na Koroškem. Students suggested a number of new ideas, such as a new library location, a business incubator, a hostel with 20-30 beds, new traffic regulation, walking and fitness trails... Andreja Benko GORAŽDE, 2012 Izvleček Delavnica je učna oblika, pa tudi metoda dela, kot način intenzivnega dela skupine in učenja v kratkem času, ki se je tudi arhitekti v svojem delu radi poslužujemo. Metoda dela v izvajanju delavnice je odvisna od skupine in pričakovanih rezultatov delavnice. Vsaka ima svoje izobraževalne cilje in podcilje, ki v kombinaciji pripeljejo do vsem skupnega cilja -uspešnega zaključka delavnice. Pri urbanistično-arhitekturni delavnici je izjemnega pomena opazovanje in doživetje prostora, obenem pa stik z lokalnimi prebivalci. Pravilno zastavljena koordinacija delavnice, kot tudi sodelujoči na delavnici, je izrednega pomena. Pri pripravi in izvedbi arhitekturne delavnice gre za celovit projekt, ki je sestavljen iz več medsebojno odvisnih nalog. Sodelovanje politike, stroke, gospodarstva in javnosti, se je pri delavnici v mestu Goražde izkazalo ključnega pomena in je bilo povezovalna nit skozi celotno delavnico. Delavnica je tako vzorčen primer sodelovanja med teorijo in prakso. Abstract A workshop is a form of learning, but also a working method for intensive work and learning in a short time which architects also like to use in their work. the method of implementing a workshop depends on the group and the anticipated outcomes. each has its own educational objectives and targets that in combination lead to a common goal for all - the successful completion of the workshop. For an urban-architectural workshop, it is extremely important to observe and experience a space along with the local population. The correct coordination of a workshop, as well as the participants in it, is of the utmost importance. the preparation and implementation of an architectural workshop is a comprehensive project comprising several interdependent tasks. collaboration, professionalism, businesses and the participation of the public characterising the workshop in the town of Goražde proved crucial and were the thread running through the workshop. this workshop is thereby a role model of cooperation between theory and practice. Rok žnidaršič ZLATO POLJE V KRANJU, 2012 Izvleček Barvna študija fasad stanovanjske soseske Zlato polje v Kranju Zgradbe soseske Zlato polje, zgrajene v petdesetih in šestdesetih letih potrebujejo dodatno izolacijo zinanjih zidov, tako smo soočeni z zahtevo po novi barvni študiji fasad. stanovanjski bloki so postavljeni na ortogonalni mreži tako, da tvorijo pol zaprta dvorišča. V našem konceptu vidimo ta dvorišča kot karakteristične prostore soseske, zato smo jih zasnovali kot raznolike, a vendar barvno sorodne ambiente. Ob tem so bili obravnavani tudi arhitekturni elementi posameznih zgradb in v študiji poudarjeni z intenziviranjem ali kontrastiranjem izbranega elementa. Predlagana sta bili dve kombinaciji barvne kompozicije naselja: Zadržana "sivo-rjava" verzija, ki evocira koloracijo iz obdobja izgradnje zgradb soseske. živahnejša "oker" varianta želi vključiti že prenovljeno zgradbo v soseščini, obarvano z agresivnim pigmentom in jo s sorodno nekoliko umirjeno barvno skalo vklopiti v kolikor mogoče harmonično celoto. Abstract A colour study of the facades of the Zlato polje neighbourhood in Kranj. the buildings of the Zlato polje neighborhood in Kranj, built in the fifties and early sixties, are in need of additional insulation on their external walls, and as such, we face the need for new colours for the facades. for the free-standing buildings positioned in an orthogonal grid, we attempted to find a certain type of colour that would clearly express the different spaces and atmosphere created among the buildings themselves. Although the colours would differ subtly throughout the neighbourhood, the resulting effect should be a unified whole. The architectural elements of each building were also analysed and emphasised by the scale of intensity or by contrast with the chosen pigment. two colour combinations for the buildings were made: 1. a retained "grey-brown" version that evokes the general colour used when the buildings were constructed. 2. a more vivacious "ochre" version in an attempt to include the nearby buildings that have already been renovated with aggressive tones, while unifying the whole as much as possible. Or Ettlinger, Lovrenc Košenina OBČUTENJE arhitekture, LJUBLJANSKI OTOK, 2012 Izvleček Delavnica je bila izvedena v sklopu seminarja Florijančič, z namenom podpore študentom 4. letnika pri redni seminarski nalogi posameznih urbaništičnih posegov v centru Ljubljane. študentom je tako postregla s priložnostjo, da se pobližje spoznajo s posebnim vidikom oblikovanja arhitekture in mesta: izkustvenega. Naloga je obsegala oblikovanje bregov Ljubljanice in Gruberjevega kanala, vendar z alternativnim motivom doživljajske izkušnje, ne samo kot zaporedje rečnih bregov, ampak kot delčke kontinuirane promenade, ki obkroža mesto in ponuja širok spekter prostorskih izkušenj. Abstract This workshop took place at the Florjančič studio in order to support 4th year students in designing their urban development projects in the city of Ljubljana. to serve this purpose, the workshop provided students with an opportunity to raise their awareness of a particular aspect of architecture and the city: the way it is experienced. the task was to design the undeveloped banks of the Ljubljanica River and Gruber Canal - but with an alternative perception in mind: not just as a sequence of river banks, but as parts that form a continuous promenade encircling the city which provides a whole range of spatial experiences. Izvleček Arhitekturna delavnica obravnava in raziskuje tri teme: prostor, uporabnik in material. Teme se razvijajo vzporedno in se medsebojno prežemajo s končnim namenom delavnice v materializaciji "arhitekturnega" posega v merilu 1:1, v konkretnem javnem prostoru za specifičnega uporabnika. Abstract The workshop deals with and researches three topics: space, user and material. the topics are developed in a parallel and mutually interrelated way, with the final intention being to undertake an architectural intervention on 1:1 scale within a specific public space for a specific user. povezav med propadajočim krajinskim vzorcem in obstoječo grajeno strukturo. oblikovanje temelji na vključevanju visoko tehnološke arhitekture z uporabo lokalnih energetskih virov ter simultanim pokrivanjem zahtev po samopreskrbi s hrano posameznega naselja. Abstract the purpose of this workshop is to study the landscape dynamics and development of a settlement in the gorizia hills and to compare various man-made (or built) landscapes. this picturesque region is characterised by a unique terraced landscape, which, like towns, is changing in response to people's lifestyle and other demands. scenarios for the future development of the gorizia Hills were designed by five working groups. One group identified the current qualities of the abandoned terraces, and subsequently developed and proposed new connections or the development of connections between the deteriorating landscape pattern and the existing built structure. the design is based on high-tech architecture with the application of local energy resources and on the food self-sufficiency of individual settlements. Izvleček Družbena odgovornost posameznika se oblikuje tudi v vrtcu in v osnovni šoli. Kasneje se na dobri osnovi le še razvija. Delavnica v osnovni šoli je bila primarno namenjena prenosu teorije v prakso. Z delavnico smo uspeli doseči zadane cilje. Rezultat je bil opažen in nagrajen tudi v okviru bienala Po Fabianijevih poteh. Delo je bilo medgeneracijsko, med organizacijsko in hkrati lokalno naravnano. Abstract the social responsibility of an individual is also formed in nursery and elementary school. with a good foundation, it only continues to evolve. A workshop at an elementary school was primarily intended to transfer theory into practice. the workshop achieved its set goals. the result was also noticed and rewarded at the Qn the trail of Fabiani Biennale. the work had a local, inter-generational and inter-organisational orientation. Izvleček Namen delavnice je raziskovanje krajinske dinamike in razvoja naselja na območju Goriških brd ter primerjava različnih antropogenih oziroma grajenih krajin. slikovito regijo zaznamuje edinstvena terasirana pokrajina. Slednja se spreminja, podobno kot mesta, v odgovoru na človeške življenjske in druge zahteve. oblikovanje scenarijev prihodnjega razvoja območja Goriških brd je potekalo znotraj petih delovnih skupin. Ena izmed skupin prepoznava obstoječe kakovosti zapuščenih teras, posledično oblikuje in predlaga nove povezave oziroma razvoj Živa Deu, Jerneja Kranjec LEMBERG, 2011 Izvleček S poudarkom na kakovostnem razvojnem varovanju podedovane stavbne dediščine nam izdelana arhitekturna delavnica nakaže možnost nove, sodobne družbene in prostorske vizije naselja Lemberg. Idejna zasnova urbane ureditve skuša skupaj z izdelanimi posnetki in idejnimi zasnovami možnega razvoja posameznih stavb, v okviru oblikovnega in programskega koncepta izoblikovati širši prostor naselja - trga in ga tudi vsebinsko obogatiti. Z nadgradnjo razpoznanih kakovosti te, ob trški ulici zasnovane srednjeveške naselbinske strukture starejših hiš, se tako ponuja možnost, da urbanizem in arhitektura naselja ostaneta samosvoji - prijetni za bivanje in privlačni za obiskovalce (koncept turističnega trženja). Abstract With an emphasis on good-quality development protection of architectural heritage, the architectural workshop indicated the possibility of a new, contemporary social and spatial vision for the settlement of Lemberg. the conceptual design of urban organisation with existing conditions and possible development plans for individual buildings was devised in an effort to design the wider area of the village and enrich its content. By upgrading the recognised qualities of this medieval settlement structure, the opportunity for village urbanism and for architecture to remain themselves - pleasant to live in and attractive to visitors (tourist marketing concept) - is offered. Izvleček Turizem in ostale, na kulturi temelječe panoge drobnega