ZARJA - THE DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA NUMBER 4 APRIL 1997 VOLUME 69 BiSHOP BARAGA $1797- 1868 Baraga in the arts At the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., the Slovenian Chapel is, in itself, a work of art. Two of the marble walls flanking the altar dedicated to the Slovenian Patroness, Marija Pomagaj are adorned with relief sculptures by Slovenian master-artist, France Gorse, and one of them shows missionary Bishop Baraga % baptizing the Indians. In 1993, a major renovation of St. Vitus Church in Cleveland, Ohio was undertaken. Slovenian parishioners now find greater inspiration in in the art work that brings them closer to their religious traditions. The portrait of Bishop Frederic Baraga shown here graces one wall of the beautifully decorated church. Monument of Bishop Baraga as it looked when dedicated at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens in 1935. The sculpture was the work of Clevelander, William McVey and it stood on a base of black granite manufactured in Ljubljana, Slovenia. (See page 24.) DATES TO REMEMBER ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 NO. 4 APRIL 1997 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress VOL. 69 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published eight times per year - osemkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 Telephone: (773) 548-8878 Apr. 6 ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY MASS, Br. 73, Warrensville, OH at St. Jude’s Church Apr. 19-20 BAKE SALE, Br. 20, Joliet, IL at St. Joe’s Church after all masses Apr. 20 CORPORATE COMMUNION & MOTHER OF YEAR CELEBRATION, Br. 100, Fontana, CA. Call for reservations: Ann Kapel, 822-0287; Mary Lou Videgar, 422-1994. Apr. 30 MEATBALL SUPPER, Br. 33, Duluth, MN May 10 HERITAGE SPECIAL, Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH, at Maple Hts., Library May 18 MASS FOR ALL LIVING AND DEPARTED MEMBERS, Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH, St. Wenceslaus Church, 12:30 p.m. May 31 EVENING AT THE SYMPHONY, Br. 105, Detroit, MI Sep. 28 OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, hosted by Br. 101, Bedford Hts., OH; 11 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity Church Oct. 5 ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, hosted by Br. 24, La Salle, IL Oct. 15 CHINESE AUCTION, Br. 32, Euclid, OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL National Officers: Apr. 1 - Kathy Schroeder, Director of Youth, Sheboygan, WI Apr. 24 - Charlotte Laurich, Regional Pres. Minnesota, Chisholm, MN Apr. 25 - Kathleen Emerson, Director of Women’s Activities, Orion, MI Presidents: Apr. 1 - Frances Korošec, Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA Apr. 4 - Margaret Gricar, Br. 71, Strabane, PA Apr. 10 - Jeanette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, OH Apr. 17 - Virginia Uhemik, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA Secretaries: Apr. 3 - Vida Lanari, Br. 19, Eveleth, MN Apr. 18 - Katherine Knuth, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN Apr. 24 - Delores Puhek, Br. 2, Chicago, IL Apr. 26 - Jennie Crea, Br. 52, Kitzville, MN MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Ron Strle Proprietor Stefanich's Restaurant 457 North Scott Street Joliet, Illinois 60432 (815) 722-9751 Fax (815) 722-5750 May 1 May 3 May 4 May 4 May 6 May 7 May 15 May 21 May 21 May 28 WOMAN/MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTIES Br. 5, Indianapolis, IL, Spring Luncheon at SNH, 11 a.m. Br. 105, Detroit, MI, Pampas Lanes Banquet Room. Call Patricia, 810-751-0513. Br. 35, Aurora, MN Br. 39, Biwabik, MN Br. 14, Euclid, OH, Dinner at SSH, 6 p.m. Call Vera 481-7473. Br. 33, Duluth, MN, Special Evening Mass Br. 2, Chicago, IL, Mass at 6:30 p.m., lunch follows. Br. 34, Soudan, MN Br. 54, Warren, OH, Mother-Daughter Luncheon at Joanne’s Home, 1 p.m. Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI, Luncheon at Meyers Family Restaurant, 12:30 p.m. Call Josephine, 545-0691 or Ann, 871 -8295 for reservations. Thank you for Zarja donations Irene Jagodnik (50) tMarie Beck $100.00 tRosalind E. Kotchevar (23) 25.00 Branch 20, Joliet, IL 20.00 Ann Tercek tCarol Picarello 25.00 Kathleen Wheeler (35) 30.00 Branch 42, Maple Hts., OH 10.00 Branch 23, Ely, MN tRose Kozar, Memorial 5.00 Branch 38, Chisholm, MN 5.00 --------- 115*788 JEAN KORSMAN, NATIONAL PRESIDENT IMPROVING OUR BRANCH “BUSINESS” IS VITAL in preparation for the annual Board of Director’s meeting, I have been reviewing the minutes of our February, 1996 gathering. This annual event reminds me of our March “Lenten” renewal; where we have an opportunity to take stock (of our own lives and SWU goals), and are able to recognize areas that need improvement and try to implement those improvements. I am happy to report that much has been accomplished in the past year; many policies continue to be reviewed and revised (for the good of our Union) and a long list of “hope-to’s” remains to be completed before this Board’s remaining two years are done. Each elected and appointed Board Member will be reporting on the year’s progress and (or) failures. They will then solicit advice and suggestions from each other about ways to improve and upgrade each department and solve some of the most frequently reported Branch problems. We recognize that changes are never easy, and progress is impossible without the co-oper-ation of all our members. 0ne of my concerns is the ongoing practice of extra assessments for Branch members on the local level. Several 1995 Convention delegates complained about the extra assessment that was in effect on the National level for a number of years. At the Convention, this was discontinued and instead dues were raised; Branches were asked to sponsor individual fund raisers to maintain their treasuries. We find that most do follow this directive; others continue to assess their membership in violation of the Convention Directives. I hope that in the near future we will consider having the National Treasurer assume the task of checking with each Branch Treasurer (by a specific form letter) to ascertain the format and financial condition of the individual branches, review their annual report (audit) on the disbursement of funds and try to implement a more “universal” or centralized method of branch bookkeeping. I feel obliged to impress on the branch officers the importance of using funds raised by each separate branch activity for the intended benefit of their Slovenska Zenska Zveza. Some branches use their SWU monies to sponsor “outside” activities such as civic donations, church donations or separate scholarship awards, and neglect the main responsibility of SWU membership; namely our own Heritage and Cultural Activities, our Scholarship Foundation and our ZARJA magazine. Although it is commendable to be involved in local charities etc., our main purpose as SWU members should be to support the programs and interests of SWU as practiced over the years; all intended to promote our great organization’s old and new young members and to keep our Slovenian Heritage alive. Although the Branches are financially independent of each other they should be organized on a similar basis. As it is now, some branch treasuries have no separate SWU checking accounts; funds are mixed with private accounts; some officers control funds with no report to the membership and no democratic vote allowed on the spending of these funds. Certain branches have large savings accounts and even Certificates of Deposit. These branches are not in compliance with the bylaws (Article XIV 14:05 through 14:14)... concerning annual audits. This is the combined responsibility of the local Branch president, the secretary, the treasurer and the auditors. They are responsible for the fiscal management of the branch. In some cases, an officer has died leaving no arrangement for the successor to “take over the books.” Some “outgoing” presidents have refused to relinquish the books to their newly elected successors. just as we were all trying to use the Lenten Season to purge our bad habits, take stock of our spiritual progress and “start with a fresh slate after the EASTER PROMISE, I hope 1997 will be the year when all Branches will cooperate fully with the National Board’s Directives, and faithfully follow the intent of the bylaws for the continued progress of our Slovenska Ženska Zveza. NATIONAL SECRETARY -keeP'ing up-to-date They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It has been the complete reverse here at our desks. There was somewhat of a calm in February as we started the billing, then came the onslaught of reports that are due, taxes to be paid, preparation for the Annual Board Meeting, to say nothing of the life that does exist beyond SWU. But, we have forged ahead, and hopefully, with a little luck, billing will be completed before April’s end. Thank you to the many who have responded so quickly with payments. Thank you also for reading the February issue of ZARJA, and following the directions given. We still receive cash in the mail, and I hope this will cease. If you don’t have your own checking account, perhaps a friend or a family member would issue a check for you. Wish we could send roses to several people, like the one branch president who called and expressed her gratitude and appreciation for all that is being done, and who recognized the fact that there are other things to be done besides SWU work. And to the branch secretary who called and offered an apology for her past remarks; it was most appreciated, and received. To the member who anonymously sent in $100 for ZARJA, just to show her appreciation for all that SWU has done for her, and in particularly for a Thank You to Irene Odorizzi and Corinne Leskovar. Such tributes are well deserved. I’d even send a rose to those members who start their phone conversations in such belligerent ways, threatening to quit, criticizing the system, complaining about the mistakes, and then end their call by saying “it was nice talking to you”. To all the secretaries who try so very hard to iron out problems within their branches, to keep me updated on things, thanks for making the job so much easier. One little reminder, we find that when we receive payments, they are not the correct amounts. Some members change the amount to agree with what they have paid in past years. The following annual assessment schedule is to be followed: Class A members under 75 years of age, $12.00. A members over 75 years of age, $8.00. Class B members under age 75, $15.00, B members over age 75, $10.00. Social members are $15.00 and Junior Members are $4.00. And, PLEASE, if you want to send a donation in for ZARJA, Heritage, Scholarship or to SWU itself, these amounts must be made in separate checks. They cannot be included with your dues payments. We will appreciate your attention to that fact. Have a very happy spring. We hope to have many good things to tell you about after our Board Meeting. It’s like a spring cleaning of old matters that have to be taken care of, ditched, tossed out, to give us renewed hope for our future. Respectfully, Evelyn A. Majercik, National Secretary SCHOLARSHIP FUND REPORT February, 1997 Donor Amount Max L. Schuster $100.00 Donor In Memory of: Justine G. Prhne Cecilia Wolf $10.00 Justine G. Prhne Steffy Zorman 10.00 Mary Frances Mohr MaryKnovsek 20.00 FranPavlocic Jo Kassan 5.00 Tony&Bev Menart JohnPanyan 5.00 Olga Feroni Ann Intihar 5.00 Janvid & Mary Staut ValYurkovich 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Alice Prebil 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Charles Krapf 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Ludvika Kantz 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Matt Gregorich 10.00 Janvid & Mary Staut Joe Godec 10.00 Once again, a VERY SPECIAL thank you to our donors and to those who take interest in and support our Scholarship Fund Program. Medical Technologists are a very hard-working, dedicated part of our society. Their function is an integral part of our physical wellness. Two “Med Techs” who are SWU Scholarship Award winners are: Aimee Staut, a 1987 winner who graduated from college in 1991 and is now working at the Manitowac Hospital, in Manitowac, Wisconsin; and Patricia Turvey Fetsch a 1975 winner, and also our daughter, who is doing cancer research at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Patricia has written a number of papers. There must be many more “Med Techs” who have received the SWU Scholarship Award. We would like to hear from you and all other award winners. May spring bring each of us renewed interests and vitality! Mary Turvey, Director 52 Oakridge Drive Marquette, Michigan 49855 Stoumlcui (Womm i llnfon Scfiotazdilfi ^Program O (we) £.ncCoi£. $ _________________________________ £!n hortox of______________ _________ ____________________________________ czNome. and (Uccasion On mtnioxLf of __________________________________________________ a ContxrijutLon ____________________________________________________ [hionoi i <^Vunu. ________________________________________________________ 2V>noti c/f-cUu-a ________________________________________________________ Ciixj________________________ .State. CocU ____________ Send your donation to Mary Turvey at above address. by Irene M. Odorizzi, Heritage Director HERITAGE HEROES A donation of $25 was sent by Kenneth and Irene Odorizzi in memory of Heritage Museum volunteer, Helen Plut, Branch #20, who died on March 2, from cancer. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family of Helen. Her contribution of time, energy and interest will be missed at the Heritage Museum. She always had a friendly smile and was kind and thoughtful. Helen joined the SWU in 1941, and participated as a Branch #20 Senior Championship Cadet for many years. She participated in local parades, Zveza Day in Lemont, and SWU Conventions. Helen also attended the SWU National Convention held in San Francisco Convention in 1995. When the Museum was first established she and Helen Horwath attended many meetings and seminars that would benefit the Slovenian Museum. Helen, along with a few other volunteers, traveled to Springfield, Illinois, for the Illinois State Museum Award Luncheon in support of the SWU Heritage Director who was presented with two awards for her video interviews and the slide show, “Golden Times.” It is a long-remembered event. Condolences are extended to Helen’s family, her associate museum volunteers and her friends. She will be missed. Another memoriam comes from Ely, Minnesota. Joseph and Rosemarie Buchner donated $5.00 in memory of Ann Sntikar. She also requested many more blue heritage donor forms and envelopes which are available to every branch secretary for her members. FAREWELL DIPLOMATIC FRIEND The Honorable Ambassador Ernest Petrie will return to Slovenia this summer after five years at the Embassy of the Republic in Slovenia in Washington, D.C. Ambassador Petrie claims the distinction and the honor of being the first ambassador to the United States from Slovenia in 1991 which at that time had just achieved independence from Yugoslavia. He established the first embassy in an office building in Washington, D.C. at 1300 19th St. N.W. A few years later the building at 1525 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. was purchased and the embassy began to entertain dignitaries and members of the Slovenian organizations and the local Slovenian community for significant events. National Secretary, Evelyn Majercik, was sent a check for the Heritage Fund from Branch 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks to the members and to President, Ann Tercek, Secretary, Evelyn Pipoly and Treasurer, Jean Miller. Many thanks to the all the ladies of Branch 50 for their continued support of the Heritage Fund. Marion Bowers, SWU Food Editor, remembered Jean Korsman’s mother with a $20.00 donation sent directly to the National Secretary. Marian has always been a stronger promoter of her Slovenian Heritage and in her monthly articles encourages members to send authentic Slovenian recipes for publication. National President, Jean Korsman, recently sent me a list of donors who had contacted her personally and wished to remember her mother. Jean mentioned in her letter, “/ am so proud of my mom; more so than ever when I see so much contributed in her name! The generosity of friends is simply overwhelming." 10.00 Mary Patemost 10.00 Kathy Siskar 10.00 Ann Tusher 10.00 Frank Delak 20.00 Sharon Sobczak 25.00 Mayme Mohar 20.00 Robert Delak 20.00 Marilyn Sheerin 5.00 Jennie Ahlin 20.00 Theresa Carlson 10.00 Mary Lou Crotty 10.00 Ton Prosen 5.00 Josie Elioff 20.00 Bernard Samson 10.00 Pat Figurowski 40.00 Friends of the Family Other Heritage Heroes this month are the members of Branch 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio. They are making their annual donation of $25.00 to the Heritage Fund. We can always count on Secretary, Mary Taucher, to send a generous check in memory of the living and deceased members of the branch. Thinking back five years ago, reminds me of the Slovenian adage, “Vsak začetek je težak,” (All beginnings are difficult) and I’m sure the ambassador and his staff could relate to this statement in the initial days of his ambassadorial duties in the U.S.A. Ambassador Petrie is to be complimented on the manner in which he established the embassy and the manner in which he conducted Slovenian affairs. In his gracious and personable way he mingled with the Slovenian community in the U.S. traveling throughout the States, simultaneously verifying the identity of the American-Slovene as a significant ethnic group in the U.S. The Slovenian Women’s Union extends a farewell and best wishes for success to Ambassador Petrie in his next assignment. He will be remembered fondly by all who had occasion to meet him. Irene Odorizzi, Heritage Director WEBSITE ASSISTANCE ANCESTORS’ EPISODES ON TV PBS Television is airing a genealogical series by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This religious group, known as the “Mormons”, has been a forerunner in preserving ancestral records and in assisting the public in researching family history. They have a large complex in Salt Lake City for research as well as centers throughout the U.S. where information from Salt Lake City may be attained. The 10 episodes consist of: • “Getting Started.” Explores the question, “Who am I?” with tips on how to start a search for roots, beginning with a pedigree chart. • “Looking at Home.” Viewers learn how to start at home to find clues to their ancestors and pieces of the past. • “Gathering Family Stories.” Mining the memories of older family members, with tips on how to conduct and record interviews. • “The Paper Trail.” Viewers see how ancestors “come alive” through the records they left behind. • “Libraries and Archives.” Endeavors to take the fear and mystery out of library and archive research. • “Census and military records.” Explores two of the most commonly used records and how rich biographical information can be gleaned from them. • “African American Research.” Explores the challenges inherent in such research. • “Your Medical Heritage.” Deals with the life-saving potential of family medical pedigrees. • “High Tech Help.” How technology is revolutionizing the family history process. • “Leaving a Legacy.” Explores the question, “One hundred years from now, will anyone know who you were?” If you are interested in viewing this series contact your local PBS station for the day and time. If they do not plan to carry the series, request that they do so. SUPPORT YOUR ORGANIZATION SUPPORT YOUR HERITAGE FUND Susan Peter Zmrzel, #30, of Ft. Mohave, Arizona, wrote to me about her new experience with Internet and since it sounded so interesting I thought that I’d share it with our researchers: '7 have found a lot of web pages for Slovenia and they are very helpful. I also found the Slovenian telephone book in English. I found a web page from the Unviersity of Ljubljana and it named the people that were responsible for the page. One of those names was Matevž Ferjančič and Ferjančič is one of the names I research. We sent e-mail back and forth to each other and I found out that he was 26 years old and his grandfather’s family came from the same town my Ferjancics came from. He was going to talk to his aunt to see if he could find out more information. I also found pictures of the area and travel tips. There is a page that has questions and answers about Slovenian genealogy.” Now isn’t that interesting research? Using a computer and having Internet and E-Mail really opens up one’s options. If you are interested in contacting Susan by e-mail her address is: zana @ Thanks for writing, Susan! SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH Joann Hanson, Branch 30, of Fountain Valley, California, wrote with news about her research success in the Ljubljana archives. Let me share this information with you as Joann traveled to Slovenia on two occasions and successfully researched her family. She has consented to assist anyone with help should they contact her. ‘7 have really learned a lot about the records in Slovenia. It was a real adventure to spend three weeks in Ljubljana in August and September. I have learned to read some of the old writing (at least many of the essentials.) ... I even searched the land records in the National Archives and the people there were very helpful. It is fun to think that I started a few years ago without any knowledge of my ancestors or Slovenia and now I have learned many exciting things. ‘7 have also found several second cousins and more distant relatives and they have been wonderful to me. What an adventure! This year I met second cousins who are the grandchildren of my grandma’s oldest sister.” If you are interested in contacting Joann, please use this information: Joann Hanson, 8588 Woodpecker Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 NEWS FROM A ZARJA READER Hearing complimentary news about the SWU and ZARJA is always a joy and I’d like to share a few brief remarks from a letter received from Sophia Stalzer Wyant of the Gottscheer Research & Genealogy Association in Palisade, MN. ‘7 always look forward to receiving ZARJA - it is informative, educational, interesting and fun to read. I have also enjoyed your wonderful cookbooks and have given them as gifts." SSW srnvinum* jus e Mothers and Women of the Year 1951 - Mary Ovnik* 1969 - Luba Troha* 1987 - Women of the Year: Millie 1952 - Matilda Duller* 1970 - Sophie Bogolin Paisoli, Mary Reich, Irene Carter, 1953 - Josephine Železnikar* 1971 - Julia Pavlin* Anne Bunetta, Dolores Puhek, 1954 - Mary Tomazin* 1972 - Paula Ozbolt* Mary Lauretig 1955 - None 1973 - Mary Muller 1988 - Elsie Ciszek 1956 - Frances Zibert* 1974 - Lillian Putzeil* 1989 - Kate Srabarneck 1957 - Elizabeth Zefran* 1975 - Agnes (Nežka) Gaber 1990 - Jean Hrastar 1958 - Ann Zorko* 1976 - Justine Cieblinski* 1991 - Mary Jagar 1959 - Veronica Kolenko* 1977 - Kate Tuzak 1992 - Sharon Naudziunas 1960 - Mary Hozian* 1978 - Ann Mladic* 1993 - Julia Petrich 1961 - Frances Gomilar 1979 - Ann Hozzian 1994 - Raelyn & Melissa Nusko 1962 - Mary Koren* 1980 - Gloria Nusko* crowned the Blessed Mother in 1963 - Clara Vrasich* 1981 - Ann Scieszko memory of their mother, Gloria 1964 - Jennie Puhek* 1982 - Jean Zubek 1995 - Jennie Worth 1965 - Frances Kozel* 1983 - Corinne Leskovar 1996 - All members of Br. 2 in 1966 - Sophie Petrovič* 1984 - Ann Sarn memory of our deceased members 1967 - Mary Polden* 1985 - Frances Jasbec for our 70th Diamond Cele- 1968 - Mary Krapenc* 1986 - Frances Morison bration. Mary Ovnik M F * 4V Jennie Puhek Mici Krapenc Mary Poidan Paula Ozbolt A combined celebration was held in May, 1987: The 60th Anniversary and Women of the Year. The occasion commenced with Mass at St. Stephen’s Church followed by dinner and a program in the Gym Hall. Six women were honored each representing one decade of service offered to Branch 2. Their combined contribution to the branch reflected the love and devotion of each member as the Slovenian heritage was passed from one generation to the next. These six members were always very enthusiastic and willing helpers for any Branch 2 project. Honored members were: Mary Foys Lauretig, an artist known for beautiful paintings and lovely handcrafted dolls. Mary Reich, a volunteer at McNeil Hospital, who was known to help anyone that was ill. Anna Bunetta, a very talented individual who worked with all kinds of crafts. Irene Carter, a generous lady who donated to all causes. Mildred Paisoli, a talented baker especially known for the world’s best cheese strudel. Delores Puhek, known for her social skills and ability to enroll new members in the Branch. Front: Mary Lauretig, Irene Carter, Mary Reich; back: Dolores Puhek, Millie Paisoli, Ann Bunetta. »'-I-V S.W.U. HISTORY Members At Work And Play Mary Reich and Anna Bunetta are ready for action at the St. Patrick’s Day party. By their smiles, the kitchen committee appears to have control over the preparations for the 1992 party. Ana Mladic, Katie Srabarneck, May Fabian and President, Fran Morison in the rear. Smiling faces reflect the gayety of the adult Christmas party in December, 1996. The members grouped together for the lower photo at the adult Christmas party in 1996. 1995 — The Installation of Officers was held in January with the following members accepting responsibility for the coming year: President, Fran Morison; Vice President, Mary Foys Lauretig; Rec. Secretary, Jean Hrastar; Secretary/Treasurer, Delores Puhek; Sgt. of Arms, Elsie Cis-zek; New Auditor, Helen Fitzgerald; Kitchen Committee: Terry, Percy Morison, Tony Martone, Ray Nusko, Rich Rakovec; Reporter, Jean Železnikar alias “Daisy”. Even though many members were unable to attend the February meeting because it was a cold and snowy night, those that were present welcomed Cupid who presented each member a pretty heart shaped box of candy. The members were served hot chocolate, coffee, or tea for a warm and cozy feeling. Chances were sold for the Slovenian Doll Couple which would be raffled at the National Convention in May 1997. The SWU carnation notecards arrived in March in time for the celebration of St. Joseph’s Table. Mary Foys Lauretig was the branch artist represented in the collection which was assembled and printed under the expertise of ZARJA Editor and Branch member, Corinne Leskovar. Mother of the Year, Jennie Worth, was honored in May. The feature of the month was the SWU National Convention held in San Francisco. Branch No. 20 and No. 2 shared the same plane from Midway Airport and the members enjoyed a very successful convention grateful to the members who had made this dream come true for so many of the group. The Zveza Picnic in July brought members together with photos and stories of the convention. The temperature was over 100 degrees making this the hotest picnic ever held! More beer and soda was sold than ever before and everyone was looking for a shady place to sit and listen to the music of the Heritage Ensemble. Only Frances Maxwell and Frank Pristave were brave to take on the dance floor. The Illinois-Indiana Regional Convention was held in South Chicago, with Jean “Daisy” Železnikar as delegate. The bus theme was Cow-Gals because everyone received a small black and white cow pin from President, Fran Morison. The convention elected a new President, Gerrilynn Bima, who also brought to the convention many heritage items from the SWU museum and sold them to the members. Line dancing ended the day along with the usual sharing of ideas from members of all the branches represented at the convention. December marked the 69th Branch Anniversary with the Mass held in memory of the deceased members. The Christmas dinner was enjoyed by all in a festive atmosphere decorated by the ever-reliable and talented, Ray Nusko. All the lodges which held their meetings in St. Stephen’s Hall benefited from Ray’s expertise at decorating for the Christmas season. To be Continued flCTIUITIE! NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. Stephen’s lower hall The city of Chicago celebrated its 160th birthday on March 4. At the Daley Center, bands were playing, many nationalities were there in their native costumes and the Sara Lee Bakery delivered a beautiful cake. It was also our First Lady of Chicago’s birthday; the mayor’s mother celebrated her 90th birthday. Happy Birthday, Chicago. Each branch has been asked to purchase a Slovenian “Love” shirt. The money will be used for the Heritage Museum. We voted to send $100.00 to the museum and the shirt was raffled off. Anyone who would like to purchase one, please contact Dolores Puhek. The shirts are very pretty and make nice gifts. It is a good way to advertise our Zveza. Our members also voted to send $1,000.00 to the Scholarship Fund to help our youth. We feel it is the best investment we can make. We received a card from Elaine and Dan Bell, our members in AZ. We hope that they can be with us at our picnic this year; hopefully, our weather will be better. Fran brought up the subject of finding a project that we can all participate in - at our next meeting - if you have anything you think would be very suitable for our branch to work on, please tell Fran. Many thanks to Mary Foys Lauretig and Jean Hrastar for all the years they have dedicated as officers of Branch 2. They both contributed much to our branch. We welcome our new officers: Meta Hanzlik, V.P.; and Jean Cerjak, Recording Secy. Congratulations to our grandmothers: Agnes Wroblewski (Roger and Joan Wroblewski) on the arrival of a little girl and to Julia Petrich (Mr. & Mrs. Joe Petrich) also a little girl. Our condolences to Angie Koziarz who lost her son, William and to Lillian Seibert and Dorothy Draeger on the loss of their brother, Raymond Salmich. Please remember them in your prayers, that they will rest in peace. Rosaries were said for our sick members: Beverly Bmiak, Shirley Melissa, Chris Pirman, Frank Dolenc. A trip to Slovenia is planned for September, 1997 - “The Many Splendors of Slovenija Tour II” - 16 day tour. A deposit of $250.00 must be made by May 25, 1997. If you are interested please contact Corinne Leskovar at (773) 275—1115. You will have a great time, and have the service of an English speaking tour guide. We will be celebrating our Mother of the Year on May 15 - 6:30 p.m. Mass, lunch and activities will follow. Congratulations to our member, Irma Pasderetz, whom we will honor this year. Please be there to help us celebrate. Mass for our ailing members will be May 8, 6:30 a.m. May 4, 1997 - St. Stephen’s Church will have a fund raiser in connection with the Parish Centennial. It will be a Spaghetti Dinner. Time: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please try to attend. St. Stephen’s Holy Name Society will honor the Mothers/Daughters at a breakfast May 11, after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Thanks to these men, many of them our husbands. They have been doing this for many years. The breakfast is great; it is nice to be waited on. We really appreciate your kindness. If you have any good recipes, please bring them to the meeting so we can send them to our Food Editor to share with our members. Remember to put on a happy face, it is very contagious! Love, DAISY Meeting Notices To give your members more information on meetings, we will publish the place and time of meetings with your branch report. If you wish to add yours, with or without a branch report, kindly send it to the Editor, ZARJA-The Dawn, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615. NO. 3, PUEBLO, CO Meeting: 1st Tues. St. Mary’s church hall Our weather has been so unpredictable, but it turned out okay for our last meeting. We had a very good turnout. Election of officers was held with current officers remaining. Our officers for 1997 are as follows: Margaret Cullen President, Mary (Mitzi) Drobnick, Vice President and Recording Secretary, and Eileen Kaplan, Secretary-Tre-asurer. Agnes Glavich was chosen as our Mother of the Year. She is very worthy of this honor. Mary Tekavec donated the mystery gift which was won by Agnes Glavich. After the meeting, refreshments were served by hostess Mary (Mitzi) Drobnick assisted by Catherine Sin-covec, Helen Skull and Steffie Barnett. Bingo was then played. Get well wishes are extended to John Novak who is seriously ill, Frances On-dovchik who recently had cataract surgery, Frances Raspet who had surgery, Alice Novak, Helen Miklich and Elsie Zupančič who are recuperating from falls. Get well wishes are also extended to all who are ill, and remembered in our prayers are the homebound and those in nursing homes. Sympathy is extended to the families of Fernando Bonicelli, Vera Skufca and Raymond Vidmar. Our next meeting will be April 1 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church Hall at 1:00 p.m. PAULINE PAUCHICK NO. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IN Meeting: 1st Thurs. SND, from May to Dec. On February 8, 1997, longtime-member, Bernadette (Nady) Stanich passed away. Our sympathy and prayers go out to her brothers and sisters. THIRD REMINDER This is your third reminder; no excuses this year. We know we will see all of our members at the annual spring meeting and luncheon. It is scheduled for Thursday, May 1, 1997, at 11:00 a.m. at the Slovenian National Home. You all remember the way there, don’t you? We do request that all members bring a covered dish. Branch 5 will provide the meat dish. Member News: How come you all do not send me your news? I would love to hear from you all, even if you do not have news. My address is: Barbara Mohr 14100 Montfort Drive, #3126 Dallas, TX 75240 Well, I will have some member news for the next ZARJA, even if I have to hunt it down! Take care of yourselves and we will see you soon (hopefully) at the luncheon. For those of you who have been shut-in, we want to say “Hello” and let you know that we are thinking of you. Love from Texas, BARBARA MOHR NO. 6, BARBERTON, OH Meeting: 1st Sun. Slovene Center Hope everyone’s Easter was a memorable one. Cherry blossoms will be here soon. As in March’s note: Send dues to me. I have an arrangement that when I get your bills, I respond to the Home Office with your dues. Will try to get more information to all of you by the 15th of April to explain this further. I haven’t heard from two members, Victoria Belford and Ann Belovec. If anyone knows of them, please advise. Again, to repeat, the dues are: A (over 75 years of age) $8.00; A (under 75 years) $12.00; B (over 75 years) $10.00; B (under 75) $15 and Social $15.00. Although I have only one junior, it’s only $4.00 for the year’s dues. Come on, grandmas! Give them a Slovenian heritage! Mary Kovacic is still at Doyleston Nursing Home on Black St. Her family has cancelled her social membership. She won’t be receiving a “Dawn” magazine. Anyone is invited to share your copy with Mary. Drop it off at her residence - she will enjoy knowing you care. Birthdays: our president, Jeanette Killoran (4-10) and our Florida Bird, Julia Muren (4— 14). If I missed anyone, Many Happy Returns! It was my sadness to read in the Jan-uary-February Dawn that our former parish priest, Fr. Joseph Ozimek passed away on Nov. 10th, 1996. Fr. Kungle has been taking Fr. Ozimek’s place since his partial retirement. He was a great leader and I knew him as I grew up at Sacred Heart. He even made a special dispensation on Christmas Eve back in 1969 to marry my husband and me. He will be sadly missed. To his entire family our condolences. Thrice blest will all our blessings be, when we can look through them to Thee When each glad heart it’s tribute pays of love and gratitude and praise. (Contterill) LINDA LAMBRIGHT NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Meeting: 3rd Thurs. St. Peter’s Church Hall except July & Aug. Our February meeting was well attended with 43 people. We celebrated the Jan. and Feb. birthdays as we had to cancel our January meeting, but the women and men were happy to get together. All reports were given and we are progressing. I hope all members are straightened out in their dues payments so we can go on. Rose Larek spend 4 days in the hospital and Collette Imperl is now in the hospital. Hope all your problems will be taken care of. The weather should improve soon as the people ailing at home will feel better, too. Greetings to all who are in nursing homes. Ursula Ruppe, we still miss the South Side Spirit but it was good Slovenian News - now we know that time marches on! Frances Divjak, our member living in California, lost her husband so we extend our sympathy to Frances and family. Evelyn Laurich is on her way to Arizona to visit her new great grandchild. Agnes Morrow spent a month in Las Vegas with her son and said she lost everything! Stay away from those machines, ladies! Ruth Hue and her husband celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at St. Mary, Help of Christians Church. Congratulations and may you have many more! Our Dolores Kodrich is a great baker as you all know. For Thanksgiving we were each treated to a big pumpkin decorated cookie. At Christmas, a decorated tree. But, February tops them all! She brought a big box of “punčkis” with prune filling, a big red decorated heart for every one and home-made cherry filled chocolates! This treat was for all the February holiday dates. Thank you, Dolores, for your Big Heart! Our Woman of the Year, Julie Schnick will be honored in May so we will make plans at our next meeting. To everyone, a very happy belated Easter! Stay warm and healthy. MARY KIEL NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Meeting 1st Thurs. SSH Recher Ave. After basking in the warmth of a few 60° temperature days and seeing the first bud of a crocus, we were rudely awakened when we experienced a 40° drop in temperature and realized winter is still here with us until March 20, the first day of spring (or so the calendar states). We are pleased to announce that our Mother of the Year is Vickie Lindic. We can always count on Vickie to lead our group in praying the rosary whenever we have a deceased member. Vickie had been somewhat under the weather, but is well on the road to recovery. Hope you can join us when we will honor Vickie at our Mother of the YearDinnerTuesday, May 6 beginning at6:00p.m. at Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. Call Vice Pres. Vera Bajec with reservations for yourself and guests at 481-7473. Get well wishes being sent out to member Emma Polzar who is home recuperating after surgery. By the way, Emma is the daughter of the late Mary Mullec who was a long-time member of No. 14. Condolences to the family of deceased 68-year member, Amelia Loren who passed away in February. Mary Fakult, who passed away in January, was a 67-year member who joined this Slovenska Zenska Zveza in 1929, just 2 years after No. 14 was established in 1927. May our dear Lord welcome our departed loved ones and bring them eternal peace. Wishing you a Happy and Glorious Easter Season and a Bright Spring! ALICE KUHAR NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Meeting: 3rd Tues. St. Joe’s Park Hall except June to Sept. HALLELUJAH! Lent is over. Time to spring forward. Hope everyone had a nice Easter, especially after reading the lovely memories brought to mind by Marion Juricic Bowers in the March ZARJA. It felt good to go back to those “good old days”. Thank you, Marion. Two scholarship winners from SWU were Sarah Tezak, Joliet Catholic Academy and Chrissy Kozol, Providence High. Both made high honors in their 1st semester. Nice goin’, girls! Mr. & Mrs. Robert McIntosh of Joliet celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary. They were married by MonsignorM.J. Butala, Feb. 16, 1957. Our member Niki Hrvatin and her husband, Art also celebrated their 40th on Feb. 23rd. They were married on that very day in 1957 at St. Joe’s Church and celebrated this wonderful occasion with their large family. Congratulations! John and Dolores (Babe) Krysciak are the proud grandparents of a baby girl, MALLORY, 11-11-96. The proud parents are Bob & Colleen Krysciak. John Konopek was elected President of the St. Joe’s Senior Club. Good Luck, John. I know you’ll do a good job. Thanks to Chuck Franz, outgoing president, who did a fantastic job... Next, we send condolences to family and friends of Mary (Erjavec) Fedo, who went to Our Lord 2-12-97. She was 95. Also, to family and friends of Josephine Vesel, nee Judnich, age 89, left us 2-9-97. Get well wishes to Lenny Suhodolc. I want to see you at St. Joe’s Park picnics again to argue politics!!! SWU Nat’l. Board Officers were here March 20-23 for their meeting. Hope they enjoyed visiting our city. Regarding the city election 2-25-97, it NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! did not turn out as we hoped, well, only 1/2 way. Jonita did not make it, however, she says, not to worry, she will try again, but our member, Rosalie D’Andrea was elected and will be running in the April election, so let’s go vote for her. Here’s a little more about Rosalie: She is a very well-known business lady in Joliet operating the Joliet office of Coldwell-Banker, Honig-Bell Real Estate firm. She may remind you of the D’Andrea Construction Co. as she was affiliated with them for many years. She presently serves as a Mayoral appointee to the Board of Will County Metropolitan Exposition and Auditorium Authority which oversees the historic Rialto Theater and is a County Executive appointee on the Board of the Will County Workforce Development Council. She’d make an excellent City Council Member. Remember, the election is on April 1st! Well, folks if you really like good Polka music, I mean really like good polka music, tune in to Polka Showcase with our own Doszak brothers, Bob, (chip off the old block) and young Chris, fantastic drummer, every Sunday a.m., 10 to 12 on 100.7 FM WKBM. The request line is (815) 476-5855. One last thought, come to our April 15th meeting because, guess what? Lillian Cepon will be demonstrating her baking skills making a potica. See you there. April 19-20 is our annual Bakery Sale at St. Joe’s Church after all the masses. Call me at (815) 727-3177 for input to our ZARJA. Your generous donations of baked goods will be appreciated. Also, remember to pick up some of these goodies to take home. Chairpeople are Agnes Dobczyk and Anna Marie McIntosh. KATY STONICH NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL Meeting: 3rd Tues. At members’ homes Happy Easter and Happy Springtime! After 40 days of Lent, do you feel renewed and improved? As I write, St. Joseph Church is undergoing redecorating, hopefully, the work com- pleted by Holy Week. In the meantime we have Sunday Masses in the parish hall. New to this world is Christian Bergstrom, the 11th great grandchild of our president Mollie McIntyre, bom November 12 to Lynn and John Bergstrom, formerly of California, now in the area of Schaumberg, IL. Congratulations all around! Bom to eternal life on January 30 is our beloved member, Mary Rittmanic, 89, just 27 days away from 70 years of marriage to her faithful Leo. Mary was a most generous soul, donating her time and talents in sewing, art, apple strudel and potica to worthy causes. Mourning her passing are her husband, Leo, three daughters (every mother should have the loving care of daughters like Barbara, Helena and Katie gave their mother!), 10 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren, six sisters, including member, Margaret Planton of Br. 22, and one brother. Our deepest condolences to the family! As a longtime member, Mary and daughter, Barbara hosted the branch in May, ’96. For the occasion, Mary baked a delicious angel food cake. Personally, yours truly will miss the stream of spoken Slovenian that delighted me and made me envious of her fluency in the language. Dear Mary, may you rest in the Lord forever! From the Sunday Journal, Kankakee: If your thoughts wander somewhere in outer space, you might seek out the “Hubble.” Cousin Paul Lustik and his team in Boulder, CO, helped to assemble the Space Telescope Imaging Spec-tograph and the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer for the Hubble (what a mouthful!). Paul is the son of Bill and Vera Lustik of Bradley. In the feature “Looking Back” in the same local paper, twenty years ago Feb 14, 1977, James L. Richards, son of Francis and Ann Richards, received a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Missouri and Rolla. Dr. Richards is professor of computer science at the U. of Minnesota, Bemidji. Belated birthday wishes for good health and happiness to Margaret Planton, Gabrielle Lustig and Emma Znidarsich, all January celebrants. As you spring-clean, ponder this one: If a cluttered desk indicates a cluttered mind, what does an empty desk indicate? EMMA LUSTIG MEMORIAL TO ROSE KOZAR Rose Kozar was one of our oldest branch #23 members. She became a member in 1929. She was what I would call one of those Slovenian pioneers, coming to the United States when she was only 15 years old — still a young girl. Her mother was killed in a bombing during the first World War. After that, her dad came to the U.S. and left Rose with his sister, then came back to get her in 1920. Her dad had settled in Eveleth, MN where she lived with him, but she had to go out and work. Her first job was babysitting and helping out a family in Virginia. She used to walk every day to and from, rain or snow! When she was a little older she got a job in Eveleth at a boarding house where she cooked and cleaned. While living in Eveleth, she met Anton Kozar and it wasn’t long after that her dad and his parents thought they should get married. They were married in 1923. They then moved to Milwaukee, W1 and lived there a few years before deciding to come back to Eveleth. In 1927, they moved to Ely, where they lived the rest of their lives. Her husband died in 1966. They had a family of five girls and one boy. Rose was kept very busy raising her children and she also went out to work as the children got older. She worked as a cook at one of the older establishments (Charlie’s Hamburger NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Catholic School Library Apr.-May-June-Sep.-Oct.-Nov. We had a nice attendance at our special meeting in February which was an extra meeting specifically to get started on the State Convention arrangements. The State Convention will be held in October in La Salle. There were a lot of good ideas and suggestions exchanged and an enthusiastic group who volunteered to help wherever needed. I felt that we were off to a very good start and I certainly do appreciate the Rose Kozar Shop), then as a housekeeper at the Forest Hotel, and later, a job at the Ely Bloomenson Hospital in the housekeeping department until her retirement in 1970. One of her daughters, “Dolly”, and I were classmates and I’ll always remember how nice her mother was to “us kids” whenever we stopped by on our way to school. Even up until she passed on, all her friends, relatives and neighbors say you couldn’t find another person who was so kind, patient, understanding and neat, with a special array of quietness, sereneness, and complete contentment — never complaining and always with a nice smile and happy greeting to pass on to all she met. “Yes, participation of our younger members. After the meeting we enjoyed delicious refreshments provided by Helen Swietek and Jo Grabowski. Belated congratulations to Marian Borisek and her husband, Edward, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on February 6th. We hope you both continue to enjoy good health and will celebrate many more anniversaries. Congratulations, too, to Barb Krogulski on the birth of a little granddaughter to son, Mark and his wife, Colleen in Naperville and, more congratulations to Jane Sherman who is Colleen’s grandmother and baby An-nalise Marie’s great grandma. Best wishes to our April Birthday she was such a wonderful person and had that ‘inner beauty and peace’ that only very special people have.” As I said, Rose was one of our oldest S.W.U. Branch 23 members and attended as many meetings as she could. She was one of those quiet, dependable workers who was not afraid of hard work, always “pitching in.” In 1991, when we honored all of our mothers, Rose had her daughters as special guests and one of her wishes was that they become S.W.U. members, and so they did! Thank you, Rose, for your belief in the Slovenian Women’s Union and the pride you took in your membership. Rose Kozar, 91, of Ely, MN died on December 14, 1996 in the Ely Bloomenson Hospital and her funeral mass was at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Ely. She was bom December 8, 1905 in Opatije selo, Slovenia to Joseph and Catherine Peritz. She was a member of St. Anthony’s Church, V.F.W. Auxiliary, the S.W.U. and the Women’s Life Insurance Society. She is survived by five daughters: Rose (Frank) Mavetz, of Galesburg, IL, Leone (Louis) Debemardi and Jeanette Steinert of Minneapolis, De-lores “Dolly” Maki of Ely, Marie “Bonnie” Klun of St. Paul, and a son, Kenneth Kozar of Lyons, Colo.; 12 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren, and 4 great great grandchildren! We Miss You, Rose!!! Submitted by: Jane Yadlosky President, and a good friend celebrants: Recording Secretary, Adele Gensler, Marianne Schweickert, Theresa Wellner, Frances Jean Ficek, Mary Ann Brunner, Junior member, Ashley Collins, Ann Cassidy, Debbie Pohar and Mary Ann Potthoff. I hope each of you will have a very happy day! Our April meeting will be held on Thursday, April 17th at 7:00 p.m. in La Salle Catholic School. We will continue to work on Convention plans and we do need a lot of help and cooperation from our members. Mary Ann Brunner and Sharon Brady will serve as our Hostesses after the meeting. Plan to join us and bring your Good Ideas along. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Meeting: 1st Wed. St. Elizabeth’s Church We wish to thank Lois Pelander for her many years as reporter for Branch 33. She will continue on as Funeral Fund Director. Our Christmas party was a huge success. The youth members entertained us and much to our delight, they sang, “Živio, Slovenci.” Two of our members lost their husbands recently. Our prayers and condolences are with Antonia Panyan on the death of her husband, John and Ann Maki on the death of her husband, Toivo. Our prayers are also with our members who are or have been ill. Agnes Skull is at home again, Josie Rzat-kowski is scheduled for surgery, and Rose Kochevar has had cataract surgery. Louise Turchi is now living at Cornerstone House in West Duluth. On April 20, Stella Mattson, Helen Mosak, Rose Borland and JoAnn Schul are off to Branson, Missouri. Tina Zupančič is in North Carolina, Jackie Rukavina is in Florida and Shirley Hop-penyan has been to California. I am sure they really enjoyed the warmth and lack of snow and ice! We are having a fund raiser Meatball Supper on April 30th. Plans are being finalized for the MN Regional Convention which we are hosting on Sunday, September 14. We are also planning our May 7th meeting at which our Mother of the Year will be honored. This year we will be honoring Eileen Fedo. She has been our telephone committee leader for a long time. We will also hold a dime auction. Hope you all had a Happy and Blessed Easter. LISA McDONELL, Reporter NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Meeting: 3rd Wed. St. Martin’s Church Hall Jan. to May; Sept. & Oct. Branch 34 changed their meeting day to the 11 th of February due to Ash Wednesday being on the regular meeting day. Agnes Mattson, Vice President, was in charge of the meeting in the absence of Pres. Adeline Mustonen. Dear Members: We are now on Direct Billing. Please do not send any assessment payments - neither checks nor cash until you receive your bill for 1997 dues. Please do not send any “dues books” - Thank you very much! Agnes Mesojedec filled in for Emma Betoume, Rec. Sec., who has been in San Francisco the past three months. Thank you to both of you for doing a nice job. Sophie Spollar and Angela Tekautz were hostesses for our meeting, with Marge Skala, Lucille Svatos, Agnes Mattson and Agnes Tekautz winning the prizes during the social hour. The door prize, brought by Lucille Svatos was won by Agnes Mesojedec. Our communities were saddened by the death of our good member, Mary Frances Jamnick of Soudan on February 11. Mary Frances was bom in Chandler Location in Ely, her parents were Frank & Mary (Kukec) Deyak. She married Louis Jamnick of Soudan on Feb. 7, 1944. We honored her as our Mother of the Year in 1991. She joined the SWU in 1981, and served as hostess at our meetings with Jean Zupanich. A cheerful person with sparkling eyes, she enjoyed playing cards during our social hours. I remember winning a beautiful set of towels she had furnished for a door prize. She was always willing to do her part as long as she was able. She is survived by three sons, John, Jim and Mike, who mourn her. She was a good wife and mother, a good friend to many. Our sympathy to her family. Attending Mary Frances’ funeral were members Rose Planton, who has been confined to her home for some time and Angela Jamnick, who resides at the Chris Jensen Nursing Home in Duluth. Although I was unable to attend, many visited with Rose and Angie and were happy to see them. Our March meeting had Adeline Mustonen and Emma Betoume as hostesses. The door prize was brought by Agnes Tekautz. In April we will make plans to honor our Mother of the Year on May 21. With more of our members returning after being away during the cold months, we hope the attendance at our meetings will increase. ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter NO. 35, AURORA, MN Meeting: 6 per year Community Sr. Center Our meeting and dime social were held on Sun. Feb. 19th with 22 adult and 2 junior members present. Pres. Florence Holland led us in prayers for our deceased members. We were happy to have our SWU Nat’l Pres., Jean Korsman with us as well a Minnesota State Pres. Charlotte Laurich, Br. 38 President Catherine Sandvick and Rec. Sec’y. of Br. 39, Gert Zakrajšek. These guests were very welcome and we enjoyed exchanging ideas. They also took part in our dime social and won a few prizes, too. A letter was read from SWU Nat’l Secretary, Evelyn Majercik which answered many questions for us. She reminded us to read the ZARJA and her articles for more information. You are doing a great job, Evelyn! Thank you! Welcome to our new members, Magdaline Klun of Minneapolis, Linda M. LaFrance and Patricia Areine, both from Colorado, who joined their mom, our member, Mae Klun. They were enrolled by their uncle, Bill Slogar. Ladies, you can keep up with all our activities through the ZARJA. Also, my son-in-law, Robert Wheeler joins his wife, Kathleen and sons, James and David who are already members of our branch. Bob has always been impressed by everything our SWU does to preserve our culture and heritage. Before the war in Yugoslavia he and Kathleen visited Austria, Slovenia and Croatia and enjoyed seeing many of the beautiful places that have been since destroyed. They plan to visit Slovenia again some day. He reads the ZARJA, too. Congratulations to John M. Zupon-cic who made his Confirmation. God bless you, John. He has helped serve at several of our social activities and his mom, Rhonda, brother, Anton and grandmother, Helen Zuponcic are all members of our branch. We were happy to hear from Frances Payton of Tacoma, Washington. She is one of our “over 80” members. Thank you to Kathleen Wheeler for taking all the pictures at our SWU State Convention, some of which appeared in the Nov.-Dec. issue of ZARJA. Get well wishes to Frances Stark and Anna Rose Smolich, our prayers are with you. Junior members, Alysa and Carolyn Hodnik were anxious for the dime social to begin after the meeting, so they could “deliver” the prizes - which they love to do! They also were winners of a few! Thank you, girls, and to all our ladies who donated the lovely gifts, we want you to know that we collected $40 to take care of our “over 80” members’ dues for 1997. Plans will be made at the meeting April 13th to honor our Mother of the Year, Mary L. Smolich on May 4th. Hostesses in April will be Anna Hodnik and Betty Turk. Thank you to Bernice C. Marlys and Mary N. for the delicious cherry dessert they served at this meeting. Wishing you all a belated but blessed Easter. ANNE M. ORAZEM NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Meeting: 1st Wed. SIov. Nat’l. Home The days pass all too quickly. Already we have spent away 3 months of this new year!! The only thing that seems to linger is the winter and all the snow! The good news is that the temps are climbing above zero and our attendance at the monthly meetings is doing likewise. And even better news is that we gained 2 new members! Gail Milton came in as an insured member and Ann Leibfried joined us as a social member. They were welcomed with a grand round of applause. This is not the end of our good fortune. Gail Milton consented to be our new treasurer-whereupon Pres. Sandvick immediately administered the Pledge of Initiation—explaining the duties and responsibilities. Gail graciously accepted and we were all happy. Marge Peterson sent our branch a most lovely card of thanks for the tribute we showed her at our Feb. meeting. Marge’s husband, Walt is a new resident of our lcoal nursing home. This has been a difficult time for them. Let us remember to keep both of them in our prayers. Jenny Samsa proposed that we reinstate the customary annual spring MAYOR MARGE PETERSON HONORED Picture from the celebration of Mayor Marge Peterson’s victory in recent election, held at Br. 38’s meeting, back: Iiona Ranta, (a friend), Sylvia Strilich, and Julia Aamodt, sisters; front: Marge and her sister, Gladys Groshel. Our first meeting of 1997 opened on Feb. 6th in grand style at the Slovenski Dom. We celebrated with a salute and a tribute to one of our own — Marge Peterson. Marge is a member of our branch and the first woman mayor of our fair city. She has contributed to the welfare of our town in many ways so it was fitting that we should gather to say “thank you”. Veda Ponikvar delivered a grand review of Marge’s life and the accomplishments after which Marge gave her response. Our gifted songsters, Charlotte Laurich and Jenny Briski - accompanied by Judy Stainiger on the guitar led the crowd in the ever favorite singing of “Je Angel Gospodov.” Rosie Marino and Rosie Tanko were the perfect hostesses. They served a lovely evening lunch topped with squares of Valentine cake and coffee. As if that wasn’t enough—they teased the crowd with an endless number of delightful little prizes. Seems everyone won something. The branch gave Marge a lovely signed card and a monetary gift. This was quickly followed by the crowd singing “For she’s a jolly good mayor.” Valentines, hearts and red candlelite lent to the atmosphere of a pleasant evening. Marge sat at a round table surrounded by her 3 sisters and a close friend. Several of her high school classmates also joined us in the tribute. She entertained us with the reading of three original select poems. These were compositions for which she had received literary recognition. This business meeting was brief as we spent most of the evening celebrating with Marge. Seems everyone went home happy and contented. G.Z. card party. She says many people are asking for it. We’ll couple it with a dime auction and a few potica and noodle raffles. Should be alot of fun! Fran Zalec shook her head in a NO Position all the while Jenny made her proposal. As usual—she will be asked to do the other half of all the work. Jenny assured Fran that she would ask some “new people” to help—which made the whole group of us laugh out loud-knowing full well that the team leaders will be Jenny and Fran-just like always. It is really very funny to witness the two doing “friendly fighting” at