14. FEBRUAR 2005 14 FEBRUARY 2005 št./No 51 15 KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIŠTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING št./No 7 MORSKO RIBIŠTVO, SLOVENIJA, DECEMBER 2004 IN 2004 MARINE FISHING, SLOVENIA, DECEMBER 2004 AND 2004 V decembru 2004 so ribiči ulovili 41 ton morskih živali, ribogojci in školjkarji pa vzredili še okoli 17 ton rib in školjk. Skupna masa vseh v decembru 2004 ulovljenih in vzrejenih morskih živali je bila manjša kot v predhodnem mesecu (za 8,5 %), manjša kot v decembru 2003 (za 36,8 %) in manjša od mesečnega povprečja v letu 2003 (za 46,6 %). In December 2004 fishermen caught 41 tons of marine animals. Fish farmers and shell farmers bred about 17 tons of fishes and shells. Compared to the previous month and December 2003, the total mass of caught and bred marine animals decreased by 8.5% and 36.8% respectively. It was also 46.6% lower than the monthly average of 2003. V letu 2004 so morski ribiči in ribogojci ulovili in vzredili okoli 1 086 ton morskih živali. Ulov je tehtal 808 ton, vzrejene ribe in školjke pa 277 ton. V primerjavi z letom 2003 se je morski ribolov zmanjšal za dobro četrtino (25,7 %), marikultura pa se je povečala za 34,4 %. Ulov in vzreja skupaj pa sta bila za 16,1 % slabša kot v letu 2003. V skupni masi v letu 2004 ulovljenih in vzrejenih morskih živali je delež marikulture dosegel 25,5 % ali za 9,4 odstotne točke več kot v letu 2003. In 2004 marine fishermen and fish farmers caught and bred about 1,086 tons of marine animals. The total mass of caught marine animals was 808 tons while the total mass of bred fish and shells was 277 tons. In comparison with 2003 the catch in the sea was down by a quarter (25.7%), but mariculture was up by 34.4%. Total production of marine fishing and mariculture was down by 16.1%. In the total production of marine fishing in 2004 the share of mariculture was 25.5% or 9.4 percentage points more than in 2003. Slika 1: Mesečni ulov in vzreja morskih živali, Slovenija, ∅ 1999-2003, 2003 in januar-december 2004 Chart 1: Monthly catch of marine animals and mariculture, Slovenia, ∅ 1999-2003, 2003 and January- December 2004 0 50 100 150 200 250 J F M A M J J A S O N D Mesečni ulov, 2003 / Monthly catch, 2003 Mesečni ulov, 2004 / Monthly catch, 2004 Povprečni mesečni ulov, 1999-2003 / Average ∅ monthly catch, 1999-2003∅ © SURS ton / tons ZAČASNI PODATKI PROVISIONAL DATA Statistične informacije, št. 51/2005 2 Rapid reports No 51/2005 1. ULOV IN MARIKULTURA V RIBOLOVNEM OBMOČJU FAO F_R37_2_1, PO MESECIH, SLOVENIJA, 20041) CATCH AND MARICULTURE IN FAO FISHING REGION F_R37_2_1, BY MONTHS, SLOVENIA, 20041) kg Vrste rib Šifra New Cronos New Cronos code Januar January Februar February Marec March April April Maj May Junij June Species Ulov, skupaj CATCH F00 60982 11281 25506 25487 66751 105086 Total fishery products Ribe, skupaj CATCH F03 59230 10867 25157 24688 65519 101627 Total marine fish Sardela PIL 46022 8232 20689 16343 42439 58919 European pilchard Papalina SPR 1578 80 - - 2 - Europian sprat Sardon (inčun) ANE 2058 477 2735 4056 18235 32781 European anchovy Skuša (škomber) MAC - - - 10 114 318 Atlantic mackerel Lokarda MAS - - - - 6 - Chub mackerel Šur HOM - - - 27 262 340 Atlantic horse mackerel Mol WHG 3487 516 577 1250 2234 3854 Whiting Molič (bužban) POD 276 64 50 44 21 93 Poor cod Oslič HKE 188 37 18 141 56 114 European hake Bradači MUR+MUT 12 3 - - - - Striped mullet Zlati cipelj MUL-1 1643 723 47 537 133 1802 Golden mullet Glavati cipelj (volpina) MUF 90 20 12 30 0 206 Flathead grey mullet Drugi ciplji MUL-2 33 30 230 206 37 322 Mullets nei Ugor COE 26 10 151 41 18 8 European conger Brancin BSS 52 73 49 39 21 299 European seabass Orada SBG 1 6 10 98 123 40 Gilthead seabream Menola PIC 16 5 159 602 347 107 Picarels Bukva BOG 49 - - - 27 76 Bogue Gavun SIL 1092 274 292 541 180 176 Silversides (Sandsmelts) Salpa SLM 1 - - 51 49 424 Salema (=Strepie) Morski list (švoja) SOL 188 16 15 191 240 238 Common sole Romb TUR 124 0 10 11 11 8 Turbot Iverka (pasara) FLE 1988 57 25 12 2 9 European flounder Navadni morski pes SDV 16 - - 3 243 303 Smooth-hounds Špar SRG 12 10 - 167 229 269 Sargo breams Ovčica (mormora) SSB 51 180 - 106 46 61 Sand steenbras Ribon PAC 103 5 - 67 135 481 Common pandora Črni glavač GBN 80 41 62 85 213 230 Black goby Vrvica CBC - - - - - 115 Ray-finned fishes n.e.i. Druge ribe MZZ 44 8 26 30 96 34 Marine fishes nei Raki, skupaj CATCH F40 67 36 5 77 157 1158 Crustaceans, total Morska bogomolka MTS 67 36 5 77 151 1158 Spottail mantis squilid Drugi raki - - - - - 6 - Other crabs Mehkužci, skupaj CATCH F50 1685 378 344 722 1075 2301 Molluscs, total Ligenj SQC 917 111 151 187 67 74 Common squids Sipa CTC 207 56 45 329 898 165 Common cuttlefish Moškatna hobotnica OCM 206 46 36 86 20 1762 Musky octopuses Ladinka (dondola) SVE 98 68 55 60 40 50 Striped venus Čokati in bodičasti volek MUE 22 - 30 - 20 80 Murex Druge školjke in polži - 235 97 27 60 30 170 Shells and snails nei Marikultura, skupaj AQUA F00 31254 12230 5980 8050 10150 24980 Total aquaculture production Ribe, skupaj AQUA F03 20450 12210 5980 7350 7350 8180 Total marine fish Brancin BSS 12650 8450 4380 4950 4950 6750 European seabass Orada SBG 7800 3760 1600 2400 2400 1430 Gilthead seabream Druge ribe - Other fishes nei Školjke, skupaj AQUA F04 10804 20 - 700 2800 16800 Total shelfish Klapavica MSM 10804 20 - 700 2800 16800 Mediterranean mussel Morski ulov in marikultura, skupaj GPR_R37_2_1 92236 23511 31486 33537 76901 130066 Total fishery and aqua products 1) Ribolovno območje FAO 37_2_1 je ribolovno območje slovenskih ribičev (severni del Jadranskega morja). FAO 37_2_1 fishing region is the fishing region of Slovene fishermen (North part of Adriatic sea). Statistične informacije, št. 51/2005 Rapid reports No 51/2005 3 1. ULOV IN MARIKULTURA V RIBOLOVNEM OBMOČJU FAO F_R37_2_1, PO MESECIH, SLOVENIJA, 20041 (nadaljevanje) CATCH AND MARICULTURE IN FAO FISHING REGION F_R37_2_1, BY MONTHS, SLOVENIA, 20041) (continued) kg Vrste rib Šifra New Cronos New Cronos code Julij July Avgust August September September Okrober October November November December December Species Ulov, skupaj CATCH F00 134866 129036 82653 89225 36562 40983 Total fishery products Ribe, skupaj CATCH F03 131460 115498 69354 72754 28219 37748 Total marine fish Sardela PIL 74645 34151 18932 31403 13725 7947 European pilchard Papalina SPR 160 90 274 - 2592 9834 Europian sprat Sardon (inčun) ANE 46377 52767 31430 31908 2569 12536 European anchovy Skuša (škomber) MAC 368 1048 1174 434 99 317 Atlantic mackerel Lokarda MAS - - 9 1 6 - Chub mackerel Šur HOM 409 508 1012 390 21 7 Atlantic horse mackerel Mol WHG 2687 3403 531 240 3295 3529 Whiting Molič (bužban) POD 66 53 48 31 72 86 Poor cod Oslič HKE 38 25 9 1 25 116 European hake Bradači MUR+MUT - 18 1730 925 106 4 Striped mullet Zlati cipelj MUL-1 2215 6617 3333 184 10 119 Golden mullet Glavati cipelj (volpina) MUF - 25 189 115 55 38 Flathead grey mullet Drugi ciplji MUL-2 193 5842 3288 331 48 26 Mullets nei Ugor COE 3 2 23 17 15 - European conger Brancin BSS 128 7 76 83 706 292 European seabass Orada SBG 98 273 2103 1287 57 16 Gilthead seabream Menola PIC 345 1724 317 283 133 194 Picarels Bukva BOG 104 77 60 3 - 1 Bogue Gavun SIL 99 - 5 443 1200 235 Silversides (Sandsmelts) Salpa SLM 918 631 167 17 - 3 Salema (=Strepie) Morski list (švoja) SOL 498 338 353 1300 2240 1062 Common sole Romb TUR 39 18 22 15 122 62 Turbot Iverka (pasara) FLE - 17 1 - - 562 European flounder Navadni morski pes SDV 788 1070 989 331 46 - Smooth-hounds Špar SRG 188 386 235 171 55 2 Sargo breams Ovčica (mormora) SSB 19 34 135 15 1 - Sand steenbras Ribon PAC 678 1749 408 190 74 77 Common pandora Črni glavač GBN 45 877 1183 2251 530 385 Black goby Vrvica CBC 310 2552 1036 72 43 - Ray-finned fishes n.e.i. Druge ribe MZZ 42 1196 282 313 374 298 Other fishes nei Raki, skupaj CATCH F40 406 1255 1099 1060 858 434 Crustaceans, total Morska bogomolka MTS 398 1211 1025 1052 850 407 Spottail mantis squilid Drugi raki - 8 44 74 8 8 27 Other crabs Mehkužci, skupaj CATCH F50 3000 12283 12200 15411 7485 2801 Molluscs, total Ligenj SQC 103 498 549 483 714 524 Common squids Sipa CTC 41 496 7276 11831 5851 1974 Common cuttlefish Moškatna hobotnica OCM 2716 11121 4229 2565 559 143 Musky octopuses Ladinka (dondola) SVE 30 39 56 252 35 20 Striped venus Čokati in bodičasti volek MUE 40 10 - 139 265 102 Murex Druge školjke in polži - 70 119 90 141 61 38 Shells and snails nei Marikultura, skupaj AQUA F00 43520 24925 52784 20310 26385 16621 Total aquaculture production Ribe, skupaj AQUA F03 16200 7715 6180 8750 6289 6387 Total marine fish Brancin BSS 11450 6315 5130 3800 4189 4887 European seabass Orada SBG 4750 1400 1050 4950 2100 1500 Gilthead seabream Druge ribe - Other fishes nei Školjke, skupaj AQUA F04 27320 17210 46604 11560 20096 10234 Total shelfish Klapavica MSM 27320 17210 46604 11560 20096 10234 Mediterranean mussel Morski ulov in vzreja, skupaj GPR_R37_2_1 178386 153961 135437 109535 62947 57604 Total fishery and aqua products Statistične informacije, št. 51/2005 4 Rapid reports No 51/2005 2. Ulov rib, rakov in mehkužcev in marikultura, 2004 Catch of marine fish, crustaceans and molluscs and mariculture, 2004 Šifra New Cronos New Cronos code Masa (kg) Mass (kg) Struktura (%) Structure (%) Indeksi 2004 Indices 2003 Ulov in marikultura, skupaj GPR_R37_2_1 1085607 100,0 83,9 Total fishery and aqua products Ulov CATCH F00 808418 74,5 74,3 Catch Ribe CATCH F03 742121 68,4 68,3 Fish Raki CATCH F40 6612 0,6 110,4 Crustaceans Mehkužci CATCH F50 59685 5,5 91,5 Molluscs Mariculture AQUA F00 277189 25,5 34,4 Mariculture Ribe AQUA F03 113041 10,4 159,5 Fish brancin BSS 77901 7,2 142,3 Gilthead seabream orada SBG 35140 3,2 220,9 European seabass Školjke AQUA F04 164148 15,1 121,3 Shells užitna klapavica MSM 164148 15,1 121,3 Mediterranean mussel 3. Sestava ulova po glavnih kategorijah morskih živali The structure of total mass of caught animals by main categories Šifra New Cronos New Cronos code 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Ulov CATCH F00 100 100 100 100 100 Catch Ribe CATCH F03 98,0 91,5 96,2 93,4 91,8 Fishes Raki CATCH F40 0,0 0,2 0,3 0,6 0,8 Crustaceans Mehkužci CATCH F50 2,0 8,3 3,5 6,0 7,4 Molluscs STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS - ni pojava - no occurrence of event ... ni podatka ... data not available Ø povprečje Ø average * popravljen podatek * corrected data 0 podatek je manjši od 0,5 dane merske enote 0 value not zero but less than 0,5 of the unit employed 0,0 podatek je manjši od 0,05 dane merske enote 0,0 value not zero but less than 0,05 of the unit employed + in več (let, članov,...) + and more (years, members,...) 1) označba za opombo pod tabelo 1) footnote ( ) nezadostno preverjen ali ocenjen podatek ( ) incomplete or estimated data z podatek zaradi zaupnosti ni objavljen z data not published because of confidentiality METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja Purpose of the survey Na podlagi zbranih podatkov prikazujemo maso mesečno ulovljenih in vzrejenih morskih živali. V raziskovanje je zajetih približno 65 vrst rib in glavonožcev, rakov, školjk in polžev, ki jih ribiči lovijo v slovenskih ali mednarodnih vodah, in 3 vrste rib in školjk, ki jih ribogojci in školjkarji gojijo v urejenih gojitvenih objektih. On the basis of collected data we show the mass of monthly caught and bred marine animals. Reports cover 65 types of fishes, cephalopods, crustaceans, shells and snails which were caught in Slovene and international waters and three types of fish and shells bred at breeding sites. Statistične informacije, št. 51/2005 Rapid reports No 51/2005 5 Z raziskovanjem spremljamo tiste vrste morskih živali, ki so po mednarodni klasifikaciji NewCronos evidentirane v ribolovnem območju FAO 37_2_1 (severni del Jadranskega morja) – to je ribolovno območje, v katerem lovijo slovenski ribiči –, in sicer tiste vrste ulovljenih morskih živali, ki jih ribiči lahko prodajo na trgu, ter vodne živali, primerne za vzrejo. Reports cover those types of marine animals that are recorded in FAO 37_2_1 fishing region (North part of Adriatic Sea) by the international NewCronos classification, which is the fishing region of Slovene fishermen, and those types of caught marine animals that fishermen can place on the market and water animals that are suitable for mariculture production. Enota opazovanja Observation units so podjetja in družbe, ki se ukvarjajo z ulovom ali vzrejo morskih rib in školjk, in registrirani zasebni ribiči, ki jim je ribolov glavna ali dopolnilna dejavnost. Če več samostojnih ribičev lovi skupaj, uporabljajoč isto ribiško plovilo (ista plovila), jih štejemo kot eno opazovano enoto. are enterprises and companies dealing with catch and breeding of marine fish and shells and registered private fishermen whose main or supplementary activity is fishing. If several fishermen catch together using the same fishing vessels, they are considered as one observation unit. Viri in zajetje podatkov Sources and coverage of data collection Podatke o ulovu in vzreji morskih rib, glavonožcev, rakov in školjk zbiramo z mesečnimi poročili o morskem ribolovu, ki jih izpolnjujejo podjetja, družbe in zasebni ribiči, ki so registrirani za opravljanje gospodarskih dejavnosti v ribištvu. Data on catch and breeding of marine fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and shells are collected with monthly reports on marine fishing filled in by enterprises, companies and private fishermen registered in the economic activity of catching or breeding marine animals. Definicije Definitions Morski ribolov je gospodarska dejavnost, ki obsega ulov vseh vrst morskih živali. Marine fishing is an economic activity of catching marine animals. Marikultura je gospodarska dejavnost vzreje morskih živali. Mariculture is an economic activity of breeding marine animals. Skupna masa ulovljenih in vzrejenih morskih živali je količina ulovljenih rib, glavonožcev, rakov in/ali školjk ter količina vzrejenih rib in školjk skupaj. The total mass of caught and bred marine animals shows the total quantity of caught fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and shells, and the quantity of removed mariculture. Indeksi mase ulovljenih in vzrejenih morskih živali veljajo za tiste živali, ki so bile ulovljene v opazovanem mesecu. Indices of caught and bred marine animals represent animals caught in the observed month. Objavljanje rezultatov Publishing Mesečno: − Nekateri pomembnejši podatki o Republiki Sloveniji − Mesečni statistični pregled − Statistične informacije. Kmetijstvo in ribištvo. Morsko ribištvo Letno: − Statističi letopis Monthly: − Some Important Data of the Republic of Slovenia − Monthly Statistical Review − Rapid Reports. Agriculture and Fishing. Marine Fishing Annually: − Statistical Yearbook KOMENTAR COMMENT December 2004 December 2004 Morski ribiči in ribogojci so v decembru 2004 ulovili in vzredili 57 ton morskih živali. Skupna masa v tem mesecu ulovljenih in vzrejenih živali ni dosegla mesečnega povprečja v letu 2003 (107,8 ton), pa tudi ne iz leta 2004 (90,5 ton). V decembru je bilo ulovljenih manj vseh vrst morskih živali kot v novembru, razen drobnih pelagičnih. Zanimivo je, da je bilo med ulovljenimi ribami tudi tokrat več sardonov (12,5 ton) kot sardel (8 ton). Ta podatek je lahko pomemben, ker industrija ribjih proizvodov sloni na predelavi sardel. In December 2004 fishermen and fish farmers caught and bred 57 tons of marine animals. The total mass of caught and bred marine animals in this month did not reach the monthly average mass in 2003 (107.8 tons) or the average of 2004 (90.5 tons). With the exception of pelagic fishes, the December catch of all other marine animals was lower than that in November. It is interesting that again among caught fishes there were more European anchovies (12.5 tons) than European pilchards (8 tons). This observation could be important as the industry of fish products leans on the production of European pilchard products. Ribogojci in školjkarji so v decembru dostavili na trg okoli 17 ton vzrejenih rib in školjk. Ponudba je bila za 37,1 % manjša kot v novembru 2004 in za 46,4 % manjša kot v decembru 2003. Nihanja v masi vzrejenih rib in školjk so posledica nizkih odkupnih cen teh proizvodov in visokih stroškov za čiščenje vzrejenih školjk. In December fish farmers and shell farmers placed on the market about 17 tons of bred fishes and shells. The offer was 37.1% lower than in November 2004 and 46.4% lower than in December 2003. The variation of the mass of bred fish and shells is the result of low retail prices of these products and of high cleaning expenses of bred shells. Leto 2004 Year 2004 Lani so ribiči, ribogojci in školjkarji ulovili in vzredili okoli 1 086 ton Last year fishermen and fish farmers caught and bred 1,086 tons of Statistične informacije, št. 51/2005 6 Rapid reports No 51/2005 morskih živali, to je za 16,1 % manj kot v letu 2003 in najmanj po letu 1992. marine animals, which is 16.1% less than in 2003 and the least since 1992. Različne težave so spremljale predvsem morski gospodarski ribolov, vendar je ta s 74,5-odstotnim deležem skupne mase v letu 2004 ulovljenih in vzrejenih morskih živali še vedno prevladujoča gospodarska dejavnost v morskem ribištvu. Various difficulties troubled mainly marine economic fishing, which has nevertheless still been the dominant economic activity with the 74.5% share of total marine fishing production in 2004. Najprej je nenavadno hude težave povzročil pojav ogromnega števila morskih meduz. Zaradi meduz je mesečni ulov februarja, marca in aprila tehtal manj kot 26 ton (tolikšna je bila nekoč količina dnevnega ulova slovenskih ribičev). V spomladanskem času je bila temperatura morja nižja kot navadno, jeseni pa je ribolovno območje slovenskih ribičev ostalo brez večjih jat sardel. Zaradi pomanjkanja sardel se je v skupni masi ulovljenih morskih rib povečal delež sardonov, in sicer s 5,7 % v letu 2003 na 32,1 % v letu 2004. V letu 2004 je bilo za slovenske ribiče najuspešnejše poletno obdobje, saj je bilo celo uspešnejše kot poletje 2003. Vendar je bilo to obdobje prekratko, da bi se ohranili rezultati iz predhodnega leta. Ribiče so ves čas spremljale tudi težave pri ribarjenju na določenih področjih slovenskega ribolovnega območja. Vse skupaj pa je povzročilo, da je bila masa ulovljenih morskih živali v letu 2004 za četrtino manjša od tiste v letu 2003 in za polovico manjša od tiste v letu 2000. The invasion of an enormous number of marine jellyfish caused immense trouble that in February, March and April resulted in the monthly catch lower than 26 tons; such a catch used to be the quantity of daily catch of the Slovene fishermen. Then in spring 2004 the sea temperature was lower than usual and in autumn the fishing region of the Slovene fishermen stayed without major bevies of European pilchards. The shortage of European pilchard had an influence on the share of European anchovies in the total mass of caught marine fishes so that it increased from 5.7% in 2003 to 32.1% in 2004. Summer was the most successful period in 2004 for the Slovene fishermen; it was more successful even than the summer of 2003. However, this period was too short to keep the results from the previous year. Through the whole year fishermen had difficulties in catching in some parts of the Slovene fishing area. All that caused the mass of caught marine animals in 2004 to fall by a quarter compared to 2003 while compared to 2000 it was down by a half. Tudi marikulturo so v letu 2004 spremljale številne težave: zaradi onesnaženosti morske vode v februarju je bil promet s školjkami začasno ustavljen, potem so imeli težave zaradi visokih stroškov za čiščenje vzrejenih školjk in zaradi nizkih odkupnih cen teh proizvodov. Kljub temu se je masa vzrejenih rib v primerjavi z letom 2003 povečala za 59,5 %, masa vzrejenih školjk pa za 21,3 %; v letu 2004 vzrejene ribe in školjke so tako skupaj tehtale 277 ton (to je največja letna proizvodnja morskih vodnih živali v Sloveniji doslej). Delež marikulture v morskem ribištvu se je v letu 2004 povzpel na 25,5 % skupnega ulova. In 2004 mariculture experienced difficulties too; due to polluted marine water in February trade with bred shells was temporarily stopped. This was followed by problems such as high cleaning expenses of bred shells and low retail prices of these products. Nevertheless, the mass of bred fishes increased by 59.5% compared to 2003 and the mass of bred shells was up by 21.3%. 277 tons of bred fish and shells is the highest annual production of marine animals in Slovenia up to now. The share of mariculture in marine fishing in 2004 went up to 25.5% of the total mass of caught and bred marine animals. Opomba: Mesečnih podatkov o morskem ribištvu od januarja 2005 dalje ne bomo več objavljali v publikaciji Statistične informacije, ampak v Prvi statistični objavi. Note: Monthly data on marine fishing for January 2005 and on shall no longer be published in the publication »Rapid Reports«, but in »First Release«. Sestavila / Prepared by: Enisa Lojović Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 105 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Kmetijstvo in ribištvo 1408-9335 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec- English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 105 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408- 192X - ISSN of subcollection Agriculture and fishing 1408-9335 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.