38 Duplinska kozarka Tadorna tadorna Shelduck – a male observed on 13 Apr 2008 in a flooded meadow between Bevke and Blatna Brezovica, SW of Ljubljana (UTM VL59, central Slovenia); this was the author’s second record of this species, for on 26 Dec 2000 he observed 20 individuals at Planinsko polje (UTM VL59, central Slovenia) V nedeljo, 13.4.2008 sem {el zjutraj gledat poplavljene povr{ine na zahodnem delu Ljubljanskega barja. Okrog 10 h sem z ravnega dela ceste med Blatno Brezovico in Bevkami (UTM VL59) opazil na vodni povr{ini samca duplinske kozarke in ga tudi fotografiral. To je moje drugo sre~anje s to ptico. Dne 26.12.2000 sem na Planinskem polju opazoval dve skupini duplinskih kozark, skupaj 20 osebkov. Peter Legi{a, Pod brezami 34, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e–mail: peter.legisa@fmf.uni-lj.si Rjavi {karnik Milvus milvus Red Kite – one individual observed on 6 Apr 2008 on migration above Babna gora (UTM VM40, central Slovenia) Dne 6.4.2008 dopoldne sem nad Babno goro pri Polhovem Gradcu (UTM VM40) opazil tri ujede, ki so kro`ile na termi~nem vzgornjiku. Po natan~nej{em ogledu sem ugotovil, da gre za dve kanji Buteo buteo, tretjo pa sem prepoznal za rjavega {karnika. Opazoval sem jih {e nekaj ~asa, nato pa je {karnik odletel proti severu. Miha Krofel, Zavrh pri Borovnici 2, SI–1353 Borovnica, Slovenija, e–mail: mk_lynx@yahoo.co.uk Black Vulture Aegypius monachus Rjavi jastreb – dne 1.6.2006 opa`en 1 osebek med preletom ~ez Mavhinje (Italija) in Pre~nik v Slovenijo (UTM UL97, Kras); podatek je potrdila Nacionalna komisija za redkosti – KRED (1. zapis za Slovenijo po 1.1.1950 – A1) On 1 Jun 2006, I had just returned from Rupingrande (Repen) at 15.20 h or so and sat down with a beer in the garden of my house at Malchina / Mavhinje to check for raptors (I’d already seen a Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus, a Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus and a Goshawk Accipiter gentilis with prey that morning and conditions and visibility were excellent). As I sat down I saw a very large raptor moving NW / SE from the direction of Monte Ermada / Grmada, so I ran to the car and grabbed my binoculars. Seeing that it was a vulture, I sat down to enjoy the spectacle of a Griffon Gyps fulvus passing over my head and house at 100 m... not such a rare sight in the Karst at this time of year. I raised my binoculars again, but something wasn’t right... this bird seemed completely black underneath!!? A Black Vulture! I called my wife (who knows Griffons well) and she agreed that the bird was not a Griffon. As it moved slightly side on and away I could distinguish a slightly paler head and a dark brownish collar that contrasted with the black underbelly. Another difference from Griffon was that the »arm« of the wing appeared longer and the “hand” shorter when compared to that species, though the overall size seemed similar. At 15.27 h, as the bird drifted SE, I jumped in my car and gave chase. I picked up the bird not too far off as it glided over Precenicco / Pre~nik and on into Slovenia (UTM UL97, Kras)! I raced over the [empolaj / Gorjansko border crossing and got into a position where I could see all around but could not relocate the bird. My guess is that the bird is one of the French birds from the Cevennes project [www. bvcf.org], like »Ophrys« who was in NE Italy in July and August 2005 as far east as the Griffon Project at Forgaria. Hopefully, someone will pick up this bird again as she moves on, perhaps to Kvarner with the Griffons. The record was confirmed by the National Rarities Committee – KRED (1st record for Slovenia after 1 Jan 1950 – A1). Paul Tout, Malchina / Mavhinje 5/A, I–34013 Duino–Aurisina / Devin– Nabre`ina, Italy, e–mail: paul_tout@hotmail.com Stepski lunj Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier – one individual seen in low flight together with a group of passerines on 12 Apr 2006; the observation was made in the village of Kamna gora near Frankolovo, on Konji{ka gora (UTM WM23, NE Slovenia); the record was confirmed by the National Rarities Committee – KRED (2nd record for Slovenia after 1 Jan 1950 – A2) Dne 12.4.2006 sem se po kon~anem tetradnem popisu za novi atlas gnezdilk v vasi Kamna gora pri Frankolovem na Konji{ki gori (UTM WM23, SV Slovenija) pribli`eval avtomobilu. Tam sem zasli{al zna~ilno ogla{anje ptic, ki so razburjene, ko je v bli`ini skobec Accipiter nisus ali {krjan~ar Falco subbuteo. Ogla{anje se je bli`alo in uzrl sem kragulja Accipiter gentilis s skupinico spremljajo~ih pti~ev. Vendar s tem kraguljem nekaj ni bilo prav, saj je imel dalj{a in precej o`ja krila, ki jih je dr`al nekoliko privzdignjeno. Spoznal sem, da imam pred sabo lunja. A preletel me je tako blizu, da nisem mogel uporabiti daljnogleda, in po desetih do petnajstih sekundah je odjadral za hrib proti vzhodu. Svetlobne razmere so bile skoraj idealne, saj je lunj letel v moji vi{ini in tudi sonce sem imel nad seboj. ^eprav je ptica po stasu spominjala na mo~virskega lunja Circus pygargus, na perutih zgoraj ni imela ~rne ~rte, spodaj pa je bila bela. Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook