Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 26/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 24. 06. 2012 ROJSTVO JANEZA KRSTNIKA THE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page »Gospodova roka je bila z njim.« Poročilo o Janezovem rojstvu postavlja evangelist Luka na sam začetek svojega evangelija. Evangelist se je namenil pisati ljudem, ki so se spreobrnili iz poganstva. Želel jim je razložiti zgodovino odrešenja. Zato govori o pripravah na Jezusovo rojstvo. Sporočilo je: »Bog je tisti, ki izpolnjuje dano obljubo, in to prav v trenutku, ko se to zdi človeku nemogoče.« Zanimivo je, da je v bogoslužju prav rojstvo Janeza Krstnika dosti bolj poudarjeno kot njegova mučeniška smrt. Vsako rojstvo je namreč dogodek v procesu širšega dogajanja. Nikakor ni le naključje. Mnogo pomeni in čudovito je, če rojstvo pomeni dopolnitev ljubezenskega načrta. Za Elizabeto in Zaharija je bilo veselje še toliko večje, ker jima je otrok pomenil dopolnitev božje obljube. Naznanjeno jima je bilo, da bo novorojeni neposredni prerok, ki pojde pred Gospodom pripravljat mu pota. Dal naj bi smernice, kako naj se tudi danes približamo Kristusu. Vsa poročila o napovedi in uresničitvi Janezovega rojstva evangelist Luka strne v ugotovitev: »Gospodova roka je bila z njim.« V središču Lukove pripovedi o Janezovem rojstvu stoji vprašanje imena. Kako mu bo ime? Zakaj tako posebno in nenavadno ime? Dejstvo je, da se prav v imenovanju osebe izraža njegova enkratnost. Enkratnost, ki je v božjih očeh, to je pred Bogom, drugačna kot pri ljudeh. Zato naj bo, kljub nasprotovanju okolice, njegovo ime Janez. Kar pomeni: božji dar, milost, ljubezen. Tako naj bo imenovan tisti sad obljube, ki je bila dana Zahariji. Prav ta posebnost pomena imena Janez govori tudi nam: da smo ustvarjeni po božji podobi, da je v tem vir vrednosti in enkratnosti nas samih, našega dostojanstva. Božja ljubezen je tista, ki določa mojo naravo in resnico. Bog me daje meni samemu z možnostjo, da bi se mu ves odprl in po razodetemu Odrešeniku Kristusu vrnil v njegov objem. Sv. mašo je vodil g. Goran Kuhar V nedeljo, 17. junija 2012 smo praznovali očetovski dan. Že dopoldne pri mašash smo se spomnili pomembne vloge očetov v družinah in smo zanje namenili sveto daritev. Popoldne pa smo se zbrali še pri društvu BLED, v Beamsvillu. Ob pol enih je bila sveta maša, ki ji je predsedoval g. Goran Kuhar, župnik iz Murske Sobote, ki je v teh dneh s svojo mamo na obisku tu v Kanadi. Pri maši so petje vodile pevke župnijskega zbora. Ob koncu maše je g. Lojza prebrala svojo pesem na čast očetom. Po končani slovesni maši so gospodinje poskerbele za dobro hrano, moški pa so spekli tudi nekaj »konkretnega«. Popoldne smo nadaljevali v prijetnem druženju, mladi so uživali v parku in se hladili v bazenu. Za prijetno glasbeno razpoloženje je poskrbel ansambel BRAJDA. Proti večeru smo se razhajali s prijetnimi vtisi ob prijateljskem druženju. First Reading Isaiah 49:1-6 The Suffering Servant, who is called by God from his mother's womb, trusts in God while lamenting the sufferings he has to face. Second Reading Acts 13:22-26 Speaking in the synagogue at Pisidian Anti-och, Paul describes the Baptist as the herald of Jesus, the Saviour. Gospel Luke 1:57-66. 80 Luke records the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist. Illustration The little boy couldn't wait to get to school. He had great news to share with his teacher and classmates. In the classroom he could scarcely contain himself. As soon as he got the chance, his hand shot up. "Miss," he said, "we've got a new baby in our house - I've got a new baby sister!" The birth of a child is an occasion for rejoicing, not only for siblings but also for parents, aunts and uncles, and even for friends and neighbours. But it also seems to invite questions. Not only the commonplace ones, like: "Is it a boy or a girl?" or "What does she weigh?" or "Who's he like?" But also the more thoughtful ones, like: "What kind of future awaits her?" or "What will he make of life when he grows up?" Gospel Teaching If joy and questioning are the order of the day when a baby arrives, it's no surprise to hear of joy and questioning in abundance when Elizabeth and Zechariah have their baby son. You only have to see his parents to realise that they are long past childbearing age: the fact that they have a child at all is nothing short of a miracle. And then there's the way he gets his name. When the time comes for him to be circumcised, everyone presumes he'll be called after his father, or his grandfather. But his mother says firmly: "No, he's to be called John" -and that's a fascinating name, for it means "God's gracious gift". When relations and neighbours remind her that this is breaking with tradition, that no one in the family has that name, his father Zechariah intervenes. Taking up a writing tablet - he's been unable to speak ever since he doubted the angel's message that Elizabeth would conceive - he carefully traces out the words: "His name is John." As he does so, his power of speech returns. That is another marvel and it isn't long before the question on everyone's lips is: "What will this child turn out to be?" He will turn out to be one of God's greatest servants, the herald who prepares the way for Jesus' coming. It's a glorious task, but John always remains humbly self-effacing; as he puts it: "I am not fit to undo his sandals"; "he [Jesus] must increase but I must decrease"; and once Jesus appears on the scene, John is content to step back out of the limelight. Until then he has a message that is simple and direct: "Come and be baptised as a sign of repentance, turn back to God; prepare the way of the Lord." And he repeats it, tirelessly. If the beginning of John's life was a time of rejoicing, its end was marked by an act of sickening violence: he was beheaded in the underground Coipe apd sarpple our Slovepiap cuisii?e apd cultural flip! Ham: Holy Mass 12pm: Lunch: Roast Pig, Cevapcici, Golas & Polenta BBQ Chicken, Hamburgers, Slovenian Pastries and your favourite Slovenian beverages avalable throughout the afternoon and evening 2pm: Fun and Exciting Cultural Program 4pm: Dancing to lively melocJes by Ive band "The Golden Keys" K 4pm: Youth Olympics ?BAMl < %> Everyone Wclcoipc! s| R Admission only $8 Adults - $4 Students j 9614 Chariton Drive, RH.#1 IVSddlesex Centre, ON. ¡MOM 1PO er marvel awaited most of us: through the sacrament of baptism, we began to share in God's own life, became God's sons and daughters with a destiny of eternal life and happiness. And now, like John, we are called to decrease so that Christ may increase in us, and to bear witness to him in the way we live our lives. Like John, we may have moments when we wonder if it's all worth it, if perhaps we're toiling in vain. Our celebration of John's birthday can help us to draw strength from his heroic courage and faithfulness unto death, and to be inspired, in our own small way, to continue his work, enabling the bright light of Christ to shine out more brilliantly in our world. GRADNJA TEMELJEV za dvigalo in strojnico. Zamenjali smo tudi stare kanalizacijske cevi z novimi plastičnimi. Sedaj pa je že vse nazaj zasuto. dungeon of King Herod - the price he paid for condemning Herod's evil behaviour. But during his lonely time in prison, uncertain as to what his fate might be, John also faced another trial -doubts about his life's work: in fact, he sent friends to ask Jesus if he really was the one they'd been waiting for. He wondered if he'd been mistaken in his mission, if, to use the words of Isaiah we heard in today's first reading, he had "toiled in vain". The reassurance he received from Jesus must have warmed his heart in his final grim days. Application "What will this child turn out to be?" they asked when John was born. A similar question might have been asked about us, for marvels have marked our lives, too. Like John, we were known by God before we were born; known and loved in our mother's womb. Shortly after our birth, anoth- Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR Začenja se poletje in zbor do avgusta ne bo imel pevskih vaj. Hvala vsem pevcem in organistu za redno prihajanje na vaje. S petjem obgatimo bogoslužje, pomagamo k lepšemu obhajanju svetih skrivnosti, obenem pa tudi sami globlje doživljamo liturgijo in različna praznovanja. THE SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ 2012 Slovenian Canadian c4/[/ Scholarship Foundation ^ k/Vj % Awards: All youth ofSloveni- % an background in the Hamil- ^RmMH^' ton/Wentworth, Halton and ^^ Niagara Regions entering I college or university or whose studies are in progress are encouraged to apply. Successful recipients will be recognized with a scholarship or bursary and will be honoured at the SCSF Annual Banquet to be held at BLED Hall, Beamsville on Saturday, October 20th. Applications are available in the rack at the back of the Church. Any inquiries may be directed to Teresa Zupancic: 905-664-6013, Karl Ferko: 905578-5890 or Jerry Ponikvar: 905-333-5813. KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - JUNIJ- AVG. 2012 ♦ V nedeljo 1. julija, je ob 1:00 popoldne sveta maša v Slovenskem parku. Ob tej priliki bodo posadili tudi Drevo spomina. ♦ V nedeljo 22. julija, je ob 12:30 popoldne sveta maša na Bledu, ko imajo tam tudi žegnanje -proščenje. ♦ V nedeljo 5. avgusta, je ob 1:00 popoldne sveta maša v Slovenskem parku. 12th Annual Slovenian Day Camp: August 7 - August 10, 2012_ This year will be our 12th Annual Slovenian Day Camp! We again welcome Slovenian Campers to our 12th Annual Summer Day Camp here at our Parish. We have a week Planned with exciting and fun activities for all our kids. There will be lots of crafts, sports, singing, dancing, Water Fun and of course our week wouldn't be complete without a few surprises. We hope that our Slovenian youngsters will take this opportunity to enjoy the company of great friends and ready to make new friends share in laughter, cheering and a week filled with fun. We're all sure to have an awesome time at SDC! For Teenagers in high school - if you need your volunteer hours, you can get your 40 hours in just one week. So we welcome you to take this opportunity to have fun with kids, participate in your community and fulfil your volunteer requirements. If you have kids, grandchildren, cousins, etc... between the ages of 4 and 11 yrs, tell them about our camp and sign up now. It's only $65.00 for a week of fun packed activities! For more information and to sign up, please contact Heidy Novak at 905-689-1367 ( as soon as possible. We always have lots of kids so the sooner we know our numbers, the better we can plan for another great camp this summer. This is a great Opportunity for our kids to be part of our Slovenian Community and spend time with some Slovenian friends. I hope you will come and enjoy the week of August 7-10, 2012 with us. We look forward to seeing you there! SALESIAN HERITAGE TOUR - ITALY OCT. 29 - NOV. 8, 2012_ Chaplain: Fr. John Puntino, SDB Spend time in Don Bosco's homeland, with his own people. Experience the passion of the Salesians who give their lives to help those who are young. Visit the places where Giovanni Bosco lived as a child. See what inspired him to become a Catholic priest. In Turin, see the field and the shed where he began his work. Attend Mass at the famous Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. Walk through the plaza where children gather, still today, at the Oratory in Valdocco. Visit the place where the Salesian Sisters started their work. Spend time in Florence, the city of art. Stroll through Assisi. Visit Rome: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican Museums and much more. Included: Roundtrip airfare from Newark Liberty International Airport;11 days / 9 nights Superior Tourist Class Hotels; 9 Breakfasts & 9 dinners, Daily Mass, Airport-hotel transfers, hotel tips & taxes, baggage handling, Touring by private air conditioned motorcoach, Services of a professional tour escort. $3,488* p/per double occupancy INCLUDES Mandatory Airfare Taxes and Fees DEPART Newark Liberty International Airport (ADD $239 for optional travel insurance and travel to and from Newark Liberty Airport) Single supplement $550 Book now at James A. Neff, THE CATHOLIC TOUR, TOLL FREE 1-888-465-9868 DAROVI_ Društvo Sv. Jožefa je darovalo $50 za Gradbeni sklad in 5 maš za + Ivana Obala. Hvala. GRADNJA DVIGALA - OBNOVA SANITARIJ Gradnja, kot lahko vidite tudi od zunaj napreduje. Jama je zasuta, temelji za dvigalo so zabetonirani, včeraj so izrezali orptine v spodnjo dvorano za vshod v dvigalo in strojnico. Napredujejo tudi stranišča. Stene dobivajo svojo obliko, večji del vodovoda in elektrike je napeljano, odstranili so tudi stare talne pološčice /večina od njih je vsebovala azbest, prav tako lepilo pod njimi, zato so morali priti delavci, ki so za to usposobljeni/. Naslednji teden bodo začeli zunaj zidati stene za dvigalo, znotraj pa bodo nadaljevali s pripravami za strope in ploščice. Se priporočamo za darove za GRADBENI SKLAD, sedaj bodo začeli prihajati računi. Res, da imamo polovico delnarja zagotovljenega od TRILLIUMA / Kanadske organizacije/, potrebujemo pa zbrati drugo polovico. Nekaj si bomo sposodili na škofji, sicer ne bi mogli zaključiti predvidenih delo. Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali za Gradbeni sklad. OD 24. 06. 2012 DO 01. 07. 2012 svete mase - masses 12. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24. Junij t TT Rojstvo Janeza Krstnika SLOVENSKI DAN TT za žive in rajne župljane Ivan Sobočan 9:30 a.m. Terezija in Trezika Frumen 11:00 a.m. SLOVENSKI DAN: TRIGLAV - LONDON pokojni člani Slov. društev 11:00 a.m. Žena in domači Družina Marič Dvorana Triglav-London Ponedeljek - Monday 25. Junij Vilijem, opat Za nove duhovne poklice T Ivan Sobočan TT Franc in Matilda Lovrenčec T Ivan Obal 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Robert in Francine Calver Janez Lovrenčec Veronika Čurič Torek - Tuesday ff pokojni iz družine Vuk 8:00 a.m. Marija Hočevar 26. Junij f Ivan Dobršek Ludvik Hull z družino Jožef Maria Escriva Za zdravje /Mici Luise/ Lojzka Saje Sreda - Wednesday 27. Junij Ema Krška, kneginja T Matija Vlašič Ivan Sobočan Ivan Sobočan Stanko Ferenčak 7.00 p.m. Joe in Christina Ribarič Društvo sv. Jožefa Ignac in Marija Korošec Veronika Čurič f Ivan Sobočan f Ivan Sobočan f Tončka Demšar Irenej, škof-mučenec ff sorodniki Alojziji Četrtek- Thursday 28. Junij Petek - Friday 29. Junij PETER in PAVEL, ap. ff duhovniki naše župnije f Ivan Sobočan f Stanko Ferenčak f Ljubica Hribljan, obl. 7:00 p.m. Amalija Stadler in Mirko Zorko Ivan in Ana Nedelko Agnes Pust Julija Sagadin 7:00 p.m. Pavel Novak z družino Franc Kozlar Družina Raduha Marica Majzelj z družino Sobota - Saturday 30. Junij Prvi rimski mučenci Po namenu f Ema Doberšek f Stane Napast ff Marija in Anton Goršak 8:15 a.m. n.n. 5:30 p.m. Pavel Novak z družino Frančiška Napast Marija Košir 13. NEDELJA MED LETOM f f 01. Julij f Estera, svetopisemska ž. Izseljenska nedelja ff ff CANADA DAY f f za žive in rajne župljane Starši Horvat 9:30 a.m. Rozalija Ifko 11:00 a.m. Štefan Gjerek SLOVENSKI PARK 1:00 P.m. Pok. Kuzma in sin Metod, Matija Vlašič, Janko in Veronika Broz Marija Janežič Mici Janežič sin Ignac Horvat z družino Družina Semen Družina Semen Ciril Kuzma Ciril Kuzma Ivanka in Frank Steržaj Ivan in Mihaela Cimermančič svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -^ angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. 111 poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation don bosco (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.