Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 19 NEW UNIFORM AND REVERSIBLE REPRESENTATION OF 3D CHEMICAL STRUCTURES Jure Zupan, Marjan Vračko, Marjana Novic National Institute of Chemistry, 1000 Ljubljana, Hajdrihova 19, Slovenia Received 22.8.1999 Abstract New uniform and reversible spectrum-like representation of 3D chemical structures is explained. On a simple example of 3D structure of ethane, both the coding and decoding procedures are explained in detail. The spectrum-like representation is based on the projection of atoms specified by co-ordinate triplets [x i , y i z] on an arbitrarily large sphere using a Lorentzian shaped function dependent on atoms’ position in the space. The new structure representation of a molecule with N atoms is defined as n-dimensional vector S = (s1,s2,, with each component defined as a cumulative intensity si , at a given point i on the circle with and arbitrary radius. The cumulative intensity si (the i-th point on the circle at angle ¦¦¦ y™) = AfXs(xs], xs2 ,.. .xsm), an, ...aß...J /1/ The symbol A labels any modeling system (be a set of equations, the ensemble of neurons, or any other operator). The model A defined by the parameters ay/, called coefficients, weights, pointers, or similar, performs the required mapping from the m-dimensional measurement space of structure representations X s into the «-dimensional space of properties Y s . J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 22 Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. Because the ultimate goal of modeling (for prediction) the properties of chemical compounds is to obtain knowledge how different structural parts (substituents, radicals, fragments, substructures, skeletons, etc.) influence the properties of interest, a 3D structure representation must be reversible. This means that it should be possible to decode the complete 3D structure from the representation. Unfortunately, any of the existing uniform structure representations that fulfills the condition of uniformness (gnomic projection [5], Gasteiger's approach [6] and several coding based on different topological indices [7] do not allow such an inversion. For example, from a set of either topological indices or any other set of descriptors (physico-chemical, biological or other) the structure cannot be reconstructed. The spectrum-like representation of 3D chemical structures discussed in this paper assures the uniformness and the reversibility. Structure representation by projection The main idea of the spectrum-like representation [8],[9] is to mimic a "light source" placed somewhere close to the molecule which casts "shadows" of atoms on the surface of an imaginary sphere drawn around the light source (Figure 1). Figure 1 The molecule is placed into a sphere with an arbitrary radium R. At the centrum of the sphere is a light source which casts shadows of atoms on the spheres’ surface. The intensity of the shadow of each atom is described by the 2D Lorentzian bell-shape function and depends on the distance of the atom from the light source and on the parameter s as described by Equation /2/ For the actual calculation of the structure representation the shadows’ projections into three perpendicular equatorial rings are calculated. The positions and intensities of atoms' shadows on the surface of the sphere depend on the relative positions between the atoms and the light source. The complete shadow of J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chini. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 23 all atoms on an arbitrary equator of the imaginary sphere resembles a spectrum (Figure 2), hence, the name of the representation. The intensity %• of the shadow of an atom y (described by polar co-ordinates p; and ç/) on the equator at the point i (expressed by the polar angle ç,) is evaluated by the Lorentzian function /2/: Sft = ((p,-(p;) 2 +C7;2 The parameter o; enables each atom to be described by an additionally property, charge, for example. The Lorentzian function is chosen because of its simplicity. Any other appropriate function could be selected, if that would matter. In order to acquire the entire 3D information of the structure the shadows of atoms are projected onto three mutually perpendicular circles. For the complete representation of N triplets fxpypzjj the co-ordinates zp y j and x, of atoms are set to zero in sequence, hence, defining three "planar molecules" described by the :Wtwoplets fxpyjj, fxpzjj, and fypzjj. The obtained three planar molecules are projected onto circles in the (x,y), (x,z), and (y,z)-planes, respectively, forming three equivalent sets of the new representation S. For the explanation of the Lorentzian projections of atoms on the circle the polar co-ordinates are more plausible than Cartesian ones. In the actual calculations when the atoms are described by twoplets of Cartesian co-ordinates the Equation /2/ is used in the rewritten form with Cartesian co-ordinates (see Equations /3/ and /4/. Figure 2 shows how for each atomy its shadow's intensity %• depends on the angle y/ on one circle. The position of atomy is described by a polar co-ordinate pair (Pj,çi) in the internal coordinate system of the "light source". In all three notation of 2D-planes, i.e., in (x,y), (x,z), and (y,.^-planes, the first axis is abscissa while angle Çj is between the abscissa and the vector p;. The Lorentzian peak width parameter ov in Equations /1/ and /2/ is used to describe any individual property of the atom y (atomic or ionic radius, atomic number, ionization energy, electron affinity, charge, etc.). In many of our applications the parameters ov are set to ov = 7 + charge on atom j. If the charge on atomy is negative Oi is less than 7, otherwise it is larger than 7. Due to the fact that parameter Oi can be specified for each atom the new proposed coding scheme is flexible enough to be adaptable to various types of problems for which "problem-specific" structure code is preferred. If only the space geometry and the shape of molecule has to be described, the parameter Oi (Eq. /1/) is set equal to one for all atoms. J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 24 Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. Light source Atom 1 (p1,cp1) Atom 2 (p2,cp2) Shadow of atom 1 4 intensities in four among 360 intervals Figure 2 Contribution of atoms No. 1 and No. 2 (at the positions (r 1 , q1 j) and (r 2 <2 to the intensity i at the interval (position) i on the circle with radium R, Each individual contribution has a Lorentzian bell-shape function. Circular trajectory with radium R to which the projections are made is divided into n intervals (360 in our example). The intensities sji of spectrum-like representations at all positions Çi are clearly additive. The cumulative formula for each variable s i of the spectrum-like representation for the whole structure consisting of N atoms can be written as a sum: Ss ji=S: Pj with Çi running from ç1 to (p360 /3/ The number of variables s i in each representation depends on the number of angles j i which divides the equator around the molecule - the finer the division, the more precise the description. If the resolution of 1 o radial degree is chosen for the projection on each equator one spectrum has 360 intensities. Hence, a complete spectrum-like representation of each structure (projections of its structure into three perpendicular equators) has 1080 intensities. In general, the division of the circles should be adapted to the number of atoms N in the largest molecule of the study. After the division n is chosen, the new representation should be able to map each molecule, regardless of the number of its constituent atoms, into the same 3n-dimensional space. In many studies where only J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 25 approximate positions of the substituents with the respect to the skeleton are sought the division n can be as low as 36 or even n=18. On the other hand, in cases when small differences in space positions of atoms are important, or for precise recoveries of structures back from the spectrum-like representations n can be as large as 720 (division to 0.5o), thus making the full spectrum-like representation 2160 intensities (variables) long. For actual evaluations of spectral intensities from Cartesian co-ordinate twoplets the following transformations are substituted into the Equation /2/: Pj(.x,y) = Jx2j+y2j , Pj(y,z) = Jy2 jiz 2j, pj(x,z) = A/x2+z2 /4/ xj yj xj cos 1.0- 1 V»3 0.0 (x,z)-projection o.o - (y,z)-projection o.o - _ o J______i______i______i______i______i______i______i______i______i______L O 60 120 180 240 300 4 2 z) J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 28 Acta Chini. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. Figure 3 Spectrum-like structure representations of ethane projected in (x,y), (x,z), and (y,z)-planes. The assignments of the peaks to eight ethane atoms are shown with figures standing next to the peaks. The intensities and positions are listed in Table I. The smaller 2p/n ratio the larger the resolution of the representation. The more atoms has the largest molecule in the study, the finer is the resolution of the spectrum-like representation (division of the 2p circle into n intervals) is. The translation invariance of the code is assured by setting the co-ordinate origin of the sphere within which the molecules are placed into the center of all [x,y,z] coordinates of the molecule. In many applications a certain atom (for example, atom common to all structures) is set into a center of co-ordinate origin. If any atom is in the central position it has no peak in the spectrum-like representation (see (y,z)-projection in the following example - Fig. 3c). Decoding the spectrum-like representation The basis for the reverse evaluation of x, y, and z co-ordinates of atoms are locations of peak positions in spectrum-like representations, i.e. the angles j=j where maximal intensities rj (x,y), ry,z), and rx,z) can be easily calculated using Equation /3/. In the next step the Cartesian coordinates are obtained: x = rj(x,y) cos jj(x,y) y = rj(y,z) cos jj(y,z) z = rj(x,z) sin jj(x,z) /7/ The last thing to do is to assign the obtained x, y, and z co-ordinates to the correct atoms. This assignment is not always straightforward because due to the symmetry of molecule some ambiguities can arise. Nevertheless, such cases can be easily handled by following a step-by step evaluation of the x and y co-ordinates and after that the eventual multiple choices for the assignment of the z co-ordinates can be resolved by logical elimination. An example of the decoding procedure is shown in Tables II and III. In this example the orientation of a molecule for which, due to its symmetric position, several possibilities for assignments of fx, y] pairs to the z co-ordinate arises, has been intentionally chosen. For the case of simplicity the s values were taken to be 1. Tables II-IV contain the information available for decoding, i.e., if all three spectrum-like representations of an unknown molecule are given. It should be noticed J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 29 that there is a small variation in coordinates’ recovery due to the uncertainty of the resolution of 1 radial degree in all spectrum-like representations. Therefore, the average values for recovered co-ordinates with only two decimal places are given. Table II. The information available from the spectrum-like representation in the (x,y)-plane (see Figure 3a). Peak j Peak position jj(x,y) [deg] Peak intensity rj(x,y) [A] cos jj(x,y) x rj cos j j [A] sin jj(x,y) y r j sin j j [A] 1 0 0.77 1.000 0.77 0.000 0.00 2 42 1.51 0.743 1.12 0.669 1.01 3 146 1.35 -0.829 -1.12 0.559 0.75 4 167 1.16 -0.974 -1.13 0.225 0.26 5 180 0.77 -1.000 -0.77 0.000 0.00 6 222 1.51 -0.743 -1.12 -0.669 -1.01 7 327 1.35 0.839 1.13 -0.555 -0.75 8 347 1.16 0.974 1.13 -0.225 -0.26 Table III. The information available from the spectrum-like representation in the (x,z)-plane (see Figure 3b). Peak j Peak position j j(x,z) [deg] Peak intensity rj(x,z) [A] cos jj(x,z) x rj cos j j [A] sin jj(x,z) z r j sin j j [A] 1 0 0.77 1.000 0.77 0.000 0.00 2 13 1.16 0.974 1.13 0.225 0.26 3 33 1.35 0.839 1.13 0.545 0.74 4 138 1.51 -0.743 -1.12 0.669 1.01 5 180 0.77 -1.000 -0.77 0.000 0.00 6 193 1.16 -0.974 -1.13 -0.225 -0.26 7 213 1.35 -0.839 -1.13 -0.545 -0.74 8 318 1.51 0.743 1.12 -0.669 -1.01 Table IV. The information available from the spectrum-like representation in the (y,z)-plane ________(see Figure 3c).________________________________________________________ Peak Peak position Peak intensity y z jj(y,z) rj(y,z) cosjj(y,z) rj cos jj sin jj(y,z) rj sin j j j________[deg]___________[A]_____________________[A]____________________[A] 1 15 1.05 0.966 1.01 0.259 0.27 2 76 1.05 0.242 0.25 0.970 1.02 3 135 1.05 -0.707 -0.74 0.707 0.74 J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 30 Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 4 195 1.05 -0.966 -1.01 -0.259 -0.27 5 256 1.05 -0.242 -0.25 -0.970 -1.02 6 316 1.05 0.719 0.75 -0.695 -0.73 Two peaks (1 and 5) in Tables II and III are uniquely defined (having the same x coordinates in both tables) yielding the complete positions of two atoms: (0.77A, 0.00A, 0.00A) and (-0.77A, 0.00A, 0.00A). For the other six x-coordinates in Table II: 1.12A, -1.12A, -1.13A, -1.12A, 1.13A, and 1.13A, each y-coordinate is different: 1.01A, 0.75A, 0.26A, -1.01A, -0.75A, and -0.26A. The same is true for six x-coordinates in Table III: 1.13A, 1.13A, -1.12A, -1.13A -1.13A, and 1.12A; yileding z-coordinates of: 0.26A, 0.74A, 1.01A, -0.26A, -0.74A, and -1.01A. Within the tolerance of ±0.01A among various x-coordinates (1.12 and 1.13A for example) the correct combination of y and z co-ordinates is easily resolved by the inspection of Table IV where y and z co-ordinate pairs uniquely determine the complete triplets [x,y,z] of the remaining six atoms (Table V). The obtained values are in fair agreement with the original co-ordinates of eight atoms shown in Table I. The maximal discrepancy of ±0.01 comes from the low resolution of the initial division. If the division was twice the original one (i.e., one intensity per 0.50 instead per 1.00), the error would be even lower. Table V. The recovered coordinate triplets from the three spectrum-like representations as given on Figure 3a-3c. Calculated Actual x [A] y [A] z [A] x [A] y [A] z [A] 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.00 0.00 -1.13 -0.75 -0.74 -1.13 -0.74 -0.74 1.12 -0.26 -1.01 1.12 -0.27 -1.00 1.13 1.01 0.26 1.13 1.01 0.26 -0.77 0.00 0.00 -0.77 0.00 0.00 -1.13 -1.01 -0.26 -1.13 -1.0o -0.27 -1.12 0.26 1.01 -1.13 0.27 1.001 1.13 0.75 0.74 1.13 0.74 0.74 J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chini. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 31 Applications One of the advantages of the proposed spectrum-like 3D representation of structures is its additivity with the respect to the constituent atoms. The second advantage is a strict dependence on the actual position of each atom. If one combines these two properties it is easy to perceive that any conformation of a single compound can be coded differently. Nevertheless, the differences between the representation of two conformations are directly proportional to the distortion (rotation or stretching) of the substituent in question with the respect to the remaining skeleton. Most conformers of a given molecule can be generated by rotating a part of a molecule (a substituent) around an axis (a bond defined by two fixed atoms) for a certain angle. For more complex conformers a combination of several rotations around different axes can be combined. In order to show how the method works and how the corresponding spectrum-like representations change from conformer to conformer, a simple case of rotation of a methyl group at one end of the ethane will be shown. See Appendix for the mathematics of the rotation (evaluation of the new coordinates) procedure. From the new co-ordinates the new spectrum-like representation is calculated using Equation /6/. In order to show how the procedure works the methyl substituent (atoms No.: 2, 3, and 4 on the left-hand side of Figure 3) is rotated with the respect to the fixed methyl group (atoms No.: 6, 7, and 8). The rotation of the substituent is made around the bond between both carbon atoms No. 1 and No. 5 for 20o and 40o in the clockwise direction (Figure 4a). The change, or better the shifts of the corresponding peaks in the two spectrum-like representations (contributions in the (y,z)-plane only) of the two conformers compared to the representation of the original ethane molecule are shown in Figure 4b. Because the rotation around the bond between two carbons is in the clockwise direction the peaks corresponding to hydrogen atoms No. 2, 3, and 4 are shifted towards smaller angle. It is evident that the other two partial contributions (from the (x,y) and (x,z)-planes) to the new spectrum-like representation of the conformers are changed correspondingly. On Figure 5a and 5b the (x,y)-plane projection of the same two ethane conformers and the accompanying parts of the spectrum-like representations are shown. J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 32 Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. ? fnr 3 fnr 3 fnr DS 1\1 Figure 4. The (y,z)-projection of the three ethane conformers each with the rotated methyl group (hydrogen atoms No. 2, 3, and 4) for 20o in the clock-wise direction (above). The corresponding shifts in the spectrum-like representation are shown in (bottom). Dashed and dotted lines line represent “spectra” of two conformers rotated for 20 and 40o, respectively, from the full line spectrum-like representation of the original molecule (compare the representation on Figure 3 bottom). Additionally, when coding the structures having the same skeleton or the same backbone structure (group of derivatives, analogues, etc.), all peaks in the new representation obtained for atoms of the common substructure can be simply subtracted from the representation. The subtraction of common peaks makes the representation J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 33 more sensitive to those parts of the structures that are actually relevant to the study. Due to the fact that most of the QSAR and other structure-property relationships, notably spectra-structure relationships, are made for the families of compounds, this representation can be an excellent tool for such purpose. 4 for 20o D S ¦u 0.5 U VU 2 for 20o i S Figure 5 The (x-y)-plane projection of the same three ethane conformers (b). The arrow shows the direction of the coding of the spectrum-like representation. Bellow it can be seen that the small change of the atom No 4 position results in a small change of the corresponding peak positions in the second quadrant. On the other hand, relatively large changes of positions of atom No 2 result in larger changes of the peak shift. Alternatively, a molecule can be represented by a single spectrum, which represents an ensemble of conformers. Such a spectrum can be easily calculated as an average over the spectra describing all different conformers. The average is the sum of all spectra divided by the number of conformers. J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 34 Acta Chini. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 1t a 100 200 300 400 2.0 1.8 1.6 6 1.4 1.2 8 1.0 1 0.8 5 0.6 0.4 j I 0.2 0.0 ^ l J U JU i Jvj 0 100 200 300 400 c Figure 6. The (x-y) projection of six ethane rotamers (a). The atom Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are rotated each for 20o around the axis C1-C2. The average spectrum of six rotamers in the (x-y) plane exhibits clearly distinguished peaks for each rotated ataom (b). In the limit case the separate peak are merged into a continous concave shoulder (c). The peak in the middle of the shoulder corresponds to the atom No. 1. J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 35 As an example the three hydrogen atoms of the ethane (No. 2, 3, 4) are rotated around the C1-C2 bond for 20o, 40o, 60o, 80o, and 100o, and projected into the (x-y) plane (Figure 6a). The average spectrum of the six rotamers is shown in Figure 6b. Comparing Figures 5 and 6b one can see that the peaks corresponding to the fixed atoms remain unchanged, while the peaks corresponding to the flexible atoms are spread over the space window. In the (x-y) projection, this window results in two intervals: one between 0 and 45o and the second one between 315 and 360o. If the number of rotamers is increased the resulting peaks merge into a broader parabolic shaped shoulder (see Figure 6c). Due to different density of atom projections in the (x-y) plane the shoulder features two separate maxima at each end. The only shortcoming of the average representation is the loss of the reversibility for the free rotated atoms of the structures. Conclusion The described spectrum-like representation of the structures is important for two reasons. First, it offers a uniform, i.e., a fixed-dimensional representation in which a wide variety of different structures can be coded and second, it offers the possibility for decoding of the structure in the backward direction from the representation. Most of the contemporary uniform structure representations are based on a group of several topological, shape/form, electronic, hydrophobic and other single variable properties from which decoding of the structures is practically impossible. We are aware that with this representation the problems of rotational invariance still remain. However, if the proposed representation is used on a set of structures that are previously oriented or aligned in the same way, the code of the structures can easily be compared to each other. Even more, if structures in question are aligned to the same external co-ordinate system the feed-back information from the model about the parts of the structures and their spatial distributions responsible for the modeled property (for example a biological activity) can be deduced. J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 36 Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. Acknowledgment The financial support of the support of Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia within the Projects J1-8900 and J1-8901 is gratefully acknowledged. References [1] W. J. Wiswesser, A Line-Formula Chemical Notation; T.Y. Crowell, New York, 1954; and E. G. Smith, The Wiswesser Line-Formula Chemical Notation; McGraw Hill, New York, 1968. [2] As review of different coding systems see for example: J. E. Ash, W. A. Warr, P. Willett, Chemical Structure Systems; Ellis Horwood, New York, 1991. [3] See for example: Concepts of Molecular Similarity; M. A. Johnson and G. M. Maggiora, Eds., Wiley Interscience, New York, 1990. [4] C. Hansh, A. Leo, Exploring QSAR; ACS Professional Reference Book, ACS, Washington, D.C., 1995, Chapter 3. [5] P. L. Chau, P. M. Dean, Molecular recignition: 3D surface structure comparison by gnomonic projection, J. Mol. Graphics 1987, 5, 97-100. [6] J. H. Schuur, P. Selzer, J. Gasteiger, The Coding of the Three-Dimensional Structure of Molecules by Molecular Transforms and Its Application to Structure-Spectra Correlation and Studies of Biological Activity, J. Chem. Inf Comput. Sci. 1996, 36, 334-344, [7] From Chemical Topology to Three-Dimensional Geometry; Ed. A. T. Balaban, Plenum Press, New York, 1997. [8] M. Novic, J. Zupan, A New General and Uniform Structure Representation, in Software Development in Chemistry 10, GDCh; Editor: J. Gasteiger, Frankfurt a.M. 1996, p. 48-58. [9] J. Zupan, M. Novic, General Type of a Uniform and Reversible Representation of Chemical Structures, Anal. Chim. Acta 1997, 348, 409-418. Povzetek Predstavljena in razložena je nova enotna in reverzibilna spektralna predstavitev 3D kemijskih struktur. Celoten postopek kodiranja in dekodiranja nove predstavitve je razložen na primeru molekule etana. Nova spkralna predstavitev je zasnovana na projekciji vsakega posameznega atoma opisanega s trojico koordinat [x,y,z] na površino poljubno velike krogle. Projekcija je narejena z zvonasto krivuljo, katere intenziteta in širina sta odvisni od položaja atoma v prostoru in vrste atoma. Nova strukturna predstavtev molekule z N atomi je definirana kot n-dimenzionalni vektor S=(s1,s2,…sn). Vsaka komponenta si predstavlja kumulativ-no intenziteto v točki i na ekvatorju omenjene poljubne krogle. Kumulativna intenziteta si na mestu i je vsota N prispevkov sji od vsakega atima j v molekuli : N N p s — 'V s — 'V______—______ , i=1..število razdelkov na ekvatorju Funkcija s katero računamo intenziteto, je načeloma lahko vsaka zvonasta krivulja. V našem primeru smo uporabili Lorentzovo funcijo. Nova predstavitev je posebej uporabna za modeliranje različnih lastnosti družin molekul z istim skeletom. Sprememba predstavitve molekule pri zasuku substituente je prikazana na primeru. J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… Acta Chim. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. 37 J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical… 38 Acta Chini. Slov. 2000, 47, 19-37. Appendix The mathematics for obtaining the new co-ordinates if only a part of a structure is rotated around an arbitrary bond is the following (for numbering of atoms see Figure 3): 1. select the bond, i.e., two atoms A3 and Aj described by the coordinate triplets [x3,y3,z3] and fxj.yi.zj, around which the substituent will be rotated, 2. translate the coordinate system to atom A3. This done by subtracting the triplet [x3,y3,z3] from coordinate triplets of all atoms. The new coordinates of atom Aj (xrx3, yry3, zrz3) is written as Ai(x0, y0, z0), 3. using matrix T rotatate the coordinate system with the origin in the atom A5 in such a way that the new x-axis will point in the direction from A3 to Aj (X' and X stand for any rotated and old coordinate triplet of each atom in the molecule, respectively), X´=TX T R y0 y0z0 -xnR/r 0 4. rotate all atoms of the substituent on the bond A1-A2 with coordinates X´ for angle cp: where r = Jx2 + v2 and R = Jx02+y02+4 5. rotate the new coordinates of the entire molecule back to the original position: X 1 0 0 0 cos ç sin ç 0 - sin ç cos ç X´ X R Xr. y0 - x0z0 r y0z0 y0R x0R X´ J. Zupan, M. Vračko, M. Novic: New Uniform and Reversible Representation of 3D Chemical…