Original paper Informacije ^efMIDEM A Innrnal of Journal nf Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 42, No. 2 (2012), 123 - 130 Compact Multilayer Bandpass Filter with Modified Hai^rpin Resonators Dejan Tošic and Milka Potrebic* School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, PO Box 35-54, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia. Abstract: Compact selective bandpass filter, based on the Rhodes approximation, is proposed using the novel modified hairpin resonators realized on a double-sided microstrip. The equivalence is presented between the hairpin resonator realized on a single-sided microstrip and the modified hairpin resonator realized on a double-sided microstrip. The footprint area of the filter is reduced by 50% with the multilayer realization. The proposed design methodology is exemplified by a fourth-order multilayer bandpass filter, which is fabricated and measured. The simulated and measured results are in agreement. Key words: Bandpass filter, modified hairpin resonator, multilayer realization, Rhodes approximation Kompaktni večslojni pasovni prepusti filter modifi^ci^rani^mi resonatorji v obliki lasnic Povzetek: Predlagan je kompaktni selektivni prepustni pasovni filter na osnovi Rhodesove aproksimacije in uporabe novih modificiranih resonatorjev v obliki lasnic. Filter je realiziran na dvostranskem mikrotraku. Predstavljena je primerjava med lasničnimi resonatorji na enostranskem in dvostranskem mikrotraku. Površina odtisa filtra je pri uporabi večslojne realizacije zmanjšana za 50 %. Predlagana metodologija dizajna je predstavljena na, izdelanem in izmerjenem, večslojnem propustnem pasovnem filtru četrtega reda. Rezultati simulacij se dobro ujemajo z meritvami Ključne besede: prepustni pasovni filter, modificiran lasnični resonator, večslojna izvedba, Rhodesova aproksimacija ' Corresponding Author's e-mail: milka_potrebic@etf.rs 1. Introduction With the development of modern wireless communications, designing compact and high-performance microwave filters in communication systems is largely required, which exhibit frequency and time-domain requirements. Among the bandpass filter types, the parallel-coupled half-wavelength resonator filter (PC A/2) has been widely used for filter structures in wireless systems up to now because of its simple design and easy to control the bandwidth by changing the coupling strength between resonators [1]. However, this filter realization is too large to be used for wireless handset communication systems, where engineers are always looking for smaller microwave components [2]. Several microstrip single-layer structures have been proposed in order to minimize the filter size: the U-turn hairpin [3] resonator, the open-loop resonator [4], the slow-wave resonator [5], and the spiral resonator [6] reduce the size of the parallel-coupled line resonator by folding the resonators to get a more compact configuration. Another method to reduce the size of filter realizations consists on using multilayer structures. In [7, 8], multilayer bandpass filters, based on resonators with different geometries (square-loop, hairpin, etc.), have been proposed. This multilayer topology consists of two layers of microstrip hairpin resonators. Each resonator itself is printed on a single layer. To ensure couplings between the resonators in the upper layer and those in the lower one, two rectangular slots are etched in a common ground plane placed between the two layers. Using this configuration, the size of the proposed filter can be reduced to half that of conventional microstrip filters. In this paper, a new method for filter size reduction has been proposed. A novel double-sided microstrip reali- zation of a narrow bandpass filter is presented that uses modified hairpin resonators (MHR). Arms of each resonator are printed in different layers - the upper and the lower dielectric layer separated by a common ground plane, which can be referred to as a double-sided microstrip. There is no coupling between the arms of the proposed resonator. The arms are connected by a via which passes through the structure without electrical connection to the common ground plane. The undesirable couplings between resonators are minimized as follows: (a) the arm on the lower layer (of each resonator) is shifted with respect to the arm on the upper layer, (b) the structure is housed in a metallic box, and (c) the distance between the top/bottom cover and dielectric is about substrate thickness. We compare the characteristics (frequency response and footprint) of the hairpin microstrip realization and the proposed multilayer realization. We explain the design methodology and show the results generated by electromagnetic (EM) simulation and the measurement results made on the fabricated structure. Hence, conclusions are drawn about the performance of the analyzed structure. 2. Design of Modified Hairpin Resonators for Multilayer Bandpass Filter As is known, the open-line resonator (Figure 1a), implemented on a single layer, is folded to form the hairpin resonator (Figure 1b) in order to reduce the size of the parallel-coupled half-wavelength resonator filter (Figure 2a). In the hairpin filter (Figure 2b) the separation between arms (d0) should be large enough to minimize undesirable coupling between the arms, so that the equivalence of Figure 1 holds. Figure 1: Standard realization of (a) the open-line and (b) the hairpin microstrip resonators. Figure 2: (a) The parallel-coupled half-wavelength resonator filter, (b) the hairpin filter. To measure the undesirable coupling between the arms of a hairpin resonator we analyzed a symmetrical pair of coupled microstrip lines, and computed (1) the ratio between elements of the characteristics impedance matrix rc= |Zc12/Zc111 and (2) the ratio between transmission scattering parameters r1= | S21/S311, ^2=1^41/5311. In this study, we use the Rogers RO4003C substrate: 8r=3.55±0.5 [9], tan5=0.0021, thickness of copper foil t = 0.03 mm, and thickness of substrate h = 0.508 mm. The resonant frequency is 2GHz, which corresponds to L0 = 45.3 mm and w = 1 mm. The distance between the hairpin resonator arms is taken from the range 3h=5mm, w50W=0.87mm). all dimensions are in mm i ZooM /(PC) "i,cor 0 64.075 41.171 0.752 0.172 24.445 0.8S 1 52.638 47.614 0.863 0.651 24.225 0.88 2 54.193 46.412 0.853 0.496 24.249 0.88 3 58.119 43.902 0.819 0.3 24,323 0,88 4 78.073 37.992 0.59 0.1 24.658 0.59 Figure 6: Design curve of unloaded Q-factor of half-wavelength resonator as a function of the line width. The unloaded Q-factor for the resonators is estimated by using the expected midband filter loss 4 r T Qn [dB]=105,28;, where g, i=1,...N, are the lowpass prototype parameters and N is a filter order. The unloaded Q-factor of a half-wavelength resonator is shown in Figure 6, as a function of the line width. Q-factor of the actual fabricated resonator can be sensitive to the manufacturing processes and depends on the distance between the metallic top cover and dielectric. Therefore two additional curves are presented in Figure 6, for hu=0.7mm and hu=0.8mm. For expected midband filter loss A0, we have found that the initial width of the half-wavelength resonator is w0=0.88mm. 3.1. Covered hairpin filter To find the optimal dimensions of hairpin resonators we proceed as follows: (1) if the line width w differs more than 25% from the initial value w0