas ed out to the cadets and the paper started to fly! Well February is here once again. The important days of this month are Lincoln’s and Washington’s Birthday, of course Valentine Day, and Ash Wednesday. If your birthday is in February, I wish you a very Happy Birthday! Also your birthstone is the Amethy:t and your flower is the Violet. In the part where I mentioned the important days in February I said that Ash Wednesday was one of them. But really, to me and I hope to vou, it means some-thincj verv special. Yes! Ash Wednesday is rpecial because it m^rks the beginning of the tim^ in Christ’s Life that He is betrayed, died on the cross and arose from the dead. Yes! This day is the beginning of Lent. I Just wonder how many kids and qrown-ups too, will “give up” anything for lent. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular. It can be anything from candy to watching TV after school. (If vou can resist the temptation). But the main thing is that you are giving up something that you really enjoy for the pleasure and glorification of God. Well so-long for now and a nice Valentine Day to you. Sandra Rosenquist Finančno poročilo S. Ž. Z. za mesec DECEMBER, 1952 Monthly Report of the S. W. U. for the Month of DECEMBER, 1952 Dohodki: Mesečnina Družabne in Štev. Članic ttev. Podružnica Redni Mladinski “Zarja” Članice Razno Skupaj Redni Mladinskt 1. SHEBOYGAN, WIS $ 74.10 3.70 .10 .20 77.80 182 34 2. CHICAGO, ILL 156.95 12.10 .10 169.15 388 131 3. PUEBLO, COLO ...... 141.55 10.90 .20 152.65 342 113 4. OREGON CITY, ORE _ 9.00 9.00 25 5. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ........ 49.15 4.60 53.75 139 47 6. BARBERTON, OHIO 61.65 2.30 .20 64.15 169 24 7. FOREST CITY, PA. 56.20 5.80 .70 62.70 148 60 8. STEELTON, PA 89 7 9. DETROIT, MICH 45 2 10. COLLINWOOD, OHIO 189.55 6.90 196.45 521 69 12. MILWAUKEE, WIS. i„„„r 121.25 9.40 .60 131.25 337 94 13. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL 56.30 .80 57.10 138 8 14. NOTTINGHAM, OHIO 133.75 4.90 .30 .30 139.25 347 53 15. NEWBURGH, OHIO 138.05 6.60 .10 .25 145.00 334 69 16. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL 66.00 2.80 .10 68.90 167 32 17. WEST ALLIS, WIS ... 58.70 1.70 60.40 151 18 18. CLEVELAND, OHIO ........ 37.70 .60 38.30 102 6 19. EVELETH, MINN 66.20 8.50 .20 74.90 172 85 20. JOLIET, ILL 219.90 23.00 .10 .80 243.80 607 230 21. CLEVELAND, OHIO 43.35 5.20 48.55 121 55 22. BRADLEY, ILL 25.50 25.50 30 * 23. ELY, MINN 96.60 4.20 100.80 256 42 24. LA SALLE, ILL .... 83.75 8.20 .10 92.05 221 88 25. CLEVELAND, OHIO 392.55 17.30 .10 409.95 957 177 26. PITTSBURGH. PA 55.85 3.60 .20 59.65 151 36 27. NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. 34.55 1.80 36.35 79 18 28. CALUMET, MICH 35.85 .90 36.75 96 29. BROWNDALE, PA 16.80 1.80 18.60 43 18 30. AURORA. ILL 9.70 9.70 27 31. GILBERT, MINN 49.80 3.60 .50 53.90 123 36 32. EUCLID, OHIO 55.80 2.30 58.10 139 25 33. NEW DULUTH, MINN. 30.50 1.70 32.20 80 17 34. SOUDAN, MINN 16.55 .30 .10 16.95 43 3 35. AURORA, MINN 44.35 3.00 .10 47.45 96 30 36. McKINLEY, MINN 4.20 4.20 12 37. GREANEY, MINN 15.75 .50 16.25 45 5 38. CHISHOLM, MINN 76.95 1.80 .10 78.85 196 18 39. BIWABIK, MINN. 11.30 11.30 30 8 40. LORAIN, OHIO 41.10 .40 .40 41.90 106 4 41. COLLINWOOD, OHIO 92.20 2.60 2.00 96.80 252 26 42. MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO .... ....... 16.90 .10 17.00 38 6 43. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 43.30 3.50 46.80 116 3S 45. PORTLAND, ORE 30.05 .60 .40 31.05 78 7 46. ST. LOUIS, MO 11.00 .30 11.30 30 O O 47. GARFIELD HEIGHTS, OHIO 44.70 1.80 46.50 122 18 48. BUHL, MINN 8.25 .20 .10 .20 8.75 20 2 49. NOBLE, OHIO 19.90 .50 20.40 54 6 50. CLEVELAND, OHIO 31.50 1.70 33.20 89 17 51. KENMORE, OHIO 12.20 .40 12.60 27 4 52. KITZVILLE, MINN 21.00 .30 21.30 50 3 53. BROOKLYN, OHIO 18.95 1.00 19.95 47 10 54. WARREN, OHIO 34.75 4.60 .10 .20 39.65 91 47 55. GIRARD, OHIO 38.25 3.30 41.55 95 36 56. HIBBING, MINN 45.60 1.00 .60 47.20 121 10 57. NILES, OHIO 26.50 2.10 28.60 65 21 59. BURGETTSTOWN, PA. 16.90 1.00 17.90 39 10 61. BRADDOCK, PA 17.05 1.00 18.05 43 10& 62. CONNEAUT, OHIO 13.30 .10 .10 13.50 33 1 63. DENVER, COLO ... 36.40 3.00 .30 39.70 94 30 j OLD FASHIONED VALENTINES think old fashioned valentines are better than the rest. ones with clowns and dogs and cats nd folding gates and acrobats r© lots of fun! But those with lace round a sweet, old fashioned face, 'th hearts and flowers and little birds, Hd with a verse of loving words, 0 rne. of all the valentines, are just the very best! LITTLE VALENTINE Anyone can find a cardboard. Anyone can make a heart. Anyone can decorate it With a cupid and a dart. Anyone can write some verses Wrapped all round with ribbons blue Only I know where to send them. Little Valentine, to you. ON THE COVER The cover picture portraying a swest symbol of love was reproduced from a picture-postcard sent to the editor from Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Safred of Cleveland, Ohio who toured Europe last summer. The artistic composition of the picture signifies the loving message we send to our contributors and readers this month of St. Valentine’s feast! Dohodki: Mesečnina Družabne in Štev. Članic Podružnica Redni Mladinski “Zarja” Članice Razno Skupaj Redni Mladinskt 64. KANSAS CITY, KANS. 54.25 2.80 57.05 79 15# 65. VIRGINIA, MINN „ 24.25 1.70 25.95 65 17 66. CANON CITY, COLO 21.95 1.50 23.45 52 16 67. BESSEMER, PA. ..._ 36.25 2.10 .70 39.05 85 21 68. F AIRPORT HARBOR, O. 13.30 13.30 28 70. WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA ..... 6.00 .30 6.30 15 3 71. STRABANE, PA 50.00 2.20 52.20 125 23 72. PULLMAN, ILL 21.85 1.20 23.05 51 12 73. WARRENSVILLE, OHIO 25.20 .40 25.60 72 4 74. AMBRIDGE, PA 26.95 .30 27.25 57 Z 77. N. S. PITTSBURGH, PA 21.00 2.30 23.30 60 23 78. LEADVILI.R COLO 10.35 .90 11.25 26 9 79. ENUMCLAW, WASH 17.40 1.40 .70 19.50 44 14! 80. MOON RUN, PA 12.15 12.15 29 81. KEEWATIN. MINN _ 11.90 11.90 34 83. CROSBY, MINN 10.25 .50 .50 .25 11.50 25 5 84. NEW YORK, N. Y. 39.60 .60 1.10 41.30 106 7 85. DePUE, ILL 13.25 .50 .10 13.85 35 5 86. NASHWAUK, MINN 3.75 .80 4.55 10 88. JOHNSTOWN, PA 28.95 3.70 .30 .40 33.35 'K 72 38: 89. OGLESBY, ILL 36 75 3.30 .30 40.35 105 35 90. BRIDGEVILLE, PA 23.35 2.20 .20 25.75 66 22 91. VERONA, PA 22.90 1.00 23.90 49 10 92. CRESTED BUTTE, COLO 12.85 .10 12.95 26 1 93. BROOKLYN, N. Y 30.90 1.20 .60 32.70 84 12 94. CANTON, OHIO 9.90 1.40 11.30 24 14 95. SOUTH CHICAGO. ILL 106.25 7.80 114.05 217 77 96. UNIVERSAL, PA 24.90 .20 .40 25.50 59 2 97. CAIRNBROOK. PA 15.15 .90 16.05 34 9 99. ELMHURST, ILL 10.50 10.50 25 102. WILLARD. WIS 12 2%. 104. JOHNSTOWN, PA 11.55 .10 11.65 33 105. DETROIT, MICH 15 106. MEADOWLANDS, PA. 12.40 .50 12.90 24 Skupaj 4121.50 229.50 11.30 6.50 4368.80 10602 2376 Poseben dohodek 4.94 Obresti od bondov in bančnih vložb............................................................... $2,575.00 Skupni dohodki ...................................................................................... 6,948.74 * Assesment for December and Januar; & Assement for November; t Assesment for November and December; % Assesment paid in October. STROŠKI: Za umrlo sestro Agnes Zedar, št. 7. Forest City, Pa.................................................................. $ 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Agnes Semrad, št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis........................................................ 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Margaret Bohte, št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.................................................................... 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Frances Krall, št. 16, So. Chicago, 111.............................................................. 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Mary Kramberger, št. 17, West Allis, Wis........................................................... 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Helen Petkovšek, št. 25, Cfeveland, Ohio ......................................................... 100.00 Za umrlo setro Mary Ferkul, št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio....................................................................... 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Anna Miklaučič, št. 32, Euclid, Ohio .............................................................. 100.00 Za umrlo sestro Rose Jakšetič, št. 49, Euclid, Ohio .............................................................. 100.00 Bohemian Benedictine Press: Za tiskanje Zarje ..................................................................... $ 967.00 Za poštnino pri Zarji ..................................................................... 48.10 Za delo na imeniku ................................................................... 12.20 1,027.30 Mesečne plače, davki odšteti ............................................................................................. 624.82 Najemnina za glavni urad in uredništvo .................................................................................... 50.00 Pošta in znamke v glavnem uradu za tri mesece ............................................................................. 98.74 Kampanjske nagrade ........................................................................................................ 45.37 Zavarovalniškemu oddelku .................................................................................................. 10.00 Za izdatke glavni predsednici in tajnici finančnega odbora ................................................................ 50.00 Pisateljski sklad, sotrudnicam pri Zarji ................................................................................. 125.00 Telefon in brzojavi v glavnem uradu ....................................................................................... 29.04 Pisalna miza v glavnem uradu .............................................................................................. 75.00 Skupni stroški v decembru ...................................................................... 3.035.27 V blagajni 30. novembra 1952 — Balance November 30, 1952 ........... $297,266.56 Dohodki v decembru — December income............................................... 6,948.74 Skupaj — total ..................................... $304.215.30 Stroški v decembru — Disbursements in December .................................... 3,035.27 V blagajni 31. decembra 1952. Balance Dec. 31, 1952 ....................... $301,180.03 ALBINA NOVAK, glavna tajnica