5. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 18/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 29. 4. 2018 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Življenje mojega življenja Besede iz naslova, ki so znane tudi iz slovenskega slovstva (Tavcar, Vita vitae meae), bi moral vsak kristjan vzeti za besede svojega razmerja do Kristusa. - »Jaz sem resnicna trta in moj Oce je vinogradnik,« je povedal Jezus svojim ucencem. On je popolna trta, ker hrani ljudi, ki so po veri vcepljeni vanj, na veliko popolnejši nacin, kot hrani obicajna trta svoje mladike. Bog je vinogradnik, ker je to trto vsadil in ker skrbi za njene mladike. Jalove mladike, to je tiste, ki so kristjani samo po imenu, bo odstranil, rodovitne bo pa ocišceval, da bodo dajale še vec sadov. Njim, njegovim ucencem, se ni treba bati, da bi bili odtrgani od njega, saj so že cisti, ker so sprejeli njegove besede in po njih živijo. Da bodo to cistost ohranili, naj ostajajo v njem, to je v notranji povezavi z njim, saj nimajo sami v sebi Božjega življenja, tako kot ga nimajo mladike, ki odtrgane od trte ne morejo roditi. Potem bo tudi on ostal v njih in jim dajal od svojega Božjega življenja. »Brez mene ne morete storiti nicesar.« Nicesar v nadnaravnem redu. Kjerkoli in kadarkoli so ljudje storili kaj, kar jih je približalo Bogu, so storili iz Kristusa in v Kristusu, pa ceprav se tega niso zavedali. Bog je postavil njega za središce stvarstva in za edinega delivca Božjega življenja. Ker je v njegovih ucencih isto nadnaravno življenje kot v njem, morajo uresnicevati isto ljubezen do Boga in ljudi kot on. Tega so tudi zmožni, ker sestavljajo skupaj z njim eno pocelo nadnaravnega delovanja. Kdor prekine s Kristusom zvezo po veri in ljubezni, postane suha mladika. »Ce ostanete v meni in moje besede ostanejo v vas, prosite, karkoli hocete, in se vam bo zgodilo.« V Kristusu je, kdor v njegove besede veruje in jih uresnicuje. Tak bo uslišan v vsem, za kar bo Boga prosil, ce bo le tisto v skladu z njegovim vecnim nacrtom. Nobena prošnja ne bo ostala v zraku, vendar bo marsikdaj uslišana na drugacen nacin, kot si je zamišljal prosilec, ker je Božji nacin uslišanja za cloveka boljši kot nacin po njegovi zamisli. (prim. L. Bratina, Kruh besede). 218 | VESTNIK 2018 220 | VESTNIK 2018 222 | VESTNIK 2018 224 | VESTNIK 2018 Materinskega dne Sunday, May 13th, 2018 10:00 a.m. - MASS 11:30 a.m. - Children of Slovenian School will prepare short program Luncheon after the Program For reservations and tickets call: Sandy Ferletic: 905-977-8464 or by email: sferletic@gmail.com Praznovanje Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass was held on Wednesday, April 25th, 2018. Thank you to Father Drago for celebrat-ing this Mass and for preparing the pro-gram and booklets. Our English choir sang beautifully and many persons assisted in various ways to make this Mass meaningful and special. Caj and pecivo was enjoyed by all at our small reception. We are pleased that a new member joined our CWL this year, namely Leah Škerl. We congratulate and thank the follow-ing ladies for their dedication and years of service. 10 years: Magda Benc, Matilda Bratuž, Pamela Gosgnach, Eva Lukšic and Marija Volf. 40 years: Ana Varl 50 years: Francka Cestnik, Elizabeth Farkaš, Milena Krušic, Pavla Pelcar, Terezija Sarjaš and An-gela Škerl. Wear your emblem/service pins with pride, honour and loyalty. Cestitamo! Our next general CWL meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 2nd immediately after 7:00 p.m. Mass. There will not be an executive meeting. Rosemary Šušteršic CWL - KŽZ: OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL MASS VESTNIK 2018 | 219 VESTNIK 2018 | 221 VESTNIK 2018 | 223 Pamela Gosgnach, Eva Lukšic, Matilda Bratuž, Magda Benc Francka Cestnik, Milena Krušic, Terezija Sarjaš, Elizabeth Farkaš, Angela Škerl Illustration You might be surprised to learn that the oldest and largest grapevine in the world is in Britain, at Hampton Court Palace, in Richmond, south London, in a purpose-built greenhouse in the gardens. Known as the Great Vine, it was planted in 1768, 250 years ago this year. It is four metres around the base, the root from where life pervades, reaching through to the last leaf on the furthest branch. It is a very fruitful vine. The average annual crop of sweet black dessert grapes is about 272 kilograms; but in the autumn of 2001 it was 383 kilograms – the best crop ever. The grapes are ripe at the end of August and are sold to the public during the first three weeks of September. The vine is carefully tended. In February the buds begin to break, and once the new shoots have reached a certain length, they are disbudded to re-duce their number. The remaining shoots grow until they are sufficiently long. They then have their growing point pinched out and are tied in with raf-fia. Immediately after flowering, the number of bunches is reduced and the remaining ones thinned. Later in the summer some leaf thinning is carried out to allow sunlight to fall upon the ripening fruit. In November and December, when the plant is fully dormant, the fruiting spurs are pruned back to one or two buds. Gospel Teaching The traditional grapevine is one of the world’s most important agricultural crops. At the time of Jesus vineyards were everywhere, and practices relating to their cultivation would be familiar. In today’s Gospel Jesus emphasises that a vine needs to be carefully tended, and that it has a living and connected structure. The vine produces fruit through the branches and the branches are depend-ent on the central vine. Jesus describes himself as the “true vine” and says, “my Father is the vinedresser”. The motif of the grapevine is present in a great deal of Christian art as a metaphor of the ongoing presence of Jesus. On the mosaic floors of churches of the Byzantine peri-od in the Holy Land and its vicinity, the grape is of-ten seen and it is a symbol of Jesus. The love and connection between God, Jesus and our community is described in John’s Gospel using the image of the vine and the branches. Jesus tells us that “you are the branches” and we will bear “fruit in plenty” if we remain with him. The organic unity suggests a com- munity of many people who are sharers in a single life. Union with Christ is the condition of fruitful-ness. Being followers of Jesus gives our lives meaning and direction. Fruit is possible only if we are in union with him, for he is the productive source of it all. Application Our opportunity of bearing any fruit worthy of our natures and of God’s purpose concerning us is by vital union with Jesus Christ. If we do not have that, there may be plenty of activity and mountains of work in our lives, but there will be no lasting fruit. The next time you eat a grape and savour its succulent flavour, reflect upon the fruits that we share in our lives because of our relation-ship with God. The Christian faith is an experience of being in relationship to God, to each other, and to all our family and friends. Caring and love bind us all together. Reflect on the growth you see in your life as the fullness of Christ’s promise of that connection and love. And remember in this Easter season that resurrection fuels and nurtures growth, hope and love. Open your hearts to Christ and let his life and his Spirit come into you. Through our prayer here today we are strengthened in our belief that Christ is the vine and we are the branches, and that through the strength of God’s love for us, God’s relationship with us, we are able to produce fruit. Our fruits will be in working for the common good, and in caring for each other, creation and the wider world. Over this week we may be pray-ing with and tending to an elderly and frail rela-tive, or we may be teaching children gardening skills and care of the environment, or we may be supporting a charity reaching out to vulnerable people. These are all fruits of the true vine. 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Response: Lord, from you comes my praise in the great congregation. First Reading Acts 9:26-31 Saul’s first attempt to join the disciples af-ter his conversion. Second Reading 1 John 3:18-24 Those who keep God’s commandments live in God, and God lives in them. Gospel John 15:1-8 In the imagery of the vine and branches we are given a beautiful depiction of the inti-mate relationship between the Father, Je-sus and his followers. We can be confident of the Lord’s continuing presence in the world. “Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty.” ŠMARNICE 2018 V Sloveniji je že dolga leta tradicija, da v mesecu maju beremo »Šmarnice«. Tudi za letos je pripravljenih vec knjig. Salezijanska založba SALVE iz Rakovnika nam ob 150 letnici smrti Friderika Ireneja Barage predstavlja šmarnicno branje, ki ga je napisla Urška Smerkolj. Naslov knjige je ŽIVETI ZA BOGA IN BLIŽNJE. Slovenski katehetski urad je po pooblastilu Slovenske škofovske konference za leto 2018 skupaj s Celjsko Mohorjevo družbo je pripravila dvojne šmarnice: PRIPOVEDI O MARIJI (za otroke) avtorja Lojzeta Kozarja ml. in FATIMSKA PASTIRCKA NAS UCITA ŽIVETI (za odrasle) avtorja p. Branka Petauerja OCIst. »Po Mariji k Jezusu« je bila in je še vedno najbolj varna pot za srecno vecnost. Ob letošnjih šmarnicah, namenjenih predvsem otrokom, bomo prisluhnili legendam in zgodbam, ki nam Marijo približajo na poseben nacin. »O Mariji nam bodo pripovedovali njeni starši, sosedje, znanci, pa tudi taki, ki so se mimogrede srecali z njo,« pravi avtor Lojze Kozar ml. Vse s samo enim namenom: da bi nebeško Gospo cim bolje spoznali, se navdušili nad njo in jo posnemali. Tako bomo zanesljivo izpolnili Jezusovo voljo in zaživeli kot dobri ljudje, kristjani in državljani. Najmlajša svetnika vesoljne Cerkve, ki nista mucenca, je razglasil papež Francišek 13. maja 2017 v Fatimi. To sta brat in sestra, sveti Francišek in sveta Jacinta Marto. V letošnjih šmarnicah za odrasle skuša p. Branko Petauer po zgledu dveh otrok odrasle spomniti na Jezusovo narocilo: »Ce se ne spreobrnete in ne postanete kakor otroci, nikakor ne pridete v nebeško kraljestvol« (Mt 18,3). Ko bomo odrasli dovolili, da se nas dotakne sporocilo o pomembnosti molitve, žrtve in dobrih del, ki sta nam ga posredovala sveta otroka, bomo tudi mi rasli v milosti pri Bogu in ljudeh. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V cetrtek, 26. aprila so po vecerni maši pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor. Zbor bo pel pri maši na materinski dan. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 29. april-nedelja: Lipa park - Ambassador-Mother's Day Luncheon . 6. maj-nedelja: »Bled« Planica Social Club - Mother's Day Banquet . 12. maj-sobota: Sava-Breslau - Mother's Day Banquet - Golden Keys . 13. maj-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m., Mother's Day by Slovenska šola . 18. do 21. maj: Slovenski Park celebrations. Camping, Dance Party; Mass with Procession, Mary Crowning - Sunday, May 20 at 1:00 p.m. . 27. maj-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - First Communion and Confirmation - Bishop Anthony Tonnos, D.D. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 29. april 9:30 a.m.: Tomaž in Alenka Košir . 6. maj 9:30 a.m.: Zorka Rev in Sonja Peternel . 13. maj 10:00 a.m.: Marina Štefanec in Elizabeth Raduha . 20. maj 9:30 a.m.: Družina Groznik VECNA LUC V mesecu maju bo vecna luc gorela za pokojne Joželj, Jernejcic in Langenfus po namenu Sonje Langenfus. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $50 Irena in Mirko Kolmanic namesto rož na grob pokojne Marije Granic - $100 Družina Malevic ob banketu - $100 Mike in Marija Špiler v spomin na pokojnega Edija Kodarina - $100 Toni in Marija Franc za misijone Hvala vsem za vaš dar. Bog vam povrni! MESEC MAJ - PRVI PETEK ... V torek bomo zaceli mesec maj - Marijin mesec. Pri maši bomo brali šmarnicno branje. Vabljeni, da skupaj molimo k nebeški Materi. Ta teden je tudi prvi petek v mesecu. Obiskoval bom bolnike, zvecer pa bo ob 6h priložnost za sveto spoved in cešcenje Najsvetejšega. Ob sedmih je nato sveta maša. 13. maja je praznik Gospodoveba vnebohoda (v Kanadi ga praznujemo na nedeljo in ne na crtetek) in obenem tudi praznovanje Materisnkega dne. Maša bo samo ob 10:00h dopoldne. Po maši bodo otroci Slovenske šole v dvorani pripravili kratek kulturni program za matere. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni, da pridete pogledat in prisluhnit, cesa so se mladi med letom naucili. Po progamu pa bo še nekaj za pod zob, da ne boste šli lacni domov. Za rezervacije poklicite Sandy Ferletic (905-977-8464). Za »Long Weekend« se bo najvec dogajalo v Slovenskem parku, kjer bo v nedeljo ob 1:00 p.m. tudi maša, procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi in majniško kronanje Marije. Zadnjo nedeljo v maju pa je, kot že vsa zadnja leta, lepa slovesnost v naži župniji. Kar nekaj mladih bo pristopilu k svetemu obhajilu, drugi bodo prejeli, po rokah škofa Tonnosa, zakrament birme. Maša bo ob 10:00 a.m. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all to Materinski Dan Mother’s Day May 6th, 2018 LUNCH TO BE SERVED @ 1:00PM TICKETS: ADULTS $30.00 STUDENTS $20.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS FRANK GIMPELJ (905) 531-0894 MAŠA: DRUŠTVO SAVA IN DRUŠTVO TRIGLAV V nedeljo, 22. aprila smo imeli sveto mašo tudi pri društvu Sava v Breslavu. Lepo število se nas je zbralo. Potem, ko sem se okrepcal (hvala Mariji Prilesnik), sem odhitel še v London, kjer smo se k maši zbrali v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Po maši smo se zaustavili še na kavi in pecivu, kar Marie Kocevar skrbno pripravi. Jože in Veronika Zadel sta me povabila še na vecerjo; ob klepetu je ura hitro tekla in že je bilo treba domov. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO Srecanje za clanice S.O.D. bo v soboto, 5. maja 2018. Vabljene ste na vecerno mašo, ki je ob 5:30 p.m., po maši pa bo kratko porocilo in družabno srecanje. Pri maši bo tudi sprejem novih clanic, zato vabljene vse, ki bi se rade pridružile društvu. 5. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA 29. APRIL Katarina, devica † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Janez Košir, obl. Jože Hanc Franc Raduha 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Tomaž Košir z družino Jože in Marija Magdic z dr. Jože in Marija Magdic z dr. PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 30. APRIL Pij V., papež Po namenu (15/28) 8:00 A.M. Ana Tadic TOREK - TUESDAY 1. MAJ Jožef, delavec †† †† † Alojz in Marija Mes, obl. Pok. starši Zagorc in brata Frank Gimpelj 7:00 P.M. Družina Mes Jožica Erzar z družino Žena Elizabeth Gimpelj SREDA - WEDNESDAY 2. MAJ Atanazij, šk-cerkv. uc. † † †† Amalija Lukavec Franc Virag Pok. starši Horvat in Franc Za zdravje clanic CWL 7:00 P.M. Terezija Dunko z družino Sestra Micka Toni in Marija Franc CWL - KŽZ CETRTEK - THURSDAY 3. MAJ Filip in Jakob, apostola †† † Peter Mihalic in Family V dober namen Andrej Markeš 7:00 P.M. Mary Mihalic & Family N.N. Marija in Toni Franc PRVI PETEK FIRST FRIDAY 4. MAJ Florijan, mucenec † †† † † Zdravko Troha Pok. iz družine Balažic Martin Farkaš Franc Raduha 7:00 P.M. Danica Maradin Matilda Bratuž Žena Elizabeth z družino Martin in Regina Nedelko SOBOTA SATURDAY 5. MAJ Angel, mucenec Gotard, škof † †† † † † †† Po namenu Metod Kuzma Branko Ježovnik Janez Kosednar, obl. Elizabeth Geric Ignac Korošec Marija in Martin Ternar Bogu v zahvalo za 50 let poroke 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. N.N. Sestra Jožica z družino Jožica Vlašic Žena z družino Marija Korošec z družino Frank in Marija Poredoš Hci Terezija Zadravec Zlatko in Marija Berkovic 6. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA 6. MAJ Dominik Savio †† †† † † Za žive in rajne župljane Teodor in Ana Franc Štefan in Marija Zelko Anna Hocevar Ed Kodarin 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Toni in Marija Franc Marija in Toni Franc Peter in Francesca Kure Družina Truden SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 29. 4. 2018 do 06. 5. 2018