Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 33/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 12. 8. 2018 19. Nedelja med letom 19th Sunday in Ordinary time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Samo Jezus nam pomaga videti z vero Evangelij nam govori o čudenju Jezusovih rojakov, ki so v njem videli samo tesarjevega sina. Kako so mogli v človeku, ki je delal take čudeže, o katerem se je toliko govorilo, videti popolnoma navadnega človeka? Če pa se postavimo na njihovo kožo, potem nam njihovo čudenje ne bo več tako nerazumljivo. V Jezusus so videli samo človeka, ki je imel starše, ki so jih poznali, bil je delavec kot vsi drugi. Res, da so se spraševali, kaj pomenijo čudeži in njegovo učenje, vendar od vsakdanjih stvari, ki so jih poznali, niso mogli dvigniti oči. Ujeti so bili v svoj sedaj in tukaj. Veselili so se in čudili, če se je zgodil kakšen čudež, še posebej, če so to potrebovali, nismo pa zmogli videti kaj več od dejstva, da se je zgodilo nekaj posebnega. Tudi mi smo jim mnogokrat podobni. V zaverovanosti v svoj trenutek ne zmoremo prerasti v tisto, kar bi nas popolnoma napolnilo z vero. Kolikokrat slišimo pričevanja ljudi, ki so za vero vse žrtvovali, predvsem pa, ki so v njej našli popolno notranjo moč in zadovoljstvo. Morda se vprašamo, kako je to ali ono mogoče, mene samega pa nič ne spremeni. Ujeti smo v svoje skrbi in delo. Nič ni s tem narobe, če le znamo to tudi prerasti, narobe je, če smo vsemu temu popolnoma prepuščeni, če se pustimo ujeti. Pustili smo se ujeti tudi v mišljenje tega sveta. Kolikokrat slišimo govoriti: Nič se ne da, nima smisla, mladi tako in tako niso pripravljeni ničesar storiti, svet drvi v propad, človeštvo si koplje jamo. Dvignimo roke od vsega tega in pustimo naj gre vse svojo pot. Kot Elija smo tudi mi siti vsega skupaj. Zakaj bi pa morali iti po tej poti naprej. Svet bo tako in tako pobrala človeška neumnost, izkoristimo ta trenutek in si privoščimo še zadnje sadove tega sveta, bi lahko našli v tej smeri v naših vsakdanjih pogovorih. Ne da smo samo brezvoljni in brez moči kot prerok Elija, ujeti smo kot Judje nekoč v to stvarnost in pozabljamo, da se nam vedno daje tudi hrana za nadaljevanje naše življenjske poti. Boga videti v pokvarjenosti sveta in ljudi res ni lahko. Če bi tudi Elija videl le svoj obup in nemoč, ne bi segel niti po hrani, ker pa se je mogel ozreti naokoli, je zmogel v moči hrane nadaljevati svojo pot. Dvigniti svoj pogled, pomeni imeti vero. V veri pa lahko za vsem tem vidimo tudi nekoga, ki upa in poskuša temu svetu prinesti kaj lepega in dobrega. Samo s to vero bomo zmogli v kruhu in vinu prepoznati kaj več kot le znamenje nekega spomina, bomo zmogli vedno znova videti v Jezusu njega, ki se daruje za vsakega izmed nas, da bi vse odrešil. Proščenje na Bledu V nedeljo, 29. julija, je društvo Bled-Planica 13 obhajalo svoje letno proščenje. Za to slovesnost je bil lepo pripravljen oltar, ob katerem je bil postavljen Marijin kip iz kapelice. Mašo je spremljal moški pevski zbor Bled, ki je s svojim zbranim petjem pomagal pri sodelovanju te svete daritve. Sveta maša je bila namenjena vsem pokojnim članom društva Bled, še posebej pa so bili imenovani tisti, ki so se poslovili v zadnjem obdobju. Lep je tak namen, da se spomnimo svojih pokojnih članov, saj vemo, da se bodo tako spominjali tudi nas, ko nas več ne bo tukaj. Gojiti molitveni spomin na svoje pokojne člane društva je plemenito dejanje, saj tako vemo, da smo z njimi povezani v hvaležnem spominu. Čeprav so naše molitve skromne, se le te pomnožijo, ko jih izročimo v Jezusove roke, kakor je On pomnožil nekaj hlebov kruha in dve ribi ter nasitil množico. To je bila evangeljska misel te nedelje. Bogastva ne nosimo v svoji denarnici, ampak v svojem srcu in če to damo Bogu v naročje, se neizmerno pomnoži. Tako smo pri tej sveti maši spremljali pokojne člane društva in molili zanje. V tem je bila lepota tega sodelovanja vseh, ki so se udeležili tega proščenja. Po zaključni maši smo v procesiji odnesli Marijin kip nazaj v njeno kapelico. Tam smo zapeli eno izmed Marijinih pesmi, molili k njej za nadaljnje varstvo in prejeli blagoslov. Lepo 349 I VESTNI K 2018 oskrbovana kapelica z njeno okolico je znak, da je Marijina prisotnost dragocena, saj vsi vemo, da smo v našem življenju potrebni njene tihe in aktivne prisotnosti. Ob tej priložnosti bi se lepo zahvalil g. Anni Doma, ki tako vestno in z ljubeznijo skrbi za kapelico in je dala pobudo, da smo Marijin kip od oltarja spremljali do kapelice. Prav lepa hvala tudi moškemu zboru, ki je ubrano prepeval pri sv. maši in seveda vsem navzočim, ki so sodelovali pri branju beril, prošenj in molitvah. Po maši se je nadaljevala pogostitev, za kar so poskrbele pridne roke kuharic in drugih, ki so kakorkoli prispevali, da je bil zaključek veličasten. Ob tem veselem popoldnevu nas je spremljala glasba in petje ansambla Golden Keys, prijetno druženje pa je trajalo do poznih večernih ur. Poročilo pripravil g. Jože Bajzek The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary At the funeral of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger, who was soon to become Pope Benedict XVI, brought his homily to an end with a beautiful image: "None of us can ever forget how that last Easter Sunday of his life, the Holy Father, marked by suffering, came once more to the window of the Apostolic Palace and one last time gave his blessing urbi et orbi. We can be sure that our beloved Pope is standing today at the window of the Father's house, that he sees us and blesses us." The cardinal had a struck a chord with all those in St Peter's Square and all those watching the event unfold around the world. While it is true that we are all sinners, nevertheless, down through the centuries the sanctity of certain men and women has led to the kind of public acclaim that declares them saints even before they have been formally canonised. John Paul II and Mother Teresa are perfect examples of this phenomenon in our own time. That said, there do remain intriguing questions as to when and how we experience the new life of the resurrection, which Jesus has won for us, and they very much relate to the celebration of today's feast, which teaches us that Mary at the end of her life was assumed, body and soul, into the heaven. Gospel Teaching Unlike the ascension of Jesus, there is nothing in the scriptures that explicitly tells us that Mary ascended into heaven. However, as with the instinctive canonisation of certain people as saints, it has been the common belief of the Church, from the earliest days, that Mary's assumption is implicitly revealed in the scriptures and confirmed by the tradition handed on from generation to generation. The last book of the New Testament, the book of Revelation or the Apocalypse, paints a dramatic picture of the culmination of Christ's saving work. We VESTNIK 2018 | 350 are told that the woman who brought the male child into the world was taken to a place of safety while Christ's victory was proclaimed. Meanwhile, St Paul explains how Christ transformed our human condition and was himself the "first-fruits" of the new life of the resurrection, with those of us who belong to him following afterwards. Well, there was no one who belonged more closely to Christ than his mother Mary, and vice versa, and it is more than logical to assume that Christ, who promised he was going to prepare a place for us, would have prepared a special place for his mother. In turn, St Luke places on Mary's lips those beautiful words of the Magnificat when she sums up the whole message of salvation and gives thanks to God for the "great things" God had done for her, recognising that future generations would recognise her as "blessed". Application It was not until 1950 that the assumption of Our Lady was proclaimed a dogma of our faith, but, as we have noted, by this proclamation Pope Pius XII was simply confirming definitively what the Church had long believed. Interestingly, the Church does not decide the question of whether or not Mary died. What was important was the fact that the Church confirmed the truth that she now enjoys to the full the fruits of Christ's redeeming work. The significance of this feast for each of us is that this is our destiny too. Certainly God wants us to live life to the full here and now, but God in Christ has also won for us the new life of the resurrection. We do not know precisely how or when our bodies will be transformed after death into images of Christ's risen body. The secret is in the fact that in eternity there is no time. Today we need only renew our faith in Jesus, the way, the truth and life, and trust that one day we will see more clearly what today we celebrate in faith. 351 I VESTNI K 2018 >-• 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. First Reading 1 Kings 19:4-8 Elijah is at a low ebb in the wilderness when God provides him with food for nourishment to continue his journey. Second Reading Ephesians 4:30 - 5:2 A warning not to "grieve the Holy Spirit of God" or to be unkind to one another. A call to follow Christ "by loving as he loved you". Gospel John 6:41-51 Jesus says that the bread he gives "is my flesh, for the life of the world". "Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world." Illustration In 1978, the American Jesuit and campaigner for peace Daniel Berrigan celebrated a Peace Mass for the Benedictine sisters of Erie in Pennsylvania, United States. At communion time he shared his meditation on bread: "When I hear bread breaking, I see something else; it seems to me as though God never meant us to do anything else. So beautiful a sound; the crust breaks up like manna and falls all over everything and then we eat; bread gets inside humans... Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives. Hope you might have baked it or bought it - or even kneaded it yourself. For that look on his face, for your hands meeting his across a piece of bread, you might be willing to lose a lot or suffer a lot - or die a little, even." Berrigan then picked up a huge basket, filled with fresh, unleavened, consecrated bread, and walked up and down the aisle inviting everyone to "take and eat". Hand after hand reached into the basket to share and be nourished by the bread of life. Everyone was able to eat in awareness of the goodness and blessings of God. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel, Jesus describes himself as the "living bread". After he was gone, they would still have God's word, and they would have his "living bread" for nourishment. They could smell, share, taste and swallow bread - an earthy reminder that Jesus would always be with them and was the bread that would take away all hunger. As Catholics, we believe that when we receive the Eucharist we receive the body of Christ. The monk and writer Thomas Merton suggested that "while we eat the substance of the true body of Christ under the sacramental species, we ourselves are eaten and absorbed by the mystical body of Christ... we become as it were perfectly part of that body, assimilated by it, one with its spiritual organism". By loving one another we are incorporated into the body of Christ and enlightened by Christ. We are to bring life to the world, as he did. Courage, gifts and blessings come to us when we remain close to Jesus and deepen our relationship through the Eucharist. Application Some of us will have experienced the ritual of making bread in our homes: the gentle kneading process; the earthy smell of the bread baking; the delight of the fresh, warm bread shared. The baking fills the home with a generous love. Bread is a staple of our lives, just as Jesus is central to our lives. Today's Gospel focuses on what nourishes and sustains us. Today we get the sign in the breaking of the bread that the spirit of Jesus is with us always when we are dedicated to the teachings of Christ and to building life-affirming relationships. Our Eucharistic lives are also accompanied by special meals with family and friends, reaching out to those who are vulnerable to share food, and liturgies that celebrate what it means to share bread with one another and to serve one another. We could prepare for the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on 1 September, noting the importance of fruitful harvests and a stable climate. The celebration of life has everything to do with food. Food is at the centre of human community making. The challenge is there for us today. Let us expand our belief in the one whom God has sent -listen to him, follow him, deepen our relationship with him. Each of us is called to follow Jesus and we will be filled with the food that is far more than daily nourishment. The deep food of everlasting life that Jesus gives to us will revolutionise each of us and will inspire us to work for the common good in our world, and that includes sharing bread with those who are hungry. However, we experience many hungers - the hunger for meaning, the hunger for peace, the hunger for contentment. Wealth can satisfy for a while but it can never give us real peace. Fame can satisfy for a while but can never give a lasting sense of meaning to life. Even material success can only give momentary contentment. It is in God alone that we find lasting satisfaction for all our hungers. VESTNIK 2018 | 352 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 12. avgust-nedelja: Lipa Park - Music in the Park, Picnic ♦ 25. avgust-sobota: Društvo sv. Jožefa -Balinanje ♦ 1. september: Društvo Bled - Labourd Day Picnic, Ansambel Sašo Avsenik - 4. p.m. ♦ 31. avgust-3. september: Slovenski park Long weekend. 1. sept.-sobota: Baseball Round Robin, Bar, Food, Corn Roast, DJ Joe; 2. sept.-nedelja: Picnic, Baseball playoffs, Band: Šibaj; Mass at 1:00 p.m. gift bearers - darove prinašajo ♦ 12. avgust 10:00 a.m.: Družina Groznik ♦ 19. avgust 10:00 a.m.: Gizela Hauzar ♦ 26. avgust 10:00 a.m.: Zorka Rev in Sonya Peternel zahvala g. Jožetu Bajzeku Ob zaključku počitnic se zahvaljujem g. Jožetu Bajzeku, ki me je nadomeščal v juliju in prvi polovici avgusta. Hvala za vso skrb in delo, da je vse potekalo lepo in urejeno. Naj ga Gospod blagoslavlja pri njegovem delu na Opčinah in naj mu daje vedno novih moči in zdravja, da bo lahko kar najbolje izpolnjeval svoje poslanstvo. Vedno pa je dobrodošel v Hamiltonu, pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem. darovi - donations Ob pogrebu Marthe Hočevar sta Angela in Matt Škerl, namesto cvetja na grob, darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Iskrena hvala za dar. St. Joseph Society-Drustvo Annual Bocce Tournament Saturday, August 25, 2018 Tournament Registration: ** $ 12.00 (Includes Prizes, Refreshment Drink & Lunch) ** $8.00 (Includes Lunch only) Open to all members, potential members, and Slovenian youth 14 years and up. Each team will be comprised of 4 members. This year, you may enter your own team by entering 1, 2, 3 or 4. If less than 4 are entered, we will add to complete the foursome. Total # of teams will be 8! We encourage you to register early with full payment and avoid disappointment. Contact: Tony Ferko: 905-578-0150 or Jerry Ponikvar: 905-333-5813 romanje v midland Romanje v Midland bo 8. septembra 2018. Program v Midlandu: ob 10:30 je program pri križu in nato križev pot v parku ob postajah križevega pota. Ob 12:00 je cerkvi kanadskih mučencev slovenska sveta maša. Kdor bi želel iti na romanje, naj se čimpre prijavi pri Tereziji Sarjaš, tel.: 905 560 1218. Če bo avtobus poln, bo cena $35. 353 I VESTNI K 2018 -i» svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are don bosco welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2018 | 354 od 12. 8. 2018 do 19. 8. 2018 svete maše - masses 19. Nedelja med letom 12. Avgust Ivana Šantalska, redovnica in mučenka Za žive in rajne župljane tt Pokojni iz družine Groznik f Frank Gimpelj t Marija Shacklenton (roj. Matkovič) 10:00 a.m. Družina Groznik Jože Gimpelj z družino Lojze Grebene Ponedeljek - Monday 13. Avgust Danes v župniji ni maše - Today is no Mass at the Parish Jezusovo Torek - Tuesday 14. Avgust Sikst II., papež t Martha Hočevar 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič t Zdravko Troha, obl. Danica Maradin Sreda - Wednesday tt Pavel in Paul Richard 7:00 p.m. Jožica Novak z družino 15. Avgust Po namenu (23/28) Ana Tadic Dominik, redovni ust. t Slavko Erzetič, obl. Zena Manja z družino Četrtek - Thursday 16. Avgust Terezija t Stanko Bratuž 7:00 p.m. Žena Matilda t Peter Montur Halina Kwasniewska Petek - Friday 17. Avgust Lovrenc, diakon-muč. Po namenu (19/22) 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic t Martha Hočevar Ignac in Marija Horvat Sobota tt Anka in Marica Fabina 5:30 p.m. Družina Vlašič Saturday t Marjeta Gimpelj Lojze Lesica z družino 18. Avgust t Ignac Doma Družina Mramor KlaraAsiška, red.ust. t Apolonija Marič, obl. Ivan Antolin z družino John Henry Newman t Franc Curič Zena Veronika 20. Nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. med letom ' r' 19 Avgust t Anna Hochevar Peter in Francesca Kure t Janez Sestra Jožica Erzar z družino Ivana 355 I VESTNI K 2018