ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 7 JULY, 1966 VOLUME 38 JUHEJ, GREMO NA PIKNIK ! ! ! ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as sccond class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII — NO. 7 JULY, 1966 LETO XXXVII — ŠT. 7 Scholarship Notes from Minn.: Welcome to all Susan Kroger to Receive MUW Scholarship The AAXJW scholarship was presented to Miss Susan Kroger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kroger ot' Biwabik, Minn, in May. The scholarship is presented annually to a freshman girl at Virginia Junior College who will be continuing her sophomore year at the college. Susan is a 19G5 graduate of Horace Mann High School in Biwabik. In high school she was active in band, chorus, GAA, Pep club and was a majorette. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa in junior college and is majoring in secondary education. Susan is a member of Br. 23, Ely, Minn, and niece of Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, State Pres, of Minnesota. Another aunt is Miss Mary Shikonya, Secretary of Br. 22. Congratulations! ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL JULY 17! No. 2, Chicago, 111. We were glad to hear the report from the recently concluded campaign that our branch got 2'4 new members, 10 of them were recommended by our president, Mrs. J—Z. We hape to do very well at the current campaign and have already started with three members brought in by Ann Zorko at the last meeting. We wish to extend get well wishes to Mary Markovich movich who may be time and to Mrs. Pirc who suffered a broken leg and Barbara Wencel who underwent surgery at her home in Florida. Mrs. Jennie Primožič of 4307 So. Maple Ave., Berwyn, would be happy to receive visitors, too, so we hope you will want to remember all these fine members who are not feeling well. Committees for Lemont Zveza Day were formed and we are hopeful that we will have good weather, July 17, and Chris Dol-all well by this a good crowd and good spirit, as usual. Mrs. Zorko will be in charge of the kitchen with help from Mrs. Zibert., Mrs. Sarbarneck, Mrs. Poldan and Mrs. Marrazzo. Mrs. J Z will take charge of the bar; Sophie Bo-golin and Jennie Kovacic, the chips; Mrs. Novak, and Mrs. Zefran the fishbowl and yours truly, the games for juniors. We’ll have lots of food, so our company will be happy, and music has been arranged too. Of importance is the information from the Franciscan Fathers that for anyone wishing to stay overnight and have meals, reservations must be made two weeks in advance. Thanks to Mrs. Tomazin, Mrs. Vogrich and Mrs. Troha for their donations of prizes and cash for the treasury. Don’t forget to come to Lemont for Zveza Day, July 17th! Corinne Leskovar HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Branch No. 103 may be the newest branch in the organization but it is no longer the smallest. We hope to achieve our goal of 100 members by the Convention of 1967, and you can help us reach this goal by sending us the names and adressess of friends and relatives living within the Metropolitan Washington Area—this includes Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D. C. Many Slovenes within this locality are unaware that the Slovenian Women's Union is an active organization on the East Coast. Our methods of locating Slovenes are limited since there isn’t an established community of Slovenian people. We are relying upon each member of the SWU to help us contact and enroll new members, into a young, lively and enthusiastic branch. Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuga from Warren, Ohio, visited with their daughter Marlene in Alexandria, Virginia. 1 was thrilled to receive a surprise phone call from Mrs. Zuga and we were able to arrange for a short visit before their return to Ohio. The results of this phone call was a delightful visit, a new friendship and possibly another member for our branch. We hope that Marlene will attend our meetings and future activities where she can meet other Slovenes living within this area. There are other Slovenes living in this area, single or married, your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, daughter-in-laws whatever the case may be—prospective members, as anxious to meet us as we are to meet them. Will you help us by sending their names and addresses? We’ll be waiting . . . Irene M. Planinšek, 12 S. Van Dorn St., Alexandria Va. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . July 31—Annual Picnic, Br. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa at Riverview Park Aug. 28—Colo-Kans-Mo. State Convention, Br. 63, Denver Sept. 11—WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Oct. 2—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, O. Oct. 28—Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY Supreme Officers: July 23 -— Louise Epley, Director of Junior Activities, Warrensville lights., Ohio July 28 — Rose Scoff, State President, San Francisco, California Branch Presidents: July 2 Anna Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3 Anna Trontel, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4 — Ann Heinmann, Br. 28, Calumet Mich. July 7 — Angela Bezlaj, Br. 72', Chicago, 111. July 21 — Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. July 13 Ann Richards, Hr. 22, Bradley, 111. July 25 - Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 29 — Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 31 Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio OUR SECRETARIES’ BIRTHDAYS IN JULY July 6 — Mary Hadley, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. July 10 Anna Mundi, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio July 15 Elizabeth Misiewicz, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. July 27 — Rose Chiodi, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. July 30 Mary Jamsek, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. OUR FOUR SCHOLARSHIP WIHHERS WRITE “My Knowledge of the Slovenian Women’s Union” We are indeed proud lo claim these four outstanding and competent students as members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. We wish them success in their exciting college careers. May all their dreams and hopes materialize. Hermine P. Dicke, Secretary S. W. U. Scholarship Committee Donnn Sielz Mary Ann Sultikur So. Chicago, III. I have belonged to Slovenian Woman’s Union since I was a little girl. Looking back, the one quality that seems to predominate is its thoughtfulness. The particular branch that I belong to (Branch 1G) has been entirely concerned with others. Many financial contributions have been made to worthy causes. The annual Christmas party, plus the sharing of each other’s birthdays, and the kind remembrances to sick members, all add up to consideration for others. Another point that can be strongly seen is the pride (he women have in their Slovenian descent. Perhaps the best proof of this is the very formation of the lodge. So much did they 1'eel the dignity of their lineage that they bound together nationally to share their pride. Even tours to Slovenia are conducted yearly to keep alive the love lot- their nationality. I hope one day I will be fortunate to see the homeland of my ancestors. West Allis, Wis. As a recipient of one of the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Awards, I am deeply grateful to an organization of Catholic Slovenian women who unselfishly give of time and money to aid young Slovenian girls in furthering their formal education. This organization was founded by Slovenian women, who by their heritage were naturally good mothers and good home-makers. They banded together socially to find companionship and comfort in a new land. One of the fruits of their association is the magazine Zarja the Dawn. This official publication brings to its members information on national and state conventions, lodge news and awards. In memorials, pictures, well wishes, and congratulations, the Dawn extends personal contact to its members. My first contact with the society, at the age of eight, was in a banquet program, sponsored by branch 43 at St. John’s Catholic church in Milwaukee. In the program I sang “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”, and i>. little song called “Potica”. This memorable experience lias now ben surpassed by your scholarship award. Cleveland, O. Ever since I can remember, the Slovenian Women’s Union has played a leading role in my life. My mother, Mrs. Frances Sietz, has been an active member of this organization for many, many years and has always urged me to participate in the many different functions held annually. I have helped at rummage sales, bazaars, dinners, and style shows. I was at one time a captain for a little girls’ drill team and wrote articles for the Zarja. The Slovenian Women’s Union has my appreciation for the many opportunities I had to travel that would otherwise have never been more than a dream instead of a reality. I accompanied my mother to Wisconsin for a convention and on an excursion to Washington, D. C., that I shall always remember. My most unforgettable trip was to Europe. The Slovenian Women’s Union Tour made it possible for me to visit all the old romantic European cities and historical structures, such as Paris, Home, the Cathedral, Notre Dame, and the Colosseum; but most of all, this trip was my only chance to meet and visit with relatives that would still be mere names instead of real people if I had not gone. The Slovenian Women’s Union has given me so many memories I shall always cherish that all I can say is, “Thank you for the experiences that have helped shape part of my life.” Pueblo, Colo. The Slovenian Women’s Union is a national organization composed primarily of Slovenian women and their families. In this America, the melting pot of nations, succeeding generations become less informed of the interests and customs of their progenitors and tend to move farther away from them. The Slovenian Women’s Union is an important force in preserving the bond of our national heritage. Through its many local branches this Union offers many opportunities to its members through insurance benefits, social events, charitable works, and scholarships. it contributes to the greatness of America by encouraging each member to be the best possible citizen and helping each one to reach the maxim of her potential. 1 realize how fortunate I am to belong to an organization which shows such an interest in America’s youth and am indeed grateful for having been selected as one of the recipients of its scholarship awards. To be one of this group of sincere and loving people held together by tight personal bonds and mutual interests makes me very proud. Iliirlmni (,rascll Judith Ann Jesik rXs' CHAMPS OF 30th ANNIVERSARY MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY, JOLIET’ ILL., MARCH 26-27, 1966 SINGLES & ALL EVENTS: E. Statkus NO. 1, OGLESBY: A. Quercegrossa, A. Batty, H. Komater of Br. 89 Oglesby, and D. Jaksetich and L. Anderson of Br. 20. Joliet. SISTERS: E. Kroschel and C. Gospo DOUBLES: A. Marrazo and A. Leben 2nd PL. DOUBLES: S. E. Kroschel Rybak and T earns: 1 Cd liloi 1 Team No. 1 Oglesby 2809 $70.00 2 ZARJA Chicago 2713 50.00 3 St. Paul Federal Chicago 2059 40.00 4 Zefran Funeral Home ! Chicago 2G55 30.00 5 Marquette Super Service Chicago 2622 20.00 6 Reliance Federal Chicago 2621 20.00 7 Merichkas Restaurant Joliet 2610 20 00 Doubles 1 A. Marrazzo 579 A. Leben Chicago 562) 1141 $18.00 2 S. Rybak 548 E. Kroschel Chicago 593 1141 18.00 3 M. Briski 558 A. Yerbiscar Joliet 537 1095 12.00 4 P. Mauser 535 A. Pelko La Salle 552 1087 10.00 5 L. Hasek 541 C. Gospo Chicago 536 1077 10.00 G F. Smulski 526 R. Litwin Chicago 549 1075 6.00 7 A. Batty Oglesby 556 M. Omerza Chicago 517 1073 G.00 8 E. Statkus 521 A. Vucko Chicago 549 1070 G.OO 9 L. Ovnik 523 S. Melissa Chicago 542 1065 6.00 10 E. Gregory 495 T. Papesh Joliet 560 1055 3.00 J. Leben 547 A. Cecich Chicago 508 1055 3.00 All Events 1 E. Statkus Chicago 1741 $10.00 2 S. Melissa Chicago 1692 8.00 3 J. Leban Chicago 1672 7.00 4 A. Quercegrossa Oglesby 1653 6.00 5 M. Omerza Chicago 1630 4.50 6 N. Mochnik LaSalle 1630 4.50 7 A. Marrazzo Chicago 162l9 4.00 8 F. Foys Chicago 1618 3.00 9 E. Kroschel Chicago 1616 3.00 10 M. Gasperich Joliet 1613 2.00 11 A.Kahover Chicago 1612 2.00 12 A. Savol Joliet 1609 2.00 13 B. Suski Joliet 1608 2.00 14 L. Hasek Chicago 1606 2.00 15 C. Tomazin Chicago 1598 2.00 16 B. Terlep Joliet 1586 2.00 17 A. Batty Oglesby 1585 2.00 18 A. Kovacs Chicago 1582) 2.00 19 L. Hayes Joliet 1582 2.00 20 L. Anderson Joliet 1582 2.00 21 C. Gospo Chicago 1579 2.00 Singles 1 E. Statkus Chicago 645 $12.00 2 M. Gasperich Joliet 595 10.00 3 E. Rosenquist Joliet 593 9.00 4 S. Melissa Chicago 591 8.00 5 E. Gregory Joliet 589 7.00 6 J. Leben Chicago 577 6.00 7 L. Foys Chicago 575 5.00 S E. Hannes Chicago 559 4.00 9 C. Tomazin Chicago 557 4.00 10 A. Batty Oglesby 554 4.00 11 A. Savol Joliet 553 3.00 12 A. Vucko Chicago 553 3.00 13 N. Kleczewski Oglesby 551 3.00 14 A. Kahover Chicago 548 3.00 15 L. Hasek Chicago 544 3.00 16 M. Nemanich Joliet 543 3.00 17 J. Meden Chicago 543 3.00 18 A. Marrazzo Chicago 542 3.00 19 V. Bemickas Joliet 542 3.00 20 E. Kostelnik Chicago 538 3.00 20 L. Anderson Joliet 1582 2.00 High Game with Handicap 1 E. Statkus Chicago 265 $5.00 2 D. Jaksetich Joliet 2-43 3.00 Grandmother Trophy E. Gregory Joliet 228 Mother and Daughter T rophies H. Walsh and A. Verbiscer Joliet 104 Sisters’ Trophies C. Gospo and Elsie Kroschel Chicago 437 Chicago received the trophy for the most teams Elizabeth Zefran Rev. Claude Okorn, O.FeM.: GIVING OF YOURSELVES There is tendency today, for the individual to shove his personal obligations to the needy off onto tile shoulders of a convenient charitable organization. We give a few dollars to the national bodies of our choice, perhaps help support some more purely local ones, and leel that we have done our duty. All these organizations have skilled workers who can better cope witli human misery than we ourselves can, we feel. But is this thinking right? Is this feeling honest? Or does it stem from the desire to “let George do it?” It is so easy to give five or ten or even one hundred dollars, and let someone else pass out the kindness. This way of doing things is wrong, and we are cheating ourselves most of all. Dehumanizing charity — by which we mean disassociating oneself from the actual, active interest in helping the unfortunate — abolishes the principle of love, which is one of the foundation principles of life. As we cheat life, we cheat ourselves. “No man lives unto himself.” If you deprive yourself of the opportunity to express your genuine love for humanity, you are derpriving yourself of one of the greatest privileges that life can offer. Regardless of our financial situation, there are few of us who can not give one, two or more hours a ACTIVITIES Thank Yon All Dear Members: A very sincere “Thank You” for selecting me as Mother-of-the-Year. The Holy Hour which was held before our Mother’s Day Party, and the singing of Marian hymns brought back many old memories and tears of joy remembering some of the things that we had done in the past never to be forgotten by many of us. The inspiration was overwhelming more than words can describe. I will always cherish this Mother’s Day. Let us always make it a Holy Hour Mother’s Day each year! Yours truly, Sophie Petrovič, Mother-of-the-Year Branch No. 2, Chicago, 111. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Our meeting on June 7th was attended by a nice number of members on a very warm evening. We had a short business meeting mostly getting a few things settled concerning our Fall Card Party, which will be held on October 2, 1966. It was decided that there will not he a meeting in July. The door prize was given to Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead Ave.) Refreshments were served by the hostess for this month, Theresa Slcur, our president, and we had our regular “after-meeting games.” Bon voyage to our treasurer, Mary Iskra and to Margaret Tomazin who were travelling to Slovenia the latter part of June. Hope you have a wonderful time. Our deepest sympathies to the family of Katherine Willem, one of our members who passed away last month. Donations to the “good-time” fund were made by Mary Kusar, Vera week to active participation in I he work of some charitable organization. It may be as a volunteer in one of the great national or international bodies, always in need of volunteer workers, or a smaller memorial, neighborhood or church group. Regardless of its size if the association or society is devoted to helping troubled brothers or sisters of ours, we can find in it an opportunity to express our love for mankind. And there are things we can do individually, too. “Little” things, like writing cheerful letters to shut-ins, making encouraging telephone calls to those in need of encouragement, even lending a hand or giving a heartwarming word to the person next door. One woman, confined to her home with arthritis herself, has brought cheer into the lives of hundreds of people by mailing inexpensive “get well” cards to them when she reads their names in the lists of hospital patients. It does not matter to her whether or not she is acquainted with the patients; she mails the cards anyway. And as a direct result, she has gained many, many friends. She calls it a hobby; we call it a labor of love. Let us show our love by our works. No act is too small to be significant. A word of encouragement at the right time has helped many people over rough spots in life. Bajec and Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead Ave.) Special note: If any member knows of one of our members being ill or if a member is deceased, please be kind enough to call or have the family of the member call the secretary, Antoinette Zabukovec, tel. 943-1546 to check if she has been notified. Thank you. In closing I wish all a happy and safe summer vacation. Antoinette Zabukovec No. 16, So. Chicago, III. Our annual “Chicken Dinner” was held at the “Jovial Club,” Thursday, May 19th. Simultaneously, we celebrated our secretary’s twenty-fith anniversary as our financial director. Since she took office, Gladys Buck has accomplished much socially, fraternally, and money-wise. She is a person who has the ability to get along well with her fellow members, who, in turn give her strong cooperation in whatever project the branch undertakes. Happenings and the gradual progressing of our lodge were recalled by the old and charter members. Gladys also had some statistics which she gave us, the most impressive one being that we lost 68 members through death in these 25 years. She thanked the group for their generosity and support which made these years so successful. The tables were set with beautiful centerpieces and favors in a motif of deep pink roses, made by our three sister members, Pauline Druga, Marge and Sylvia Spretnjalc. These girls are very artistically inclined and add beauty and originality to our various parties. The dinner was delicious and well-served. Thrity seven members attended. The evening was spent in reminiscing and games. The members cheered Gladys and wished her a continuation for another twenty-five years. I would like to thank the S.W.U. Scholarship Committee for bestowing the honor on my daughter Mary Ann. Of course, she was surprised and happy to receive the scholarship. Members, please bear in mind that there will be no meeting in August. See you in September! Rose Salakar, llec. Sec’y. SILVER ANNIV. SECRETARY Miss Gladys Buck No. 16, So. Chicago, lil. L would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincerest thanks and gratefulness to the many members who attended the Dinner Party at the Jovial Inn on Thursday, May 19th honoring me on my 25th Anniversary as Secretary of Branch No. 16. It was indeed a wonderful feeling to see so many members who took the time to attend this lovely affair. This celebration was held in conjunction with the Annual Dinner held each year at this time. My thanks to Pauline (Spretnjak) Druga and Rose Salakar who handled all the details in connection with the party and Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak for the beautiful table decorations they made — it was a perfect setting for the beautiful month of May. I shall be forever grateful for the many gifts I received. Truly, it was an evening I shall long remember. Gladys K Buck, Sec’y. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Our Misc. card party for our new St. Mary’s Church Fund was a very successful affair and our sincere thanks go to the wonderful people for their cash donations and prizes, to the ones who participated in this event, our neighboring branches, the ladies who sold tickets in advance, and to the workers in general. So once again, a very sincere “Thank You.” Mrs. Jackie Nimmer, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Schlosar, went on a conducted tour of the Mediteeranean and Holy Land. She started from New York, then on to Rome, Italy. Then on to exotic Cairo, Beirut, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Jerusalem, the birthplace and mementos of our Lord. She visited a few of the famous churches: Church of the Ascension, Church of Pater Noster, and Mary’s Well. From there on to Athens, Greece, including a tour to the beautiful Greek Islands. It was a most unusual tour, but with plenty of sightseeing and wondrous sights to held and treasure. Mrs. Josephine Paucek also returned from a long visit from Fontana, Calif., where she stayed with her sister, Mrs. Rose Ustar. From reports both enjoyed themselves in sunny California. Welcome home, Ladies! Congratulations are extended to one of our junior members, Miss Barbara Grasch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Grasch, granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Grasch, who has won one of the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship. We are very happy and proud that one of our members won such a great honor. This should be an incentive to other junor members that studying is not all wasted. The pinnacle of success can always be reached by effort. Our condolences are extended to Mrs. Anton Bohte and children on the loss of husband and father, Anton. Also our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mary Sikinger on the loss of her husband. May they rest in peace. Bon voyage to our organizer, Josephine Schlosar, Mr. and Mrs. Val and Fanny Stroj, Rose Udovich, Mary Ujcich and Mary Kebl who are vacationing in Europe. Best wishes to all and have a pleasant and enjoyable visit. On September 11, 196G, the branch will charter a bus for the Annual Wisconsin State Day Convention and combination 40th Anniversary in Sheboygan, Wis. Anyone interested or wishing more information kindly contact the secretary 774-20G1 or myself 384-4908. Kindly remember our fall Misc. Card Party on Thursday evening, October, 28, ]9G6 at St. Mary’s Auditorium, So. GOth and W. Madison. Donations are always greatly appreciated. The proceeds are for our treasury. As you know, there are no meetings for the months of June, July, and August. Our meetings will resume on Sunday, September 18th at 2:00 p. m. I hope that each and everyone will have a healthy and happy vacation. To all our shut>ins a speedy recovery and to all a very pleasant summer and may God Bless you all. Marion Marolt No. 20, Joliet, III. We are mourning the passing of our charter member, Mrs. Catherine Petrie from N. Broadway at the age of 89 years. Her membership number was 10. At one time she had been active until illness prevented her coming to meetings. She is survived by four daughters and one son. Our condolences also to member, Mrs. Frances Pikush who lost a son-in-law, Joseph Walzak. He is also survived by his wife, Frances, two sons and a daughter. May he rest in peace! June is the month of many graduations. From St. Francis Academy, Joyce Marie Goran, who won a dis-stinction as the best student and graduated from 264 graduates and winner of a special scholarship to further her studies in medical technology, was a four year member of the Honor Society. She has chosen St. Francis College in Joliet for her advance studies. She is the daughter of our 19G5 Mother-of-the-Year, Josephine Goran and her grandmother is Mrs. Anna Mahkovec. Also graduating from the Academy is our junior member, Janice Jaksetich whose grandmother is Mrs. Theresa Ancel. From Joliet West High School is graduate Judy Hofer, daughter of Bertha Hofer and granddaughter of Br. 20 president, Mrs. Emma Planinšek. From Joliet Catholic High School, Joseph Ancel, son of Olga and Ed Ancel graduated with honors and was a member of the Honor Society. He also was presented with a scholarship. He will attend St. Thomas College at St. Paul, Minn. Joseph is the grandson of Mrs. Barbara Ancel and yours truly. Another Joliet Catholic High graduate is Kenneth Paul Dufour, son of our member Helen and husband Paul. His grandmother is Mrs. Anna Mahkovec. A CARD OF THANKS We sincerely wish to thank all relatives, friends and neighbors for their expression of sympathy and many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement, the loss of our beloved wife and mother, Carol Prisiand We especially wish to thank those who had Masses offered, sent flowers and donated for S.W.U. scholarships. Gratefully, Theodore J. Prisiand and Children 'I1 ■» ■■■ ■■■ <■'" Congratulations to all graduates, sons and daughters of our members and hopes that their their futures will be successful in their chosen fields. Congratulations also to all parents and relatives of this year’s graduates who must be proud of this very important event in their families. A special recognition must be given to our long-time president, Mrs. Emma Planinšek who is serving her 31st year as president of the branch and who is known by its members as a very successful leader. At this same time, her youngest daughter, Miss Irene Planinšek, is observing her first year as president of the youngest SWU Branch located in Washington, D. C., which she organized. She is making every effort to make the next Zveza Convention in Washington a success. Her very interesting reports of branch activities and of the Nation’s Capital is read by many members. Mrs. Planinšek and daughter, Irene, have this rare distinction of being the only mother-daughter team serving as presidents at the same time. Also, a daughter, Bertha Hofer, is Village Clerk in Shorwood, near Joliet, and is very successful in her work serving for a fifth term as a public servant. We congratulate these very success-members of one family and hope they may continue for many more years. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn.—. Our annual banquet was held May 18t.h at the Blue Room of the Forrest Hotel. A cocktail hour was held at 6 p. m., followed by dniner. The tables were beautifully decorated by Mrs. John Suster. Fifty-three ladies attended. A short business meeting followed. It was stated that the Zveza Day celebration would be in Crosby in early September. Get well cards were sent to our sick members who are hospitalized. Mrs. Jos. Skufsa took home the attendance prize. Our meeting closed with wishes lor a happy vacation to all. Meetings will be resumed in September. President Rose Novak closed the meeting with prayer. Afterward a games party was held. CONTRIBUTIONS TO SCHOLARSHIP FUND Balance May 10, 1966 $1177.00 New contributions: Branch No. 23, Ely, Minn 100.00 Branch No. 2, Chicago, 111. 40.00 Branch No. 20, Joliet, 111. 10.00 Albina Novak in memory of Frank Perusek, Euclid, Ohio 10.00 Frances Macerol in memory of Frances Mihelič, Cleveland, Ohio 5.00 In memory of Carol Prisland: Albina Novak Supreme Sec’y 10.00 Officers and A. Brulla from Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 10.00 Hermine Dicke, Madison. Wis. 10.00 Marie Prisland, Sheboygan, Wis. 10.00 Corinne Leskovar, Editor ZARJA 5.00 Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo. &00 212.00 Total June 10, 3966 $1389.00 Branch No. 23, Ely, Minnesota, pleasantly surprised us with a generous contribution from their Game Party, organized by Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, state president for Minnesota. We are most grateful for their donation. Ely now wears the crown as the highest donor of any single branch in the Union. Branch No. 2, Chicago presented us with $40.00 which was realized through the efforts of Mmes. Josephine Železnikar, Albina Novak and Corinne Leskovar, supported by the rest of the officers and members. The Memorial for Carol Prisland, wife of Theodore J. Prisland, is deeply appreciated. With grateful thanks to all, The Scholarship Committee SWU, Marie Prisland, Pres. MORE ON SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS In brief, these are the activities of our four scholarship winners: Member of Branch No. 17, West Allis, Wis., Miss Barbara Marie Grasch was highly recommended for a scholarship grant by her school officials not only because of her high academic accomplishments and personal integrity, but because of her outside activities as well. She was honored by the Waukesha Women’s Club by being selected, “Woman of Tomorrow Award 1965.” During her entire four years of high school she was a member of the National Honor Society. Besides being manager of the yearbook during her senior year, she served as dramatics dancing coach. In addition, Barbara spent an average of 16 hours a week clerking in the grocery store. Miss Judith Ann Jesick, member of Branch No. 3, Pueblo, Colorado, is a most efficient and capable girl as well as an accomplished student. She was a member of the National Honor Society, the Coltspurs (high school pep club), as well as a member and recorder of the high school organization, Future Business Leaders. Every day after school and on Saturdays Judith worked at St. Mary’s Corwin Hospital. Miss Mary Ann Salakar, first in academic rank of her senior class, is a member of Branch No. 16 of Chicago. Her major activities included the Glee Club, Homemakers of Tomorrow, head writer for the Senior Variety Show, was on the yearbook staff, and did some tutoring in mathematics. During her after-school hours she was employed as a sales clerk in a dress shop. Another first in rank in her Senior Class, Miss Donna Sietz of Richmond Heights, Ohio is a member of Branch No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. At the students’ tea she was given a Merit Award Certificate and $25 by the Cleveland Chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants. Her local newspaper Sun-Messenger, reported that “Miss Sietz has an outstanding scholastic and extra-curricular activities record.” During her Senior year she was engaged in the school's Pep Club, the Spartanettes; the French Club, The National Honor Society, the school newspaper and the yearbook besides working in the high school bookstore during her lunch period. Mrs. Catherine Merhar furnished the piano music to which everyone sang. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. John Richards and Mrs. Joseph Pucel and other members of the Mary Gnetica families in the loss of their dear mother. To all who are ill we wish a speedy recovery. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. At this time of the year, we are enjoying the warm weather of summer. We hope it will be inviting to our members to attend the meetings and take care of dues payments. We are sorry to report the passing of member Antonia Gregorič who died suddenly. She is survived by two sons and two daughters; also, a sister, Johana Gnidovec and many other relatives. We extend deepest sympathy to the family and may she rest in peace. A happy Golden Wedding celebration was observed by our member, Josephine Omahen and her husband, Anton on May 28th with a Holy Mass at St. Roch’s church. We wish them many more happy and healthy years. Our member, Emily Jordan is recuperating from surgery. Still hospitalized are Rose Kiltar, Caroline Hrovat and Mary Savnik. Best to them all. And congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. Fiances Ksizak, the proud parents of a baby boy. The mother is the former Pauline Serman. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the SWU cookbook can do so at my home and the same for anyone wishing to make payments of dues. Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. The committee and I thank all the members and their friends who attended the luncheon in May — also, thanks to all who donated prizes. We are very grateful to the women who helped in the kitchen after the luncheon was over. There will be no meetings during the months of July and August and the next meeting will be on Sept. 20. Condolences to Anna Bubanovich on the loss of her brother, John Subasic who died on April 27tli, and also to the family of Katherine Plantan one of our charter members who died on May 21st. Mrs. Plantan will be missed especially by Br.26 as she was a very generous and loyal member. May these deceased rest in peace! One of members, Christiana Mihel- čič is very ill at St. Francis Hospital. Let us all say a prayer for her and get well wishes are extended to all other sick members. Hoping all our members have a pleasant summer and God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. We thank all mothers for making such a nice attendance at the May meeting, dedicated to us. We also prayed for all our deceased members and initiated a new member, brought in by Anne Godlar. A sympathy card went to Mary Strnad who lost her husband in April. The president gave us leaflets on Bishop Baraga and we contributed $5 to his fund as well as the same to the Bishop Slomšek fund for which we have already received thanks. Serving in the Armed Forces is John Telcavec, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Tekavec. He was drafted on May 20th at Ft. Benning, Ga., where he underwent basic training. May our Lord protect him and all others. We are happy to have a new member, Elizabeth Sudar. Welcome to our branch. To our sick, we wish health and especially to Mrs. Cimperman who is sick ill a long time. May our dear Ixird help you! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rupar; their son recently was married. Happiness and best of luck to the young couple. Our meeting was short. Anne Cooke, with 6 junior members had a program for mothers and for the Mother of the Year. Her daughter pinned a red carnation on the officers and chosen mother which was very nice. Thanks, Anne, for the extra work and patience. Then followed the lunch which was very good. These members baked and donated for the parties so far this year: Theresa Potokar, strudel, A. Tekavec, strudel, Josephine Comenshek, cake, Katherine Golinar, cheese strudel and birthday cake, Anne Godlar, homemade sloppy joes and we got good help from Prances Klune and Annie Chinchar who served. Donations to the birthday party came from Caroline Peck (75c), at $1 each: Antonia Koraba, Anna Pierce, Mary Ercul, Mary Jagodnik, Anges Hazbec, Annie Chinchar, Mary Rupar, Mary Bo-dichar, Helen Kovacevich, Matilda Ogrinc, Barbara Baron and Pauline Vrh. Frances Klune gave $2. The treasury received $5 from Mary Zele, Antonia Koraba and Matilda Ogrinc, each $1. We thank all of our generous members for these donations. As you can see, we will have more parties in the future. A note: this summer, we won’t sell tickets for the combined branches, but we will ask $1 from each member for our treasury. Weagreed to this at our May meeting. Also, there will be no meeting in July and August, so we’ll see you in September. Have a nice vacation and may our Lord protect you and bless you and your families. A. Tekavec, Sec’y Hermine Prisland Dicke: No. 34, Soudan, Minn.— Our final meeting before the summer recess was well-attended and members enjoyed a plesant evening. During the business meeting it was decided to order vacuum packed candy to be delivered in time for our September meeting when it will be distributed to the members to sell to the public. This is our annual money-making project and meets with much success. Following the business meeting “Cootie” and "500” were enjoyed with prizes in the former going to Mmes. Edward Dragavon and Victor Chiabotti and in the latter to Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. Ramon Berg. Our hostesses, Mmes. Ernest Johnson and Nick Tekautz, served a delicious luncheon at the conclusion of the games. Mrs. Leo Wilson was a-warded the attendance prize which was donated by Mrs. John Pahula. When meetings resume in the Fall, the September hostess committee will be Mmes. William Volendorf, Joseph Stefanich and Anthony Yapel, with Mrs. Mary Pahula bringing the door prize. and Mrs. Mary Bostian, member of Br. No. 50 of Euclid, Ohio and state president of Ohio-Michigan, enjoys preparing Cheese Cake. She writes, “This is a delicious dessert which everybody loves.” Cheese Cake Beat until smooth: 1 package softened Philadelphia cream cheese (8 oz.) with 1 cup of powdered sugar. Beat in another bowl until light, fluffy, and fully whipped: 1 package Dream Whip (2 oz.) % cup milk j/2 teaspoon vanilla 4 tablespoons sugar Make graham cracker crust of: 5 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup graham cracker crumbs Line 8 inch square pan with unbaked graham cracker crust. Fold together Dream Whip and cheese mixtures until well blended and spoon over crust. Last, gently spread on 1 can of THANK YOU CHERRY PIE FILLING and let chill for at least 3 hours. (Mrs. Bostian always doubles the recipe using a 8 x 12 inch pan.) RAISED DOUGNUTS This recipe is a favorite of Mrs. Frances Plesetz, mother of the president of Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 9 cups sifted flour 1 cup buttermilk 1 cup salad oil 1 cup mashed potatoes (warm) 1 cup potato water 1 tablespoon butter for potatoes 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg 3 whole eggs 2 ounces cake of yeast Crumble yeast into j/2 cup lukewarm water. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon flour. Let raise about 10 minutes. Make a well in flour and pour into it the buttermilk, oil, potato water, mashed potatoes, salt, beaten eggs, nutmeg, the yeast mixture and sugar. Knead dough until elastic — about 10 minutes. Place it in an oiled One of our senior members, Mrs. Theresa Cvetan, is now convalescing at her home following recent surgery. We wish her a speedy recovery. We hope that all the SWU members have a pleasant summer vacation, and we hope to see many of you at Minnesota Day in Crosby in the Fall. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter bowl and let it raise until double in bulk. Then punch down and let raise again. Place dough on covered, floured table and roll about 1 inch thick. Make doughnuts with cutter and fry in Crisco. Cover the pan after you drop doughnuts into it; when brown 011 one side, turn and finish frying in uncovered pan. Sprinkle with granulated sugar to children love them. They freeze well, serve. You can fry the "holes”. The This recipe makes from 70—80 doughnuts. FRUIT SALAD IN WATERMELON It’s fun taking to a picnic a watermelon filled with fruit and it makes any table more festive. Cut off lengthwise % of top of watermelon. In large pieces scoop out the lower section. Let it stand for about an hour to let juice ooze out; then drain well. With sharp knii'e separate edge to make an attractive edge which will look like pointed scallops. Fill with any con-bination of assorted fruits: straw- berries, pineapple chunks, watermelon (from the scooped out pieces) and canteloupe balls, mandarin oranges, chunks of bananas, etc. For an added touch of color set in a few mint leaves. (To make balls use melon ball cutter which can be purchased at most supermarkets or hardware stores.) A fruit dressing is not necessary, but should you prefer 011c here are a couple suggestions: Drizzle over the fruit the following: 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 cup boiling water Grated rind and juice of one lemon and orange Bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes. In separate dish or in scooped out fresh pineapple serve: 1 cup sour cream 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon sugar 1J/2 cup miniature marshmallows Mix ingredients and let stand in bowl in refrigerator over night. Beat with egg beater before serving. (Delicious.) Thank you Mrs. Bostian and Mrs. Plesetz for your wonderful recipes. Hope you’re all enjoying a fun summer with lots of picnics and good food. ’Bye, Hermine No. 38, Chisholm, Minn.— Hi to all from Br. 39 in Chisholm! We had a wonderful Mother’s Day dinner honoring our Zveza mothers. We served a delicious ham dinner with lots of trimmings and wonderful potica. Everyone enjoyed it very much. In charge were Mrs. Sylvia Petrich, Mrs. Joe Hren, Mrs. John Helenic, Mrs. Frank Dropp, and Mrs. Jasper Brancich. With the help of Mrs. Mike Fannel, Miss Pakiz, Mrs. Warner l.atick, Miss Pustovar, Miss Amato, Miss Libby Brancich and Miss Jane Komidor, we couldn’t have done it. The donations of poticas came from from Mmes. Frances Ponikvar, Sylvia Petrich, Agnes Kochevar and Johanna Perkovich. Fr. Frank Perkovich of Marble, son of our Zveza mother, Mrs. Johanna Perkovich led the prayer of grace. We had with us Mrs. Jerica Švigelj of Ljubljana who is visiting her sister, our president, Mrs. Frances Ilren for the summer. Also, her daughter, Miss Ruth Hren, who has been following her nursing career in Ljubljana Hospital for the last eight months was with us. Jack Judnick and his Yanks, of Iron, furnished our dinner music and everyone joined in and sang along with them. There were many happy faces and memories brought back with the lovely tunes. Dancing followed. Jack and his Yanks play in Gilbert at Sandy’s every Saturday night. Sorry to report that our recording secretary, Anna Trdan is still convalescing at home after surgery. Also on the sick list are sisters Rose Dropp, and Frances Amato and Mary Sterle. We wish you all a speedy recovery and to all whom we may have left out, too! Mary Brancich, Vice-President Frances Jelenič, Reporter No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — The meeting was called to order by President Frances Sietz, Welcome back, Fran, we all missed you. Ladies, don’t turn this page until you read this, because I’ve got a lot of news! Donna Sietz, Fran’s daughter, graduated from Richmond Hgts., High last month with great honors. She was valedictorian of her senior class and also was the recipient of one of our SWU Scholarships. Congratulations, Donna, from all the members of Br. 50. Donna’s been a member since the age of 5 and also used to be our junior reporter. Best of luck to Donna on her venture into a great new world of learning. Stella Roitz, a membor now residing in Bradenton, Fla., was here in Cleveland last month to visit her ailing sister, Antoinette Celesnik. also our member. Stella found a little time to come to the meeting and enjoyed herself immensely. We wish Antoinette a speedy recovery. Also on our sick list are: Julia Woda, Frances Braidic and Mary Grajzil. The Lord be with you ladies. We all miss you and pray for your return to health and hope to see you at the meetings again very soon. Just received word that our active member, Sophie Kaplan was rushed to Euclid Glenville Hospital with a heart attack. Let’s hope that by the time this letter goes to press, Sophie will be well on the road to recovery! Now, for the bright side of the picture. We ladies had the pleasure of entertaining Mrs. Rose Skur and Antoinette Zabukovec of Br. 14 at our last meeting. Ladies, it really was nice having you and we do hope you enjoyed yourselves. Come again any time; we are more than pleased to have you. Rose Želodec, our Mother of the Year, received a gorgeous plant as a gift from State President Mary Bostian. My goodness, was she ever surprised! Mary, we’re sure that not only Rose thanks you, but the entire branch as well. Speaking of Mary Bostian, she did it again! I mean, in entertainment this time- She never seems to run out of ideas. The ladies were celebrating Mother’s Day at this past meeting, so Mary dreamed up some nice things to entertain them. The show consisted of Marie Azman, Nettie Leslie riding a bicycle built for two (out of cardboard)! Can you imagine how they did it? Well, I’ll never tell! Our beautiful ladies also put on a skit — all dressed as the Gay Nineties girls. We had some dressed up as men, also. The ladies taking part were: Marie Azman, Rose Želodec, Ann Dekleva, Mary Cesnik, Sophie Zagorc, Mary Susnik and yours truly. Well, ladles, I’ll say no more till I get to the next meeting, when I’ll collect more news. But, I wish to ask our members to say a special prayer for all ladies on the sick list. Angie Lube, Reporter Congratulaitons to Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich A. Lube, (Br. 50 Reporter) who celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary recently. All the members wish them the best that life can offer In the next 25 years. F. S. No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Our meeting was held at the Little Grove on June 1st. Minutes were read by our Rec. Sec’y, sister Rose Trombly. Plans were discussed for our bake sale. It turned out ot be a great success. Thanks to all the ladies for doing such a wonderful job on the baked items. It was such a nice selection of goods that many persons could not decide as to what they were going to purchase. It netted our treasury a good sum. I think we are well on our way to the Crosby State Convention. We also have an obituary to report. Sister, Gertrude DeMateo, who is a patient at Hibbing General Hospital lost her dearly beloved husband on June 2nd and we wish at this time to express our deepest sympathy. We hope and pray that in some way it may help her to know in time of sorrow that we are all feeling her loss and hope that it might in some way sustain her to know that we are all praying for her recovery and also for those who have departed from this world. We also wish to thank all the ladies for helping in the time when it was greatly needed. Sister, Frances Bachnik is a patient at the same hospital. Godspeed to a rapid recovery to her, and also to any other member who may be ill. After concluding the business of the meeting, sister, Josephine Oswald led us in prayer and the social hour began with hostesses as follows: sisters Veronica Krizmanich, Margaret Pogorels, Patricia Mancuso and Patricia Hrovat. Sister Veronica Krizmanich did herself proud with all her delicious baked goods. Prizes were awarded in the line of baked items which was a wonderful Idea, Honors were won by sisters: Rose Trombly, Gertrude Kochevar, Alice Baratto, Florence Techar, Celia Poll-tano, Julia Mancuso, Frances Oswald and Ivana Prelesnik. We had a wonderful evening. We are sorry that during July we will not meet — vacation time, you know — but we’ll get together again on August 3, 19C6 atthe Little Grove. Now that It’s travel time for many, please drive carefully and we will all be waiting to see you at the next meeting. God bess you all and keep you In the best of health until we mee again. Gerturde Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Our annual Mother-Daughter dinner was held at the Town and Country Motel and we had a large group in attendance. Oui Mother-of-the-Year, Victoria Zuga, was presented a lovely corsage and was the guest of honor. Special thanks go to chairman, Josephine Kassan and her two aides, Betty Va-das and Mary Waltko. Several door prizes were given away and a short program by our pres. Rose Racher followed the lovely dinner. Get well wishes are being sent to Frank Ponikvar, Jr., who has had surgery and is convalescing at home. He is the husband of Jean, our recording secretary. Betty Vadas’ mother is critically ill at Trumbull Memorial as is Theresa Racher of Niles, Ohio, a close friend to many of us in Warren. Our thought and prayers for speedy recoveries to all of them. There will be no meetings during July and August and starting in Sept., (Continued on page 161) THE WHITE HOUSE OUR CONTINUING “WASHINGTON” STORY BY IRENE PLANINŠEK v The stately mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., is the most famous residential address in Washington, D. C. It is the world reknown White House, the official residence of all our Presidents with the exception of George Washington, who chose the site for this Executive Mansion. The original plans were drawn by James Hoban who received a $500 cash award for his design. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 by our First President, the building completed in 1800. The White House continues to be the oldest public structure in Washington preceeding the Capital by about a year. Visitors today, are surprised to find that the Presidential home is unlike the luxurious European and Asian palaces of royalty, but maintains the simple quiet dignity of a gracious American home. In 1800, President and Mrs. John Adams moved from the old capital in Philadelphia to the unfurnished mansion on Pennsylvania Avenue. Water was carried by hand into the house from a spring five blocks away and there were no bathrooms in the house. Abigail Adams complained about that, “there is not a single apartment finished . . . We have not the least fence, yard or other conveniences . . . Six chambers are made comfortable.” She hung her clothes to dry in the now famous East Room which was unfinished till the term of President Andrew Jackson. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson was installed as President. He claimed that the White House was, “big enough for two> Emperors, one Pope and the Grand Lama.” Jefferson used some of the 86 crates of furniture which he brought back from his tour of duty as U. S. Ambassador to France, to furnish the rooms. During his term the east and west terraces were added and the public was invited to call. As unusual as it may seem, many of the White House floors were covered with canvas according to the style of the day. With the Madison administration, the Executive Mansion blossomed under Dolly Madison. It became a brilliant center of the city’s social life. Mrs. Madison refurnished the President’s home in a elegant style but her interior decoration proved to be short lived. The War of 1812, brought much destruction to the newly built public buildings and in August of 1814, the British burned the White House leaving only charred sandstone walls and interior brickwork. The only posession which was saved from this holocaust was the portrait of George Washington painted by Gilbert Stuart. Dolly Madison left a prepared dinner for the invaders but refused to leave the magnificent portrait as she fled from the White House. The portrait was removed from its frame and carried to safety. To date, this portrait is the oldest original possession of the White House. Extensive remodeling took place after the mansion was burned. During this time the Madisons moved to the Octagon House on New York Avenue and 17th Street N. W. This mansion then became the “White House” for more than a year. Presently, the Octagon House serves as national headquarters for the American Institute of Architects. In 1817, President James Monroe moved into the reconstructed White House. He imported elegant furnishings from France a cost of more than $15,000. The present restoration of the State Rooms recaptures the decor of this period. In 1829, the north and south porticoes were built and thereafter followed a number of other improvements. In 1834, spring water was piped into the building and gas light was installed in 1848. Five years later a hot water system was added and in 1882, the first elevator was used. During the administration of Benjamin Harrison electricity was installed. Changes to the interior were constant with each administration and the idea of the original design changed rapidly with the various remodelings. By 1902 the interior of the White House revealed many alterations and the tastes of the Presidents had resulted in a great mixture of styles and periods. A half million dollars was then appropriated for the repair and refurnishing of the White House. An office building was also erected at the end west of the terrace. During the Truman administration a reception was held at which time a chandelier began to sway. Investigation proved that the house “was standing up purely from habit.” A decision was made to save the White House and the “shaky old firetrap” was abandoned by the Trumans who moved across the street to Blair House. A five million, four year rebuilding of the entire interior was begun. This project proved to be one of the largest reconstruction jobs undertaken in architectural history. With the completion of the mansion in 1952, President Truman was told that, “this (home) will last 500 years.” Now the entire building is supported by steel and concrete. A new basement and mezzanine provide space for electrical equipment for heating, lighting, and air-conditioning. Every technique of modern science has been employed to bring greatest ease and comfort to its occupants; parts have been rearranged; it has been enlarged by another basement and additional rooms; yet its historic splendor has been kept with only a few minor changes. Only five rooms of the White House are open to the public—the State Dining Room, the Red, Blue, Green, and East Rooms. The State Dining Room seats 102 guests comforably for a luncheon or dinner. The decor features heavy gold-colored draperies, gilded lighting fixtures and an elaborately sculptured plaster ceiling. There is a prayer lettered in gold above the fireplace written by John Adams on Nov. 21, 1800, the day after he moved to the White House: “I pray Heaven to Bestow the Best of Blessings on This House and All that shall hereafter Inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under This Roof.” Theodore Roosevelt was quite a sportsman and it was on the walls of this room that he hung trophies of his hunts—President Wilson disliked them so much that he always sat where he was not forced to look at them. The lovely oval-shaped Blue Room is the main reception room of the Executive Mansion. The walls or this room are hung with white-on-white Empire stripe silk. A cut glass chandelier lights the room and the draperies are of iridescent blue taffeta. The furniture is upholstered in an eagle design of blue and gold. The Blue Room was the scene of President Grover Cleveland’s marriage in 1866 to Frances Folsom, who, at. 21, became the youngest First Lady. The famed Red Room adjoins the Blue Room and is distinguished for its spectacular and warm color. Mag-enta-colored silk covers the walls and windows. The room was recently restored in the Empire stylo and resembles an elegant parlor of 1817. The Green Room recaptures the classical style of the late 18th and early 19th centuries and recreates a Jeffersonian Federal Period drawing room. The walls are cov-vered with a soft mossy shade of green silk. The Green Room served as Thomas Jefferson’s dining room; here lie introduced his guests to novelties such as macaroni, ice cream and waffles. (To be continued) Mary Bostian: REPORT OF OHIO-MICH. PRES. May was kind of a dull month and I guess we were all waiting for warm weather. But, our ladies had a short vacation with lots of plans for June. Among them are plans for the convention next year in Washington, D. C. Many are already inquiring about that trip. My deepest sympathies to Mrs. Marie Prlsland and family on the loss of her dear daughter-in-law and also my sympathy to the family of a dear member of the cobined branches in the past, and that is Mrs. Frances Salmich, who died in an old age rest home. May the perpetual light shine upon her. Mrs. Salmich was the lady who did such beautiful Slovenian bobbin lace work at one time. I must also report on the fine recovery of our dear Nettie Strukel, home now from the hospital after a long stay. She is a member of the combined branches. I wish her a lot of luck and good health to stay. Our Junior baton twirlers were again parading. This group is growing fast. There are many plans in store lor them in the future. I hope everyone is grateful for this beautiful group and their instructors. There mothers also deserve praise. It isn’t easy to keep a group like this going. I am especially proud of Ann Cooke and her daughters, Kathy and Carol. Next thing I would like to see is a combined Glee Club. How about it, gals? It would be nice to hear our own ladies singing at the doings. It makes no difference whatever your age, so think of it ladies and some day I will start working on it. Don’t give up — if you didn’t do too well in the last campaign, you can get started on this one. Keep our organization strong! COMBINED BRANCHES MEETING REPORT We met in April with a grand group and heard the report given from the Scholarship Concert. We were happy to be able to make a satisfactory donation to the Fund as this is what we were working for. We hope this will help some boy or girl and also, hope it will be appreciated. We are very grateful to all who helped with the various committees. I must add that we have a very good secretary, who tried her best to have our report ready for the meeting. I enjoy working with her — she is Frances Novak of Br. 15. Antonia Stoker, Theresa Skur and Fran Sietz also had a big job at the door as hostess and our drill team took part in helping escort people to their seats. They added lots of color and beauty to the affair. There were 8 of them: Rose Želodec, Ernestine Jevec, Marie Azman, Ann Kumse, Ann Dekleva, Ann Maver, Angie Lube and Sophie Zagorc. Our Supr. Pres. Antonia Turek also' worked very hard to make this possible. My hearty thanks to each and everyone of you and I must add them also to Ann Cooke for her help in the kitchen and all the cooks. Ella Starin was also a big help in the refreshments and Carole Traven worked like lightening to- take care of the kitchen tickets. The kitchen staff was just IT! Mary Otoničar and Mrs. Okorn, Dorothy Sternislia, Vida Fabian, Helen Kokely, M. Zaller and Mary Kolegar. Rose Zbasnik was really tops and a good manager in her assignment.. T am also grateful to the men-folks who gave a hand where it was needed. We are sorry to hear that Maria Fischinger was hospitalized. We wish her a quick return to her beautiful singing and get well wishes. Happy Birth'’"" to all this month and may God Bless you all! No. 54: the meetings will be held at the home of Betty Vadas, Brier S. E., each month. She will receive the same amount we would pay for hall rental. Remember, you who are arrears with dues! Happy vacations to all and God be with you as you travel along the highways. Joanne Ponikvar No. 55, Girard, Ohio.— A covered Dish Dinner was enjoyed at our regular meeting as we honored Mrs. Helen Biscan as Mother-of-the-Year. Mrs. Barbara Umeck presented her with a gift. The table was covered with a lace cloth and the centerpiece was a Madonna surrounded by a lacy background and pastel roses, spiral white candles and white glass holders. Group singing and games were enjoyed with prizes going to Miss Ursula Racick, Mrs. Mary Lukz, Mrs. Louis Jamieson, Mrs. Mary Gabrovšek, Mrs. Gala Hlasta. Mrs. Umeck was chairman assisted by Mmes. Marion Cigolle, Matilda Ci-golle, Josephine Gorenc, Amelia Rob-sel, Sophie Kren, Gala Jlioss and Mrs. Mary Mehalco. There was a short business meeting and at this time, we heard two of our members were hospitalized. Planters and get-well cards were sent to them, namely, Mrs. Nettie Sawicki, and Mrs. Jennie Olshuk. We also remembered Mrs. Margaret U-meck with a card. She is ill at home. There will be no meetings during the summer months and we will resume in Sept, when Mrs. Theresa Lozier will be chairman, assisted by Mmes. Anna Catone, Anna Kren, Helen Dagati and Margaret Tripoti. May God bless you all with the very best of health so you can enjoy your vacations. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 57, Niles, Ohio. Our Mothers’ Day Banquet was very nice. It was held at the Brown Derby in Warren We had a very good attendance. The Mother of the Year, Viola Logar was presented with several gifts. The door prize was won by Mary Ann Leanard. Games were played and lovely prizes given and I am sure everyone had a very nice time. We all wish a speedy recovery to Theresa Racher who is in Trumbull Memorial Hospital in Warren, O. We all hope you will soon be home, Theresa, and feeling better. Also, wishes to Mary Mazza for good leath. Congratulations on a new baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. James Kozora. Yours truly Is a grandma! We all wish a very happy and lucky trip to California to Mr. and Mrs. Ignace Logar who are going to visit their son, Frank, who is a musician there. To all vacationers, a very nice time! Speedy recovery to those who are sick and hope to see you at our next meeting. Mary Moler No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio. On June Gth was our annual Mother’s celebration and the pot luck was delicious. A good time was had by all. Thanks to all the ladies for a job well done. We all wish to express our deepest sympathy to member, Rose Repasky on the loss of her husband. May he rest in peace. Also thanks to all the women who prayed the rosary at his bier, thanks! On the brighter side: Josephine Turk is a first-time grandmother. It’s a boy. Congratulations, Jo Ann and the new little bundle. Hope you are all fine. We hope and pray that Mary Turk is on her way to a speedy recovery as she is still in the hospital. Another first time grandmother — Ann Yoger is so happy. Her daughter had a baby boy in California. We all hope they are fine, too. We wish our First Communicants and graduates God’s blessings in the future. We just heard that Mary Szabo’s mother passed away. May she rest in peace and condolences to the family. Last, but most important — if you are going on vacation, be careful so we will all meet again in Sept. for our picnic at J. Turk' back yard. Happy vacation! Bayus Bayus, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Our May meeting was our final meeting of the spring and turned out to be the best of the year, judging from the enthusiasm generated by the members who attended. We opened our program with the crowning of our Mother-of-the-Year, Rose Boerner, by our last year’s Mother, Rose Dosen, who was presented with a corsage. As an added attraction at our Mother’s Day party a film was shown by Marie Maras, titled, "Wings In Yugoslavia” which all the members enjoyed. Each of our members was pinned wtih a carnation which climaxed the evening. After the ceremony, we retired to the table, heavily laden with goodies prepared by the following: Eva Cora, Mary Barsevic, Manda Dosen, Eve lyn Driscoll, Amelia Cuzella, Agatha Mesin, Mary Possedi, Mary Perko-vich (96th & Muskegon), Mildred Po-ropat, Vickie Tomich, Fanny Sea-bloom, Mary Sambol, Delores Sam-bol, Tillie Quinn, Rose Boerner, Helen Golich and yours truly. The following women have done it again, brimming over with goodwill with their services in the kitchen; they are: Mary Perkovich, Manda Dosen, Mary Possedi, Veda Yamich, Evelyn Driscoll, Mildred Poropat, Mary Nicksic, Helen Golich, Rose Boerner, and Tillie Quinn. The next highlight of the evening was the awarding of five prizes. The lucky winner of the first prize was Mike Brezene, the second prize wento Mary Ann Krestich; third, to Lucille Nosich; fourth, to Anna Lončar, and fifth, to Barbara Romero. Congratulations, winners! I wish to thank Evelyn Driscoll profoundly for her time and effort in preparing the booklets, which is a lot of work. The members who did not participate or did nto take a booklet should please return them to me or to Evelyn Driscoll, 11245 Ewing Ave. This is the only way we can keep our records straight and know who is supporting our branch. Might I add that our devoted mem ber, Mary Possedi has done it again! She has sold 36 books! This is in contrast to members who have not even taken one book. My sincere thanks to you, Mary! My deep gratitude to all members for your continued support. Birthday greetings to the following who are celebrating in July: Louise Dichele, Matilda Grepo, Margaret Krmpotich, Anna Loncar, Ann Mate-sevac (California) Mary Medonich, Milka Miljak, Manda Nosich, Joanne Paulich, Mary Possedi Anna Sabljak (In Sanitarium) Sylvia Werner, Mary Jane Brezene and Mary Ann Barda. Delighted to see Marge KrmpoticU up and around after her operation; that’s a girl, Marge! Also, on our sick list we have Ann Nagoda who certainly has had her share of ill- ness. Speedy recovery to all of our shut-ins. I have also got news that Mary Perkovich (96 & Houston) is back in Mayo Clinic undergoing more tests. Hurry and get well, Mary! To our graduates who are now contemplating higher education, best wishes. May your hearts go out in gratitude to mom and dad who have made it possible for you! In closing, kindly remember the sick and the faithfully departed of our branch in your prayers. And re-all! Mildred James No. 103, Washington, D. C. Flowering dogwood, pink azaleas, bridal-wreath, carnations and snapdragons created a lovely springtime atmosphere for our May meeting held in the delightful garden of Iča Zebot, Washington, D. C. Amid all the flowering loveliness one couldn’t help but relax and enjoy the afternoon filled with many and varied activities. Our Junior members, Ivanka, Ana, Helena and Vida Antolin along with Bernadette Kovacic, Mary Ann Zebot, Helen Mejač and Maria Mejac initiated the events with a Mother’s Day Program of Slovenian and American selections. Each Junior must be complemented for her excellent contribution to the inspiring program. Mrs. Mary Michelitch, mother of the year, was presented with a bouquet of pink carnations by Junior, Mary Ann Zebot. All of Mrs. Mi-chlitch’s daughters were present for the event: Mary Petrick of Baltimore, Maryland, Freda Michelitch and Becky Jo Michelitch, of Maclean, Virginia. Four members from the family is truly an excellent representation in our organization. The Juniors then assisted in the presentation of a pink corsage to each mother present at the meeting: Ivanka Antolin, Elaine Fleming, Nika Kovacic, Mary Mejac, Hilda Korun, Mary Michetlitch, Mary Petrick, Matilda Podborsek, Zora Slogar, Minka Zalar, Iča Zebot. We extend a warm welcome to our new adult members: Diane Moffit and Helen Krotec both of Washington, D. C., and the four junior members, Ivanka, Ana, Vida and Helena Antolin from Emmitsburg, Md. They Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mr. Miro Pregelj, an economic analyst for the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. Known amongst the Slovenes for his musical talent and fine voice, Mr. Pregelj spoke on the Slovenian Folksong. His topic proved to be a fascinating one and following the lecture-demonstration Mr. Pregelj accompanied the ladies on his guitar for a “Slng-Along of Slovenian Melodies.” We hope to be hearing more of his repetoire in the near future. With a song on our lips and in our hearts we then proceeded to partke of the delicious refreshments provided by our hostess Iča Zebot and Florence* Gregorič. It was a shame to disrupt the lovely platers of chicken salad, garnished with huge strawberries, slices of fresh pineapple and sections of grapefruit and oranges, but we did and enjoyed every morsel. To satisfy the sweel. tooth, marshmallow brownies and pound cake were served along with coffee. Our compliments to Iča and Florence for the elaborate and tasty refreshments. What a delightful day, the 15th of May turned out to be! I’m sure this can be verified by each members who attended the meeting, again! Irene M. Planensek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. I did not attend our last meeting due to a sore throat and Gail Simon was sweet to take notes for me. The meeting was held at Anna Anzick’s and there were 15 members present. House prize went to Gail Simon — a hand-made corduroy toss pillow. Ann Plazar is at Jennings Hospital, and Catherine Musick’s daughter, Patricia Emerson, is at Ann Arbor University Hospital for wrist surgery. Am very sorry to hear a-bout that. We certainly wish them both a speedy recovery. Alice Kocjan said “I do!” last Friday and the lucky man is Frank Sheets. We wish them every happiness. Fulvia Rosa flew to Eveleth, Minn., to attend her mother’s 81st birthday party. Good luck, good health and many more happy birthdays to Fulvia’s mother. Josephine Kriser and Paulina Adamic are flying to Eveleth, Minn., to attend the 50th Anniversary of the priesthood of Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Jershe, their cousin. The Rev. John Jershe also married Pauline and John Adamic in 1924. Our annual Mother-of-the Year Dinner on May 17th at the Northwood Inn was a huge success. There were about 17 present and everyone looked especially lovely, pretty dresses and hair-do’s. Everyone present at the meeting gave their donations as usual for our ‘kitty’ and extra donations by Mary Zimmerman and Ann Lindich. Ann usually gives extra donations. It was nice to see Mary Z. back again looking very well and contended. Happy birthday to Mary Bedenko, Ann Prehay and Alice Becker! Our meeting in June was scheduled for tho 26th at the home of Pauline Adamic. After the May business meeting, we enjoyed a repast of Swedish meat balls on noodles, walnut potica, apple strudel and busy day cake. From what I hear every bit was delicious. Now, take care and God bless you! Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Marie Prisland: Poznani zbiratelj slovenske zgodovine dr. Edi Gobec v Clevelandu, je v listih opozoril na potrebo poprave gotovih cerkva v Sloveniji, katere je osebno obiskal. Med temi je tudi cerkev v Nazarju v Savinjski dolini. — Po-znavši nujno potrebo popravila je naš priljubljeni misijonar Rev. Odilo Hajnšek, v časopisih na ideal način priporočal nabirko za cerkev v Nazarjih. Ker sem bila v Savinjski dolini rojena sem še jaz v ZARJI apelirala za prispevke. Nabrala se je kar čedna vsota, h kateri je veliko pripomogla rojakinja gospa Antonija Kos iz Indianapolisa. Najlepša zahvala vsem darovalcem in darovalkam, ki so v ta lepi namen prispevali. Prepričana sem, da vam bo ljuba Marija z zdravjem vašo dobrosrčnost povrnila. Darovi za popravo cerkve v Nazarju, Savinjska dolina: Indianapolis, Ind.: Nabiralka rojakinja Antonia Kos. Imena darovalcev: Mr. in Mrs. Konečnik $20.00 Mr. in Mrs. Gasnik 12.00 Ana Praprotnik 10.00 Po $5.00: Antonia Kos, Frank Sabotin, Mary Wassel, Anna Lambert, Anton Hren, John Hren, Anna Vertačnik, Rudy Zupan. Po $3:00: Anna Trauner, Margaret Kos. Po $2.00: Rase Kos, Mary Dreflak. Po $1.00: Anton Brišnik, Sylvia Stamfield, Angela Uhle, Terese Luzer, John Perkopec, Louis Lovišček, Mary Luzar, James Lamber. Skupno iz Indianapolisa $100.00 Sheboygan, Wis.: Po $10.00: Joseph Yeray, Frances Melanz, Mary Repenshek, Marie Prisland. Po 5.00: Gecilia Casel, Josephine Slapnik, Tony in Mary Rakun, Mary Segalle, Frank Jelovnik, Anton Fale, Max in Anna Koren. Po $2.00: Frances Plesetz, Josephine Prisland, Molly Zunter, Anton in Tereza Melanz. Po $1.00: Johanna Suscha, Josephine Sheck. Skupno iz Sheboygana $85.00 Joliet, 111.: Josephine Erjavec in hčerke 10.00 Podružnica št. 20 SŽZ 5.00 Po dolarju: Josephine Gregory, Anna Pucel, Frances Muren. Skupno iz Jolieta 18.00 Frances Marolt, Gilbert, Minn. 20.00 Katherine Jacinich, Cie Elum, Wash. 10.00 Anna Planovšek, Milwaukee, Wis. 10.00 Blaz Žagar, Bethel, Kansas 10.00 Josephine Remshak, Wheat Ridge, Colo. 5.00 Frances Ulager, Moon Run, Pa. 5.00 Dr. Rajko Ložar, Manitowoc, Wis. 5.00 Frank Kozina, Waukegan, 111. 3.00 Mary Tomsic, Strabane, Pa. 3.00 Mary Novak Strabane, Pa. 2.00 Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo. 2.00 Margaret Tomsha, Valley, Wash. 1.00 Slovenska Ženska Zveza v spomin svojemu duhovnemu svetovalcu Rev. Alexandra Urankarju, namesto rož na grob 25.00 Skupno I. junija 1966 $304.00 Vsoto $304.00 sem poslala v Cleveland, bratu župnika v Nazarju, ki bo poskrbel, da bo denar osebno oddan v Nazarje. Od moje strani je nabirka zaključena, če bi kdo še hotel kaj darovati naj pošlje direktno bratu mizarskega župnika. Njegov naslov: Mr. Frank Urankar, 19409 Mohican Ave., Cleveland, 19.0 Spoštovanje Človeški duši gre spoštovanje. Ni dobro priti v zobe ljudem, ki ne poznajo spoštovanja do onih, katerih ne razumejo. Ako se sami povišujemo, ne bomo nikdar spoštovani. Hudo je za ljudi, katere druži življenska vez, ako ne poznajo medsebojnega spoštovanje. Življenje jim je muka. Duševno visoko stoječe ljudi najtesnejše veže tiho spoštovanje. Dober zgled Poskusimo ljudi voditi z lastnim zgledom. Vsako dobro delo bo povečalo pri njih naš ugled. Opomini ne zaležejo nič, če dejanja govorijo drugače. Najboljši človek le z dejanji govori. Kdor ni že po naravi dobrega srca in se prav nič ne trudi, da bi tak postal, ne bo znal nikoli pomagati drugim. S svojim zgledom lahko pripeljemo v nebesa, ali pa v pekel. Predno poboljšujemo drage, poboljšajmo sami sebe. Vzgoja srca V sedajnih časih živimo na visoki kulturni stopnji, toda na kateri stopnji srčne izobrazbe? Izobrazba brez ljubezni in značajnosti je puhla. Srčne kulture ne vodi razum, temveč duša, ki je sprejemljiva za vse, kar je dobro in plemenito. Srce vzgajamo če no gledamo na napake drugih. Srce vzgajamo, ako ne podčrtujemo stanovskih razlik, ampak jih premostimo z ljubeznijo. Biti srčno izobražen se pravi, biti plemenit človek. Ljubezen Ljubezen je burja življenja, prijateljstvo pa njegov pokoj. Prava sreča izvira edinole iz našega srca. Da bi tukaj na zemlji uživali vsaj nekaj sreče, je božja previdnost zanetila v naših srcih iskro, ki ogreva, oživlja in raz-svetluje z blagodejno svetlobo tmino našega življenja. Ta čarodejna iskrica se imenuje — ljubezen. Iz nje izhaja plemenitost, dobrosrčnost in razumevanje, ki je podlaga pravi sreči. Ljubav in sočutje je človeškemu srcu to, kar je ju-trajni hlad naravi. V vročih dneh narava hira brez tega hladu; v dnevih skrbi in nesreče medli človeško življenje brez hladilne sapice ljubezni, sočutja in razumevanja. Vse zemeljske dobrote so minljive in lahko jih Izgubimo; Zdravje, lepota, bogastvo, mladost, celo ugled in slava so zelo nestanovitne reči in se velikokrat izneverijo onemu, ki jih obožava. Samo ljubezni in čuta za vse, kar je dobro in blago, nas ne more nihče oropati. Kaka tolažba! P. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M.: USMILJENJE BOŽJE Usmiljenje je najlepša in najčudoviteša lastnost božja. Ni nujno potrebno, da je Bog usmiljen. Je to izraz njegove dobrote in njegove milosti. Od drugih božjih lastnosti se razlikuje po tem, da ima človek zelo velik delež pri tem. Druge božje lastnosti obstojajo ali človek hoče ali ne. Pri božjem usmiljenju pa gre lahko človek tako daleč, da lahko reče Bogu samo tako daleč pa nič več. Seveda v svojo veliko škodo. Skoraj vsaka stran svetega pisma omenja usmiljenje božje. Žena, ki so jo zalotili v grehu, je obsojena. Kaj je njena zgodovina nihče ne ve. Sv. pismo ne pove. Morda se je to zgodilo prvikrat. Morda ima otroke, ki stradajo. Iz ljubezni do njih je omadeževala dušo in telo. Mi ničesar ne vemo. Bog ve vse. Ali te ni nihče obsodil. Nihče Gospod. Tudi jaz te ne bom. Pojdi v miru in ne greši več. Kako je odhajala vsa omamljena po tolikem usmiljenju. Prav gotovo je bila hvaležna Gospodu za njegovo veliko usmiljenje. Znana je zgodba o Caheju in ljeviju, o Simonu Petru. Sv. Pismo pravi: “Gospod je pogledal Petra in ta je šel ven in se je bridko zjokal. Celo izdajalcu Judu Iškarijotu je ponujal usmiljenje, ko ga je pozval z prijateljskim pozdravom. Ali s poljubom sina človekovega. Kako pretresljiva je zgodba levega razbojnika. V zadnjem trenutku se obrne do svojega Odrešnika in pravil: “Spomni se me Gospod, ko prideš v svojo kraljestvo.” Takoj na to mu Gospodo odgovori: “Še danes boš z menoj v raju.” Nič mu ni treba čakati. Božje usmiljenje je tu. Niti trenutek mu ni treba trpeti. Moja kri te je oprala vseh tvojih grehov. Kako čudovit je Gospod v svojem usmiljenju. V stari zavezi imamo nešteto očitnih zgledov kako je Bog izkazoval svoje usmiljenje posebno izraelskemu ljudstvu. Pomislimo samo na dogodek ob sinajski gori. Gospod daje postavo: “Jaz sem Gospod, Tvoj Bog, ki sem te izpeljal iz egiptovske dežele, iz hiše sužnosti. Ne imej drugih bogov poleg mene. Ne delaj si rezane podobe.” Pa ti ljudje, ki so zatrjevali: “Vse bomo storil, kar Gospod zapoveduje, malo tednov potem prisilijo Arona, da jim da uliti zlato tele. Skoraj ni mogoče verjeti, in-vendar je tako. Tudi mi velikokrat tako delamo. En dan obljubimo Bogu, da ne bomo tega več storili, drugi dan pa smo že zopet v starem ali pa še hujšem grebu. Pa kakor je Bog odpustil Izraelcem tako bo tudi nam, če bo v nas pravo kesanje. Svetniški škof Friderik Baraga je zadnje dni svojega življenja le še molil in vzdihoval: “Zdaj morem upati le še v božje usmiljenje. Kaj naj rečemo mi? Sestri Benigni Consolati Ferrero je Jezus razodel: “Nabolj me boli, da ljudje tako malo zaupajo v moje ismiljenje. Naj nas drži po koncu psalmistova beseda: “Dober je Gospod vsem, usmiljen do vseh svojih del.” DOPISI Št. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Prelepi majniški mesec je- za nami. V tem mesecu še bolj kot v drugem letnem času, naše misli rade poromajo v domovino, kraj naše mladosti. Dne 21. maja smo imeli v eni najmodernejših akustičnih dvoran, Scottish Rite” concert Slovenskega Okteta iz Ljubljane. Sijajno so peli in nepopisno lepo se ujemajo njihovi glasovi v ubrano harmonijo, kakor da bi se glasovi zlivali eden v drugega. Mojstersko izvajanje čudovitih slovenskih melodij, bi eden poslušal noč in dan. Vsakemu izvrstnemu ru je jedro voditelj in tak voditelj in učitelj Slov. okteta je brat našega župnika, Dr. Valens Vodušek. On je gotovo ne samo vodja, ampak tudi duša tega Okteta, ki je brez dvoma eden izmed najboljših na svetu. Naš mali narod je lahko ponosen, da se naša pesem odlikuje pred drugimi velikimi narodi kulture in napredka. Naša iskrena zahvala, da so zopet peli pri nas, gre v prvi vrsti naši pevki Anici Judnich in možu Johnu, ki sta neumorno delala na tem, da so zopet gostovali v našem mestu. Oba sta se požrtvovalno trudila za uspeh koncerta, ki pomeni napredek za naš narod tukaj. Pri naši podr. je letos častna mati leta, ga. ses. Anna Stich. Sestre so jo pogostile z imenitnim zajutrekom v imenitnem lokalu. Ses. Stick je požrtvovalna in delavna članica. — Iskrene čestitke! Sister Elizabeti' McGivney, želimo hitro ozdravljenje po prestani operaciji. Pogrešale smo njeno prikupno in vedno nasmejano lice. Bog te živi Liz! — Sestri Anni Stark tudi želi- mo skorajšnjega zdravja. Res je dolga pot do zdravja, toda upanuje, da bo trpljenje kmalu za vami. — Ga. Olga Kastelic je dosti bojša, saj je tudi res, da molitev bregove premika in vse smo molile za njo. — Ses. Mary Slane je sedaj doma in ji gre na boljše. — Naš stari pionir John Bartol je tudi na poti okrevanja. On pozdravlja vse svoje prijatelje širom Amerike, a mi mu želimo, da dočaka 100 letnico. Poldica Podgornik Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Udeležba na seji v juniju je bila bolj pičla. Prišlo bi jih lahko več, saj je bil lep sončni dan, tudi ni bilo prevroče. Na seji smo mnogo razpravljale za “card party” katero bomo priredile v oktobru. Vsaka stvar vzame precej časa, zato smo s pripravami pričele že sedaj, da bo vse glatko teklo in bomo imele dovolj časa vse urediti. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bo vstopnina en dolar in vsaka članica bo prinesla en dobitek. Ta večer smo sprejele novo članico, Mrs. Rozi Župančič. Dobrodošla! V zadnjem mesecu je umrla članica, Mrs. Viljem. Žal družina nas ni pravočasno obvestila, zato se nismo mogle udeležiti pogreba. Njej in vsem umrlim sestram želimo, da v miru božjem počiva in naj ji sveti večna luč. Užaloščeni družini pa naše sožalje. Več ali manj bolane so naslednje članice: Mrs. Modic, Mrs. Tombory in Mrs. Barbish. Želimo, da bi jim Bog dal čimprej ljubega zdravja. Odslej bodo na prihodnjih sejah delale v kuhinji, Mrs. Kobal in Mrs. Ferkul. Sredi maja so dobili luštnega fantka pri naši bivši predsednici Till Špehar. Naše čestitke! Ta večer je dobila door prize, na- še vrla podpredsednica, Mary Stražišar. Dala ga je nazaj v good time blagajno. Za dobitek je darovala tudi lep predpasnik. Tudi Mrs. Bajec je darovala en dolar. Obema iskrena hvala. Ker ni bilo drugih važnih poročil, smo potem sejo zaključile. Vsem lep pozdrav. A. Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland, O. V prelepem mesecu majniku je naša podružnica imele več prireditev. Dne 8. maja smo imele sveto mašo za žive in mrtve članice. Udeležba je bila prav lepa. •— Dne 11. maja pa smo po seji imele Materinsko proslavo. Bilo je vsega v izobilju, kar spada k taki prireditvi. Vse smo bile prav vesele in smo dolgo prepevale lepe slov. Marijine pesmi. Začasno smo se tudi poslovile od članic, ki potujejo v staro domovino v mesecu juniju na obisk, to so: Antonija Kozar, Jennie Zupančič in Antonija Stokar. Vse jim želimo vesele počitnice in srečno vrnitev. V blagajno sta darovale Jennie Resnik in Mary Čekada. Srčna jima hvala! Vsem bolnim članicam želim zdravja, da bi vse- zdrave prišle na sejo v septembru, ker črez poletje v juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele sej. Vsem kličem na veselo svidenje 14. sept. na seji, ko bomo praznovale tudi rojstne dneve. Prav lepe pozdrave vsem članicam. Frances Lindich, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Na naši majski seji je bila lepa udeležba, za kar velja članicam prisrčna zahvala. Čeprav je deževalo kakor za stavo, vendar to ni ustrašilo naših zavednih sester. Precis. Nemgar je z molitvijo odprla sejo in ses. Sterle, ki odlično vodi zapasnik, je prečitala zapisnik zadnje seje, kar je bilo odobreno s pohvalo. — Prebrane so bile tudi zahvalne karte bolanih članic ter od duh. svetovalca č. g. Msgr. Jershe.— Za Velikonočne praznike sem poslala 17 kart ter so vse bile vesele, da smo se jih spomnili. Nato je bila predstavljena naša častna mati za to leto ses. Mihelič. Vse smo čestitale njej in vsem njenim 7 hčeram, ki so vse naše članice. Med nami je bil tudi Mr. Mihelič, kateremu smo tudi izrekle čestitke kot ponosnemu očetu lepe družine in njej sem z veseljem pripela lep šopek. Ses. Mihelič se je vsem lepo zahvalila, a njen soprog je posnel več slik in razdelil knjižice za kar se mu lepo zahvaljujemo. Vsem sestram, ki ste prinesle o-kusnih dobrot, velja iskrena zahvala. Dilo je res vsega dovolj: potic, flancatov in cake ter sendviče. Vsaka je prejela tudi rožo, katere je razdelila moja hčerka Mary Nornberg. Tudi kofetka ni manjkalo. Lepo obloženo mizo so lepo okrasile z Marijinim kipom in cvetlicami naše pridne sestre: podpreds. Kathy Pollack, Mary Lushene Cernovski, Agnes Kral, Angela Vesel in Mary Menart. Prisrčna zahvala vsem za dobrote in za darila v blagajno. Imena darovalk so zapisana v zapisniku. Žal so naš duhovni vodja Msgr. Jershe bili odsotni zaradi birme, pa so nam dali nam vsem svoj blagoslov. — Med nami je bila tudi 8 letna mlad. čla. Mary Bajuk, ki je lepo čestitala zaslužni materi ter vsem članicam. Na sejo jo je pripeljal njen oče, poznani Joe Bayuk. Njena mama, Mary je tudi naša čla. Ob tej priliki smo se spomnile tudi vseh bolnim sester, ki bi bile rade med nami. Sestre, ki so v Nursing Home, so bile zelo vesele mojega obiska in kartic za Materinski dan. V Eveletli je ses. Strahar, in ses. Setnikar, a v Aurori pa ses. Lustek. Žal moram poročati žalostno vest, da smo v maju izgubili zopet eno članico, Mary Agasey, stara komaj 54 let. Ona je nečakinja mojega moža. Njen brat jo je našel mrtvo. Podlegla je srčni hibi. Smrt jo je rešila vsega trpljenja. Za njo žalujeta dva brata in sestra, katerim izrekamo iskreno sožalje Starša sta ji umrla pred par leti. Udeležile smo se molitev v kapeli in pogreba dne 14. maja. Mlada je morala oditi v večnost, ker smrt nič ne gleda na leta. Naj počiva v miru. Z veseljem smo sprejele na majski seji dve novi članici: Mary Lushene in Pauline A. Rozinka. Prisrčno dobrodošle med nami. — Na seji sem zopet prodala nekaj kuharskih knjig, toda, če jih katera še želi jih imam na rokah, kakor tudi pesmarice: Zapojmo! čestitke izrekamo vsem, ki so graduirali iz High School, ali College. Vsem želim srečno in veselo bodočnost. Ker sedaj ne bo rednih sej, zato prosim, da pridete na sejo v avgustu; točen datum in kraj bo objavljen v časopisu in na radiju. Ta seja bo važna zaradi Zvezinega dne na Crosby, 11. sept. ker moramo vedeti koliko nas bo zaradi skupne vožnje, vsekakor upam, da nas bo veliko, saj tudi one vedno pridejo med nas. Naj še omenim, da vedno z veseljem pričakujem našo Zarjo, toda majska številka je prava SPOMINSKA KNJIGA s slikami naših zaslužnih mater. Vse priznanje naši pridni urednici, ki tako lepo urejuje naš list, da nam je v ponos in razvedrilo in tudi moški jo radi berejo. Sporočam tudi, da je 3. maja umrl mož naše dobre članice, Carline Ober-star. Pokojni je bil doma iz Gorenje vasi pri Ribnici, domače ime je bilo Živčev. V imenu podr. izrekamo globoko sožalji vsem ostalim, tebi Carlina, sinu, hčerkam in vnukom. Pokojni Frank pa naj počiva v miru božjem, saj smrt ga je rešila vsega trplenja. Srčno pozdravljam vse članice Zveze. Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Zopet smo izgubile dolgoletno, dobro članico Mrs. Katherine Petrič iz No. Broadway. Rojena je bila 187G v Črnomlju v Beli Krajini v Sloveniji. K podr. je pristopila 11. jun. 1928, a za vedno se je poslovila od nas dne 19. maja. Za njo žaluje en sin in štiri hčerke. Pokojna je pomagala pri ustanovitvi naše podružnice. Bila je ustanovna članica in prva leta je bila zelo aktivna. Bila je dolga leta na bolniški postelji. Ob ustanovitvi je imela številko 10. Izmed prvih 14 ustanovnih članic, jih je le še pet živih in sicer: Anna Plutli (sedaj že dolga leta v nursing home, sedaj v Chicagu), Josephine Erjavec, Josephine Judnich, Mary Kunstek in Mary Russ. Pokojni Katherine Petrič naj Bog nakloni večno plačilo v nebesih. Družini naše iskreno sožalje. Dalje sožalje Mrs. Frances Pikush, ki je izgubila zeta Joseph Walzak, kateri je nagloma umrl star komaj 46 let. Sožalje tudi žalujoči ženi, hčerki in dvema sinovoma. Pokojniku naj sveti večna luč. Mesec junij je mesec graduacij. Tudi več sinov in hčera naših članic so prejeli diplome, bodisi iz farne šole, ali pa od St. Francis Academy, ali od St. Francis College, Joliet. Catholic High School, ali pa iz Joliet Township High School. Vsi se bodo oddahnili za par mesecev ko ne bo šole, potem se pa prične šola bodočega življenja. S posebno “narodno častjo” je bila nagrajena graduiranka St. Francis Academy, Joyce Marie Goron, hčerka naše častne matere za leto 1965, Josephine Goron. Joyce je doplomira-la iz “Medical Technology” in je zaradi odličnih uspehov prejela prosto polno šolnino. Imela je na izbiro razne šole, toda za nadaljne študije si je izbrala St. Francis College v Jolietu. Izmed 264 graduirank akademije, je ona bila na prvem mestu. Čestitke veljajo tudi njeni stari mami, Mrs. Ana Mahkovec. Iz St. Francis Academy je gradui-rala tudi naša mladinska članica Janice Jaksetich, vnukinja Mrs. Tlie-rese Ancel, enako tudi Judy Hofer, naša mlad. čla. ki je graduirala iz Joliet West High School. Ona je hčerka Bertlie Hofer in vnukinja predsednice Emme Planinšek. Iz Joliet Catholic High School je graduiral Joseph Ancel, sin Olge Ancel in vnuk Barbare Ancel ter Josephine Erjavec. On je končal kot častni študent “Honor Society” ter je tudi prejel prosto šolnino in bo nadaljeval svoje študije v St. Thomas College v St. Paul, Minn. Iz Joliet Catholic High je tudi graduiral Kenneth Paul Dufour, sin naše članice Helen in Paul Dufour. Njegova stara mama je Mrs. Anna Mahkovec. Čestitke vsem omenjenim gra-duantom in najboljše želje za njihove nadaljne uspehe pri študijah za razne poklice. Čestitke tudi staršem in sorodnikom vseh graduantov, ki so v ponos naših družin, fara in naroda. Po vsej pravici zasluži predsednica Emma Planinšek izredne čestitke in priznanje, ker v tem letu praznuje 31 letnico- odkar je prevzela urad predsednice pri naši podr. in vsa ta leta vestno častno vodi ta važni urad. O-benem pa praznuje prvo obletnico kot predsednica najmlajša hčerka Irene Planinšek, ki je ustanovila najmlajšo podr. v Washington, D. C. Obe, mati in hčerka sta predsednici dveh podr. pri S.Ž.Z. kar je izredni slučaj pri Zvezi. Irena piše vsaki mesec mnogo zanimivega iz prestolice naše dežele. Priznanje tudi starejši hčerki Mrs. Planinšek, Berthi Hofer, ki je že pet let clerk v Shorwood in ta urad vodi zelo uspešno'. Želimo vsem omenjenim v družini še mnogo uspehov. V nedeljo 29. maja, se je večje število naših članic in prijateljev u-deležilo koncerta Slovenskega Okteta v Chicagu. Vsem udeležencem bo prelepo petje odličnih pevčev ostalo vedno v nepozabnem spominu. Kakor smo videli je Joliet, bil dobro zastopan. Pred petimi tedni je padla iz stopnic, ko je čistila hišo, Mrs. Josephine Žnidaršič in si zlomila roko. Želimo, da se hitro pozdravi, enako vsem drugim članicam, ki se te dni zdravijo. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice. Josephine Erjavec LEPE CASE PRI ST. 25 Št. 21, Cleveland, O.— V majski številki Zarje so slike častnih mamic. Pri nas je bila počaščena Mrs. Zupan na naši mesečni seji. Pripeli so ji lep šopek. Hčerke so prinesle veliko torto z napisom in še eno je prinesla članica Mrs. Nosan iz njene pekarne. Hvala lepa! Imele smo pot lunch. Bilo je vsega dovolj. Bilo je še prostora za druge in lepo bi bilo če bi članice bolj upoštevale tak pomembni dan, kakor je materinska proslava. Tajnica se trudi, da vsem pošlje karte, zato le pridite drugič zagotovo. Tudi mesečne seje so bolj slabo obiskane, kar tudi drugim vzame veselje do dela. Srečne osebe so bile naslednje: Anna Lunder, Bill Castrovince in Marie Pivik. To imamo samo enkrat na leto, da se krije stroške poslovanja, ker nimamo veselic. Lilian Lunder je tako nesrečno padla, da si je poškodovala desno roko. Počasi okreva. Theresa Zupančič je sedaj v bolnišnici, toda ko bo Zarja obiskala naše domove, bo že doma. Dne 18. maja je umrl Jakob Strel iz Deise Ave. On je oče naše čla. Carie Miklaucic. Iskreno sožalje! Dne 18. junija sta obhajala 45 letnico poroke Mr. in Mrs. Frank Košak. Čestitamo! — Mary Oblak je zopet v Domu na Neff Rd — John Palčič ml., sin naše predsednice je bil hudo bolan. — Mary (Martin) Oblak je v Domu ostarelih v Miller-burgh, O. Zelo rada čita Zarjo. Št. 47 je obhajala 35 letnico v Slov. Domu na Prince Ave. Imele so nekaj programa in zelo okusno večerjo, kakor jo zna pripraviti Mrs. Krašovic in njena pridna dekleta. Ravno isti dan je bil tu tudi slavni Slovenski Oktet iz Slovenije, zato sva bila z možem na obeh priredbah, da se malo pomaga, sebi pa ustreže z dobro voljo, saj se človek najlepše razvedri ob slov. petju in na sestanku članic SŽZ. Ker sem že pri Triglavu 19 let, zato vedno povdarjam, da se pridružite temu zboru saj West Park ni tako daleč, le dobre volje je treba. Tako pravi naša članica Marie Pivik, kateri tudi čestitam, ko je lepo zapela solo na koncertu 8. maja. Iz West Parka dobro poznana Margie Peresutti je odlična pevka v cerk- vi in na koncertih. Moj poklon! Le pridružite se nam še ostali, fante pa še posebno rabimo, kakor pri vseh zborih. Sporočamo vsem članicam, da v mesecih juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele seje. Tajnica Stella Dancul je drugič postala grandma. — Theresa I^ach je obhajala 14. junija 42 letnico poroke in rojstni dan. — Molly Strle s© nahaja v bolnišnici. — Letos obiščejo staro domovino Slovenijo naslednje članice: Mary Estanek, Edith Cim- Ziatoporočenca Mr and Mrs. Mihael Klemenčič perman in Stefania Železnik. Srečno pot vsem! Dne Z. julija obhaja 80 letni rojstni dan, Cecilija Brodnik in dne 24. avgusta bo slavila svoj rojstni dan Mary P. Oblak. Še mnogo zdravih let vam želijo vse! Na seji dne 1. junija smo zapele za rojstni dan Mrs. Košak in Mrs. Brodnik in to ob glažku rujnega. Za dumo nagrado je bila poklicana srečna številka z imenom Mary Oblak. Če bi bila navzoča, bi bila dobila lepo nagrado, ki se ponovi za prihodnjo sejo. Pridite vse v večjem številu, kakor doslej. Pozdravlja, Anna Jesenko Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Ko boste čitale te vrstice v naši priljubljeni Zarji, bomo že sredi toplega poletja. Ker ne bo izgovorov zaradi vremena, zato bi bilo dobro, da bi v večjem številu prihajale na seje in poravnale svoj asesment. Pravilno je, da imate vse poravnano predno greste na počitnice, da vam ne bo treba skrbeti. Bela žena je zopet posegla v naše vrste in vzela sosestro Antonijo Gregorič, ki je dosegla lepo starost. Umrje nepričakovano. Zapušča dva sinova in dve hčerki in sestro Johano Gnidovec ter več drugih sorodnikov in prijateljev.. Naj ji bo Bog dober plačnik in naj počiva v miru. Sorodnikom pa naše iskreno sožalje. Zlato poroko sta praznovala naša članica Josephine in njen soprog Anton Omahen. T)ne 28. maja sta se udeležila svete maše v cerkvi Sv. Roka. Želimo jima, da bi dočakala še biserno poroko v sreči in zdravju. Malo operacijo je prestala Emily Jordan in se sedaj zdravi na domu. V bolnišnici se nahaja Rozi Klltar in Karlina Hrovat ter Mary Savnik. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Teta Štorklja se je oglasila pri Mr. in Mrs. Francis Ksizak in jima pustila sinčka. Materino dekliško ime Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Naša majniška seja je bila prav dobro obisku na. Imele smo lep program in imele smo čast izvoliti za majniško kraljico in to pot je čast doletela našo novo članico Antoinette Malnar. Bila je zelo vesela in sinoi jo lepo počastile z raznimi darili. Počastile smo tudi zaslužno mater leta, Mrs. Antonia Mihevc. Tudi njo smo obdarile. Sploh smo imele lep večer za naš Materinski dan. Hvala lepa vsem, ki ste toliko dobrega nanesle za prigrizek in za požirek. Le tako naprej, saj potrebujemo dobre volje. Sedaj se je tudi pričela kampanja, zato prosim, da bi pridobile vsaj nekaj novih članic, da bomo nadomestile vrzeli. V enem tednu nam je pet članic umrlo: Karolina Klaus, Sophy Rich-tar, Angela Hočevar, Mary Vilika in Jean Debelak. Bog jim daj mirni počitek v ameriški zemlji. Obhajali smo tudi dva zlata jubileja. V januarju sta praznovala 50 letnico' zakona Mr. in Mrs. Mihael Klemenčič in v junija pa Mr. in Mrs. K. Cukanje. Sv. maša je bila v cerk- vi sv. Kristine in sprejem gostov v dvorani St. Anthony. Mrs. Karolina Cukanje je naša dolgoletna članica in pridna delavka. Bog vaju blagoslovi še na mnoga leta. Tudi njena hčerka je naša članica. Sedaj vas pa zopet prosim, katere še niste poravnale svoje članarine, prosim, da to storite vse čini-prej. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Na svidenje na seji. Mary Otoničar je bilo Pavline Serman. Vsem želimo zdravja in sreče. Sporočam, da še imam nekaj kuharskih knjig na rokah, če jih katera želi kupiti, naj se oglasi. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Naša luncheon party se je prav dobro obnesla, ker udeležba je bila res lepa. Vsa čast našim vrlim članicam, ki so tako pridne, da nas ne zapustijo, kadar rabimo kakršnokoli pomoč, bodisi pri delu ali darilu, zato je napredek in se tako pomaga tudi naši blagajni. V nedeljo 22. maja pa smo se zopet odpeljale z busom v Strabane, Pa., ko so proslavljale Pensilvanijski dan z bankotem in 110 letnico ustanovitve njihove podružnice št. 71. Dvorana je bila napoljnjena do zadnjega sedeža in postrežba je bila izvrstna. Naše članice čestitajo Mrs. Mary Tomšič, ki je drž. predsednica in celotnemu odboru k njihovem uspehu. Me smo imele tudi lepo vožnjo, ker je bil lep diui. V poletnih mesecih julija in avgusta ne bomo imele sej in zopet se PROSLAVA 30 LET. IN DRŽ. KONVENCIJA ZA PENNA SIJAJNO USPELA «ii »a« V BLAG SPOMIN ALOJZIJU COREL Cleveland, O. Dne 19. julija bo poteklo £'4 let. odkar smo izgubili ljubljenega sina, Alojzija ter se blagega pokojnega sina ob tej obletnici, kakor vedno z otožnimi srci spominja še vedno žalujoča mati, Helen Corel ter brata Matija in Jernej. Ljubljeni sin in brat nikoli pozabljen ne bo. ~|»7 m ur Ifi ||| »!■ j! .|»T» bomo zbrale v septembru, ko si bomo po počitku nabrale novih moči. Torej imejte se lepo na počitnicah in na raznih piknikih, obilo zabave in razvedrila vsem. Toda tudi žalostnih novic je vedno dosti. Umrla je sestra Anna Starče-vič, ki je bila dolgoletna članica naše podr. Svojega soproga je izgubila Dorothy Kroteč in sedaj pa je preminula tudi Katarina Plantan, ki je dolgo bolehala. Pokojni naj počivajo v miru božjem v ameriški zemlji in njihovim družinam izrekamo globoko sožalje. Molimo za naše pokojne ter za naše bolne članice, da bi kmalu okrevale. Obiskujmo jih kolikor je mogoče, ker bolezen bo tudi nas doletela, ene prej, druge pozneje. Najlepše pozdrave. Mary Bahor, blag. Št. 31, Gilbert, III. Čas počitnic je tukaj in to za šolarje in v splošnem. Upati je, da bo odslej lepo vreme, ker zima je bila precej mrzla, ampak se ne smemo pritoževati, ker po drugod jo še slabše, kjer imajo povodnji in hude nevihte. Na svetu se sedaj vse drugače obrača in isto je z vremenom. V loletju vaJn želim mnogo Zabave in razvedrila! Za Materinski dan smo imele lep sestanek za matere. Članice so prinesle okusno pecivo in druge stvari, za kar vsem najlepša hvala ln še posebno Mrs. Sušnik, ki je prinesla krasno torto. Bog Te živi, Angela, še na mnoga leta in vse, ki ste lepo sodelovale in se udeležile. Preminula je sestra Mary Rauh, ki je zapustila dva sina, dve hčerki in brnta. Bila je vedno vesele narave in je rada delala za napredek podružnice. Bog ji naj bo dober plačnik za njena dobra dela! Smrt je zopet posegla v Prosenovo družino in vzela mladega dr. Richarda, ki je zapustil ženo, sedem otrok, štiri brate, tri sestre in mater. V visoki starosti je mirno zaspal za večno Ignac Hus, ki je zapustil ženo in sedem otrok. — Vsem preostalim globoko sožalje. Pokojnim naj bo lahka ameriška zemlje in večni mir. Antoinette Lucich, tajnica Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Najiskrenejše čestitke izrekamo našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu, Rev. Matt A. Jager ob zlatem jubileju mašništva. Čestitemu gospodu zlatomašniku želimo, naj ga Vsemogočni ohrani še Mislim, da bo naša proslava ustanovite in Pensilanijska državna konvencija ostala vsem udeležencem v lepem spominu. — Med prvimi zunanjimi gosti sta prišla gl. predsednica in njen soprog, Mr. and Mrs. F. Turek iz Clevelanda. Potem so začele prihajati sestre z autobusi in osebnimi automobili. Iz Pittsburgh je prišla podr. št. 77 z busorn, enako od št. 26 iz Pittsburga s posebnim bu-som ter od št. 91 in 96 iz Univerzala, so prišle s skupnim busem. — Tako je bila dvorana hitro napolnjena do zadnega sedeža. Na konvenciji so bile zastopane naslednje podr.: 26, 27, 59, 71 77, 74, 90, 91, 96 in 106. Konvenčna seja se je pričela ob 1 uri. Gl. preds. je imela lep nagovor o važnosti naše Zveze in kako je potrebno privabiti več novih članic z raznimi prireditvami in o kampanji za nove članice in splošno^ o delovanju v korist Zveze. Vse navzoče so govor pazno poslušale in bile prav zadovoljne. Iskreno zahvalo izrekamo Mrs. Sker-long za lepo oglaševanje na radiju za našo proslavo. Prisrčna zahvala č. g. mnogo let med nami čilega in zdravega. — Najsrečnejša mati je bila ses. Mary Skuly na dan 22. maja, ko je njen sin Rev. Gerald E. Skuly daroval svojo prvo slovesno sv. mašo v tukajšnji cerkvi sv. Jeroma. Čestitemu g. novomašniku želimo mnogo uspehov v vinogradu Gospodovem! Srečnim starišem, bratom in sorodnikom pa naše iskrene čestitke. Prisrčne čestitke in vse najbolše želimo ses. Mary Mihelčič, za njeno devetdeseto — 90 —rojstno obletnico. Ses. Mihelčič je bila pred leti vedno aktivna pri podr. in je vedno rada posečala seje. Naj Vas, ses. Mihelčič, Bog ohrani vsaj še deset let med nami. Bog Vas živi! Ses. Nettie Štrukel se je po 8 mesečnem bivanju v bolnici vrnila na svoj dom. Želimo ji najboljšega zdravja v bodočnosti. Po nekaj tednih bivanja v bolnici je o FULL METROPOLITAN S SERVICE fe STATE 4 BANK & BANK 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 S.W.U. New Little Songbook, LET’S SING! only $1.25 POSTPAID. Send order lo: MRS. ANTONIA TUItEK 986 BKYN MAWK AVE. WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092