©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2001 Vol. 9, No. 2: 113-118 PRETNERIA METKAE MIRAE SSP. N. (COLEOPTERA: CHOLEVIDAE) FROM MOUNT PRISOJNIK, SLOVENIA Marco BOGNOLO1 and Bojan KOFLER2 'Viale Miramare, 33, 34135 - Trieste, Italia 2Podlubnik 301, SI-4220 Škofja Loka, Slovenija Abstract - Pretneria metkae mirae ssp. n. is described from Prisankova Jama, on Mount Prisojnik (Slovenia). The affinity with Pretneria metkae Bognolo from Mount Triglav is discussed, as well as the relationships between the distribution and the geological features of the habitats. Key words: Coleoptera, Cholevidae, new subspecies. Izvleček - PRETNERIA METKAE MIRAE SSP. N. (COLEOPTERA: CHOLEVIDAE) S PRISOJNIK A Podan je opis podvrste Pretneria metkae mirae ssp. n. iz Prisankove jame na gori Prisojnik (Slovenija). Nova podvrsta je primerjana s tipično obliko Pretneria metkae Bognolo iz nahajališč na Triglavu. Komentirana je povezava med areali, ki jih poseljujeta tipična oblika in nova podvrsta, in geološko sestavo habitata. Ključne besede: Coleoptera, Cholevidae, nova podvrsta. Introduction In 1998 some specimens belonging to the genus Pretneria Miiller, 1931 were found in a cave on Mount Prisojnik. Later on, new findings were recorded in 1999 113 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entoiliologica, 9 (2), 2001 and 2000. According to the results achieved in the recent revision of the genus Pretneria (Bognolo, 2000), the analysis of both the external morphology and male genitalia revealed that the population on Mount Prisojnik represents a new subspecies of P metkae Bognolo, 2000. The subject of this paper is a description of P metkae mirae ssp. n.; a comparison is made between the new subspecies and the type form of P metkae. Pretneria metkae mirae ssp. n. Type locality: Slovenia, Prisojnik, Prisankova Jama (not registered). Type series: Holotype S, Slovenia, Prisojnik, Prisankova Jama, 4. 7. 1998-17. 7. 1999, leg. M. & B. Kofler (coll. B. Kofler, Škofja Loka). Paratypes: Slovenia, Prisojnik, Prisankova Jama, 4 S and 15 15. 8. 1997-4. 7. 1998; 10 S, 4. 7. 1998-17. 7.1999; 5 S and 5 17. 7. 1999-17. 8. 2000, leg. M. & B. Kofler (coll. B. Kofler, Škofja Loka; coll. M. Bognolo, Trieste; coll. Biološki Inštitut Jovana Hadžija, Ljubljana). Diagnosis: A medium sized alpine Pretneria, closely related to P metkae according to the shape of the aedeagus, but clearly distinguishable for the shape of the elytrae rather more elongated (Fig. 1-5) in the new subspecies. Furthermore, the body length is smaller if compared to the type form; the pronotum is slightly more transverse, with the anterior sides feebly rounded. Description: A medium sized Pretneria (S 3.00-3.32 mm, $ 3.25-3.50 mm). Integument shiny, pubescent, colour dark reddish. Head anophthalmous, retractile, narrower than pronotum; occipital carina evident and complete. Mouth parts normal, not specialized. Antennae inserted on the posterior third of head, not extending backwards to half of the elytrae. Pronotum large, transverse (length/width ratio: S 0.73-0.77; $ 0.67-0.72), with maximum width at middle; disc convex, lateral sides feebly rounded anteriorly, sin-uated basally; basal margin narrower than the base of the elytrae. Elytra elongate ovate, slightly shorter in the female (length/width ratio: S 1.68-1.76; $ 1.60-1.70), with maximum width at middle, separately rounded at apex. Legs stout, covered by dense, short pubescence. Protibiae widened at apex, protarsi 4-segmented. In males the two basal tarsomeres are dilated; the first basal tarsomere almost as long as the three following ones (Tab. 1). Aedeagus (Figs. 6, 7) medium sized (0.28-0.30 times the body length), regularly arcuate. Median lobe with lateral sides subparallel in dorsal view, converging fore-wards; apex with a small, sharp tip. Parameres slightly shorter than the median lobe, each furnished with three apical setae. Derivatio nominis: This new subspecies is dedicated to the indefatigable researcher Mrs Mira Kofler, Professor of biology (Škofja Loka). Distribution and ecology: So far P metkae mirae ssp. n. has been found only in a newly discovered and not yet registered fossil cave on the southern slope of Mount Prisojnik at an altitude of about 2400 m. All specimens have been collected only 114 M. Bognolo, B. Kofler: Pretneria metkae mirae ssp. n. from Mount Prisojnik using pitfalls. Together with the new subspecies, Anophthalmias manhartensis man-hartensis Meschnigg has been also found. According to the features already emphasized in the recent revision of the genus Pretneria (Bognolo, 2000), P metkae mirae ssp. n. shows a typical cryophilic attitude. In Prisankova Jama, a 224 m long and 102 m deep cave, it has been found in all parts but mainly in the lower ones. The new finding refers to a locality which lies on the Triassic limestones; this feature seems to be a common point for all alpine species (P metkae and P saulii). The subspecific differences between P metkae mirae ssp. n. and the type form of P metkae are likely due to their segregation. According to the geological map (Fig. 8), a relationship can be found between the distribution and the type of limestone of the specific habitat. The findings of P metkae are related to caves or endogean sites located on limestones and dolomitic limestones of the Upper Triassic. On the opposite, the only finding known so far for P metkae mirae ssp. n. refers to an alpine cave situated on limestones and dolomites of the Middle Triassic. The new discovery adds further relevant data for a better understanding of the ecology of the genus Pretneria. Finally, the distribution of both P metkae (s. lat.) and the whole genus Pretneria has been slightly enlarged northwards. Tab. 1: Morphological variability in Pretneria metkae (s. lat.). LT: body length. Lp/Wp: ratio length/width of pronotum. LE/WE: ratio length/width of elytra. LA/LT: length of antenna/body length. Lj/Wj: ratio length/width of the first protarsomere. Lj/Lpj.: length of the first protarsomere/length of protarsus. Led/LT: length of aedea-gus/body length. P metkae mirae P metkae Lt (mm) s 3,00-3,32 3,25-3,45 9 3,25-3,50 3,50-3,73 lp/wp S 0,73-0,77 0,76-0,78 'S 0,67-0,72 0,70-0,73 le/we S 1,68-1,76 1,61-1,67 ? 1,60-1,70 1,49-1,61 la/lt 8 0,56-0,63 0,57-0,62 ? 0,51-0,54 0,48-0,50 l,/w, 8 2,1-2,3 1,8-2,2 Li/Lp, 8 0,46-0,49 0,46-0,48 ^ed^T 8 0,28-0,30 0,25-0,29 115 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entoiliologica, 9 (2), 2001 Acknowledgements Many thanks to Mrs Mira Kofler, Professor of biology, for her help in research during the last 28 years. The authors are also much obliged to Peter Jeram, Marko Zakrajsek and Walter Zakrajsek, members of the caving club DRP Skofja Loka, as well as Guido Sussa, author of the pictures in this paper. We (mm) - - ■ p melkae mirae -P melkae Le (mm) 1,90 2,CO 2,10 2.20 2.30 2.J0 We (mm) - - ■ P melkae mirae -P melkae Le (mm) 1.90 2.00 2,10 2,20 2,30 2.40 Fig. 1: Shape of elytra in Pretneria metkae (s. lat.). LE: length. WE: maximum width. 116 M. Bognolo, B. Kofler: P/ei/ierif^aie^fiteHiBmenSSPgBalfSMtei^QWa^BtWiajflik Figs. 2-5: Pretneria metkae mirae ssp. n., habitus: 2. holotype 3. paratype Pretneria metkae Bognolo, habitus: 4. paratype 5. paratype Figs. 6, 7: Aedeagus of Pretneria metkae mirae ssp. n. from Mount Prisojnik: 6. paratype, dorsal view; 7. paratype, lateral view. 117 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entoiliologica, 9 (2), 2001 Fig. 8: Distribution of Pretnei a metkae (s. lat.) and its relationship with Triassic limestones. Light grey: Upper Triassic, limestones and dolomitic limestones of neri-tic and shelf facies with levels of evaporites. Dark grey: Middle Triassic, limestones and dolomites of neritic and shelf facies. References Bognolo, M., 2000: II genere Pretneria (Coleptera Cholevidae).- Bollettino della Societá entomologica italiana, 132(1): 2SM-2. Müller, G., 1931: Nuovi coleotteri cavernicoli e ipogei delle Alpi Meridionali e del Carso Adriático.- Atti del Museo Cívico di Sto) a Naturale, Trieste, 11(2): 179-205. Müller, G., 1931: Nuovi coleotteri cavernicoli e ipogei delle Alpi Meridionali e del Carso Adriático.- Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, serie biologica, Trieste, 1: 1-22. Pretner, E., 1949: Aphaobius (Aphaobiella subgen. nov.) budnarlipoglavšeki spec. nov., A. (A.) tisnicensis spec. nov. in opis samca vrste Pretneria saulii G. Müller (Coleóptera Silphidae).- Razprave SAZU, Razred za Prirodoslovne in Medicinske Vede, Ljubljana, 4: 143-158. Pretner, E., 1968: Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae. Coleóptera. Fam. Catopidae. Subfam. Bathysciinae.- Slovenska Akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 3(6): 143-158. Received l Prejeto: 12. 4. 2001 118