SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 Australia Post print approved i t"É PP 534387/00013 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 51 Spring / pomlad 2009 NEWSLETTER President's Address Having accepted your nomination, it is with pleasure that I write my first report as the new president of the Slovenian Club. As part of the new committee which was selected at the last elections, we optimistically and enthusiastically look forward to working hard for the future operation and well being of the club. Upcoming functions / prireditve at Slovenian Club Adelaide October 4 Picnic / Piknik at ..............Slovenian Club October 5 Bocce competition / ..............Balinanje October 21 Sunflower Day / Dan TTT., - , , , ..............Sončnic With fateful thanfa, we payJnMte to November Radio BBQ the outgoing committee and hope we can g conti™e their #ood wo*s in ferving the No^mber Sunflower Day / Dan members and friends of the Slovenian g Sončnic Club' November Sunflower Day / Dan Already, the committee is beginning to 18 ....... Sončnic share ideas on how we can positively impact on the development of our club NEW COMMITTEE into the future. We invite all members a new Slovenian Club Adelaide and friends, both young and old, to management committee was elected in forward any suggestions you may have to August for the 2009/2010 financial year. the committee' Our aim is to work as a we wish committee members all the best team to achieve the best possible future in carrying out their duties. for our club' Office bearers - We warmly invite all members, family and friends to continue their support of the club through their attendance on Sundays and at special events. It would be great to see you all there as it is a great opportunity for people to 'catch up'. There is a real sense of friendship and community spirit when we all gather together. I know you join with me in thanking all the people who worked on Father's Day in the bar and in preparing and serving dinner. I'm sure everyone would agree that it was delicious! Our thanks also go to the choir for entertaining us with sentimental Slovenian songs. It was much appreciated and enjoyed. I wish you all well and look forward to seeing you all at the club. God Bless, Danilo Kresevic President - Danilo Kresevič Vice-President - Milan Vrabec Secretary - Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer - Danica Kaluža Committee members - Branko Kresevič Antonia Zupančič Nikolas Kodele Ernest Sapač Milka Sapač Magda Rother Marjo Jenko Izidor Strgar Frank Končina Alda Batista Katica Segulin Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Danilo Kresevic Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo, Mladinska knjiga,, The Slovenia Times. Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.52 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). Slovenia South Australia Newsletter email contacts: rosemary.poklar@dsto. defence. gov. au Glasba - Music Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee is -President: Ivan Legiša Programmers/Editors (Presenters): (Sundays) Vida Končina, Cvetka Petrovski, Stanka Sintič; (Wednesdays) p Janez Tretjak, Rosemary Poklar (last Wednesday of the month) Delegates: Cvetka Petrovski, Rosemary Poklar Zbrane so nagovorili zunanji minister Samuel Žbogar, predsednik Danilo Türk in premier Borut Pahor foto: Foto Bobo Tune into FM 103.1mhz. Internet: The Slovenian program broadcasting in Adelaide for over 30 proud years. COMMITTEE LUNCH As a gesture of appreciation for all the hard work the previous Slovenian Club committee had undertaken over the past year a luncheon was held at the Buckingham Arms Hotel, Gilberton, on July 31. The high quality of the smorgasbord on offer was enjoyed by all. Prioriteti slovenske diplomacije gospodarstvo in Hrvaška Türk izpostavil geopolitični položaj Slovenije Ma.J./STA, 01.09.2009 Na Brdu pri Kranju so se na posvetu slovenske diplomacije zbrali veleposlaniki Slovenije po svetu. Uvodoma so jih nagovorili zunanji minister Samuel Žbogar, predsednik Danilo Türk in premier Borut Pahor. Brdo pri Kranju - Na Brdu pri Kranju so se danes na že 15. posvetu slovenske diplomacije zbrali veleposlaniki Slovenije po svetu. Uvodoma so jih nagovorili zunanji minister Samuel Žbogar, predsednik Danilo Türk in premier Borut Pahor, ki so ob tem predvsem izpostavili velik pomen gospodarske diplomacije, premier pa tudi rešitve spora s Hrvaško. Kot je zatrdil Pahor, je vlada odločena, da v reševanje gospodarske krize čim bolj vključi tudi diplomatski aparat in torej okrepi gospodarski del diplomacije. Zbrane veleposlanike, ki jih ima Slovenija že v skoraj 50 državah, je pozval, naj po svojih najboljših močeh pomagajo slovenskemu gospodarstvu in prispevajo h krepiti gospodarskega sodelovanj a. Kot drugi velik zalogaj, s katerim se sooča slovenska diplomacija, je Pahor izpostavil ureditev odnosov s sosednjo Hrvaško. Kot je namreč ocenil, bi rešitev vprašanja meje med državama močno razbremenilo slovensko zunanjo politiko in slovenske diplomate po svetu ter jim omogočilo, da to energijo usmerijo drugam, med drugim na Zahodni Balkan. Predsednik republike je v svojem razmisleku o poslanstvu Slovenije v svetu danes izpostavil predvsem izjemno dober geopolitični položaj Slovenije in pa možnost naše države, da v mednarodni skupnosti odigra določeno povezovalno vlogo. Slednje ji poleg omenjenega geopolitičnega položaja omogoča tudi dober diplomatski talent. Da imamo v Sloveniji dobro diplomacijo, ki je uspešno opravila vrsto zahtevnih nalog in lahko s ponosom in optimizmom zre v prihodnost, so si bili soglasni tako predsednik Türk kot tudi premier Pahor in minister Žbogar. Obenem pa so se strinjali, da je potreben, še posebej v sedanjih kriznih časih, temeljit premislek o sami strategiji slovenske zunanje politike in temeljih diplomacije. Economy and Croatia Top Priorities for Diplomats Tuesday, 01.09.2009 Brdo pri Kranju - The promotion of economic diplomacy and resolution of the border dispute with Croatia were highlighted as priorities for Slovenian diplomacy as the country's ambassadors from abroad gathered for their annual consultation at Brdo pri Kranju. Slovenian ambassadors gather at Brdo pri Kranju President Danilo Tuerk, Prime Minister Borut Pahor and Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar addressed the ambassadors, operating in nearly 50 countries worldwide, with Pahor urging them to help the Slovenian economy and contribute to a boost in economic cooperation. Pahor said the government was determined to involve the diplomatic apparatus as much as possible in the efforts to overcome the economic crisis, and was intent on strengthening the economic aspect of diplomacy. He also called on the ambassadors to tackle difficulties they are facing in boosting economic diplomacy in collaboration with officials in Slovenia and to look intensively for new opportunities for strengthening economic cooperation. The other major task for Slovenian diplomacy is tackling relations with Croatia. Pahor said the resolution of the border dispute would very much take the pressure off foreign policy and diplomats abroad and enable them to direct this energy elsewhere, including the Western Balkans. continued on page 5 OČETOV DAN - FATHER'S DAY Slovenian Club on Sunday August 30 celebrated this important occasion with a deliciou s barbeque, great company and Slovenian Choir Adelaide performing a number of songs. We wish all our father's a long and healthy life. Jože Zorman and Frank Lavrenčič Anica Strgar exhibiting her paintings Card game - Nik Kodele, Jože Pahor, Stefan Ivančič and Izidor Strgar Alojz Hrvatin and Alojz Mahne Rudi Perkovič and family Claudio Karsini and Jože Jamnik Tone Ivančič - good shot! Štefan Gabršek and Ivan Legiša Ivan Cafuta, Frank Končina and Štefan Gabršek Mario Jenko and Milan Čeligoj Konstantin Kram ar and Franc Goyak continued from page 2 Pahor's July meeting with his counterpart Jadranka Kosor brought a framework for reaching an agreement on resolving the border dispute by the end of the year and deblocking the neighbour's EU accession talks. This is quite a challenge, Pahor said, adding that success was possible, however not guaranteed. President Tuerk highlighted Slovenia's good geopolitical position and its opportunity to play a connecting role in the international community, also owing to its "good diplomatic talent". Slovenia's connecting role for the Western Balkans might be smaller than it seems and than it used to be, however Slovenia can still succeed with well weighted ideas and actions in Central Europe as well as the EU's relations with Russia. He emphasised the importance of identifying Slovenia's international role with progressive initiatives, especially in areas such as human rights, humanitarianism and intercultural dialogue. Such initiatives might sometimes seem too abstract, they however prove to be essential for the country's recognition in the world in the long run, Tuerk said. Tuerk, Pahor and Zbogar agreed that Slovenia had good diplomats, who had successfully completed many demanding tasks and could look forward to future with optimism and pride. The officials also shared the view that the time of current economic turmoil in particular called for a thorough reflection on the strategy of Slovenian foreign policy and the foundations of diplomacy. Tuerk noted that in these times the tasks of Slovenian diplomacy should be looked at from a deeper and broader aspect. Other themes on the agenda are Slovenia's strategy in the international community, especially regarding the Western Balkans, where Slovenia sees its added value; development aid as an important tool in diplomacy; as well as the Foreign Ministry's internal organisation, according to Minister Zbogar. Najstarejši očka na svetu! Indija, 12.09.2009 Čeprav ima indijski kmet Nanu Ram Jogi že 90 let, ga to ne ovira pri razmnoževanju. Še vedno ima namreč dovolj moči, da poskrbi za zadostno število svojih potomcev. Najstarejši oče na svetu je še kar pri močeh! (Foto: Pred časom je namreč že najmanj enaindvajsetič postal očka! Ponosni Indijec, ki je pred kratkim dobil dojenčka s svojo četrto ženo, pravi, da niti slučajno še ni zaključil s povečevanjem družine. Še več, optimistično poudarja, da bo nadaljeval z razmnoževanjem še vsaj do svojega 100. rojstnega dne. Dodaj a še, da ni povsem prepričan, koliko otrok že ima s svojimi štirimi ženami. Pravi, da ima najmanj dvanajst sinov in devet hčera, ima pa tudi že dvajset vnukov. Vas zanima, koliko je stara najstarejša mati na svetu? Preberite si na! sala FESTIVAL The South Australian Living Arts (sala) Festival was held between 7 - 23 August and included new paintings by Daniel Leš and his wife Melanie Leš. Daniel and Melanie's exhibit was held in the historic Adelaide Arcade. Daniel Les with his painting called Mosh Daniel has been a professional artist for the past 20 years and his style is centred on abstract and he works with acrylic and oil on canvas, and oil pastel on paper. His paintings are quite rich in colour and striking. Daniel undertakes field trips to sketch ideas (his sketch book is flowing with ideas) and these ideas are then brought to fruition on canvas in his home studio. He can work on as many as six paintings at a time, either waiting for paint to dry on one while working on another work, or with inspiration hitting on new ideas necessitating work on another painting. TT I I HH The time required to complete paintings varies, with major works taking up to two months to complete. Daniel exhibits his paintings in other parts of Australia and in New Zealand. Daniel's sketch book Daniel comes from an artistic family with his father Tomo an artist and his sister Patricia an architect, who is currently working in London. Bird painting by Melanie Leš You can see more of Daniel's art on his website: Adrian Vatovec Slovenski muzej in arhiv /Slovenian Museum & Archives Opened in Cleveland, USA Slovenski muzej in arhiv / Slovenian Museum & Archives, Cleveland photo Philip Hrvatin Slovenski muzej in arhiv (SMA) je nepridobitna ustanova, katere namen je na različne načine in v mnogih oblikah ohranj ati kulturno dediščino in s tem narodno zavest Slovencev v Ameriki in Clevelandu. V okviru SMA bodo delovali sprejemni center, muzej, arhiv, knjižnica in kinoteka. V sodelovanju z novonastalim Centrom za slovenske študije, ki ravno v tem času začenja z delovanjem na Državni univerzi Cleveland, bo SMA služil kot neprecenljiv vir za studijsko delo zgodovinarjev, raziskovalcev, študentov, rodoslovcev, šolarjev in druržin. SMA je edina moržna rešitev v času, ko se je večina slovenske skupnosti v Clevelandu znašla v nezavidljivem in prelomnem položaju. Pripadniki prvega in celo drugega rodu Slovencev v ZDA nas (pre)hitro zapuščajo, marsikje mladih ni, s tem pa je v nevarnosti materialna kulturna dediščina in z njo tudi naša skupna slovenska zgodovina in zavest. Slovenci v Clevelandu imamo to srečo in čast, da so v naših domovih shranjene številne umetnine, ročna dela, knjige, dokumenti in druge dragocenosti iz časov priseljevanja ter nastajanja in delovanja različnih slovenskih skupnosti. V sebi skrivajo tudi neštete skrivnosti in zgodbe o tem, kako smo ustvarjali Cleveland in Ameriko. Našim prednikom in potomcem, našim družinam in našemu slovenskemu, pa tudi ameriškemu narodu smo dolžni povedati svojo zgodbo! Slovenski Cleveland, največja naselbina Slovencev zunaj uradnih meja matične domovine, z lastnim muzejem in arhivom ustvarja tudi lastno srce, dom, v katerem bo v prid prihodnosti slovenstva shranjena naša izjemno bogata kulturna preteklost in se bo odvijala naša nič manj bogata sedanjost. SMA je zadnji vlak v prihodnost. Ne zamudite ga! SMA is a non-profit (501 c3) organization whose mission is to preserve and share Slovenian ethnic identity and its various migration experiences in a sophisticated, multifunctional and interactive dwelling. SMA will provide an educational, cultural and literary resource for families and will include an archives, library, museum and cinematheque. In conjunction with the newly opened Slovenian Studies Center based at Cleveland State University, SMA will render invaluable services to historians, researchers, students and genealogists. The Slovenian Museum and Archives (SMA) provides a resolution to the critical situation in the Slovenian Community of Cleveland today. We are rapidly losing our beloved ancestors, and we are faced with the real possibility of losing our ethnic history and identity as well. We are the privileged inheritors of a legacy, not only of precious pieces of rich, ethnic, artistic and linguistic works, but also of a compelling story of migrating and thriving in America and in our City of Cleveland. We have an obligation to our ancestors, our families and to history to tell our story. Slovenian Cleveland, the largest community of Slovenians outside of Slovenia, is now building its heart, a home, in which our rich and diversified legacy can be preserved and celebrated with our minds set on the future. This is SMA. Be a part of it. Museum Hours: Wed, Fri, Sat: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Thurs: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Slovenian Museum and Archives 6407 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 Website: Cancer Survival Rate in Slovenia Increasing Wednesday, 02.09.2009 Ljubljana - Survival of cancer patients in Slovenia increased by 12 percentage points in the 1991-2005 period, a study by the Ljubljana Oncology Institute, the country's leading cancer treatment hospital, shows. However, Slovenia is still behind the EU average survival rate by three percentage points. g A Chances for survival are two and a half times higher if a patient is treated in a specialised hospital than in general hospitals, the study published in a book "Survival of Cancer Patients in Slovenia in 1991-2005" also reveals. From 2001 to 2005 the most common cancers (breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers) comprised 61% of all cancer cases. In a decade, the survival rate with these types of cancer went up by 10%. Survival rate increased the most with prostate, colon and breast cancers, but it nevertheless remains below EU average, according to Maja Primic Zakelj, responsible for the cancer registry at the institute. The country is however above EU average when it comes to treating some rare types of cancer, like testicular cancer, where the success of the treatment is almost 100%, and thyroid cancer. The study ironically concludes that some of the types of cancers that have the lowest survival rate, like lung and throat cancers, could be prevented by healthy lifestyle. In the period 1991-2005, the five-year survival rate of cancer patients increased from 40% to 52%. Since the population is aging, the number of older patients is increasing and their five-year survival rate is lower than with younger people. An EUROCARE study into cancer patients in 1995-2002 shows the survival of Slovenian children and adolescents, which comprise less than 1% of all cancer patients, matches EU average. Their five-year survival is relatively higher than that of adults. The hospital's medical director, Janez Zgajnar, commented on the study by saying that setting up more hospitals specialised in cancer treatment is the key to a more successful treatment. He also called for a better supervision over cancer treatment in general hospitals. The Health Ministry is to regulate this with a national health programme which it is working on currently. UK Gold Medal for Best Small Garden Goes to Slovenia Pepa's Karst Garden of the Slovenian designer Borut Benedejcic was awarded a gold medal in the category of Best Small Garden at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, 7-12 July 2009, organised by Royal Horticultural Society. Pepa's Karst Garden. Source: This garden represents the entrance and courtyard of a typical farmhouse in the Slovenian Karst region. The main elements are of hand-crafted stone - the 200-year-old restored well, the paving and the roof slates, which all create interest during the long winters. Its aim is to increase awareness of the need to protect and preserve the Karst natural and cultural heritage and to recognise the Karst plateau as an example of a landscape where the art of stone cutting is typical in gardens, combined with hardy plants. Deklice se bojijo Darth Vaderjevega glasu Ma. J., 15.09.2009 Edinburg - Raziskava škotskih znanstvenikov iz univerze St. Andrews je pokazala, da se dekleta v otroštvu bojijo globokih glasov, kot ga ima na primer Darth Vader, lik iz Vojne zvezd. Strah pa se v puberteti spremeni v radovednost, ko začnejo globoki glasovi dekleta privlačiti. Psihologi so tako ugotovili, da so najstnice takrat močno naklonjene fantom, ki zvenijo podobno kot soul pevec Barry White, učinek pa je najbolj opazen pri dekletih, ki so fizično bolj razvita od vrstnic. Deklice se bojijo Darth Vaderjevega glasu V raziskavo je bilo vključenih več kot 300 deklet med enajstim in petnajstim letom starosti, izvedli pa so jo s pomočjo računalniške manipulacije glasu in obrazov. Ena izmed deklic je psihologom povedala, da globoke glasove povezuje s filmskimi zlobneži kot je Darth Vader. Vodja raziskave Tamsin Saxton je pojasnila, da se percepcija tistega, kar nas privlači, začne spreminjati v najstniških letih. „Takrat se naučimo, kaj je pri partnerju privlačno," je dejala. Slovenia Remembers Reunification of Primorska Region Monday, 14.09.2009 Kobarid - Slovenia remembers on 15 September the reunification of the western Primorska region with Slovenia. The state ceremony, which is taking place for the fifth time since the day was made into a national holiday in 2005, will be held in Kobarid on the eve of the holiday, with Prime Minister Borut Pahor as the keynote speaker. Slovenia regained the region under the Paris Peace Treaty, which took effect in the night from 15 to 16 September 1947. In line with the treaty, Italy returned lands annexed after WWI, including around 4,000 sq. kilometres of what is now the western Slovenian region of Primorska. In the eyes of Slovenian people, 15 September represents a partial end to the national tragedy that began in 1920, when Italy annexed the lands that had been inhabited by a majority Slovenian population. A large part of Primorsko and Istria and the islands of the Adriatic Sea were then returned to Yugoslavia, even though the efforts for the liberation and return of the Primorska Region began as early as 1918 as a result of Italian opression. Under Fascist rule, the Slovenian population in the areas annexed by Italy was exposed to Italianisation, discrimination and violence. The resistance movement intensified during WWII, as Italy waged war on Yugoslavia and occupied parts of Slovenia, including the capital Ljubljana. In 1943, the return of Primorsko became one of the main aims of the Slovenian National Liberation Struggle, as the resistance movement was termed, after the capitulation of Italy and the subsequent German occupation of the areas. Although Yugoslav forces managed to recapture all the territory west of Ljubljana up to Trieste by May 1945, what many Slovenians saw as the liberation of the Primorska Region was halted by the arrival of Allied powers. The most problematic aspect for the West was Yugoslav control of Trieste, as it was feared that the strategic port city would later be used to serve Soviet interests. The Paris Peace Treaty was seen as a compromise. "During the peace negotiations Yugoslavia's only trump card was the National Liberation Movement (NOB) whose importance was never denied. However, in a situation marked by the Cold War, the NOB was no longer relevant. What counted was which side are you on," historian Joze Piijevec said about the negotiations. Although Slovenians had hoped for the return of Trieste at a later date, the city became part of Italy under the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Italy and Yugoslavia in London on 5 October 1954. Meanwhile, the area around Koper and the access to open seas became part of Yugoslavia and subsequently Slovenia. The Kobarid Walk of Peace is dedicated to the memory of the multitude of casualties of the First World War. Its purpose is to present to visitors the cultural-historical points of interest and natural amenities of the Upper Soča region. It starts at Log pod Mangartom, at the entrance to the mine shaft called Štoln, and it ends with the outdoor museum on Mengore hill near Most na Soči. Pehtranova potica po starih receptih Gostje prihajajo na turistično kmetijo Stoglej v Podveži, ki jo vodi Milena Marolt, zaradi lepega okolja, prijaznosti, predvsem pa Milenine izvrstne kuhinje, iz katere vedno vabljivo diši. Pehtranova (tarragon) potica Sestavine: • 1 kg moke • 40 g kvasa • 80 g masla • 80 g sladkorja • 3 jajca • žlica ruma • 6 dl mleka • žlička soli Nadev: • 2 pesti pehtrana (tarragon) • 200 g masla • 120 g sladkorja • 3 jajca • 5 žlic drobtin • 2,5 dl sladke smetane Priprava: 1 V skodelico zdrobimo kvas, prilijemo štiri žlice mlačnega mleka, dodamo žličko sladkorja in žličko moke. Zmešamo in postavimo na toplo, da vzhaja. 2 Medtem penasto zmešamo maslo, jajca in sladkor, dodamo mlačno mleko in sol. Iz pripravljenega vzhajanega kvasa, moke in drugih sestavin zamesimo ne pregosto testo in ga stepamo tako dolgo, da se loči od sklede in kuhalnice. Pokrijemo ga s prtičem in pustimo, da vzhaja. 3 Za nadev umešamo rumenjake s sladkorjem in maslom. Dodamo smetano in sneg iz beljakov ter drobtine. 4 Vzhajano testo razvaljamo za prst debelo, namažemo s pripravljenim nadevom, potresemo s sesekljanim pehtranom, tesno zvijemo in položimo v pomaščen in pomokan pekač. Z nožem nekajkrat prebodemo potico in jo postavimo na toplo, da še enkrat vzhaja. 5 Pred peko jo premažemo s stepenim jajcem in postavimo v ogreto pečico. Pečemo jo eno uro pri 190 °C. Jedilnik Milene Marolt That's Funny Slovenian joke from Reader's Digest magazine. As they leave the court, a lawyer turns to his grim-faced client and says, "Janez, what's wrong? You were acquitted." "I know," says Janez, "but now I'm really in trouble. I just rented out my apartment for three years." SOLEMN OPENING: A CELEBRATION OF FRIENDSHIP Festival Maribor 3-13 September 2009 Impressive solemn opening night witnessed by packed audience with many prominent guests as well as music lovers from other European countries and a good number of visitors from Australia. One of Australia's most senior businesswomen and well known arts patrons, Janet Holmes a Court will be staying once again in Maribor for the entire length of the 10 day festival to enjoy the 20 high standard concerts delivered in various concert venues in Maribor and surrounding areas. Vinko Rizmal with Janet Holmes a Court 8 The highlight of the opening night of Festival Maribor was performed by about 85 members of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, impressively conducted by the Slovak conductor Juraj Valcuha and other participating guest artists. Among them was Australian violinist, conductor and composer and at the same time Festival Maribor's Artistic Director Richard Tognetti. Richard Tognetti (standing) with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. The opening concert was an excellent performance enjoyed by the packed audience in the large hall of the Maribor Opera house. The impressive program with works from Anton von Webern, Johannes Brahms and Gustav Mahler (Symphony No.1 in D- Major -"TITAN") ... was just impressive, especially as not too often do we have an opportunity to listen to Mahler's masterpiece live. Maribor Opera house I must congratulate Festival Maribor director Brigita Pavlic and her team to put together once again impressive musical events of high standard with so many artists from different parts of the world. Vinko Rizmal SAATCE - projects Coordinator DRMC - Board member September 7, 2009 KNJIGE - BOOKS SiddhartaSaga Months of planning and preparation resulted in a multimedia project, entitled SiddhartaSaga. It opened in the fall of 2008 with the first visit to the studio recording the first three tracks for the new album and the project will span well into 2009, making it almost a year long event. During this time the band will not only record the album but will record it under the eyes of their fans, who can monitor the progress of the journey any time over a special website dedicated to the project. Seen & Heard ZGODOVINA - 30 € ugodneje v prednaročilu Zgodovina bo spremenila vaš pogled na preteklost. Naš razvoj in napredek prikazuje iz vseh zornih kotov. Raziskuje ključne dogodke, odločilne ideje, politične sile, pomembne posameznike in tehnološke preboje, ki so oblikovali zgodbo človeka. Izčrpno o najpomembnejših dogodkih, prelomnicah in osebnostih Privlačno s pomočjo več kot 3000 izjemnih slik, fotografij in ilustracij Celovito od prvih lovcev v Afriki do podnebnih sprememb Objektivno, brez ideoloških sodb in samo s pomočjo neizpodbitnih dejstev Zgodovina bo spremenila vaš pogled na knjige o preteklosti. Pozabite na dolgočasne stolpiče pustega besedila, polnega letnic, ki si jih je nemogoče zapomniti. Več kot 600 strani privlačnega besedila, obogatenega z izjemnim slikovnim gradivom, zanimivimi pričevanji, osupljivimi zgodovinskimi statističnimi podatki in neverjetnimi, a resničnimi dejstvi vas bo prepričalo, da piše zgodovina najbolj napete zgodbe. ZGOŠČENKE - CDs Follow the Saga on: http ://www. See video clips of your favourite Slovenian artists on YouTube. You (2® FACEBOOK Facebook is a good social medium for connecting with friends and relatives on the internet, and perhaps even finding relatives that you did not know existed. Facebook is so popular now that if it was a country it would be the 4th largest in the world. China, India and the United States occupy the first three positions. Slovenian artists have a presence on Facebook, and perhaps you may think of connecting with them. Two popular ones are Neisha, and Gal Gjurin. Neisha-Neža Buh Janez Menart Ljubljana - An exhibition marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of one of the most popular Slovenian poets Janez Menart (1929-2004) opened at the National University Library in Ljubljana on September 3. Poet Tone Pavcek said on the occasion that poets and faithful friends did not die but remained with people after death. Pavcek will remember Menart for the desire and maturing they shared. Pavcek also highlighted Menart's dedication to translating world literature. According to him, Menart was the most prolific translator of the time as well as the best one. Menart was born in Maribor on 29 September 1929. He graduated in the Slovenian language and comparative literature. He first worked as a proofreader, dramaturge, and head of the puppet department at Triglav Film. Later he got a job with the public broadcaster RTV Ljubljana, now RTV Slovenija. Menart received several awards for his poetry and translations, including the Preseren Award in 1979, which is the highest national award in recognition of artistic achievement. He died on 22 January 2004 in Ljubljana. New premises of the National and University Library (NUK) located near Ljubljana's BTC shopping district were opened by Culture Minister Majda Sirca in August. The new archive facilities and digital centre are an important contribution to the country's main library, she said. - r SlDDHARTA ■■Napalm 3 • Gal Gjurin ..«TT" Inauguration of new premises of the National and University Library (NUK); (pictured) Culture Minister Majda Sirca and NUK Director Lenart Setinc. Photo: Tamino Petelinsek/STA Archives, both digital and physical, are an important treasury of history, but have not been properly up-dated in recent years, Sirca pointed out. Major archives across the country will be renovated, while digitalisation is a priority, she added. The new computer centre and communication hub are "extremely important contributions" to the national library, the minister noted. The size and the importance of digital data are increasing and NUK has to provide suitable conditions for safe long-term storage of the data. Source: Slovenian hammer thrower Primoz Kozmus, the reigning Olympic and world champion, improved his and Slovenian record in hammer-throw to 82.58 m at a meeting in Celje on September 2, also setting a new season best. While he improved on his previous record by 28 centimetres, Kozmus is still far from his greatest ambition - setting a new world record in hammer-throw. The mark was set at 86.74 metres by Yuriy Sedykh in Stuttgart in 1986. Slovenia ranks among the world's cleanest countries, a survey by US researchers has shown. On the list of 140 countries, Slovenia ranked 15th, the news portal reported. According to the survey by US Columbia and Yale universities, which developed an index to highlight the cleanest countries, Switzerland is the world's cleanest country, while the poorest African countries headed by Nigeria are at the bottom of the list. Among the top ten are also Norway, Sweden, Finland, Costa Rica, Austria, New Zealand, Latvia, Columbia and France. The other Slovenian neighbours have ranked behind Slovenia, with Croatia placing 20th, Hungary 23rd and Italy 24th. Countries were assessed on the basis of the Environmental Performance Index which measures the effects of pollution on human health in 25 categories ranging from air and water quality to biodiversity and the use of pesticides. BUSINESS SLOVENIA The market of IT (Information Technology) services in Slovenia expanded by 20% in 2008 compared to the year before, its value amounting to US$ 370m, according to an analysis of the IDC market research and analysis firm. IDC however believes that the growth could be even steeper were it not for the economic crisis. *** The parliamentary Environment Committee backed the government's decision that Italian land-based gas terminal planned just off the border with Slovenia was unacceptable for Slovenia. Members of the committee pointed out that there were environmental risks that could cause irreparable damage in north Adriatic. Panorama of Portoroz. Source: The Economy Ministry is rather satisfied with this year's tourist season, as it is the second best in Slovenia's history, the head of the ministry's Tourism Directorate, Marjan Hribar, said on Thursday. The number of overnight stays in the first seven months dropped by 4% compared to last year, but Hribar pointed out that last year Slovenia hosted several events as part of its stint as EU president. Almost all tourist destinations observed a rise in overnight stays between January and July, with the exception of Bled and Ljubljana, which were the most visited destinations during the presidency. According to Hribar, good results are the result of effective promotion, which has been especially evident at home. Slovenian spas " are practically the strongest pillar" of Slovenian tourism, Hribar said, noting they have proven they can compete on the international market. Among foreign tourists, the greatest number of overnight stays is still generated by Italians (19%), followed by Austrians (13%) and Germans (11%). Guests from Croatia are fourth in the number of overnight stays. SLOVENIANS ON LINKEDIN Find Slovenian professional and business connections on the internet at LinkedIn -www. linkedin. com/ Linked B^o © Bozena Herzog is Managing Director of Gorenje, Slovenia. Bozena's work covers sales and marketing in the Slovenian market. Gorenje is a major manufacturer of household appliances and has its Head Office located in Velenje, Slovenia. The company is represented in 70 countries worldwide with the largest concentration in Europe. As of 2008 Gorenje had 11,410 employees and revenue of EUR1.33bn. biz Slovenia Friends of Slovenia LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Spoštovani ! Vaš naslov sem našla na strani Stičišče avstralskih Slovencev. Prosim za pomoč pri iskanju dopisne prijateljice. Rada bi si dopisovala v slovenščini z dekletom iz Avstralije, starim okoli 12 let. Moje ime je Naška Schenk, stara sem 12 let in živim v Ljubljani. Obiskujem 7. razred osnovne šole. Zelo rada berem, prav tako igram kljunasto flavto. Rada imam naravo in živali. Prosim Vas, če mi lahko pošljete kakšen naslov. Že vnaprej se Vam iskreno zahvaljujem in vas lepo pozdravljam Naška Schenk Moj naslov: Naška Schenk Ul. Ivice Pirjevčeve 30 SLO-1211 Lj.- Šmartno *** Dear Adrian, I wish to congratulate you and your coworkers for the Newsletter 50, Slovenia. On twelve pages, I find a wealth of important, current, interesting, encouraging, and factual information covering events and successes of Slovenes in Australia, Slovenia, and around the world. This is definitely an achievement that you can be proud off. Reading about music, choral groups, books old and new - including announcement of my book Resistance -web sites of special interest, and rich photo selections, all this means much to me living outside any Slovene community. With warm greetings and best wishes, Metod Milac New York, USA *** Hello Adrian, I look at your newsletter created halfway around the world and I feel like I'm at home. Is the newsletter available on a website? If so, I can direct my readers to it. If not, I can post it on our site. Regards, Philip Hrvatin Senior Editor Slovenian American Times Cleveland, Ohio, USA CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Sam and Rebeca Baxter (nee Pistor) a son Alex. Born July 30, 2009. Birthday - Rojstni dan August - Olga Hrvatin, Davor Pavlin-Premrl (21st) September - Nicole Jesenko (18th), Marj an Podobnik Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Laura Premrl • pp-*' • v"*. - ■Hilvf'' Born in Renče (near Nova Gorica), Slovenia, March 9, 1950. Passed away in Adelaide, August 29, 2009. Aged 59 years. Beloved mother of Davor. Daughter of Stefanija and Anton (deceased), sister of Boris and aunty of Lilly and Jake. Mamica, I hope you knew how much I loved you, as I certainly always knew the depth of your love. I could never repay you for what you gave me: life, love and opportunities that you could only have dreamt of in your own childhood. All I can do is endeavour to make the best of what you gave me, and that I promise to do. My sincere thanks to the Mary Potter hospice. I am also truly grateful to the loyal and trusted friends who were of immeasurable help to my Mum when I could not be there. Davor *** Laura Premrl was a significant contributor to the South Australian Slovenian community with her activity in teaching, radio broadcasting, presenter at events such as Cultural Day (often with her son Davor), editorial (Slovenian Club Adelaide 40th Anniversary book 19571997) and lyric writing (Slovenski Dom). Laura was a teacher by profession, she taught at Aberfoyle Park High School, and her lifelong passion was learning languages and imparting this knowledge onto others. In total she spoke an amazing seven languages: Slovenian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. She started studying the most difficult of these languages, Chinese, at the age of 40 by taking her baby son Davor to China for 10 months and studying the language there. Totally immersing herself in Chinese culture. In South Australia she was a member of the Chinese Language Teachers' Association. A good teacher is like a candle -it consumes itself to light the way for others. Dober učitelj je kot sveča - iztrošti sebe, da razsvetli življenske poti drugih. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $400.00 non-members: $850.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $180.00 non-members: $300.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $550.00 non-members: $1100.00 Further information phone - President: 8340 7010 Secretary: 8344 4757_ USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sunday Dinner from 6.00pm 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). President - Danilo Kresevič Vice-President - Milan Vrabec Secretary - Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer - Danica Kaluža Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8121 3869 fax: 8346 2903 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00am Pater Janez Tretjak 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 internet: Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Ivan Burnik Legiša President Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) St. George's Building Level 6, 60 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra ACT 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: Gregor Kozovinc Charge d'Affaires a.i. Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Komenskega 11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 230 8000 fax: +386 1 230 8017 email: internet: Bostjan Žekš Minister for Slovenians Abroad Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants The portal offers up-to-date information on Slovenians abroad and the work of the Slovenian government. Internet: Sveta Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu (Government Council for Slovenians abroad) Sydney representative: Florjan Auser email: Melbourne representative: Peter Mandelj email: The Council meets annually in July in Slovenia. The objective of the Council is to preserve Slovenian culture, identity and language among Slovenians abroad. SBS Radio SBS Radio Sydney Locked Bag 028 Crows Nest NSW 1585 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9949 2121 email: Tuesday and Sunday programs can be heard on SBS Radio 1 digital at 8.00 -9.00am. The program is repeated at 10.00am. Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesday's program at 9.00 - 10.00am on Adelaide FM 106.3 mhz or Adelaide Foothills FM 95.1 mhz Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio podcast: nguage=Slovenian Presenters: Tania Smrdel (Sydney), Lenti Lenko and Pavel Šraj (Melbourne) Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Od leta 1956 organizira vsakoletna izseljenska srečanja (piknike) imenovana "Srečanje v moji deželi" Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Florjan Auser Administrator Radio Slovenija 1 Oddaja Slovencem po svetu. Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 9.05pm -10.05pm Internet radio: d=rtvoddajeradio&op=show&func=read& c_menu=1&c_id=48 RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 9.30pm (Slovenian time) tokens=slovenski+magazin chive.php The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 '/2 (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 YOGA at Slovenian Club on Sunday afternoons. Everyone is welcome.