Acta Chim. Slov. 2014, 61, 391-397 391 Scientific paper Effects of Different Gas Phases and Gas Bubbles on the Nucleation Kinetics Ayhan Abdullah Ceyhan,* Orhan Baytar and Erol Pehlivan Selcuk University, Chemical Engineering Department, 42079 Konya, Turkey * Corresponding author: E-mail: ceyhan @ Received: 29-07-2013 Abstract In this study, the effects of different gas phases and gas bubbles on the Induction time were investigated. In the first step, the effects of different kinds of gases (N2, Ar, dry air-N2 and dry air-Ar) which are fed into solution-gas interphase and into the solution were determined. After determining the most effective gas upon the Induction time, the next step was to use this gas in the presence of the seed crystals, to specify variation in the Induction time. The experimental results show that gassing and the presence of seed crystal tend to shorten the Induction time as compared to the normal crystallization condition. Keywords: Nucleation, Induction time, metastable zone width, gas phase 1. Introduction Crystallization is a process applied in chemical industries in order to obtain materials dissolved in solutions in their solid and pure states. The process is done in three steps; namely formation of supersaturation, nucleation and crystal growth.1 Nucleation is the most important step in achieving crystals with required particle size distribution, purity and shape. The nucleation step is directly related to supersaturation ratio and hence to the width of the metastable zone. The metastable zone width and Induction time show variation depending on influences of a number of factors. There are several studies existing in the literature that estimate factors leading to the possible effects of the mentioned variation.2-17 Within the scope of this study, interaction of the liquid phase-gas phase interface has been dealt with, although it has not been considered in previous studies regardless of its crucial effects. Magnitude in liquids is found based on the type of the fluid and the varying intermolecular attraction forces among the molecules. The inner sections of the liquids (different liquid depths) are under the effects of equally applied intermolecular forces from neighbor molecules at all directions; (in other words, in globally symmetric way). In this way, the forces affecting a molecule in liquid balance one another. Together with this, as the density on the vapor phase of a molecule (when the liquid-phase interface is taken into account) is lower than that on the liquid phase, the liquid is drawn inside more forcefully by the molecules under the surface.18 As for solutions, due to the fact that drawing in of the solvent molecules on the surface by the dissolved particles is hindered at a certain degree, the surface tension of the solutions is generally lower than that of a pure solvent. Substances that drop the surface tension of a solvent are termed as surface active, while those that do not alter it, are known as surface inactive.18 Besides, substances dissolved in terms of ionic salts, generally increase the surface tension of aqueous solutions with respect to pure water, but the increase is not at the extent of the drop imposed by the active substances.1618 An over increase in the gas density over the liquid or addition of another insoluble liquid on it will cause the surface tension of the liquid to drop slightly as a result of the interactions between incoming molecules and those on the phase.16,18 Regardless of the fact that there are various studies on metastable zone width and Induction time that deal with reducing or modifying the surface tension by using different surface active materials,612 there are so far, no Ceyhan et al.: Effects of Different Gas Phases and Gas Bubbles 392 Acta Chim. Slov. 2014, 61, 392-397 391 studies conducted that have ever dealt with different gas phases on liquid in this respect. Measurements of Induction time in determining nucleation characteristics of a supersaturated solution play an important role. Induction time is a characteristic property of a system and an important parameter in prediction of crystal sizes, shapes and particle distributions of a product formed as a result of crystal nucleation and growth in industrial crystallization processes. Essentially, Induction time depends on factors such as temperature, nature of the solution, amount of cooling, presence of impurity and mechanical effects. Most of these factors are involved in nucleation in the solution. The studies conducted so far have been mostly concentrated on topics like experimental system designs and formation of empirical expressions that will present metastable zone and nucleation in pure states or in the presence of impu-rity,7,19-25 prediction of possible effects of seed crystals and additives purposely made available in a crystallization state and investigation of uses of different devices used in predicting metastable zone widths.26,27 Apart from the study that investigates the effects of air on metastable zone width in a solution state, there is no other study in the literature that has ever investigated effects of the gas phase on the subject.28 Under the scope of our study, the gas phase on the solution where the liquid phase is in contact has been changed by replacing it with other gases of different nature (air, Nitrogen, Argon, air-Nitrogen, air-Argon). Then changes occurred in Induction time both in pure state and those caused by the presence of seed crystals (3, 5, 7 or 10) were measured. The measurements were respectively made in such a way that the effects of gas feedings on upper part of the solution and into the solution are studied separately. 2. Experimental Effects of different gas phases on Induction time were studied through the experimental set given in Figure 1. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of apparatus for measurement of nucleation rates All the experiments were conducted by using the same stock solution. In this way, the differences that might likely emerge at saturated temperature were controlled. The solution prepared was filtered on a 0.45 micron porous filter, set at a saturated temperature of above 4-5 °C and kept in a sterilizer. Chemicals at analytical purity (K2SO4, KCl and Na2B4O7 ■ 10H2O) and gases (dry air, Nitrogen, Argon) were used with de-ionized water in the experiments. In the first step of the experimental study, the gas phase (in normal conditions the air phase) in contact with the solution, was changed by using gases of different nature. With this aim, mixtures of Nitrogen-Argon, dry airArgon and dry air-Nitrogen were used. The experiments were conducted in a 0,5 liter jacketed reactor and the crystallization temperature was controlled with a remote controlled cryostat. After arranging the pressures of pure nitrogen, pure argon and mixtures of these gases with dry air by using a regulator, they were fed into the system by adjusting their flow rates using a rotameter. To prevent instant cooling likely to form on the solution surface, the gas fed into the system was warmed up. To accomplish this, a second cryostat was used to help keeping the gases feeding the reactor to the solution temperature. After the gas on the solution surface was full saturated the gas flow was interrupted and the gas entry/exit valves on the reactor's cover were closed and the experiments started. Solution was stirred with using mechanical stirrer and the experiments were carried out at a constant stirring rate of 300 rpm. The temperature inside the reactor was continuously controlled with a digital thermometer. In the second step, the effects of feeding different gases into the solution were studied. The results of the first step were taken into account where the most effective gaseous state and the material with wide Induction time were used to carry on the experiments. Gas entrance into the solution was made possible through the use of a 50 cm long glass tube having its bottom circular cross section covered with a 10 pm porous ceramic filter. The use of this unit has enabled gas bubbles to be fed into the system at a smaller size and over a wider area. Gas entrance into the system was made at certain periods and at specified time intervals. In the third step of the study, effects of the presence of seed crystal (3, 5, 7, 10 crystal) in the solution on Induction time were considered by taking into account both the normal conditions and the effective gas phase situation. As it is known, the supersaturation value given to the system during measurements of Induction time is achieved with super cooling. For this reason, solutions prepared to be saturated at 40 °C, were cooled in order to achieve the required supersaturation level. Then, the first nuclei formation time in the solution was recorded and necessary calculations were made based on the classic nucleation theory.1 According to the classic nucleation theory, free energy change necessary for a spherical cluster nuclei formation in a solution is expressed as shown in equation (1) below; Ceyhan et al.: Effects of Different Gas Phases and Gas Bubbles Acta Chim. Slov. 2014, 61, 393-397 391 AC = AGv + AGs = - irr3AGv + 4nr2y (1) a) Where, AGv and AGs are respectively, the necessary free energy change per unit volume and per unit area for the formation; r is the critical nuclei radius and y is the surface tension for the nuclei-system interface. The two terms on the right hand side of the equation are in different signs and both depend on r. For this reason, necessary free energy change d(AG)/dr = 0 for nuclei formation passes through a maximum. Therefore, the critical nucleus radius, r*, is defined as given below; * — 2y ~ ag,, Where, AGv (2) (3) S is supersaturation ratio, given as S=(C/C*). C is the existing saturation value C* refers to equilibrium saturation value, k Boltzmann constant and v shows molar volume of the crystal. Critical free energy change, AG* is given by; AG' - 16ny3 (4) 3(AG„)3 Number of molecules in the critical nuclei, i*, is expressed as; 4)i(r*)3 3v (5) The relationship between nucleation rate per unit time, per unit volume (defined as number of nucleus) and Induction time necessary for formation of the first visual nuclei formation within a solution is as given below; I = - = A.expt— — ) = A. expC— 16jrK.) T i<(TJ i