- = ·• Lana • 7 - THE SETTING UP OF THE BUILDINGS CENTRAL DAT ASE Ema Pogorelčnik swwying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana Vasja Kavčič, Martin Puhar Jgea d.o.o., Ljubljana Received for publication: 25 August, 1999 Preparecl for publication: 27 September, 1999 Abstract The main objeclives and goals of the setting up of the Buildings Central Database are presented in this paper. Database contents and procedura[ aspects of the setting up of the Buildings Central Database are described, as well as the prototype of the intranet program solution enabling the connection of branch offices with the Main Office of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. Keywords: buildings, central database, geodetic workshop, real estate, registers 1 INTRODUCTION The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia is preparing a Bill on the Registration of Real Estate, State Boundary and Spatial Units - first discussion, materials for interagency harrnonization with the ministries and other government bodies. Among other issues, the Law will also regulate real estate registration. Real estate rcgistration includes the setting up, the managing and the updating of the Land Cadastre and the Buildings Cadastre for the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia. It has been estimated that there are around 1 200 000 buildings (The count for the photogrammetric acquisition of buildings was performed by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia) and 650 000 apartments in Slovenia. However, a unified collection of data on buildings and parts of buildings forming the base for titles has not been produced yet. Title registration is the foundation for securing of real estate transactions as well as for real estate taxation. Therefore, a collection of data on buildings and parts of buildings needs to. be set up. - · In the recent years, many activitics were preformed in the field of the setting up of data on buildings and parts of buildings. In 1994, a Buildings Cadastre project was implemented - Directions for cstimated operations. The project did not deal only with the contcnts and the procedures relatcd to the Buildings Cadastre - as the target data collcction should be namcd, but also with information and procedura! linking with the Land Cadastre. The Buildings Cadastre was defined as a technical Geodetski vestnik 43 ( 1999) 3 and administrative register on buildings ancl parts of builclings. Data and procedura! models were acljusted to meet this definition. In 1996 the project named Operation Design of the Prototype IT Solution for Buildings Register Management. This projcct defincd the Buildings Register as a tcchnical and not an administrative collection of clata on buildings which should be the intermediate step on the way to thc setting up of the Buildings Caclastre. A lthough no legislation was not adopted, the Surveying and Mapping Authority of ~the Republic of Slovenia continuecl with the preparntion of procedures for the acquisition ancl updating data on buiklings. They also started to prepare application prototypes for supporting the opcrations of the Buildings Central Database because legislative provisions will have to be irnplemented in a relatively short period of tirne. In 1998 the proccdures for the updating of the Builclings Register were dealt with in detail, rcgarding the Register as a technical data collection. It was clealt with Buildings Register updating procedures which will be implemented at branch offices of the Surveying ancl Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. The content of documentation and its keeping was defincd. At the same tirne, field acquisition of data on buildings was started. The photogrammetric acquisition of building contour lines was also started. These contour lines will reprcscnt the location part of the Buildings Central Database. By the ene! of 1998 the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia started the projcct »The Setting Up of the Buildings Central Databasc Prototype«, which is duc to end in October, 1999. The term Buildings Register was replaced with the term Buildings Central Database (CB STAVBE - Slov. for buildings central databasc) when it was still defined as a technical data collection. Thc fundamental assumption in planning this project was that not local databases on buildings will be set up at individual branch offices of regional geocletic aclministrations followed by the setting up of a central clatabasc on buildings, as this was the case with the Land Cadastre, but that a central database on buildings will be set up. All organization units making part of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Rcpublic of Slovenia -Main Office, Regional Geocletic Administrations and Branch Offices will be authorized to browse and use data, as well as upclate them within framework of this database. 2 THE PROJECT TRE SETTING UP OF THE BUJJ.LDINGS CENTRAL DATABASE PROTOTYPE The projcct The Setting Up of the Buildings Central Database Prototypc is implemented uncler the supervision of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Informatics. The project is managed in accorclance with thc standards for project managemcnt in sta te administration. Thc purpose of the project is the setting up of cligital database on buildings and the production of a software package prototype meeting the neecls prescribecl by lcgislation which is uncler preparation: Law on Gcodetic Activity, the Bill on the Rcgistration of Real Estate, State Boundary anc1 Spatial Units - the First Discussion, Materials for Interagency Harmonization with the Ministries and Other Govcrnment Bodies:, the Law on Real Estate Tax. The legal framework for the setting up of the buildings register is also represented by the resolutions of the Government of the Rcpublic of Slovcnia on real estate registration modernization. Geodetski vestnik 43 (1999) 3 3 BUILDINGS CENTRAL DATABASE The Buildings Central Database is a database of location and attribute data on buildings for thc entire country. Thc database will be updated on a regular basis. It enables the updating of clata on buildings on the basis of original data, direct access and the use of data, thc linking with other related databases, the protection of clata, as well as the adequate data access authorization. The Buildings Central Database includes attribute and location data. Beside valid data on buildings it also contains the history of data on buildings which enablcs the overview over a randorn tirne-section, data on procedures - setup, rnaintenance and issuing