Advances in Production Engineering & Managern ent Volume 11 | Number 2 | June 2016 | pp 77-92 http://dx.doi.Org/10.14743/apem2016.2.211 ISSN 1854-6250 Journal home: Original scientific paper A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization Wang, J.F.a*, Kang, W.L.a, Zhao, J.L.a, Chu, K.Y.a aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding, China A B S T R A C T A R T I C L E I N F O Due to the complexity and variety of practical manufacturing conditions, computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems have become increasingly important in the modern production system. In CAPP, the process planning (PP) problem involves two tasks: operation determining and operation sequencing. To optimize the process plans generated from complex parts, the traditional particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is modified. Efficient encoding and decoding population initialization methods have been developed to adapt the PP problem for the PSO approach. In addition, to avoid the proposed approach becoming trapped in local convergences and achieving local optimal solutions, parameters are set to control the iterations. Several extended operators for the different parts of the particles have been incorporated into the traditional PSO. Simulation experiments have been run to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of the modified PSO approach. The simulation results indicate that the PP problem can be more effectively solved by the proposed PSO approach than other approaches. © 2016 PEI, University of Maribor. All rights reserved. Keywords: Process planning Operation determining Operation sequencing Particle swarm optimization Extended operator *Corresponding author: (Wang, J.F.) Article history: Received 29 January 2016 Revised 27 March 2016 Accepted 10 May 2016 1. Introduction In the modern computer-integrated manufacturing system (CIMS), the CAPP system plays an important role [1]. Generally, process planning involves two activities: operation determining and operation sequencing. In CAPP systems, these two activities must be executed simultaneously to achieve a good solution. Thus far, some effort has been made to address this problem, for instance, by designing a more feasible mathematical model or developing a more efficient approach. The application of some artificial intelligence approaches in the PP problem has especially promoted the development of CAPP technology. These approaches can be categorized as the genetic algorithm (GA) [1, 2], simulated annealing (SA) [2, 3], tabu search (TS) [4, 5], ant colony optimization (ACO) [6-8], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [9-13], honey bees mating optimization [14], and hybrid approaches [2, 15]. In 1995, Kennedy and Eberhart proposed the PSO algorithm [16]. The PSO is a new swarm optimization approach that can optimize engineering problems in aspects such as turning process modelling [17], assembly sequence planning [18], and process parameter optimization (TSP) [19]. The search for applications of PSO in the PP problem was first introduced by Guo et al. [9]. The process plan particle encoded/decoded strategy and some modified operators were designed. Kafashi et al. [10] optimized the setup planning using cost indices based on constraints such as the TAD (tool approach direction), the tolerance relation between features, and the feature precedence relations. Wang et al. [11] proposed an innovative process plan representation in 77 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu which operation selection and operation sequencing were introduced simultaneously in a particle. Two local search operators are incorporated into the traditional PSO to achieve the optimal solution. Li et al. [12] modified the traditional PSO for the process planning problem. Miljkovic et al. [13] adopted the AND/OR network representation to describe the flexibility of the machine, tool, TAD, process and sequence and a performed multi-objective optimization procedure for the minimization of the production time and production cost using a modified PSO algorithm on this representation. Zhang et al. [1] proposed a GA for a novel CAPP model. Li et al. [2] incorporated an SA into a GA to improve its searching efficiency. Ma et al. [3] modeled the PP problem as a combinational optimization problem with constraints. An entire solution space is constructed in reference to precedence constraints among operations. An SA algorithm is then proposed to address the PP problem. Li et al. [4] applied a TS-based approach to address the PP problem. In this approach, a mapping relationship is established between process constraints among features and precedence constraints among operations. Lian et al. [5] proposed a multi-dimensional tabu search (MDTS) approach to address the PP problem. Some local search strategies for different parts have been integrated into this TS approach. Liu et al. [6] constructed a mathematical model for the PP problem by considering the process constraints and optimization objectives. The ACO approach has been developed to optimize the PP problem based on this mathematical model. Wang et al. [7] represented the PP problem by an improved directed/undirected graph. A two-stage approach based on ACO was developed to optimize the process plans on the directed/undirected graph. Wen et al. [14] proposed a new method based on the honey bees mating optimization (HBMO) approach to optimize the PP problem. The solution encoding, crossover operator, and local search strategies were developed according to the characteristics of the PP problem. Huang et al. [15] designed a hybrid algorithm combining a graph and the GA to optimize process plans. The precedence constraints are mapped to an operation precedence graph on which an improved GA was applied to solve the PP problem. Although there have been some significant improvements in solving the PP problem, there still remains the potential for further improvement [20]. Up to now, some heuristics or evolutionary approaches have been applied to optimize the PP problem, but the major difficulty is that the search space is too large for parts with complex features to find optimal solutions efficiently. To address this problem, a traditional PSO approach is modified to solve the PP problem in this paper. The main work includes the following two aspects: • The representation of a process plan mapped to a particle is modified to facilitate the discrete PP problem. A new particle encoding/decoding strategy is adapted to make the search more efficient. • A diverse searching mechanism has been adopted to improve the performance of the PSO approach. To avoid local convergence, some modifications to the traditional PSO approach have been adopted to better explore the solution space. Several operators for the different parts of the particles have been incorporated into the traditional PSO. Section 2 describes the process planning model. Section 3 introduces the particle swarm optimization approach. Section 4 introduces an application of the modified PSO approach to the PP problem. Section 5 presents the simulation results of the proposed PSO algorithm. Finally, some conclusions and outlook are given in Section 6. 2. Problem modelling 2.1 Problem description In the PP problem, two tasks have to be performed, namely, operation determining and operation sequencing. For operation determining, the method of mapping from features to operations is widely used in the PP problem. The attributes of each feature determines the corresponding machining methods, which can be expressed by the alternative operations. The combination of machines, cutting tools, and tool approach directions (TAD) comprise all of the different opera- 78 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization tion types (OPTs) for a feature of a part, which will be selected to determine the final process plans [1, 11]. For an operation, there are a set of OPTs under which the operation can be executed. Accordingly, an integrated process plan can be represented as follows. PP = {OP1,OP2.....OP,.....0Pn] (1) OP, = {OPTil,OPTi2.....OPTtj.....OPTim} (2) OPTtj = {Mij,Tij,TADij} (3) OPi is the z'-th operation, and OPTtj is the j-th alternative selection of the operation OPi. Mtj, Tij and TADij are the ID of the selected machine, tool and TAD for operation OPTtj, respectively. An example part in Fig. 1 is used to demonstrate the representation of a process plan [7]. The candidate operations are listed in Table 1. In addition to operation determining, operation sequencing is another task in the PP problem. The operations should be sequenced under the conditions of satisfying the precedence constraints among operations [4, 6, 12, 15]. The constraints of Part 1 are shown in Table 2. According to the precedence constraints in Table 2, an available process plan for Part 1 is shown in Table 3. Fig. 1 An example part - Part 1 Table 1 Candidate operations for Part 1 Feathers Operations Operation types Machines Tools TADs Description F1 Milling (OP1) OPT11, OPT12 M2 T1 +X, +Z M1: Drilling press M2: Vertical milling F2 Drilling (OP2) Tapping (OP3) OPT21, OPT22 OPT31, OPT32 M1, M2 T2 T3 -Z machine T1: Milling cutter T2: Drilll F3 Drilling (OP4) Reaming (OP5) OPT41, OPT42 OPT51, OPT52 M1, M2 T4 T5 -X T3: Tapping tool T4: Drill2 T5: Reamerl F4 F5 Milling (OP6) Milling (OP7) OPT61 OPT71, OPT72 M2 M2 T6 T7 +Z +Y, -Z T6: Slot cutter T7: Chamfer cutter T8: Drill3 F6 Drilling (OP8) Reaming (OP9) OPT81, OPT82 OPT91, OPT92 M1, M2 T8 T9 +X T9: Reamer2 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 79 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu Table 2 Constraints for Part 1 [7] Operations Precedence constraint description Constraint types OPi is prior to OP2 and OP3. Hard OPi OPi is prior to OP4 and OP5. Soft OP2 OP2 is prior to OP3. Hard OP4 OP4 is prior to OP5. Hard OP4, OP5 OP4 and OP5 are prior to OP6. Hard OP6 OP6 is prior to OP2 and OP3. Hard OP8 OP8 is prior to OP9. Hard OP8, OP9 OP8 and OP9 are prior to OP7. Hard Table 3 Available process plan for Part 1 Operation Machine Tool TAD OPi M2 T1 +X OP8 Mi T8 +X OP9 Mi T9 +X OP4 Mi T4 -X OP5 Mi T5 -X OP6 M2 T6 +Z OP7 M2 T7 -Z OP2 Mi T2 -Z OP3 Mi T3 -Z 2.2 Mathematical model The criterion of minimizing production costs (CP) is usually used to evaluate the process plan. The CP includes the machine cost (CM), cutting tool cost (CT), machine-changing cost (CMC), cutting tool changing cost (CTC), and set-up cost (CSC) [2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15]. The machine cost is CM = {cm1,cm2,...,cmi,...,cmNM} (4) where NM is the number of machines. The cutting tool cost is CT — {cti,cÍ2,...,ct¿,...,ctjyr} (5) where NT is the number of cutting tools. As shown in Eq. 2 and Eq. 3, an operation is selected from several alternative OPTs. The machine cost for an operation varies according to the alternative OPTs, so the machine cost CMtj for an OPT OPTij can be given as CMij = cmM (6) where Mj is explained in Eq. 3. The cutting tool cost TCtj for an OPT OPTtj can be given as CTii = ctT.. ij 'i] (7) where T^ is explained in Eq. 3. The machine changing cost CMC^y between OPT OPT^ and OPT OPT^y can be given as CMCiji,j, = ^{Mij,Mi,j,)xCcm (8) 80 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization where Ccm is the cost of machine changing, which is considered to be the same for each machine change. Y) can be calculated as follows: The cutting tool changing cost CTCijilj, between OPT OPTij and OPT OPT^ji can be given as CTCijirjr = n {0(Mij,Mi,j,), «{Tij,Tirjr)) xCct (10) where Cct is the cutting tool changing cost, which is considered to be the same for each cutting tool change. Y) can be calculated as follows. Q(X Y) = X = Y = ^ (11) ll otherwise The set-up cost CSijirjrbetween OPT OPTtj and OPT OPT^ji can be given as CSiji,j, = n («(Mij,Mirjl), «{TADij,TADirjr)) xCcs (12) where TADtj is explained in Eq. 3, and Ccs is the cost for a set-up, which is considered to be the same for each set-up. The definitions of machine changing, tool changing, and set-up changing have been explained in reference [2]. Based on the above analysis, the mathematical model of the PP problem is formulated as follows [6]: Objectives: (i) A combination of CM, CT, CMC, CTC, and CS will be considered as CP, and minimizing CP is the objective of PP. n m n m n m Min CP = YY, + ZZ ViJi'J' .(M3.CMCiJVJ' + at.CStm' + as.CTCiJi,j) + Csc (13) £=1 J = 1 £=lj = l£ =1 j =1 iW j'*i' Subject to: (ii) n operations have to be selected while machining a part. n m JjJjUlj=n (14) i=ij=i (iii) For an operation, one and only one OPT can be selected from its m alternative OPTs. m ^uy = 1(i = 1,2.....n) (15) 7 = 1 (iv) For a process plan consisting of n operations, the numbers of operation changes is n - 1, and the changes of combinations of machines, cutting tools, and set-ups are accompanied by operation changes. n m n m , , (16) l=ij=H =1; =1 ; j ' (v) For each OPT, only one adjacent operation is lined up before it. ÎÎ^1 (17) i=ij=i Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 81 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu (vi) For each OPT, only one adjacent operation is lined up after it. 'vtjvj (18) n- l '=!] '=1 (vii) Uij is an integer enumeration variable. u_(1 if OPT, is selected for operation OPi (19) lJ ( 0 otherwise (viii) Viji'j' is an integer enumeration variable. ( 1 if OPT,- -is selected after OPT,-, is executed ,.„„.. vUi-j - = ] 1 ' LJ (20) 0 otherwise Eq. 13 means that the objective function of the PP is to minimize the total production cost The constraints are in Eq. 14 to Eq. 20. Constraints in Eq. 14 and Eq. 15 ensure that all the operations are carried out. The constraint in Eq. 16 ensures that n - 1 changing costs of machines, cutting tools, and set-ups are added into the PC among n operations. Constraints in Eq. 17 and Eq. 18 ensure that every operation except the first and the last have only one adjacent operation on each side. 3. Introduction of the particle swarm optimization approach PSO is a swarm optimization approach [16]. Every particle in the population represents an N-dimensional solution that constructs a search space for every particle. The particles fly freely to search for the optimal position at a given velocity. Hence, for the particle i, the vectors Xf and Vf at the t-th iteration can be denoted as Xf = {Z^,^,...,^,...,^} and Vf = respectively. With the emergence of the optimal position at iteration t + 1, the vectors Xf and Vf can be updated as follows: V*k+1 = w * Vfk + Cl *Rand( ) *(pfk -Xfk) + c2 *Rand( ) *(Pflffc -X*k) (21) + (22) In Eq.21 and Eq. 22, Vitk+1 is the velocity on dimension k, and A^1 is the position on dimension k. P[k is the local optimal position on dimension k, and Pgk is the global optimal position on dimension k. The weight w is used to control the iteration. The constants ct and C2 control the balance between a local optimal position and the global optimal position. Rand () is limited in [0, 1]. The traditional PSO approach is carried out in four steps: Step 1: Population initialization. Step 2: Update the vectors Xf and Vf according to Eq. 21 and Eq. 22. Step 3: Update Pfk and Pgk according to the performance of the population Step 4: Loop to Step 2 until a termination condition is met. 4. The proposed PSO approach 4.1 Solution representation It is necessary to modify the traditional PSO for the PP problem to include, for example, particle representation and the particle movement strategy. In applying the PSO approach to the PP problem, three tasks have to be performed, namely, particle encoding, particle validation and particle decoding. The first task is to encode a process plan to an appropriate particle. Because operation determining and operation sequencing have to be performed simultaneously in pro- 82 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization cess planning, the particle structure should be considered to comprise the information of determining and sequencing operations. The details of a particle are listed in Table 4. According to the definition of a particle, we modified a particle i of a 2 x n matrix to represent a process plan at iteration t [11], i.e. X t _ _Xi21'Xi22' r? 1 '^iln xl , Ai2n. (23) The first row xfln is the Operation Determining (OD) part and represents the operation selection for each feature. The second row xf2n is the Operation Sequencing (OS) part and represents the priority among operations. x-2n is initialized randomly in the range of 0 and 1 according to the priority among operations, and xfln can be calculated by Eq. 24. X?ln = (a2 *ix_m + a* ix_c + ix_t)/œ (24) In Eq. 24, ix_m, ix_c, and ix_t are generated randomly from the candidate machine set, cutting tool set, and TAD set for executing the operation. a can be given by the equation a = Max(NM,NT,Ns) + 1 (25) where Ns is the number of TADs. To illustrate the particle encoding, the process plan in Table 3 is taken as an example and the corresponding encoding of x\ln is shown in Fig. 2. For instance, the values of ix_m, ix_c, and ix_t are set to 1 if the OPTs of M2, T1 and +X, respectively, are selected to process operation OPi. If the OPTs of M2, T1 and +Z are selected to process operation OPi, the values of ix_m, ix_c, and ix_t will be 1, 1, and 3, respectively. For the process plan in Table 3, a feasible particle is listed in Table 5. In Table 5, the first row means the operations. The second row represents the calculated value of its assigned OPT, and the third row represents the priority among the operations. The second task is to validate the particles to accord with the precedence constraints. A particle represents a process plan. Nevertheless, process plans generated by particles flying freely in solution space are usually invalid against the precedence constraints. To validate each particle, an n x n constraint matrix P is proposed to incorporate the precedence constraints among the operations into the particles. Table 4 Detail of a particle Data type Variable Description Integer Integer Integer Integer ix_o Id of an operation, which corresponds to the index of the operation set. ix_m Id of a machine, which corresponds to the index of the machine set. ix_c Id of a cutting tool, which corresponds to the index of the cutting tool set. ix_t Id of a TAD, which corresponds to the index of the TAD set. Operation OPi OP8 OP9 OP* OPs OP6 OP7 OP2 OP3 x*. 0.111 0.181 0.191 0.144 0.154 0.163 0.176 0.126 0.136 (ixm, ix_c, ix_t) (1/ 1, 1) (1, 8, 1) (1, 9, 1) (1, 4, 4) (1, 5, 4) (1, 6, 3) (1, 7, 6) (1, 2,6) (1, 3, 6) Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 83 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu Table 5 A feasible particle for the process plan in Table 3 Operation OPi OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OPB OP9 xt 0.111 0.126 0.136 0.144 0.154 0.164 0.176 0.181 0.191 *i2n 1 0.50 0.40 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.60 0.95 0.90 The second task is to validate the particles to accord with the precedence constraints. A particle represents a process plan. Nevertheless, process plans generated by particles flying freely in solution space are usually invalid against the precedence constraints. To validate each particle, an n x n constraint matrix P is proposed to incorporate the precedence constraints among the operations into the particles. P = (Ptj) nxn (26) _(1 OPi is prior to OPj or i = j (2^) ( 0 otherwise The precedence constraint matrix for the precedence constraints in Table 2 is shown as follows: PH 1 00000000 1 10001000 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 (28) 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0000011 0 00000010 0 0000001 1-1 The third task is to decode a particle into a solution. According to the input of encoded position matrix, a particle can be decoded to obtain a process plan. The particle decoding includes the following two steps. First, determine the machine, cutting tool and TAD according to the value x\ln. The decoding approach for x[ln is _ t 3 Yin %Un ix_min = [yin/a2\ ix_cin = [(yin — ix_min *a2)/a\ ixJin =yin ~ix_min *a2 — ix_cin *a (29) (30) (31) (32) where yin is an integer. Second, sequence these determined operations according to the precedence value x[2n. If the sequence of operations violates the precedence constraints, the operations should be sequenced again according to the precedence value xti2n with the help of the precedence matrix Pm. xí2n xí2n Similarly, for particle i, a velocity matrix at iteration t can be represented as vl = Ki .....vk.....vL] where vtin is initialized randomly in the range of -1 to 1. (33) (34) 84 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization 4.2 Population initialization The particle swarm is initialized in three steps: (i) Set the population size Pmax and the maximum iteration number Nmax. (ii) Initialize each particle. The initial position and velocity of each of the particles in the population are generated. (iii) Decode every particle to the process plan according to Eq. 29 to Eq. 33, and then calculate CP. Get the local optimal position and the global optimal position 4.3 Iteration and control For every selected particle, the position and velocity can be updated according to Eq. 21 and Eq. 22. To ensure the process plan validity, decoding every newly generated particle to the process plan is necessary. If the new process plans violate the precedence constraints, the corresponding particles will be normalized by using the constraint matrix P. For each valid particle, the CP of the corresponding process plan will be calculated. If a lower CP is achieved, the local optimal position Pt and the global optimal position Pg will be updated. When the traditional PSO is applied in the PP problem, a quick local convergence at an early stage of the PSO usually has to be faced. The quick local convergence will make further exploration difficult and can generate an undesirable solution. To solve this problem, some modifications are suggested to enhance the performance of the traditional PSO algorithm [9, 10, 13]. Four operators are incorporated into the traditional PSO approach. Because the position of a particle is expressed as a 2 x n matrix, in which the first row is the OD part and the second row is the OS part, the operators for the different rows vary independently. For the OD part, two types of mutation operator are designed to generate a new solution. Mutation operator 1 One particle in the swarm is chosen for a mutation operation with a predefined probability (pms). First, for the OD part of this particle, one position point L is randomly selected. Second, decode the particle to a process plan, and obtain the machine, cutting tool, and TAD (M, T, TAD) of the Lth operation in this process plan. Third, from the machine set, cutting tool set, and TAD set of the Lth operation, an alternative selection of machine, cutting tool, and TAD is determined to replace the current machine, cutting tool, and TAD. Mutation operator 2 One particle is chosen for a mutation operation with a predefined probability (pss). For the OD part of this particle, two adjacent position points Lt and L2 are randomly selected. Decode the particle to a process plan, and obtain the machines, cutting tools, and TADs (Ms, Ts, TADs) of the Li-th and L2-th operations in this process plan. If ML2 =ML , let TL =TL2 or TADLi = TADL2, or otherwise the position points Li, L2 will be reselected. With respect to the OS part, two operators are employed, crossover and shift. Crossover operator Two particles, A and B, are selected to execute a crossover operation with a predefined probability (pcq). For the OS part of those two particles, one position point L is randomly determined. The OS part is divided into two parts. Subsequently, the value of the front part of OSa is taken out and inserted before the cutting point of OSB, and the value of the left part of OSB is taken out and inserted before the cutting point of OSa. Shift operator One particle is chosen for a shift operation with a predefined probability (pSq). For the OS part of this particle, two position points Li, L2 are randomly selected, and their values x[1Li, x\1L exchanged. Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 85 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu 4.4 Termination If the max number of iterations Nmax is reached, the iteration will be terminated. Decode the obtained particle position P* to achieve the final process plan. The flowchart is described in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 Flowchart of the modified PSO approach 5. Experiments and results Two characteristic parts are used for the simulation experiments. The first part is shown in Fig. 4 [1] (Part 2), and the second part is shown in Fig. 5 [2] (Part 3). The detailed information on Part 2 and Part 3 is introduced in the research of Li et al. [4]. All of the simulation experiments will be performed on a PC with 2.8 GHz and the Windows 7 operating system. 86 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization Fig. 4 An example part - Part 2 Fig. 5 An example part - Part 3 5.1 Simulation experiments While applying PSO to solve the process planning problem, the key parameters have to be determined to facilitate the performance of the modified PSO. Accordingly, many preliminary simulation experiments have to be carried out to determine those parameters. The process planning problem for Part 2 is used to illustrate how the key parameters are determined. It is assumed that Wj to o)5 in Eq. 13 are set as 1. The key parameters may be analysed from two aspects, namely, the swarm characteristic parameters of PSO (Pmax, Nmax, w, cx, and the problem data (pms, pss, pcq, psq). The swarm size Pmax and iteration number Nmax will be increased with the increased complexity of the part. For Part 2, after many trials, Pmax and Nmax are fixed at 2000 and 300, respectively. The constants ci and C2 are used to balance the velocity tendency to the local optimal position Pt and the global optimal position Pg. If Ci and C2 are too large, the search space of the particles will be expanded, which may even lead to no convergence of the PSO. If Ci and C2 are too small, slow convergence may cause the computation time to be very long. In the case of problems with Pmax = 2000, Nmax = 300, w = 0.75, pms = 0.6, pss = 0.6, pCq = 0.2, psq = 0.2, 50 trials were separately conducted by varying the values of Ci = C2 e {1, 1.5, 2}. The average results are summarized in Fig. 6. Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 87 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu Iterations Fig. 6 CP of the proposed PSO with different constants aand C2 From Fig. 6, when Ci and C2 are both set to be 1, the PSO algorithm shows fast convergence and good computational efficiency. The inertia weight w is set to coordinate the local exploration and the global exploration. If w is too large, there may be a quick local convergence at an early stage of the PSO. If w is too small, the computation time for each iteration will be long, and the optimization rate will become very slow. In the case of problems with Pmax = 2000, Nmax = 300, Ci = C2 = 1, pms = 0.6, pss = 0.6, pcq = 0.2, psq = 0.2, 50 trials were separately conducted by varying the values of w e {0.75, 1, 1.25}. The average results are summarized in Fig. 7. Iterations Fig. 7 CP of the proposed PSO with different inertia weights w From Fig. 7, the optimal efficiency and stability are achieved under the condition of w = 1. The problem data (pms, pss, PCq, psq) are determined to help the approach escape from local convergences. Fifty trials are conducted in8 group combinations of the four parameters pms, pss, pCq, psq to illustrate the selection of these parameters. The average CPs for the 50 trials are listed in Table 6. It is shown that the combination of pms = 0.6, pss = 0.6, pCq = 0.2 and psq = 0.2 can yield the best performance. In conclusion, the performance of the modified PSO for Part 2 is good, and Pmax = 2000, Nmax =300, w = 1, C1 = C2 = 1, pms = 0.6, pss = 0.6, pCq = 0.2, psq = 0.2. The best simulation result and average simulation result are shown in Table 7 and Table 8, respectively. Table 6 Determination of four probabilities of the modified PSO (Mutation1: pms, Mutation2: pss, Crossover: pcq, Shift: pSq) (0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.4) (0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2) (0.6, 0.6, 0.4, 0.4) (0.6, 0.6, 0.2, 0.2) (0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2) (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4) (0.4, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4) (0.6, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2) Mean 1198.5 1198.8 1308.4 1131.8 1136.6 1541.3 1206.1 1186.7 Maximum 1263 1318 1713 1163 1188 1998 1318 1263 Minimum 1143 1143 1148 1128 1128 1158 1143 1143 88 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization Table 7 Best simulation result for Part 2 Operation Machine Tool TAD Result 6 2 2 -Z CM = 490 1 2 1 -Z CT = 98 7 2 1 -Z CTC = 60 9 2 1 -Z CS = 480 12 2 1 -Z CP= 1128 5 2 5 -Z 3 2 5 +Y 4 2 5 +Y 8 2 5 +X 10 2 5 -Y 11 2 5 -Y 13 2 5 -Y 14 2 1 -Y 2 2 8 -Y Table 8 Average simulation result of 50 trials for Part 2 Type Mean Maximum Minimum Standard deviation CM 490 490 490 0 CT 98.2 103 98 0.98 CMC 0 0 0 0 CTC 60.9 75 60 3.56 CS 480 480 480 0 CP 1128.9 1143.0 1128 3.56 The above method of determining the key parameters is based on Part 2. The method of choosing parameters for Part 3 is same as for Part 2. In the case of problems with Pmax = 2000, Nmax = 500, w = 1.25, c1 = c2 = 1, pms = 0.6, pss = 0.6, pcq = 0.3, psq = 0.3, 50 trials were separately conducted. The best process plans are listed in Table 9, and the average results are listed in Table 10. Table 9 Best simulation result for Part 3 Operation Machine Tool TAD Result 1 2 6 +Z CM = 770 3 2 6 +X CT = 235 5 2 6 +X CMC= 320 6 2 6 -Z CTC=200 2 2 6 -Z CS = 1000 18 2 6 -Z CP = 2525 11 2 7 -Z 12 2 2 -Z 13 2 9 -Z 17 2 7 -X 7 2 7 -a 8 2 2 -a 9 2 9 -a 19 2 9 +Z 14 4 10 -Z 20 4 10 +Z 10 4 10 -a 4 1 2 -Z 15 1 1 -Z 16 1 5 -Z Table 10 Average simulation result of 50 trials for Part 3 Type Mean Maximum Minimum Standard deviation CM 770 770 770 0 CT 240 267 235 10.13 CMC 320 320 320 0 CTC 197.2 180 200 6.94 CS 1000 1000 1000 0 CP 2527.2 2535.0 2525.0 3.28 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 89 Wang, Kang, Zhao, Chu 5.2 Extensive comparative experiments The following three conditions are used to verify the modified PSO approach for the example parts [2, 4, 6]: (a) All machines and cutting tools are available, and to œ5 in Eq. 13 are set as 1. (b) All machines and cutting tools are available, and = œ5 = 0, = o)3 = o)4 = 1. (c) M2 and T7 are down, œ2 = = 0, = o)3 = o)4 = 1. For Part 2, 50 trials were performed under conditions (a) and (b). A penalty cost is included in the CP to facilitate the comparison with other approaches, which is 200 for Part 2 [4, 7]. A comparison with the results obtained using the GA and SA approaches [2], TS [4], and HBMO [14], as well as the two-stage ACO [7], is provided in Table 11. Under condition (a), this approach is same as SA, TS, HBMO, and two-stage ACO and is better than GA using the minimum machine costs. Using the maximum machine costs, the CP (1328.0) is the same as that of HBMO, and it is better than the other four approaches. This approach has the best performance in the mean machine cost (1328). It is obvious that the same CP (1328.0) is achieved 50 times and is superior to all of the other approaches. Under condition (b), the performance of this approach is the same as those of HBMO and the two-stage ACO. Using the minimum machine costs, this approach is better than GA, and it is the same as the other four approaches. Using the maximum and mean machine costs, this approach is better than GA, SA, and TS. For Part 3, 50 trials were carried out under conditions (a), (b), and (c). A comparison of the results with those of TS [4], PSO [9], and HBMO [14], as well as the two-stage ACO [7] is provided in Table 12. Table 11 Results compared to other approaches Condition Proposed approach GA SA TS HBMO Two-stage ACO (a) Mean 1328 1611.0 1373.5 1342.6 1328 1329 Maximum 1328 1778 1518 1378 1328 1348 Minimum 1328 1478 1328 1328 1328 1328 (b) Mean 1170 1482 1217 1194 1170 1170 Maximum 1170 1650 1345 1290 1170 1170 Minimum 1170 1410 1170 1170 1170 1170 Table 12 Results compared to other approaches Condition Proposed approach TS PSO HBMO Two-stage ACO (a) Mean 2527.2 2609.6 2680.5 2543.5 2552.4 Maximum 2535 2690 - 2557 2557 Minimum 2525 2527 2535 2525 2525 (b) Mean 2093.0 2208.0 2098.0 2120.5 Maximum 2120 2390 - 2120 2380 Minimum 2090 2120 - 2090 2090 (c) Mean 2593.2 2630.0 2592.4 2600.8 Maximum 2600 2740 - 2600 2740 Minimum 2590 2580 - 2590 2590 90 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 11(2) 2016 A simulation approach to the process planning problem using a modified particle swarm optimization Under condition (a), the minimum machine cost is the same as that of HBMO and the two-stage ACO, and it is better than TS and PSO. Among the 50 trial results, CP (2525) occurs 23 times, CP (2527) occurs 20 times, and CP (2535) occurs 7 times. Accordingly, this approach is superior to all of the other approaches on the mean machine cost. Under condition (b), the minimum machine cost (2090) is the same as that of HBMO and the two-stage ACO. CP (2090) occurs 45 times, and CP (2120) occurs 5 times in 50 trials; the mean machine cost is the best among all of the approaches. Under condition (c), CP (2590) occurs 34 times, and CP (2600) occurs 16 times in 50 trials. Generally, the performance of this approach is similar to that of HBMO under condition (c) and is superior to those of the two-stage ACO and TS. 6. Conclusions A traditional PSO approach is modified to solve the PP problem. Efficient encoding and decoding, population initialization, and iteration and control methods have been designed. Meanwhile, to avoid local convergence, several new operators for the different parts of the particles have been designed and incorporated into the traditional PSO to improve the particles' movements. Simulation experiments show that the modified PSO algorithm can perform the process plan optimization competently and consistently and generate better solutions compared with other approaches. In the simulation experiment, a small change in the parameters induces computational result saltation. Hence, a deep discussion of selecting the modified PSO approach parameters will be conducted. Additionally, integrated process planning and scheduling that considers the better performance of manufacturing systems may be a direction for further study [21, 22]. References [1] Zhang, F., Zhang, Y.F., Nee, A.Y.C. (1997). Using genetic algorithms in process planning for job shop machining, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 1, No. 4, 278-289, doi: 10.1109/4235.687888. 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