LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2014 Vol. 22, št. 1: 29-44 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUTTERFLY FAUNA (INSECTA: LEPIDOPTERA) of the adriatic island hvar, Croatia Toni Koren1, Maja Bjelić2, Petra Škuljević2 & Stanislav GOMBOC3 'University of Primorska, Science and Research centre, Institute for Biodiversity Studies, SI-6310 Izola, Giordana Bruna 6, Slovenia, e-mail: koren.toni 1 @gmail.com 2Biology Students Association BIUS, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 3EGEA, Šiškovo naselje 19, SI - 4000 Kranj Abstract - The island of Hvar was one of the first Adriatic islands visited by entomologists in the first half of the 19th century. The data however, are scattered among several papers and no systematic study of the island's butterflies exist. In 2011 and 2013, we conducted three visits to the island and recorded 49 butterfly species on 29 localities. Eight species are new records for the island: Nymphalis antiopa, Melitaea cinxia, Cacyreus marshalli, Callophrys rubi, Lycaena thersamon, Scolitantides orion, Polyommatus bellargus and Pyrgus malvae. The most interesting find is L. thersamon, which has not been recorded previously on any Adriatic island. It is a rare species and possibly threatened in Croatia. Together with all published records, the butterfly fauna of Hvar amounts to 57 species. This ranks Hvar in fourth place among the Adriatic islands in terms of butterfly diversity. Keywords: fauna, butterflies, Lepidoptera, Croatia, Hvar, biodiversity, distribution, Lycaena thersamon Izvleček - PRISPEVEK K POZNAVANJU FAVNE DNEVNIH METULJEV (INSECTA: LEPIDOPTERA) JADRANSKEGA OTOKA HVARA, HRVAŠKA Otok Hvar je bil med prvimi jadranskimi otoki, ki so ga entomologi - predvsem metuljarji, začeli obiskovati že v prvi polovici 19. stoletja. Vse do danes favna otoka ni bila sistematično preučevana, dosedanje najdbe se nanašajo le na posamezne obiske entomologov. V letih 2011 in 2013 smo v okviru treh odprav na otok zabeležili 49 vrst metuljev iz 29 lokalitet. 8 vrst je novih za favno Hvara: Nymphalis antiopa, Melitaea cinxia, Cacyreus marshalli, Callophrys rubi, Lycaena thersamon, Scolitantides orion, Polyommatus bellargus and Pyrgus malvae. Najdba vrste L. thersamon predstavlja celo prvi podatek za jadranske otoke. № Hrvaškem je ta vrsta redka in ogrožena. Za otok Hvar je bilo skupno doslej zabeleženih 57 vrst dnevnih metuljev, kar Hvar uvršča na četrto mesto po pestrosti dnevnih metuljev med vsemi jadranskimi otoki. Ključne besede: favna, metulji, Lepidoptera, Hrvaška, Hvar, pestrost, razširjenost, Lycaena thersamon Introduction The entomological excursions on the Island of Hvar (Lesina in Italian) have a quite long tradition. one of the first entomologists traveling through Dalmatia, also to Hvar, was the German collector Germar. in his paper on Dalmatian fauna Germar (1814) mentions only one, but very notable butterfly species for Hvar- Charaxes jasius (Linnaeus, 1767). Hvar attracted the attention of many other entomologists, who visited the island in a period from the beginning of the 20th century to the present (e.g. Galvagni, 1902; Galvagni, 1909b; Stauder, 1911; wermers, 1982; Reinhardt, 1990; withrington, 2008). All this were occasional visits without any systematic faunistical surveys. Another problem regarding the data from the old literature is a lack of detailed information on exact finds. in many cases there is no precise data on localities, and the island is cited as a single locality instead (e.g. Germar, 1814; Stauder, 1911). The comparison of historical and recent data is difficult especially in the case of rare and ecologically specialized species. According to withrington & verovnik (2008) the butterfly fauna of the island of Hvar is still insufficiently known. The aim of our paper is to contribute to better knowledge of the butterfly fauna of the island. we summarize all the known data of the butterflies of the island of Hvar and present new records. Materials and methods Study area The island of Hvar belongs to the group of middle-sized Dalmatian islands. Hvar is the fourth largest croatian island with a surface area of 299.7 km2 (Duplančić et al., 2004). it is surrounded by Brač island to the north and Šćedro, vis, Pakleni otoci and Korčula to the south. The island is 68 km long, while it's widest part measures only 10.5 km. The highest peak of the island is Sv. Nikola (628 m). Hvar is characterized by Mediterranean climate: mild winters and dry, hot summers with many sunny days almost without any precipitation. The mean annual precipitation is only 759 mm, while the mean annual temperature is 16.2° c (Mihovilović, 1995). The months with the highest precipitation are November and December, each with 130-150 mm. The vegetation on the island belongs to the eumediterranean vegetation zone, and consists mostly of maquis, small pine forests on karstic rocky pastures. Natural fires Fig. 1. Abandoned lavender plantations around Humac are important nectar source for butterflies in dry summer. Photo: S. Gomboc. Fig. 2. Dry karstic grasslands with shrubs overgrows from the fire-devastated areas, between Sučuraj and Selca. Photo: S. Gomboc. Fig. 3. Shrubs on the south exposed rocky pastures near Zavala. Photo: S. Gomboc. are frequent on the island due to the long summer drought. There are several natural springs and natural and human made ponds scattered around the island, however humid grasslands are not present. A large proportion of the island is also cultivated, with olive trees, vineyards and now abandoned lavender plantations. Data collection Data were collected during three field excursions to the island: 2nd-8th of May 2011, 19th-25th of September 2011 and from 25th of June to 6th of July 2013. A total of 29 localities were surveyed across the island (Tab. 1). Butterflies were observed and identified on the field or caught by an entomological net, identified and released afterwards. only a few specimens were collected, for later identification or dissection (e.g. Leptidea spp., Pyrgus spp.). Butterflies were identified using standard identification literature (Tolman & Lewington, 2008). For some specimens the genital structure was checked for determination using lorković (1993) and Higgins (1975). The species' names follow fauna Europaea (Karsholt & Nieukerken, 2011). Table 1. List of the surveyed localities on the island of Hvar. Locality UTM N E Habitat type Dates 1 Hvar, above the city of Hvar XH18 43.18205 16.42551 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 4.5.2011 2 Hvar, Brusje XH28 43.18978 16.50103 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 4.5.2011 3 Hvar, velo Grablje XH28 43.17092 16.52624 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, forest edge 21.9.2011 4 Hvar, Selce - Stari Grad, near Sv. vid XH28 43.16730 16.54216 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 2.5.2011 5 Hvar, Stari Grad, Kamp jurjevac XH28 43.17963 16.58134 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 2.5.2011 6 Hvar, Sv. Nikola XH27 43.14581 16.59631 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 7.5.2011, 19.9.2011 7 Hvar, Starigradsko polje XH28 43.17915 16.59875 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 2.5.2011 8 Hvar, Starigradsko polje 2 XH38 43.18632 16.61436 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 5.5.2011 9 Hvar, 600 m E from Dol XH38 43.16851 16.60786 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 8.5.2011, 21.9.2011 10 Hvar, Starigradsko polje, pond dračevica XH38 43.18876 16.63488 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, olive groves 2.5.2011 11 Hvar, Starigradsko polje, toward jurjevac XH38 43.19769 16.63641 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, olive groves 8.5.2011, 20.9.2011 12 Hvar, vrbanj XH38 43.17265 16.64132 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 5.5.2011 13 Hvar, vrisnik XH38 43.15447 16.64263 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, forest edge 6.5.2011 14 Hvar, Svirče - DoI XH38 43.16470 16.64056 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 6.5.2011 15 Hvar, vrbanj, Mala blaća XH38 43.17907 16.65541 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 2.5.2011 16 Hvar, jelsa XH38 43.15714 16.72197 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, maquis 8.5.2011 17 Hvar, 1 km w from Humac XH47 43.14120 16.74990 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 5.5.2011 18 Hvar, Poljica, near the pond Svirak XH48 43.15058 16.79562 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, olive groves 4.5.2011 19 Hvar, Zastražišće, around the village XH57 43.14404 16.84691 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, maquis 5.5.2011, 20.9.2011, 29.6.2013 20 Hvar, Gdinj, pond XH57 43.13190 16.95751 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 6.5.2011 21 Hvar, Bogomolje XH67 43.13105 16.98651 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 5.5.2011 22 Hvar, Zaglav-Selca kod Bogomolja XH67 43.12938 17.04724 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, maquis 5.5.2011 23 Hvar, Selca kod Bogomolja XH67 43.12854 17.07906 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 6.5.2011 24 Hvar, Selca kod Bogomolja - Sućuraj XH77 43.12473 17.11170 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 4.5.2011 25 Hvar, Sućuraj XH77 43.12653 17.19263 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 5.5.2011, 29.6.2013 26 Hvar, Humac XH47 43.1400 16.7600 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, maquis 1.7.2013 27 Hvar, Zavala, south slope XH37 43.1300 16.6900 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs, maquis 1.7.2013 28 Hvar, Zavala XH37 43.1200 16.7000 dry karstic grasslands with shrubs 1.7.2013 29 Hvar, Hvar city XH18 43.1700 16.4400 ruderal vegetation and gardens 27.6.2013 Results During the three excursions to the island, we recorded 49 butterfly species (Tab. 2). The number of species per locality varied between 1 and 33, depending on the observation period and vegetation. Eight species are new to the fauna of Hvar: Nymphalis antiopa, Melitaea cinxia, Cacyreus marshalli, Callophrys rubi, Lycaena thersamon, Scolitantides orion, Polyommatus bellargus and Pyrgus malvae. The most interesting find is L. thersamon, which is recorded for the first time for the Adriatic islands. Discussion unlike some other larger Adriatic islands, where only few data on butterflies exists (e.g. Lastovo, Šolta) (withrington & verovnik, 2008), data about butterflies of Hvar were published in 19 different papers. unfortunately, many of those papers include only a single species record for the island (Germar, 1814; Stauder, 1911; lorković, 1971; lorković, 1974; lorković, 1976; Sijarić, 1991; Jakšić, 1993). up to 10 species records were published in Galvagni, 1909; Stauder, 1921; Stauder, 1922; Stauder, 1923; Mladinov, 1973; wermers, 1982; Hensle, 2008; lorković, 2009. only a few papers include more than 10 records (Galvagni, 1902- 13 records; Galvagni, 193523 records; Reinhardt, 1990- 29 records; withrington, 2008- 33 records). Our survey contributed records for 49 species, which is the highest number so far. Of the eight newly recorded species, the presence of L. thersamon was the least expected. Historically this species was present in the larger part of northern Croatia, including the Zagreb area (Vukotinović, 1879; Grund, 1916; Taušanović, 1954; Lor-ković, 2009), Varaždin (Taborsky, 1910; Marčec, 2008), several areas in Slavonia (Bonatch, 1892; Abafy-Aigner, 1896; Koča, 1901; Gussich, 1917; Lorković, 2009) and Baranja (Krčmar et al., 1996). Almost all these literature records are more than 50 years old, including recent publications of Marčec (2008) and Lorković (2009), where the authors present records from the first half of the 20th century. Only a single recent record is known from northeastern Croatia from Drava river area between Legrad and Donji Miholjac, but without specified locality (Abraham, 2008). Aside from northeastern Croatia, this species was also recorded in several localities in the southern part of the country, Dalmatia (Mann, 1869; Wermers, 1982; Koren et al., 2011; Mihoci et al., 2011). L. thersamon was never before recorded on any Adriatic island (Wit-hrington & Verovnik, 2008; Verovnik, 2011). On Hvar only a single female specimen was recorded near the village Dol. The population on the Island of Hvar requires ad- Fig. 5. Larva and male of geranium bronze (Cacyreus marshalli) on Pelargonium peltatum in Zavala. Photo: S. Gomboc. ditional studies to see if the species has a permanent population on the island or our record represents vagrant stray individual from the mainland. The record of an invasive species, C. marshalli, was somewhat expected as this species has spread in the last decade almost throughout the whole Adriatic coast and many Adriatic islands (Kučinić et al., 2013). It was recorded in two localities on the island, with more than 20 observed adult specimens and also as caterpillars feeding on geraniums - Pelargonium sp. Adult specimens were observed in urban areas and near surroundings, feeding both on geraniums and wild plant species. Two species recorded on Hvar, Nymphalis antiopa and Scolitantides orion, had previously been known only from two Adriatic islands. S. orion has previously been reported from the island of Krk (Habeler, 2003) and Mljet (Kučinić et al., 2010), while N. antiopa was known only from Brač (Stauder, 1922) and Mljet (Kučinić et al., 2010). While S. orion is a common species in Dalmatia, N. antiopa is a much more local species, usually confined to the mountain and coline areas (Koren and Gomboc, pers. obs). one species, quoted for the island of Hvar by withrington & verovnik (2008), needs to be excluded from the fauna of Hvar. The authors report Tarucus balkanica (Freyer, 1844) based on a publication of Galvagni (1909). In his paper however, Galvagni (1909) reports T. balkanica only from vis island (Galvagni used the italian name for the island - Lissa) and does not mention any other records. No records for this species for Hvar were found in any other publication. it is possible that this Mediterranean species occurs on Hvar island, but for now, it is still not confirmed. Additional 8 species, known from the literature, were not confirmed during this study: Polyommatus thersites, Satyrum spini, Leptotes pirithous, Aphantopus hype-rantus, Hypparchia syriaca, Pyronia cecilia, Gegenes pumilio and Gegenes nostro-damus. Some of the mentioned species could possibly be recorded with additional visits to the island, especially in june and july. in case of closely related H. fagi and H. H. syriaca, additional surveys and studies are recommended. in literature both species are reported from the island but we were not able to find both during our visits, only H. fagi. it could be that the authors did not take into account the separation of these two closely related species, or misidentified the specimens. with these new additions and the exclusion of one species, the total number of butterflies known for the island of Hvar is 57. only few Adriatic islands have a higher butterfly diversity. Krk island, with 104 known species (verovnik, 2011), is probably the best-studied island, surveyed by Habeler (2003) and other lepidopteoro-logists. Krk is followed by Brač with 74 species, Ores and Lošinj with 70, and now Hvar with 57 species (withrington & verovnik, 2008). with those, Mljet, Pašman and Ugljan are the only larger islands with newly published records. So far 49 species were recorded on Mljet (Kučinić et al., 2010), 50 on Pašman and 43 on Ugljan (verovnik, 2011). The first record of L. thersamon for the Adriatic islands raises the number of species occurring on the islands to 122, which represents 62.5 % of all the butterfly species known from Croatia (Šašić & Mihoci, 2011). One of the nearest islands, the island of Brač, situated approx. 2 km north of Hvar has an additional 25 butterfly species not yet recorded on Hvar. Since the vegetation and climate of both islands are very similar, it is possible that many of these 25 species could be found also on the island of Hvar in the future. For seven of them the occurrence on the island of Brač is highly doubtful (withrington & verovnik, 2008). The other 18 species known from Brač, but not from Hvar island are: Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758), Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758), Euchloe ausonia (Hübner, 1804), Gonepteryx cleopatra (Linnaeus, 1767), Aglais io (Linnaeus 1758), Argynnis adippe ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775), Argynnis niobe (Linnaeus, 1758), Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775), Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775), Melanargia galathea (Linnaeus, 1758), Melanargia larissa (Geyer, 1828), Chazara briseis (Linnaeus, 1764), Tarucus balkanica (Freyer, 1844), Plebejus idas (Linnaeus 1761), Polyommatus dorylas ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775), Erynnis tages (Linnaeus, 1758), Thymelicus acteon (Rottemburg, 1775), Ochlodes sylvanus (Esper 1777). Since all the mentioned species are present on Brač and on the nearby mainland (Jakšić, 1988) there is a high possibility that they occur also on Hvar. Conclusions Hvar is the fourth largest Adriatic island, and also the fourth richest in butterfly species. in this study additional eight butterfly species are reported for the island, with L. thersamon for the first time for the Adriatic islands. The high number of butterflies indicates a high diversity of habitats and host plants on the Hvar island. Future surveys may still reveal additional species for the island, as some of them are already known from the neighboring islands and the mainland. Acknowledgments we would like to thank Ana Kroflin, Boris Lauš, Leona Lovrenčić, ivana Pavić, ivana rojko, Ana Štih and Mladen Zadravec for their help with the fieldwork. Additionally we are thankful to Rudi verovnik for useful suggestions and additions regarding the manuscript and Nikola Tvrtković for the confirmation of H. fagi from Hvar island. References Abafi-Ainger, L., pavel, J., uhryk, F., 1896: fauna regni Hungariae. Lepidoptera. Regia Societas Scientiarum Naturalium Hungarica: 1-82. 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Pieris hrassicae (Linnaeus, 1758) 5,6,8,9,14,21 Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), 4. Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758) 5,6, 9,11,13,14, 15,19, 23,25,26 Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 5. Pieris ergane (Geyer, 1828) 9,19, 20, 29 Galvagni (1909), Stauder (1921), Withrington (2008) 6. Pieris mannii (Mayer, 1851) 3,6, 9,12,14,19,21,28 Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 7. Pontict editsa (Fabricius, 1777) 3,6,14,15,19 Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 8. Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758) 4,6,9,12,14,17,19,20, 24 Galvagni (1909) 9. Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) 4,5,6, 9,13,16,19, 26 Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 10. Coiias croceus (Fourcroy, 1785) 3,6,8,9,14,15,17,19, 26,27,28 Galvagni (1902), Stauder (1921), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Hensle (2008), Withrington (2008) 11. Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758) 5,6, 9,15,16, 23,25,26 Withrington (2008) Nymphalidae 12. Lihythea ceitis (Laicharting, 1782) 12 Withrington (2008) 13. Charaxes jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) 9, 26,27,28 Germar (1814), Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Jakšič (1993), Lor-ković (2009) 14. Limenitis redueta Staudinger, 1901 6, 9,13,16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008), Lorković (2009) 15. Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758)** 9 / 16. Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758) 3,5,6,7,8,9,14,15,18, 19, 22 Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1935), Wenners (1982), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 17. Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) 3, 6, 9,14,19, 20, 26, 27 Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1935), Mladmov (1973), Wenners (1982), Withrington (2008) 18. Poly goni a egea (Cramer, 1775) 11,28 Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1935), Mladmov (1973), Wenners (1982), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 19. Argynnis pandora ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) 6, 9,15,19, 26 Mladinov (1973), Withrington (2008) Species list Localities visited in this study (2011,2013)* Literature records 20. Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) 6,8,9,19,26 Withrington (2008) 21. Melitaea cimia (Linnaeus, 1758)** 16 / 22. Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) 3,6,19 Withrington (2008), Lorković (2009) 23. Hipparchia fagi (Scopoli, 1763) 9 Galvagni (1902), Galvagni (1909), Stauder (1922), Galvagni (1935), Mladinov (1973), Lorković (1976), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 24. Hipparchia syriaca (Staudinger, 1871) Wenners (1982), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 25. Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus, 1758) 6,26 Galvagni (1902), Stauder (1923), Galvagni (1935), Withrington (2008) 26. Hipparchia statiiiims (Hufnagel, 1766) 9,19 Stauder (1922), Mladmov (1973), Lorković (1974), Wenners (1982) 27. Satyrus ferula (Fabricius, 1793) 26,27 Galvagni (1909), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 28. Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus, 1758) 3,6, 9, 11,19, 25 Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 29. Aphantopus hyperanhis (Linnaeus, 1758) Reinhardt (1990) 30. Pyronia ceciiia (Vallantin, 1894) Galvagni (1935), Withrington (2008), Lorković (2009) 31. Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 9,10,11,12,13 ,14, 15,16,17,19, 20,21,22,23,24, 25,28,29 Galvagni (1902), Stauder (1923), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 32. Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus, 1758) 9 Galvagni (1902) 33. Lasiommata megera (Linnaeus, 1767) 1, 2, 3,4, 6, 7, 8, 9,11,12,14,15, 16,17,19, 20, 21,22,23,24, 25,26,27,28 Stauder (1922), Reinhardt (1990), Withnngton (2008) 34. Lasiommata maera (Linnaeus, 1758) 6, 9, 11,19 Stauder (1922), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Lorković (2009) Lycaenidae 35. Satyrium iiicis (Esper, 1779) 19, 26 Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Sijanć (1991) 36. Satvrium spini ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Withrington (2008) 37. Cacyreus marshalli Butler, 1898** 28,29 / 38. Caiiophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758)** 4, 6,16,17,19 / 39. Lycaenaphlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761) 9,19 Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 40. Lycaena thersamon (Esper, 1784)** 9 / 41. Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767) 3,6,9 Galvagni (1902), Stauder (1923), Galvagni (1935), Hensle (2008), Lorković (2009) Species list Localities visited in this study (2011,2013)* Literature records 42. Leptotespirithous (Linnaeus, 1767) / Reinhardt (1990) 43. Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775) 28 Withrington (2008) 44. Celastrina argiohts (Linnaeus, 1758) 6,9 Stauder (1923), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008), Lorković (2009) 45. Giaucopsyche aiexis (Poda, 1761) 6, 9,10,11,16,19, 20, 24 Stauder(1923) 46. Iolana iotas (Ochsenheimer 1816) 4,6 Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 47. Pseudophitotes vierama (Moore, 1865) 2,19 Lorković (2009) 48. Scotitantides orion (Pallas, 1771)** 4, 6, 7,14,16,19, 20,21 / 49. Arieia agestis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) 2,3,5,6, 9,10,11,12,14,15,19, 23 Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 50. Potvommatus hettargus (Rottemburg, 1775)** 4, 6,19 / 51. Potvommatus icarus 2,3,4, 6, 9,11,14,19, 23,24 Stauder (1923), Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 52. Potvommatus thersites (Cantener, 1835) Lorković (2009) Hesperiidae 53. Pyigus matvae (Linnaeus, 1758)** 5 / 54. Spiatia orbifer (Hübner, 1823) 4,8,11,14,15,21,22,23 Galvagni (1935), Reinhardt (1990), Lorković (2009) 55. Carcharodus atceae (Esper, 1780) 6,19, 26 Galvagni (1909), Wenners (1982), Reinhardt (1990), Withrington (2008) 56. Gegenes nostrodamus (Fabricius, 1793) Stauder(1911) 57. Gegenes pumitio (Hoffmannsegg, 1804) Lorković (1971) Number of recorded species: 49 *The locality number corresponds to the localities given in the Materials and methods section. **Newly recorded for the island.