NASLOV—ADDRESS: Glasilo K. S. K. Jednote 6117 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ofcio. Telephone: HEnderson 3911 naprej za dosego 40,000 članov in članic do konvencije! Kranjsko - Slovenska Katoliška Jednota je prva in najstarejša slovenska bratska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Posluje ie 48. leto GESLO KSKJ. JE: "Vse za vero, dom ta narod T Entered u See«md Claas Mm t ter December Uth. 19». at th(M Office at Cleveland. Ohio. CMer the Act ef Aagasl tfltfc. 19U. Aee epted fer Mefltng al Spaefal Bale af Pekače Frerldad Mr te 1113, Act af October Srd. 1»17. Aatheeted on May tZnd. ltlt. Nova zavarovalnina od 1. jan. do 18. okt. 1941 ' -j , lOth ;'On to Chicago" Campaign Report Covering New Business from Jan. 1 to Oct. 18, 1941 St. dr. Ime predlagatelja Soc. No. 1 1 2 Name of Sponsor John Prah .................... 18.500.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 9 7 8 8 11 12 15 16 16 20 21 23 23 23 25 25 25 23 30 30 32 38 38 40 40 41 41 42 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 52 52 52 53 55 55 56 57 57 57 57 57 59 59 61 61 62 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 69 70 70 72 72 72 75 75 77 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 88 90 92 92 93 93 93 94 94 97 LOUIS MARTINCICH .... Kubert Kosmerl ................ Peter Metesh ..................... Frank Oblak ....................... Jo.-eph Frchull ................. Frank K«»bilshek .............. Kudolph Shebat ...................... John Germ ............................ 3,500.00 Thomas Buchar ...................... 1,000 00 John Imperl ............................ 500.00 •August Vcrbic ........................ 2,500.00 Valentine Maleckar ................ Matt Malich ............................ 2,000.00 Pauline Jakse .......................... 500.00 Mike Kraynak ........................ John Shutte ........................... Frank Primozich ................... 2,500.00 John Kot h .............................. 1.000.00 Ludwig Hoge .......................... A. J. Fortuna ........................ 3,000.00 Cjril Maver ..........................- Joseph Zabukovec ..........-..... Odrasli in Mlad. oddelek mlad. oddelek "AA" in "BB" 4CC" in "FF* Adult Juvenile and Juvenile "AA"-"BB" "CC"-"FF .....$ 2,500.00 $ 4,000.00 2,000.00 10,500.00 8,250.00 1,500.00 500.00 5,500.00 3,750.00 500.00 4,000.00 Jchn Gregorich ............................................6,500.00 Jchn Kastelic ....................................................1,000.00 Katherine Klobuchar ........................500.00 John J. Chacata ..........................................3,500.00 Peter Majerle, Jr................... Frank Kakch. Sr. ............... Anton Petrich ..................................1,000.00 Marko Majerle ...............-..........500.00 Louis Heinricher ........................................3.000.00 __________________500.00 Joseph Krasovic ........................................1,000.00 Anna Benkovieh ................... Anna Getson .......................... Alois Bokal ...............................500.00 Julia Mertic ...........—.......— Uršula Pertekel ...................... Mary Slabodnik ...................... Joseph Shifrer ...................................1,000.00 Math Pavlakovic .....................................2,000.00 Joseph Dolmovičh ...............................1,000.00 Louis Boskovich .1.................... Henry Mravinac ............................................500.00 John Rogina ............................ George Rogina .........................................500.00 George Staresinic ...................* ) Frank Sikoifci ....................... Frank Velikan ................................................2,000.00 __________________500.00 Joseph Tramte ........................ Joseph Zorc ........................................................15,500.00 ____________________2,500.00 Matt Zakrajsek ............................................13.000.00 Joseph Kaplan ..:..........................................18,500.00 Anthony Svet ........................... John Cvetkovich ................- 1,000.00 Method Konchan .................... Jack Pishkur .........:.................. Jerry Koprivšek ...................... Louis Intihar ....................................................500.00 John Habyan ................................8,500.00 Rose Zugec .................-.......— Imbro Mavracich .................... Anthony Križan, Jr..........................500.00 Anton Kcrdan ....................................................8,000.00 Stanko Skrbin ......4............................i'®®® ®® Barbara Sudac .........................................2,000.00 J^h7oblak~ ZZZZZ 6,000.00 Ignatz Gorentz ................................................3.000.00 Frank Lukshich ............................................1.000.00 Antonia Janich-....................- 500.00 Anton Golob ...........-..............................LJ00.00 Anton J. Skoff ................................................4,000.00 Josephine Speck .................... Michael Cerkovnik ....................................6,000.00 John Mehle .......2,000.00 FVarik Mis^dZZ.....................................' 2,000.00 Antonia Kokovski.................... Frank Poderzay ............................................L000.00 Carolina Pichman ........-................5,500.00 Pauline Kobal ........................ E. Zefran ....................-..... Theresa Chernich ............. L. Kozek ............................. John A. Cankar ................. JOHN .HLADNIK ............ Barbara Lustig ........-........................,,MAI1 Louise Likovich ..............-............2,500.00 Frances Progar .................................500 00 JeraPucelj.^...........................500.oo Barbara ................. Victoria Smrekar .................. KATHERINE ROGINA ................^'JJJoo Anton Pintar ........................................................M00;00 Munie ^et 2>0.00 ........................2,000.00 500.00 500.00 18,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 Mary Demshar ----------------- Mary Taucher ...................... Theresa Potochnik ............- Mathew Krall ..............— Joseph Grdesich ................ Frank Kompare .................. Mary Petrcich ---------------- Klara Pipic --------------------- John Kerze ----------------------- Ludwig Zuzek .................. Mary Mlachnik .---------------—•• « aaa ®0 Konst. Podlesnik^...^........2,000.00 Mdcb« ...........Z...... hOOOM Melcn Dslje na dragi »tranl 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1.0OO.OO 1,750.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 500.00 6,500.00 1,250.00 1,500.00 500.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 2,750.00 1,000.00 500.00 5,500.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 13,250.00 1,000.00 500.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 3,250.00 6,500.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 6,750.00 1,250.00 500.00 500.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 250.00 1,000.00 10,250.00 3,000.00 500.00 9,750.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 Skupaj Total 1 6,500.00 2,000.00 29,000.00 18,250.00 1,500.00 500.00 9,500.00 7,250.00 500.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 4,750.00 • 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 13,000.00 2,250.00 500.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 1.000.00 - 500.00 6,500.00 500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 2.000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 4,750.00 1,500.00 500.00 21,000.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 21,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,250.00 21,750.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 12,500.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 9,250.00 9,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 8,500.00 . 500.00 12,750.00 3,250.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 . 1,250.00 1,000.00 500.00 250.00 1,500.00 28,250.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 28,750.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 2,250.00 500.00 2.000.00 1,000.00 Dne 19..oktobra je obhajalo največje slovensko društvo v največjem svetovnem mestu Nevv Yorku, društvo sv. Jožefa, št. 57 s sedežem v Brooklynu, svojo 40-letnico, ki je nad vse sijajno izpadla. Precej obširno poročilo je v današnji izdaji lista objavil predsednik navede-' nega društva sobrat Joseph J. Klun in zahvalo. Poseben opis ali poročilo o tej slavnosti pa sledi v prihodnji izdaji izpod peresa urednika našega lista, ki se je omenjene slavnosti udeležil kot oficijelni zastopnik Jednote. Na tej sliki so: Prva vrsta, od leue na desno: Josip Skrabe, zastavonoša; Josip Kobe, ustanovnok; Alojz Češark, ustanovnik; Rev. Pij Petric O. F. M., društveni duhovni vodja; Josip J. Klun, predsednik; Mr. Ivan Zupan, urednik Glasila; Mrs. Antonija Zupan, urednikova soproga, in Anthony Svet, nadzornik. Druga vrsta; Josip Peschel, Frank Cesark, Gabriel Tassot-ti, Charles Cesark in Anton Merčun. Tretja vrsta: John Cvetkovich, Michael Urek, Kukovica, Anton Anzlovar in Frank An-zlovar. Četrta vrsta: Ignac Zaje, Frank Peterka, Peter Oster-man (zgoraj), Josip Felicijan (spodaj), John Vesel, Vincent Stempel Jr., Vincent Stempel Sr. in Frank Gregorc. i Peta vrsta: Josip Pogach-nik, Michael Zvonar, Anton Cernkovich, Mathew Glad in Avgust Kavčič. Šesta vrsta (na vrhu): Frank Tomaževič, Josip Supancic, John Maček in Marcus Supancic, podpredsednik. SMRT UGLEDNE KATOLIŠKE MATERE Amelia 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 25&00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Iz Buenos Aires, Argentina, se nam poroča, da je umrla na svojem domu na Petkovcu, občina Rovte nad LogVatcem, Frančiška Hladnik, vzorna krščanska mati, ki je dala življenje 15 otrokom in jih tudi lepo vzgojila. Že pred 20 leti je ostala vdova, pa je z 'močnim srcem vodila gospodinjstvo in gospodarstvo. Vojne grozote so jo strle. Morala je bežati in svoj dom tam na jugoslovansko-italijan-ski meji zapustiti. Ko se je vrnila nazaj je našla dom opu-stošen, družino razdejano, sinove neznanokje . . . Pod silo vojnih grozot je ugasnilo njeno mučeniško in svetniško življenje koncem meseca majnika. Neznana je usoda njenih, sedaj že odraslih otrok, ker jih je vojni vihar razgnal. Ena hčer je v Ljubljani redovnica sv. Vincencija. Njen sin je tudi izseljenski duhovnik Janez Hladnik, ki pastiruje med argentinskimi Slovenci. Rojena je bila pokojna v Črnem vrhu nad Idrijo in je bila stara 64 let. Blag ji spomin! Prvi ameriški Slovenec žrtev vojne X££IS DOBNEKAR Ali imate že kakega novega člana(co) za prihodnjo osjo? geslo naie Jednoto. Dne 17. oktobra je bil južno od Islandije v Atlantiku napaden in od nemške podmornice poškodovan ameriški rušilec Kearney; 10 članov posadke tega rušilca je bilo ranjenih, 11 je pa pogrešanih. Med slednjimi je tudi naš rojak Louis Dob-nikar, katerega mati živi na 15101 Hale Ave. v Clevelandu. Pogrešani Lojze, ki je služil 19 let pri mornarici ima istotam še dva Franka in Johna, oba iz-učena elektro-mehanika. Vsi trije so redno pošiljali svoji materi-vdovi denarno podporo. Ko je bil letos meseca junija 53,0C0 PREMOGARJEV STAVKA Washington, D. C. — 27. oktobra. Predsednik Roosevelt je danes v tretjič pismeno naprosil predsednika CIO - UMW. premogarske unije naj posreduje in prekliče stavko, ki je prizadela 53,000 premogarjev v onih rudnikih, katere lastuje U. S. jeklarska korporacija in razne druge družbe, kjer se pridobiva premog samo za njih industrijo in vporabo. Levvis se izgovarja, da ta stavka nič ne zadržuje sedanjega obrambnega programa, pač se vrši ista kot boj med njo ih kapitalisti, Morganom in jeklarsko ikorporacijo ker ntfče ugoditi zahtevam unije. Danes je bil Lewis pozvan pred senat in nižjo zbornico, pa ni hotel dati nobenega pojasnila na tretje pismo predsednika Roosevelta. o agitirajte za mladin. ski oddelek! Louis doma pri materi, se je poslovil od nje z besedami: "Mati, nekaj mi pravi, da se ne bova več videla. Moj grob bo globoko rfiorje. Mama, ne žalujte preveč, saj so to morda samo moje slutnje." Pogrešani Louis Dobnikar je prvi ameriški Slovenec, ki je padel v sedanji vojni. Naj mu bo ohranjen časteh sportin! NO. 43 — ŠTEV. 43 VOLVME XXVII. — LETO XXVII. ZADEVA GLEDE NADAVE JEDNOTINE TISKARNE (Piše John Pezdirtz, član glavnega nadzornega odbora) II. Pri tako važnem vprašanju kot je nabava lastne tiskarne, se bi nam moralo dati kolikor mogoče natančno poročilo o preiskavi in študiranju, ki ga je zato imenovani odbor imel rešiti. Če bi ta odbor to zadevo pojasnH in raztolmačil, potem bi naše članstvo moglo pravilno voliti in razsoditi. Kako čem voliti "za" ali "proti?" vprašujejo in kako bo boljše? Vsakemu posebej je nemogoče zadevo raztolmačiti in razlagati, to vzame preveč časa in je nemogoče; poleg tega pa še sam prav dobro ne vem, ker o stvari nisem dovolj poučen. Kot sem že omenil, smo prelagali zadevo lastne tiskarne od ene do druge seje glavnega odbora in sicer iz razloga, ker ni bilo nikoli informacij glede finance za nabavo in vzdrževanja lastne tiskarne. Torej članom glavnega odbora se je bilo nemogoče odločili, kako glasovati, ker nismo imeli o zadevi dovolj pojasnila. Imenovan je bil tiskovni odbor, toda isti ni nikdar imel konkretnega poročila, kaj so pronašli in poizvedeli. Na zadnji seji glavnega odbora se nam je predložilo nekakšne proračune že zadnjo minuto, to je ob času, ^o se seja že zaključuje. Torej zadnjo točko na dnevnem redu, to je tedaj, ko že vsak takorekoč drži v roki svoj potni kovčeg in je že ves nervozen, ker se boji, da vlaka ne zamudi. Tedaj pa pride na program dnevnega reda vprašanje nabave lastne tiskarne, ki bo, ako bomo tako odločili, stala približno šestdeset do sedemdeset (60 do 70) tisoč dolarjev, ako ne več. Kako naj torej glasujem in odobravam nakup nečesa, o čemer ne vem, ali bi bilo za našo! organizacijo dobro ali slabo? Osebno jaz vselej odobravam stvar, ki je v dobrobit organizacije in skupine. V tem slučaju pa ne vem, ker sem v dvomu, ako bi se izplačalo nastavljati svojo lastno tiskarno, ker o tem nisem ne jaz ne ostali člani glavnega odbora poučeni in prepričani, še manj pa naše članstvo, na katerega rame sedaj obešamo odgovornost. Ako ne bo potem kaj pravilnega, ako bomo mesto dobička delali izgubo pri lastni tiskarni, pa bomo rekli: Članstvo je tako odločilo, pa bo Članstvo krivo, saj ste imeli referendum, vi ste tako odločili. "Jaz nisem imel pri tem ničesar opraviti, umijem si roke," tako bomo rekli. Jaz zagovarjam svoje stališče iz razloga, da tako važno vprašanje kot je lastna tiskarna, bi se moralo o njem več razpravljati in imeti na rokah več in bolj konkretnih informacij. Priporočal bi našemu članstvu glasovati za nakup in nabavo nove lastne tiskarne, ako bi bil prepričan, da je to za našo organizacijo in nje članstvo res koristno in dobičkanosno. Odobraval bi nakup strojev, ki bi bili novi in v dobrem stanju, ne pa kako staro šaro, ki bo v večno nadlogo in stroške. Da za $35,000 naj bi se kupilo neke stare "second hand" že rabljene stroje, tako imajo voditelji tega gibanja v mislih. Čemu torej nekaj siliti v ospredje? Čemu pritisk brez razloga? Čemu glasovati za nekaj, kar ne vemo kaj in kako? Resnica je, da večina odločuje in da to potem drži. Gledati pa moramo, da bo ta večina prav poučena, potem bomo lahko z mirno vestjo rekli: večina je odločila. Dokler se pa to ne zgodi, jaz volim proti nabavi strojev za lastno tiskarno. Nekateri glavni odbornik^so se celo zdržali glasovanja, ker niso bili pripravljeni glasovati, drugi pa so zopet volili, da naj se da v odločitev članstvu, torej na splošno glasovanje, ker se nočejo menda nikomur zameriti. Jaz volim proti, dokler mi ne bo vsaj približno dokazano, da bo to za naše članstvo dobičkanosno, pa naj bo zamira gor ali dol kot pravi star pregovor, ker sem prepričan, da članstvo ne more pravilno glasovati, ker o stvari ni poučeno. Omenil sem, da bom po svoji najboljši moči članstvu to zadevo pojasnil, to bom tudi storil. Veliko pa ne bom imel, ker nismo dobili nikakih drugih informacij in navodil, ampak samo neke neoficijelne številke na kosu papirja, ki pa niso merodaine. (Dalje prihodnjič) VAŽEN GOVOR PREDS. ROOSEVELTA Washington, D. C. — 28. ok- bo na isti svastika in goli meč, tobra. Sinoči je imel predsed- namesto sv. pisma se bo rabilo nik Roosevelt po radio jako va- Hitlerjevo knjigo "Mein žen govor v katerem je javno-! Kampf." Mesto Boga v naših sti razodel, da ima na rokah i cerkvah bo zavzel nemški bog tajne načrte in zemljevide Ad-olfa Hitlerja, ki se nanašajo tudi na zavzetje naše zapadne zemeljske poloble. Hitler namerava razdeliti 14 južnih in centralnih držav Amerike v 5 vazalk, vštevši tudi panamsko ozemlje in panamski prekop.- Če se Hitlerju tudi to posreči, bo dal zapreti vse cerkve raznih izpovedanj, dalje bo zaplenil vse cerkveno premoženje in poslal v pregnanstvo vse duhovnike. Na ta način bo ustanovljena nova mednarodna na-cijska cerkev; namesto križa krvi in železa. . . . Predsednik Roosevelt je navduševal ameriško ljudstvo, naj mu bo naklonjeno in naj bo stanovitno v teh kritičnih časih; zaeno je obljubil Rusiji pomoč v orožju. Čeravno je Hitlerjeva armada velika, bo gotovo enkrat opešala; poleg tega se bo enkrat tudi nemško ljudstvo naveličalo Hitlerjevega režima, posebno ko bo uvidelo veliko pomoč tudi od nas, kakor se je to vršilo v zadnji svetovni vojni. CLEVELAND, 0.t 29. OKTOBRA (gCTOBER), 1941 pgŽT JOFFiaAIiORGAN[ OF THE GRAND CARNIOUAN SLOVENIAN CATHOUC UNlONflj^Z DESETO POROČILO "ON TO CHICAGO KAMPANJE S PROSLAVE DRUŠTVA SV. J0ŽFEA, ŠT. 57, BR00KLYN, N. Y. DESETO KAMPANJSKO POROČILO Num o t Frank Lukanc Ludwiir Kuhar Michael Cerne Anna Janchan Anion Žagar .. Mary Kocman Angela Medved Jennie Toncich .................. Barbara Miick ___________________ Veronica Rapp*t...................... Sophie Brezac---------- Antonia Struna .................. Mary (Anton) Terlep ............ Helen Metesh . Stella Legan ... Ludwick Hiber . France« Perglin Joeeph Leksan ... Frances Smrdel , Joe Spreitzer .... Bostian Znidarsich --------------- George Pavlakovich .....-....... Mary Gergich--------------- Mary Paye--------—---------——•• Rose Štefane -------------------- Mildred Waliczek --------------- Anna Mentzer.......................... Elsie R©manowsky ...---------- Mary Kovacic ..............~......... Pauline Osolin ....................... Rafaela Lovrin -------------------- Mary Luko............-...........— M Mary Kowalski ___________________ 500.00 Anna Roth ............................ 500.00 Caroline Strauss, Sr. --------- 500.00 Louise Count .......................... 3,500.00 Louise Count in Frances Copp Catherine Cvitesic ................ 1,500.00 Anton Ceglar ......................... UOO.OO Jacob Cukjati ...........-........... 1,000.00 Mary Ulasich _______________________ 1,000.00 Antonia Ko« .......................... 2,000.00 John Pernic ............................ 2,000.00 Anna Klopckr ........................ 5,000.00 _________ 1,500.00 Louis Zeleznikar, Jr............. Frank Buchar ......................... Frank Konda .....................— John Petak ____________—........... Joseph Kochevar ................. John Kren ................................ Martin Kochevar .................. John Udovich ...... Leo Bersch ........ Frank Repenshek Frank Horzen ...... Edward Hudak .... George Podnar .. Frank Moravec — Nick Shutej --------- John Kaplan .................-..................2,300.00 Stephen Piczko .....-..............................1,300.00 Antonia Debelak ................. Mary Pucell ........................ ............. 500.00 --- 1.000.00 Luka Matanich ..................... 7,000.00 fit-dr. Ime predlagatelja Soe. No. 98 08 101 103 103 104 104 105 105 105 105 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 110 111 112 I IZ 113 113 113 115 115 115 115 119 119 119 120 121 123 123 123 123 127 127 128 131 132 133 134 136 139 139 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 144 144 144 144 145 145-145 145 145 146 148 150 150 150 152 153 153 1»3 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 160 161 162 162 162 162 163 164 164 165 165 166 168 168 169 169 169 169 169 169 170 170 172 173 174 174 J 74 174 175 176 176 178 180 180 181 182 183 183 184 184 185 185 187 188 189 190 190 191 191 191 191 191 193 193 193 194 196 196 197 197 197 198 203 206 207 207 208 298 -210 210 211 211 Odrasli ia Mad. oddelek wlsd. oddsltk •AA" in "BB" •CC" in "IT" Adult Juvenile and Juvenile -AA" - MBB" "CC" - WFV" 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 . 2,000.00 1400.00 1,08840 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,008.00 500.00 • 50040 9,000.00 4,250.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 500.00 4,500.00 1,750.00 3,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 2,000.00 250.00 3.500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 JOE CHESNIK __________ Dorothj Chesnik ------- Ma* Senkinc ~.............. Mary Kosmerl ............... Mary Tekautz ---------- Jacob Gregorich ..—. Olga Bobich ______________ Catherine Janezich .... Mary Margo ......------... Mary Massich ______—.... Olga Mihelich __________ Augusta Baraga ............ Hermina Ribich ........... Johanna Mohar .—...... Christine Plantan ------- Frances Ribich ____________ 17,000.00 6t000.00 500.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,300.00 1,000.00 Agnes Zakrajsek ...........a...... 1,000.00 MJie Semeja ...........—............ Mar> Hochevar ...................... 8,000.00 Frances Macerol ........... Helena Mally -------------------- ............................500.00 -----3,500.00 M. Brozenič ........................................................300.00 Gabriela Masel ...............................1,000.00 _____________500.00 Mary Petrich .......................... 9,300.00 Christine Bevez .................a... John Peterlich ..................................1,000.00 Charles Kuhar ..................... JOHN PEZDIRTZ ................................13,000.00 Anton Rudman ............................................7,000.00 Mike Zlate ............................................................11,000.00 Frank Trepal .................-....... Frances Gril .......................—. George Panchur .................... Anna Frank .....................................500.00 Veronica Gjorkos ....................................500.00 Anna Palcich ........................... Antonia Velkovrh .........__________1,000.00 Mary Gosar .............................3,000.00 Johanna Artac ............................500.00 __________________300.00 Antonija Rakovec ................- 500.00 Mary Nagode ....................................................2,000.00 Louis Srebernak ..........................2,500-00 Paul Madronich .................... 1,000.00 Marko Vouri ........................................................1,000.00 Frank Smith .............................500.00 ------------------500.00 Dorothj Dermes ................................3,000.00 Mary Strukel ..............................................500.00 Stella Peltz ............................................................1,500.00 ------------------1,000.00 Helen Beljan .......................... Theresa Oblak ........................ Anton Dvorsak ..................... _______*------1,000.00 Pete Bukovec ............................5,000.00 Frank Farenchak Amelia Cec John Verh ......................... Frances Srpan ................. Mary Oberstar ------........... U>uis Orazen .................. Mary Sporar ................... Margaret Kogovshek —* Alice Grosel .......:—....... Mary Zalar ..................... Frances Mahorich ....;«.. Mary Petrovič ............... 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 - 500.00 Helen Peternell ..................... 1,000.00 John Trobec ........................................................3,000.^0 Rose Blenkush ________..._____...... Theresa Beloy ................................................500.00 Kntherine Soreilzer ............................10,500.00 ____"__________1,500.00 Fred M. Filips .............................2,000.00 Charles Hochevar ............... Mary Orlu h ....................................2t500.00 Mary Spear ............... ............... Pauline Koka.1 ....................................................1,000.00 Anna Fontana ..................... irances Gregorich .............................1,500.00 Mary Ilabcti ..................................500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2,250.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 750.00 500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 230.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,250.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 16,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 * 250.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 . 500.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 1,000.00 500.00 250.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 5,750.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 DESETO KAMPANJSKO POROČILO (Mndk M«i ntMfllafr M1-J Skopaj Total 2488.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 5,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 50040 13,250.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 . 3,500.00 4,000.00 500.00 6,250.00 3,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 250.00 4,000.00 250.00 2.25M0 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3*500.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 i,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 5,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 7.000.00 6,500.00 i,500.00 1,500.00 1.500.00 10,500.00 28,000.00 8,000.00 250.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 * 7.000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 9,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 ii,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 29,500.00 ii,000.00 13,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 m 500.00 w 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 500.00 1,750.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 250;00 8,000.00 500.00 250.00 3,500.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 16,250.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 1,500.00 500.00 11 dr. Ime predlagatelj« 213 iir 218 218 219 221 221 224 224 224 225 225 225 225 225 226 226 226 232 235 236 237 237 237 241 242 242 243 246 249 250" Naaa at Anna Godec feSertM Cedila Kovacic ------- Mary Gregorich ..... Theresa Zdeaar ........ Ignatz Flake .............. Anton Starich....... August Pintarich ...... Verna Braneči .... Margaret Hodnik ................ Marie Susak ........................... Mary Pace Mary Jancarie Pauline Soldo . Mai7 Žuj^ck Z.Z.Z.Z 2,000.00 400ff0 Helen Berdik .......................- '»OO-®® Steve Periaich ........................ umm ••••••••••••••• 24M.00 500.00 8,808.88 588.80 1^00.00 1,000.00 758.88 1,88840 500.00 500.00 Martin Govednik (Ujnik) Mary HiUer ... Alice Šinkovec Anton Malesic ..... Katherine Brozich Mary Seryak ....... Anna Kroteč ....... Charles Prazen .. Matilda Rostan ..... 1,000.00 1400.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 75048 1,500.08 588.88 1,888.88 500.00 1000.00 3,000.00 4400.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 250.88 Total 148848 3,258.88 588.88 8,888.88 50048 50040 3,000.08 50040 50848 588.80 1,500.00 1,00848 ' 1,888.80 500.00 2,000.00 1,00040 4,008.80 500.00 5,000.00 5400.00 1400.00 50040 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 1400.00 1,000.00 2,750.00 2,000.00 250.00 magaj. Poleg prodaj« vstop-1 Po sv. maši smo se tudi slikanic so obe gospe tudi ves eas»li zunaj pred cerkvijo, in nas Skupaj (Total) ..$508,250.00 $370400.00 $878,750.00 ............M ,..»ov8,ij»v.w 90a, pa kljub te- j po prepeval na banketu, mu smo dosegle- lep finančni Hvala stoloravnatelju Anto-Zato je naša dolžnost, nu Malesich-u in uradnikom uspeh. da se na tem mestu vsem udeležencem prav prisrčno zahvalimo, tako tudi vsem onim, ki so nam pomagali in delali in sicer: Mrs. F. Serpan in Mrs. Pugel za delo v kuhinji in Mr. Louis Srpanu ter Mr. Jos. Robert pri bari. Lepa hvala tudi naši požrtvovalni članici Mrs. društev, članom in članicam, ki ste prišli na to slavnost. Hvala tudi članicam našega društva, ki ste tako pridno delale, zato upam, da ste bili vsi zadovoljni. Vašo prijaznost in naklonjenost do našega društva bomo ohranile v prijetnem spominu. K sklepu še naznanjam, da Angeli Derganc za tako izborno ; smo na zadnji oktobrski seji pripravljeno pečenko (Roast Beef), zraven tega je pa še darovala $2 za društveno blagajno vsled neudeležbe, ker je njen soprog bolan.. Sestra Derganc stori vedno več, njena dolžnost za pruštvo. Hvala tudi vsem drugim darovalcem in sicer: Mr. Jelerči-ču, lastniku znane slovenske cvetličarne v Collimvoodu; Mr. Cigoju na 200. cesti, Mrs. A-Svetek. Mr. Rudolfu Cerkveni-ku, Mr. Ivan Zupanu, Mrs. M. Skufca, Mrs. A. Korošec, Mr. A. Tekavčič, Mrs. P. Sajovec in Mrs. M. Strukel, lastnici groce-rijske trgovine na 185th St. Še enkrat lepa hvala vsem skupaj. Bog plačaj vaše dobro delo! Če sem morda kako ime izpustila, naj me na to opozori, da se tudi njega ali njo zabeleži v naš^m društvenem zapisniku; Najbolj zanimiv na tej veselici je pa bil kontest v plesnem valčku, katerega se je udeležilo veliko i zbornih plesalcev. V^led tega 20 imeli sodniki težavo določiti dva najboljša para. K sklepu so v tem kontestu dobili trije pari nagrado. Naj velja lepa hvala sodnikom, ki so porabili celo uro v ta namen. Sodniki so bili Mr. George Panchur Mr. John Pezdirtz, glavni odbornik KSKJ in Mr. Joe Kušar. Hvala tudi našemu vedno tako agilnemu bratu Theo Ross-manu, ker je prodal za to veselico 80 vstopnic še pred njenim začetkom. Zato je gotovo porabil mnogo svojega prostega časa zvečer in gasolina. V imenu vsega članstva zasluži baš" on največje priznanje in zahvalo. Ker se bliža že mesec oktober proti konču, zato izvolite zao-^stankarji poravnati svoj ases- izvolilc novo tajnico in sicer se stro Antonijo Malerich, njen naslov je na 321 Watson Ave., Butte, Mont., kajti dosedanja r&ša tajnica sestra Mary E. kar je Orlich se je odpovedala. Vsled tega vas, drage sosestre prosim, da greste novi tajnici na roke in da točno plačujete društveni asesment; s tem ji boste prihranile veliko nepotrebnega dela in sitnosti. Sosestrski pozdrav, Marij Orazem, predsednica. le v staro domovino na Brezje, sestro, ter štiri brate v drugih kjer je zdaj opustošeno naše Amerik* ment. K sklepu še iskreno čestitam k naraščaju družine Dr. in Mrs. Skur, dobili so zopet čvrstega sinčka Tomaža-Edwarda, tako tudi naše čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Rudolfu Cerkveni kur ker sta prvič postala stari oče in mati vnukinji, ker je njih hčerka Bertha Gillespy postala pr- yič srečna mamica. - DOPISI Jolietske novice * Solist, HI.—Lepo število rojakov iz Jolieta se je v nedeljo 5. oktobra udeležilo medenega piknika pri očetih frančiškanih v Lernontu. Bil je lep dan, proti vsemu našemu strahu, kajti imeli smo slabo deževno vreme skozi cel teden, še v soboto ponoči je lilo na vse pretege. Zato smo se v nedeljo kar čudili tako lepemu dnevu in veseli hiteli na naše ameriške Brezje. Splošno je bila iz vseh. sosednih naselbin udeležba velika; počutili smo se kakor ena velika družina, ki se snide skupaj pri svoji ljubljeni materi. Vsi smo se v veselem razpoloženju zabavali med seboj in s svojimi prijatelji in znanci, kakor se sploh na medenem pikniku spodobi. Father John, naš prijazni čebelar, je bil silno vesel, da so se rojaki tako lepo odzvali njegovem vabilu in pokazali, da cenijo njegovo neumorno delo v korist Lemonta in za zdravje svojih rojakov. Upamo, da bo Father John tudi letošnjega uspeha od piknika tako vesel, kot je bil med nami, ter mu želimo, da bi še zanaprej tako krepak in zdrav gospodaril med svojimi čebelicami in nam zopet drugo leto priredil ta sladek skupen sestanek na našem ,edinem skupnem domu, ki ga imamo katofiški Slovenci v novi domovini. Le eno je pa grenilo naše veselje, zlasti nam starejšim ta dan, kajti naše misli so pohite- največje svetišče Marijino, kjer vlada žalost; naši krvni bratje in sestre trpe neznosne muke v naši mili domovini prizadeti od krvoločnega tujca. Zato je marsikatera goreča molitev pohitela k Mariji Pomagaj v Lernontu, da bi ona zopet rešila naš slovenski narod in izprosila ljubega miru pri njenemu Sinu, ki edini zamore dati narodom pravi in pravični mir. V nedeljo, dne 12. oktobra se je vršila v bližnjem mestu Rockdale v Oak Grove parku, ura molitve za pravičen mir, sodelovale so vse župnije iz Will in Grundy okraja, nad 20 tisoč vernikov je bilo navzočih ob veliki množici duhovnikov. Molitve je opravil sam prevzvi-šeni nadškof chikaški Most Rev. Sam Stritch. Velikanska katoliška manifestacija v našem okraju je pokazala, kako še ljudstvo zaupa v božjo pomoč ter je prepričano, da le Vsemogočni Bog zamore rešiti vet pred popolnim uničenjem pogubo. Dne 17. oktobra je obiskal v spremstvu chicaškega župnika Rev. Edvvard Gabrenja, Joliet in glavni urad KSKJ, jugoslovanski minister Dr. Franc Snoj. Prav veseli smo bili videti in pozdraviti prijaznega odličnega Slovenca, zastopnika naše bivše domovine. Obljubil je, da nas ob priliki še obišče in nam več pove o nesrečni Jugoslaviji. Dne 18. oktobra se je vršila v naši cerkvi sv. Jožefa poroka naše ugledne mladenke Mary Rogel in rojaka Vincent Mar-vic. Nevesta je edina hčerka splošno znane in spoštovane tu-kajšne družine Mrs. Ana Roge' iz Smith St., ki je vdova po pokojnem Frank Rogel že nad 13 let, ter ima poleg hčere še štiri sinove, vsi dobro vzgojeni; starejši sin Frank je pomožni supervisor in je služben pri Eagle Stor$ v našem mestu. Mati neveste je priredba.ji hčeri sijajno žeuitovanjsko slavje, ki se je vršilo v farni dvorani, katerega se je udeležilo nad 800 sorodnikov in prijateljev novo-pofočencev. Vrle žene kuharice in dekleta ter stežaji so imeli veliko dela, postrežba je bila vsestransko imenitna z vsfem, kar si je kdo poželel, vse je bilo zadovoljno in veselo; mi starejši smo se počutili kakor na kaki starokrajski ohceti in,smo obujaji spomine na našo mladost, mladino je pa zabavala izvrstna orkester godba. Novo-poročencema želimo, da bi skozi zakonsko življenje potovala vedno v taki zadovoljnosti in veselju, kot sta ga imela na po-rečni dan.; naj jih božji blagoslov in sreča spremljata do konca njih življenja. Ko je priredila leta 1938 Slovenska ženska zveza izlet v Jugoslavijo, so šle tudi Mrs., Rogel in hčerka Mary obiskat staro domovino in njih rojstni kraj Sa-dinjo vas, fara Žužemberk; zato upamo, da bo naša prijazna Mimi tudi zanap^rej ostala zvesta slovenska žena in vedno ohranila v spominu, kar je videla in doživela v domovini njenih ljubih staršev. Pred kratkim se je v cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Rockdale poročil tudi vsem znani prvi tukajšni slovenski odvetnik Ludvig Kuhar, ter si je izbral za zakonsko družico dobro irsko dekle. Iskreno želimo našemu vedno veselemu Ludviku mnogo sreče in zadovoljno zakonsko življenje. Ludvig in njegov brat Joseph, ki je tudi župan mesta Rockdale, imata svoj odvetniški urad v našem novem Jednoti-nem domu ter uživata splošno spoštovanje in zaupanje med rojaki in drugorodci. Dne 14. oktobra je umrla po daljši bolezni rojakinja Ana Kirin, stara 60 let, v Jolietu je živela 40 let. Doma je bila iz Rosalnic pri Metliki, rojena Panian. Tukaj zapušča soproga Johna, štiri sine, brata in krajih Amerike. Dne 20. oktobra je pa preminul na svojem domu na Bluff St., pionir Jernej Muhič, v starosti 73 let. Izgubo očeta obžalujeta ostala sin in hči; bival je v Jolietu tudi nad 40 let. Bog daj dušam umrlih večni mir in pokoj. Dne 22. oktobra je bil izročen prometu na novo betirani Ruby St., kar je velike važnosti in napredek za Slovence, ki jih mnogo živi v tem kraju mesta, ki je dobilo z moderno urejenim Ruby St. na zapadni strani lepše lice. Z vljudnim pozdravom, Michael Hochevar. -o- VABILO IN PROGRAM Brooklyn, N. Y. — Slovensko pevsko društvo "Slovan" vabi vse znance in prijatelje na svojo veliko jesensko zabavo "Martinovanje," ki se vrši v nedeljo dne 16. novembra, začetek ob 3:30 .popoldne v Slovenskem narodnem domu, 253 Irv-ing Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kakor je iz sledečega programa razvidno, ima ta prireditev izredno zanimiv in obsežen pevski program, ki bo nudil ljubiteljem slovenske pesmi, zlasti narodne, toliko pristno slovenskega duševnega užitka, kakor do sedaj še maloka-tera zabava. Na odru bo naša vinorodna Slovenija oživela pred vašimi očmi v vsej pristnosti in lepoti, izraženi v njenih številnih narodnih pesmih. Ne zamudithe tega izrednega duševnega užitka! Program 1. Otvoritveni pozdrav, predsednik "Slovana." 2. a) Domovini; b) Svoboda, poje "Slovan." 3. Venček slovenskih zdra-vic in napitnic: 1) Bratci veseli vsi; 2) Oj zlata vinska kaplja ti; 3) O ja, zmiraj vesel; 4) Ti nis' nobena kelnarca; 5) Kaj boš za mano hodil; 6) Povsod me poznajo, da vinski sem brat; 7) Birt rajtengo piše; 8) Men' vseeno je ; 9) Pa je Janez najmlajši; 10) En glažek vinca rumeni; 11) To sladko, zlato vince. — Vse te pesmi so medsebojno povezane z dramatiko, odgovarjajočo vsebini pesmi, pod naslovom: "Kapljice iz slovenakih gvric" (peveki igrokaz vi. dejanju) Vaški župan............V. Kobilca Občinski pisar ... John Potušek Gostilničar ..................Fr. Voje Natakarica ......Minka Ručigaj Hudoklin....................M. Pirnat Dobrovoljček ..............F. Košir Gorjanc ..............L. Giovanelli Krhin ........................F. Stariha Sršen ............................L. Pelič Zbor kmetov.....r,....................... ostali člani "Slovana" Dejanje se vrši v vaški gostilni med slovenskimi vinskimi goricami. Na klavirju spremlja gdč. El. Maitzen. 4. Krst nove vinske kaplje. Proizvaja g. Anthony Svet. 5. Prosta zabava*in ples. Vstopnina znaša 36c in davek 4c—skupno 40c. Kličem vsem skupaj na vesele svidenje v Slovenskem narodnem domu v nedeljo 16. novembra 1941. ' Anthony F. Svet nadzornik "Slovana." DELO ODBORA ZDRU2ENIH JUGOSLOVANSKIH DRUŠTEV V NEW YORKU New York, N. Y. — Naši javnosti naj bo sporočeno, da se je na seji Združenih slovenskih, srbskih in hrvatskih društev v Nevv Yorku, katera se je vršila dne 21. oktobra, 1., sklenilo, da se v našem tisku redno objavi kratek izčrpek poteka in zaključkov teh sej, da bo tako naša javnost stalno obveščena o našem delu. Odbor združenih jugoslovanskih društev je bil zasnovan na skupni seji dne 7. okt. katere se je udeležilo po pet predstavnikov združenih slovenskih, srbskih in hrvatskih dru- štev v New Yorku. Na naslednji seji, dne 14. oktobra, je bil izvoljen izvrševa)ni odbor petih članov, in sicer so bili izvoljeni sledeči Člani: predsednik brat Frank Kerže, podpredsednika: Mihajlo Bulatoyič, Har-ry Justic, tajnik Srdja Priča; blagajnik Leo Bačič. Na seji 14. oktobra je bilo tudi sklenjeno, da se skliče shod, kateri se je tudi obdrža-val dne 19. oktobra, 1.1. v Transport dvorani v Nevv Yorku. Poročilo o tem shodu je bilo podano na seji 21. oktobra in se glasi, da je bilo okrog 400 udeležencev in govorniki so bili sledeči: Dr. Joseph Goričar, Milan Biljčevič, Mihajlo Bula-tovič, Srdja Priča, Harry M. Justic, Peter Vukčevič, Anton Gerlah in Dr. Victor šarenkov. Predsedoval je brat Frank Kerže. Prostovoljni prispevki (ko^ lekta) na shodu so znesli vsoto $283.00. Stroški so bili sledeči: Dvorana $25.00; tiskanje letakov (4000) $17.34; poštnina (pošiljanje letakov posameznikom) $35,84; telegrami poslani s shoda $3.35; razni stroški $6.00. V blagajni je ostalo 8195.06. Na seji je bilo sklenjeno, da se od preostanka pošlje $50.00 organizaciji U. S. O. (United Service Organization), kot dar newyorških Jugoslovanov ameriškim vojakom; $50.00 se nakaže Centralnemu jugoslovanskemu pomožnemu odboru v Chicagu. Ostalih $95.00 se obdrži v blagajni za nadaljne delovanje organizacije. Sprejet je bil tudi zaključek, cla se sestavi program, ki naj bo v obliki proglasa, kateri bo razposlan našim " jugoslovanskim organizacijam po Ameriki. V to svrho se je zbral odbor treh Članov, kateri imajo nalogo sestaviti ta program ter istega predložiti prihodnji seji. V pogledu nadaljnih priredb je bilo zaključeno, da se koncem meseca jšnuarja, 1942, priredi velik jugoslovanski festival ali proslava^ pri kateri naj bi sodelovala vsa jugoslovanska kulturna društva ih skupine, kakor tudi posamezni kulturni delavci iz New Yorka in okolice. Na seji se je razpravljalo glede Vseslovanskega kongresa, kateri se ima vršiti 21., 22. in 23. novembra v Pittsburghu, Pa. Sklenjeno je bilo, da se reši vprašanje glede imenovanja delegata na ta kongres na prihodnji seji, ki se bo vršila v sredo, 5. novembra, t. 1. Udeležite se. Pred zaključkom seje je bilo prisotnim naznanjeno* da je bil v Jugoslaviji po fašistih ubit brat našega tajnika, profesor Ognjen Priča. Predsednik Kerže je pozval člane ,da vstanejo in s tem počaste spomin pokojnika. Za odbor Združenih jugoslovanskih društev v New Yorku, Srdja Priča, tajnik. NAZNANILO IN VABILO Chicago, ///. — Vsem slovenskim organizacijam, društvom in klubom v Chicagu in okolici se vljudno naznanja, da se bo vršila seja krajevnega odbora, poslovnica št. 8, Jugoslovanskega Pomožnega Odbora, slovenska sekcija, v torek, 11. novembra, 1941, v dvorani pod slovensko cerkvijo sv. Štefana, 22nd Pl. in Wolcott Ave. Začetek točno ob pol osmi uri zvečer. Na tej seji sq bo izvolil stalen odbor, ki bo imel nalogo voditi akcijo v prid pomožnega odbora za trpečo staro domovino. Da bo pa odboru omogočeno uspešno delovanje, moramo na toj seji napraviti v ta na men konkreten načrt. Vsled tega bo ta seja zelo važna in upamo, da bodo zastopane vse organizacije, vsa društva io vsak klub. Slovenci in Slovenke! Domo vina trpi, kot še ni trpela nik dar. - Pomoč je zelo nujna ih izvoljen kot novi direktor za tri za vsak naš cent, potrošen po j leta. Nadaljni direktorji v od-nepotrebnem, bodo< rojaki v boru so: Andrevv Cepo, Joseph stari domovini prikrajšani na Zore, Martin Svete in Joseph podpori. Vsled tega naj vsak Furlan. odbornik ali v ta namen izvo-j Delničarji so odobrili poviša-ljeni zastopnik vpošteva to na- nje kapitala od dva milijona do znanilo kot uradno vabilo na! pet milijonov dolarjev. Taini- kova plača in za delo v uradu ostane $4,700 na leto. Družba sedaj plačuje po 3% obresti na sejo,- kajti pismena vabila povzročajo nepotrebne stroške. Torej pridite na sejo vsi. Za poslovnico št. 8 JPO, SS:[vloženi denar. Leo Jurjovec, j Pri volitvah so bili sledeči začasni predsednik; | uradniki za sodnike: Dr. An-John Gottlieb,. !drew Furlan, Math Kirn, An-začasni tajnik.'ton Kobal. Zapisnikarji: John -o-— Miks, John Cankar in Louis GIBANJE SLOVENSKEGA \ Bezek DENARNEGA ZAVODA Waukegan-North Chicago, lil. —John Zalar je bil izvoljen kot predsednik Slovenskega Stav-binskega in Posojilnega društva v tukajšnji naselbini in vodi ta urad že 19. leto. Pri glav POROKA V JEČI Les Angeles, Cal.—Dne 4. oktobra sta bila v tukajšnji okrajni ječi poročena jetnika ni letni seji, katera se je vršila i Katarina Baldvvin, stara 20 let v soboto 25. oktobra se je tudi, in 22-letni John Trudbnng. izvolilo Frank 'Pezdir-ja za i Oba sta "bila obtožena umora podpredsednika. Math Ivane-'svojega hišnega gospodarja L. netich je bil zopet soglasno iz- j P. Miller ja. Po izvršeni poroki voljen kot tajnik. Joseph Pe-| sta se podala na "medeno" po-trovic še naprej vodi posel bla-' tovanje-rvsak v svojo zamreže- gajnika. Frank Hladnik je bil i no celico. NAZNANILO , V 5lc.bc ki žalosti naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem prebridkt vest, di nas je nepričakovane sa vedno zapustila naša ljubljena in nikdar poztbljane žena in mati Katarina Rozman katera je izdihnila svojo blago dušo in mirno za vedno v Gospodu zaspa*a dne 23. avgusta.. 1941. Reje na je bila 22. oktobia. 1885 in d:ma iz Cren«xvcev. I*rek-murje. Po spremstvu iz A. Grdina in Sinovi pogrebne ka»:iD v cerkev sv. Pavla in pc opravljeni sveti maši rac jo pclož:li dn« 27. avgusta k večnemu počitku na Calvary p^iopalište. V delžnest si štejemo, da se tem potom zahvalimo Rev. Joseph Matunu. Rev. Father Fcnediotu in Rev. J. Misichu za pr-srebne obrt d; v cerkvi in na pokcpalisču. Iskren*, hvala vsem, ki so nam biU v času t; prevelike žalosti v veliko ttlažbo in pomoč že na en ali na drug način. Enake tuii kpa hvala vsem, ki so jo prišli krepit, vsem. ki so culi in ms!iU ob krsti, se udeležili sv. maše. ter jo spremili k nreranemu vcčr.nia pečitku. Hvala tudi onim. ki so prišli izven mesta in se udeležili p: žreba. Prisrčno se želimo »hvaliti vsem, ki so v bla« sp::nin pskoj-nici položili krasne vence ob njeni krsti. Prav iskrena hvala vsem. ki so darovali za svete ma> zaduš-nice. Hvala tudi društvu sv. Štefana, št. 224 KSKJ (Prekmursko) C društvu Marija Sedem Žalosti, za lepd urejen pogreb in članom članicam za spremstvo in udeležbo. Dalje Iskrena hvala vsem, lu so dali svoje avtomcbUc brezplačno na razpolago pri pogrebu. Iskrena hvala naj velja pogrebnemu zavedu A. Grdina in Sl-ntvi za vre prijazno postrežbo in lepo urejen pogreb. Preljubi jena in draga žena in mati! Zastonj Te sedaj iščejo naše oči, ker Bog Ti je zadnje uro odločil, da ie nepričakovano prišla nemila smrt in zahtevala življenje preljubi jene ?rne in matere. Težko nam je pri srca. ko obiskujemo greb, kjer počivaš sedaj sama. toda božja volja je bila, da si se morala ločiti in editi v večnost. Večna luč naj Ti sveti in lahka naj Ti bo ameriška zemlja. Počivaj v miru božjem! Žalujoči ostali: FRANK ROSZMAN. mož. THERESA KAVAS. hči; ANTON, zet; MARY JAGERICH. hči; JOHN. zet: THERESA, MARY. ETHEL. vnukinje. Cleveland. O.. 24. oktobra, 1941. J* I NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA s temi skromnimi vrsticami sa žeiimo zahvaliti vsem številnim sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem za izkazano nam sočutje, tolažbo ln kakoršno koU pomoč, izkazano nam ob času, ko nas je za vedno zapustil naš predragi sin Ernest A. Maierle Zapustil nas je v noči 9. septembra v 25. letu starosU. Smrt ga nam je ugrabila nepričakovano. Pokojnik je bil rojen v Ca-lumetu, Mich. Pogreb se je vršil dne 12. septembra iz slovenske cerkve sv. Janeza Evangelista na Holv Cross pokopališče. N* tem mestu naj se zahvalimo vsem števUnih udeležencem pogreba, osobito članstvu društva sv. Janeza Evangelista, št. 65 KSKJ za številne obiske, kakor tudi udeležbo pri pogrebu. Prisrčno hvalo naj izrečemo posebno Mrs. Marv Maierle iz Kansas City Kans., in Mr. Marcus Yonke iz Detroit. Mich. za njihov trud in udeležbo pogreba. Nadalje bodite zahvaljeni vsi darovalci krasnih vencev, svetih maš in za na razpolago dane avtomobile pri pogrebu. Nemogoče nam je omeniti vse poimensko, zato naj veljajo te skromne vrstice vsem skupaj. Enako bodi izročena zahvala gospodu župniku Rev. Schiffrer-ju sa cerkvene pogrebne obrede, organistu Mr. Leo Muskatevcu, društvenim odbornikom za njih trud in pomoč, nosi tel jem krste in tudi Ermencovemu pogrebnemu zavodu za sočutno in vestno postreibo. Torej ie enkrat hvala vsem. Tebi, dragi Ernest pa naj bo lahka zemlja, počivaj mirno, a Tvoj spomin pa bo ostal med nami, dokler se zopet združimo nad zvezdami za večno. Žalujoči ostali: MR. in MRS. PAUL MAIERLE, starši; bratje in sestre. Mifcvaukee. Wis„ 19. oktobra, 194L l 306! 7 Preostanek 30. septembra 1041 ......................................................$4>675,452.47 --—o-- 133! Finančno poročilo mladinskega oddelka za mesec sept. 1941 336 ! pr Jt. it.čl. Ases. itxL Ases. " 134— 47— 1023j razreda "BB' 216 216 289 20 5 107 89 168 22 59 141 1 —170—$32.84 2 —363— 70.60 3 _ 43— 7.05 4 — 99— 37.00 5 — 43— 8.89 7 —J86— 62.80 8 — 30— 5.85 'H _ 40— 10 41 12 — 31— 4.58 13—4— .60 14 _ 40— 8.25 15 _ 40— 5.85 200 16 — 5— .80 52 ; 17 — 2— .30 75 I 20 — 16— 3.30 22 21 — 41— 6.00 03 23 — 31— 040 161 25 — 87— 50.53 188 . 20 —251— 45.50 245 30 — 44— 10.37 83 32 _ 35— 8.71 440 38 _ 20— 3.15 70 40 _ 34- 4.17 227 41 _ 52— 12.55 223 42 — 71— 11.45 145 43 _ 24— 4.50 238 44 _ 47— 8.55 150 45 _ 58— 14.00 244 47 _ 16— 3.45 36 50 —203---- 82 51 _ 4— .05 447 52—118— 24.46 43 53—184— 30.65 41 55—140--.— 143 56—100— 64.37 14 57 — 27— 10.48 4 58— l— .15 340 59 —173- 36.80 50 61 — 26— 7.07 140 62_ 4— .60 57 63—177— 34.80 23 64 _ 67— 18.36 75 65—110— 26.20 111 69— 13— 225 203 70 — 59— 22.68 151 72—163— 53.83 123 74 _ 7_ 1.50 287 75 _ 12---- 131 77 — 16— 2.55 311 78—143— 27.59 64 79 _ 88— 22.24 345 ao _ 62— 12.05 304 81 —227— 68.98 223 83 — 3— .60 250, g4 — 4--— 2r 85 — 63— 17.02 284 se— 52— 23.86 325 87 _ 45_ 6.75 30 88— 1— .15 108 go— 14— 3.45 79 gl _ 63— 11.73 763 92 — 5— .75 394 93 _ 45— 8.16 164 94 __ 47— 12.03 241 95 _ 26— 3.90 85 97 _ 2— .75 17 98— 34— 6.81 135 101 _ 49— 12.88 965 io3_ 37— 6.00 105 ,04— 90— 16.70 86 105— 14— 9.48 139 , 08—181— 39.28 138 109 _ 30— 4.75 127 ,,o_ 56— 13.66 55 111 —101— 18.51 137 ii2— 29— 8.73 48 113—159— 33.40 23, H4— 16--.— 71 us— 77— 13.40 1251 na— 4— .45 12 I 119 — 45— 10.10 79 j 120 — 90— 1924 123— 77— 12.90 124— 1— .15 127— 96— 21.94 128 — 20— 3.30 131 _ 37— 7.03 J 32 — 15——u— 133— 2— .46 401.09 135— 6— .90 136 — 60— 10.43 139— 81— 14.03 143— 44— 13.01 144 — 56— 9.80 145— 35— 10.28 146—114— 2223 147 — 29— 5.25 148—113— 20.35 150—121— 18.90 J 52— 71— 15.40 1153—126— 19.40 154— 3-»- 130 156 — 76— 20.34 157—130— 21.20 158— 14— 2.10 160 — 47— 18.54 161 — 4— -*-•— 182 —206— 35.00 163—133- 23.00 164 — 52— 17 38 «165—180--v— ,166 — 20— 6.65 167 —3— 60 168 — 26— 5.88 169 —386— 74.20 170— 54--r-— 171 — 20— 5.00 172 — 32— 17.82 173— 63— 0.60 ,74— 76— 11.60 175— 35— 5.85 ,76 — 38— 18.80 Prenos, v odr. od., stroškov, sklad za avg. 1941 .... 557.13—S 1.I45.&3 Preostanek 30. sept. 1941 ..$230218.07 JOSIP ZALAR, gl. tajnik. SPRE MEMBE za mesec septe/hber, 1941 ODRASLI ODDELEK Druitvc sv. Štefana, št, 1. Chicago, 111.—Pristopili: DD42533 James Živalic h. R. 17. $500; DD42526 Frances Je-rina. R. 40. $1.000: CC42498 Helene Pavlin. R. 18. $500: CC42482 Anthony Rabstz. R. 30. $1.000. 6. septembra — Cdstcpila BB21129 Marie Brine. R. 16. C5G0, 39. ccptembra. Drr-štvo sv. Jožefa, št. 2. Jolkt. IU —Pristooiia: CC43485 Dorothv Riffel. R. 16. S3C0: CC42435 Joseph Wysocki,. R. 23. J 1.000. 17. septembra —Znižal zavarovalnino C1683 Anton Grubar. R 42 z $1.000 na $300. 7. septembra. Društvc Vitesi sv. Jurija, št. 3. Joliet 111—Pristopili DD42554 Josephine Sta-rasinich, R. 18. $500: CC42497 Marv Težak. R. 18. $500. 13. septembra —Suspendiran C3356 John A. Zelko. R. 26. $1.000. 30. septembra. Društvo sv. Cirila in Metoda, št. 4, Tower Minn. — Pristopili DD42520 FTances Zavodnik. R 23. $1.000: DD-,178— 16— 2 95. 42521 Frances M. Nemanich. R. 23. 179 — 29— 15.71 j ii.cOO; 14. septembra. 180 — 25— 6.00 | Društvo sv. Jožefa, št. 7, Pueblo. Colo. 181— 62— 13.80 —Suspendirani BB12771 Grace. Kline. 182 — 5— 1.50 R 16 $500; BB30255 Anna Srdac. R 183 — 37— 8.10 16 $5W; 30. septembra. ,84— 15— 7.2« I Društvo sv. Janeza Krstnika. st. 14, 185 — 50— 19.40 ; Butte. Mont,—Pristopil DD42540 Geo. ,86— 1— -15 | Bcunchar. R. 18. $500: 22. septembra ,87 — 50— 22.75 >— Suspendirana BB29297 Frances ,188— 23—' 3.35 Walsh. R. 16. $500 ; 30. septembra. ,80 — lO— 3.60 ! Društvo sv. Reka. št. 15. Pittsburgh, 190— 75— 26.45 ! Pa-Pristopil CC42477 John Krau- 101 _ 58__.— I land R 19. $1.000: 1. septembra. J93_125— 21 43 ! Truštvo svš Joiefa. H. 21. Presto. I*. 193 ^ "" -pristopili DD42541 Hilda Hafner. R 18. $500: DD42438 Irene Hafner. R. 1».. $500: 14. septembra. ,94— 94— 42.17 ,95— 10— 3.30 ,96— 17— 3.05 ,97— 18— 2.85 Društvo sv. Vida. št. 25. Cleveland. O. 198 — 23- 5 73 1 -Pristopila DD42532 Anthonv Baznik ior H- 1 65 R 17. £500; CC42469 Ravmond Novak. Z\JC— II— , z"_________Prpmpni- cc Fied Mihelich cc42443. r. 24. $500; Anthonv Drcbnick cc42442 r 04 $1000—Vzel še en certifikat cc-42443-a Fred Mihelich. r. 27. $500;; 1. ektebra.—Prestopili k društvu sv Cirila in Metoda, št. 191. Cleveland, o., 5639 mart" Pugeli. r. 34. $1.000; dd1032 , Dorothv Pugelj. r. 16. $500 ; 23. sep- 2 55 1 tembra: od društva Mariie sv. Rožne- 1.65 50 57 18 82 52 24 84 176 223 92 28 72 48 39 29 133 22 68 98 174 24 30 38 203—120— 48.80 204— 4— -75 206—102— 20.73 207 — 62— 23.55 208 — 06— 17.30 210— 22— 4» 80 .211—25— 3.60 £13— 27— 4.50 214— 11— 116— 22— ^17— 16— 2.55 I '""venca"št~ 131 Aurora. Minn . 31527 218-17- 921 "6niuch R 16. $5 GLASILO K,|K, JEOffOTE, OCTOBER 29, X941 LETSMAKEIT40, * _ "The Spirit of a *Rejwoena1ed KSKJ'* ON TO CHICAGO! —BOOST KSKJ SPORTS— —BOOST KSKJ SPORTS— * * * * * Matt F. Stana, Supreme Treasurer, Says: NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SOMETHING 1—FOR THE KSKJ MEMBERS IN THE SERVICE As an integral part of the National Defense Emergency Program, many of our younger KSKJ members have been in-ducted into either the military or naval service of our eountry. In addition to leaving happy family surroundings and giving up good paying positions, many of the men have bften sent to and stationed in distant camps, so that they find it impossible to visit their relatives and friends. Under such circumstances, their only contact with relatives or friends is through corres-pondence, therefore it makes them very happy to receive many letters. That this is true, vve may cite the follovving: In the past year, many requests for letters vvere published in the read-ers' columns of the various Chicago daily nevvspapers, and after a fevv vveeks, these columns vvould contain letters of thanks for the receipt of many letters. If letters from strangers can do so much good, you can imagine hovv much happier the KSKJ service men vvould be upon receipt of letters not only from friends but from KSKJ members. The Our Page section of the Glasilo KSKJ, from time to time, publishes thfe names and addresses of our KSKJ service men, and I think that vve, KSKJ members, should try to vvrite as many letters as possible to them, especial-ly to those in distant camps. As the November and December lodge meetings are vvell attended by the members, and as Christmas is only eight vveeks away, it vvould be appropriate and advisable to discuss čhe feasibility of appropriating a specified amount of money from the lodge treasury for the purchase of small appropriate Christmas gifts for their members in the service. It may be impossible for some lodges to purchase Christmas gifts, so in that čase, they could discuss the question of canvassing their members for books, magazines, etc., that could be sent to their service members. I am sure that these gifts, books, etc., vvould be received vvith enthusiastic happiness, and vvould serve as a reminder that we KSKJ'ers, even in a little vvay, vvill try to make them happier. ' 2—FOR OUR COUNTRY Our Government has launched a large scale program for the sale of Defense Bonds and Stamps. The program vvas launched vvith a tvvo-fold purpose in mind. First, partially to pay for the tremendous cost of our Defense Program, as the cost is too great to be paid for by the levy of taxes. Second, to try to convirfce the people to save (these bonds dravv interest at 2or 3c/i) a part of their increased earnings for the post-vvar adjustment period, and at the same time to divert some of the extra money from the regular channels of consumers goods pur-chases vvhich vvould create, at this time, an abnormal demand for goods thus bringing about priče increases and some form of inflation together vvith the increased ccyisumption of goods (cars, refrigerators, etc.) vvhose basic materials are sorely neede^ by the manufacturers of Defens^ Products. The KSKJ has bought $50,000.00 (the maximum allovvable limit) for Defense Bonds, series "G." I think that it vvould be one of the finest patriotic gestures if the local lodges as vvell as individual KSKJ members vvould follovv the lead of the KSKJ and buy Defense Bonds and Stamps. 3—THE PRESENT MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN The many fine and inspiring articles vvritten for the present membership campaign by the different Supreme Officers, as vvell as the liberal cash avvards for obtaining nevv members, have helped in obtaining the fine results of vvriting $878,750.00 nevv insurance, and in increasing our membership to a total of 3i7,389 members. To date, the five vvinners of the special avvards are: Messrs. Louis Martincich, John Hladnik, Joseph Chesnik, John Pezdirtz, and Mrs. Katherine Rogina. I vvish to congratulate them, and I hope that in the remaining five months of the campaign many nevv names vvill be added to the list of vvinners. Our Supreme President Germ expressed the opinion that he hopes to open the 20th Convention (to be held in Chicago next year) on behalf of 40,000 members. I feel sure that vvith the favorable economic conditions of today and the fine repu-tation of the KSKJ as the largest and best Slovenian Catholic Fraternal organization in America, vve can do our best'and try to get the 2,611 nevv members, so that vve vvill attain the desired goal of 40,000 members by Convention (August, 1942) time. CONCLUSION I vvish to take this opportunity of thanking St. Jerome's Society, No. 153, of Canonsburg, Pa., and its members for their display of thč finest type of American Catholic fraternalism and brotherhood by donating not only $10.00 tovvard the payment of assessments but also donating a handsome traveling kit to each member inducted into the service. I also vvish to thank that young lady member, vvho by sending a surprise package to a KSKJ service member from another state, sjiovved vvhat the true spirit of the KSKJ is. I feel sure and am convinced that ali the KSKJ lodges and members vvill do their best to: 1—Help our members in the service; 2—Buy Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps; and, 3—Make the present membership a success by attaining a total membership of 40,000 members. , In these ways, vve vvill again shovv that vve are one of the finest Catholic Fraternal Organizations in the country, and that vve not only preach, .but that vve believe in, and live up to the ideals of that grand KSKJ motto: "ALL FOR FAITH, HOME, AND NATION." WILL REPEAT "CIGAN BARON" FOR BENEFIT Cleveland, O. — "Cigan baron," operetta vvhich recently vvas heartily received by a sold-out house, vvill be repeated Nov. 2 at 3 p. m. in the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. The production, presen te d by the Glasbena Matica, vvill be presented as a benefit per-| formance to aid suffering people in the homeland. Dancing vvill follovv in the evening. Anton Schubel of Nevv Yorkj and baritone of the Metropolitan Opera, vvho made such a success vvith the first perform-ance, vvill come to Cleveland to direct the presentation. That the first performance met vvith such tfpproval, and the added worthy cause for vvhich it vvill be riepeated should guarantee aaother full house. Tickets are on sale at Makovec's C PRANCIft JANCEB 1110 Third SL. La SaUe. IIL Mary V. Novak, 1223 E. 2nd St., Butte, Mont., a member of St. Anne's Society, No. 208, tells us how to make a new kind of roll. Butterhorns Cream 1 cup butter, add Vž cup sugar gradually and beat until ^mooth and creamy. Add 3 eggs, one at a time, beating after each. Then add 1 teaspoon salt, the grated rind of 4 lemon, 1 yeatst cake dis-solved in \x/t cups lukewarm milk and mix thoroughly. Gradually add 4 cups sifted flour and knead until smooth and elastic. Cover and let rise in vvarm plače until double in bulk (over night or several hour«). Toss on floured board, cut in ten pieces, roll ]/A inch thick. in 9-inch rounds, brush we!l with softened butter and then vvith Danish nut filling. Cut each round into six equal .parts through center. Roll from iong end to opposite point. Curve each piece into a cres-cent shape. Plače in a greased pan, let rise until light, about two hours, bake in a moderate oven or at about 350 degrees. While vvarm cover vvith plain icing flavored vvith a fevv drops of almond extract. To make the Danish Lemon Nut Filling, cream 3 tablespoons butter, add Vi cup sugar gradually, and then add cup finely chopped blanched almonds, the grated rind of V-: lemon and just enough slightly beaten egg to make a paste. * We are indebted to Mrs. Al-vina Blanchard, Denver, Colo., a member of Lodge No. 190, for the follovving yeast cake. Chocolate Yeast Cake 1 cup shortening, 2 cups sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup svveet milk, 3 cups flour, '4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup vvalnut meats, 1 3 cup co-cca or 3 squares chocolate, 1 cake Fleischman's yeast, dis-solved in % cup lukewarm tva-ter, 1 teaspoon soda, 4 tablespoons boiling vvater, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add vvell-beaten eggs, the sifted dry ingredients alternately vvith the milk and yeast vvhich has been dissolved in the vvarm \vater. Let stand in refrigerator over night. In the morning add 1 teaspoon soda to the hot vvater and then mix vvith the above mixture; add vanilla and nuts, if desired. Bake in tvvo layers in a 375 degree oven about 30 minutes or till done. When| cool, frost vvith an uncooked chocolate frosting. EXPRESS THANKS TO ALL FOR AID IN BROOKLVN JOSEPHS JUBILEE BILL JOE'S ŠPIRIT STILL GU1DES FANS Brooklyn, N. Y. —-1 take this them health so they will bc opportunity to thank ali friends vvith us for many years. The cf St. Joseph's Society, No. 57,1 f o u n d e r s vvho have passed vvho participated Oct. 19 in the1 away vvill be cherished in our 40th anniversary celebration of memory. our society. The play presented in the afternoon and the dance vvhich follovved vvas vvell attended. Thanks to aH vvho signed up as boosters and to those vvho vvorked so diligently to complete our anniversary booklet, as likevvise to those vvho con-tributed attendance avvards. The vvork of Jack Žagar, chairman for the publication of the booklet, deserves the highest commendation. Brother Joseph S u p a n c i c signed up the most ads, vvhile Bro. John Cvetkovich of Plain-field, N.* J., had the largest booster list. In ticket sales Mrs. Jerry Koprivsek and Mrs. John Žagar won the honors; they also assisted Ignac Zaje To ali, even though not men-tioned iridividually, vvho in any way aided in our successful program, vve extend our grati-tude vvith hopes that this mani-festation vvill renevv our špirit and interest in furthering the principles of our great KSKJ. Joseph J. Klun, President. WELLINGS BLOSSOM (Continued from Da are 6> Hovvever, the Undertaker'c team found out that there vvac plenty puneh in that outfit vvhen they lost three games to them Mond4ay, making it six games in a row for Katy's. Fifi vvith a 121 average rolled high for Katy's vvith a 183 game and John Cvetkovichwith their |She hasn>t been bovvling very treasury duties—to ali four, a lonS' and with a11 her enthus" SOMETHING NEW IN THE BQOK WORLD Strabane, Pa. —' About oncTteps as time goes on.or until M* Reading from the funday Missal" and "My Len sincere thank you! We appreciate the co-operation of the singing and drama-lic society "Domovina," and the tamburitza orchestra under the direetion of John Gerjovich, and performers Miss Dorothy Cantari, Jerry Koprivsek, Jos. Kerkovich, Marion and Joseph- . me Svet, Valentine brothers. !and show the *irls °,n.the oth,el Ann Pishkur. iasm we think she'11 be right up there vvith the best before long. Stevie Miklavcic vvas high for the losers vvith 161, 162 and 159 for a 482 total, that leaves the Undertakers in last plače. Come on, F^rfolia Undertakers, get some high scores hundred football fans of Strabane left Oct. 18 for the Tech-Irish game in Pittsburgh, at the Pitt Stadium. This group went in a party, some in busseo and others in private cars. They vvere not as cheerful as they have been in the past, for the fan of aH šport fans, Joe Bevec, vvas not one of the "gang" either on the bus or in the stands at the game. In years gone bye, Joe vvould round up his follovvers and in groups that always neared the tvvo hundred mark or vvent over that figure, this group paid their yearly tribute to No-tre Dame by their attendance and yells for the Fightin' Irish. But this year, or any other year, this vvill not be, for Joe ic not vvith us to continue vvhat hc started. Keep Špirit Alive But despite this unfortunate blovv to the sports element of Strabane, the1-Strabane boys vvill keep Joe's unselfish špirit alive. They vvill try to continue in the same vein that Joe vvorked vvhile he vvas here vvith us. Sportsmanship vvill come first, regardless of vvhat school they meet and set a form of rules that vvill govern future aetion. Leahy Writes Recently the sports depart- ment of the Canonsburg Notes received a reply from Frank Leahy, the coach of the Fightin' Irish, and assured us that he vvould co-operate vvith us in any manner that the University officials and Mr. Leahy thought was premissable. They are more than pleased vvith the at-titude of the Strabane šport fans tovvard perpetuating Joe's memory and vvill vvork in uni-son vvith the Strabane boys to see to St that this is accom-plished.. It is gratifying to knovv that the coach of Notre Dime, New Testament, pp. 576, 35c Mg Dailg Reading from tha Four Goepets, Regular Type ten Missal," and to ali those vvho are interested in their ovvn spiritual development. The _ OM 9K„. non-Catholic jibe that Catho- Edition, pp. 288, pnee 25c; u • . .... . wmn Hva I1CVC1 ledu Hlc IJlUlc Wlil larger type edition, pp. 576, •, Uu a e ^ -i. „ . K , ~ i.u 04. J he robbed of any truth it may Priče 35c; by Father Sted- , , , * c. . ^ * I i. / rrv. ever have had if Father Sted-man, Confraternity of The , , , ., , ' man s hopes of a vvide circula- tion are fulfilled. Precious Blood, Hamilton Pkwy., N. Y. 5300 Brooklyn, The untiring Father Sted-man has placed us deeply in T H ATS GOOD! . . . WHA T'S GOOD? When you hear a song that his debt, first for his "miracle takes you, for a fevv moments, Missal" vvhich has opened up out of the world' a"d stirs UP the treasures of the liturgy for ^mones of something good millions of people, and second- ^at f,once happened to you, ly *or his latest books which ^mething good you d hke to do vvill popularize the Nevv Testa- s°on- •; • ^hen you see a hard clean tackle on the football ment. 1-. jj Taking the nevv translation fleld' or y°u samPle a particu- prepared under the direetion larl* delicious piece of apple Frank Leahy, has taken an in^of the Episcopal Committee of ™ iHJ'2 terest in the vvork going on in the Confraternity of Christian fres>h 0ctober air one f g Doctrine, he has -unified the these ^rnings, you say a- Four Gospels into one continu- most a"tomatically: "Thafs ous narrative. Geneologies, re^ and Strabane. For Frank did not knovv Joe. nor (ever fhad the privilege of meeting Joe. But like a true šport that he is,• petitious passages and some Coach Leahy vvill ride the vvag- prolix verses have been omit-cn vvith the Strabane boys. For ted. The verse references 1 to this he vvill have the undying the Gospels are printed in the gratitude of about the entire page margin, and concise, clear community of Strabane, right explanations of difficult lines novv, practically 90 per cent are given in the footnotes. The cr sports is the main topic of j Irish fans.—Stan Progar, "Ca- text is broken up into chapter-conversation or regardless of nonsburg Notes, vvhat game is being played. Fa-| good!" • I. Wkct do gou mean "good"? Well, Good is vvhat you love, only sometimes vve make mis-takes and drag in something Bad to love. Really, we can't leve what's bad at ali. Our vvills spontaneously move only tovvard vvhat is good What happens,—it's a čase of mis- Thanks to Rev. Fr. Petrich for his fine talk, and espe'cially for his reminder to ali to join our organization. Thanks to teams that you really got tnc stuff, too. Don't forget, girls, bring your rooters along ae many a game is v^on by the rooters rooting you on to vic- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Zupan of;torT^ Cleveland; Mr. Zupan outlined the progres3 of the KSKJ, suggestions of particular inter-, est to the young people. John Cvetkovich as toastmaster, and, Joseph Supancic vvho aided vvith the play, both have our thanks. Highest commendation goec to the čast of the play "Zamujeni vlak,'.' i n c 1 u d i n g Jack Pishkur, Stanley Vesel, Valen- Well, next vveek Welling's Flovvers .meet the Katy Kozy • Korner and competition vvill be great for first plače. Will see •vou ali next vveek vvith the re-sults. voritism vvill stili make its ap-pearance but vvith Joe's meth-od of applying credit. That of giving credit vvhere it is due, in spite of the team, player or school. THIS IS WHY MEN SELL LIFE INSURANCE "One of the greatest thrills I have cxperienc like divisions vvhose headings . ... are in bold type; these in turn *ak€n ldentlty' the bad thin^ are subdivided into paragraph ; dra,ws 0Ve^ ^el5f a cloak that Taking the lead novv in plače ^ars of Li?e units vvhose headings are in ' 11 look ,lke the italies. The suggested date for becomes a little blurred, reading is contained in a smal! ana lbe Wl11 taken ln- Soon , . u red lined box after each chap- !t ,Wl11 get straightened out, :cd m these ^ ^ ^^ ^ iul ^ and go on its way, making the raneo service L „ „ ,____, ,____ . same mistakes. mak i nt? th;* came to me not so lpn? ago at! ters are in red. The type is of. of Joe is Joe Holsey and Frank ^ 10 ^^ - ;the same fine quality used in (Giop) Krall, tvvo of Joe's bos- s dlRner on the campus c. cne;^ „M gund Migsa, „ ThJ Goodness, vvhether it be in a cm pals. These two vvill pro-j^ °ur umvemtics. 1 in- nce of lhe page is «.'?on gor a Saint, likes to spencl mulgate the unselfish špirit of |vited as the dinnerguest of one ^^ ^ .g ^ q£ ^-itselt to affect everythmg else T«. f^iof tha seniora. When I rcach- ....._ . around it. You can*t wall it same mistakes, making the same corrections. the late Joe Bevec, and the jed hi3 apartment, he intro-cluced me to his mother. We sacred text. THE ARMY'S TERMS The modern soldier talks in a language that is partly his ovvn and partly gleaned from the special life he leads. Because he uses many unusual &nd colorful terms, the army šport fans of Strabane vvill cheerfully fall in line to-help. in ali their povver to see that ;three went to'this dinner. vvhich this is an established acomplish-' J, as , , m:^er3 ^^ ifaculty, the graduates and their jparents. The matter is so arranged iruP or freeze When >'011 ^ the Nevv Testament volume something good, others are bet-that the vvhole book is read Iter because of it. A person once each year; in the Four Gospels!wrote to a good friend' volume, the readings begins on!"1 Wl11 down the >*ea:*3 with December 1 or June 1, and the | , y°U Ijn miIld' , Clear-eyed and unafraid, and strangely kind." ment. tine Capuder, Joseph and John , . f Frank has lssued a dictionary of vvord Mrs. Wm. A. Zinsmeister, 126 ^omer Pl., Etna, Pa., a a member of Lodge No. 81, of Pittsburgh, makes her pump-kin pie vvith carrots. Pumpkin Carrot Pie 1 * j, cups of cooked carrots, strained, \\> cups of milk, 2 eggs, j. cup brovvn sugar, V2 teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon gin-ger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix sugar, ginger, cinnamon and salt together until there are no lumps. Then add to the carrots and mix thoroughly. Beat eggs until light and add to this mixture. Add milk last. Mix vvell and pqur into a pas-try shell. Sprinkle yA teaspoon nutmeg on top. Bake in a hot oven 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Then reduce heat and bake till done. * Frances Zupanich, Box 733, Soudan, Minn., a member of Lodge No. 4, makes a daisy Žagar, Anton Beljan, Kushar. Thanks also to the village band: Valentine Capuder, Valentine Paviic, MethTod Končan, Frank Kushar, John Zakel, Frank Žagar. Thanks also to Joseph Skraba, flag-bearer. We vvere pleased to have vvith us Alois Cesark and Jos. Kobe, founders vvho attended the anniversary Mass. Bro. Cesark, because of ill health, vvas unable to stay for the complete program. Bro. Kebe, vvho missed very fevv funetions and meetings since the organization of the society, vvas vvith us for the complete program. The society appreciates the vvork of these tvvo founders and vvishes cake that is also lazy. Lazy Daisy Cake 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, Vt cup milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup sifted flour, 1 teaspoon baking povvder, pineh of salt, 1 teaspoon vaniHa. . Put milk and butter on to heat. Beat eggs, add sugar, beat ali together vvith rotary beater. Stir in dry ingredients softed together and vanilla. Then add hot milk, stirring carefully as it is added. Then oour into flat greased pan and Todajr's Leaders . . . Frank and Joe are the tvvo' Tills >'ounS man was "ot Gospels are read tvvice each! ieader, today. Through a great ^ fmother sitting to year In both books the daily| sacjrifice on their part, .these ^Jf was not mJ fwlie' and(rcadmg extends about a page| ^e h^rts f J f ;t rn, ihln fnr nlmost 11 had not occurrcd to me un- and a half, requiring tvvo or grown oecause 01 tneir inena- r no hundred fans of ^^^^e1^ ^'nner was almozt over three minutes, so that even the The goodness of Our t" c^tho Ime Thfv maSe'^y I was invited. I was puz- busiest p2rson mav find time Bless*d Ladv stili fills this trip at theiHlvn cipinse to'2lcd and 1 v,ras wonderir.g why for spiritual reading of the fin 1 earth, enkindling cold^ hearts. aissolving sin. —Selected fvvas finished, and the toast-j Father Stedman has "unifi-; Joliet KSKJ Men^s League Pittsburgh to sccure the tick- 1 ^a, there. When the dinnerjest type. a call for canned covv is a sum-mons for canned milk; covv juice is fresh milk; black-strap ir coffee; canned horse or canned vvillie is merely corned beef. and phraees fresh from the camps. Here are some of them: r j ets, made reservations for the . During the table tournament busses, and saw to it that those ™aster had said «ome mce|ed^ the four Gospels. He hasl going in private cars vvould thin*s and we had enJ°yed; solved the difficult problem of Schusters have a way to the game This some excellent music, this j unifying the Acts of the Apos- White Fr« unselfish vvork on their part is man' m>' h0/' asked forjtles, the numerous EpMles and Peerless an expense but they willingly the Privilege.-of a fevv vvords jthe Apocalypse by grouping Avsecs ... took it on themselves to keep "He »ntroduced me as his. saiutations, then the doctrinal | Jay-A»Z. Chovv, of course, is food; j the špirit of Joe-Bevec alive. I*uest' and as * stood there em- texts and finally all the m0ral The Eagl. dough puneher is an army ba- Work of this sort is very try-' barras^ed, this ,s about whatj themes in pr0per sequence. He Tezaks . ker; duff is a svveet item of any ing on one's patience but the, m8*1 : sort. Whcn salmon is on the 1 two mefitioned above are not e been in this univers- practically the vvhole Nevv ! w. L. Pet. . 9 3 .750 9 3 .750 7 5 .583 6 6 .500 5 7 .417 5 7 .417 5 7 .417 2 10 .167 ity for these four years and I butter on punk and they like Testament has been left intact.. menu, Uncle Sam's soldiers 1 complaining. They are con . call it gold-fish. They spread ! dueting the business just as Joe am here ton.ght as a member did - in a friendly, cheerful of this class of graduates, and and unselfish manner. in a lar»c mcas"re f ^.due to i Testament To Hold Dancc |the t,mely work of thls man i sions, and Just a vveek before Joe met st a n d 1n« b>' my side' 3ome sages of the Apocalypse have vvith his fatal acident, he had .^ars ago, vvhile I vvas yet a been omitted laid his initial plans to estab-;tma^ boy ln t e srades, he vv^as Thege neat attractive vol- rites and diseus-some difficult pas- friendly, cheerful of this class of graduates, and a • . 1../.A Mtnn niirn if I? H lin t/V _ niče erisp slices of sow-belly for breakfast. If it's beans, they cafll fer a portion of stars and stripes. Beer is svvill and slum is food in general. If there's some chicken or turkey on the table, it's just plain buz-zard to the man in uniform. And after the meal is over, the next 3tep is bubble dancing, orj the dishvvashing routine. When fiyers tal* too much L.-----------------------, _ or streteh the fac "a bit, they The Boosters club of the K>as f>aid ali 01 my expenses, possibIe are uttering prop vvash. A sug-'s. K. J. lodge vvill sponsor a,here ,n|this ^lvcrs,'greatest success gestion to roll up the flaps is a I series of scholarship dances. i^ant you to knovv rhat l love, spiritual reading, in the study suggostion to stop talking. Ad-|The dances vvill be held underncxt to my mother. -|of the life 0f Our Lord and in CHANGE MEETING DATE only some greetings, farevvells, I - Chicago, 111. - The local fevv excerpts referring to Old St; Flonan SoQiety No. 44, vvill return to its regular schedule of meetings. Regular monthlv meetings vvill be held every first Sunday at 2 p. m. The next meeting vvill be held Sun- iaid ms lnmai pians 10 esuu-. , T a 1__----- ---------- ' . dav wftV o lish a scholarship fund for his ^e Life Insurance Agent whoLmes may be slipped easily.into da>' little son, Joe Jr. But unfor- ™te father 8 apphcation |a man>s pocket or a woman's« John LikovicH, tunately, thls vvill never be thru ^ a Lifc Insurance pohcy, the |bag. The Iarger type edition is VtVc Joe's father But some-'proceeds of pohcy has practical for younger childrtn sec y. distribution and the in promoting vised to shoot, they knovv thevithat heading and the proreeds vvill be set aside in a trust :?und Selected. -0- |developing a personal love for can talk. • I vvill be set aside in a trust ::und; ^-7—7---I Him. Some years ago Mr. Eliot A mitt-flopper is a soldier j for Little Joe, assurlng kte W d l0!.^^^0^^ "If vvho habitually does favors for'that a part of his Dad's vvork! tan n8" eral education if vve spent just bake 25 to 30 minutes in a mod- his superiors, an apple polisher erate oven 375 to 350 degrees. While the cake is baking stir up the topping. 2/3 cup brovvn sugar, 1/3 cup melted butter, 2 tablespoons cream, V2 cup cocoanut (or nuts may be used). Spread on vvarm cake. Re- turn cake to oyen and leave until the icing carmelizes some-vvhat, but not long enough to burn. Tiniei 5 to 10 minutes. It is carmelized vvhen it begins to bubble.. in other vvords. The monthly payroll is the scandal sheet and payday ii jUncle Sam's party.— Selected. -o— NOTICE GIRARD PATS Clevieland, O. — The St. Ann bovvlerets apologize to the St. Patrick's for not attending the recent dance in Girard. The Forty Hours Devotion at St. Lawrence's G h ure h, on the same date, made it impossible for the girls to be in Girard. vvill be carried out and that Little Joe vvill attend Notre Damelpapegh Tavern and perhaps fulfill his Dad's! Verbiscer Press for his Dame. only school — Notre! Peerless Print. ation are vague. But this much Gorsich Market is known. The dances vyill be Dinets ......*-..... held at least tvvice a year until sufficient funds are secured for the original purpose of estab-lishing the scholarship fund. The committee in charge of the affairs vvill vvork out definite W. L. Pet. . 8 4 .666 . 6, 3 .666 7 5 .583 7 5 .583 G 6 .500 n 7 .416 . 4 S .333 2 7 .222 LET'S MAKE IT 40,000 Father Stedman can promise his | readers a deep love for Christ and a tine Christian life if they vvill be faithful to a fevv minutes daily reading of the sacred text of the Book of Books. We recommend these little vOl-umes most highly to direetors of souls, to Holy Name Societies to present to the soldiers from the parish, to the students in our high schools and colleges as companion jbooks to "My CONTR1BUTORS In submltting contributlons to Our Page, please conslder the fol- lowln«: 1. Use one slde o I paper onljr. 2. Manuscrlpts written ln pencll wiJl not be considered. 3.. If possible tvpewrite material. uslng double-spacer. 4. Ali contributlons must be signed by author. Name wlll bt withheld fr->m publicaUon by re-ciues.t. 5. Material must be received by Our Page not later than 8 a- nv, Monday prior to lntcnded publication. 7. Address communlcaticns to Our Page, 6117 St. Qlair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. REPORTERS Jonn Bev«c Valentine lfaleckar Anvhony J. Ruchar Eleanor Mntfucvac Krank Uuehar John A. Cankar Mary Deloat Ga le Elenieh Joaeph Erchul) 1-Vank J. Flajs Frank Glavan Pnuline J. Gorent Frank Gribbona Karle Grom Helene Ivanich France* Jancer ^ Agnea Jenich A. J. KastoHc Jr. Joaeph Kausek Joaeph J. Klun Kd» »rd kompara Milton Koren V .c torta Krall Kraticea Lvkai Marj Ualeckar France« Merhar Niek Mikatich Jr. Joseph llitock Andy Fosachar Jr. Michael Polntnik Frank Ribich Jr, Franci« Sever' Charles Staudohar Leo Radkovie Stephen Strune Francla Samic Peter Svesrel Helen Terlep Mary Trambuah Marv Kambic Dorothy Udovich Pauline Virant John Volk Marrarrt Weidman Frank Eabkar Pauline Zdeznikar GLASIM) K. S. K. JEDNOTE, OCTOBER 29, 1941 141 ......." PREM E%M B E za mesec september, 1941 . (Nadaljevanje s 5 strani) 4 Anna Grahovec. R. 16. $500: 22. sept. DtcKto st. Jote/*, št 188, BeUite- hem. Pa.—Suspendirani DD1444 John Skraban R. 16. $1.000: DD7 Joseph iSbS R. 16. $1.000: D1260 Stephen Skraban. R. 17. $1.000: D3352 Joseph-STSban. R. 17. ^ seph Skraban Sr.. R. 30. ^f™.3™* Marsaret Skraban R 18J1.000. 8763 Mary Skraban. R. 27. $1.000; 30. sept. Društvo sv. Jcte*a, it. ^». Clev^nd. 0-Vzel še en certifikat DD42455 Urbancic Prank R. 23. $500: 6. septembra,—Zopet sprejeti DD1370 Drassler Jsme. R. 40. $1.000 32638 Rudolph Strah R. 27. $1.000 : 25712 Prank Mer-var?R. 40. $1.000: D5378 John Dra^er. R 28 $1000- DD963 Antoinette Jakse-tich. R. 18. $1.000: DD1616 Walter Fonda. R. 17. $1.000 : 34080 Marv NmhtlgaL R 25 $500; 34081 Jean Nahtigal. R. $500 ; 33805 Malnar Anthonjr. R Ji. $1000- 27209 Prank Rutar. R. 21. $1000. SS? Anna Nadrah. R. 33. $1000; 2743« jerry Perusek. R. 23. $500 ; 26795 FYank, Baraga R 17. $500 : 33029 Prank Top- ! lak, R. 21. $500 : 40015 Anton Bcldin R.; 26 eSCO; 17479 Anna Kosrcv. R. 16 $5: 1650 Tonv Stnnole. R. 18. | 2222 Thcmas Rupnik. R. 18. $500: ni« Marv Glavan. R. 35. $250; D5298 Jo-Ecoh Ostanek. R. 45. $500: 31764 Lud-wS Bcldin. R. 21. $20»; 30423 John ! Kumel. R. 22. $1000: 33889 John Nah- j tigal. R. 20. $500 ; 30. sept. - Suspen- . dirani 33647 Prank Krajec R^. $6*>. 25380 Martin Smcrke. R. 40. $500 : 343*3 Antonia Smrke. R. 47 $500; 24322, Frank Stamfel. R. 18. $500 : 9724 Marija Stamfel. R 16. $500; 31772 Maiy = Krnjc. R. 29. $250; C-2574 Angela Gl>-bokar. R. 17. $500: CC-416S1 Joa La- | sicky R. 17. $5G0: D-1367 Marv Krasoc. | R 25. $1000; DD-1369 Edward Krascc. R 27. $1000: 33174 Andrew Omerza. R 17. SICOO; 31919 Wide Omahan. R. 37. $10CC; 32413 Anthony Kcvac. R. 22. S1CCC: DD-1370 Jane Drassler. R. 40, $1000 : 32638 Rudclph Strah. R. 27. $1003 : 25712 Prank Mervar, R. 40. ilCCC: D-5378 Jchn Drassler. R. 28. $10C0: DD-963 Antoinette Jaksetich, R. 18, $1.000; DD1616 Walter Fonda. R. 17 S1.0C0; 34C80 Mary Nahtigal. R. 25. $500: 33889 John Nahtigal R. 22. $503: 34081 Jean NahtiRal. R. 20. $500: DD-1361 Antonia Siozier. R. 56. $250: DD. 42058 Gabrieila Sercel. R. 18. $5C3: B3-216S9 Ida Lisjak. R. 17. $500; BB-18283 Olga Markel. R. 16. $500. 30. sept. Druitvo sv. Ane. š.. 170. Chicago, DL: Pristopila: CC-42511 Mary Horvrath. R. 16. $250. 28. sept. Diuštvo Prcsvetpjra S*ca Jezusovega, št. 172. Cleveland. O.: DD-425.9 Ray-mond Gclick. R. 16. $500; prlistopi 2. septembra. D:nštvo sv. Ane. št. 173. Mihvaukee. Wis.: Suspendirana: 3395S Jc3ephin? Tuik. R. 23. $503. 30. sept. Društvo sv. Joicfa. št 175. Summit, 111.: BB-24144 Jchn Furcich. R. 16. $1.000; suspendovan 30. septembra. Društvc Mari:3 Vncb-vaete. št. 181. Steelton. Pa,—Zopet prejet BB14803 Jcseph Kcstelec. R. 18. $500; D-4429 Fiaiik Stansic. R. 16. $500; suspendi-van 30. septembra.—Pristopil FF4257« J. ;epn Kc :telec. R. 18. $500; 19. sept. Društvo Jezus Dobri Pastir, št. 183, Ambridge. Fcnna.: Odstopil: CC-878 Jam:, Flajni!:. R. 22. $1000. 30.^sept. — Cu-;:-ndirani: D-299 Julia Schulada. R 52. $250 : 283C4 Joseph Keiran. R. 16. SICtO; C-3314 Mildred Ker^an. R. 27 $1000: C-3316 Stella Kudorko. R. 20. j500 30. cept. — Zopet sprejeti: CC-£71 Paul Prevish. R. 29. $250: DD-42061 1-cuis Uhernik. R. 18. $250: DD-447 Jchn Uhernik. R. 10. $250. 30. sept. Društvo Marije Pomagaj, št. 184. Brcsklvn. N. f.f Pristopila: FF-4255J seph Sermag. R. 29. $500. 2. okt. Društvo Lnrika Mati Božja, St. 846, Etna. Pa.: Zopet .sprejeta: BB-29221 Sarah Merzlak. R. 16. $500. 30. sept. Društvo sv. Patrika. št 250, Girard. Q.: Suspendiran: DD-940 Wm. Umeck. R. 20. $1000. 30. sept. > Josip Zalar, glavni tajnik. S "Cigan-baron" Vstopnice za opereto CIGAN-BARON se lahko dobijo pri sledečih osebah: Mrs. Mary Makovec v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave.f Mrs. Frances Rupret, 19303 Shawnee Ave., Mrs. Agnes Žagar, 3569 East 80th St., Mrs. Frances šušel, 15900 Holmes Ave., in Mrs. Josephine Zakrajšek, 7603 Cor-nelia Ave. — čisti preostanek od te prireditve gre v blagajno lokalnega odbora št. 2 JPO, SS za naše trpeče in nesrečne brate in sestre onkraj morja. Napravite svojo narodno in bratsko dolžnost, kupite vstopnico takoj. T9 opereto ponovi Glasbena matica v Clevelandu, O. v nedeljo, 2. novembra popoldne ob 3. v S. N. Domu na St. Clairju. Razne prireditve Jed« ndtinih društev NAJBOLJŠA PRAVILA ZA ŽIVLJENJE V Ameriki so razpisali anke- EXPOSE PLAN 23. novembra: Praznovanje 35-letnice društvenega obstanka in praznovanje 25-letnice mladinskega oddelka KSKJ društva sv. Jožefa, št. 103, West Allis, Wis. 18. januarja, 1942: Gledališka igra in plesna veselica društva Marija Pomagaj, št. 78, Chicago, 111. v šolski dvorani. Ostala drufitva, ki imajo to sezono tudi kakšno prireditev na programu, naj nam izvolijo to naznaniti.—Uredništvo. --o- OGROMNI DNEVNI VOJNI STROŠKI ANGLIJE London.—Zakladničar angleške vlade je nedavno v poslanski zbornici naznanil, da znašajo dnevni stroški sedanje vojne za Anglijo približno 50% več kakor pa v minuli svetovni vojni, oziroma 11 milijonov funtov šterlingov ($44,000,000). Ker je pa zbornica dovolila na-daljna dva milijona šterlingov za obrambo, bodo znašali ti skupni vojni stroški $52,000,-000 na dan. ________________(Continued from Page 8) to, katere ao najboljšo smernice telligentsia and nationally-con-» i*.-« 4.- ftC|0Ua peasants iilto Serbia. The za življenje. Rezultati te anke-1 te pričajo, da jemljejo Američani Življenje resno. Pravila, po katerih skušajo uravnati svoje življenje, so naslednja: 1.—Nauči se težkega dela, distance is a good thousand miles to the south, where ma-laria is rampant and the in-habitants are extremely poor and primitive. The exiles have ker brez dela je uspeh v živi je- 110 f0od, no houses, no clothes. nju nemogoč. V BLAG SPOMIN 13. obletnice smrti ljubljenega očeta in dragega soproga MARTIN-a TEŽAK ki nas je za vedno zapustil dne 2. novembra 1928 Hladna jesen spet je tukaj, z njo spet mrzle sapice; nas pri tem spomin navdaja in teži nam vsem srce. čakam one svetle zarje, čakam dneva istega, da se tuge te otresem da s Teboj se bom sešla. Naj prisije že danica, noč.da bo pregnala mi; vere naše saj resnica: je, da snidemo se vsi. Truplo Tvoje naj počiva, rešen truda saj si zdaj; duši Tvoji Bog plačilo, naj podeli — svet? raj! Tvoja žalujoča soproga, 2.—Naberi si kar največ znanja, ker bodočnost pripada inteligentnim. f - 3.—Ne zanemarjaj zdravja, ker telesna oslabelost resno ogroža tvoj življenski cilj. 4.—Nikoli ne pozabi, da sta Forced Emigration "According to the latest re-ports, this forced emigration from the native soil has reach-ed the staggering sum of 100,-000 Slovenes." The inhabitants of, Slovenia, JOLIET CIRCUIT 1 K. J. LASS1E LEAGUE , - . ~ - a province of the former Yugo- duh m telo včasih potrebna po- glayia are a yery religious and čltka- . .* Jhighly cultured peopje, a pro- 5.—Varčuj in nauči se ceniti logue ^ thfi documept states. vrednost denarja. They have adorned their land 6.—Glej, da ti postane živ- with many churche8 and the KMnU! ivlnimn al/rK v Q n 1 _ ... « t • ljenski cilj glavna skrb, zanimaj pa se tudi za druge stvari. 7.—Ukvarjaj se s športom, country's literary produetion prior to the German invasion, amounted to from 2,000 to 4,- I > 1 (Continued from Pase R) Nick Kirincich 209, Bob Kos- merl 207, Frank Terlep 206, and Joe Jursinovich 205. Views and News of the Week George Vertin came to the alleys with a ne\v bali . . . after rolling his games, \ve quote George: "The new bali is no good' ... the bowler of the week, Joe Kosmerl: He came, he saw, he conquered . . . he came to the alleys as a speeta-tor . . . he saw that his team vvas a man short, so he filled in . . . he conquered by rolling 245, besides picking up the difficult 6-7-10 split . . or-chids to him . . .. note to Geo. Kari: The results of the circuit bowling have been sent to the bowlers' weekly review George -likes to see his name in Ana Težak Hčere: Marv Yelenich, Frances IJCiKiVU. iN. X.. ^ , Jcsephine Mura. R. 18. $1C00. 10. sept Mrak :n Sister Monica Joseph Društvc sv. Antena l»adcvamke«a. iL j Rutte Colo 185. Burgettstov.n. Pa.: Suspendirana: ^re^ea CUlie,-LO10., 26. oktobra 1941. IZDELOVANJE AMERIŠKIH AVTOV ZNIŽANO Washington, D. C. — Leon B3-11172 Frances Kukic. R. 16. $500. 30. cept. 1 Društvo sv. Štefana, št. 187. John - town. Pehna.: Suspendiran: BB-33037 Theodore Salinger. R. 16. $1000. 30. sept. — Pristopila: FF-42555 Dorothy Tursic. R. 16. $5C0. 27. sept. HHPi "t^SiS^S Henderson, OPM ravnatelj ci- Kristina Fu>hnick. R. 17. $500: D-5514 vilnih potrebščin poroča, da se Helen Pu nik. R. 40, $1CD0: D-5525 Jo- , 7ofipln , 1 iannariVm seph Pusnick. r. 17. $5C0: D-1824 Geo. j začelo s 1. januarjem, iy4<2 Pirnick. R. 18 $500: cc-41467 'Ray-! izdelovati za polovico manj av- mend Pusnick. R. 18. $503. 30. sept j , kakor Hosp/lai t« na Društvo SV. Jožefa, št. 189. Sprinrr- tomooiiov KaKor aoseaaj, to pa ficid. ni.-. Pristcoila: DD-42516 Barba- vsled vporabe jekla in drugega ra zaubi. R 15. sicoo. 21 sept. materiala v obrambne svrhe. ___________ _____ Dmotvo M_iije Pomajta;,. st. 1VJ, ' o j D?nv.r. Co'c.: Eu?p ndirana: B-15202 Od letošnjega avgusta se je|nja.te postave; največ je bilo f.'cJiffChi ri^cdfšt. m.! Produkcija avtomobilov že itak istih vsled prodaje alkoholnih Cleveland. O : p. z*topil? k društvu sv. • znižala za 36%. Na podlagi te Vida. št. 25. Cleveland. O.: 5639 Mary , ,, . mes,ec ianuar Fu ,e: i. R. 34. $i000; DD-1032 Pi'.pel; oareaDe je za mesec januar, Dorothv, r. 16. $500. 23. sept. j 1942 dovoljeno izdelati samo avtomobilov raznih ZZ42C Rc . lir Ku'.t:rie. r. 16. $500. so. Vrst, med tem ko jih je šlo na r. ct — r-.i-tcpila- DD-4234i» Rosalia . . v . . . Kusterie. r. 18 8500. i. sept !v letošnjem januarju 418,- SOKOLI NA ČEŠKEM RAZPUŠČENI Berlin, Nemčija. — General Reinhard Heydrich, državni protektor za Cesko in Moravijo je dne 14. septembra izdal ukaz, da se mora vsa češka so-kolska društva v teh okupira-1 n:'h deželah razpustiti. Tako jej i naznanjeno v uradnem listu I "Dienst aus Deutchland." Vzrok 1 je naveden ta, ker so sokolska ; društva nasprotna idejam in politiki nacijev. Tako se je na ukaz nemške vlade- iz Češka uni jske stranke črtalo 1,200 ; članov. -o- ANGLEŠKE ŽRTVE BOMBNIH NAPADOV Londcn.—Kakor poroča ministrstvo za domačo varnost, je bilo letos tekom septembra v Angliji vsled nemških bombnikov ubitih 217 oseb, 269 pa ranjenih. -o- DRŽAVA OHIO DELA DOBIČEK PRI PRODAJI OPOJNIH PIJAČ Columbus, O.—Državni de-žavni department prodaje likerjev poroča o izredno dobri kupčiji minulega fiskalnega leta; samo za prodano žganje je dobila državna bnagajna $17,-266,217, skupen davek vštevši na pivo in vinojz žganjem vred je pa znašal lansko leto $33,-320,682. Oblasti so imele v tem času 25,000 investigacij vsled krše- nikoli pa ne precenjuj in ne coo books annually, it is stated prenapenjaj svojih sil. . , Cjose ties w|th the United 8.—Bodi pazljiv v izberi svo-'statea are noted in. the pro-jih prijateljev in si prav skrbno jogue> which mentions that izberi svojega življenskega so- morc than 300,000 Slovenes re-potnika. | side in this coutry. Also men- 9.—Potrudi se, da ti preide tioned is the fact that begih-nesebičnost v navado in poma-;li{ng jn 1831 and continuing to gaj bližnjemu, kjerkoli se ti po- ^ the present Slovenia has sent nudi priložnost. imany missionaries to America, 10.—Gradi in utrjuj si svoj be3t known among them being značaj. j the illustrious Bishop Baraga, ■o--1 first ordinary of the Diocese of Dobro delo boste storili ako $arquette, Mich., and his sue-pridnhile knkcgn novega člana COssors, Bishop Mrak and Bish- (co) za na.ift Jrdnnln. ! op Vertin; Bishop Stariha. first lordi nary of the Diocese of Lead, S. D., no\v the Diocese. of Rarid City, and Bishop Tro-jbec of St. Cloud. RefcTring further to the transporting of Slovenes into Serbia, the document says: "These vietims are sent into Serbia after they- have first been subjeeted to nervous strain in various jails and tor-ture chambers. The common people are being sent down in ma*8 groups. In most cases this is the process: "Around 10 o'cločk in the evening the streets in towns or villages are barricaded with machine guns. The soldiers the "600" club ... hope you make it many times, George . . . Joe Lauriph doesn't intend to remain out of action veryj (ConUnued from page 6) game and a 164-average for the evening, and Capt. Ramuta had an average of 150 for the three-game series. Capt. Vida Zalar of the Jay Zees carried off the \veek's high single honors by pushing over 190 pins in her seeond game. However, the Jay Zees suffered a couple of defeats at the hands of the Težak Flor-ists with an average of 146 pins and teammate, wee Helen Rozich, turned in seores for a 140 evening average. Verbiscer Press swept the series they had with the Gor-sich Markets, Betty Martincich r.nd Dot Zlogar bovvling top seores to make it tough for the iosers. The Markefs Captain, Dodd Skedel, started off with u pair of good seores but her team lost each game by a small number of pins. . . . Vital or not statistics of the cften, asevidencedby hisrec-jweek: Julfe c&mp fina„y ent seores . . . keep it up, Joe catpd her faVorite:sphere at the If prexy Gene wasn t our q£ the third game and jt captain, we'd give him the!ind£Med her gc()re by over 50 razzberries' for blowing thatj I pins. Preizkušena zdravila proti glavobolu Mandeh Headache Tabs 1. Ustavi glavobol 2. Ured^želodec 3. Ojači živce jand Gegtapo break jnto houses, 4. Odpomoč ženskemu zdravju a]low the Pe°Ple 10 minutes' 1 time to gather up the worst of CENA 50( their clothing, some food, and MANDEL DRUG STORE SLOVENSKA LEKARNA 18702 Waterloo Rd. CLEVELAND, O. Pošiljamo po pošti Lastnik te lekarne je član društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 "KSKJ last frame . . . boo, boo .... Thfi gtarg of the week for see,where Bili Koleti is m the picking UD splits were Donna "doghouse" again . . . besides i Wilhe,mi who downed the 4-5-bro. Joe, Tony Buchar and Joej10 and g 1Q; Helen Rozich who Jursinovich hit the select circle j gpared fhe 51Q and 5_?_9 ping for the first time . . . Mr. Za- ^ yicky Mutz who banged lar put the "heat on" in his iast the 5_? a*nd ? 10 Marge Do-game, there by avoiding a\Vmsh^k picked up an unreCord-v. eek's vacation . . . but, Docjcd but tQugh gpare Jo steph. Zelko's ball# was running cns and Anne Papesh also away>" so hegets the vacation |spared thp week.g seemingly instead ... see you soon, [I)opuiur 5.1Q gplit No wonder . . . a faithful speetator: Ed]there was fq much feminine Carpenter's pretty daughter, SQUCaling all along the alleyg! Clarabelie. watches daddy j Kathryn Kuhar finished the bowl every Thursdav . . . Nickjli;ght wjth a good game; Helen Kirincich reversed the proce-|Kdth had an 183 game; Ag dure by bowling his best game UQVednik scored a 174 , Donna last, after doing the opposite^iWilhelmi a 165; Bettv Martin. the previous vreeks . . ■ Memo)dc lg9 ^ Mutz h&d J64> to Doc Zalar: Your team bo\vls d 16] cn 5 and 6 this week and again Veekaboosr Elizabeth Kon-weeks . . . Satisiac- .g a ,41 gtarter who lookg . . Battle of the week: forward {q the week] meet Društvo Marije Vnebavzttc, št. 203, Eiv. Minn.: Pristopila: DD-42513 Olsja Rclando. R. 19. $1000. 15. sept. Društvo sv. Neie. št. 206. So. Chicaco. ni.: Suspendirana: BB-23006 Betty Kralv. R. 16. $500. 30. sept. — Pristopila: CC-42467 Annie Deianovich. R. 17. $1000. 25. sept. Društvo sv. Ane, št. 208. Butte. Montana: Zopet sprejeta: BB-17421 Florence Baker. R. 16. $500. 30. sept. — Odstopila: 15019 Marv Laslavich. R. 34, $500. 30. sept. — Pristopila: DD-42514 Florence Baker. R. 18. $500. 23. sept. Društvo Marija ČLstera Suočctja, št. 211. Chicaero. 111.: Premenila zavaroval, nino iz razreda "A" in "B" v razred "DD": Frances Rvchetskv. DD-42451, R. 18. $1000. Društvo sv. Antona, št 218. McKees Rocks. Pa.: Suspendiran: BB-26431 Jacob Planinich. R. 16. $500. 30. s?pt. Društvo sv. Kristine, št 219. Euclid. O.: Suspendiran: -5288 Prank Brecel-nik. R. 45. $500. 30. sept. ruštvo Matere Božje Sinjske, št. 235, Portland. OreRon; Pristopil: FF-42554 Paul Mar as. R. 47. $1000. 9. sept. ruštvo KnUrhts and Ladies of Barara št. 236. Milwaukee, Wis.—Vzei še en certifikat FF42454 John Bender. R. 32. $500; 19 sept.—Prestopu k društvu sv. Janeza Evangelista, št. 65. Milwau-kee. Wis.: C-3990 Albina Telich. R. 21, $1000. 9. sept. Društvo sv. Jožefa, št. 241. Steelton, Pa.: Pristopil: DD-42518 Nicholas Muza. R. 18. $1000. 17. sept. t Draitvo sr. Veronike, št. 242. VVest Bridgewater, Pa.: Pristopil: DD-42525 Nicholas Sla vin a. R. 36. $1000. 1. sept. — Vzel še en certifikat: DD-42574 Jo- 350. Vsled tega znižanja bo na tisoče in tisočggjdelavcev ob zaslužek. pijač ob nedeljah. o- Obrambno-varčevalni bondi se morejo kupiti na več kot 16,000 poštnih uradih in v 9,000 bankah sirom. Zedinjenih držav. -o- DELUJ MO ZA DOSEpO 40,000 ČLANOV!' V LOGE v tej posojilnici zavarovane do $5,000.00 po Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation. Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne in društvene vloge. Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. 6235 St Clair Ave. HEnderson 5670 Cleveland, Ohio Hranite s tedensko vozovnico...samo at most 250 dinars (about $4). Everything else must be left forftie German families which i come from Germany to take i possession — houses, furnish-ings. clothing, food, jewelry and money. "When the people are round-ed up. they are driven like cat-tle to the railroad depot where they are erov/ded into livestock carz. Sixty people are crowd-ed into a freight car that nor-mally would hold 40. The ex-iles oan neitl^r stand nor lie down. The #flering of these vietims while enrout^i is terri-}>le, e3pecially for tht aged, the infirm and the children. After the freight cars are sealed, the train leaves for Serbia." Spread of Peraecution Noting that the war was over as far as Slovenia territory was concerned ^re days after the German army crossed the Yu-goslav border on April 6, 1941, the introduetion to the document states: "Thus the Slovenian inhabi-jtants and the land Suffered lit-■ tle damage from direct military operations. The real catastro-!phe and suffering began with the conclusion of military operations whert the Germans oc-cupied three-fourths of the Slovenian territory (the other one-fourth was occupied partly by Italy and partly by Hungary). "Since the German occupa-tion the happenings in Slovenia have not been ordinary mili-tary plundering, imprisoning and exploiting of the popula-tion. The task and aim of oc-cupation is no more and no less than the uprootihg of Slovenian m two tory? . White Fronts vs. Schusters on allevs 7 and 8 . . . after the dust settles \vho will be on top,[ 'HoudiniV warriors or Chick's hot-shot3? . . . another battle: The Eagle vs. Jay-Ay-Zeez . . . come up and watch them all . Supreme Officers Germ, | Shukle and Gospodaric honored us with» their p rešene e ... after our session vvas o ver tney bovvled . . . our league has the j. . . Sorr ythat Marian Kaffer 'and Anne Norgard have to orop from the league because of the long hours in their nevv positions at the Government*s munitions plants. . . hope they come around more than oecas-our parties vvould not be complete vvithout tJhem . . . Welcome and greetings to Mary Pasdertz vvho replaced one of the aforementioned on distinetion of having four Su-j{he Dinet,g team Terege preme Officers bovvling . . in a g]um wWch .g tem_ the past vveek each pair of al-, , . . . , _ . . porary as she is really a niče levs had one officer m their , , T.... . * . ,, „ i, bovvler . . . Lillian Gravhack midst . . . Mr. Slana, Rev, Butala, Mr. Železnikar and Mr. Zalar, in that order . . : vvhich is spreading the KSKJ špirit, ?>ays I . . . Matt Slana pavs off this vveek . . . tvvo-bits, sir! nevv vvood caused lovv teami seores . . . Schedule for Oct. 30: Slovenics vs. Peerless . . . Tezaks vs. Avsecs, The Eagle vs. Jay-Ay-Zeez, and Schusters vs. White Fronts. See vou then. existence, culture and language lrom Slovenia and the imme-diate ruthless Germanization of all this land. Must Be VViped Out "Everything that has hap- pened since April 10, 1941, in that part of Slovenia occupied by German troops and under German civil authority serves One may be vvorn and prob bemoans the fact she has to vvait three more vveeks for her r.evv bali, ordered six vveeks ago . . . bovvling biz is good . . . Fio Benedick vvill hit her jstride if she can shake off some hard luck .1 . . Marie Terlep svvishes gracefully before she sends the b^ad dovvn the allev . . . Dot Dolinshek suffering the pangs of a first starter vvatehing the seasoned lassies hit the vvood . . . along with Betty Surinak and Mavm Kren . . . Janet Rothvvell maintain-ing the oral pep on her team pnd vvearing a striking striped fcvveater vvith her slacks. Next Thursdav vvill be Hal-lovveen night for the lassie circuit. Costumes from the vear but one main purpose. The Slovenian nation must be vviped off the face of the earth. In ably the long skirts mav spoil the bovvling form but it vvon't spoil the fun, and it vvill be a the light of this mission of the jhilarious evening. To make German occupation of Slovenia vve vvill be able to understand each specific incident vvhich occurs there and its relation to the entire scene." (Note: Information contain-ed in this document, relative to forced emigration, the destruc-tion of Slovenian trade and in-dustry, vvholesale arrests of clerical and lay persons, seiz-ure of churches, convents and homes, Germanization of.the schools, etc., vvill be presented in subsequent stories.) sure everybody looks equally unusual, a fine vvill be imposed on any member vvho does not don a costume. Here's a fine chance to be Cleopatra, Minnie Mouse, or just dressed "to kili" a la *Waiting at the gate for Katie' period. The Oct. 30 schedule brings together Gorsich Markets and Jay Zees, Peerless Printing and Dinets, Joliet Engineering and Papesh Tavern, Verbiscer Press and Težak Florists. the hack.