iS A h Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 34/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20. 8. 2017 20. Nedelja MED LETOM 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Globoka vera Jezus je odšel v poganske kraje in se znašel v novem položaju, pred novimi izzivi. Mogoče se je umaknil pred Herodovo maščevalnostjo in farizejskim spletkarjenjem? Ali pa je želel prekiniti z neko tradicijo? V opisu evangelista lahko prepoznamo tudi značaj žene, ki je prav tako jasen, kot je jasen predsodek Judov. V svoji materinski ljubezni je bila pripravljena sprejeti vsakršno breme, samo da bi njena hčerka ozdravela. Bila je vztrajna in bistra. Zato je našla pravi odgovor na Jezusove besede; odgovor, ki sta ga oblikovali ljubezen in vera. Odlikovala se je v veri in v zaupanju v božjo moč. Prišla je in se odprla Jezusovi milosti. Niso samo Judje izvoljen narod, ki si ga je Bog izbral, da bo rešil svet. Odločitev ni bila lahka. Ali v Izraelu ni dovolj vere? Prav molk ob prvi ženini prošnji in njegov oster odgovor opozarjata na njegovo stisko. Jezusove besede so robate bolj, kot menimo, da je potrebno. Pri tem zasledimo tudi evangelistovo željo, da poudari Petrovo prvenstvo. Jezus je prepričan, da ga je Oče poslal poučevat Izrael. Vendar ob materini prošnji ne ostane ravnodušen, kot ni ostal ob poganovi izpovedi vere. Zato je ozdravil dekle. Zgodba opravičuje čudovito avanturo vključitve Cerkve v poganski svet. In njen vpliv na vero; pričakovanje velikih božjih dejanj omogoča vstop v božje kraljestvo. Samo v takšnem okolju lahko Kristus vrši svoja dela ljubezni. lz evangeljskih opisov lahko sklepamo, da je Jezus pogosto molčal: ko ga je ogovorila Kananejka, pred Herodom in pred Pilatom. Velikokrat je samo opazoval: učence, Petra po zatajitvi, ko je pri molitvi zrl v nebo. V tišini je iskal in našel prave odgovore in zato je ob Kananejki nekaj časa molčal. V tišini je opazoval svet okrog sebe in različne prizore nato uporabil v svojih prilikah. V tišini je zrl tudi na zasramovalce, ki so se norčevali pod križem. Tišina in Jezusovi pogovori se povezujejo. Vse, kar nam je povedal, je bilo rojeno v tišini, kjer je z Očetom govoril iz oči v oči. Tudi njegova moč je izvirala iz tišine: »Molčite in spoznajte da sem jaz Bog« (Ps 46, 11). Tišina je tako globoka kakor večnost. summer day camp 2. del - nadaljevanje iz prejšnje številke V prejšnji številki je ga. Heidy napisala nekaj o Day Campu, ki smo ga imeli od 8. do 11. avgusta. Letos, kljub temu, da glede na priajve, nismo vedeli, koliko otrok bo prišlo, se je na koncu zbralo lepo število udeležencev in tudi animatorjev - ti so bili letos še posebej dobra skupina. Razpored dejavnosti po posameznih dnevih je bil malo spremenjen, saj smo imeli v četrtek zvečer in v petek tudi goste iz Slovenije -plesno akrobatsko skupino Flip iz Pirana, ki je popestrila dogajanje. Vsako jutro smo se zbrali v cerkvi in začeli dan z molitvijo. Otroci so že navajeni iz prejšnjih let, da poleg molitve Sveti angel in Oče naš, vsak še pove za kaj je hvaležen. V sredo in četrtek je molitev popestril s pesmijo Milan Vinčec iz Toronta. Otroci so se hitro naučili tri njegove avtorske pesmi: »Today is a Wonderful Day«, »Living, Breathing Stones« in »We Won't Thirst Anymore ...« Niso pa niti pozabili pesmi iz lanskega leta. Hvala Milanu za navdušeno predstavitev in poglobljeno duhovno ustvarjalnost s katero je mladim približal božje resnice in jih navdušil, da so peli z dušo in s srcem. Posebno doživetje za otroke in vse, ki so prišli v četrtek zvečer in otroci v petek, srečanje s skupino Flip. V četrtek zvečer so na travniku presenetili s predstavo, ki je bila paša za oči in dušo. V petek so imeli skupaj zajtrk in malico. Vmes pa so v delavnici učili naše otroke nekatere spretnosti. Kaj hitro so se spoznali in že so se med njimi spletle vezi prijateljstva. Letošnji dnevi so bili tako za otroke kot tudi za voditelje res posebno doživetje. Hvala vsem, ki ste to zadevo podprli na tak ali drugačen način. 346 | VESTNIK 2017 VESTNIK 2017 | 327 348 | VESTNIK 2017 VESTNIK 2017 | 327 34 | VESTNIK 2017 BARAGOVI DNEVI: 2. in 3. Sept. 2017 Letošnji Baragovi dnevi so predvideni za »Long weekend« v septembru (2. in 3.) in sicer v kraju Grand Rapids, Michigan. Avtobus je poln, sprejemamo pa za čakalno listo, če bi kdo odpovedal. Cena romanja je: 100 kanadskih in 130 ameriških dolarjev. Sprejemamo pa tudi darove za Baragov sklad. Odhod avtobusa izpred cerkve sv. Gregorija Velikega bo ob 7:00 a.m.., za Lonodn se bomo ustavili na običajnem mestu. Ne pozabite vzeti s seboj veljavnega potnega lista in zavarovanja pa tudi veliko dobre volje. Za vse dodatne informacije pokličite Terezijo Sarjaš 905-560-1218 ali Vero Gonza 905-560-0089. POKOJNI - Hočevar Anica (1934-2017) V Windsorju je v 83. letu starosti umrla Anna Hočevar. Pokojna bo ležala v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home na Lake Ave. Od nje se boste lahko poslovili v nedeljo, 20. avgusta med 2:00 in 4:00 popoldne in med 7:00 in 9:00 zvečer. Molitev rožnega venca bomo začeli ob 7:00 p.m. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v župnijski cerkvi sv. Gregorija Velikega v ponedeljek, 21. avgusta ob 10:00 dopoldne, nato pa pogreb na Mountview Gardens pokopališču v Stoney Creeku. Iskreno sožalje vsem domačim, pokojna Anica pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. SLOVENIAN CANANDIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ "The Foundation was established to encourage youth of Slovenian descent to pursue academic excellence in post-secondary college and/or university studies and to encourage them to exemplify pride in their rich Slovenian cultural roots and traditions as Canadian citizens in leadership roles of the future." (Mission Statement) The 2017 Scholarship/Bursary Application Form is now available for eligible candidates. A paper copy can be obtained from St. Gregory the Great Parish, Bled Hall or Lipa Park. If you need further information, or a downloaded copy of the application form, please contact Teresa Zupančič, Slo./Can. Board Member at 905930-7545 or at The deadline for submission is September 8th, 2017. All scholarships and bursaries will be awarded at St. Gregory's Fall Banquet on Sunday, September 24, 2017. We hope to see everyone there to celebrate the achievements of our youth. Please note: Memorial Donation Cards for the Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation are now available in three funeral homes: Donald Brown in Stoney Creek, Smith's Funeral Home in Stoney Creek and Markey-Dermody Funeral Home in Hamilton. We hope to include Patrick J. Darte Funeral Chaoel in St. Catharines in the next coming month. If you have any questions regarding the donation cards, please contact the funeral director at the above - mentioned funeral homes, or contact Irene Glavač- Petrič, Slo. /Can. Board Member at 905-379-3667 or at Thank you again for your ongoing support! Board Members Karl Ferko (Chair), Jerry Ponikvar, Ed Kodarin, Teresa Zupančič, Rosemary Palvič, John Doma, John Kranjc, Irene Glavač-Petrič , Frank Gimpelj . VESTNIK 2017|351 ZLATA POROKA - ANTON in ROZALIJA ČULE V nedeljo, 13. avgusta 2017 sta Rozalija in Anton Čule praznovala 50 letnico skupnega življenja. Skupaj s svojo družino sta se pri maši zahvalila Bogu za vse milosti, ki sta jih prejela v teku let in Božji Materi Mariji za varstvo in priprošnjo. Med sveto mašo smo jima podelili poseben blagoslov, potem pa sta nadaljevala praznovanje v krogu domačih in prijateljev. 352 | VESTNIK 2017 /■-\ 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time v_/ Response: Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you! First Reading Isaiah 56:1. 6-7 Foreigners will be brought to God's house in Jerusalem. Second Reading Romans 11:13-15. 29-32 Paul hopes that his mission to the Gentiles will ultimately lead to the conversion of the Jews. Gospel Matthew 15:21-28 The persistent faith of a pagan woman wins the healing of her sick child. "Jesus answered her, 'Woman,you have great faith.'" Illustration In 1979 the United Kingdom elected its first ever woman prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. She held office for the next eleven years, and so became the longest-serving prime minister of the UK in the twentieth century. Her dogged determination and, some might say, her stubbornness had already won her the nickname of the "Iron Lady". In October 1980 she addressed the annual Conservative Party Conference. Unemployment was in the news. It was mounting so steeply that many of her own colleagues were disturbed. They began to argue that the time had surely come for a U-turn in Margaret Thatcher's policies. Her disdainful reply, which was to become almost her motto, was, "You turn if you want to, but the lady is not for turning." Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel we meet a lady who was certainly not for turning. She was a woman who wouldn't change her mind, but, incredibly, seems to have successfully encouraged Jesus to change his. Jesus and his apostles have moved towards pagan territory in the north of the country, close to modern -day Lebanon. A woman from the district approaches Jesus, crying aloud. She is described as a Canaan-ite, which means that she would have been regarded by the Jews as a pagan, an outsider, and as ritual-ly unclean. Yet she proves to be one of the most attractive characters in the Gospel. Her anxious cries are not for herself but for her little daughter who is sick. Perhaps she has heard about Jesus' extraordinary ability to heal sick people. Could it be that he would be able to help her? She is determined to find out. Her efforts meet with apparent rebuff on the part of Jesus - no word from him, just a stony silence. That doesn't stop her crying out for his help. In the end the apostles are so annoyed that they beg Jesus, "Give her what she wants." He explains that for the moment his mission is restricted to the Jews, to "the lost sheep of the House of Israel". But the expression he uses sounds insulting: it's not right, he says, to throw the children's food to the house-dogs. Far from putting off this good woman, Jesus' words seem only to encourage her. She's already on her knees before him and now, alluding to what he has just said, reminds him that even house-dogs eat the leftovers. Jesus is moved by her persistence, her love for her daughter, her sense of humour - but above all by her faith, her conviction that Jesus could and would help her. If initially he had meant to concentrate his attention on the Jewish people, he is so won over by this pagan woman that he sees that an exception is called for: he assures her that her child will recover. Application This incident reads like a commentary on what happened in the early Church. The first Christians were all convert Jews, and there was great uncertainty as to whether Gentiles could become Christians unless they were first prepared to become Jews. Only gradually, especially through the influence of St Paul, did the Church come to see that her mission was to the whole of humanity. Paul, who never lost his love for his own people, gladly called himself "the apostle of the Gentiles". In fact in today's second reading he expresses the hope that his very success in bringing Gentiles into the Church might lead some of his Jewish friends to embrace Christianity. In today's world many people find it hard to respect "the other", the one who differs from them because of the colour of their skin or the sound of their accent or the land of their birth or the religion to which they are affiliated. There is no excuse for Jesus' followers ever to lose sight of the fact that his love is for everyone: Catholics and Protestants, Jews, Hindus and Muslims, believers and unbelievers - all alike are his. In fact Jesus' final words before he ascended into heaven were that the apostles should go forth to all the nations. Each person is precious to him. He died for all without exception. His Spirit is at work in all. Like that wise and wonderful woman in today's Gospel, please God we too will not be for turning, will never lose sight of the fact that where human beings are concerned there are no "housedogs", only beloved sons and daughters of God. VESTNIK 2017 | 327 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 20. avgust: Sava-Breslau - Maša 1:00 p.m. Picnic ♦ 26. avgust: Sv. Jožef - Bocce Tournament ♦ 1. do 4. september: Slovenski park - Baseball Tournament with DJ - 3. sept. - Sunday -Picnic with band: »Spotlight« ♦ 4. september: Bled - Picnic & Bocce Tournament ♦ 10. september: Triglav - Picnic, Mass at 2:00 p.m. ♦ 24. september: St. Gregory the Great - FALL BANQUET; Mass only at 10:00 a.m. ♦ 30. sept.-1. okt. - Bled Planica & Slovenski Dom of Toronto - POLKAFEST gift bearers - darove prinašata ♦ 20. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Jožica Groznik in Milena Volčanšek ♦ 27. avgust,10:00 a.m.: Eva Erzetič in Jožica Vegelj ♦ 3. september, 10:00 a.m.: Max & Jožica Pavličič ♦ 10. sept., 9:30 a.m.: Karol & Milka Ferko ♦ 17. sept., 9:30 a.m.: Lojze & Peter Grebenc St. Joseph Society Bocce Tournament St. Joseph Society Bocce tournament & Pork Barbecue Lunch will be held August 26th, 2017, at 10 AM - Villa Slovenia. Registration is $12.00 or Lunch on ly is $8.00. Tournament is open to all members, potential members, & Slovenian youth,14 years and up. Each team will be comprised of 4 members. This year, you may create your own team by entering 1, 2, 3 or 4. If less than 4 are entered, we will add to complete the foursome. Registration for tournament and lunch attendees is to be accompanied with full payment to Tony Ferko @ 905-578-0150 or Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813. We encourage you to register your intention to play bocce in the tournament or if you are attending as a guest. We need to know the numbers as soon as possible! maše med tednom_ Odslej bo maša ob PONEDELJKIH zjutraj ob osmih, ker bom na te dneve običajno v salezijanski skupnosti v Torontu. Od avgusta 2017 bomo imeli Salezijanci v naši skupnosti Toronto, srečanja, sestanke in duhovne obnove ob ponedeljkih. Razen če bo v ponedeljek kakšen večji praznik, potem bo maša zvečer. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - SLOVENIAN SCHOOL 2017/2018_ Dear parents, September is almost here and the school doors will soon open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! If you have a child in Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendants of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Sloveni- 354 | VESTNIK 2017 an. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the language of their parents or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and are geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones used in English schools so that they can be easily followed and understood. We also prepare the children of our parish for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Registration for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL is on September 9th, 2017 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the classroom behind the upper hall. Regular classes will start on September 16th, 2017 at 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more importantly, it is to instill into them a Slovenian identity, a feeling of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural heritage. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian commu- nity, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity. It is important that we work together to keep their interest alive. Slovenian School has been a rite of passage for so much of our Slovenian youth and we would like to keep this tradition going! Please give SLOVENIAN SCHOOL your full consideration and register your children on September 9th. If you have friends, who are of Slovenian background and this notice does not reach them, please tell them and encourage them to send their children to our school. The cost is $75 for one child, $140 for two children, and $210 for 3 children. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your children the same opportunity! We look forward to seeing you! Sandy Ferletič, Head Teacher Slovenian International Language School darovi_ Za slovenske misijone smo dobili dar $200. Za gradbeni sklad je $300 darovala Terezija Pučko, $2000 je darovala Matilda Bratuž. Hvala za vaše darove. Bog vam povrni! svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i\r Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti /baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2017 | 327 Od 20. 8. 2017 Do 27. 8. 2017 svete maše - masses 20. Nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. med letom ff Jože in Marija Groznik Družina Groznik 20. Avgust Bogu v zahvalo za 55 let poroke Michael in Marija Špiler Bernard, opat in cerkveni učitelj ff Pokojni člani društva Sava 1:00 p.m. Sava - Breslau Ponedeljek - Monday 21. Avgust Pij X., papež f Anica Hočevar f Frank Rojc 10:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša Štefanija Torek - Tuesday f Ivan Dobršek, obl. 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc 22. Avgust f Ivan Dobršek, obl. Manja Erzetič Devica Marija Kraljica f Ivan Dobršek, obl. Toni in Marija Bukvič Sreda - Wednesday ff Ivan Dobršek in Lojze Hribšek 7:00 p.m. Sonja Langenfus 23. Avgust ff Pokojni iz družine Simončič Martin in Kathy Simončič Roza iz Lime, devica f Frančiška Rupnik Marija Peranič z družino Četrtek - Thursday 24. Avgust Jernej (Natanael), ap. f Ivan Dobršek, obl. f Dominik Zorčič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Petek - Friday 25. Avgust Po namenu 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic (11) Ludvik, Patricija Sobota Saturday 26. Avgust Tarzicij, mučenec ff Vera in Franc Murn ff Ana in Matija Vlašič in sin Matija f Štefan Plevel f Silva Koren f Biondich John 8:00 a.m. Družina 5:30 p.m. Jožica z družino Žena in družina Marija Plevel Frank in Slavka Mramor in Victoria Colby 21. Nedelja med letom 27. Avgust Monika Za žive in rajne župljane f Lyn Lobo, obl. ff Francka in Avgust Fujs 10:00 a.m. Pevci Marina Štefanec 356 | VESTNIK 2017