Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 3/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16.1. 2022 2. Nedelja MED LETOM 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Bog daje vsega v izobilju Kana Galilejska je danes vas, t šest kilometrov severovzhodno od Nazareta. V mestu je frančiškanska cerkev z dvema zvonika, ki označuje prvo izmed sedmih »znamenj«, ki jih opisuje evangelist Janez. EvangelistJa-nez čudeže označuje kot »znamenja«. »Znamenje« v Kani ima globok mesijanski pomen. V središču je Marija - evangelist jo vedno označuje z besedo »Jezusova mati«, v današnjem odlomku kar štirikrat. Apokrifi pa nam sporočajo, da je razlog Jezusove udeležbe na svatbi v tem, da je bila Marija teta novoporočenca. Med svatbeno gostijo se je zgodil pripetljaj: »Jezusova mati mu reče: Vina nimajo! Jezus ji odgovori: Kaj je meni in tebi žena? Moja ura še ni prišla! Njegova mati reče strežnikom: Karkoli vam poreče, storite!« Poglejmo najprej pogovor med Jezusom in njegovo materjo, posebej stavek: »Kaj je meni in tebi, žena?« Stavek dejansko dobiva različne pomene - odvisno od tega, kako je izrečen. Beseda »žena« ne izraža hladne zavrnitve, marveč je splošno rabljen izraz, ki ga Jezus uporablja v svojem dialogu z ženami, tako s Samarijanko, prešuštnico, z Marijo Magdaleno. Isti izraz je Jezus namenil tudi svoji Materi pod križem (»Žena, glej, tvoj sin.«). Na začetku je Jezus preslišal Marijino prošnjo, da bi tako obrnil pozornost na njegovo »uro«, ki še ni prišla. Za evangelista Janeza je »ura« najpomembnejši trenutek Kristusove smrti in poveličanja, je izvir odrešenja za človeštvo. Zato mora biti dejanje, ki ga bo Jezus storil, nekakšno »znamenje«, nekakšna puščica, ki leti proti veličastnemu cilju. Jezus noče delati pozornost zbujajočih čudežev, tudi noče zgolj uslišati prošnje svoje Matere ali reševati konkretnih vsakdanjih težav. S svojimi mogočnimi in nevsakdanjimi dejanji želi razodeti svojo božansko skrivnost. V VESTNIK 2022 | 1 tej luči je Marija, brez kakršnegakoli oklevanja, razumela pomen Jezusove zavrnitve in rekla služabnikom: »Karkoli vam poreče, storite!« Tedaj se je pred očmi vseh navzočih zgodilo pomembno »znamenje z vinom« - čudež. Voda šestih velikih kamnitih vrčev, od katerih je vsak lahko sprejel dve ali tri »metrete« (od 80 do 120 litrov), se je spremenila v tako kakovostno vino, da je zbujalo začudenje starešine oziroma sorodnika, ki je urejal svatbeno gostijo, kakor je bila na Vzhodu navada. Ne smemo prezreti, da je svatbena gostija v Svetem pismu veličastna mesijanska podoba, kot to pričujejo »gostije z izbornimi jedili, gostije z žlahtnim vinom, z najboljšimi jedmi, s prečiščenim žlahtnim vinom«, kot opisuje prerok Izaija, Jezus pa to potrjuje v priliki o svatbi. Mesija je pogosto predstavljen kot ženim izvoljenega ljudstva. V prvem berilu je Bog sam predstavljen kot ženin: »Kakor se poroči ženin z devico, tako vzame tebe v posest tvoj stvarnik. Kakor se ženin veseli neveste, tako se tebe veseli tvoj Bog« (Iz 62,4-5). Tudi obilje vina, »ki razveseljuje srce človeka«, je podobno znamenje mesijanske dobe, ki jo napovedujejo preroki. Judovsko izročilo tako opisuje čas Mesi-jevega prihoda: tedaj bo vsaka trta imela tisoč mladik, vsaka mladika tisoč grozdov, vsak grozd tisoč jagod, vsaka jagoda pa bo dala 460 litrov vina! Jasno je torej, da ima ves opis, ki ga sporoča »znamenje« svatbe v Kani, mesijansko teološko sporočilo: Kristus je »dobro« in »končno« vino, to je popolni dar Očeta. Marija, ki je »popolna žena« in nova Eva, pa predstavi Kristusa v njegovem odrešenjskem poslanstvu, v njegovi slovesni »uri«, ki je izvir veselja in osvoboditve od strahu. V središču je Kristus, ob njem pa Marija s svojo čisto in predano vero, da je treba »storiti vse, kar nam Kristus reče«. Marija, »žena« v četrtem evangeliju, se bo vnovič pojavila v Kristusovi »uri«, to je pod križem. Tedaj je pripravljena sprejeti zadnje besede svojega Sina, pripravljena »storiti, karkoli ji bo rekel« v tem odločilnem trenutku za njeno prihodnost Matere Cerkve. V tem duhu je Marija vzorec vernice. (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2006-2007, št. 2) Response: Declare the marvelous works of the Lord among all the peoples. First Reading Isaiah 62:1-5 The prophet proclaims that just as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so God rejoices in God's people. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Paul speaks of the great variety of gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit. Gospel John 2:1-11 At a wedding at Cana in Galilee, Jesus gives his disciples the first sign of his glory. "There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee." JZl Illustration Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been periods when weddings have been subject to restrictions, for example in the types of celebration allowed or the numbers permitted to attend. Yet for many people, their wedding is the most important and life-changing event they experience, so they go to huge effort and expense to make sure that the day is unforgettable. It has been calculated that the average wedding takes more than 250 hours to plan, and the average cost of a wedding has spiralled over the years. The careful planning of a wedding is a way of making a statement about who we are and what we hope for the future life of the couple. The circle of the gold wedding band symbolises never-ending love; the confetti expresses a desire for fertility and an abundance of good 18 | VESTNIK 2022 fortune. Weddings speak of our hopes for the future, especially our desire for love, security, and a full and happy life, though we have to recognise that those hopes are not always fulfilled, or not fulfilled in the way we expect. And we shouldn't be critical of people - or of ourselves - if those hopes are not fulfilled in the way we thought they would be. Gospel Teaching Many of those themes come together in today's readings. The image of a wedding is frequently used in the Old Testament to describe the relationship of God and God's people - the Lord is Israel's husband, as Isaiah tells us, though often Israel is an unfaithful bride who breaks her vows, worshipping false gods. Time and again God forgives her, turning her sadness into joy, as in today's first reading. In the time of Jesus, the people's longing for the coming of the Messiah was often expressed in terms of a wedding: the days of the Messiah would be a time of rejoicing, a wedding feast, with an abundance of wine and celebration. And so John tells us the story of the wedding at Cana at the beginning of his Gospel to indicate to us that God's blessings are being poured out on God's people, because the groom - Jesus - has arrived to marry his bride, Israel. Despite this rejoicing, the event is tinged with the shadow of the cross. Like all Jesus' signs, it points to the greatest of all signs: the glory of Jesus on the cross, saving the world through his perfect obedience to the Father, since this is how God's relationship with God's people is restored. This is how the new covenant - the new marriage between God and God's people - is brought about. There are many hints of the cross in this story. Jesus speaks of his "hour" having not yet come, which is a reference to his death, when his glory would be fully revealed. Significantly, Jesus' mother is involved, addressed by Jesus with the title "woman". The only other time this happens is at the foot of the cross. The cross is the ultimate blessing the Lord can give his people: it is the source of eternal life to all who believe. So the abundant wine is indicative of the inexhaustible riches God the Father pours out on those who believe in the Son he has sent. This first sign does indeed produce faith: the disciples see his glory and believe in him. Application Just as a wedding is a sign of who we are and what we hope for in life - love, security, abundance of good things - so Cana is a sign of what God offers us, God's people. Through the death of Jesus, the Lord offers us more than we could ever dream of - not simply the gifts of the Spirit Paul mentions, but the fullness of life and love. What is asked of us is that we believe, as the disciples did, in Jesus' power to change our lives and to lead us to God. It is through faith in God that the water of our daily life can be transformed into something far superior. Our lives gain a new meaning, a new quality, if we enter into this covenant, this marriage with God, which Jesus makes possible. Mary shows us how to do this: by doing whatever he tells us. And in John's Gospel that simply means believing in Jesus and loving as he has loved us. Faith and love - all that is needed for a good marriage and all that God requires of us to have the fullness of life. VESTNIK 2022 | 19 Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00 za našo župnijo. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampanje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bodo vodili vse računovodske zadeve, tako, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku objavimo koliko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kampanjo za našo župnijo preko škofijskega računa in koliko je že dejansko »vplačanega«. Iz škofije so nam sedaj poslali kodo, da lahko sami pogledamo tekoče stanje na našem računu. Na računu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorja Velikega je: $122,843. - Pledged - Jan 14, 2022 $94,488. - Paid - Jan 14, 2022 Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Smo že krepko čez polovico zastavljenega cilja. Tokrat so se številke kar dvignile. BISHOP OF HAMILTON January 10, 2022 Very Reverend Monsignors, Reverend Fathers, Reverend Deacons, Chancery, Cemetery, and Parish staff, LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS! The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has taken the country by storm! Many of us have either contracted the virus, or been with someone who subsequently tested positive, and are required to isolate — for five days if fully vaccinated, for ten days if unvaccinated. Last weekend several Parishes and parish offices were required to close because the Parish Priest or Associate tested positive or had been in contact with someone who had, and had to isolate. I know this is disheartening for you, as it is for us all! We have been doing our best to follow the protocols which seem so demanding. So, when we must "shut down" the Parish for a few days, it can be upsetting. And we are all afraid! No one wants to contract the illness, but so many have. We are tired of wearing masks, and many simply refuse. Some choose not to be vaccinated, which confounds those who are only too ready to be vaccinated AND receive the booster shot. We find ourselves at odds with one another, brothers and sisters in faith. As Priests, we are shepherds, called to care for the sheep. This can be challenging when some refuse to following the guidelines, putting others at risk. Parishioners are becoming hostile to one another — and to their Priests (and Bishops). There is no doubt that this roller coaster we are on is exhausting us — yet we continue to be called to serve. I appreciate the efforts each of you have and continue to make. "God always asks for more!" Brothers and sisters, can we be kind to one another? Can we care for one another? Can we consid- 20 | VESTNIK 2022 er the well-being of others before our own? When we pray for one another, our tendency to feel anger and resentment toward the other dissipates. So, let us pray constantly for one another. When we gather for Mass, to give thanks for the gift of Jesus Christ who gave all for us, let us do our small part to keep the church safe for all. It is not too much to sanitize hands and wear masks. It is not too much to give space between families and individuals. Thank you for staying the course! Thank you for your patience and constancy. Thank you for your generosity and goodness. May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts with love — God's love — so that your love for one another will abound! Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton. St. Francis de Sales: Work Hard, Pray Hard By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB There is a formula for thriving instead of just surviving. There is a formula for making a difference in people's lives and having a ministry that becomes effective. There is a formula for being happy despite facing many obstacles in this world. What is it? What's the secret sauce? It's this - have a mission that obsesses you and go for it! The formula for a happy life is to identify your God-given mission and then to go about fulfilling it with every ounce of energy you can muster. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) was a Catholic bishop at the time of the Protestant Reformation. He lived in a region that disregarded Catholicism and was hostile to clergy. He lived at a time when the norm for clerics and nobles was to distance themselves from common people. He lived at a time of great scepticism about religion. So... what did he do? He identified his mission - save souls. "I will win back souls for Christ,"he determined. The method would be love. He knew a great love would be required, so he opened his heart fully to the burning love of God through Jesus. Then he got busy working and praying! Work: You really have to admire the untiring activity of Francis de Sales. He was on the move via horseback, riding far and wide to visit even the remotest corner of the region. The area was the Chablais and for four years the young missionary spent every day forming friendships and breaking down hostilities. The area he worked in was ravaged by religious wars. There were no Catholic places of worship. Churches were ransacked. In most first encounters with people, Francis was persecuted as a papist, called a magician, nicknamed a "goat" who brings evil, and in danger of being killed at any given moment. The situation would discourage just about anyone. De Sales did not run away from this difficult mission. He worked. He worked long and hard! Little by little, his witness and zeal brought about a change of attitude. "The Church has its problems - but this guy's alright!" some said. Others: "If they had more VESTNIK 2022 | 21 Obvestila - Announcements priests like him, I'd even think about rejoining!" People thought: "Papist though he be... he seems to be a saint." The witness of his life sowed the leaven of the search for truth in consciences. Unbelievably results came. At the beginning of the mission there were barely 100 Catholics in the whole region. By the end of1598 there were no more than 100 Protestants in the whole territory. The formula - unwavering devotion to the mission with hard work and constant prayer! Hard work is a martyrdom. It takes constant effort. At the same time, Saint Francis was a big pray-er. He had to be or he would have burned out. The constant and patient exercise of love is fueled by union with God. Doing 'everything through love and nothing through constraint' (Salesian's Strenna/theme for 2022) is backed up with prayer. That's why Francis, the humble bishop of Geneva, became the master and inspirer of the synthesis of action and contemplation. Work and Prayer were his modus operandi. I hope all of us are motivated on our mission to become saints. I hope that all of us will get busy - working and praying - to allow that to happen. CWL Membership Renewal We would like to thank our members for faithfully renewing their membership by giving envelopes directly to Pamela Gosgnach or placing them in the collection basket located in the church vestibule. - Rosemary Sustersic Čiščenje cerkve - Cleaning of the Church Jan 28th Jožica Vegelj and team Feb 5th Gosgnach team Feb 12th Groznik, Erzar, Lukežič Feb 19th Lojska Novak team Darovi - Donations Konec lanskega leta smo dobili dar od dveh faranov naših faranov, zdaj že pokojnih, ki sta ga v svoji zapuščinski oporoki namenila naši cerkvi. Tako je Veronika Čurič namenila dar $1000 in prav tako $1000 Mirko Šega. Lepo je, da sta se spomnila potreb naše župnije v svojih oporokah. Hvala. Heart to Heart (Bishop Crosby) IN HIS APOSTOLIC LETTER, APERUIT ILLIS, Pope Francis instituted the Sunday of the Word of God, to be celebrated on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. So, next Sunday we celebrate Bible Sunday in the Diocese of Hamilton. This annual celebration provides the opportunity on one Sunday of the liturgical year to renew our efforts to make the Sacred Scriptures better known and to encourage a regular dialogue with the living Word. Given the restrictions of pandemic life, the Diocese has prepared a variety of digital resources (both for adults and children) for this year's celebration with specific focus on the Gospel of St. Luke (Year C). Please visit the Diocesan webpage for Bible Sunday to discover more and remember: #TheBibleSpeaks #WeListen! 22 | VESTNIK 2022 "WE SAW THE STAR IN THE EAST, AND WE CAME TO WORSHIP HIM." CF. MATTHEW 2:2 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 2022 Parenting TIP of the Month The Week of Prayer for CHRISTIAN UNITY is celebrated around the world from January 18th to 25th. The Week of Prayer encourages Christians of all denominations to meet, to participate in various liturgical and other community activities, and to pray together that all may be one, as Christ desires. Pastors and parishioners will find helpful suggestions at the following link. Especially recommended are the Eight Days of Prayer which contains daily Scripture readings, reflections, discussion questions and prayers. We pray to the Lord! t Vtem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Kolenc Marija January 17, 2011 Palčič Marija (Ivan) January 17, 2019 Zaverl Ivanka January 18, 2020 Farkaš Michael January 20, 1989 Ceglar Fr. Stanley January 20, 1994 Jelovčan Marija January 20, 2003 Vengar Anton January 21, 2011 Simončič Ivan January 23, 2013 Parenting Tip 136. - Our children are, in many ways, like sponges absorbing all we say and do. Even when we think they aren't watching or listening, they are often taking in our comments, actions and attitudes. In fact, our influence lasts their entire lives and impacts them throughout their lifetime. Equally important is what we don't say about something they are seeing or hearing or doing, since silence is considered consent. Parenting takes constant work, which is why it is considered a vitally important vocation. The rewards, however, of seeing your children grow into healthy, strong adults is worth the effort. Marriage TIP of the Month Marriage Tip 116. - Some people drift into their relationships over a number of years, but it can also be said that people drift out of their relationships as well. We can become complacent and take for granted all the nice things are spouse does for us and/or sometimes we stop doing nice things for them. Over time we compliment less, spend less time together, stop sharing our day, feelings, or hopes and dreams and suddenly lose sight of the other. When we continue to treat our relationship as new, taking the time to discover who the other is and complimenting them for it, we stay firmly attached instead of drifting apart. VM SVETE MAŠE " MASS TIMES: mondayt0 Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only III one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal don bosco conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561 -5971. VESTNIK 2022 | 23 16. 1. 2022 - 23. 1. 2022 svete maše - masses 2. Nedelja med letom 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 16. Januar Marcel, papež Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. 1 t Emlija Balažic Hči z družino t Štefan Dundek, obl. Žena Aranka Dundek z družino tt Marija (obl.) in vsi pok. iz druž. Kolenc Družina Vegelj t Ignac Doma Ivan in Rozina Doma t Magda Udovč Družini Udovč in Levstek t Ignac Prša Štefan in Terezija Vinčec tt Pok. iz slov. skupnosti London 3:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Church Ponedeljek - Monday f Veronika Čurič 7:00 p.m. Anica Miklavčič 17. Januar f Bernard Witting Manja Erzetič Anton (Zvonko), pušč. ff Ignac in Olga Prša Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Torek - Tuesdav t E'vira Taca'skV 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič t Bartek Skrodzki Helena Kwasniewska 18. JANUAR Za božji blagoslov Ivka Pašalic M Ogrska' redovnika tt Vsi pok. iz druž. Pašalič Ivka Pašalic Sreda - Wednesday 19. Januar Suzana, mučenka t t Ignac Horvat Milka Skale 7:00 p.m. Maria Pangus (Mississauga) Cveta Koželj Četrtek - Thursday 20. Januar Fabian ni Boštjan, muč. t t Fr. Stanko Ceglar, obl. Zoltan Gergyek 7:00 p.m. Družina Vegelj Božo in Magda Rimas Petek - Friday 21.Januar Neža (Agnes, Janja), muč. ff Pok. iz družine Albano f Anton Vengar, obl. f Tilka Vengar 7:00 p.m. Marija Števančec Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z druž. Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z druž. Sobota - Saturday 22. Januar Vincencij, diakon-muč. Lavra, devica t Zoltan Gergyek t Maks Pavlič t Marija Hočevar (SL0) t Magda Udovč t Eileen MacKenzie t Adolf Košir 5:30 p.m. Marija Košir Anica Miklavčič T. Weber Families Udovč in Levstek N.N. Marija Košir 3. Nedelja med letom 3rd Sunday in Ordi- Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. ------------- t Terezija Yerič Toni in Marija Franc nary Time t Slavka Mramor Toni in Marija Franc Nedelja božje besede tt Pok. iz družine Miklavčič Anica Miklavčič 23. Januar t Terezija Gonc Olga Glavač z družino t Marija Mrak Milka Pavlič z družino Henrik, duhovnik 24 | VESTNIK 2022