ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2007 Vol. 50, [t. 1: 5–18 Sprejeto (accepted): 2007-11-26 Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes from Sečovlje salterns Glivna kolonizacija korenin izbranih halofi tov iz Sečoveljskih solin Silva SONJAK1, Tamara GLAVINA2, Metka UDOVIČ3, Marjana REGVAR1* Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; Tel: +386-1-4233388, Fax: +386-1-2573390; E-mail (*Corresponding author): 2Monteko d.o.o. Šmarje, Šmarje 10, SI-6274 Šmarje, Slovenia. 3Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Abstract. To reveal their mycotrophic status, we have here analysed the fungal colonisation of the roots, and the identity of these fungi, of the most abundant halophytic plant species from Sečovlje salterns (Slovenia): Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium and Salicornia europaea. The highest frequency of fungal colonisation was seen for the roots of A. tripolium, followed by those of L. angustifolium and S. europaea. Hyphae and occasional microsclerotia, the assumed structures of dark septate endophytes, were seen in the roots of all three species, whereas arbu- scules, as typical structures of arbuscular mycorrhiza, were seen in the roots of A. tripolium and in one specimen of L. angustifolium. Fungal partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU-rDNA) fragments were amplifi ed from total root DNA extracts for further restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of the structures of the fungal root communities. Fifteen different RFLP profi les were obtained that grouped into two major clusters. Two RFLP profi les strongly dominated in samples of all three of the plant species. Sequencing revealed that one of these profi les corresponds to the species Cylindrobasidium laeve (Basidiomycota), and the second to Capnobotryella sp. / Phaeotheca fi ssurella, putative dark septate endophytes from the class Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota). Intraspecifi c RFLP polymorphisms were demonstrated for both species. To our knowledge, this is the fi rst report on dark septate endophyte fungi occurrence in roots of A. tripolium, L. angustifolium and S. europaea. Keywords: Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium, Salicornia europaea, halopytes, mycorrhizal fungi, dark septate endophytes, restriction fragment length polymorphism Izvleček. Analizirali in določili smo glivno kolonizacijo korenin treh najpo gostejših halofi - tskih rastlinskih vrst iz Sečoveljskih solin (Slovenija): Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium in Salicornia europaea, da bi ugotovili njihov mikotrofni status. Najvišjo frekvenco glivne kolonizacije smo opazili v koreninah vrste A. tripolium, sledili sta vrsti L. angustifolium in S. europaea. Hife in mikrosklerocije, verjetne strukture temnih septiranih endofi tov, smo opazili v koreninah vseh treh rastlinskih vrst, arbuskule, tipične strukture arbuskularne mikorize, pa le v koreninah vrste A. tripolium in ene rastline vrste L. angustifolium. Iz celokupne koreninske DNA smo pomnožili glivne DNA fragmente dela majhne ribosomske podenote (SSU-rDNA) in v na- daljevanju analizirali polimorfi zem dolžin restrikcijskih fragmentov (RFLP) struktur koreninskih glivnih združb. Dobili smo petnajst različnih RFLP profi lov, ki so se združevali v dve glavni gruči. V vzorcih vseh treh rastlinskih vrst sta prevladovala dva RFLP profi la, sekveniranje pa je poka- zalo, da eden ustreza vrsti Cylindrobasidium laeve (Basidiomycota), drugi pa Capnobotriyella/ Pheotheca fi ssurella, domnevnemu temnemu septiranemu endofi tu iz razreda Dothideomycetes 6 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 50 (1), 2007 (Ascomycota). V nadaljevanju smo ugotovili, da pri obeh vrstah obstaja intraspecifi čni RFLP polimorfi zem. Kot nam je znano, je to prvo poročilo o pojavljanju temnih septiranih glivnih endofi tov v koreninah vrst A. tripolium, L. angustifolium in S. europaea. Ključne besede: Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium, Salicornia europaea, halofi ti, mikorizne glive, temni septirani endofi ti, polimorfi zem dolžin restrikcijskih fragmentov Introduction Salterns represent one of the most extreme of environments, where drought and salinity are the most important abiotic factors that limit plant growth (RUIZ-LOZANO 2003). Plants that can establish themselves, grow to maturity and reproduce under these conditions have developed many effi cient mechanisms to overcome the osmotic and ionic stresses (LARCHER 1995). Halophytes are thus recognized as a diverse group of vascular plants with adaptation at the morphological, anatomical and cellular levels that allow them to avoid these stresses or to increase their tolerance to them (BRAY 1997). In addition to such morpho-physiological adaptations, plants can have associated soil microorganisms that alleviate the stress symptoms. Symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi has been repeatedly demonstrated to enhance the water and mineral nutrient supply for plants and to protect them against diverse biotic and abiotic stresses (SMITH & READ 1997). Many benefi cial effects of this symbiosis have been described for host plants and for ecosystems, including the enhancement of plant tolerance to drought and salt stress (SMITH & READ 1997, RUIZ-LOZANO & AZCON 2000). Among these symbiotic microorganisms, the cosmopolitan arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been extensively studied (SMITH & READ 1997, GUPTA & al. 2002), with their occurrence also having been confi rmed in European saline envi- ronments (HILDEBRANDT & al. 2001, LANDWEHR & al. 2002). Dark septate endophytes (DSEs), on the other hand, are widespread organisms that can form mutualistic, mycorrhiza-like, associations with their host plants (JUMPPONEN 2001). They are especially common in stressful environments (JUMPPONEN & TRAPPE 1998, BARROW & AALTONEN 2001, BARROW 2003), including those that are extremely arid (RUOTSALAINEN & al. 2007). Despite this, little is known about their ecology and identity or about the effects that they have on the plants that they inhabit (JUMPPONEN & TRAPPE 1998). Plants growing in high saline soils belong to families that are frequently reported as non-myco- trophic; nevertheless, mycorrhizal colonization has been recorded in plant species from northern (above 51° N) European salt marshes and that belong to the families: Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Juncaceae (HILDEBRANDT & al. 2001, LANDWEHER & al. 2002). Aster tripolium (Asteraceae), Limo- nium vulgare (Plumbaginaceae) and Salicornia europaea (Chenopodiaceae) are among the species documented for their maintenance of arbuscular mycorrhizae (WANG & QIU 2006); however, there have been no reports regarding the mycorrhizal status of L. angustifolium, and Salicornia spp. are frequently reported to be non-mycorrhizal (HARLEY & HARLEY 1987). The aim of the present study was therefore to examine the root fungal colonization of these three halophytic plant species growing in Sečovlje salterns (Slovenia), and to identify their fungal endophytes using the molecular techniques of cloning, RFLP and sequencing. Materials and methods Site description and sampling The Sečovlje salterns are situated in south-eastern Piran Bay in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) on the sediment of the Dragonja River. The bottom of the pans consists of fl ysch silt and clay, and on average the water salinity in the Gulf of Trieste reaches 3.7% (KALIGARIČ 1988). The climate is Mediterranean, with most of the annual precipitation falling in autumn (934 mm) (SORS 2005). The plants were collected in October 2002 and 2003 from the abandoned southern sections of the salterns, at 7S. Sonjak, T. Glavina, M. Udovič, M. Regvar: Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes … Fontanigge. The water content of the soil in the sampling area was on average 27%, the organic matter 3.88%, with a pH of 7.9 and soil extract conductivity of 1880 µS/cm (UDOVIČ 2004). We selected two plant species that have been frequently reported as non-mycorrhizal: L. angustifolium (Tausch) Degen [Statice serotina Rchb., L. vulgare Mill. subsp. serotinum (Rchb.) Gams] (Plumbaginaceae) and S. europaea L., which is considered as an aggregate of closely related species in the literature (Cheno- podiaceae), and additionally a moderately mycorrhizal plant A. tripolium L. [Tripolium vulgare Nees] (Asteraceae) for comparison (MARTINČIČ & al. 2007). Six specimens (three from each year) of each plant species were collected for the analysis of their mycorrhizal colonization, which was estimated according to TROUVELOT & al. (1986). Fifteen root fragments per plant were cleaned with tap water, cleared in 10% KOH, and stained with trypan blue (PHILIPS & HEYMANN 1970). The frequency (F%) and intensity (M%) of their fungal colonisation, along with their arbuscular (A%), vesicular (V%) and microsclerotial (MS%) densities, were determined under light microscopy (Zeiss). DNA extraction Roots of three specimens of each plant species from the two consecutive years were used for further DNA analysis. The roots were washed thoroughly with tap water and then sterile water, ran- domly sampled (~150 mg of roots from each plant) and stored either at room temperature (in 2002) or frozen at –20 °C (in 2003) until use. The total DNA was extracted from the roots after they had been ground in liquid nitrogen, using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen), following the manufacturer recommendations. After isolation, 10 μl of 20% (w/v) Chelex 100 was added to 50 μl of DNA eluents (to scavenge multivalent metal ions that could inhibit the PCR amplifi cation), and after an incubation for 1 min, the samples were centrifuged and the supernatants used for the PCR reactions. Nested PCR amplifi cation Amplifi cations of the partial fungal small subunit ribosomal DNAs (SSU-rDNAs) were carried out in a fi nal volume of 50 μl, using 1× PCR buffer, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM dNTP, 2.5 U Taq DNA polymerase (all from Fermentas), 0.4 μM primers and 2 μl DNA extract or PCR product. In the fi rst PCR reaction, a 1330 bp SSU-rDNA fragment was amplifi ed using a crude DNA extract and the MH2 and MH4 primers (VANDENKOORNHUYSE & LEYVAL 1998), with the following cycle conditions: 95 °C for 2 min, followed by 33 cycles at 94 °C for 1 min, 48 °C (–0.1 °C per cycle) for 1.5 min, 72 °C for 2 min, and a fi nal extension at 72 °C for 8 min. The second, nested PCR was then performed on 1 μl of the MH2/MH4 PCR product. The universal eukaryotic primer NS31 (SIMON & al. 1992) and an AMF-specifi c primer AM1 (HELGASON & al. 1998) were used, with the latter designed to amplify a 550 bp fragment of SSU-rDNA from Glomerales from colonized roots. The PCR cycle conditions were as follows: 95 °C for 2 min, followed by 30 cycles at 95 °C for 1 min, 62 °C for 1 min, 72 °C for 1 min and a fi nal extension at 72 °C for 8 min. All of the PCR amplifi cations were performed with a Thermal Cycler (Biozym). To check the size and quality of the PCR products, they were visualized under UV light after electrophoresis with 1% (w/v) agarose gels and staining with 0.5 mg/l ethidium bromide (Biorad). Cloning, RFLP, sequencing and sequence analysis Single PCR bands of ~550 bp were excised from the agarose gels, purifi ed with the Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-up System (Promega), and cloned using the pGEM-T Easy Vector Systems II with JM109 competent cells (Promega), following the manufacturer protocols. The transformants were selected using blue/ white screening on LB agar containing X-Gal, isopropyl-1-thio-β-D-ga- lactopyranoside (IPTG) and ampicilin (Sigma). For the RFLP analysis, up to 20 positive clones of each of the SSU-rRNA gene libraries were randomly selected and re-amplifi ed (333 in all; by colony 8 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 50 (1), 2007 PCR) with the NS31 and AM1 primers, as described above. Re-amplifi ed fragments were digested with the HphI, HinfI and MboI restriction enzymes (Fermentas), according to the manufacturer recom- mendations, and analysed by 3% agarose gel electrophoresis. The restriction enzymes were selected through an analysis of several SSU sequences from GenBank, using the Webcutter 2.0 (HEIMAN 1997) and NebCutter 2.0 (VINCZE & al. 2003) programmes, and according to the literature (HELGASON & al. 2002, VANDENKOORNHUYSE & al. 2002). The DNA restriction fragment patterns were visualized using a UVItec gel imaging and documentation system (UVItec Limited), and they were analysed using ImageQuant TL (Molecular Dynamics). Each restriction fragment was treated as a unit character and scored for its presence or absence. The dendrogram was constructed using the Jaccard distance equation and simple average clustering. Calculations were carried out with the Biodiversity pro application programme (The Natural History Museum, London). Representatives of most frequent RFLP patterns were selected for sequencing. Therefore, the plasmids were isolated using the Wizard® Plus Minipreps DNA Purifi cation System (Promega). The sequencing reactions were performed using the SP6 or T7 primers and the BigDye® Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems), following the manufacturer instructions, and the sequencing was carried out using an ABI prism 377 (Perkin-Elmer Corporation), as provided by the Omega company (Omega d.o.o, Slovenia). The sequences obtained were compared to the available sequences of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) using the BLAST-n programme (ALTSCHUL & al. 1990, 1997). The sequences were aligned using CLUSTAL W (THOMPSON & al. 1994), and for the phylogenetic analysis, the neighbor-joining method (SAITOU & NEI 1987) was used. Data were fi rst analyzed using a Kimura 2-parameter model (KIMURA 1980), which was than used to construct the neighbor-joining tree with MEGA3 software (KUMAR & al. 2004). To determine the support for each clade, bootstrap analysis was performed with 10,000 replications. The sequences generated through this study have been deposited with GenBank, and their Accession numbers are given in Table 1. Results Fungal colonization of the roots Fungi were seen to be present in the roots of all three of the selected halophytic plant species (Fig. 1). The highest frequency of colonisation was seen for the root fragments of A. tripolium, following by L. angustifolium and S. europaea (Fig. 1; F%). The roots of A. tripolium were clearly colonized by AMF, since both vesicles and arbuscules were seen. For the roots of L. angustifolium, there were vesicles, whereas arbuscules were only seen in one specimen (Fig. 1; A%). Hyphae and extremely rare vesicles were present in the roots of S. europaea, but no arbuscules were seen. There were also melanized hyphae and microsclerotia of DSE fungi in the roots of all three of these halophytic plant species; however, microsclerotia were only seen in one specimen of each species (Fig. 1; MS%). 9S. Sonjak, T. Glavina, M. Udovič, M. Regvar: Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes … Figure 1: Fungal colonisation in the roots of the selected halophytic plant species Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium and Salicornia europaea, sampled in two consecutive years (2002, 2003). ■, frequency of colonisation (F%); ○, density of arbuscules (A%); □, density of microsclerocia (MS%). Slika 1: Glivna kolonizacija korenin izbranih halofi tskih rastlinskih vrst Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium in Salicornia europaea, vzorčenih v dveh zaporednih letih (2002, 2003). ■, frekvenca kolonizacije (F%); ○, gostota arbuskulov (A%); □, gostota mikrosklerocijev (MS%). RFLP and sequence identifi cation Only after the second (nested) PCR were adequate and equivalent amounts of the amplifi ed partial SSU-rDNAs obtained for all 18 of the samples. These samples were cloned, and up to 20 clones from each were subjected to RFLP analysis. Fifteen different RFLP profi les were obtained with the HphI (6) and HinfI (5) restriction enzymes. Since no additional profi les were obtained with MboI, these results were not included in the subsequent analyses. Profi les 1 and 12 dominated strongly and were obtained for each of the 18 samples, with the exception of profi le 1 in sample A4 (Fig. 2a). For each plant species, ~80% of all of the clones analysed resulted in these two profi les (Fig. 2b), regardless of the year of sampling (Fig. 2c), whereas all of the other profi les taken together represented the remaining 20% (Fig. 2b). 10 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 50 (1), 2007 Figure 2: Percentages for the different RFLP profi les obtained: a) for each plant specimen; b) as means for each species: Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium and Salicornia europaea; and c) as means for each species within each single year (2002, 2003). Slika 2: Procenti posameznih RFLP profi lov pridobljenih: a) za vsako rastlino; b) kot povprečje za vsako rastlinsko vrsto: Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium in Salicornia europaea; in c) kot povprečje za vsako vrsto v enem letu (2002, 2003). 11S. Sonjak, T. Glavina, M. Udovič, M. Regvar: Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes … Figure 3: Dendrogram generated from the RFLP data. Altogether, 333 clones with fungal SSU-rDNA fragments were obtained from 18 root samples of the halophytic plant species analysed: Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium and Salicornia europaea. The percentages of each of the RFLP profi les obtained are given in parenthesis. $, sequences of the representative clones that showed 99% similarity with Cylindrobasidium laeve; #, sequences of the representative clones that showed up to 99% similarity with species from the class Dothideomycetes. Slika 3: Dendrogram narejen na osnovi RFLP podatkov. V celoti je bilo pridobljenih 333 klonov z glivnimi SSU-rDNA fragmenti iz 18 koreninskih vzorcev analiziranih halofi tskih rastlinskih vrst: Aster tripolium, Limonium angustifolium in Salicornia europaea. V oklepajih je podan delež, ki ga predstavlja vsak posamezen RFLP profi l. $, sekvence reprezentativnih klonov so kazale 99 % podobnosti z vrsto Cylindrobasidium laeve; #, sekvence reprezentativnih klonov so kazale do 99 % podobnosti z vrsto iz razreda Dothideomycetes. In the dendrogram constructed from the RFLP data, profi les 1–10 grouped into the fi rst main clusters, and profi les 11–15 into the second (Fig. 3). Representative clones of the dominant profi les 1 (one clone of A. tripolium: A2-16 and three clones of S. europaea: S1-1, S4-24, S4-30) and 12 (S4- 26) were selected for sequencing. Additionally, clones were selected for sequencing from some of the less frequent profi les: 4 (S4-12), 6 (A1-20, S4-31) and 15 (S4-29). Furthermore, a PCR product was obtained by single amplifi cation with the NS31-AM1 primer pair of sample S4, and this was cloned, with three of these clones selected for sequencing. The sequences of the partial SSU-rDNAs that corresponded to profi les 1, 4 and 6 showed 99% similarity with the sequence of the fungal spe- cies Cylindrobasidium laeve (Basidiomycota), whereas those corresponding to profi les 12 and 15 showed 98%-99% similarity with the sequences belonging to members of the class Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) Capnobotryella sp. / Phaeotheca fi ssurella (Table 1). The sequences obtained from sample S4 after one NS31-AM1 PCR amplifi cation were shown to be chimeric. Approximately 100 bp of these sequences showed 96% similarity with sequences corresponding to representatives of the phylum Glomeromycota (SCHÜΒLER & al. 2001) (data not shown). 12 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 50 (1), 2007 Table 1: Nearest GenBank matches and percentages of similarity with the sequences obtained. The GenBank accession numbers of the deposited fungal sequences and the number of the corresponding RFLP profi le and clone are given. Tabela 1: Najbližji zadetki iz podatkovne baze GenBank in procenti podobnosti s pridobljenimi sekvencami. Podane so številke dostopanja do glivnih sekvenc deponiranih v bazo GenBank in oznake pripadajočega RFLP profi la in klona. Fungal phylum / class RFLP profi le/ clone Accession number* Nearest GenBank match % similarity Basidiomycota 1 / A2-16 EU189957 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 Agaricomycetes 1 / S1-1 EU189952 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 1 / S4-24 EU189953 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 1 / S4-30 EU189954 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 4 / S4-12 EU189955 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 6 / A1-20 EU189951 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 6 / S4-31 EU189956 AF518576 Cylindrobasidium laeve 99 Ascomycota 12 / S4-26 EU189958 AJ972854 Capnobotryella sp. 98 Dothideomycetes Y18697 Phaeotheca fi ssurella 98 15 / S4-29 EU189959 AJ972854 Capnobotryella sp. 99 Y18697 Phaeotheca fi ssurella 99 Discussion Species from hypersaline environments have frequently been reported as non-mycorrhizal, includ- ing S. europaea (Chenopodiaceae) (HARLEY & HARLEY 1987, LANDWEHR & al. 2002, WANG & QIU 2006). The association of plants with mycorrhizal fungi has traditionally relied on morphological characterisation after trypan blue staining, which appears not to be a sensitive enough method in cases of low colonisation levels (REGVAR & al. 2003). We saw arbuscules in A. tripolium and in one specimen of L. angustifolium, but not in S. europaea, and this therefore confi rms the presence of AMF using this traditional approach only for the fi rst two species here. In addition, although frequently neglected in AMF studies, melanized hyphae and microsclerotia of presumed DSE fungi were also seen in all three species. Nested PCR had to be performed to obtain enough products for our molecular analyses. The PCR- RFLP technique has been previously applied in molecular identifi cation studies of mycorrhizal fungi to reduce the need for further sequencing (HELGASON & al. 2002, VANDENKOORNHUYSE & al. 2002). The 15 different RFLP profi les that we obtained in the present study grouped into two main clusters (Fig. 3) and were numbered consecutively from 1 to10 in cluster 1 and from 11 to 15 in cluster 2. Profi le 1 strongly dominated in cluster 1 and profi le 12 dominated in cluster 2. The sequences of the selected clones showed that the RFLP profi les 1, 4 and 6 from cluster 1 represent the species Cylindrobasidium laeve (Basidiomycota). RFLP profi les 12 and 15 from cluster 2 correspond to species from the class Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota). As different RFLP profi les were obtained for the same species, this shows intraspecifi c RFLP polymorphisms of the fungi belonging to both of these clusters, which has previously been seen for some ectomycorrhizal fungi (HORTON 2002). Using the blast searching, two closest matches were obtained for the clones of profi les 12 and 15 with the same percentage of similarity, namely Capnobotryella sp. and Phaeotheca fi ssurella (Table 1). We were therefore not able to determine the precise taxonomic positions of the sequences obtained even after constructing the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 4). 13S. Sonjak, T. Glavina, M. Udovič, M. Regvar: Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes … Figure 4: Phylogenetic tree inferred from neighbor-joining analysis of the partial SSU-rRNA gene sequences. The numbers at the nodes represent the bootstrap values of >50% (out of the 10,000 replications). The number of nucleotide changes between the taxa is given by the branch length. Slika 4: Filogenetsko drevo narejeno na osnovi analize združevanja najbližjega soseda delnih SSU-rRNA genskih sekvenc. Številke ob razvejitvah predstavljajo vrednosti >50 % (od 10000 ponovitev) statistične metode vezenja. Število nukleotidnih sprememb med taksoni je ponazorjeno z dolžino veje. Except for the chimeric sequences, no other sequences showed similarities with sequences of species from the phylum Glomeromycota. The abundance of arbuscular mycorrrhizal fungal spores found in saline environments has been shown to be rather variable, although with an apparent low species diversity, whereas the degree of root colonisation varies with the individual plant, plant species and vegetation period (HILDEBRANDT & al. 2001, LANDWEHR & al. 2002). Although the AM1 primer (HELGASON 1998) was designed to amplify species from some of the AMF groups, its broader lack of specifi city was only recently reported (DOUHAN & al. 2005). There are only a few base mismatches in the annealing sequences of the AM1 primer that were also seen in some of the species from the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota (DOUHAN & al. 2005). The specifi city of primers usually depends on the content and quality of the target DNA (ANDERSON & CAIRNEY 2004), and thus a small amount of AM sequences in the total DNA extract can lead to loss of specifi city of the NS31-AM1 primer pair, which therefore amplifi es extended non-target DNA (DOUHAN & al. 2005). Nevertheless, the NS31- AM1 primer pair is still widely used for detection and identifi cation of AMF in planta (SANTOS & al. 2006, SANTOS-GONZÁLEZ & al. in press). The specifi city of the amplifi cation can also be reduced using the nested PCR reaction (LANDWEHR & al. 2002). In addition, freezing of the AMF spores drastically reduces the DNA concentration in the PCR products (LANDWEHR & al. 2002), which may also apply for the samples in the present study, in which the root samples were dried (2002) or frozen (2003) prior to the DNA extraction. Thus, the higher sensitivity of the DNA of the AMF to all of the above- mentioned processes may have contributed to the results. 14 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 50 (1), 2007 Clones with RFLP profi les related to species C. laeve and Capnobotryella sp./ P. fi ssurella were obtained from samples of all three of the selected halophytic plants. C. laeve is known as a wooden saprophyte (PHILLIPS 1994); however, it can obviously penetrate into the roots of green plants. The frequent detection of the corresponding RFLP profi les in our analysed root extracts from all three of the species indicates the extensive presence and association with plant roots of this fungus in the section of the Sečovlje salterns that was sampled, where the presence of decayed wooden and plant material supports its growth. Capnobotryella sp. and P. fi ssurella are mitosporic fungi that have previously been isolated from plants (ZALAR & al. 1999, HAMBELTON & al. 2003). According to some of their morphological features, production of microsclerotia and thick-walled conidiogenous cells impregnated with numerous melanin-like granules (ZALAR & al. 1999, HAMBELTON & al. 2003) and their relation to the identifi ed endophytic putative DSE fungi from the class Dothideomycetes (JUMP- PONEN & TRAPPE 1998), they could be described as DSE fungi. Typical structures of DSEs, such as septate melanised hyphae and distinct microsclerotia, were seen in the roots of all three of our sam- pled halophytes. The desiccation-tolerant, melanin-rich cell wall of DSE fungi is one of their main characteristics that allows them to tolerate unfavourable environments (JUMPPONEN & TRAPPE 1998). Furthermore, the intracellular DSE microsclerotia may also provide a mechanism for the fungi to withstand unfavourable environments and/or may serve as dispersal propagules in heavily eroded areas (RUOTSALAINEN & al. 2007). Extensive root colonisation by DSE fungi of these three selected halophytes that thrive in Sečovlje salterns therefore indicates their functional importance for those species in the environment where the propagules of AMF are clearly reduced and the demands for symbiotic associations are considerable. Thus, fungi from the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota extensively colonise plants in extremely saline environments; however, the nature of these associations and the signifi cance for their hosts are not easily determined. Finding compatible DSE fungal symbionts of such halophytic plant species may be of importance for the applications of comparable symbiosis in saline agricultural environments. Conclusions • AMF colonisation was demonstrated for L. angustifolium and A. tripolium on the basis of micro- scopic examinations, whereas it was not confi rmed by molecular identifi cation, apparently due to the combination of reduced colonisation levels, the sensitivity of the DNA of the AMF to drying/ freezing, and the lack of specifi city of the NS31-AM1 primer pair in the case of insuffi ciency of target DNA from Glomeromycota. • Melanized hyphae and microsclerotia of DSE fungi were seen in all three of the species. Sequencing revealed the presence of the putative dark septate fungi Capnobotryella sp. / Phaeotheca fi ssurella from the class Dothideomycetes. • Additionally, sequences related to the saprophyte Cylindrobasidium laeve were also obtained from all three of the plant species. • RFLP analysis showed two dominating profi les out of the 15 profi les identifi ed. However, sequen- cing revealed that more than one of the RFLP profi les corresponded to the same fungal species, indicating high intraspecifi c RFLP polymorphism. • This is to our knowledge the fi rst report on the occurrence of DSE fungi in the roots of L. angu- stifolium, S. europaea and A. tripolium. 15S. Sonjak, T. Glavina, M. Udovič, M. Regvar: Fungal colonization of the roots of selected halophytes … Povzetek Soline predstavljajo ekstremno okolje, kjer sta suša in slanost glavna dejavnika, ki omejujeta rast rastlin. V takem okolju lahko uspešno živijo in se razmnožujejo le rastline, ki so odporne na osmotski in ionski stres. Pri tem jim pomagajo tudi mikorizne glive, med katerimi so najbolj proučevane arbu- skularno mikorizne (AM) glive. Temne septirane endofi tske (DSE) glive so zelo pogoste v stresnih okoljih, vendar je o njih zelo malo znanega. Rastline, ki uspevajo v ekstremno slanih okoljih, pogosto sodijo v družine, ki veljajo za nemikorizne. Halofi tske vrste Aster tripolium (Asteraceae), Limonium vulgare (Plumbaginaceae) in Salicornia europaea (Chenopodiaceae) sicer lahko vzdržujejo mikorizo, vendar pa ne poznamo mikoriznega statusa vrste L. angustifolium, medtem ko rod Salicornia pogosto opisujejo kot nemikorizen. V predstavljenem delu smo analizirali glivno kolonizacijo korenin omenjenih treh vrst iz Sečo velj- skih solin. S klasičnim morfološkim pregledom pobarvanih korenin smo najvišjo frekvenco glivne kolonizacije opazili v koreninah vrste A. tripolium, sledili sta vrsti L. angustifolium in S. europaea. Temne septirane hife in mikrosklerocije, verjetne strukture DSE gliv, smo opazili v koreninah vseh treh rastlinskih vrst, arbuskule, tipične strukture arbuskularne mikorize, pa le v koreninah A. tripolium in ene rastline L. angustifolium. Z vgnezdeno PCR reakcijo smo z uporabo začetnega nukleotidnega para MH2-MH4 v prvi in NS31-AM1 v drugi PCR reakciji iz celokupne koreninske DNA pomnožili glivne fragmente SSU rDNA, pripravili gensko knjižnico in izvedli RFLP analizo z restrikcijskimi encimi HphI, HinfI in MboI. Dobili smo petnajst različnih RFLP profi lov, ki so se v dendrogramu združevali v dve glavni gruči. V primeru vseh treh rastlinskih vrst sta prevladovala dva profi la, sekveniranje pa je pokazalo, da eden ustreza saprofi tski vrsti Cylindrobasidium laeve (Basidiomycota), drugi pa domnevni DSE vrsti iz razreda Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota), za katero je fi logenetska analiza pokazala, da je sorodna vrstama Capnobotryella sp. in Phaeotheca fi ssurella. V nadaljevanju smo ugotovili, da pri obeh vrstah obstaja intraspecifi čni RFLP polimorfi zem. AMF kolonizacije opažene pri vrstah A. tripolium in L. angustifolium nismo uspeli potrditi z molekularno identifi kacijo. Začetni oligonukleotid AM1 so sicer razvili z namenom pomnoževanja AM gliv, vendar pa se je izkazalo, da je predvsem v primeru nezadostne količine tarčne DNA zelo nespecifi čen. Poleg tega je DNA AM gliv zelo občutljiva na procese sušenja oziroma zmrzovanja, kar zmanjšuje uspešnost pomnoževanja. Glive iz debel Basidiomycota in Ascomycota očitno predstavljajo zelo razširjene kolonizatorje rastlin v ekstremno slanih okoljih. Velik pomen za rastline v ekstremnih okoljih naj bi imeli temni septirani glivni endofi ti. Kot nam je znano, je to prvo poročilo o prisotnosti DSE gliv v koreninah vrst A. tripolium, L. angustifolium in S. europaea. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the sponsors Mobitel d.d. and Soline d.o.o., by COST 8.38 »Manag- ing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Improving Soil Quality and Plant Health in Agriculture«, as well as COST 8.59 »Phytotechnologies to Promote Sustainable Land Use Management and Improve Food Chain Safety« and by the Slovenian Research Agency as funder of the following projects: »Tolerance of Organisms in Stressed Ecosystems and Potential for remediation« (L1-5146), »Inventory of Sečovlje Salterns Flora and Optimisation of Growth of the Autochthonous Salicornia Species« (L1-7001) and programs: »Plant Biology« (P1-0212), Applied Botany, Genetics and Ecology (P4-0085). 16 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 50 (1), 2007 References ALTSCHUL S. F., T. L. MADDEN, A. A. SCHÄFFER, J. ZHANG, Z. ZHANG, W. MILLER & D. J. LIPMAN 1997: Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Res. 25: 3389–3402. ALTSCHUL S. F., W. GISH, W. MILLER, E. W. 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