ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1969 Volume 41 (U.P.I. Photo) HISTORIC MOMENT AT THE WHITE HOUSE ZARJA - THE DAWN ? Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA. 1937 \V. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois ificial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union o) America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must br in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice dn 5 v mesecu. No. 2 Vol. XLI FEBRUARY, 1969 St. 2, Leto XLI HAI’I’Y BIRTHDAY IN FEBRUARY Supreme Officers: Feb. 5—Rose Kraemer, State President, Mihv., Wis. Feb. g—Mary Otoničar, Supreme Auditor, Cleveland, O. Branch Presidents: Feb. 8—Mary Kuzma, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 11—Frances Sietz, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 19—Sophie Sorcan, Br. 90, Presto, P'a. Our Secretaries Birthdays in February: Feb. 1—Margaret Fischer, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Feb. 15—Anna Kerkovich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 17—Stefanie Plese, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Feb. 18—Frances Bradach, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. Feb. 20—Mary Christian, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! FOR VALENTINE’S l)AY What the world needs now is love, sweet love, It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not just for some, but for everyone. hord, we don’t need another mountain, There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb; There are oceans and rivers enough to cross, Enough to last till the end of time. Lord, we don’t need another meadow, There are cornfields and wheatfields enough to grow; There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine, Oh, listen, Lord, if you want to know, Wh'at the world needs now is love, sweet love, It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone. —Hal David ON THE COVER . . . President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson welcomed the next President, Richard M. Nixon and his wife, Pat to the White House on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 1969; and thus, the democratic process from the old administration to the new, began. DATES TO REMEMBER: March 9—Concert, Dawn Choral Group, Rehar Hall, Euclid, Ohio March 23—Card Party, Br. 12, Milwaukee ,Wis. March 22-22—33rd Midwest Bowling Tournament, Oglesby, 111. April 13—Anniversary Mass, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, O. April IS—Card Party, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio June 2—Cook-out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Sept. 10—Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 14—OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 12—Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio BY JET OR SAIL — VISIT SLOVENIA THIS SUMMER! Have the lowest air fare traveling in a group of 50 or more passengers as members of the organization. This way you will pay only $339.00 for a round trip NewYork- Ljubljana Brnik airport. Children under 12 pay only $169.50. Those using 3 week departures will pay only $324.00 for round trip New York-Ljubljana or $299.00 for round trip New York-Klagenfurt (plus $70.00 for a special tour including hotels, transportation, and sightseeing). As optional you can join exciting tours which will take place during your stay in Slovenia, such as: 9 day tour of Austria, Germany, Switzerland; 9 day tour of Italy; and 8 day tour of Adriatic and Slovenia. The following departures have been arranged (or our members and their families: 8 week departures: JUNE 16—returning AUGUST 12 JULY 7—returning SEPTEMBER 2 4 week departures: JUNE 9—returning JULY 8 AUGUST 4—returning SEPTEMBER 9 3 week departures: JUNE 7—returning JUNE 28 JULY 9—returning JULY 30— leaders Mr. and Mrs. Lud Leskovar of Slovenian Radio of Chicago AUGUST 3—returning AUGUST 24 Luxury trip via S.S. United States is scheduled for May 28, 1969; for costs and other information contact Kollander or Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turek, of Wickliffe, Ohio. KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC, who is in charge of these travel arrangements has been organizing group tours to Slovenia since 1925. They will see to it that you have the most enjoyable trip at the lowest possible price. They will fly you direct to Brnik Ljubljana airport where your relatives and friends will meet you. An accordian player with a couple in national costume will welcome you when you first touch Slovenian soil at the Brnik airport. The plane which will take you to Ljubljana will be waiting for you when you arrive either at Amsterdam or Milan. Assure your seat reservations now! Write to the home office of Slovenian Women's Union, to the Supreme Secretary, Mrs. Albina Novak, 1937 W. Cermak ltd., Chicago, 111. 606055 Travel arrangements by: KOLLANDER WOHLI) TRAVEL, INC., Time for Applications SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1060-70 Three scholarships of $200.00 each will again be awarded to three qualified graduating seniors this year. Those considered eligible for these scholarships are seniors who are members of the Slovenian Women’s Union for at least one year. In the case of male students eligibility is determined by his mother’s membership; or where the mother is deceased, by the membership for at least one year of a grandmother or sister. Although financial need is a consideration, it is not intended to imply “poverty”. Persons of moderate resources will be eligible. Only one scholarship can ever be awarded to members of any one family. Also, members of a particular branch cannot receive scholarships in any two successive years. Selections of recipients will be made by the Scholarship Committee composed of Mrs. Marie Prisland, President; Mrs. Antonia Turek, Mrs. Albina Novak and Mrs. Hermine Dicke, Secretary. After verification has been received by the secretary that a winner is enrolled in an accredited college or university, the recipient will be mailed $100.00 at the beginning of each of the first and second semesters. For information and application forms, please write to Mrs. Hermine Dicke, Secretary of the Scholarship Committee, at 3717 Council Crest; Madison, Wis., 53711. Since completed applications must be in by March 30th, requests for forms should be made immediately. With special greetings to all seniors, Sincerely, Hermine Dicke, Secretary Scholarship Committee BOWLING AT MID-SEASON No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league should have been raring to go in the New Year, after two weeks rest during the holidays, but that “friendly” flu bug is still taking its toll. There were quite a few faces missing as we began the second half of the season. Marquette Service Station, with 32 wins and 19 losses, maintained its lead in December, but Reliance Federal continues to chip away at that lead. They now have a record of 31 wins and 20 losses. Zefran Funeral Home won all but one game in December, coming up from the depths °t the standings to third place. Their 28-23 record puts them in a good Position to challenge the leaders. Barbara’s Beauty Shop, still having trouble, dropped another notch, to fourth place. They are tied wih Dr. Grill, with 26 wins and 25 losses. The leaders in the individual and team handicap categories also maintained their positions: high team series—Marquette, 2782; high team game—Barbara’s 1005; high individual series—S. Gorka, G83; high individual game—A. Scambiatteria, 276. Townhall bowling lanes again a-Warded Christmas bottles to the girls who bowled the most pins over average on their respective teams. The Ucky winners were: E. Kroschel, S. Melissa, F. Waitkus, H. Fitzgerald, M. jefran, J. Meden, M. Omerza, J. Ger-vase, F. Smulski and M. Persa. The league and Dr. Grill’s team, especially, will miss the familiar face Agnes Marrazzo, who had to drop out of bowling for the rest of the season, due to an injured wrist. Agnes as bowled with the league since its ■flception, 32 years ago. -There were a number of high games With handicap) shot during Decem-er- Among these were: L. Putzell, • Hozzian and A. Persa, 230; E. p.roschel and C. Tomazin, 225; H. Jtzgerald, 224; M. Stuck and W. lnk°vec, 222; A. Post, 220. After all this time, everybody still eems to enjoy picking up a railroad just so it can be printed in the Zarja. Here are December’s hotshots: E. Kroschel, L. Ovnik, B. Zalik, 5-7; C. Gospo, B. Zurek, 5-7-9; F. Smulski, 5-8-10 and 6-7-10; M. Zahorsky, 5-7 and 2-7; A. Fingerhut, 2-7; M. Persa, 6-7-10; C. Baranowski, 5-7-10; M. Bui-kema, 5-7 and 5-10; R. Swartz, 5-10. Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. With the Holidays behind us, we can settle down to bowling. The team standing as of Dec. 30th is as follows: W L F. C. Dames Funr .Home 311/2 19% Northwest Recreation Club 30% 20% Bluth’s Sausage 28 23 Shep’s D-X Service Station 25 26 American Slovenian Home 21 30 Merichka’s Restaurant 17 34 Rose Kroviak bowled a beautiful 224. Keep up the good bowling, Rose. Marge Wajchert, Jo Sumic, Theresa Papesh, Millie Ellena, Rose Kroviak, Betty Lakotich and Gert Padovich were the girls with the good aim; they picked up some big, big splits. We would like to welcome Bernie Bluth back and wish her a bundle of “Strikes and Spares!” Remember our Valentine exchange on Feb. 13th! All the girls would like to express their deepest sympathy to Mitzi Mro-zek, whose husband passed away in December. Mitzi has been bowling with us for many years. Well, we’ll close for this month. See you again next month. Gen Klainsek 33rd MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT MARCH 22-23 Oglesby, III. at the ROYAL LANES 131 East Walnut St., and DICKINSON HOUSE LANES 450 So. Dale Ave. Deadline is March 1st for Entries. Mail to: ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, Sec'y Midwest Bowling Ass’n 1941 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, 111. VI. 7-6688 Committees: Jo Sumic, Pres.., M. B. A. Lil Putzel, Ass’t. Sec’y. Marion Marolt (West Allis, Wis.), Rose Kraemer, (Milwaukee), Ann Modiz (Sheboygan), Ann Pelko, (LaSalle), Caroline Dawson (Oglesby). SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Members: State Presidents’ Campaign Our wonderful seven State Presidents invite you to join them in enrolling new members during this campaign. One of these seven will be the top winner and receive the $25.00 cash award plus all praise and honor! We hopefully anticipate a great number of new members and many diligent workers in this campaign. The State Presidents will be busy contacting all the branches In their vicinities to work for members and now it will be up to you — help your state officers and make your State President the No. 1 in the Slovenian Women’s Union! Deadline is July 31st. Campaign Just Concluded The New Era Campaign has closed and a very nice enrollment of 460 new members was realized. I am very proud of BR. 33, DULUTH, MINN., officers and members for their fine effort in writing 77 NEW MEMBERS and winning first place! Duluth, we salute you! They worked very hard in the last few campaigns and were near the top each time. This time, they really made FIRST PLACE! National Auditor, Ann Podgoršek hails from this branch. Again, my congratulations! Dawn Choral Group Concert I hope you have all heard about the concert next month by the newly formed and most unique all-ladies choral group "DAWN”. They have 35 members from branches 14, 25, 32 and 50. They rehearse once a week and have been practicing for just over a year. Director is Mr. Frank Gorensek who is not only a very talented director but a wonderful pianist and accomplished singer. He is also the director of the Korotan singers here in Cleveland. With such a wonderful teacher and director, I know the Dawn Concert will be one of the best. The first Dawn concert will be held on Sunday, March 9th at 4 p. m. at the Slovenian Society Home on Rehar Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. After the concert, John Grab-ner’s Orchestra will play for dancing and a delicious dinner will be served. Admission is only $1.50. Tickets are available from your secretary or members of the Dawn Choral Group. Remember the date, Sunday, March 9th at 4 p. m. See you all at the concert! Slovenian Chapel Fund Donations we have received since the beginning of the drive, that actually began on Nov. 12, 1957, to the close of Dec. 31, 1968 amounted to $51,000.00. In the new year of 1969, we already received some nice donations and the largest was a check for $000.00 from Rev. Andrew J. Krusinski, pastor of St. Joseph’s parish in Forest City, Pa. This small city has so far contributed $1.800.00 for which we are very thankful and may Marija Pomagaj give you, Father, and all your fine parishioners good health and a very happy New Year. Father Krusinski stated in his letter that the sum of $600.00 was realized from contributions of $5, $10 and some larger amounts from individual donors. With this nice check and other donations this past month we now have a goal of $18,000.00 to go. I am sure we will collect it soon. Following are the recent donations sent in by members and branches of Slovenian Women’s Union: Br. 1. Sheboygan, Wis. Mrs. Marie Prisland, an additional $75.00 making their total branch donation $100.00 plus $25.00 from members; Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Mrs. Mary Hotujec, $63.00 making a total of $1,065.00: Br. 3. Pueblo, Colo. Mrs. Frances Slmonich. $39.00; Br. 71, Strabane, Pa., Mrs. Mary Tomsic $48.00 from friends and relatives of her sister, Frances Krulc who passed away in December; Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., O. Mrs. Jennie Pugely, $30.00; Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. $14.80 added to previous donation of $127.00; Br. 72, Pullman, 111. $5.00; Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. $6.25 from members; Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. $4.00 from members. From Leadville, Colo., the collection of $527.25 was sent in by Mary Vidmar and Mary Faidiga of Br. 78. From the branch is $25.00, from St. Joseph church, $231.00 and Altar and Rosary Society, $100.00. The good people of Leadville added $171.25. Previously, the St. Joseph lodge of KSKJ had sent in $25.00. Sincere thanks to them. We still have a few Chapel Brochures on hand and will be happy to send them to you. Secretary, Frank Turek, my husband, and yours truly have given many hours of our time and service for this great cause, all gratis, as have the members of the chapel committees in Washington, Cleveland and Chicago. Workers who are collecting your contributions in our Slovenian settlements are doing it without thought of compensation. All of this effort is with one goal in mind, to have our own Slovenian Chapel dedicated to the Slovenian Patroness, Marija Pomagaj at the National Shrine In Washington. Please send donations to the Secretary, Frank Turelc at 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. Thank you! » * * I have received numerous orders in November and December for the newly printed cookbooks but was unable to mail them as the shipment did not arrive until Dec. 17th. Naturally, it was impossible to get them repacked and mailed out before Christmas. But, we did our best and hope you will understand if your order was delayed. The new book by Mrs. Prisland has been delayed by the printers also and when they are delivered, all the orders will be Immediately processed. Thank you all for being so patient in waiting for the cookbooks and history books. But, now is the right time to order them, if you have not already, for gifts in the coming season. Brides will appreciate the cookbook and the history book is appropriate for anyone on any occasion. The cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY — THE KITCHEN costs $3.25 including postage and contains over 600 recipes. FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA Is $4.00 plus .25 for postage on individual orders. • * * To State President, Mary Tomsic of Strabane, Pa., sincere sympathy on the loss of her second sister in December, Frances Krulce. Also, our deepest condolences to State President Rose Scoff of San Francisco, Calif., whose only son, Joseph, was killed in a Christmas eve. accident. May God give them eternal peace. TRIP TO EUROPE ON S. S. UNITED STATES How would you like to join us in a vacation trip to Europe on the luxury liner, S. S. United States? Sailing date Is May 28, 1969 arriving at the French port of LaHavre on June 2nd. Round trip fare is a little higher than traveling by plane, but when you put into consideration all that you see and can enjoy, the cost is well worth the trip. The boat ride is a vacation in itself and you live royally with three meals a day, movies, sports such as swimming, entertainment and dancing. Return dates are varied in June, July, August or September. The trip is relaxing and who can forget the nice fresh ocean air and sunshine. In Europe you will see the beautiful countrysides of France, Switzerland, Italy and Yugoslavia traveling by rail. If you are Interested in joining my group, contact the KOLLANDER TRAVEL AGENCY for all details or write, call or see me in person. Happy Valentine to all and especially to those celebrating birthdays! Speedy recovery to the ailing. Toni Turek S3 STATE PRESIDENTS’ MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN NOVEMBER-DECEMBER ELIZABETH ZEFRAN — lllinois-lndiana 16 MARY BOSTI AN — Ohio-M ichlgan 15 ROSE SCOFF — California-Washington-Oregon 8 ANNA PACHAK — Colorado-Kansas-M issouri 5 ROSE KRAEMER — Wisconsin 4 MARY TOMSIC — Pennsylvania 3 barbara ROSANDICH — Minnesota 2 Total 53 NEW MEMBERS ENROLLED TWO MONTHS FIRST REPORT IN STATE PRESIDENTS’ CAMPAIGN Br. Worker Member: A B Jr 45 Eva Polich Joanne Polich 1 2 J. Železnikar Ann, Richard, Mary, Janet Antoinette Lasich 1 and Robert Arko 5 45 Mary E. Roso Debra M. Gordon 1 2 Ann Zorico Laura Kozlik 1 vKathy J. Roso 1 2 Ivanka Ferjan Yvonne Zitkus 1 45 Ann Carlisle Julie Sinovic 1 2 D. Nauheimer Amy Nauheimer 1 47 Ann Christofek Christine Christofek 1 2 Cath. Tuzak Paul Jakubowski 1 47 Jennie Gerk Diane Dorchak 1 2 Albina Novak Rose Marie Ceferin 1 47 Jennie Pugely Josephine Godec 1 2 Ivana George Paula Hervatin 1 63 J. Siegwarth Gladys & Jacqueline Virant 1 1 2 F. Yucevicius Marge and Mark Yucevicius 2 68 Rose Bradach Steffle Findak 1 3 Anna Pachak Frances Prelesnik 1 68 C. Schafrik Joseph Carroll 1 Kerrie and Kristine Chandler 2 95 Ann Nelson Inez Caravacciolo 1 13 Mary Lesser Eve Dun son 1 'Mary Malcic 1 14 Mitzi Globokar Clare Dolenc 1 95 Ana. Nelson Pamela Ann Nelson 1 Kathleen Jackson 1 96 Mary Bebar Diane Sims 1 17 Marion Marolt Denise Bielefeldt 1 96 J. Snoznik Eileen Snoznik 1 17 Marie Floryan Lillian Hartman 1 100 Mary Omaits Teresa Mlakar 1 17 J. Nimmer Margaret Bogen 1 100 Mary Jasina Walter Jasina 1 21 Jean Masso Lois Babnick 1 102 Josephine Artac Margaret Govek 1 23 B- Rosandich Dennis Debeltz 1 105 Cath. Musick Kathleen Emerson 1 26 Frances Gould William KearnB 1 (Gertrude Plazar 1 3? Mary Bostian Reyne Luzar 1 105 P. Adamic Louise Maisel 1 32 Ann Cooke Kimberly Vogrig 1 105 Ann Senko Frances M. Seman 1 33 Carol Jacobson Shirley Hinnenkamp 1 Catherine Mihelič 1 Total new members — first report 53 3 16 34 February, 1969 19 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, OFM: THE DEVIL’S WEAPONS A French priest, well known under the pen name of Pierre L’Hermite, who labored zealously for many years for the salvation of souls, presents to us, in the following little parable, a truth which should make all Catholics alert to one of the greatest dangers to their faith and morals. I was going to a meeting of Catholic editors. On the way, the devil joined me. He was dressed in faultless modern style and carried a cane. He looked scornfully at me and said: “Are you employed in printing? Oh, you poor Catholics, I have blindfolded the eyes of Catholics so tightly that they will not see for half a century! Yes, I know my business.” He pointed to a passerby. “Look at that gentleman. He is a Catholic. Do your hear? A Catholic. But he is buying my newspaper. Every morning I flood his mind with articles full of scorn and hatred for God and the Church. Every Saturday he takes home a comic magazine full of immoral jokes and stories. He likes the illustrated magazines too, and these are not too clean either. He reads all, then throws the papers into the waste-basket and from there they travel through the house and read even by the children. Oh, these blind eyes!” Then we passed a young woman. “Look at that holy woman. She goes to daily Mass. She, too, is my faithful customer. Each day she buys at the newsstand not your papers, but mine. My stories of murders and broken families are so thrilling, so interesting. Just a few cents a day for a newspaper — that is just a drop, scarcely worth mentioning. From the pennies of this woman and millions of others, I build my printing palaces. I pay for the machinery, the printers, the wire service that connects my editors with all corners of the world and this good Catholic is helping me. Do you see? She is blindfolded too.” At this point a Catholic priest passed by. Satan watched him closely from the corners of his glittering eyes. Then rubbing his fleshless hands in his glee, he said, “Even he has his eyes blindfolded. He cannot understand how it is that I succeed so well. He has just preached a very beautiful sermon. His congregation was a choice one, numbering some four or five hundred persons. Although they were convinced of his doctrine beforehand, ho touched their hearts and moved them to tears. But between his teaching and mine lies a world of difference. See for yourself what an immense audience I have a-round my pulpit, the city newsstand or bookstall!” The month of February is the month of good reading especially good Catholic reading. Stress is on the reading of the Holy Bible and lives of the saints. The article of the famous French writer tells us quite a different story. It will be continued next month. ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Greetings from Sheboygan, Wis. May God grant health and happiness to all members and officers everywhere for the ensuing year! In summarizing our branch’s progress for this past year our total membership was 239 members. Our new members in the junior department Joseph, Julie and Jim Fischer and Lori Vertacic. Adult new members are: Frances Chuck and Mary Podržaj. A hearty welcome to them into our organization! Let each one of us try and enroll a new member for the present campaign. A junior member, Jacqueline Rupar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rupar was married to Alan Schmidbauer on November, 19C8. We extend the happy couple our congratulations and best wishes. We lost two members of long-time standing recently, who were Mes-dames Amelia Versay and Josephine Prisland. We extend our deepest sympathy to their families. Another sad report was the death of Major Francis Gercz who had been serving in the army in South Vietnam. He is survived by two of our members, his wife, Jean and daughter, Christine and two other children residing in Milwaukee, Wis. To them and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Brezonik our condolences. The State Convention will be held in Willard in September. Buses will be chartered from here and we hope to have a good representation. Date will be announced later. The annual meeting was well-attended. The slate of officers are: Olga Saye, president; Dorothy Bre- zonik, vice-president; Margaret Fischer, secretary; Anna Modez, recording secretary; Dorothy Kregel, treasurer; Auditors: Mary Turk, Christine Sterk and Mary Vertacic; Sergeant of Arms: Mary Brezonik. Our Spiritual Advisor whom we welcome back is Rev. Louis Koren. Kitchen committee: Christine Sterk, Chairman, assisted by Antoinette Brulla, Mary Vertacic and Mary Godez. Our annual card party will be held the second Wednesday in September. Mother’s Day Program will be on our meeting date in May. Mrs. Marie Prisland and Mrs. Olga Saye will be in charge. Charter member, Frances Rl-bich has been selected as our Mother of the Year. Our shut-in members were remembered at Christmas time. A get-well wish to them and all the sick members. A liberal donation of $75.00 was made for the Slovenian Chapel in Washington from our branch. After our meeting and installation of officers we had a pot-luck supper. We cannot forget all the wonderful ladies who so generously donated food. A thank you also to the kitchen committee for their fine services and to Olga Saye for her fine program. We enjoyed community singing and several former church choir singers entertained us with Christmas Carols with their fine voices. Mrs. Mary Germ acted as Santa Claus and distributed Christmas exchange gifts for which we thank her most sincerely. Our next meeting will be February 16th and at that time discussions will be held for the "People to People” program. Do try and be present. Margaret Fischer, Secy. No. 2, Chicago. III. Members are not content to dwell on the gloomy days of January and February, when Chicago as everywhere else in the midwest, suffers through the dreary winter season. We are all busy thinking “positively” ahead to the spring and summer. The bowlers are getting ready to polish up their games for the big Bowling Tournament March 22 and 23 at Oglesby, 111. Liz Zefran is organizing the full 10 teams to attend and we hope some of our once-a-year-bowlers will join them. It’s not too early to think of vacation plans, especially if they are fo r extensive traveling. With the travel-bug fever hitting strong, we are planning on a July 9th trip to Slovenia and invite you ail to join the tour. For any details, please feel free to call me personally or stop to see Mrs. Novak. By the way, she advises that any member wishing to send dues by mail should do so, as there will be no collection until the May meeting and Mother’s Day party. Wo mourn the loss of a member in January. She was Miss Anna Muha who died a few hours after her beloved sister, Frances. These two ladies lived together to old age, were never separated and died on the same day, neither knowing of the other’s death. It was a very sad day for our whole St. Stephen’s community as they were exemplary parishioners. We also lost three members in 19G8, they were: Antonia Berce, Josephine Debelak and Emma Meglin. May they rest In peace. The members again extended their vote of confidence to the officers of too, go to the good “bakers” who furnish our Slovenian “goodies” to serve with coffee. It helps so much to swell that profit, besides really proving an enjoyment to one’s appetite. A good and plentiful lunch was served after the meeting with general socializing and gifts then exchanged among those who brought one. We all departed feeling we had our “big meal” for the day, and greetings and good luck were expressed by all. In 1969, remember your Chapel Fund donation, so we can have a chance to attend its dedication and show our pride! Remember, too, our beloved Founder’s book. It is now available through Mrs. Plesko or myself. The price is $4.00 and 15 Josephine Erjavec No. 22, Bradley, III. The Christmas party-meeting was held Sunday evening, December 8th at the home of Gabrielle Lustig. Mesdames Agnes Zajc and Emma Znidarich were assisting hostesses. Gifts of $5.00 were sent to the Slovenian Chapel Fund for the Memorial Chapel and to the Sacred Heart So. Missions in Walls, Mississippi for a Mass to be said in remembrance of our deceased members and loved ones. Our sick member, Mrs. Margaret Hassett, was remembered with a gift and a Christmas offering was made to St. Joseph’s church. All officers were re-elected as follows: president, Mollie Metschuleit; vice president, Mollie Starasinich; secretary, Gabrielle Lustig; treasurer, Elizabeth Kinder; auditors, Mary Rittmanic, Ann Richards and Anna LaMontagne. Our spiritual director is the Rev. James P. McDermott. Mrs. Anna Richards was chosen as “Mother-of-the-Y ear”. Membership campaign was again discussed. We are in dire need of new members, but at this time see no prospects. Please help to encourage any possibilities! The business session closed with prayer led by our president, Mollie Metschuleit. We were indeed happy to have her with us again, that she recovered from a very serious eye surgery and we pray she has no further troubles. A social time of games, luncheon and exchange of gifts followed. Special thanks to Mrs. Zajc and Mrs. Jamnik, who made the delicious Slovenian goodies, potica and hot dinner rolls. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Agnes Baker, Mrs. Stella Lustig and Frances Lustig. The next meeting will be on Sunday afternoon, February 23rd at the home of Mrs. Anna Jamnik. Ann Richards will be co-hostess. At the beginning of this New Year of 1969, we wish everyone good health, happiness and peace. Thanks to all for our wonderful evenings of entertainment at all our meetings throughout the past year! Gabrielle Lustig, Secy No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. — The annual election of officers of the Dawn Club was held December 18th. The officers are: Emma Pucel, President; Barbara Brennan, Vice Pres.; Frances Grahek, Recording Secretary; Stephanie Vranesich, Treasurer; Helen Kochevar and Mary Petritz, Auditors; Mary Shikonya, Reporter. The meeting was held at the A and W and following the business session, the members enjoyed the annual Christmas Party. The 6:20 dinner was preceded by a social hour in charge of Angela Koslr, Molly Richards and Mary Pucel. The evening’s entertainment planned by Margaret Preshiren and Rose Lobe included the following: accord-ian music by Mary Gotchnik who was also accompanist for the group singing; accordian numbers by her grandson, Larry Gotchnik and playing games. Prizes went to Mary Starko-vich and Barbara Brennan. Mary Gotchnik was crowned Miss Dawn Club of 1969 by Margaret Preshiren and Rose Lobe, chairmen. She received several prizes including a basket of fruit. Mary Jamnik won the runner-up prize. Christmas Gifts were exchanged — attendance prize was won by Mary Knapp. Members of the lunch and entertainment committee for the January meeting were named as Ann Baldine, Ann Rowe, Josephine Jamnik, Mary Skradski and Ann Merrill. We wish all of our Bick members a speedy recovery. Sad to report of the passing of Helen Kovali. We offer sympathy to the bereaved family. May she rest in peace. She was the president of Br. 83, Slovenian Women’s Union when she lived in Crosby. Mrs. Mary (Mrack) Drobnich of Euclid Ohio was visiting her mother in Ely. She was at our Games Party. We were happy to see her. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. — Our wishes for a very happy new year to one and all! With our cold winter, it is nice to stay home where it’s warm. We know also that many of our members have been suffering from colds and flu. To all, best wishes for good health. You are invited to attend the February meeting so we can determine many important activities for the year. You can also pay your dues at this time. We beg you who are in arrears to take care of this at once. Deepest sympathy to Emily Jordan who lost her brother, John Kotecki. Another brother died three months before. We sorrow for her. Our fine former treasurer, Mary Kastigar passed away on New Years Day. Mary was one of the organizers of our branch and treasurer for many years. As a good member, she participated in all our activities while she could. She celebrated her 83rd birthday in March. Survivors include 5 sons and 3 daughters, 16 grandchildren and G great grandchildren, also 2 brothers. To all the family, our sincere condolences. With best wishes for a happy Valentine’s Day. Angela Strukel, Sec. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — The attendance at our Dec. meeting was fair. At this meeting it was decided not to have any meetings during the months of January, February, July and August. We also nominated Mary Bahor for Mother of the Year. As for the election, it’s the same committee. After the meeting, we had our Christmas Party; it was a nice party and I’m sure the members enjoyed themselves. We have a new Junior member, the first male member in our branch, William Charles Kearns. His mother is Carol Ann Kearns, grandmother is Frances Gould and great grandmother is Elizabeth Pecman, — all members of Br. 26. That’s four generations, so this family is well represented! On December 22nd we had a Mass offered by Father Demsher celebrating our Fortieth Anniversary. We had quite a few members sick at that time so the attendance at this Mass was not as good as we expected. It was good to see Mrs. Magdalena Widina attend this Mass. Mrs. Widina organized Br. 26 here In Pittsburgh forty years ago. In appreciation for all she did for our branch, we presented her with a small gift. Our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bizjak on the loss of their daughter, Carolyn Seneca who died on November 6th after a long illness. We also lost two members in December; our sympathy to the Pav-lakovic family on the loss of their mother, Catherine, who died on Dec. 20th and our sympathy to the Valen- čič family on the loss of their wife and mother, Frances Valenčič, who died on Dec. 27th. May these souls rest in peace. Mrs. Valenčič was at our December meeting; she was a very active member. We are all going to miss seeing her at our meek ings, luncheons, etc. Get well wishes to all our members especially to Mrs. Mary Belamarick who recently was in St. Margaret’s Hospital. Until our meeting on Mar. 18th best wishes to all of you. Ann Frankovic, Secy. No. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio. — We enjoyed the end of our “old” year with a beautiful Christmas party-din-ner prepared and served by Theresa Simončič and her daughter, Theresa Filips. Although many of our members were unable to attend (including our president, Antonia Kastelic) because of the flu, the dinner, prizes and chatter were enjoyed by all. During the past year one of our members, Dorothy Ponikvar, her husband, Joe, and daughter, Judith, enjoyed two wonderful vacations in the sunny state of Hawaii. We know they must have enjoyed the first trip to be enticed back a second time and understand number two was just as memorable as number one. During this new year we wish all our members good health, happiness, peace and God’s blessings showered on one and all. B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — With the cold weather and the illness, the attendance at our last meeting was small. I do hope most of you have recovered from the flu. Now that the holidays are over, a new year is upon us. Very little business or social activities were discussed. A bridal shower was held on Sunday, Dec. 8th at Rebernisek’s Club 36 for Cynthia Gallun who was to be married on Jan. 11th. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallun who operate Gallun’s Grocery Store. Diane Pugel and Darrell Malma-rowski were married at St. John’s church on Nov. 30th. Diana is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pugel. She, her mother and brother are all members of our branch. Congratulations! Anna Mae Goggins and Gary Jund also were married at St. John’s, the day being Dec. 28th. Anna Mae is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Goggins who operate Marn’s Corner Tavern. Sincere sympathy to the family of Mary Korošec. She was laid to rest on Dec. 13th. Her lingering illness and suffering finally came to an end. She was the sister of our vice president, Cecil Groth. While at the funeral home, we were notified that Mr. Marion Zovic had BRANCH 50 SELECTS THEIR “1969 Valentine” W EVANA MANDEL Mrs. Mandel was born in 1884 at Cepaska near Novo Mesto in Slovenia. She came to America on Jan. 15, 1905 and worked as a “bar maid” until she soon married Ludvik Mandel at St. Vitus church. They lived for years on Prosser ave in Cleveland. Mrs. Mandel is the mother of a son, Ludvik and two girls, Honey and Dansy. They moved to E. 140th St., in 1916 where Mrs. Mandel helped her husband operate a grocery store until 1948. A widow, she now resides at 22200 Chardon Road. She enjoys working, always is pleasant and takes a great interest in club activities. Her hobbies are sewing, knitting, crocheting, gardening and cooking. At our Bazaar last October, Mrs. Mandel modeled a dress she made and donated quite a few articles: 9 coverall aprons, 5 pairs pillow cases, 5 pairs pot holders and 5 fancy crocheted hats for tissues. Her advice: Keep busy and stay young at heart, no matter what ails you! We are very proud of our Valentine! passed away. To his beloved wife and family, we extend our sincere sympathy. Mr. Zovic had the radio program which was heard every Sunday at noon. To all our sick and shut-ins a speedy recovery. Those in arrears with dues, please bake care of this matter at your earliest convenience. Please take notice. I have a new address since the first of this year. 3162 S. Pine Ave. 53207. My telephone number is the same 481-7357. To all a Happy Valentine! Rose Kraemer, Secy P. S. Anyone wishing cookbooks or “From Slovenia to America, please contact me as I have them on hand. No. 50, Cleveland, O. Our Christmas party was well-attended and a huge success thanks to the efforts of the telephone committee and the party committee: Marie Azman, Josephine Siewiorek and Ann Dekleva. It was nice to say Hello to members who are unable to attend all meetings but they do co-operate whenever approached. Quite a few members had to cancel their plans because of the flu. We missed them all. Instead of giving a $2 gift exchange it was decided to keep it to one dollar and give the other dollar to the Cancer Home Society, so a check for $50 was collected and sent to the Home. THANK YOU NOTES: To . . . Mary Susnik and Ann Krulac, our 19G8 Hospitality Chair-men. Each month after the meeting we’ve been served with good coffee and delicious pastries. To . . . Angie Lube for 2 years service as Dawn reporter. Angie never missed an edition, getting her copy to press on time. I’m sure we '"'ill miss her articles. To . . . Ann Hočevar, 1968 Sunshine Girl who mailed out over 200 °ards extending felicitations to our members. To . . . All the members who helped or donated to our branch at all times! Emily Unik, Nominating Chairman took over the chore when it came time for elections and she performed her task very well. The members elected the following: Fran Sietz, Pres., Toni Turek, Vice-Pres., Marie Deck, Sec’y, Rose Želodec, Rec. sec’y, Mary Bencin, Sentinel, Mamie Marin and Mary Azman, Auditors and Mother of the Year, Mary Azman. Marie Dolinar will serve as Sunshine Chairman. The relationship between members and officers is tremendously impor-tant. Each needs to understand the role of the other. Obviously, the best way to stay together is by attending the meetings, stating your viewpoint openly and holding a discussion. Usually, good judgment will prevail and preserve the branch. The challenge for good of our organization is too great to waste time in Pettiness. Congratulations to: Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Marie Azman on their 25th Wedding Anniversary ... a Very nice couple; and to Nancy Beck who will say "I 1 on April 26th to Anthony J. agodnik. Nancy was our first Scho-arship winner. Mothers of Nancy and Anthony are members of our branch. On the sick list are Julia Woda and Evana Mandel. God bless them and keep them In good health. IN LOVING MEMORY Rose Herbst Died February 2, 1967 Member of Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio BEYOND THE SUNSET Should you go first and I remain,, to walk the road alone. I’ll live in mem’ry’s garden, dear with happy days we’ve known. In spring I’ll wait for roses red when fade the lilacs blue! In early fall when brown leaves fall I’ll catch a glimpse of you. Should you go first and I remain for battles to be fought, Each thing you’ve touched along the way will be a hallowed spot. I’ll hear your voice, I’ll see your smile tho blindly I may grope; The memory of your helping hand will buoy me on with hope. Should you go first and I remain one thing I’ll have you do, Walk slowly down that long, long path for soon I’ll follow you. I want to know each step you take so I may take the same; For someday down that lonely road you’ll hear me call your name. husband, Edward Herbst, Cleveland, Ohio H H1 HI H I»I Hi’" Hi HI HI HI HI m If The members extend sympathy to Mary Hočevar on the death of her husband, Luke. God grant him eternal rest. For years Mrs. Hočevar was an ardent booster and helper In our branch. Try to attend the meetings, each third Monday of the month. We always end up with many surprises. And, please try to keep Marie Beck happy by paying your dues early in 1969. Fran Sietz, Pres. (------------------------------------- Thank You! Branch No. 50 which I helped get started back in 1931 has always been very dear to me. It’s always a pleasure to meet with the members and my good friends. I was happy to spend a few hours in their committee for luncheon during my visit to Cleveland for No. 25’s 40th Anniversary, Sunday Oct. 27, 1968. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your generous birthday gift and the pleasure of being in your company. May we meot soon a-gain! Your very good friend, Albina Novak No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Dear Sisters! Our January meeting was held one week late because of the holidays. We were very sorry to have to elect a new officer to take the seat of our late Vice President Mary Musech. Elected was Dorothy Russo. We are sure she will be a great vice-president and will do her duties with all her ability. We also draped our charter in black In honor of our late sister. Her empty chair was felt by all who knew her. Prayers were said by all the members present for the repose of her soul. May she rest in peace! We also discussed and made plans for a rummage sale and also a white elephant sale, to take place at our March meeting. So please gather up your stuff and bring it along. We also wish to take time out and express our get-well wish to all who have been laid up with the Hu. We know there have been many and all do not get to the hospital. So we wish them all God’s speed to a rapid recovery. We thus concluded our meeting with a prayer led by our preseident, sister Josephine Oswald. The social of the evening took place at which time the officers took over and served a delicious lunch. Honors were awarded to the following: sisters Ann Nelmark, Angeline Russ, Rose Chiodl, Celia Politano, Frances She-ga, Dorothy Russo, Margaret Koche-var, Shirley Spinelll and door prize went to Rose Chiodi. This brought a wonderful evening to a close. We will hold our next meeting Feb. 5th, the 1st Wednesday, at the Little Grove. Please try and bring along a new member. We still have a new campaign on now! We must go on to the ending of our report and please drive carefully so we can all get together again real soon. May God bless you all and keep you all in the best of health until we meet again. Yours, truly, Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, O. — Another year has swiftly passed and we hope 1969 will bring good health, happiness and prosperity to all our sister branches. Our group had election of officers in November. Chairman of the Nominating Committee was Mayme Spo-rich. Officers are as follows: Rose Racher, president; Mary Waltko, Vice Pres.; Joanne Ponikvar, Sec-Treas.; Josephine Kasson, Rec. Secy.; Sgt. at Arms, Mayme Sporich; Auditors: Mary Ponikvar, Vic Zuga and Betty Vadas. The meeting was held at Mary Waltko’s home and we had a lovely evening. Mary and Josephine Kasson, made the dessert and Mary Rubinic brought a beautifully decorated cake in remembrance of her wedding anniversary. Our Christmas Party was at Jean Ponikvar’s and we had punch and cookies that we all brought. We usually have a covered dish dinner on that night but this seemed to work out nicely and we weren’t “stuffed” going home. Jean’s home wias beautifully decorated for the holidays but the party lacked something and that was the absence of our beloved president, my mom, Rose Racher, who was ill at home with a resp. infection. That’s probably the first Christmas meeting she missed in 30 years. Also absent was Mayme Sporich who was in the hospital. She fell in her driveway the week before on her way to our church’s Altar and Rosary Society Dinner. She’s better now and home with her family. She became a great grandmother awhile back and Rose Yurtin, her daughter, became a grandma for the first time. Wedding congratulations to our former member, Richard Knezevich, who married Sherryn Hawkes, at a beautiful post-Christmas wedding. He is the son of our member, Carolyn. Get well wishes to our good friends, Frances Bonozich in Phoenix, Ariz. who is ailing and Louis Rubinic, husband of Mary, who had pneumonia. Our deepest sympathy to the Glavan family. Mr. Joseph Glavan, 85 years of age, passed away in December. Several members were at his bier offering their prayers. He was BE A SWEETHEART! Enroll a New Member in the State Presidents' Campaign! DEEPEST SYMPATHY The Board of Directors and members of Slovenian Women’s Union wish to extend deepest sympathy to two State Presidents who have lost loved ones recently. Mrs. Mary Tomsic of Stra-bane, Pa., mourns the death of her sister Prances Krulce. Mrs. Rose Scoff of San Francisco, Cal. lost her only son, Joseph in an accident on Christmas Eve. To both, the prayers and wishes of all for God’s consolation and blessings. And may our beloved departed rest in eternal peace. a good, religious and fraternal individual. He was the husband of our member, Anne Glavan. We decided to hold our meetings at the American Legion Hall on High St. next to the Notre Dame Convent for this new year. Take note: Third Tuesday of February, April, May, Sept., Nov., and Dec. Please try to attend the next meeting and pay up your dues. Joanne Ponikvar, Secy. No. 55, Girard, O. — The Christmas Party which was held in the pink room of the Slovenian Home for the members of S.W.U. No. 55 was well attended. We were very happy to see some new faces. The party was just beautiful; favors and table centers were made by the chairlady, Mary Bradish in nylon net, the colors being red, green and white. All Christmas decorations were just beautiful! Many thanks, Mary, we who attended enjoyed every minute of it. Mary also sang songs as only she can sing them. After a delicious meal of chicken, etc. we had a gift exchange. Then came the election of officers; the same women were elected. As you know, it is a job no one seems to want. So we hope that more members will attend meetings and if the officers do not please you, feel free to tell us. Remember, we try our best. Sorry, Nancy, you missed it all but we understand you were sick with the flu. Speedy recovery to all our sick and their families. After the meeting, the table centers were given away. Winners were Beatrice Brayer, Sophia Cekuta and Matilda Cigolle, special prizes going to Barbara Umeck, Anna Umeck, Jennie Selak, Sophia Cekuta, Jo Pe-rusek, Rosalia Gabrovšek, Mary Kristine, Marie Cvetnic, Amelia Robsel. Mother of the Year is Mary Bradish. Hope we will have a record turn out for our next meeting. Remember ladies, you who are in arrears with your dues, please pay the secretary as you know she would like to have her books audited and closed for 19G8. Best wishes for 19G9 and speedy recovery for our sick. God bless you all. Until next meeting, reporting for Nancy, Sophia Kren, Auditor No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our Dec. meeting was brought to order by our president, Anne Satovich. By-laws were re-read and approved. All officers were re-elected with Anne Satovich, President; Agnes Barkis, Vice President; Mary Meadows, Financial Secretary; Amelia Domen, Recording Secretary, Mary Drobnick, Treasurer. Auditors are Elizabeth Spolar and Dorothy Oberstar with Barbara Dosen our Sergeant-at-Arms and Margaret Skorich remaining as Reporter. We are grateful that the officers accepted their respective positions and a big Thank You is in order for all of you. Then a vote was taken to select our Mother of the Year. Ann Satovich, our honorable president, accepted the honor. A long-time member and an active one, she is deserving of being our Mother of the Year as she has been like a “mother hen” to all of us and keeping us in our nests, so to speak! She will be justly honored in May. Next on the agenda was our Christmas Party. A buffet luncheon was served, featuring Christmas delicacies. A centerpiece of the Madonna surrounded by red roses and flanked by green and white tapers was a work of art. Individual card tables were carried out in the Christmas theme and corsages were presented to the members. Mary Bis-sonette was an added attraction with her Santa suit and distributed the exchange gifts besides dancing with us to the music of Mr. Anthony Babich’s concertina. Christmas carols were sung and again we thank “Tony” plus Mary for the cheer they spread. Mrs. Anthony Selvo was dining room chairman and a better one is not to be found. Mrs. Frank Satovich served as kitchen chairman. Special prizes were awarded to Mrs. Frank Draskovirh and Mrs. John Rapinac. Ann Selvo won the jackpot. Sick members reported were Mary Malkovich and Rose Zaic. We pray their illness was short lived and that you were able to enjoy Christmas. Happy Valentine’s Day greetings to all of you even tho the spirit of Christmas is still with us. With no more news to report and resolutions on my mind, I reman, Margaret Skorich, Reporter Hermine Prlsland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 During my visit in Minnesota I also asked Mrs. Mary Zakrajšek, President of the Nashwauk branch, to send me some of her favorite recipes. It’s a pleasure to give them to you. BUNS (to make 80) ■i cups boiling water 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups sugar 1 cup lard 2 packages dry yeast dissolved in -1 cup warm water 3 eggg 17 cups flour Boil water, salt and sugar for 5 minutes. Add lard and cool. Add 4 cups flour, add yeast and eggs and the rest of the flour. Let raise once until double in bulk. With your hands shape into buns 2 to 21/2 inches in diameter. Place on greased cookie sheets spaced one inch apart and let rise uncovered overnight in room. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees. NOTE: Mrs. Zakrajšek says she usually mixes them in the afternoon and shapes them in the evening. They are delicious and freeze well. ORANGE DESSERT OR SALAD 1 package orange jello (small size) 1 cup hot water 1 can Mandarin Oranges 1 package Dream Whip ’/2 cup milk 1-3 oz. package Philadelphia Cream Cheese Make this the night before you plan to serve. Dissolve 1 package orange jello in 1 cup hot water. Add juice from 1 can Mandarin Oranges. Let jello congeal in refrigerator and then whip. Meanwhile whip 1 package Bream Whip and l/J cup milk until It fonns peaks. Soften the cream cheese and add to the Dream Whip. Pold in the whipped jello. Arrange orange slices in the ring mold and Pour the jello mixture over the slices. Refrigerate. (I served this as a salad with our Christmas dinner doubling the recipe. Everyone loved It.) SAUERKRAUT SALAD 1 cup vinegar 2 cups chopped celery 1 cup red and green peppers /2 cup chopped onion 1 quart Sauerkraut, drained /i cups (scant) sugar Mix — let stand overnight FRENCH BARS 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 1 cup cold coffee to which 1 teaspoon baking soda has been added 1 cup raisins boiled gently for about 5 minutes and drained Vi teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon nutmeg 3 cups flour, sifted Blend 2 cups brown sugar and shortening in mixer. Add eggs and beat. Add coffee alternately with flour and spices. Add raisins. Bake in 325 degree oven for 25 or 30 minutes. Pan size 10x15 inches. Dribble powdered sugar frosting over bars. Mrs. Zakrajšek says she sometimes adds a little lemon juice to the frosting. (This is an excellent bar to go with that cup of coffee or for packed lunches. In a cookie jar they keep surprisingly moist for a long time.) BAKED BEANS 1 pound navy beans Vi pound salt pork 1 tablespoon salt % cup molasses (mild flavored) 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce % teaspoon dry mustard Soak beans overnight. Drain, put in fresh cold water and cook slowly until skins break and curl when blown upon gently. Drain and put in bean pot, score salt pork in half inch strips and press into center of beans. Mix salt, sugar, molasses, mustard and Worcestershire Sauce with one cup of hot water. Pour over beans, see that there is enough water to cover. Bake 250-300 degrees oven for 6 to 8 hours. Keep adding water if necessary. Uncover last half hour to brown beans. • * • WHAT’S NEW THIS SPRING— The Nehru collar, the pretty sheer sleeve, the scalloped hem, the bias midriff, the obi sash (like the long, broad sash worn by Japanese women), the vested dress being but a few. * • * The green discoloration that occasionally appears between the yolk and white of a hard-cooked egg is the result of a chemical reaction between iron in the yolk and sulfur in the white. This discoloration is unattractive but harmless. To help prevent it, cook eggs at low temperature, don’t overcook and cool eggs promptly. Remove hard water stains from a-luminum appliance interiors with a soap pad or by heating two tablespoons of cream of tarter to one quart of water. * * * The remaining recipes requested by Madison housewives are Celery Seed French Dressing, Baked Chicken Sal- ad, and an Icing than can be used on cookies to be frozen. CELERY SEED DRESSING Ms cup sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated onion or % teaspoon onion powder % cup vinegar (may be part lime or lemon juice) 1 cup salad oil 1 tablespoon celery seed Mix dry ingredients and onion. Add vinegar. Slowly add oil, beating vigorously. Then add celery seed. Refrigerate. This is creamy and almost as thick as mayonnaise. BAKED CHICKEN SALAD 2 cups cooked chicken (Vfe inch dice) 1% cups celery (Vi Inch dice) Vi cup chopped toasted almonds 2 teaspoons finely chopped onion Grated rind of V4 lemon 1 tablespoon lemon juice % teaspoon pepper % to % cup salad dressing Salt 1 cup (Vi pound grated Cheddar cheese 1 cup crushed potato chips (4oz.) Measure chicken, celery, almonds, onion, lemon rind and juice, and pepper into mixing bowl. Add salad dressing. Toss lightly to blend in- gredients. Divide into four individual shallow casseroles or a 1 quart casserole. Sprinkle cheese over top. Top with potato chips. Place casseroles on baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees) for 25 minutes, or until cheese begins to bubble. ICING FOR COOKIES TO BE FROZEN 2 cups confectioners’ sugar % teaspoon salt V£ teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons water 3 tablespoons cream or undiluted evaporated milk HAPPY VALENTINE’S ? . DAY < V KO Thank you, Mrs. Zakrajšek, for the tasty recipes. Don’t forget that the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach so feed him well on Valentine’s Day. Fondly, Hermine % r-yr ____________*M«$M»M>&__________ ^4i» A» ih A A, y? “FROM SLOVENIA ^ ... TO AMERICA” An exceptionally fine book entitled: From Slovenia to America”, written by the Founder of Slovenian Women’s Union, Marie Prisland, will be on the market Mar. 1st. It is the first book of its kind and is dedicated to “the younger generation” but will be enjoyable reading for all ages. The following table of contents will be found In “From Slovenia to America.” Orders for autographed copies may be directed to Mrs. Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081. CONTENTS Foreword: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PREFACE 3. HISTORY OF SLAYS The Slavs in general — Slovenians in particular 4. YUGOSLAVIA — Education, Religion, Cities 5. SLOVENIA — Culture, Customs, Red Carnations, Christmas 6. AMERICAN SLOVENIANS AND THEIR ACTIVITIES National organizations, Religion, Culture, Patriotism 7. IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA From Bed Bugs to “Chicken Day” to “Diplomas” 8. THE PIONEERS AND OTHER NOTABLES From a Missionary Bishop to the first Slovenian millionaire 9. SLOVENIAN WOMANHOOD Its many fields of service 10. PROMINENT AMERICAN-BORN SLOVENIANS 11. NOTABLE NEWCOMERS SINCE WORLD WAR II. 12. SLOVENIAN COMMUNITIES Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, California. Ohio, Colorado, Wisconsin, New York, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, West Virginia, Florida and Far West 13. CENSUS 14. A DREAM 15. MEMORIES OF OUR OLD WOOD STOVE 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY PICTORIAL SECTIONS Send for your book right away. Use the order form below. Proceeds will benefit the S. W. U. Scholarship Fund. ORDER BLANK FOR NEW BOOK: FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA, $4.00 By Marie Prisland, Founder of Slovenian Women’s Union Enclosed Is (check) (money order) In amount of $......................... for................. copies of FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Please enclose 25$ for postage and handling of Individual orders Total $ ......... Name ................................................... Address —_______________________________________________ City .............................. State ______________ Zlpcode - Mall to: Mrs. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr, Wlckliffe, Ohio 44092 No. 66, Canon City, Colo. The new year will be well on its way by the time this reaches our Zarja, but still early enough to wish our Supreme Officers, officers and members of our organization a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Our December meeting was poorly attended. What is the matter, sisters, that we can’t have at least the last meeting of the year with a better attendance? This last meeting of the year was an important one. Our three members from Florence, Colo, attend and it’s eight miles from here. Two ladies are in their “70’s” and one is past 80. Shouldn’t that make us who live here a little embarrassed? Our sister and former secretary, Cecile Adamic is holding her own with her illness and truly she is a follower of Jesus bearing her cross patiently and cheerfully. Won’t each of you remember her in your prayers? Sister Antonia Zupan was pleasantly surprised for Christmas when her daughter Mary Jane flew in from Hawaii to spend the holidays with her mother and other relatives. Mary Jane is employed by the government In Hawaii. On Christmas Day, Mrs. Zupan had all her family at home for the day. Sister Josephine Hawkins and her family came up from Colorado Springs to spend the day with them. She is another daughter of Mrs. Zupan and also a member of her branch along with her mother and sister. Congratulations to Stanley Adamic who was married on Jan. 11th. Stanley is the son of sister Mildred Adamic. The following members celebrated birthdays in Jan. Johanna Adamic on Jan. 1st; Mary Chesnik, Jan. 15th and Julia Javernick on Jan. 12th. A happy belated birthday to all! Sister Mildred Pierce celebrates her birthday on Feb 1st. Happy birthday to her, also. Sisters, I would like to ask a favor of you. Please pay your dues either monthly or a little ahead. Please do not wait until the end of the year to pay them. By waiting until the end of the year. It makes it hard for the secretary to send in the dues as our treasury doesn't have enough in It to carry on until the end of the year. We will have a meeting on April 13th at 2:45 p. m. at our hall on Prospect Heights. Please^jy to attend. I will have the new book “From Slovenia to America,” for sale. This book was written by our Founder, Mrs. Prisland and should be Interesting. Anyone wanting one, can contact me. Congratulations to our editor on her fine job and to Mrs. Dicke for the fine page of Pots and Pans which I really enjoy. God bless you all and beep you in good health. In closing, I would like to add this poem (which I took out of my year book of the Daughters of Isabella): Are you an active member, ■The kind that would be missed? r are you just to be contended £ t your name is on the list? o you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock? Or do you stay at home And criticize and knock? 0 you take an active part to help the work along? Or are you satisfied to be the kind That “just belong?” you ever go to visit a member Who is sick? Or leave the work to just a few and talk about “the clique?" here's qUite a pr0gram scheduled that I'm sure you'd heard about, o come to the meetings and Help with hand and heart, on t just be a member, ut take an active part. Think this over member, ou know right from wrong. Are you an active member, Or do you just belong? Christine Konte No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. — ne of our most successful years was climaxed with our family Christmas arty that was held at the American Slovene Club at Fairport Harbor, O. °n Dec. 15th. It was a large group that came, even some members that live quite a distance from here made an effort o come. A most enjoyable time was ad, it was a pot luck dinner with each member bringing her specialty, ere was such an abundance of de-, ous food that a person didn’t now what to take. It is gratifying o know that we are able to have so So let us say our humble anks to God for His goodness. After dinner the exchange of gifts as ^eld and such a variety of pres-S’ ^ust as St. Nick knew what eryone wanted. The afternoon was en spent socially with members slng-£ and popular games were played, shn -+r business meeting was quite the aS everyone was anxious to start yearparty so more will be done next b To all of our sick, who are missed health a11’ heartlest wishes for good with t»,'an<3 a spee