47 Hladnikia 26: 47-66 (2010) Juncus minutulus Krecz. et Gontsch. New species of Slovenian flora found in Prekmurje Nova vrsta slovenske flore najdena v Prekmurju 9163/1 Slovenia: Prekmurje, Budinci, Bejčin Breg, 355 m s. m., in the Hungarian-Slovenian borderland eastward to the border-stone A115, (N46-52-36/E016-14-05). Leg. et det. G. k irály , 09. 09. 2009 (private herbarium of the author and LJU). In the territory of Slovenia Juncus minutulus Krecz. et Gontch. was found for the first time during the floristic research carried out in the Hungarian-Slovenian borderland. Juncus bufonius agg. is characterized by high morphological variability. This taxon belongs to the subgenus Poiophylli Buchenau within genus Juncus, however, the classification and identification of the included taxa are different in various European floras . Several synonyms, whose judgements are not uniform, make the question more complex. Apart from J. bufonius L. s. str., which is frequent all over Europe, also the rare J. ranarius Songeon et Perrier ( J. ambiguus auct., J. nastanthus auct.) is accepted generally on species level (see l Auber & W Agner 1996, s t Ace 1997, Jäger & Werner 2002, k irschner & k ubát 2002, f ischer & al. 2008, l á Jer & k irály 2009). Further, closely related taxon is the Mediterranean J. hybridus Brot., which does not exist in Central Europe. On the contrary, certain authors ( c o Pe & s t Ace 1978, FernánDez- carVaJal 1982, s t Ace 1997, Van Der MeiJDen 2005) consider J. minutulus Krecz. et Gontsch. as a subspecies or synonym of J. bufonius s. l., while the latest flora works of Central Europe handle this taxon on species level. J. minutulus can be distinguished from J. bufonius s. str. undoubtedly by observing the stamens: the number of stamens is 3 and the length of anther is up to 1/3 the length of filament. Size characters, such as the length of capsules, seeds and perianth of J. minutulus and J. bufonius are not completely reliable (Tab. 1.). A further important characteristic is that flowers of J. minutulus are normally cleistogamous ( h olub 1976, k irschner 2002b, f ischer & al. 2008, confirmed by own observation as well). Table 1: Important characteristics of J. bufonis s.str. and J. minutulus (after k irschner 2002b) Characteristic J. bufonius s.str. J. minutulus Length of anther (mm) (0,3-)0,5-1,0(-1,2) 0,2-0,5 Length of capsule (mm) 3,5-5 2,5-3 Length of seeds (mm) 0,40-0,50 (0,30-)0,35-0,40 Width of seeds (mm) 0,25-0,35 c. 0,25 10 flowers and 10 capsules of 5 different herbarium specimens collected in Slovenia on the given locality were measured. Standard deviation of the examined values of each Notulae ad floram Sloveniae 48 Notulae ad floram Sloveniae characteristic was low, the sample was decidedly uniform. The length of anther is 0.30-0.38 (average 0.35) mm, the length of capsule is 3-3.5 (average 3.21) mm, the length of seed is 0.37-0.40 (average 0.39) mm, the width of seed is 0.25-0.28 (average 0.27) mm. Comparing to the data of Tab. 1. it is clear that the length of capsule falls within the transition range while the size of seed and anther shows identity to J. minutulus. The reason of this uncertainty is, that the morphometric research on the especially variable aggregate of J. bufonius cannot be considered finished, each taxon is not completely clarified. k irschner (2002b) proposed the possibility of hybrid development between these two taxa. However, hybrids are not common probably and this alone cannot explain the identification difficulties. Considering the present data, in my opinion it can be stated, that specimens identifiable as J. minutulus occur both in Hungary and in Slovenia. The distribution area of J. minutulus is not clarified. Occurrences are known in Finland and Sweden (h Arm AJA 2003), in the Czech Republic (h olub 1976, k irschner 2 0 0 2 a ) , i n Slovakia (m Arhol D & h in Dák 1998), in Hungary ( k irály ined. ), in Austria ( f ischer & al. 2008), in Germany (Jäger & Werner 2 0 0 2 ) , i n I t a l y a n d C r o a t i a ( s t Armühler 2 0 0 7 ) , i n France (http://www.tela-botanica.org/eflore/BDNFF), in Greece (g reuter & al. 1985) as well as in Romania (h olub 1976). Formerly it has not been reported from the territory of Slovenia (Jog An 2001, MarTinČiČ 2007), its Istrian occurrence (s t Armühler 2007) is situated in the Italian part of the Trieste Gulf (s t Armühler ex litt.). J. minutulus was found in Slovenia in Prekmurje, close to Budinci. It exists in a Nanocyperion community of a shady road. To characterize this association the following relevé was prepared: 09. 09. 2009., G. k irály , E 1 100%, Height of E 1 : 5-30 cm, plot size: 1 m 2 . Eleocharis carniolica 15, Glyceria declinata 5, Juncus minutulus 25, Juncus tenuis 50, Peplis portula 5, Poa annua 10, Ranunculus flammula 10, Sagina procumbens +, Stellaria alsine +. The surroundings of the locality (towards both countries) are covered by closed Pinus sylvestris-deciduous mixed forests of acidophil character and cultivated Scotch pine forests. According to the Hungarian observation, occurrence of J. minutulus is expectable mainly in areas of bare wet ground where few competitors exist. It often replaces J. bufonius s. str. in Nanocyperion community fragments emerged on the roads and lanes of closed forest. It is probable, that the regularly observed cleistogam characteristic of this species represents the adaptation of the fragmented populations. In the territory of Őrség region bordering Slovenia, occurrence of J. minutulus can be considered scattered, consequently, it is definitely present in other parts of the adjoining Slovenian territories. According to f ischer & al. (2008) J. minutulus is a “(submontane) montane-subalpine” taxon, which means it reaches higher altitudes than J. bufonius s. str. This statement must be considered reservedly, as there are few data referring to the vertical range of J. minutulus in Central Europe. However, the phytogeographic character of Őrség and Prekmurje regions is in accordance with this description: moist hill-countries of lower altitudes with several montane-subalpine flora elements. References c o Pe , t .A & c .A. s t Ace , 1978: The Juncus bufonius L. aggregate in western Europe. Watsonia 12: 113-128. 49 Hladnikia 26: 47-66 (2010) FernánDez-carVaJal, M., 1982: Revisión der género Juncus L. en la Península Ibérica III. Subgéneros Subulati Buchenau, Pseudotenageia Krecz. & Gontsch. y Poiophylli Buchenau. Anales Jardín Botánico de Madrid 39: 79-151. Fischer, M. a., W. aDler & k. osWalD, 2008: Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 3., verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. Land Oberösterreich, OÖ Landesmuseen, Linz, 1392 pp. g reuter , W., u . m Atthäs , & h . r isse , 1985: Additions to the Flora of Crete, 1973-1983 (1984) – III. Willdenowia (Berlin) 15: 23-60. h Arm AJA, H., 2003: Notes on Juncus minutulus. http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/harmaja/ Juncus_minutulus.htm h olub , J., 1976: Juncus minutulus – přehlížený nový druh československé květeny . Preslia (Praha) 48: 329-339. Jäger , e . & K. Werner (eds.), 2002: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Kritischer Band. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg – Berlin, 948 pp. Jog An , N. (ed.), 2001, Gradivo za Atlas flore Slovenije. Center za kartografijo favne in flore, Miklavž na Dravskem polju, 443 pp. k irschner , J., 2002a: Juncus l . In: k ubát , K. et al. (eds.): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha, pp. 784-789. kirschner, J: 2002b: Juncaceae 3, Juncus subg. Agathryon. Species Plantarum: Flora of the World Part 8, Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, 192 pp. l á Jer , K., 2009: Juncaceae. In: Király, G. (ed.): Új magyar füvészkönyv. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Jósvafő, pp. 493-497. l Auber , K. & G. W Agner , 1996: Flora Helvetica. P. Haupt, Bern – Stuttgart – Wien, 1613 pp. m Arhol D, k . & f . h in Dák (eds.), 1998: Checklist of non-vascular and vascular plants of Slovakia. VEDA, Bratislava, 688 pp. MarTinČiČ, A. (ed.), 2007, Mala Flora Slovenije. Ključ za določanje praprotnic in semenk. Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 976 pp. s t Ace , c ., 1997: New Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, Cam bridge, 1130 pp. s t Armühler , W., 2007: Vorarbeiten zu einer „Flora von Istrien“ X. Carinthia II (Klagenfurt) 197: 407-496. Van Der MeiJDen, R., 2005: Heukel’s flora van Nederland. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen/ Houten, 685 pp. http://www.tela-botanica.org/eflore/BDNFF Acknowledgements I owe thanks to Walter Starmühler (Graz) for his help to clarify the Istrian locality data of this species. I also owe thanks to Božo Frajman (Ljubljana) for acquisition of certain literature. The researches in the Őrség region were supported by “OTKA 67666” Hungarian Research Grant. g ergely k irály , gkiraly@emk.nyme.hu