ACROCEPHALUS 36 (164/165): 73-77, 2015 10.1515/acro-2015-0006 Ringing data and occurrence of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major in Sombor (nw Serbia) for the period 1981-2013 Obrockovalski podatki in pojavljanje plavckov Cyanistes caeruleus in velikih sinic Parus majorv mestu Sombor (SZ Srbija) med letoma 1981 in 2013 Thomas Oliver Mero1, Antun Zuljevic1 1 Nature Protection and Study Society - NATURA, Milana Rakica 20, RS-25000 Sombor, Serbia, e-mail: thomas.oliver. Ringing and recapture data of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major in rural habitats have been reported, and the migration of these two species tracked (Blue Tit: Smith & Nilsson 1987, Nowakowski & Chrusciel 2004, Nyquist 2006, Nilsson et al. 2008, Gyuracz et al. 2011; Great Tit: Sokolov et al. 1999, Nowakowski 2001, Nowakowski 2003, Nowakowski & Vahatalo 2003). There is, however, little long-term ringing data for these two species in urban and semi-urban habitats such as towns. The cited studies reported various findings based on ringing data. For example, the migration rates of the two tit species of various ages and the two sexes differ insignificantly (Nowakowski & Chrusciel 2004). The intraspecific differences in migration among different ages and sexes in Blue Tits (Smith & Nilsson 1987) and factors determining migration dynamics in tits (Gyuracz et al. 2011) have been reported. Blue Tits were found to be the slowest long distant migrants, moving in a south-westerly direction in autumn (Nilsson et al. 2008). However, there are, apparently, no studies discussing differences among various urban habitats such as gardens and parks. The numbers of the two tit species in Sombor increase, mainly in the autumn and at the end of winter, while the number of wintering individuals is lower (Mero & Zuljevic 2010). Csorgo et al. (2009) and Mero & Zuljevic (2010) suggest that, in general, the majority of the individuals found in the Carpathian basin during autumn and winter originate from northeast Europe. In the migration and wintering periods, tits greatly prefer urban areas due to the higher probability of survival during the cold seasons in settlements than in rural habitats (Jokimaki & Kaisanlahti-Jokimaki 2012, M0ller et al. 2013). The aim of the present study was (1) to present detailed ringing and recapture data of the Great and Blue Tits in the town of Sombor, (2) to test the relationship between average maximum temperatures for autumn and winter and the number of ringed individuals for the study period in the two species, and (3) to investigate the differences between captures in parks and in gardens. The study was conducted in the town of Sombor (city centre coordinates 45.78 N, 19.09 E) in northwestern Serbia. Bird ringing was performed at 21 sites within the town (Table 1). Detailed descriptions of the study area and of the distribution of the study sites are reported in Mero & Zuljevic (2014). Ringing of tits was conducted between 1981 and 2013 over the entire year, with greater intensity in autumn (October, November and December) and winter (January, February and March). Further details about ringing and circumstances have been reported by Mero & Zuljevic (2014). The sexes of the majority of ringed Blue Tits could not be determined, so sex as a factor was excluded from the study. EURING codes were used in describing the age of tits: 2 - fully-grown, able to fly freely, but age otherwise unknown; 3 - 1st year, fully grown bird hatched in the breeding season of the current calendar year; 4 - after 1st year, fully grown bird hatched before this calendar year, birth Table 1: The ringing locations in the town of Sombor (source Mero & Zuljevic 2014) Tabela 1: Kraji obročkanja v mestu Sombor (vir Mero & ŽuuEVič 2014) Location/ Kraj Habitat Location/ Kraj Habitat Li park L12 avenue L2 park L13 garden L3 garden L14 avenue L4 garden L15 garden L5 garden L16 garden L6 garden Li7 garden L7 garden Li8 garden L8 reed bed L19 reed bed L9 park L20 shrubbery L10 garden L21 reed bed L11 shrubbery 73 T. O. Mero, A. ZuLJEVIC: Ringing data and occurrence of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major in Sombor (NW Serbia) for the period 1981-2013 year otherwise unknown; 5 - 2nd year, a bird hatched last calendar year and now in its second calendar year; 6 - after the 2nd year, a fully grown bird hatched before the last calendar year, birth year otherwise unknown (Speek et al. 2001). For both species we summarized the number of individuals, both ringed and recaptured. Student's t-test was applied to check the differences between the numbers of ringed birds in categories 3 and 5 and between 4 and 6 for both species. The numbers of ringed male and female Great Tits are given. The maximum and the mean numbers of days elapsed, with standard error (SE), between ringing and the last recapture, were calculated. Simple linear regression was applied to determine the relationship between the autumn and winter (previous year September-December and ensuing year January-March), the average maximum temperatures and the number of ringed individuals for that period. Temperature data were obtained from the National Hydrometeorological Service of Sombor, measured by the meteorological station in Sombor. Student's t-test was applied to investigate the differences in numbers of ringed individuals in parks and gardens. In this analysis we included the study sites (L1, L2, L3, L5, L7, L9 and L10) where ringing was performed near feeders and at least three or four times Table 2: Age of ringed and recaptured Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major in Sombor over the period 1981-2013. For key to locations see Mero & ŽuuEVič (2014). Tabela 2: Starost obročkanih in ponovno ujetih plavčkov Cyanistes caeruleus in velikih sinic Parus major v Somborju med letoma 1981 in 2013. Za razlago krajev obročkanja glej Mero & ŽuuEVič (2014). Blue Tit / Plavcek Cyanistes caeruleus Great Tit / Velika sinica Parus major Ringed individuals/ Recaptured individuals/ Ringed individuals/ Recaptured individuals/ Obročkani osebki Ponovno ujeti osebki Obročkani osebki Ponovno ujeti osebki Kraj 2 3/5 4/6 2 3/5 4/6 2 3/5 4/6 2 3/5 4/6 Li 36 449 i09 i i2i 24 249 i623 265 2 355 59 Ll 3i 8 7 2 5 i50 30 20 5 L3 3 283 78 3 65 24 8 862 i70 i 289 43 L4 i0i 2 5 i i 840 ii 50 2i 6 L5 66 50 i0 3 i0 5 674 66i 88 7 i38 i6 L6 i 2 3 80 i8 4 4 L7 2 30 2i i i5 9 37 488 i0i 5 i63 28 L8 3 i25 i9 32 4 2 i 0 L9 i67 37 60 i3 22 i040 i38 i 229 25 Lio 5 i i05 4 2 2i Lii 50 i Lil 5 60 i L13 i 3 2 4 43 7 2 Li4 2 i i 36 4 i Li5 Li6 i 65 6 i2 Li7 3 i Li8 9 4 72 20 6 Li9 ii 2 5 i L20 i L21 i Total / Skupaj 222 ii64 289 i4 3ii 82 2062 5146 852 87 i242 i88 74 ÁCROCEPHALÜS 36 (166/167): 109-132, 2015 per month (for detailed methodological descriptions see Mero & Zuljevic 2014). Statistical analyses were implemented in SPSS statistical software. Great Tits were ringed on 1192 occasions over 1092 days and Blue Tits on 532 occasions over 502 days. We ringed a total of 1675 Blue Tits (mean (SE) 51 (31.5) individuals/year) and 8062 Great Tits (mean (SE) 244 (9.2) individuals/year). Although we ringed more 3 or 5 age than other age birds in the two species (Table 2), the difference was non-significant (Blue Tit: Student's t-test, t23 = 1.366, P = 0.185; Great Tit: t30 = 1.975, P = 0.058). We ringed 3036 male, 4764 female and 262 non-determined sex Great Tits. Torok (2009B) reports similarly that the majority of ringed Great Tits were females. During the study period we recaptured 407 Blue Tits and 1517 Great Tits (Table 2). The oldest Blue Tit was at least 3 years and 29 days old (8 Feb 2005-9 Mar 2008). The mean number of days elapsing between ringing date and the last recapture was 83 (SE 7.4, range 1-1125 days). In other studies, the oldest bird was much older than in ours, e.g. 5 years 10 months and 3 days (CikoviC 2013B), 7 years 8 months and 5 days (Torok 2009A), and 11 years and 7 months (Fransson et al. 2010). The oldest Great Tit recorded here was 5 years 3 months and 26 days old (22 Nov 1995-17 Mar 2001). Other studies recorded older birds, e.g. 6 years 11 months and 27 days (Cikovic 2013A), 7 years 4 months and 15 days (Torok 2009B), and 15 years and 5 months (Fransson et al. 2010). The mean number of days between ringing date and last recapture per individual was 77 (SE 3.8, range 0-1942 days). There was no relation in either species between the numbers of tits ringed and the average maximum temperature between September and March in the ensuing year (Blue Tit: linear regression, Fj 30 = 0.008, P = 0.931, Figure 1A; Great Tit: F130 = 0.311, P = 0.581, Figure 1B). In contrast to our results, other authors reported a significant positive relationship between temperature and abundance of birds. For example, the abundances of wintering woodland birds and tits increased with global warming, i.e. with the increase of annual average temperatures (Carrascal et al. 2012). Similarly, Baldi & Csorgo (1991) reported that the number of Blue Tits increased continuously over six study years, despite the temperature fluctuation, although, during harsh winters the abundance of Great Tit was lower. Even though the abundance of tits was not found to be related to temperature in our study, very low numbers of tits were recorded during some seasons (Figure 1A & B). There is no clear explanation for this trend, but we assume that the tits could have changed their wintering area in those years. For both species we found no differences in the numbers of ringed individuals in parks and in gardens (Blue Tit: t5 = 0.851, P = 0.433; Great Tit: t5 = 0.650, P = 0.544). However, the presence of tits in our study depended strongly on that of feeders, thus influencing their local occurrence in the different habitat types. Mero & Žuljevič (2014) found that the movements of tits between different habitat types in the town were affected by rainy weather rather than by other environmental factors. This suggests that habitat quality factors (mainly in winter) are less important than availability of resources and weather. In conclusion, we found that the oldest Blue Tit recorded here was considerably younger than those in other studies, while the oldest Great Tit was nearly P "ifr g E E S E je Ü m. E 16 12 (o 8 100 200 No. of ringed birds / Št. obročkanih ptic E E E S £ E je Ü m. E 300 16 12 - (o 8 4 - 200 400 600 800 No. of ringed birds / Št. obročkanih ptic Figure 1: The linear regression between the average maximum temperature between September of the current year and March next year and the number of ringed Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus (A) and Great Tits Parus major (B) for that period. Slika 1: Linearna regresija med povprečno maksimalno temperaturo med septembrom tekočega leta in marcem prihodnje leto ter številom obročkanih plavčkov Cyanistes caeruleus (A) in velikih sinic Parus major (B) v tem obdobju. 73 A B 4 0 0 0 0 T. O. Mero, A. ZuLJEVIC: Ringing data and occurrence of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major in Sombor (NW Serbia) for the period 1981-2013 as old as the individual reported by CiKOViC (2013A). Other studies have recorded much older individuals. The abundances of the two tit species were not related to the average maximum temperature for autumn and winter. Finally, the non-significant difference in the number of ringed tits between parks and gardens indicates that food supply and weather conditions are major factors in determining their presence or absence in a habitat type. Acknowledgements: The study was supported by the Nature Protection and Study Society - NATURA, Sombor. We thank the citizens who enabled us to ring birds in their gardens. Povzetek Objavljanje in osnovna analiza obročkovalskih podatkov sta sicer pogosti temi člankov, redko pa so objavljeni podatki iz posameznega mesta, kot je denimo Sombor v premalo raziskani regiji Srbije. Predstavljamo podatke o obročkanju in ponovnem ulovu plavčkov Cyanistes caeruleus in velikih sinic Parus major za obdobje 32 let. Dodatno smo preverili vpliv povprečne najvišje temperature jeseni (september-december) in pozimi (januar-marec) na njihovo številčnost ter pojavljanje v dveh osnovnih habitatnih tipih (parki in vrtovi) v mestu Sombor. Skupno smo obročkali 1675 plavčkov (ponovno ujeti osebki N = 407) in 8062 velikih sinic (ponovno ujeti osebki N = 1517). Pri obeh vrstah so prevladovali mladi osebki (koda EURING 3 oz. 5). Najstarejše obročkane ptice obeh vrst so bile mlajše kot zabeleženo v drugih evropskih raziskavah. Številčnost obeh vrst ni bila povezana s povprečno najvišjo jesensko oziroma zimsko temperaturo. Število obročkanih ptic v parkih in vrtovih se ni pomembno razlikovalo. Glede na ugotovitve predhodnih raziskav sklepamo, da je njihova številčnost v posameznem habitatnem tipu odvisna od razpoložljivost hrane in vremenskih razmer, ne pa drugih okoljskih dejavnikov. References BÁLDI A., CsÓRGO T. (1991): Effect of environmental factors on tits wintering in a Hungarian marshland. - Ornis Hungarica 1: 29-36. Banbura J., Banbura M. (2012): Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major as urban habitat breeders. - International Studies on Sparrows 36: 66-72. Carrascal L. 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