15. JUNIJ 2004 15 JUNE 2004 št./No 168 21 GOSTINSTVO IN TURIZEM HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, TOURISM št./No 13 INDEKSI PRIHODKA V GOSTINSTVU, SLOVENIJA, JANUAR IN FEBRUAR 2004 ZAČASNI PODATKI INDICES OF TURNOVER IN HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, SLOVENIA, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2004 PROVISIONAL DATA Statistični urad ocenjuje, da je bil prihodek v gostinstvu v januarju 2004 za 4 % višji kot v januarju 2003, v februarju 2004 pa za 1,3 % višji kot v februarju 2003. The Statistical Office estimates that in January 2004 turnover in hotels and restaurants was up by 4% compared to January 2003, while turnover in February 2004 was up by 1.3% compared to February 2003. V prvih dveh mesecih 2004 so gostinci ustvarili povprečno za 2,7 % več prihodka kot v enakem obdobju lanskega leta. Višji prihodek od tega povprečja so ustvarila podjetja, ki v glavnem točijo pijače, obseg poslovanja prehrambenega gostinstva je bil skoraj enak temu povprečju, podjetja, katerih glavna dejavnost je nudenje nastanitev, pa so bila v tem primerjalnem obdobju najmanj uspešna – njihov prihodek je bil namreč za 1,2 % višji kot v obdobju januar–februar 2003. In the first two months of 2004, 2.7% more turnover was created in hotels and restaurants than in the same period last year. Higher turnover was created by drinks serving enterprises, the results of food serving enterprises were around the average and enterprises offering accommodation did the worst – their turnover was 1.2% higher than in January-February 2003. Če izločimo sezonske dejavnike, potem je letošnji januarski prihodek presegel lanskega decembrskega, in to v vseh skupinah dejavnosti. Tudi indeksi za februar kažejo povečanje poslovanja glede na predhodni mesec. If we eliminate seasonal factors, turnover in January 2004 was better than in December last year in all activities. Indices for February also show improvement compared to the previous month. Število oseb, ki so delale v gostinstvu, je bilo v januarju 2004 nekoliko večje kot v januarju 2003, v februarju 2004 pa za pol odstotka manjše kot v februarju 2003, glede na predhodni mesec pa je bilo to število manjše v januarju in v februarju 2004. The number of people working in hotels and restaurants was slightly higher in January 2004 than in January 2003, while in February 2004 it was down by 0.5% compared to February 2003. Compared to the previous month, the number of employees was lower in both January and February 2004. Slika 1: Indeksi prihodka v gostinstvu, Slovenija, februar 2003 - februar 2004 Chart 1: Turnover indices in hotels and restaurants activity, Slovenia, February 2003 - February 2004 © SURS 2003 2004 nominalne vrednosti value realne vrednosti volume indeksi / indices isti mesec predhodnega leta = 100 same month of previous year = 100 Statistične informacije, št. 168/2004 2 Rapid Reports No 168/2004 1. PRIHODEK V GOSTINSTVU TURNOVER IN HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ACTIVITY 1.1 Indeksi realnega prihodka v gostinstvu po dejavnosti podjetja, Slovenija, januar 2003 - februar 2004 The volume indices of hotels and restaurants by activity of enterprise, Slovenia, January 2003 - February 2004 predhodni mesec = 1001) / previous month = 1001) 2003 2004 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII I II Skupaj 100,8 100,7 100,5 100,7 100,8 100,7 100,6 100,6 100,6 100,5 100,5 100,5 100,7 100,5 Total Nastanitve in z njimi povezane storitve 102,5 101,6 97,8 99,6 100,7 101,0 101,2 101,0 100,3 100,0 99,3 101,9 107,7 99,4 Overnights and corresponding sevices Priprava in serviranje jedi 101,2 101,0 100,9 101,0 101,2 100,8 100,7 100,7 100,8 100,5 100,5 100,2 100,6 100,5 Food serving services Točenje pijač 100,7 100,7 100,5 100,5 112,3 100,2 100,1 100 100,1 100,2 100,1 100 100,1 100,0 Drinks serving services povprečje 2000 = 1001) / average 2000 = 1001) 2003 2004 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII I II Skupaj 104,9 105,1 104,4 105,0 105,8 106,3 106,4 106,6 107,0 107,2 107,2 107,0 108,5 108,5 Total Nastanitve in z njimi povezane storitve 110,6 111,8 107,0 107,4 107,5 107,4 107,9 107,8 107,0 105,7 103,6 104,2 113,3 111,7 Overnights and corresponding sevices Priprava in serviranje jedi 100,8 101,4 101,7 102,0 103,5 103,5 103,8 103,9 104,9 104,6 105,2 104,1 105,4 105,2 Food serving services Točenje pijač 99,1 100,2 100,9 102,4 117,4 114,4 111,9 109,6 107,7 109,6 110,3 108,3 111,1 111,6 Drinks serving services 1) Podatki so desezonirani. Vpliv delovnih dni in vpliv slovenskih praznikov nista statistično značilna, zato ju iz podatkov nismo izločili. Data are seasonally adjusted. Because the impacts of working-days and Slovenian holidays are not statistically significant, it is not removed. 1.2 Indeksi prihodka v gostinstvu po dejavnosti podjetja, Slovenija, januar in februar 20041) Indices of turnover in hotels and restaurants by activity of enterprise, Slovenia, January and February 20041) I 2004 I 2003 II 2004 II 2003 I-II 2004 I-II 2003 I 2004 Ø 2003 II 2004 Ø 2003 I 2004 XIl 2003 II 2004 l 2003 Skupaj Total Nominalne vrednosti 111,6 108,6 110,1 93,0 90,6 89,9 97,4 Value Realne vrednosti 104,0 101,3 102,7 90,7 88,3 89,0 97,3 Volume Nastanitve in z njimi povezane storitve Overnights and corresponding services Nominalne vrednosti 110,4 106,4 108,4 88,5 86,7 96,4 97,9 Value Realne vrednosti 103,0 99,4 101,2 86,5 84,6 95,2 97,8 Volume Priprava in serviranje jedi Food serving services Nominalne vrednosti 110,5 109,1 109,8 93,4 91,6 84,6 98,0 Value Realne vrednosti 103,1 101,8 102,5 91,1 89,2 83,7 97,9 Volume Točenje pijač Drinks serving services Nominalne vrednosti 118,2 113,3 115,8 105,7 99,9 91,3 94,5 Value Realne vrednosti 109,8 105,2 107,5 102,4 96,7 90,8 94,5 Volume 1) Podatki niso desezonirani niti prilagojeni številu delovnih dni. Data are not seasonally nor working-day adjusted. Statistične informacije, št. 168/2004 Rapid Reports No 168/2004 3 1.3 Koeficienti variacije indeksov prihodka v gostinstvu, Slovenija, januar in februar 2004 Coefficients of variation of hotels and restaurants activity indices, Slovenia, January and February 2004 Koeficienti variacije (%) Coefficients of variation (%) isti mesec predhodnega leta = 100 corresp. month of the previous year = 100 predhodni mesec = 100 previous month = 100 I 2004 II 2004 Ø 2003 I 2004 II 2004 Ø 2003 ØII-XII 20031) Skupaj 3,9 1,1 1,0 1,7 2,0 1,3 1,2 Total Nastanitve in z njimi povezane storitve 0,2 0,3 1,1 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,4 Overnights and corresponding services Priprava in serviranje jedi 4,9 0,9 3,3 3,8 3,9 1,4 1,2 Food serving services Točenje pijač 6,8 1,1 8,4 5,2 5,2 3,7 3,4 Drinks serving services 1. Ker je standardna napaka indeksa mesec na predhodni mesec v januarju zaradi rotacije vzorca bistveno višja kot v drugih mesecih, je pri tem indeksu podano tudi lansko povprečje brez januarja. Because of the sample rotation, in the case of month to previous month index, the standard error for January is significantly higher than for other months. Therefore, last year's average without January is given. 2. DELOVNO AKTIVNE OSEBE V GOSTINSTVU PERSONS IN EMPLOYMENT IN HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS 2.1 Indeksi števila delovno aktivnih oseb v gostinstvu po dejavnosti podjetja, Slovenija, januar in februar 20041) Indices of number of persons in employment in hotels and restaurants by activity of enterprise, Slovenia, January and February 20041) I 2004 I 2003 II 2004 II 2003 I-II 2004 I-II 2003 I 2004 Ø 2003 II 2004 Ø 2003 I 2004 XII 2003 II 2004 I 2004 Skupaj 100,2 99,5 99,8 99,1 98,6 99,1 99,5 Total Nastanitve in z njimi povezane storitve 100,6 100,7 100,7 100,1 100,3 99,8 100,2 Overnights and corresponding services Priprava in serviranje jedi 99,9 98,7 99,3 98,2 97,5 98,8 99,3 Food serving services Točenje pijač 100,5 99,5 100,0 99,8 98,9 99,0 99,1 Drinks serving services 1) Podatki niso desezonirani niti prilagojeni številu delovnih dni. Data are not seasonally nor working-day adjusted. METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja The purpose of the statistical survey je mesečno statistično merjenje in spremljanje prihodka gostinske dejavnosti. Dopolnjujemo ga s podatki o gibanju števila oseb, ki so v tej dejavnosti delovno aktivne. is monthly statistical observation of turnover on hotels and restaurants activity. It is completed with the number of persons employed in activity mentioned above. Opazovana enota Observation units je praviloma podjetje, ki je po glavni dejavnosti uvrščeno v gostinstvo. Podatki se nanašajo na celo podjetje, tudi na tisto morebitno dejavnost, ki ni povezana z gostinstvom. are enterprises whose principal activity is classified in the activity of hotels and restaurants. Data refer to the whole enterprise, including eventual secondary activity not related to the activity of hotels and restaurants. V Sloveniji je veliko podjetij, ki po svoji glavni dejavnosti ne sodijo med našteta, vendar ustvarjajo znaten prihodek tudi z gostinstvom kot svojo sekundarno dejavnostjo. Zato smo ustrezno prilagodili in dopolnili vzorec. Dodatno smo vključili (oz. izbrali z gotovostjo) 7 tovrstnih enot in pri njih There are many enterprises in Slovenia whose main activity is not the activity of hotels and restaurants, but which carry out significant secondary activity of hotels and restaurants. Therefore, we adjusted our sample by adding 7 such units, taking into consideration only data Statistične informacije, št. 168/2004 4 Rapid Reports No 168/2004 upoštevali le podatke, ki se nanašajo na gostinstvo. referring to the activity of hotels and restaurants. Viri Sources Podatke zbiramo s statističnim raziskovanjem Mesečno poročilo o poslovanju podjetij, ki opravljajo gostinsko dejavnost (GO/Ma, GO/Mb). Izvajamo ga po poštni metodi. Vir podatkov je računovodska dokumentacija podjetij, izjemoma tudi njihova ocena. We collect data with the statistical survey Monthly Report on Operation of Enterprises Registered in the Activity of Hotels and Restaurants (GO/Ma, GO/Mb) by using the postal method. The source of data is accounting documentation of enterprises and only exceptionally their estimates. Vir podatkov o delovnoaktivnih osebah je Statistični register delovnoaktivnega prebivalstva (SRDAP), ki ga vodi urad, zato tudi metodološka pojasnila vsebujejo nekatere opredelitve tega registra. The data source on persons in employment is the Statistical Register of Employment, which is kept by our office and that is the reason to add some important explanation of this register in this publication. Vzpostavljen je bil na osnovi popisa zaposlenih oseb leta 1986. Dopolnjuje in popravlja (ažurira) se s podatki iz obrazcev M, to je Prijava podatkov za uvedbo in vodenje matične evidence pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja in zdravstvenega zavarovanja, evidence o sklenitvi delovnega razmerja (M-1, M-2, M-1a, M-3, M-3a, M-DČ). It was set up on the basis of the 1986 census of persons in paid employment. The data on employment are obtained from monthly M forms, i.e. registration of data for the introduction and keeping of the central record of pension and disability insurance, health insurance and employment (M-1, M-2, M-1a, M-3, M-3a, M-DČ). Zajetje Coverage Mesečno raziskovanje o prihodku izvajamo na podlagi vzorca. Monthly statistical survey on turnover is conducted on the sampling basis. Za oblikovanje vzorčnega okvira GO/Ma, b so bili uporabljeni naslednji viri: Poslovni register Slovenije, zaključni računi za leto 2002, Statistični register delovnoaktivnega prebivalstva in rezultati rednih statističnih raziskovanj ter podatki nekaterih drugih statističnih raziskovanj. Vključenih je bilo 5194 podjetij, od katerih jih je bilo v vzorec izbranih 1200. To create the sampling frame of the survey GO/Ma, b, the following sources were used: Business Register of Slovenia, final accounts for 2002, the statistical register of persons in employment, results of the regular statistical surveys on hotels and restaurants activity, and data of some other statistical surveys. There were 5,194 enterprises included in the sampling frame, from which 1,200 were selected in the sample. Vzorec je razdeljen na stratume, in sicer po dejavnosti in po velikostnih razredih podjetij. The sample is divided into strata by activities and size of enterprises. V razvrstitvi podjetij po dejavnosti je upoštevana njihova glavna dejavnost (SKD), to je praviloma tista dejavnost, s katero podjetje ustvari pretežen del dodane vrednosti. The classification of enterprises by activity takes into consideration their main activity (according to NACE Rev. 1.), which is the one having the greatest share in the enterprise's value added. Po velikosti so podjetja razvrščena na velika, srednje velika in mala. V vzorec so zajeta vsa velika in srednja podjetja, stratumska razporeditev malih podjetij pa je optimalna glede na število zaposlenih. Enterprises are classified by size into small, medium-sized and large. All large and medium-sized enterprises were included in the sample, while in small enterprises the stratum allocation depended on the number of employees. Zaradi načina oblikovanja vzorca in zaradi reorganizacij ali drugih sprememb v poslovanju gostinstva nekatera podjetja ne ustrezajo zahtevam raziskovanja (še niso začela poslovati ali so prenehala poslovati, so v stečaju, ne opravljajo gostinske dejavnosti ...). Vsa ta podjetja štejemo kot neustrezna. Razmerje med številom ustreznih in številom v vzorec zajetih enot je izraženo s stopnjo ustreznosti. Ker se število neustreznih enot iz meseca v mesec lahko spreminja, se ustrezno spreminja tudi stopnja ustreznosti. Due to the method of creating the sample and due to reorganisation and other changes in operation, some enterprises do not meet survey requirements (have not started to operate, stopped their operations, are bankrupt, are not involved in the activity of hotels and restaurants, etc.). All these enterprises are labelled ineligible. The number of eligible units in the total number of units is the eligibility rate. The eligibility rate can change between months because of the changes in the number of ineligible units. Tudi število podjetij, ki odgovorijo na vprašalnik, niha iz meseca v mesec. Tista podjetja, ki ne odgovorijo, čeprav so ustrezna oziroma poslujejo, štejemo za manjkajoči odgovor. Razmerje med številom prejetih odgovorov in številom ustreznih enot v vzorcu je izraženo z deležem odgovorov. Delež odgovorov v januarju 2004 je obsegal 87,8 %, v februarju 84,8 %; stopnja ustreznosti pa je bila januarja 94,1-odstotna in februarja 93,8-odstotna. The number of enterprises that answer the questionnaire also changes between months. Those enterprises that do not respond are labelled non- response. The number of received responses in the total number of eligible units in the sample is the response rate. The response rate for January 2004 was 87.8%, for February 84.8%; the eligibility rate for January was 94.1% and for February 93.8%. V tabeli o delovnoaktivnih osebah so upoštevane vse, v opazovani dejavnosti (gostinstvo) zaposlene in samozaposlene osebe, ki so obvezno pokojninsko in zdravstveno zavarovane oziroma so v delovnem razmerju na območju RS. The Statistical Register of Employment covers all persons in paid employment in activity observed (Hotels and Restaurants) and self- employed persons who have compulsory pension and health insurance or are employed on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Definicije in druga pojasnila Definitions and other explanations Prihodek je skupni znesek, ki ga celotno podjetje obračuna za opravljene storitve (za prodajo blaga) v enem mesecu. Ne zajema davka na dodano Turnover is the total amount that the enterprises settled for performed services (sale of goods) in the month. It excludes the value-added tax, Statistične informacije, št. 168/2004 Rapid Reports No 168/2004 5 vrednost, morebitne prodaje osnovnih sredstev in drugih izrednih dohodkov. Prihodek je prikazan po tekočih cenah glede na obdobje izstavitve računa. eventual sale of fixed assets and other extra income. The turnover is shown at current prices of the month of invoicing. Velikostni razred podjetja je določen glede na število zaposlenih. Podjetja, v katerih dela do 50 oseb obravnavamo kot mala, podjetja v katerih dela med 51 in 250 oseb kot srednja, preostala podjetja pa kot velika. Size of the enterprise is defined in view of the number of persons employed. Enterprises with up to 50 employees are small, those with 51 to 250 employees are medium-sized and the rest are large. Delovnoaktivno prebivalstvo v SRDAP so zaposlene in samozaposlene osebe, ki so: Persons in employment in the Statistical Register of Employment are persons in paid employment and self-employed persons who: − obvezno pokojninsko in zdravstveno zavarovane oziroma so v delovnem razmerju na območju Republike Slovenije; − stare najmanj 15 let do upokojitve. − have compulsory pension and health insurance or are employed on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia; − are at least 15 years old and not retired. Delovno razmerje je lahko sklenjeno za določen ali nedoločen čas, s polnim delovnim časom ali z delovnim časom krajšim od polnega. Employment can be permanent or temporary, full time or part time. K delovnoaktivnemu prebivalstvu, ki je zajeto v tabeli, sodijo: Persons in employment covered in the table are: − osebe, ki so v delovnem razmerju (zaposlene osebe): pri podjetju, družbi, zavodu, drugi organizaciji; pri podružnicah tujih podjetij; izvoljeni ali imenovani nosilci javne ali družbene funkcije; matere z otrokom, ki delajo po posebnih predpisih; lastniki podjetij, ki jih osebno vodijo in niso zavarovani iz drugega naslova; od 1. 1. 1999 udeleženci javnih del; k zaposlenim osebam ne štejemo oseb, ki delajo v teh podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah po pogodbi o delu ali po avtorski pogodbi, in državljanov Republike Slovenije s stalno zaposlitvijo v slovenskih predstavništvih, gradbiščih ipd. v tujini. − osebe, ki so v delovnem razmerju (zaposlene osebe): pri osebah, ki opravljajo gospodarsko ali pridobitno dejavnost; pri osebah, ki opravljajo poklicno dejavnost kot edini ali glavni poklic; pri fizičnih osebah, ki uporabljajo dopolnilno delo drugih ljudi; − samozaposlene osebe: osebe, ki opravljajo gospodarsko ali pridobitno dejavnost (samostojni podjetniki posamezniki); osebe, ki opravljajo poklicno dejavnost kot edini ali glavni poklic (npr. samostojni raziskovalci). − persons in paid employed in enterprises, companies, institutions and other organisations or in subsidies of foreign enterprises, elected or appointed holders of public functions, mothers with children working under special regulations, owners or enterprises who run them personally and are not insured otherwise, and since 1 January 1999 people performing public works; persons in paid employment are not persons working in enterprises, companies and organisations via contracts for work and citizens of the Republic of Slovenia permanently employed in Slovene embassies, on construction sites, etc., abroad. − persons in paid employment at self-employed persons: at own account workers performing their activity as the only or principal occupation, and at natural persons using supplementary work of other people; − self-employed persons: persons performing economic or gainful activity (individual private entrepreneurs) and own account workers performing their activity as the only or principal occupation (e.g. independent researchers). Poročevalski datum, tj. datum, na katerega se nanašajo podatki iz SRDAP, je zadnji dan v poročevalskem (referenčnem) mesecu. Povprečje leta je dvanajstina seštevka podatkov vseh dvanajstih mesecev leta. The date that the data on persons in employment refer to is the last day of the observed month. The average of the year is one twelfth of the sum of the twelve months of the year. Za podrobnejša pojasnila v zvezi s podatki o delovnoaktivnih osebah se lahko obrnete na Oddelek za statistiko dela Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije. More detailed explanations on persons in employment are available at the Labour Statistics Department of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Obdelava podatkov Data processing Podjetjem, ki na vprašalnik ne odgovorijo, podatke ocenimo (pripišemo ali imputiramo) glede ne njihove podatke o prihodku in številu oseb, ki delajo, v prejšnjem mesecu ter glede na porezano povprečno razmerje med prihodkom v tekočem in prejšnjem mesecu tistih podjetij v isti stratumski celici, ki so odgovorila. Če ni odgovorilo, podjetju, ki je v vzorcu novo, podatke ocenimo s pomočjo ostalih odgovorov v isti stratumski celici ter njegovih registrskih podatkov. We estimate (impute) the data for enterprises which did not answer the questionnaire, taking into account their register data on turnover and number of persons working in them, and the levelled average ratio between the turnover in the current and the previous month of enterprises in the same stratum that answered the questionnaire. If an enterprise is new in the sample and did not answer, we estimate its data with the help of other answers in the same stratum and their register data. Podatki so uteženi zaradi verjetnosti izbora, uteži pa so nato še popravljene glede na razmerje rojstev in smrti v populaciji. Data are weighted because of probability of selection and weights are corrected for the ratio between dead and new-born units in population. Rezultate objavljamo v obliki indeksov. Results are published as indices. Indekse smo desezoniziral z metodo Tramo /Seats, ki temelji na ARIMA modelih. Pri oblikovanju modelov smo upoštevali časovno obdobje od januarja 1999 do januarja 2004. Desezonirane vrednosti so vrednosti, pri katerih je izključen vpliv sezone tj vrednosti, ki vsebujejo trend cikel in Indices are seasonally adjusted with the Tramo/Seats method based on ARIMA models. In designing the models we took into account the period from January 1999 to January 2004. The seasonally adjusted values on the influence of the season, which include the trend-cycle and random Statistične informacije, št. 168/2004 6 Rapid Reports No 168/2004 naključno komponento. component, are eliminated. Vpliv različnega števila delovnih dni in slovenskih praznikov v gostinstvu ni statistično značilen. The impact of working days and Slovenian holidays is not statistically significant for hotels and restaurants activity. Objavljamo tudi indekse nominalnih in indekse realnih vrednosti. Pri zadnjih izločimo spremembo cen tako, da nominalne indekse deflacioniramo z ustreznimi indeksi cen gostinskih storitev. We publish as well the value and volume indices. In volume indices we eliminated the change of prices by deflating the value indices with corresponding hotels and restaurants price indices. Koeficient variacije Coefficient of variation Za dva izmed objavljenih indeksov (primerjava mesec na pretekli mesec in mesec na isti mesec preteklega leta) je v tabelah objavljen tudi koeficient variacije (relativna standardna napaka). Standardna napaka ocene je izračunana s postopkom Taylorjeve linearizacije, prirejenim za primer ocene indeksa. Za lažjo primerjavo so v tabeli podani tudi povprečni koeficienti variacije v lanskem letu. For two indices (comparison month to previous month and month to the same month of the previous year) the coefficient of variation (relative standard error) is also published. Standard error of the estimation is calculated by Taylor’s linearization, adjusted for the case of index estimation. For better comparison also last year average coefficients of variation are published. Pomen koeficientov variacije: CV<10 %; podatek je zanesljiv, 10%30%; podatek ni primeren za objavo. The meaning of the coefficients of variation: CV<10 %; data are reliable, 10%30%; data are not relevant for publishing. Indeksi so objavljeni na ravni sestavljenih skupin dejavnosti, za katere so podatki še reprezentančni. Indices are published at the level of aggregates for which the data are still representative: Objavljene skupine Groups of Dejavnosti (razredi SKD), na katere se nanašajo objavljeni podatki Activities (classes of SKD) to which the published data relate Dejavnosti Activities Šifra Code Dejavnost Activities Gostinstvo skupaj Hotels and restaurants total 55. Gostinstvo skupaj Hotels and restaurants total nastanitve in z njimi povezane storitve overnight and corresponding services 55.10, 55.21, 55.22, 55.23 dejavnost hotelov in podobnih obratov; dejavnost planinskih domov in mladinskih prenočišč; dejavnost kampov; dejavnost drugih nastanitvenih obratov (otroških letovišč in sindikalnih domov, turističnih kmetij z nastanitvenimi zmogljivostmi ...) accommodation services supplied by hotels and similar facilities: youth hostels and mountain refuges, camping sites and other short-stay accommodation services (vacation facilities for children, company vacation facilities, tourism in villages, etc.) Priprava in serviranje jedi food serving services 55.30, 55.51, 55.52 dejavnost prehrambenih gostinskih obratov, dejavnost restavracij in gostiln, dejavnost okrepčevalnic, samopostrežnih restavracij, picerij, dejavnost slaščičarn, kavarn. dejavnost premičnih gostinskih obratov, dejavnost drugih prehrambenih obratov; gejavnost menz, priprava in dostava hrane food serving services in restaurants and inns, pubs and self-service restaurants, pizza parlours, confectioneries, cafes, mobile and other food serving facilities, canteens, and preparation and delivery of food. Točenje pijač Drinks serving services 55.40 točenje pijač in napitkov v barih in v drugih lokalih drinks serving services in bars and other drinks serving facilities Mesečni podatki so začasni. Popravljamo in dopolnjujemo jih praviloma za tri mesece nazaj, izjemoma za vse leto. Popravke in dopolnitve vključujemo v mesec opazovanja po sprejemu popravka. Monthly data are provisional. They are regularly corrected and updated for the last three months, exceptionally for the whole year. Supplements and data corrections are included in the month of observation after the date of correction. Končne podatke objavljamo enkrat letno (predvidoma v juliju za prejšnje leto). The final data are published once a year (presumably in July for the previous year). Statistične informacije, št. 168/2004 Rapid Reports No 168/2004 7 Objavljanje Publishing Mesečno: Prva statistična objava. Gostinstvo in turizem. Monthly: First Release. Hotels and Restaurants, Tourism Statistične informacije. Gostinstvo in turizem. Indeksi prihodka v gostinstvu. Rapid Reports. Hotels and Restaurants, Tourism. Indices of Turnover in Hotels and Restaurants. Mesečni statistični pregled Republike Slovenije. Monthly Statistical Review of the Republic of Slovenia. Letno: Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije Annually: Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia Sestavila / Prepared by: Vida Lipovšek Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Tehnični urednik Anton Rojc - Naklada 120 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Gostinstvo in turizem 1408-9297 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Technical editor Anton Rojc - Total print run 120 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Hotels and restaurants, tourism 1408-9297 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E- mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.