Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home tozzz SBrviPg in Ohio and nationwide over 150,000 American Slovenians Vol. 94 - No. 31 (USPS 024100) ^ ‘NQlZ,Nn "Qd 3 Li VOt’l -lu? -■"UH^n00 .N AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST JGUST b, 3SN Number: 0164-680X 50C Slovenia’s Leading Folk Dancers in Cleveland The France Marolt Cleveland Committee is pleased to announce the appearance of the Akademska folklorna sku-Pina “France Marolt” in Cleveland during the Labor Day holiday weekend. This folk dance ensemble is the best °f its kind in Slovenia and consists of 42 dancers and Musicians, all of whom are students at the University of Tjubljana. The group will present traditional folk dances and songs from the many re-Sions of Slovenia, all in the authentic national costumes typical of each area. The ensemble’s first performance will be Friday, Septem-er 4, at 8:00 p.m., at the Shore Cultural Center, 291 E. ^2 St. in Euclid. There will be an outdoor picnic performance °n Saturday, September 5, •00 p.m., at the Slovenska Ustava on Brandt Rd., Har-Pcrsfield, Ohio. Since the foundation of the j”arolt ensemble in 1948, it has performed throughout Europe and has made appear-®n<*s in the United States, Canada and Africa. The en-Semble has also prepared documentary films on the dances of °venia which have been own throughout the world. ^ e group’s work has received ^aiherous honors in Slovenia, Well as awards for its per-rntances at folk festivals °ughout Europe. ensernble specializes in re -k dances of the various Sions of Slovenia and the rdering, Slovene-inhabited eas of Italy and Austria. The CrnfCers Perform in carefully a ted reconstructions of the are UtneS of each region- They (jj6 accoinpanied by an ensem- tjon°^ rnusicians playing tradi-Th 3 ^ovene instruments, dire ®rouP’s current artistic Proft0r *S Mirko Ramovš, a . essor at the Slovene Folk Mmsic institute. ble**16 ^rance Marolt ensem-is bS.apPearance in Cleveland Slove,n« 0r8anized by various orKaene ^rnerican cultural ties niZat‘ons> fraternal soci-estecjan^ cI1oral groups inter-tage 'n promoting the heri-pe°p?e ^ CU^ture i*16 Slovene Severji ensemf’*e will mak'e Pitted apPearances in the 8reaterUrgh a^.ea, but the toUr .-r *ts month-long Ti k 1 ^ *n ^nnnd3-PerformS f°r the SePtember 4 Callino aDnCe are ava'lable by (216) 2so ?ben Klancher at Hribar 1227> or Joyce Ann at (216) 261-0200. The tickets also are available at Tivoli Enterprises, 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, and at the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame at the Shore Cultural Center in Euclid. Tickets for the Saturday picnic performance will be sold at the gate. Roe vs. Wade The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) has begun moving through the U.S. House and Senate. This bill will not simply codify Roe vs. Wade into U.S. law, but will expand its scope, preventing for abortion even the sensible safety guidelines that any surgical procedure must follow. For example, states and institutions will be prevented from passing laws that require doctors to tell women the risks and dangers of having an abortion, a major surgical procedure. Nor will doctors and institutions have to notify parents or guardians of minors who come in for an abortion. Absurd, considering that teens under 16 years of age must have written permission to have their ears pierced. The FOCA will eliminate waiting periods or second opinions for women before they get an abortion. This, in turn, will allow abortion clinicians to exploit women with impunity, no matter how haphazardly or improperly they carry out an abortion. Congress should pass laws that protect all human life regardless of its age or place of residence, not support laws that make killing through abortion easier. Therefore, 1 urge readers to contact their congressman and senators. Tell them to defeat HR 25 in the House and S 25 in the Senate. Finaly, if these representatives have cosponsored either bill, ask them to remove their names from it. Joseph M. Ogrinc Subscription Bonanza 40% Discount for New Subscribers From now until Sept. 10 anyone taking out a NEW American Home subscription need only submit $15.00 to receive the paper for a FULL YEAR. (A generous individual who wishes to remain anonymous, wants to keep this Slovenian American newspaper growing has announced he will donate to the American Home $10.00 for each new subscription until September 10, thereby requiring only $15.00 from each new reader. Take advantage of this unheard-of fantastic discount and enroll your family and friends.) YES, PLEASE ENTER MY NEW SUBSCRIPTION FOR A FULL YEAR TO AMERICAN HOME NEWSPAPER FOR ONLY $15.00 Name___________________ Address City____ (This is a gift from: Name ________________ Address City____ (New subscriptions must reach us by Sept. 10, 1992.) (If this is a gift, we’ll send a card to the recipient telling them of your thoughtful, lasting gift.) Iz Clevelanda in okolice Vrtna veselica to soboto— To soboto, 8. avgusta, prireja pevski zbor Korotan vrtno veselico na Slovenski pristavi. Dobro večerjo bodo delili med 6. in 8. zvečer, nato bo za ples in zabavo igral Alpski sekstet. Nakaznice za večerjo in več informacije dobite, ako pokličete 486-5076 ali pa 531-8855. Krofi— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov to soboto v Društveni sobi, ob običajnem času. Pridite! Posebna ugodnost— Dobrotnik, ki želi Ostati neimenovan, je ponudil, da bo za vsakega novega naročnika Ameriške Domovine kril 40 odstotkov letne naročnine, za prvo leto seveda. To pomeni, da bo vsak nov naročnik našega lista za eno leto plačal $15 namesto običajnih $25. Več o tem v angleškem delu. Družinski dan piknik— V nedeljo, 15. avgusta, ste vabljeni na Družinski dan piknik, ki ga na svojem Slovenskem vrtu letovišču v Leroyu prireja Ameriška dobrodelna zveza. Piknik bo med 1. in 7. zv., vstopnine ne bo, od 3. do 7. bo igral Ray Polantz orkester. Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete bo imelo prodajo peciva v soboto, 14. avgusta, od 9. dop. dalje, v šolski dvorani. Dodajte za poštnino— Sporočili smo, da ima Tivoli trgovina na 6419 Št. Clair Ave. izvode slovenskega imenika oz. »Who’s Who Among American Slovenes«, in sicer po $5. Tisti pa, ki boste imenik naročili po pošti, boste morali k navedeni ceni dodati $1.50 in sicer za poštnino in odpravo. Slovenske poslovne hiše— Iz New Yorka smo obveščeni, da je izšel 31-stranski »Slovene Business Directory 1992«, v katerem so naslovi slovenskih podjetij po ZDA. Izvod stane $5 in se dobi pri: Kathy Tepesh, 110 E. 84 St., New York, NY 10028. Izvoda tega dela pa še nismo videli. Vojne sirote— Vsi vemo, da je vojna na Hrvaškem in v Bosni ustvarila na tisoče beguncev. Pri hrvaški fari sv. Pavla na E. 40 St. zbira sredstva za pomoč vojnim sirotam posebna organizacija. Člani le-te bodo to soboto in nedeljo po vseh mašah pri Sv. Vidu prodajali čokolado po $1 za kos. Prebitek prodaje je seveda namenjen pomoči vojnim sirotam. Lahko tudi kaj več darujete v ta namen. Vrnili so se zadovoljni— V torek je zaključil lepo uspeli obisk v ZDA oktet Lesna, ki je nastopil tudi v Clevelandu, ter v Pennsylvaniji in Chicagu. Pevci so bili, tako smo obveščeni, zelo zadovoljni z gostovanjem. Z letalom so odpotovali s clevelandskega letališča. Čez mesec dni bo pa med nas prišla Akademska folklorna skupina France Marolt. (Več na str. 8). KOLEDAR AVGUST 8. — Pevski zbor Korotan priredi večerjo na Slovenski pristavi. Igra Alpski sekstet. 16. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis.,priredi Drugi piknik, na Triglavskem parku. 23. — Misijonska Znamkar-ska Akcija priredi Misijonski piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Pričetek s sv. mašo opoldne. SEPTEMBER 4. — France Marolt folklorna skupina iz Slovenije nastopa v Euclid Cultural Center, ob 8. zv. 5. — France Marolt folklorna skupina gostuje na pikniku na Slovenski pristavi, z nastopom ob 3. pop. Pričetek piknika ob 12., po nastopu ples in zabava. 6. — Pričetek jubilejnega leta pri Sv. Vidu, s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. Glavni maševalec bo škof Edward Pevec. 13. — Slovenski dom za ostarele priredi praznovanje 30. obletnice delovanja, v SND na St. Clairju. Večerja ob 2h, nato ples. Igra Alpski sekstet. 13. — Slovenska pristava pri-priredi Vinsko trgatev. 20. — Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida priredi letno kosilo, v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. 27. — Društvo S.P.B. prireja vsakoletno romanje v Frank, O. 27. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis., priredi Vinsko trgatev, na Triglavskem parku. OKTOBER 3. — Fantje na vasi prire-de koncert ob 15-letnici, v SND na St. Clairju. 4. — »Prijatelji SND na St. Clairju« priredijo »brunch« v podporo temu domu. 11. — Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave priredi koline na SP. 18. — Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete priredi kosilo, v šolski dvorani. 18. — Občni zbor Slovenske pristave. 24. — Štajerski klub prire-(dalje na sir. 11) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 6, 1992 Cleveland Tea Party by James V. Debevec If the Boston Tea Party was caused by the British taxing 3% on tea they exported to the colonies, what should Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) residents do when they are charged 7% tax on all their purchases? Dump them into Lake Erie? We’d probably have to face the environmentalists for disturbing the lake. If taxes were too much 300 years ago, the Boston settlers should see what we have now. Ridiculous. It’s nice to know that someone like Ohio Governor George Voinovich is trying to impose some sensibility to the taxes foisted on us citizens. The amazing thing is he’s being criticized by some groups for his fiscal responsibility. * * * It was astounding to see H. Ross Perot drop out of the presidential race that he wasn’t in officially in the first place. I could never have voted for him. He did all his campaigning on a television talk show. Even though he’s one of the richest people in the United States, when his campaign advisers told him he was going to have to start spending some money — he quit. They told him not everybody in the country watches “Larry King Live,” that he was going to have to advertise. Perot couldn’t expect the United States voters to take him seriously if he didn’t take them seriously. * * * The most astonishing feeling one notices when leaving a hospital after spending a few days there is — fresh air. It hits you immediately and is astounding how beautiful and aromatic and pleasant it is. You notice it right away — within a few seconds after coming outside. It hits you like a baseball bat on the head. Personally, I literally jumped right up out of the wheelchair they insist on bringing you to your car with, and shouted, “What’s that?” I looked around until I realized it was nothing but simple fresh air. In talking with attorney Tony Lavrisha last week, he said the exact same thing after his hospital stay. Some people say, “stop and smell the flowers” but — it is just as significant to stop and just breathe in clean, fresh air. It’s wonderful! MOIRE.CR HESS by John merclna OR ARABS ARE VERY COMPLICATED PEOPLE AND THEIR SAYINGS OFFER MUCH FOOD FOR THOUGHT. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING SAYING THAT EVERY ARAB KNOWS QUITE WELL: "THE FRIEND OF MY ENEMY IS MY ENEMY. THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND." CONSIDER FOR A MOMENT WHO THE FRIENDS AND ENEMIES ARE IN THE PRESENT STRUGGLE IN WHAT USED TO BE KNOWN AS "YUGOSLAVIA", THE LAND OF THE SOUTH SLAVS. Recent Developments in Slovenia Perhaps the best news about Slovenia is that it continues to escape the warfare that is raging in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Yet Slovenia is very much affected by that fighting. The country has more than 66,000 refugees and the facilities to house and feed them are strained beyond capacity. Recently, when Croatia, which itself has over 600,000 refugees, announced it could accept no more and would send new arrivals ahead into Slovenia and, hopefully, western Europe, Slovenia responded by holding the trains at its border with Croatia. Only when Austria and Italy agreed to accept the refugees did Slovenia allow the trains to transit across its territory. Slovenia’s economy is of course very adversely affected by the loss of its markets in the southern republics of the former Yugoslavia. Also, Slovenia’s transition to a market economy is proceeding very slowly, as there is not general agreement in the parliament about how to go about it. In fact, the parliament is politically paralyzed and unable to pass a number of basic laws called for by the 1991 constitution. Among these laws is one governing elections; this means new elections can not be held. The problem is centered in the fact that these basic laws require a two-thirds majority in parliament. No group of parties is able to muster the required majority. The previous Peterle government was unable to get such a majority and its successor, the government of Janez Drnovšek, also can not. Slovenia’s Olympic Team — The Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, are still going on as of this writing. Thus far, Slovenia has won two bronze medals, one by a two-man kayak team and the other by a four-man rowing team. Among other notable performances was a sixth place finish in the 1500 meter men’s free-style by Igor Majcen and a ninth place finish in marksmanship by Rajmund Debevec, who had been thought to have a chance at a medal. Diplomatic Appointments — Slovenia continues to staff its various embassies and other diplomatic missions around the world. One recent appointment in particular will interest a number of our Greater Cleveland-area readers. Ivo Vajgl, former Yugoslav Consul-General in Cleveland, will become Slovenia’s Ambassador to Sweden. His responsibilities will include the other Scandinavian countries as well. Slovenia’s Ambassador to the United Nations in New York will be Dr. Danilo Turk. The United States has still not named an envoy to Slovenia, so Slovenia’s representative in Washington, Dr. Ernest Petrie, is not yet Slovenia’s Ambassador to the United States. Similarly, Slovenia has not been able to open a consulate in Cleveland. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel Overspending on funeral costs is not a sign of greater love. DIRECT CREMATION 1^575 Complete IMMEDIATE BURIAL $695 includes casket & service BLESSING WHEATON THOMAS XC^'u/tuYta/ G/tosm#, A complete and dignified full service facility serving Lake & Eastern Cuyahoga County. Prearrangements and irrevocable trusts avail-able. Living Wills provided with all prearrangements at no extra cost 16222 Broadway Avenue, Maple Heights, OH 44137 Call us today at 475-2626. Other eastern suburb funeral home facilities also available. Multi-cultural Day at Ohio Fair Governor George V. Voinovich announced that Friday, Aug. 14 will be “Multicultural Day” at the Ohio State Fair. The Governor and First Lady Janet Voinovich will make an appearance during a special program featuring cultural performances that afternoon, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Rhodes Center. The program will feature groups from northeast, central and southwestern Ohio. Performing groups representing central and eastern Europe, and Asian and African-American cultures have committed to the program. Cultural performing groups will also be scheduled at the fair’s Gazebo throughout the day. “Multi-cultural Day” is an effort to bring as many Ohio grassroots, ethnic organiztions together as possible. The Governor’s office and the state fair’s public affairs office are working together to bring performing groups and several bus tours from Cleveland and Cincinnati to the fair. “Janet and 1 are looking forward to this special day at the fair,” said Voinovich. “The fair is a tremendous opportunity to show off the more than 50 Ohio ethnic groups.” Admission to the afternoon program is free. Ethnic groups will also have exhibits, displays and literature available. The performing groups will participate in the world parade at 4:30 p.m. “Multi-cultural Day is an important addition to the fair and fits wonderfully with the theme, “Discover a New Experience,” said August Pust, Director of Multi-culturai Af' fairs in the Governor’s Office-“Some of the groups, like the Slovenian Junior Chorus and Dancers, are performing at the fair for the first time.” There are more than 4,000 varieties of tomatoes. 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING • No ATM Fees • No Monthly Fees • Initial Supply of Checks Free • Unlimited Check Writing • No Minimum Balance Required METROPOLITAN rm niwmomEMnmm Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank •Chestsrland 12595ChillicotheRd. 729-0400 •Cleveland 920E.185thSt...........406-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd.. 371-2000 •Euclid 1515 E. 260th St........731-8865 • Pepper Pike 3637 Lander Rd....831-8800 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd.752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd....291-2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd 944-3400 Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC PLAY 10MY. WIN TONIGHI! Anytime today would be a good time to visit one of the Ohio Lottery’s Sales Agent locations and get in the games for tonight’s drawings. [oHtol [lorreRv/ An Equal Opportunity Employer Collinwood Slovenian Home Homecoming On Sunday, August 23, the Collinwood Slovenian Home will hold its annual “Homecoming Day” celebration. Festivities will start at 2 p.m. Free balloons will be given to children for as long as the supplies last. Food and refreshments also will be available at a modest cost. The entertainment program will include the Fred Kuhar Orchestra, Mike Wojtila and the Entertainers, Northern Ohio Button Box Players, Bob Kravos Orchestra, and the Holmes Hall Buttonaires. During its annual event, the Collinwood Slovenian Home also honors a well known musician. This year’s honoree is Fred Kuhar, who has been active as a musician in the Cleveland area for more than 25 years. He is a member of AMLA and serves as president of the American Slovenian Polka Foundation. An attorney and certified public accountant by profession, Mr. Kuhar leads the Fred Kuhar Orchestra, which has two long-play record albums to its credit. The band has traveled extensively in the United States, Canada and Europe. Finally, Mr. Kuhar is past president of Curtis Industries. The awards and speeches will be at 9 p.m. in the upper hall of the Collinwood Home. Admission is free and I cordially invite everyone to join in a festive occasion. Frank Koncilja CDNORPS«; READY TO VOTE NKW I.AW; ABORTIONS LEGAL ANY TIME! Freedom of Choice Acl (HR25, S23), will allow abortions at any time during the nine jg0n,fa* of pregnancy. Further, it will take away Ohio'* parental consent law. Girls under ft i-CarS ^ ^ a^c 10 ^ a^>ort'c,u without their parent's consent. Yet no other ri h Cal Procct*ure allowed without parental consent. This law will take away parental and pass them along to the federal government who will then make decision* lor the |. r---...w... Ml*. • —' —. — 1 *4' V VI T. I, V TVIM k 11VII 1 | | lift V w W! «* 1 V*l O I VI «11 reference to abortion. When will the government *iop invading our rights as also a spending bill. The federal government is already paying $100,000,000.00 of votir tax dollnrs each and every year for f^riJon*- Thi* bill will increase the spending because the federal government must pay VA^0rlions ^0r m‘nors and the poor. A vote is expected before August 13, 1992. YOUR vt)ICE COUNTS! rj15* abortion bill it •anned parenthood ^leaj « take the time to write a short note to each of the following: ^^ressman Louis Stokrs Address: U.S. House of Representatives Con*reSsman EdWi,rd Feighan Washington, D.C. 20515 8r*ssman Dennis Eckart *'"«lor Glenn '■’•'or Melztnbaum Address: U. S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 ^ Ernd^m rtf rtinir. Aft IHR23- 'iitt Sample letter: o.ar _____________________ Please vote against the F.O.C.A. because it takes away parental rights and spends more tax dollars. Sincerely, (Sign vonr name) TWANKS for TAKING THE TIME TO CARE..YOU COULD HE SAVING A LIFE! MR. CAPS INC. used car sales 726 EAST 185TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 *81-2151 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 Holy See and Slovenia The establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Slovenia is a good time to point out some significant moments in the history of the contacts between the Apostolic See and the noble Slovenian nation. According to recent statistics, Slovenia has about 1,997,000 inhabitants, 83 percent of whom call themselves Catholic. The Catholic Church is organized into one ecclesiastical province, Ljubljana, with two major Dioceses, Maribor and Koper. Towards the end of the sixth century, no sooner had the Slovenians settled in their new homeland, which included the Alpine territories of the Sava valleys and the upper Drava, than they encountered Christianity already present in those lands. The spread of the Catholic faith is particularly due to the Dioceses of Aquileia and Salzburg. Contacts between the civil authorities of Slovenia and the Apostolic See began very early. In 752, while Hotimir, the second Slovenian Catholic prince after Gorazd, reigned in Carinthia, Pope Zachary established that for ecclesiastical purposes Carinthia would belong to the ecclesiastical territory of Salzburg. The Slovenian prince Kocelj, who lived in southern Pan-nonia, asked the Pope in 869 to send Methodius as a missionary to the Slovenian land after the death of his brother St. Cyril. The same year Pope Adrian II informed Kocelj and the two Moravian princes, Ratislav and Svatopluk, that he had sent Methodius to both regions. In turn, Prince Kocelj sent Methodius to Rome, begging the Sovereign Pontiff to appoint him Bishop in Pan-nonia. While Methodius was imprisoned in Bavaria, Prince Kocelj maintained a regular correspondence with Pope John VIII. There are two famous letters in which the Pontiff indicates to Kocelj, calling him “prudentissinus vir, ” some issues of ecclesiastical discipline. After Prince Kocelj’s fall in 874, Slovenians did not enjoy political independence until modern times. Questions regarding Slovenia were Everyone is invited to attend the Midwest Marian Eucharistic Conference on Aug. 21, 22, 23 at the Convention Center. For more information call the committee 943-MARY 943-6279 handled through the rulers of Germany of Austria. For example, on 6 December 1461, Emperor Frederick III established the Diocese of Ljubljana and Pope Pius II confirmed the decision on 6 September 1462. This Pontiff had a close relationship with the Slovenian land, because prior to his elevation to the Papacy he had been secretary to Frederick III and later Bishop of Trieste. Some ecclesiastics also had recourse to the Apostolic See concerning political questions, especially at the time of the Counter-Reformation, since they held the position of “Prince-Governor” (Stat-thalier von banner-Ostereich) based in Graz. This was the case with the Levantine Bishop, Jurij Stobej, as well as with the two Bishops of Ljubljana, Janez Tavčar and Tomaž Hren. It is only right to mention the fidelity of Slovenian Catholics to the See of Rome down through the centuries. This is not surprising if we remember that the Christian faith was of fundamental importance in their social and cultural life. The first writings in Slovenian were liturgical prayers. The Most important collection, The Documents of Freising (Bavaria), dating to the second half of the 10th century, was written in the Latin alphabet and the Slovenian language. The time of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation had great importance for the development of the written Slovenian language and, con- > sequently, for a greater ^ awareness of the national identity. Later on, the creation of the Illyrian Provinces by Napoleon, with Ljubljana as capital (from 1809 to 1813), helped strengthen the national consciousness. This reawakening, more than on the political level understood in the strict sense, was visible in the literary field. After experimenting with a communist regime, like the other Yugoslavian Republics, Slovenia succeeded in organizing democratic elections in 1990. In the plebiscite the following year an overwhelming majority of the people favored a sovereign, independent state. This decision was recognized by the international community, in conformity with the United Nations Charter, the Final Act of Helsinki and the Paris Charter. This has allowed for direct contact between Slovenia and the Holy See and for the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations for the first time in history. At the beginning of this new period, the hope spontaneously arises that the Slovenian nation, inspired by the memory of its Christian roots, may be blessed with a prosperous future, one of freedom, peace, harmony and respect for human rights. May Slovenia, faithful to the best traditions of its centuries-old history, make its own contributions to all of Europe. 22078 LAKESHORE BOULEVARD EUCLID, OHIO 44123 Unique Vacation Specialists We Book Corporate and Pleasure Travel Reservations AIRLINE ‘ CRUISES * RAIL ‘ HOTELS Special Itineraries Donna Lucas, owner -----------------— Patricia Spivak, Travel Consultant 261-1050 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS RANK Come Visit Your New Home Visit Home Federal’s new office located at 798 E. 185 Street, Cleveland, OH 44119. Ask us about: ■ Free Checking ■ Home Loans ■ Home Equity Loans MasterCard Certificates of Deposit Insured Money Fund Accts. Complete Banking the Completely Personal Way Rose Marie Balogh - Manager - 529-3059 FDIC Insured Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BRICKMAN & SONS (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services FUNERAL HOME Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 at Neff 692-1172 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio IŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 6, 1992 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 6, 1992 Waterloo Pensioners Club Notes 4 Death Notices JOSEPH POMERSKY Joseph “Boots” Pomersky, 86, died in Manor Care Lakeshore on Wednesday, July 29. Joseph was born in Dunlo, Pa and was a former resident of Beaverdale, Pa. before moving to Cleveland in 1950. Joseph retired in 1970 after working at Eaton Yale for 17 years as a machinist. He was also the owner and operator of Joe’s Place on East 156th St. which he ran with the help of his wife and son. Joseph was the husband of Nellie (nee Valine); the father of Stella Oshaben, Edward and Clara Janosky (dec.); grandfather of four; and great-grandfather of three; brother of Rose Moska, Rose Hanley, Mary Corris, Stanley and Ann Pokoy (dec.). Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Services were also held at St. Mary Church with burial in All Souls Cemetery. Family suggests contributions in his memory to St. Mary Church. LEO A. KODRAMAZ SR. Leo A. Kodramaz Sr., 74, husband of Faye (Sharon (nee Longar); father of Leo A. Jr. (wife Linda), Lenay and Thomas; brother of Joanne Sekula, Florence Jelinek (dec.), Sylvia Kodvamaz, Erma Kodramaz, A1 Kodramaz and Vida Scheid; grandfather of Cassandra and Alyssa; uncle of many. Family received friends at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral services Saturday with a 9 a.m. chapel service and 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Vitus Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. FRANCES PERSE Frances Perse (nee Malnar), 90, passed away in the Slovene Home for the Aged on Monday, July 27th. Frances was the widow of John; the mother of Elmer Perse and Dorothy Urbančič; grandmother of 10, greatgrandmother of 22; sister of Pauline Petrie. Private visitation was held at Zele Funeral Home. A funeral Mass was held at St. Mary Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. FRANK SISKOVIC Frank Siskovic, 95, passed away August 2nd in Wickliffe Country Place. Frank was born in vas Slivje fara Brezovica, Slovenia. He came to the U.S. on July 4, 1921. He retired in 1964 after 19 years as a machinist for Ohio Gear. Frank was a member of Loyalites No. 158 and the Euclid Pensioners. Mr. Siskovic was the husband of the late Christine (nee Jaksetic); father of Frank Jr. and Alma Babuder; and grandfather of six. Private funeral services were held at Zele Funeral Home on Wednesday, August 5th. Burial was in Whitehaven Memorial Park. FRANCES SCHAUER Frances Schauer (nee Stare), 79, wife of the late John; mother of John A.; sister of Peggy and Charles (both dec.); grandmother of Margaret M. Massara, Carol E. Hinderschied; greatgrandmother of seven. She was the daughter of Anton and Frances (nee Pozelnik) Stare (both dec.). Funeral was held last Thursday, July 23 from Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. with Mass at St. George’s Church, 6527 Superior Ave. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. New Slovenia stamp Slovenia celebrated its first anniversary of independence on a 41-tolar stamp issued June 25. Michael I. Fock sent a copy of the new-issue announcement to Linn’s (Stamp News). The stamp shows a lime leaf. According to the announcement, “This generally recognized symbol of the Slovenian national identity includes both blossom and fruit and thus depicts the natural process of growth and development.” Among the historical dates given in the announcement are Dec. 22, 1990, when Slovenians voted for independence; June 25, 1991, the date the Slovenian parliament passed the constitution charter on independence; and May 22, 1992, the day the republic was admitted to the United Nations as its 176th member. Slovenia has released at least two pieces of postal stationery. Michael Padwee sent photocopies of a 5t envelope and a postal card. The imprinted stamp on both pieces has the same design as the Coat of Arms definitives issued Dec. 26,L 1991. Among the new com-memoratives are a 41t stamp issued May 17 to salute an international congress of industrial design held May 16-23 in Ljubljana. The design features a map and a chair. A 6t stamp marks the 130th death anniversary of Anton Martin Slomšek. He is described as a “Slovene writer, leader of the national awakening among Slovenians, educationist, and the first Bishop of Maribor.” A 6t stamp released June 20 shows a contest between boatmen of Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital. The boatmen of this city were organized into a guild, which held contests of skill between its members. The earliest mention of such contests dates back to 1092. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” Hope everyone has enjoyed our summer weather even with all the rain. Been on a vacation? If something of interest occurred, let me know by calling 289-2373 or tell me at the meeting. Justine Prhne who is in charge of getting speakers or entertainers for our monthly meetings would like suggestions from members as whom they would like to hear, so call her at 261-8914. Our picnic in June was enjoyed by all who were there. We were pleased with the profit we made. Many came early to help as help was needed. A special thanks to Mary Rose Hodnik who brought us homemade moon cookies to have with our coffee while we were working. At our July meeting President Prhne thanked Ann Otoničar who sold 60 tickets to her friends. To the cook, Sophie Mazi, and her help, a fine job done and we will see you at the next picnic. Hope everyone enjoyed the music of Lenny Andexler as we had a lot of dancers on the floor. We had two members pass away, Jenie Gudonis and Stan Vesel. To their families we send our sincere sympathies. In Loving Memory OF THE ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH OF MY BELOVED HUSBAND FRANK BOZIC You're not forgotten, dear Nor ever shall you be. As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. Sadly missed by: Anna Turk Bozic and Family Euclid, O., July 30, 1992 Members, please let someone in your family or a friend know you belong to The Waterloo Pensioners Club. Sometimes we are notified too late and all we can do is put up the banner. So please call me “Helen” at 289-2373 or the president John Prhne at 261-8914. Our membership is open to new members; call Ralph Urbancek at 731-9569. At our August 11 meeting we will have a speaker on “Living Wills.” Sandwiches In loving memory On the 21st Anniversary of the death of Louis Klemenčič who died July 30, 1971 You are not forgotten, loved one, Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by, we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. Sadly missed by: Wife, Josephine; Children, Grandchildren, and Great-grandchildren Aug. 6, 1992 and coffee will be served before and after the meeting. Would you like to be a blood donor? If so, come to the Shore Cultural Center on Babbitt Road and see me (Helen Vukčevič) on the last two Tuesdays of the month. I will be there from 3-6 p.m. Many of us are going to the hospital for surgery and sometimes blood is needed. The Red Cross is there to give the needed blood. Thank you. —H.V. In Loving Memory Rose Paulin -Hayny 1900-1987 With a heavy heart and deep sadness we announce it’s been 5 years (Aug. 6th) since the loss of my beloved mother. God watched you suffer. He knew you had your share. He gently dosed yout-weary eyes And took you in His care. Your memory is out-keepsake With that we ’ll never part God has you in His keeping, We have vou in our heart. Sadly missed by: Elsie Jacobs - Daughter Charles Jacobs - Son-in-law Neal and Sid Allen -Grandsons Judi, Granddaughter Arlene, Daughter-in-law Shelly and Sarah, Great-granddaughters Paula Kikol and Joseph, Sister and Husband Michael & Angela Janesch Cousins — and remaining relatives here and in Europe. In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Husband, Father and Grandfather Joseph Tekavec died Aug. 7, 1986 Six years have passed Since that sad day. The one we loved was called away, God took him home - it waS His will - But in our hearts he liveth still. IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY ADOLPH RUPE Who Died Aug. 5, 1989 Golub Funeral Home 4703 Superior Ave. -17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 391-0357 In our thoughts and in our prayers today as always; and in our hearts forever. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His care. Sadly missed by Wife: Stella and his in-laws Sadly missed by-' Wife - Mary Tekavec Son - Joseph FT and Sandra Grandchildren - Pamela Ann and John Cleveland, O., Aug. 6, ^ “Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute” Willoughby, OH, Aug. 6, 1992. Class of 1939 reunion St. Vitus Class of 1939 held its annual re- spouses in attendance. Pictured here are some union on July 18th at the Chalet Debonnet in 0f theiT1> Madison, Ohio. There were 51 classmates and (Photo by Tony Grdina) Rev. Joseph Yelenc is first speaker at St. Vitus centennial program Father Joseph Yelenc, TOR, W>H be the first guest speaker on Saturday, August 29 at St. vitus parish regarding the Parish’s endowment trust cam-P^gn and centennial program. Father Yelenc is currently an associate professor of biology at St. Francis College in Loret-|°> Pa. He is a native of L°rain, Ohio. Despite his heavy academic J^sponsibilities, Father Yelenc 18 also responsible for the tollowing: Superior, St. Franks Monastery; Spiritual Direc-°r> Carmelite Monastery and i16 Sisters of Mercy (both in A); and National Spiritual Director, American Slovenian ^atholic Union (KSKJ), a 'faternal insurance organiza-'°n serving primarily those of °venian descent throughout lhe United States. Father Yelenc professed s°lemn vows in the Province The Most Sacred Heart of esus, Third Order Regular of ,enance in 1969. He was or-ained a priest at the Im-aculate Conception athedrai in Altoona, Pa. in r .. ; The TOR is part of the 'Sious order of Franciscans in the Catholic Church. Father Yelenc is a sought-after speaker. He has given parish renewals, led retreats, directed days of recollection and workshops, and also spoken at commencements and conventions. Father Yelenc’s lecture on August 29 in St. Vitus auditorium is entitled, “Changing Times Require Changing Minds.” He will speak on the issue of change, conversion, and the necessary commitment to accomplish both. This topic touches on the aspect of spiritual reflection. Father Yelenc will be the main celebrant at the 5 p.m. Mass in St. Vitus Church. Immediately after the Mass, the lecture will be given in the Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 Imamo 10 dni vojna za Slovenijo (Video Cassette) Igra 72 minut, Stane $30 plus tax $2.10 pošta $2 Imamo tudi Lepo Voščilno karto ki igra novo Slovensko Himno stane $3.50, pošta $1.25 Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave. (216) 431-5296 Introducing OPTIMUM INCOME Interest Rates for August, 1992 ^ieldmaster II 7.95% (Good thru 8/31/92) Yield if held for 12 months and no withdrawals are taken during this period. t>ur savings ideas are Safe, Secure and Guaranteed to $100,000. ^ High Monthly or Annual Income ^ Like a CD, there are no sales charges and your money is safe Over 50% of all pension funds are currently invested in this product. No taxes on interest. Call or write today for more information. Optimum income Series 92-3 is a Single Premium Deferred Annuity American-Slovenian Consultants Financial Planner DENNIS SAMSA — President 261-6592 A1V* Pena Bldg. 27801 Euclid Ave., Suite 450 Euclid. Ohio 44132 parish auditorium. Pastry and refreshments will be provided. There is no admission charge. Attendees are, however, welcome to make a donation. St. Vitus Church and auditorium are located on the parish grounds at 6019 Glass Avenue in Cleveland, one block south of East 62nd Street and St. Clair Ave. Father Yelenc’s appearance is made possible through the endowment trust and also as part of the parish’s centennial program. Slovenian securities broker, Steve Koren in Willoughby Hills McDonald & Company Securities, Inc. (“McDonald & Company”) this week announced the opening of a new office in the landmark Corporate Ninety Building at 2550 S.O.M. Center Road, Suite 300 in Willoughby Hills. Telephone number is (216) 943-200. The office has eight employees, including five investment brokers. Stephen J. Koren, vice president, has been appointed office manager. He will be joined by Sharon L. Krnc vice president; Tucker Marston, senior vice president; John M. Ruff, vice president; and Nancy L. Tremaglio, investment Broker. Additional investment brokers are expected to join the office in the coming months. McDonald & Company is a regional investment banking, investment advisory, and brokerage firm with a total of 32 offices in eight states including headquarters in Cleveland. “It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.” —Eddie Cantor SLOVENIAN TOLAR LIMITED EDITION ISSUED IN HONOR OF THE SLOVENIAN STATE AT THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE SLOVENIAN CONGRESS. MADE OF : CENTER - 2.5 mm GOLD, OUTER RING - 3.0 mm SILVER AVAILABLE IN ATTRACTIVE CASE WITH CERTIFICATE FOR $7Qc oo £. /J. PLUS POSTAGE. NEW JERSEY RESIDENTS ADD 7% TAX 5 gr.....GOLD 2.5 gr..SILVER MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CONSULTING, INC. 238 MAIN ST.. HACKENSACK. NJ 07601 TEL |2011 343-7983 ALLOW 6 WEEKS FOR DEUVERY ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■fr*********** STOP IN AT BRONKO’S Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 * * » * * Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski - Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine — Owner - David Heuer Events... Wednesday, August 12 Fairport Slovenian Retirees picnic, Fairport, Ohio. Thursday, Aug. 13 Federation of Slovenian Senior Citizens Annual Picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner 1 to 3, dancing at 3 with music by Lenny Andexler Orchestra. Donation $8.50; gate only admission $2. Sunday, August 16 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 16 AMLA Family Day Picnic at AMLA Recreation Center in Leroy Township, Ohio. Sunday, Aug. 23 Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Avenue, Homecoming celebration. Free admission. Saturday, Aug. 29 Rev. Joseph Yelenc talk on “Changing Times Require Changing Minds” in St. Vitus auditorium. It will be preceded by 5 p.m. Mass. Saturday, Aug. 29 Federation of Slovenian National Homes “Family Day Picnic” at St. Joseph KSKJ picnic grounds, White Rd., Willoughby, O. Dinners, refreshments, prizes, dancing and balina tourney. Tickets at All Slovenian Homes. Sunday, Sept. 6 Bishop A. Edward Pevec celebrates noon Mass in St. Vitus church, marking first event in 100-year celebration of St. Vitus parish. September 13 30th anniversary of Slovene Home for the Aged. Cocktails, dinner and dancing to Alpine Sextet. Sunday, Sept. 13 AMLA Lodge Slovenski Dom No. 6 sponsors picnic-dance on Grandparents’ Day at the AMLA Slovenski Vrt in Leroy Township. Sunday, Sept. 27 Friends of Slovenian National Home “Fall Brunch”, Main Hall, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Sunday, Oct. 11 St. Mary’s School Alumni, 2nd Reunion. For tickets write Bea Jerkič, 414 E. 274 St., Euclid, OH 44132 and enclose a «elf-addressed envelope and check for $15 made out to St. Mary’s School Alumni, Sunday, October 18 Annual Artists and crafts Show and Sale sponsored by Slovenian American National Art Guild at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, Oct. 25 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day begins with concelebrated Mass at St. Vitus Church at 12 noon. Dinner and induction ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Call Joe Brodnik, 531-3485. Wednesday, Nov. 25 Pre-Thanksgiving Jam Session, Club of Association, Slovenian National Home, lower hall, 6417 St. Clair Ave., 7 p.m. until ??? Thursday, November 2 6, Tony’s Thanksgiving Polka Party at Marriott Society Center, 127 Public Square, downtown Cleveland. For further details call 1-800-800-5981. 5 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 6, 1992 IŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 6, 1992 6 Bishop Slomšek group receives Lausche grant gc Madeline D. Debevec, secretary of the Frances and Jane S. ^ Lausche Foundation, presents a check for $2,000 to John < Petrie, president of The Bishop Slomšek Association. Other Slomšek officers present were Julka Smole, secretary (left), and ,-JFrank Urankar, (background), treasurer. Mr. Urankar presented the check to Bishop Kramberger of Maribor, Slovenia ~ in July to help defray expenses in the canonization process of Slovenian bishop Anton Martin Slomšek. 300 attend St. Vitus Alumni event by Helen Glivar The St. Vitus Alumni second annual reunion day was held on Sunday, June 2nd with over 300 persons present. Fr. William Jerse was the celebrant of the Mass; con-celebrants were Revs. Victor Cimperman, Class of ’31; Victor Tome, Class of ’31; Frank Godic, Class of ’61. A lovely homily was given by Fr. Tome. We enjoyed the lovely music and beautiful lyrics performed by our organist Daivd Križan and his wife. The lectors were Antoinette (Antončič) McGrath, Class of ’21 and Mildred (Blatnik) Ringenbach, Class of ’31. The officers and Eleanore (Medveš) Hlabse, Class of ’36 carried up the Eucharistic gifts. Deceased members were remembered in a moment of prayerful reflection. While we partook of a family-style dinner prepared by the cook, Mrs. Dular in the auditorium, our president, Matthias Perpar, honored the oldest member and graduate of Class of 1914, Charles Baznik who is celebrating his 77th anniversary; Mary Peterlin, Class of 1918. The longest married were: Chris and Frank Glavan and Bea and Marty Tome - 56 years. The most children - 8 by Josephine (Slaper) Melle. The youngest member was Nancy Hlad; and the one who came the farthest was Leonard Zak, from California. Also present were our pastor - Rev. Joseph Boznar, Sisters Mary Roman (Kastelic), the oldest; Philomeen (Malovrh), Edona (Perusek), Carmen (Hočevar), Kallista, Avsec and Susan Turk. We also fondly remembered Sr. Mary St. Augustine of Jesus, a cloistered nun, who as Jean Petkovšek, was a teacher at St. Vitus. The Reunions of the Classes of ’21, ’31 and ’36 celebrated their 70th, 60th, and 55th anniversaries. Speeches were made by Antoinette McGrath, Mildren Ringenbach and Eleanore Hlabse. It came as a surprise when the president presented Certificates of Appreciation to Albina Pozelnik, chairing the committee for membership, and to Joseph Brodnik who are both doing outstanding work. A special recognition was presented to the alumni, congratulating all of the members on this occasion and saluting us as outstanding citizens from Troy Lee James and Mike Stinziano, Class of ’59 from the 12th House District of Ohio, 119th General Assembly of Ohio, sponsored by Frank Mahnič, Patrick Sweeney and Ron Šuster. Scholarships of $300 each were awarded to Mary Erne and Steven Turchik. The awards were presented to them on their graduation date. Nancy Hlad and Ray Godec entertained us with their accordions. The three Železnik sisters: Lillian, Class of ’41, Jean Turk, Class of ’42, and Josepha Strauss, Class of ’43, sang our beautiful songs. We all joined in, singing our St. Vitus Alumni Song (composed by Carol (Schmuck) Traven, Class of ’26) to the melody of ‘God Bless America.’ God bless St. Vitus School, with respect and love, from the Pre-School to the Eighth Grade, with the help from the Lord up above, we had nuns and we had teachers, as we learned our ABC’s, God bless St. Vitus School, and our Classmates, God bless us one and all, St. Vitus School!!! RAH Our honorees who have been selected to be inducted into the Hall of Fame in October are: Eleanore Karlinger, Class of ’25; Joseph Zelle, Class of ’26; Posthumous members: Msgr. B. J. Ponikvar (former Pastor of St. Vitus Church), and Mike Kolar, Class of ’20. Little school houses, complete with bells on the tables were the result of Josephine Perpar’s artistic expertise. Standing on the stage was a large schoolhouse about 2 ft. high with a bell and a doll depicting a Notre Dame Nun with little dolls, representing a small boy and a girl, going to school with their books - a tribute to the good teachers who taught us so well. There was a beautiful array of yellow mums and ferns. Two tables displayed many photos and the Memorabilia Book. All those who paid a visit to this “memory lane” were very impressed and amazed. It was wonderful to see such a good attendance. God bless all of you and a grateful acknowledgement to Dan Reiger and his capable committee. Fairport picnic Do you want to have fun, renew old friendships, play in a balinca tournament, win prizes, dance to good music, eat great food and yummy bakery? Or, you can bring your button box or any other musical instrument and join in our “continuous jam session .” This all happens on Wednesday August 12, at the American Slovene Club, 617 Third St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Look for signs. For more information call Ann Barbish, 731-8761. We’ll be looking for you. Welcome Ritz Camera The American Home welcomes Ritz Camera Center in the Euclid Square Mall as an advertiser. There you will find a large selection of various types of films for your camera. Also they have a large selection of picture frames and mostly just about everything for your photographic needs. Everyone will appreciate their one-hour film development service. Did you remember? Did you remember to make your reservations for the Federation of Pensioners Picnic? The date is Thursday, August 13th. The place is the SNPJ Picnic Grounds in Kirtland, Ohio. If you need dinner tickets or bus transportation from the St. Clair area, call Stanley Frank at 391-9761 now. Come and enjoy a day with friends. Mike Mann Manager E3RITZ CAMERA CENTERS ai¥& Euclid Square Mall East 260 Street Euclid, OH 44132 (216) 731-3370 We are pleased to announce the establishment of our new Willoughby Hills office. Stephen J. Koren Vice President Office Manager Sharon L. Kmc Vice President Investment Broker Thcker Marston Senior Vice President Investment Broker John M. Ruff Vice President Investment Broker Nancy L. Tremaglio Investment Broker McDonald & company SECURITIES, INC. Corporate Ninety Building 2550 S.O.M. Center Road, Suite 300 Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 216-943-8200 Member NYSE Member S1PC George V. Voinovich Governor wiliMMBMi AUGUST7-23 Adults-$5 Children-$4 Seniors-$2 Your visit to The Ohio State Fair entitles you to a $5 coupon to AmeriFlora '92! (Restrictions apply.) Call 1-800-BUCKEYE KreJaw FOR Freedom AND •Justice Ameriška Domovina gj 7iM t r J ref- IPESTiT^Ti11 H~ — AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, August 6, 1 992 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER —Vesti iz Slovenije Parlamentarno razpravljanje o volilnih zakonih odloženo do septembra — Volitve šele decembra, če sploh takrat Pretekli teden je slovenski parlament šel na počitnice. Naslednje zasedanje bo šele v septembru. Na zadnji seji pred počitnicami Poslancem ni uspelo najti potrebne dvetret-j'nske večine za volivni zakon, ki bi omogočil parlamentarne volitve. Če bodo poslanci v septembru le izglasovali potreben zakon, je še vedno možno, da bi bile volitve do konca leta, kar sicer zahteva slovenska ustava. Če Potrebnega zakona ne bo, volitev ne bo. Brez novih volitev pa se bo nadaljevala parlamentarna blokada. Slovenski škofi želijo prenehanje vladne kampanje proti Cerkvi — Določeni krogi želijo omejiti svobodo in vpliv Cerkve Vatikanski radio je 28. julija poročal, da so slovenski škofi izjavili, da poteka v dr-*avi kampanja, katere cilj je omejiti svobodo in vpliv katoliške Cerkve v slovenski družbi. Nekateri politični krogi agitirajo Proti Cerkvi in skušajo ustvariti proticerkve-no razpoloženje. Ti krogi trdijo na primer, da se želi Cerkev obogatiti na račun revnejših družbenih slojev in da želi postati naj-hogatejši lastnik in kapitalist v državi. Slovenski nadškof in metropolit dr. Alojzij Šuštar je izjavil za vatikanski radio, d® poteka ta kampanja skladno z mišljenem, ki ga je polnih 45 let pospeševala prej-Snia komunistična vladavina. »Tako globo-ko ukoreninjeno je to (mišljenje), da ga ni Mogoče spremeniti.« Komunistično gledanje do vere in Cerkve in do drugih družbenih pa- v Sloveniji je še prisotno, je rekel nad-, °f- »Spremeniti vse to bo vzelo desetletja,« Je dodal. »Stara mentaliteta je tako globoko Ukoreninjena, da ne moremo pričakovati, da Se ho spremenila v nekaj dneh, mesecih ali Cel° letih.« Novi slovenski veleposlaniki imenovani V zadnjem času je bilo imenovanih še ekaj slovenskih veleposlanikov. V Organi-c,ji Združenih narodov v New Yorku bo ^Ovenijo zastopal dr. Danilo Turk. Na let' ^ de namenjen lvo Vajgl, ki je pred v kot jugoslovanski generalni konzul ju eve*andu, nato bil tiskovni predstavnik jugoslovanskega zunanjega ministrstva v ogradu, p0 odstopu pa se je vrnil v Slove-•n se pridružil slovenskemu zunanjemu Iz Stockholma bo Vajgl kril tudi a e skandinavske države. . Slovenski veleposlanik v Kanadi bo §iž Jan Majcen, na Hrvaškem Matija Male-Evj na ^kem Zvone Dragan, pri sedežu B0r°P^ke skupnosti v Bruslju, Belgija, pa i°čih 'Ze^ S*ovenrja namerava v prihaja-stj-gi".016860^ odpreti veleposlaništva v Av-pa *'J1’ ^Sentini, Kitajski, Egiptu, čez čas e v Parizu in Rusiji. ni, v^'°Venskega konzulata v Clevelandu še Pr&v so v teku priprave. Ura^^'ukh teden je prišel v Slovenijo na Hans etn °h*sku nizozemski zunanji minister Ča| s Van ^en Broek. Med obiskom seje sre-n'strsi^eC*SeC*n** da se imenujete ’častne sestre’) ko ste navadna banda zločincev. Odselite se iz naše Srbije) ker ta pripada Srbom...« Obljubljali so v tem pismu, da bo tekla kri: »Bit če krvi do kolena...« In posmeh na koncn: »Ho, ho, ho...« To so samo glavne misli iz tega pisma, se nisem vsega zapomnila. Sestre smo kljub temu naprej delale, kot bi nič nc biW’ vsak kamen, ki so ga vrgli' tiho odstranile, ga pokazale milici in jo vsakokrat obvestile, pa vse skupaj ni nič pom®; galo. Morda so tudi oni drža } z njimi, ali pa jim niso mog do živega, ne vem. Tudi na cerkev (katoliško) in župnišče so metali v šipo ka' mne, a ne toliko kot na naš® hiše. In kakšne laži so trosi' po beograjski televiziji; ljnme so pa seveda verjeli: da imam0 sestre na Banovem brdu v & mostanu (to je pri nas) oroz) > da skrivamo veliko ustašev, imamo strup za zastrupljeVa_ nje vode itd. Še celo beogf3^ ski časopis Duga je prinesel in še druge laži; tam jo bil3 vse to slišali in brali, do strah v kosti in naenkra podpisana neka žena, imena s ne spomnim. Pa je naš žup (Slovenec) sestavil odgovor ^ ta časopis in zavrnil vse izin Ijotine, .. na koncu pa to zC povabil, naj pride k njemu kavo«. Če so ta odgovor v tem časopisu objavilil, ne v nikdar nisem slišala, da bi ^ Ni čudno, da so ljudje’i^j|j se nam niso upali pribliŽat‘’ reveži in cigani, ki s° v kaj pri nas dobili, ne. Cig otroci so se bali: »Sestre i orožje...« g#. Zdi se mi, da je v^‘*ca.,[eg3 na ljudi držala z nami, a s'oteflj niso upali pokazati. In je še bomba padla PreC* f jC v stan Zagrebških milosrd Zemunu, kjer že 120 let ^ v tamošnji bolnici. Sicer 9 či ni bila poškodovana no (dalje na str. 9) P. Lojze Kukoviča ODGOVOR NA ODGOVOR (nadaljevanje in konec) 4. V resnici bi narod moral braniti tisti, ki je imel oblast v rokah. To, razumljivo, je bil dejansko okupator. Ker tega okupator ni hotel storiti, je imelo ljudstvo samo pravico, da se brani, kakor se najbolj m°re. Tako je prišlo do tega, da je narod zahteval orožje od istega, ki ga je bil po medna-rodnem pravu dolžan braniti ~~ °d okupatorja. Ali naj bi se a' še naprej brezobrambno moriti in mirno gledati, kako se boljševizira njegova domovina? Po noben logiki to ni do sodelovanje z okupator-jeni. Domobranci se niso bori-1 za zmago Nemcev. Takšno govorjenje lahko služi kot po-Cen* propagandno sredstvo, a res samo kot to. Nadalje prav pravite, da V dor je količkaj psihologa, 0 zatrdil, da je nemogoče, da ' v najhujši uri, ki jo je prebijal narod, ta sloj (namreč duhovniški) s škofom na čelu bz noč postal izdajalski in se dinjal sovražniku slovenstva tevilka ena — Nemcu zaradi aniega izdajstva. Če so se to- 1 z Nemcem povezali, jih je k velik u nioral nagniti neznansko razlog« (str. 77) neznansko velik razlog. ^ ta je bil: obramba proti ■ Rožnemu boljševizmu, ki e tiotel našo katoliško Sloveti0 Po boljševiško preurediti. takrat ne danes ne morete etieti, da bi vsi slovenski du-0Vnihi s škofom na čelu čez v h, noj - a bi svoje ljudstvo vodili v dno izdajstvo! ^Postali narodni izdajalci, ddfodn sih 111JC mooneje zvenel v uše-gla ^remno8'h Slovencev lažni Pa d° narocdnj osvoboditvi kot duh raniatj^nj poziv njegovih da °Vn*h pastirjev. Čudim se, l(aKSte tiili tudi vi med temi. ^ 0 ste se mogli prepričati, e ^°dje verjeti brezbožne- J SPOMIN • OBLETNICE smrti m°ža in očeta m m** , > ^KA KUHAR dJnirl 6. ?°nce, avgusta 1981. kJer]"aj na lra'o sije, bltša ČlVaŠ.dragi TL 'citn Pa naJ srečo uživa, > raJski večnosti. ki so tako skrbno zgradili lažno stavbo slovenske zgodovine, pravnih zaključkov i° opravičevanja revolucije. • V kakšno dejavnost ste *e v Chicagu usmerili? Na kakŠ"® težave ste naleteli v novem me' stu? Na kaj ste naslonili svoj® iniciativnost? Ste delovali k® privaten profesionist ali v ka kem podjetju? Kdaj ste »usPe li«? Kaj je danes Vaše P°8^ vitno opravilo? In Vaš vitni vir dohodkov? Čeprav sem imel polno 5 ^ pendijo za Loyola univerzo Chicagu, je nisem mogel up° (dalje na str. 11) SPiCIAIlS ta FRANKFURT ON SALE NOW CLEVELAND n so dobili priliko, da so ga osebno pozdravili. Lojze Peterle in dr. Andrej Capuder, pa tudi drugi gostje kulturniške delegacije iz Slovenje so bili ganjeni na sprejemu osnovnošolske mladine, tretje-8a rodu, ki gladko govori slo-Vensko, kakor tudi na obisku srednješolskega tečaja. Peterle se je sestal tudi s člani SKD v Argentini, Medorganizacij-skim svetom itd., obiskal pa je tudi 1500 km. oddaljeni sredi-, Bariloče in Mendozo, kjer Je bil navdušeno sprejet. Nekaj časa pa je posvetil uoi pridobivanju poznanstva ^ed argentinskimi oblastmi. . biskal je parlament, kjer ga ]Te sprejel tajnik dr. Alonso. se je zanimal predvsem za Poslovnik in način delovanja, 4r bi morda prav prišlo tudi v Oveniji. Obiskal je Sanmar-nski inštitut, kjer so sklenili, ^ Se tudi v Sloveniji ustanovi ntsko društvo, ki naj povelje obe državi. Obiskal je tudi bivšega prednika države dr. Artura r°udizija, ki uživa velik ugled n tukajšnjimi politiki (ta je * Prisoten tudi na Dnevih slo-^Uske kulture), obiskal zuna-s ministrstvo, kjer ga je r rejel direktor za Srednjo Ev-P° dr. Espeche Gil. Sv 0sebn° pozornost je po-§jr d m^ijem, kjer je dal ob-Šte 6 m^rvjuje velikim in upo-p vunim dnevnikom kot La i[,^Sa (intervju s Peterletom ko i’ ^aPuclrom in njuno velita S*,ko je izšel že 16. julija), in Pdgina 12. je skupaj s pred-prof' 0rn Zedinjene Slovenije jei>' ^rnetom Vivodom spre-dro n*1 velike občine San Isi-Pote r: Nlelchor Posse, ki se diHafUje Za predsedniško kan- Ur° pr* radikalni stranki, vzpostavila prisrčne Hejj ,zrazila voljo po tes- St‘ke in iz s°delovanju. )f n*?0 P0zomost pa je spreje!:0jze Peterle doživel na ‘lem ---- ^v*.* tw »ic* u Pri predsedniku Ar- 'DunttaC DaclClh Oho gentine dr. Carlosu Menemu, ki ga je obiskal skupaj s prof. Vivodom, podpredsednikom ZS inž. Jernejem Dobovškom in industrialcem Hermanom Zupanom ml. Razgovor je trajal nad pol ure, kjer se je Peterle zahvalil Argentini za hitro priznanje Slovenije, za prijazen sprejem in dobrohotnost do slovenskih izseljencev ter zaželel Menemu tudi veliko uspeha pri sedaj potekajočih privatizacijah in pri transformaciji Argentine. Predsednik Menem pa je v svojem pogovoru pokazal dobro poznanje slovenske situacije in slovenske emigracije v Argentini, katero zelo ceni zaradi njenega dela in kulturnosti, izrazil upanje, da bo lahko obiskal Slovenijo, ki se nahaja v podobnih spremembah kot Argentina. Po prijaznem in prisrčnem pogovoru je bila potrjena prijateljska vez med Argentino in Slovenijo. Novi grobovi Frank Siskovic Dne 2. avgusta je v Wick-liffe Country Place umrl 95 let stari Frank Siskovic, rojen v vasi Slivje pri Brezovici, Slovenia, v ZDA prišel 4. julija 1921, vdovec po Christine, roj. Jaksetic, oče Franka ml. in Alme Babuder, 6-krat stari oče, zaposlen kot strojnik pri Ohio Gear 19 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1964, član SNPJ št. 158 in Kluba upokojencev v Euclidu. Privaten pogreb je bil 5. avgusta v oskrbi Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele ali dobrodelni ustanovi vaše izbire. Frances Perse Dne 27. julija je v Slovenskem domu za ostarele umrla 90 let stara Frances Perse, rojena Malnar v Sv. Gregorju, Slovenija, v ZDA prišla 1. 1920 ter živela v Euclidu 25 let, vdova po Johnu, mati Elmerja in Dorothy Urbančič, 10-krat stara mati, 22-krat prastara mati, sestra Pauline Petrič. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda. Joseph Pomersky Dne 29. julija je v Manor Care Lake Shore negovališču umrl 86 let stari Joseph Pomersky, rojen v Dunlu, Pa., živel v Beaverdalu, Pa., v Cleveland se pa preselil 1. 1950, mož Nellie, roj. Valine, oče Stelle Oshaben, Edwarda in že pok. Clare Janosky, 4-krat cLLLtU Oh an e stari oče, 3-krat prastari oče, brat Rose Moška, Rose Hanley, Mary Corris, Stanleyja in že pok. Ann Pokoy, zaposlen kot strojnik pri Eaton Yale 17 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1970, lastoval in skupaj z ženo in sinom vodil Joe’s Place na E. 156 St. Pogreb je bil 1. avgusta iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete, kamor družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin. Vincent Simončič Umrl je 93 let stari Vincent Simončič, vdovec po Ani, oče Anne Bizjak, Vincenta ml., Franka, Johna in že pok. Josepha, 17-krat stari oče, 29-krat prastari oče in 3-krat pra-pra-stari oče, član ADZ št. 26. Pogreb je bil 3. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Bonifacija in pokopom na Sv. Križa pokopališču. Robert A. Zakrajšek V Hoffman Estates, 111., je umrl 51 let stari Robert A. Zakrajšek, prej živeč v Euclidu in Clevelandu, sin Mary, roj. Baitt in že pok. Anthonyja Zakrajška, brat Patricie Heth in Thomasa, 3-krat stric. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila 1. avgusta v cerkvi sv. Vida, k večnemu počitku je bil položen na Mentor pokopališču. Louis Curk Umrl je Louis Curk, vdovec po Mary, roj. Bradač, oče Larryja (Dayton, O.), 2-krat stari oče, brat Jennie (Ivanke) Mezgec, Josephine, Christine Kernel (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 5. avgusta iz Fortunovega zavoda na 5316 Fleet Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca. Mathias Gorše ml. Dne 31. julija je umrl Mathias Gorše ml., živeč v Gibso-nia, Pa., preje na Mayfield Hts., O., mož Dolores, roj. Majetich, oče Lynne Ernes in Keitha, brat Evelyn Vidmar, Anne Brankley, Roberta in Williama. Pogreb je bil 3. avgusta v Pittsburghu, Pa. INTERVJU (nadaljevanje s str. 10) rabiti, kajti moral sem se preživljati s svojim lastnim delom. Najprej kot delavec v tovarni, nato v restavraciji kot natakar in končno kot daktilo-graf v nekem lesnem podjetju. Ko sem zaslužil zadosti denarja, sem v dveh semestrih končal ekonomijo — s poudarkom na zunanji trgovini — na University of Illinois. Potem kot sem že kakšno leto delal v zunanji trgovini pri nekem večjem farmacevtskem podjetju, se mi je znova zbudila želja po študiju prava. In to 944-8400 OiLC FUNERAL HOME 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 sem tudi storil in diplomiral 1. 1960. Po nekajmesečnem bivanju v Evropi, da se izpopolnim v nemščini, sem uporabil štipendijo, ki sem jo dobil na univerzi v Chicagu, za študij mednarodnega poslovnega prava. Nekaj mesecev sem delal kot samostojni odvetnik. Leta 1962 sem bil sprejet v pravni oddelek farmacevtske družbe Abbott Laboratories. Tam sem bil soustanovitelj mednarodnega pravnega oddelka, ki sem ga po dveh letih prevzel in vodil do svoje upokojitve. Družba Abbott Laboratories je med največjimi farmacevtskimi družbami v Ameriki in je poslovala v približno 125 državah po svetu ter imela okoli 80 podružnic raznih vrst po vsem svetu. Družba sama ima danes čez 7 milijard dolarjev prometa letno in mednarodni oddelek predstavlja nekaj manj kot polovico tega posla. Tam sem bil podpredsednik, tajnik in član upravnega odbora ter sem v tem svojstvu neštetokrat obšel svet in ga tudi sicer prekrižal podolgem in počez. Ko sem šel pred kratkim v pokoj, sem se pridružil razme- MALI OGLASI Suite For Rent 1 person. 1580 E. 43 St. Furnished. 2 rooms & bath. Utilities. Call 845-7416. (31-34) Charming 2 bedroom Colonial on Pawnee Avenue. Solid construction, enclosed back porch & full basement. Excellent condition. $69,900. Call Dolores or Sharon for an appt. Century 21 On The Square Realty, Inc. 139 Main Street. Chardon 942-3587/286-1110 V BLAG SPOMIN OB 45. OBLETNICI SMRTI našega očeta, starega očeta in prastarega očeta JOHN JAMNIK ki je umrl 12. avgusta 1947. 45 let je že minilo od tistega žalostnega dneva, ko si odšel od nas za vedno. Ostali so nam lepi spomini na Tebe in tiste srečne in krasne čase, ko smo bili vsi skupaj. Žalujoči: Hčeri — Rose por. Arko in Vilma Vnuka — David Arko in žena Margie Steven Arko in žena Serena Pravnuki in pravnukinja Brian, Jennifer, Kevin in Eric Arko Wickliffe, Ohio, 6. avgusta 1992. roma veliki advokatski firmi v Chicagu, kjer sem svetovalec za mednarodne pravne posle. Firma združuje okoli 200 advokatov z uradoma v Chicagu in Washingtonu, D.C. Moj glavni sedanji vir dohodkov so razne investicije, pasivne (borza) in aktivne. (se bo nadaljevalo) KOLEDAR (nadaljevanje s str. 1) di vsakoletno martinovanje v SND na St. Clairju. Igra Tone Klepec orkester. 25. — Klub graduantov sve-vidske šole priredi kosilo v farnem avditoriju. Sv. maša opoldne, kosilo ob 1.30. NOVEMBER 14. — Pevski zbor Jadran priredi jesenski koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. 14. — Belokranjski klub priredi martinovanje, v SND na St. Clair Ave. Igra Tone Klepec orkester. DECEMBER 4. — Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet priredi »Večer s škofom Pevcem«, na Borromeu. Nastopa Glasbena Matica. 6. — Glasbena Matica priredi koncert v SND na St. Clair Avenue. Igra Tone Klepec orkester. MALI OGLASI Apartment For Rent 1 bdrm apt. with appliances, air cond. No pets. Near Slovene Home for the Aged. Call 261-0430. (x) House For Sale Nottingham-Villaview area. Brick house, well-built, 4 bedrooms, large living room, formal dining room, 1 full bath & 2 half-baths. Central air. 1 owner only. Move-in cond. $69,900. Call 731-1860. (x) DOMŽALE American looking for a small house to buy (not to rent or lease) or land to build on, in Slovenia in or near Domžale. Contact L. Culp direct. Call 011-38-61-712-658, or write L. Culp, Prešernova 17, 61230 Domžale, Slovenia, Europe. (29-32) Want to Rent Sleeping room with bath in the area of E. 185 to 200 St. in Euclid. Retired pensioner, sober man. Call 481-8000 and ask for Jim. (X) POTUJETE V RIM? Nekoč hotel Bled, danes hotel Emona! Obveščamo vas, da smo odprli v Rimu hotel Emona. Za rojake poseben popust. Naslov hotela: 00185 - ROMA, Via Stalila 23, Tel: 06-7027911 ali 06-7027827, telefax: 06-7028787. Dobrodošli! Lastnik hotela Emona, Vinko Levstik * 1 For Rent 1 bdrm apt. near the Slovene Home for the Aged. Call 481- 6929 or 531-5754. (X) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 952. Poletni piknik MZA Milwaukee, Wis., Č.g. TONE ZRNEC in LOJZE PETERLE med obiskom v Manistique, Indian Lake, kraj prve Baragove cerkve v letu 1832. Posnetek je bil napravljen 25. junija 1992. je bil letos 26. julija, in MZA Cleveland ga bo izvedla 23. avgusta, prvič v letih pozno v poletju, ker je več ožjih sodelavcev in pionirk iz MZA šlo v Slovenijo koncem junija na obisk za štiri tedne in so lahko tam napravili veliko dobrega s srečanji in pomenki s sorodniki ter rojaki križem naše lepe domovine. Bogoslovec Janez Avsenik iz Ljubljane, ki ga podpira gdč. Angela Gospodarič iz San Francisca, piše 16. julija, daje »te dni v Ljubljani Klement Paljk; iz misijonov pa se je vrnila tudi Jožica Rihar, laična misijonarka, ki je bila 3-4 leta na Madagaskarju. Oba navdušujeta mlade, da bi se tudi oni odločili za kakšno leto dela v misijonih. Gospod ravnatelj dr. Franc Šuštar se zahvaljuje za pozdrave in za vse, kar storite za naše semenišče. Bog Vam povrni. Ali ima MZA kak sedež tudi v Ljubljani ali drugje v Sloveniji? Morda bi ta akcija tudi med nami zaživela. Pri Misijonskem krožku v Ljubljani smo zbrali precej znamk, ki jih nimamo kam poslati, saj je navadno poštnina za pošiljanje znamk večja kot izkupiček od prodanih znamk. Prvih 14 dni v juliju je potekalo v znaku novih maš. Sodeloval sem in pomagal na dveh, v Komendi in na Črnem vrhu nad Idrijo. Nove maše so res poseben dogodek. Narodu se ni treba bati, da bi ostal brez božjih služabnikov. Bog namreč vedno obilno razliva na nas svoje milosti. V Mengšu pa se je nova maša spremenila v žalovanje. Jezuitu Viliju, novo-mašniku, je dan po praznovanju umrla mama. To je bil res šok zanj. Bog ga obvaruj na njegovi poti.« V »Slovencu« sredi julija sem opazil prošnjo narodnega voditelja misijonov iz Ljubljane g. Jožeta Planinška, C.M., pod naslovom »Pomagajmo misijonarju«, da »Slovenski misijonar Janez Krmelj z Madagaskarja, zbira finančna sredstva za nakup rešilnega avtomobila«. Razveseljivo je dejstvo, da sedaj lahko doma zbirajo in pošiljajo v tujino pomoč v denarju, kar dolga leta ni bilo mogoče. V Torontski Božji besedi za julij in avgust pišejo: »Ko se je predsednik Lojze Peterle s svojo ženo Branko od 23. do 30. junija mudil v Torontu, je tri dni posvetil obisku Baragove dežele. Kot Baragov ožji ro- jak, prijatelj in častilec je želel obiskati pomembnejše kraje in grob božjega služabnika v marquettski stolnici. Odpotovala sta zgodaj zjutraj v sredo, 24. julija, v avtu Jožeta Kastelica in v spremstvu Baragovega vicepostulatorja g. Toneta Zr-neca, C^.M. G. Kastelic je vozil, g. Zrnec pa je skupinico vodil kot zgodovinski izvedenec in poznavalec krajev. Peterletova sta sedla v avtu z Rebulovo knjigo Duh velikih jezer v rokah in z Zrnecovim vodičem Po Baragovi deželi. Z obiskom so prav sistematično začeli v Dolnjem Michiganu, se ustavili v Indian Ri-verju, v Petoskeyu in Harbor Springsu (Krivo drevo). V Gornjem Michiganu so si ogledali St. Ignace, Manistique, Marquette, L’Anse, Assissins, Calumet, Eagle River, Eagle Harbor in nazadnje Sault Ste. Marie. Zaradi pomanjkanja časa so morali opustiti obisk na oddaljenejših krajih: La Pointe, Baraga Cross in Gou-lais Bay v Kanadi. Največ časa so posvetili mestu Marquettu. Bil je 25. julij, prva obletnica razglasitve države Slovenije. Med mašo na Baragovem grobu — daroval jo je g. Zrnec — so se zatopili v meditacijo... G. Peterle je glasno izrekel prošnjo k Bogu, naj na Friderikovo priprošnjo nakloni slovenskemu narodu mir, svobodo in blagostanje. V Marquettu so g. Peterleta že poznali z lanskega Baragovega dneva v Washingtonu, D.C. Peterletova sta si pri Baragovi zvezi ogledala ogromni arhiv in bila gostoljubno sprejeta na škofijskem ordinariatu. Potovanje je trajalo tri dni. Vrnili so se v Toronto zdravi, zadovoljni in duhovno okrepljeni ob svetlem in junaškem liku Friderika Baraga.« Te vrstice so objavljene v BB s fotografiji ob tabli z napisom »Bishop Baraga’s First Church«. Na sliki so Lojze in Branka Peterle ter Jože Kastelic iz Toronta, velik dobrotnik mnogih katoliških in slovenskih podvigov med rojaki tu in v domovini. Na Slovenskem letovišču so proslavili letos Slovenski dan, posvečen prvi obletnici proglasitve državne samostojnosti Slovenije. Posebnost dneva je bila prisotnost prvega predsednika vlade Republike Slovenije Peterleta in soproge. V govoru je Peterle osvetlil dogajanja ob rojevanju samostojne Slovenije in prvo korakanje nove dr- žave. Navduševal je navzoče za skupno in strpno sodelovanje ter medsebojno razumevanje. »Bog daj, da bi zopet zaživeli takšno medsebojno povezanost in pripravljenost na žrtve, kot smo jo zaživeli v desetdnevnem ognjenem krstu.« Peterletova sta si ogledala tudi slovenski župnijski center na Brown’s Line. Od februarja do julija je Apostolski krožek v Torontu zbral za misijonsko delo naših misijonarjev na Madagaskarju: splošno za misijone $25,965, za graditev, cerkev $12,661, za bogoslovce in študente $850, za Pedra Opeka $60, za Jožka Kramarja $980, za Heleno Škrabec $25, za Franceta Buha $100, za Ricardo in Lenko Cuello $50. Iz Rwande piše 16. junija Ndahimena Venuste, da bo 16. avgusta posvečen v mašnika in pel novo mašo dan kasneje v rojstni fari. Iskreno se zahvaljuje dobrotnici iz British Columbia v Kanadi, da ga je spremljala ta leta z duhovno in z materialno pomočjo na poti do oltarja. Njej smo takoj pismo in vabilo na ordinacijo poslali. Lepo poudarja v francoskem pismu, da ni važno, če ne more osebno tja, da le duhovno združi svoje želje in molitve zanj, da bi postal dober duhovnik. Družina Štefana in Ane Novak iz Scarboroughja je oblju- bila prevzeti še enega bogoslovca na Štajerskem, da podpreta še potrebe mariborske škofije, kot sem nedavno v MSIP rojake in sodelavce(-ke) prosil. To bi bila sedaj že tretja vzdrževalnina za mariborsko škofijo: za dva iz Štajerske in eden s Prekmurja. Zanimivo, da nobeden teh treh dobrotnikov ni iz tistih delov Slovenije, marveč so vsi iz ljubljanske nadškofije po rojstvu. Je pa med nami na tem kontinentu veliko rojakov iz Štajerske, Prekmurja in Primorske — ravno sem prebiral intervju s škofom Pirihom iz Kopra, ko govori o stanju v njegovi škofiji —, ki bi verjetno bili srečni, če bi se tem naporom priključili z osebno žrtvijo tudi z nekaj stotaki na leto. Bili bi za to izkušnjo bogatejši in kot rojaki onim v domovini duhovno veliko bližji. Neimenovani dobrotnik iz Toronta je poslal kan. $550 za o. Stankota Rozmana in njegovo novo bolnico, ki jo zida v Zambiji. Gdč. Marija Mlinar iz Chagrin Fallsa, O., je darovala $100 za ljubljansko bogoslovje. Ga. Paula Vrečar in njena sestra Marija Kette iz Besse-mera. Pa., za vse $40. Preko MZA je plačala Misijonska obzorja za leto 1992, kar je ga. Tusharjeva odposlala, a so potrdilo dali za leto 1991. Upravo je ga. Tusharjeva na to na- Grdina — Faulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County 944-3300 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS jJTj Ik jpESjmi PLAY TODAY. WIN TONIGHT! Anytime today would be a good time to visit one of the Ohio Lottery’s Sales Agent locations and get in the games for tonight’s drawings. An EqiMl Opportunity Employer pako opozorila. Ga. Stana Oven iz Montere-1 ya, Kalif., je poslala $200 za vse. Ga. Louise Rogina iz Saa Francisca pošilja $100 za sv. maše in $50 za lačne otroke. Opisuje v pismu, kako je bila začetku leta na cesti napadena in poškodovana. Ge. Agnes Leskovec in Mary Zupančič sta poravnali s $300 vzdrževal nino za njunega bogoslovca Oba sta iz Willowicka, O. Vsem dobrotnikom: povrni z obrestmi! Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 MALI OGLASI Brick Ranch - Richmond Hb 3 bedroom, 2 baths, large ki1' chen w/eating area, for1113 dining room and family rooni large garage w/porch and sl^ on parklike acre. $129,0$ Call to see: 531-3352. For Sale Euclid. Violation free. 3 bdO” Colonial. Fenced yard. $74.$\ Call 383-1438. ^ For Sale — By Owner 17921 Hillgrove Rd., off N{fl I Rd. 7 rm bungalow & gara8c. Full basement. 4 bdrm, 2 ur 2 dn. 1 bath on 1st floor, to''{ j & shower in basement. Ne^ alum siding, roof, gutters storms. Tastefully decorate1 landscaped. $73,900. Call^ . 8861 after 3 p.m. (#5) For Sale J Suclid. 18-year old. 1 ^ j anch on newer street. 3 bdi l baths. Family room. Lb Jin rms. Dble att. garage. ^ i aasement. A-l cond. $119. | Z4601 Russell. Call 261-J^j) For Rent « 1 rooms, down. E. 66 St- ^ Clair area. Call 361-4021 a* 6 p.m. < Apartment For Ren*. j 3641 Bosworth. Fund5 ^ clean, quiet. 1 bedroom- j, pets. Senior discount. J $310 + dep. 786-8388 ev^j, Two Apartments For One 2 bdrm and one 3 v Addison Rd. & St. Claif ^ $275 each. Call 431-37751 ()(, VABLJENI STE* ^ da se udeležite Srednj6 ^ dne Marijine evharisttf116 vencije, ki bo 21., 22-avgusta v Cleveland L tion Centru. Za več inf°rl je, pokličite odbor: 943-MARY 943-6279 #C1 Hiše barvamo zun^* ^ traj. Tapeciramo, ('y j# paper). Popravljamo 1 mo nove kuhinje in L0 $ ter tudi druga zidarska zarska dela. f Lastnik TONY KRlS}^ Pokličite 423-444* (f! H