ACTA CARSOLOGICA 34/3 7 660-690 LJUBLJANA 2005 COBISS: 1.01 FAVNA KOPENSKIH HABITATOV PIVŠKIH JEZER FAUNA OF THE LAND HABITATS OF THE PIVKA LAKES SLAVKO POLAK1 1Notranjski muzej Postojna, Ljubljanska 10, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenija e-mail: Izvleček Abstract UDK: 591.524(285.2)(497.4 Pivka) Slavko Polak: Favna kopenskih habitatov Pivških jezer V prispevku je podan pregled trenutnega poznavanja favne kopenskih habitatov Pivških jezer. Doslej je bilo na območju ugotovljenih 20 vrst sesalcev in 127 vrst ptic. Od ptic jih 75 vrst tu tudi gnezdi. Izpostavljene so vrst evropske ohranitvene pozornosti kot so kosec, hribski škrjanec, podhujka in pisana penica. Pisana penica, poljski škrjanec, rjavi srakoper in velik strnad imajo na Pivških jezerih ene največjih gnezditvenih gostot v državi. Na območju Pivških jezer je bilo doslej ugotovljenih 8 vrst plazilcev in 9 vrst dvoživk. Večina vrst je uvrščena na rdeči seznam ogroženih živali. Metulji dnevniki so relativno dobro raziskani. Za območje je znanih 106 vrst kar znaša 57% vseh v Sloveniji živečih vrst metuljev. Tudi med metulji je veliko ogroženih in ranljivih vrst. Doslej je znanih prek 210 vrst hroščev. Ocenjeno je, da tu živi med 4000 do 6000 vrst hroščev. Veliko ogroženih vrst je vezanih na močvirne travnike jezer, suha kraška travišča ter kamnite griže. Za gozdove in grmišča je značilnih manj ogroženih vrst živali. Naravovarstveno so pomembni ostanki starih hrastovih gozdov. Na območju Pivških jezer je zaradi opuščanja človekove rabe opaziti hitro zaraščanje travišč, kar vodi v zmanjševanje biotske pestrosti. Poleg pravnega zavarovanja Pivških jezer je zato predlagano aktivno upravljanje, ohranjanje in usmerjanje ter spodbujanje dosedanje ekstenzivne kmetijske rabe. UDC: 591.524(285.2)(497.4 Pivka) Slavko Polak: Fauna of the land habitats of the Pivka lakes The paper gives an overview of the current knowledge of the fauna of the land habitats around the Pivka lakes. So far 20 mammal species and 127 bird species have been identified. Of the bird species, 75 also nest here. Special attention is paid to European conservation species such as the corn crake, woodlark, nightjar and barred warbler. The nesting density of the barred warbler, skylark, red-backed shrike and corn bunting at the Pivka lakes is among the highest in the country. In the area of the Pivka lakes 8 reptile species and 9 amphibian species have been identified. The majority of these species are on the Red List of Threatened Animals. The butterflies have been relatively well researched. 106 species have been identified in the area, which amounts to 57% of all species of butterflies living in Slovenia. Many of them are threatened and vulnerable species. To the present, 210 species of beetles have been identified, live here. Many of the threatened species are connected with the marshy grasslands of the lakes, dry karst grasslands and barren rocky outcrops. There are fewer threatened animal species in the forests and brush. The remains of old oak forests are scientifically important. Due to the abandonment of land use by humans in the area of the Pivka lakes we can observe the rapid overgrowth of pasturelands, which leads to decreased biodiversity. In addition to legal protection of the Pivka lakes it is therefore also recommend active management and conservation as well as preserving and encouragement of the formerly extensive farming practices. Ključne besede: Pivška jezera, sesalci, ptice, plazilci, dvoživke, metulji, hrošči, varstvo narave, Slovenija. Key words: Pivka lakes, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, beetles, conservation, Slovenia. uvod introduction Za razliko od znamenitega Cerkniškega jezera in Planinskega polja so bila presihajoča Pivška kraška jezera pri raziskovanju živalstva - favne po krivici zapostavljena. V zoološki literaturi skoraj ne najdemo zapisov o živalstvu Pivških jezer. Prve priložnostne raziskave so bile opravljene pri izdelavi okoljevarstvenih ocen za vojaško območje vadbišča Bile, ki vključuje najsevernejše občasno jezero Jeredovce (Polak 1997). Za pripravo podlag pri načrtovanju Regijskega parka Snežnik so bile izvedene prve načrtne inventarizacije živalstva. Tako so bile od favne kopenskih habitatov načrtno popisane ptice, metulji dnevniki in hrošči (Tome 2000a). Te raziskave so bile omejene na šest največjih od sedemnajstih presihajočih jezer, in sicer na Petelinjsko, Palško, Veliko in Malo Zagorsko ter Veliko in Malo Drskovško jezero. Na teh, predvsem pa na zgornjih, južnih presihajočih jezerih, kot so Bačko jezero, Kalsko jezero, Kjunov ribnik, Veliki dol, Laneno in Šembijsko jezero so bili podatki o živalstvu zadnjih deset let zbirani nenačrtno v okviru delovanja Biološkega oddelka Notranjskega muzeja Postojna. Prispevek je pregled trenutnega poznavanja favne vretenčarjev ter dnevnih metuljev in hroščev. Za vretenčarje sem uporabil terminologijo po Ključu za določanje vretenčarjev Slovenije (Kryštufek & Janžekovič 1999), za dnevne metulje pa po Collinsovem priročniku za določanje metuljev Evrope (Tolman & Lewington 1997). Slovenska imena metuljev povzemam po delovni verziji seznama Matjaža Ježa s sodelavci (Jež, v pripravi). sesalci (Mammalia) Delni pregled favne sesalcev Srednje Pivke, kamor sodijo tudi Pivška jezera, je podan v Slavenskem zborniku (Polak 2005) in v Okoljevarstvenih ocenah za vadbišče Bile - živalstvo (Polak 1997). Presihajoča Pivška jezera so za favno sesalcev, razen za male sesalce, ki pa niso načrtno raziskani, prehodnega značaja. Tu podajam seznam naključnih opažanj Unlike the better-known Cerkniško jezero (Cerknica intermittent lake) and Planinsko polje (Planina polje), research of the fauna of the Pivka intermittent karst lakes has been unjustly ignored. In the zoological literature we almost never encounter papers on the fauna of the Pivka lakes. The first research was conducted for the production of environmental assessments for the Bile military training grounds, which include the northernmost intermittent lake, Jere-dovce (Polak 1997). The first systematic inventory of fauna was performed in the preparation for the bases for the planning of the Snežnik Regional Park. Thus among the fauna of land habitats, systematic inventories were made for birds, butterflies and beetles (Tome, 2000a). This research was limited to the six largest of the seventeen intermittent lakes, Petelinjsko jezero, Palško jezero, Veliko Zagorsko jezero, Malo Zagorsko jezero, Veliko Drskovško jezero and Malo Drskovško jezero. Especially on the upper, southernmost intermittent lakes such as Bačko jezero, Kalsko jezero, Kjunov ribnik, Veliki dol, Laneno jezero and Šembijsko jezero, data on fauna have been collected coincidental-ly in the last ten years by Biology Department of the Notranjska Museum. They have contributed an overview of current knowledge of the vertebrate fauna and butterflies and beetles. For beetle identification I have relied on the terminology from the Ključ za določanje vretenčarjev Slovenije (Key to Identifying Vertebrates of Slovenia, Kryštufek & Janžekovič 1999), and for butterflies the Collins Field Guide: Butterflies of Britain and Europe (Tolman & Lewington 1997). I have taken the Slovene and English names of butterflies from the draft version of the list by Matjaž Jež et al (Jež, in preparation). mammals (Mammalia) A partial overview of the mammalian fauna of Central Pivka, which includes Pivka lakes, is available in the Slavenski zbornik (Polak 2005) and the Okoljevarstvene ocene za vadbišče Bile sesalcev ali pa le njihovih sledi, ki pričajo o njihovi prisotnosti. Na Pivškem pa tudi na samih jezerih odtisi stopal rjavega medveda (Ursus arctos) niso nobena redkost. Od zveri so bili tu opaženi še divja mačka (Felis silvestris), lisica (Vulpes vulpes), jazbec (Meles meles) in kuna belica (Martes foina) (slika 1). V zadnjih letih beležimo nekaj opažanj volkov (Canis lupus). Ozek koridor med Selcami in Prestrankom velja za tradicionalno stečino volkov, ko prehajajo od Javornikov prek Pivških jezer proti Ravniku in Nanosu. Jelenjad (Cervus elaphus) in srnjad (Capreplus capreolus) sta tu stalno prisotni. Jelen ima prav na jezerih tudi znana rukališča. Razriti travniki v okolici Pivških jezer kažejo tudi na občasno prisotnost divjih prašičev (Sus scrofa). V zadnjih letih postaja spet nekoliko pogostejši poljski zajec (Lepus europaeus). Od žužkojedov tu najdemo beloprsega ježa (Erinaceus concolor), navadnega krta (Talpa europaea) ter gozdno (Sorex araneus) in vrtno rovko (Crocidura suaveolens). Med glodalci so na jezeru in v okolici najštevilčnejše poljske voluharice (Microtus arvalis) in travniške voluharice (Microtus agrestis). Na robu jezera, predvsem pa v gozdu živijo belonoge miši (Apodemus sp.), gozdne voluharice (Clethrionomys glareolus) ter navadni polhi (Glis glis) in podleski (Muscardinus avellanarius). V zrelejših borovih gozdovih niso redke navadne veverice (Sciurus vulgaris). Netopirji iz tega območja žal še niso raziskani. ptice (Aves) Ptice Pivške kotline in deloma Pivških jezer so bile prvič priložnostno popisane za potrebe izdelave Ornitološkega atlasa ptic gnezdilk Slovenije (Geister 1995). Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije je leta 1983 izpeljalo tudi manjši projekt Ornitološki atlas notranjskih kraških polj, ki pa presihajočih Pivških jezer ni zajel (Geister 1983). Prav tako so bila zimska opazovanja ptic tega območja vključena v Zimski ornitološki atlas (Sovinc 1994). V zimskih mesecih, ko so Pivška jezera brez vode, se favna ptic teh kraških polj bistveno - živalstvo (Environmental assessments of the Bile training grounds - fauna, Polak 1997). The Pivka intermittent lakes are transitional habitats for mammals, except for small mammals, which have not been systematically researched. Below I provide a list of coincidental observations of mammals or only their tracks, which bear witness to their presence. The tracks of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) are not rare in the Pivka area and on the lakes themselves. We can also find the tracks of wildcat (Felis silvestris), fox (Vulpes vulpes), badger (Meles meles) and beech marten (Martes foina) (Figure 1). In the last few years we have recorded a few sightings of wolves (Canis lupus). The narrow corridor between Selce and Prestranek is a traditional path for wolves, when they travel from the Javorniki past the Pivka lakes towards Ravnik and Nanos. Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) are permanent inhabitants. Red deer also have a well known rutting zone at the lakes. The dug up grasslands in the area of the Pivka lakes also indicate the occasional presence of wild boar (Sus scrofa). In recent years the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) has once again started to become more common. Among insectivores we can find the Eastern European hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor), mole (Talpa europaea), common shrew (Sorex araneus) and lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens). The most common rodents at the lakes and in the area are the common vole (Microtus arvalis) and field vole (Microtus agrestis). At the edge of the lakes and especially in the forests we find mice (Apodemus sp.), bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus), fat dormice (Glis glis) and common dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius). Red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) are not uncommon in the more mature pine forests. Bats in this area have unfortunately not yet been researched. birds (Aves) Birds in the Pivka basin and partially the Pivka lakes were first inventoried for the Ornitološki atlas ptic gnezdilk Slovenije (Orni- ne razlikuje od avifavne ostalega uravnanega dela Pivške kotline. Nasprotno pa so v pozno jesenskih in zgodnje pomladanskih mesecih, ko se jezera zaradi taljenja snega ali obilnega deževja napolnijo, Pivška jezera pomembna tudi za prezimovanje in prelet vodnih ptic. V okviru mednarodne akcije zimskega štetja vodnih ptic, ko ornitologi na isti konec tedna preštevamo vodne ptice celotne severne poloble, vsako leto pregledamo in preštejemo vodne ptice tudi na kraških Pivških jezerih. Ta so bila v zadnjem desetletju v dnevih štetja večinoma suha ali pa brez vodnih ptic, z izjemo leta 1998 (Štumberger 1998). V poročilu o pticah projekta Inventarizacija favne, flore in vegetacije Pivških jezer, opravljenega v jeseni leta 1999 ter spomladi in poleti 2000, Davorin Tome (Tome 2000b) objavi prvi celovitejši seznam vrst ptic Pivških jezer. Za območje štirih večjih jezer navaja 42 vrst ptic. Na osnovi našega dolgoletnega opazovanja in popisovanja ptic širšega območja Pivških jezer Srednje in Zgornje Pivke je v tem delu seznam vrst ptic dopolnjen na 127 vrst ptic (Tabela 1). Med najzanimivejše in povsem nepričakovane zimske goste lahko štejemo polarnega slapnika (Gavia arctica), ki sem ga na Palškem jezeru opazoval 11.11.1998. Jezero je bilo polno vode in slapnik je plaval med krošnjami poplavljenih borovcev ter se potapljal. S čim se je slapnik, ta izrazito ribojeda vrsta ptice, prehranjeval, lahko le ugibamo. Štiri polarne slapnike sta na Petelinjskem jezeru opazovala tudi Kmecl in Rižner (Kmecl & Rižner 1995). Zanimivo je opazovanje dveh čopastih ponirkov (Podceps cristatus) dne 18.1.1998 na Petelinjskem jezeru. Kmecl in Rižner (1995) sta na Petelinjskemjezeru opazovala tudi črnogrlega ponirka (Podiceps nigricollis). Med čapljami se v času preleta ob Pivških jezerih občasno pojavijo sive čaplje (Ardea cinerea) in velike bele čaplje (Egretta alba). V zimskem obdobju se obe vrsti radi prehranjujeta tudi drugod po poljih Pivške kotline. Med naključne selivke štejemo tudi čapljico (Ixobrychus minutus), ki smo jo opazovali 26.9.1998 pri spreletavanju nad grmovjem blizu Matijeve jame na Palškem thological Atlas of Slovenia, Geister 1995). In 1983, the Bird Watching and Bird Studying Association of Slovenia (DOPPS) issued a project entitled Ornitološki atlas notranjskih kraških polj (Ornithological Atlas of the Notranjska Karst Poljes, Geister 1983), which however did not include the Pivka intermittent lakes. Winter observations of birds in this area were included in the Zimski ornitološki atlas (Atlas of wintering birds, Sovinc 1994). During winter months, when the Pivka lakes are dry, the avifauna of these karst poljes does not essentially differ from that of the other flat parts of the Pivka basin. However, in the late autumn and early spring, when the lakes are full due to snowfall or heavy rainfall, the Pivka lakes are also an important wintering and migratory station for water birds. As part of the international winter survey of water birds, when ornithologists count water birds throughout the entire northern hemisphere on the same weekend, we also checked water birds on the Pivka karst lakes each year. In the last decade they have mainly been dry or without water birds on the survey days, with the exception of 1998 (Štumberger 1998). In a report entitled Inventarizacija favne, flore in vegetacije Pivških jezer (Inventory of fauna, flora and vegetation of the Pivka lakes) as part of a project performed in 1999 and the spring and summer of 2000, Davorin Tome (Tome 2000b) published the first more comprehensive list of birds of the Pivka lakes. He lists 42 bird species for the area of four of the larger lakes. On the basis of our years of observations and inventorying of birds in the wider vicinity of the Pivka lakes of the Central and Upper Pivka regions, the list of birds has been expanded to 127 species for this area (Table 1). One of the most interesting and entirely unexpected winter guests is the black-throated diver (Gavia arctica), which I observed on Palško jezero on 11 Nov. 1998. The lake was full of water and the loon swam and dived among the crowns of submerged pines. What the diver, an expressly fish-eating species, was feeding on we can only guess. Four black-throated divers were observed on Petelinjsko jezero by Kmecl and jezeru. Voda, ki poplavi kraška jezera, dvigne semena trav, šašja in drugih rastlin, te pa so v zimskem obdobju pomembna hrana pravim racam rodu Anas. V novembru, decembru, januarju ali februarju se na Petelinjskem oziroma Palškem jezeru ob poplavah pogosto zadržuje jata rac mlakaric (Anas platyrhynchos). Tako sta 7.11.1993 Kmecl in Rižner (1995) na Petelinjskem jezeru naštela 150 mlakaric. Sam sem dne 3.1.1998 naštel 107 mlakaric na Palškem jezeru, istega dne 125 na Petelinjskem jezeru in 18.1.1998 kar 168 mlakaric na Petelinjskem jezeru. Tome (2000b) navaja 40 mlakaric za Petelinjsko jezero dne 14.12.1999. Ostale vrste rac se pojavljajo v manjšem številu. Race kreheljce (Anas crecca) smo zabeležili 3.1.1998 na Palškem jezeru (17 osebkov) in 18.1.1998 na Petelinjskem jezeru (30 osebkov). Race žvižgavke (Anas penelope) so se podobno zadrževale 3.1.1998 (40 osebkov) in 11.11.1998 (4 osebki) na Palškem jezeru ter 3.1.1998 na Petelinjskem jezeru (8 osebkov). Pet žvižgavk in tri dolgorepe race (Anas acuta) sta na Petelinjskem jezeru dne 7.11.1993 zabeležila tudi Kmecl in Rižner (Kmecl & Rižner 1995). Samca in samico dolgorepe race smo na Petelinjskem jezeru opazovali tudi 18.1.1998. Od pravih rac smo dne 3.1.1998 na Palškem jezeru opazovali tudi 1 osebek race žličarice (Anas clypeata). Bolj presenetljivo je na Pivških jezerih pojavljanje rac potapljavk. Po ena čopasta črnica (Aythya fuligula) je bila opazovana 3.1.1998 na Palškem jezeru in 18.1.1998 na Petelinjskem jezeru. 3.1. 1998 se je na Palškem jezeru zadrževalo 10 rac sivk (Aythya ferina) ter 6 osebkov 18.1.1998 na Petelinjskem jezeru. Med ribojede vrste rac sodi tudi navadni zvonec (Bucephala clangula). To vrsto smo zabeležili 3.1. in 18.1.1998 na Petelinjskem jezeru. Naštete vrste rac štejemo med občasne prezimovalke. Od tipičnih in rednih prezimovalk na Pivških jezerih velja omeniti velikega srakoperja (Lanius excubitor), velike jate travniških cip (Anthus pratensis), brinovk Rižner (Kmecl & Rižner 1995). The sighting of two great crested grebes (Podiceps cristatus) on 18 Jan. 1998 is also noteworthy. Kmecl and Rižner (1995) also saw a black necked grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) on Petelinjsko jezero. Among herons and egrets, grey herons (Ardea cinerea) and great white egrets (Egretta alba) occasionally appear over the Pivka lakes during migration. During the winter both species also feed elsewhere on the poljes of the Pivka basin. Accidental migrants also include little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), which we observed on 26 Sept. 1998 flying over the bushes near the Matijeva jama cave on Palško jezero. The water which floods karst lakes raises grass seeds, sedge and other plants, which provide an important source of food during the winter for true ducks of the genus Anas. In November, December, January or February, flocks of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) often gather on Petelinje or Palško jezero when flooded. On 7 Nov. 1993 Kmecl and Rižner (1995) counted 150 mallards on Petelinjsko jezero. On 3 Jan. 1998 I counted 107 mallards on Palško jezero, 125 on the same day on Petelinjsko jezero and on 18 Jan. 1998 168 mallards on Petelinjsko jezero. Tome (2000b) counted 40 mallards on Petelinjsko jezero on 14 Dec. 1999. Other duck species appear in lesser numbers. Teals (Anas crecca) were observed on 3 Jan. 1998 on Palško jezero (17 birds) and on 18 Jan. 1998 on Petelinjsko jezero (30 birds). Wigeons (Anas penelope) gathered in similar numbers on 3 Jan. 1998 (40 birds) and 11 Nov. 1998 (4 birds) on Palško jezero and 3 Jan. 1998 on Petelinjsko jezero (8 birds). Five widgeons and three pintails (Anas acuta) were recorded on Petelinjsko jezero on 7 Nov. 1993 by Kmecl and Rižner (Kmecl & Rižner 1995). A male and a female northern pintail were also seen on Petelinjsko jezero on 18 Jan. 1998. Among other true ducks, on 3 Jan. 1998 we also observed 1 shoveler (Anas clypeata) on Palško jezero. More surprising is the appearance of diving ducks on the Pivka lakes. One tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) was observed on 3 Jan. 1998 on Palško jezero and 18 Jan. 1998 on Petelinjsko jezero. On 3 Jan. (Turduspilaris), cararjev (Turdus viscivorus) in čižkov (Carduelis spinus). V zgodnji pomladi pa vse do sredine maja se čez Pivško kotlino selijo še številne druge vrste vodnih ptic in rac. Zlasti številčno se ponekod pojavlja raca reglja (Anas querquedula) predvsem v poplavni ravnici Pivkinega pritoka Stržen, opazovana pa je bila tudi v Kljunovem ribniku in v strugi Pivke pri Zagorju. Nedvomno se v času poplav pojavlja tudi v Pivških jezerih. V tem obdobju so na Pivškem prisotne jate raznih pobrežnikov in galebov. Od teh smo na Petelinjskem in Palškem pa tudi Velikem Drskovškem jezeru že opazovali kozice (Gallinago gallinago), togotnike (Philomachus pugnax), močvirske martince (Tringa glareola) in pa male martince (Actitis hypoleucos). Razlog za pogosto pojavljanje pobrežnikov ob obalah Pivških jezer je precej enostaven. Narasle pomladanske vode poplavijo in iz travišč dvignejo obilo nevretenčarjev, ki jih veter in burja naplavita na bregove jezer. Pozornemu opazovalcu ne bo ušlo, da jeseni in spomladi ob bregovih kar mrgoli hroščkov, muhic in drugih žuželk. K takšni pojedini se pobrežnikom pridružijo še znatne jate ptic pevk, ki se ravno v tem obdobju selijo čez Pivško kotlino. Tako lahko ob bregovih jezer opazujemo številne bele (Motacilla alba) in rumene pastirice (Motacilla flava), poljske škrjance (Alauda arvensis), vriskarice (Anthus spinoleta), travniške (Anthus pratensis) in drevesne cipe (Anthus trivialis) ter prosnike (Saxicola torquata), repaljščice (Saxicola rubetra), kupčarje (Oenanthe oenanthe), šmarnice (Phoenicurus ochruros) in pogorelčke (Phoenicuris phoenicurus). Med drozgi prevladujejo kosi (Turdus merula) in velike jate cikovtov (Turdus philomelos). Obilje ptic pritegne tudi plenilce. To so zlasti skobec (Accipiter nisus), kragulj (Accipiter gentilis) ter rjavi lunj (Circus aeruginosus), peplelasti (Circus cyaneus) in močvirski lunj (Circus pygargus). Opazovanje pepelastega lunja in postovke (Falco tinnunculus) za Pivška jezera navaja tudi Tome (2000b). Navadne postovke in navadne kanje (Buteo buteo) se na tem območju lahko zadržujejo celo leto. Na jesenski in pozno pomladanski selitvi je tu možno 10 pochards (Aythya ferina) were counted on Palško jezero and 6 birds on Petelinjsko jezero on 18 Jan. 1998. Fish-eating duck species also include the goldeneye (Bucephala clangula). This species was observed was observed on 3 Jan. and 18 Jan. 1998 on Petelinjsko jezero. The duck species listed are all considered to be occasional winterers. Among typical and regular winterers at the Pivka lakes we should mention the great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor), large flocks of meadow pipits (Anthus pratensis), fieldfare (Turdus pilaris), mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) and siskin (Carduelis spinus). From the early spring to the middle of May several other species of water birds and ducks migrate through the Pivka basin. In some places, garganeys (Anas querquedula) appear in large numbers, especially on the flooded plain of the Stržen, a tributary of the Pivka, and they have also been seen at Kljun's Pond and in the bed of the Pivka near Zagorje. They also definitely appear in the Pivka lakes when they are flooded. During this time flocks of various terns and gulls are present in the Pivka region. Among these on the Petelinjsko jezero, Palško jezero and Veliko Drskovško jezero we have observed common snipe (Gall-inago gallinago), ruff (Philomachus pugnax), wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola) and common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos). The reason for the frequent appearance of waders along the shores of the Pivka lakes is quite simple. The rising spring waters drown and lift from the meadows large amounts of invertebrates, which the winds, including the bora, pile up on the shores of the lakes. The attentive observer will not miss the fact that the shores teem with beetles, flies and other insects during the spring and autumn. Waders are joined in such feasts by considerable flocks of songbirds which migrate through the Pivka basin at those times. Thus we can find along the lakeshores numerous white (Motacilla alba) and yellow wagtails (Motacil-la flava), skylarks (Alauda arvensis), water (Anthus spinoleta), meadow (Anthuspratensis) and tree pipits (Anthus trivialis), stonechats (Saxi-cola torquata), whinchats (Saxicola rubetra), opazovati tudi jate rdečenogih postovk (Falco vespertinus) in tu pa tam škrjančarja (Falco subbuteo). Območje poredkoma preletita tudi planinski orel (Aquila chrysaetos) in beloglavi jastreb (Gyps fulvus). Vrstna sestava ptic na presihajočih Pivških jezerih se pozno pomladi in poleti, v času gnezditve, močno spremeni. Jezera pozno spomladi pretežno presahnejo in na uravnanih delih se razbohotijo travišča. Pri obravnavanju favne ptic Pivških jezer moramo vrste ptic razvrstiti v tri ali štiri ključne habitate. To so močvirni travniki, ki uspevajo na nižjih uravnanih, občasno poplavljenih predelih. Na nekoliko dvignjenih tleh, predvsem pa na pobočjih okoli jezer uspeva tipična kraška traviščna in zeliščna vegetacija. Deli kraških jezer se zaraščajo z grmišči, ki pa so za ohranjanje pestrosti ptic tudi zelo pomembna. Zadnji pomembnejši sklop habitatov so gozdovi, ki obkrožajo Pivška jezera. Iz naravovarstvenega vidika so mlajši sestoji rdečega in črnega bora na Pivškem manj pomembni. Nasprotno pa je pomen ostankov hrastovih gozdov velik. Za hrastova drevesa je značilno, da imajo veliko dupel in so zaradi tega zelo pomembna za gnezdenje duplarjev. Kar nekaj vrst, kot na primer smrdokavra (Upupa epops), zelena žolna (Picus viridis) in sršenar (Pernis apivorus) gnezdi v gozdovih, prehranjujejo pa se na odprtih travniških površinah. V sestojih grmišč na Pivških jezerih gnezdi nekaj ogroženih vrst ptic. Med najznačilnejše sodi pisana penica (Sylvia nisoria). To je ena naših večjih penic in je uvrščena na seznam dodatka Habitatne direktive EU (Council Directive 79/409/EEC _ 1979), torej vrst, ki jim je v Evropski uniji potrebno opredeliti varovana območja. Območje Pivške kotline je za pisano penico opredeljeno kot Posebno območje varstva - (SPA) (angleško Special Protected Area) Snežnik-Pivka (Božič 2003), saj prav tu ta vrsta dosega izjemno visoke gostote. Vrsto najdemo tudi v grmiščih na Cerkniškem jezeru in Planinskem polju, toda prav presihajoča Pivška jezera so njen optimalen življenjski prostor. To je odprt travniški svet s posameznimi sestoji oziroma večjimi grmi, wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) and redstarts (Phoeni-curis phoenicurus). Among thrushes blackbirds (Turdus merula) and large flocks of song thrush (Turdus philomelos) predominate. The abundance of birds also attracts birds of prey. These include especially sparrow hawks (Accipiter nisus), goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus), northern harriers (Circus cyaneus) and Montagu's harriers (Circus pygargus). Tome (2000b) also reports sighting a northern harrier and common kestrel (Fal-co tinnunculus) at the Pivka lakes. Kestrel and common buzzards (Buteo buteo) can remain in this area year round. During the autumn and late spring migrations flocks of red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) can be seen here, as well as the occasional hobby (Falco subbuteo). The area is also occasionally overflown by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus). The species composition of birds at the Pivka intermittent lakes changes dramatically in the late spring and summer, during nesting season. In the late spring the lakes are mostly dry and grasslands spring up in the level areas. In discussing the avifauna of the Pivka lakes we have to divide the birds into three or four key habitats. These include marshy grasslands and wet meadows, which thrive on low-lying level areas which are occasionally flooded. On somewhat higher ground, especially on the slopes around the lakes, we find characteristic karst grassy vegetation and herbal plants. Parts of the karst lakes are covered with bushes, which are very important for maintaining the diversity of bird species. The last significant habitat type is the forests which surround the Pivka lakes. The younger stands of Scots pine and Austrian pine in the Pivka region are less important from the conservation point of view. However, the remains of oak forests are extremely important. Oak trees characteristically have a large amount of hollows, and are therefore very important for species which nest in hollow trees. Several species, such as hoopoes (Upupa epops), green woodpeckers (Picus viridis) and honey buzzards (Pernis apivorus) nest in the forests and feed on the open grassy areas. katerih vejevje sega do tal. Na pivških kraških poljih so ti grmovnati sestoji sestavljeni pretežno iz črnega trna (Prunus spinosa), gloga (Crataegus sp.), rešeljike (Prunus mahaleb) pa tudi drugih grmovnic. Na Palškem jezeru je razvito obsežno grmovje vrbe (Salix sp.). Tu je Tome (2000b) ugotovil gostoto 4 - 12 parov pisanih penic na km2. Na širšem območju pivških polj gnezdijo še tri vrste penic. Medtem ko je črnoglavka (Sylvia atricapilla) dominantna gnezdilka gozdnih robov in gozdnih jas, rjava penica (Sylvia communis) in mlinarček (Sylvia curruca) zasedata odprt kraški svet z majhnimi grmički in zaraščajoče kraške trate. Zaraščajoči pašniki s sestoji brina so veliko bolj po godu mlinarčku. Vrtne penice (Sylvia borin) se tu masovno pojavljajo v času selitve, vendar ne gnezdijo. Sestoji grmišč sredi travnikov, košenic in pašnikov so ustrezen habitat tudi rjavemu srakoperju (Lanius collurio) (Slika 2), ki je na Pivškem zelo številčen. Tome (2000b) navaja gostoto gnezdečih rjavih srakoperjev 16 - 24 parov na km2 za Palško jezero in 18 - 27 parov na km2 za Petelinjsko jezero, kar pomeni, da ima ta vrsta prav na Pivških jezerih eno največjih gostot v Sloveniji. Odprt travniški svet s posameznimi grmi in drevesi je ustrezen habitat tudi velikemu strnadu (Miliaria calandra). Tome (2000b) za to vrsto strnada navaja gostoto 7 - 12 parov na km2 za Palško jezero in 5 - 14 parov na km2 za Petelinjsko jezero, kar sta tudi med višjimi gnezditvenimi gostotami velikega strnada v Sloveniji. Medtem ko veliki strnad izbira uravnan svet s posameznimi grmi, pa izgleda rumeni strnad (Emberiza citrinella) nekoliko izrinjen na obrobje presihajočih jezer in tudi sicer bolj gričevnat svet Pivške kotline, kjer pa je ena od dominantnejših vrst ptic. Na obrobju Pivških jezer ponekod gnezdi tudi skalni strnad (Emberiza cia), ki mu ustrezajo bolj termofilni skalnati predeli. Podobno si habitate presihajočih Pivških jezer delita dve vrti škrjancev. Poljski škrjanec (Alauda arvensis) je pogosta gnezdilka uravnanega nezaraščenega travniškega dna jezer. Tome (2000) tako navaja gostoto 6 - 12 parov na km2 za Palško jezero Various threatened bird species nest in the bush stands of the Pivka lakes. One of the most characteristic is the barred warbler (Sylvia niso-ria) . This is one of the our largest warblers and is listed in an annex to the EU Habitats Directive (Council Directive 79/409/EEC ... 1979), and is therefore a species for which protected areas must be defined in the European Union. The area of the Pivka basin has been designated as the Snežnik-Pivka Special Protection Area (SPA) for the barred warbler (Božič 2003), since the species reaches a very high population density here. We also find the species in bush stands at Cerkniško jezero and Planinsko polje, but the Pivka intermittent lakes appear to be their optimal habitat. This is an open grassland with individual bush stands or large bushes whose branches reach to the ground. On the karst poljes in the Pivka region these bush stands are made up mainly of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), hawthorn (Crataegus sp.), Mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb) and other bushes. On Palško jezero there is a large stand of willow (Salix sp.). Here Tome (2000b) recorded a density of 4 - 12 pairs of barred warblers per km2. Three other species of warbler nest in the wider region of the Pivka poljes. While the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) is the dominant nester along the forest edges and in forest glades, the common whiteth-roat (Sylvia communis) and lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) inhabit the open karstic areas with small bushes and covered in karst grasses. Overgrown pastures with stands of juniper are much more to the taste of the lesser whitethroat. The garden warbler (Sylvia borin) appears here in large numbers during migration, but does not nest here. Bush stands in the middle of grasslands, fields and pastures are also a good habitat for red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) (Figure 2), which is very numerous in the Pivka area. Tome (2000b) recorded a density of nesting red-backed shrike of 16 - 24 pairs per km2 for Palško jezero and 18 - 27 pairs per km2 for Pe-telinjsko jezero, which means that this species reaches one of its highest densities in Slovenia at the Pivka lakes. The open pasturelands with in 14 - 27 parov poljskih škrjancev na km2 za Petelinjsko jezero. Še večjo gostoto, in sicer 27 - 40 parov na km2 , je v primerjalni študiji ugotovil za Pivško polje med Selcami in Trnjem, kar je ena najvišjih gnezditvenih gostot poljskih škrjancev v Sloveniji. Podobno visoke gostote dosega poljski škrjanec po celotnem ekstenzivno obdelanem predelu Pivške kotline. Hribski škrjanec (Lullula arborea) ima raje nekoliko gričevnat, skalovit svet na obrobju Pivških jezer. Najbolj mu ustrezajo prvi stadiji zaraščanja nekoč golih pivških pašnikov. Številčnost hribskih škrjancev je na Pivškem visoka in mednarodnega pomena, zato je tudi območje Pivške kotline opredeljeno kot SPA (Posebno območje varstva) za ohranjanje te vrste (Božič 2003). Pivška kotlina je v okviru SPA Snežnik-Pivka opredeljena tudi za ohranjanje podhujke (Caprimulgus europaeus), ki v visokih gostotah zaseda podobne habitate kot hribski škrjanec. To, nočno aktivno ptico, lahko ponoči slišimo praktično na vseh Pivških jezerih, kakor tudi na obrobjih presihajočih jezer, gnezdi pa navadno na robu gozdov. Mednarodni naravovarstveni pomen daje presihajočim Pivškim jezerom tudi gnezdeča populacija kosca (Crex crex) (Slika 3). Ta vrsta tukalice je povsem prilagojena na gnezdenje v visoki travniški vegetaciji, ki pa mora biti pozno pokošena, da vrsta lahko izpelje mladiče. Gnojenje in prezgodnja košnja travniških habitatov sta to vrsto v Evropi izjemno prizadela in kosec je bil nekaj let v ospredju evropskih naravovarstvenih prizadevanj. Kosec na Pivškem komaj dosega mejno velikost populacije 20 parov, ki je pogoj za opredelitev območja SPA za to vrsto. Tu ni obsežnih zamočvirjenih predelov, kot jih najdemo na Cerkniškem in Planinskem polju ter ob Nanoščici. Na Pivškem kosec v manjšem številu (5 do 10 pojočih samcev) gnezdi na nekoliko vlažnejših gojenih travnikih ob reki Pivki med Zagorjem in Prestrankom. Te travnike lastniki pokosijo že konec maja ali v začetku junija in uspešnost gnezditve teh parov je verjetno zelo majhna. Raziskave v zadnjih letih kažejo, da populacija usiha. Domnevno večja je gnezditvena uspešnost koscev, ki gnezdijo nekoliko kasneje v juniju individual bushes and trees are also a good habitat for the corn bunting (Miliaria calandra). Tome (2000b) recorded a density for this species of 7 - 12 pairs per km2 for Palško jezero and 5 - 14 pairs per km2 for Petelinjsko jezero, which are also among the higher nesting densities for corn bunting in Slovenia. While the corn bunting chooses a level habitat with individual bushes, it would appear that the yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) is somewhat pushed to the margins of the intermittent lakes and the more barren area of the Pivka basin, where it is one of the more dominant bird species. The rock bunting (Emberiza cia), which prefers warmer rocky areas, also nests in certain places along the edges of the Pivka lakes. The habitats of the Pivka intermittent lakes are similarly shared by two species of lark. The skylark (Alauda ar-vensis) is a frequent nester in the level and not overgrown grassy areas of the lakebeds. Tome (2000) recorded a density of 6 - 12 pairs per km2 for Palško jezero and 14 - 27 pairs of skylarks per km2 for Petelinjsko jezero. An even higher density of 27 - 40 pairs per km2 was recorded in a comparative study for the Pivka polje between Selce and Trnje, which is one of the highest nesting densities of skylarks in Slovenia. Similarly high densities for skylarks are recorded throughout the extensively cultivated area of the Pivka basin. Woodlarks (Lullula arborea) prefer the somewhat barren, rocky habitat at the edge of the Pivka lakes. They most prefer the first stages of overgrowth of formerly barren Pivka pastures. The number of wood-larks in the Pivka region is high and of international significance, and therefore the Pivka basin has also been designated as an SPA for the protection of this species (Božič 2003). In the framework of the Snežnik-Pivka SPA, the Pivka basin is also designated as a protection area for nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus), which inhabit habitats similar to those of the woodlark in high densities. This nocturnal bird can be heard at night at nearly all of the Pivka lakes as well as at the edges of the intermittent lakes, and usually nests at the edge of the forest. The Pivka intermittent lakes are also of international importance due to the nesting population na pozno košenih suhih traviščih vojaškega poligona Poček, na Šembijskem jezeru ter južnih obronkih Snežnika. Vsako leto nekaj parov gnezdi tudi na Petelinjskem in Palškem jezeru, vendar z gnezditvijo pričnejo šele konec junija ali celo julija, ko je tu močvirna vegetacija dovolj visoka. Vrsto spremljamo že več let. Na Petelinjskem jezeru vsako leto redno pojeta eden do dva para, na Palškem jezeru pa do 4 pari koscev. Pojavljanje koscev na jezerih sovpada s košnjo travnikov ob Pivki in (zaenkrat še nedokazano) menim, da se po propadu prvih legel preselijo na višje ležeče travnike in jezera, kjer je vegetacija takrat dovolj visoka. Na gojenih travnikih Srednje in Zgornje Pivke v majhnem številu gnezdi tudi repaljščica (Saxicola rubetra), ki pa, kot kaže, uspe speljati legla še pred košnjo. Med pogostejše gnezdilke Pivških jezer štejemo še prepelico (Coturnix coturnix), katere številčnost med leti močno niha. V letu 2005 je bila prepelica precej pogosta po vsej Sloveniji in v večjem številu smo jo zabeležili na vseh Pivških jezerih. Na Pivškem je še en habitat velikega naravovarstvenega pomena. To so suhe kraške goličave ali kamnite griže. Pred stoletjem je zaradi pretirane paše in požiganja skoraj celotna Pivška kotlina kazala močno ogolelo kamnito podobo. Nedvomno so bile tu nekoč pogoste, danes pa v Sloveniji redke gnezdilke rjava cipa (Anthus campestris), kupčar (Oenanthe oenanthe) in slegur (Monticola saxatilis). Kraške goličave so zaradi opuščanja paše po drugi svetovni vojni skoraj povsem izginile. Ohranili so se le fragmenti na robu Petelinjskega jezera in Palškega jezera, še največ pa na območjih vojaškega vadbišča Poček in strelišča Bač. Rjava cipa in kupčar zadnja leta le še z nekaj pari vztrajata na vojaških vadbiščih. Slegurja kot gnezdilca pa lahko še vedno najdemo na skalovitem obrobju Petelinjskega in Palškega jezera ter Bačkega in Šembijskega jezera. Z oživljanjem pašništva, predvsem ovčjereje na Zgornji Pivki izgleda preživetje omenjenih treh vrst na tem območju verjetnejše. of corn crakes (Crex crex) (Figure 3). This species of crake is well adapted to nesting in high grassy vegetation, which must be mowed late in order for the species to rear their young. Fertilising and early mowing of grassy habitats has greatly affected this species in Europe, and for a few years the corn crake was at the forefront of European conservation efforts. In the Pivka area the corn crake barely achieves the minimum population of 20 pairs, which is the condition for designation as an SPA for this species. There are no extensive marshy areas here such as are found on the Cerknica and Planina poljes and along the Nanoščica. In the Pivka area the corn crake nests in smaller numbers (5 to 10 singing males) on the somewhat wetter cultivated pastures along the Pivka River between Zagorje and Prestranek. The owners of these pastures mow them at the end of May or the beginning of June and the breeding success of these pairs is probably very low. Studies in recent years indicate that the population is declining. The breeding success of corn crakes which nest somewhat later in June on the late-mowed dry pastures of the Poček military training grounds, at Šembijsko jezero and on the southern slopes of Snežnik is assumed to be higher. Every year a few pairs also nest at Petelinjsko jezero and Palško jezero, but the nesting begins only at the end of June or even in July, when the marsh vegetation is sufficiently tall. We have been monitoring the species for several years. One or two pairs of corn crakes sing on Petelinjsko jezero every year, and on Palško jezero up to 4 pairs. The appearance of corn crakes at the lakes corresponds with the mowing of pastures along the Pivka, and I believe (for the time being unproved) that after the failure of the first nests they move to the higher-lying grasslands and the lakes, where the vegetation at that time has grown sufficiently high. On the cultivated pastures of Central and Upper Pivka whinchats (Saxicola rubetra) also nest in smaller numbers, and appear to succeed in rearing their young before mowing. Another one of the frequent nesters at the Pivka lakes is quail (Coturnix coturnix), whose numbers fluctuate strongly from year to year. In 2005 quail were quite common throughout Slovenia and plazilci (Reptilia) Načrtnejših raziskav plazilcev Pivških jezer ni bilo, zato se naslanjam na naključna opažanja. Med kuščarji tega območja so najštevilnejši in splošno razširjeni zelenci (Lacerta viridis), redkeje pa vidimo pozidne kuščarice (Podarcis muralis). Med kuščarje štejemo tudi slepca (Anguis fragilis), ki je tu pogost. Od kač so na jezerih zastopani modras (Vipera ammodytes), smokulja (Coronella austriaca) in belouška (Natrix natrix). V Pivški kotlini živita še gož (Elaphe longissima) in črnica (Coluber viridiflavus), ki postajata v zadnjih letih pogostejša. Konkretnih opažanj slednjih dveh vrst na samih Pivških jezerih sicer nimamo, sta pa bili obe vrsti večkrat najdeni povoženi na cesti na relaciji cest Šembije - Knežak - Zagorje. DVOŽIVKE (Amphibia) Vode Pivških jezer so presihajočega značaja, kar naj bi bilo omejujoče za dvoživke. To pa ne drži. Tu sicer ni na stalno vodo navezanih žab iz skupine zelenih žab (Rana esculenta com.). V občasnih lužah in mlakah na pašnikih v okolici jezer se mrestijo navadna krastača (Bufo bufo), rosnica (Rana dalmatina) (Slika 4), sekulja (Rana temporaria), hribski urh (Bombina variegata) in zelena rega (Hyla arborea). Najprej se mrestijo rosnice, sekulje in navadne krastače. Vse vrste bijejo tekmo s presihanjem jezerskih mlak proti koncu meseca maja. Takrat lahko v zadnjih presihajočih lužah Petelinjskega, Palškega in Velikega Drskovškega jezera opazujemo na stotine paglavcev. Ali te vrste tudi uspejo zaključiti razvojni krog, je povsem odvisno od pomladanskega in poletnega deževja. Konec maja in junija se na jezerih sliši značilno regljanje številnih zelenih reg. Hribski urhi se zadovoljijo tudi z blatnimi lužami kolesnic. Le ti so prav pogosti na Jeredovcah in drugod po vojaškem vadbišču Poček. V lužah jezer so bili doslej ugotovljeni tudi veliki (Trituris carnifex) in navadni pupki (Triturus vulgaris). were recorded in significant numbers at all of the Pivka lakes. There is a further habitat in the Pivka area which is of significance for conservation. These are the dry karst barrens or rocky outcrops. A hundred years ago due to excessive pasturing and burning, the entire Pivka basin had an extremely barren and rocky appearance. Undoubtedly tawny pipit (Anthus campestris), wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) and rock thrush (Montico-la saxatilis) once nested here frequently; today they are rare in Slovenia. Due to the abandonment of pasturing, karst barrens almost completely disappeared after the Second World War. Only fragments are preserved along the edges of Petelinjsko jezero and Palško jezero, and the largest on the Poček military training grounds and the Bač shooting range. Only a few pairs of tawny pipit and wheatear still remain on the military training grounds. The rock thrush can still be found nesting on the rocky shores of the Petelinjsko jezero, Palško jezero, Bačko jezero and Šembijsko jezero. With the return of pasturing, especially sheep herding in Upper Pivka, the survival of these three species in this area appears to be more likely. reptiles (Reptilia) There has not yet been any systematic research of reptiles at the Pivka lakes, so I am relying on coincidental observations. The most common and generally widespread lizards in the area are green lizards (Lacerta viridis), and more rarely the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). Lizards also include the slow worm, or legless lizard (Anguis fragilis), which is common here. The most common snakes are the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes), smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) and grass snake (Natrix natrix). The Pivka basin is probably also home to the Aesculapian snake (Elaphe longissima) and the western whip snake (Coluber viridiflavus), which seem to be increasing in recent years. We have no definite sightings of the latter two species at the Pivka lakes them- Podatka za navadnega močerada (Salamandra salamandra) na Pivških jezerih še nimamo, je pa v skromnem številu pričakovan. Nesporno pa je potrjeno pojavljanje človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus) v Matijevi jami na robu Palškega jezera ter v izvirih oziroma občasnih močnih bruhalnikih Pivke (Kljunov ribnik) pri gradu Kalc ter mlinu pri Žejah. metulji (Lepidoptera - Rhopalocera) Načrtne in na sama kraška jezera omejene raziskave metuljev je v okviru inventarizacije Pivških jezer opravil Rudi Verovnik (Verovnik 2000). V prispevku je podal podroben seznam vrst dnevnih metuljev za 6 Pivških jezer, in sicer Petelinjsko, Palško, Veliko Drskovško, Malo Drskovško ter Veliko Zagorsko in Malo Zagorsko jezero. Ostalih manjših jezer ni popisal. V tem delu sem upošteval tudi popis metuljev območja Jeredovce, enega od jezer v predelu vojaškega vadbišča Poček (Polak 1997). V svojem delu Verovnik navaja 88 vrst dnevnih metuljev. Z našimi raziskavami smo seznam metuljev Pivških jezer dopolnili še z 18 dodatnimi vrstami (Tabela 2). Tudi metulje je, podobno kot ptice, smiselno obravnavati po habitatih. Za Pivška jezera najznačilnejši habitat so nedvomno močvirni oziroma vlažni travniki uravnanih predelov jezer. Bolj kot sama vodnatost jezer je za razvoj vegetacije in s tem za vrstno pestrost metuljev pomembna pozna košnja, ki ohranja bogat floristični izbor. Pojavnost imagov ali odraslih metuljev sovpada s presušitvijo jezer. Na travnikih zato dobimo preplet tako močvirnih kot tipičnih mezofilno travniških vrst metuljev. Med izrazito močvirnimi vrstami moramo omeniti močvirskega pisančka (Melitaea diamina) (Slika 5), močvirskega livadarja (Brenthis ino), močvirskega cekinčka (Lycaena dispar), škrlatnega cekinčka (Lycaena hippothoe) (Slika 6), strašničinega mravljiščarja (Maculinea telejus), med debeloglavčki pa močvirskega ostrozoba (Charcharodus flocciferus). To so vrste, ki so večinoma visoko selves, but both have been found several times run over on the roads from Šembije to Knežak and Zagorje. amphibians (Amhibia) The waters of the Pivka lakes are intermittent, which should present a limiting factor for amphibians. But this turns out not to be so. Here are not permanently standing waters where varieties of green frogs (Rana esculenta com.) could live. But there are temporary pools and puddles in the vicinity of the lakes in which spawn common toads (Bufo bufo), agile frogs (Rana dalmatina) (Figure 4), common frogs (Rana temporaria) , yellow bellied toads (Bombina variegata) and common tree frogs (Hyla arbo-rea). The first to spawn are agile frogs, common frogs and common toads. All of these species are engaged a battle against the drying out of the intermittent pools towards the end of May. At that time we can find hundreds of tadpoles in the last intermittent pools of the Petelinjsko jezero, Palško jezero and Veliko Drskovško jezero. Whether these species succeed in completing their reproduction cycles depends entirely on the spring and summer rains. At the end of May and in June the characteristic croaking of numerous tree frogs can be heard at the lakes. Yellow bellied toads are also satisfied with the muddy puddles on cart tracks. This is the only species which is truly common at Jeredovce and elsewhere on the Poček military training grounds. The pools of the lakes have also been found to contain alpine crested newts (Trituris carnifex) and common newts (Triturus vulgaris). We do not yet have any data for the common salamander (Salamandra salamandra) at the Pivka lakes, but we expect their numbers to be modest. However, the appearance of the proteus or "human fish" (Proteus anguinus) in the Matijeva jama at the edge of Palško jezero and at the sources or occasionally strong flowing springs of the Pivka (Kljunov ribnik) near Castle Kalc and the mill near Žeje has been confirmed. uvrščene na sezname ogroženih vrst metuljev. Najdba enega samega osebka močvirskega cekinčka (Verovnik 2000) je verjetno naključna, saj je svet ob Pivških jezerih za to vrsto nekoliko premalo zamočvirjen. Pomembnejše je odkritje populacije strašničinega mravljiščarja na Velikem Zagorskem jezeru, kjer uspeva tudi zdravilna strašnica (Sanguisorba officinalis), hranilna rastlina za gosenice te vrste modrina. Poleg hranilne rastline potrebuje ta vrsta za uspešen razvoj gosenic še določeno vrsto mravelj, kjer gosenica zaključi svoj razvoj. Najbližje znane populacije strašničinega modrina so ob Pivki pri Postojni, ob Nanoščici in v dolini Reke pri Ilirski Bistrici. Podobno ekologijo kot strašničin ima tudi Reblov mravljiščar (Maculinea rebeli), le da ta živi na navzkrižnolistnem svišču (Gentiana cruciata). Doslej je bila najdena populacija te zelo ogrožene vrste na obrobju Palškega jezera (Verovnik 2000) ter v Jeredovcih (Polak 1997), vrsta pa je pogostejši tudi na vojaških območjih Poček in Bač. Območje Pivške kotline je opredeljeno kot potencialno posebno ohranitveno območje - pSCI (angleško potential Site of Community Interest) za ohranjanje metulja travniškega postavneža (Euphydryas aurinia) (Čelik et al. 2004). Ta metulj je relativno pogost tako na močvirnih kot suhih kraških travnikih okolice Pivških jezer oziroma po večjem delu Pivške kotline. Hranilna rastlina za gosenice te vrste metulja je grablijšče (Knautia sp.). Tipičnih travniških vrst metuljev je na Pivških jezerih kar nekaj. Med najpogostejšimi travniškimi vrstami metuljev so mali tratar (Clossiana dia), pikasti (Melitaea cinxia), veliki (M. phoebe), rdeči pisanček (M. dydyma) ter jetičnikov pisanček (Mellicta aurelia) in temni pisanček (M. britomartis). Tipični travniški metulji tega območja so še pomladanski rjavček (Erebia medusa), travniški okarček (Coenonympha glycerion) in širokorobi mnogook (Plebeius argus). Obrobje Petelinjskega in Palškega jezera je ponekod ogolelo in ima tipičen kraški značaj. Tu najdemo nekaj toploljubnih kraških predstavnikov metuljev, kot so plašni košeničar (Aretusana aretusa), gozdni vratar (Pyronia tithonus), modri kratkorepec (Everes alcetas), butterflies (Lepidoptera - Rhopalocera) Systematic research of butterflies restricted to the karstic lakes was performed by Rudi Verovnik (Verovnik 2000) in the framework of the inventory of the Pivka lakes. In his paper Verovnik provides a detailed list of butterflies for 6 Pivka lakes, Petelinjsko jezero, Palško jezero, Veliko Drskovško jezero, Malo Drskovško jezero, Veliko Zagorsko jezero and Malo Zagorsko jezero. He did not make records for the smaller lakes. In this section we also took into consideration a record of butterflies in the area of Jeredovce, one of the lakes in the territory of the Poček military training grounds (Polak 1997). In his paper Verovnik lists 88 species of butterflies. Through our research we were able to add a further 18 species to the list of butterflies at the Pivka lakes (Table 2). Butterflies should also be discussed in terms of habitat. For the Pivka lakes the most characteristic habitats are undoubtedly the marshy or wet meadow in the level parts of the lakes. More important than the water level of the lakes is the development of vegetation, and late mowing, which maintains the rich selection of flora on which the species diversity of the butterflies depends. The appearance of imagoes, i.e. adult butterflies, coincides with the drying up of the lakes. We therefore obtain a combination of both marsh butterflies and typical mesophilic butterfly species. The most common marsh species include False Heath Fritillary (Melitaea diamina) (Figure 5), Lesser Marbled Fritillary (Brenthis ino), Large Copper (Lycaena dispar), Purple-edged Copper (Lycaena hippothoe) (Figure 6), and the Scarce Large Blue (Macu-linea telejus), and amongst Skippers the Tufted Marbled Skipper (Carcharodus flocciferus). These are species which are mostly ranked high on lists of threatened butterfly species. The finding of one single example of a large copper butterfly (Verovnik 2000) is probably coincidental, since the area around the Pivka lakes is insufficiently swampy for this species. More significant is the discovery of a population of Maculiea teleius at the Veliko Zagorsko turkizni modrin (Plebicula doryals) (slika 7) in kraški argos (Lyasndra coridon). Preplet grmišč in gozdnega roba ob samih kraških Pivških jezerih pestrost dnevnih metuljev še dodatno poveča. Tipične vrste presvetljenih gozdov (tu gre predvsem za sestoje hrasta), gozdnih poti in gostih sestojev grmišč so črni apolon (Parnassius mnemosyne), Skopolijev zlatook (Lopinga achine) (Slika 8), rjasti gozdnik (Hyparchia semele), rjavi šekavček (Hamaeris lucina), modri hrastar (Quercusia quercus), svetli krhlikar (Celastrina argiolus), lisasti debeloglavec (Carterocephalus palaemon) in številni drugi. HROSCI (Coleoptera) Pregled do sedaj ugotovljenih vrst hroščev v poročilu inventarizacije favne, flore in vegetacije Pivških jezer podaja Drovenik (2000). Za 6 največjih Pivških jezer navaja 205 registriranih vrst hroščev in dodaja, da je na tem območju realno pričakovati 4000 do 6000 vrst hroščev. Pri svoji raziskavi je ugotovil kar 6 novih vrst hroščev za slovensko favno. To so Cantharis clypaeta, Cantharis figurata, Rhagonycha pedemontana, Longitarsus reichei, Eutrichapion gribodoi in Gymnetron ludyi. Veliko zbranega materiala pa taksonomsko še ni določenega. Med zanimivejšimi in naravovarstveno pomembnejšimi vrstami Drovenik (2000) izpostavlja vodnega hrošča Hydroporus zimmermanni, ki ima na Petelinjskem jezeru tipsko nahajališče. Jamskih vrst hroščev tu ne obravnavam. Kot dopolnilo Drovenikovemu seznamu (Drovenik 2000) dodajam še nekaj na območju Pivških jezer pred kratkim ugotovljenih vrst. To so orjaški krešič (Procerus gigas), rogač (Lucanus cervus), hrastov kozliček (Cerambyx cerdo), Skopolijev kozliček (Cerambyx scopoli), kozliček Dorcadion arenarium in bukov kozliček (Morimus funereus), ki je tu prav pogost. Za ohranjanje tega nenavadno velikega kozlička je Pivška kotlina opredeljena kot potencialno posebno ohranitveno območje (pSCI) (Drovenik jezero, where the medicinal plant great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) also thrives, which is a feed plant for caterpillars of this species of blue. In addition to feed plants this species also requires a particular species of ant for the successful development of caterpillars, when the larvae are completing their development. The nearest known population of Maculiea teleius are on the Pivka River near Postojna, on the Nanoščica and in the valley of the Reka River near Ilirska Bistrica. The Mountain Alcon Blue (Maculinea rebeli) has a similar ecology to the Maculiea teleius, but it lives on cross gentian (Gentiana cruciata). To the present populations of these highly threatened species have been found at the edge of Palško jezero (Verovnik 2000) and at Jeredovce (Polak 1997), and more frequently at the military grounds at Poček and Bač. The area of the Pivka basin has been designated as a Potential Special Conservation Area (pSCI) for the conservation of the Marsh Fritil-lary (Euphydryas aurinia) (Čelik et al. 2004). This butterfly is relatively common in both the marshes and the karst grasslands at the Pivka lakes, i.e. throughout the majority of the Pivka basin. Feed plants for the larvae of these species are knautia (Knautia sp.). There are several typical species of grassland butterflies at the Pivka lakes. Among the most common grassland butterfly species are Weaver's Fritillary (Clossiana dia), Glanville Fritillary (Melitaea cinxia), Knapweed Fritillary (M. phoebe), Spotted Fritillary (M. dydyma), Nickerl's Fritillary (Mellicta aurelia) and Assmann's Fritillary (M. britomartis). Typical grassland butterfly species in this area also include Woodland Ringlet (Ere-bia medusa), Chestnut Heath (Coenonympha glycerion) and Silver-studded Blue (Plebeius argus). The surroundings of Petelinjsko jezero and Palško jezero are sometimes barren and have a typical karstic character. Here we find some karst butterfly species such as False Grayling (Aretusana aretusa), Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus), Provencal Short-tailed Blue (Everes alcetas), Turquoise Blue (Plebicula dorylas) (Figure 7) and karst Chalk-hill Blue (Lysandra coridon). & Pirnat 2003). Načrtnejše celoletne raziskave favne hroščev, ki smo jih v letu 1996 opravili v podobnem in bližnjem habitatu na Zgornji Pivki pri Koritnicah (Polak 2004), nakazujejo, da bi z nadaljnjimi raziskavami favne hroščev seznam doslej ugotovljenih vrst hroščev za Pivška jezera nedvomno znatno dopolnili. razprava V prispevku so podani prvi preliminarni seznami vrst ugotovljenih sesalcev, plazilcev in dvoživk ter nadgradnja seznama ugotovljenih vrst ptic, dnevnih metuljev in hroščev na območju presihajočih Pivških jezer. Pri navajanju ugotovljenih vrst sem se omejili na sama presihajoča jezera, gozdnih vrst pa razen tistih, prisotnih v gozdnih robovih ob jezerih, nisem upošteval. Kljub temu da je območje pivških kraških polj oziroma presihajočih jezer po obsegu relativno majhno in da je poznavanje favne kopenskih habitatov še relativno pomanjkljivo, lahko trdimo, da je to eno od biotsko pestrejših območij Slovenije. Na seznam sesalcev omenjenega območja smo uvrstili 20 vrst sesalcev. S podrobnejšimi raziskavami, še posebno načrtnimi raziskavami netopirjev, deloma pa tudi malih sesalcev, bo v bodoče seznam sesalcev Pivških jezer nedvomno večji. Volk in medved, ki se tu redno pojavljata, sodita med prizadete vrste, divja mačka, ki tu stalno, živi pa med ranljive. Nedvomno tu živi tudi več vrst ogroženih netopirjev. Ptice območja so relativno dobro raziskane. Doslej smo na območju zabeležili 127 vrst ptic, kar je 34 % vseh doslej v Sloveniji ugotovljenih vrst ptic. Med pticami gnezdilkami ne pričakujemo večjih dopolnitev. Skupen seznam vrst pa bomo v bodoče nedvomno nadgradili z novimi ugotovljenimi vrstami ptic na selitvi. Selečim pticam na njihovih selitvenih poteh služi Pivška kotlina kot ugodna selitvena pot oziroma koridor med visokogorjem Snežnika in Javornikov na eni ter Hrušice in Nanosa na The complex of bushes and forest edges around the Pivka karst lakes themselves additionally increases the diversity of butterflies. Typical but rare species in sunlit forests (mainly stands of oak), forest trails and dense bush stands are Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne), Woodland Brown (Lopinga achine) (Figure 8), Grayling (Hipparchia semele), Duke of Burgundy Fritillary (Hamaeris lucina), Purple Hairstreak (Quercusia quercus), Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus), Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon) and many others. beetles (Coleoptera) A review of the beetle species identified to date in the Inventory of Fauna, Flora and Vegetation of the Pivka lakes is presented by Drovenik (2000). For the 6 largest Pivka lakes he reports 205 registered species of beetles, and adds that in this area we can realistically expect to find 4000 to 6000 species of beetle. In his research he identified 6 new species of beetle for Slovene fauna. These are Cantharis clypaeta, Cantharis figurata, Rhagonycha pedemontana, Longitarsus reichei, Eutrichapion gribodoi and Gymnetron ludyi. Great deals of collected materials have not yet been identified. Among the more interesting species and significant in terms of conservation, Drovenik (2000) cites the water beetle Hydroporus zimmermanni, which has a Locus typicus on Petelinjsko jezero. We do not discuss cave beetles here. As a supplement to Drovenik's list (Drovenik 2000) we can add quite a few species found recently in the area of the Pivka lakes. These are the giant ground beetle (Procerus gigas), stag beetle (Lucanus cer-vus), and the longicorn beetles Cerambyx cerdo, Cerambyx scopoli, Dorcadion arenarium and Morimus funereus, which is very common here. In order to conserve this unusually large longi-corn beetle, the Pivka basin has been designated a potential Special Conservation Area (pSCI) (Drovenik & Pirnat 2003). The more systematic year-long studies of beetle fauna which we performed in 1996 in a similar and nearby habitat in Upper Pivka near Koritnice (Polak 2004) in- drugi strani. Več let raziskovano območje pri Postojni (še ne objavljeno) nakazuje, da lahko tu v času selitve pričakujemo večino vrst, ki jih srečujemo v Sloveniji. Od ugotovljenih vrst štejemo 75 vrst ptic na območju Pivških jezer kot potrjenih ali možnih gnezdilk. Med njimi je nekaj takih, ki prav tu dosegajo najvišje gostote v državi. Take so pisana penica, poljski škrjanec, hribski škrjanec, rjavi srakoper in veliki strnad. Od ptic gnezdilk je 11 vrst v kategoriji prizadetih (E) in 18 vrst v kategoriji ranljivih (V) uvrščenih na slovenski rdeči seznam ptičev gnezdilcev (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi^ 2002). Pet gnezdilk je v kategorijo ranljivih (V) uvrščenih tudi na seznam evropsko ogroženih vrst ptic (Tucker & Heath 1994). Območje Pivških jezer je vključeno v posebno varstveno območje Natura 2000 kot SPA Snežnik- Pivka (Božič 2003). Opredeljeno je za ohranjanje ugodnega stanja štirih tu gnezdečih vrst ptic in sicer za kosca, podhujko, hribskega škrjanca in pisano penico. Od 22 v Sloveniji avtohtonih vrst plazilcev jih na Pivških jezerih najdemo 8 (36 %), od 21 avtohtonih vrst dvoživk pa 9 (43 %). Številne vrste plazilcev in dvoživk so ranljive in uvrščene na rdeče sezname. Tako so od plazilcev v kategorijo ranljivih vrst (V) po slovenskem rdečem seznamu plazilcev (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi^ 2002) uvrščene črnica, smokulja, gož, modras in zelenec. Od dvoživk pa so kot ranljive vrste (V) uvrščene na slovenski rdeči seznam dvoživk (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi^ 2002) hribski urh, navadna krastača, zelena rega, človeška ribica, žaba rosnica, sekulja ter veliki in navadni pupek. Populacije nekaterih vrst so na širšem območju Pivških jezer velike. Med najbolje raziskane skupine živali na pivških kraških poljih sodijo dnevni metulji (Rhopalocera). Doslej smo tu ugotovili 106 vrst metuljev, kar predstavlja 57 % vseh v Sloveniji znanih vrst dnevnih metuljev. Na seznam metuljev Pivških jezer nismo vključili gozdnih vrst, ki se pojavljajo v širši okolici jezer, kar bi seznam ugotovljenih vrst še bistveno povečalo. dicate that through further research, the list of identified species of beetles for the Pivka lakes would undoubtedly be considerably increased. discussion In this paper we have presented the first preliminary lists of identified species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians, and supplemented the lists of identified species of birds, butterflies and beetles in the area of the Pivka intermittent lakes. In stating the identified species we limited ourselves to the intermittent lakes themselves, while forest species were not listed except for those present at the forest edges around the lakes. Despite the fact that the area of the Pivka karst poljes i.e. intermittent lakes is relatively small and that the knowledge of the fauna of the land habitats is still relatively scanty, we can state that in terms of biodiversity it is one of the richest areas in Slovenia. The list of mammals includes 20 species. Through more detailed studies, especially systematic research of bats, and also to some extent shrews and mice, in the future the list of mammals of the Pivka lakes will undoubtedly be larger. Wolves and bears, which appear here regularly, are endangered species, while wildcats, which are permanent inhabitants, are a vulnerable species. Undoubtedly several threatened bat species also live here. The birds of the area are relatively well researched. At this writing we have identified 127 bird species, which is 34% of all bird species identified in Slovenia. We do not expect major additions to the list of nesting species. The total list of species will undoubtedly be expanded in the future with newly identified migrating species. Migrating birds use the Pivka basin as a migration corridor between the highlands of Snežnik and the Javorniki on one side and Hrušica and Nanos on the other. Several years of research of the area around Postojna (not yet published) indicates that during migration we Dejstvo, da na tako majhnem območju najdemo več kot polovico v Sloveniji znanih vrst metuljev, nesporno dokazuje izjemno velik biodiverzitetni potencial območja Pivških jezer. Dvaindvajset tu živečih vrst metuljev je po slovenskem rdečem seznamu metuljev (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi^ 2002) uvrščenih v kategorijo ranljivih (V), ena, to je močvirski ostrozob, pa med prizadete (E). Podobno je 13 vrst uvrščenih med ranljive (V) po evropskem rdečem seznamu (Van Swaay & Warren 1999) ter prav tako ena, črni apolon, med prizadete (E) vrste. S seznama na Pivških jezerih ugotovljenih vrst metuljev je 12 vrst uvrščenih v dodatek II Bernske konvencije (Zakon o ratifikaciji^ 1999). Tri vrste pa so uvrščene na dodatek II Direktive Evropske skupnosti za ohranitev naravnih habitatov ter prosto živeče favne in flore (Council Directive 92/43/EEC_ 1992) ali t.i. Habitatne direktive. Območje Pivških jezer je predlagano kot potencialno posebno ohranitveno območje (pSCI) Pivka (Čelik et al. 2004) za ohranjanje travniškega postavneža, ki je na Pivškem splošno razširjena in še vedno številčna vrsta metulja. Po številu vrst so hrošči izjemno velika skupina živali. Poznavanje vrstne pestrosti območja Pivških jezer je zato še vedno skromno in pomanjkljivo. Na seznam potrjenih vrst hroščev smo doslej uvrstili nekaj čez 210 vrst. Ocenjeno pa je (Drovenik 2000), da tukaj živi od 4000 do 6000 vrst hroščev. Naravovarstvena ocena zato še ni mogoča, vsekakor pa tu žive redke in ogrožene vrste, kot so hrastov kozliček, Skopolijev kozliček, rogač, orjaški krešič in nedvomno številne druge. Pri pregledu vrst iz obravnavanih živalskih skupin oziroma njihovih ekoloških zahtev ugotavljamo, da med najbolj ogroženimi izstopajo vrste, ki so vezane na močvirne travnike. To so habitati uravnanega in občasno poplavljenega dna presihajočih Pivških jezer. Med ogroženimi vrstami ptic, plazilcev in metuljev je tudi obilo vrst vezanih na ekstenzivna suha travišča in skalne griže. Slednje so nastale zaradi intenzivnega pašništva can expect to see the majority of species found in Slovenia here. Of the identified species we list 75 bird species in the area of the Pivka lakes as confirmed or possible nesters. These include some species which reach their highest density in Slovenia in the Pivka basin, such as the barred warbler, skylark, woodlark, red-backed shrike and corn bunting. Of the nesting species, 11 are categorised as endangered species (E) and 18 are categorised as vulnerable species (V) on the Slovene Red List of Nesting Birds (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi... 2002). Five nesting species categorised as vulnerable species (V) are also on the list of European threatened bird species (Tucker & Heath 1994). The area of the Pivka lakes is included in the ecological network Natura 2000 Special Conservation Area as the Snežnik-Pivka SPA (Božič 2003). It has been designated in order to maintain the favourable condition of four bird species which nest here, the corn crake, nightjar, woodlark and barred warbler. Of 22 indigenous species of reptiles in Slovenia, we find 8 (36%) at Pivka lakes, and of 21 indigenous species of amphibians we find 9 (43%). Numerous species of reptiles and amphibians are vulnerable and are on the red lists. Reptiles which are considered vulnerable species (V) according to the Slovene Red List of Reptiles (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi... 2002) are the western whip snake, smooth snake, Aescula-pian snake, nose-horned viper and green lizard. Vulnerable species (V) of amphibians on the Slovene Red List of Amphibians (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi... 2002) include the yellow bellied toad, common toad, common tree frog, proteus ("human fish"), agile frog, common frog and the alpine crested and common newt. There are large populations of some of these species in the wider area of the Pivka lakes. Diurnal butterflies (Rhopalocera) are among the most well-researched groups of fauna on the Pivka karst poljes. At this writing we have identified 106 species of butterflies, which is 57% of all known species of butterflies in Slovenia. v preteklem stoletju, danes pa se ponekod ohranjajo tudi zaradi aktivnosti na vojaških območjih. Skalne griže so na Pivškem ohranjene skrajno fragmentarno. Suha kraška travišča so na Pivškem še vedno obsežna, kljub temu pa so zaradi opuščanja košnje podvržena hitremu zaraščanju in zato ogrožena. Prav ta suha ekstenzivna travišča izstopajo po veliki biotski pestrosti, tu pa najdemo tudi veliko vrst živali, ki so uvrščene na rdeče sezname. Naravovarstveno manj pomembna izgledajo grmišča in gozdovi. Manjše sestoje grmov sredi Pivških polj naravovarstveno izpostavljamo zlasti zaradi tu gnezdečih vrst ptic, kot so pisana penica in rjavi srakoper. Od gozdov pa imajo največji naravovarstveni pomen ostanki starih hrastovih, predvsem cerovih (Quercus cerris) gozdov na obrobju pivških polj. Varstvu in ohranjanju teh starih hrastovih gozdov bo potrebno v bodoče nameniti večjo naravovarstveno pozornost. Tako močvirni kot tudi suhi kraški travniki na Pivškem so v veliki meri delo človeških rok in ne prikazujejo naravne potencialne vegetacije. Zaradi opuščanja kmetijske rabe se danes spontano in hitro zaraščajo. V prvih stadijih zaraščanja travišč biotska pestrost sicer naraste, vendar začne hitro padati, ko začne na takem območju prevladovati grmovje. Nazadnje jih bo ob popolni opustitvi kakršnekoli človekove rabe popolnoma prerasel gozd. Na nekaterih Pivških jezerih, kot na primer na Jeredovcih ali pa na Šembijskem jezeru, smo priča takemu procesu. Ocenjujem, da bi se pestrost živalskih vrst v tem primeru prepolovila. Za ohranjanje prikazane izjemne biotske pestrosti kopenskih habitatov presihajočih Pivških jezer v bodoče ne bo dovolj le formalno zavarovanje, pač pa aktivno upravljanje, ohranjanje, usmerjanje in spodbujanje dosedanje ekstenzivne kmetijske rabe. In the list of butterflies of the Pivka lakes we have not included forest butterfly species which appear in the wider vicinity of the lakes, which would make the list significantly longer. The fact that in such a small area we find more than half of all of the butterfly species identified in Slovenia clearly proves the exceptional biodiversity potential of the area of the Pivka lakes. 22 species of butterfly living here are listed as vulnerable species (V) on the Slovene Red List of Butterflies (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi... 2002), while one, the tufted marbled skipper, is listed as endangered (E). Similarly, 13 species are listed as vulnerable (V) on the European Red List (Van Swaay & Warren 1999) and one, the clouded Apollo, among the endangered (E) species. 12 species identified at the Pivka lakes are in Appendix II to the Berne Convention (Zakon o ratifikaciji... 1999). Three species are listed in Annex II to the Directive of the European Community on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Council Directive 92/43/EEC... 1992), i.e. the so-called Habitats Directive. The area of the Pivka lakes has been proposed as the Pivka Potential Special Conservation Area (pSCI) (Čelik et al. 2004) for the conservation of the Marsh Fritillary, which is a widespread and still numerous butterfly species in the Pivka area. According to the number of species, beetles are an exceptionally large group of fauna. The knowledge of the diversity of the area of the Pivka lakes is therefore still modest and insufficient. The list of identified beetle species presently includes just over 210 species. It has been estimated (Drovenik 2000) that between 4000 and 6000 species of beetle live here. An environmental assessment is therefore not yet possible, but we know that rare and threatened species such as Cerambyx cerdo, Cerambyx scopoli, Lucanus cervus, Procerus gigas and certainly many others live here. Looking at the species and the ecological requirements of the groups of fauna discussed, we can establish that the most threatened species are those connected with marshy grass- Slika 1: Kuna belica (Martes foina) je ena najpogostejših vrst zveri na območju Pivških jezer (Foto: S. Polak). Figure 1: Beech marten (^ar^es foina) is one of the commonest carnivores in the Pivka lakes area (Photo: S. Polak). Slika 2: Rjavi srakoper (Lanius collurio) ima na Pivških jezerih visoke gnezditvene gostote (Foto: L. Kebe). Figure 2: The red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) has on the Pivka lakes high breeding densities (Photo: L. Kebe). lands and wet meadows. These are habitats of the level and occasionally flooded beds of the Pivka intermittent lakes. The threatened bird, reptile and butterfly species also include a large number of species connected with extensive dry grasslands and rocky outcrops. These latter habitats appeared owing to intensive pasturing over the past century, while today they are conserved in some places as a result of activities at military training grounds. Rocky outcrops are only fragmentarily preserved in the Pivka region. Dry grasslands are still extensive in the Pivka region, but despite this because of the abandonment of farming they are subject to rapid overgrowth and are therefore threatened. These extensive dry grasslands stand out for their high biodiversity, and we also find many animals here which are listed on red lists. Bush stands and forests appear to be of lesser significance for conservation. The smaller stands of bushes in the middle of the Pivka poljes are given conservation emphasis here especially due to nesting bird species such as barred warbler and red-backed shrike. The most important forest types in terms of conservation are the remains of old oak forests, especially the Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) forests at the edges of the Pivka poljes. More efforts will have to be put towards conservation and preservation of these old oak forests in the future. Both the wet meadows and the dry karst grasslands in the Pivka region are to a great extent the result of the work of man and do not display the natural potential vegetation. Due to the abandonment of farming nowadays they become overgrown spontaneously and quickly. In the first stages of growth the biodiversity of these grasslands increases, but it begins to decline quickly when bushes begin to predominate in such areas. If they were left without any kind of human intervention they would gradually grow into forest. We have observed such processes at some of the Pivka lakes, such as Jere-dovce and Šembijsko jezero. I estimate that the diversity of animal species in such cases would be reduced by half. Purely formal protection will not be sufficient to preserve the exceptional biodiversity of the land habitats of the Pivka intermittent lakes in the future. What will be required is active management and conservation as well as preserving and encouragement of the formerly extensive farming practices. Slika 3: Ena od naravovarstveno najpomembnejših vrst ptic Pivških jezer je nedvomno kosec (Crex crex) (Foto: L. Kebe). Figure 3: Corn crake (Crex crex) is one of the Pivka lakes birds of the greatest conservation importance (Photo: L. Kebe). Slika 4: Žaba rosnica (Rana dalmatina) je ena od ranljivih vrst dvoživk, ki žive in se mreste v širšem območju Pivških jezer (Foto: S. Polak). Figure 4: Agile frog (Rana dalmatina) is one of the vulnerable amphibian species that live and spawn on the vicinity of the Pivka lakes (Photo: S. Polak). Slika 5: Močvirski pisanček (Melitaea diamina) je tipičen predstavnik mokrotnih travnikov nekaterih Pivških jezer (Foto: S. Polak). Figure 5: Typical butterfly representative of the wet meadows in some Pivka lakes is the False Heath Fri-tillary (Melitaea diamina) (Photo: S. Polak). Slika 6: Škrlatnega cekinčka (Lycaena hippothoe) najdemo tako na močvirnih kot tudi na pozno košenih mezofilnih travnikih (Foto: S. Polak). Figure 6: Purple Edged Cooper (Lycaena hippothoe) can be found on the wet meadows as well as on the late mowed mesophilic meadows (Photo: S. Polak). Slika 7: Turkizni modrin (Plebicula dorylas) je tipičen predstavnik suhih kraških travišč (Foto: S. Polak). Slika 8: Ogroženi Skopolijev zlatook (Lopinga achine) živi v presvetljenih hrastovih gozdovih na robu Pivških jezer (Foto: Valentin Schein). Figure 7: Turqoise Blue (Plebicula dorylas) is a typical butterfly representative of the dry karst meadows Figure 8: Endangered Woodland Brown (Lopinga (Photo: S. Polak). achine) live in the sunlit oak forests on the edges of the Pivka lakes (Photo: Valentin Schein). Tabela 1: Seznam vrst ptic Pivških jezer. Status; G - gnezdilka, P - prelet, Z - prezimovanje; SLO-Rds.: Rdeči seznam ptičev gnezdilcev (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi... 2002), E - prizadeta, V - ranljiva, R - redka, O - izven nevarnosti; EU-Ths: Evropski status ogroženosti (Tucker & Heath, 1994), E -prizadeta, V - ranljiva, R - redka, Bern. Kon.: vrsta je uvrščena na dodatek II ali III Konvencije o varstvu prostoživečega evropskega rastlinstva in živalstva ter njunih življenjskih prostorov- (Zakon o ratifikaciji... 1999); EU-WBD - vrsta je uvrščena na dodatek I, II ali III Ptičje direktive - (Council Directive 79/409/EE ... 1979). Table 1: Pivka lakes Bird list. Status; G - breeder, P - passage, Z - wintering; SLO-Rds.: Red List of Slovene breeding Birds (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi... 2002), E - Endangered, V - Vulnerable, R - Rare, O - Out of danger; EU-Ths: European Threat status (Tucker & Heath, 1994), E - Endangered, V - Vulnerable, R - Rare, Bern. Kon.: Species is listed on the Appendix II or III Bern convention (Zakon o ratifikaciji... 1999); EU-WBD - Species is listed on the Appendix I, II or III of The Bird Directive - (Council Directive 79/409/ EEC... 1979). VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern. Kon. EU-WBD 1 Gavia arctica P, Z II I 2 Podiceps cristatus P, Z V1 III - 3 Podiceps nigricollis P R II - 4 Ixobrychus minutus P E2 II I 5 Ergetta alba P, Z II I 6 Ardea cinerea p, Z O1 III - 7 Anser albifrons P III - 8 Anser anser P III - 9 Anas penelope P, Z III - 10 Anas crecca P, Z E2 III - 11 Anas platyrhynchos P, Z III - 12 Anas acuta P V III II/III 13 Anas querquedula P E2 V III - 14 Anas clypeata P E2 III - 15 Aythya ferina P E2 III II/III 16 Aythya fuligula P V III - 17 Bucephala clangula P, Z III 18 Pernis apivorus G, P V II I 19 Milvus migrans P E2 V II II 20 Gyps fulvus P R II II 21 Cicaetus gallicus G, P E2 R II I 22 Circus aeruginosus P II I 23 Circus cyaneus P V II I 24 Circus pygargus P II I 25 Accipiter gentilis G, P, Z V II - 26 Accipiter nisus G, P, Z V II - VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern. Kon. EU-WBD 27 Buteo buteo G, P, Z O1 II - 28 Aquilla chrysaetos P V R II II 29 Falco tinnunculus G, P, Z V1 II - 30 Falco verspertinus P V II - 31 Falco subbuteo P V1 II - 32 Coturnix coturnix G, P V V III - 33 Crex crex G, P E2 V II I* 34 Vanellus vanellus P V III II 35 Philomachus pugnax P IIII III 36 Gallinago gallinago P, Z E1 III - 37 Tringa glareola P R II I 38 Actitis hypoleucos P E2 II - 39 Larus ridibundus P V III - 40 Columba livia G, P E1 III - 41 Columba palumbas G, P O1 III I8/II/III 42 Cuculus canorus G, P O1 II - 43 Otus scops G, P E2 II - 44 Bubo bubo G, P E2 V II I 45 Athene noctua G, P E1 II - 46 Strix aluco G O1 II - 47 Asio otus G O1 II - 48 Caprimulgus europeus G E2 II I* 49 Apus apus P O1 II - 50 Upupa epops G, P E1 II - 51 Jynx torquilla G, P V II - 52 Picus canus G V1 II I 53 Picus viridis G E2 II - 54 Drycopus martius G O1 II I 55 Dendrocopos major G O1 II - 56 Dendrocopos minor G V II - 57 Lullula arborea G V1 V II I* 58 Alauda arvensis G V1 V III II 59 Hirundo rustica P III - 60 Delichon urbica P II - 61 Anthus campestris MG E2 V II I VRSTA (species) Staus SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern. Kon. EU-WBD 62 Anthus trivialis G II - 63 Anthus pratensis W, P II - 64 Anthus spinoletta P II - 65 Motacilla alba G II - 66 Motacilla flava P V II - 67 Prunella modularis P II II 68 Troglodytes troglodytes G III - 69 Erithacus rubecula G II - 70 Luscinia megarhynchos MG, P V II - 71 Phoenicurus ochruros G, P II - 72 Phoenicurus phoenicurus P E2 V II - 73 Saxicola rubetra G, P E2 II - 74 Saxicola torquata G, P II - 75 Oenanthe oenanthe MG, P II - 76 Monticola saxatilis G, P V II - 77 Turdus merula G, P, Z III II 78 Turdus pilaris W, P III II 79 Turdus philomelos G, P III II 80 Turdus iliacus W, P III II 81 Turdus viscivorus G, P, Z III II 82 Hippolais polyglotta MG, P II II 83 Acrocephalus palustris P II - 84 Sylvia nisoria G, P V II I* 85 Sylvia curruca G, P II - 86 Sylvia communis G, P V II - 87 Sylvia borin P V1 II - 88 Sylvia atricapilla G, P II - 89 Phylloscopus sibilatrix P II II 90 Phylloscopus collybita G, P II - 91 Phylloscopus trochilus P II - 92 Regulus regulus G, P II - 93 Regulus inicapillus P II - 94 Muscicapa striata G, P II - 95 Ficedula albicollis P V II II 96 Ficedula hypoleuca P II VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern. Kon. EU-WBD 97 Aegithalos caudatus G, P III - 98 Parus palustris G, P, Z II - 99 Parus cristatus G, P, Z II - 100 Parus ater G, P, Z II - 101 Parus caeruleus G, P, Z II - 102 Parus major G, P, Z II - 103 Sitta europea G, P, Z II - 104 Certhia brachydactyla G, P, Z II - 105 Oriolus oriolus G, P II - 106 Lanius collurio G, P V1 II I 107 Lanius excubitor P, Z II - 108 Garrulus glandarius G, P, Z III - 109 Pica pica G, P, Z III - 110 Corvus corone cornix G, P, Z III - 111 Corvus corax P, Z II - 112 Sturnus vulgaris G, P, Z III - 113 Frigilla coelebs G, P, Z III I9 114 Fringilla montifringilla P, Z III III 115 Serinus serinus G, P, Z II - 116 Carduelis chloris G, P, Z II - 117 Carduelis carduelis G, P, Z II - 118 Carduelis spinus P, Z II - 119 Carduelis cannabina G, P, Z II - 120 Loxia curvirostra P, W II - 121 Pyrhulla pyrrhula G, P, Z III - 122 Coccothraustes cocco-thraustes G, P, Z II - 123 Emberiza citrinella G, P, Z V II - 124 Emberiza cirlus MG, P V II 125 Emberiza cia G, P, Z V II - 126 Emberiza schoeniclus P, Z V II - 127 Miliaria calandra G, P, Z V III - Tabela 2: Seznam vrst dnevnih metuljev Pivških jezer. Status; P - pogosta, L - lokalna, M - migrant; SLO-Rds.: Rdeči seznam metuljev (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi ... 2002), E - prizadeta, V - ranljiva, R - redka; EU-Rds: Evropski rdeči seznam metuljev (Van Swaay & Warren, 1999): E - prizadeta, V - ranljiva, LR(nt) - blizu ogroženosti, Bern. Kon.: vrsta je uvrščena na dodatek II Konvencije o varstvu prostoživečega evropskega rastlinstva in živalstva ter njunih življenjskih prostorov; (Zakon o ratifikaciji... 1999); EU-FFH - vrsta je uvrščena na dodatek II Habitatne direktive - (Council Directive 92/43/EEC... 1992). Table 2: Pivka lakes Butterflies list. Status; P - common, L - local, M - migrant; SLO-Rds.: Red List of Butterflies (Pravilnik o uvrstitvi ... 2002), E - Endangered, V - Vulnerable, R - Rare; EU EU-Rds: Red Data book of European Butterflies (Van Swaay & Warren, 1999): E - Endangered, V - Vulnerable, LR(nt) - near threatened, Bern. Kon.: Species is listed on the Appendix II of Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and natural Habitats (Zakon o ratifikaciji... 1999); EU-FFH - The species is listed on Appendix II of The Habitat directive - (Council Directive 92/43/EEC... 1992) VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern kon. EU-FFH 1 Papilio machaon P 2 Iphiclides podalirius P 3 Parnassius mnemosyne L V E II 4 Aporia crataegi P 5 Pieris brassicae P 6 Pieris rapae P 7 Pieris napi P 8 Pontia edusa M 9 Anthocharis cardamines P 10 Colias crocea M 11 Colis alfacariensis M 12 Gonepteryx rhamni P 13 Leptidea sinapis com. P 14 Thecla betulae L 15 Quercusia quercus P 16 Satyrium acaciae L 17 Satyrium ilicis L 18 Satyrium spini P 19 Satyrium w-album L 20 Callophrys rubi P 21 Lycaena phlaeas P 22 Lycaena dispar M? V V II II 23 Lycaena virgaureae L LR(nt) 24 Lycaena tityrus P 25 Lycaena alciphron L V 26 Lycaena hippothoe L V LR(nt) VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern Kon. EU-FFH 27 Everes argiades L 28 Everes alcetas L 29 Cupido minimus P 30 Celastrina argiolus P 31 Glaucopsyche alexis P V II 32 Maculinea rebeli L V V II 33 Maculinea teleius L V V II II 34 Pseudophilotes vicrama L V V II 35 Scolitantidea orion L V V 36 Plebeius argus P 37 Plebeius idas L V 38 Eumedonia eumedon L V 39 Aricia agestis P 40 Aricia artaxerxes L 41 Cyaniris semiargus P 42 Agrodiaetus amandus P 43 Plebicula dorylas P 44 Lysandra coridon P 45 Lysandra bellargus P 46 Polyomatus icarus P 47 Hamearis lucinia P LR(nt) 48 Apatura ilia L V 49 Limenitis reducta L 50 Limenitis camilla L 51 Nymphalis antiopa P 52 Nymphalis polychloros L 53 Inachis io P 54 Vanessa atalanta P 55 Vanessa cardui M 56 Aglais urticae P 57 Polygonia c-album P 58 Argynnis paphia P 59 Argynnis aglaja P 60 Argynnis adippe P 61 Argynnis niobe P VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern Kon. EU-FFH 62 Isoria lathonia P 63 Brenthis hecate P 64 Brenthis daphne P 65 Brenthis ino L 66 Clossiana dia P 67 Melitaea cinxia P 68 Melitaea phoebe P 69 Melitaea didyma P 70 Melitaea trivia L V 71 Melitaea diamina L V 72 Mellicta athalia P 73 Mellicta aurelia P V V II 74 Mellicta britomartis P V V II 75 Euphydryas aurinia P V V II II* 76 Melanargia galathea P 77 Hipparchia fagi L 78 Hyparchia semele L V 79 Satyrus ferula L V 80 Minois dryas P 81 Kanetisa circe P 82 Arethusana arethusa P 83 Erebia aethiops L V II 84 Erebia medusa P V II 85 Maniola jurtina P 86 Aphantopus hyperantus L 87 Pyronia tithonus L 88 Coenonympha pamphilus P 89 Coenonympha arcania P 90 Coenonympha glycerion P 91 Pararge aegeria P 92 Lasiommata maera P 93 Lopinga achine P V II 94 Pyrgus malvae P 95 Pyrgus armoricanus L V 96 Spialia sertorius L V VRSTA (Species) Status SLO-Rds. EU-Rds. Bern Kon. EU-FFH 97 Carcharodus alceae L V 98 Carcharodus flocciferus L E 99 Erynnis tages P 100 Heteropterus morpheus L 101 Carterocephalus palaemon L 102 Thymelicus acteon L V V 103 Thymelicus lineola P 104 Thymelicus sylvestris P 105 Hesperia comma P 106 Ochlodes venata P LITERATURA IN VIRI - REFERENCES AND SOURCES Božič, L., 2003: Mednarodno pomembna območja za ptice v Sloveniji 2. Predlogi Posebnih zaščitenih območij (SPA) v Sloveniji.- DOPPS, Monografija DOPPS št. 2, Ljubljana. Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the Conservation of Wild Birds - »The Bird Directive« (Ptičja direktiva - Direktiva Evropske skupnosti za ohranitev prosto živečih vrst ptic).- 1979, Official Journal C 103, 25/04/1979, 0006-0006. Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora - »The Habitat Directive« (Habitatna direktiva - Direktiva evropske skupnosti za ohranitev naravnih habitatov ter prosto živeče favne in flore).- 1992, Official Journal C 206, 22/07/1992, 0007-0007. 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