JUVENILE SECTION OF "NAPREDEK" CLEVELAND, OHIO, AUGUST 18th, 1937 WITH OUR JUNIORS By Michael Vrhovnik, Director of Vrtec and English Speaking Lodges INDIANAPOLIS AND AM- BRIDGE FIRST to enter Vrtec teams in national meet. How time does fly! This time a year ago, we were up to our necks in work preparing to vvel- come Vrtec contestants to our 4th National Athletic Meet in Chicago. From the reports we had received, it appeared cer- tain that we would be hosts to the softball team from Indiana¬ polis and, possibly, one from Cleveland. In our correspondence with “Uncle” Charlie, Administrator and spokesman for the Cleve¬ land Vrtec groups, we were in- formed that every effort would be made to have a team or a few individual contestants, at least, represent one of their Vrtec groups. And from Indi¬ anapolis came other enoourag- ing letters notifying us that a team would certainly be on hand to wage battle for the first S. S. P. Z. Vrtec Softball Cham- pionship. In ali appearances, it looked like the initial Vrtec National Softball Meet would be staged in Chicago in 1936... But it wasn’t... First a letter came from brother Charlie admitting it just couldn’t be done for some very good reasons he gave, and then, at the very last minute, our Indianapolis Vrtec decided they couldn’t see their way clear, financially, and so this event had to be scratch- ed... However, three ambitious boys, namely, Tony Kucic and Andy Shuble of Vrtec No. 101 of Burgettstown, Pa., and Wil- liam Ozanich of Vrtec No. 169 of Bridgeville, Pa., participated actively in the track and field events for Vrtec members... But this year... We have a different picture before us... With entries and fees already in from Indiana¬ polis, Ind., and Ambridge, Pa., Cleveland’s two Vrtec teams certainties, Bridgeville’s on the way in and one or two others undecided as yet, we are more than positive that ali our pre- paration and publicity will not be for naught, but will be cli- maxed with the most success- ful Junior Softball Meet ever staged by a fraternal organiza- tion. » Since we will not have an- other opportunity to write about the Meet for the Vrtec Section before the big days are here, I wish to add in conclusion that we sincerely hope that every Vrtec contestant will come to Cleveland with one main pur- pose in mind, to give their best ON AND OFF THE FIELD OF ŠPORT in their effort to win the highest honors in the TRUE L I G H T OF FRATERNAL SPORTSMANSHIP... Let FAIR PLAY rule and may the best team come out on top! Good lučk to you ali FRAN MIVEC AND MARIE ERMENCE CONTEST WINNERS Well, lads and lassies and ali you grown-ups, here we are once more bearing tidings of much joy and happiness for the winners in our JUNIOR LI- TERARY CONTETST for the month of July. We are proud to acknowledge that never be¬ fore has our Vrtec Section con- tained so many outstanding contributions... Beginning with Frankie Mivec’s “My Energetic Sister”, about which everybody is stili talking, and including each and everyone of the other individual entries, they were ali very good; but due to the fact that space in today’s issue is at a premium, we do not in- tend to discuss each winning contribution at length as has been the custom, sometimes, in the past. However, before submitting the list of winners, we extend our thanks and con- gratulations to ali Vrtec mem¬ bers who helped to make July’s Vrtec Section a most successful JUNIOIR WHEEL OF PROGRES (Stadings as of August 1, 1937) TVVELVE LEADERS There, in those few condensed figures above, you have the WHEEL OF PROGRESS campaign story for the month of July... Two are tied for lst honors, two for 2nd and the others are bunched together so closely, that none can be sure who will lead for the GRAND PRIZE of $100.00 and each GROUP PRIZE of $25.00 in September, let alone on December 31 when the final totals will be had... The Vrtec gaining the highest number of nevv members by the end of this year, will receive $125.00... What is your Vrtec doing to win this grand award... Where does it stand?... If it is not among the BIG TWELVE, take steps, immediately, to see that it will be there in September or the fol- lowing month for sure... Remember, that the pro- posing member of each new member is entitled to an additional award of fifty cents and it costs the appli- cant nothing for the medical examination... ON WITH TE “WHEEL OF PROGRESS’ CAMPAIGN! ... LET’S MAKE THIS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MEMBER- SHIP DRIVE IN THE SOCIETY’S HISTORY. ( I one. Here are the names of th& prize vvinners: GROUP "A” (Age 13 and over) lst prize Frank Mivec, Vrtec No. 9; Indianapolis, Ind. 2nd prize Tillie Mladenick, Vr¬ tec No. 103; Export, Pa. 3rd prize Valeria Artel, Vrtec No. 11; Cleveland, Ohio. Consolation Anne Gačnik, Vr¬ tec No. 11; Cleveland, O. GROUP “B” (Ages under 13) lst prize Marie Ermence, Vrtec No. 33; Milwaukee, Wis. 2nd prize William Pevc, Vrtec No. 1; Forest City, Pa. sr Today’s issue of the Vrtec Section marks the close of our first JUNIOR LITERARY CONTEST. The judges will busy themselves at once and select the wiriners for the final month as well as the GRAND PRIZE vvinners for ali six months. The final avvards, as you have been informed a number of times, vvill be three trophies for each group and vvill be avvarded to their respective vvinners at the conclusion of the National Ath¬ letic Meet... ALL GRAND PRIZE WINNERS vvill be noti- fied by mail as soon as their choice is ascertained and vvill be requested to send one of their best pictures (a good snapshot vvill do) to the Direc¬ tor of the Juvenile Depart¬ ment. .. Those of the vvinners vvho cannot be present to re¬ ceive their trophy during the presentation of avvards at the National Athletic Meet banquet on the evening of September 6, vvill get it by mail a fevv days later... In the meantime, we’re going to hold our breath and vvonder, the same as you are, vvhich boys and girls vvill be crovvned the SSPZ JUNIOR LITERARY CHAMPIONS of 1937. NOW THAT THE CONTEST IS OVER... DON’T LEA VE US... We vvant ali you boys and girls, vvho have vvorked so hard and faithfully to help fill the Vrtec Section these past six months, to be back with us next month, (Continued m page 2} • . ^tr-a.22 & «7u venilG Section oJf ‘ *JST apredele’ Let ter s Fram Our Vrtec Members ' ’ VRTEC NO. 33 Bear Editor: t I tvish to express my sincere iHanks and appreciation to the •Junior Literary Contest judges for the prize I had received for tny article in the “Napredek”. 2Che amount was received with 'great appreciation. s My belated report if it comes into print on our Vrtec 33 acti- Vities: Vrtec No. 33 had on 3uly 28, 1937 an ice cream so- iDial. The members were like $USy bees jumping here and there serving ice cream, cake Stud cookies. Japanese lanterns Svere hung on a clothes line in Stampfel’s lawn. Tables were placed on the grass. It was very pretty. The cakes and cookies, Were donated by the Mothers '©£ us Vrtec members and help- ed a great deal. i Three of our Vrtec members Jurnished mušic for the occa- Sion. We are served refresh- Snents after the meetings. But it takes money to buy such things, so we decided the above fnentioned way was the best to fill our empty treasury. Thanks to our parents and ali iother friends who helped so generously to make it a sue- icess. We are also glad to report that our membership is growing Elso. Three more new members Svere initiated into our Vrtec at our August meeting. They are brothers Roland, Donald and Jobnnie Zainer. Roland is S little wizard with his accor- jdion. There was a suggestion 3nade at this August meeting that when we get three more members we make another ce- lebration because our member¬ ship then will be 33 and the IVrtec number is also 33. Let’s try hard brothers and Sisters and get the three new members before the next meet¬ ing and we will have a celebra- tion. What say the rest of you 33-ers. I would like to make a Suggestion to our Vrtec Direc- tor br. Vrhovnik that he use his influence with the Supreme board and get an issue of the Juvenile Vrtec Section for every Vrtec member. I think that it WOuld help to spread our propa¬ ganda for new members. My report is spreading too SO I think I will close for today. Marie Ermenc (age 12), Recording sec’y Vrtec 33 \ Milwaukee, Wis. A LETTER AND A POEM Dear Editor: I am writing to thank you for my first prize in May, the dollar and a half which I was ,very happy to receive. I am also thankful to be a candidate for the three final awards in Sep¬ tember. I am going to use the money I received for postal ex- penses to write in the Vrtec Section from now on. \Ve usually use our money from the Treasury to entertain the members of the Vrtec, but at the June meeting Mr. and Mrs. Hvalica entertained us with ice cold Soda, which we are very thankful for. I appeal to our membership to go out and try to get more new members. The balance of our Treasury is $44.75 so don’t be scared to ask new members to come in and join with us be¬ cause we are doing fine. Let me assure you if we are going to puli together the spinning wheel will turn to good results. I close my letter with a good wish to ali membership of SSPZ and give you a few verses. Vacation is now for three months, I hope that everyone enjoys. Let’s watch ourselves from dan- ger spots, I mean to ali our members, girls and boys. Vrtec No. 9 is active We organize our towns; I hope that be prospective, So that we ali win. We will see you in the month of September, In the beautiful city of Cleve¬ land; That we will have something to remember, Ali our membership be proud. In conclusion I may say, How strong and happy we will be, Rolling up our sleeves today, Getting plenty new members for S.S.P.Z. Louis Znidersich (age 14) Treasurer of Vrtec No. 9 Indianapolis, Ind. wins the first prize in the athle- tic meet September 4-5-6. Be sure you are ali at the next meeting September 3. We are going to have another initi- ation and also visitors from our Supreme board. One visitor that I hope will be there is Michael Vrhovnik. I hope this letter will not find itself in the edi¬ tor’s wastebasket. Eleanor Ster, Vrtec 11 Cleveland, Ohio VRTEC NO. 11 Dear Editor: This is my first letter to the Vrtec and I am going to teli you a little about the activity of our Vrtec No. 11. Our last meeting was very well attended. But it makes me happy to see so many members at our meet¬ ings, and especially with so many nevvcomers. A MEETING I’m trying to think with ali my might. Trying to think what I should write. Now let me see- I. In our Vrtec are forty-two, Little ones, big ones, and mid- dle sized too. “Let’s start with the meeting,” the president hollers, “Sister Secretary take in their dollars. II. The roli call is taken and ali are here Everyone gives the Trailblazer Jrs. a cheer. The minutes are read and every- one is quiet, But pretty soon they will ali start a riot III. Everyone is waiting for the President to say, “Meeting adjourned, its time to play.” And so they go their different ways. To meet again on our meeting days. Katherine Zadnich Secretary Trailblazer Jrs. No 139, Chicago, 111. BALL PARK We love to travel that dusty road That leads to the baseball Park Where children gather in fun and play From noon till nearly dark. We love to watch a baseball game A šport of great delight The players show their mighty škili Until that very night. Our meetings are so joyful we even have a few minutes to špare in laughing. Now I’m going to teli you about our out- ing on August 8. We had a big truck to take us to Mr. Boha’s farm. When we got there we went swimming about ali morn- ing then we had ice cream and candy, we ate our lunches too. The we plaved baseball in the hay field. Some were looking at the cows and walking in the cow pastures. On our way home Johnnie Kushar, Anne Gačnik, and myself were singing in one part of the truck. Others were cracking jokes and braiding each other’s hair. We got home about 6:45 o’clock. I also hope that our Vrtec lodge No. 11 The pitcher throws his fancy twirl The catcher eyes the bali But the batter svvings his mighty stroke And the bali is over the wall. The fielder eyes the baseball game And walks around his post But when he catches a long lost bali Then he begins to boast. When the sun begins to shed its colors And the sky is covered by dark Then the crowd begins to travel that road That leads to the baseball park. John Praprotnik, Sec'y Vrtec 9, Indianapolis VACAMONING IN PENN‘A. Cleveland-Collinvvood, O. This year I spent my vaca¬ tion in Ambridge, Penna. One thing I enjoyed the most was sliding down the hillside on cardboards. The steeper the hill, the better I liked it. Talk about fun! Gosh, if you happen to tumble off the cardboard and bump down the hill on your head, what about it. The more bumps, the more fun. At night we have the most wonderful view of Ambridge from our back porch. I don’t think that the people who live up high appreciate the scene enough. The lights from the cars twinkle along the bridge, there is a patch of blue from a fac- tory, the blast furnaces throw a variety of colors up into the sky, the čoke ovens are a row of twinkling red and orange lights. One hill is covered with tiny lights in contrast with the other dark hills. It would be a beautiful picture to take. ,The people treat visitors very nicely. What got me was the con- tinous climb uphill after a de- lightful afternoon in town. How did you spend your va¬ cation? Please write to the Vr¬ tec page and teli us about it. I’m sure we’d ali like to know about it. Everybody, don’t forget the N. A. M. in Cleveland on the week-end of September 4-5-6. Don’t forget the Hobby Exhi- bit too. Anne Gačnik, Secretary, Outlookers VRTEC NO. 1 Vandling, Pa.—Vrtec No. 1 held its monthly meeting on Sunday, Aug. 8, at Naprej Hall. The meeting was well attended. At the meeting we decided to have a Vrtec Party and a pic- nic at Mr. Jos. Konchar’s Grove, on Sunday, Aug. 15. What about the Wheel of Progress Campaign? We are not »helping the work along as we should. We are far behind. Get busy now. We have just a few weeks then we must go back and take our school books. Then we will not have much špare time for anything else. Members, le( us prepare now. Preparedness begins at home. The preparedness, which in his personal life is thrust upon every person, is to provide pro- tection to those he loves. The Lodge or insurance protection brings a larger measure of pre¬ paredness than any other in- vestment. So then a willing Vr¬ tec member should often try to get more members to our Vrtec and to enlarge our organization, S.S.P.Z. Organization is of the utmost importance in most sue- cessful undertakings. Demand for human attention and help is constant. Our growing and con- tinued acts with their rich fruits of love, kindness, charity and Service are the result of (Continued on page S.) ^ Jgust a Hth, 193 T Juvcnile SecMon oe *‘xqa,pxe€leVC’ Letters From Our Vrtec Members (Continued from page 2.) the organized efforts of those brothers and sisters so well re- presented who carry on the plans. Is everyone making prepara- tions to go to the Meet? William Pevc, Vrtec, No. 1 FROM ONE VRTEC FRIEND TO ANOTHER... Cleveland, O.—In writing this article, I wish to impress upon two points that are necessary to be known to every true, lo- yal Vrtec member. These points should not only be known but also appreciated. They are: 1. the fact that you are fortu- nate enough to belong to such a priceless organization as the SSPZ which endeavors to make you a cultured and well-bred being and 2. its means of mak¬ ing you acquainted with the lodge’s activities, namely the “Napredek.” Let us first discuss point one. Some of us have probably been enrolled in the SSPZ since childhood, while others more recently. Yet many of us have never given a thought to this matter. The SSPZ should be part of you, your protection and guide in life. At the meet- ings the leaders try to open your eyes to the world and to prepare you for your plače in social circles. They try to estab- lish aims and high ideals to make you a better and more likeable character. You are taught self-confidence and as- surance when you are called upon to express your opinion on a subject and you stand up and speak out clearly and to the point. You are able to stand on your own feet. “Leadership is another quality which the lodge stri ves to cultivate. We are greatly in need of it today es- pecially among our own people. Here in the Vrtec lodge its first seeds are sown once cared for. Each and everyone should attempt to be elected to office in our own respective lodges. The idea of being elected is not merely a duty but an honor also. Another fundamental thing in our future life that is to be started now is punctuality. Strive to be on time for your monthly meeting. A person that is never on time is a very weak character. For the benefit of the officers and ali present try to be attentive and things of importance will go far more faster and easier. These qualities are only a fe\v of the many this great fra- ternal organization the S.S.P.Z. aims to develop in its youth. These points are also given to you in school but in an organi¬ zation such as this they are brought out more freely and embedded more firmly in your minds. The second point is your “Na¬ predek”. Lately I have noticed some vvonderful articles in our pa- per but there is only one thing wrong, there are not enough of them. This should not be. The members appreciate the fact that we have our own official organ. Something interesting al- ways happens in our midst, during our meetings, outings, baseball game. So let’s ali write in, perhaps about some funny incident that happened among us. Let’s let the rest of the Vrtecs in on it. I’m sure ali would appreciate a good laugh. Let’s become more intimate with one another. “What’a you say we try to beat each other for the most articles?” Let’s try to make our seetion the most interesting of ali! So long everybody Wanda Cebron, (age 16) Spartan Jrs., Cleveland, O. SPARTAN JRS. Well, members here is a re- port of your last meeting which I know almost ali of you did not attend. It really is a dis- appointment when I come to our regular meeting to see only a few faithful members. What is the matter with the rest? Can’t you give your time and attention for just one hour out of one day of every month to your Vrtec lodge? Members, it is up to you to come to the meetings and teli of your plans and selections, thereby coopera- ting with us to make our Vrtec a strong and leading lodge. Now that I have explained the importance of your attend- ance at every meeting, I will teli you of the plans we have decided upon at the former meeting. A very interesting idea was brought up by one of our mem¬ bers at one of our last meet¬ ings, and that was Bank Night. It was decided to plače ali the members names on slips of paper, put them into a box and then draw out one slip. If the person whose name is on the slip is present at the meeting he or she will receive a certain amount of money, and if not present the money will be dou- bled for the next drawing. Also, as'a treat for our base¬ ball heroes who are almost cer¬ tain of winning the champion- ship this year, we have arrang- ed to serve ice cream and coo- kies at our next meeting which will be held at National Home room 2 at 7:30 p.m. sharp on Friday September 10. So mem¬ bers don’t forget to come to our next meeting and enjoy two big treats, BANK NIGHT and REFRESHMENTS. Daniella Homovec, Secretary of Vrtec No. 5 and gloriovus \Axne. So rve laeaicd from many of my friends and as for myself, 1 kad one of tke best that I can remember yet. There were games- of baseball, balina, and horseshoes that were enjoyed by the adults and racing for the Vrtec members which they enjoyed also. Bro. Skubic with his spin-wheel was another attraetion that kept the crowd busy. I must not forget the marvelous dance mušic that was played by Gradišek’s orchestra. The mušic was en- joyed by both, old and young, especially polkas for the ol der folks. Another attraetion was bro- ther Vrhovnik with his camera. He was taking pictures of ali the friends, brothers and sisters and ali the events of the day. Why I call it the most exciting attraetion, because we will be able to keep in memory the great day that we spent to- gether at the Federation picnic of SSPZ. Wilma T. Gratchner, (age 14) Vrtec 160 Vae orclae^tra. eame NV,' \v.va\ to end tke pictures. "We a\\ kad. a grand time loohing at the pictures and we thank Mr Vr¬ hovnik from the bottom of our hearts, but words cannot ex- press our appreciation. The Dance mušic for the eve- ning was furnished by Art De Frances and the boys. Every- body had a wonderful time dancing to the beautiful melo- dies played by the orchestra. Mr. Vrhovnik made many friends at White Va lley, but somehow or other the girls were a bit reserved about making close friends with him. Anyway he certainly did make the hearts of many a young girl beat double fast.— But it meant very little to him, I guess he’s used to it, girls. Thanks to one of the Evening Starš, Brother Vrhovnik was entertained dur¬ ing the latter part of the dance and Mike really enjoyed it. Ali in ah, we had a very memorable occasion on that un- forgettable June 13th. Tillie Mladenick THE UNFORGETTABLE 13th OF JUNE White Valley, Pa.—The SSPZ Lodge and the juveniles of Vr¬ tec 103 of White Valley held a dance, picnic and play in ths Slovene Hall on Sunday, June 13. The activities of the day were started by a meeting which be- gan at 3:00 P.M. The Lodge INSPIRATIONLESS POETRY Inspiration is dead. There- fore, I, too, have nothing left to live for. I trusted to inspira¬ tion to produce a masterpiece such as had never been yet pro- duced—well, it failed me. As a final contribution to the Liter- ary Contest, I had hoped to send in an entry so terrific, unique, so ingenious, that it held their meeting first, and would completely foreshadow ali VRTETC NO. 160 Chicago, 111.—Ali those pres¬ ent at the last Federation Pic¬ nic of SSPZ that was held July 5, 1937, at the Red Gate, Stezi- nar’s Grove, sure had a grand following that was the meet¬ ing of the Vrtec. Brother Vr¬ hovnik and a few other visitors attended the meeting as guests. At first we ali seemed to be sitting on needles and pins, but after the friendly speech of Mr. Vrhovnik we ali felt better, re- laxed and proceeded with the meeting as usual. You see we had been waiting for a visit from Brother Vrhov¬ nik for such a long time that our imaginations must have ran away with us, because we ali imagined Michael to be a stern, hard old man, but to our sur- prise he turned out to be a kind handsome, friendly young man. He really held our interest when he talked about ali the contests going on for juveniles. He also explained them ali so clearly that I am sure more of our members will take a greater interest in them in the future. Following the meetings Mr. Vrhovnik took some pictures of the members and many others. He promised to bring them back some time and show them to us on the sereen. Bov! Won’t it be wonderful to see ourselves on the sereen. In the evening the Vrtec members presented a small play vhich evervone enjoyed. Fol- lowing the play Brother Vrhov¬ nik showed us some movie pic¬ tures which he himself had taken in Chicago and elsewhere. He expected to show us many more pictures but the time went so fast that before we kne\v it my other literary attempts. Alas... Alas...: I prepared my writing ma- terials with great expectation. I went out into the back yard, and looking up into the heav- ens, I began my gem, \vhich I decided to call CLOUDS Upon the sea of heavenly blue The clouds of silver fleece saU by; With rims of shimmering gold, they seem Like shining dream-boats in the sky. When I reached the second verse, I began to have my doubts as to the quality of the poem and decided to rest until I was in the right mood. I had a pleasant chat with a neighbor, and by the time the conversa- tion was ended, the sun was go¬ ing dovvn, so I changed my “chef-d’oeuvre” to THE SUNSET The clouds changed their colors to bright rosy hues As the flaming red sun made its pom- pous descent. A light summer breeze came, whisper- ing love-songs— An act which was rasli, and she soon did repent. I had meant only to take a štab at it, but it seemed that I had done a very thorough job of murdering it. By this time, I was quite sure that I lacked inspiration. Even Nature itself was insufficient. So I cratvied out from under the weeds (which had gro\vn up around me \vhile I had' been •vvriting) and made for the (Continued on pagc 41 ■=- "S 70 ' ‘i tb. .g, ^ ■% r ,v -v "C- V.:, --v. 7^ -y, a- m- ■ g- -g -i Juvenile Sectioa Of ‘‘Napredek’ -Augrust ISth, 1937 Letters From Our Vrtec Members (Continued from Page 3) house. Finding the radio in a good mood, and willing to send forth something other than sta- tic, I tuned in to a jazz band, the result of which was that I found myself tap-dancing on an overturned dishpan ( w h i e h gives forth the best sound ef- fects). This didn’t agree with the rest of the family, so I discovered a hick-town which stili believed in symphony. I grew quite sentimental, and wrote, with a new zest for living: REMINISCENCES of an old sentimentalist I met him first while at the park, My heart was pounding ali that day; I never knew such happiness— I did not then brush tears away. Years passed, and then we met again, My heart once more grew young and gay; But when he passed with just a nod, I smlled—and brushed the tears away. Now, as I sit and dream again, My body withered, old and gray; His memory is ali that’s left,— I smile—and brush the tears away. At this point the family be- came interested in my mum- bling, and began to think that maybe I was a genius. But when they read the poem, they knew differently, and turned away with, “No wonder, she doesn’t get any fan mail—writing that mushy stuff.” Well, that broke me down completely, and I turned for consolation to my dear friend, Walter 0’Keefe. With a sudden burst of ambition, I renewed my attempts, only to be lulled to sleep by the soothing jokes of the comedian. Behold the work of my sub-conscious mind: THUNDERSTORM The clouds up above lose their silvery sheen, They tarnish and blacken with the wrath of the gale That rips off the branches with such speed and such strength That the poor, trembling blossoms and butterflies pale. The Great God, in anger with Earth’s unbelievers Sends down, with wind, a great torrent of rain. The Earth is enshrouded with the ter- rors of darkness; The people, a-frigthed, cry “Mercy!” in vain. The turmoil inside of the soul of a man (Who, in searching for peace and for love, does not pray Por the help of his God), quite resem- bles a storm, Which kills and destroys ali which lies in its way. At this I wakened, and was so shocked at finding 3 verses finished, that I was unable to continue writing consciously, nor could I retum to the Land of Dreams, even with W. 0’K., stili on the air. The moral, brothers and sis- ters is this: Never write with- out inspiration—you have read the results. And that is why I say — “Inspiration is dead.” — Or is it just that I’m not using the right kind? Valena Artel, Vrtec 11, Colinwood, O. M V RAINDKOP FRIENOS The tiny, little raindrops, That fall from away up high, Tell me about little things they’ve seen, As they pass me by. They teli of far off mountains, Of royal queens and kings, Of beautiful far-off countries, And many other things. They once told of a beautiful lady With eyes of bright, bright blue; Her hair were really flaxen, And lips like cherries too. They told me of a hillside Cover’d with trees, so big and green— Waiting, with leafy arms stretched out To welcome raindrops they’ve already seen. They told me of a parched country-side Where they’d forgot to come; Everything was burned and brown With the heat of our mighty sun. If our little raindrop friends Discontinued to fall; In just a little short time, my dears, We wouldn’t be here at ali. Anne Gačnik WITH OUR JUNIORS (Continued from page 1) SUNSET The lake is a lace of shimmering gold Shot with threads of Violet. Here and there is a pattem of blue, And there is a trače of orange, too. Way out on the edge of a fleecy cloud, I see a touch of yellow. It’s not of the shade that is common and loud, But a shade that is soft and mellow. There won’t be any awards for September’s contributions, but this does not mean that we have finished with writing con- tests. There will be plenty more in the future, but first of ali we are going to enlist your help in deciding what sort of contest you’d like to have for 1938. We want ali you boys and girls to send in your sugges- tions to our EDITOR who will see that they are given their proper plače in succeeding is- sues of the Vrtec Section. If you would rather not have them published, then send them to me and you can be sure that Til give them my most serious consideration... Some of the questions you might try solving are: What do you think of having an annual literary contest, si- milar in many respects to the one just concluded, but lasting through twelve months and the The sky turns scarlet as the sun sinks lower; The clouds become outlined against the sky; The world becomes a riot of color; No artist can paint it, tho’ he may try and try. The fiery bali seems poised on the rim— As if to view its attainment, Then almost at once it vanishes On its soft, downy bed to concealment. Anne Gačnik final atvards to be beautiful tro- phies with appropriate engra- ving? Are you satisfied with the way members have been classi- fied into two groups according to their ages or do you think there should be only one group, or are you of the opinion that if they are divided again, into two groups, that the age limit of group “B” be raised to age 14 or 15 years? We make this latter suggestion, because to date there have been only two contributors under the “age 13 or younger” group. Do you favor cash monthly avvards or material prizes? ... What do you think of the idea of having your subjetcs selected for you or would you rather have that left to your judg- ment?... etc... Let’s have your ideas for our 1938 JUNIOR LITERARY CONTEST. Watch the Napredek for future sur- prises. PICK-UPS OF VRTEC 103 White Valley, Pa.—With this hot summer weather a person doesn’t even feel like vvriting but here I go anyway. First of ali, we, too, must congratulate brother Anthony Sirca, who is a member of the Challengers, on his marriage. Well, Tony, we certainly wish you and the wife a very happy and successful marriage. Not only has Tony been married, but also one of our former mem¬ bers had the same idea. This member is Helen Kogosek of Export; she is the daughter of Mr Martinsek who is recording secretary of lodge No. 142. She is married to John Makar, a handsome fellow of her home town. The love bug is doing its share of biting around here too. Congratulations to you both. At our last meeting, which was held July 18, we made plans for a lawn party which was to be held at the home of our Sec’y Julia Kosmach on August 1. A photographer was to be present. He came about 2:00 p. m. and took our pictures. Ali our Vrtec members were pres¬ ent except one, and it was im- possible for her to be there. Ali šeemed very happy, that is ali except a few of the smaller ones, who didn’t like the ca- mera and got frightened. We have a few members that are just babies and was it hard to keep them stili and quiet. I’ll bet they were glad when that was over, but stili they seemed to have cried more when the A numebr of requests have been received that the JUNIOR LITERARY CONTEST entry blank be published in our Offi- cial Organ once more. This we are doing, today, for the bene- fit of those who misplaced Ju- ly’s issue and those who have run short of entry blanks as is true of families receiving only one or two copies of the Napre¬ dek. Vrtec administrators and are informed that Secretaries S. hobby entries such as Vrtec al- bums, scrapbooks, etc., Vdiich owe their contents and make-up to several or ali members, shall be judged as a Vrtec entry and will be entitled to compete for the award of ten (10) points which shall be given to the Vr¬ tec promoting the greatest in- terest in hobbies as evidenced by the number and quality of exhibits entered. S. P. Z. NATIONAL JUNIOR HOBBY EXHIBIT Cleveland, Ohio — Sept. 4-5-6,1937. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Name .Vrtec No ...Cert. No .Age. Address (City or town) (Street or box No.) (Check below the exhibits you have entered) (State) □ □ □ Collections (a) Stamps. (b) Curios.. (c) Buttons & Badges Household Arts (a) Sewing. (b) Needlework. (c) Knitting.“ Classifications and Collections Manual Work (a) Woodwork. (b) Metal work.Q (c) Models (ships, planeš, etc.) .Q Arts (a) Cartoons & Posters (b) Drawing.Q (c) Clay & Soap Sculpturing.[j Administrator-trix Vrtec Secretarg NOTE: This entry blank, properly filled and signed, should be mailed or presented to Rudolph Lisch, 1393 E. 47th St., Cleveland, O., not later than August 25,1937. Michael Vrhovnik. AMATUER SNAPSHOT CONTEST SIX MORE WEEKS REMAIN BEFORE OUR SNAP¬ SHOT CONTEST CLOSES. SEND IN YOUR ENTRIES TODAY! WIN CASH PRIZES AND PUBLICITY! picture taking was over than when it was being taken. While some of the girls pass¬ ed out refreshments to both the Vrtec and Senior members and also to visiting friends, other girls and boys took some snap- shots that were of fun and in- terest. The members of the Senior Lodge and a few of the Eve- (Cont. on 3d page of Napredek)