156 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. Pot spominov in tovarištva • Ljubljana, Slovenija • Arhitekt faze 1, 1957–1962: Vlasto Kopač • Kipar: Božo Pengov • Arhitekti faze 2, 1972–1985: Mitja Omersa, Franc Kastelic, Jože Štoka • Arhitekt faze 3, 1985, 2016: Janez Koželj s sodelavci • Material: narava, beton, pesek • Status: kulturni spomenik državnega pomena • Fotografije: Virginia Vrecl, Miran Kambič, Janez Koželj • Besedilo: Janez Koželj Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship • Ljubljana, Slovenia • Architect for Phase 1, 1957–1962: Vlasto Kopač • Sculptor: Božo Pengov • Architects for Phase 2, 1972–1985: Mitja Omersa, Franc Kastelic, Jože Štoka • Architect for Phase 3, 1985, 2016: Janez Koželj with collaborators • Material: nature, concrete, sand • Status: cultural monument of national importance • Photographs: Virginia Vrecl, Miran Kambič, Janez Koželj • Text: Janez Koželj 31_ PST, POT, LJUBLJANA, 1957–1962, 1972–1985, 1985, 2016 Vlasto Kopač, Božo Pengov, Mitja Omersa, Franc Kastelic, Jože Štoka, Janez Koželj SLO 157arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Pot spominov in tovarištva (PST oz. POT) je kulturnozgodovinski spomenik iz oblikovane narave – 32,5 km dolga pešpot okoli Ljubljane po trasi utrjene bodeče žice, ki je v letih 1942–1945 obdajala mesto. Žične ovire je postavila italijanska vojska z namenom, da osami odporniško gibanje v mestu in prepreči njegove stike z okolico. V sestavi obrambnega obroča je bilo 206 bunkerjev, utrjenih stražarnic, postojank in blokov. POT vodi po stanovanjskih soseskah, pod drevoredi, po poljih in travnikih ter skozi gozdove Golovca. Ljubljana ima v zgodovini druge svetovne vojne posebno mesto, saj je bilo le malo okupiranih mest spremenjenih v množič- ni zapor. Prek utrjenega in močno zastraženega obroča so po skrivnih prehodih ilegalno prehajali ranjeni borci, partizani in aktivisti Osvobodilne fronte. Zato je pot ob nekdanji žici spomenik upora prebivalstva proti okupatorju v želji po svo- bodi – spomenik, ki ga lahko primerjamo z berlinskim zidom. Traso poti je po sle- deh nekdanje žičnate ograde leta 1957 zakoličil arhitekt Vlasto Kopač, leta 1959 pa so po njegovih načrtih na nadzorne točke prehodov ob vpadnicah postavili šest kamnitih obeliskov z reliefi kiparja Boža Pengova. Do leta 1962 so na mestih poru- šenih bunkerjev postavili še sto dva spominska kamna z napisi. V letih 1972–1985 sta na trasi žice potekali gradnja pešpoti in saditev drevoredov po načrtih arhitek- tov Mitje Omerse, Franca Kastelica in Jožeta Štoke. Leta 1985 so po načrtih celo- stne ureditve POTI arhitekta Janeza Koželja in njegovih sodelavcev postavili spo- minske jambore, smerokaze in informacijske table, izvedli rekonstrukcije ostalin bunkerjev in postavili obeležje prve postavitve žične ovire. Pot spominov in tova- rištva je skupinski projekt največjega zgodovinskega spomenika v mestu. Je tudi najmočnejša prvina njegove prepoznavnosti, saj so ga Ljubljančani večinoma zgra- dili sami, s prostovoljnim delom. Nekdaj vojni spomenik se je z leti preoblikoval v javno dobrino, v enkraten, vsem dostopen prostor za druženje in rekreacijo v ze- lenju. POT je živ, nedokončan projekt; pešpot, zelenje, opremo in objekte ob njej vzdržujejo in neprestano obnavljajo: nekateri njeni elementi so bolj, drugi manj obstojni, nekateri materiali terjajo več, drugi manj vzdrževanja, tudi različne vrste drevja niso enako občutljive in imajo različno življenjsko dobo. Poleg tega se POT dopolnjuje z novimi ureditvami, počivališči, igrišči in otoki športa, saj je njen po- tencial neizčrpen. Ohranjanje in vzdrževanje sklenjenega zelenega obroča je nuj- no, da lahko spomenik v zelenem sistemu mesta opravlja svojo družbeno in okolj- sko funkcijo, saj obsega četrtino vseh njegovih parkovnih površin. The Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship (Slovene: Pot spominov in tovarištva, POT) is a cultural and historical monument constituted of ordered nature - a 32.5 km hiking trail around Ljubljana following the perimeter of fortified barbed wire which surrounded the city between 1942 and 1945. The wire obstacle was installed by the Fascist armed forces in order to isolate the resistance movement in the city and prevent it from establishing contact with the surroundings. The defence ring comprised 206 bunkers, fortified sentry boxes, stations, and blocks. The POT, in places lined with trees, leads through residential neighbourhoods, fields and meadows, and through a forest across hill Golovec. Ljubljana holds a special place in the history of World War 2 as there were not many cities which were turned into mass prisons. Wounded fighters, Partisans, and Liberation Front agents passed il- legally through the fortified and heavily guarded ring using secret passages. The trail along the former wire fence is thus a monument to the population’s rebellion against the occupiers and its desire for freedom, and as such comparable to the Berlin Wall. The perimeter of the former wire fence was marked out in 1957 by architect Vlasto Kopač. According to his designs, six stone obelisks with relief work by sculptor Božo Pengov were erected at the checkpoints by the arterial roads in 1959. By 1962, 102 inscribed memorial stone columns were installed at the sites of demolished bunkers. Between 1972 and 1985, hiking trail development and tree planting as designed by architects Mitja Omersa, Franc Kastelic, and Jože Štoka took place. In 1985, a comprehensive regulation of the POT by architect Janez Koželj and his collaborators included the erection of memorial masts, installation of signposts and information plaques, the reconstruction of the remains of bunkers, and the installation of a memorial to the first laying of the wire obstacle. The Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship is a group project of the largest historical mon- ument on the city. This is also a major factor in its distinction as the people of Lju- bljana mostly built it themselves by means of voluntary labour. Through the years, the former wartime memorial was transformed into a public good - a unique space for socialising and recreation in greenery, accessible to everyone. The POT is a living project that is forever unfinished, which is why the hiking trail, the greenery, the equipment, and the facilities by the trail are maintained and continuously reno- vated: some elements of the POT are more durable than others, some materials require more maintenance and some less, and not even all species of trees are equally resilient and have different life spans. Furthermore, the POT is augmented by new layouts, rest areas, playgrounds, and sporting areas - its potential is limit- less. Preserving and maintaining the contiguous green ring is vital in order for the monument to be able to perform its social and environmental function in the green system of the city, accounting as it does for a quarter of all of its park surfaces.