Quark -.J c Research and Development in Slovenia ISSN 1318 -t : WW*!— ft? ^ ^r r 2641 Sumer 2010 EUR 18,30 ' * i fc- '' "J ' A«"»" li afpli' IPrTJ" S j* i dì V Jì. " TN - fi ■■ - - . i ■ v^i 2021/15 www.mitol.si MITOL, tovarna lepil, d.d., Sežana, Partizanska cesta 78, 6210 Sežana, Slovenia, T: +386 5 73 12 300, F: +386 5 73 12 390, E: mitol@mitol.si Cover photo: Green Karst - EnVision the Future Photo: Društvo ljubiteljev Križne jame Page 86 The National Assembly: "Harvest of Knowledge" Page 24 High-Performance Computing in Hydraulic Machinery. Page 120 Excellent NMR Future Innovation for Sustainable Technologies Page 176 What are the best environments for achieving the desired research and development results? The global economic crisis has saddled countries with the need to conduct more thorough examinations of their economic potentials and to consider everything that could foster accelerated economic growth. Research and development capacities are no exception; on the contrary, in many countries they have been pushed to the forefront. Mainly as a result of competition, the most developed countries have in particular become more committed to the field of technological development and the promotion of scientific research whose results create new opportunities. Slovenia has taken a similar tack. In this issue of Quark we report on various activities which could be defined as important, perhaps even the most important recent developments. We present Centres of Excellence and their concentrations of knowledge in institutes, universities and companies. For Slovenia, which does not have any major global companies with sufficient capital for a strong concentration of development activities, they represent the filling of a gap and are therefore all the more important. The high technological level of these companies is an important goal, but it also means the further concentration of Slovenia's excessively dispersed development potentials for inclusion in the EU. Here as well they are filling a gap, both on a Slovenian scale and on a global one, since the EU is open to it. The establishment of CoEs in Slovenia is supported by EU funds. Another significant point worth mentioning is presentations by scientists in the Slovenian National Assembly. Through them we present our readers with overviews of individual scientific fields on a popular science level, or brief views of the current developments within these fields. This will make interesting reading for many people. Everyone connected in any way with science and R&D is sympathetic towards such admittedly modest but media-supported gestures of support for scientific activities, through which the National Assembly has contributed to the creation of a favourable climate for both science and R&D. Boris Čerin, Editor of Quark http://www.quark-magazine.com Publisher: QUARK d.o.o. Ul. Lizike Jančarjeve 14 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA C ^ The National Assembly, Lecture title: "From Here to Eternity" Page 30 Editor Boris Čerin E-mail: quark@guest.arnes.si Journal Council: Dr Jadran Lenarčič, Dr Janko Jamnik, Dr Tamara Lah Turnšek, Dr Vito Turk, Dr Stane Pejovnik, Dr DaniloZavrtanik, Dr Andrej Zajc, Gregor Pucelj, Dr Miha Likar, Dr Sašo Divjak, Boris Čerin. Editorial Board: Dr Matjaž Gams, Dr Anton P. Železnikar, Dr Bratko Filipič Dr Peter Raspor, Dr Štefan Grosek, Boris Čerin. Language editing: AMIDAS Designed: Quark d.o.o. Photo editing: MEDIJA GRAFIČNO OBLIKOVANJE d.o.o. Printed by: Korotan - Ljubljana d.o.o. Pursuant to the Value Added Tax Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 89/99), the magazine is classified as a product for which VAT is paid at the rate of 8 per cent. OuEirk 48 54 60 64 68 78 86 96 102 108 114 120 CONTENTS SPACE CITIZEN PAYS VISIT TO SLOVENIA The 60th Anniversary of the Jožef Stefan Institute Best National Innovation Award for Commander's Right Hand VITEL 2010 TRANSITION TO IPv6 90 YEARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Foreword by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Pavel Gantar to the Lectures Given Under the "Harvest of Knowledge" Project The National Assembly Lecture title: "Synthetic Biology: Potential for a New Scientific and Technological Revolution and Slovenian Excellence in Research and Education" The National Assembly Lecture title: "From here to Eternity" Elementary Particle Physics and its Impact on Society The National Assembly Lecture title: "Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays - Slovenian Scientists at the Crossroads Between the Infinitely Small and Extremely Large" The National Assembly Lecture title: "Nanotechnology: From Science Fiction to Wood Coatings" The National Assembly Lecture title: "STEM CELLS - The Scientific, Medical and Entrepreneurial Challenge" 8 13 22 24 30 38 42 Daring Slovenia The National Research and Development Programme ◊ Analysis of results, progress assessment and outline for the future Challenges in Spin-off Creation in Slovenia TALKING WITH Dr Janko Jamnik, director of the National Institute of Chemistry "We are doing very well in all areas" Research Activities at the University of Primorska Properties of Mass Concrete for Construction of the Arch Dam at the Sveta Petka Hydro Power Plant in Macedonia Green Karst - EnVision the Future The story of those who wear nothing but feathers Use of Rapid-prototyping Technology in Rehabilitation of a Patient with Facial Deformity or Partial finger or Hand Amputation Real Learning Contributing to the Global Research Efforts in Developing Internet Technologies and Applications High-Performance Computing in Hydraulic Machinery Research and Development Celje District Heating Plant Heat and Power from Waste R&D in Slovenia Quark, Summer 2010 • Events Page (5-21) Web-based Monitoring and Control in Discrete Manufacturing Helios: Innovations and New Technologies are our Challenge GORENJE: A Remarkable New Generation The Centres of Excellence CoE in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Nanocenter The Centre of Excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of Proteins (CIPKeBiP) The Future of Energy is in Lithium and Hydrogen Technologies The Future of Energy is in Lithium and Hydrogen Technologies for Polymer Materials and Technology (CoE PoliMaT) Polymer for Better and Richer Life Excellent NMR - Future Innovation for Sustainable Technologies NAMASTE Advanced Materials and Technologies for the Future 138 164 SPACE CITIZEN PAYS VISIT TO SLOVENIA Edvard Sunita L. Williams, an American astronaut of Slovenian- Kobal Indian origin and a citizen of space, paid a visit to Slovenia in September 2009. Her visit was one of the most important media events in Slovenia. Slovenians are known as talented leading researchers in numerous scientific research-and-development and technological areas. However, in astronautics, we are especially proud of Sunita L. Pandya Williams, the first Slovenian astronaut. She is not only Slovenian, but also Indian and American, which makes us no less proud of her. Thanks to cooperation between the Slovenian Science Foundation and NASA, the American space agency, Sunita Williams visited Slovenia in September 2009 to promote human space travel, and resulting achievements over the last 50 years, at the 15th Slovenian Science Festival, a leading scientific event with international participation. APtl- Astronaut Sunita Williams broke the record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman when working out of the International Space Station (Photo: NASA). Astronaut Sunita Williams with young participants at the 15th Slovenian Science Festival (Photo: SSF archive). View from a helicopter of Leše near Tržič, the birthplace of the astronaut's great-grandmother (Photo: Milan Malovrh). The significant achievements of people of Slovenian origin in contributing to space programmes as scientists and/ or astronauts adds further proof of the extraordinary creativity and talent of Slovenian people. The first generation of astronauts of Slovenian origin within the NASA space programme were born in Slovenia. -Dušan Petrač, born in 1932 in Kropa, and Anton Mavretič, born in 1934 in Boldraž near Metlika. Both received their first degrees in Slovenia and finished their PhDs in their new country, the USA. As soon as they finished their PhDs, both joined space programmes. Later generations of space professionals of Slovenian origin were born in the countries in which their parents or grandparents had settled. An interesting case is that of Marcos Bavdaž, born in 1962 in Brasilia. At the age of ten, he moved with his parents Sunita Williams with Dragoljuba Benčina, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Dr Edvard Kobal, director of the SSF (Photo: Janez Vlachy/SSF archive). Sunita Williams is the first NASA astronaut of Slovenian origin (on her mother's side) (Photo: NASA). Sunita Williams with Dr Ljubica Jelušič, the Minister of Defence (Photo: Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia). Sunita Williams with her mother, Bonnie Pandya (Photo: Miha Šorn/Adria Airways). to Austrian Carinthia, and finished his bachelor's degree in physics in Vienna, and his PhD in Hamburg in 1988. After completing his PhD, he joined the European Space Agency. Current NASA astronauts of Slovenian origin are Ronald Sega (born 1952), Jerry M. Linenger (born 1955) and Sunita Williams (born 1965). From helicopter pilot to astronaut Sunita Williams was born on September 19, 1965 in Euclid, Ohio, the third child in an Indian-Slovenian family. Her father, Deepak Pandya, came to the United States as a medical student and went on to a successful career in science. Her mother, Bonnie Pandya (born Zalokar), is a nurse born to Slovenian immigrants who settled in Cleveland at the beginning of the 20th century. Sunita Pandya spent her childhood and youth in Needham, Massachusetts. Later, she became a student at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. She was trained as a military helicopter pilot and also became a test pilot. She married pilot Michael Williams in 1989. During her training as a pilot, she visited Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. There, she had the opportunity to meet many astronauts and also John Young, a legend in among astronauts as the first American to orbit the Earth. She was impressed by him and decided to apply for the NASA astronaut corps. She succeeded at the second attempt and in 1998 was assigned to the astronaut corps. During her training as an astronaut, Sunita Williams became well acquainted with the space shuttle as well as with the International Space Station. She spent many hours with experienced instructors and tested her stamina and inventive faculties under extreme living conditions, similar to those on the International Space Station, which is some 400 km from the Mission in space and on Earth She was launched into space on the shuttle Discovery on December 9, 2006. She spent 195 days in the International Space Station. Among other assignments, she performed scientific experiments, worked on the robotic arm and was engaged in helping to complete and repair the space station. On this mission, she broke the record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman. She returned from space on June 22, 2007 and became Deputy Chief of the Astronaut Office in Houston, and on December 1, 2008 was promoted to the rank of Captain in the US Navy. Visit to Slovenia Sunita Williams came to Slovenia on September 19, 2009, her 44th birthday. During her stay in Slovenia she met many individuals, including the Prime Minister, Borut Pahor, the Minister of Defence, Dr Ljubica Jelušič, the Minister for Slovenes Abroad, Prof. Dr Boštjan Žekš, and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dragoljuba Benčina. She also paid visits to the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art, and the Slovenian World Congress, and met representatives of the Slovenian Science Foundation, who invited her to a ceremonial dinner and awarded her honorary membership in the Club of Friends of the Foundation. The charismatic astronaut was also given a reception at the headquarters of the BTC joint-stock company and Adria Airways (Slovenia's national air carrier). Memorable meetings with local people were organised in Vitanje, where the memorial centre for Herman Potočnik Noordung, the Slovenian spaceflight visionary, is developing, and in Leše near Tržič, the birthplace of Sunita's great-grandmother. The culmination of her visit was her participation at the 15th Slovenian Science Festival with international participation, which was held September 22 24, 2009 in Ljubljana. Together with Prof. Dr Dušan Petrač, a long-time NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory researcher in Pasadena, she presented the development of space science and technology during the last 50 years, with an emphasis on the 40th anniversary of the first manned landing on the Moon. She spoke with admiration about Neil Armstrong, a member of the first crew to land on the Moon, who inspired her to become an astronaut. The participants enjoyed her stories about spaceflight and her debriefing on a typical 24 hours in the International Space Station. Mrs Williams advised young people at the meeting to think Sunita Williams in discussion with Prime Minister Borut Pahor at the opening of the 15th Slovenian Science Festival with international participation (Photo: Slovenian Press Agency). hard about their future studies and encouraged them to give priority to natural science and technology in their life missions. In addition, she expressed a wish to meet Slovenian astronauts in the near future. Sunita Williams finished her first official visit to Slovenia and returned to the Johnson Space Center, Houston on September 27, 2009. On her return, she began preparations for a joint space mission of American and Russian astronauts scheduled for 2012. Sunita Williams with Prof. Dr Boštjan Žekš, the Minister for Slovenes Abroad, and his colleagues (Photo: Government Office for Slovenians Abroad). The opening address was given by Dr Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia. The 60th Anniversary of the Jožef Stefan Institute Boris Čerin and Polona Strnad To mark the 60th anniversary of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Days of Jožef Stefan - which the institute organises every year on the birth date the Slovenian physicist after whom the institute is named - focused on the official ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of its founding. Prominent guests from politics, science and industry honoured the event with their presence. The opening address was given by Dr Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia, expressing his views on the position of science and scientific activities in Slovenia. He pointed out that development issues are currently the subject of discussions in the field, proving that science is necessary for further global development, as well as the development of individual societies, especially our own. President Türk argued that science cannot perform miracles and that nobody should believe that science alone can guarantee successful development. To support science, we need to establish networking, and synergy between science, industry and politics. Each of these activities has a very important role in development, and it is clear, of course, that synergy that excludes science cannot be effective. Knowing this, and with our recent experience of the economic crisis - which exposed the risks of rapid wealth accumulation and of virtual development, making us appreciate the importance of a real economy, real knowledge and real science - we must think about science in a thorough and critical way. While further explaining his views on the role of scientific activities in Slovenia, President Türk also emphasised the importance of Slovenia's integration into Europe, as well as the importance of the intensive and varied forms of cooperation within the European Union, which are becoming increasingly recognised as integrated research and development within the European Union. One of the basic arguments advanced by Dr Türk is that science is, in its essence, an international, or transnational, activity, which is why international comparisons of research institutes and individual researchers are necessary. Here he also pointed out that the Jožef Stefan Institute sets a very good example to other Slovenian researchers and scientists; however, the world continues to change, and it is changing in a way that requires our full attention. One of these changes is the creation of integrated research and development within the European Union. During the Slovenian presidency of the European Union, we saw the adoption of documents aimed at setting up an integrated research area to include all Member States by 2020. Within this area, the barriers to a free exchange of scientists and researchers are to be gradually removed. This idea may at first appear simple. However, its realisation will be demanding as it requires, in addition to the exchange of intellectual findings and scientific information, provision of conditions allowing young researchers, young scientists and other scientists and researchers to change their locations and posts more frequently and more intensively than Europeans do today, while maintaining their social security and a satisfactory income. Speech given by Prof. Dr Jadran Lenarčič, Director, at the Ceremony Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Jožef Stefan Institute: "Dr Danilo Türk, President of Slovenia, Dr Pavel Gantar, President of the National Assembly, Mr Borut Pahor, Prime Minister, Mr Blaž Kavčič, President of the National Council, ministers, your excellencies the ambassadors, distinguished guests, former directors of the Institute and the Institute's honorary members, prize winners and friends, welcome to the ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Jožef Stefan Institute, which is being held on 24 March, the birth date of Jožef Stefan - and the date when Anton Peterlin died. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) grew from the physics department of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts, founded in 1946, and from the Physics Institute, which was set up in 1949 to focus on nuclear-energy research. In 1952, this institute was renamed the Jožef Stefan Physics Institute; its main buildings were completed at the crossroads of Jamova and Jadranska streets in Vič, Ljubljana, and in 1959 it was again renamed, this time to the Jožef Stefan Nuclear Institute. Finally, in 1969, it was given the name we still use today, the Jožef Stefan Institute. Academician Prof. Dr Anton Peterlin, the first director, provided its scientific foundations and organised the institute. We celebrated the centenary of Prof. Peterlin's birth in September 2008 by publishing a book about him, in partnership with the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts. This academy was the founding body of the institute; however, in 1970 the activities of the founder were transferred to the University of Ljubljana. In 1992, the Republic of Slovenia became the institute's statutory founder and the name University of Ljubljana was removed as the institute became a public research institution. This legal arrangement was introduced as a temporary one; however, the core characteristics have remained unchanged, and today the situation is still problematic. By 1959, the Institute already had 300 employees; today it has about 870; and with the increasing number of young researchers, this number continues to grow. The JSI is by far the largest research institute in Slovenia, as well as being the country's only multi-disciplinary institute. As such, it stretches across national borders and I can say - and I have no need to be modest here - that its name is recognised throughout the world and that the JSI helps to create a Slovenian cultural identity. A great deal of knowledge is concentrated at the JSI, as it employs about 400 researchers with PhDs, of which at least 200 are professors at various universities. In addition, another 200 researchers are studying for their PhDs. I believe that the JSI has played an important role in establishing and developing Slovenian natural and technical sciences. In the 1950s, the JSI introduced a betatron, an electron microscope, and a Van de Graff accelerator. Later, nuclear magnetic resonance was introduced, one of the first analogue computers was built, the first microcomputers and first robots in Yugoslavia were created, the Internet was adopted, and XeF6 and stefin were isolated. In 1966, the Triga reactor began to operate in Podgorica and the world's first digital oscilloscope with an LCD monitor was produced. Today, we deal in research relating to synthesis of nano-materials, in nano-microscopy, etc. There are far too many pioneering achievements to mention all here. In 1992 the JSI had more than 900 employees, but this number decreased significantly when it set up the Technology Park, which later expanded to become the Technology Park Ljubljana. In 1996, the JSI set up the Polytechnic in Nova Gorica, which is now known as the University of Nova Gorica, and in 2003 it set up the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, which now has 220 postgraduate students. The JSI has also set up other, smaller institutions, such as Erico in Velenje or the Research Institute of the Valdoltra Hospital. Like our founder, Dr Peterlin, I believe that science and research are part of our personal and national culture, even in the case of Prof. Dr Jadran Lenarčič, Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute. Dr Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia: "We must ask ourselves what science really is. We are familiar with its definitions, of course, and with its findings. However, we are facing new social challenges. Science has always been the activity that can, on the basis of the strict scientific method, provide new and real knowledge. If today we perceive science in the context of new developmental challenges, should not one of our expectations be that science creates wealth? Do we see science as both the creator of new knowledge obtained on the basis of strict methodological criteria and of new wealth? Is it appropriate that scientists and scientific institutions should aim at creating new knowledge and, even more so, new wealth? Is it then also appropriate that the networking scientific institutions and industrial companies should act more ambitiously and include scientists directly in the operations of companies, while companies, along with their managers, need to provide the conditions necessary for such cooperation? We are probably obliged to think now about technologies such as membrane technologies or nanotechnologies not only in terms of acquiring new knowledge, but also in terms of generating new wealth, looking for links between industry and science that can allow the creation of new wealth. Politics, of course, should also be involved in this process, as the legislative and executive powers of politics can provide an important part of the conditions necessary for such co-operation. With respect to the above, today, we can be pleased that the most prominent representatives from our legislative and executive authorities are here with us, celebrating the anniversary of the Jožef Stefan Institute, and proving in this way their commitment to searching for new paths that will link science and industry, as well as science, industry and politics. We have several reasons for redefining the above issues in Slovenia: not only those associated with the economic crisis, but also related to the organisational aspects of our country. A large amount of money, close to 6% of GDP, is allocated for education; however, we still have a shortage of certain important specialists, and precisely in those areas in which the Jožef Stefan Institute is especially strong - mathematicians, engineers, natural scientists and other. This is a problem that would require our attention at any time. Today, facing the crisis, we must think about this problem even more intensely. We also must whether the share of GDP allocated to science is large enough. Currently, this share is about 1.5%, which puts us about 25th in the world. However, with respect to the cooperation between science and industry, using the current criteria that are often quoted, we do not rate that highly. Our current financial contribution to this area does not result in the required level of co-operation. We are roughly 43rd in the world on this measure. Therefore, we should ask ourselves not only whether we should increase the funding that society allocates for scientific development and how we do this, but also how to distribute funds within society in order to increase co-operation between science and industry. This is another of the basic issues that we must think about today." natural and technical sciences. Tolstoy said that pleasure is not in the truth, but in the seeking of the truth. For me, creative activities are at the pinnacles of human endeavour. When Einstein's theory of relativity was proven with measurements for the first time, he was asked whether he would be disappointed if the measurements indicated that his theory was not correct. Einstein replied that he would only be sorry that God did not yet know of the theory concerned. However, instead of dwelling on the past, I would today prefer to focus on the present and the future. But while doing this, I cannot ignore the fact that Slovenian science and technological development are still not recognised as the foundations on which Slovenia should base its development policy. Although all the country's strategic documents give science and development a central position, the public can only see these as the domain of a small circle of enthusiasts. In Slovenia, we do not focus intensely enough, and to a sufficient extent, on science and technological development, and neither do we give enough focus to the wider aspects of knowledge, creativity, innovation, and new ideas - in short, on the culture of progress. We have not yet placed this culture of progress in our field of vision, or at least we have not yet brought it into focus. Instead, we are continually engaged with unimportant problems. If we ask ourselves why this is the case, we find an answer, but a very unpleasant one for us: the reason is our poor understanding of the creative processes, i.e. the processes of creating original ideas and acquiring new knowledge, and transforming scientific discoveries into cutting-edge technological products that can be successfully sold or integrated into everyday life. As a society we do not recognise the key developmental issues at all. For this reason, we are not able to find solutions and the above processes occur sporadically and on the basis of the personal efforts of a few individuals working in science and industr y. It is high time we asked ourselves how we should determine our vision, how to undertake development and how to achieve the set goals. One Nobel Prize winner said that his mother had never asked him what smart things he had heard at school; rather she wanted to know what smart questions he had asked during his lessons. It is, therefore, necessary to first recognise the key challenges relating to our development. Statistical comparisons with Finland, Germany, Ireland or France will not help us achieve the breakthrough that we wish for, and that I believe we are capable of when we make real effort and use our skills. I will again, for the hundredth time, repeat my belief that we cannot expect different results if we continue to apply the same old methods. Not even scientists can conjure up such magic. Slovenian society has to completely change its attitude towards its most creative members. Although I feel weary of repeating myself so much, I do remain optimistic. Mark Twain once said that many children have parents that are difficult to bring up. So we should not give up just yet. Since the start of its work, the JSI has had strong ties with university-level education: in the past mostly with the University of Ljubljana, but now also with other universities, such as the University of Primorska, the University of Maribor, and above all with the University of Nova Gorica and the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, as these last two were initiated by the JSI. In the past, links with the University of Ljubljana proved to be of key importance to the JSI, and I believe that the University of Ljubljana, at least its natural-science and technical depart- At the front: Mr Borut Pahor, Prime Minister, Mr Blaž Kavčič, President of the National Council and Boštjan Žekš, Minister for Slovenes Abroad. OuEirk ments, also profited from these links to the same extent. Even as a first-year university student, I personally felt the influence of the JSI when I was attending the lectures in physics given by Prof. Milan Osredkar, then the director of the JSI. Professor Osredkar used to orally examine all the students at the same time. He would set a question for the first student on his left. If that student did not answer, the professor would set the same question for the next student; if he failed as well, the professor would continue asking the same question until he got the right answer from one of the students. He always started setting a new question for the same student and followed the same procedure. As a result, the professor never reached the students that were sitting more towards the back of the group. On one occasion, when the students at the front failed to give the correct answer to a simple question, the professor became so angry that he failed all the students that could not answer his question and gave a pass to the rest of the students. Later, as we were leaving the hall, he also said that students like us should not be allowed to attend university. Thus, I ended up at the JSI. Unfortunately, cooperation between public research institutions and the university programmes is not determined by any law and is mainly carried out on a personal basis. The results of such joint working thus depend solely on the individuals involved, so that there are both ideal relations as well as some examples of very poor projects. However, I can assure you that the best research groups are those that are based on a symbiosis, where the students or researchers do not even know whether they work for the university or for the JSI. Our researchers must compete with their colleagues from around the world; if they failed to do so, their existence would be undermined. However, it is easy to imagine how difficult this competition is when the funds supporting our researchers are four times smaller than the funds supporting colleagues in Germany or Finland. We keep saying that co-operation between science and industry in Slovenia should be better. However, it must be pointed out that the situation is not as bad as it may seem, although it should be much better. We tend to blame each other for causing the difficult situation, scientists pointing at politicians and industrialists, politicians pointing at scientists and industrialists, and the latter blaming politicians and scientists. Each of the three groups knows what the roles of the other two groups should be, but none can clearly see their own roles; none of them knows exactly what they should do to play their roles effectively. This reminds me of Charlie Chaplin taking part in the competition to impersonate Charlie Chaplin, where he was placed only third. There are insufficient links between science and industry, because this cooperation occurs in a kind of no man's land - a nightmarish situation. Neither money nor social recognition is to be found in this area. And in the past fifteen years, this country has not done anything to support such partnerships, providing neither the money nor the appropriate mechanisms. I dare say that without a comprehensive approach to bringing together science, industry, politics, administration and public interests, our generation will not carry out its tasks. It looks as if we are afraid of large development projects, public-private partnerships, enterprising researchers, and joint-development groups, which bring together researchers from insti- tutes and industry. Instead of being involved in these activities, we are continually regulating something, for example, salaries in the public sector, trying to democratically distribute the funds instead of investing them as suggested by Dr Žekš. I am taking this opportunity to recall again the driver of a Formula 1 racing car who was asked, during a race, whether he had everything under control, and who replied that if he had had everything under control he would have been going too slowly. I would like to add that he would also have been going in the wrong direction. Using the words of Max Planck, I should like to point out that knowledge is the basis for applications, meaning that good basic research forms the grounds for good applied research and technological development. Similarly, and to the same extent, good applied research provides the grounds for good basic research, as it helps us formulate smart questions. No other formula can be used here. A cornerstone of the JSI is its international cooperation. The JSI annually carries out 120 projects within the EU's sixth and seventh framework programmes, a figure which is increasing at an annual rate of 50% and which already represents 15% of our total income. Furthermore, all our young researchers are obliged to enhance their knowledge with an extended stay abroad if they wish to obtain the title of scientific researcher and a permanent contract of employment. Consequently, each year about 80 members of staff are away from the JSI. There is almost no important research going on at the JSI without links with partners abroad, and each year the JSI is cited more than 12,000 times in international scientific journals, a figure which I believe is comparable with those achieved by other top-level research institutions around the world. For these reasons, I think we can consider the JSI as both an ambassador and a "trademark" of Slovenia. Unpredictable times are ahead of us. For now, we know only that the situation tomorrow will be more difficult than it is today. To overcome the crisis successfully, one must be an optimist, yet not an ignorant person, let alone a greedy one, which is a widespread psychological profile these days. The winners of the future will certainly be those that spend less and invest more, mainly in knowledge and new technologies. Let me be optimistic here and call to mind the words of Balzac, who said we should not lose our heads in a bad situation, as no problem is so bad that it could not be worse. The JSI would not be the same without strong links to its partners i.e. universities, institutes, other public and private institutions and, of course, to industry. Let me mention only a few of our large industrial partners - Gorenje, the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, Domel and Trimo. Please excuse me here for thanking our partners without mentioning all the individual companies by name. Dear colleagues, it is a great honour and pleasure for me to be a member of this eminent institution. If I had to remove something out of my life, it would surely not be the day when I became a member of the JSI - a place one never wants to leave. I would like to thank everybody that has helped us to build the JSI. Dear Mr President and other distinguished guests, colleagues and friends, our generation had an opportunity to enter the wonderful world of science and technology, let us make it possible for the next generation to have its opportunities as well. Long live the Jožef Stefan Institute! Best National Innovation Award for Commander's Right Hand Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver The prototype of the intelligent security system named Commander's Right Hand (Poveljnikova desna roka) was presented at the Fourth Slovenian Innovation Forum, where it received the award for the best innovation among research and development organisations in Slovenia for 2009. The innovation stems from a targeted research project financed by the Slovenian Ministry of Defence as a part of the research programme "Science for security and peace 2006-2010". Three partners - the Department of Intelligent Systems (E9) from the Jožef Stefan Institute (lJS), Špica d.o.o. and The award for best innovation the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Ljubljana - developed a prototype of an intelligent system for surveillance of movement of personnel and equipment. A commercial real-time location system and an advanced video system track the locations of people and equipment while novel Al methods assess the security situation. The PDR system automatically learns normal movements and also uses predefined knowledge about permitted events. If unusual, suspicious or forbidden activities occur, the system alerts the commander and provides data about that event for later analysis. Examples include a visitor that has moved away from personnel, an unidentified moving object, a person lying immobile on a floor and unusual movement of an employee. The project began in 2007 and was successfully finished in 2009 under the guidance of the Slovenian Ministry of Defence supervisors Anže Rode and Dragomir Čevriz. See demo videos at the following link: http:// www.youtube.com/ user/ijsdis. Because of the success of the project, the E9 department was invited into the European Defence Agency (EDA) project as the only Slovenian partner for 2009. A patent application is in progress. The graphical user interface of the prototype intelligent system VITEL 2010 International Workshop on Telecommunications TRANSITION TO IPv6 Brdo - Kranj, 19 and 20 April, Slovenia A. Robnik, M. Jagodič The Slovenian Society for Electronic Communications (EZS - SIKOM), a sister society of IEEE Communications Society, has a very long tradition in organising national and international events on telecommunications in Slovenia. The intention of the events has always been to concentrate on the most important and relevant topics at the time leading to more efficient and useful or simply viable telecommunications for everybody. This principle also explains the name given to these events which is VITEL (Viable TELecommunications). A. Robnik, Chair of the Organising Committee M. Jagodič - Slovenian Academy of Engineering Sciences, VITEL is guided by its International Advisory Committee composed of well-known telecommunication experts primarily from the Central and East European Region and chaired by Dr Marko Jagodič. The selection of papers and creation of the final programme is prepared by the Programme Committee composed of eminent telecommunication professionals from Slovenia and chaired by Alojz Hudobivnik from Iskratel. The Organising Committee, responsible for the realisation of the event is different for each event. This one was chaired by Ana Robnik from Iskratel. The committees decided to select "Transition to IPv6" as the appropriate theme for the VITEL 2010 International Workshop with the objective of bringing together experts from operators, service providers, academia and industry alike to address this very important topic for the future development of telecommunications and the Internet. The event was sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society Chapter of Slovenia, the Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry for the Economy. Multimedia-rich communications in modern converged fixed and mobile networks have triggered a rapid increase in the number of end-points, particularly mobile users, and rapid expansion of all IP-communication infrastructure, boosting demand for IP addresses well beyond the capacity of the IPv4 address space. Theoretically only 4.3 billion users can be connected with public IPv4 addresses. Therefore desktops in various organisations, mobile phones and stand-alone devices use private address space, connected to a single or a few public IPv4 addresses. With network address translation and usage of private addresses, instead of public, 3G community and service providers solved in the short term the problems with the shortage of IPv4 address space, which they received from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or the Regional Internet Registry for Europe (RIPE). As a consequence, the network providers have been facing many problems with the complexity of managing such networks, the visibility of end users in public networks, and conflicts between IP addresses in merging such networks. An accelerated transition from IPv4 to IPv6 has thus become one of the most important conditions for efficient realisation of the future Internet, which is listed among the four priority areas for investment in the Digital Agenda for Europe. The workshop took place in the Congress Centre Brdo - Kranj on 19 and 20 April 2010. Nikolaj Simič, the General Director of the Directorate for the Information Society of the Republic of Slovenia opened the workshop. In his opening address, he highlighted the extreme importance of the theme and its short-term and long-term influence on the evolution of future telecommunications and the Internet. Presentations for the workshop were prepared by representatives from universities, ministries, the regulator, network operators, providers of services and applications, and equipment vendors and suppliers. The most high-profile foreign participants were Teemu Savolainen from Nokia and Marco Hogewoning, co-chair of the RIPE IPv6 Working Group. On the first day of the workshop, the status of the transition to IPv6 in Slovenia and around the world was discussed, along with the existing transition strategies of major equipment vendors and network operators, together with problems encountered. Although using strategically different approaches for the transition to IPv6 around the world, the achieved results N. Simič, the opening address initiatives. The workshop was concluded with the presentation of transition mechanisms "Dual-stack light", "6RD", "A+P" and others. More information about the workshop can be found at http://www.sikom.si/ and experience are encouraging. What is cause for concern is that far fewer countries that have decided to make this transition to date than expected. The main reasons are the rather high costs, which are difficult to justify, and the lack of interest in making the transition across the whole chain starting with users and providers of services and applications. A major deficiency is also the lack of backward compatibility with IPv4. Therefore it is extremely important that a very detailed and systematic plan is in place before the actual transition starts. The first day ended with a roundtable entitled "Transition to IPv6 - Waiting for Godot" The roundtable, moderated by Dr Mitja Štular, was very provocative and inspiring. One of the most significant results was the decision to prepare a document for the Directorate for the Information Society of Republic of Slovenia, which will serve as the basis for its future activities in this area. On the second day, examples of good practice were presented and discussed, based on different strategies, different network and service environments, and different business or technology Programme Committee: J. Anžič - Telekom Slovenije, B. Batagelj - FE, University of Ljubljana, A. Andoljšek -Telekom Slovenije, J. Bešter - FE, University of Ljubljana, M. Bonač - ARNES, M. Bradeško - NIL, Z. Brezočnik - FERI, University of Maribor, T. Erjavec - Iskra Systems, B. Horvat - FERI, University of Maribor, A. Hudobivnik, Committee Chairman - Iskratel, I. Humar - FE, University of Ljubljana, M. Jagodič - Slovenian Academy of Engineering Sciences, A. Jauk - ARNES, G. Kandus - IJS, Andrej Kos - FE, University of Ljubljana, I. Kranjčevič - Telekom Slovenije, M. Krišelj - Agency for Post and Electronic Communications, P. Meše - Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia, A. Robnik - Iskratel, J. Sodnik - Mobitel, R. Sušnik - FE, University of Ljubljana, M. Štular - Mobitel, S. Tomažič - FE, University of Ljubljana, A. Umek - FE, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, B. Vlaovič - FERI, University of Maribor, A. Vreže - FERI, University of Maribor, M. Zupančič - Telekom Slovenije. Organising Committee A. Robnik, Committee Chair - Iskratel, A. Hudobivnik - Iskratel, M. Jagodič - Slovenian Academy of Engineering Sciences, A. Jauk - ARNES, U. Kunc - Agency for Post and Electronic Communications, P. Meše - Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia, J. Sterle - FE, University of Ljubljana, M. Straus - ARNES, D. Šoštarič - Directorate for Information Society, M. Štular - Mobitel, J. Žorž - Institute Go6 Deans of the University of Ljubljana At the front: Mr Borut Pahor, Prime Minister and Mr Milan Kučan, the former president of the Republic of Slovenia. Dr Stane Pejovnik, the new rector of the University of Ljubljana The President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr Danilo Türk as the speaker of honour. Ninetieth Anniversary of the University of Ljubljana In 2009, the University of Ljubljana celebrated 90 years of uninterrupted operation. The principal celebration was held on 1 December 2009 at Cankarjev dom. This important university anniversary was marked by lecturers and students, representatives of foreign universities and VIP guests from politics and industry. The guests were addressed by the rector of the University of Ljubljana, Prof. Dr Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, as the speaker of honour, and the student representative, Ana Pleško. The University of Ljubljana celebrated this anniversary by publishing a monograph on "90 Years of the University of Ljubljana - Between Tradition and the Challenges of Time", introducing all of its members and the Rector's Office in detail. As in every year, the University of Ljubljana awarded honorary titles to a number of eminent individuals. The new rector Prof. Dr Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik: "We are proud of being able to boast such a rich tradition and such wide recognition in the world" 90 YEARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Boris Čerin I met Prof. Dr Stane Pejovnik, the new rector of the University of Ljubljana, 18 years ago for an interview for Quark, a little over a year since its inception. I was interested in the research being done at the National Institute of Chemistry and Professor Pejovnik, the then director of the institute, seemed to be the right choice for the article, considering its subject matter. "A scientist must have a comprehensive education," the professor said at the start of our interview in 1993.He added: "this is an uninterrupted process ranging from basic education up to the highest levels of specialisation in a given field. In addition to acquiring knowledge, the process involves enlightening the person, the researcher, the mentor and finally the professor. For this to happen, it is essential that one 'goes out into the world'. This is the prerequisite for developing fully and acquiring the breadth of mind that will allow you to make high-quality judgements." Thinking of this kind served as an introduction to the process of change as Slovenia was undergoing intensified European and world integration 18 years ago. The 90th anniversary of the University of Ljubljana took place soon after your election as rector. Was this after the start of your mandate? Yes. One of the first things l handled was organising the University's 90th anniversary. l have to say that it was my pleasure and that much of the work had already been done by my predecessor, Prof. Dr Andreja Kocijančič. Heading a 90-year-old university is an immense honour that requires a great deal of responsibility, reason, respect and vision. l am convinced that we will reap new successes along with the nominated management team and at least preserve the reputation created by my predecessors. There are certain features of the Slovenian space of that time that are again becoming more pronounced. Even before the University of Ljubljana was founded, Slovenia's geographical position allowed Slovenians access to the leading world education centres of the time. For example, the railway line to the capital city of the state that included all the regions of the Slovenia of today, Vienna (crossing a distance of over 350 kilometres at the time) was established as long as 150 years ago. This was an advantage because it gave scientists such as Jožef Stefan, who published a study on the heat conductivity of gases in 1872, an open path to their own discoveries. Was this openness to the world a characteristic of the Slovenian scene at the time, which is now again gaining in magnitude? The openness to the world was always there. We now see it somewhat differently, though. The university is among the top 3% in the world. We are connecting with other universities, estab- lishing branches across Europe, and our professors are invited as visiting lecturers to eminent universities around the world and vice versa. And, of course, there are the students. The number of foreign students increases every year. The university has therefore augmented the number of subjects conducted in English. A rising number of our students are also choosing foreign student-exchange programmes. In a way, the University of Ljubljana is becoming more and more integrated into the global environment, mainly on account of its success. We must not forget that the number of European projects we have been joining is on the rise, strengthening the university's inter-European networking. I must admit, though, that there is much to be done in two particular areas. The first, as I mentioned previously, is to offer more study programmes in English, and the second is to create a situation where there will be more excellent researchers and professors visiting our university. Unfortunately, the current climate is still one in which foreign Rector, Prof Dr Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik researchers or professors are considered harder to accept. This will change though. I am sure of it. Let us now go back to the founding of the University of Ljubljana. It has allowed a much larger percentage of the population to study, and considering the drastic growth of demand for doctors, engineers and professors at the time of its founding, it was high time that it was established. It should be noted that after the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire broke apart, after which Slovenia became part of Yugoslavia, which it co-created. The demand for establishing a Slovenian university had been a constituent part of the Slovenian political programme since 1848. The idea matured for some 30 years before finally coming to fruition. Up until the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Slovenian students had to study at neighbouring universities in Vienna, Graz, Prague, and later in Krakow, and a few at the University of Zagreb. Over a period of 30 years (1880-1910), the number of Slovenian students at Austrian universities and higher education institutions increased from around 350 (1880) to nearly 1,000 (1913). In June 1919, the University of Ljubljana was founded by the central government in Belgrade, chiefly thanks to the efforts of a small circle of influential men (Karel Verstovšek, the lawyer Danilo Majaron, and a professor at the University of Prague, Mihajlo Rostohar), against the opposition of some politicians and scientists who were calling to postpone the founding until the post-war situation was more settled. In August 1919, the first 18 professors were nominated for the first five faculties of the University of Ljubljana (the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Medicine and the Technical Faculty). In summary, it is safe to say that the University of Ljubljana has contributed heavily to raising the education level in the Slovenian environment, both culturally and in the sense of providing the knowledge required for industrial and economic development. At this point, we come to the realisation that the university continues to operate towards ensuring progress in Slovenia. It is not the only institution doing so, but its share is still the most significant. THE UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA TODAY As this interview is also intended for students, let us stop for a moment to compare events in sport and in the education system. The FIFA World Cup is now underway, and the events taking place there are interesting for quite a number of students. Let us discuss events such as those in football, in which at the end of various championships, teams are created from the best players, that is, teams consisting entirely of football stars. Every so often, it happens that these star teams lose to teams consisting of much less famous players who are better trained to work together. Teamwork is very important in football. In your opinion, how important is having a well-trained mind when solving demanding tasks and problems? Let me first say that the university has recently signed a contract on cooperation on the senior team project with the Bravo football club. The team will be called "Bravo student" in the 2010/11 season. This will be an exclusively amateur football team, and the university's financial obligation will be light and closely linked to its capabilities. Currently, there are few successful researchers who patent their inventions. This means conducting a market analysis, selling the patent at the highest price possible, and entering production - designing a production line and the relevant machinery. This is followed once more with further market research, selling for a large profit and investing the profit into more research and development. These people are extremely rare and this chain is not linear. It requires a comprehensive system, more accurately an intertwined system of policies, a fact of which we are not sufficiently aware. Many people try to find some kind of shortcut or cheaper alternative. In professional literature, this system is called the triple helix (the interaction between the governmental, entrepreneurial and research policies) and it contains a group of points in a three-dimensional space. It is essential that all partners are within this harmonised environment. The environment must be stimulating. If companies see directors who acquire a favourable loan Following the reception of first-year students at the start of the university academic year, students 'occupied' the centre of Ljubljana's Old Town. as being much more successful than those who introduce a new product, then directors will be inclined to seek favourable loans. The situation has changed, and cheap loans will no longer save directors; this mode of thought was exhausted in the previous government's mandate, before the world economic crisis. With its education programme, the university is supposed to equip its students with the tools to think at a higher level. If we continue this thought process, we soon come to the realisation that there are several building blocks involved in this type of training. This primarily involves the professors' lectures and the method of presenting the given subject matter to the students. With market needs being what they are now, it is the University's task to prepare its students for the world. The market needs university graduates with broad general knowledge, not narrow specialisation. We must consider the fact that every future university graduate will likely change their job three to five times during their lifetime. The University must provide high-quality general knowledge with the possibility of upgrading and specialisation if needed. When I was Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Tech- nology, the pharmaceutical company Lek told me not to drive our students to specialise in what Lek is doing now, but rather give them a good knowledge of chemistry. Lek said that it would rather develop their specialisms later, in line with the current demands of the pharmaceutical market. I think the University of Ljubljana is already generating graduates of this kind. Our talk started by commenting on the situation in our area before the university's establishment, but now the focus is on the present. So, the university has a new leadership, with specific tasks in focus? I would like to emphasise that the University of Ljubljana is a fine high-quality research institution and that, despite inadequate funding, it ranks extremely highly on major international charts of university performance. The university has appropriate rules and internal regulations in place and follows them. For this reason, the new leadership has no need of starting out with grand reforms and changes. It is more important to ensure a system sustainable in the long term; the university above all needs creative peace and stability. The new leadership will, however, have to reestablish trust between the Rector's Office and the members, improve co-operation between the members and look for synergy in joint action and ensure that everybody works together - students, teachers and all the professional staff - to ensure sufficient funding for effective implementation of the reform of the study process and the accompanying research work. On the whole, my view is that leading such an institution requires a great deal of coordination, respect for the distinctions between members, decision-making through democratic, yet well-led, debate and the completion of jointly agreed tasks. In this process, the rector is only the first among equals. Foreword by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Pavel Gantar to the Lectures Given Under the "Harvest of Knowledge" Project National Assembly, 7 June 2010 Throughout the history of mankind, research and innovation were man's constant companions. His enquiring mind, exploratory spirit and tireless desire to discover and create new knowledge triggered the advancement of science and research, as well as the intellectual engagement of society. Driven by man's natural inquisitiveness, creativity became the driving force behind innovation and a key factor in social and economic development. A Nowadays, research and innovation, together with knowledge and technological development, present long-term impacts on the development of society. They are indispensable requirements for the achievement of strategic development goals, accelerated economic growth, the creation of new jobs and the welfare of the population, and are particularly important in light of the pan-European contingency measures designed to overcome the economic and financial crisis. Therefore, there can be no doubt that the future lies in the hands of a responsible, knowledge-based society, able to exploit its cultural potential, promote research and development, and generate economic development and new jobs. Contemporary science has a greater influence than ever before. It has become an important and indispensable component of modern society. In fact, science is now inextricably linked to every aspect of our lives, making the dialogue between science, politics and society an everyday necessity. Expert and demonstrable information is of vital importance in political decision-making, as it is conducive to reaching the favourable and responsible conclusions necessary in order to achieve desired results and objectives. Thus, the National Assembly the body exercising legislative powers and significantly affecting social life strives to make science more accessible to the public. Thus, being aware of the increasing importance of science and research and, particularly, the fact that highly qualified, creative and enterprising individuals are the driving force behind development, about a year ago, the National Assembly opened its doors to renowned scientists to present their research work and achievements. Confident that the National Assembly's reputation and media attention paid to its work would serve as an effective instrument to promote science, we launched the "Harvest of Knowledge" project in March 2009, together with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Slovenian Research Agency. The project, which follows the example of successful projects implemented in other developed countries, is intended to promote knowledge, science and innovation. Its purpose is to bring the achievements of Slovenian scientists closer to the attention of members of parliament and the public at large, and, at the same time, contribute to greater openness to change. Since the National Assembly started the "Harvest of Knowledge" project, several Slovenian scientists have already presented their research work and achievements. Their studies and findings range from the disciplines of synthetic biology, elementary particle physics, cosmic ray measurement, nanotechnology and photonics to landslides and inspiring underground life incontestably, con- Dr Pavel Gantar, the President of the National Assembly firming that Slovenia's many eminent scientists contribute significantly to the world's treasury of knowledge. In this time of growing interconnected-ness and interdependence, it is a rather utopian ideal to expect that we will be able to cope with the global challenges of the modern world without society's collaboration in the realms of science, politics, the economy and the media. I am confident that with its "Harvest of Knowledge" project, the National Assembly also contributes a great deal to the process of cooperation, and thus to a better tomorrow for our citizens. The National Assembly Lecture title: "Synthetic Biology: Potential for a New Scientific and Technological Revolution and Slovenian Excellence in Research and Education" Lecturer: Prof. Dr Roman Jerala Abstract Synthetic biology is a young area of research with the potential for a new scientific and technology revolution that uses engineering methods for the modification and creation of novel biological systems. This is achieved through introduction of synthetic genes that contain the coding for selected cellular processes. Areas in which synthetic biology has already had an impact include new therapeutic methods, preparation of pharmaceuticals, renewable energy sources, preparation of materials with novel properties, information processing, etc. In the past three years, researchers from the National Institute of Chemistry and students from the University of Ljubljana have achieved incredible success at the International Genetically Engineered Machines competition (iGEM) at MIT. With our projects focused on improving health, we have shown that through inventiveness and motivation we can compete with the best in the world. Slovenian iGEM team members from 2006-2009 in the Slovenian parliament together with members of parliament, government representatives and EU Commissioner Janez Potočnik. Key words: synthetic biology, biological engineering, scientific and technological revolution, HIV, sepsis, synthetic vaccine, bacteria Helicobacter pylori Basic science has been key to the development of technologies that have strongly influenced the well being of people over the past few centuries. Over the last few decades, we have also realised that it may have a significant influence on the environment of our planet. From the 18th century onwards, the industrial revolution brought about a large leap in the quality of life and the wealth of nations. The second half of the 20th century was influenced by the unprecedented development in electronics. Over the last century, average life span increased by more than 30 years. The largest contribution to this was brought about by improvements in public health, in large measure based on biotechnological discoveries such as antibiotics and vaccines. It is certain that the next century will be marked by life sciences. In the past decades, we have seen an extraordinary development in our understanding of the functioning of cells and living organisms. We have at our disposal tools that allow us to solve the problems of humanity from health care to the exploitation of renewable 111 I < ^mm (At the front) Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor, Minister of the Interior Katarina Kresal, Minister of Transport Dr Patrick Vlačič and Minister of Public Administration Irma Pavlinič-Krebs. (At the back) EU Commissioner Janez Potočnik. sources of energy, from materials with novel properties to the use of biological systems for information processing. One of the most strategically important areas of science is synthetic biology, which is a young discipline combining engineering approaches with an understanding of biological systems. Synthetic biology can be described as a discipline that introduces engineering approaches for the modification and creation of new biological systems through which we can solve important problems of humanity. It is likely that that the largest single advance in the development of synthetic biology has already occurred in our heads, when engineers asked themselves why the potential of biological systems should not be used for technological applications. Synthetic biology has the potential for a new industrial revolution similar to the revolution in electronics that occurred less than one century ago. There is hardly an area of industry in which synthetic biology could not be applied. This is the reason why the majority of developed countries consider this area to be of extreme strategic importance - as an area where new boundaries are being set and an area in which intellectual rights will have great value. Nanotechnology cell factory An important contributing discovery of the industrial revolution was the production of large numbers of equal products using machines replacing manual labour. Standardisation was of utmost importance for serial production, and digital technology in electronics now allows the production of large numbers of identical copies of information technology products. Electronic hardware is becoming smaller and smaller allowing a higher density of integration. Today, nanotechnology is the next challenge. Its components are of nanometer sizes, which is probably the smallest technologically accessible size. In life sciences, we have long known about the production of large numbers of identical molecules Prof. Dr Roman Jerala giving a lecture on synthetic biology at the Slovenian national assembly. or cells, which we call cloning. In cells, we can produce drugs or enzymes that are nanometer-sized machines capable of numerous functions. The density of information in DNA is a billion times larger than currently available in the most advanced memory units. Tools that have allowed the development of synthetic biology Synthetic biology has become possible on the basis of advancement in technologies that allow us to change biological systems to a previously unknown extent. This has been influenced by improved understanding of biological processes, such as intercellular messaging, immune response, digestion, and the creation of cellular building blocks. Today, we know the spatial structure of a large number of proteins that carry out the majority of functions in cells. On this basis, we can prepare proteins with altered properties, such as biological drugs with long-term action or enzymes that are active at higher temperatures. We have unravelled the human genome, together with the genomes of several hundreds other organisms including the majority of pathogenic and industrially important microorganisms. The newest technologies allow us to determine DNA sequences with a capacity of several billion nucleotides per week, which corresponds to the entire human genome. Meanwhile, it is now possible to synthesise any gene sequence thousands of bases long. It is now clear that a leap is required from "boutique" solution of addressing each problem separately to standardisation that would support modular construction of devices. As with modern electronic devices, where we no longer assemble circuits from separate transistors but rather use integrated circuits with well-defined properties, gene-based devices could enable simpler and faster construction of biological machines. Synthetic biology as a scientific discipline combining life sciences with engineering principles. laboratories and highly trained experts making the likelihood of "garage" bioterrorism very small. The understanding of DNA as the basic building block of genetic information is now more than 50 years old and has been part of the curriculum in most schools for several decades. New discoveries in science should become part of general education in the same way as knowledge of languages, the make-up of the solar system or evolution. Only through appropriate education will we be able to use, as well as judge, the strengths and weaknesses of new technologies. Potential dangers and public communication As with all advanced technologies, synthetic biology brings potential dangers. Experts in the field are well aware of these and have tried to stimulate creative potentials to limit the dangerous sides of the technology through a policy of open communication with the public. Dangers such as bioterror-ism are probably not increased by synthetic biology, compared with known biological agents such as viruses and bacteria, which can quickly spread due to increased global mobility as seen in the case of SARS. Companies that produce nucleotide sequences by order employ preventative analysis of ordered sequences to prevent reconstruction of dangerous viruses. Activities in this area require well-equipped What can we expect from synthetic biology - examples Preparation of an antimalarial drug through synthetic biology Perhaps the best-known success in synthetic biology has been the preparation of a drug against malaria - artemisi-nin - in microbes that are grown in industrial fermentors. Artemisinin is a recent drug against malaria that is used for treatment in areas where the causative agent of malaria is resistant to previously used drugs. The starting compound for artemisinin is a complex molecule that is obtained from Artemisia annua (annual wormwood), which can be harvested only in limited quantities. This makes the drug largely unavailable to people living in the third world, the area most affected by malaria, with 250 million cases and 1 million deaths annually. Researchers from UC Berkeley have transferred the entire biosynthetic chain for the production of the starting compound into yeast and bacteria. The task required the transfer of 50 genes, knowledge of the metabolism of the bacteria, and identification of the steps limiting the production. The yield was improved in excess of a million-fold to yield a product that was ten times cheaper than that obtained from plants. In addition, it could be produced in unlimited quantities. This achievement nicely illustrates the potential of synthetic biology for industrial processes where we can employ enzymes to produce very pure products under mild conditions, with little waste and high energy-efficiency. Of course, it is critical that we have a detailed understanding of the basic cell processes involved. Biological materials with novel properties Some natural materials have properties that we have not yet managed to reproduce. An example of such a material is the silk produced by spiders. Spider silk is elastic and substantially stronger than the steel or Kevlar used in bulletproof vests. At the same time, it is permeable to humidity and is not immunogenic or allergenic, and so has great potential in medicine. Unfortunately, we cannot farm spiders as can be done with silkworms, so this material has not been available for technological applications. That is until the structure of spider silk was deciphered and bacteria were used to produce a material that is almost indistinguishable from natural spider silk. Now that spider silk can be produced, it can be modified to give it new functional properties such as colour and water repellency or add enzymes that degrade dirt or have other properties. Synthetic biology and renewable energy sources The issue of renewable energy sources in connection with climate change is one of the most urgent problems facing humanity. Perhaps some sort of a Manhattan Project for renewable energy sources could bring together the creative scientific potential. Biomass is one of the most important collectors of solar power. However, ethanol obtained from corn has been shown to be useless since, apart from other problems, the energy invested in production exceeds the energy available in the ethanol as fuel. With the use of synthetic biology, we are able to modify microorganisms so that they can convert biomass, especially cellulose, into molecules similar to conventional fuels. Fuels obtained through this route would be neutral in terms of the carbon balance if based on plants grown in currently unused areas. The multinational company BP has invested 500 million dollars in a new institute for energy biosciences (EBI) at UC Berkeley. There are now several new companies dealing with synthetic biology and studying various approaches from the use of algal photosynthesis to production of fuel from cellulose waste. Slovenian successes in synthetic biology Good infrastructure is important for achieving success in synthetic biology. However, even more important are original ideas, which can come only from leading experts who were students with an excellent education. In this area, Slovenia has shown some exceptional success. In synthetic biology, there is a unique global competition of student research projects that joins education and research and is organised at one of the world's leading universities. The International Genetically Engineered Machines competition (iGEM) takes place at a meeting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The first competition was organised in 2004 when teams from five US universities presented their projects, which students had prepared during their summer vacation. The Slovenian iGEM team for 2009 in front of the MIT building in Cambridge MA. The team prepared new type of bionano-materials based on peptides and demonstrated their use for viral filtration devices, regulated assembly of biomaterials and formation of geometric structures based on peptides. Team members from left: Helena Gradišar, Jelka Pohar, Sabina Božič, Tibor Doles, Marko Verce, Ota Fekonja, Robert Bremšak, Urška Jelerič, Iva Hafner, Anja Lukana, Špela Miklavič, Nika Debeljak and Roman Jerala. The team won the gold award at the iGEM competition. Team Slovenia was also nominated for the prestigious World Technology Award, awarded by WTN in association with Time magazine, Fortune, CNN and Science/AAAS for innovations with the greatest likely long-term significance. The following year, teams from Cambridge University in England and ETH in Switzerland joined the competition, which then became international. For comparison, let us mention that the budget of the Swiss ETH exceeds 2 billion Swiss francs, which is more than the entire Slovenian science budget. Compared with the Slovenian participants, these teams have no problems with the funds needed for preparation of the projects. By 2006, the number of competing teams had reached 37, and among them for the Quark -.—Tb — — — - first time was a Slovenian team. The competition also became formalised with the awarding of a grand prize and prizes in specific categories. The judges were selected from professors from the most prestigious universities, editors of very respected journals, as well as researchers from biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. The Slovenian team consisted of students from the natural sciences faculties that performed their research work at the National Institute of Chemistry under the mentorship of researchers from the National Institute of Chemistry and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana. The 2006 project: reducing the exaggerated immune response During the entry of bacteria into the human body, an immune response is triggered which protects the organism from pathogenic microorganisms. During sepsis, the response of the organism is over-exaggerated so that even with the use of antibiotics, organ failure often occurs and the result can be death. Within the EU, this complication leads to 200,000 deaths each year. The goal of the research project was to modify the cellular response so that it is still on but shuts down if an over-exaggerated response occurs. This was achieved by introducing a feedback loop. In its first presentation, the Slovenian team was very successful and was entered into the finals together with teams from two highly respected universities, Princeton and Imperial College. In the end, the Slovenian team achieved first place, the grand prize and several trophies in specific categories. The 2007 project: a genetic device to combat HIV viral infections that is not sensitive to viral mutations In 2007, we set ourselves the goal of preparing a system that recognises an infection with the HIV virus regardless of viral mutations. Rapid mutations of the virus are responsible for the resistance of the virus to a number of drugs Schematic representation of an engineered negative-feedback loop designed to suppress excessive activation of immune response that may lead to sepsis. Vaccine designed for use against Helicobacter pylori based on fusion with flag-ellin and urease B. Three implementations of the vaccine are shown. and the fact that an effective vaccine is still not available. The original idea of our project was to link recognition of the virus to an important viral function, rather than to a specific protein that can be changed by mutations. We were able to give a proof of concept for this very demanding project. In five months of work, the students prepared more than 70 gene constructs and used the most advanced techniques available in Slovenia. With this project, the Slovenian team again reached the finals, received a gold medal and was judged as the best project in the area of medicine and health. The webpage of the project has to date been visited by18,000 visitors from 78 countries. The 2008 project: preparation of a synthetic vaccine against the bacteria causing ulcers and stomach cancer In 2008, we decided to carry out a project leading to results that can be applied in practice more rapidly. We selected preparation of a synthetic vaccine against the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that causes stomach ulcerations and eventually stomach cancer. The bacteria has adapted to the human immune system and has changed its components so that immune system receptors cannot detect it. Among these components is the protein flagel-lin that is part of the flagellum, which the bacteria needs to survive in the stomach. We have made flagellin visible to the immune system by creating a hybrid protein - a combination of flagellin from bacteria that are detected by the immune system and flagellin from Helicobacter bacteria. Additionally, we added several segments needed for bacterial survival to the protein that was used in the vaccine. We prepared three different variations of the vaccine and tested the functioning of the principle in cells, as well as showing an immune response in an animal model. The judges gave this original approach and the experimental execution very good marks, so that the team achieved a unique third placement in a row in the finals. The project was chosen as the best in the area of medicine and health and was awarded the grand prize in the general competition. The toughness of the competition can be seen from the fact that eight of the ten best universities participated, including Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, Princeton, ETH, UC Berkeley, Caltech, etc. Future development of synthetic biology in Slovenia These successful projects have confirmed the general correctness of the ideas. However, to reach final scientific Members of the Slovenian iGEM team for 2008 in front of the National Institute of Chemistry. Their project was selected as the best in the health and medicine section and won the Grand Prize. Team members: Simon Horvat, Eva Čeh, Jan Lonzarič, Ana Lasič, Jerneja Mori, Nina Pirher, Vid Kočar, Monika Ciglič, Katja Kolar, Karolina Ivičak, Anže Smole, Roman Jerala. results and practically useful results, more scientific study is required. The winning teams and members of the laboratory at the National Institute of Chemistry continue their work in these areas. With our successes, we have been able to show that, through motivation and the knowledge of students and mentors in the field of synthetic biology, we can compete on an equal basis with the best in the world. Slovenia is a country with limited potential in financial resources as well as in people. It is thus important to create conditions for young talented students to develop their potentials in Slovenia and use their creativity to contribute to the success of Slovenia in a globalised world. As we are selecting candidates for this year's competition, we again see that we have received applications from a number of excellent and motivated candidates, despite their realisation of just how much hard work will be needed for the project and the fact that scientific successes are not always on a par with sports or entertainment in the public eye or in the political world. The National Assembly Lecture title: "From Here to Eternity" Elementary Particle Physics and its Impact on Society Lecturer: Dr P. Križan Introduction Nature is organised in levels; from galactic clusters in the Universe, our solar system and the Earth, all the way down to atoms, atomic nuclei, nucleons and finally quarks. The different levels differ dramatically in the size of objects and in the forces that operate between them. While the motion of galaxies, stars and planets is determined by the gravitational force, and while electrons are bound to nuclei by the electromagnetic force, it is the strong and the weak forces that dominate among quarks. It is perhaps surprising that a connection exists between the lowest level i.e. the physics of elementary particles, which represents one 'infinity', and the other 'infinity', which is the large-scale structure of the Universe. This connection is a consequence of the link between elementary particle physics and the early universe. The early universe was very dense and very hot (in the same way as hot gas is compressed in the cylinder of an automobile motor). In a gas at high temperature, particle velocities are high, so the collisions of particles in the early universe resembled the collisions in today's accelerators. This similarity is true also for the various processes among the particles. The Standard Model of elementary particles We have two requirements of any description of the basic constituents of matter. The description has to be simple, with a small number of elementary particles, and it has to be consistent with reality. In the sixth century BC, Anaximenes of Miletus hypothesised that nature is built of four elements: air, fire, water and earth. No doubt this is a simple model, but it does not correspond with reality. On the other hand, Mendeleev's periodic system contains about one hundred elements. Although this is a true description of nature, it is by no means a simple one. A lot has happened in science since Mendeleev's work. The current description of elementary particles and their forces, known as the Standard Model, is an unbelievably successful, experimentally verified theory. According to this theory, we have 12 elementary particles, including electrons and u and d quarks, which are constituents of protons and neutrons, which in turn are constituents of atomic nuclei. Each particle has its antiparticle; a positron corresponds to an electron, an antiquark to a quark. We cannot find anti- particles in nature, but we can produce them with accelerators. In addition to these particles, we have force carriers, which we may think of as a kind of projectiles, exchanged by elementary particles. There is also the hypothetical Higgs particle, which is theorised to be responsible for the fact that elementary particles have different masses. CP symmetry and its violation One of the big questions regarding today's Universe has to do with anti-particles. In the instant of creation, the Universe consisted of equal numbers of particles and antiparticles. Today, the Universe consists almost exclusively of matter and not of antimatter. In 1967, the Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov published a theory that explained the evolution of the Universe. One of the key elements in his explanation is the small difference in the decay rate of particles and that of antiparticles. This difference is attributed to the violation of a symmetry, called CP symmetry, between particles and antipar-ticles. The first case of violation of this symmetry was observed in 1964 by a team led by the American physicists Val Logsdon Fitch and James Watson Cronin. In 1973, two Japanese theoretical physicists, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa, have proposed that such a difference could be explained if six, instead of only three, quarks existed. They even predicted that in the future it would be possible to measure the difference between decay rates of particles and antiparti-cles composed of these new quarks. Lecturer: Dr P. Križan Measurement of CP symmetry violation During the eleven years following the publication of their theory, physicists have discovered all three missing quarks. The main proof of CP-symmetry violation among these particles, however, did not arrive until the beginning of this decade, when the Belle and BaBar experiments, taking data at accelerators in Tsukuba in Japan and Stanford in California, discovered just such a violation. These experiments measured a small difference between decay rates of particles and antiparti-cles, consisting of the quarks predicted by the two Japanese theoreticians. The demanding measurements of this particle decay, with a life-time of only one trillionth of a second, confirmed their predictions. According to the Nobel Committee, this experimental confirmation was crucial in last year's decision to award the Nobel Prize in Physics to Kobayashi and Maskawa. An important contribution to the confirmation of the Kobayashi-Maskawa theory was made by Slovenian physicists from the Jožef Stefan Institute and the universities of Ljubljana, Maribor and Nova Gorica (Fig.1). Our group of physicists participated in the Belle experiment at the Japanese KEK institute, where Kobayashi did his research. The experiment is typical of elementary particle physics. Electrons, as well as their antiparticles positrons, were accelerated in the KEKB accelerator, where they collided in the centre of the spectrometer. The collision produced heavier particles, called B mesons, and their antiparticles, anti-B mesons. These are both unstable and decay into lighter particles in about one trillionth of a second. In the experiment, we searched for differences in these decay modes, because such differences point to the violation of CP symmetry between particles and antiparticles. It may be worth mentioning that the accelerator in which we accelerated these particles uses electromagnetic waves with a frequency similar to the frequency of waves used by cell phones. The Belle detector is full of original technical solutions as well as advanced technology. The result of the most important experiment is shown in Fig. 2. The time dependence of anti-B meson decay is shown with blue dots and blue curve, whereas the same is shown in red for B mesons. From the difference in the time dependence of B and anti-B decay rates, it is obvious that CP symmetry is violated. The difference between the rates for particles and antiparticles is in agreement with the predictions of Kobayashi and Maskawa, confirming not only their hypothesis, but the Standard Model as well. Future goals The next big goal for particle physics is to prove the existence of the Higgs particle, the only ^ missing stone in the mosaic of jj the Standard Model. This particle is essential, since it explains Ü 1 Q ■ the different masses of the parti- ? cles within the Standard Model. The hunt for the Higgs particle is the task of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 0-00 Geneva, for which ATLAS is the largest detector. Within ATLAS, the Slovenian team led by Marko Mikuž is one of the groups. from the expected characteristic processes, as for example in the decay of B mesons. These extremely accurate measurements can be performed at lower energies. The two methods are complementary as they investigate different aspects of the same problem. The latter research method will be used by our group. The first step has already Will physics end with the discovery of the Higgs particle? In other words: Is the Standard Model the final theory of elementary particles and their interactions? There are indications that it is not. Firstly, the system of 12 elementary particles and as many antipar-ticles, three interactions and force carriers, and on top a particle to give mass to all the others, is quite large and resembles the unwieldy system of elements. Even more obvious is the fact that normal matter in the Universe is six times less abundant than so-called "dark matter", which, on the basis of its influence on the motion of galaxies, is known to exist, although it is not known what kind of particles it is made of. In addition, the difference between matter and antimatter is much larger than the difference measured in B-meson decays contained in the Standard Model. Also, deeper theoretical arguments suggest that the Standard Model is only a successful description of processes in the world of elementary particles, but is not a truly fundamental theory. For such reasons, several groups are searching for deviations from the Standard Model, which is otherwise very accurately verified. Two possibilities exist for such investigations. One is the direct search for new particles at the highest attainable energies i.e. at the LHC collider. The second possibility is to search for small deviations Measured difference between the behaviour of particles (in blue) and antiparticles (in red). proved successful. In B-meson decay, into two lighter particles called a kaon and a pion, we have discovered an obvious inconsistency, which is sufficiently interesting that we have published it in the prestigious journal Nature. This, however, does not mean that we have discovered particles outside of the Standard Model, but together with some other measurements, it offers a hint in that direction. The only answer to open questions is to substantially improve measurements, in their accuracy as well as the size of the sample. This is the aim of the Belle-II project, for which we expect the accelerator and the detector to be ready by 2013. The Slovenian group is among the leaders of the project and our researchers hold some key positions. We expect that Slovenian industry will remain an important contributor in the search for technological solutions as well as a supplier of equipment for this most advanced project. The importance of basic research Why basic research? The search for answers to questions about the world around us is an essential part of mankind, without which our civilisation would not exist. Slovenia must contribute its share to the world fund of knowledge and so be recognised as an equal participant. Ours is certainly a small nation, and it is therefore not possible to excel everywhere. However, if our expertise in a certain area is above average, it is worth continuing work, to "bet on a winning horse". We should be aware that we are too small and not sufficiently wealthy to do anything but first-class research. The above-mentioned projects, the Belle experiment as the most recognised experiment of the past decade, LHC as the largest scientific project in human history and Belle-II as the most accurate experiment of the next decade, surely belong in this category. The dilemma of the usefulness of basic research is quite old, as exemplified by the following anecdote. The English physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) discovered magnetic induction, which in his time was considered as pure or basic research. Today, it is not possible to imagine normal life without magnetic induction, since it is the foundation of radio, television, mobile telephones and computers. When asked, by the current finance minister, of what use were his investigations of magnetic induction, Faraday is supposed to have replied: "Although I do not yet know of what use my research will be, I am sure that the successor of the finance minister will be collecting taxes from its applications." Some well-known consequences of basic research, without which our life would be very much different, are worth mentioning. When the earliest known of today's elementary particles (the electron) was discovered, nobody could imagine the impact this discovery would have on everyday life. The transistor was discovered more or less by chance, while investigating semiconductor diodes, and the laser was discovered while searching for an intense source of light for the needs of basic science. The protocols for the World Wide Web were developed in the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), in order to allow efficient computer connection, despite the geographical separation among members of large international collaborations. In addition to the unpredictable results of basic research, there also exists direct consequences, among which education and training of young scientists and engineers seems to be the most important contribution to the growth of the economy. Concerning the transfer of knowledge in physics of elementary particles, we should give special mention to development of new methods for health care, protection of the environment and to the development of telecommunications. As an example, let me present possible improvements to medical diagnostic imaging, where a veritable revolution may follow due to detectors that have been developed for experiments in elementary particle physics. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a diagnostic technique in which a substance, labelled with radioactive fluorine, is injected into the patient's vascular system. Upon radioactive decay of fluorine, two back-to-back gamma rays are created. At locations where more of the radioactive substance is concentrated, e.g. in a tumour, more gamma pairs will be created. There, gamma pairs are detected with a combination of scintillation crystals and light detectors. The standard detector of light is the photo-multiplier, which is an evacuated glass vessel, about 10cm long, and is quite sensitive to external magnetic fields. In elementary particle research, a new light sensor has been developed, the so-called silicon photomultiplier, which is not only very much smaller (a few millimetres), but has the excellent property of also being efficient in quite large magnetic fields. The use of such detectors would not only enable more compact PET systems, but would allow simultaneous imaging with two modalities: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and PET. Due to the complementarities of the two modalities, this would represent a true advancement in efficient diagnostics. In technology transfer, we should also mention the development of the technology for the manufacture of flexible printed circuits on laminated aluminium-kapton foils. This was a joint enterprise of researchers from the Jožef Stefan Institute, the ELGO-LINE company from Cerknica, Balder d.o.o. from Ljubljana, FDS Research from Trzin and Apel d.o.o. from Ljubljana. In collaboration with our researchers, the ELGO-LINE company has developed a production line for the circuits required for the ATLAS spectrometer. This project is worth about USD 1 million for Slovenian companies. The experience with the new technology will allow ELGO-LINE to sell this new product also to other customers. Use has been made of the fact that this technology enables the manufacture of thin surface heaters, which represents a new product and an interesting marketing possibility for ELGO-LINE. Another example of technology transfer should be mentioned. As with the World Wide Web, which originated from elementary particle physics, we are now witnessing a new revolution. Due to the necessity of connecting M. Kobayashi and some of the members of the Slovenian team in the Belle experiment (from left B. Golob, R. Pestotnik, S. Korpar, P. Križan, M. Kobayashi, M. Starič). computer systems for processing of the large quantities of data that will be obtained in future high-energy physics experiments, scientists have developed the GRID concept, as the next step in the evolution of the Internet. This is the forerunner of the "plug-in computer", which would be available in every household. The Large Hadron Collider is the first user of this system. Slovenian physicists are actively participating in this network. At the Jožef Stefan Institute, a section of the GRID has been set up, named SIGNET. The Slovenian part of the system includes 500 processors and 170 TBy of memory, all of which are available for research. Conclusion The physics of elementary particles is a very active science about the smallest and the largest scales of the Universe, simultaneously well anchored in everyday life. Slovenian physicists are in the front line of the search for answers to the questions now being posed in physics and related interdisciplinary fields. The indirect results of our research are applications of new technologies and progress in medical imaging and protection of the environment. The National Assembly Lecture title: "Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays - Slovenian Scientists at the Crossroads Between the Infinitely Small and Extremely Large" Prof. dr Samo Stanič Lecturer: Prof. Dr Danilo Zavrtanik Abstract The existence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, or UHECR, is one of the most intriguing experimental observations of contemporary physics. We know they exist, but cannot as yet either identify their sources or determine their identities. Since they are very scarce (at the highest energies, less than one particle per millennium hits a square kilometre of the Earth's surface), their detection represents a huge experimental challenge. To meet it, a vast UHECR observatory covering an area of 3,000 square kilometres was built in Argentina by an international research collaboration named after the pioneer in the field of cosmic rays, Pierre Auger. Slovenian scientists have been taking part in the design, construction and use of the observatory since the initial project was proposed. Lecturer: Prof. Dr Danilo Zavrtanik, director, the University of Nova Gorica Introduction Over the past decades, progress in the field of accelerator-based elementary particle research has been stunning, and today, with the commencement of the operation of the world's largest collider, the LHC at CERN, many physicists hope that most of the remaining open issues concerning elementary particles will soon be resolved. Research in astrophysics, however, indicates that the elementary particles we have investigated and continue to investigate in such detail within particle accelerators constitute only a small part of the matter in the universe around us. It appears that so-called "dark matter", which we know practically nothing about, governs a number of processes in the universe, from the mechanics of galaxy motion to the expansion rate of the universe itself. The existence of subatomic particles with extremely high kinetic energies (one billion times higher than those of the protons created in the LHC) that hit the surface of our Earth is another intriguing fact. Research into these phenomena combines elementary particle physics with cosmology and is one of the reasons for joining these research efforts into a new field of science, known as astroparticle physics, which is one of the real challenges for the future. Slovenian scientists from the University of Nova Gorica and the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana are among the pioneers in this exciting new field. Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Under the term "cosmic rays", one generally assumes all kinds of ionising subatomic particles arriving at the Earth from space. It is fascinating that these are far from uniform in either their type or their energy; their energy spectrum extends over eleven orders of magnitude, while their flux at different energies extends thirty orders of magnitude. Of particular interest is the existence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR), with energies above 1019 eV, which is one of the most intriguing experimental observations of contemporary physics. To illustrate this fact, the kinetic energy of a single subatomic particle - UHECR at the very highest energies - is comparable to the kinetic energy of a 7g bullet fired from a pistol. Combining the Standard model of elementary particles and the astrophysical properties of the known astronomical objects in the universe, such high-energy particles are very unlikely to exist, and yet several experiments have demonstrated that they do. Given the current understanding of nature, ultrahigh energies could only be achieved in as yet poorly understood objects and processes in space such as black holes, active galactic nuclei or Supernova shockwaves, which are thought to act like giant particle accelerators. If cosmic rays with the highest energies are predominantly protons or nuclei, only sources closer than 6.5 million light years from the Earth can contribute appreciably to the observed flux of cosmic rays. Protons and nuclei with energies above 6 1019 eV interact with the cosmic microwave background, leading to strong attenuation of their flux from more distant sources. The major problem is that there is only a very limited number of source candidates within the range that still enables UHECR to reach the Earth. Therefore, it is possible that the UHECR are a product of interactions between some as yet unknown elementary particles, at energies inaccessible by man-made particle accelerators, which may have existed in the first moments of the Big Bang. Figure 1: Computer simulation of a cosmic ray air shower development above the southern site of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. This shower was caused by collisions between an incident proton with energy of 1019 eV and air molecules at an altitude of about 20 km above the Earth's surface. The dots on the surface represent ground detectors of the observatory. Understanding of cosmic rays with the highest energies is still at a very basic level. Until now, five experimental collaborations have measured their energy spectrum, but due to the systematic uncertainties and low statistics, their results exhibit considerable discrepancies. Since UHECR are very scarce (at the highest energies, above 1020 eV, only several particles per millennium hit a square kilometre of the Earth's surface), their detection represents a huge experimental challenge. To clarify these unknowns, a group of scientists, led by the Nobel laureate James Watson Cronin, began an international collaboration in 1995 named after the pioneer in the field of cosmic rays, Pierre Auger, and constructed a new observatory of gigantic proportions, entirely dedicated to the detection of UHECR at the highest energies. The Pierre Auger Observatory Several questions regarding UHECR at the highest energies have already been answered thanks to the endeavours of the Pierre Auger Collaboration. Because of their extremely low flux, UHECR can only be detected through their interaction with the Earth's atmosphere. As they enter the atmosphere, they collide with air molecules and create extensive air showers of charged energetic particles that almost simultaneously hit the ground, covering an area of tens of square kilometres. Using a grid of 1,660 ground-based cosmic ray detectors and 24 telescopes for the detection of fluorescence - components that constitute the southern site of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, stretching over some 3,000 square kilometres - the observatory can measure the incoming directions, rates and energies of detected UHECR. Ground detectors, which measure the two-dimensional lateral structure of the shower at ground level, are simple and robust water-Cherenkov counters deployed over the Pampa Amarilla plateau in the Argentinean province of Mendoza. Their required lifetime is at least 15 years, matching the expected time span of the experiment. On the other hand, fluorescence detectors are sophisticated UV cameras that record the longitudinal profile of the shower during its development through the atmosphere and are positioned in four dedicated buildings at the edges of the detector array. For measurement of the air showers, precise and prompt understanding of atmospheric conditions from the ground level to an altitude of several tens of kilometres is mandatory. For this purpose, dedicated light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems that continuously monitor the atmosphere above the observatory have been developed. These devices were designed and built in Slovenia and later deployed to the observatory site in Argentina. One of the lidars developed remained in Slovenia and was placed at the University of Nova Gorica Observatory for Atmospheric Research at Otlica above Ajdovščina. The observatory, "Overhead view of the Pierre Auger Observatory superimposed on the map of Slovenia. The smaller contour represents its southern site in Argentina, completed in 2008, and the larger one, its proposed northern site to be built in Colorado, United States." including all of its equipment, was built as a result of the knowledge gained throughout the research and development of Slovenian scientists involved in the Pierre Auger collaboration. The lidar is now used by the researchers of the University of Nova Gorica and the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia to monitor transport processes in the planetary boundary layer at the land-sea transition zone between the Adriatic Sea and the observatory site. The southern site of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina was completed and inaugurated in 2008. The Pierre Auger Collaboration has been, from its very beginning, an international scientific enterprise, and at present consists of more than 450 researchers, technicians and PhD students from 17 countries around the world, including Slovenia. As an example of true partnership, the southern site of the observatory was constructed on the basis of financial and intellectual contributions from all member states, with every country contributing approximately its proportional share. Slovenia, as a very small country (about the same in size as the area of the proposed northern site of the observatory in Colorado and with a population of only two million), covered the majority of the funding costs for the construction of the lidar sites in Argentina. As participating scientists, we are proud to have incorporated Slovenian knowledge into this truly international project. First Results The most important result of the Pierre Auger collaboration to date is the discovery of a high-energy cut-off in the UHECR energy spectrum, which implies that, along their path, UHECR loses energy through interactions with the microwave cosmic background. festal iv^Fv 4 jr HL flk rt fi 1 T f B *