Scientific paper On Sum-Connectivity Matrix and Sum-Connectivity Energy of (Molecular) Graphs Bo Zhou1 and Nenad Trinajsti}2 1 Department of Mathematics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China 2 The Rugjer Boškovic Institute, P. O. Box 180, HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia * Corresponding author: E-mail:, Received: 18-12-2009 This paper is dedicated to Professor Milan Randi} on the occasion of his 80th birthday Abstract If G is a (molecular) graph with n vertices, and di is the degree of its ¿-th vertex, then the sum-connectivity matrix of G is the n x n matrix whose (i, j) -entry is equal to 1/Vd; + dj if the ¿-th and the j-th vertices are adjacent and 0 otherwise. The sum-connectivity energy of a graph G is defined as the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the sum-connectivity matrix. Some properties including upper and lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the sum-connectivity matrix and the sum-connectivity energy are established, and the extremal cases are characterized. Keywords: Randic connectivity index, Randic matrix, product-connectivity matrix, sum-connectivity matrix, sum-connectivity energy, sum-connectivity index 1. Introduction Let G be a simple (molecular) graph with vertex set V(G) = {1, 2, ..., n}.1'2 For a vertex i e V(G), dt or di(G) denotes the degree of i in G. Recall that di = |r(i)|, where r(i) is the set of (first) neighbors of i in G. For vertices i and j of the graph G, i ~ j means that i and j are adjacent, i.e., ij is an edge of G. The product-connectivity matrix R = R(G) of the graph G is defined as It was discussed by Rodriguez3, Rodriguez and Si-garreta4, Hogben5 and Bozkurt et al.6 under different names the weighted adjacency matrix3, the degree-adjacency matrix4, the normalized adjacency matrix5 and the Randic matrix6. Recall that the product-connectivity index or the Randic index of the graph G is defined as in Ref. 7 and 8 The uses of the product-connectivity index and Ran-dic-like indices in the structure-property-activity modeling is summarized by Todeschini and Consonni in their two Handbooks910. Similarly these authors also discussed in their Handbooks the role of graph-theoretical matrices in deriving molecular descriptors (topological indices) and in describing molecules from a topological point of view1112. A useful summary of definitions and applications of graph-theoretical matrices in chemistry appeared recently13. In parallel to the definition of the product-connectivity index of Randic, the sum-connectivity index of the graph G is defined as in Ref. 14 and 15 Sum-connectivity index belongs to a family of Ran-dic-like indices. The uses of the sum-connectivity index in modeling a number of molecular properties is presented in the monograph entitled Novel Molecular Structure Des- criptors - Theory and Applications I, edited by Gutman and Furtula16. Similarly to the product-connectivity matrix, the sum-connectivity matrix S = S(G) of the (molecular) graph G is defined as Obviously, S(G) is a symmetric real matrix. Thus its eigenvalues are all real. The sum-connectivity energy of a graph G is defined as the sum of the abosulute values of the eigenvalues of its sum-connectivity matrix of G. The aim of this report is to study properties of the eigenvalues of the sum-connectivity matrix and the sum-connectivity energy, mainly upper and lower bounds of the largest and smallest eigenvalues, the spectral diameter (of the sum-connectivity matrix) and the sum-connectivity energy in terms of other structural invariants and complete characterizations for the extremal cases (for which the bounds are attained). 2. Definitions The adjacency matrix A = A(G) of the graph G is defined as1 For a square symmetric real matrix B, its eigenvalues are all real. The energy of B is defined as the sum of absolute values of its eigenvalues, denoted by E(B). The energy of the graph G is defined as17 E(G) = E(A(G)) = X|Ai|, where Xv ..., Xn are the eigenvalues of A(G) arranged in a non-increasing manner. The product-connectivity energy or the Randic energy of the graph G is defined as6 RE(G) = E(R(G)). Similarly, the sum-connectivity energy of the graph G is defined as SE(G) = E(S(G)) = X |u,.|, where ^2, ..., ^n are the eigenvalues of S(G) arranged in a non-increasing manner. Let tr(B) be the trace of the matrix B. Then |>f=fr(S) = 0, 1 /=1 i-\ J-t l-j "/ T "j d) (2) A graph is a semiregular graph of degrees r and s if it is a bipartite graph such that all vertices in one partite set have degree r and all vertices in the other partite set have degree s. 3. Properties of the Eigenvalues of the Sum-Connectivity Matrix Obviously the spectrum of the sum-connectivity matrix of a disconnected graph is the union of the spectra of the sum-connectivity matrices of its components. For a vector or matrix X, XT denotes its transpose. Lemma 1.18 Let B be a k x k non-negative irreducible symmetric matrix with exactly two distinct eigenvalues. Then B = uuT + rIk for some positive column vector u and some r where I, is the unit matrix of order k. Proposition 1. Let G be a graph with n > 2 vertices. Then (3) with equality if and only if G is an empty graph or a complete graph. Proof. From (1) and applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have Mi = -2>, ] v (-2 From (2), we have M2 <(»-!) rld.+dj -/v and then (3) follows. It is obvious that (3) is an equality if G is an empty graph. Suppose that equality holds in (3) and G is nonempty. Then n2 = ••• = ^n and thus from (1), S(G) has exactly two distinct eigenvalues, and by (1), the eigenvalues are not equal to zero. Let H be a component of G say V(H) = {1, 2, ..., k}. Then S(H) has exactly two distinct eigenvalues. Note that S(H) is a non-negative irreducible symmetric matrix. By Lemma 1, S(H) = uuT + rIk for some positive column vector u and some r. Since each diagonal entry of S(H) is zero, each entry of u is equal to V-r.Thus for 1 < i, j < k with i # j all (i,j)-entries of S(H) are equal to -r, implying that G is a complete graph. Obviously, if G is a complete graph, then (3) is an equality. We mention that is a particular case of the general sum-connectivity in-dex19. Corollary 1. Let G be a graph with n > 2 vertices. Then In-1 R(G) with equality if and only if G is an empty graph or a complete graph. Proof. It is easily seen that with equality if and only if every component of G is regular. Now the result follows from Proposition 1. Corollary 2. Let G be a graph with n > 2 vertices. Then with equality if and only if G is a complete graph. Proof. Note that20 R(G) < n. Then the result follows from Corollary 1. Let G be a graph with n vertices. By Rayleigh's principle21, an easy lower bound for ^ is given by with equality if and only if S(G) has equal row sums. For example, the sum-connectivity matrix of a regular graph or a semiregular graph has equal row sums. Let G be a graph with n > 2 vertices. Then by Proposition 1 and the Perron-Frobenius theorem, with equality if and only if G is an empty graph or a 2-ver-tex complete graph. A classic result is that the number of distinct eigenvalues of (the adjacency matrix of) a connected graph of diameter d is at least d + 1 [Theorem 3.13 in Ref. 22]. By the straightforward modification of the argument there to the sum-connectivity matrix, we have similar result as follows. Lemma 2. Let G be a connected graph with diameter d. If S(G) has exactly k distinct eigenvalues, then k > d + 1. Recall that ^ - ^n is the spectral diameter of S = S(G). Consonni and Todeschini23 investigated the use of the spectral diameter of molecular matrices. Proposition 2. Let G be a graph with n > 2 vertices. ' d,+dj %dt + d} (4) with either equality if and only if G is an empty graph or G is a complete bipartite graph with possibly isolated vertices. Proof. From (2) we have and then Then implying the first inequality, and the second inequality follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. It is obvious that both inequalities in (4) are equalities if G is an empty graph. Suppose that either equality holds in (4) and G is non-empty. By discussion above and using (1), S(G) has exactly two nonzero eigenvalues ^ and i.e., S(G)2 has exactly two distinct eigenvalues (with multiplicity 2) and 0 (with multiplicity n - 2). Thus there is (precisely) one component, say H with k > 2 vertices of G, for which S(H)2 has exactly two distinct eigenvalues ^ (with multiplicity 2) and 0 (with multiplicity k -2), and if k < n, then all other components are isolated vertices. Suppose first that H is not a bipartite graph. There is only one connected non-bipartite graph, i.e., the complete graph on three vertices, for whic1h th1e eigenvalues of its sum-connectivity matrix are 1, - -,- -, contradicting condition that S(G) has exactly two nonzero eigenvalues ^ and -ur Thus k > 4. By the Perron-Frobenius theorem, S(H)2 is irreducible. By Lemma 1, S(H)2 = uuT + rIk for some positive column vector u and some r. Thus there is an orthogonal matrix U such that UT(uuT + rIk)U = diag (M2v 0, ..., 0, Let y = (yp ..., yk)T = UTu. Then yyT = diag (u1 - r, - r,..., - r, ^ - r). Note that the rank of yyTis at most one. Then r = 0, and thus ^ = 0, a contradiction. Thus H must be a bipartite graph, and by Lemma 2, the diameter of H is at most two, implying that H is a complete bipartite graph. It follows that G is a complete bipartite graph with possibly isolated vertices. Conversely, if G is a complete bipartite graph with possibly isolated vertices, then ^ = 0 for i = 2, ..., n - 1 and thus (4) is an equality. Let G be a graph with n > 2 vertices. By the arguments as in Corollaries 1 and 2, we have with the first equality if and only if G is an empty graph or G is a regular complete bipartite graph with possibly isolated vertices, and with the second equality if and only if G is a regular complete bipartite graph. 4. Properties of the Sum-Connectivity Energy Proposition 3. Let G be a graph with n vertices. Then (5) with equality if and only if G is an empty graph or a regular graph of degree one. Proof. By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and using (2), we have W Suppose that equality holds in (5). Then ft1 = ft2\ = ... = \ftn\. If ft1 = 0, then G is an empty graph. Suppose that ft1 > 0. From (1), we have ftn < 0 and then S(G) has exactly two distinct eigenvalues, implying that for any component H of G, S(H) has exactly two distinct eigenvalues ftx and -pr By the Perron-Frobenius theorem, the multiplicity of ft1 as an eigenvalue of S(H) is one. Then ft1 -(\V(H)\ -1) ft1 = 0 i.e., \V(H)\ = 2 and thus G is a regular graph of degree one. Conversely, if G is an empty graph or a regular graph of degree one, then it is easily seen that all eigenvalues of S(G) have equal abosolute values and thus (5) is an equality. Let G be a graph with n vertices and m edges. Then by Proposition 3, SE(G) < Vwm with equality if and only if G is an empty graph or a regular graph of degree one. Let G be a graph with n vertices. Then by Proposition 3 and the proof of Corollaries 1 and 2, with the first equality if and only if G is an empty graph or a regular graph of degree one, and with the second equality if and only if G is a regular graph of degree one. Proposition 4. Let G be a regular graph with n vertices and degree r.Then Proof. Note that V2r S(G) = A(G). Then V2r ^ = ^ for i = 1, 2, ..., n. Now the result follows by the definitions of SE(G) and E(G). Proposition 5. Let G be a semiregular graph of degrees r > 1 and s > 1. Then lows. y[7+!sE(G) = £(G). Proof. Note that Vr + sS(G) = A(G). The result fol-Proposition 6. Let G be a graph with n vertices. Then (6) with equality if and only if G is an empty graph or G is a complete bipartite graph with ponssibly isolated vertices. Proof. From (1), we have X ft + 2 X ft ft, = 0, 1 4Y-- Then (6) follows. d- + d) It is obvious that (6) is an equality if G is an empty graph. Suppose that G is non-empty. From (1), we have ftl > 0, ftn < 0. It is easily seen that equality holds in (6) if and only if there are not both positive and negative terms in the sum or equivalently, ft ft < 0 for all i and j with 1 < i < j < n, 1.e., ftt = 0 for i = 2, ..., n - 1. By the proof of Proposition 2, equality holds in (6) if and only if G is a complete bipartite graph with possibly isolated vertices. Recall that the first Zagreb index of the graph G is defined24-28 as Ml(G) = Id2. Observe that14 M1(G) = X(d. + d). i=1 H Corollary 3. Let G be a graph with n vertices and m > 1 edges. Then SE(G)> 1m x/ÂW with equality if and only if G is a complete bipartite graph with possibly isolated vertices. Proof. By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, with equality if and only if di + d- is a constant for all edges ij of G which is obviously satisfied by complete bipartite graphs with possibly isolated vertices. Then the result follows from Proposition 6. Corollary 4. Let G be a triangle-free graph with n vertices and m > 1 edges. Then SE(G) V n with equality if and only if G is a complete bipartite graph. Proof. From Ref. 27 and 28, we have M1(G) < nm with equality if and only if G is a complete bipartite graph. The result follows from Corollary 3. Let G be a tree with n vertices. By Corollary 4, with equality if and only if G is a star. 5. Concluding Remarks In this report, we study some properties of the eigenvalues of the sum-connectivity matrix and sum-connectivity energy of (molecular) graphs. We give a number of upper and lower bounds for the largest eigenvalue, the spectral diameter and the sum-connectivity energy using some other structural invariants, such as the number of vertices (atoms) and their degrees (valencies) of a graph (molecule), and characterize the extremal cases. The bounds of a descriptor are important information of a molecule (graph) in the sense that they establish the approximate range of the descriptor in terms of molecular structural parameters. 6. 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Energija vsot-pove-zljivosti grafa G je definirana kot vsota absolutnih vrednosti lastnih vrednosti matrike vsot-povezljivosti. Vpeljane so nekatere lastnosti, vključno z zgornjo in spodnjo mejo lastnih vrednosti matrike vsot-povezljivosti in energije vsot-povezljivosti, in okarakterizirani ekstremni primeri.