Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 30-31/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23. 7. 2017 16. in 17. Nedelja MED LETOM 16th & 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ 16. nedelja med letom Prilika o plevelu in gorčičnem zrnu Prilika o plevelu nam odkriva resničnost hudobije. Zakaj je v svetu, v naših srcih in celo v cerkvah toliko zla? Sovražnik je to storil slišimo odgovor. Zlo hudobije, spačenost človeka, ne pa neka iluzija; pleve v človekovem življenju. Gre za izgubo človekove samokontrole in popačitev njegove volje. Kristus pudarja večno nasprotje med dobrim in zlim. Kako naj bijemo ta boj? Skušamo izkoreniniti hudobneže in mogoče tudi zlo. Vendar je najprej potrebno odkriti in priznati greh pri samem sebi. Bodimo neusmiljeni z lastnim zlom in previdni v obsodbah drugega. Velikokrat smo kratkovidni in Bogu bi morali biti bolj hvaležni, da že takoj-danes ne obračuna z nami. Zaupajmo Bogu in v prihodnjo sodbo. Bog, ki ni nikogar določil za večni ogenj, bo pravično sodil in obsodil hudobneže, brezbožneže ... On je gospodar zemlje in nebes, današnjega in jutrišnjega dne. Prilika o gorčičnem zrnu. Gorčično zrno je simbol majcenosti, nebogljenosti. Prilika nam oznanja novo upanje. Kako majhno je seme? Otrok rojen v neprijazen svet, mož razpet na lesu križa, prazen grob in enajst mož, ki verujejo: drobno seme na prostranem polju. Prilika načenja tudi naše zaupanje v velike stvari. Veliko, mogočno, obsežno pogosto nasprotje Jezusu in človeku. Naše življenje je sestavljeno iz drobnih reči. Za male Jezus zahteva čašo hladne vode in od nas pričakuje zanesljivost in poštenje v najmanjšem. Seme je resnično zraslo. Kar se je pričelo nekje daleč v Galileji, se je razširilo po vsem svetu: v Cerkvi je Kristus navzoč po vsej Zemlji. Zemlja, na videz pusta in nepregledna, je sprejela seme. Prišlo je do čudovitega povezovanja zemlje in semena. Seme vsebuje življenjsko moč, nad katero človek ostrmi. Celo kri mučencev je postala novo seme. »Drevo je rastlo, postalo močno in njegova višina je dosegla nebo; videlo se je do konca vse zemlje« (Dan 4,8). Mogoče je prav zato Jezus uporabil to prispodobo. Učenci so seme, ki je sejano v svet. Kako naj se upro zapeljevanju poganskim kultom, moči imperijev? Slabotni so, vendar Bog pripomore, da lahko naredijo velike stvari. Kristjani moramo živeti v velikem pričakovanju. Tudi v času napredka, tehnološke revolucije potrebujemo srčnosti, da bo božje seme obrodilo na zemlji. 17. nedelja med letom Prilika o dragocenem biseru. »Junak« prilike je gotovo bogat zbiralec draguljev. Drage kamne je iskal tja do Perzijskega zaliva, mogoče celo vse do Indije. Pričakoval je, da bo prej ali slej našel nekaj zelo dragocenega. Sporočilo je popolnoma jasno. Božje kraljestvo je najvišje dobro! Ali nismo mi vsi iskalci? Ali ne hrepenimo vse življenje po biserih? Denar je dobrina, če se ob tem tudi dobro razumemo z drugimi ljudmi. Ob ugledu nujno potrebujemo neke višje cilje, za katere se odločamo. Predanost glasbi ali umetnosti je smiselna, ko ima človek čisto vest. Čiste vesti pa ni brez odpuščanja. Razmišljajoč človek ni nikoli zadovoljen samo s plitvo zabavo in lahko dosegljivimi cilji. Ko iščemo dragocene bisere, potujemo dlje od Perzijskega zaliva, vzpenjamo se na najvišje gore, prečkamo pustinje ... Bisera ne bomo našli slučajno. Božja previdnost ga skriva in čuva za človeka, ki ga išče. »Česar oko ni videlo in uho ni slišalo in kar v človekovo srce ni prišlo, kar je Bog pripravil tistim, ki ga ljubijo« (1 Kor 2,9). Ker imamo oči, lahko upamo, da bomo ugledali svetlobo. Ker iščemo, nas čaka dragocen biser, ki je lepši od sanj. Tudi trgovec je ostrmel ob svoji najdbi! Potem pa je prodal vse svoje imetje in si ga kupil. Lahko bi uporabil Avguštinove besede: »Kako sladko mi je bilo nenadoma pogrešati sladkob nečimrnosti, kakšno veselje, jih zdaj poditi, ko me je bilo poprej strah, jih izgubiti! Zakaj ti si izganjal iz mene ... in namesto njih sam stopal vame, slajši od vsake slasti ... svetlejši od sleherne luči (Izpovedi ix,1). Kdo je verjel možu, da se njegova kupčija resnično izplača? Prinesla mu je dobiček, vendar je hkrati presegla golo trgovanje. Biser je končni cilj in predstavlja večno življenje. Žrtev se je spremenila: namesto, da bi vzdihoval pod težkim bremenom, se je veselil. Prilika nam sporoča, da je resnično dobro Kristus. Zanj je vredno žrtvovati svoje življenje in svoj čas. Nekdo je rekel, da če bi res znal pisateljevati, tedaj bi napisal premišljevanje in ga naslovil: »Ali si zadovoljen?« Z njim bi potem oznanjal Kristusa v našem razdvojenem svetu. Prilika o trgovcu je takšno razmišljanje — napisal ga je Kristus sam. Prilika o ribiški mreži. Zgodba je učence gotovo pritegnila, saj so tudi sami ribarili. Ko se mreže poteg -nili na kopno, so v skladu s Postavo za prodajo odbrali dobre ribe, slabe pa zavrgli. Da pa bi ta vsakdanji prizor lahko tako nazorno prikazal razmere v božjem kraljestvu — to jim je bilo neznano. V mrežo kraljestva se ujame sreča in nesreča, naše delo in razvedrilo, naše (ne)zaupanje v božjo besedo. Bog pa vleče mrežo h kopnemu. Nihče ne more pobegniti, kajti nihče ni gospodar svojega življenja. Z vsakim dihom, z vsakim korakom smo bližje obali novega sveta. Neumneži si domišljajo, da bodo lahko ušli iz mreže. »Vedite, Gospod je Bog: on nas je naredil in smo njegovi, njegovo ljudstvo in ovce njegove paše» (Ps 100,3). Ni čudno, da se v mreži znajdejo najrazličnejše stvari. Človekova dobra in slaba dejanja so ujeta v mreži božjega kraljestva. Mnogo pobud je človek že oblikoval, dobrih in slabih. Toda, kako naj spoznamo, kaj ima vrednost? Nobeno človekovo spoznanje na zemlji namreč ni popolno. »Ničesar ne sodite prezgodaj, dokler ne pride Gospod« (1 Kor 4,5). On nas pozna. Prepoznal bo otroke luči, pa tudi vse, ki so zašli v temo, čeprav so bili ustvarjeni za svetlobo. Vsakdo bo sojen po svojih dejanjih, po svoji osebni zgodovini. Človek je svoboden in lahko živi njemu, ki usmerja in vleče mrežo. 326 | VESTNIK 2017 C-N 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time \_/ Response: Lord, you are good and forgiving. First Reading Wisdom 12:13. 16-19 God is mild in judgement and governs with great lenience. Second Reading Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit expresses our prayer in a way that could never be put into words. Gospel Matthew 13:24-43 God is patient with sinners so that they may repent before the final harvest of judgement. "Let them both grow till the harvest." ie< Illustration The desert Fathers (and Mothers) were a group of hermits and monks who, after Christianity became established in the third century, decided to go out into the Egyptian desert where they could face the struggle between God and the devil alone. They lived austere lives but gained a reputation for wisdom and holiness. Stories grew up about their sayings and deeds, which inspired people in their Christian lives. Macarius was such a desert Father. He had a reputation for holiness, but a story tells that one day a woman in a nearby village accused him of making her pregnant. Macarius remained silent and did not answer the accusation, while the villagers came with great zeal to punish and abuse him for what they saw as his hypocrisy. But it happened that the woman had a very difficult delivery and was not able to give birth until she admitted that she had accused Macarius falsely. The villagers then all searched for Macarius so that they could ask his forgiveness for their hasty judgement. But he had fled, not wanting the praises of the world. Gospel Teaching Sometimes it is better to wait before acting too zealously. This is what Jesus is talking about today. He, too, faced a good deal of criticism because he mixed with the wrong sort of people, the tax collectors and the prostitutes. The Pharisees were constantly asking him why he did not observe the law and get rid of those people who were not pure. But he did not change his behaviour, for he knew some of these sinners would eventually change and repent. After all, he was a doctor seeking out those who were sick. In today's Gospel he gives them an answer in the parable of the weeds. A man had sown good seeds, but then his servants told him that weeds had appeared. Where did they come from? He could only presume that an enemy had sown them. His servants are ready to spring into action and pull out and destroy the weeds. But the farmer is more prudent. He knows that the weeds and the wheat are quite similar in appearance, and if you start pulling up the weeds you may also destroy the wheat. He advises patience. Wait until harvest time when both wheat and weeds are mature, and then the reapers can cut them and divide them into separate bundles. Later in this passage Jesus gives an explanation of the parable. He explains each point: the Son of Man is the sower of the good seed, the field is the world and the weeds are the subjects of the evil one. VESTNIK 2017 | 327 He makes it fit into the situation at the end of the world when the final harvest comes and the angels will separate out the agents of the devil, who will face the final judgement. Here the emphasis is not so much on the delay but the certainty that there will be final punishment, which will bring justice. Application Jesus makes it clear that the world is not an innocent place. There will be always be evil at work in it and that will frustrate the growth of the kingdom. And even in church communities there will be a mixture of good and bad. Christians should be scandalised but not surprised that sin can exist in the Church. How should it be dealt with? Sometimes immediate action needs to be taken to root out a poisonous cancer; there is no room for compromising with scandal. But there are other occasions when God's forbearance must be recognised and in a sense we are called to imitate it. Sometimes it may be wiser to wait and not judge too quickly. There are zealous people in every community who want to act now and root out what they see as sinners or their influence. But, as Jesus shows, both on an individual and community level we may do more harm than good by rushing in with our hasty judgements. Better to wait, allowing for change and repentance. This is not a false tolerance of sin, but rather a situation that can occur in families and in parish communities, and which needs patience. Jesus teaches us to have a deep faith that God is in control, and that God can bring good out of the most unpromising situations. In the end there will be a judgement and God will bring about justice. f \ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time --- Response: Lord, how I love your law! First Reading 1 Kings 3:5. 7-12 God offers Solomon a gift and is pleased when he chooses the gift of wisdom and discernment. Second Reading Romans 8:28-30 God works in all things for good and intends us to be images of the Son. Gospel Matthew 13:44-52 The kingdom of God is compared to a treasure hidden in a field, a pearl of great price and a plentiful haul of fish. "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in afield." - Illustration In 2012 a Filipino Catholic priest, Fr Edwin Gariguez, won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for leading a grassroots movement against a nickel mine project on the Philippine island of Mindo-ro. He wanted to protect the biodiversity and the indigenous people from destructive large-scale mining. The campaign had the support of the Filipino bishops. The Mangyan people had lived sustainably from the island's natural resources for many generations. However, Mindoro's nickel deposits attracted foreign mining companies, anxious to supply a mineral that plays a major role in everyday lives in the rest of the world - in food preparation equipment, mobile phones, medical equipment, transport, buildings, 326 | VESTNIK 2017 power generation. A Norwegian mining company had proposed the open-pit nickel mine near two key biodiversity areas and within the watershed that feeds the island's four major rivers. These provide drinking water to lowland communities and irrigation for Mindoro's rice fields. The mine would use a process known as acid leaching to access the nickel ore, producing several million tons of toxic waste, contaminating the island's water resources and destroying the tropical forests. Mindoro's Mangyan indigenous communities would be heavily impacted by the mine, as the proposed mining area was within their ancestral land. Fr Edwin and the indigenous people put a case highlighting the value of the mountains, rivers, plants and wildlife that would be destroyed by the project. They felt that there was little appreciation of the treasure of the natural world that would be lost. Gospel Teaching Today's first reading talks about the God-given wisdom and discernment of Solomon, who asked for this gift ahead of material wealth or power. The Gospel suggests through parables that to know God and to live according to the Gospel are the most precious things in life. Through Jesus and the Gospel we come to know and understand the real meaning of life and what are the most important things. In one parable a man comes across treasure hidden in a field, which does not belong to him. He sells everything he has in order to get ownership of the field and hence of its buried treasure. When one discovers Jesus and a vision of life governed by kingdom values, everything else becomes secondary. The second parable is similar. A businessman is looking for fine pearls. When he finds the one he wants, he sells everything he has in order to acquire it. In the first parable, the man was not actually looking for the treasure. Perhaps he found it while digging the ground or ploughing the field in the course of his ordinary working day. The experience of God's kingdom may come unexpectedly through some everyday experience. Many people have described their conversion to Christ as happening in such an unexpected way. In the second parable, however, the man is on the lookout for the "pearl of great price". He knows it must exist and he uses all his energies to find it. Although we are baptised Christians, we are still called to pursue constantly the full meaning of the Gospel, which can escape us for many years. We can always understand more, love more, serve more. Application Though stories of treasures found aren't that uncommon, most of us experience moments of grace when something simple gives unexpected pleasure or we suddenly realise how we are blessed with family, friends and an awesome natural environment. We all face decisions about what we value in life. Perhaps we are also sitting on a hidden treasure, or in danger of losing one. How often do we reflect upon what families and friends mean to us, particularly those who are elderly or going through difficult periods in their lives? How often do we reflect on the origin of our food and whether it was produced sustainably? Do we have the wisdom to appreciate the treasure that is fresh air or the treasure that is fresh water? For much of the time we are chasing false treasures. What might these be? We can be locked into the past - full of nostalgia or regrets; or focused on the future - on longings and desires that we have not yet achieved, or depressing fears and anxieties. Meanwhile, the enriching present passes us by: the treasure is never discovered and the really valuable pearl is never found. Jesus teaches us to learn to appreciate what is good and truly valuable and, in addition, to seek out new ways to respond to the signs of our times and live in God's love. VESTNIK 2017 | 327 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti - 23. julij: Bled - Proščenje/Picnic: Maša ob 12:30 pm - 6. avgust: Lipa park - Music in the Park - 50th picnic - 6. avgust: Slovenski park - Bocce ball Tournament - Mass - 1:00 p.m. - 8. do 11. avgust: St. Gregory the Great - DAY CAMP 19. avgust: Triglav - Picnic - Band: »Novi spomini« 20. avgust: Sava-Breslau - Maša 1:00 p.m., picnic 26. avgust: Sv. Jožef - Bocce Tournament GIFT BEARERS - darove prinašata ♦ 23. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc ♦ 30. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Jožica Hapke ♦ 6. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin ♦ 13. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Ante in Rozalija Čule ♦ 20. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Jožica Groznik in Milena Volčanšek ♦ 27. avgust,10:00 a.m.: Eva Erzetič in Jožica Vegelj BARAGOVI DNEVI: 2. in 3. September 2017 Letošnji Baragovi dnevi so predvideni za »Long weekend« v septembru (2. in 3.) in sicer v kraju Grand Rapids, Michigan. Kdor se zanima, naj prosim, pokliče Terezijo Sarjaš 905-560-1218 ali Vero Gonza 905-5600089. Avtobus je poln, sprejemamo pa za čakalno listo, če bi kdo odpovedal. Cena romanja je: 100 kanadskih in 130 ameriških dolarjev. Kdor še ni plačal, naj to stori čimprej. Sprejemamo pa tudi darove za Baragov sklad. ANNUAL SUMMER DAY CAMP_ Our Slovenian Summer Day Camp is just around the corner. We are still accepting registrations and looking for volunteers to 326 | VESTNIK 2017 help out for this summer week of fun! We have many activities planned for the kids... Cooking, magic, bouncy castles, ice cream, acrobatics, music and lots of fun with lots of kids. So remember, it isn't too late! Email me at or call me at 905-317-6002 to reserve your spot. The cost is only $75 for the week of the camp. And to our high school students - this is a simple way to get all of your mandatory volunteer hours in just one week... and, you'll have fun while your getting them. Looking forward to seeing you all at camp! Heidy Novak PRVI PETEK V AVGUSTU_ Kot navadno bo tudi na prvi petek v avgustu med dnevom obiskal bolnike, zvečer ob 6h pa bo priložnost zakrament odpuščanja - spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. večna luč - AVGUST_ V mesecu avgustu bo večna luč gorela za pokojnega Vida Kastelica po namenu žene Milke z družino. ZLATA POROKA_ V soboto, 22. julija 2017, sta naša farana, Frank in Alojzija Novak ,v krogu svojih najbližjih obhajala 50 let poroke in se, pri sveti maši ob štirih popoldne, Bogu zahvalila za vse, kar sta v teh letih skupnega življenja doživela. Ob sodelovanju njunih otrok, vnukov in vnukinj je sveto mašo daroval gospod Janez Vodičar. Iskrene čestitke ob visokem jubileju, naj ju še naprej spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. Od 23. 7. 2017 Do 29. 7. 2017 svete maše - masses 16. Nedelja med letom 23. Julij Brigita švedska, redovnica Za žive in rajne župljane ff Martin in Ana Vegič ff Lojze in Tereza Pelc ff Pokojni člani društva Bled 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc Hči Tereza Uduč BLED - PROŠČENJE 25 let kapelice Ponedeljek-Monday 24. Julij Krištof, mučenec Za nove duhovne poklice ff Pokojni iz dužin Zorčič in Vegelj 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Jožica Vegelj z družino Torek - Tuesday 25. Julij Jakob starejši, apostol ff Za pokojne farane 8:00 a.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič (6) Sreda - Wednesday 26' JULIJ f Ignac Korošec 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Ana in Joahim, starši Device Marije Četrtek - Thursday 27. Julij f Marija Joželj, obl, Goraz, Kliment in učen. 7:00 p.m. Hči Sonja Langenfus Petek - Friday 28. Julij ff Marija in Tomaž Grebene 7:00 p.m. Lojze in Peter Grebene Viktor I., papež Sobota Saturday 29. Julij Marta, svetopis. žena Po namenu f Ana Veselič ff Jože in Ida Ftičar f Marija Pečelin 8:00 a.m. n.n. 5:30 p.m. Družina Vlašič Marjan in Anica Hozjan Brat Marjan Hozjan z dr. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, eall one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to eall for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please eall during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2017 | 327 Od 30. 7. 2017 Do 6. 8. 2017 svete maše - masses 17. Nedelja med letom 30. Julij Sv. Rufin, mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane f Hugo Hapke t Urša Hapke 10:00 a.m. Žena Pepca Mama Pepca Ponedeljek-Monday 31. Julij Ignacij Lojolski, red. f Lyn Lobo 8:00 a.m. Father Torek - Tuesday 1. Avgust Alfonz Ligvorij, šk. c.uč. f Tilka Vengar, obl. ff Tilka in Anton Vengar, obl. f Franc Jernejčič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Hči z družino Jožica Novak z družino Hči sonja Langenfus Sreda - Wednesday 2. Avgust Evzebij, škof Po namenu (9) f Štefan Gonza Po namenu 7:00 p.m. Ana tadič Žena Vera z družino KŽZ—CWL Četrtek - Thursday 3. Avgust Nikodem, Jezusov uč. f Lyn Lobo f Klara Šaruga, obl. 7:00 p.m. Dorothea Ježovnik Matilda Prša Prvi Petek First Friday 4. Avgust Janez Marija Vianej Za duše v vicah f Ignac Korošec ff Za pokojne farane 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Društvo sv. Jožefa (4) Tone in Marija Bukvič Sobota Saturday 5. Avgust Marija snežna (Nives) ff Po namenu ff Angela Šribar in Emil Hodnik, obl. ff Rudi in Terezija Hajdinjak ff Zofija in Mihael Ferenčak f Apolonija Marič f Ferdinand Tkalec 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. n.n. Manja Erzetič Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak Ivan Antolin z družino Ivan Antolin z družino 18. Nedelja med letom 6. Avgust Jezusova spremenitev na gori Za žive in rajne župljane f Janez Zagorc f Florian Miklavčič ff Zyemunt in Henryk ff Za pokojne člane društva ff Tončka in Janko Demšar 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Sestra Erzar Jožica z druž. Žena in družina Janiak Family SLOVENSKI PARK Družina Pust 326 | VESTNIK 2017