ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2014 Vol. 22, št. 2: 121-124 FAVNISTIČNI ZAPISKI / FAUNISTICAL NOTES NEW RECORDS OF HETEROPTERA IN SLOVENIA Andrej Gogala1, Marko Zdesar2 & Janez Kamin3 1 Frirodoslovni muzej slovenije, Frešemova 20, p.p. 290, si-1001 Ljubljana; agogala@pms-Ij. si 2 Brezje pri Dobrovi 32, 1356 Dobrova 3 Gradnikove brigade 47, 5000 Nova Gorica Abstract - Four species of Heteroptera were found or identified for the first time in Slovenia in recent years. Two were found in Fomurje (Adelphocoris quadripunctatus and Nabis limbatus) and two in Primorska (Oncocephalus squalidus and Aradus ribauti). The first reliable record of Prostemma sanguineum in Slovenia is also reported. Keywords: Heteroptera, fauna, Slovenia. Izvleček - NOVE NAJDBE STENIC (HETEROPTERA) V SLOVENIJI štiri vrste stenic so bile v zadnjih letih prvič najdene ali določene v Sloveniji. Dve sta bili najdeni v Fomurju (Adelphocoris quadripunctatus in Nabis limbatus) in dve na Frimorskem (Oncocephalus squalidus in Aradus ribauti). Foročamo tudi o prvi zanesljivi najdbi vrste Prostemma sanguineum v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: Heteroptera, favna, Slovenija. Introduction when reporting finds of two additional species to the Slovenian fauna of true bugs (Heteroptera), Gogala & Seljak (2010) noted that 738 species of this hemipte-ran subordo are known for the country. Four additional species have been found or Fig. 1: Adelphocoris quadripunctatus Radenci. Fig. 2: Nabis limbatus Hrastje-Mota. Fig. 3: Prostemma sanguineum Podgorje. identified since then. The finds are presented here together with the first reliable record of Prostemma sanguineum. List of species Miridae Adelphocoris quadripunctatus (Fabricius, 1794) Radenci, 200 m, wM86, 17. 7. 2013, 1^, M. Zdešar leg. The specimen, found by Marko Zdešar in Radenci near the Mura river in north-east Slovenia is without black spots on pronotum characteristic for the species. However, black hairs distinguish it from other species of the genus. Wagner (1970) states that this form, innotata Reuter, 1906 (Wagner treated it as a subspecies) is the only form of the species in the Mediterranean. Host plants of the species are Urtica spp. Nabidae Nabis limbatus Dahlbom, 1851 Hrastje-Mota, 195 m, WM86, 17. 7. 2013, 1$, M. Zdešar leg. A predatory species, feeding on various insects and spiders (Pericart 1987). Prefers humid habitats and has an Eurosiberian distribution. One female was collected by Marko Zdešar with a net along the river Mura in north-east Slovenia (sub-Pannonian region). Prostemma sanguineum (Rossi, 1790) Podgorje, 518 m, VL14, 7. 6. 2014, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Mediterranean predatory species. Lives on the ground where its predominant prey, bugs of the family Lygaeidae, also live (Pericart 1987). Gräffe (1911) reported this species for Görz (Gorica, Gorizia), a town on the border between Italy and Slovenia. The finding place could be in any of these two countries. The new record is thus the first reliable record for Slovenia. The specimen was found on a dirt road in a typical karst habitat above the karst edge in Istria. Reduviidae Oncocephalus squalidus (Rossi, 1790) Ajdovščina, Slokarji, 250 m, VL18, 21. 5. 2014, 1^, J. Kamin leg. This Mediterranean assasin bug is found under stones or under plants on the ground. Adults are present through the whole year and overwinter (Putshkov & Moulet 2009). One male was collected and photographed by Janez Kamin on a south-oriented slope above the Vipava valley (sub-Mediterranean region). It was attracted to a light trap. Aradidae Aradus ribauti Wagner, 1956 Dragonja, Abrami, 70 m, UL93, 22. 1. 2004, 1^, M. Zdešar leg. This mycetophagous flat bug of the A. betulae-group lives under the bark of dead Populus trees, infested by various ^ngi (Heiss & Pericart 2007). One male was collected by Marko Zdešar in the Dragonja valley, Istria (sub-Mediterranean region). It was found under tree bark. For identification, the parameres were examined intact in the genital segment and compared, like other structures, with another specimen of A. ribauti from Hungary (E. Heiss leg.) and a specimen of the closely related A. krue-peri Reuter from Greece. Discussion Among the newly recorded species two are frequent in Central Europe and rare in the Mediterranean (Adelphocoris quadripunctatus and Nabis limbatus). They were found in north-east Slovenia, in the sub-Pannonian region. Two Mediterranean species (Prostemma sanguineum and Oncocephalus squalidus) were found in south- Fig. 4: Oncocephalus squalidus S, Slokarji, photo J. Kamin. Fig. 5: Aradus ribauti S, Abrami (photos of mounted specimens A. Gogala). west slovenia (Istria and vipava valley) in the sub-Mediterranean region. Aradus ribauti is present in central and south Europe. in slovenia, it was also found in istria. it is not known whether these species were overlooked in slovenia before or they spread in recent years. some of them live on the ground or under bark where they are not easily detected. others were found in a less investigated area of pomurje. They could be overlooked, although natural fluctuations in populations density and spread could also contribute to new discoveries. References Gogala, A., G. Seljak, 2010: two new records of Heteroptera species in slovenia. Acta entomologica slovenica, 18 (1): 63-65. Gräffe, E., 1911: Beiträge zur Fauna der Hemipteren des Küstenlandes. Bollettino della Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste, 15: 291-309. Heiss, E., J. Pericart, 2007: Hemipteres Aradidae, Piesmatidae et Dipsocoromorphes Euro-Mediterraneens. Faune de France, France et regions limitrophes, 91. Pericart, J., 1987: Hemipteres Nabidae d'Europe occidentale et du Maghreb. Faune de France, France et regions limitrophes, 71. Putshkov, P. v., P. Moulet, 2009: Hemipteres Reduviidae d'Europe occidentale. Faune de France, France et regions limitrophes, 92. Wagner, E., 1970: Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mittelmeerraumes und der Makaronesischen Inseln (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Teil 1. Entomologische Abhandlungen, 37 supplement. deceived/Prejeto:: 22. 7. 2014