159 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 review article DOI 10.19233/ASHS.2017.13 received: 2015-01-02 EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM AND THE ROLE OF THE MASS MEDIA. THE CASE OF CROATIA Mirela MÜLLER University of Osijek, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Pedagogy, Lorenza Jägera 9, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia E-mail: mtolic@ffos.hr ABSTRACT The use of media technology in a teaching process occurs in several forms. It is used as a work equipment and teaching aid, as well as a tool or a curriculum unit. This specifi cally means that students are learning with the help of the media technology, individually or in groups. It also means that teachers are planning their lessons for students to use technology in a self-inquiry based manner, as well as students express their creativity in producing technolo- gy-based lesson outcomes, while learning about the new technology. The use of different instructional and learning methods is important in building students’ skills and assures their mastery of the concepts (European educational tradition has been led by the premise based on “pedagogy of success for all”). This article in its theoretical as well as empirical part shows that the results of the research, conducted in several schools in Croazia, point to the fact that the new mass media change habits and values of young people and children. Some of the results of the research point to the fact that the mass media are more and more turning into a source of manipulation and addiction, instead of being a source of information, education and entertainment. The article contains several research results and examples of disturbance of educational and communication processes via entertainment industry, advertising fetishism, beauty cult, virtual reality etc. Keywords: mass media education, manipulation, development of a Virtual Second Life Curriculum, young audience, media competence STANDARD EDUCATIVI NEL CURRICULUM SCOLASTICO E IL RUOLO DEI MASS MEDIA. IL CASO CROATO SINTESI L’uso della tecnologia dei mass media in un processo d’insegnamento può verifi carsi in forme diverse. Viene uti- lizzata sia come attrezzatura e ausilio didattico che come strumento o nei programmi scolastici. Gli stude nti possono imparare a livello individuale o in gruppi, esprimono la loro creatività basandosi sulla tecnologia e imparano anche nuove tecnologie. Gli insegnanti, invece, riescono a progettare le lezioni in modo da utilizzare la tecnologia nella modalità auto-inchiesta di base. L’uso di diversi metodi didattici e di apprendimento risulta in tal modo importante nella acquisizione delle competenze degli studenti stessi e assicura loro di poter apprendere meglio i concetti (la tradizione educativa europea, infatti, partiva dal presupposto che alla base ci sia la “pedagogia di successo per tutti”). L’articolo nella sua parte teorica ed empirica spiega di come i mass media stanno cambiando le abitudini e i valori dei giovani e dei bambini. Alcuni risultati della ricerca sottolineano però anche di come i media stanno diventando una fonte di manipolazione e di dipendenza anziché essere una fonte di informazione, di educazione e di intrattenimento. L’articolo riporta infi ne molti risultati di ricerca ed esempi legati al disturbo nei processi formativi e nella comunicazione attraverso l’industria dell’intrattenimento, il feticismo della pubblicità, il culto della bellezza, la realtà virtuale ecc. Parole chiave: educazione dei mass media, manipolazione, sviluppo di un virtuale Second Life Curriculum, pubblico giovane, competenza dei media 160 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Digital media, interesting and close to students by the “way of thinking”, can be a great tool for moving towards »higher« learning levels – comprehension, implementation, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (self-evaluation). The conducted research encourages us to think about the future learning outcomes of multime- dia foreign language learning. • Media should have an affi rmative function. The media is there for children and adults’ interests, not vice versa. The more intensive development of media education must be adopted in schools; • Educational results must be clearly defi ned; • What is really important is the development of refl ective-critical thinking among students, and vocational training for school employees; • It is important to develop communication in schools and among families about media content; • It is necessary to analyze instructional ways to use the media among students, but also the an- swer on the question what is media used for (e.g. for doing homework, etc.); • It is necessary to classify media by the type and purpose (television, print media, audio-visual, electronic, etc.); • The team work and media workshops where the parents would be invited to participate together with children are also recommended; • It is important to become aware that relationship between school and media can be changed by the use of certain media content; • It is advisable to integrate precisely defi ned learn- ing outcomes in advance for the development of media education (Moser, 2006). Media competence is a central concept in media pedagogy. It includes all the capabilities that primarily a teacher and / or a student must adopt within me- dia-information education. These skills are related to the construction of critical refl ection against the challenges of new media (Aufenanger, 1997, 26) Con- troversies in the interpretation of media competence result from ambiguous concepts of interpretation of media literacy and media competence. The terms ‘media literacy’ and ‘media competence’ are now, unfortunately, often used as synonyms. Media literacy is a narrower term and refers to the level of acquiring skills related to a specifi c medium, such as computer literacy, fi lm art, or groups of media, technological or digital literacy, and media competence includes all these different types of literacy, not just skills but also knowledge and familiarity as a means to prevent media manipulation. Media competence means the ability to offer critical analysis of the media, while using the media as a means of creative expression. It leads to the general media education. Pungente lists eight key concepts and reasons for media education: • Media do not just copy the reality, they create it; • Media create symbolic meaning of the behaviour; • Media contain commercial implications: how the commercial factors affect the media, how they affect the content, technique, and distribution of commercial supply; • Media contain ideological and value messages: Media convey explicit or implicit ideological messages, the value of spending ... The media have a powerful impact on the commercial pro- duction of certain types of content; • Media have social and political implications: the media have great infl uence on politics and the formation of social changes; • Various media report differently on the same event; • Each medium has its aesthetic content and there- in lies one of the tasks of media pedagogy, i.e. in uncovering the symbolic messages through the aesthetic contents (Pungente, 1989, 38). ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE OF THE CURRICULUM In the analysis of media competence an important concept is “communicative competence” (a term introduced by Habermass, 1971, in sociology, and Baack, 1973, in media pedagogy). Baacke introduced the concept of “communicative competence”. The term “communicative competence” refers to the ability of humans to “understand and alternate language symbols” (Schrob, 1995, 27). Media competence includes the following factors: • Individual characteristics of the recipient, • (de) coding of media icons, • active use of the media: an informational func- tion, • critical refl ection, • emancipation and motivation of media consum- ers. Baacke distinguishes the following pre-dimensions: media criticism (the ability of the media content analy- sis), media knowledge (knowledge about the media, and the ability of production), media use (receptive compo- nent of the use of media, such as interactive use and in what manner, and with which consequences), and media forms of action (innovative media systems, new media etc.). “Knowledge” and “effect” are important in the acquisition of media competences. Dimensions of the media competence in media pedagogy are: 1. Cogni- tive dimension: refers to the knowledge, understanding and analysis of content in the media. Because in this way symbolic media messages can be successfully de- coded, thus the meaning of media messages is easier to 161 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 understand; 2. Moral dimension: it argues that the media need to analyse the ethical aspect; 3. Social dimension: refers to the media policies for different segments of so- ciety; 4. Aesthetic dimension: the media are the carriers of the expression of taste and the experience of beauty. This dimension is mostly used by media manipulators through the aesthetic contents such as images, colours etc. These contents arouse emotional effects in users (especially children and young people, for example: internet, video games) 5. Dimension of action: In order to know how to act we need to know that in addition to informational, educational and entertaining contents, we often encounter manipulative contents in the media. This latter dimension is also important in the decoding process. However, it is necessary to point out that media literacy limits the use of the media in teaching, and controversies arise when media competence is ascribed only to the cognitive dimension. In addition, misunder- standings arise when modern communication theorists perceive only positive aspects of the media: informative, entertaining, and educational. Some experts call these dimensions a new vision or paradigm for improving interactive learning in the two-way role of the media. Baacke calls them the “new philosophy of education” in the information society. It is believed that the process of competence is successful if the individual acquires all fi ve dimensions. Therefore they are in cooperative rela- tion (Hofmann, 2003, 65). Remaining just on the train- ing for the use of (new) media increases the ambiguities between media competence and media literacy. Media competence is related to the German author Baacke and his concept of “kommunikative Kompetenz” (Baacke, 2007, 45). However, the root word leads to Chomsky, who points out that “language competence is an innate ability” (according to Moser, 2006, 89). Baacke empha- sizes the necessity of understanding the signifi cance of competence... “Communication does not only consist of the language interaction. Therefore, the language com- petence is not enough. Baacke thinks it is important for one to be able to produce certain content and create a new form according to what one sees and hears (Baacke, 1997, 52). Furthermore, a very important second author is Noam Chomsky who has set the basic meaning of language competence which is based solely on the pragmatic level. Later, this meaning has transformed into the media ethics. Then there was still no defi ned structure of media competence as a new paradigm of media pedagogy. The signifi cance of language compe- tence was related to the innate abilities of an individual. This interpretation was criticized by Kübler (1996). He points out that “media competences cannot be achieved as a new paradigm in media pedagogy by simply copy- ing Chomsky. His interpretations are not suffi cient as a basis for the construction of individual dimensions of media competence...” (Kübler, 1996, 12).With the help of codes and digital images of the (innovative) media the information can be interpreted, but the messages cannot be decoded without the acquired media competence (Doelker, 1997, 48). The actual occurrence of different media competences, which are seen as a new paradigm of media pedagogy, is closely related to the use of inno- vative media (Doelker, 1997, 53). Media competence is not a general form, it is essential for critical discussion of the media (Doelker, 1997, 55). I fi nd this formulation to be the key to “understanding” different approaches and / or scientists in the interpretation of the role of contemporary media. DIFFERENT INTERPRETATION OF THE CONCEPT OF MEDIA COMPETENCE Media competence is based on the qualifi cations of teachers and students, which is necessary for life with the media in the third millennium. It is the competence of living in the modern media environment. Individu- als, especially students must know how to cope with the media and not vice versa, because this leads to the unidirectional interpretations. The media are not and cannot be educational or rehabilitative »per se«. There are four signifi cant points which respond to the question of what is pedagogical in the media competence: • Ethical, • Intercultural: cultural perspectives, cultural cohe- sion and coexistence, • Theoretical - symbolic: semiotic, decoding of symbols and characters in the media, • Social: responsibility and participation in various media. Herzig (2001, 292; see Picture 1) gives the schematic view of the acquisition of media-pedagogical compe- tencies. Before conveying this very useful schematic view, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the me- dia competence does not only refer to the acquisition of knowledge and skills but also to the critical evaluation, not only for teachers but also for children and students. Picture 1: Systematization fi elds of media competence (Herzig, 2001, 292) 162 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 The image structure represents three modules: - Field of the general media – pedagogic compe- tence; - Information fi eld: • Theories and concepts versus issues related to the concept of media and information technology, • Selection and use of media and information - technology systems, • Production of media and software. - Methodological and didactical competence fi eld. Heinz Moser points out that „mit der Diskussion und gegenwärtigen Bildungsstandars erhalte Kompe- tenzbegriff der eine neue Medien des Paradigms-Bil- dungswesent“1 (Moser, 2006, 87). The integrative media pedagogy contains normative meaning (description of specifi c intent), where the attribute “integrative” has a double quality. On the one side, all three aspects of media pedagogy: media didactics, media education, and media literacy (from planning and selecting to evaluating the teaching methods), and on the other side, the relation of the media pedagogy towards the innovative media. If this “integration” does not occur, it results in “breaking” of the interpretation of the media pedagogy role. And this is an additional argument for the detection of controversies in the interpretation of the media competence. The German media education experts H. Hischer and J. Siebert (1999, 2000) graphi- cally show the meaning of the term integrativity in the media pedagogy: Hug (2001) and Spahnel (2007) cited author Hischer (2001) in his book titled Mathematikun- terricht Informatik-und Gedanken zur Veränderung eines Unterrichts and Das Internet im Unterricht-neue Wege des Lehrens und Lernen2 provides interpretations for the terms related to the meaning of the integrative media pedagogy which includes the following: • Multimedia learning: language, foreign languages I, II, III, IV ..., art, music, sports, geography, histo- ry, politics, philosophy, religion, biology, chem- istry, physics, computer science, mathematics = integrative media pedagogy. • Media teaching (didactics): teaching the func- tions and effects of the new media in the learning process, judging the innovative media and then determining and integrating them into the plan- ning and delivery of instruction. • Media education: helping the individual to de- velop a critical attitude and to adopt a sense of responsibility regarding the use of media. • Media literacy: acquiring knowledge about the use of certain media (and / or innovative medi- um) for a particular subject (Hischer, H., 1999, 2001). Table 1: Area of action A. The use and design of media products (Moser, 2006, 221) The competence of cognition of objects/things Methodical competence Social competence LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 1 Uses the media as a tool for learning and creativity Uses the basic functions of media through the repetition of certain actions Experiences the media as a support of the learning process LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 2 Identifi es and evaluates the contents of the media Sets the media to the target-action Uses the targeted media for social cooperation and communication LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 3 Recognizes certain types of media, among other media, and chooses them for the target use Recognizes certain types of media, among other media, and selects a media for the content analysis Sets a specifi c type of media as a tool for the process of cooperation and communication in society LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 4 Uses media based on differential learning and uses them for learning and work Sets the media as a useful device for the development of creativity and ideas: exploratory action Refers to a joint - social learning using various media 1 Free translation: “through the current discussion the signifi cance of competence as a new paradigm of media education increases the educational standards”. 2 Mathematics teaching Computer science and thought to change a lesson and the Internet in teaching-new ways of teaching and learning 163 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 • Media literacy in Germany is connected to the following subjects: German language, Math- ematics and Foreign language. At this level, educational standards which students at certain age have to adopt are developed. However, it requires concentration on models of the acqui- sition of media competences, ranging from easy to more diffi cult models (see Tables 1, 2, and 3). Such a development proposal for the adoption of media competence has been applied in Zurich for the last ten years (Moser, 2006, 97). There are three fi elds of action, in which students have to qualify in elementary schools: 1. The use of media products 2. The exchange of media messages (communi- cations media) 3. The media refl ection and criticism of the media These three fi elds of action are actually three areas of competence (object, method and social competence). Based on them, new educational standards have been ad- opted at four levels in Germany: 1–6 grade, 7–9 grades, 9–10 grade and 10–12 grades (Moser, 2006, 221). Table 1 describes the standards and achievement of the students’ acquisition of media competence. In Croatia, the number of IB schools (International Baccalaureate – www.ibo.org) is increasing, with better student achievement results, because they implement high-quality educational programs. According to IB, learning rests on the constructivist learning theory, elab- orated in this paper. Instead of textbooks, the IB school teachers use various concepts and guidelines for student evaluation, which are linearly and vertically connect- ed through the years of learning and interdisciplinary approach. The evaluation is based on ‘descriptors’ and levels of achievement, with the use of formative and summative assessments. Digital media is interesting to the new-age students and it is close to their »way of thinking« (hence the students are referred to as »digital natives«, fl uent »speakers«, and digital technology users). Such digital interest and literacy can be a great tool for moving towards »higher« learning levels – com- prehension, implementation, analysis, synthesis and self-evaluation (Hoffman, 2003, 65). Table 2 describes the standards and achievements of the students’ knowl- edge about the meaning and usage of media. Table 3 describes the standards and achievements of the students’ refl ections about media and media criticism. The following are the standards complemented by other indicators: For example, three standards relating Table 2: Area Action B: Share media messages (Moser, 2006, 222) The competence of cognition of objects/things Methodical competence Social competence LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 1 Recognizes the media as a tool in the process of exchange of information in communication Uses certain media as a tool for cooperation and communication Emergence of cooperation and exchange of experiences through the media LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 2 Has s specifi c knowledge of the use of media in the exchange of information Communicates and cooperates through the selected media (fi lm, CD, internet ...) Notes the creation of communication and cooperation for the development of social standards through the media LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 3 Has certain knowledge about social conditions (through the media) in the process of communication and cooperation Uses targeted media in the process of communication and cooperation at the level of learning a specifi c subject Uses certain media for enhancing cooperative goals LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 4 Uses specifi c knowledge about the media for the possibility of media communication and co-operation at solving social problems and working The student willingly made the exchange of information through the media Retrieves information from a specifi c medium in the exchange of information 164 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 to the scope of the use of the media (the second level of competence). These three levels are also the tasks that show what should be modifi ed, for example, in the school curricu- lum. The competence model, for example, in the media learning process, provides structure and clarity of how the media competence levels can be complemented and coordinated. Formulating the media competence through these three levels shows us how, for example, students can fully develop the dimensions of the media competence. For example, the fi eld of action – refl ec- tion (in social competence – level 1, Table 4) suggests that the media can be used as a tool in solving a task. Moving to level 2 (the same table) represents the degree of already adopted forms related to the critical use of media. The level 3 (the same table) implies taking the responsibility and self-criticism, whereas the level 4 rep- resents the continuation of critical attitude and possible development of the already acquired level. These are all goals in a particular curriculum but at a higher level of cognitive development of the fi nal grades in elemen- tary school. Based on the interpretation of the media competence through media education the presented model is an example of what a student in a certain elementary school, at a certain level and in a certain fi eld would have to acquire. Pedagogical action in this context is necessary for media education, because of the adoption of two important verbs: to know (wissen) and to be able to (können), needed for the systematization of the modern media environment. They complement each other. If this complementation does not occur, it results in limited or confl icted interpretations of the goals of the modern media competences. Therefore, the tasks of the media education (the fi eld of media competence) refer to the process of decoding media messages. Moser (2000; 2006, 332) analyses them through three aspects: • Digital media; • Messages are transformed into information which are decoded (acquired levels and fi elds of com- petence); • Information transform into knowledge which is used for practical purposes (Süss et al., 2006, 28). HOW TO ACQUIRE MEDIA COMPETENCES? EXAMPLES OF PREVENTION PROJECTS In 2008, Zlatko Miliša and his associates started a project called Ten days without screens in four primary schools in Zadar. Before the project began, they had conducted a pilot study. The results of that study, on the sample of seventh and eighth graders in three primary schools, showed that nearly eleven percent of pupils sit more than fi ve hours daily in front of a computer, one quarter spend more than an hour and a half on a cell phone, and twelve percent watch TV more than fi ve hours a day. Twelve percent of children said they commented the contents of the media with their parents, 63 percent said sometimes and 25 percent said never. During 2011 the survey they have conducted included 1122 pupils, from 5th to 8th grade, from ten primary schools (four Table 3: Area of Activity: B: Refl ection and media criticism (Moser, 2006, 223) The competence of cognition of objects/things Methodical competence Social competence LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 1 Thinks about the benefi ts and consequences when using media Uses specifi c criteria for judging the information received from the media that incite violence, deviance Uses media as a means of compromise in the assessment of social action LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 2 Estimates a media product on the basis of the function of effects Uses the gained critical criteria for judging inappropriate media Uses the media after assessing them in social processes LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 3 Understands the media effects on individuals and society and the values they promote Interpretes and evaluates information, and ajudges them as needed and / or dismisses them as manipulative Uses media and knowledge about them for the social process or event LEVEL OF COMPETENCE: 4 Ajudges the actions of exchange of information between companies and individuals Recognizes and ajudges messages of intolerance, violence, stigmatization ... Actively and responsibly uses the media information, received through the different media 165 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 schools in Zadar), Solin, Cavtat, Kaštel Stari, Dugo Selo, Perušić and Rijeka. All surveyed schools participated in the project Ten days without screens. The results of this second extensive research con- ducted by Zlatko Miliša and his associates have shown other interesting fi ndings. The largest number of chil- dren watches TV between two and three hours a day (see Chart 1). Parents watch TV signifi cantly less than their children. Older primary school students watch TV signifi can- tly longer than their younger counterparts (see Table 5). Most of the children do not talk with their parents about the contents offered by the media. In this section, the emphasis is on the analysis of the data obtained in the empirical research conducted Table 4: Use and design of media products: with standards indicators (Moser, 2006, 224) The competence of cognition of object/thing Methodical competence Social competence Able to use the media on the basis of the acquired competence of its own intentions Targetly uses other media Targetly uses the media: cooperation and communication (e.g. between parents, teachers and students) Forms the media for problem solving Uses the media in solving problems related to learning processes Forms the media products and presentes them in their own way Uses the media as a tool for solving tasks in the learning process Uses certain media in the formulation of tasks and planning activities in the learning process Uses the media in collaborative learning Uses the media in a goal-oriented way, in learning tasks and formes them according to the given media content. Values media products and solves problems in the given procedures Orients the use of the media to the targeted pro-social behaviour (development of althruism), on the basis of the acquired competences Some concepts in the fi eld of media usage distinguishes, understands, rejects and assembles as a structure and preparation for solving a problem Systematically uses new features of innovative media and testes them in different situations Uses innovative media as an additional tool for gathering useful information in collaborative learning Chart 1: Daily frequency of watching TV by respondents Table 5: Comparison of the length of watching TV by age Frequency of watching TV 4th, 5th and 6th grade 7th and 8th grade % Less than an hour 84 71 155 1–2 hours 222 118 340 2–3 hours 168 121 289 4–5 hours 62 62 124 More than 5 hours 43 35 78 N 579 407 986 166 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 among students. Socio-demographic characteristics: type of school, class, place of residence, age and sex, as well as owning a kind of technology. The largest percentage of respondents possess a mobile phone (93.14%), and accordingly believe that (among the listed items), would miss the mobile phone (65.35%, M = 0.49, SD = 0.50) and the Internet (64.71% , M = 0.62, SD = 0.48) the most. It is concerning that they put school books at the last place of what they would miss. The highest percentage of respondents would like to, once again, possess a (contemporary) mobile phone (96.41%, M = 0.03, SD = 0.18). It is evident that students give great importance to the electronic media, and more and more children are becoming media themselves. If one is to collectively assess the commonly chosen type of technology that most students have in their rooms, as shown in Table 6, it is evident that the largest proportion of respondents (aside from a mobile phone) use the computer (64.37%, M = 0.65, SD = 0.50) , the Internet (62.25%, M = 0.63, SD = 0:45), and an MP3-player (60.25%, M = 0.61, SD = 0.50). The smallest proportion of respondents have digital television (28.47%, M = 0:39, SD = 0:48) and a DVD (39.99%, M = 0:39, SD = 0.49) in their rooms. The following data shows the frequency of use of certain technologies in students' free time. The largest proportion of respondents spend their free time in front of TV screens (84.64%, M = 5.68, SD = 0.86), on the Internet (71.89%, M = 0:25, SD = 0:41), reading comics (49.78 %, M = 1:36, SD = 1:36), and listening to a CD or MP3's (48.48%, M = 0.12, SD = 1:38). If we compare the data using the same media on the basis of the analysis of particle monthly, minimum percentage of respondents spend their free time on the Internet (1.42%, M = 1.78, SD = 1.23) and in front of TV Table 6: Descriptive measures of the incidence of ownership and possession of types of technology It is located in my room Most would have lacked I wish I had / Cardinal number Contents particle M SD M SD M SD 1. TV 0.44 0.49 0.25 0.37 0.25 0.43 2. digital Television 0.39 0.48 0.19 0.41 0.19 0.39 3. Teletekst 0.45 0.49 0.20 0.36 0.20 0.40 4. DVD 0.39 0.49 0.17 0.32 0.17 0.37 5. Radio 0.53 0.49 0.22 0.45 0.22 0.41 6. CD-player 0.54 0.43 0.18 0.44 0.18 0.38 7. MP3 0.61 0.50 0.16 0.47 0.16 0.36 8. Magazines for teens 0.74 0.47 0.12 0.38 0.12 0.32 9. Games: (Playstation, Sega, Nintendo, itd.) 0.52 0.48 0.29 0.50 0.29 0.45 10. Computer 0.65 0.50 0.27 0.18 0.35 0.44 11. Internet 0.63 0.43 0.35 0.30 0.18 0.47 12. Telefon + SKYPE 0.48 0.39 0.18 0.49 0.49 0.38 13. Mobile 0.93 0.40 0.49 0.50 0.03 0.50 14. Books 0.78 0.39 0.03 0.49 0.10 0.18 15. WEB-cam 0.50 0.40 0.10 0.44 0.45 0.30 167 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 screens (1.89%, M = 2.18 , SD = 0:48), and the highest percentage reading a book (39.48%, M = 2.36, SD = 1:58). It is troubling that only 1.28% (M = 1.64, SD = 0.11) of respondents read a book fi ve times a week, and 39.97% (M = 1.25, SD = 2:43) never read books. The mentioned Addicted data suggest a worrying fact that more students spare time with electronic media (com- puter, Internet, PC games), and less with the print media (books, magazine ..). Based on the analysis of the issues ( the doctorate ), which is owning a mobile phone , only 2.61 % (M = 1.98 , SD = 0:28 ) of respondents said they have no cell phone , but 85.62 % (M = 1.23 , SD = 1:32 ) respondents stated they are extremely familiar with the function of a mobile phone (M = 1.18 , SD = 0:59 ). The results show that the respondents know how to use the technical tools on mobiles ( use Offi ce applications, camera, MMS , etc ) , but they do not show whether the respondents have developed refl exion – critical awareness in the selective selection of the information. Based on the analysis of questions about the reasons for owning a mobile phone , the highest proportion of respondents said they use it for network communication ( SMS , MMS) 79.73 % (M = 1.79 , SD = 0.42 ) and to be in trend ( 68.56 % , M = 1:25 , SD = 1:56 ). Furthermore, based on the analysis of the question of with whom they mostly communicate, most respondents answered they communicated with their peers ( 77.45 % (M = 21.98 , SD = 39.54), and the least said they communicated with their parents ( 8.5% , M = 1:43 , SD = 0.50). These data indicate the lack of communication with parents, which is an important insight into the analysis of the crisis of education. Furthermore, based on the analysis of these issues it is evident that it is important to have a specifi c brand of mobile phones (Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sony Erickson, LG). 45.42% of respondents (M = 1.70, SD = 0.80) believed that it is extremely important to have a branded mobile phone, and only 4.76% of respondents (M = 01.08, SD = 0.33) said that the brand of mobile phones is not important. In the manipulative media it is insisted on fi ction until it becomes reality and until it is believed in the one reality that the media will qualify as truth. The decisive role is played not only by media content, but also by the interest of the recipients in a particular subject or for the use of the media and their effects. By this, the relationship media-recipient, is understood as a two-way process. The advantage of this approach is that the recipient is seen as a critical and creative person and not as a mere consumer. Schorb points out: “Now is the recipient no longer seen only as a person who is under the infl uence of the mass media, but above all as a social entity which, in his living space, creates real experiences and develops different needs and interests... Therefore, in the focus of media-pedagogical efforts are not the media, but rather the individuals in their social context, in which the media play an essential role” (Schorb, 1997, 160). Table 8 shows that parents often warn (34.34%, M = 2.92, SD = 1.1) as opposed to teachers (14.26%, M = 02.03, SD = 0.68), on the need to verify the information from the media. The question is, what can recipients do in regard to the media? Is there a possibility that they decide (affect the media) about the media, not just the media about them? Are recipients trying to use its abil- ity to infl uence and choose or reduce their choice only to switching TV channels and / or changing the daily press, portals, etc.? Is it important which interests and Chart 2: Most frequently watched programs on TV Table 7: Comparison of the most frequently watched programs by age Programs 4th, 5th and 6th grade 7th and 8th grade N Educational 38 24 62 Entertainment 187 111 298 Sports 97 110 207 Movies 115 61 176 Series 164 120 284 N 601 426 1027 168 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 needs of the recipients encourage the abuse of media (Schorb, 1997, 77)? That is, whether the recipient (and how much) is investing in himself, in his knowledge, in the media competence, and media education? The media really affect people, but at the same time, the recipients should not be treated as helpless victims of media infl uence, but as equal and responsible persons, which are more or less able to be active participants of “the media presentation of reality”. Of course, such an approach requires greater involvement and greater me- dia competence of the recipient. According to Schorb three factors are important for the formation of (such) recipient: an authentic experience, communicative competence, and effective learning (Schorb, 1995, 23). The way the mass media impact the recipients, depends on how the recipients use them, that is, it depends on the media competence of the recipient and of the recipient’s media education. It is quite understandable that, in this respect, the so-called “easier targets” are the people with lower education and/or intellectual status, fi rst of all, children and young people, that is, all people, with a lack of media competence and media education. From the data, it is evident that there is no signifi cant difference in having a TV in respondents’ rooms as near- ly half of respondents do not have TVs in their rooms and nearly half of them do. Older students spend signifi cantly more time on the internet than their younger peers. The younger students more often learn about the Internet from their parents and brothers and sisters, while the older more often learn themselves. Older respondents are signifi cantly more likely to say they couldn’t do without cell phones. Respondents who do not watch popular TV shows or surf through popular web sites feel they will be per- ceived as less valuable. From the statement analysis it is Table 8: Descriptive data measures students' opinions about the frequency of checking media by teachers, parents, and peers Nr. Answer N M Min Max SD. 1. Teachers 306 2.03 1 4 0.68 2. Parents 306 2.92 1 4 1.01 3. Friends 306 1.89 1 4 0.84 4. Others 306 1.28 0 1 2.01 Chart 3: Respondents regard to owning a TV in their room Chart 4: With whom respondents most frequently watch TV Chart 5: Talk with parents about the contents offered by the media 169 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 evident that they evaluate negatively the way in which the media present their needs and problems. They think that they are subject to negative infl uences and manipu- lations. However, when they were asked to (self-) assess their exposure to manipulation in the media, and their knowledge and willingness to confront these abuses, they showed gullibility. Most of them think that they are not subjected to manipulation and that they know how to avoid the dangers very successfully, stating that they did not know exactly how to confront manipulation or recognize it, nor did they think they should need special education for it. Most of them perceived the media reality as negative and manipulative, but they were mostly satisfi ed (and confi dent) about their “immunity” to media trends or the abuse of children’s rights. The Table 9 shows that the students pretty well diagnose the dominant values which are represented in the media: Power and Politics (52.61 %, M = 2:34 , SD = 0.42 ), Glory (50.00%, M = 2:34, SD = 0:19 ), Wealth (45, 75 % , M2.32 , SD = 0:21 ), Advertisements (28.75 %, M = 2.14, SD = 0:47) and Beauty (22.87 %, M = 1.23, SD = 0.27). Considering the consequences of (preference) radical moral relativism in the (family) ed- ucation and the media, in this article, it is relied on the results of the research of Rimac and associates (2004), which provides that in Croatia the least preferred values are of altruism and empathy, and most of wealth and success. Would we then be surprised that children in this study observed the most prominent themes in the media: Power, Politics, Fame and Fortune? The theory of visible data from the pilot study in 2004, about the values that young people prefer, Power and Wealth are highly ranked as the most desirable values of young people. Today’s generation of children and young people most preferred value of ‘identity ‘ (to be their own master and deal with what they want). Research in the EU and the United States show that children spend more time in front of the screens than they do at school. In a study entitled “Impact of media on health of children and youth”, Victor C. Strasburger, Amy B. Jordan and Ed Donnerstein from the Department of Pae- diatrics – University of New Mexico, show that young people in the United States (Paediatrics Journal, no. 4, April 2010.) spent an average of seven hours a day using electronic media. The study showed that the media can affect school failure, violence, sexual behaviour, sub- stance use, eating disorders, and various addictions. In Croatia, more than 90 per cent of young people watch television-programs every day (GFK, www.gfk.hr). Ana- lysing the content on television, Vlasta Ilišin reveals that “television in leisure time of young people is mainly used for fun and pleasure’’ (Ilišin, 1999, 46). Children mostly watch programs for adults that include elements of excitement (Ilišin, Bobinac, Radin, 2001). Research done by Bushman (Iowa State University) and Huesman- na (University of Michigan) showed that aggression on television has a long-term socialization effects due to which the children exposed to violent scenes will have a greater risk for subsequent aggressive behaviour. The same study showed that children exposed to aggression through media, imitate aggressive behaviour patterns or become emotionally insensitive to aggressive and destructive behaviour. Subliminal messages in commer- cials and animated fi lms for children are related to sex and violence. Research conducted by a group of authors from the University of Chicago, Yale, New York State Chart 6: Parents’ control of the Internet use Chart 7: Average time spent on the internet Chart 8: Daily minutes of mobile phone use 170 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 Offi ce of Mental Hygiene, and the Organization for the Behavioural Science Research, shows that children who watched more aggressive cartoons, were more aggres- sive than their peers who did not watch such programs. Research has shown that there is a high probability of the impact of aggressive cartoons in early childhood on later behaviour. Extensive research in Slavonia and Zadar show that young people’s leisure time activities are mostly oriented to idleness: watching TV, surfi ng the Internet, listening to the radio, reading magazines, journals, newspapers, lying around or wandering around town, shopping centres, etc. (Mlinarević, Miliša, Proroković, 2007). Most studies on media activities show that with the increase of Internet usage, time spent watching television has not decreased but increased. Nielsen’s longitudinal monitoring of the use of the media showed that the time Americans devote to watching television grew during the “Web era” and during the period be- tween 2008 and 2009 it reached 153 hours a month. On the other hand, the average European in 2009 watched television 12 hours a week, which is an hour longer compared to 2004 (Nicolas Carr, 2010). Researchers at the American University of Stanford and California show that the so-called “multi-tasking” (simultaneous use of different media) does not only weaken the long- term but also the short-term memory, especially since the appearance of the so-called “smartphones” that allow to switch from SMS to e-mail, Facebook statuses, etc. According to these studies, (says Carr in his book from 2010) children and young people today in the U.S. daily spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes using the most popular media (read more at www.dailymail. co.uk). To sum up, these are additional reasons why we need the (optional subject) Media education in primary schools, the acquisition of media skills for parents and teachers, as well as a greater number of schools in the project Ten days without screens. Evaluation of results Table 9: Descriptive data measures opinions of students activities and values are represented in the media Nr. Name of particle Min Max SD. 1. Power and Politics 0 1 0.42 2. glory 0 1 0.19 3. riches 0 1 0.21 4. commercials and advertising 0 1 0.47 5. beauty (exterior) 0 1 0.27 6. children and youth irrelevant things 0 1 0.49 7. love 0 1 0.37 8. Have a fun 0 1 0.41 9. Information 0 1 0.45 10. Work and education 0 1 0.24 11. honesty 0 1 0.49 12. sensationalism 0 1 0.45 13. compassion and kindness 0 1 0.25 Chart 9: The most frequent leisure time activities 171 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 of the project Ten days without screens has shown the improved communication among students and between parents and children, and a better quality of creating free time. CONSLUSION Media education should be oriented, directed, and lead by these basic principles. Relevant, self-determined, creative, and socially responsible action and behaviour infl uenced by the media is related to certain conditions: life situation and communicative environment of chil- dren and adolescents, their needs and emotions, their knowledge and experience, as well as the level of their ability to judge symbolic values. The ones who use their knowledge to distinguish between information and ma- nipulations in their various forms will act more responsi- bly and independently towards the media than someone who does not have these kinds of abilities or knowledge. In other words, greater conscience of the negative media infl uence leads to smaller chances for their manipulative work (see Miliša, 2006; Tolić, 2009). Media education among children and youth should create the possibilities for acting and experiencing. In this sense, orientation towards experience and action is considered to be the fundamental principle of media education and media culture. Orientation towards experience means that emotions that the media evoke should be present in media education. Orientation towards action refers to the fact that media education should be directed to (current and future) acting, e.g. in the form of active processes of problem solving, decision making, estimat- ing, and creating. Based on these orientations children and young people are encouraged to use the media for processing media infl uences in distinguishing and ana- lysing media expressions, as well as in media production where the fi nal goal is the creation of media culture. Media education is not only a school task. It is equally acquired in the family, social and cultural work with children and youth, and in media institutions. Media education can be successful only when the society and politics create desirable conditions that lead to the for- mation of the media environment appropriate for chil- dren and youth. Media education requires responsibility of everyone included in the pedagogical process. Social and cultural work with children and youth imply spread- ing of cultural possibilities and possibilities to act. Many activities in this area, together with voluntary participa- tion, offer good possibilities for the development of cre- ativity. From this aspect general media competences on how to live with the media in the contemporary techno- logic and globalized society are developed. National Activity Plan for Rights and Interests of Children, for the period from 2006 to 2012, deserves broader analysis in order to develop a Strategy of Development from 2012 to 2018, which would be considerably more effi cient than the previous one. The unquestionable power and infl uence of the media in the contemporary society, their role in protecting children’s interests and rights becomes one of the key objectives. Although the Republic of Croatia declaratively states its commitment for the im- plementation of the strategy for the protection of chil- dren’s rights, in order for it to be measurable and effi cient it is necessary to observe all implications of research results and expert opinions that prove the increasing children and youth media addiction, media manipula- tions and violation of children’s rights in the media. Only then the strategic objective of the National Action Programme for Children can be realized: “to improve the life quality of children in the Republic of Croatia”. In 2008, prof dr Zlatko Miliša and his associates started a project called Ten days without screens in four primary schools in Zadar. Before the project began, they had conducted a pilot study. The results of that study, on the sample of seventh and eighth graders in three primary schools, showed that nearly eleven percent of pupils sit daily more than fi ve hours in front of computer, one quarter spend more than an hour and a half on a mobile phone, and twelve percent watch TV more than fi ve hours a day. The largest number of children watch TV between two and three hours a day. Parents watch TV signifi cantly less than their children. Controversies in the interpretation of media competence result from the ambiguous interpretations of the terms media compe- tence and media literacy. Media competence includes media literacy. It involves the acquisition of skills, knowledge and familiarity with the prevention of media manipulation. Media competence implies the ability of critical analysis of the media, while using the media as a means for independent and creative expression. In other words, it is the ability of orientation, assessment, and knowledge construction (e.g. via PC), the ability to un- derstand the world of the media (especially electronic media: computer, Internet) which is governed by signs and symbols which need to be decoded. The author Baacke was the fi rst to introduce the concept of “com- municative competence”. Media competence is a cen- tral concept in media pedagogy. It includes all the abili- ties which the individual must acquire within the media and information society, for example the use of media products, exchange of media messages (communication media), the media refl ection, and media criticism. This refers to the students, as well as the educators. Media pedagogy sixties has established itself as a separate sci- entifi c discipline. It was created as a result of the devel- opment of educational sciences and in response to the pedagogical consequences of rapid development of (in- novative) media and educational technology. It covers the important issues of pedagogical importance of the media in the areas of use of leisure time, education, and occupation. Where media reach and grow as a means of information, infl uence, entertainment, education, and the organization of everyday life, that they become the subject of media education. The use of media in every- 172 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 day life, the need to acquire media competence and the importance of media activity should be directed towards the symbolic exchange between the recipient and the media. While, on the one hand, opening unlimited possibilities of effective cooperation between students and teachers, access to information and lifelong learn- ing, on the other hand, are not only observed primarily as a technical tool in the educational process, but as an aesthetic and symbolic material for self-expression and to improve the quality of communication. Based on the analysis set (four) null hypothesis, none of which has not been accepted, accepting the second hypothesis, ac- cording to which teachers and parents with children under-communicate the use of different media, do not suggest checking the credibility of the information they learn through the media and do not develop in children refl ective and critical attitude towards the media infor- mation. Media competence leads to media education and media literacy. Media education relies on the acqui- sition of media competences. Media education refers to the acquisition of media literacy and media competence. The goal of the media competence is also the protection of private sphere, development of (self-) criticism, inter- cultural dialogue, the adoption of analytical, refl exive and ethical dimension, right to information, the instru- mental and aesthetic dimensions, development of the skills for using innovative media, such as new computer software etc. The aim is to live with the media, not to be dominated by the media (through the entertainment in- dustry, fetishization of commercial products, the cult of beauty, virtual reality etc.). Through these new horizons media competence should lead to the development of media education and media culture, which are integral parts of media pedagogy in the modern media environ- ment, in the prevention of the further spread of manipu- lation through the media. In this sense, media pedagogy is the intellectual management of the acquisition of personal competence and social values, media and communication competence and, fi nally, of cultural competence. It must serve as a critical analysis of the relationship between man and the media. Only in this way the media pedagogy will not be a “foreign tissue” in the analysis of various experts of modern media and new forms of communication. 173 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 IZOBRAŽEVALNI STANDARDI V ŠOLSKEM UČNEM NAČRTU IN VLOGA MNOŽIČNIH MEDIJEV. PRIMER HRVAŠKE Mirela MÜLLER Univerza v Osijeku, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za pedagogiko, Lorenza Jägera 9, 31 000 Osijek, Hrvaška E-mail: mtolic@ffos.hr POVZETEK V učnem procesu se medijska tehnologija uporabljajo na različne načine. Uporablja se kot oprema ali učni pripomoček, kakor tudi orodje ali kurikula enote. To predvsem pomeni, da se študenti učijo s pomočjo medijev, posamezno ali v skupinah. To tudi pomeni, da učitelji načrtujejo svoje lekcije za študente za uporabo tehnologije po principu samopovpraševanja, hkrati pa študentje izrazijo svojo ustvarjalnost s produkcijo učnih rezultatov, ki temeljijo na tehnologiji in medtem spoznavajo nove tehnologije. Uporaba različnih metod poučevanja in učenja je pomembna pri ustvarjanju znanja študentov in zagotavlja njihovo obvladovanje konceptov (vodilno načelo Evropske izobraževalne tradicije je „uspešna pedagogika za vse“). Ta članek tako v teoretičnem kot empiričnem delu prikazuje rezultate raziskave, ki je potekala v več šolah po Hrvaškem, ki kažejo na to, da novi množični mediji spreminjajo navade in vrednote mladih in otrok. Nekateri rezultati raziskave kažejo na to, da postajajo množični mediji vse bolj vir manipulacije in zasvojenosti, namesto da bi predstavljali vir informacij, izobraževanja in zabave. Članek vsebuje številne raziskovalne rezultate in primere motenj v izobraževalnih in komunikacijskih procesih zaradi industrije zabave, oglaševanja fetišizma, kulta lepote, virtualne realnosti itd. Ključne besede: medijsko izobraževanje, manipulacija, razvoj kurikula virtualnega življenja, mlado občinstvo, medijske kompetence 174 ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol. · 27 · 2017 · 1 Mirela MÜLLER: EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE ASPECT OF MASS MEDIA EDUCATION, 159–174 SOURCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Aufenanger, S. (1997): Medienpädagogik und Me- dienkompetenz, Eine Bundesaufnahme, in: Deutscher Bundestag (Hrsg.), Mit Multimedia in die Zukunft? Bielfeld, 188. Baacke, D. (1997): Medienpädagogik. Max Niemey- er Verlag, Tubingen. Doelker, C. (1997): Ein Bild ist mehr als ein Bild. Stuttgart. Herzig, B. (2001): Medien machen Schule. Grundla- gen, Konzepte und Erfahrungen zur Medienbildung. Bad Heilbrunn, Klinkhardt. Hoffmann, B. 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