UDK 621.3:(53+54+621 +66)(05)(497.1 )=00 ISSN 0352-9045 Strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko elektronske sestavne dele in materiale Strokovna revija za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials INFORMACIJE MIDEM, LETNIK 27, ŠT. 4(84), LJUBLJANA, december 1997 Ceramic capability From sub miniature SMD capacitors and EMI Filters through piezoelectric components and sensors, modules and transducers to RF ceramic or SAW Filters, coils, trimmers and more, Murata leads the way in miniaturisation and in reliability which others follow. Our components are produced to the highest quality requirements of the industry. We build the technology which will enable your designs and products to successfully cross the bridge into the next millennium. Building bridges together miiRnta. /nnomtor in tfeetwn/cs ESS ä. INFORMACIJE MIDEM 4 01997 INFORMACIJE MIDEM LETNIK 27, ŠT. 4(84), LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 1997 INFORMACIJE MIDEM VOLUME 27, NO. 4(84), LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 1997 Izdaja trimesečno (marec, junij, september, december) Strokovno društvo za mikroelektronlko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. Published quarterly (march, june, september, december) by Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials - MIDEM. Glavni in odgovorni urednik Editor in Chief Dr. Iztok Šorli, dipl.ing., MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana Tehnični urednik Executive Editor Uredniški odbor Editorial Board Časopisni svet International Advisory Board Naslov uredništva Headquarters Dr. Iztok Šorli, dipl.ing. Doc. dr. Rudi Babič, dipl.ing., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Maribor Dr.Rudi Ročak, dipl.ing., MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana mag.Milan Slokan, dipl.ing., MIDEM, Ljubljana Zlatko Bele, dipl.ing., MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana Dr. Wolfgang Pribyl, SIEMENS EZM, Villach mag. Meta Limpel, dipl.ing., MIDEM, Ljubljana Miloš Kogovšek, dipl.ing., Ljubljana Dr. Marija Kosec, dipl. ing., Inštitut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Prof. dr. Slavko Amon, dipl.ing., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana, PREDSEDNIK - PRESIDENT Prof. dr. CorClaeys, IMEC, Leuven Dr. Jean-Marie Haussonne, EIC-LUSAC, Octeville Dr. Marko Hrovat, dipl.ing., Inštitut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Prof. dr. Zvonko Fazarinc, dipl.ing., CIS, Stanford University, Stanford Prof. dr. Drago Kolar, dipl.ing., Inštitut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Dr. Giorgio Randone, ITALTEL S.l.T. spa, Milano Prof. dr. Stane Pejovnik, dipl.ing., Kemijski inštitut, Ljubljana Dr. Giovanni Soncini, University of Trento, Trento Prof.dr. Janez Trontelj, dipl.ing., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana Dr. Anton Zalar, dipl.ing., ITPO, Ljubljana Dr. Peter Weissglas, Swedish Institute of Microelectronics, Stockholm Uredništvo Informacije MIDEM Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije Dunajska 10, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija tel.: + 386 (0)61 31 28 98 fax: +386 (0)61 31 91 70 Iztok. Sorli guest.arnes.si http://pollux.fer.uni-lj.si/midem/journal.htm Letna naročnina znaša 12.000,00 SIT, cena posamezne številke je 3000,00 SIT. Člani in sponzorji MIDEM prejemajo Informacije MIDEM brezplačno. Annual subscription rate Is DEM 200, separate issue is DEM 50. MIDEM members and Society sponsors receive Informacije MIDEM for free. Znanstveni svet za tehnične vede I je podal pozitivno mnenje o reviji kot znanstveno strokovni reviji za mikroelektronlko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. Izdajo revije sofinanci rajo Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo in sponzorji društva. Scientific Council for Technical Sciences of Slovene Ministry of Science and Technology has recognized Informacije MIDEM as scientific Journal for microelectronics, electronic components and materials. Publishing of the Journal Is financed by Slovene Ministry of Science and Technology and by Society sponsors. Znanstveno strokovne prispevke objavljene v Informacijah MIDEM zajemamo v: * domačo bazo podatkov ISKRA SAIDC-el, kakor tudi * v tujo bazo podatkov INSPEC Prispevke Iz revije zajema ISI ® v naslednje svoje produkte: Sci Search® , Research Alert® in Materials Science Citation Index™ Scientific and professional papers published In Informacije MIDEM are assessed Into: * domestic data base ISKRA SAIDC-el and " foreign data base INSPEC The Journal is indexed by ISI® for Sci Search®, Research Alert® and Material Science Citation Index™ Po mnenju Ministrstva za informiranje št.23/300-92 šteje glasilo Informacije MIDEM med proizvode Informativnega značaja, za katere se plačuje davek od prometa proizvodov po stopnji 5 %. Grafična priprava In tisk BIRO M, Ljubljana Printed by Naklada 1000 izvodov Circulation 1000 issues Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1102 Ljubljana Slovenla Taxe Perçue UDK621.3:(53+54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4,Ljubljana M. Kosec: MIDEM postal pridružen član IMAPS 220 M. Kosec: IMAPS Chapter Charter Granted to MIDEM ZNANSTVENO STROKOVNI PRISPEVKI PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS KONFERENCA MIDEM '97 - POVABLJENI REFERATI MIDEM'97 CONFERENCE - INVITED PAPERS M. Drofenik: Mikrostrukturne in fizikalne lastnosti MnZn feritov za uporabo v visokofrekvenčnih napajalnikih 221 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies V. Kempe: Mešana ASIC vezja - proizvajalčeva perspektiva 228 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASICs - A Manufacturer's View E. VVachmann: Pogled na integracijo podmikronskih BiCMOS tehnologij 239 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration A. Born, R. VViesendanger: Vrstični mikroskopija in spektroskopija s sondo: Od osnovnih raziskav do uporabe v industriji 246 A. Born. R. Wlesendanger: Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. Koenig, A. Schueppen: SiGe heterospojni bipolarni tranzistorji: Ključne tehnologije in uporaba v komunikacijskih sistemih 251 D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. Koenig, A. Schueppen: SiGe - Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications in Communication Systems W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: Vrednotenje eksperimentalne prevodne debeloplastne paste brez steklene faze za metalizacijo AIN keramike 260 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adiassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film Metallization for AIN-ceramics MIDEM'97 KONFERENCA: PREDSTAVITEV LABORATORIJEV IN SPONZORJEV MIDEM'97 CONFERENCE: PRESENTATION OF LABORATORIES AND SPONSORS Iskraemeco, Kranj, Slovenija 267 Iskraemeco, Kranj, Slovenia KONFERENCA MIDEM '97 - POROČILO 268 MIDEM'97 CONFERENCE REPORT PREDSTAVLJAMO PODJETJE Z NASLOVNICE 270 REPRESENT OF COMPANY FROM FRONT PAGE Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. KONFERENCE, POSVETOVANJA, SEMINARJI, POROČILA CONFERENCES, COLLOQUYUMS, SEMINARS, REPORTS D. Križaj: Poročilo iz IEEE konference 273 D. Krizaj: IEEE Conference, report Sejem SODOBNA ELEKTRONIKA 1997 274 Electronics Fair 1997 VESTI 275 NEWS KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV 281 CALENDAR OF EVENTS VSEBINA LETNIKA 1997 282 VOLUME 1997 CONTENT MIDEM prijavnica MIDEM Registration Form Slika na naslovnici: Murata je eden od vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev elektronskih komponent na osnovi keramičnih materialov Front page: Murata is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of ceramic based electronic components MIDEM postal pridružen član IMAPS IMAPS (International Microelectronics and Packaging Society) je izredno ambiciozno društvo s sedežem v Združenih državah Amerike, ki povezuje več kot 10000 članov in širi svojo dejavnost v vse dele sveta. Društvo organizira več deset konferenc in delavnic letno, izdaja revijo Advancing Microelectronics, štiri številke letno, in ima poseben fond za izobraževanje. Za vse to skrbijo štirje stalno zaposleni. Lansko leto je društvo praznovalo svojo tridesetletnico. Za svoj začetek namreč štejejo ustanovitev ISHM (International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics), sedanji IMAPS pa je nastal prav lansko leto z združitvijo IS H M in I EPS (International Electronic Packaging Society). Lansko leto so društvo MIDEM povabili, da postane pridruženi član IMAPSA. Meni je, kot predsednici MIDEM, pripadla čast, da sem na letnem srečanju IMAPSA, ki je bilo letos oktobra v Phiiadelphii, sprejela listino o pridruženju (glej kopijo listine na strani 275). Zasluge za to imajo brez dvoma naši člani, ki delajo na področju hibridnih vezij in so v mednarodnih krogih dobro poznani. Piko na i pa je verjetno postavila NATO delavnica "Electronic Packaging for High Reliability, Low Cost Electronics", ki sta jo v lanskem maju na Bledu skupaj z IMAPS uspešno organizirala Institut Jožef Stefan in MIDEM, in ki se jo je udeležilo več ključnih članov IMAPSA vključno z lanskim in letošnjim predsednikom. Povezanost MIDEMA z IMAPSom pomeni, poleg stalnih informacij in stikov, še nekaj pomembnih praktičnih stvari: udeležbo enega ali dveh članov na letnem srečanju na stroške IMAPSA, kar je sicer izredno drago, in raznovrstno strokovno literaturo, ki jo pošiljajo MIDEMu na osnovi dogovora o izmenjavi periodike in ostalih publikacij. Predsednik društva MIDEM Dr. Marija Kosec UDK621.3:(53 + 54 + 621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana MICROSTRUCTURE AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MnZn FERRITES FOR THE HIGH FREQUENCY POWER SUPPLIES M. Drofenik Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia INVITED PAPER rd 33 International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM'97 September 24. - September 26., 1997, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia Keywords: MnZn ferrites, microstructure properties, physical properties, power suplies, high frequency power supplies, grain sizes, grain boundary properties, power losses, magnetic losses, high electrical resistance, aliovalent ions, ion doping, oxygen concentration, SMPS, switch-mode power supplies, eddy current Abstract: The power loss of MnZn ferrites and its relation to the average grain size and grain boundary properties was studied. It was found that the power loss depend on the average grain size and on the highly electrically resistive grain boundaries which are formed by introduction of aliovalent ions in the intrinsic grain boundary of MnZn ferrite grains. A lower concentration of oxygen during sintering decreases the average grain size and improves the magnetic loss. Mikrostrukturne in fizikalne lastnosti MnZn feritov za uporabo v visokofrekvenčnih napajalnikih Ključne besede: MnZn-feriti, lastnosti mikrostrukturne, lastnosti fizikalne, napajalniki energetski, napajalniki energetski visokofrekvenčni, velikost zrn, lastnosti zrn mejne, izgube močnostne, izgube magnetne, upornost električna visoka, ioni aliovalentni, dopiranje ionov, koncentracija kisika, SMPS napajalniki komutacijski, tok vrtinčni Povzetek: Preučevali smo močnostne izgube MnZn feritov in odvisnost izgub od povprečne velikosti zrn in lastnosti meja med zrni. Ugotovili smo, daje izguba odvisna tako od povprečne velikosti zrn, kakor tudi od mej med zrni z izredno visoko električno upornostjo, ki jih ustvarimo z vgradnjo večvalentnih ionov v zrna MnZn ferita. Nižja koncentracija kisika med sintranjem zmanjša povprečno velikost zrn in izboljša magnetne izgube. 1, INTRODUCTION The application of MnZn ferrites in power electronics is constantly increasing. Particularly the growth of the commercial market for Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) places demands on the ferrite industry to produce high performance ferrite cores capable of operating at increasingly higher frequencies /1/. In SMPS the switching frequency is related to the power output, making it possible for smaller core volumes to transform the same amount of power as a larger core would at lower frequencies. This is a direct challenge for the miniaturization of SMPS and related power devices /2/. The main core characteristics are core losses which contribute the major part of the total electrical loss. In general the core loss can be divided into a residual loss, a hysteresis loss and an eddy current loss. The residual loss is important only at low induction levels and can be ignored in the power application of MnZn ferrites. The hysteresis loss Ph = Whf, where Wh = jHdB is the energy represented by the area of the hysteresis loop measured under the maximum flux density, depends on many parameters; however, hindrance to domain wall displacements /3/, which takes place at high induction levels /4/, plays the major role. The factors governing the hysteresis loss are the mag-netocrystalline anisotropy Ki magnetostriction X, stress a, porosity p, and saturation magnetization Ms. For low hysteresis loss Ki, X, a, and p should be low. These parameters can be controlled by the chemical composition; however, the porosity (p) and mechanical stress (a) are controlled mostly by the microstructure and impurities. The ferrous content, which is essential in MnZn ferrites for achieving low magnetisation anisotropy and magnetostriction and thus low hysteresis loss, gives rise to a high electrical conductivity due to the thermally activated hopping mechanism between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in spinel ferrites. The relatively low electrical resistivity, pbulk, influences the eddy current loss, Pe=ABm2f2 /pbulk, where A is the core cross section, Bm is the maximal flux density, and f is the frequency. The most effective way to suppress electron hopping and thus the electrical conductivity inside the ferrite grains, is by the substitution of Ti4+, which occupies the B site /5/ adjacent to Fe2+. 221 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 221 -227 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies At higher operating frequencies the contribution of the eddy current loss to the total loss strongly increases and above 500 kHz it dominates all other losses. Therefore in order to increase the performance of MnZn ferrites for powder applications at higher frequencies, the eddy current losses must be suppressed to the greatest possible extent. 2. CORRELATION BETWEEN MICROSTRUCTURE PARAMETERS AND POWER LOSS In MnZn ferrites the grain boundary shows different chemical and physical properties from the ferrite grains. The segregation of impurities and partial reoxidation of Fe2+ on the grain boundaries during cooling makes the MnZn ferrite grain boundaries highly insulating in comparison to the grain interior. These insulating layers are in practice very thin and therefore exhibit a relatively high electrical capacity. For such a ferrite core the equivalent electrical circuit of the semiconducting grains and the insulating grain boundaries form a resistance and capacitance connected in parallel whose impedance causes a dispersion with respect to the frequency /6/. The impedance of parallel R;C; elements, which usually represent the equivalent circuit of a MnZn ferrite, is Z = Z' - jZ" where lower than the grain boundary layers, the equivalent circuit of the ferrite can be represented by a series of lumped R - C circuits of the grain boundary layers. L core dimension ferrite grain D gram size grain boundary thickness 6gb Fig. 1: Brick wall microstructure model: a sketch of an ideal microstructure of a material - MnZn ferrite - with grain boundaries permeable to the eddy current R, Z' =X- 1+ (coRjCj The impedance and Z"= ZR, coR.C, l + ÎOjRiC;)' z-Jïzf + pf for ooRC <<1 where to = 2nf will be close to the pure ohmic resistance Z —> R. However, in the case when coRC>> 1 and consequently Z->1/coC the grain boundary capacitance will play the dominant role in the MnZn ferrite. Thus, depending on the operating frequency, two extreme cases govern the impedance of the MnZn ferrite and its power losses. In order to elucidate the dependence of power loss P on the average grain size D and the grain boundary thickness Sgr and its resistance Rgr which are the essential microstructure element, we will divide the ferrite material into small cubes, i.e. the brick wall model, Fig. 1. In this hypothetical model the grain boundaries with a thickness Sg.b. will lie in directions perpendicular and parallel to the principal axis, i.e. to the electric field direction. The grain boundaries which are parallel to the principal axis will be electrically bypassed by the bulk material. Therefore the small cubes can be approximated by bulk material separated by high ohmic layers - the grain boundaries which are perpendicular to the principal axis. Each layer can be represented by a resistance-capacitance (R - C) lumped circuit of high ohmic layers. When the resistivity of the bulk is much In a real material, the grains have the shapes of irregular polyhedra. In this case only the components of the grain boundaries which are perpendicularto the principal axis can effectively block the electric current. By applying this model /7/ the macroscopic resistance, which can be obtained from the impedance spectra, can be expressed as gb. p{mic.) L g.b. D + § where L g.b. D + 5„ _L D is the number of grain boundaries perpendicular to the electric field, 5g.b. is thickness of the grain boundary, p(mac.) _ (rrac.) g.b. — I g.b. L_ A is the macroscopic resistance obtained from complex impedance plots and L/A is length-area ratio of the samples. Further, by combination of the above Eqs. it follows that (mac.) 'g.b. □ (mic.l g.b. A D -'g.b. g-b. D When we combine this expression with that of the eddy current loss, we finally obtain P0 = cB f2 D p(mic) g.b. (1) 222 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies______ Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 221 -227 Thus, at lower frequencies coRC < < 1, the eddy current is proportional to the average grain size and inversely to the resistance of a grain boundary Rg.b.'mic'- On the other hand, at higher frequencies where coRC >> 1 when again applying the brick-wall model, where for each grain boundary intersection perpendicular to the electric field C (mic) " ^o ' ^g.b. g A g.b. and considering the number of grain boundaries =L/D, then it follows that 1 C (mac^ L 1 D C (mic) and finally C(mac) = e0 • e D A O cg.b. g 7" g.b. L By inserting the impedance in the relation for the eddy current power loss we obtain PE = cAB^f2 x coC(mac! -g.b. D g-b- (2) We can see that when coRC > > 1 the eddy current loss is determined by the average grain size, the thickness of the grain boundary and its permittivity. Therefore from the above considerations it can be seen thatthe average grain size is to a great extent the dominant microstruc-tural parameter in the whole frequency range and determines the eddy current loss. Further, we can see that up to the operating frequencies where the grain boundaries are not short circuited by a high displacement current, the power loss of MnZn ferrites can be effectively suppressed by a decrease in average grain size D, by increasing the grain boundary resistance Rg.b.(mic', by increasing the grain boundary width Sg.b. and/or bydecreasing its permittivity eg.b. 3. TAILORING OF MICROSTRUCTURE PARAMETERS AND POWER LOSSES The average grain size of a MnZn ferrite can be effectively decreased by sintering it at a lower oxygen partial pressure /8/, while the grain boundary resistivity can be increased by the addition of aliovalent ions to the ferrite /9/. In order to engineer the MnZn ferrite parameters, i.e. to decrease average grain size (D) and/or to increase the intrinsic grain boundary resistance, the concentration of oxygen during sintering may be varied from 21 vol. % to 1 vol. % and the ferrite should be doped with aliovalent ions which segregate to the grain boundary during sintering. It is well established that a higher amount of oxygen 21 vol. % increases the pore mobility and induces exaggerated pore growth, while a lower concentration of oxygen increases the concentration of the slowest moving species, i.e. oxygen vacancies, and promotes volume diffusion and hence grain boundary mobility /10/. On the other hand, the pore - grain boundary interaction during sintering has a decisive influence on the microstructure /11/. Depending on the pore size/grain size ratio, the grain growth is largely determined by the attachment or separation of the pores from the grain boundary. When this ratio is small the pores will be left behind and the conditions for the formation of grains with exaggerated grain size and trapped pores will be present. So, If one would like to engineer effectively the MnZn ferrites microstructure, exaggerated pores must first be developed by using a high partial pressure of oxygen during sintering. If these pores are large enough they can effectively pin the grain boundaries /12/ and impede grain growth at lower P(02) (if applied) which promotes densification and grain boundary mobility. Fig. 2 shows a typical power loss dependence vs. the temperature of MnZn ferrites sintered at different partial pressures of oxygen /8/ (sample 1 sintered at 21 vol% of oxygen, sample 2 at 10 vol % of oxygen, sample 3 at 5 vol % and the sample 4 at 1 vol % of oxygen). The essential microstructural parameters of the samples are shown in Table I. Table I: The key microstructural parameters of the sintered samples; density (p), percentage of theoretical density (TD), average grain size (D), average grain size without giant grains (D '), and percentage of giant grains (A). Sample code P 3 |g/cm | TD S%] D I,um] D' lum| A* |%| 1 4.88 95 10.87 - 2 4.90 96 9.95 9.87 ; 8 3 4 4.93 4.94 97 97 9.36 9.54 9.19 ; 9.20 6 14. grains with more than two trapped pores The density of the samples is more or less the same, with the exception of sample 1 which has a lower density. On the other hand, the average grain size and the percentage of grains with exaggerated grain size and intragranular porosity is different. The nominal composition of the samples studied is the same and can be excluded from further consideration. The outstanding properties of samples 2 and 3 can therefore be assigned exclusively to the influence of sample microstructure and their stoichiometry. In the case that the operating frequency Is lower than the relaxation frequency of the wall displacement, hysteresis and eddy current losses prevail. The equation which relates the static permeability relaxation frequency (fr) and microstructural parameter (D) is fr (|is -1) = 3/4 (47rMs)2/7tzD, where Ms is the saturation magnetisation /13/. In Fig. 3 the permeability spectra of the high frequency power ferrites are shown. 223 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 221 -227 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies V" - r.;;..- ^ vi V ;; ' : --i"'-- ' -V .• •• • ->. - •• ^MHHMpi •''£-■■ " il"iMPWiiWMWilMBP 1 ••• v*,-, s mmmisssmBm • ••■■ ^ ^ -^H ■ s £ SiO f ...... fO T i'C} a - a; S Fig. 2: Temperature dependence of core loss at 700 kHz (50 mT) for samples sintered at 1280°C and 21 vol % oxygen (sample 1),10 vol % (sample 2), 5% (sample 3) and 1 vol % of oxygen for sample 1 respectively and typical microstructures; a) sample 2 and b) sample 4. M-, M- The values of the products fr lisDsA in Table I, which is proportional to Ms2 /B, gradually decrease indicating that the dumping ability of samples increases with the concentration of Fe2+ ions. All samples contain an equal amount of the four-valent ions Ti4+ and Sn4+ which when dissolved in the ferrite grains produce about 0.74 wt. % FeO. The rest is formed during the sintering at equilibrium conditions due to dissolution of the excess iron oxide in the spinel lattice and is P(C>2) dependent. This part of the FeO and/or Fe2+ is not localised in Fe2+-Ti4+(Sn4+) pairs and contributes to the damping mechanism, and thus decreases the relaxation frequency. In Fig. 4 the relationship between core loss per cycle (P/f) and the frequency is shown. A linear relationship was clearly found for all samples in accordance with the general expression for power loss P/f = A + Cf where A = J HdB,C = aBzm /pblllk « D / §gr The eddy current loss of the samples, the grain resistivity and the grain boundary resistivity are given in Table Fig. 4: Power loss per frequency vs. frequency for samples 1, 2, 3, and 4 f (kHz) Fig. 3: Permeability spectra of high frequency MnZn-power ferrites for samples 1, 2, 3, and 4. Table III: Grain resistivity, grain boundary resistivity and eddy current losses at 80°C measured at 700 kHz (50 mT). Table II: Permeability spectra of samples studied; relaxation frequency (fr), static permeability fjisJ, the product (fr ,usJ, the product, (friis-D), and the amount of FeO present in the samples Sample fr Us His Wis-D [FeO] code [MHz] ■■ [GHz J [KHzm] [%J 1 2.0 1800 3.6 39.6 2.15 2 1.8 2400 4.3 40.3 2.41 3 1.4 2500 3.5 32.76 2.48 4 1.0 3000 3.0 28.62 2.68 Sample code Grain resistivity [Q. cm] Grain bound, resistivity LS2 cm] pE80°C [mW/cm3] 1 ____ ________________ 7 63 833 2 8 64 686 3 7 66 686 4 7 22 931 Samples 1 and 4 show larger eddy current losses compared to the other two samples. 224 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies__Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 221-227 The eddy current loss depends mainly on the bulk electrical resistivity of the samples. The resistivity of a polycrystalline ferrite can be increased by increasing its grain boundary resistivity and/or reducing the grain size. At constant grain boundary resistance, the bulk resistance can be increased by reducing the average grain size and/or by increasing the number of grain boundaries Rbulk = Rg + Rg.b,. Samples 2, 3 and 4 exhibit smaller average grain size in comparison to sample 1 and therefore lower Pe losses. Sample 4 is an exception where the fraction of giant grains is relatively high. A higher fraction of these grains can substantially decrease the number of grain boundaries per eddy current path. On the other hand, in sample 1 neither are giant grains developed, nor is the grain boundary resistivity significantly lower. Besides, sample 1 has a higher total porosity which can create a demagnetisation field, a lower |i, and a substantial increase of the magnetic flux density and lead to an increase of the total loss. When considering grain boundary properties in electrical ceramics, AC impedance methods are widely used for their characterisation. When the experimental data are analysed and interpreted it is essential to have a model equivalent circuit that provides an acceptable representation of the electrical properties. In the MnZn ferrite ceramics considered it is well known that both inter- and intragranuiar impedances are present. z'ifl ) Fig. 5: Measured complex impedance spectra of doped MnZn ferrite sample doped with 0.2 wt% Ta2C>3 sample with a fitted spectra with single RC value for the grain boundary and a fitted spectra in which the distinction is made between the extrinsic and intrinsic grain boundary. in Fig. 5 a typical complex impedance spectrum is shown for the doped ferrite samples and a corresponding simulated spectrum when the distinction is made between an extrinsic and an intrinsic grain boundary, i.e. R1C1-R2C2-R3. In addition, a simulated impedance spectrum where a single R and C value, i.e. RC-R3 was used to fit the spectrum is also shown. Fig. 5 indicates that a simulated impedance spectrum where the grain boundary is separated fits the experimental measurements much better than those where a single RC element is used. This confirms that the separation of the grain boundary into an intrinsic and extrinsic part seems to be justified. The electrical properties are determined in general by a series combination of such impedances which can be represented by a parallel RC element. From the complex impedance spectra of doped and undoped samples and the corresponding simulated impedance spectra, parallel R1C1-R2C2-R3 elements were obtained. Once the equivalent circuits and corresponding elements of the circuits are obtained, these elements must be assigned to the microstructural characteristics of the material, provided that the measured response belongs entirely to the sample. In the case where one would like to estimate the dimension and/or volume of a particular component in a sample using capacitance data, the permittivity of the region considered must be known. The samples studied are ferromagnetic and not ferroelectric, with a permittivity like that of an oxide, e = 10. From the relation C = EoA/L a unit volume of such a materia! would have a capacitance of about 1 pF. Experimental data for capacitance C measured at 10 kHz for the samples studied were in the range from 3.2x10"6 to 4.2x10"7F. Assuming A is unity, the thickness of this region must be reduced The capacitance is associated with thin non-ferroelec-tric regions, as indicated by their large capacitance value of a few pF, and these regions are therefore assigned to MnZn ferrite grain boundaries. According to the data obtained by fitting the measured data by an equivalent circuit, it is suggested that beside the extrinsic grain boundary a highly resistive surface layer on each MnZn ferrite grain can be present as well. The AC impedance spectra of the MnZn ferrite samples studied suggests that the electrical make-up of the MnZn ferrite ceramics is as shown in Fig. 6. The resistances R1, R2 and R3, representing the appropriate electrical elements (RC), must be related to the electrical scheme In Fig 6. R3 can be assigned to the grain resistance due to the relatively low value of R3, in accordance with the basic electrical properties of MnZn ferrite grains. On the other hand, R1 and R2 are related to the grain boundary and must therefore be assigned to the "extrinsic" grain boundary due to second phase formation at the boundaries, and to the "intrinsic" grain boundary due to the segregation effect. In ferrites the basic electron conduction mechanisms have been studied by many investigators and reviewed by Klinger et al. /14/. Various models were proposed; however, the thermally activated hopping model has been shown to be appropriate in explaining qualitatively the electrical behavior of MnZn ferrites. The additional 225 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 221 -227 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies electron on a ferrous (Fe2+) ion requires little energy to move to an adjacent (Fe3+) on the equivalent lattice sites (B sites). Under the influence of the electric field, these extra electrons hopping between iron ions constitute the electrical conduction. Therefore, any change in the divalent iron ion content in the spinel ferrite lattice and/or the distance between them is crucial to the intrinsic resistivity of MnZn ferrite grains, including the intrinsic grain boundaries. Fefrimsgisette Conductive Core 3 Non ?efffmag»etic grain boundary ' Feffimagnetk; outer grain region 2 Q extrinsic grain boundary R, m-trinstc groin boundary grain bulk geometrical capatitance b) Fig. 6: Schematic model representing the electrical make-up: a) of polycrystaliine MnZn ferrite; R^-non ferrimagnetic grain boundary, Rz-fer-rimagnetic outer grain region, R^-ferrimag-netic conductive core b) the corresponding equivalent circuit. If the introduction of another cation into the lattice causes a change in the valency distribution on the B-sites, then the number of electrons potentially available for transfer will be altered. On the other hand, the incorporation of foreign ions can change the distance between the B lattice-sites, which is crucial for the conduction mechanism. Thus, the formation of an "intrinsic" grain boundary in doped samples by the segregation of aliovalent ions must increase the intrincic grain boundary resistivity very much. Due to their specific properties the grain boundaries are prone to the segregation of impurities. The driving forces for equilibrium segregation in ceramics are elastic and electrostatic interactions between segregation species in the bulk and in the interfacial region. The most important process occurring on the grain boundaries of MnZn ferrites during sintering are the segregation of aliovalent ions /15/, and Zn depletion /16/, caused by grain boundary diffusion of Zn to the surface of the sample and evaporation of ZnO from the sample surface. Besides, any change in the Fe/O ratio is usually identified on the grain boundary of MnZn ferrite grains. 0 3 6 9 Î2 16 Sputter time irnmi Q) 0 3 6 9 12 15 Sputter time ( mm ) b) Fig.7(a,b): A typical AES concentration depth profile of MnZn ferrite grain boundaries containing Ta3+ dopants and Ca2+ impurities; Fig. 7a concentration depth profile of samples doped with Ta3+ ions and b) undoped sample where only impurities ofCa2+ ions can be identified Extensive grain boundary analyses of MnZn ferrites were performed in the past /17,18/ where the grain boundary composition in the outer layer of MnZn ferrite grains was considered. Our results for grain boundary analyses are consistent with those previously reported. A decrease of the Fe/O ratio and a depletion of Zn was detected on the grain boundary of the samples analyzed. The segregation of Ca, which is an impurity, can be detected usually in ferrite samples exhibiting improved high frequency magnetic properties /19/ Figs. 7(a,b). In samples doped with Ta20s the segregation of Ta was confirmed, Fig. 7a. The Auger Electronic Spectra of fractured grain boundary surfaces showed the presence of a concentration depth profile of the aliovalent 226 M. Drofenik: Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Frequency Power Supplies_____ Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 221 -227 ionsCa2+ andTa5+ in the outer layer of the MnZnferrite grains, and thus confirm the presence of an intrinsic grain boundary present in MnZn ferrite grains as identified by complex impedance spectra of ferrites studied. 5. FINAL REMARKS Results reveal that the essential parameters which determine the Pe loss of MnZn ferrites in the frequency range up to 1 MHz are exclusively average grain size, grain boundary thickness and its resistance. Thus, when engineering the high frequency properties of MnZn ferrite the complex composition of the intrinsic grain boundary must be controlled in order to decrease the eddy current loss at high frequencies. 6. REFERENCES /1/ A. Goldman, "Modern Ferrite Technology". Van Nostrand Re-Inhold, N. Y.1990. /2/ C. R, Hendricks. V. W. R. Amarakoon, "Processing of MnZn Ferrites for HighFrequency Switch-Mode Power Supplies", Cer. Bull., 70(5), (1991) 81 7-23, 131 M. Guyot and A. Globus, "Determination of the Domain Wall Energy and the Exchange Constant from Hysteresis in Ferromagnetic Polycrystals", J. Phys., Supp. 38(4), (1977) 157-68. /4/ J. Smit and H. P. J. Wijn, Ferrites, Phil. Tech. Library, Eindhoven 1959. /5/ T.G. Stijntjes, J. Klerk. A. B. Groenou, "Permeability and Conductivity of Ti-Substitute MnZn Ferrites", Philips Res. Rep., 25, (1970) 95-107. /6/ C.G. Koops. "On the Dispersion of Resistivity and Dielectric Constant of Some Semiconductors at Audiofrequencies", Phys. 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Gardasevic, "Influence of the Dimension of MnZn Ferrite Samples on their Microstructural and Magnetic Properties", pp. 229-235 In Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 16, Ed. F.F.Y. Wang, The Am. Cer. Soc., Inc.. Columbus, OH 1985. /19/ M. Drofenik, A Znidarsic, I, Zajc, "High Resistive Grain Boundaries in Doped MnZn Ferrites for High Frequency Power Supplies", J. Appl. Phys. 82(1), 333 - 340 (1997) Prof. dr. M. Drofenik, dipl.ing. Jožef Sfefan Institute, Jamova 39,1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, miha.drofenik @ijs.si Prispelo (Arrived): 15.09.1997 Sprejeto (Accepted): 09.12.1997 227 UDK621,3:(53 + 54 + 621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana MIXED SIGNAL ASICs - A MANUFACTURER 'S VIEW Volker Kempe Austria Mikro Systeme Internationa! AG, Unterpremstatten, Austria INVITED PAPER 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM'97 September 24. - September 26., 1997, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia Keywords: semiconductors, IC, Intergrated Circuits, ASIC circuits, Application Specific Integrated Circuits. MS ASIC. Mixed Signal ASIC. MS, Mixed Signals, wirebound communications, wireless communications, microelectronic technologies, high perfomance, submicron technologies, technology trends, market share, design tools, automotive electronics, industrial eiectronics Abstract: Mixed Signal ASICs play an important role in the ASIC market. In most applications, they fill the gap between internal information processing and the external world. This causes a need for a broad variety of microelectronic technologies aimed at fulfilling the often completely different requirements for supply ana operating voltages, for input and output currents, for signal frequency ranges, for accuracy and signal resolution capabilities, for ESD, EMC and robustness in harsh environments etc. Complex signal processing combined with analog front end in wireless and wirebound communication, high gate count embedded in high voltage interfaces for harsh environments in automotive and industrial electronic and the combination of signal conditioning in microsystems are the challenges for MS ASICs. System integration on chip In submicron technologies including high performance analog blocks requires powerful and robust MS processes, a combination of high level design automation for digital blocks with Interactively driven design tools for analog blocks and a changing cooperation between customer and ASIC supplier. Mešana ASIC vezja - proizvajalčeva perspektiva Ključne besede: polprevodniki. IC vezja Integrirana, ASIC vezja, MS ASIC vezja za signale mešane, MS signali mešani, komunikacije žične, komunikacije brezžične, tehnologije mikroelektronske, zmogljivost visoka, tehnologije submikronske, trendi tehnologije, delitev tržišča, orodja snovalna, elektronika avtomobilska, elektronika industrijska Povzetek: Mešana vezja igrajo pomembno vlogo na tržišču ASIC integriranih vezij. V številnih uporabah ta vezja premostijo prepad med notranjo obdelavo podatkov in zunanjim svetom. To ustvarja potrebo po širokem spektru mikroelektronskih tehnologij, ki naj bi zadostile velikokrat različnim zahtevam za napajalne in delovne napetosti, za vhodne in izhodne tokove, za različna frekvenčna območja signalov, za točnostjo in ločljivostjo signalov, za ESD in EMC odpornostjo v težkih pogojih delovanja itn. Zapletena obdelava signalov, združena z analognimi izhodi v žičnih in brezžičnih komunikacijah, velika gostota elementov v visokonapetostnih vmesnikih v zahtevnem okolju industrijske elektronike in avtoelektronike ter prilagajanja obdelavi različnih signalov v mlkrosistemih, so le nekateri izzivi za mešana integrirana vezja. Integracija sistema na čip v podmikronskih tehnologijah vključno z zahtevnimi analognimi bloki zahteva zmogljive in robustne mešane procese, kombinacijo avtomatiziranega načrtovanja digitalnih blokov in interaktivna načrtovalska orodja za načrtovanje analognih blokov, kakor tudi stalno sodelavo med stranko in dobaviteljem ASIC vezijih Introduction Mixed Signal (MS) ASICs represent two coinciding worlds: • the world of ASICs and • the world of Mixed Signal IC-Design. The ASIC world is part of the IC universe, which is expanding like the real cosmos after the big bang with unlimited speed but with some fluctuations (Fig. 1). The IC-market expansion is based on • the, historically unprecedented, development of microelectronic technologies which is now rapidly approaching 0.1 /am (Fig. 2) and 8 an ever growing demand of applications for processing, storage, generation and transfer of information starting from signal acquisition and binary handshaking in simple control systems and ending with personal and mobil computing, communication, multimedia and integrated microsystems. From the first transistor in Si-planar technology in 1959 (Fairchild) over the first ICs with transistors, resistors and capacitances by Texas Instruments in 1960 and the first microprocessor with 2300 transistors in 1971 (Intel) until Intel's Pentium II with 7.5 Mio transistors and 266 MHz clockfrequency in 1997, produced in 0.35 /am technologies (some versions now in 0.25¡am), the chip complexity has grown 10 times in six years (approx. 50 times in 10 years) and the chip performance (related to microprocessor power) has increased 10 times in eight years. The DRAM complexity is even growing with a factor four in three years almost exactly following 228 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Iub >n$l 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Fig. 1 Worldwide Semiconductor Market Moore's law (100 times in 10 years). Every 10 years the price/performance ratio (in stable currency) improved by a factor of 100. Applying these breathtaking figures to the development of cars in the period 1960 - 1995, today one should be able to buy a Rolls Roys running 8 Mill, km with one litre petrol for less than 1.50 $. Today highly improved production equipment in a perfect cleanroom environment allows the realisation of wafer defect densities in the order of 0.25 defects per sq.cm. Large chips with die sizes well over 1 sq.cm can be produced in volume production with yields exceeding 75-80 %. This trend is enforced by the econo-my of scale of growing wafer sizes leading to a more intense utilisation of the expensive production equipment. Nearly unlimited complexities can be integrated on chip with reasonable cost. The integration of separate functional components or subsystems on chip is substituted more and more by system integration on chip (or inte- gration in dedicated chipsets). Memories are the only exception. Here the functional requirements for the main application areas (computers) with respect to memory size and speed („the hunger for information storage") have not yet reached a level of saturation, which would allow handling large memories like on-chip macros for system level integration, For instance, todays 64 Mbit RAMs are sufficient to store the information needed to code a genom of a bacteria; for the human genom 64 Gbit are required. However, system integration has become a major target for many IC suppliers, because more and more customers discover the economy and relative simplicity of turnkey solutions in the form of systems or well defined subsystems on chip. Especially ASIC suppliers are heavily confronted with this changing nature of the functional content of ICs. Indeed, system integration means the inclusion of product definition and functional system development in the ASIC development cycle, extending the classical implementation oriented IC design towards a complete product development. System design requires further specialisation and competence focusing. The broad range of applications served in the past by many ASIC suppliers has to be limited. New fabless design houses are filling the gap between specialised, system level supported IC and ASIC design and the need for serving an ever growing number of applications. Very often spin offs from universities or research institutes bring in special system level or architectural expertise, which is figured as starting capital of the new design house. Also standardisation helps to bundle the technical requirements for similar applications or at least for similar subsystems and therefore limits this gap redu-cing the number of different components necessary for similar applications. Standards for cellular communi-cation systems like GSM and DCS 1800, DECT, CDMA or for broadband ISDN like ATM or for image coding like MPEG2 etc. have paved the way for open markets, higher volumes and represent an indispensable precondition to invest in very high integrated system solutions and components for them. Parameter 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 StructureOum) 0.35 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.07 DRAM (bits) 64M 256M 1G 4G 16 G 64 G Gate/Chip 800k 2M 5M 10M 20 M 40 M Supply (V) I 3,3 2,5 1,5...2,5 1,5 1,2 0,9 Clock (MHz) ! 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2400 j Metal-Layer 4...5 5 5...6 6 6...7 7...8 CPU-performance 15 30 40 120 200 240 I/O per Chip 750 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 Fig. 2: CMOS Technology-Trends up to 2010 229 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 The technologies for most of the segments of the ASIC market - Gate Arrays including FPGAs, PLDs, Digital Standard Cell ASICs - follow the main stream microelectronic production processes with some delay (Fig. 3). However, driven by the price war in the DRAM sector and the quick alterations in microprocessor generations on the one side and the giant investment for new technologies and fabs on the other side, some large IC suppliers are pushing their way into the ASIC market using fabs and technologies, which were initially developed and used for DRAMs or microprocessors and which are no longer best suited for the newest technologies and products. Therefore, IC suppliers which concentrate on digital ASICs or on a mixture between dedicated logic ICs and digital ASICs are forced to speed up their development of minimum feature size technologies. All in all, the gap between the feature size of leading DRAM technologies and ASIC technologies becomes closer. In the area of MS ASICs (like in the Analog IC seg-ment) there are additional process requirements like analog performance, special RF or High Voltage features etc., which not only weaken this trend but lend a characteristic profile to the family of MS ASIC processes. For many applications specific performance parameters of active or passive devices are required which may outweigh digital performance parameters like gate density, gate delay, etc. Austria Mikro Systeme targets only a small, but important, segment of the IC market. However, this segment covers all application areas like Computing, Communication, Consumer electronics (the 3 large Cs), industrial and automotive electronics etc. and is closely linked to the whole IC market due to the simple fact that in most of the applications an appropriate mixture of the products of the different segments of the IC market has to be used. The whole IC market, which drops in the critical year 1996 to an overall volume of $117 Bill., is growing with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19% . Memories and microprocessors/controllers represent nearly a two third share of the IC market. The dominant IC application areas are Computers with 55% of the worldwide IC usage (1996), Consumer Electronics with 16%, Communication with 15%, Industrial Electronics with 8% and Automotive Electronic with 5%, Computer and Communication shares are expected to grow slightly in the next five years, however more important is the merge between computing and communication in networking and multimedia, the unbroken growth of mobile communication, the growing content of microelectronic components in cars, households and consumer goods and the entry of microsystems in the era of commercialisation. .t«! -CD nrn MS ASIC MOS Gale A DRAM Q7] '83 '85 '88 '91 '94 '97 | | » MS / DRAM Feature Size Ratio » Gate Array / DRAM Feature Si» Ratio; Fig. 3 ASIC Technology Trend Very often the minimum size is not the most important requirement for MS ASICs (and even more for analog ICs), although with the growing content of digital blocks this basic characteristic of a process becomes increasingly important in the world of MS ASICs as well. The specific requirements for some MS ASIC processes will be considered later. The MS ASIC Market Progress in process and technology development as well as the volume of investments in new fab lines and design tools are driven by the market situation. An ASIC manufacturer and even a MS ASIC manufacturer like According to Dataquest the content of microelectronic components in electronic products will double from 16% today to 32% in 2010, whereas the production of electronic products will triple in the same interval (750 Bill.$ in 1995). Microelectronics will penetrate in nearly every product. No reasons can be seen for slowing or even stopping the microelectronisation of todays technique. ASICs will remain an important part of the IC production, offering the possibility of a customised solution for a special application and a given customer. However, the nature of ASICs is changing. The boundary between ASICs and Application Specific Standard Products (ASSPs) developed for one application but for more than one customer become more and more fuzzy. Based on their own system definitions, ASIC vendors develop core products for selected application areas which can be used as ASSPs or modified for customer specific solutions (ASICs). This approach is especially important for complex systems and/or for a significant content of high performance analog blocks on chip which require a large design effort. For Standard Cell or even Full Custom ASICs the time to market can be shortened considerably starting the ASIC design based on an appropriated core product or ASSP. Generally, in correspondence with the changing relation among design effort, production cost and the related customer benefits , the various segments of the ASIC market (Fig. 4) grow differently. Today (1996) the whole ASIC market with approx. $ 17 Bill, represents a 15 % share of the complete IC market. Due to the higher average sales prices per unit nearly four times, the market share in units is considerably smaller. 230 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View 15fT Full Custom S ROW d^cr 3", 3S"« iuEuropean ; Companies ! PJapanese : Companies Fj --forth American companies o ¡tc Arrays c,c!!s P1-0s Arruvs *oial Abi(€iisiom Fig. 4 ASIC Segment Market Share 1995 The ASIC market increases at an estimated rate of 18 % per year. The fastest growing segment is (beside the FPGA sub-segment) even the MS Standard Cell ASIC area with an expected annual growth rate of 26-30% (according to ICEs „ASIC 1997"/ „ASIC 1996"), which is well over the average growth of most of the other IC market segments. Some uncertainties in the whole MS ASIC area are caused by the lack of information on the Mixed Signal part of the Full Custom ASIC segment. The 26% to 30% are therefore related to the MS Standard Cell ASICs, which represent the largest part of the MS ASICs. Gate Arrays are losing, complex PLDs are gaining some additional shares. The driver applications for MS are • the global wireless communication including cellular voice and data communication as well as multimedia and • the local wireless or wire bound communication based on RF to Infrared local communication for voice and data transfer and for local multimedia access. (Laurie Stanley from Cadence called this convergence of multimedia, communication and computing the con-sumerization of electronics /1/.) In 1996, the market for cellular communication has seen more than 50 Mill users. For 1999 optimistic forecasts expect more than 500 Mill new subscribers. Spin-offs are GPS, environmental, traffic and industrial control, medical care and households. Austria Mikro Systeme is well established in the $ 6,2 Bill Standard Cell ASIC market and ranks sixth in the approx. $ 2 Bill MS ASIC market (1996). The Austria Mikro Systeme Group has to be placed as Number 5. MS Std. Cell ASICs represent more than 75% of the business of the company. The main application areas are Communication, industrial and Automotive Electronics. In front of the weak position of European companies in the IC market which serve only a 9% share of the worldwide IC market, the 14% share in the Standard Cell ASIC segment and the even higher share of more than 25% in MS-Standard Cell ASIC is a remarkable exception demonstrating the often stated European competence in Mixed Signal design and production. Austria Mikro Systeme is one of the representatives of this leading European position. The leading US publication „Semiconductor International" in its March issue rates Austria Mikro Systeme as one of the very few companies which will have a fundamental influence on the strategically important segment of ASICs in the future. Driving Forces for Mixed Signal Design MS design is not the simple sum of digital design of well defined parts of the chip plus transistor level oriented design of predefined analog blocks. The latter is typical for analog ICs. MS design is a tightly coupled design of digital and analog functions including their definition, architectural mapping, block specification, circuit design including MS simulation, and physical implementation. Not seldom the analog part in modern ICs represent only a small part of the area. However the design time occupies an inversely large part of the whole design cycle, the design has a much higher risk and often causes redesigns. There are three tendencies in the world of MS design: 1. the growing role of analog and MS effects and of MS parts in deep submicron digital ICs 2. the increasing importance of digital signal processing (DSP) forcing the substitution of analog functions by their digital functional equivalents 3. the rapid growth of MS ICs, especially ASICs and ASSPs 1. Analog effects at gate, block and system level in deep submicron digital ICs like interconnect delay, power dissipation, complicated timing behaviour of digital standard cells for a large range of operating conditions, substrate crosstalk, ground bounce and power bus noise, electromigration, dependencies from neighbourhood etc. confront the digital designer with typical MS design problems. Additionally, analog blocks like VCOs and PLLs for high performance clock distribution become an indispensable part of the design. Most of the new problems in digital submicron design are attacked by the whole EDA industry and the large IC players by developing new tools, methods and design flows. Quick and safe solutions are necessary in order not to delay the comprehensive usage of the newest manufacturing technologies. New products like SNAKE TECHNOLOGIES' Layin-software for substrate modelling and crosstalk analysis based on 3D extraction of coupling models, CADENCE' s 2 1 /2 D extraction software or IBM's power bus noise analysis methodology /3/ (not yet commercialised ) demonstrate that not only the key problems of digital design can be effectively 231 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 solved but MS design can benefit from the „analogisa-tion" of digital submicron design. 2. The tendency towards digitalisation of signal processing seems rather to increase the MS- IC world than to weaken it. Indeed, in the past, digital signal processing was mainly realised as PCB- integrated systems based on dedicated Digital Signal Processors and analog ICs for signal conditioning, pre-and postfilteringand AD and DA conversion. These solutions migrate more and more in one chip MS systems often Including additional functions. DSP cores like GOULD's PINE or OAK or Austria Mikro Systeme's GEPARD as well as improved design environments for hardware-software codesign support this migration and open the way for new applications. Powerful analog blocks like high performance AD and DA converters are crucial elements in expanding the digital signal processing to higher signal frequencies, increased accuracy, low supply voltages and low power consumption. 3. The area of MS ICs covers a broad spectrum from simple extensions of digital circuitry towards the integration of analog I/O functions up to the realisation of high performance analog and complex digital blocks on chip. The functional and structural partitioning of an ASIC in analog and digital subfunctions and blocks requires a careful evaluation by experienced designers. The advantages of digital parts like robustness and easy design as well as the disadvantages of analog circuitry like sensitivity against noise disturbances and interference, susceptibility to process variations, to mismatching, to inaccurate device models, high design effort and risk etc. must be weighted against the cost of an appropriate manufacturing process, the die size, the power consumption, the reliability, the overall design costs, the possibilities of sharing design work, the test effort etc. In conjunction with the growing submicron possibilities, digital realisations will substitute analog functions where possible. However, very often the driving force for an analog realisation of functional blocks is the impossibility of a digital realisation. The limitations for digital realisations are determined by ® the necessity of analog interfaces to the external world e high signal frequencies not allowing precise AD-con-version and/or real time digital signal processing For many interface functions, digitalisation is taking place, too, e.g. for driving an external load with low pass characteristic like a loudspeaker membrane. Here the analog output amplifier can often be substituted by a simple digital output stage driven by a pulse modulated signal. Pulse based techniques (pulse width, pulse frequency, pulse density, stochastic logic) are the favourites for digitalisation at the border area between analog and digital. However, for high voltage environments or smart power applications an analog signal conditioning, power matching and/or distur-bance handling is necessary. Special high voltage processes with usually purer digital performance are required here to handle the necessary voltage range. Mixed Signal Process Technologies: MS processes have to keep the digital performance of the basic process but are enhanced by different features necessary for the realisation of analog blocks. It has to be emphasised that one of the basic requirements for a MS process is not only the addition of new analog properties respectively process modules like linear poly capacitances and resistances or special active devices but a perfect control and an excellent characterisation of the basic process itself. Low threshold voltage spread, good matching properties of active and passive devices, stable and well controlled AC-parameters of MOS transistors in the saturation region, low resistive and capacitive device and interconnect parasitics etc. can be obtained using a well controlled and characterised digital process may be with slight modifications as for instance for improved active area surfaces necessary for better noise behaviour. Of course, dedicated processes for MS RF or for High Voltage applications have to start from appropriate device concepts rather than to take a high density process and to extend this process for RF or HV requirements. Let's consider the most important requirements for MS ASIC technologies and some consequences for the MS design: 1: Noise The accuracy of voltage (or current) levels in digital systems must be sufficient for an error-free recognition of the status information. In binary systems only two levels have to be differentiated. In analog systems the signal is characterised by a continuous set of states which must be recognised with an accuracy sufficient for the reconstruction in a given failure interval. The accuracy limits are determined by static and dynamic distortions and by the Signal to Noise Ratio. The theoretical limit for the required power to achieve a given SNR over a given bandwidth f is P = 8xkTxSNRxf In practice, the additional power consumption due to auxiliary circuitry as well as the additional noise coming from the whole environment will increase the necessary power by up to more than one order of magnitude. However, the basic dependencies such as the usualy linear impact of SNR and bandwidth are sufficiently correct reflected: good SNRs over large bandwidths require large currents and consequently large transistors. This situation is nearly independent on the process technology because the SNR for MOS transistors does not change significantly with the transfer to a new submicron technology. 232 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Indeed, for the same device area the thermal noise of a transistor can be slightly reduced due to the increase of Gm. However, this will be roughly compensated by the reduction of the power supply in the deep submicron area shown in p.2. Consequently, the area of low noise analog cells will remain nearly constant for different CMOS technologies whereby the digital cells approximately follow the area reduction of the minimum devices. In Fig. 5, a Mixed Signal ASIC with relatively high analog content in the form of some low noise amplifiers is shown, ported from 1.2 pm to 0.6 pm. The analog part couldn't be reduced. The digital part was reduced in area by nearly a factor of four. liiiififfSlli Ililji^lSiillliWj • ! i , ASICs. Therefore, gate density and speed remains an important criteria and the trend to submicron processes is nearly as important as for digital processes (at least for CMOS based technologies). The typical power problems of submicron LSI are imported in the MS area. Roughly speaking, they can be divided into the follow-ings: • power necessary for fast internal circuit switching must be dissipated • large currents are needed for fast output drivers and limits their numbers • the large currents need lower wiring and bonding resistances For instance, the switching power P = fxCx V^ 2 for a f=250 MHz clock speed and an overall active load of C=10 000 pF results for a p-p swing of V=5 V in more than 60 W which have to be dissipated requiring a careful thermal management. To avoid unacceptable derating the junction temperatures should be not higher than approx. 120 °C. Low thermal resistances between junction and package as well as special, expensive packages with enlarged surfaces and good airflow are required. However reducing the peak to peak swing to 1 V drops the power down to 2.5 W - a value which can be much more easily handled. Sophisticated design techniques to reduce switching activities (asynchronous logic) and/or load capacitance (Full Custom design) can further help to decrease power consumption. However, the quadratic impact of V is the most important limitation forcing the decrease of the supply voltages at least at the entry to the sub-half micron area (Fig.6). The consequence is a reduction in the dynamic range of analog signals. This, in conjunction with the nearly constant threshold voltages of MOS devices (lightly decreasing with smaller feature sizes), requires new and more powerful circuit techniques to be developed, with the emphasis on low current and low power even at high frequencies. The low power design of analog blocks at low voltage supply is one of the biggest challenges in deep submicron MS design. The current necessary to switch a single output at a given speed is I = CxdV/dt. Fig. 5 Mixed Signal ASIC As can be seen, the improvement of analog noise performance is barely related to the minimum feature size as is the case for digital systems. However, in case the noise is not the dominant factor, analog design benefits from improved dynamic behaviour of active and passive elements in the submicron area. 2: Power consumption The on chip system integration requirement drives MS technologies in the submicron area. ICs with large digital part as for instance baseband chip sets for mobile communication represent an increasing share of MS M o-l-,-,-,--,-,-,-,--T-». [pm] 2.0 1.0 0.6 0.35 0.18 drawn gate length Fig. 6 Supply Voltage Reduction 233 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 Assuming a load capacitance of 10 pF, rise time of 100 psec and a swing of 1 V, a peak current of 100 mA is necessary. Only a large transistor in the order of some hundreds of the minimum device will guarantee a small enough output drop of say 100 mV. Intermediate buffers between the minimum internal gate and the final output device are needed. Therefore, a large area is required for handling the output. For a 32 bit bus interface, the peak current will reach 3.2 A. The examples can be easily extrapolated for higher speeds and gate counts. Adding together current hungry outputs, switching power and current consumption for even current intense analog blocks, a power consumption in the order of Watts become a typical value rather than an exception. According to SIA's roadmap the maximum power consumption for ASICs will be in the order of 5 W/ sq.cm for 0.5-0.35/jm technologies and increase up to 10W/sq.cm for 0.18/jm technologies. The required currents of some Amps must be brought on chip and distributed. This means that power distribution in bond and interconnect wires becomes a significant factor. The cross-sectional area must be high enough and the specific conductance must be decreased. Copper-doped aluminium instead of aluminium seems to be the next choice for the submicron metallisation followed possibly by pure copper wires. The consequences for analog blocks on chip are positive because analog parts do not shrink in the same order as digital logic with the migration to submicron technologies. The internal interconnect wires may remain in the same dimension as active analog elements. Therefore the weight of resistive parasitics should decrease. The matching parameters improve for submicron technologies. According to /4/ the threshold voltage matching for a 0.5^m process is more than two times better than for a 2.0 ¡um process. Fig. 7 shows this behaviour for different transistor areas. Passive linear elements like poly resistors and capacitors in Austria Mikro Systeme technologies can be matched with accuracies in the order of 0,1% or even less, high resistive poly resistors with 0.15-0.3% precision, however according to Austria Mikro Systeme s internal measurements, there is no signifi-cant improvement with scaling down technologies. 4: High frequency analog processing Wireless communication is the driving force for the on chip integration of high frequency analog processing (as for low noise input amplification, up and down mixing, synthesis of local oscillator frequencies etc.) together with analog IF and/or baseband modules and digital baseband processing / system control. For input frequencies in the GHz range fast bipolar transistors must be combined with dense CMOS devices leading to modern BiCMOS processes. Modern BiCMOS processes like Austria Mikro Systeme's 0.8 ^m BYE (Fig. 8) combine • vertical npn-transistors with high ft and low parasitic capacitances to substrate 8 capacitors and linear resistors with low parasitics ® CMOS devices and • the possibility for the integration of inductances. 3: Matching Good matching of active and passive devices is one of the most important criteria for analog design. The process dependent parameter spread of all devices is in the order of some percent. Typical 3 sigma values are well over 10%. The only way for the construction of precision analog blocks is to exploit the much better relative accuracies of devices which inversely improves with the distance between them. [mV] 6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Fig. 7 Area Dependence of Vth Matching 0.8 urn 0.6 Mm Status production in developt. Technology 2 poly/2 metal 2 poly/2 metal 15 masks 16 masks poly/poly caps + 1 mask + 1 mask ....... . -i High Res resistor + 1 mask + 1 mask trench isolation optional + 1 mask CMOS VthA/tp (V) 0.70/-0.75 0.70/-0.80 Leff 0.65 pm 0.55 |jm . I Bipolar Ft 12 GHz 20 GHz Beta 110 110 Cjs (fF) 57(trench:30) 45(trench:20) Fig. 8 AMS BiCMOS Technology 234 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View The low impedance substrate requires special attention to avoid noise coupling between CMOS logic and analog blocks (e.g. differential logic in ECL or CMOS with separate substrate connections). SOI processes which offer excellent substrate isolation properties, are under discussion. SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors integrated in CMOS may be another alternative to improve RF integration on chip. 5:High Voltage inputs and outputs At present some automotive and industrial peripheral ASICs must withstand static levels up to 50 V and even higher impulse levels. Special high voltage NMOS and PMOS transistors must be integrated. To easily adapt low voltage parts, floating NMOS, PMOS and DMOS devices are advantageous. More expensive processes have additional vertical bipolar devices (BCD processes). Austria Mikro Systeme's 2.0/jm and 0.8/iim CMOS technologies are used for ASICs with high voltage in-and outputs, voltage regulators and level shifters as well as with analog and digital blocks working at 5V supply voltage, which is generated on chip. The transfer of this concept in even deeper submicron areas Is a big challenge as well as the extension of the voltage range up to 100V and higher, which opens the way in complete new application areas. 6: Adding Microsystem Technologies Microsystems are leaving the halls of academic research and entering into a growing number of indu-strial and commercial ventures. With the industrialisation of microsystems the link between microelectronic and microsystem technologies have become closer and closer. For cost reasons, microelectronic compatible technology steps, which can be piggybacked to a MS-base technology, have proven to be crucial for the success In microsystems. However, microsystems are not based on a generic element as is the case in micro-electronics. Here the transistor Is used as a switch for voltages (or currents) in digital systems or as element operating voltages and currents at the same time in analog systems. Microsystems bring in additional physical domains like mechanical deflections, electric, magnetic and electro-magnetic fields - later up to optical wavelengths etc. Handling these domains usually requires exploiting effects and structures, which are foreign to microelectronic systems. Some well known exceptions are the usage of „parasitic" dependencies in microelectronic structures like the temperature dependency of transistors or resistors which can be the basis for temperature measurements, or the dependency of current distribu-tion in a resistive plate (n-well) which can be the base for magnetic field measurements by constructing Hall elements on chip. However, even in these cases, special package technologies for adapting the chip to the new application must be added. Generally, a nearly unlimited number of already existing and new technologies has to be integrated in microelectronics to cover all possible effects. A carefully eva- luated selection of piggyback technologies is necessary to cover effects and applications as much as possible. Austria Mikro Systeme has developed a special etching technology for bulk micro-machining and a special joining technology for sealing together conducting Si-structures. So, mechanical beams and membranes can be integrated in an MS ASIC. These technologies open the way to a broad range of acceleration and pressure sensors. Similar combinations - some of them integrated under one roof, others handled in cooperation between different technology suppliers - will enhance MS proces-ses and enforce the merge between microelectronics and microsystems. 7: Robustness and statistical models Typical volumes for ASICs cover a broad range from some thousands up to millions of units. Prototype runs for products under development represent very low volume production. MS ASICs are implemented in the best suited, but different processes. Therefore, an ASIC fab has to run a broad spectrum of different products in different processes and relatively low volumes. Due to the increasing wafer size (8" and even 12" wafers) the number of wafers needed for a given product will decrease down to single (and sub-single) wafer production. Statistical monitoring of fab in-line and electrical test parameters will become insufficient for process fine tuning. Robust, insensitive against small modifications of primary process input parameters (equipment, material etc.) processes have to be established based on sensitivity simulations. However, robustness does not only mean insensitlvity against primary process parameter variations but includes insensitivity against environmental parameters like humidity, pressure, radiation as well as ESD, EMV and latchup. A basic requirement is a negligible Impact of a given layout on the electrical test and device parameters. The process sensitive design of high performance analog blocks as well as the analysis of sensitive MS effects require a hierarchy of statistical models of electrical test parameters, device model parameters, parameters of the elementary building blocks and of subsystems. This hierarchy can be used for statistical simulations at various levels and for optimisation of a given design (design related yield improvement). Statistical matching models must be integrated. The methodology for automatic generation of the parameter distributions for the various models at different design levels as well as the automatic generation of compact parameter sets for Monte Carlo simulations at this design levels has to be improved and integrated in the standard MS design flow. Hierarchical optimisation techniques are needed for a sophisticated truncation of the parameter space at a given design level. 235 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 European semiconductor companies have concentrated their efforts to develop sophisticated mixed analog/digital sub half micron processes in the framework of the European SHAPE project. The goal is to further improve the good position of European companies in the MS area. Participating in SHAPE Austria Mikro Sys-teme focuses now on the implemen-tation of a powerful 0.35 /Jm MS process fulfilling the above mentioned criteria. MS Design Tools and Environments Design efficiency is the main target for creating MS design tools and environments. Efficiency includes safety because any faulty design may cause an additional fabrun and a redesign. The growing gap between chip complexity and design productivity must be closed • by fully integrated design environments even for MS design • by standardisation of tools and languages • by rapidly extended reuse of blocks, subsystems and complete designs. Today, the leading edge MS design systems are top down oriented and based on a combination of second generation analog Hardware Description Languages like HDL-A, VHDL-A.VERILOG-A and well introduced digital HDLs like VHDL or Verilog. Austria Mikro Systeme offers front-to-back design kits for CADENCE and MENTOR tools. Special userware and scripts guarantee a smooth integration and fast simulation. The principal design flow is shown in Fig. 9. a and b. Fig. 9 a 236 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Fig. 9 b Biock type Flexibility vs.predictability Representation Process technology Portability Soft Very flexible, unpredictable Behavioural: synthesizable RTL-description or netllst of generic library elements Independent Unlimited Firm Flexible, unpredictable RTL, blocks: synthesizable RTL code or netlist of generic library elements, structurally and topological^ optimised by floorplanning, placement for specific process families (not routing) Generic Library mapping Hard Inflexible, predictable Polygon data -Layout Fixed Process mapping Fig. 10. Reusable blocks HDL-A in combination with VHDL, Verilog A in combination with Verilog and other combinations can be used for high level simulation of MS systems. Different simulation techniques can be applied. Either cosimulation back-planes for synchronisation of analog and digital simulators such as ELDO, SpectreHDL (later with fully integrated Verilog A simulator) on the one hand and LEAPFROG, Quick-HDL on the other hand or digital extensions of analog simulators as announced for ELDO are state of the art. The EDA vendors permanently try to improve the tools and methodologies. The situation is changing very quickly confronting the design houses and ASIC suppliers often with new releases despite not having reached satisfactory performance level using the last release. Despite the success in language standardisation and simulation environments, there is still a long way to go until simulation engines become available based on standardised languages describing digital and analog functions with the same tool. 237 V. Kempe: Mixed Signal ASIC - a Manufacturer's View Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 228-238 Verilog A/MS being the analog/mixed signal extension of Verilog by Open Verilog International (OVI) may be one of the candidates. Verilog A/MS standard was taken by the IEEE to create a more general version, compatible to the IEEE 1364 Standard from 1995. A new standard - IEEE 1364 - 1998 is planned and will be certified next year. An analog/mixed signal standard for VHDL-A is still missing. Standardised MS HDLs shift the design from a schematic based methodology to a language based one. They are not only the precondition for the top down design but are absolutely necessary for Intellectual Property (IP) reuse, because proprietary descriptions are a serious barrier for mixing and matching foreign and own macros. IP reuse has become a catchword. The invoked vision of a 90% share of reuse in designs in 2001 against a maximum of 10% reuse in 1991 seems to be unrealistic at least for MS designs. However, the methodology and standardisation efforts for IP reuse are growing fast and are supported by a group of more than 80 leading electronic companies. The future reuse of System Level Macros (SLM), Cores and Megacells shall be based on the Virtual Socket Interface (VSI) concept, defining the form and content of information which has to be passed from the IP creators to the users. Interface standards shall transform the blocks into virtual components that fit into virtual sockets at functional and physical levels. Soft, firm and hard blocks (Fig. 10) are the basic elements for a block based design. A steadily growing number of companies are entering the IP supplier community. Nearly 2/3 of the worldwide IP business is created in California. However, only very few IP creators offer MS or analog blocks. The reasons are principal: Process and design sensitive analog blocks have to be represented as hard blocks. Process mapping is then necessary which limits the applicability of IP reuse in MS design. Analog synthesis would help to shift these borders. However, synthesising multi-paratnetrical, multistructu-ral and multicriterial analog blocks is not comparable with digital synthesis. Digital synthesis is an intelligent decomposition of Boolean functions. The existing approaches for analog synthesis like simulation or equation based selection of structures and parameters or design plan based iterative searches are in fact analytic methods, applied to different representations of more or less predefined segments of the search space. Even the choice of the necessary minimal dimension of the structural search space is an unsolved problem. Analog synthesis is not a problem of computational power but of adequate modelling of analog functions and their decomposition into elements, which can be mapped onto simple topological structures. Progress in analog synthesis will be made only in small steps. IP reuse of analog macros will remain rather the exception than the rule. However, the creation of analog macros by specialists or specialised small teams , which offer appropriate support for the adaptation of these blocks to a target process, seems to be a promising way for the reuse of analog core competencies. Conclusion Mixed Signal ASICs are quickly entering the sub half micron technologies. The integration of complex systems on chip changes the nature of design. System design aspects become as important as the implementation. Specialisation at system level changes the whole IC industry, creating fabiess design houses supplementary to the well established in-house development of IC companies. Foundry business is growing correspondingly. The MS ASIC industry supports this trend offering steadily improving design support at the implementation level. Dedicated MS processes and powerful design tools are being developed and made available to customers and design houses. Analog effects such as noise, parasitic couplings, distributed system behaviour at RF, on chip statistical variations of device parameters etc. must be simulated and integrated into the top-down and bottom-up design flows. The standardisation of MS hardware description languages for the behavioural description of blocks and ICs supports shared design and IP reuse. High performance MS ASICs will be used in well known application areas such as communication, industrial and automotive electronis and will open the door for new applications, many of which will be in conjunction with the entry of microsystems in all spheres of our daily life. References /1 / Cheryl Aljuni, Analog/Mixed-Signal Standards Needed For Next Generation Design Tools, Electronic Design Automation. April 14. 1997; pp. 65 - 75 /2/ C. Forzan, B. Franzini, C. Guardiani, Accurate and Efficient Macromodel of Submicron Digital Standard Cells, Proceedings 1997, DAC, pp. 371 - 376 / 3 / H.H, Chen, D.D. Ling, Power Supply Noise Analysis Methodology for Deep Submicron VLSI Chip Design, Proceedings 1997, DAC, pp. 638 ■■ 643 /4/ P. Kinget, M. Steyart, Impact of transistor mismatch on the speed-accuracy-power trade-off of analog circuits, Proceedings of IEEE CICC 1996, pp. 333 - 336 /5/M. Pelgrom et al., Matching properties of MOS transistors IEEE, Journal of solid-state Circuits, Vol. 24. n° 5, pp. 1433 -1439, 1989 / 6 / Status 1996, A Report On The INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INDUSTRY, Integrated Circuit Engineering Corporation / 7 / Status 1997, A Report On The INTEGRATED CIRCUIT INDUSTRY. Integrated Circuit Engineering Corporation / 8 / Stanley T. Myers. The Realities of Conversion to 300 mm Silicon Wafers, Semiconductor international /83 April 1996 / 9 / D. Alles, G. Vergottini, Taking A Look At Internet-Based Design In The Year 2001, Electronic Design / January 6, 1997 Dr. Volker Kempe Austria Mikro Systeme International AG, A-8141 Unterpremstatten, Austria tel. +43 3136 500 fax + 43 3136 500 347 Prispelo (Arrived): 15.09.1997 Sprejeto (Accepted): 09.12.1997 238 UDK621.3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana ASPECTS OF SUBMICRON BiCMOS TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Ewald Wachmann Austria Mikro Systeme International AG, Schloß Premstätten, Austria INVITED PAPER r H 33 International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM'97 September 24. - September 26., 1997, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia Key words: semiconductors, CMOS technologies, submicron technologies, IC, Integrated Circuits. BICMOS technologies, MS, Mixed Signals, basic bipolar modules, cost relations, technology trends, SiGe HBT, Sllicion-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. ASIC BICMOS processes. BJT, Bipolar Junction Transistors, transistor architectures Abstract: Despite tendencies that deep submicron CMOS technologies are replacing device solutions formerly realized in BiCMOS processes several applications for mixed signai digital analogue applications still require the performance of integrated BiCMOS processes. The issues of advanced process module integration (buried layers, trench isolation, self-aligned BJT and SiGe HBTs) into submicron BiCMOS processes will be covered with additional emphasis put on aspects arising from ASIC manufacturing. Pogled na integracijo podmikronskih BiCMOS tehnologij Ključne besede: polprevodniki, CMOS tehnologije, tehnologije submikronske, IC vezja integrirana. BICMOS tehnologije. MS signali mešani, moduli bipolarni osnovni, odnosi cenovni, trendi tehnologije, Si-Ge HBT transistorji bipolarni heterospojni, ASIC BiCMOS procesi, BJT transistorjl s spojem bipolarnim, arhitekture transistorjev Povzetek: Kljub željam, da bi podmikronske CMOS tehnologije nadomestile nekatere elektronske rešitve do pred kratkim izvedljive le v BiCMOS procesih, nekatere mešane, analogno-digitalne uporabe še vedno zahtevajo električne lastnosti, ki jih ponujajo samo integrirani BiCMOS procesi. V prispevku je obdelana integracija naprednih procesnih modulov, kot so pokopane plasti, izolacija s kanali, samonastavljivi BJT in SiGe HBT bipolarni tranzistorji, v podmikronske BICMOS procese s stališča proizvodnje ASIC integriranih vezij. 1. Introduction Although a bipolar transistor was the first semiconductor device demonstrated in 1947 by J. Bardeen. W. Shockley and W. Brattain, it was more or less the first realization of MOS technology in 1962, which lead the way to a worldwide growth of a semiconductor industry in the 1970s and 1980s. Due to the tremendous industrial impacts of silicon based semiconductor technology some people already address our current century as the „silicon age". The continuing advances in silicon integrated circuit technology have lead to today's VLSI and ULSI (very and ultra large scale integrated) circuits with up to several million transistors per single chip. The advantages of high density and low power consumption have made CMOS processes to the leading silicon fabrication technology. Although the implementation of both CMOS and bipolar structures on the same chip has already been demonstrated in the late 1960s /1/, the importance of BiCMOS processes emerged only in the late 1980s. The unavoidable drawbacks of the implementation like technology complexity and additional costs delayed its availability as a widely offered technology. Two major facts have given rise to the BiCMOS technology in the last decade: growing demand for higher speed and better performance for analogue and mixed signal circuits and the reduction of some drawbacks related to BiCMOS processing, since the CMOS complexity has increased and many CMOS and bipolar process steps have converged. The usage of BiCMOS process technology nowadays allows realization of mixed signal circuit applications 1 -2 generations ahead of CMOS, unless high density digital functions set the requirements for dense chip layouts. This article will give an overview of the basic bipolar modules used in submicron BiCMOS processes, their complexity and cost relations and an outlook to the next technology generations incorporating SiGe HBTs. 2. BiCMOS Technology for ASIC applications Offering BiCMOS technology for mixed signal ASIC applications has to focus on the balancing between device performance and cost/complexity in manufacturing and design, as a broad range of applications for different customers has to be supported with design kits and simulation models. As BiCMOS gate array concepts can not really fulfill all requirements with respect to custom-specific mixes of bipolar and CMOS compo- 239 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 239-245 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration Sewci Cd» Oo*» vertical NPN Poly 2/Poly Capacitor Fig. 1: Schematic cross-section of basic device elements implemented in a single poly BJT BICMOS process /2/ nents together with resistors and capacitors the focus is put here on custom specific layout processing. For an ASIC manufacturer not only the additional costs of highly integrated processes are of major interest, but also the associated increase of manufacturing times can be crucial with respect to fast turnaround cycles. Modular concepts for the introduction of additional process modules are envisaged to help decrease process complexity. It is even beneficial to try to reuse modules in different process technologies to keep a low number of complex process modules to be maintained. An optimum ASIC BICMOS process will therefore try to fulfill most of the feasible applications, be as far as possible identical with the base CMOS processes and offer optional modules for special high performance functions. 2.1 Transistor architectures 2.1.1 Single poly BJT Submicron BiCMOS processes typically incorporate buried layer architecture with a subsequent epitaxial Si-layer for formation of the twin well structure. This buried collector is contacted by a highly doped sinker to reduce the collector resistance required for high current drive applications. The BJT (bipolar junction transistor) of figure 1 is constructed by a single poly-Si layer used as emitter. In submicron processes the poly emitter module has emerged as the state of the art technology. Here the formation of the n+ emitter contact is done by out-diffusion of Arsenic dopants from a poly-Si layer deposited in the emitter window over the base, thus allowing the formation of a very shallow emitter junction. Although there exist already sophisticated models for the poly emitter, which allow to predict the device characteristic and its various influences very well, the exact current gain mechanism is still not explained in every detail /3/. In figure 1 the external base contacts are formed by P + implants, usually done simultaneously with the P+ source/drain implant. The implementation of this type of bipolar transistor is commonly realized in BiCMOS processes from 1.2pm down to 0.6/0.5^m by the addition of only 3 - 4 extra masks to a double poly CMOS process (see also table 1). The performance of this architecture is limited to maximum transit frequencies Ft of 14 - 20 GHz. For analogue applications fmax the maximum oscillation frequency is together with Ft an important figure of merit showing the transition performance, fmax is given by the simplified expression: FT 87tRBCJC (1) Consequently, to improve process performance we need a high Ft value, a low base resistance Rb and a low base-collector capacitance Cjc. Especially for analogue applications the limitations are often set by Rb and the parasitic Cjc. The base resistance is made up by the contributions from the extrinsic P+ contact, the intrinsic part between P+ and the emitter region and the pinched base resistance under the emitter. Closer spacing of P + to emitter is usually limited by lithographic variations, while the bipolar base doping is limited by the device operational characteristic. The base doping and width has to be optimized for the bipolar parameters current gain (3, electrical breakdown voltages and leakage currents and base resistance. As the extrinsic P+ is the main contribution for the parasitic base collector capacitance Cjc, double base contacts to each side of the emitter for lower Rb consequently increase the required area and the parasitic capacitance Cjc. Thus layout optimization is essential to achieve the optimum bipolar transistor performance. An additional enhancement, which is widely incorporated, is the salicidation of the base areas and the emitter poly /4/. jt reduces the sheet resistances to a few Ohm/D and allows also denser designs e.g. by strapping the emitter contact outside the active area. 2.1.2 Double poly self-aligned BJT The limitations of the single poly BJT with respect to the parasitic components can be improved by the implementation of a double poly self-aligned BJT (figure 3). The base area is here formed by P+ poly in direct contact with the substrate, while the poly emitter is self-aligned in between /4/. Further improvements of the high frequency performance can be achieved with optimization of the collector and buried layer doping /5/. The advantages of the self-aligned architecture are clearly depicted by the small P+ areas thus achieving 240 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 239-245 a reduction of the active area required for emitter and base of typically more than 50% for a double base contact bipolar transistor. Consequently the base collector capacitance Cjc is reduced together with the base resistance, as the P+ poly can be placed much closer to the emitter due to its self-aligned character. However, the critical part of this transistor architecture is the formation of the spacers and the integrity of the emitter area. This can lead to the use of three different composite layers (e.g. oxide, nitride, poly) for the spacer, if integration as a submicron BiCMOS process is envisaged. Carector Bass Ewftler Basa p rimfi | j r ,»'ä Ht :<} ii;:f i:j-,--:: increasing. Therefore trench isolation is of growing importance in high performance processes. A 0.8^/m oxide/poly filled trench can decrease the perimeter capacitance down to 20 - 25 % compared to a non-trenched version. In addition the spacing of bipolar transistors can be shrinked more aggressively. Although the trench isolation module involves from a designers point-of-view only the drawing of one more mask layer, in wafer manufacturing it stands for much more complexity. The trench formation requires a hard mask oxide, the trench mask, the etching of the oxide hard mask and the trench grooves, removal of the oxide, oxide or oxide/poly filling and planarization by plasma etching or CMP. Looking at this list of process steps it is obvious, why this module is often offered only as an optional module for BiCMOS process generations down to 0.8 - 0.5 ¡jm. Further reduction of Cjs can be achieved by the use of SOI, but this combination will in the next years still stay a niche market for certain applications unless the price of SOI base material will drop much more in the future /4/. Fig. 2: Schematic cross-section of a double-poly self-aligned NPN BJT with additional poly/oxide filled trench isolation Due to this complexity this process type is not widely offered in ASIC BiCMOS processes with geometries down to 0.6/um. However, for further scaling and the demand for higher performance this structure is mandatory in the submicron regime beyond. Further improvements for the Si BJT focus on the base thickness and doping. Implanted and diffused base regions are limited in their width and achievable doping level due to defect enhanced Boron diffusion. Small base width and high doping must be balanced with the limitations often set by the electrical punchthrough characteristics and emitter/base leakage currents. Further investigations have concentrated on epitaxial Si base deposition allowing a better boundary definition and higher base doping, but this approach limits the subsequent thermal budget for further process Integration /6/. Although the implementation of epitaxial base structures has already demonstrated Fts higher than 70 GHz, the complexity of such a module is a systematic drawback as SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) can offer much higher performance with moderately additional process efforts. 2.1.3 Trench isolation The collector to substrate capacitance Cjs consists of the components N + buried layer area to the low doped substrate and the much larger contribution from N+/P buried layer sidewall capacitance (see figure 2). The perimeter part is becoming more important with shrinking device geometries as the ratio of perimeter/area is 2.2 Si/SiGe HBTs 11 Poly Bjfl: 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Fig. 3: Comparison of peak Ft performance of Si and SiGe bipolar transistor integrated in BiCMOS processes and their application ranges As discussed above the restrictions of vertical scaling of emitter and base restrict Si BJTs in their practical cost-effective integration. Upper limits for Ft of 25 - 35 GHz are achieved, if processes which are available for a broader range of ASIC applications are considered. Heterojunction bipolar transistors HBTs in silicon technology using SiGe base have emerged as a promising technology in the last decade investigated by several groups worldwide /6-10/. In contrary to a conventional silicon BJT, the epitaxial SiGe base HBT offers the possibility of decoupling current gain and low base resistance by independent adjustment of emitter and base doping. Although already very good frequency performances with Ft and fmax above 100 GHz have been achieved, the disadvantages of the HBT structure have so far delayed the integration in commercial HBT-BiCMOS processes. These limitations are caused by the mechanical stress in the pseudomorphic SiGe base 241 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 239-245 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration Table 1: Process flow examples of a BiCMOS and a post-CMOS HBT integration into a CMOS process CMOS (1 P/2 M base process) Twin well formation Active area definition LOCOS isolation MOS transistor implants Gate oxide / poly / etch N- /P- LDD Spacer formation N+/P+ source/drain ILD deposition Contact maxk/etch TiN / W-plugs Metal 1 definition IMD 1/Planarization Via 1 mask/etch TiN /W plugs Metal 2 definition Passivation Pad mask/etch BiCMOS N+/P+ buried layer Epi Si deposition Twin well formation Active area definition LOCOS isolation Collector contact implant MOS transistor implants Gate oxide / poly / etch N- IP- LDD Spacer formation Bipolar base implant Emitter opening Poly 2 deposition Poly 2 mask/etch N + /P+ source/drain ILD deposition Contact mask/etch TiN / W-plugs Metal 1 definition IMD 1/Planarization Via 1 mask/etch TiN/W plugs Metal 2 definition Passivation Pad mask/etch HBT-CMOS optional modules Trench isolation Twin well formation Active area definition LOCOS isolation MOS transistor implants Gate oxide / poly / etch N- IP- LDD Spacer formation N+/P+ source/drain CMOS protection HBT area opening Collector implant / anneal Si/SiGe- epi deposition Emitter opening Emitter poly2 / etch P+ Base implant Mesa mask/etch Collector contact implant Spacer formation Salucidation ILD deposition Contact mask/etch TiN/W-plugs Metal 1 definition IMD 1/Planarization Via 1 mask/etch TiN /W plugs Metal 2 definition Passivation Pad mask/etch Poly/poly capacitor High resistive implant IMD 2/ Planarization Via 2 mask/etch TiN / W plugs Metal 3definition increasing with Ge content and SiGe layer thickness. This restricts the vertical Ge profile and the thermal budget must be kept low to avoid the relaxation and the Boron out-diffusion of the SiGe base. Despite the development work already performed and the fact that the epitaxial SiGe formation is already showing production worth repeatability /11/ is the availability as a commercial offered technology (e.g. for ASIC applications) still at its beginning. A practical hindrance with respect to industrial production seems also to be the additional effort for control of layer doping and gradient, as SIMS and X-ray analysis methods are not installed as frequent measurement tools in semiconductor production fabs today. However, with the repeated demonstration of better maturity of the deposition processes the control measurements could be reduced to reasonable efforts. 2.2.1 Epitaxial SiGe fabrication methods From an industrial point-of-view out of the various methods applied to form the epitaxial SiGe (MBE, UHV-CVD and LPCVD) only the later two offer reasonable cost and throughput figures for implementation in a semiconductor fab. The type of epitaxial deposition (blanket, differ- 242 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 239-245 ential, selective) are more or less determining the yield and control issues associated with the procedure of integration into a CMOS process. As the epitaxial SiGe base layer is grown on the collector tub in the silicon substrate any defect generated by the CMOS processing steps can potentially limit the yield by emitter pipe formation. This would suggest to implement the HBT part as early as possible into the CMOS process. However, as any out-diffusion of Boron or relaxation would deteriorate the HBT performance the subsequent processing steps are limited by a relatively low thermal budget /12/. Another approach is a post CMOS Implementation starting with the HBT part after the CMOS device formation. Such an approach will however only be successful, if the MOS LDD structures are capable of facing additional RTP-like steps. Practical employment seems therefore today limited to processes which are on one hand already based on RTP activation (typically in the submi-cron regime) and are not too sensitive to additional thermal treatment as observed beyond 0.5jum. Table 1 shows such an example of HBT integration into a CMOS process. 2.2.3 SiGe HBT integration In a co-operation work with the Institute for Semiconductor Physics IHP Frankfurt/Oder and Austria Mikro Systeme International AG a SiGe HBT process has been demonstrated the first time to be capable of fabricating high performance SiGe HBTs after the completion of standard CMOS devices /11/. Fig. 4: HBT cut-off frequency ft and maximum oscillation frequency fmax vs. collector current 2.2.2 SiGe HBT performance considerations The vertical doping profile of the bipolar transistor is dominating the high frequency performance both for a SiGe HBT as it is for a Si BJT. Purely by the incorporation of Ge into the base improvements In Ft from 30 to 49 GHz of bipolar transistors have been demonstrated /7/. Major key figures of merit for the analogue and low power transistor performance can be improved in the SiGe HBT. The increased base doping allows a lower base resistance Rb to be obtained in SiGe than In Si for the same current gain (3. Si/SiGe HBTs exhibit transition frequencies fr and maximum oscillation frequencies fmax which are bout twice as large as in Si BJTs in combination with Early Voltages 5-6 times larger. Device performance has been evaluated by a comparative simulation of representative BiCMOS applications in a 12 GHz 0.8/jm BiCMOS process /2/ and a 45 GHz HBT process as available from IHP, Frankfurt/Oder /11 /. A VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) device for high output frequencies at low currents can typically realize up to 2.5 - 3.0 GHz at a current consumption of 5- 8 mA in the Si BJT process. If in this circuit HBTs replace the Si BJTs the device can either achieve frequencies up to 7.5 GHz for the same current levels or the current consumption can be reduced by 70 to 80% at 2.5 GHz. On the other hand for applications like LNA (low noise amplifier) or mixers the parasitic transistor elements like base resistance and junction capacitances play a dominant role. In these cases the investigated SiGe HBT technology could not demonstrate dramatic performance improvement for the given set of SPICE parameters /13/. However, there are more technological opportunities to increase the base doping and therefore to reduce the base resistance in a SiGe HBT technology compared with Si BJT processes. These post-CMOS integrated HBTs with 0.8/um design rules achieved fr(fmax) values of up to 57(43) GHz (figure 4) without deteriorating the CMOS device parameters. Based on a 0.8^m ASIC-CMOS platform the MOSFET fabrication has been completed up to source and drain formation, and the wafers have been sealed with LTO-LPCVD oxide (table 1). The gate stack layers present on the areas reserved for the HBTs have been removed and a retrograde Phosphorus collector has been prepared in the normal CMOS well by implantation and appropriate annealing. A highly Boron doped SiGe base and a lightly doped Si emitter is then deposited by a single epitaxial RT-LPCVD step. The HBT base-collector mesa formation is continued by structuring, implantation and anneal for poly emitter and extrinsic base contact implants. Appropriate design of the base Ge profile and doping, and control of transient enhanced Boron diffusion due to the extrinsic base contact implant are of special importance to achieve the desired parameters /14/. The emitter-pipe yield has been determined by leakage measurements of large emitter size macro HBTs with an emitter area of 104fjmz and has achieved average yields of greater than 80%. This post-CMOS approach promises an relatively easy to implement HBT structure realizing performance figures typically achieved by special bipolar or BiCMOS processes with much more aggressive design rules. 2.3 Wafer processing costs When balancing all technical advantages of new BiCMOS developments and their wafer processing complexity, the cost of additional manufacturing steps can also be an essential limitation, whether certain process versions can find their successful market seg- 243 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 239-245 ment. In the following a short investigation of costs correlated with process modules is given. However, it must be noted, that these calculations take only into account pure wafer processing costs consisting of operator costs, equipment costs determined by throughput and depreciation, facility utilization and material consumption. They do not contain yield issues, especially where new and advanced modules are investigated and yield models are not yet available due to lack of production data. Despite these restrictions, the figures for new process modules have been based on equivalent steps already available and thus represent realistic data gathered in an ASIC-manufacturing environment. Additionally it should be noted, that this data does not include electrical wafer test costs, as in advanced RF-analogue/digital wafer testing the testing costs can vary widely depending on the different application areas. Table 2: Comparison of wafer processing costs for a 0.6pm CMOS process and implementation of bipolar process modules 0.6 jam CMOS 1P/2M wafer processing cost CMOS front end 52% CMOS back end 48% 3. metal layer + 24% 18-20 GHz 2M BiCMOS (salicided) + 35% add trench isolation to 2M BiCMOS +17% add 45 GHz HBT to 2M CMOS + 50% Table 2 compares the costs related with the implementation of additional bipolar process modules into a 0,6/jm CMOS process. Despite the use of advanced Al metal interconnect together with W-plugs and TiN layers, the basic CMOS front end costs account for 52% of the total wafer cost in manufacturing. Frontend of the process contains here all processing steps before the first inter level dielectric layer (e.g. BPSG). It is also interesting to see, that the cost for a trench isolation module is nearly in the range of an additional metal layer. Due to a good merging of BiCMOS processing steps with the basic CMOS process the costs of a 18-20 GHz Si-BJT with salicided base and emitter and additional double poly capacitors (C= 1.8 iF/pm2) can be kept at a level of +35%. Such a process allows applications of up to 2.5-3 GHz at a reasonable wafer price. However, the design margin might be narrow with respect to current consumption for certain low power applications in this frequency range (e.g. mobile telecom). If the post-CMOS Implementation of a HBT-module is considered (see table 1), the costs summarize up to additional +50% to the basic CMOS process. For the epitaxial SiGe step in this case the usage of a RT-LPCVD step has been assumed with a cost factor of 2.5x compared with standard Si-epi on a similar tool. For comparison, UHV-CVD tools promise already processing costs in the range of standard Si-epi-deposition. Additionally it should be taken into account that the HBT integration realized here does not yet benefit from potential merging of deposition, etching or implant steps. We therefore strongly believe, that in the next future further optimization work can bring the additional cost for a HBT integration closer to the level of advanced Si BJTs, but will offer interesting opportunities for more advanced applications. Wafer processing cast distribution 0.8« 2M O.Bji 2M 0.6(J 3M 0 35*1 4M BiCMOS PracosB Technology Fig. 5: Comparison of wafer cost distribution for front-end and backend processing of Si BJT BiCMOS processes for different technology generations Figure 5 is comparing the partition of frontend and backend wafer processing costs. It is very obvious, that with the increasing complexity of the Interconnect metal layers (e.g. TIN ARC layer, W-plugs, planarization) the cost of the backend In submicron processes is becoming the dominating factor. The data also indicates, that much higher complexity in the frontend process can be justified for future BiCMOS process generations without Increasing the overall wafer cost uneconomical^. 3. Conclusions An overview of the common bipolar transistor architectures applied in submicron BiCMOS processes has been given with emphasis put on the correlated complexity of process integration for ASIC manufacturing. A cost breakdown for BiCMOS modules has been presented and it has been illustrated that the additional costs incorporated with the integration of advanced frontend modules will become less important in future process technologies with smaller geometries due to the increasing costs associated with the growing number of interconnect layers. The continuing research on Si and SiGe device and material physics and the availability of more advanced fabrication equipment have pushed the application of Si/SiGe based technology far in the regions, which were before considered of being only domains of lll-V semi- 244 E. Wachmann: Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 239-245 conductors. The superior device advantages of SiGe HBTs and the improvements in epitaxial processing towards production orientation will make the availability of HBT-CMOS more feasible in the near future. Acknowledgments I want to thank my colleagues from the R&D and design departments for the fruitful discussions on BiCMOS requirements and integration issues. Special thanks also to Dietmar Temmler and his staff at IHP for the very interesting and productive collaborative work. References /1/ H.G. Linetal.. "Complementary MOS Bipolar Transistor Structure". IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices. Vol. 16. No 11. Nov, 1969, pp 945-951 /2/ 0.8pm BICMOS data sheets; Austria Mlkro Syteme International AG 13/ I.R.C, Post, P. Ashburn, G. R. Wolstenholme, "Polysllicon Emitters for Bipolar Transistors: A Review and Re-Evaiuatlon of Theory and Experiment", IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, Vol. 39, No 7, July 1992, pp. 1717-1731 /4/ T. Nakamura, H. Nlshizawa, "Recent Progress in Bipolar Transistor Technology", IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, Vol. 42, No 3, March 1995, pp. 390 -398 /5/ M. J. Kumar, K, Datta, "Optimum Collector Width of VLSI Bipolar Transistors for Maximum fmax at High Current Densities", IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, Vol. 44, No 5, May 1997, pp. 903-905 /6/ E.F, Crabbe, "Vertical Profile Optimization of Very High Frequency Epitaxial Si-and SIGe-Base Bipolar Transistors", IEEE, IEDM 93, pp. 83-86 /7/ D.L. Harame et al., "Si/SiGe Epitaxial-Base Transistors - Part I: Materials, Physics, and Circuits", IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, Vol. 42, No 3, March 1995, pp. 455 - 468 /8/ D.L. Harame, et al., "Si/SiGe Epitaxial-Base Transistors - Part II: Process Integration and Analog Applications", IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, Vol. 42, No 3, March 1995, pp. 469-482 /9/ D. Behammer, et al., "SI/SIGe HBTs for Application In Low Power ICs", Solid-State Electronics Vol. 39, No. 4. 1996, pp 471-480 /10/R.J.E. Hueting et al., "On The Optimization on SiGe-Base Bipolar Transistors", lEEETrans. On Electron Devices. Vol. 43. No 9, Sep. 1996, pp. 1518 -1524 /11/ G. Ritter et al., "CMOS Production Compatible SiGe Heteroepi-taxy for High Frequency Circuits"; accepted at ESSDERC 97 /12/ D. Nguyen-Ngoc et ai. "A 200 mm SIGe-HBT BiCMOS Technology for Mixed Signal Applications", Proceedings of BCTM 1995, pp. 89-92 /13/ J. Peter. "Performance of SiGe-Technology", Thesys/Austria Mikro Systeme International AG, Internal report, August 1996 /14/B. Heinemann et. al., "Control of Steep Boron Profiles In Si/SIGe Heterojunctlon Bipolar Transistors", accepted at ESSDERC 97 Ewald Wachmann Austria Mikro Systeme International AG Schloß Premstätten A-8141 Unterpremstätten e_wachmann@ams.co.at tel. +43 3136 52 501 fax +43 3136 500 347 Prispelo (Arrived): 15.09.1997 Sprejeto (Accepted): 09.12.1997 245 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY AND SPECTROSCOPY: FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Axel Born and Roland Wiesendanger Institute of Applied Physics and Center for Microstructure Research University of Hamburg, Germany INVITED PAPER 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM'97 September 24. - September 26., 1997, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia Keywords: semiconductors, semiconductor devices, semiconductor storage devices, UHDS devices, Ultra High Density Storage devices, SPM, Scanning Probe Microscopy, IC, Integrated Circuits, defect analysis, process characterization, process monitoring, creation of nanostructures. STM, Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy. SFM, Scanning Force Microscopes, nanolithography, SCM, Scanning Capacitance Microscopes. NOS heterostructures, Nitride-Oxide-Silican heterostructures, FWHM, Full Width at Half Maximum, ROD, Rotating Disk device, EFM, Electrostatic Force Microscopes, MFM, Magnetic Force Microscopes, SThM. Scanning Thermal Microscopes. SNOM, Scanning Near-field Optica! Microscopes, LDD, Lightly-Doped Drain Abstract: An overview of industrial applications of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is given. The first part describes possible applications for the fabrication of semiconductor devices by SPM-methocIs and the use of SPM-based techniques for an ultra high density storage (UFIDS) device. The second part shows the ability of SPMs as a characterization too! for integrated circuits (ICs). They can be used In defect analysis, process characterization, and monitoring. And they offer the measurement of each significant value with a spatial dimension of less than 100 nm. So the SPM Is useful for a fab today, and irreplaceable for a tab In the future. Vrsfiona mikfo^kopija sn spektroskopij sondo-Ocl oonovisih ra?iskav cio uporabe v intluslsip $ M Ključne besede: polprevodniki, naprave polprevodniške, pomnilniki polprevodniški, UHDS naprave pomnilniške gostote ultravisoke. SPM mikroskopija s sondo vrstično. IC vezja integrirana, analiza hib, karakterlzacija procesov, nadzor procesov, ustvarjanje nanostruktur, STM mikroskopija vrstična tunelna, SFM mikroskopi s silo vrstično, nanolitografija, SCM mikroskopi vrstični kapacitivni, NOS heterostrukture nitrid-oksid silicij, FWHM širina polna pri maksimumu polovičnem, ROD naprava z vrtečim se diskom. EFM mikroskopi s silo elektrostatično, MFM mikroskopi s silo magnetno, SThM mikroskopi vrstični terlmičnl, SNOM mikroskopi vrstični optični s poljem bližnjim, LDD ponor dopiran rahlo Povzetek: V prispevku podajamo pregled uporabe vrstične mikroskopije s sondo (SPM) v industriji.V prvem delu opisujemo možnosti uporabe SPM metod pri Izdelavi polprevodnlških elementov, kakor tudi uporabo SPM tehnik za izdelavo spominskih elementov z zelo visoko gostoto (UHDS) zapisa informacije. V drugem delu prikažemo zmožnosti metod SPM kot orodja za vrednotenje integriranih vezij. Lahko jih uporabimo pri analizi napak ter vrednotenju in nadzoru procesov. Metode omogočajo meritve različnih parametrov s prostorsko ločljivostjo, boljšo od 100 nm. Danes je SPM zelo koristna metoda v proizvodnji Integriranih vezij, v bodočnosti pa bo postala nenadomestljiva in nujno potrebna. 1. Introduction Fifteen years after the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) /1/, scanning probe microscopy (SPM) /2/ is going to be a standard tool for industrial application. Two possible fields are visible today, first the field of fabrication of nanostructures, and second the field of analysis of nanostructures. Both fields are determined due to future development of structures of less than 0.3 jum. Not later than 2005, there must be inventions for the fabrication and analysis of structures with spatial dimensions of less than 100 nm. SPM offers an interesting combination of high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, and applicability under am- bient conditions. Selected examples of applications of SPMs are presented, including fabrication of nanostructures for semiconductor devices and for UHDS devices, as well as SPM-based characterization tools for ICs. 2. Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy All different types of SPMs are based on the same principle: a small probe is brought in close proximity to a surface, so that the near-field interaction can be measured. A feedback system keeps the interaction strength constant during the scan. 246 A. Born, R. Wiesendanger: Scanning Probe Microscopy ans Spectroscopy: From Basic Research to Industrial Application Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 246-250 2.1 Applications of SPM for the creation of nanostructures By SPM it is possible to create structures with spatial dimensions of less than 100 nm, due to an increase of the interaction between probe and sample. This ability can be used for the fabrication of semiconductor devices, as well as for basic technology for a future UHDS device. 2.1.1 Semiconductor devices Atomic manipulation has been shown with a STM /3/, but this required a great technical effort (UHV, 4°K). Nanolithography has been demonstrated with a scanning force microscope (SFM) /4/ for integrated fabrication of semiconductor devices /5/ and of quantum electronic devices /6/. This manipulation has been done at ambient conditions. A conducting SFM tip was used to write nanometer scale oxide patterns on a Si (100) surface and on amorphous silicon. These patterns can be used as masks for selective etching of the silicon, and enable the fabrication of a 0,1 /Jm metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) /5/. Based on anodic oxidation of thin Al films with an SFM, the fabrication of atomic point contacts has been shown /7/. Furthermore, the SFM can be used to generate patterns on a photoresist. Wendel et al. 16/ generated hole arrays with a periodicity down to 35 nm and a hole diameter of only a few nanometer. Mechanical surface modification techniques have been applied to hard materials too, like superconducting ceramic, using a SFM with a diamond probe tip /8/. All these nanolithography techniques work very well, but relatively slow. A commercial SFM works with scan velocities on the order of a few jum/s. To overcome this great disadvantage. Minne et al. /9/ have developed a cantilever with integrated piezoelectric actuator. With this cantilever, they have reached tip velocities in feedback operation of up to 1 cm/s, that leads to more than 20 frames (50 ¿urn x 50 pm) per minute. Furthermore, they developed an array of 2 x 1 individually controlled cantilevers. Binnig et al./10/ presented the development of an array of 5 x 5 cantilevers. Future development will give us arrays of even 100 x 100 cantilevers, so we will be able to scan and manipulate a field of more than 2 cm x 2 cm per minute. From then on, we can use SPM technology for industrial fabrication of semiconductor devices of the 0.1 pm generation. 2.1.2 Ultra High Density Storage Devices Another interesting field of application for SPM-based technologies are UHDS devices. Up to date hard disks reach data densities of less than 2 Gbits/in2, and the border line for conventional storage technology is on the order of several tens of Gbits/in2 because of limitations regarding superparamagnetics in magnetic recording and optical diffraction in optical recording. But nevertheless, there is an increasing demand for higher data capacities. So there must be research in unconventional developments for new storage devices. With a STM, one can manipulate single atoms and reach a data density of 106 Gbits/in2. The disadvantages are the great technical effort and the slow scan speed and data transfer rate respectively. To use other types of SPMs seems to be a better approach. Kino et al. /11/ developed a solid immersion lens scanning near-field optical microscope (SIL-SNOM). With this technique Terris et al. /12/ achieved a data density of 2,5 Gbits/in2 and a data rate of 3.3 Mbits/s. Recently, Martin et al. /13/ presented a scanning inter-ferometric apertureless microscope (SIAM), where a resolution of 50 nm was achieved with visible light. This corresponds to a potential density of 256 Gbits/in2. A theoretical calculation gives a possible data rate in the tens of MHz range. The scanned sample was an Si02-Si disk with smallest pits of 50 nm x 50 nm across, and 25 nm deep, fabricated by electron (e) -beam lithography and reactive ion etching. Another read-only-memory (ROM) device with a data density of more than 50 Gbits/in2 has been demon- <■30.0 ■ 20. O 1.0. 0 0 10.» 20.0 30.0 • ?.0. 0 ¡■to.o 0 10,0 20,0 30.0 MH Fig. 1: Topography and capacitance image of a NOS heterostructure with stored charge dots. 247 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 246-250 A. Born, R. Wiesendanger: Scanning Probe Microscopy ans Spectroscopy: From Basic Research to Industrial Application strated by Terris et al. /14/. They used a polycarbonate disk with smallest pits of 100 nm, and an SFM for read out. The disk was manufactured from an e-beam generated master pattern. This technology enables mass production of samples with pits of less than 50 nm /15/. The used SFM works in contact mode with special high-frequency piezoresistive cantilevers with resonance frequencies of up to 10 MHz. Furthermore, Terris et al. have developed a SFM-based system with a rotating sample. A new autotracking system could maintain the tip on a particular data track. So they get a data density of 65 Gbits/in2 and a data rate of more than 1 Gbits/s. A possible random access memory (RAM) UHDS device is based on a scanning capacitance microscope (SCM) and on charge storages in a nitride-oxide-silicon (NOS) heterostructure (Fig. 1). A voltage pulse of typically 40 V and 10 ps allows the charging of the nitride-oxide interface, and a voltage pulse of the opposite direction can discharge this interface. The smallest structure written in our laboratory had a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 160 nm. The maximum data density reached is more than 30 times higher than in today's commercial storage memories. The theoretical data density limit determined by the overlap of the depletion areas is more than a hundred times higher. To reach high data rates, a SCM-based prototype (rotating disk (ROD) -device) has been developed that rotates the sample (Fig. 2). beam , ....................—t^ffMll^fiti capacitance sensor Fig. 2: Schematic of the ROD-device. The SCM head can be moved by a high-power piezoelectric element in z-direction, so that the cantilever is pressing on the surface with a force as small as possible. First tests gave us data rates of more than 100 kHz, with a signal to noise ratio of 60 dB. The great problem of this storage technology is the contact between the metallic tip of the cantilever and the very hard silicon-ni-tride surface. At relative velocities of some meter per second, the tip gets rubbed off and the resolution of the system and its data density decrease as a function of time. This wear problem can be expected to be diminished by development of new coating technologies or non-contact measurements. All these approaches show the possibility to use SPM-based techniques for a future UHDS device. To summarize: SPM offers a great potential for the creation of nanostructures, and can be used for the fabrication of 0.1 pm semiconductor devices and for UHDS devices. 2.2 Application of SPM for the analysis of nanostructures SPMs are predestined for the characterization of ICs, due to their two-dimensional (2-d) imaging capabilities, high spatial resolution, and nondestructive nature. There is a great need for nanometer-scale measurements in the semiconductor industry. The family of SPMs offers the detection of each significant value (Fig. 3). Interaction ...........-...............- ------------------- Microscope Abbreviate Electric field Electrostatic force microscope EFM Magnetic field Magnetic force microscope MFM Heat Scanning thermal microscope SThM Light Scanning near-field optical microscope SNOM Capacitance (doping profile) Scanning capacitance microscope SCM Fig. 3: Overview of SPM types for the characterization of ICs. A SFM can be used for cross section inspection and metrology /16/. The measurement error introduced by the finite size of the cantilever tip can be calculated due to computer models. Therefore, the SFM image gives us the exact values compared with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) measurement, but without the effort of specially prepared samples. An electrostatic force microscope (EFM) enables the measurement of an electric field and therefore a voltage on an IC, with spatial dimension of less than 100 nm. Furthermore, special techniques (heterodyne mixing) enable the measurement of voltages with frequencies of some tens of GHz /17/. 248 A. Born, R. Wiesendanger: Scanning Probe Microscopy ans Spectroscopy: From Basic Research to industrial Application_____Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 246-250 The magnetic stray field of a conductor track can be measured by a magnetic force microscope (MFM). A calculation gives us the current of the conductor. In addition, the MFM has been used for the measurement of the stray field of write-read heads of hard disks. The scanning thermal microscope (SThM) allows us the detection of hot spots on an IC with 100 nm resolution /18/. A very interesting analytical device is the scanning capacitance microscope /19/. The SCM offers the detection of 2-d doping profiles with lateral resolution of less than 100 nm and dopant concentrations of 1015 to 1020 crrr3. The „National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors" describes this measurement as decisive technology for the next generation of ICs. The SCM permits determination of the effective channel length and the lightly-doped drain (LDD). Exact data are very important for the optimization and calibration of technology computer aided design (TCAD) systems, and new designs of MOS-FETs and Bipolar-transistors require an exact knowledge of the 2-d doping profiles (Fig. 4). For spatially resolved SCM measurements complete C(V)-V-curves were not taken, but the capacitance was measured at a constant bias voltage. The result is a capacitance image of the sample. The problem of inversion - determination of the dopant concentration from measured capacitance images - is not solved yet, since too many factors are unknown. Data i >~j f 2 ; ; ! ✓ 0 IJ J i- o Fig. 5: Topography (upper) and capacitance image of an electrostatic discharge. These unknown facts are, e. g., the influence of the shape of the probe, the thickness, and the dielectric 5 ' constant of the oxide. Nevertheless, capacitance im- , ages of manufacturing IC-structures have a great poten- - tial for use in defect analysis, process characterization ' and monitoring. Fig. 5 shows the topography and the - capacitance image of a sample with an electrostatic ,J"i' ""'"' discharge. This is the main reason for ICs being de~ stroyed, and often invisible in SEM. On the other hand, Fig. 4: Topography (upper) and capacitance image the SCM gives us an exact image of the topography and of a DRAM. the expected flow of dopant atoms. So SCM is already 249 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 246-250 in use in industry and research institutions for process development and failure analysis. 3. Conclusion SPM offers a great potential for the creation and analysis of structures with spatial dimensions of less than 100 nm. SPM can be used for fabrication of future masks and the fabrication of semiconductor devices, as well as basic technology for UHDS devices. Furthermore, SPM can be used as a characterization tool for the semiconductor industry. To summarize: SPM is going from lab to fab. A, Born, R. Wiesendanger: Scanning Probe Microscopy ans Spectroscopy: From Basic Research to Industrial Application /10/ G. Binnig, talk presented at the 9th Int. Conf. STM'97. Hamburg, Germany. /11/ S. M. Mansfield. G. S. Kino, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 1990, 2615. /12/ B. D. Terrls, H. J. Mamin, D. Rugar, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68. 1996, 141. /13/ Y. Martin, S. Rishton, H. K. Wickramasinghe, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71,1997,1. /14/ B. D. Terris, S. A. Rishton, H.J. Mamin, R. P. Ried, Proceedings STM'97, Hamburg, Germany. /15/ S. Y. Chou, P. R. Krauss, P. J. Renstrom, Science 272, 1996, 85. /16/ K. Wilder, C. F. Quate, B. Singh. R. Alvis, W. H. Arnold, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B14, 1996, 4004. /17/ B. A. Nechay, F, Ho, A. S. Hou, D. M. Bloom, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 13, 1995, 1369. /18/ A. Majumdar, J. Lai, M. Chamdrachood, O. Nakapeppu, Y. Shu. Rev. Sci. instrum. 66, 1995, 3584, /19/ A. Born, R. Wiesendanger, Proceedings STM'97, Hamburg, Germany. 4. Acknowledgments BMBF (grant No. 1023 A), Siemens AG. 5. References /1/ G. Binnig, H. Rohrer, Ch. Gerber. E. Weibel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49. 1982, 57. /2/ R. Wiesendanger, Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. /31 D. M. Eigler, E. K. Schweizer, Nature 344. 1990, 524, /4/ G, Binnig, C, F. Quate, Ch. Gerber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1986, 930. /51 S. C. Minne. H, T, Soh, Ph. Flueckiger, C. Quate, Appl. Phys, Lett. 66, 1995, 703. /6/ M. Wendel, S. Kühn, H. Lorenz. J. P. Kotthaus, M. Holland, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1994, 1775. /7/ E. S. Snow, D. Park, P. M. Campbell, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 1996, 269. /8/ C. Hahn, T. Matsuyama, U. Merkt, R. Wiesendanger. Appl, Phys. A 62, 1996, 289. /9/ S. C. Minne, S. R. Manalls, A. Atalar, C. F. Quate, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 1996, 2456. Axel Born Institute of Applied Physics and Center for Microstructure Research University of Hamburg, JungiusstraBe 11, D-20355 Hamburg, Germany e-mail: born@physnet.uni-hamburg.de Roland Wiesendanger Institute of Applied Physics and Center for Microstructure Research University of Hamburg, JungiusstraBe 11, D-20355 Hamburg, Germany Prispelo (Arrived): 15.09.1997 Sprejeto (Accepted): 09.12.1997 250 UDK621.3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana SiGe-HETEROJUNCTION BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS: KEY TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS D. Behammer, A. Gruhle» U. Konig, A. Schuppen* Daimler-Benz Research Center, Ulm, Germany *TEMIC, Heilbronn, Germany INVITED PAPER 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM '97 September 24. - September 26., 1997, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia Keywords: semiconductors, semiconductor devices, SiGeHBT, Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors, key technologies, practical applications, communication systems, IC. Integrated Circuits, high frequencies fmax= 160 GHz, noise figure <0,5 dB (atf=2GHz), electrical resistors, electrical inductors, spiral electrical inductors, electrical capacitors, MMIC, Monolithic Microwave Intergrated Circuits Abstract: The SiGe HBT is attractive for future broadband and wireless communication ICs owing to its outstanding performance and from the fabrication point of view (fabrication costs = 0.25 x GaAs and 1.3 x Si). Most processes of main-stream Si technology can be utilized for integration of the HBT on Si substrates. This is due to the similar chemical and physical behaviors of Si and SiGe with respect to reactive ion etching, low ohmic contact systems, isolation and passivation. Thus, several groups have integrated the SiGe-HBT in standard Bipolar and BiCMOS technologies using differential or selective Si/SiGe/Si-epitaxy. Others use blanket epitaxy of the Si/SiGe/Si layers to benefit from an easy technology to eliminate influences of the isolation oxide on the growth and doping, and to allow an easy characterization of the material including the doping profile with global physical diagnostic methods. In addition, there is a simple and low cost fabrication technology using blanket epitaxy and double mesa integration, which has led to several records of SiGe-HBTs in high-frequency (fj = 116 GHz, fmax=160 GHz) and noise data (Fmm (at 2 GHz)<0.5 dB. Fmm (at 10 GHz) <1 dB, Fc - 100 - 2000 Hz). SiGe heterospojni bipolarni tranzistorji: Ključne tehnologije in uporaba v komunikacijskih sistemih Ključne besede: polprevodniki, naprave polprevodniške, Si-Ge HBT transistorji bipolarni heterospojni, tehnologije ključne, aplikacije praktične, sistemi komunikacijski, IC vezja integrirana, frekvence visoke fmax = 160 GHz, število šumno <0,5 dB (pri f = 2 GHz), upori električni, induktorji električni, induktorji električni spiralni, kondenzatorji električni, MMIC vezja integrirana monolitska mikrovalovna Povzetek: SiGe heterospojni bipolarni tranzistor (SiGe HBT) je privlačen element za bodoča integrirana vezja za brezžične in širokopasovne komunikacije predvsem zaradi izrednih lastnosti in kompatibilnosti z obstoječo proizvodnjo (cena izdelave -- 0.25 GaAs in 1.3 Si). Večino korakov glavne Si tehnologije lahko uporabimo za integracijo HBT na silicijeve substrate. To je možno predvsem zaradi podobnega kemičnega in fizikalnega obnašanja Si in SiGe glede na reaktivna ionska jedkanja, nizkoomske kontaktne sisteme ter glede na tehnike izolacije in pasivacije. Tako je že večim skupinam uspelo integrirati SiGe HBT v standardne bipolarne in BiCMOS tehnologije z uporabo diferencijalne ali selektivne Si/SiGe/Si epitaksije. Drugi zopet uporabljajo slepi nanos Si/SiGe/Si plasti, kar je enostavnejše, saj se ognemo vplivom izolacijskega oksida na rast in dopiranje in nam to hkrati omogoča lažje vrednotenje nanešenih plasti, vključujoč meritev koncentracijskega profila z globalnimi fizikalnimi diagnostičnimi metodami. Nadalje, obstaja dokaj enostavna in poceni tehnologija, ki uporablja slepi nanos epi plasti in dvojno mesa strukturo, s pomočjo katere je bilo do sedaj izdelano več visokofrekvenčnih SiGe HBT tranzistorjev (fr = 116 GHz, fmax = 160 GHz) z ustreznimi šumnimi lastnostmi (F,nm (pri 2 GHz) < 0.5 dB, Fmm (pri 10 GHz) <1 dB, Fc = 100 - 2000 Hz). 1. Introduction For the steadily increasing communication market the acceptance of new communication services depends on the costs of the terminals. Low cost and high performance chip sets are needed. SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (SiGe-HBTs) meet these requirements since a few years. SiGe/Si offers high speed, low noise, high power, low power consumption and cost effective production in existing Si-lines. Consequently SiGe heterodevices are for the high volume market and should be produced by large chip manufacturers. Indeed, companies like IBM, Siemens, NEC, Philips and Temic (a company of Daimler-Benz) are active in SiGe. It was the early pioneering activities and results of IBM and AEG Teiefunken (later belonging to Daimler-Benz) that have stirred up the interest of others. From year to year the SiGe community becomes larger. The high volume market for these SiGe hetero-chips can be divided into four segments represented by their operation frequency (Fig. 1). The mobile communication (1-2 GHz), wireless local area network (2.4-5.8 GHz), satellite communication (10.7-14.5 GHz) and the wide-band communication via cable or optical fibre (3-40 Gbit/s) are united to communication networks offering numerous services such like private/business contacts, entertainment music/video, telecommuting, 251 D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. König, A. Schuppen: Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... telemedicine, distance learning, fabrication robot check, workforce training, Internet, interactive/multme-dia video, disaster management, mailbox/messaging, interactive home banking/shopping, goverment services, wireless scientific backdone collaborative group-work, etc. IMOBÍCOM P $£0 ^IvLArf5" '•s > II s Vi ( o\í t IHR! COM ÍMOBJCOM WLAN satcom FM5RECOM j C1-Ï7. 2.4-5.8 GH/. 10.7-14.5 GHz 3-40 ClMf/s F¡g.1: Scenario: SiGe-HBTs for communication markets. 1.1 SiGe-HBT integration into the Si standard technology Since the discovering of the bipolar transistor by W. Shockley, J. Bardeen und W. Brattain in the year 1947 the technological evolution mainly concerned the following topics: the implantation and the base epitaxy improved the internal transistor, whereas the trench isolation reduced the parasitic collector-substrate-capacitance and increased the package density /1 -3/. The novel double polysilicon technology was an innovative technique to optimize the lateral and vertical transistor. The emitter efficiency increased and the self-aligment of the emitter to the base contacts reduced the emitter-base and base-collector-capacitance. The lateral scaling of the bipolar transistor was supported by the shrinking of the minimum feature size driven by the mainstream technologies (DRAMs, CMOS-logic). The vertical optimization of the bipolar transistor was dominated by the reduction of the base width, because the transit time is one of the most important factors determining the speed of bipolar circuits and is in first-order calculation proportional to the square of the base width /6/. When reducing the base width in bipolar transistors there are some physical constraints to be considered. Since punchthrough between emitter and collector must be avoided, a reduction of the base width must be accompanied by a corresponding increase in maximum base doping concentration Na. However, a limit is set by trap-assisted forward tunnelling in the emitter-base-junction, which leads to strongly nonideal behaviour of the base current at large values of Na, a reduction of the current gain, and an increase of the emitter transit time and the emitter-base-capacitance. These drawbacks of a conventional silicon homojunc-tion bipolar transistor (BJT) can be overcome by the HBT with an epitaxial silicon-germanium alloy narrow-gap base region. It offers the possibility of decoupling a reasonable current gain and a low base resistance leading to an independent adjustment of emitter and base doping /4,5/. The current gain itself is much higher due to the B/E heterojunction, which allows an increased base doping and a thinner base to get the same current gain (3 compared with Si. Because of the thin base SiGe-HBTs exhibit a very low transit time tf. In addition the optimization of the lateral structure is a very important issue for improving device performance for low power and low noise applications. This is because lateral scaling means the reduction of parasitic components of the extrinsic transistor, which slow down the intrinsic transistor and dissipate power. The first SiGe-HBT was realized in the year 1987 by S.S. Iyer /7/, when lll/V-HBTs were standard devices at this time. The main difficulties were related to the growth of pseudomorphic SiGe-layers, because of the lattice mismatch of SiGe and Si /8/. The mechanical stress in the pseudomorphic SiGe base increases with the Ge content and the SiGe layer thickness. The Ge content is limited and the thermal budget has to be low to prevent the relaxation and the boron outdiffusion of the SiGe base. In early years simple double mesa transistor structures were used for electrical characterisation of the Si/SiGe/Si layers /7,9-12/. These structures allowed a fast and simple processing at low temperatures. Basically the SiGe-HBT is a new version of the Si-BJT now having an optimized vertical structure. From the fabrication point of view, one major advantage of an HBT on a Si substrate is the utilization of most processes of mainstream Si technology for the integration. This is due to the fact that Si and Ge have similar chemical and physical behaviour with respect to reactive ion etching, low ohmic contact systems, isolation and passivation, the precondition for a seamless transfer of this novel device into standard Si-production lines /14,16,17,22, 25,52-54/. Si/SiGe/Si-epitaxy Different to Si-BJTs the Si/SiGe/Si-epitaxy is a new central process step, which must fullfil the following points in correlation with the integration concept: (1) Reproducible control of the n- and p-doping and gradients and the Ge content, (2) good homogeneity of these parameters and sufficient throughput, (3) high interface and crystal quality at a low contamination level (e.g. metals, C, O, B,..), (4) low temperature epitaxy (<800°C) to minimize the boron outdiffusion and the SiGe relaxation and (5) the possibility for blanket, differential and selective epitaxy. Solid source MBE /7,9-15/, gas source MBE /16/ or CVD in different process windows (UHVCVD /17,18/, APCVD /19/, RTCVD /20,21,53/, LPCVD /22,23,52,54/ or LRP /24/) are used for the definition of the vertical SiGe-HBT profile. Because of its high flexibility MBE is used in research, whereas CVD is used in the production lines due to its higher throughput. 252 D, Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. König, A. Schüppen: SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 There are three basic Si/SiGe-HBT fabrication concepts which differ in the position of the SiGe-base epitaxial growth within the process flow (see Fig.2). The epitaxial growth within the field oxide windows and polycrystal-line layer outside is called differential epitaxy. Selective epitaxy is a monocrystalline deposition only in the field oxide windows. The blanket epitaxy (homogenious epitaxial Si/SiGe/Si growth on the whole Si substrate) seems to have some advantages: There is no influence of the isolation oxide on growth and doping, and the material parameters can be characterized with global physical diagnostic methods (SIMS, SNMS, x-ray, optical methods). The differential epitaxy (A2) is used by most production lines (e.g. IBM /17/, NTT /16/, DBAG/TEMIC /14/, Motorola /22/, AT&T (Lucent Technology) /53/). While NEC/25/, Siemens/52/, Philips/54/ and HP /23/ focus on the selective epitaxy (A3). The research centers prefer the SiGe blanket epitaxy (e.g. /10-12,15,20, 26-29/). The integration of the SiGe-HBT into a Si BiCMOS technology was shown by IBM /30/ (A2) and NEC/31/. einilier wînaow inside-spacer ou mlIî. sp emfitfi mesa ui ¡tskiti-.spnvei I if L' 1 >J>,ll !!,,[ I l SM Fig. 2: The different concepts for the integration of the Si/SiGe/Si-epitaxy and the emitter constructions. (e.g. IBM /19/, NTT /16/, NEC /25/, Motorola /22/, DBAG/TEMIC /54/, AT&T (Lucent Technology) /53/, Siemens /52/, Philips /54/ and HP /23/). Base contact The three HBT versions A1-A3 have different contacts to the exstrinsic base (Fig. 3). In the differential SiGe-HBT A2 the polycrystalline layer on the field oxide regions acts as a lateral base contact with the smallest contact resistance between the mono- and polycrystalline silicon. The selective SiGe-HBT A3 utilizes the conventional double polysilicon technology with a negligible contact resistance between the monocrystalline extrinsic base and the deposited B-doped polysilicon. A further reduction of the external base resistance can be achieved either by an additional B implantation /17, 45/, a low ohmic salicide /53, 32/ or a selective deposited metal /16/. For the blanket double mesa SiGe-HBT a significant reduction of parasitic resistances and capacitances can be achieved by using additional self-aligning processes like planarization for transistor contacts and outside-spacer-technology for micromasking /55, 56/. The size of the base-collector area depends strongly on the integration concept. For A2 /14,16,17/ the area can be minimized owing to the sidewall contacted base. In A1 and A3 a defined parasitic base contact area remains /10,12,25,26,56/. Sophisticated concepts for self-aligned lateral base contact of Si-BJTs /50,51/ are not useable for the SiGe-HBT. (iificccntiai epitaxy ilan.kcî i;pil».\> -.«Iceiivc SiGc.'Si-epüa\s SSpEÏÏÏS double polysilicon ledino! j poJysihcon .:ra! bnv.'; conü-iC Emitter definition After the low-doped collector (LDC)/SiGe-base/low doped emitter (LDE) epitaxy, the emitter can be definied using inside- or outside-spacer- polysilicon technology (see E1, E2 and E3 in Fig. 2). The outside-spacer structure can be generated by a polysilicon deposition or monocrystalline high-doped emitter (HDE) epitaxy followed by a mesa etching (E3).On the other hand an oxide hole filled with polysilicon can be planarized (E2). For E1 und E2 the emitter width can even become smaller than the minimum feature size using an oxide inside-spacer. In addition the integration of the SIC (Selective Implanted Collector) can easily be realized by the self-aligned implantation through the emitter window. E1 and E2 dominate in the SiGe-IC technology Fig. 3: Optimization of the base contact and the parasite base-collector-area in correlation with the integration of the SiGe epitaxy. 2. Experimental results (a) SiGe-HBT A non-passivated and non-implanted double mesa HBT can quickly be processed. The zero thermal budget processing prevents any outdiffusion of the boron doping profile and any SiGe layer relaxation. Therefore it is suited best to obtain optimum performance. The process flow for such a test transistor is shown in Fig. 4a. The 300nm thick PtAu metallisation defined in a lift off 253 D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, (J. König, A. Schüppen: Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... process masks the wet chemical etching of the emitter in KOH solution, which stops at the SiGe base. The undercut of the emitter mask results in a self-aligned base metallisation also structured in a lift-off process. After the lift-off of the collector contact metal, air bridges are etched in an isotropic SF6/O2 plasma in order to reduce the parasitic elements. Using such a double mesa test transistor a high transit cutoff frequency fr of 116 GHz /57/ has been obtained for a single emitter transistor. A multi emitter finger structure with an optimized vertical doping profile has increased the maximal oscillation frequency fmax up to 160 GHz /44/. Fig. 5 shows the remarkable improvement of the fr and fmax values in the last years. In order to integrate a SiGe-HBT, the device should be passivated and have all elements of a high integrability including contact implantation and self-aligned low oh-mic contacts (see Fig. 4b). The process starts with the implanted buried layer formation into the 5-10 Qcm p (100) 4" substrate. After the blanket epitaxy of the entire LDC/SiGe-base/LDE/ HDE layer structure the emitter mesa is defined by reactive ion etching masked by oxide. IbJc decade/div [A] « / \ p' base i m k oxide Fig. 4 (b) ■ Process flow of (a) a non-passivated quick test SiGe-HBT and (b) a passivated double mesa SiGe-HBT frequency f f 115 max „ DBAG/rEMiC/ 125 - 100 IBM / pO / ' " Si 75 ^Siemens 50 / '' j / vONEC 25 Á h hp fnÎT ................t t 1 PH SiGe-HBTs 1 i. 1...........,»,............— 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 time Fig 5: Development of the frequencies fr and fmax of SiGe-HBTs 300nmCH0" Sb 47nm B Si01gGc, with 20nm 5' 10' B lOOnm E 1.5-10iK Sb 80nm emitter contact MO 0.000 -1.000 UR 0.1/div [V] Fig.6: l-V characteristic of a passivated Si/SiGe-HBT An outer base contact implantation is necessary to reduce the parasitic resistances. Low temperature passivation (LTO) by CVD SiH4/Q2 at 300°C follows after etching of the BC-mesa and annealing of the contact implantation. Contact holes are defined and the WTi/AI-metallisation is wet chemically etched. Conventional silicon process technologies use high temperature oxidation and high temperature gettering processes to ensure a high quality surface passivation of the active and passive device areas and a low level of active metal contaminants. That is not acceptable for Si/SiGe-HBTs, because of the strong outdiffusion of the base and the SiGe layer relaxation. The Gummel plot in Fig. 6 shows a low temperature budget SiGe-HBT after a 450°C N2/H2-anneal. The passivation seems to be sufficient for Si/SIGe/Si double mesa transistors, according to the good ideality at low currents. For the production of SiGe-HBTs TEMIC uses their Si-bipolar production line. The process, which was recently described in /58/, starts with a buried layer formation and a channel stop implantation in a 20 ilem substrate. The collector layers are formed by a 700 nm CVD silicon deposition and seperated by a recessed LOCOS process. The collector contact regions are implanted with phosphorus. Subsequently the differential CVD or MBE growth of the SiGe-base and the n-emitter follows. The 24-26% Ge and the 4-5-1019cm"3 boron are kept constant in the SiGe-base. The growth is mono-crystalline in the oxide windows and poly-crystalline on the Si02. The CVD/MBE-poly-silicon, originally n-type, is converted to p by a BF2 implantation. A selectively implanted collector offers the possibility to build transistors with high breakdown voltage and low collector-base capacitance and on the same wafer HBTs with higher current densities and higher fr, but higher capacitance and lower breakdown voltage. In order to reduce the lead and the contact resistances titanium silicide is formed by a salicide process. The fabrication process ends with a two level AI metallization. Fig. 7 shows a top view of the transistor and Fig. 8 presents the transistor parameters. 254 D. Behammer, A, Gruhle, U. König, A. Schüppen: SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 , 'v <• ,, a second metallization (100 nm WTi and 4 pm Al(siCu)). A • ' second polyimide (1.5 jum) covers the second metalli- • - zation and is opened only in the pad area. : it p } " llfitÎ ' i Fig. 7: Top view of SiGe-HBT fabricated in a production line (TEMIC) hot j f'aj xttte jgj WSï,îN, SiGc-HBT i, Sfbuncdfav« r,S; .item,- m Cliffi«! SR.p B p-Si Parameter no SIC SIC Ae [j.tm2] 1.2x2 1.2x2 Nc [cm"3] 3E16 1E17 BVceo [V] 6.0 3.5 Rsbi [O/ J 1200 1200 hFE [ ] 150 150 VA [V] 50 40 fT [GHz] 30 50 f 'max [GHz] 50 50 Fmin(2GHz) [db] 1 1 RB ["] 140 140 Cbc m 10 15 Ces [ff] 22 22 Fig. 9a: Schematic cross section of the two level metallization with the passive RLC-devices Fig. 8: Transistor Parameter (TEMIC) L[nH] n Da [[im] Da [^m] W/S=10/10 W/S=10/5 1.25 2 190 175 3 155 140 4 130 3.00 2 330 315 4 210 185 7.50 5 300 265 7 280 240 15.0 6 385 8 350 340 9 305 (b) passive components High performance communication ICs need not only active but also passive devices. Fig. 9 gives an overview of the technological concept for resistors (R), inductors (L) and capacitors (C). After having processed the SiGe-HBT following layers are sputter-deposited: A 100 nm PECVD-oxide, the WSix-layer, the thin insulator INc of the integrated capacitors (SiC>2, Si3N4, AIN or TiCte), the 50 nm WTi barrier and the 50 nm Al(SiCu) top layer. The MIM-structure for the capacitors is defined by the wet chemical etching of the Al(SiCu) and the WTi barrier. An additional 300 nm PECVD-oxide insulates the upper electrode of the MIM-capacitor. After the contact hole etching and the wet chemical etching of the first metallization (WTi/AI(SiCu>) the resistors and the capacitors are processed. A 3 pm thick polyimide is spun on and forms the IML (Inter Metal Layer) for the isolation to the Fig. 9b: Table with the geometry of the spiral inductor (n=number of turns, L=inductivity, Da=outer diameter, W= width of the Al-lines, S=dis-tance between the lines) and a top view of a integrated inductor with polyimide between the to metallizations. 255 D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. König, A. Schüppen: Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... Resistors: For high performance analog and digital circuits there is a great interest for integration of thin film resistors (TFRs), because of the poor longterm stability of polysilicon resistors due to their polycrystalline structure. The materials of integrated TFR are WSix or WSiyNz /59/, FeSix /60/, NiCr and NiCrxOy /61,62/, Ta2N /63/ or Ru02 /64/. In contrast to VLSI integration, for most of these materials the lateral definition is done by lift off techniques or wet chemical etching. However sputtered WSix(Ny) can be structured in F-based plasma or reactive ion etching and has a long term stability against temperature and current stress and has a sufficient resistance for most applications. The conductivity of the WSix(Ny)-TFRs is defined by the DC-power and the Ar/N2 gas flow. Target values are Rs=100Q (WSix: 30sccm Ar, 220W, 0.51 Qcm, d=52nm) and Rs= 1000Q (WSixNy: 30sccm Ar, 4sccm N2, 220W, 6.00f2cm, d = 58nm). The homogenity of the sheet resistance Rs across a 4 inch wafer is below 2% for Rs = 100f2 and around 10% for Rs=1000Q, with a high batch to batch reproducibility. Capacitors: The integration concept for the capacitors has already been described above. The main advantage is the planar deposition of the bottom electrode (WSix), ofthe insulator INc and of the upper WTi/AI(SiCu) electrode e.g. in one multl target PVD machine. We use 20 nm PVD-Si02 and 45 nm AIN and receive capacitances of C* = 6.0 W/pm2 and 2.3 fF/um2. In addition other materials with higher dielectric constants have to be tested to reduce the parasitic inductor. Inductors: In monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) spiral inductors are used. They will be applied as reactive loads, for low-noise coupling purposes and in matching networks. From these applications inductors should have a high imaginary part and a high quality factor Q. The layout optimization ofthe spiral inductors for applications in the 2 (7.5 nH), 5 (3.0 nH) and 12 GHz (1.25 nH) range is shown in Fig. 9b. The inductivities are calculated using the Greenhouse Algorithmus /65/. Some ofthe measured inductivities and quality factors are plotted in Fig. 10. The difference between the measured and target inductivity values is due to the Ing contact lines. The quality factors increase with decreasing substrate loss and thicker second metallization and/or a thicker IML. The maximum ofthe quality factors is near the operating frequency. 3. SiGe-HBT circuits Various HBT-ICs have been reported so far, some with outstanding, some at least with promising performances. Fig. 11 shows a chip with circuits for 5 to 40 GHz operation realized on semiinsulating Si-substrate. More production like are circuits on 20 £2cm substrates (one example in Fig. 12), has under development at TEMIC/66/. ECL ring oscillators realized by Siemens, Philips, IBM, NEC, or Temic together with our house (DBAG) exhibit 11 to 20 ps /52",67-69/. A 12 bit DAC operating at 1 GHz has been demonstrated by IBM together with ADI /70/. NEC has reported on D-type flip-flop for 20 Gbit/s, a selector for 30 Gbit/s and 33 ps, a 2:1 multiplexer for 20 Gbit/s and a preamplifier with 19 GHz and 36 dB /71,72/. Multiplexer and demultiplexer LfnH'- j 12 : 10: ! 10; ! / ! .j 6 i : j 4; / v , ' ; y . ; 2 . eu-- ......-.....^l^L^J 0 L 0.1 1 10 100 Frequenzy [GHz] .... 0.1 I 10 100 Frequenzy [GHz] quai ity i 5 GHz application 3? y; factor ; loi A 0t 0.1 1 ¡0 100 Frequenzy [GHz] L [nH] 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 15. quality 12GHz application sj; ; factor \ 10 i V am / % ________ 0.1 1 10 100 Frequenzy [GHz] L [nH] 8 6 r i 4 j 2i 0L «"K"' 0.1 1 10 100 Frequenzy [GHz] 0.1 1 10 100 Frequenzy [GHz] Fig. 10: Measured inductivity and quality factor for different frequency ranges. Fig. 11 : SiGe-HBT chip with circuits for 5-40 GHz. Fig. 12: SiGe-HBT switches for 2 GHz with spiral inductors (Temic) /66/ 256 D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. König, A. Schüppen: SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 Associated 10 Gain [dB] 8 6 4 2 0 (a) MAG High Bandwidth 18GHz - High Gain 9.5dB G50 Low Supply Voltage 1.6-3V 0 30 Frequency 44 [GHz] 43 42 41 40 39 (b) -10 12 3 4 Varactor Voltage [VJ ° Output M 8 power 20 [dBm] ¡-22 -24 -26 -28 -30 -32 5 10 15 20 25 Frequency [GHz] Fig. 13: Low power consumption broad-band amplifier a) and varactor controlled oscillators with SIGe-HBTs /74, 75! Frequency [GHz] Fig. 16: Hybrid active antenna with a SiGe HBT yielding low noise at a receiving frequency of 5.8 GHz (Uni Ulm) Fig. 14: SiGe-HBTpower amplifier and enlarged emitter area 5,_r-,-.-.--.——T-- 25 Frequency / GHz Fig. 15 Low-Noise Amplifier using SiGe HBTs for DECT Receivers (Uni Ulm) 176/. D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. König, A. Schüppen: Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 251-259 SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications .... with 28 Gbit/s have been realized by the Ruhr University Bochum using samples from DBAG /73/. A wideband amplifier capable of 9.5 dB gain with 18 GHz bandwidth while drawing only 50 mW from a 3 V supply and operating even at 1.6 V was realized (Fig. 13a) /74/. Varactor controlled oscillators for different frequency ranges of 1.8, 11, 26, 28, 40 GHz (e.g. see Fig. 13b) were presented by Nortel together with IBM, by TEMIC, by IBM and by DBAG /75. 76/. Power amplifiers for 0.9 to 2 GHz have been realized by Temic together with DBAG (Fig. 14) and by Philips /54, 77/. LNAs with Fmin of 1.7 to 1.9 dB came from Temic together with DBAG and the University of Ulm (Fig. 15) A frequency devider of 42 Gbit/s was recently realized by Siemens /78/. We have used SiGe HBTs for hybrid intergration, too: A dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO) for 9.6 GHz and a 8-12 GHz VCO were reported by DBAG and Dornier /79/. Very recently an active antenna for receive at 5.8 GHz with the excellent noise Figure of 1.4 dB was reported by the University of Ulm using a device of DBAG (Fig. 16) /80/. 4. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank several co-workers in house and colleagues elsewhere, who have supported us with informations, measurements, simulations and discussions, i.e. H. Kibbel (Daimler Benz Ulm), U. Erben. W. Dürr, H. Schumacher (University Ulm) and J. Arndt, H. Dietricht (TEMIC Heilbronn). Most of the reported work was conducted in the frame of the German BMBF initiative Nanoelektronik whose support is gratefully acknowledged. 5. References /1/ L. Treitinger, M. Mlura-Mattausch, Ultra-Fast Silicon Bipolar Technology, Springer Verlag Berlin (1989) /2/ A. K. Kapoor, D. J. 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Schüppen* Daimler-Benz Research Center, D-89013 Ulm, Germany *TEMIC, D-74072 Heilbronn, Germany Dag. Behammer@dbag. ulm. daimlerbenz. com Prispelo (Arrived): 15.09.1997 Sprejeto (Accepted): 09.12.1997 259 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 AN EVALUATION OF AN EXPERIMENTAL GLASS FRIT FREE THICK FILM METALLIZATION FOR AIN-CERAMICS Walter Smetana, Roland Reicher, Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik, Technische Universität,Wien, Austria Alexander Adlassnig, Julius C. Schuster, Institut für physikalische Chemie, Universität Wien, Austria INVITED PAPER 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM '97 September 24. - September 26., 1997, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia Keywords: semiconductors, semiconductor devices, power electronics, AIN ceramics, aluminum nitrides ceramics, thick film metallization, metallization of AIN ceramic, electrical conductive pastes, metallization pastes, thick film pastes, glass frit free metallization pastes, TiCuAg thick film metallization, SEM analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis, surface analysis, evaluation of experiments Abstract: A glass frit free thick film paste has been especially developed for metallization of AIN ceramic. The metallized ceramic has been characterized theoretically as well as by experiment. A numerical analysis of temperature distribution induced by a continuous and pulsed mode operating heat source has been conducted by means of a finite element program. With regard to evaluate the adhesion properties of the metal film the tensile strength of the metallization has been determined. Vrednotenje eksperimentalne prevodne debeloplastne paste brez steklene faze za metalizacijo AIN keramike Ključne besede: polprevodniki, naprave polprevodniške. elektronika močnostna, AIN keramika nitrldi aluminijevi, metalizacija debeloplastna, metalizacija AIN keramike, paste prevodne, paste metallzacijske, paste debeloplastne, paste metalizacijske brez zmesi kalcinirane za steklo, Ti-Cu-Ag metalizacija debeloplastna, SEM analize, analiza površine, vrednotenje preskusov Povzetek: Razvili smo prevodno debeloplastno pasto brez steklenefaze, namenjeno posebej za metalizacijo AIN keramike. Metalizlrano keramiko smo ovrednotili teoretično in eksperimentalno, Numerična analiza porazdelitve temperature substrata za stalni in pulzni izvor toplote smo opravili s pomočjo programa, ki uporablja tehniko končnih elementov. Oprijemljivost metalnega filma pa smo določili z meritvijo natezne trdnosti metalizaclje. Aluminium nitride shows an excellent thermal conductivity and a thermal expansion coefficient which is well matched to that of silicon. The lack of toxicity in comparison to beryllia makes AIN-ceramic a very competitive substrate material for power electronics application. A range of standard thick film pastes are available for the metallization of ceramics. Glass frits or different oxides which are added to thick film conductor pastes are responsible for the adhesion of the metal film on conventional alumina substrates. During the firing cycle the glass frits form a glass phase which interlocks the metallic conductive phase and the substrate. The thermal expansion coefficient of the glass phase must be I. INTRODUCTION matched to that of alumina. In contrast to the so called glass bonded systems the oxides of chemical bonding systems interact during the firing cycle with the alumina and form spinels which are responsible for adhesion of metallization. Mixed bonding conductive pastes comprise both kinds of bonding systems. The selection of a conductor paste with a specific bonding system depends on the requirement of application. Conductor pastes based on a chemical bonding system are very well suited for circuits built up in chip and wire technique. On the other hands the glass phase of glass bonding systems penetrates frequently the surface of metallization which consequently impedes the development of reliable bonding sites. Metallized substrates carrying power devices are acting as heat sinks and are 260 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film ... Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 260-266 responsible for heat removal. For an efficient heat management it must be provided that the thermal resistance between the power dissipating device and the substrate is as small as possible. The thermal resistance formed by the glass phase of a glass bonding conductor system becomes critical if a substrate with a high thermal conductivity is applied while it is ignorable for a standard alumina substrate. Although thick film technique enables to realize conductor lines with a sufficient thickness which is necessary for circuits carrying high current some problems arise with regard to its application to AIN-ceramic substrates. There exists often paste incompatibilities between standard thick film pastes utilized for conventional Al302-substrates and AIN-substrates which result in poor adhesion and blistering of metallization. Unfortunately only glass frit containing pastes are suitable for applications onto AIN ceramic substrates. The advantage of the high thermal conductivity of the AIN-ceramic will be affected by the glass phase acting as interlocking layer. Till today not any chemical bonding thick film conductor system for AIN is available which would provide an interface of low thermal resistance between AIN and the metallization. 2. TiCuAg-METALLIZATION SYSTEM In our project we have developed a glass free conductor thick film system which would be accommodated to the requirements of AIN. Actually a TiCuAg thick film composition has been prepared where the amount of added Ti varied between 1 at% and 20 at%. The Ti should act as bonding agent between the metallic AgCu-solution and the AIN ceramic. The considered thick film paste must be fired under an inert atmosphere to avoid oxidation. It was expected that at the interface between the aluminium nitride ceramic and the thick film metallization a continuous titanium nitride layer and a compound of (TiCuAI)6N a so called í^-phase should be formed (Figure 1). The latter compound and other related nitrides play a significant role with regard to the adhesion and the development of stresses at the interface. Aluminium nitride and TiN grains comprise arrays of dislocations which are presumably arising from thermal expansion mismatch between the involved materials. Above the TiN layer a continuous layer of equiaxed and nearly defect free r|-phase grains is formed. Beyond this r|-phase layer the metallic solution of Cu and Ag is built up. These structures and the morphology of the interface between metallization and AIN-ceramic have been detected by studying the reactive bonding mechanism of Ti doped metal foils and aluminium nitride. By analogy with the metal foil-AIN ceramic compound the same phases should develop at the interface between AIN ceramic substrate and corresponding thick film metallization. 2.1 Paste formulation By application of the so called polyol process Ag and Cu frits with a grain diameter <3 ¡im have been produced. Ti frits have been prepared by cracking and milling the intermetallic compound Cu3Ti2. A binder system on the base of polyacrylic acid (PAS) has been selected. This binder organic provides a paste rheology suitable for the screen printing process and enables a firing process under a non oxidizing atmosphere, as well. The binder should decompose and evaporate completely during the firing cycle. Atypical paste composition is listed in Table 1 /2/. Table 1: Typical paste composition Component Weight0/» ! PAS 13,1 a-terpineol 12,9 metal powder 60,7 i dibutylphtalate 5,4 : tertbutanol 7,9 Ag-Cu mixture Cu TiN layer (some Cu) Figure 1 : Structure of interface between glass frit free metallization and AIN /7/ 2.2 Preparation of metallization The experimental paste was printed on AIN-substrates by a conventional screen printing process utilizing a 200 mesh screen as well as a metal stencil of 100 ¡.im thickness. The printed layer was leveled at room temperature for few minutes and dried at 75°C for 10 minutes in a drying furnace. Firing of the samples has been carried out in a conventional thick film furnace under a nitrogen as well as an argon atmosphere with a maximum oxygen content of 15 volppm at a standard heat profile with a peak temperature of 850°C or 950°C, respectively, a dwell time of 10 minutes and a total heat cycle time of 60 minutes. 261 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 260-266 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film ... 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF METALLIZATION Different types of effects have been observed on the fired metal films. The paste fired at 850°C shows cracks extending to the bottom of metallization (Figure 2). The metallization exposed to firing temperature of 950°C shows ball shaped structures dispersed on its surface as well as cracks (Figure 3). By means of microprobe analysis the ball shaped structures have been identified as grains especially containing Ti and Cu. Sometimes the irregularities of the surface finish of the metallization may be related to the marks of wire mesh caused by the screen printing process. In this case an improvement should be achieved by stencil printing. Neither by screen printing nor by stencil printing an uniform crack free metallization surface has been obtained. To study the influence of film thickness on crack formation paste has been applied with increasing thickness by a single free hand stroke utilizing a rubber blade. The sample has been exposed to the above mentioned standard drying and firing process. This experiment reveals that with increasing layer thickness the cracks develop already during the drying process while during the firing cycle the growth of cracks only proceeds. Regions of the thin layer exhibit a crack free surface (Figure 4) while areas with high layer thickness are perforated by cracks extending to the surface of the substrate (Figure 5). To provide a voidfree uniform paste coverage of AIN-substrate the paste with the considered formulation has to be applied by screen printing of three layers. Each layer was dried and tired separately. The fired metallization thickness varied between 80 and 100 (im. crack free area Figure 4: Crack free metallization (paste containing 2,5 at% TI, firing temperature: 850 °C, dwell time: 30 minutes, firing atmosphere: argon, film thickness: < 10 nm). Figure 2: Metallization with cracks (paste containing 1 at% Ti, firing temperature: 850"C). spherical element Figure 5: Metallization perforated by cracks (paste Figure 3: Metallization surface with dispersed ball containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing temperature: shaped structures (paste containing 1 at% Ti, 850 °C, dwell time: 30 minutes, firing atmos- firing temperature: 950°C). phere: argon, flm thickness: 25-30 ¡im). 262 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film ... Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 260-266 3.1 Formation of TiN-interface and adhesion strength A cross sectional view of a metallographically prepared metallized aluminium nitride fired under nitrogen is shown in Figure 6. The titanium distribution analysis carried out by means of an energy dispersive spectroscopy shows not any agglomeration of titanium at the interface between metallization and the ceramic (Figure 7). The adhesion strength of metallization is a significant measure if a TiN layer has been already developed. The pull test has been conducted with the metallizations realized by our glass frit free conductor system as well as by commercially available glass frit containing copper pastes for comparison purpose. Epoxy precoated metallization AIN-substrate aluminium nail head pins were bonded to the surface of the metallization pads. The test samples were inserted in a pull tester. A pulling force was applied on the pins and continuously increased until failure occurred. Because of the significant poor adhesion strength and the lack of any Ti agglomeration at the substrate/metallization interface the time of firing at peak temperature has been increased from 10 minutes to 120 minutes. An increase of exposure time should promote the Ti-diffu-sion to the interface and subsequently the formation of TiN which would improve adhesion strength. metallization Figure 8a: SEM micrograph of the nail head after exposure to pull test (paste containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing temperature: 850 °C. dwell time: 30min-utes. firing atmosphere: nitrogen). Figure 6: SEM image of the metallization cross section (paste containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing temperature: 850 °C). metallization AIN-substrate AIN-substrate Figure 8b: SEM micrograph of the AIN-substrate after Figure 7: Ti-distribution along the cross section of met- exposure to pull test (paste containing 2,5 at% allization (paste containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing Ti, firing temperature: 850 °C, dwell time: 30 temperature: 850 °C). minutes, firing atmosphere: nitrogen). 263 1 rtformacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 260-266 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film ... Actually, an increase of firing time contributes to an improvement of adhesion strength but nevertheless the results are quite unsatisfactory. The recorded adhesion strength of our experimental metal films amounts only 20 to 50 percent of the values achieved with glass containing metallizations. Figure 8 shows SEM-photo-graphs of the nailhead and the corresponding area of aluminium nitride ceramic after the pull test has been carried out. Nearly all the metallization film has been lifted off from the ceramic and adheres consequently on the nail head. A change of processing conditions has resulted in a drastical increase of adhesion strength. Instead of nitrogen the samples were purged with an argon-atmosphere during firing cycle. Evidently under the nitrogen atmosphere the dispersed Ti-particles react already with the surrounding atmosphere and TiN is formed. Consequently, the driving force for the Ti diffusion to form TiN at the interface between metallization and the ceramic is missing. In contrary the argon atmosphere does not react with titanium. This fact evidently provides the ability of titanium to react with the nitrogen sites of AIN and is the driving force for the Ti-diffusion. Although the titanium element distribution analysis carried out on argon fired metallizations shows also not any agglomeration of Ti (similar to that of Figure 7) the TiN-layer must have been already formed. The adhesion strength of the metallization is already comparable to that of the different glass bonded copper pastes. Therefore it must be supposed that the amount of added Ti to the paste is still so small that an agglomeration of Ti in a very thin layer is not detectable by means of micro-probe analysis. The excellent adhesion of metallization is also documented by the REM-photographs (Figure 9) of the lifted off nail heads and the corresponding area of the metallized AIN-substrate where the studs have been attached. The metallization could not be removed from the substrate by the applied force. epoxy glue Figure 9b: SEM micrograph of the corresponding AIN-substrate area after exposure to pull test (paste containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing temperature: 850 °C, dwell time: 30 minutes, firing atmosphere: argon). Actually, the adhesion strength of the metallization must be higher as recorded in the graph of Figure 10. Actually the tensile strength was limited by the bonding strength of the epoxy glue. z M C x: ■O < Reinex 5843 Du Pont 600! IN? Ar Du Pont 9153 glass frit free paste Figure 10: Adhesion strength distribution of commercially available glass frit containing copper pastes and experimental glass frit free Ag-CuTi-paste containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing temperature: 850°C, dwell time:30 minutes) fired under nitrogen as well as under argon. Figure 9a: SEM micrograph of the nail head after exposure to pull test (paste containing 2,5 at% Ti, firing temperature: 850 °C. dwell time: 30 minutes, firing atmosphere: argon). 4. NUMERICAL SIMULATION Beside the practical investigations numerical analyses of metallized ceramic substrates have been carried out by means of a finite element program. The aim of the numerical simulation was to quantify the influence of the interlocking phase between ceramic and metallization. The object of simulation concerns a ceramic substrate 264 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film ... Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 260-266 Table 2: Materials property data Material Density p 3 [kg/m3] Thermal Expansion a |10"6K"1] Thermal Conductivity k [W/mK] Specific Heat Cp [J/kgKJ AIN 3 260 4,9 170 72 AI2O3 : 3 780 6,8 24 800 Lead-Boron-Silicate-glass ! 4 650 6,96 1,5 669 Copper 8 960 17 394 386 TiN 5 220 6 20 650 Ti3Cu2AIN (ri-phase) 5 622 - 45,2 536 where a metallized pad was positioned in the center of the substrate surface. Aluminium nitride as well as conventional alumina for comparison purpose have been considered as substrate material. The metallization thickness was committed to be 15 p m a thickness which is usually achieved by thick film technique. Table 2 shows the data of materials properties utilized for computer simulation. The models considered in this simulation are based on the assumption that the pads consists of a layered structure with different performances (Figure 11 ). Because of the symmetrical structure of the metallized substrate it is sufficient to restrict the simulation model to one quadrant of the substrate. Actually, the results of simulation will be identical for all remaining three quadrants. The computations were carried out for different power applied on the surface of the copper film. The absorbed power flows vertically through the metal film into the substrate where it dissipates. model a An applied power of 1 W induces a temperature distribution in the compound after a settling time of 100 s as shown in Figure 12. The temperature distribution analysis yields nearly identical results for all considered metallization models. A summary of the resulting peak temperatures for the different metallization models are shown in Table 3. Ti and T100 denote the temperature (peak temperature) in the center of the surface of the substrate after a settling time of 1 s and 100 s, respectively. Ti oo is characterizing already the steady state condition. Evidently there exists not any significant differences for a bulk layer (model a) or a copper pad comprising a glass phase which may also contain pore inclusions (model b). Significant temperature differences with regard to the steady state condition may be contributed to the thermal properties of the different substrate materials. While the performance of the interface layer between metallization and ceramic is of negligible interest for a power device operated in a continuous mode the thermal resistance of the interface governs the thermal management of devices working in a pulsed mode. I2|im copper 3iim glass layer (with/without pores) ceramic substrate model b 12(im coppcr _ l.5j.im 1]-phase ,5|im TiN , , aluminium nitride model c Figure 11: Models of layered metallization pads. Figure 12: Temperature distribution after a settling time of 100 s of a metallized aluminium nitride substrate induced by a power of 1 W. 265 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, str. 260-266 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film ... Table 3: Peak temperature of metallization pads. 1 Watt (10s W/m2) AI2O3 AIN 10 Watt (106 W/m2) AI2O3 AIN model a model b: without pores Ti/°C 28,79 22,72 107,94 Tioo/°C Ti/°C 58,31 29,15 38,14 22,92 403,05 111,51 Tioo/°C 58,47 38,35 404,68 47,16 201,44 49,23 203,52 model b: j 50 vol% pores Ti/°C Tioo/°C 29,17 58,77 23,25 38,61 111,65 407,74 52,51 206,14 model c Ti/°C 22,73 Tioo/°C 38,31 47,i 202,75 Figure 13 shows the temperature swing of a metallization with a glassy interface and an interface built up by an TiN-layer induced by a device operating in a pulsed mode. The temperature difference within a metallization containing pores amounts approximately 7°C while the temperature drop in a glass frit free layer is negligible. The advantage of a glass frit free metallization becomes especially evident for high power circuits operating in a pulsed mode. 5. SUMMARY The development of a glass frit free thick film metallization for AIN-ceramic substrates shows already promising results. It shows an excellent adhesion to the AIN-ceramic. Nevertheless the morphology of the metallization layer has to be improved. Surface topography and morphology of metallization are governed by paste formulation. The reason for a rough surface as well as the development of cracks may be caused by a low solid content of the paste or by a small surface area of added metal frits. An increase of solid content of the paste seems therefore to be advisable. Unfortunately an increase of solid content would impair the printability of paste. Another binder and organic system must be selected and evaluated. model b interface between glassy layer and AIN The electrical characteristic as well as solderability of the metallization are further topics of investigation. 6. REFERENCES /1/A.H. Carim, R.E. Loehman, "Microstructure of the AIN and Ag-Cu-Ti braze alloy", J. Matr. Res., 5, July 1990.1520-1529. /2/ A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster, R. Reicher, W. Smetana, "Synthesis of TiCuAg-Thick Film Inks for Glass Frit Free Metallization of Aluminium Nitride", Proceeding of the Workshop on Metal Ceramic Materials for Functional Applications and 3rd Workshop on Metal-Ceramic Composite Structures (Taiwan-Austrian Scientific Collaboration), June 1997, Vienna, 334-347. Acknowledgement The authors are very indebted to the Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung for the financial support of this project (Project: P 10304-PHY). Walter Smetana, Roland Reicher, Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik, Technische Universität A-1040 Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27-29 (Austria) Alexander Adlassnig, Julius C. Schuster Institut für physikalische Chemie, Universität Wien A-1090 Wien Währingerstr. 42 Austria surface of copper film / interface between TiN and AIN model c 0.8 1.0 1.2 Time (s) Figure 13: Temperature characteristic of metallization pads (model b comprising 50 vol% pores in glass layer and model c) operated in a pulsed mode (1 W, 5 Hz). Prispelo (Arrived): 15.09.1997 Sprejeto (Accepted): 09.12.1997 266 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana MIDEM '97 KONFERENCA: Predstavitev laboratorijev in sponzorjev MIDEM '97 CONFERENCE: Presentation of Laboratories and Sponsors Iskraemeco ISKRAEMECO, d.d., Savska Loka 4, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia tel.: +386 64 321 221, fax: +386 64 223 644 Introduction Iskraemeco d.d. is the fourth largest European, and one of the world ' s largest manufacturers of meters for electric energy. Our electricity meters with the Iskra trademark are well known throughout the world. Iskraemeco is increasing activities in the electronics line, especially in industrial multifunction meters and systems for management and billing of electric energy. Iskraemeco s History The Iskra company began to produce single-phase electromechanical meters in 1946. The beginning of three phase meter production was in 1958. The application of modern science and technology, special microelectronics, has enabled the development of electronic meters and other modern measuring systems. We started to produce electronic precision meters in 1975, and in 1992 we began the regular production of household electronic meters based on full integration Hall-sensor. Status The Iskraemeco company was founded as a private joint-stock company in 1994. Through the process of privatisation the company has reached ownership structure, where internal ownership takes precedence over external ownership. Now 60% of its ownership is possessed by internal owners. Sales In 1996, the income from the sales of products and services was approximately 150 million German marks. In the last 5 years the sales have increased fast in all markets - especially in the electronic line. Iskraemeco exports in 45 countries on all continents. We own or hold shares in production companies in Russia, Malaysia, Croatia, Italy and trade companies in Germany, Sweden and Great Britain. Our induction electricity meters are being manufactured under licence in Spain, Tunisia, Colombia and Argentina. Employees Parallel to the development and growth of Iskraemeco, the number of employees has increased for approximately 6 per cent a year in the last 5 years. Now there are approximately 2100 employees in Iskraemeco. Development The basic strategic orientation of our company in the area of development is to ensure a profitable and promising production line through investments in our own technological development. The R&D sector today includes development groups working in different fields and technologies, the office for standardisation and documentation and laboratories. There are employed engineers of all educational levels and profiles. We have worked in the microelectronics and sensoric area for many years, and many of our products are based on the microelectronic components, that we have developed. 267 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana For R&D and laboratory activities we allocate an average 6 percent of our total revenues. Microelectronic History We began activities on microelectronic design in the early 70's. The first chip for time division meter was designed in 1974 by the Laboratory for Microelectronics at the University of Ljubljana. In the 80's many decoders and switched capacitor filters for ripple control receivers were designed. Research of integrated circuit for electrical metering with integrated Hall sensor also began. Currently, electronic electricity meters made by Iskraemeco are integrated on one chip. This chip is provided with the Hall sensor and analogue and digital circuits. Microelectronics Now In the R&D Department we have our own microelectronic design group and group for sensors researching. Many projects are in different development phases. We use some of the best software packets existing in the market (Cadence-Anacad) and we cooperate with the best Silicon manufactures in Europe. The professional level of these groups is compared to the European level of similar design houses. Our main work is based in mixed analog digital signal design. The latest projects we are working on are: Analog interfaces for different energy meters, A/D Converters, special purpose DSPs, custom cells for different applications and development of new sensor structures and magnetic systems. KONFERENCA MIDEM '97 - POROČILO MIDEM '97 CONFERENCE REPORT 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials - MIDEM'97 The 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, MIDEM'97, continued the tradition of the annual international conferences organized by MIDEM, Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Traditionally, these conferences have provided an opportunity for experts from all over the Europe to meet and discuss new developments in the fields covered by the Conference. The goal of connection and building of the friendship among the scientists and their companies remained the keystone of the organizer. As well, the Conference has always attracted distinguished guest speakers. This time we had the opportunity to meet Dr. M. Drofe-nik, from Jozef Stefan Institute, whose paper "Micro-structure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High-frequency Power Supplies" described MnZn ferrites as the currently most important electronic ceramics for applications up to the frequencies of 1 MHz. Next guest speaker, Dr. V. Kempe from AMS, Unter-premstaetten, Austria, in the paper "Mixed Signal ASICs - a Manufacturer' s View", showed that the mixed signal ASICs play very important role in the ASIC market, in most of the applications filling the gap between internal information processing and the external world. Dr. E. Wachmann from AMS, Unterpremstaetten, Austria, in the paper "Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration", showed the need for the integrated deep submicron BiCMOS processes for ASIC manufacturing. Dr.A.Born from the University of Hamburg, Germany, in his paper "Scanning probe Microscopy and Spectro-scop: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications" showed that the development of scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy had led to new insight into physics of the nanometer scale, as well as had become indispensable tool for the characterization and quality control of semiconductor devices. Dr. D. Behammer from Daimler-Benz Research Center, Ulm, Germany, in his paper "SiGe-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key Technologies and Applications in Communication Systems" described SiGe HBT as very attractive device for future broadband and wireless communication ICs due to its outstanding performance and low fabrication cost. The last guest speaker, Dr. W. Smetana from Technis-che Universitaet, Wien, Austria, in the paper "An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film Metallization for AIN-ceramics" presented theoretical and experimental characterization of a glass frit free thick film paste especially developed for metallization of AIN ceramics. Also this year, special session devoted to presentation of microelectronics laboratories, enterprises and conference sponsors was held. The aim of the presentation was getting acquainted with the work and possibilities of different research groups, companies and their projects. The work of the Conference was divided into several sessions as follows : Ceramics, Metals and Composites; Integrated Circuits; Technology and Devices; Thin Films; Device Physics and Modeling; Thick Films; Optoelectronics; Sensors. The Conference Proceedings which was published along with the Conference has a volume of 391 pages 268 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana and is divided into several parts according to the Conference sessions. The Proceedings is assessed into INSPEC database. The Conference was held at HOTEL ŠPIK, Gozd Mar- tuljek, Slovenia, September 24tn - 26tn 1997. Its excellent conference capabilities and technical as well as menagerial support brought this Conference to a successful! end. Let me add some statistical data: On the Conference 6 invited and 49 regular papers were presented in the following sessions: Ceramics, Metals, Composites: 8 Integrated Circuits: 8 Technology and Devices: 6 Thin Films: 6 Device Physics and Modeling: 6 Thick Films: 4 Optoelectronics: 3 Sensors: 8 There were totally 67 participants from the following countries: Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Croatia Iztok Sorli MIDEM'97 PARTICIPANTS NAME COMPANY/INSTITUTION STREET POST.CODE PLACE i COUNTRY 1 AMON SLAVKO FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TR2ASKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 2 BEHAMMER DAG DAIMLER BENZAG WILHELM RANGE STR. 15 89013 ULM ¡GERMANY 3 BELAVtC DARKO HIPOT-RSS TRUBARJEVA 7 8310 ŠENTJERNEJ SLOVENIA 4 BERNIK SLAVKO JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 5 BORN AXEL UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG JUNGINS STR. 11a D-20355 HAMBURG GERMANY 6 BRACUN DRAGO FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 6 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 7 CVIKL BRUNO FACULTY OF CIVIL ENG. SMETANOVA 17 2000 MARIBOR SLOVENIA 8 DEGEN ANDREJ JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA D DRAŽlC GORAN JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 10 DROFENIK MIHA JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 ¡LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 11 FERK BRANKO FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 i LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 12 FURLAN JOŽE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 ¡LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 13 HORVATH ZSOLT J, RESEARCH INST.FOR TECH.PHYSICS P.O.BOX 76 H-1325 ¡BUDAPEST HUNGARY 14 HROVAT MARKO JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 15 JENCIC IGOR JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUT JAMOVA 39 1000 ¡LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 16 JENKO BOJAN MZT SLOVENSKA 50 1000 ¡LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 17 JENKO MONIKA IMT LEPI POT 11 1000 i LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 18 KAMIN MATEJ FACULTY OF ELECTICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 19 KEMPE VOLKER AUSTRIA MIKRO SYTEME INT. SCHLOSS PREMSTAETTEN A-8141 UNTERPREMSTAETTEN AUSTRIA 20 KOPAČ DRAGO ISKRAEMECO SAVSKA LOKA 4 4000 KRANJ SLOVENIA 21 KOROSAK DEAN FACULTY OF CIVIL ENG. SMETANOVA 17 2000 MARIBOR SLOVENIA 22 KOSEC MARIJA MIDEM DUNAJSKA 10 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 23 KOSMAČ TOMAŽ JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 24 KOVAČ JANEZ INST.OF SURFACE ENG. AND OPTOEL. TESLOVA 30 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 25 KRIŽAJ DEJAN FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŽKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA 'SLOVENIA 26 KRNEL KRISTOFFER JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 27 KUNC VINKO FACULTY FOR ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA ISLOVENIA 28 KUSCER DANJELA JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 29 LIMPEL META MIDEM DUNAJSKA 10 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 30 3! MAČEK JADRAN FAC. OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL TECH. AŠKERČEVA 5 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA MAČEK MARJAN FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 32 MAČEK SREČKO JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUT JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 33 MALI TADEJ JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 37 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 34 MALNARIC SAMOEL FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 35 MARINSEK MARJAN FAC. OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL TECH. AŠKERČEVA 5 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 36 MCGUINESS PAUL JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 37 PANJAN PETER JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 38 PAVLIN MARKO HIPOT-RSS TRUBARJEVA 7 8310 4000" ŠENTJERNEJ SLOVENIA 39 PERNE JOŽEF ISKRAEMECO SAVSKA LOKA 4 KRANJ SLOVENIA 40 PEVEC ALBIN FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TRŽAŽKA25 I 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 41 PIGNATEL GIORGIO UNIVERSITI TRENTO MESIANO 77 I-38050 TRENTO ITALY 42 PLETERSEK ANTON FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 43 RAIC DUŠAN FACULTY FOR ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 44 REICHMANN KLAUS GRAZ UNIVERSITY OF TECHOLOGY STREMAYRGASSE16 A-8010 GRAZ AUSTRIA 45 RESNIK DRAGO FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 ^ 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 46 ROCAK DUBRAVKA JOZEF STEFAN INSTrTUTE JAMOVA 39 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 47 ROCAK RUDI MIKROIKS DUNAJSKA 5 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 48 SLOKAN MILAN MIDEM DUNAJSKA 10 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 49 SMETANA WALTER TECHNI, UNIV. WIEN GURTHANS STR. 27-29 A-1040 WIEN AUSTRIA 50 SMOLE FRANC FACULTY OF ELECTICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 51 SOMOGYI KAROLY RESEARCH INST. FOR TECHNICAL PHYSICS FOTI UT 56 H-1325 BUDAPEST HUNGARY 52 STARISINIC SLAVKO FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 53 STRLE DRAGO FACULTY FOR ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 54 SUHADOLNIK ALOJZ FACULTY OF MEC. ENG. AŠKERČEVA 6 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 55 ŠOBA~STOJAN HIPOT HYB TRUBARJEVA 7 8310 ŠENTJERNEJ SLOVENIA 56 SORLI IZTOK MIDEM DUNAJSKA 10 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 57 TASEVSKI MILAN SIPO KOTNKOVA 6 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 58 TOPIC MARKO FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 -JUBLJANA SLOVENIA 59 TRONTELJ JANEZ FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 60 TROST ANDREJ FACULTY OF ELECTROCAL ENG. TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 61 VODOPIVEC ANDREJ FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG. TR2ASKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 62 VOJTEH MOČNIK SKRAEMECO SAVSKA LOKA 4 4000 KRANJ SLOVENIA 63 VRTACNIK DANILO FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENG, TRŽAŠKA 25 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 64 WACHMANN E. AMS AUSTRIA SCHLOSS PREMSTAETTEN A-7141 UNTERPREMSTAETTEN AUSTRIA 65 ZALAR ANTON rrpo TESLOVA 30 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 66 ZUPAN KLEMENTINA FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY ANC CHEM. TECH. AŠKERČEVA 5 000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 67 ŽEMVA ANDREJ FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TRŽAŠKA 25 !1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 269 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana PREDSTAVLJAMO PODJETJE Z NASLOVNICE REPRESENT OF COMPANY FROM FRONT PAGE f/i/iomto/* Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. New quality electronic equipment begins with new quality components and new quality components begin with new quality materials Murata was founded in 1944 as a manufacturer of Titanium Oxide (Ti02)-based ceramic capacitors. Since then, it has developed a wide range of ceramic materials including Barium Titanate (BaTi03), a material with an exceptionally high dielectric constant which was discovered simultaneously in Japan, the USA and the former Soviet Union; and Zirconium Lead Titanate (Pb(ZrTi)03, a material with a high piezoelectric constant. With this strong technical foundation, Murata has, over the years, developed and commercialized new functional ceramics with a wide range of electrical characteristics and its ceramic electronic components have always been at the leading edge of technology. By virtue of its fully integrated production system, which covers all stages from raw materials to finished product, Murata has accumulated wideranging versatile expertise in various technologies associated with functional materials. Vertical integration with circuit design technology, processing and production technology, and measurement and evaluation technology, has allowed us to develop hybrid ICs (HIC®) and products based on ceramic multilayer technology. Presently, the horizon of our development activities is extending to include the planned commercialization of integrated module products. As a company, Murata was quick to expand its business to manufacturing and selling its major products overseas, and as a result now enjoys a precious flow of information on advanced technology from markets right around the world. This information is utilized in all areas of research activily throughout the Murata organizations, so that technical development is implemented as efficiently as possible. Another important strategy forthe future is our early stage involvement in the key customers' development of next-generation technology from the design stage. This strategy exemplifies our two-way approach, that is, needs-oriented from one angle and seeds-oriented from another angle, steering an access to the development of the next generation of technologies. Magnetism Magnetic substance stores magnetism Magnetic bodies are materials which generate strong magnetism even in a weak magnetic field, or lines of magnetic force even where there is no magnetic field; In other words materials which have the property of storing magnetic energy. Ferrites are typical of magnetic ceramic materials. They are classified, according to their characteristics, as hard or soft ferrites. At Murata, we are exploiting these magnetic properties In EMI suppression filters and to tackle the problems of noise interference. Dielectricity Dielectricity stores electricity Dielectric materials store electricity by polarization. Under the application of a voltage, positive and negative electric charges are separated, but no direct current (DC) flows. Dielectric ceramics are widely used in capacitors because of their high dielectric constant and excellent insulating properties. Murata has taken advantage of the dielectric properties of such ceramics to develop and market a wide range of capacitor products. Making use of Barium Titanate, a material with ferroelectric properties, Murata has commercialized a range of valuable products such as ultra-compact high-capaci-tance monolithic ceramic capacitors without lead terminals, which facilitate surface mounting. Such innovative technology and a reputation for quality has established Murata as a world leader in this field. 270 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana Piezoelectricity Stone expands and contracts Piezoelectric materials convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice versa. Murata has conducted extensive research into the piezoelectric characteristics of ceramics and, through the development of piezoelectric ceramic products, has remarkably enhanced the performance of electronic equipment and communications equipment. Murata is also a pioneer in the commercial development and volume production of ceramic filters (CERAFIL©) which result in higher-quality image and sound reproduction in televisions and radios. We have taken the same technoiogy further in applying it to the creation of (CERALOCK®) reference resonators, piezoelectric buzzers and a host of other piezoelectric products. Pyroelectricity Ceramics which become electrically charged with temperature change Among materials electrically polarized due to crystal structure, pyroelectric materials are such that they become electrically polarized with changes in temperature, the amount of electric charge produced varies according to temperature change. Using such materials, Murata has succeeded in mass producing pyroelectric infrared sensors that are able to detect changes in the temperature of people and objects at a distance. Murata's pyroelectric ceramics find application in con-tactless switches and temperature sensors, satisfying a wide range of needs in the sensor market. Major El products Semiconductivity In-between insulators and conductors In terms of their ability to conduct electricity, semiconductors lie half way between insulating materials such as glass, which have high resistance, and conductors such as metals, which have low resistance. At Murata, it was noted that the resistance of semiconductors increases at a certain temperature, preventing the flow of current. This means that such semiconductive materials can act as PTC (positive temperature coefficient) thermistors. Exploiting this property, Murata successfully mass produces positive thermistors. In addition, Murata has also commercialized various types of capacitors using semiconductive materials to form "negative" thermistors, with semiconductor grain boundaries acting as insulators. Major ASC products Major functional modules 271 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana Company Profile Trade Name: Date of Incorporation: Paid-in Capital: Number of Employees: Offices and Plants Head Office: Phone: Plants: Divisional Office Overseas Branch and Offices Domestic Subsidiaries: Overseas Subsidiaries: North & South America Europe Asia Murata Manufacturing Company, Ltd. December 23,1950 (established in October 1944) Yen 64,325 million (as of May 1,1997) 4,329 (23,558 on a consolidated basis) 26-10, Tenjin 2-chome, Nagaokakyo-shi, Kyoto 617 (075) 951-9111 Yokaichi Plant, Yokaichi, Shiga Yasu Plant, Yasu-cho, Yasu-gun, Shiga Yokohama R&D Center, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi. Kanagawa Kawasaki Division, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa Seoul Branch (S. Korea) ASEAN Representative Office (Singapore) Fukui Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Izumo Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Toyama Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Kanazawa Murata Manufacturing Co.. Ltd. Komatsu Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and 19 other companies Murata Electronics North America Inc.(USA) Murata World Comercial Ltda.(Brazil) Murata Amazoia Industria E Comercio Ltda.(Brazil) Murata Electroica Do Brasil Ltda.(Brazil) and two other companies Murata Europe Management GmbH (Germany) Murata Elektronik GmbH (Germany) Murata Elektronik Handels GmbH (Germany) Murata Electronics (Netherlands) B.V.(Netherlands) Murata Electronics (UK) Ltd.(UK) Murata Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. (UK) Murata Electronique S.A. (France) Murata Elettronica S.p.A. (Italy) and another company Beijing Murata Electronics Co., Ltd. (China) Wuxi Murata Electronics Co., Ltd. (China) Murata Electronics Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (China) Taiwan Murata Electronics Co., Ltd. (Taiwan) Murata Co., Ltd.(Hong Kong) Murata Electronics Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. (Singapore) Murata Electronics (Thailand), Ltd. (Thailand) Thai Murata Electronics Trading, Ltd. (Thailand) Murata Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) Murata Trading (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) For more information on Murata products, please call Mr. Iztok Sorli, MIKROIKS, d.o.o. Dunajska 5 1000 Ljubljana tel. 061 312-898 fax 061 319 170 272 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana KONFERENCE, POSVETOVANJA, SEMINARJI, POROČILA CONFERENCES, COLLOQYUMS, SEMINARS, REPORTS NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (9-15 nov. 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico, ZDA) Poročilo z IEEE konference Od 9. do 15. novembra 1997 je bila v mestu Albuquerque, New Mexico, ZDA IEEE konferenca Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Glede na ime konference se dozdeva, daje konferenca namenjena nuklearnim fizikom in doktorjem medicine. V resnici pa je glede na organizacijo, ki je v rokah IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) sekcije "Nuclear Sciences", konferenca usmerjena predvsem v raziskave in razvoj detektorjev za raziskave v fiziki visok-oenergijskih delcev, detektorjev za medicinske aplikacije in seveda metodam za analizo rezultatov. Poleg te konference je potekala tudi konferenca "Medical Imaging Conference", ki v največji meri izkorišča znanja, pridobljena iz NSS konference, in jih aplicira v medicini. Še najbolje prikažejo razsežnost konference naslovi sekcij (posebej za NSS in MIC): NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM 8 Analog and Digital Circuits • Radiation Damage 8 Space and Astrophysics Instrumentation • Environmental and Personnel Alpha Monitoring • Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems - Detectors and Instrumentation • Scintillators • Tracking for high energy and nuclear physics • Nuclear Safeguards and Disarmament Technology • Posters • Scintillation Detectors • Solid State Devices • Particle ID in High Energy and Nuclear Physics MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE • Instrumentation/Detectors • Image Reconstruction • Modeling & Data Analysis • Poster session • MRI, CT, Ultrasound • Scatter and Attenuation Correction Natančnejše informacije in tudi pregled sprejetih člankov s povzetki si lahko ogledate na internetu na strani: http://zebu.uoregon.edu/-nss97 Zaradi zelo velike udeležbe je konferenca koncipirana tako, da poteka več sekcij vzporedno. To pomeni, da si je za vsak dan posebej potrebno pripraviti natančen izbor najzanimivejših referatov in sekcij. Mene je zanimalo vse, kar se tiče načrtovanja, izdelave in uporabe silicijevih detektorjev radiacije. To področje je zelo široko, saj se silicijeve detektorje uporablja tako za odkrivanje visokoenergijskih delcev, nizko-energijskih alfa delcev, X-žarkov ter vidne svetlobe v primeru uporabe scintilatorjev. Kljub pospešenim raziskavam na drugih materialih kot je Ge, CdZnTe, GaAs in diamant, silicijevi detektorji še vedno pokrivajo najširše področje delovanja in uporabe. V okviru silicijevih detektorjev se največ uporabljajo strukture na visoko-ohmskih substratih, predvsem t.i. strip detektorji. To so v bistvu PIN diode z difundiranimi trakovi (običajno) p-tipa in omogočajo detekcijo pozicije visokoenergijskih delcev v eni smeri. Za določitev točne pozicije je potrebno vzeti dva prekrižana detektorja ali pa detektor, ki ima na nasprotni strani difundirane trakove n-tipa dopiranja. Seveda so pomembne tudi CCD strukture, predvsem zaradi možnosti združitve s scintilatorji za uporabo v radiografiji in pa plazovite (avalanche) fotodiode, ki bi lahko v primeru možnosti izdelave na večjih površinah izpodrinile ali pa vsaj bistveno zmanjšale potrebo po PMT-jih (foto-pomnoževalne cevi). Nekoliko bolj eksotične, pa vendar izredno zanimive zaradi nizke ka-pacitivnosti so t.i. drift diodne strukture. Praktično vse do sedaj naštete strukture delujejo na principu popolnega osiromašenja substrata, kar je potrebno za čim-boljši izkoristek detektorja. Zaradi uporabe visoko-ohmskih substratov so potrebne zaporne napetosti za popolno osiromašenje relativno nizke, pod 100 voltov, lahko pa se bistveno zvišajo v primeru delovanja v močnem radiacijskem okolju. Take razmere se predvideva predvsem pri bodočih eksperimentih v fiziki osnovnih delcev. V delu z naslovom "Investigation of efficient termination structure for improved breakdown properties of radiation detectors" sem na konferenci predstavil drugačen način načrtovanja zaključitve detektorjev radiacije, ki omogoča visoke prebojne napetosti tudi po radiacijskih poškodbah. To delo smo v Laboratorju za elektronske elemente Fakultete za elektrotehniko opravili v sodelovanju s sodelavci iz Odseka za eksperimentalno fiziko delcev (F9) na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan. Konferenca je bila zelo dobro organizirana, z vrsto spremljajočih srečanj, plenarnih predavanj, kratkih tečajev (short courses) itd. Posebno odobravanje je požela soba z računalniki, navadnimi terminali in nekaj Mac-i, kjer si lahko kadarkoli pogledal in poslal elektronsko pošto (ideja za naslednjo MIDEM konferenco?!). 273 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana Nekoliko manj navdušenja je bilo nad samo lokacijo konference. Albuquerque je mesto s približno toliko prebivalci kot Ljubljana, ki pa jih je videti le podnevi, ko se vsi več ali manj ob istem času vsujejo v junk-food lokalčke. Ko pa se spusti tema, Albuquerque postane mesto duhov. Sprehajalcev praktično ni, kar pomeni, da si brez avta nemočen. V centru mesta ni možno kupiti praktično ničesar, niti kosa kruha ne, vsi shopping-cen-tri so daleč na periferiji mesta. Zvečer na ulicah ostanejo le berači, postopači, odvisniki, zadrogiranci in podobne združbe, s katerimi je bolje ne imeti opravka. Slab vtis popolnoma nezanimivega centra mesta (downtown) nekoliko omili stari del mesta (old town), ki je od centra oddaljen eno miljo. Sestavljajo ga prijetne nizke stavbe v starem adobe stilu, praktično vse spremenjene v prodajalne spominkov in "restavracije". Za opevano lepoto New Mexica se je potrebno odpeljati ven iz mesta, v vasice domorodnih Indijancev (Pueblos), ki so dejansko zanimive. Obisk katere od teh vasic sem želel opraviti po koncu konference, pa mi je to žal vreme onemogočilo. Cel teden konference so bile temperature za tisto okolje zelo nizke zaradi prodora hladnega zraka iz severa (tako imenovani El Nino). Za nameček je za konec tedna začelo snežiti, kar je nevajene voznike popolnoma presenetilo in praktično omrtvilo celoten promet. Obisk konference je bil torej strokovno uspešen sicer pa le delno. Kogar zanimajo članki, objavljeni v zborniku konference, pa tole: zbornik in CD bosta poslana udeležencem naknadno in bosta na voljo pri avtorju tega prispevka. dr. Dejan Križaj Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Laboratorij za elektronske elemente Tržaška 25 1000 Ljubljana (dejank@fe. uni-ij.si) SODOBNA ELEKTRONIKA 1997 Zahvaljujemo se Vam za udeležbo na sejmu SODOBNA ELEKTRONIKA'97, v Ljubljani, od 6. do 10.10.1997. Sejem smo zaključili s pričakovanim uspehom in upamo, da ste na njem uresničili svoje načrte tudi sami. Dovolite, da Vam predstavimo nekatere bistvene podatke iz statistike sejma in rezultate ankete med razstavljalci in obiskovalci. Med 540 podjetji, ki so bila predstavljena na sejmu, je bilo 262 prisotnih neposredno, in sicer iz 10 držav, 325 pa je bilo zastopanih iz skupno 22 držav. Tujih neposrednih razstavljalcev je bilo 56, največ iz Avstrije (16), Švice (15), Hrvaške (9) in Nemčije (9), iz Italije (2), Vel. Britanije (2), po eden pa iz Madžarske, Finske in Francije.. Med zastopanimi podjetji jih je največ iz Nemčije (74), ZDA (62), Vel. Britanije (22), Italije (22) in Avstrije (21), Japonske (19). V razstavnem programu je največ komponent (26%), avtomatizacije (18%), telekomunikacij (17%), opreme za proizvodnjo (8%), merilne elektronike (6%), radiodifuzije (5%) in audio video elektronike (2%). Zasedeno je bilo 8000 m2 neto razstavnih površin. Sejem si je ogledalo po naši oceni okoli 31.000 ljudi (število prodanih vstopnic po mednarodni reviziji FKM znaša 26.841). Struktura obiskovalcev je še nekoliko boljša kot lani, saj je že vsak četrti obiskovalec registriran s poslovnim kuponom. Anketa je letos pokazala, da se 34% obiskovalcev na sejmu odloča o nakupu. Večina (63%) obiskuje sejem vsako leto. Večina razstavljalcev je registrirala tudi tuje obiskovalce (86%), sicer največ iz Hrvaške (79%), Avstrije (36%) in Nemčije (36%), Italije (30%) ter Bosne in Hercegovine (32%). Opazen je ponovno večji obisk iz ZRJ, ki ga je potrdilo 18%, razstavljalcev iz Makedonije pa 13%. V celoti je anketa potrdila obiskovalce iz 20 evropskih držav ter ZDA, Japonske, Koreje in Tajvana. Le 5% razstavljalcev meni, da struktura obiskovalcev ni ustrezna in le 2% ocenjuje svoj nastop kot neuspešen. Kar 68% razstavljalcev je v anketi že napovedalo udeležbo tudi na naslednjem sejmu elektronike v Ljubljani. Večina anketiranih razstavljalcev želi, da sejem vsako leto spremlja tudi mednarodni simpozij. Z zadovoljstvom Vas zato lahko obvestimo, da je v letu 1998 ponovno na sporedu VITEL - Mednarodni simpozij o telekomunikacijah (5. - 6. oktober). Podrobnejši podatki iz statistike sejma in anket so Vam na voljo pri projektnemu vodji sejma. Vabimo Vas, da nam posredujete Vaše pripombe in predloge tudi med letom, do prihodnjega sejma SODOBNE ELEKTRONIKE, ki bo ponovno na sporedu od 5. do 9. oktobra 1998 V pričakovanju še nadaljnega uspešnega sodelovanja Vas lepo pozdravljamo. Ljubljanski sejem d. d. Ljubljana fair Dunajska 10, p.p. 3558 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija tel. +386/61/173 53 31 fax.+386/61/173 52 32 + 386/61/173 52 31 + 386/61/131 71 01 274 M --J en ¿liantzd to tizz Slovenia. Chapter (L)>z afip£iaa.tio}i duLij zeobluei1 ami acc&ptzd tfiii dais, (jij tfn ¿ZXSLeuilui Ûoujicli oj ifuL zJïLÎlE, T fiatlO rial ¿^Aj ( La TO ¿l&lblXD ri 1/21 crhïd LPacÀaxjmj cSû'iUtîj. /¿I PRESIDENT i y / ,L. v- l* \ ÎCZ C .• ; / / ■ ,n h-, DATE ^MtCifOEUCTSKXKSCS û FOUNDING MEMBERS ïHsfa'jic liai ¿¡a U\Oi£.a jnth k national microfj .hitironics and packaging society Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana VESTI - NEWS CMP introducing .25 |i CMOS for prototyping at Education/Research Institutions In cooperation with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics, CMP is introducing a high performance deep submi-cron .25 |i CMOS process from SGS-Thomson (Crolles). The HCMOS7 process has the following features: - Gate length (0.25 u drawn, 0.2 ^ effective). - Shallow trench isolation process. - Up to 6 levels metal layers with fully stackable contacts and vias. - Power supply: 2.5 V. - Threshold voltage: VTN = 0.5 V, VTP = - 0.5 V. - Ion: TN @ 2.5 V : 600 ]iA/um - Ion: TP @ 2.5 V : 300 uA/^im Design kits are supported under Cadence, Synopsys and Eldo. Full custom designs are supported using Virtuoso layout editor and LAS synthesizer. The layout verifications (DRC, ERC, extraction, LVS) are fully supported for Diva and Dracula. Transistorlevel simulations are only supported under Eldo Level 59. Standard-cell designs are supported using Ver-ilog/VHDL descriptions for synthesis and simulation. Synthesis is supported under Synergy or Synopsys. Simulation is supported under Verilog-XL, Leapfrog and VSS. The automatic place & route is supported under Cell3. The current supported CAD software versions are: Cadence/OPUS version Cadence/Dracula version 4.3.0996 Eldo version 4.4.1 This process is available for prototyping to Education Institutions and Research Laboratories, on a cooperation basis. No commercial designs are accepted at this early stage. It is expected that later on, the process will be available on a commercial basis for small volume production to Education Institutions, Research Laboratories and specified Companies. A .18 |i process would then be made available for Education and Research. CMP is the first prototyping/small volume production service to introduce a .25 |i CMOS process, ahead of any other service available in the U.S. or in Europe. CMP consolidates its leadership: CMP has been a pioneer to start serving Education and Research Institutions for NMOS IC prototyping in 1981. CMP introduced then CMOS and BiCMOS, and later MESFET and HEMT GaAs. The most recent developments are on small volume production and micromachining. Small volume production has been strongly expanding during the last years, mostly for the benefit of Small and Medium sized enterprises: • small volume in 1993: 3 circuits • small volume in 1994: 12 circuits • small volume in 1995: 24 circuits • small volume in 1996 : 39 circuits Also, the number of prototypes manufactured yearly Is steadily increasing (about 20 %). On MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems), CMP was the first non-US service to introduce MEMS prototyping in 1995. In addition, CMP and MENTOR GRAPHICS have together introduced the first industrially supported MEMS engineering kit ensuring a continuous design flow from front-end to back-end. Contact: B. COURTOIS, Tel: +33 4 76 57 4615 CMP is a broker for a number of technologies (prototyping and low volume production). • Integrated circuits ' 0.7 ji CMOS DLM from ATMEL-ES2 • 1.2 |i, 0.8 ji, 0.6 |i CMOS DLP/DLM from AMS • 1.2 (i, 0.8 jli BiCMOS DLP/DLM from AMS • 0.6 li GaAs MESFET from VITESSE (0.4 |i starting Q2 1998) • 0.2 (i GaAs HEMT from PHILIPS (up to 90 Ghz) • Micromachining • 1.2 |i CMOS DLP/DLM from AMS, compatible front-side bulk micromachining • 0.2 (.i GaAs HEMT from PHILIPS, compatible front-side bulk micromachining • Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE) from CSEM Design kits are available for MENTOR GRAPHICS and CADENCE. • CAD software: CADENCE, COMPASS, MENTOR GRAPHICS, VIEWLOGIC, TANNER,... . • MCM and 3D packaging • MCM-L from BULL, Les Clayes-Sous-Bois, France. 276 • MCM-C from DASSAULT ELECTRONIQUE, Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France. • MCM-C/HTCC from Montpellier Technologies-IBM, Montpellier, France. • MCM-D from Thomson-CSF Microelec-tronique, Massy, France. » MCM-V (3-D packaging) from 3D-Plus, Buc, France. ■ Design kits: available for most of the processes from: ALLIANCE DOLPHIN MAGIC MENTOR GRAPHICS CADENCE EXEMPLAR MDS SYNOPSYS COMPASS TANNER VIEWLOGIC Circuits Multi-Projects 46 avenue Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex France Tel. : +33 4 76 57 45 00 Fax: +33 4 76 47 38 14 E.mail: cmp@archi.imag.fr \N\VW: http://tima-cmp.imag.fr News from AMS New Single Chip 2 Wire Intercom IC Austria Mikro Systeme announces the introduction of a new single chip CMOS integrated circuit - the AS2507 -for application in 2-wire intercom networks. The device incorporates 2/4 wire conversion (hybrid), soft clipping for high speech quality, FSK signalling and a simple interface to a microcontroller. Key features include: • Only 2 wires are needed for the power supply, for signalling and speech; • Low standby power consumption allows parallel operation of all terminals on one bus pair; 0 Soft clipping, side tone cancellation, low noise -excellent quality; • Very few external components required. The signalling mode can be adjusted to select between FSK modulation and burst mode. The low standby current of typically 1 mA allows several devices to listen to the 2-wire line. The speech circuit is designed for compatibility with commonly used handsets (150 ohm Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana ear piece and electret microphone) with a receive gain of -6 dB and a transmit gain of 32 dB relative to the line. The AS2507 is available in 14 pin DIP and 16 pin SOICw packages. Samples and production quantities are available now. For a free data sheet and further detailed information please contact your local Sales Office or Austria Mikro Systeme Corporate Communications, A-8141 Unterpremstatten, Austria Thesys Marketing Communications, Haarbergstrasse 61, D-99097 Erfurt, Germany Sames Marketing Communications, P.O. Box 15888, Pretoria, Rep. of South Africa. Note to the Editor: Intercoms generally require one dedicated wire line to each separate unit mounted. With this IC only one wire pair is required for all terminals interconnected. Hence, there is virtually no limit to the number of intercoms which can be linked to one another. Intercom wiring in buildings becomes simpler and more cost effective over traditional systems and installations. To our knowledge the AS2507 provides better speech quality than in commonly used intercom sys-tems. This is a result of nearly 1 % decades of dedication to telecommunication handset products. Key Features - Line/speech circuit and signalling on one 14 pin CMOS chip - Only 2 wires needed for power supply, signalling and speech - Soft clipping to avoid harsh distortion - Fully integrated 2/4 wire conversion - Side tone cancellation - Low noise - Signalling with FSK modem - Low standby power consumption allows parallel operation of up to 20 terminals on each bus pair - Controllable via simple |aC interface - Very few external components Application Entrance telephone system, intercom, toy phone 277 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana General Description The AS2507 is a CMOS integrated circuit that contains all the functions needed to build a 2-wire intercom network. The device incorporates 2/4-wire conversion (hybrid), soft clipping for high speech quality, FSK modem and a simple interface to a microcontroller. The signalling mode is selectable between FSK modulation and burst mode. The low standby current (typ. 2 mA) allows several devices to listen to the 2-wire line. The speech circuit is designed for compatibility with commonly used handset (150 ohm earpiece and electret microphone) with receive gain of -6 dB and transmit gain of 32 dB (relative to line). Package Available in 14 pin DIP and 16 pin SOICw. Extended Foundry Services To meet the increasing demand for customer ASIC designs to be completed and to be manufactured even more quickly, the Austria Mikro Sys-teme Group now offers extended foundry services at attractive pricing. The advantages of the Group' s foundry capabilities for the customer are: - thorough design support with most comprehensive documentation and informal access to technical assistance - most reliable device models - an even wider choice of CMOS and BiCMOS process technologies to choose from: high voltage, low voltage, mixed signal and EEPROM processes from 0.6 to 1.2 micron - more affordable sample and prototyping services - shorter mask, fab and packaging cycles The Group also provides unique multi-product wafer capabilities and multi-level mask services. By splitting wafer and mask costs among several projects, significant savings can be passed on to the customer. All stages of manufacturing can be completed under one roof -R&D, design, mask lithography, wafer fabrication, assembly and test which allow for most competitive lead times for processing and highest quality. The products of the customer can be manufactured at any of the three locations of the Group: - Thesys in Erfurt, Germany - Austria Mikro Systeme in Austria, with more than one decade of focused customer support experience - SAMES in Pretoria, South Africa. Whateverthe design resource, interface and experience of the customer the Group has the flexibility to quickly deliver the ASIC product the customer needs. This text is available on the Internet Address: http://www vertical-global, com 278 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana sames opens new international design centre SAMES, South African Micro-Electronic Systems (Pty) Ltd, a joint venture between the IDC (Industrial Development Corporation) of South Africa and Austria Mikro Systeme International AG, Austria announce the opening of their new design centre for integrated circuits at the Centurion Technopark located between Pretoria and Johannesburg (close to SAMES headquarters). A total of 30 top international and South African design specialists provide ASIC solutions at the new site with over 600 square meters office area, equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software platforms allowing for a total of 60,000 engineering man-hours annually. As a result the SAMES design centre will more than double its capacity for mixed signal/analogue product development. The new design centre is directly linked into the Group's international design centres in Unterpremstat-ten - Austria, Erfurt and Dresden in Germany and Budapest in Hungary. The world wide network structure of the Group secures the exchange of data and experience for customer on-line. As a member of the Austria Mikro Systeme Group, together with Thesys, the major strategic focus was to change from contract manufacturing dependency to ASIC (application specific integrated circuits) specialisation. This is also consistent with the Group stratgy to further globalize its operations and use innovative talent wherever it is available. The major market segments addresed by SAMES are in the areas of energy measurement, telephony, ID and security and general analogue mixed signal ASICs. The SAMES designers will have access to a comprehensive range of technologies ranging from 0.6 micron to 2.0 micron, featuring EEPROM, low voltage, high voltage capabilities in CMOS and BiCMOS processes which can be produced in any of the Group's manufacturing facilities. The design centre was opened today by the Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology emphasising the importance placed by the South African government on information technology. News from Advanced Packaging Nov/Dec 1997 IMAPS 30th Anniversary Celebration The International Microelectronic And Packaging Society (IMAPS) unveiled its new logo last October to a packed Philadelphia audience at the annual IMAPS symposium and exhibition. Sponsored by both IMAPS and the American Ceramics Society (ACerS), the show consumed a hearty chunk of the new Pennsylvania Convention Center and resulted in record numbers of attendees (5,500 attendees - a 35 percent increase over last year's show), exhibitors and course attendees (professional development course registration was up 20 percent to 500 people). Marking the beginning of the event was the annual keynote luncheon, which highlighted remarks from past, present and future presidents, as well as a speech from Dr. Joseph Bordogna of the National Science Foundation. The "four horsemen" of ISHM, Harry Charles, Kinzy Jones, Richard Breck and Jim Drehle, were also awarded ruby-studded society pins for their past efforts and self sacrifice in preserving the financial health of the society. Other awards included the Hughes Memorial Award, given to Advanced Packaging advisory board member R. Wayne Johnson, the Wagnon Technical Achievement Award given to Kashmir Mittal, and the Corporate Recognition Award granted to Motorola Ceramic Products. One highlight of the festivities included the introduction of Phil Garrou, who will serve as first president of the new IMAPS society. A 12-year veteran of ISHM and Chief Scientist of Microelectronic Packaging at The Dow Chemical Company, Garrou has definite plans on where he would like to take the society over the coming year. He first emphasized his intent to continue and further the globalization efforts set in place over the past year, appointing Rao Tummala as the VP of International Development to aid in these efforts. Referencing ISHM's previous progress in bringing microelectronics to China, India, Brazil and Slovenia, Garrou added that "The goal is to get in while the microelectronics industry is in its infancy and establish "beachheads" there. We want to get traffic started before companies start to move in." Garrou's second goal as president of the society is to broaden IMAPS' technical horizon to cover everything from back-end packaging through systems design. Though he hastily admits that there are already too many industry conferences to choose from, Phil aims to help broaden the scope of their technical offerings by partnering with other industry societies to host advanced technology conferences. "If a new technology comes into play, we'll address it," he assures. "But we're approaching /other/ societies up front to see if they're willing to do a joint effort." Phil Garrou's third and perhaps most revolutionary goal is his emphasis on information transfer - an area that called for the appointment of Wayne Johnson as the new VP of Information Dissemination. "We are part of a microelectronics professional society, and I feel it is Incumbent on us to make information available to our membership in the latest ways possible." In addition to providing conference materials on CD-ROM and maintaining their existing arsenal of publications and journals, IMAPS has plans for a new website to be located at www.imaps.org. Bringing their server from its former home at Virginia Tech to society headquarters and fashioning a new web page will allow the society to provide members with access to technical papers, industry links and member Information at the click of a mouse. "There are more clever ways to access information," finished Garrou, "and we want to provide that as IMAPS." 279 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana News from European Semiconductor Nov. 97 IBM s copper exposed French defence The French defence industry is to be consolidated around Thomson-CSF under government plans. Alcatel Alsthom will have a leading role in the new national defence group which will also include Dassault electronics and Aerospatiale satellites. The government will retain a 45% stake but Alcatel's chair, Serge Tchuruk, is expected to have a big influence in the company. The move is seen as making flotation of at least part of GEC-Alsthom (jointly owned by Alcatel and GEC) more likely. GEC welcomed the French consolidation plans but an international consortium led by Largardere and supported by Dasa and British Aerospace that had hoped to buy control of Thomson expressed disappointment. Patent jukebox IBM is working with the Netherlands Industrial Property Office on a project to store and access patents on CD jukeboxes linked to the internet. Four out of 25 of its patent collections currently on CD-ROM are to be put on the system - representing 6000 disks with 4 Tbytes of information. The first phase will grant access to NIPO staff and library users on-site. The next phases will open the system to Dutch innovation centres and universities and finally all interested Dutch end-users. In the isometric of IBM's recently announced SA-27 ASIC process pictured above, three of the six levels of copper interconnects are clearly revealed above the (pale coloured) tungsten plugs and (metal-0) local interconnect. (Ldrawn = 0.16 |.im, L effective = 0.12 |im.) At the International Electron Devices Meeting in Washington DC next month both IBM and Motorola will be giving presentations on their respective sub 0.25 p six-level dual-inlaid copper technology. Also at the meeting, Texas Instruments will be presenting what is claimed to be the first integration of damas-cenecopper and and ultra-low dielectric constant xerogel. The porosity of the xerogel was tuned to approximately 75% for a dielectric constant of 1.8 and an optional oxide sidewall formed in the trenches etched in the xerogel. For copper deposition, a PVD Ti/TiN barrier layer preceded a PVD copper seed layer before electroplated copper trench fill and CMP Resistance of the copper/xerogel is 28-30% less than aluminium while the calculated capacitance for an aluminium/oxide structure with the same resistance as the copper/xerogel structure would be 29% higher. PFC removal Air Liquide has received "Scientific American's" R&D innovation award for work on recycling gases containing fluorine such as the perchlorofluorocarbons (PFCs) used in semiconductor production. PFCs contribute to ozone layer depletion and the greenhouse effect. The process was developed by two Air Liquide research teams at its US Chicago research centre. It enables such gases to be captured and purified for total recycling. Applied Materials has introduced a zero-consumables chamber cleaning process to virtually eliminate PFC emissions from its dielectric CVD processes. The "remote plasma clean" process converts source gas into active atoms in a plasma upstream from the chamber. The neutral atoms move to the process chamber where they selectively remove surface material but do not attack metallic or ceramic parts. The process is part of Applied's "Green Initiative" programme. Applied says that for critical applications like shallow trench isolation the process lowers metallic contamination, improves film quality and increases device yield. 280 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV MARCH 02.03. - 08.03.1998 Cleanrooms '98 East Baltimore, MD, USA Info.: + 603/891-9267 17.03. -19.03.1998 NEPCON UK Birmingham, UK Info.: + 171/837 8727 23.03. - 27.03.1998 1998 International Conference on Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology Gaithersburg, MD, USA Info.: + 301/975-2054 31.03. - 02.04.1998 SEMICON Europe Geneva, Switzerlamd Info.: + 171/837 8727 APRIL 18.04. - 23.04.1998 41th Annual Technical Conference Society of Vaccum Coaters Boston, MA, USA Info.: + 505/ 856 7188 20.04. - 22.04.1998 Expo Electronica'98 Moscow, Russia Info.: + 1787/37 2345 22.04. - 23.04.1998 SEMICON China 98 Shanghai, China Info.: + 650/940 6943 27.04.-30.04.1998 1998 International Conference on Gallium Arsenide Manufacturing Technology Seattle, WA, USA Info.: + 972/ 995 6978 28.04. -30.04.1998 Control and Instrumentation Birmigham, UK Info.: + 171/837 8727 MAY 04.05. -05.05.1998 Metrology for Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Gaithersburg, MD, USA Info.: +301/975 6741 04.05. - 05.05.1998 SEMICON '98 Singapore Singapore Info.: www.semi.org 18.05. - 22.05.1998 MIPRO '98 Opatija, Croatia Info.: + 1/612 9936 19.05. - 20.05.1998 4th Annual IPC/SMTA Ball Grid Array National Symposium Minneapolis, MN, USA Info.: + 847/509 9700 26.05. -27.05.1998 4th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Tools and Process Engineering Millbrae, CA, USA Info.: + 408/737 2403 JUNE 03.06. - 05.06.1998 Third International Symposium on Plasma Process-Induced Damage (P2ID 98) Honolulu , Hawai, USA Info.: + 408/737 0767 24.06. -26.06.1998 3rd European Workshop on Low-Temperature Electronics San Miniato, Tuscany, Italy Info.: fax + 39/2 2392 624 281 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana UDK621,3:(53+54 + 621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)1, Ljubljana M. Kosec, I. Šorli: IMAPS/NATO ARW delavnica in razstava M. Kosec, I. Sorli: IMAPS/NATO Advance Research Workshop and Exhibition ZNANSTVENO STROKOVNI PRISPEVKI PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS B. Zojer, R. Koban, R. Petschacher, W. Sereinig: Naročniški linijski vmesnik (SLIC) v novi 170 V tehnologiji 3 B. Zojer, R. Koban, R. Petschacher, W. Sereinig: A Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (SLIC) in a New 170 V Technology_ D. Križaj, W. Bonvicini, S. Amon: Modeliranje delovanja FOXFET _strukture za napajanje Si strip detektorjev 8 D. Križaj, W. Bonvicini, S. Amon: Operation of the FOXFET Sructure for Biasing Si Strip Detectors: A Device Modeling Approach_ I. Zelinka, J. Diaci, V. Kune, L. Trontelj: Modeliranje in simuliranje mikrosistema s simulatorjem SPICE 16 I. Zelinka, J. Diaci. V. Kunc, L. Trontelj: Modeling and Simulation of a Microsystem with SPICE Simulator M.K. Gunde: Uporaba infrardeče spektroskopije pri analizi materialov za _mikroelektronsko industrijo, 1. Polprevodniški substrati 23 M.K. Gunde: Infrared Spectroscopy as Analysing Tool for Materials Used in Microelectronics, 1. Semiconductor Substrates__ I. Gorišek, K. Požun, L. Koller, S. Grame: Raziskava lastnosti poliester traku za podlago elektronskih komponent 31 I. Goriâek, K. Pozun, L. Koller, S. Grame: Research of Polyester Film for Electronic Components L. Koller, S. Vrhovec, K. Požun, D. Railič: Karakterlzacija vakuumsko razplinjenega plastičnega materiala za _____miniaturne releje 33 L. Koller, S. Vrhovec, K. Požun, D. Railič: Characterization of Vacuum Outgassed Plastic Materials for Miniature Relays__ APLIKACIJSKI ČLANKI APPLICATION ARTICLES I. Sorli: TOC v vodi, I. del: Meritve in merilniki 36 I. Šorli: Total Organic Carbon - TOC in Water, part I.: Measurement and Instrumentation PREDSTAVLJAMO PODJETJE Z NASLOVNICE REPRESENT OF COMPANY FROM FRONT PAGE LPKF skupina podjetij 48 LPKF Group of Companies MIDEM IN NJEGOVI ČLANI, NOVICE IZ DRUGIH SREDIN MIDEM SOCIETY AND ITS MEMBERS, NEWS FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS Zlati znak Jožefa Štefana za dr. M. Topiča 52 Jožef Štefan Golden Award goes to dr. M. Topič K. Koch: Novi raziskovalni institut v Beljaku 52 K. Koch: Carinthian Tech Research Institute KONFERENCE, POSVETOVANJA, SEMINARJI, POROČILA CONFERENCES, COLLOQUYUMS, SEMINARS, REPORTS M. Hrovat: Tretja Evropska konferenca o "multichip" modulih EC-iVICM'97 53 M. Hrovat: 3rd European Multichip Module Conference EC-MCM'97 ____W. Pribyl: Mednarodna konferenca ISSCC'97 56 W. Pribyl: International Solid State Circuit Conference '97 PRIKAZI MAGISTRSKIH DEL IN DOKTORATOV V LETU 1996 57 M.S. and Ph.D. ABSTRACTS in 1996 VESTI 65 NEWS KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV 68 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MIDEM prijavnica___69^ MIDEM Registration Form_ Slika na naslovnici: Novi LPKF risalnik tiskanih vezij s samodejno menjavo orodij 95S Front page: New LPKF Auto Tool Change Circuit Board Plotter 95S UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)2,Ljubljana ZNANSTVENO STROKOVNI PRISPEVKI PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS T.A. Dzhekov: Optimizacija votline bistabilnega 79 T.A. Dzhekov: On the Cavity Optimization of the fotorefraktivnega etalona Photorefractive Bistable Etalon De. Donlagič, M. Završnik, Da. Donlagič: Uporaba akustične resonance 86 De. Donlagic, M. Zavrànik, Da. Donlagic: Application of Acoustic Reso- v meritvah in detekciji nivoja fluidov nance for Fluid Level Measurements and Detection A. Babnik, A. Kobe, I. Bajsič. J. Možlna: Kondenzacijski vlagomer 97 A. Babnik, A. Kobe, I. Bajsic, J. Mozina: Fiber -Optic z optičnimi vlakni Condensation Hygrometer D. Kuščer, J. Holc, M. Hrovat, S. Bernik, D. Kolar: 104 D. KuScer, J. Hole, M. Hrovat, S. Bernik, D. Kolar: Karakterizacija LaMnO.i modificiranega z AI2O3 in SrO, Characterization of Al203 and SrO Modified LaMn03 for SOFC Cathode za katodni material za SOFC Material A. Žemva, B. Zaje: Logične perturbacije: Osnova za 112 A. Zemva, B. Zajc: Logic Perturbations: A Basis for Digital Circuits optimizacijo digitalnih vezij Optimization M.K. Gunde: Uporaba infrardeče spektroskopije pri analizi materialov 120 M.K. Gunde: Infrared Spectroscopy as Analysing Tool for Materials Used za mikroelektronsko industrijo, 2. Tanke plasti in Microelectronics, 2. Thin Films APLIKACIJSKI ČLANKI APPLICATION ARTICLES I. Šorli: TOC v vodi, II. del: Uporaba v farmaciji in 131 I. Sorli: Total Organic Carbon - TOC in Water, polprevodništvu part II.: Pharmaceutical and Semiconductor Applications PREDSTAVLJAMO PODJETJE Z NASLOVNICE PRESENTATION OF COMPANY FROM FRONT PAGE 44. Sejem Sodobna eletkronika v organizaciji 141 The 44th Modern Electronics Fair Organized by Ljubljana Fair Ljubljanskega sejma MIDEM IN NJEGOVI ČLANI, NOVICE IZ DRUGIH MIDEM SOCIETY AND ITS MEMBERS, NEWS FROM OTHER SREDIN INSTITUTIONS W. Pribyl: Siemensova mikroelektronska tovarna v Dresdenu 144 W. Pribyl: Siemens Dreseden Semiconductor Plant KONFERENCE, POSVETOVANJA, SEMINARJI, POROČILA CONFERENCES, COLLOQUYUMS, SEMINARS, REPORTS D. Belavič: IMAPS/NATO ARW'97 na Bledu 146 D. Belavlc: IMAPS/NATO Advance Research Workshop'97 and Exhibition, Bled D. Ročak: 11. Evropska mikroelektronska konferenca, Benetke 148 D, Rocak: 11th European Microelectronics Conference, Venezia 282 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4, Ljubljana V SPOMIN IN MEMORIAM M. Slokan: Pavle Teplna in memoriam 150 M. Slokan: Pavle Tepina in memoriam VESTI 151 NEWS KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV 154 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MIDEM prijavnica MIDEM Registration Form Slika na naslovnici: 44. Sejem Sodobna elektronika Front page: The 44th Modern Electronics Fair will be held at the je pred durmi beginning of October in Ljubljana UDK621.3:(53 + 54 + 621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 informacije MIDEM 27(1997)3, Ljubljana ZNANSTVENO STROKOVNI PRISPEVKI PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS N. Sinnadurai: 165 N. Sinnadurai: Testabilnost, pomemben dejavnik za MCM tehnologijo Testability, a Vital Ingredient for MCM Technology D. Belavič, S. Šoba, M. Hodnik, M. Pavlin, S. Grame, M. Hrovat: 172 D. Belavič, S. Šoba, M. Hodnik, M. Pavlin, S. Grame, M. Hrovat: Cenen senzor sile za elektronsko tehtnico Low Cost Force Sensor for an Electronic Scale V. Cindro, M. Mikuž: Radiacijske poškodbe v mikropasovnih detektorjih 177 V. Cindro, M. Mikuž: Radiation Damage in Si Microstrip Detectors J. Cernetič: 182 J. Černetič: Ekološko varnejši visokotemperaturni elektrolitski kondenzator Ecologically Safer High-temperature Electrolytic Capacitor M. Završnik, De. Donlagič, Da. Donlagič: 188 M. Završnik, De. Donlagič, Da. Donlagič: Polarimetričnl temperaturni senzor: analiza polarizacijskega ločitvenega Polarimetric Temperature Sensor: Extinction Ratio and Sensing Lenght razmerja in dolžine senzorskega dela Examination D. Osebik, B. Kostanjevec, B. Jarc, M. Solar, R. Bablč: 195 D. Osebik, B. Kostanjevec, B. Jarc, M. Solar, R. Babič: Izvedba nerekurzivnega digitalnega sita s programirljivim poljem The FIR Digital Filter Realization with the Field Programmable Gate logičnih vezij v strukturi porazdeljene aritmetike Array in the Distributed Arithmetic Structure PREDSTAVLJAMO PODJETJE Z NASLOVNICE REPRESENT OF COMPANY FROM FRONT PAGE AMS - Austria Mikro Systeme International 203 AMS - Austria Mikro Systeme International VESTI 204 NEWS KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV 209 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MIDEM prijavnica 211 MIDEM Registration Form Slika na naslovnici: AMS je ena od vodilnih firm v Evropi na področju Front page: AMS is one of the leading European companies in design načrtovanja in izdelave ASIC vezij and manufacture of ASIC integrated circuits UDK621.3:(53+ 54+ 621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 27(1997)4,Ljubljana M. Kosec: MIDEM postal pridružen član IMAPS 220 M. Kosec: IMAPS Chapter Charter Granted to MIDEM ZNANSTVENO STROKOVNI PRISPEVKI PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS KONFERENCA MIDEM'97 - POVABLJENI REFERATI MIDEM '97 CONFERENCE - INVITED PAPERS M. Drofenik: 221 M. Drofenik: Mikrostrukturne in fizikalne lastnosti MnZn feritov za Microstructure and Physical Properties of MnZn Ferrites for the High Fre- uporabo v visokofrekvenčnih napajalnikih quency Power Supplies V. Kempe: Mešana ASIC vezja - proizvajalčeva perspektiva 228 V, Kempe: Mixed Signal ASICs - A Manufacturer's View E. Wachmann: 239 E. Wachmann: Pogled na integracijo podmikronskih BiCMOS tehnologij Aspects of Submicron BiCMOS Technology Integration A. Born, R. Wiesendanger: 246 A. Born, R. Wiesendanger: Vrstični mikroskopija in spektroskopija s sondo: Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Od osnovnih raziskav do uporabe v industriji From Basic Research to Industrial Applications D. Behammer, A. Gruhie, U. Koenig, A. Schueppen: 251 D. Behammer, A. Gruhle, U. Koenig, A. Schueppen: SiGe heterospojni bipolarni tranzistorji: Ključne tehnologije in uporaba v SiGe - Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors: Key komunikacijskih sistemih Technologies and Applications in Communication Systems W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: 260 W. Smetana, R. Reicher, A. Adlassnig, J.C. Schuster: Vrednotenje eksperimentalne prevodne debeloplastne paste brez An Evaluation of an Experimental Glass Frit Free Thick Film Metallization steklene faze za metalizacijo AIN keramike for AIN-ceramics MIDEM'97 KONFERENCA: PREDSTAVITEV MIDEM'97 CONFERENCE: PRESENTATION OF LABORATORIES LABORATORIJEV IN SPONZORJEV AND SPONSORS Iskraemeco, Kranj, Slovenija 267 Iskraemeco, Kranj, Slovenia KONFERENCA MIDEM'97 - POROČILO 268 MIDEM'97 CONFERENCE REPORT PREDSTAVLJAMO PODJETJE Z NASLOVNICE 270 REPRESENT OF COMPANY FROM FRONT PAGE Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. KONFERENCE, POSVETOVANJA, SEMINARJI, POROČILA CONFERENCES, COLLOQUYUMS, SEMINARS, REPORTS D. Križaj: Poročilo iz IEEE konference 273 D. Križaj: IEEE Conference, report Sejem SODOBNA ELEKTRONIKA 1997 274 Electronics Fair 1997 VESTI 275 NEWS KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV 281 CALENDAR OF EVENTS VSEBINA LETNIKA 1997 282 VOLUME 1997 CONTENT MIDEM prijavnica MIDEM Registration Form Slika na naslovnici: Front page: Murata je eden od vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev Murata Is one the worldwide leading manufacturers elektronskih komponent na osnovi kermičnih materialov of ceramic based electronic components 283 Murata's range of EMI filters, for AC and DC lines, not only solves your EMI suppression problems but also saves you space. They are available as arrays containing 8 devices or in SMD chip sizes as small as 1.0 x 0.5 mm(0402). There are T Filters for power lines with current capabilities of 6 Amps in packages of only 3.2 x 1,6mm (1206) and leaded devices which are also available for high currents We have high attenuation solutions for all applications that ensure a clean RF environment and allow you to successfully cross the bridge into the next millennium. Building bridges together muRata /njtcmtor in Blcctrmtcs n-'O^OOOO ^^TMIKROIKS d.o.o. MIKRO 1000 Ljubljana - Dunajska, 5 - SLOVENIJA Telefon: 061-312 898, 1332 310, 1332 330 Fax: 061-319 170 - E-Mail: iztok.sorli@guest.arnes.si ŽIRO RAC: 50102-601-25830