GEOLOGIJA 31, 32, 219-224 (1988/89), Ljubljana UDK = 20 New ostracod and conodont species from the Triassic strata of Slovenia (NW Yugoslavia) Nova ostrakodna in konodontna vrsta iz triasnih plasti Slovenije (NW Jugoslavija) Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek Geološki zavod Ljubljana, Dimičeva 14, 61000 Ljubljana Abstract A new ostracod species Polycope ladinica n. sp. from the Ladinian beds of the Julian Alps, and new conodont species Neogondolella celeiana n. sp. from the Langobardian-Cordevolian beds occurring near Celje, are described. Kratka vsebina Opisani sta dve novi vrsti: ostrakodna Polycope ladinica n. sp. iz ladinijskih piasti Julijskih Alp in konodontna Neogondolella celeiana n. sp. iz langobardsko- -cordevolskih piasti pri Celju. The extensive investigations of the isolated Triassic microfauna of Slovenia resulted among other achievements in finding of a new ostracod and a new conodont species. The new ostracod species Polycope ladinica n. sp. is distinguished by fine irregular reticulation on the external surface of the valve. Besides ostracods and conodont fragments, the rich microfauna consists of numerous radiolaria among which a new genus and five new species have been described (Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1989 a). The similarity of the microfossil assemblage-radiolaria mainly - of the Gorenja Trenta with that of the Pokljuka section allows the conclusion that the same stratigraphie level is probably in question: the trammeri conodont zone encompas- sing the upper part of the Fassanian and the lower and the middle part of the Langobardian substages {"Protrachyceras" curionii, Gymnoceratites? poseidon and Meginoceras meginae ammonoid zones) (Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1989b). The small and medium size elements of the Neogondolella celeiana n. sp. are nearly flat with the posterior part only slightly produced downwards. The low carina consists of isolated denticles. The cusp is the strongest and bent posteriorly; behind it 220_Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek is another thorn-like denticle. This conodont species occurs in the Langobardian- -Cordevolian/oíiaía conodont zone (Macleamoceras macleami and Frankites suther- landi ammonoid zones) of the two localities near Celje. The microfossil assemblages of two find-spots consist, among others, of: Epigondolella baloghi (Kovacs), E. most- leri Kozur, E. mungoensis (Diebel), Gladigondolella malayensis Nogami, G. tethydis (Huckriede) and Neogondolella foliata foliata (Budurov) (Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1989b). Genus Poly cope Sars 1866 Polycope ladinica n. sp. Fig. 1 Derivatio nominis: Named after its stratum typicum. Holotypus: Fig. 1, sample BE 8832b (1893), Ljubljana Geological Survey . Locus typicus: Gorenja Trenta. Stratum typicum: Ladinian beds. Material: Twelve valves from Gorenja Trenta BE 8832b (1893). Diagnosis: Subrounded valves with fine, irregular reticulations. Description: Small valves are subround in lateral outline, greatest width is in the median area. The surface has fine reticulated microstructure; polygonal network of the median portion of the valve is surrounded by elongated reticulations. The hinge structure is not determinable in the specimens on hand. Relations: According to Kozur (1972) the genera Discoideíía, Polycopsis and Polycope are difficult to be distinguished one from another. The P. levis and the P. hungarica have been initially assigned to the genus Polycopsis (Kozur, 1970); however the specimens of the latter species have been later illustrated as D. hunga- rica (Kozur, 1972; Taf. 1. Fig. 8). Small difference between the genera Polycope and Polycopsis was pointed out by Ulrichs (1972, 695) as well; he assigned the Triassic specimens to the genus Polycope in the same way as originally described by Appostolescu (1959). Conse- quently, the new species from Slovenia has been attributed to this genus. The surface ornament of this species is distinguished from the other in the genus, which is marked by fine irregular reticulations. The shell surface appears to be smooth in P. levis (Kozur), but is characterized by distinct ribbing in P. hungarica (Kozur) and P. cincinnata Appostolescu. Genus Neogondolella Bender & Stoppel 1965 Neogondolella celeiana n. sp. PI. 1, Figs. 1-3 Derivatio nominis: According to its finding in the vicinity of Celje (Celeia is the Latin name of the Celje town). Holotypus: PI. 1, figs. 2a-d, sample CE/l-2b (1788), Ljubljana Geological Survey. Paratypus: PI. 1, figs. 1 a-c, 3a-c, sample CE/l-2b (1788, 1858), Ljubljana Geological Survey. Stratum typicum: BedCE/l-2b, {Neogondolella foliata - R.Z.). Locus typicus: Škrjanec near Celje. Material : Thirteen specimens from Škrjanec CE/l-2b, d (1858, 1788) and three from Straža CE/2-5, CE/2-2, CE/2-1 (1863, 1856, 1860). New ostracod and conodont species from the Triassic... 221 Fig. 1-SI. 1 Polycope ladinica n. sp. Holotype. Ladinian stage - ladinijska stopnja, Gorenja Trenta BE 8832 b (1893), 150 x Photo by - Foto J. Rode (Institute of Biology, Ljubljana) Diagnosis: Small to medium sized, almost straight element. Platform develo- ped along most of the elements' length; it terminates just before the anterior and posterior edges. Low carina composed of low isolated denticles. Short free blade, cusp enlarged. Keel fairly narrow and high. Small basal pit surrounded by large loop. Description: The unit is practically straight in lateral view, only the posterior part behind the pit is slightly inclined downwards. Platform is well developed in the central part, it tapers gradually toward the posterior and anterior edges leaving one or two denticles free at each edge. Platform widest near the center. Lateral margins of platform considerably thick with honeycomb structure at upper surface. Width to length ratio about 1:3.5. Entire unit length is totaling 0.34 to 0.58mm, width 0.10 to 0.18mm and height 0.10 to 0.23mm. The carina is low, but it nevertheless decreases in the center, composed of six to nine denticles. Denticle next to the posterior one is largest and projecting posteriorly. Posterior spine-like denticle is posteriorly inclined and asymmetrically located. The underside is characterized by a narrow and high keel with deeply excavated groove. Terminally located pit is ovaloid and surrounded by flaring loop. Relations: A morphologic relatioship exists with N. shoshonensis Nicora, especially in the development of the platform. The new form shows affinities with N. constricta (Mosher & Clark) in the platform shape and low, in the central portion decreased carina. N. celeiana n. sp. is distinguished from N. constricta in looplike extensions and its pointed posterior edge. N. celeiana n. sp. may have developed from N. constricta, what can be infered from small-sized unit and significant cusp. In evolution of the Triassic Neogondolella major changes took place at the posterior 222 Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek Plate 1 - Tabla 1 Neogondolella celeiana n. sp. 2a-c holotvpe. Neogondolella follata - R. Z. (Langobardian-Cordevolian), Škrjanec CE/l-2b (1858) Magnifications 100 x except figs. 1 c 300 x, 2 b 200 x, 3 c 220 x and 3 d 320 x Povečave 100 x razen si. i c 300 x, 2 b 200 x, 3 c 220 x m 3d 320 x Photo by - Foto M. Jakupović (Institute of Metallurgy, Ljubljana) part of the elements which lead into reduction of the posterior denticle, and is formed as posteriorly inclined spine in new species. Distribution: This species is represented in the Langobardian-Cordevolian beds (foliata - R. Z.) of Škrjanec and Straža near Celje. Nova ostrakodna in konodontna vrsta iz triasnih plasti Slovenije Povzetek V sklopu obsežnih raziskav izolirane triasne mikrofavne Slovenije sta bili najdeni po ena nova ostrakodna in konodontna vrsta. Ostrakodno vrsto Polycope ladinica n. sp. označuje nežna nepravilna retikulacija na zunanji površini lupine. Bogato mikrofavno poleg ostrakodov in konodontnih fragmentov sestavljajo tudi številni radiolariji, izmed katerih je opisan en novi rod in pet novih vrst (Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1989a). Zaradi podobnosti mikrofosilne združbe, predvsem radiolarijev iz Gorenje Trente z združbo v profilu na Pokljuki sklepam, da gre verjetno za isti stratigrafski nivo, to je trammeri konodontno cono, ki obsega zgornji del fassanske in spodnji ter srednji del langobardske podstopnje (amonitne cone »Protrachyceras« curionii, Gymnoceratites? poseidon in Meginoceras meginae) (Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1989b). Majhni do srednje veliki elementi vrste Neogondolella celeiana n. sp. so skoraj ravni, le zadnji del je nekoliko upognjen navzdol. Nizko karino sestavljajo izolirani zobje. Kusp je najmočnejši in usmerjen nazaj, za njim stoji še en trnu podoben zob. Ta konodontna vrsta se nahaja v langobardsko-cordevolski foliata konodontni coni (Maclearnoceras maclearni in Frankites sutherlandi amonitni coni) dveh nahajališč pri Celju. Mikrofosilni združbi obeh nahajališč poleg drugih sestavljajo še: Epigondo- lella baloghi (Kovacs), E. mostleri Kozur, E. mungoensis (Diebel), Gladigondolella malayensis Nogami, G. tethydis (Huckriede) in Neogondolella foliata foliata (Budu- rov) (Kolar-Jurkovšek, 1989b). New ostracod and conodont species from the Triassic... 223 224 Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek References Appostolescu, V. 1959, Ostracodes du Lias du Bassin de Paris. Rev. Inst. Franc. Pétrole, 6, 795-826, 4, Pl., Paris. Kolar-Jurkovšek, T. 1989a, New radiolaria from the Ladinian substage (Middle Tnassic) of Slovenia (NW Yugoslavia). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., 3, 155-165, 3 text-figs., Stuttgart. Kolar-Jurkovšek, T. 1989 b, Mikrofavna srednjega in zgornjega triasa Slovenije in njen biostratigrafski pomen. Geologija, 33, (in print). Kozur, H. 1970, Neue Ostracoden-Arten aus dem obersten Anis des Bakony-hochlandes (Ungarn). Ber. Nat. - Med. Ver. Innsbruck, 58, 384-428, 4 Taf., Innsbruck. Kozur, H. 1972, Die Bedeutung triassischer Ostracoden für stratigraphische und paläo- ökologische Untersuchungen. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud., 21, 623-660, 2 Tab., 3 Taf., Innsbruck. Ulrichs, M. 1972, Ostracoden aus den Kössenner Schichten und ihre Abhängigkeit von der Ekologie. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergabustud., 21, 661-710, 8, Abb., 4 Taf., Innsbruck.