Informatica 42 (2018) 401–405 401 Improved Local Search Based Approximation Algorithm for Hard Uniform Capacitated k-Median Problem Sapna Grover, Neelima Gupta and Aditya Pancholi Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, India E-mail:,, Keywords: NP completeness, approximation algorithm, k-median problem Received: January 7, 2017 In this paper, we study the hard uniform capacitatedk - median problem. We give (5 + ) factor approxi- mation for the problem using local search technique, violating cardinality by a factor of 3. Though better results are known for the problem using LP techniques, local search algorithms are well known to be sim- pler. There is a trade-off viz-a-viz approximation factor and cardinality violation between our result and the result of Korupolu et al. [10] which is the only result known for the problem using local search. They gave (1 + ) approximation factor with (5 + 5= ) factor loss in cardinality. In a sense, our result is an improvement as they violate the cardinality by more than a factor of 6 to achieve 5 factor in approximation. Though in their result, the approximation factor can be made arbitrarily small, cardinality loss is at least 5 and small approximation factor is obtained at a big loss in cardinality. Thus, we improve upon their result with respect to cardinality. Povzetek: Obravnavan je NP problem optimiranja iskanja k median in predlagana izvirna rešitev, ki dosega boljše rezultate v doloˇ cenih primerjavah. 1 Introduction k - Median Problem is one of the well studied NP-hard optimization problem. The input instance consists of a set of clients, a set of facilities, a non-negative numberk and a non-negative cost of connecting a facility to a client. The goal is to select a set of at mostk facilities as centers and assign clients to them such that the total cost of serving the clients from centers is minimum. Several versions of the problem exist in literature with different properties, the most common being Un- capacitated k Median Problem (UkM) and Capacitated k Median Problem (CkM). In the former case, each facility has infinite capacity (i.e. there is no limit on the amount of demand it can serve) in comparison to finite capacity in the latter case. In CkM, capacities may be soft or hard. In soft capacitated version, multiple copies of a facility can be opened at a location whereas in case of hard capacities, each facility is either opened at some location or not. Also, the capacities may be uniform or non-uniform. In the for- mer case, all facilities have the same capacity in contrast to the latter one where-in different facilities have different capacities. Another variation of CkM is with respect to assignments of clients to facilities: in un-splittable assign- ments, the entire demand of a client has to be served by only one facility, in comparison to splittable assignments in which the demand of a client can be split among multi- ple facilities. Several techniques have been used to obtain results for the problem. One of the most widely used technique to ap- proximate the problem is LP Rounding ([4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14]). Charikar et al. [7] gave a 20=3 factor approxi- mation algorithm for UkM, which was further improved to 3:25 factor by Charikar and Li in [8]. Li and Svensson [14] further improved the ratio to 1 + p 3 + . Their algorithm has a running time of O(n (1= 2 ) ). Obtaining a constant approximation factor for CkM problem without violating capacity constraint and cardinal- ity constraint is challenging as natural LP of the problem is known to have an unbounded integrality gap. Approxima- tion results violate either capacity constraint or cardinality constraint, or both. Cardinality violation: Li [12] gave a novel linear pro- gram called rectangle LP and presented an improved ap- proximation algorithm (exp(O(1= 2 ))) using at most (1 + )k facilities for hard uniform CkM problem. The running time of the algorithm is n O(1) , where the constant in the exponent does not depend on . He then extended this re- sult to non-uniform soft capacitated variant of the problem in [13] and gave an (O(1= 2 log(1= ))) approximation fac- tor bounding softness by a factor of 2. The algorithm has a running time ofn O(1= ) . Capacity violation: Charikar et al. [7] gave a 16 factor approximation algorithm for hard uniform CkM violating capacities by a factor of 3 in case of splittable demands and 4 in case of un-splittable demands. In 2015, Byrka et al. [4] gave anO(1= ) approximation algorithm violat- ing capacities by a factor of (3 + ) for hard non-uniform CkM. Demirci et al. [9] improved the approximation ratio toO(1= 5 ) with capacity violation of (1 + ) for the same 402 Informatica 42 (2018) 401–405 S. Grover et al. version of the problem. The running time of their algorithm isn O(1= ) . Recently, Byrka et al. [5] gave anO(1= 2 ) ap- proximation violating capacities by a factor of (1 + ) for hard uniform CkM. The algorithm uses randomized round- ing to round a fractional solution to the configuration LP. Aardal et al. [1] exploited the structure of an extreme point solution to give a (7+ ) factor algorithm for hard non- uniform Capacitated k- Facility Location Problem (Ck- FLP) violating cardinality constraint by a factor of 2. As a special case of CkFLP, their result applies on hard non- uniform CkM with all facility costs being zero. In the same manner, the CkFLP result (1= 2 ) of Byrka et al. [4] is appli- cable on hard uniform CkM. The result violates capacities by a factor of 2 + . The other commonly used technique for the problem is local search [2, 6, 10]. Charikar and Guha [6] gave 4 factor algorithm without violating cardinality constraint for the un-capacitated variant of the problem. Korupolu et al. [10] gave O(1 + ) factor approximation algorithm for UkM us- ing at most 3+5= facilities. Arya et al. [2] gave an impro- vised result of 3 + 2=p factor algorithm for UkM by using p-swaps. We present a (5 + ) factor algorithm for hard uniform CkM violating the cardinality by a factor of 3 using Lo- cal Search. Algorithms based on local search are well known to be simpler as compared to the LP-based algo- rithms. The only result known for the problem using local search is due to Korupolu et al. [10]. They give an algo- rithm with a trade-off between approximation factor and cardinality loss. They give (1 + ) approximation factor with (5 + 5= ) factor loss in cardinality. To achieve 5 fac- tor in approximation, cardinality violation is more than 6. Though the approximation factor can be made arbitrarily small, cardinality loss is at least 5. Note that small approx- imation factor is obtained at a big loss in cardinality. For example, for anything less than 1, cardinality violation is more than 10. Though we somewhat loose on the ap- proximation factor, we surely improve upon the cardinality violation. Thus, there is a trade-off between cardinality vi- olation and approximation factor amongst their result and ours. In particular, we present the following result: Theorem 1. There is a polynomial time algorithm that approximates hard uniform capacitatedk median problem within 5 factor violating the cardinality by a factor of 3. High Level Idea: We extend the idea of ‘mapping’ of Arya et al. [2] to the capacitated version of the problem. However, for the capacitated case, mapping needs to be done a little intelligently. Mapping to an almost fully uti- lized facility may not be able to accommodate all the clients mapped to it and vice-versa. That is, a partially utilized facility may not be able to accommodate the load of an almost fully utilized facility. Thus, mapping is done only between the partially utilized facilities. To ensure that there are sufficient number of partially utilized facilities, we need to assume that we have sufficient number (3k) of opened centers. 2 Notation and preliminaries 2.1 Capacitatedk-median problem In Capacitatedk-Median Problem, we are given a set ofF of facilities, a setC of clients and a real valued distance function c onF[C in metric space. Each client j 2C has a non-negative demandd j and each facilityi2F has a capacityu i indicating the amount of demand it can serve. The cost of serving one unit of demand of a clientj2C from facility i2F is denoted as c(i; j). The goal is to select a subsetS F of at most k facilities and assign clients to them without violating the capacities such that the total cost of serving all the clients by the opened facilities is minimum. We consider the hard uniform capacitatedk-median ver- sion of the problem i.e.u i = U8i2F and at most one instance of a facility can be opened at its location. We as- sume unit demand at each client i.e.d j = 18j2C. 2.2 Local search paradigm Given a Problem P, let S be any arbitrary feasible solution to it. A new solution S 0 is called a neighborhood solution of S if it can be obtained by performing local search operations such as adding one or more facilities s = 2 S to S or deleting one or more facilities s from S or swapping one or more facilities of S with facilities not in S. We now formally describe the steps of the algorithm. The paradigm: 1. Compute an arbitrary feasible solutionS toP. 2. While S 0 is a neighborhood solution of S such that cost(S 0 )M o =2. A facility belonging toS L is called bad if it dominates more than one facilities inO, it is called good if it dominates exactly one facility inO, else it is called nice We now devise a 1 1 and onto mapping :B L O (o)! B L O (o). Order the clients inB L O (o) asj 0 ;j 1 ;:::;j Mo 1 such that for everys2 S with a nonemptyB(s;o), the clients inB(s;o) are consecutive; that is, there exists r;s; 0 r sM o 1, such thatB(s;o) =fj r ;:::;j s g. De- fine (j p ) = (j q ), whereq = (p + M o =2 )moduloM o . Consider Figure 2a which shows the setB O (o). The corre- sponding mapping is shown in Figure 2b. The following claim holds on mapping: Claim 1. Ifs2S L does not dominateo, then (B(s;o))\ B(s;o) = . Proof. For contradiction, assume that both j p , (j p ) = j q 2 B(s;o) for some s, wherejB(s;o)j M o =2. If q = p + M o =2 , then jB(s;o)j q p + 1 = M o =2 + 1 >M o =2. Ifq = p + M o =2 M o , then jB(s;o)j p q + 1 =M o M o =2 + 1>M o =2. In either case, we have a contradiction, and hence mapping satisfies the claim. Figure 2: Mapping The notion of dominate can be used to construct a bipar- tite graphH = (S;O;E). For each facility inS L , we have a vertex on theS-side and for each facility inO, we have a vertex on theO-side. We add an edge betweens2S L and o2O ifs dominateso. Note that the degree of each vertex onO-side is at most one while the vertices on theS-side can have degree up tok. We now consider allk swaps, one for each facility inO. Ifs2S L is good, then we consider theswap(s;o), where o is the facility inO dominated bys. Let be the number of facilities inO that did not participate in the above swaps. Then the total number of bad and nice facilities inS L is at least and at least= 2 of them must be nice. The remain- ing facilities inO get swapped with the nice facilities in S L such that each nice facility is considered in at most two swaps. The bad facilities are not considered for swapping. The swaps considered above satisfy the following proper- ties: 1. Eacho2O is considered in exactly one swap. 2. Facilities inSnS L are not considered in any swap operation. 3. Bad facilities inS L are not considered in any swap operation. 4. Each nice facilitys2S L is considered in at most two swap operations. 5. Ifswap(s;o) is considered thens does not dominate any facilityo 0 6=o :o 0 2O. 404 Informatica 42 (2018) 401–405 S. Grover et al. Lemma 1. Let cost(S) denote the cost of the local opti- mal solutionS and,cost(O) denote the cost of the global optimal solutionO. Then,cost(S) 5cost(O). Proof. Considerswap(s;o). Letj2B S (s). We first reas- sign the clients inB S (s). 1. Ifj2B O (o), assignj too. 2. Ifj = 2B O (o), assignj tos 0 2S L such that (j) =j 0 andj 0 2B S (s 0 ). In case 1, the change in cost is given by (O j S j ). In case 2, the change in cost is (c(j; s 0 ) S j ). Let j2B O (o 0 ). From triangle inequality, we get c(j; s 0 ) c(j; o 0 ) +c(o 0 ; (j)) +c( (j); s 0 ) =O j +O (j) +S (j) . AsS is a locally optimal solution, we have X j2B S (s)\B O (o) (O j S j )+ X j2B S (s)nB O (o) (O j +O (j) +S (j) S j )> 0 (1) Each facility o2O is considered in exactly one swap operation. Thus the first term of inequality when added over all k swaps gives exactly cost(O) cost(S). Each s2S is considered in at most two swaps. The second term of inequality when added over all k swaps is no greater than 2(O j +O (j) +S (j) S j ). As is a 1 1 and onto mapping, X j2C O j = X j2C O (j) and X j2C (S (j) S j ) = 0. Thus, 2(O j +O (j) +S (j) S j ) = 4cost(O). Combining the two terms, we getcost(O) cost(S) + 4cost(O) 0. Thus,cost(S) 5cost(O). In the algorithm presented so far, we move to a new so- lution if it gives some improvement in the cost, however small that improvement may be. This may lead to an algo- rithm taking lot of time. To ensure that the algorithm termi- nates in polynomial time, a local search step is performed only when the cost of the current solutionS is reduced by at least cost(S) p(n; ) , wheren is the size of the problem instance andp(n; ) is an appropriate polynomial inn and 1= for a fixed > 0. This modification in the algorithm incurs a cost of additive in the approximation factor. It is easy to see that if we have 3:5k facilities then the total number of bad and nice facilities inS L is at least + k=2 and at least ( + k)=2 of them must be nice. The remaining facilities inO get swapped with the nice facilities inS L such that each nice facility is considered in at most one swap. This saves us factor 2 coming from the second term of equation (1). Thus, we get (3 +; 3:5) algorithm. Also, usingp-swaps of Arya et al. [2], we can get (3 + 2=p; 3) algorithm. 4 Conclusion and future work We gave a (5 + ) factor approximation algorithm for hard uniform capacitatedk median problem using local search technique, violating cardinality by a factor of 3. It improves upon the existing results known for the problem using local search, with respect to cardinality violation. It would be interesting to obtain a constant factor algorithm reducing the cardinality violation to (1 + ). Though such a result is known using LP-techniques, it would be interesting to obtain similar result using local search. Another direction to extend the work would be to consider the non-uniform capacitated version of the problem using local search. References [1] Karen Aardal, Pieter L. van den Berg, Dion Gijswijt, and Shanfei Li. Approximation algorithms for hard capacitated k-facility location problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(2):358–368, 2015. 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