ERK'2020, Portorož, 144-147 144 Trajectory Planning By Applying Optimal Velocity Profile Algorithm on Bernstein-B´ ezier Motion Primitives Martina Loknar, Gregor Klanˇ car, Saˇ so Blaˇ ziˇ c Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Trˇ zaˇ ska cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Abstract This paper deals with minimal-time smooth trajectory plan- ning for autonomous mobile systems. The resulting path is defined piecewise by multiple Bernstein-B´ ezier motion primitives that enable continuous velocity and curvature at the junctions. The solution is found by calculating travel time along Bernstein-B´ ezier segments with some free parameters by applying the optimal velocity profile algorithm that considers velocity, acceleration and jerk constraints. The proposed optimization approach was validated in a simulation environment. 1 Introduction Path planning algorithms generate a geometric path from an initial to a final point through pre-defined via-points, either in the joint space or in the operating space of the robot. On the other hand, trajectory planning algorithms assign a time law to the geometric path. There is an in- creasing demand for robots and automatic machines to operate while some function is optimized and quite of- ten the research is focused in time optimization. Path planning and trajectory planning algorithms are therefore attracting considerable interest and remain the crucial is- sues in the field of automation and robotics [1]. Defining the time of via-points progression influences the kinematic and the dynamic properties of the motion: the inertial forces and torques depend on the accelerations along the trajectory, while the vibrations of its mechani- cal structure are mostly determined by the values of the jerk. In order to satisfy kinematic feasibility of the vehi- cle the resulting path should be smooth; it should be real- izable at high speed and at the same time be harmless for the robot in terms of avoiding excessive accelerations of the actuators and vibrations of its mechanical system [1]. Path smoothing is often not integrated in path planning but is usually done after the optimal path is found, which requires additional collision checks and can influence the path optimality. One promising approach would therefore be finding a smooth path to combine motion primitives in a path planning phase [2]. The smoothing techniques, not only limited to sample based planners, rely on using curves to interpolate or fit the given waypoints. The first studies to obtain the shortest curvature con- strained smooth paths consisting of straight lines and cir- cular arcs were performed by [3], but the resulting tracks had a discontinuous curvature. This is why the authors in [4] used Dubins paths and smoothed them with clothoid arcs. The main advantage of clothoids is the linear change of their curvature. Unfortunately clothoids are defined in terms of Fresnel integrals; transcendental functions that cannot be solved analytically. This fact makes clothoids difficult to use in real-time applications so that for real- time motion planning many authors resort to curves with nonlinear curvature that are easier to compute, for exam- ple B´ ezier curves [2]. Other smoothing methods also in- clude application of cubic, quintic or higher order poly- nomials [5] and B-splines [6]. This paper presents the results of a study where the optimal velocity algorithm was validated on fifth-order Bernstein-B´ ezier curve segments with continuous veloc- ity and curvature transitions. The optimal velocity al- gorithm considers restrictions of speed, radial and tan- gential acceleration and radial and tangential jerk. The purpose of the analysis was to determine the travel time along Bernstein-B´ ezier motion primitives in order to find a time optimal corridor-restricted path with the minimum travel time and to provide a better insight into possible trajectory planning strategies. 2 Problem statement Consider the problem of a ground vehicle with a mis- sion defined by corridor and dynamical constraints in a two-dimensional free space. Our goal is to develop and implement an algorithm for generating a trajectory that satisfies these restrictions. Let the motion of a particle along a three times con- tinuously differentiable plane curveC be described as a function of time t2 [0;t f ] by the position vector r(t) measured from a given fixed origin. Velocityv(t), accel- erationa(t) and jerkj(t) vectors can be expressed in the tangential-normal form as: v(t) =v(t) ^ T (1a) a(t) =a T (t) ^ T+a R (t) ^ N (1b) j(t) =j T (t) ^ T+j R (t) ^ N; (1c) where ^ T and ^ N are the unit tangent vector and the unit normal vector, respectively: ^ T(t) = v(t) kv(t)k ; ^ N(t) = _ ^ T(t) k _ ^ T(t)k : (2) 145 Given a feasible segment of the path, which in our case is a Bernstein-B´ ezier curve, the optimization problem is to find the velocity profilev(t) that reaches the end of the curve in minimum time in a way that none of the velocity, acceleration or jerk constraints from Eqs. (3a;3b;3c) are violated: 0 k v(t)k v MAX ; 8t2 [0;t f ]; (3a) a 2 T (t) a 2 TMAX + a 2 R (t) a 2 RMAX 1; 8t2 [0;t f ]; (3b) j 2 T (t) j 2 TMAX + j 2 R (t) j 2 RMAX 1; 8t2 [0;t f ]: (3c) The acceleration and jerk constraints are defined in a sim- ilar way as in [7]. 3 Bernstein-B´ ezier motion primitives AnN-dimensional,n-th order Bernstein polynomialr n ( ) : [0;1]!R N can be defined as: r n ( ) = n X i=0 P i;n B i;n ( ); 2 [0;1]; (4) where is normalized time (0 1),P i;n 2R N is thei-th control point andB i;n ( ) is the Bernstein poly- nomial basis defined as: B i;n ( ) = n i i (1 ) n i ; (5) for alli2f0;:::;ng. Binomial coefficient is defined as: n i = n! i!(n i)! : (6) LettingP n = [P 0;n ;:::;P n;n ]2R N (n+1) be the vec- tor of control points ofr n ( ), the Bernstein polynomial in Eq. (4) can be rewritten in matrix form as: r n ( ) =P n 2 6 6 4 B 0;n ( ) B 1;n ( ) ::: B n;n ( ) 3 7 7 5 : (7) In the case when two or three-dimensional Bernstein poly- nomials are used to describe planar and spatial curves, Bernstein polynomials are often referred to as B´ ezier curves. These curves have useful path planning properties. The first and the last points of the Bernstein polynomial intro- duced in Eq. (4) are its endpoints: r n (0) =P 0;n and r n (1) =P n;n : (8) TheN-dimensional,n-th order Bernstein polynomial also lies within the convex hull defined by its control points. Furthermore, the start and the end of the curve is tangent to the first and the last section of the convex polygon, re- spectively (Fig. 1). dr n d =0 =n(P 1;n P 0;n ); (9) dr n d =1 =n(P n;n P n 1;n ): (10) Other properties of Bernstein polynomials (derivatives, calculating definite integrals, the de Casteljau’s algorithm, degree elevation etc.) do not fall within the scope of this article; more details on this topic can be found in [8]. P 0 P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 Figure 1: Fifth order Bernstein-B´ ezier curve with its convex hull (dotted lines). The curve is tangent to the sides of the con- vex hull, line segmentsP0P1 andP4P5. 3.1 Merging of motion primitives For the sake of generality, we consider a merging of two B´ ezier curves of different orders,r j nj ( ) of ordern j and r j+1 nj+1 ( ) of order n j+1 , into a spline. The three condi- tions for continuous first and second derivatives (C 2 con- tinuity) in the junction are: lim !1 r j nj ( ) = lim !0 r j+1 nj+1 ( ); (11) lim !1 dr j nj ( ) d = lim !0 dr j+1 nj+1 ( ) d ; (12) lim !1 d 2 r j nj ( ) d 2 = lim !0 d 2 r j+1 nj+1 ( ) d 2 ; (13) This yields the following relations between the control points of both B´ ezier curves: P j+1 0;nj+1 =P j nj;nj ; (14) P j+1 1;nj+1 = (1+ n j n j+1 )P j nj;nj n j n j+1 P j nj 1;nj ; (15) P j+1 2;nj+1 = 1+ n j n j+1 2+ 1+n j 1+n j+1 P j nj;nj 2 1+ n j (1+n j ) n j+1 (1+n j+1 ) P j nj 1;nj + n j (1+n j ) n j+1 (1+n j+1 ) P j nj 2;nj : (16) 3.2 Path generation B´ ezier curves constructed by large numbers of control points are numerically unstable. For this reason, in path planning, it is desirable to construct a smooth way by joining together low degree B´ ezier curves. We employed the curves of the fifth order, as this is the least degree of B´ ezier curves that can satisfy the re- quirement for curvature (C 2 ) continuity. The fifth-order Bernstein -B´ ezier curver 5 ( ) = [x( );y( )] T is defined by six control pointsP i;5 = [x i ;y i ],i2f0;1;:::5g. r 5 ( ) = (1 ) 5 P 0;5 +5 (1 ) 4 P 1;5 +10 2 (1 ) 3 P 2;5 +10 3 (1 ) 2 P 3;5 +5 4 (1 )P 4;5 + 5 P 5;5 : (17) 146 The complete path through the corridor consists of sev- eral Bernstein-B´ ezier curve sections. According to Eqs. (14-16) forn j = 5 andn j =n j+1 the first three control points of the(j +1)-th Bernstein-B´ ezier curver j+1 5 are: P j+1 0;5 =P j 5;5 ; (18) P j+1 1;5 = 2P j 5;5 P j 4;5 ; (19) P j+1 2;5 = 4P j 5;5 4P j 4;5 +P j 3;5 : (20) whereP j i;n is thei-th control point ofj-th curver j 5 . The last control pointP j+1 5;5 is defined by the final position: P j+1 5;5 = x j+1 5 y j+1 5 : (21) The expressions for the control points P j+1 4;5 and P j+1 3;5 follow from evaluating the first and the second derivative of r j+1 5 in = 1 and setting its values to v spline and a spline , respectively: dr j+1 5 d =1 =v spline ; (22) d 2 r j+1 5 d 2 =1 =a spline : (23) P j+1 4;5 andP j+1 3;5 are defined by both the final position and the final orientation’ j+1 5 : P j+1 4;5 =P j 5;5 1 5 v spline cos(’ j+1 5 ) sin(’ j+1 5 ) ; (24) P j+1 3;5 = P j 5;5 +2P j 4;5 + + 1 20 a spline cos(’ j+1 5 ) sin(’ j+1 5 ) ; (25) It should be pointed out that the values of the first and the second curve derivative in the (j + 1)-th Bernstein- B´ ezier curve end pointP j+1 5;5 ,v spline anda spline , are not true speed and tangential acceleration. The notation that we used simply reflects the analogy. The flowchart in Fig.(2) describes the general princi- ple of operation of the proposed trajectory planning al- gorithm. Corridor consists of m segments and j is the number of the current segment on which the calculation is performed: j2f1;2;:::mg. The given coordinates and values of velocity, angle and tangential acceleration inP j 0;5 according to Eqs.(19-20) also determine the sec- ond and the third control point of the B´ ezier curve,P j 1;5 andP j 2;5 . The problem is to calculate the three remaining control points of the B´ ezier curve along which the travel time is the shortest. To find the solution, MATLAB’s in- tegrated function fmincon was used. This is a solver- based nonlinear optimization approach that finds a min- imum of a constrained nonlinear multivariable function. The starting point of the optimization is travel time along a B´ ezier curve, given by setting the coordinates, veloc- ity, angle and tangential acceleration in the final control pointP j 5;5 . The control pointsP j 3;5 andP j 4;5 are deter- mined according to the Eqs.(24-25). The travel time t along this B´ ezier curve is calculated by applying the al- gorithm that generates the optimal velocity profile. The functionfmincon then iteratively modifies the free pa- rameters ((x;y);v;’ and a T ) in P j 5;5 in a way that the travel time along the curve decreases until the local min- imum is found (t MIN in Fig.(2)). This is a basic concept of the gradient method: from the starting point the op- timization function at each iteration takes either a direct (Newton) step or a conjugate gradient step to reach the local minimum of the cost function. The calculation is repeated for each segment to finally determine the com- plete trajectoryG 1 along the corridor. 𝑗 = 1 𝑗 = 𝑗 + 1 NOS NO input data: corridor and dynamical restrictions Bézier curve with fixed (𝑥 , 𝑦 ), ϕ, 𝑣 , 𝑎 𝑇 in 1 𝑠𝑡 control point solution: fixed parameters for Bézier curve on 𝑗 -th segment optimal velocity profile algorithm on Bézier curve ⇒ 𝑡 setting (𝑥 , 𝑦 ), ϕ, 𝑣 , 𝑎 𝑇 in 5 𝑡 ℎ control point end start Type equation here. YES S 𝑡 𝑀𝐼𝑁 found? YES S 𝑗 = 𝑚 ? fmincon Figure 2: The basic principle of operation of the proposed tra- jectory planning algorithm. In order to study the effectiveness of the proposed method, the time optimal trajectory planning algorithm is executed in two other versions. In the second version, minimal travel timet MIN;2seg is calculated along B´ ezier curves for two successive corridor segments (for j and j +1) and in the third versiont MIN;3seg it is calculated for three successive corridor segments (forj, j +1 and j+2). Then, only the control pointsP j i;5 (i2f0;:::;ng) of thej-th segment are retained. This procedure is per- formed on the next segments until the the complete tra- jectory along the corridor is found:G 2 in the second and G 3 in the third version of the algorithm. 4 Simulation results To demonstrate our trajectory planning method, we de- signed the problem as follows: compute the time opti- mal trajectory through the given 6-segment corridor with the following dynamical restrictions: v MAX = 1:5m=s, a TMAX = 2m=s 2 , a RMAX = 4m=s 2 , j TMAX = 6m=s 3 147 andj RMAX = 8m=s 3 . On the starting line, the values of velocity and tangential acceleration are v = 1m=s and a T = 0:5m=s 2 . The initial position is [0, 0] and the ini- tial orientation is set parallel to the corridor center line. Figure (3) shows the given six segment corridor and the optimal trajectories G i , depicted with a thick black line. The sets of discarded Bernstein-B´ ezier curves are depicted with thin grey lines. G 1 ,G 2 ,G 3 are calculated based on knowledge of the shape of the current segment, two succesive segments and three successive segments, respectively. Figure 3: Time optimal trajectoryG3 (left). For comparison: iteration steps in the last three segments forG1 (top right) and G2 (bottom right). Table (1) lists the travel timest i at the end of the separate corridor segments. The evidence from this study proves that the time optimal trajectory can be determined by our trajectory planning method. Furthermore, the more suc- cessive segments are taken into account when performing the calculation, the lower is the overall minimal travel time. Table (2) presents some computational properties of the proposed algorithm: number of iterations per seg- mentN it;seg , number of points (per segment)F-count where the function evaluations took place, and the to- tal computation time t COMP . It should be pointed out that the problem has many constraints and theF-count can be significantly less than the total number of function evaluations. [s] t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 P 6 i=1 t i G 1 1.79 0.80 2.93 2.48 0.96 0.85 9,81 G 2 1,75 0,62 2,74 2,41 1,03 0,65 9,20 G 3 1,73 0,62 2,75 2,43 1,01 0,64 9,18 Table 1:ti and overall travel time P 6 i=1 ti forGi. N it;seg F-count t COMP [s] G 1 25 250 246 G 2 13 190 306 G 3 19 305 738 Table 2: Computational properties of the proposed algorithm. The current solutions to the time optimal trajectory generation problem under kinematic constraints (that in- clude jerk limitations) exist mainly for robot manipula- tors, whereas the literature on the same topic in the case of autonomous vehicles is still scarce. A key problem with much of the literature is also that the approaches of- ten do not support Cartesian constraints. 5 Conclusion This paper presents a trajectory planning algorithm in a free space that is based on Bernstein-B´ ezier curves and considers corridor and dynamical (velocity, acceleration and jerk) constraints. B´ ezier curves provide an efficient way to generate the optimized trajectory and satisfy the constraints at the same time. The simulation results show that the minimal travel time through the corridor is the lowest in the case when three successive corridor seg- ments are considered in the proposed method. Despite some limitations, we believe that the results of this study could be the basis for our future research on similar receding horizon control methods to generate real-time optimal trajectories with dynamical restrictions. In the future, we will also consider a development of a more sophisticated way to determine whether the calcu- lated path is within the corridor boundaries. Using higher order B´ ezier curves with more free parameters might also prove to be beneficial. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0219). References [1] A. Gasparetta, P. Boscario, A. Lanzutti, and R. Vidoni, Mo- tion and Operation Planning of Robot Systems, Chapter 1 - Path Planning and Trajectory Planning Algorithms: A General Overview, vol. 29. 2015. [2] G. Klanˇ car, M. Seder, S. Blaˇ ziˇ c, I. ˇ Skrjanc, and I. Petrovi´ c, “Drivable Path Planning Using Hybrid Search Algorithm Based on E* and Bernstein-B´ ezier Motion Primitives,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Sys- tems, no. 1957, pp. 1–15, 2019. [3] L. E. 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