ACROCEPHALUS 25 (no): 15 — 2æ>, 2OO4 Observations on breeding and nonbreeding birds in the Central Fore-Balkan, Northern Bulgaria Opazovanja gnezdilk in negnezdilk osrednje predbalkanske regije, severna Bolgarija Ivailo Petrov Nikolov “Mladost” 4, bl. 403, entr. 1, ap. 4, BG-1715 Sofia, Bulgaria, e-mail: 1. Introduction Detailed avifaunal studies in places located to the north of the main Balkan ridge (excluding the Danube and the Black Sea Coast) are scarce and the majority were published some decades ago (Petrov & Zlatanov 1955, Donchev 1970 & 1974, Simeonov 1975, Nankinov & Dzhuninski 1985, Spiridonov 1988, Stanchev 1988, Nankinov & Nankinov 1998, Stoyanov 2001). The necessity for the present investigation was inspired by the fact that most of the regional studies in the Balkan Mountains are rather old and needed to be updated (Michev & Iankov 1993). The area of the town of Yablanitsa, situated in the Central Fore-Balkan (Northern Bulgaria), was chosen as a suitable place for carrying out such avifaunistic research. Its position at the end of a narrowing valley, confined by the Veslets uplands (to the Northwest) and the Lovech heights (to the Northeast), is the basis of a specific flow of migrating birds, especially during autumn when flying southwards. The region of Yablanitsa is Figure 1: The Balkan Mountains physico-geographical zone in Bulgaria and its Fore–Balkan regions: 1 – Western Fore-Balkan; 2 – Central Fore-Balkan; 3 – Eastern Fore-Balkan Slika 1: Fizi~no-geografska conacija gorovja Balkan in predbalkanskih regij v Bolgariji: 1 – zahodna predbalkanska regija, 2 – osrednja predbalkanska regija, 3 – vzhodna predbalkanska regija very close to one of the biggest European migratory routes, the Via Aristotelis, passing along the rivers Iskar and Strouma. The avifauna of the region of Yablanitsa has not been studied. Apart from the above mentioned literature sources, information for neighbouring places can be found in Drenski (1934), Patev (1950), Peshev & Simeonov (1964), Simeonov (1967), Simeonov & Penkov (1969), Spiridonov (1982), Spiridonov et al. (1983), Simeonov et al. (1984), Georgiev & Alexandrov (1988), Milchev & Georgiev (1998) and Georgiev & Milchev (2000). Concrete single records for certain species from the birds of Yablanitsa area were found only in Robel et al. (1978), Panova-Asenova et al. (1997) and Shurulinkov et al. (2001). 2. Study area and methods 2.1. Study area The town of Yablanitsa (400 m a.s.l.) and its bordering territory are located in the central subregion of the Fore-Balkan (Figure 1). It is characterized by a wide range of hill and low mountain relief. The quantitative and qualitative indices of the climate, as well as their regime, indicate a temperate continental climate, and some evidence of mountain climate (Georgiev 1991). The region of Yablanitsa is characterized by a prevalence of land under cultivation (mostly extensively cultivated cereals), dry grasslands and scrubland on a calcareous substratum, hay meadows and grazing grounds. It is bordered to the west by the easternmost slopes of the Dragoitsa Mountains (957 m a.s.l.) and by karst ridges to the north and east. The southern parts reach the village of Ravnishte. The territory studied (covering almost the whole administrative area of the settlement) is approximately 6000 ha. Being part of the Northern Bulgarian Phytogeographical Region, Central European broad-leaved vegetation dominates around Yablanitsa, 15 I.P. Nikolov: Observations on breeding and nonbreeding birds in the Central Fore-Balkan, Northern Bulgaria including Oak Quercus spp., Oriental Hornbeam Carpinus orientalis and Beech Fagus sylvatica‚ as well as xerothermic grass formations with a prevalence of Beard-grass Dichantieta ischaemi, Meadow-grass Poaeta bulbosae and Poaeta concinnae, and Ephemers Ephemereta (Bondev 1991, Georgiev 1991). 2.2. Methods The data for the present study were collected over a 13-year period (1990 – 2002) with 796 days spent in the region, 416 of which were combined with field observations. The largest part of the field work was conducted during spring and autumn and in the breeding season. In addition, regular winter observations were carried out. A total of 1902 birds of 53 species were captured by mist nets, ringed and released in the area. The migration, status and occurrence of species were investigated by transect and stationary (point counts) methods (Bibby et al. 1992). During the study period about 2400 km were walked along two transects (totalling 34 km), passing through the most representative habitats around the town of Yablanitsa (shrubby karst ridges, dry grasslands, lands under cultivation, small artificial lakes, coniferous monocultures, mixed and broad-leaved forests). The breeding reliability of species was specified in accordance with Yeatman (1976). 3. Results In total, 156 species of birds were recorded in the region of Yablanitsa. Their periods of presence (with earliest and latest dates), breeding reliability, status and rate of occurrence are shown in Table 1. 92 breeding species were found in the area. The composition of the breeding avifauna was as follows: confirmed breeding – 71 species, probable breeding – 12 species, possible breeding – 9 species. A total of 127 species were recorded throughout the spring migration (between the middle of February and the beginning of June). The peak month, with 104 species noted, was April. Nine species were observed only during the spring passage: Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus, Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus, Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola, Scops Owl Otus scops, Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris, Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, Jackdaw Corvus monedula and Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix. 140 species were recorded during the autumn migration (between the end of July and the beginning of November). In August, the peak month, 109 16 species were recorded. 21 species were only observed in the autumn: Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, Little Egret Egretta garzetta, Gadwall Anas strepera, Garganey Anas querquedula, Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus, Black Kite Milvus migrans, Osprey Pandion haliaetus, Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla, Snipe Gallinago gallinago, Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus, Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans, Tawny Owl Strix aluco, Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia, Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus, River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis, Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus shoenobaenus, Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina, Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva and Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. Three species, White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons, Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus and Rook Corvus frugilegus, were recorded only during the winter. 4. Discussion The orientation of the Balkan Range lies across the migratory routes of birds over Bulgaria. This is the main reason why, during autumn, a great part of the passage is concentrated in the low hilly areas of the Fore-Balkan (comprising the northern parts of the main Balkan ridge). Here the birds build their fat reserves before crossing the higher parts of the Balkan Mountains on the way to their wintering grounds (Peshev 1974). This explains the fact that the species’ list during autumn migration is longer than that for the spring. In spring, some birds, breeding primarily north of Bulgaria, are trying to reach their breeding areas as quickly as possible and the territory of Yablanitsa at that time lies in a “migration shadow”. Thus species such as Willow Warbler and Thrush Nightingale are not recorded in spring. While carrying out a survey of nesting White Storks Ciconia ciconia in Lovech district (the current study area is a part of this district) Katrandzhiev (1982) reported three observations of Black Storks Ciconia nigra during the breeding season. Up to the end of 1993 there were no records for this species around Yablanitsa. During 1994 six Black Storks were recorded, in 1998 11 individuals, and in 2000 40 individuals (all of them migrating birds). Coupled with the increasing records, in 2000 two breeding pairs were found in the vicinity of the town. These records indicate that recently the breeding population, as well as the number of migrating birds, is increasing. Michev & Simeonov (1985) and Nankinov (1997) noted a similar tendency for the ACROCEPHALUS 25 (no): 15 — 2æ>, 2OO4 whole of Bulgaria. They suggested that some of the factors favouring the increasing population are the construction of artificial lakes in mountainous and wooded areas, the establishment of fish ponds, and the economic crisis in East European countries, accompanied by the cessation of much industrial activity and depopulation of some areas. The breeding population of the Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto decreased markedly after the end of 1995. An abundant species throughout the town of Yablanitsa up to this time (with 10 – 15 birds recorded per day from one point in the town), the species is now less numerous, with only a few records weekly. The situation appears to be the same in the other parts of Bulgaria (Peshev et al. 2003). The reasons for such a decline may be complex but the inclusion of the Collared Dove in the list of hunting species in Bulgaria is one of the most probable. Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius was a rarely recorded species in this region of the Balkan Mountains some decades ago (Donchev 1970, Filipov 1981). Even in the Vasiliovska Mountains, neighbouring the area under study and with quite old and suitable Beech forests, it was recorded only once during the breeding season between 1982 and 1986 (Georgiev & Alexandrov 1988). Up to 1995 the Black Woodpecker was not recorded in the region of Yablanitsa. After that date, wandering individuals appeared many times in quite different woodland habitats around the town. It appears that the reduction of the old forests throughout its natural nesting areas has forced the species into less typical biotopes, like those surrounding the town of Yablanitsa (40 to 70 year-old coniferous monocultures, closely planted mixed forests comprising Lime Tilia tomentosa, Oriental Hornbeam, Austrian Pine Pinus nigra and Oak). Recently, 4 to 6 pairs of Black Woodpecker have bred in the area. Northward expansion resulted in the appearance and increase in the breeding population of Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator during the last few years (Cramp & Perrins 1993, Hagemeijer & Blair 1997). Around Yablanitsa, for the first time on 18 Jun 1994 an adult male, carrying food, was recorded in a suitable habitat, a thin strip of False Acacia Robinia pseudacacia. In 2001 breeding Woodchat Shrikes were found in three localities totalling 7 to 8 breeding pairs. In 2002 numbers increased to 10 to 12 breeding pairs. Bearing in mind the appropriate habitats for this species in the region, its numbers can be expected to increase in the following years. The Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala is a species currently expanding its breeding range northwards (Michev & Simeonov 1985, Hagemeijer & Blair 1997). It is fairly numerous at some places in Northern Bulgaria (Shurulinkov et al. 2001). The latter reported the first occurrence in the region of Yablanitsa, an adult male on 18 Jul 1999. The penetration of the species northwards of the Balkan Mountains is probably closely related to the meridional “corridor” provided by the Iskar River Gorge (Shurulinkov et al. 2001). The second observation during the breeding season was on 2 Jun 2000 (single male). During the breeding season of 2001 four singing males were counted in the cereal fields around the town. It is likely that the breeding population of the Black-headed Bunting in the region will continue to increase. Changes in the wintering status of three species were also recorded. According to Donchev (1970 & 1974), Woodlark Lullula arborea, Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra do not spend the winter in the Balkan Mountains (especially the northern parts). Single birds and small flocks of these species were recorded around Yablanitsa in wintertime (Dec and Jan). Known to winter regularly in Southern Bulgaria, it appears that they may cross both sides of the Balkan ridge during mild and snowless winters. Summary The territory of the Central Fore-Balkan (a part of the Balkan Range) is one of the most poorly studied areas in Bulgaria. Bird surveys of the region of Yablanitsa (located in this part of the Balkan Mountains) were carried out during 1990 – 2002. A total of 156 species of birds were recorded, 92 bred and 46 were resident. Earliest and latest dates of presence, breeding reliability, status and occurrence of the species are summarised. During the spring passage 127 species were recorded while the species list of the autumn migration numbered 140. Changes in the breeding and wintering status were recorded for several species. A trend of increasing populations was recorded for Black Stork Ciconia nigra, Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius, Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator and Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala. A significant decline was recorded for breeding numbers of Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto. Thought to be migratory species for the Balkan Mountains, Woodlark Lullula arborea, Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra were found in the area during winter. 17 I.P. Nikolov: Observations on breeding and nonbreeding birds in the Central Fore-Balkan, Northern Bulgaria Povzetek Predbalkanska regija je eno izmed najslab{e preu~evanih obmo~ij v Bolgariji. Sicer pa je bil v obdobju 1990 – 2002 opravljen temeljit popis ptic v okro`ju Jablanice, ki le`i v tem delu gorovja Stara planina. Zabele`enih je bilo 156 vrst (med 92 gnezdilkami 46 stalnic). V ~lanku so rezimirani najzgodnej{i in najpoznej{i datumi dalj{e navzo~nosti, zanesljivost gnezdenja, status in pojavljanje vrst. Med spomladansko selitvijo je bilo registriranih 127 vrst, medtem ko je seznam jesenskih preletnikov {tel 140 vrst. Zabele`ene so bile spremembe v statusu ve~ prezimujo~ih in gnezde~ih vrst. Nara{~ajo~i populacijski trend je bil ugotovljen pri ~rni {torklji Ciconia nigra, ~rni `olni Dryocopus martius, rjavoglavem srakoperju Lanius senator in ~rnoglavem strnadu Emberiza melanocephala. Precej{en upad je bil zabele`en v {tevilu gnezde~ih tur{kih grlic Streptopelia decaocto. V obravnavanem obmo~ju so bile v zimskem obdobju ugotovljene tudi vrste, ki naj bi v obmo~ju Stare planine imele status selivke, in sicer hribski {krjanec Lullula arborea, {korec Sturnus vulgaris in veliki strnad Miliaria calandra. References Bibby, C., Burgess, N. & Hill, D. (1992): Bird census techniques. – Academic Press, London. Bondev, I. (1991): [The vegetation in Bulgaria]. – Univ. Press “St. Kl. Ohr.”, Sofia. (in Bulgarian) Cramp, S. & Perrins, C.M., eds. (1993): The birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. VII. – Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, New York. Donchev, S. (1970): [The birds of the Western Balkan Mountains]. – Bull. L`inst. zool. mus. 31: 45–92. (in Bulgarian) Donchev, S. 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(1983): [The breeding avifauna of the Biosphere Reserve “Boatin”]. pp. 83–90 In: Collection of reports on the International Symposium “Relationship map–mountain ecosystems” – Project 6 on the programe “Man and Biosphere” (MAB) of UNESCO, Vol. 2, Vratsa. (in Bulgarian) Stanchev, S. (1988): [Studies on the avifauna of Roussenski Lom River (1985–1987)]. – Orn. Inf. Bull. 23–24: 140–151. (in Bulgarian) Stoyanov, G. (2001): [Contribution to the avifauna of Shoumensko and Royaksko heights]. – Collection of reports “40 years cave club in Shoumen 1961–2001”: 40–45. (in Bulgarian) Yeatman, L. (1976): Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France de 1970 a 1975. – Société Francaise d’Ornithologie, Paris. Arrived / Prispelo: 31.3.2003 Accepted / Sprejeto: 9.7.2004 l9 I.P. Nikolov: Observations on breeding and nonbreeding birds in the Central Fore-Balkan, Northern Bulgaria APPENDIX / PRILOGA Table 1: Period of presence, breeding reliability, status and occurrence of the birds recorded in the region of Yablanitsa (Abbreviations used: Breeding: Co – confirmed breeding; Pr – probable breeding; Po – possible breeding; Status: (main/lesser status): RB, rb – resident breeder; MB, mb – migratory breeder; PM, pm – passage migrant; W, w – wanderer; WV, wv – winter visitor; Occurrence: A – abundant (annual; numerous records); C – common (annual; frequent records); U – uncommon (annual; one/few records per year); R – rare (accidental records not every year); VR – very rare (single record during the whole period of investigation). Tabela 1: Obdobje dalj{e navzo~nosti, zanesljivost gnezdenja, status in pojavljanje ptic, zabele`enih v obmo~ju Jablanice (okraj{ave: Gnezdenje: Co – potrjeno gnezdenje; Pr – verjetno gnezdenje; Po – morebitno gnezdenje; Status: (pomemben/manj pomemben): RB, rb – gnezdilka stalnica; MB, mb – sele~a se gnezdilka; PM, pm – preletnik; W, w – klate`; WV, wv – zimski gost; Pojavljanje: A – {tevil~en (vsakoleten; {tevilni podatki); C – pogost (vsakoleten; {tevilni podatki); U – nepogost (vsakoleten; eden/nekaj podatkov na leto); R – redek (naklju~no zabele`en, a ne vsako leto); VR – zelo redek (en sam podatek v vsem raziskovalnem obdobju). Legend / legenda: period of presence in the region of Yablanitsa / obdobje navzo~nosti vrst v obmo~ju Jablanice ? the species probably exists in the region of Yablanitsa, but there are no proofs / vrsta se najbr` pojavlja v obmo~ju Jablanice, le da ni dokazov 25 / 00 date and year of the observation, marking the earliest/latest date of the presence; columns correspond to the months / datum opazovanja z najzgodnej{im/najpoznej{im datumom po posameznih mesecih 25 / 003 exponents presenting data according to: 1 – local representatives of the Union of Hunters and Fishermen in Bulgaria; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Boris Nikolov (pers. comm.) / podatki pridobljeni od: 1 -lokalnih predstavnikov Bolgarske zveze lovcev in ribi~ev; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Borisa Nikolova (ustno) 2C Month / mesec Occurrence / pojavljanje Spe ; / vrsta Tachybaptus ruficollis Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 02 / 95 Oct Nov Breeding/ Status/ as breeder/ _ gnezditev status gnezditev 06 / 92 06 / 97 pm as non-breeder/ izven gnezditve U Phalacrocorax carbo 15/96 21 / 01 w, pm - R Ixobrychus minutus 17/98 22 / 96 Co mb U - Nycticorax nycticorax 05 / 00 25 /94 15 / 95 pm, w - U Ardeola ralloides 05 / 00 05 / 96 pm, w - R Egretta garzetta 13 / 96 22 / 92 pm Egretta alba 14 / 01 27/1 Ardea cinerea W, C Ciconia nigra 10 / 01 24/1 Co mb, pm, w U C Ciconia ciconia 27 / 01 25 / 00 Co mb, pm C C Anser albifrons 02 / 97 30/93 ¦> wv - R Anas strepera 15/97 VR Anas platyrhynchos 20 /93 21 / 00 ¦> ¦> 29 /94 28 / Ol ¦> ¦> ¦> 06 / 92 Po mb, pm R R Anas querqueduhi ? ? 07 / 96 19 / 96 pm - R Pernis apivorus > > 211 '97 22 / 99 w, pm U Milvus migrans ? 24/98 24 / 00 pm R Circaetus gallicus 12 / Ol 25 / 00 Pr mb, pm U C Circus aeruginosus 25 /00 09 / 99 25 /00 27 / 00 PM - C Circus cyaneus 04 1 '93 > 02 1 ' 92 20 , '01 07 / 01 ? wv, pm R Circus pygargus 22 / 95 28/01 25 /00 04 / 00 pm R Accipiter gentilis Co rb, pm, w U C Accipiter nisus Pr rb, pm, WV U C Buteo buteo Co RB, PM A A Buteo lagopus 25 / 00 VR Species / vrsta Month / mesec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Oct Nov Dec Occurrence / pojavljanje Breeding/ Status/ as breeder/ as non-gnezditev status gnezditev breeder/ izven gnezditve Aquila pomarina 07/99 24/98 25 / 00 pm R Pandion haliaetus 25 / 00 VR Falco tinnunculus 10 / 01 20 / 01 Co mb C U Falco vespertinus 29 /01 03 / 02 24 / 00 25 / 00 PM - R Falco subbuteo 22 / 00 25 / 00 Pr mb, pm U C Falco peregrinus 25 / 00 w - VR Alectoris chukar ' ? ? ? ? ? > > > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Perdix perdix ? ? ? ? ? > 18 / 992 ? ? ? ? ? Co rb VR ? Coturnix coturnix 16/ 98 19 / 02 Co MB, pm A C Phasianus colchicus ? ? ? ? IO 1 97'' > ? 26/93 ? ? ? ? Po rb VR VR Porzana pusilla 13-18 /97 pm - VR Crex crex 28/01 13 / 01 Co pm, mb U C Gallinula chloropus 21 / 00 14 / 00 Co mb C U Charadrius dubim 14 / 01 28/ 95 Co mb u VR Vanellus vanlleus 20 / 934 pm - VR Gallinago gallinago 03 / 00 19 / 01 pm - R Scolopax rusticola 10 / 01 25 / 00 13 / 00 pm - R Tringa ochropus 14/97 20 / 01 pm - R Tringa glareola 02 / 02 pm - VR Actitis hypoleucos 04/99 18 /00 Pr mb, pm U U Larus ridibundus 05 / 97 wv - VR Larus cachinnans 13 / 01 w - VR Columba livia var. dom. Co RB A A Columba oenas 30 / 01 10 / 01 19 / 01 pm - R Columba palumbus 16 1 01 21/93 ? ? 02/00 21 / 01 ? 27 / 00 Co mb, PM U A Streptopelia decaocto Co rb C C Month / mesec Occurrence / pojavljanje Spe ; / vrsta Streptopelia turtur Cuculus canorus Otus scops Athene noctua Strix aluco Caprimulgus europaeus Tachymarptis melba Apus opus Alcedo atthis Merops apiaster Upupa epops Jynx torquilla Ficus canus Ficus viridis Dryocopus martius Dendrocopos major Dendrocopos syriacus Dendrocopos médius Dendrocopos minor Galerida cristata Lullula arborea Alauda arvensis Riparia riparia Hirundo rupestris Hirundo rustica Hirundo daurica Delichon urbica Anthus campestris Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 31 / 01 05/94 ? 29 / 01 29 / 01 19/94 14 /01 09 / 99 21 / 00 20 / 31 / 01 05/94 28/01 30 / 01 31 / Ol 06 / 00 12 / 99 21 / 97J 06 / 94 06 / 96 ? 09/01 Oct Nov Dec 29 / 01 08/01 02 / 00 20 / 00 13 / 01 15/95 20 / 98 17/ 98 25/ 98 25/ 98 24 / 98 26/ 98 27 / 00 27 / 00 27/00 ? 25/94 20 / 96 14 / 00 ? 26/ 00 03 /97 03 /97 03 /97 ? 04 / Ol ;eding/ Status/ as breeder/ :zditev status gnezditev as non-breeder/ izven gnezditve Co mb, PM C C Co mb, PM C C pm - VR Co rb C C w - VR pm - VR PM - C Co mb, PM U C Po mb, pm u C PM - A Co mb, pm C C Co mb, pm u C Pr rb R R Co rb U C Co rb, w u C Co rb C C Co RB A A Pr rb, w R U Co rb C C Co rb, wv U C Co rb, MB, pm A A Co rb, MB, pm A A pm - U Po mb, pm VR VR Co MB, PM A A Co mb, pm C C Co MB, PM A A Po mb, pm R R Month / mesec Species / vrsta Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Oct Nov Dec Locustella fluviatilis 23/ Occurrence / pojavljanje Breeding/ Status/ as breeder/ as non-gnezditev status gnezditev breeder/ izven gnezditve Anthus trivialis 12 /01 07 / 00 21 / 97 21 / 01 PM - A Anthus pratensis ? 09 / 01 12 / 01 19 / 02 07 / 01 pm - C Motacilla flava 07/94 27 / 00 Co mb, pm C C Motacilla cinerea Co rb, mb C C Motacilla alba 16 1 01 21 / 00 Co mb, PM C A Troglodytes troglodytes Co rb, w u C Prunella modularis 09 /01 09 / 00 20 / 01 pm - R Erithacus rubecula Co RB, PM C A Luscinia luscinia > > 28 /00 05 / 01 pm - R Luscinia megarhynchos 31 / 01 04/93 04 / 02 Co mb, PM C A Phoenicurus ochruros 16 1 01 07/99 > > 08 / 94 ? ? 28 / 00 Po mb, pm U U Phoenicurus phoenicurus ¦> 28/01 27 / Ol pm - u Saxicola rubetra 16/ 98 15 / 00 Co mb, pm R C Saxicola torquata 01 /92 19 / 94 ? ? 26/ 98 20 / Ol Pr mb, pm R u Oenanthe oenanthe 02 / 91 25 / 00 Co mb, pm C C Oenanthe hispanica ? ? 02/00 ? ? 17/98 Po mb, pm VR VR Monticola saxatilis 23 / 00 13 / Ol Co mb U - Turdus merula Co rb, MB, PM A A Turdus pilaris 23/ 00 14 / 00 pm, wv - U Turdus philo melos 03 / 94 07 / Ol Co mb, PM C A Turdus viscivorus Co rb, MB, pm C C VR Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 18/97 30 / 00 pm Acrocephalus palustris 05 / 00 > pm - VR Acrocephalus arundinaceus ? 08/99 16/96 Po mb, pm R R Hippolais icterina ? 24 /97 16 / 98 pm - R Sylvia nisoria 14 / 01 20 / 02 Co mb, pm C U Sylvia curruca 14 / 01 27/1 mb, U C Month / mesec Occurrence / pojavljanje Spe ; / vrsta Sylvia communis Sylvia borin Sylvia atricapilla Phylloscopus sibilatrix Phylloscopus collybita Phylloscopus trochilus Regulus regulus Regulus ignicapillus Muscicapa striata Ficedula parva Ficedula albicollis Ficedula hypoleuca Aegithalos caudatus Parus palustris Parus lugubris Parus ater Parus caeruleus Parus major Sitta europaea Certhia familiaris Oriolus oriolus Lani ilu us couurio Lanius minor Lanius excubitor Lanius senator Garrulus glandarius Pica pica Corvus monedula Corvus frugilegus Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 31 / 01 06 / 94 09/99 30 / 01 12 /01 01 / 92 22 / 95 04 / 90 26/ 98 18 /00 23/ 09 / 01 31 / 01 01 / 91 28 /01 07 / 99 15 / 01 11/94 08 / 94 21 / 01 14 / 00 20 / 01 27 / 00 14 / 00 31 /01 12 / 01 28/ 91 07/94 22-23/98 25 /01 05 / 01 05 / 01 03 / 97æ 06 / 00 21 / 00 28/ 91 28/01 27/1 20 / 01 03 / 02 20 / 96 23 / 00 07 / 00 16 /98 08 / 99 26 / 00 19 / Ol Breeding/ Status/ as breeder/ as non- gnezditev status gnezditev breeder/ izven gnezditve Pr mb, PM C C 05/97 Co mb, PM C C Po mb, pm VR C Pr mb, pm C C PM - C pm, wv - u pm - R PM - A pm - VR pm - R pm - VR Co RB, pm C C Co rb, w u C Co rb, w C C pm, wv - U Co rb, PM C C Co RB, w A A Co rb C C Co rb R R Co MB, pm C C Co MB, PM A A Co mb, pm U U pm, wv - C Co mb, pm C U Co RB C C Co rb R R pm - R wv - VR Month / mesec Species / vrsta Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Oct Nov Dec Occurrence / pojavljanje Breeding/ Status/ as breeder/ as non-gnezditev status gnezditev breeder/ izven gnezditve Corpus corone comix 11 /99 02 / 92 pm - R Corpus corax Co rb C C Sturnus pulgaris Co mb, PM, w C A Passer domesticus Co RB, PM A A Passer montanus Co rb, PM A A Fringilla coelebs Co rb, PM, wv C A Fringilla montifiingilla 21/93 21 / 01 pm, wv - U Serinus serinus 04 / 94 : ' 31 / 01 09 / 99 11/93 19 / 02 27 / 00 ? ? pm, wv - R Carduelis chloris Co rb, PM, WV C A Carduelis carduelis Co rb, PM, WV C C Carduelis spinus 10 / 99 19 / 01 19 / 02 pm, wv - U Carduelis cannabina Co rb, pm u C Pyrrhula pyrrhula 20 / 93 08/01 27 / 00 wv, w - u C coccothraustes Co rb C Emberiza citrinella Pr rb, pm, WV u A Emberiza cirlus Pr rb u U Emberiza eia Co rb u R Emberiza hortulana 12 / 01 20 / 96 Co mb, PM u C Emberiza schoeniclus 21 / 01 pm - VR Emberiza melanocephahi ? 02 /00 22 / 01 Co mb u VR Miliaria calandra Co MB, rb, PM A A