UDK 669.245:621.77:620.186 Original scientific article/lzvirni znanstveni članek ISSN 1580-2949 MTAEC9, 49(5)801(2015) MlCROSTRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF INCONEL 625 DURING HOT ROLLING MlKROSTRUKTURNl RAZVOJ INCONELA 625 MED VROČIM VALJANJEM Franc Tehovnik, Jaka Burja, Bojan Podgornik, Matjaž Godec, Franci Vode Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Prejem rokopisa - received: 2015-08-25; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2015-09-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.274 This research provides an overview of the structural changes that occur during the hot rolling of the nickel superalloy Inconel 625. It is well known that microstructure control is of paramount importance concerning the mechanical properties of a material. The microstructure also plays an important role in processing materials at elevated temperature. ln this work the hot-rolling behaviour of the Inconel 625 superalloy has been investigated. The specimens were hot rolled at a temperature of 1200 °C using different numbers of passes. During the hot rolling the loads were measured and recorded. A light microscope and an electron microscope, employing the electron-backscatter-diffraction (EBSD) technique, were employed to investigate the microstructure evolution, revealing a necklace dynamic-recrystallization mechanism. Keywords: nickel superalloy, hot rolling, dynamic recrystallization, necklace mechanism Raziskava obsega pregled strukturnih sprememb, ki se pojavijo med vročim valjanjem nikljeve superzlitine lnconel 625. Znano je, da je kontrola mikrostrukture odločilnega pomena za mehanske lastnosti materiala. Mikrostruktura ima pomemben vpliv na predelavo materiala pri povišanih temperaturah. Preučevali smo superzlitino Inconel 625 med vročim valjanjem. Vzorci so bili vroče valjani pri temperaturi 1200 °C z različnimi števili prevlekov, med poizkusi smo merili tudi sile valjanja. Vzorce smo preiskali s svetlobnim in elektronskim mikroskopom s tehniko difrakcije povratno sipanih elektronov (EBSD). Raziskali smo razvoj mikrostrukture in potrdili dinamično rekristalizacijo preko "mehanizma ogrlice". Ključne besede: nikljeva superzlitina, vroče valjanje, dinamična rekristalizacija, mehanizem ogrlice 1 INTRODUCTION The Inconel nickel-chromium superalloy 625 is well known for its high strength and outstanding corrosion resistance. The strength of the Inconel alloy is derived from the stiffening effect of the molybdenum and niobium on its nickel-chromium matrix. This combination of elements is also responsible for its superior resistance to a wide range of corrosive environments of high severity as well as the high-temperature effects such as oxidation and carburization. Because of these properties, as well as fatigue and creep resistance, nickel-based superalloys are widely used in modern aero engines and gas turbines1,2. During the hot deformation of metals and alloys, the material flow behaviour is often very complex. ln order to optimize the final mechanical properties, control of the microstructure is of great importance3. Studies show that during hot deformation the work hardening, dynamic recovery (DRV) and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) often occur in the metals and alloys with a low stacking-fault energy4-6. Generally, DRX is not only an important softening mechanism, but also an effective method to refine the crystal grain size. Therefore, in the case of nickel-based alloys, which retain high strengths at high processing temperatures, causing high rolling loads, DRX plays a decisive role. The aim of the current work was to investigate the microstructure evolution and the nucleation mechanisms of the dynamic recrystalliza-tion of Inconel superalloy 625 during hot rolling. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Material Flat specimens of Inconel 625, with the chemical composition given in Table 1, were used for hot rolling tests. The specimens were cut from a thick hot-rolled plate; the specimens were 11 mm high, 145 mm long and 46 mm wide. Table 1: Chemical composition of Inconel 625 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava Inconela 625 w/Vo C N Ni Mo Nb Fe Cr Ti Si lnconel 625 0.012 0.018 63.4 8.7 3.5 0.15 21.8 0.29 0.24 2.2 Hot rolling Before the hot-rolling experiment the specimens were heated to a temperature of 1200 °C and soaked for 30 min in order to obtain a homogeneous temperature field of 1200 °C before each rolling experiment, regardless of the number of passes used. Up to five rolling passes were employed in this study. The logarithmic deformation per pass was 0.223. The logarithmic deformation rate during the rolling was calculated to be 7.12 s-1 for the first, 7.96 s-i for the second, 8.90 s-1 for the third, 9.95 s-1 for the fourth and 11.12 s-1 for the fifth pass. During the hot rolling the rolling loads were monitored using a measurement system with 2000 recordings per second, and converted to stress by dividing the loads by the contact area. The specimen temperature was measured at the beginning and after each rolling pass. After the hot rolling the rolled specimens were air cooled and prepared for microscopic examination. 2.3 Microstructural analysis Light microscopy, SEM and SEM-based electron-backscatter-diffraction (EBSD) analyses were performed on the metallographic samples to reveal the micro-structure and microstructure evolution during the hot rolling. The microstructure was examined optically using a Nikon Microphot FXA, while the EBSD data were collected in a FE-SEM JEOL JSM 6500F field-emission scanning electron microscope using an HKL Nordlys II EBSD camera and Channel 5 software. The EBSD mapping analyses were performed with samples tilted by 70 ° using a 15 kV accelerating voltage and a 1.5 nA probe current. The EBSD map was generated in steps of 2 ^m using 619 x 503 grids with 4x4 binning and minimum 5 and maximum 6 band detection and an indexing rate between 92 % and 97 %. The samples were prepared using a classic metallography preparation procedure, including grinding, polishing and etching, and colloidal silica polishing for the EBSD analysis. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Hot rolling of Inconel superalloy Although the degrees of deformation and the deformation rates used in this study were relatively high, no cracks or failures were observed at the edges of the hot-rolled specimens. The samples after hot rolling and air cooling are presented in Figure 1. However, the temperature drop after each rolling pass was found to be significant. The temperature at the end of first rolling pass was 1130 °C, and the dropped to only 840 °C at the end of the fifth pass. The corresponding loads recorded during the five rolling regimes (number of passes) are given in Figure 2. As shown, the loads increase with the increasing number of passes. The values recorded during the first pass were found to be similar for all five regimes, which also applies to all the other sequences. Furthermore, the temperatures measured during each pass did not vary by more than 15 °C between consecutive tests and the five rolling regimes employed. Nickel superalloys exhibit work hardening at high strains. When comparing the hot rolling of the nickel superalloy Inconel 625 to the superaustenitic steel 904L, done in previous work7, the nickel superalloy shows a greater deformation resistance. For this reason the initial degree of deformation during the industrial processing of nickel superalloy slabs has to be small. The deformation degrees can be higher when the onset of recrystallization begins at sufficiently high temperatures. However, special care must be taken when processing as-cast micro-structures. Otherwise, the ductility of nickel alloys is very good and does not represent any concern. In the present case the microstructure of the initial specimens was already wrought, eliminating any concern about defects occurring due to insufficient ductility. Figure 3 shows the stress evolution during each rolling pass for up to five passes. The corresponding logarithmic strain rates and temperatures measured at the end of each rolling pass are provided in the figure caption. Figure 1: Hot rolled and air cooled specimens of Inconel 625, subjected to different numbers of rolling passes Slika 1: Vroče valjani in na zraku ohlajeni vzorci Inconela 625 z različnimi števili prevlekov Figure 2: Rolling loads with different numbers of rolling passes Slika 2: Sile valjanja z različnimi števili prevlekov valjanja Figure 3: Calculated stress during rolling at different strain rates and the end of rolling temperatures, A first pass