Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2017 International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research4 Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ measurements 1 Chair of Buildings and Constructional Complexes, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Infrastructure and Real Estate Management Department, European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica, Slovenia 3 Chair of Health Ecology and Control Division, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia * Corresponding author Mateja Dovjak, Chair of Buildings and Constructional Complexes, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: mateja.dovjak@fgg.uni-lj.si Luka PajEk1, Mitja košIR1, Živa kRIStl2, Katarina Kacjan Žgajnar3, Mateja Dovjak1* abStRact The number of children enrolled in daycare centres is increasing, while indoor environmental quality of Slovenian children daycare centres remains insufficiently investigated. The purpose of this paper, as Part I of the larger study “Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres”, was to holistically assess indoor environmental quality of 24 playrooms in 17 publicly funded children daycare centres in Slovenia. The performed holistic assessment included simultaneous in-situ measurements of the selected comfort parameters (i.e. indoor air quality, thermal, visual and acoustic comfort), which were compared with legal requirements and recommendations. The results of in-situ measurements showed that the most critical field was the indoor air quality (in 63% of playrooms cCO2i,avg >1667 ppm) and that the indoor environmental quality conditions met all of the legal requirements and recommendations only in 8% of the investigated playrooms. In general, if compared to other EU countries, the conditions in Slovenian facilities were slightly worse. Therefore, a holistic approach to the assessment of indoor environmental quality is vital to achieve a universally comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Part II of this study presents further investigation of interrelationship between different building characteristics and IEQ. key words: indoor environmental quality, in-situ measurements, comfort, public buildings, daycare centres  Original scientific article Received: 27. 10. 2017 Accepted: 20. 12. 2017 International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 5  IntRoDuctIon The statistical data of EU over the last decade show that the amount of enrolled children in children daycare centres (DCCs) has increased [1], while in Slovenia almost 77% (84750) of children aged one to five were enrolled in DCCs in September 2014 [2]. As the number of children en- rolled in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is high and seems to be increasing, it is essential that child’s stay in an educational institu- tion is comfortable and without adverse health effects [3–12], especial- ly due to the fact that children are more susceptible to environmental influences, thus being a vulnerable population with particularly higher risk of adverse health effects. Therefore, besides executing field measurements of IEQ parameters in the selected DCCs, one of the goals of our study was also to get a bigger pic- ture in the field of IEQ in DCCs. We were particularly interested in existing studies in the field of IEQ all across the Europe and wider. In order to ana- lyse the state-of-the-art in the field of IEQ in educational building facilities, a comprehensive literature review was carried out. Table 1 represents study summary of 24 selected research papers dealing with indoor envi- ronment quality in buildings intended for education (e.g. DCCs, schools). Among the referenced studies (Table 1), the most investigated indoor comfort field is IAQ, while the least investigated is visual comfort. Ther- mal comfort [12–15], indoor air quality (IAQ) [4, 7, 10, 16–23, 30–32], visual comfort [5, 6, 8] or acoustic comfort [3, 25–27] and/or their im- pact on human health is relatively well investigated either in DCCs or in schools. In many cases studies identified the conditions as inadequate and hazardous for children. Cano et al., Teli et al. [11] and De Giuli et al. [29] presented a wider aspect as they investigated two IEQ fields, for example, by taking into account thermal comfort and indoor air qual- ity at the same time. Very few studies of IEQ were made in Slovenian DCCs, mostly focusing only on acoustic comfort, for example a study made by Kacjan Žgajnar et al. [25]. In addition, the literature review showed that there is no such study, which would simultaneously con- sider all of the four comfort fields (i.e. thermal, visual, acoustic comfort and IAQ). table 1: An overview of the selected reviewed research papers comfort field author (year) location Study area Study population Study parameters thermal comfort Fabbri (2013) [13] Italy, Reggio Emilia, N = 1 DCC Thermal comfort (PMV, PPD) Playrooms with 4–5 year old children Tai, RHai, vai, Tmr, PMV, PPD Hwang et al. (2009) [14] Taiwan, N = 14 schools Thermal comfort (TSV) Children 12–17 years old TSV Mors et al. (2011) [15] Netherlands, Eindhoven, N = 3 schools Thermal comfort (PMV, TSV) Classrooms with 9–11 years old children Tai, RHai, vai, Tmr, PMV, TSV Yun et al. (2014) [12] S. Korea, Seoul, N = 10 DCCs Thermal comfort (PMV) Naturally ventilated playrooms with children 4–6 years old Tai, RHai, vai, Tmr, PMV L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al.Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... Children are more susceptible to environmental influences, thus being a vulnerable population with particularly higher risk of adverse health effects. © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 20176  comfort field author (year) location Study area Study population Study parameters Indoor air quality Araújo-Martins et al. (2014) [16] Portugal, Lisbon and Porto, N = 45 DCCs IAQ and health Playrooms with 3 months to 6 year old children cCO2i, biological and chemical hazards, Tai, RHai Cars et al. (1992) [17] Sweden, Teleborg (Växjö), N = 7 DCCs Infectious diseases and IAQ Playrooms in DCCs and in renovated dwellings cCO2i, absence due to an infectious disease Daneault et al. (1992) [18] Canada, Montreal, N = 91 DCCs IAQ Randomly selected playrooms cCO2i, Tai, RHai Gładyszewska- Fiedoruk (2013) [19] Poland, Białystok, N = 3 DCCs Correlation between IAQ and RH Playrooms with 3–6 year old children cCO2i, Tai, RHai Roda et al. (2011) [20] France, Paris, N = 28 DCCs IAQ Playrooms with toddlers cCO2i, biological and chemical hazards, Tai, RHai Ruotsalainen and Jaakkola (1993) [21] Finland, Espoo, N = 30 DCCs IAQ Old and new playrooms cCO2i, ventilation rate, chemical hazards, odours, Tai, RHai, St-Jean et al. (2012) [10] Canada, Montreal, N = 21 DCCs IAQ Playrooms with a capacity of at least 40 children cCO2i, chemical hazards, Tai, RHai Stankeviča and Lešinskis (2012) [22] Latvia, Riga, N = 6 DCCs IAQ Playrooms in old, new and renovated DCCs cCO2i, Tai, RHai Zuraimi et al. (2008) [23] Singapore, N = 104 DCCs IAQ of DCCs in tropical climate Randomly selected playrooms cCO2i, cCOi, Tai, RHai, vai, biological hazards visual comfort Hathaway et al. (1992) [5] Canada, schools Impact of artificial and natural light on children Children in classrooms with artificial or natural daylight Performance and health analysis of children Heschong Mahone Group (1999) [6] USA, California, N = 3 schools Impact of daylight on children Children in well and under-lit classrooms Performance analysis of children Nicklas and Bailey (1997) [8] USA, N. Carolina, N = 5 schools Impact of daylight on children Children in well and under-lit classrooms Performance analysis of children acoustic comfort Chatzakis et al. (2014) [3] Greece, Crete, Heraklion, N = 10 DCCs Noise level 18 playrooms Leqi, impact of noise on health Kacjan Žgajnar et al. (2009) [24] Slovenia, Ljubljana, N = 3 DCCs Noise level in the workplace Educators in playrooms intended for children between 3 and 6 years old Leqi, impact of noise on health of educators Kacjan Žgajnar et al. (2009) [25] Slovenia, Ljubljana, N = 3 DCCs Noise level in playrooms Playrooms intended for children between 3 and 6 years old Leqi, impact of noise on health McAllister et al. (2009) [26] Sweden, Linköping, N = 3 DCCs Noise level in playrooms 10 children without reported hearing problems Leqi, impact of noise on health Sjödin et al. (2012) [27] Sweden, Umea°, N = 17 DCCs Noise level in the workplace Educators impact of noise on health Multiple comfort analysis Cano et al. (2012) [28] Portugal, Lisbon, N = 19 DCCs IAQ and thermal comfort 125 playrooms intended for children old between 3 months and 6 years Tai, RHai, vai, Tmr, cCO2i, cCOi, biological and chemical hazards De Giuli et al. (2014) [29] Italy, Padua, N = 3 schools IAQ, thermal comfort and visual comfort 8 classrooms in primary schools Tai, RHai, vai, To, PMv, PPD, cCO2i, Ei Teli et al. (2012) [11] England, Hampshire, N = 1 school IAQ and thermal comfort Classrooms with children between 7 and 11 years old Tai, RHai, vai, Tmr, PMV, PPD, TSV, cCO2i Tai – indoor air temperature; RHai – indoor air relative humidity; vai – indoor air velocity; Tmr – mean radiant temperature; To – operative temperature; PMV – predicted mean vote index; PPD – predicted percentage of dissatisfied; TSV – thermal sensation vote; cCO2i – indoor concentration of carbon dioxide; cCOi – indoor concentration of carbon oxide; Leqi – indoor equivalent noise level; Ei – daylight illuminance of work plane L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 7  Therefore, it can be concluded that these four areas of comfort in DCCs are not treated equally, as some are represented in the research less of- ten than others. In this respect, in recent years the importance of high quality ECEC is reflected in a high volume of joint reflection on policies and programmes between the European Commission and the Member States [33]. As can be seen, the IEQ of children daycare centres as well as other educational institutions was relatively well investigated through- out the facilities across the EU and wider, which was found out through the review of the published papers. Surprisingly, the quality of indoor en- vironment in Slovenian DCCs has not been sufficiently investigated. Con- sequently, the objective of our study was to examine the situation in Slov- enian DCCs from the IEQ perspective. Therefore, measurements of selected parameters of visual, thermal and acoustic comfort, as well as indoor air quality were carried out. Several playrooms were sampled from the selected DCCs in Slovenia in order to execute in-situ measurements of the selected comfort parameters. Hence, the above mentioned factors affecting human comfort in buildings were investigated in 24 playrooms in 17 DCCs. The study took place from March to June 2013. The indoor environment was investigated in order to improve IEQ conditions in DCCs. The latter was done by examining minimal criteria according to national and EU legal requirements, applicable recommendations or standards. MEthoDS area and time of observation The research was carried out in 17 randomly selected children daycare centres (anonymised and denominated by letters A–R) located in Slove- nia, which included 24 playrooms intended for children aged 3 to 5. The research took place at targeted DCCs from March to June 2013. The conducted research protocol is presented in Figure 1. Figure 1: Research protocol L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al.Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 20178  Measurements The required data were collected in-situ in the selected DCCs by re- searchers conducting measurements of the studied parameters. Meas- urements took place in forenoon, particularly between 9 and 12 am (i.e. after breakfast and before lunch) in occupied playrooms. Holistic evaluation of IEQ included the following measurements. Indoor air tem- perature (Tai), indoor air relative humidity (RHai), indoor air velocity (vai) and surface temperature (Tsurf) were measured to evaluate thermal com- fort of the investigated playrooms. Field technicians measured daylight illuminance of work plane (Ei) and window glass light transmittance (LT) as the selected visual comfort parameters. To evaluate the IAQ, indoor concentration of carbon dioxide (cCO2i) was measured. Indoor equiva- lent noise level (Leqi) was the selected and measured parameter of acoustic comfort. In addition, two selected outdoor parameters were measured: outdoor noise level (Leqe) and outdoor concentration of car- bon dioxide (cCO2e). For the purpose of the study the following meas- urement equipment was used: Testo 445 (Tai, RHai, vai), Testo 535 (cCO2i, cCO2e), Raytek Raynger MX (Tsurf) and Voltcraft DT 8820 (Leqi, Leqe, Ei). Outdoor air temperature (Tae), relative humidity of outdoor air (RHae) and air velocity (vae) were provided by Slovenian Environment Agency [34]. All the selected indoor parameters were recorded every 20 minutes, with the exception of carbon dioxide concentration, which was recorded every 5 minutes. Measuring instruments were placed out of children’s reach. A typical selection and position of measuring points is presented on a floor plan of playroom A1 (Figure 2). Figure 2: Measurement points in playroom A1 L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 9  All of the measurements were taken at a height of 0.70 m above the floor, with the exception of surface temperature measurements, which were taken on all the circumferential surfaces. Although the work plane for horizontal illuminance measurements in DCCs should be positioned lower than at 0.70 m above the floor, this distance was nevertheless used in order to prevent inquisitive children interfering with the measure- ments. However, presuming that the illuminance at lower work planes is higher than at 0.70 m, the measurements are on the safe side. Measure- ments of daylight illuminance were performed for the actual state of play- rooms – positions of furniture and shading systems were preserved. All the sources of artificial light were turned off. Indoor environment condi- tions were evaluated and compared to legal requirements and recom- mendations for DCCs, defined in the following documents: • Slovenian national legislation: O.J. RS, No. 42/02, 105/02 [35]; O.J. RS, No. 73/00, 75/05, 33/08, 126/08, 47/10, 47/13 [36]; O.J.RS, No.17/06, 18/06 – ed., 43/11 – ZVZD-1[37]; • Slovenian national guidelines: TSG-1-005:2012 [38]; • International standards and recommendations: ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 [39]; CEN CR 1752:2001[40]; EN 12464- 1:2011[41]; EN 15251:2010[42]; ISO 7730:2005 [43]. Preparation of data All the required data were collected and prepared for further investiga- tion. The dimensions (i.e. floor space, height, window openings) and orientation of the DCC playrooms were recorded by the field techni- cians. DCC managers provided information regarding lists of children present in the analysed playrooms and the age of buildings. For the pur- pose of evaluating indoor environmental quality, additional calculations of playroom floor area per occupant, playroom volume, mean radiant temperature (Tmr), predicted mean vote index (PMV), predicted percent- age of dissatisfied (PPD), window to floor ratio (WFR), illuminance uni- formity (i.e. Ei,min/ Ei,avg and Ei,avg/ Ei,max) and percentage of dissatisfied with the air quality (PPDIAQ) were made. Thermal comfort parameters were calculated according to ISO 7730:2005. The calculation of PPDIAQ parameters was performed with the use of Equation 1 based on CEN CR 1752:2001. PPDIAQ = 395 (–15.15(cCO2i,avg – cCO2e) –0.25) (1) RESultS Sample building characteristics For the purpose of further analysis, in initial step sample building charac- teristics were investigated, as one of the potential factors that could affect IEQ. All of the investigated DCCs were publicly funded; none of them was privately run. In 2013 the average age of the selected buildings was 43 years, with the average year of construction 1970. The oldest building in the entire sample was constructed in 1899, as a residential villa; the L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al.Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 201710  newest was constructed in 2013 as a low-energy children daycare cen- tre. Eight out of seventeen buildings were recently renovated with the aim to lower their energy demand. All of the DCCs were renovated only by re- placing windows. Playrooms in every DCC were naturally ventilated, with the exception of DCCs P and R, which were ventilated mechanically. The latter DCCs were also classified as low-energy buildings and were at the same time the youngest buildings (Table 2) included in the study. The average floor area of the selected playrooms was 41.3 m2 and the aver- age volume 132.2 m3. The average floor area per occupant was 2.2 m2. Only minority of playrooms (17%) had the average floor space equal to or higher than what is required by the Slovenian legislation (i.e., at least 3 m2/child) [36]. None of the investigated playrooms had north orientation, with most of them (i.e. 9) oriented south. Basic information and building characteristics of each selected DCC facility are presented in Table 2. table 2: Basic information and building characteristics of the selected DCCs Daycare centre Year of construction Recent renovationb Playroom no. Playroom occupation (children + staff) Floor area [m2] Floor area per occupant [m2/occ] volume [m3] area of windows [m2] orientation of majority of windows, azimuth [°] A 1952 Yes A1 14 + 2 35.7 2.2 102.2 7.3 W, 290 A2 20 + 2 35.8 1.6 112.2 10.3 W, 290 B 1979 Yes B1 19 + 2 52.7 2.5 155.5 16.8 W, 292 C 1899 Yes C1 14 + 2 35.2 2.2 131.5 11.5 E, 100 D 1963 No D1 18 + 2 44.6 2.2 161.1 20.8 NW, 310 D2 16 + 3 37.2 2.0 116.8 15.5 S, 178 D3 16 + 1 46.9 2.8 142.6 13.8 SE, 130 E 1906 No E1 14 + 2 36.3 2.3 127.4 3.3 W, 275 F 1979 No F1 19 + 3 39.0 1.8 116.5 14.8 E, 100 G 1979 Yes G1 14 + 2 41.9 2.6 151.7 10.0 S, 160 G2 14 + 2 36.0 2.3 164.2 13.1 SE, 150 H 1976 Yes H1 16 + 2 44.6 2.5 133.8 16.7 SW, 210 I 1973 Yes I1 18 + 2 43.7 2.2 128.6 15.0 SE, 142 J 1982 No J1 20 + 2 33.8 1.5 113.3 11.5 SE, 128 J2 15 + 2 32.9 1.9 111.0 11.8 S, 149 K 1976 Yes K1 18 + 2 38.2 1.9 99.4 10.7 E, 80 K2 21 + 2 46.8 2.0 145.9 13.4 SE, 128 L 1976 No L1 20 + 2 41.0 1.9 132.8 18.4 S, 172 M 1979 No M1 14 + 3 42.4 2.5 122.1 9.9 SW, 220 N 1971 No N1 17 + 2 50.3 2.6 174.5 21.5 S, 180 O 1972 Yes O1 13 + 2 44.7 3.0 134.1 11.6 S, 200 O2 17 + 2 49.1 2.6 146.3 13.2 S, 158 Pa 2013 No P1 21 + 2 39.2 1.7 118.0 17.3 S, 178 Ra 2012 No R1 17 + 2 43.6 2.3 132.2 15.4 S, 164 a Low-energy DCCs; b Energy retrofit: replacement of windows Measurement and calculation of the selected IEQ parameters The highest measured outdoor air temperature during the measurement time interval (9–12 am) was 32.4 °C, and the lowest –1.4 °C [34]. In the same way, the average value of measured outdoor CO2 concentra- tion was 387 ppm (330–445 ppm), the average outdoor equivalent noise level 50 dB (30–75 dB). Table 3 represents general characteristic values of measurements and calculations of the selected IEQ parame- ters in all the playrooms among the analysed DCCs. The measured val- L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 11  ues of thermal and visual comfort parameters were largely dispersed. Thus, in Table 3 the median values were used instead of arithmetic mean, to represent general conditions in playrooms. The main results of IEQ measurements compared with legal requirements and recommen- dations are presented in the subsections below. table 3: Measured and calculated values of indoor environmental quality parameters among all the 17 DCCs (24 playrooms) Parameters Symbol Description unit Min Max Median Tai indoor air temperature °C 19.3 27.4 23.7 tsurf surface temperature °C 13.5 34.2 22.3 Rhai indoor air relative humidity % 29.1 68.5 47.2 vai indoor air velocity m/s 0.00 0.50 0.04 PMv predicted mean vote - –0.33 1.10 0.19 PPD predicted percentage of dissatisfied % 5 29 6 lt light transmittance of windows - 0.52 0.89 0.69 WFR window to floor ratio % 9.1 45.0 30.0 Ei average indoor daylight illuminance lx 44 2655 352 - uniformity of illuminationa - 0.01 0.38 0.17 cco2i indoor CO2 concentration ppm 389 3613 1400 PPDIaQ predicted percentage of dissatisfied with IAQ % 9 43 27 leqi indoor equivalent noise level dB 30 95 70 a Ratio between minimal and average illuminance. Thermal comfort During the conducted measurements indoor air temperature did not meet the required values (i.e., 19–24 °C) according to Slovenian legal requirements [35] in 37% of playrooms. In those playrooms the air temperature was too high, with the highest values reached in playroom R1 (25.5–27.4 °C). However, in relation to the recommendations [42]) (i.e., 17.5–22.5 °C), the recommended indoor air temperature was en- sured only in 8% of the playrooms, with too high air temperatures in the majority of the playrooms. Radiant temperature asymmetry was not detected in any of the analysed playrooms. Nevertheless, the lowest surface temperature of 13.5 °C was measured on the external wall sur- face in playroom G1, as a consequence of present thermal bridge. In- door air relative humidity was within the acceptable limits of 40 to 60% [36, 42] in 54% of the playrooms, while in other playrooms the air was mostly too dry (i.e. RHai < 40%). The measured indoor air velocity ex- ceeded the permitted value (i.e., vai < 0.19 m/s) [35] in 17% of the playrooms and the recommended value (i.e., < 0.15 m/s) in 29% of the playrooms. However, according to the recommendations [35, 42], appropriate PMV and PPD (i.e.,± 0.7 PMV, PPD < 15%) values were still achieved in 83% of the playrooms. Indoor air quality (IAQ) In 63% of the playrooms the measured concentrations of CO2 exceeded the value permitted by Slovenian legislation (i.e., < 1667 ppm) [35]. Overall, nearly 80% of the playrooms had mean CO2 concentrations ex- ceeding 1000 ppm, which is recommended as the highest value in the L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al.Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... During the conducted measurements indoor air temperature did not meet the required values according to Slovenian legal requirements in 37% of playrooms. In 63% of the playrooms the measured concentrations of CO2 exceeded the value permitted by Slovenian legislation. © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 201712  ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 [39]. The highest achieved mean CO2 concentration measured in playroom B1 was 2584 ppm, while the highest measured value of 3613 ppm was reported in playroom R1. According to standard EN 15251:2010 [42] and Equation 1, 8% of the investigated playrooms were classified as indoor air quality class I (PP- DIAQ < 15%), 17% of playrooms were classified as class II (PPDIAQ < 20%), 33% as class III (PPDIAQ < 30%) and the rest as class IV (PPDI- AQ > 30%). In more than half of the playrooms, the PPDIAQ value was higher than 25%. Visual comfort One playroom (E1) did not meet the requirement of Slovenian legislation for the WFR in DCCs (i.e., > 20% of the floor plan) [36, 42]. Playroom L1 had the highest percentage of lighting openings in relation to the floor area (45%) due to its supplementary clerestory windows. The maximum ratio between the height and the depth of the playrooms is limited by Slovenian legislation to 2.5 [36, 42]. In contradiction to the legal requirements, in 18% of playrooms the room depth was more than 2.5 times greater than the room height. According to standard [42], in 54% of the playrooms the recommended average work plane illuminance of at least 300 lx was ensured by daylighting during the time of conducted measurements. Acoustic comfort In general, high noise levels in the selected playrooms were a conse- quence of children activity in the playrooms. In most cases the internal- ly generated noise was dominant over the external ambient noise sourc- es. According to Slovenian legislation [38], indoor noise level was in general too high during the measurements. Only 58% of the playrooms met the Slovenian legal requirements for noise exposure at work (i.e., < 70 dB) [37]. However, it has to be noted that noise level measurements were performed only for the period of three hours, while the legal re- quirements consider the noise exposure during the entire time span of operating hours. The highest and the lowest mean indoor noise levels were 83 dB (playroom A2) and 51 dB (playroom F1). Although indoor equivalent noise level was adequate in the majority (67%) of playrooms, it has to be noted that also the impulse noise should be taken into con- sideration. Maximum noise levels in some playrooms exceeded 90 dB due to high children activity (e.g. playing, singing). holistic assessment In order to holistically assess the IEQ in the analysed DCCs, all of the four aspects of comfort must be simultaneously evaluated. For each as- pect one parameter was selected for a holistic assessment. Thus, PMV was selected to evaluate thermal comfort; average work plane illumi- nance with daylight was selected to evaluate visual comfort, indoor CO2 concentration for IAQ and equivalent noise level for acoustic comfort. Table 4 represents the selected parameters of observation and general measurement results in all the 24 investigated playrooms. L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... Maximum noise levels in some playrooms exceeded 90 dB due to high children activity (e.g. playing, singing). International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 13  table 4: Measurement results of the selected basic parameters in each playroom thermal comfort visual comfort IaQ acoustic comfort Playroom no. PMv [-] Ei,avg [lx] cco2i,avg [ppm] leq,i,avg [db] A1 0.01 139 1643 64 A2 –0.05 449 1805 83 B1 –0.30 492 2584 71 C1 0.09 136 1400 70 D1 0.33 697 1389 67 D2 0.25 918 2094 80 D3 0.69 356 1176 61 E1 0.09 74 1000 67 F1 0.43 1285 1449 51 G1 0.03 126 1433 65 G2 0.29 183 1657 60 H1 –0.33 347 1812 74 I1 0.13 690 2020 75 J1 0.66 682 1910 69 J2 0.31 162 761 65 K1 0.72 294 905 75 K2 0.31 97 628 71 L1 0.12 521 1012 64 M1 –0.02 121 1967 74 N1 –0.02 463 867 69 O1 0.42 44 1125 70 O2 0.13 163 1192 75 P1 0.75 915 1181 76 R1 1.10 2655 2023 67 Furthermore, the measured values were compared to the recommended ones. Such comparison is presented in Figure 3. The measured values of thermal and visual comfort parameters were largely dispersed. Thus, in Figure 3 the median values were used for all of the comfort types. Figure 3: Comparison of the selected IEQ fields and their parameters for playrooms A1–R1, considering parameters of thermal, visual, acoustic comfort and indoor air quality. Solid line represents the recommended value and dotted line represents the median value of the playrooms. The PMV values are shown as absolute numbers. L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al.Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 201714  If the results are holistically observed, in playrooms A1 and A2 (8% of playrooms) all of the IEQ fields were within the recommended values. In 10 playrooms (42%), only one IEQ field did not meet the recommended values. In the rest of playrooms (50%), two or three uncomfortable IEQ parameters were identified simultaneously. None of the investigated play- rooms had all the selected IEQ parameters inappropriate. DIScuSSIon Poor thermal conditions of indoor environment can have negative im- pact on comfort and learning skills or may even cause adverse health effects, since children are more sensitive to high air temperatures than adults [12]. The measured air temperatures in the playrooms, which were considered within this paper, were similar to those in the studies conducted in Canada [18], Portugal [16] and Latvia [22], but higher than those in Portugal [44] and lower than those measured in South Korean [12] or Singaporean [23] facilities. Inadequate control over air humidity of living environment can result in suitable conditions for the growth of mould, which has adverse effects on occupants’ health [45–47]. The RH values, which were measured in DCCs during the presented study, were found to be less appropriate (i.e. lower) than those measured in Canada [18], Portugal [28], Italy [13], France [20] or South Korea [12]. At the same time, they were more suitable than in Singapore DCCs [23]. However, the latter is cli- mate consequence of Singapore’s high humidity climate. The measured mean air velocity in the selected DDCs was similar to the values identified by Mors et al. [15] in Netherlands and Yun et al. [12] in South Korea. On the other hand, they were lower than those meas- ured in Singapore by Zuraimi and Tham [23]. In contrast to previously conducted studies [16, 22, 28], where occupants were satisfied with thermal comfort or the reasons for discomfort were too cold thermal conditions, the PPD values identified by measurements of this study were more affected by too warm indoor environment. The identified CO2 concentrations (an indicator of ventilation rates) in the investigated Slovenian DCCs were similar to those measured in Portugal [16], Canada [10, 18], Latvia [22] and Poland [19], where in most cases the measured CO2 concentrations exceeded 1000 or 2000 ppm. How- ever, in comparison to studies conducted in Scandinavian countries [17, 21, 31], France [20] and in Singapore [23], where the average CO2 con- centrations rarely exceeded 1000 ppm, the measured CO2 concentra- tions in Slovenian DCCs were higher and, thus, less appropriate. The results of the conducted measurements of horizontal daylight illumi- nance (Figure 3) show that in 37% of the analysed playrooms the aver- age illuminance values were below the recommended value of 300 lx de- fined in EN 12464. However, it has to be emphasized that only daylighting was investigated (i.e. measured), although the recommenda- tions of the EN 12464 standard relate to lighting in general (i.e. daylight- ing and artificial lighting). Among the studied playrooms in Slovenian DCCs, the most common reasons for poor daylighting were the window L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... The results of the conducted measurements of horizontal daylight illuminance show that in 37% of the analysed playrooms the average illuminance values were below the recommended value of 300 lx defined in EN 12464. International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 11  No. 1/2017 15  properties (i.e. area, shape, type of glazing, etc.). In addition, the penetra- tion of daylight was often obstructed by various items attached to the glazing (e.g. shaped paper, drawings). One of the reasons for visual dis- comfort was also the inappropriate use of shading devices. In other words, in some playrooms shades were in shading position when shading was not needed (e.g. overcast sky, shading of western windows in fore- noon). In several playrooms the shading system was even damaged and therefore inoperable for the users. This is a common problem in public buildings, as identified also by De Giuli et al. [29] in their study. Excessive noise levels in DCCs represent health risk and discomfort for children and staff, which has been considered by numerous studies [25–27]. The measured noise levels in the investigated playrooms were comparable to the findings of some other studies [25, 26] and were relatively high. The problem of excessive noise levels in Slovenian DCCs might be additionally amplified by inappropriate reverberation times, which were highlighted by the findings of Kacjan Žgajnar et al. [48]. concluSIonS Holistic approach to the assessment of indoor environmental quality with all the IEQ fields taken into consideration is vital to achieve a universally comfortable and healthy indoor environment. All the parameters of IEQ are by some means directly or indirectly interconnected. Thus, they can- not be assessed separately one at a time. Although some authors (see references [29, 49]) do not advise ranking of buildings with a combined assessment index, a holistic approach is still necessary, where as many comfort parameters as possible should be investigated simultaneously, but not necessarily combined into a single rating. Therefore, a multi-disci- pline approach and cooperation of experts from different professional fields is encouraged. There are very few studies that would comprehen- sively and simultaneously investigate thermal comfort, indoor air quality, visual and acoustic comfort. Within the presented paper such approach was used to assess playrooms in the selected DCCs. The IEQ conditions in some of the investigated playrooms did not meet the recommended criteria. However, it must be noted that there was no playroom where all of the four considered comfort types would be inadequate. Moreover, it has to be stressed that the measurement results showed that in 42% of the investigated playrooms only one comfort field deviated from the mini- mal required and the recommended values (Figure 3). The one uncom- fortable condition could stay unidentified if not all the comfort fields were analysed. Contrasting other studies, which deal predominantly with IEQ, the presented results show the importance of holistic approach. An in-depth analysis of the collected data showed that among the 24 studied playrooms the most critical field of indoor environmental quality was IAQ with 75% of playrooms above the recommended value (1000 ppm). The percentage of playrooms that exceeded the recommendations in the fields of visual and acoustic comfort was also relatively high, with 46% and 38%, respectively. Comparatively, thermal comfort recommen- dations were exceeded only in 8% of considered playrooms, thus defining L. Pajek, M. Košir, Ž. Kristl et al.Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Slovenian children daycare centres. Part I: Results of in-situ... The problem of excessive noise levels in Slovenian DCCs might be additionally amplified by inappropriate reverberation times, which were highlighted by the findings of Kacjan Žgajnar et al. [48]. Contrasting other studies, which deal predominantly with IEQ, the presented results show the importance of holistic approach. © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 201716  thermal comfort as the most controlled. According to previously conduct- ed studies (see references [11, 12, 15]), the IEQ recommendations and legal requirements for buildings intended for children should be reconsid- ered, since children response to the indoor environment differently than adults. In addition, the results of this paper indicate that the legislation regarding IEQ in Slovenian DCCs might be insufficient, since the identi- fied IEQ was better in some other EU countries with generally stricter le- gal requirements for indoor environment, e.g. Denmark, France and Swe- den [50]. This study or similar ones (see reference [30]) can be used to provide a useful evidence base for the formulation and targeting of poli- cies for improving IEQ in school or daycare buildings. Part II of this study further examines the interrelationship between various building character- istics, occupants’ behaviour and several parameters of IEQ. acknowledgements This study was conducted in collaboration with the selected children daycare centres in Slovenia. The children daycare centres included in the research were randomly selected and were given free choice to par- ticipate or not in the research. The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the managers and educators of the participating day care centres, field technicians and other project collaborators. REFEREncES [1] Eurostat. Eurostat. Education statistics 2014ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ statistics-explained/index.php/Main_Page#Pre-primary_education (2014, accessed 27 June 2016). [2] STAT SI. Statistical office Republic of Slovenia. Preschool education in kindergartens, Slovenia, school year 2013/14 – final datahttp://www. stat.si/ (2014, accessed 27 June 2014). 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