Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 28/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 08. 07. 2012 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 14th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dvojno čudenje Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Nazarečani so se čudili nad domačinom Jezusom. Strme so ga poslušali. Še več. Škandalizirali so se in spotikali nad njim. Koga naj bi se le delal, če pa so ga poznali in vedeli preprosto to, da je navaden delavec, tesar, Jožefov in Marijin sin in ničesar več! Tako se je zgodilo, da je Jezus prišel med svoje, a da ga svoji niso sprejeli. Ker ni ustrezal njihovim pričakovanjem, njihovi domišljiji. In tudi nam večkrat ne ustreza, ker si ga predstavljamo po svoje, ne pa takega kot se nam je razodel. Tako je bilo za Nazarečane nekdaj, kot je za vse nas danes, pohujšanje vere, ki je v tem, da je modrost in moč Boga samega spregovorila in delovala kot izpostavljena in nora ljubezen do nas. Takšne modrosti Nazarečani niso hoteli sprejeti. Jezusa so zavrnili, kot so nekdaj Jožefovi bratje zavrgli svojega lastnega brata. Odpisali so ga in prodali. Toda prav prodani Jožefj e postal zanje čudovita zgodba odrešenja. Evangelij pa govori še o drugem neverjetnem čudenju, namreč Jezusovem: »In čudil se je njihovi neveri.« Do te mere, da tam ni mogel storiti nobenega čudeža. Tudi ko Bog prihaja po Jezusu do nas, da bi nas ozdravil in odrešil, ostaja nemočen brez našega sprejema. Da bi se nam Bog lahko približal, mora v nas najti »začetno vero« in srčno hrepenenje, da bi se mu tudi mi približali in se ga dotaknili. Mnogi v evangelijih zapisani Jezusovi čudeži so pomenili njegov pozitivni, odrešujoči odgovor na človekovo iskanje. V Jezusovih čudežih so ljudje prepoznali znamenja božjega delovanja po Jezusu. Cudež se lahko zgodi le tam, kjer je vera, kjer so odprtih rok. Vedno novih znamenj te bližine potrebujemo tudi sami v teku zgodovine našega verovanja. Čeprav izpovedujemo vero, poznamo tudi čase dvomov in malovernosti. Če nismo takšni ljudje, kot si želimo, ni to zaradi nemoči božje besede ali pomanjkljivosti delovanja božjega Duha, marveč zaradi naše nevere in nezaupanja, zaradi česar utegnemo ostati jetniki samega sebe. SLOVENSKI PARK - Nedelja, 1. julij 2012 Ob praznovanju »Kanadskega dneva« smo se zbrali pri obhajanju svete evharistije pri kapeli v Slovenskem parku. Senca dreves je bila dobrodošla ob vrčen opoldanskem soncu. Pri boboslužju so vsi navzoči sodelovali s petjem, Vanessa Scarcelli je v angleščini prebrala prvo berilo, Magda Razpotnik pa drugo. Ob koncu svete maše smo opravili blagoslovitev SPOMINSKEGA DREVESA in plošče s posvetilom. Odbor Slovenskega parka s predsednikom Dany-jem Demšarjem, se je odločil, da naj se posadi poleg kapele drevo, ki bo v spomin na vse pokojne člane Slovenskega parka. G. Župnik je blagoslovil drevo, Magda R. je prebrala Prešernovo pesem: Memento mori, nato pa smo prisluhnili pesmi: ... First Reading Ezekiel 2:2-5 Ezekiel is to carry out his prophetic ministry come what may. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Paul examines his own experience and realises his strength comes only from God. Gospel Mark 6:1-6 Jesus is unable to minister in his own town because of the suspicion of the people. Illustration What is it in our human nature that makes us so fascinated by celebrity, by fame, by stardom? What is it that equally fascinates us when those whom we once admired fall from grace? Modern communications mean that celebrity has taken on a whole new dimension and people can now become world-famous virtually overnight. For those who do become celebrities it can bring its own stresses and strains, including sometimes the envy of those who wish to emulate them. And so the media embark on the seemingly never-ending cycle of putting people on pedestals from which they then seek to remove them. And if we are not careful we become part of the game, following the gossip and joining in the tweeting and twittering that fuel it. Of course, every generation has had its celebrities, its stars, its people with what our society 220 | VESTNIK 2012 calls "the X factor". And even without the assistance of modern methods of communication, such was their influence that their names have come down to us through history. In some cases we can see how "the mighty have fallen", but in others their hero status has not been impaired by the passage of time: sometimes quite the opposite. Gospel Teaching Jesus of Nazareth did not need a talent contest to establish his credentials two thousand years ago. Yet, by the same token, his fame and his popularity were enough for his own townsfolk to become suspicious and start casting aspersions. How could someone they knew so well be a prophet? Of course, the real trouble was that Jesus was challenging their complacency, and so they succumbed to the classic temptation of seeking to discredit him. Even Jesus was taken aback and expressed his dismay. But perhaps what is more remarkable is that because of their attitude towards him, Jesus was rendered powerless and unable to minister to them. We should not be surprised by all this. Jesus had not come to force the issue, either with his own people or with us. He had come to show people the truth and to point them - and us - in the "For it is when I am weak that I am strong." way of honesty and integrity. Inevitably this will expose the duplicity and hypocrisy in people's behaviour and attitudes - including our own. St Paul was able to grasp the paradox of all this and allow Christ to help him see a true reflection of himself in the mirror of his personal experience. This enabled him to recognise that he could cope with his weaknesses because they were a reminder of how dependent he was on Christ's saving power. And so he was able to provide us with the ultimate paradox: "It is when I am weak that I am strong." Application You and I do not need to discredit others in an attempt to reassure ourselves that we are not so bad after all. Rather, we are called to allow Christ to be our Way, our Truth and our Life. Only then can we imitate St Paul and not allow our weaknesses and failings to become sources of discouragement but rather allow Christ to turn them to good. However, the challenge for us today is even more complicated than that. We can be tempted to take solace in other people's weaknesses and failures in order to show ourselves in a better light - thinking, perhaps, "I may not be perfect, but I'm not as bad as them". But are we aware that our own attitudes and behaviour as members of Christ's Church, including our willingness to recognise and admit our faults, may have an effect on how others perceive the message of the Gospel? If ever the Church needed to reveal to the world the importance of humility, it is now. Jesus humbly accepted the limitations of his human condition and triumphed through the humility and horror of his passion and death. Here surely was the ultimate proof of St Paul's paradox on weakness: we even speak of the triumph of the cross. Obvestila - Announcements KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - JUNIJ- AVG. 2012 ♦ V nedeljo 22. julija, je ob 12:30 popoldne sveta maša na Bledu, ko imajo tam tudi žegnanje -proščenje. ♦ V nedeljo 5. avgusta, je ob 1:00 popoldne sveta maša v Slovenskem parku. 12th Annual Slovenian Day Camp: August 7 - August 10, 2012_ We again welcome Slovenian Campers to our 12th Annual Summer Day Camp here at our Parish. We have a week Planned with exciting and fun activities for all our kids. There will be lots of crafts, sports, singing, dancing, Water Fun and of course our week wouldn't be complete without a few surprises. We hope that our Slovenian youngsters will take this opportunity to enjoy the company of great friends and ready to make new friends share in laughter, cheering and a week filled with fun. We're all sure to have an awesome time at SDC! For Teenagers in high school - if you need your volunteer hours, you can get your 40 hours in just one week. So we welcome you to take this opportunity to have fun with kids, participate in your community and fulfil your volunteer requirements. If you have kids, grandchildren, cousins, etc... between the ages of 4 and 11 yrs, tell them about our camp and sign up now. It's only $65.00 for a week of fun packed activities! For more information and to sign up, please contact Heidy Novak at 905-689-1367 ( as soon as possible. We always have lots of kids so the sooner we know our numbers, the better we can plan for another great camp this summer. This is a great Opportunity for our kids to be part of our Slovenian Community and spend time with some Slovenian friends. I hope you will come and enjoy the week of August 7-10, 2012 with us. We look forward to seeing you there! ČAS POČITNIC_ V času moje odsotnosti, to je od 10. julija do 16. avgusta 2012, me bo nadomeščal g. Marjan Lamovšek. Marjan je bil tukaj že večkrat in pozna razmere v župniji. Želim mu, da bi tudi on imel nekaj počitnic tu v Hamiltonu. V tem času ni predvidenih posebnih dogodkov, razen žegnanja na Bledu in maše v začetku avgusta v Slovenskem parku. V ponedeljek 9. julija in torek 10. julija bosta maši samo zjutraj ob 8:00 a.m. DAROVI_ Za Gradbeni sklad so darovali: $100 Toni in Marija Franc, $100 Gertruda Korošec, $50 Jožef in Eufemija Tompa, $100 n.n.; $100 Ivan in Marija Miketič; $200 Štefan in Francka Antolin; $100 Janko Demšar; $50 N.N.; $50 N.N.; $50 N.N.; $100 Ciril in Slavka Virant. Za gradbeni sklad sta Štefan in Gizella Ray darovala namesto rož $40 v spomin na Ivana Obal, $40 v spomin Ivana Sobočana, $40 v spomin na Tončko Demšar, $40 v spomin na Jožeta Jeriča. V spomin na pokojnega Jožeta Jeriča so za gradbeni sklad darovali: $100 Frank in Slavka Mramor; $20 V. In M. Benc; $100 Englsih choir; $100 John Krenos; $25 Patricia Renzella; $50 Društvo sv. Jožefa. V spomin na pokojne farane Toni in Marija Franc darujeta $100 za misijone. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - QUEBEC_ The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph has organized a very exciting 5 day/4 nights excursion to the beautiful Charlevoix Region of Quebec -September 2-6, 2012. Tour highlights: 1 night stay at the Hotel Normandin in Quebec City; 2 nights at the Fairmont Richelieu in Charlevoix; 1 night stay at the Best Western in Montreal; 4 breakfasts, 1 lunch and 3 dinners; visit to St. Anne de Beaupre shrine; visit many interesting sites and experience the real French joie de vivre; tour of the Biosphere in Montreal; Charlevoix Casino with $10. slot play; all taxes and gratuities included. Cost per person: $789. dbl; & $769 tpl. Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For registration - contact Jerry Ponikvar 905-333-5813 or Frank Erzar 905-643-0285. ROMANJE V BARAGOVE KRAJE_ Avtobus je skoraj poln, še nkaj prostih mest je. Cena, če bo avtobus poln, ostane $350, sicer bo šla rahlo gor. Prosimo vas, če do srede avgusta poravnate vaš prispevek, ker do takrat moramo plačati avtobus in prenočišča. Kot že veste, odhajamo že v petek 21. septembra zjutraj, da pridemo do večera v Maquette. V soboto dopoldne se bomo zapeljali do kraja Calumet, kjer je bilo v Baragovih časih veliko Slovencev, tako, da so si zgradili svojo cerkev sv. Jožefa. V okolici so bili rudniki bakra. V soboto zvečer je v Marquettu slovenska maša. V nedeljo dopoldne si bomo pogledali še kakšne znamenitosti, popoldne pa je angleška maša in banket. V ponedeljek zjutraj pa se vračamo proti domu. GRADNJA DVIGALA IN PRENOVA SANITARIJ Gradnja, kot lahko opazite, poteka nemoteno naprej. Zunaj počasi rastejo stene, kjer bo dvigalo, znotraj pa bodo začeli s polaganjem pološčic v sanitarijah, prostori dobivajo svojo podobo. Namestili so nova vrata in razna instalacijska dela. OD 08. 07. 2012 svete maše - masses DO 15. 07. 2012 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 08. Julij f Jože Uduč, obl. 9:30 a.m. Zena z družino Gregor Grassi, škof ff Sidonija in Marija Zrim, obl. 11:00 a.m. Mož z družino Ponedeljek - Monday I , ¡f" - „ 8:00 ^M^j in J3"62 H™ ff Pokojni iz družine Kure Marija in Janez Hočevar ff Martina in Diana Marija in Janez Hočevar Hudirjm UI, papez f ¡^ Sobočan Ignac in Marija Horvat Torek - Tuesday 10. Julij Amalija, redovnika f Ivan Obal f Branko Ježovnik ff Jože in Ivan Ray Za zdravje 8:00 a.m. Žena Veronika Žena Dorothea Ježovnik Brat Štefan Ray in Gizella Ludvnik Hull z družino Sreda - Wednesday f ¡van Sobočan 7.00 p.m. Ana Matajič /Toronto/ 11. Julij f ¡van Sobočan Slavko Miklavčič Olga Kijevska, f Slavko Štern Družina Likavec kneginjct ff Marija in Alojz Joželj, obl. Hči Sonja Langenfus Četrtek-Thursday f Anton Vengar _ 7:00 p.m. Družini Zvan in Watson . ff Janez in Alojzija Žvan Družina Zvan J f ¡van Sobočan Verona in Franc Marič Mohor in Fortunct,mučn Alojz in Marija Bizjak Pepca Hapke Petek-Friday f Blaž Čulig 7:00 p.m. Stefan Kenbič z družino . ff Martha in Stanislav Benbedek Družina Hozjan 13 JULIJ f ¡van Sobočan Pavla in Frank Pelcar Joel,prerok f Lojze Donša Amalija in Mirko Po namenu 8:15 a.m. n.n. Sobota - Saturday f Janez Zvan 5:30 p.m. Tilka Vengar z družino 14. Julij f Stane Napast Zena Frančiška Napast Božidar, škof f Matija Vlašič Katie in George Tržok ff Marija in Jožef Heric Hčerka Anica 15. NEDELJA MED LETOM za žive in rajne župljane 15. Julij f Marija Joželj, obl. 9:30 a.m. Hči Sonja Langenfus Bonaventura, škof,c.uč. f Edward Zekš 11:00 a.m. žena svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. 111 poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation don bosco (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971,