y~ }. - ZARJA ~ DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1968 VOLUME 40 yjlatij t/tu/c 5V a č) , 9/1 itdicti / o) rfee/Zieat/ ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SZZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. bOoOK Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must hr in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month I s: dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. No. 2 — Vol. XL FEBRUARY, 1968 Šl. 2 — Leto XL When the junior baton twirlers of Cleveland-Euclid branches had their Christmas party, nearly 100 were present. This first photo shows a part of the crowd at the party table. Center is a photo of their baton teachers, Carol and Kathy Cooke, left and right with Connie Kovačevič in the center. Right picture is of baby Allen Lapuh, IS month old member of No. 50. He is the grandson of Br. 14 member, Florence Lapuh and nephew of Ohio- Michi gan State President, Mary Bostian. We’re Off and Bowling! S. W. U. Midwest Bowling Tourney will be in Cleveland. (Euclid), Ohio this year, on March 30-31 st. This will be the first time in many years that the Illinois and Wisconsin teams will be guests of Ohio! It will be an 'all-time great tournament! Team captains will receive entry forms this month and all individuals interested in attend ing the tournament can contact the undersigned. Everyone I« most cordially invited! Liz Zefran, Director of Sports 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago G060S BOWLERS LUCKY AND UNLUCKY! No. 2, Chicago, III., Bowling News Zefran Funeral Home, with 'a record of 35 wins and 19 losses, took over the lead in the Chicago S. W. U. bowling league, as we rolled into the New Year. During December, Reliance Federal rose to the second position with 33 wins and 21 losses. Close behind, in third, was Wagner’s Bakery (32-22.) St. Paul Federal fell to fourth pl'ace with 31% wins and 22'V2> losses. The highlight of the month was bowling for the bottles of Christmas “spirits” given by Townliall Bowl to the girl who bowled the most pins over average on her team. (Or the least pins under average—as it. was m a few cases.) The lucky winners were: L. Putzell, E. Kroschel, A. Per-sa, A. Scambi'atteria, M. Omerza, B. Zurek.A . Leben, B. Zalik, A. Kovacs and M. Zefran. E. Statkus was, by far, the bowling “star” of December. Elsie bowled 101 pins over her average. Her 56fi series included a 202 game. M. Buikema came close with a 533 series -92 pins over her 149 average. She had a 199 game. B. Mladic came up with a 172 game in a 441 series—78 pins over her 121 average. I,. Putzell. a 145 bowler, rolled 77 pins over average with a 515 series, which included a 223 game. J. Meden had a 417 series, which was 7(i pins over her 125 average, and M. Zefran was 721 pins over her 115 average with a 417 series. Our “luilroad “engineers” were at it again: G. Schil’fler, 3-10, 9-10, 5-7; E. Kroschel, 3-10, 3-6-7-S; L. Putzell, 2-10, 7-8; M. Persa, M. Zefran, S Melissa, M. Smyth, 5-7; M. Reinholz, M. Taroli, 3-10; T. Stanek, A. Burns, 5-7-9; C. Gospo, It. Sarno, 5-6; F. Smuiski, 3-8-10; B. Zalik, 2-7-8; .1. Meden, 5-8-10; A. Fingerliut, 2-7. Barbara Zurek HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V FEBRUARY Supreme Officers: Feb. 5—Rose Kraemer, State President, Cudahy Wis. Feb. 6—Mary Otoničar, Supreme Auditor, Cleveland, O. Branch Presidents: Feb. 8—Mary Kuzma, Br. 88, Johnstown. Pa. Feb. 11 Frances Zietz, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 19—Sophie Sorcan, Br. 90, Presto, Pa. Feb. 24—Agnes Pogline. Br. 03, Denver, Colo. OUR SECRETARIES' BIRTHDAY l!S EEB. Feb. 1—Margaret Fischer, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Feb. 2 Mary Christian, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. Feb. 15—Anna Kerkovich, Br 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 17- Stephanie Plese, Br. 74. Ambridge, Pa. Feb. 18—Frances Bradach, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! OIS THE COVER In February, we think of our sweethearts people who made us happy and life a little brighter. Anyone knowing Ely’s Mary Hutar can rightly call her a sweet heart, as she has always given of herself and made things “hunimram” around her. On her retirement from active work at St. Anthony’s parish this month, we salute Mary Hutar and extend our “heart’s fondest wish!” DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Febr. 25—Card Party, Br. 21. Cleveland, Ohio March 3 Games Party, Hr. Hi, So. Chicago, 111. March 9- Bake Sale, Hr. 12, Maple Hgts., Ohio March 21 -Card Party, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. March 30-31 Midwest Bowling Tourney, Euclid, Ohio June 15 - Trip to Canada from Cleveland, Ohio July 21 Zveza Day in Lemont, III., Br. 2, Chicago, III. 2nd Report on NEW ERA CAMPAIGN Worker’s Name Elizabeth Zefran Albina Novak Jos. Železnikar Margaret Stefanic Frances Simonič Christine Bradish Anna Pachak Christine Menart Mary Camloh Frances Plesko Mary Dezman Hose Scoff M. Stražišar Mary Globokar Marie Floryan Mary Otoničar Ursula Pierce Ann Godlar Ann Cooke Mary Popovicli Mary Shubitz Mary Morris Mary Misiewicz New Member’s Name A B JR Worker’s Name New Member’s Name A B JR (2) Antoinette Pasturczak 1 Francs Blatnik (33) Shirley Olson 1 (2) Stephen Nusko 1 Mary Ann Berg 1 Marsha Biestek 1 Patricia Ann Mrak 1 (2) Donna Masiulewicz 1 Carol Jean Mrak 1 Slavka Kranjc 1 Ann Podgoršek (33) Dolores Dutnier 1 (2) Eric Johnston 1 Mary Bartl 1 (3) Rose Mary Klune 1 Carol Reindl 1 Ida Golob 1 Charlene Christie 1 Pat Mathew 1 Kathyleen Donald 1 (3) Terry Sue Borfely 1 Donna, Rebecca, Rory, (3) Elsie Barker 1 Raebeth, Ricky, Randy Borich 1 5 (7) Marilyn Turk 1 Maria, Andrew, Patrick (10) Jennie Sedey L Joseph & Faye Ellena 1 1 Emma Sedey 1 Katherine Hanka (35) Margaret Laurieh 1 Olga Mary Sedey I Angela Kozjan (40) Steph. Polutnik 1 (12) Fanny Young I Margaret Boraga 1 (12) Daniel, Diane, Kenneth Antonija Kastelic (42) Carol Kastelic 1 Donna, David, Ronald & Rose Kraemer (43) Stella Karniewski 1 Ctarol Ricliwalski 1 G Olga Zovic 1 Suzanne, Todd, Luann, Dia Frangesh 1 Lisa & Jeffrey Trapp 5 Marie Beck (50) Antonia Jerson 1 (13) Jacqueline Sullivan I Elizabeth Spinelli (52) Shirley Spinelli 1 Kathleen Gallagher 1 Mrs. F. Shega (52)) Michele Kanieski I (14) Mary Yenc 1 Frances Yerman (57) Anna Hostinsky 1 Alma Tercek 1 Emma Gardner 1 (14) Christine, JoAnn, Ann Esther Logar (57) John Wm. Logar 1 & Maria Dolenc 1 Jennie Tavchar (65) Lisa & Mary K. Prebeg 2 (17) Keith Ott 1 Jennie Mohorčič (68) Ursula Tuttin 1 (25) Antonia Kodrich 1 Louise Eppley (73) Evelyn Santucci 1 Ivana & Frank Sustersic 2 Anna Jackovicli (81) Mary Brletich 1 Bertha Lobe 1 Mary Kolar (81) Clementine Bolf 1 Maria Rosemann 1 Anna Kepic (84) Christine Kepic 1 Kiaren Cirinski 1 Angela Yoje (S4) Burnetta Mische 1 Tim Gnezda 1 Sophie Guardia 1 Olga Turk Aim Svet Mole (84) Diana Mole 1 Constance Hribar 1 Mra. C. Meyer (86) Anne Maurin 1 (27) Christine Miller Pauline Stajduhar (92) Anna Saya 1 (32) Doris & Kathy Clemens 1 Mary Mundjer (95) Mary F. Mundjer 1 (32) Beverly Cesen I Frances Perpich (95) Rose Budeselich 1 Melissa Harris 1 Helen T. Daley 1 Joyce Perusek 1 Shirley Duich 1 Mary Ann Oynik 1 Evelyn Driscol (95) Anastasia Nelson 1 Karen Pavlovich 1 Julia Hansen 1 Marcia Gansey Hetty Matjašič (101) Laura Reichert 1 Monica Stelmach I Mary Tokacs 1 (23) Sophie MaJchow 1 Josephine Artac (102) Mary Ann Lesar 1 Vila Voelk 1 Eleanor Bayuk 1 Shirley Hoppenyah Jean Popovich 1 1 Total new members this report (118) 221 47 49 (33) John Jancliar 1 Total new members 1st report ( 50) 5 24 21 (33) Rose Masich 1 (33) Maribeth Misiewicz 1 Total new members (168) 27 71 70 rrw '■mm, IT'S THE PINK ONES THAT COUNT! When the mail comes to our S. W. U. Home Office each day, it’s the pink papers that we look for! When there is one pink paper, some times two, or four or more, we are very happy! Pink papers are for us the most important ones because they are filled with the names of our new members! Remember that in this campaign cash prizes will be awarded ac cording to points. One full point is given for a new member in Class B, % point for Class A and % point for a new Junior. Prize dollars are totaled 011 FULL POINTS. Every new member Counts! At your next meeting, ask your secretary to give you some pink papers. Then, fill them out and send them in. I’ll be waiting for your good news. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary Supreme President’s Message Dear Members: Congratulations to Br. 16 South Chicago, Illinois on their 40th Anniversary which they will be observing on February 13th. Branch was organized on February 13, 1928 by Agnes Mahovlich. New Era Campaign Reports from all over the country show that the weather has been very miserable. Even California has been very cold and raining. Other parts have a lot of snow and below zero temperatures. The Cleveland area has had their share so far and also zero a few days. So, with bad weather prevailing all over, most of you have been unable to venture out and like to stay home in a nice warm place. During the holidays we all were so busy and especially me working on the drive for the Slovenian Chapel. You all will be excused if you were unable to get that new member you had planned. But, we all shall make up wheu the weather gets wanner then you will feel like scouting around for your new members. Let’s make up for lost time and instead of getting one new member let’s double it. Get two! Cleveland host to S.W.U. National Bowling Tournament Last minute changes have been made to hold the National Bowling Tournament here in Cleveland. The tournament will be held on March 30-21, Saturday and Sunday, at the Pallisade Alleys, 1331 Bast 260 St., Euclid, Ohio. Sports Director Liz Zefran of Chicago will be in charge. About twenty teams are expected from Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin area and hope that Cleveland will have at least twenty teams to make this a very successful tournament and also make a very pleasant and a happy one for our visitors during their short stay in our fair city of Cleveland. Very good prizes and trophys will be given to the winners. For more information look under Liz Zefran’s notice in this issue of Zarja. All bowling team captains shall receive entries for this tournament. NOTICE: Due to the National Tournament being held here we will not have our Get-to-Gether Tournament this year as we all shall participate in this national one. Salute to Forest City from Chapel Committee One hundred percent recognition has to be given to the Slovenians of Forest City, Pa., who so generously had donated towards the drive for the Slovenian Chapel! Josephine Gostisha, secretary of Br. 1 of Slovenian Women’s Union, first sent me a check for $10.00 which the Branch donated. A few days later I received an additional $169.00 which she had received from individual donors. She also wrote that their pastor, Father Krasinski, had a sermon on the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. and this sermon of his created a lot of interest. As a result she collected such a nice sum. Rose Chesnik, who is secretary of lodge St. Ann’s KSKJ, sent us a nice sum also, one for $481.00 and one for $90.00, a total of $571.00. Following are the donors: St. Joseph’s church $100.00, Lodge No. 45 SNPJ $50.00, St. Ann’s KSKJ $25.00 and individual donations amounted to $396.00. Therefore a total of $710.00 was received from this small city of about 4,000 population. On behalf of the National Committee of Cleveland we wish to thank you all good people and may the good Lord bless you! * * * On March 17th, all the National Home of Cleveland of which there are nine, are honoring Senator Frank J. Lausche as the “Man of the Year” at a banquet at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Senator Frank J. I.ausche has been Mayor of the City of Cleveland, 5 times Governor of the State of Ohio and also has served with distinction as United States Senator of Ohio for the past twelve years. We all are very proud indeed to have such a distinguished man here in Cleveland and in the Capital and wish him a very successful campaign, hoping he gets re-elected Senator by a large majority. Lots of luck and health, Senator Frank J. Lausche, from all the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, and especially from Ohio members! Happy Birthday to all the Valentines and speedy recovery to all ailing. Toni Turek ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.— As we enter Year 1968 the officers wish all members a Happy and Blessed New Year. In sumarizing our branch progress for this past year our total membership was 245 members. Our new members are: Mrs. Elizabeth Bascli and Mrs. Judith Marx In the adult department and in the Junior department Jeffrey Fritz and Michael Mattitich. A hearty welcome to our organization. Let each one of us try and enroll a new member for the present campaign. We had a successful card party which was held last September. Thank you, officers and members, who with your untiring efforts made this possible. At our November meeting Mr. and Mrs. Anton Udovich showed us their slides from the Convention in Washington, D. C. and from Europe, which were enjoyed by all. The annual meeting was well attended. Officers for 19G8 are: Mes-dames Olga Saye, president; Mary Spelshaus, vice-president; Dorothy Kregel, treasurer; Margaret Fischer, secretary and Anna Modez, recording secretary. Auditors: Mesdames Christine Sterk, Mary Turk and Dorothy Brezonik; Sentinel, Mrs. Mary Bre-zonik. Kitchen committee: Mrs. Dorothy Brezonik assisted by Mesdames Mary Vertacic, Mary Godez, Antoinette Brulla and Christine Sterk. Our Spiritual Advisor is Rev. David Soka-lis who gave us an inspiring Christmas message. Our sincere thanks to retiring officers, Mary Vertacic, Amelia Zunter and Mary Krainz. Mother’s Day program will be held on our meeting date in May. Mrs. Marie Prisland and Mrs. Olga Saye will be in charge. Our Mother of the Year selected is charter member, Margaret Fischer. Our annual card party will be held the second Wednesday in September. Chairman, Mrs. Mary Germ, will be assisted by Mrs. Anna Modez, co-Chairman and also by the branch officers. The meeting dates will remain the third Sunday of each month. Get-well cards for the shut-ins enclosed with a money gift were sent for Christmas. A Christmas party and program followed the meeting. Our “Mrs.” Santa Claus, Mary Germ in costume looked jolly as she distributed gifts. Mrs. Olga Saye presented several of her pupils in a musical Christmas program; community singing followed which was enjoyed by all. The delicious refrshments donated by members were served by the Kitchen Committee, also the lovely table settings were appreciated. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. WHAT WE SELECT IS OURS A. successful man, esteemed for his good nature, understanding, and character, was asked what he considered lo be the real secret of his success. He replied: It. all started many years ago when I was a boy in school — not, I regret to say, a very good one, but one lull of life. I was nearly always In some kind of trouble, and the teachers had a difficult time with me. They predicted no good for me. One afternoon the principal sent word for me to stop at his office. I knew what that meant and made up my mind not to stop at all. But he forestalled that iilan, for just as I left the room, he stood there at the door, gently took my arm, led me up the flight of stairs lo his office. I will never forget the interview. He asked me to sit down. Then he brought out a bowl of apples. There were some beautiful ones in it, and about as many more that were brown and rotten. "Take your choice,” he said. I selected a good one. He did the same. “I am sure now that there is hope for you in life.” What do you mean? I was sullen when I asked him. “Why, you know to make a good choice.” I still did not understand. Whereupon he gave the lesson that has helped me to any success I may have won. He said to me: “Each of us each day he lives is making selections. What we select is ours,” he told me, explaining that everything we do depends upon the selection we make — the associates we have — the thought we permit to enter our minds, our friends, our careers, even the books we read. He pointed out that all any man accomplishes in life comes from malting I I>e right decision. It impressed me. He even showed me that the development of a personality is a matter of selection. As you go along, you all have to accept some ideas and folks and reject others. You cannot accept everything or you will become a nobody. You cannot reject everything or you will become a bitter hermit. Just try to select the best of everything, and you will be all right. If I have accomplished a little bit in my life it all traces to one sentence I remember so well: “What we select is ours.” TO OUR FRIENDS ’Twould never do for God to live across the street, Or in the house next door, where we should daily meet; So in His wisdom and His love He sometimes sends His angels kind to walk with us — we call them “friends.” Just friends, one word! But letters can express A wealth of sympathy and pure unselfishness. One syllable — a single breath can form it — friends, Yet o how much our happiness on them depends! When trouble comes or loss, when grief is ours to bear, They come, our friends, with words of cheer, our load to share. How could we face defeat without a friend’s caress? Had we no friends to praise, how bare would be success: “Tis not God’s plan that we shall see Him face to face, Yet He would hedge us in with His abounding grace, And so His messengers of love to earth He sends, They're angels, but we know it not., and call them friends”. * The unknown author of the above lines has beautifully and reverently expressed our thoughts of you — our Friends — in a way that we could not. It is our sincere wish that the Year 1968 and all the ensuing years will bring you many blessings and true happiness! Marie Prisland Congratulations and best wishes for many more years of health and happiness, to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Prisland upon their wed-(Hug anniversary this month. May God bless them! Miss Margaret Bushner has completed the training program for dental assisting and we extend our congratulations to her. Our best wishes also to Miss Kath-leen Simenz for her Post in Europe witU the Army Special Services overseas. Miss Susan Dragan a granddaughter of Mrs. Josephine Dragan "'on the grand prize award in Citizens Bank of Sheboygan annual 1 *<'ess-a-Doll contest, our sincere good-wishes to her. Our condolences to the Anton Foruma family on the death of Mrs. 1'ortuna’s mother and also to Mrs. Anna Zavril's family whose son Lewis Massed away. May God reward them and grant them eternal rest. Our very best wishes and prayers to all on the sick list. An appeal by Mrs. Marie Prisland is being asked for the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C. Our branch contributed $25.00 and there have been many personal donations. Will you please help for this inspiring and memorable Chapel? Hope to see many of you at our February 18th meeting date. Margaret Fischer, Secretary No. 2, Chicago, lit. December was a very busy month for our members, too. We observed the yearly festivities in grand style. Most successful of all was the Christmas party for juniors. Our usual committee worked hard to prepare all gifts and refreshments. The comments of the parents and grandparents attest to the appreciation they had for the beautiful presents. Our members re-elected the same officers for the year ahead. We shall resume our alternate meeting schedule, meeting next on March 14th. Mother of the Year, Mitzie Krapenc is offered sincere congratulations. She’s been an officer for many years and is a loyal and wonderful member. The greatest decision made at the meeting was to contribute $500.00 to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. We have a plan whereby members will help in this project during the year and you will receive news of it by mail. We are proud of the collection which Chicago is making. Our best get-well wish to Mrs. J—Z, president for twenty years or more, who is undergoing oral surgery. Hope she feels fine now. Chicago bowlers are invited to the March 30-31 Bowling Tourney in Euclid, Ohio. All bowlers should sign up this month. Also, on the agenda is a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Snows in early July. Finally, the Branch hopes to combine this year’s Zveza Day in Lemont with the State Convention. More on this later. A very happy Valentine with to all Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our last meeting was not as well attended as it should be since It is the important one for the year. More members should take part in their elections and future welfare and business of their group as well as the Slovenian Women’s Union in general. Everyone says they are so busy, but so are your officers and it would be more of a boost and rewarding if the presence and suggestions of more members were at the meetings, rather than hearing the criticisms later. Your meetings are the place for these discussions where a more fair decision can be made to the membership. The success and welfare of any organization depends on what each member can and will do to make it a success, so let’s all try to make 19C8 a better year. The ones who did attend had to decide the officers and vote on them. All former officers were re-elected, but each was hoping that some younger ones would take interest e-nough to get into the role; so, let’s think about it for next year, and get some of the younger ones in to take part. Theresa Sukys and Margaret Kratchnik were voted in as the new auditors to replace the former ones. The Mother ot the Year is Cecelia Novak, well known to all the Slovenians in Milwaukee. May she have a good year! Congratulations to all elected and let the rest remember to do whatever they can to help whenever needed, and may they all have a good and successful year! Let’s all resolve to attend any and all activities sponsored by any of the groups, and help more cooperative, acquainted and more coopertaive, and in that way we will all benefit financially as well as have a stronger social group rather than drifting apart, and losing hold of a lot of our Slovenian traditions and heritage. The members present voted to donate $25 to the Slovenian Chapel to be erected in the Immaculate Conception Shrine in Washington, D. C. as an everlasting reminder to all the Slovenians in America. Individual donations were also given and let’s hope they continue to go on until the goal has been reached! It’s a good cause and will be a joy to see! Perhaps we can plan a trip to see it with our Junior groups, and let them enjoy and see our most colorful and traditional Government City of the Nation. A very educational tour it would be for them! The first Social Event will be a card party on Sunday, March 24, 1968 at 2:00 P. m. at the Lily Club at 2220 W. National Av. Let’s plan now to attend. The meeting ended with a very good Christmas lunch mostly put up by our President, Mrs. Plesko. Games followed for a short while, as it was all the time we had. Sea- son’s greetings were extended to all. Do hope tht members on our sick list, Mrs. Fon, Mrs. Jeray, Mrs. Krz-narich, and Mrs. Bregant have all recovered and were able to enjoy the holidays with whatever families they may have. Let’s hope the New Year brings better health, and I’m sure these ladies would appreciate seeing or hearing from the members. Remember your officers are all the same. Your Secretary is ready to collect dues and may be reached by calling 281-8515, day or evening. If you are unable to get dues paid yourself because of illness, call and I’ll arrange to pick it up. Thank you! Mary Dezman, Sec., 5215 S. 22nd PI. No. 14, Euclid, O. Our first meeting of the year 19G8 was fairly well attended, considering the snow and cold weather. There wasn’t much order of business to discuss so the meeting was short. We missed Mary Fakult who was down with the flu. Get well wishes to Mrs. Antonia Trebec and to all our ill members. Lad and Mildred Sadar are the proud grandparents of a new baby girl, presented to them by their son and daughter-in-law, Jeff and Barbara. — Congratulations to parents and grandparents. This makes three girls and one boy. Our door prize was won by Mary Iskra. — Mrs. Amalia Povirk surprised us with a bowl of delicious home-made doughnuts, which were served with tea. Thank you, Mrs. Povirk, and thank you Mr. Mickovic( very nice husband of Rose), who brought in the tea, lemon and sugar. The following ladies donated to our treasury and goodtime fund, Mary Iskra, Vida Kuhar, Katie Jacobs, Prances Plut, Jennie Krajacic and Angela Kern. Thank you ladies. Do come to our meetings — we always have a good time with games and nice prizes. Vera Bajec No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Though it is quite late to discuss Christmas festivities I cannot overlook the efforts put forth by our members for both the Children’s and Adult Members’ Christmas Parties. Anne Lustig made our children very happy with her excellent selection of gifts and the unusual and beautiful manner of wrapping each gift. The members of Branch 16 are garteful to Anne for all the work and time she has devoted for the second year in making this party such a happy occasion for our youngsters as well as for the donations she received which relieved our Treasury of this expense. Also, our thanks to her son, John, who was our jolly Santa and distributed the gifts, candy and a friendly gret-ing to each child. Anne also arranged for the showing of cartoons and other movies which delighted the children that afternoon and Marge Spretnjak took the adult members on a trip to the West with the slides from her recent trip. We enjoyed all of the pictures very much and want you to know we appreciate all the inconvenience you encountered in making it possible for us to enjoy this films. Once again Sylvia Spretnjak decorated our tables with beautiful favors and centerpieces. Christmas carols were provided for the Children’s party by Michael Krese on his accordian which he brought from Yugoslavia when he and his mother visited Europe last summer. Also, we cannot forget all the wonderful ladies who have so generously contributed financially and who donated home-baked goods — to each and everyone of you for your cooperation —- our sincerest thanks! It is with sadness that I report the untimely death of Edward Bayuk, son and brother of Mary Brebrick and Mary Terese Ehnat. Edward died as a result of a drowning accident while duck hunting in December. Our deepest sympathy to the family in the tragic loss of their beloved one. At the January meeting election of officers took place with the only change being in the Recording Secretary. Rose Salakar resigned after completing 9 years in a most capable manner. On behalf of all the members, Rose, I want to thank you for a job well done and we hope you will try to join us at our meetings whenever time permits. We extend a warm welcome to Mary Cohen to th board of directors. My mother has asked me to convey her most sincere thanks to the ladies who really took her by surprise at the January meeting in honoring her on her 50th wedding anniversary, which occured on January 3rd. She received many beautiful cards and gifts which will enable her to always remember that memorable evening. She wishes to express thanks to Sylvia Spretnjak for the most unusual and beautiful 50th Anniversary centerpiece. And while we are on the subject of anniversaries, I would like to mention that our Vice President, Josephine Krai, celebrated her 55th Wedding Anniversary on January 12th. To our celebrants, we wish many years of happiness. We are happy to report that our good member, Angeline Novak, was elected “Mother of the Year”, and we will read all about the goodness of Angle in the May issue. The date has been set for our Lenten Games Party and that is Sunday, March 3, 1968 at 2 p. m. at St. George’s Church Hall. We hope you will circle your calendar right now and we look forward to seeing you on that date. Gladys K. Buck, Sec’y. Single Donor of $1,000! Mr. Frank P. Kosmach, chairman of the Chicago Slovenian Chapel Committee leads all donors with his own contribution of $1,000. This amount substantially boosts Chicago’s total over .$6,000 at the time of this writing. $100 Club Members are the following: Mrs. Gizella Hozian ($200) Mr. and Frank Augustine Mr. and Mrs. George Banich Mr. Joseph Bernik Mrs. Lucille Chemazer and Angeline Mr. Anthony Darovic Brummel Brothers of Chicago (solicited by Mr. Frank Kosmach) Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fischinger Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jakse Mr. and Mrs. William A. Juvančič Miss Sabina Kamicar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kobal Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kompare Dr. and Mrs Blaz Korošec Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Kranjc Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kucic and family Mr. William Kure Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig A. Leskovar Mrs. Albina Novak Reliance Federal Savings Mr. and Mrs. John Sever Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zefran Mr. and Mrs. John Železnikar, Sr. St. Stephen Society No. 1, KSKJ St. Florian Society No. 44 KSKJ Marija Pomagaj Soc. No. 78 KSKJ St. Ann Society No 170 KSKJ Altar Society of St. Stephen church Our I.ady’s Guild of St. Stephen church Holy Name Society of St. Stephen church S.A.V.A.—Slovenian University Students Slovenska Narodna Zveza of Chicago (Names of other $100.00 donors will be printed next month.) CHAPEL GOAL REACHED CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO ALL SOCIETIES, INDIVIDUALS AND WORKERS! On January 19th, the initial payment of $25,000.00 was presented to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C. for the erection of a Slovenian Shrine from the Slovenian people of the United States. We have reached our first goal! The majority of the Slovenian Women’s Union branches have contributed their time and money to this cause. I am deeply grateful to you all, as well as to the other organizations such as the American Slovenian Catholic Union, American Mutual Benefit Association, Western Slavonic Union, American Fraternal Union and Slovenian National Benefit Society. Now that we have made the first down payment, work on the Slovenian Chapel win begin! I am very happy and will be even more so when the Chapel will be completed. Mail in your donation today! Checks can be made payable to Slovenian Chapel Fund and mailed to the secretary, Frank J. Turek, 98G Bryn Mawr Ave., Wicklil'fe, Ohio 44192. Toni Turek . BRANCHES THAT HAVE DONATED TO THE CHAPEL Branch: Amount: Individual Donors: Totals: 1 Sheboygan, Wis. $ 25.00 2 Chicago, 111. 500.00 3 Pueblo, Colo. 25.00 4 Portland, Ore. 5.00 5 Indianapolis, Ind. 25 00 6 Barberton, Ohio 10.00 7 Forest City, Pa. 10.00 10 Cleveland, Ohio 50.00 12 Milwaukee, Wis. 25.00 13 San Francisco, Cal. 25.00 14 Euclid, Ohio 200.00 1G So. Chicago, 111. 50.00 17 West Allis, Wis 25.00 19 Eveleth, Minn. 21 Cleveland, Ohio 100.00 22 Bradley, 111. 5.00 23 Ely, Minn. 10.00 23 Dawn Club 10 00 25 Cleveland, Ohio 100.00 26 Pittsburgh, Pa. 50.00 31 Gilbert, Minn. 5.00 32 Euclid, Ohio 25.00 33 Duluth, Minn. 50 00 34 Soudan, Minn. 10.00 38 Chisholm, Minn. 25.00 41 Cleveland, Ohio 50.00 43 Milwaukee, Wis. 10.00 46 St. Louis, Mo. 50.00 47 Cleveland, Ohio 25.00 49 Noble, Ohio 25.00 50 Cleveland, Ohio 300.00 51 Kenmore, Ohio 25.00 52 Kitzville, Minn. 10.00 54 Warren, Ohio 10.00 55 Girard, Ohio 10.00 56 Hibbing, Minn. 10.00 57 Niles, Ohio 100.00 67 Bessemer, Pa. 50.00 68 Fairport, Ohio 25.00 73 Warrensville, Ohio 127.00 77 Pittsburgh, Pa. 25.00 83 Crosby, Minn. 25.00 85 DePue, 111. 86 Nashwauk, Minn. 10.00 88 Johnstown, Pa. 25.00 91 Oakmont, Pa. 10.00 101 Bedford, Ohio 100.00 105 Detroit, Mich. 25.00 Combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio $100.00 $ 122.00 $ 147.00 2.72G.00 3,226.00 37.00 62.00 7.00 12.00 149.00 159.00 25.00 75.00 95.00 120.00 40.00 65.00 67.00 92.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 114.00 102.00 202.00 45.00 70.00 25.00 75.00 65.00 90 00 40.00 65.00 120.00 420.00 7.00 17.00 44.00 54.00 80.00 105.00 23.00 22 00 Branches donated $2,512.00 Individuals donated 3,817.00 Total $6,329.00 THANK YOU, PENNSYLVANIA! Sunday, September 24, 19G7 was a beautiful warm day which made traveling very pleasant and that not only for myself but for all the guests who came to the State Convention from the neighboring cities near Pittsburgh. Hostesses of the day were the officers and members of Branch 26. The State Convention was presided by President, Mary Tomsic and held in the meeting room of Slovenian Hall on 57th St. in Pittsburgh. Many of the branches were represented which made the meeting most Interesting. The session was brief because we knew that many guests were waiting for the Banquet to start on time. It was prepared in the spacious auditorium. Anna Trontel, president of Br. 26 and her committee welcomed all the guests to the Banquet at the door and everyone received a beautiful corsage. The speaker’s table, decorated very nicely, was also the work of the ambitious committee. The pictures which we have in this edition were taken by Mr. Trontel, son of the President. His camera took colored but he went through the trouble and expense to have them made also in black and white which are the best for reproduction on paper. Thank you, Mr. Trontel, for your good work. A picture often tells the story better than words can express. The featured topic chosen by the speakers was, the importance of strenghtening our juvenile departments and enrollment of youth into the organizations. This was stressed very emphatically and It Is hoped tlvat some of it will take root among the guests present. Hope that they will try to encourage the young generation to join and instill in their hearts and minds the great importance of thier membership if we are to survive for generations to come. Also important was to encourage those present for donations to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. Many promises were given, especially by the church trustees and namely Mr. Widl-na, son of our Br. 26 organizer, Mrs. Magdalene Wldlna, who has been with the organization with heart and soul for almost 40 years. Distinguished guests at the speak-kers’ table were, left to right: Miss Frances Ix>kar, supreme youth director of KSKJ; State President Mary Tomsic; Mrs. Albina Novak; Toastmaster (and a very brilliant one), Frank Lokar, Supreme Auditor of KSKJ; Rev. Ferdinand Demshar, pasto of St. Mary’s church; President Anna Trontel and Mary Skerlong, Director of the Slovenian Radio Hour for Pittsburgh and vicinity. It was a pleasure to see many of our members’ husbands and relatives in attendance as you can see in the group pictures. No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our annual Christmas midnight Mass celebrated by our Msgr. Butala and aslsted by three priests was very elaborate. Due to the choir members with their Christmas hymns, made us feel very thankful and happy to be able to attend once more. T he Holy Night and other hymns were out of this world. The Hymns were heard from our steeples throughout Joliet. At this same time we remember the members of our branch who took place last year — but were called into eternity and then the sick members who were unable to attend. We are grateful to our organist, Mr. Rozman, and the choir members and also to our members of the branch who are choir members who take tlmo from their family duties and attend the rehearsals. And then the Christmas Masses that followed throughout the morning on Christmas with a full attendance made us realize that it is Christmas to bring our families together. May Ood bless another Musical entertainment was provided by a very brilliant young musician. We will tell you all about, him in one of our future issues of Zarja. In conclusion, I wish to again thank each and everyone for the congeniality and the hands of friendship which were extended from all In attendance. A special word of thanks again to Mrs. Anna Trontel for her kindness and for the drive to the Airport which Is quite a distance from the hall. It was a lovely day and will be remembered as a great day in Pittsburgh. Albina Novak Christmas for us as this one. Our secretary, Frances Gaspich, reported at the meeting that we lost the following members last year: Mrs. Frances Koncar, Mary Russ, Frances Kerns, Catherine Matesevec, Louise Dusa, Mary Mihellc, Anna Ferlin, Antonia Petek, Jean M. Težak, Barbara Kobe, Veronica Stimae and Amalia Plese, twelve in all. The president, Emma Planinšek, asked the members to bring their friends or relatives to join, to take the place of the ones we lost. We must not forget the departed members and pray for them as they are missed by all. Our condolences to the Trippon family who lost the wife and mother of two sons and a daughter. Frances Trippon is the daughter of one of our long-time members, Mrs. Mary Rozlch, her mother, and sister Mrs. Christine Stlmac, also survived by two other sisters, and aunt (our member) Mrs. Kunich. She wws buried from St. Joseph’s church to the parish cemetery. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Annunzl, whose daughter Marcella Busch Is survived by husband and daughter Debora, was buried from Holy Family church to Resurrection cemetery. Mrs. Eleanore An-nuncl, her mother, also is a long time member of our branch. The deceased is also survived by an uncle and other relatives. Mrs. Hattie Terlep, wife of Martin, who recently passed away, is also survived by our members, relatives of deceased Mrs. Rose Semrov and Mary Terlep from Oakland Ave. Our president, Mrs. Emma Planinšek, received word of the passing of her dear sister, Mrs. Aloizija Pečnik from Mozirje, Slovenia. She is also the sister of our member, Mrs. Pau line Lukančič. She is also survived by sisters in the USA and relatives here and abroad. She is well remembered by this reporter, who visited her the first time in 1937 when your reporter traveled with the SWU group. Later on, at every time she "'as ngain visited and her friendliness will not be forgotten. This last time she was joined with her travel by Mrs. Emma Planinšek, who returned for a visit to Slovenia the first time since she came to the US. Here she visited Ixijzka Pečnik and other relatives. Before leaving for home to the US, Lojzka Pečnik came again to Ljubljana to bid farewell to Emma Planinšek, her sister and our group. May she rest in peace and be rewarded in heaven; also all those mentioned In my report. Frances Gaspich read the names from the mailed cards sent to the ailing members, the names of whom are known to her at that time. Christmas cards went to Mrs. An-,la Adamich, Barb. Dragovan, Cath. Bragovan, Mary Jerman; to Center Nursing Home, Antonia Nosse, Helen pluth, Mary Vlasich, Mary Plankar to So. Haven, Mich., Katherine Butala tto American Nursing Home), Jennie Bambich, Ann Savol, Anna Pucel, Mary Gerl from Ruby St., and Margaret Muha. We are happy to know that Mrs. Rose Jagodnik who had So much sickpess the previous months, is so much improved. We wish them a" a speedy recovery. A Christmas greeting was also received from an active previous officer of Zveza, Mrs. Pauline Ozbolt, whose present address is 2426 Burr Oak, Blue Island, 60406. She is a member of Br. 2. thanks for the greetings, Mrs. Ozbolt! Two members were Initiated by the president, Mrs. Mary Haggerty and Mae Reif. A. donation of $10 was given to the Christmas church envelope. In Feb-HUary all members are invited to the tt>©eting as movies will be shown of he recent events. Very interesting. ' e hope you will all make It and °ome. Spending her Christmas vacation from Washington, was Irene Planinšek, president Br. 103, staying with her mother and visiting, in her short time of leave, all relatives and friends. Also Mrs. Ida Ranzinger from Broadway whose husband Martin passed away a few months ago, had her nephew visit her. His home is in London and he is staying in Canada for a few months on business. His name is Branko Hlavati, who has a family in London and after many years saw his aunt, Ida. After a short visit at Christmas, he returned to his home. Our secretary, Frances, reports where the money paid by the members goes. First, for the dues mailed to the headquarters, then the salary of the branch officers (who are paid the minimum), the automobiles and Masses for our deceaased members, the rental of the meeting hall, the donations to the church, and various expenses. So, don’t worry members, there is nothing left after that is all paid up, only it Is your duty to be a paid up member to keep us existing, for it is unfair to all that your dues are forwarded to the headquarters while you are in arrears. I do not like to stress this month after month but it seems that many do not understand the duties of every member to its branch. Hoping to see you at our meetings in the future months of 1968 and I hope it will be a healthy and a happy Now Year. May God bless you all! Josephine Erjavec No. 21, West Park, Ohio. — Our yearly Christmas Party was very well attended with 30 members and 2 guests present. A surprise fruit punch, preceded by a luscious dinner served buffet style, was all enjoyed immensely. The tables were nicely decorated in Christmas spirit. We also had a nice gift exchange. Many door prizes were given away; also attendance prizes were awarded. The officers thank each and every one who worked in preparing the dinner, brought salads, cookies, delicious cakes, coffee, prizes, liquid refreshments, in making the party a big success. After the dinner, our business meeting took place. The officers for 1968 are as follows: Theresa Lach, President; Helen Konkoy, Vice-President; Josephine Weiss, Treasurer; Cecilia Brodnik, Recording Secretary; Stella Dan cull, Secretary; Auditors: Theresa Kozuh, Frances Cimperman and Anna Kosak. Reporters, Frances Kavc and Stella Dancull. The rules and regulations remain the same as in previous years. Our meeting date will remain the first Wednesday of the month in the West Park Slovene Home, beginning 1:00 p. m. Don’t forget, the new time, please. Christmas greetings were mailed to all our sick and ailing members: Anne Pelcic, Frances Kozely, Frances Blatnik. Theresa Zupančič, Caroline Valentine and Antoinette Esta-nek at the St. Jude Nursing Home. Edith Cimperman spent the Christmas and New Year holidays in Texas visiting daughter Elaine, her hubby and three lovely grandchildren; have a good time, Edith! We are planning on having our FIRST card party Sunday, February 25, 196S at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 120th St. Helen Konkoy was appointed chairiady assisted by Jennie Masso. We are especially grateful to the following members who donated prizes for our Card Party; Afghan, Mrs. Frances Kozely; yellow bedspread, Mrs. Josephine Zupan; 1 bottle cheer, Mrs. Marie Hosta. Our sincere thanks to all of you. Mother’s Day program will be held on our regular meeting date in May. Mother of the Year is Mrs. Mary Zeitz, charter member, formerly of 53. Military Service: The Edward Vid-mar’s had the pleasure of having their son, James, home for a 2 week furlough. He is stationed in Mobile, Ala. James is the grandson of Mrs. Josephine Weiss, our branch treasurer. Engagement announced: Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Kadel, 4728 Autumn Lane, Brooklyn, Ohio announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Alice Kadel to James Vidmar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vidmar, 12930 Hufman Rd., Parma, Ohio. Our sincere congratulations. Ladies, do you wish to contribute to the Slovenian Chapel Fund In Washington, D. C.? Please give your donation to the officers or bring it to the meeting. A reminder to all members to pay their dues. There are many of you who' owe for the previous months. Happy Birthday to all members celebrating this month. Stella Dancull, Sec’y. No. 22, Bradley, III. — Mrs. Mary Rittmanic was hostess to the Christmas party and meeting in her home on Sunday, Dec. 10. Her sister, Margaret Planton, was a guest. In the course of business the following officers were unanimously reelected to serve for 1968: president, Mollie Metschuleit; vice president, Mollie Starasinich; secretary, Gabri-elle Lustlg; treasurer, Elizabeth Kinder; auditors, Mary Rittmanic, Anne Richards and Anna LaMon-tagne; spiritual director. Rev. James P. McDermott. A letter of thanks was read for contribution made recently to the Funds for Church in Silence; also a letter concerning the establishment of a memorial chapel for Slovenians in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at Washington, D. C. A SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Due to the generosity of the officers, delegates and visitors at the last convention held In Washington, D. C., the Scholarship Committee decided to grant three scholarships this year rather than the usual two awards. These scholarships of $200.00 each will be given to qualified high school seniors graduating in June. Those considered eligible for these scholarships are seniors who are members of the organization for at least six months, or in the case of men, whose mother, (if living), or grandmother, or sister is a member, or in the event that they are deceased, were members at the time of their death. Although financial need is a consideration it is not intended to imply “poverty.” Persons of moderate resources will be eligible. Each winner, upon receipt of his enrollment in an accredited college or university, will receive $100.00 at the beginning of his first and second semesters in September and February. There will be only one scholarship awarded to members of any one family. Also, members of a particular branch cannot receive a scholarship in two successive years (in branches where scholarships were awarded last year, seniors will not be considered this year, but may apply next year ) For information and application forms, please write to Mrs. Hemline Dicke, Secretary S. W. TJ. Scholarship Committee, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis. Since completed applications must be in by March 30th, an immediate request for forms is urged. Best wishes to all seniors, Sincerely, Hermine Dicke, Secretary Scholarship Committee donation of five dollars was made for this cause; also an offering of five dollars was sent to Sacred Heart So. Missions at Walls, Mississippi for a Mass to be said for our deceased members and those deceased of their families. Remembered with card and gift was Margaret Hassett at Riverside Hospital. Cards were also- sent to our dear friends, Pauline Ozbolt and Paula Smole. A most enjoyable social hour followed with games, gift exchange and delicious luncheon prepared by our hostess, assisted by Agnes Zajc and Anna Jamnik. Next meeting will be on Sunday. Feb. 18 at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Anna l^aMontagne with Mollie Metschuleit, co-hostess. Wishing everyone God’s blessings with our prayer that world peace will come in this New Year of 1968. Gabrielle Lustig, Secretary No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Dawn Club. Our regular meeting was held in the Church Hall at 7:30, Dec 20th. This date was scheduled to be our Christmas banquet in the Blue Room of the Forrest Hotel, but due to the lire which destroyed the entire building, we were unable to have it there. So, upon the quick thinking of our President, Rose Novak, she called the ladies and each brought something for the lunch such as salads, Christmas cookies, etc. In such a case, all the ladies are willing to share with the lunch. A “put and take” game was played. Many nice prizes were taken home. Flection of officers then took place: each officer may serve for 2 years only in succession. President, Emma Pucel; Vice President, Barbara Brennan; Treasurer, Stephanie Vranesich; Recording Secretary, Ruth Zaverl; Reporter, Mary Shikonya; Auditors, Helen Kotchevar and Mary Bachar. We wish to thank the out-going officers for a job well done. Theresa Koschack took home the door prize. Lunch committee for January were to be Helen Kotchevar, Frances Pengal, Mary Shikonya, Stephanie Vranesich and Julie Zgonc. A very nice lunch was served which was enjoyed by all members. To all who are ill, we wish a very speedy recovery. Anne Rowe, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. — In the second month of the new year, I wish all our members good health and happiness. Especially do I hope that we will be more active during this year and more members will attend meetings. Get well wishes to our sick members. Hospitalized now are Martha Radlah, Josephine RadiS and at home: Mary Kastigar, Antonia Hefferle, Anna Oklejsen and Mary Savnik. To all, our best wishes. Good luck to member, Mary Uranic who has moved permanently to Florida to her family there. Mary and Joseph Piska in Chicago celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary felicitations. God bless you! See you at the meeting. Angela Strukel, sec. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — For our meeting in December, the attendance surprised us as it was not what we expected. Being the last meeting of the year, we had our Christmas Party, exchange of gifts, etc. We expected more members to be this meeting. It surely was nice of Father Demsher to come. At this meeting it was decided to give a donation to the Slovenian Radio Program, also a donation to the Slovenian Chapel Fund Well, as far as the voting, it’s the same" po starem”. It seems nobody wants to be on the committee. Our condolences to two of our members, Amelia Butala and Mary Mra-vintz on the loss of tliier brother Anthony who died on Dec. 6th. Also, our sympathy to the Frankovicli family on the loss of their mother, Barbara, one of our members who died on Dec. 20th. May their souls rest in peace. Get well wishes to all our sick members especially to Anna Flajnik and Veronica Ivancic, two very sick members. Ann Frankovic, sec’y. No. 32, Euclid, O. — We had our annual meeting and Christmas Party Dec. 5th with pleasant weather and good attendance. President opened the meeting with prayer for our deceased members; unfortunately, we lost G in 1967. They are, Frances Kastelic, Frances Marie Sweet, Angela Božeglav, Mary Bukovec, Rose Hughes and Mary Rupar. May they rest in peace. President introduced to us 2 new members, Dorothy Urankar and Mary Bostian. Mary was also our special guest, we all know she is our State President. Mary transferred to our branch. Welcome to our new members; we are glad and proud to have Mia-y. She made the right move in joining our branch and we hope she will feel at ease working with us and we with her. The rules of our branch remain the same, except, we no longer have the American Home for announcements. You will get a card in the mail for funeral purposes or other news. For the chapel in Washington, our treasurer collected $67.00. She has this in charge. The following had Birthdays and gave $1 to the good time kitty: B. Baron, M. Ercul, F. Sokach, C. Peck. A. Jazbec, M. Vodichar. Thanks! For Treasury purposes $1 each came from F. I’erme, A. Chinchar, J. Gos-tincic, M. Kalin, M. Ogrinc, A. Yarm, C. Peck, A. Barkovich, A. Pirce, P. Verh, J. Jagodnik, T. Potokar, M. Pristov, M. Gerjevic. $2.00 from M. Strnad and $3.00 from F. Perme. — Thanks to all of you! Mr. Gerjevic, husand of Mary, fell and broke Ills wrist. We hope he will recover soon. Tillie Bolek was ill in FOCUS ON MARY HUTAR OF ELY • he hospital 3 weeks; we hope and pray she Is much better. Our member, Mary Bratkovlch lost her sister. We send our sympathy to her and relatives. Then came election of officers. Our president said she will retire and she recommended Mary Bostian to take her job as president. With 100% applause, Mary was elected to the office. Knowing how active Mary is, our branch is in good hands. Mrs. Potokar was president for many years. Our former president was elected as our honorary president; that’s quite fair for our good and well-liked former president This is the list of our newly e-lected officers for 19G8; President, Mary Bostian; Honorary President, Theresa Potokar; Vice President, Anne Cooke; Secretary, Josephine Comenshek; Treasurer, Annie Godlar; Rec. Secy., Ann Tekavec; Auditors, Annie Chinchar and Mary Drobnick; Reporter for Zarja in English, Ann Tekavec, in Slovenian, Frances Perme. Kopresentatives for Combined Brandies are, Josephine Comenshek and Annie Godlar. Our new members were initiated and officers installed. Anne Cooke was selected as Mother of the Year. After our closing prayer, we had our Christmas Party and Birthdays and exchange of gifts. We had de Hcious roast beef made by Theresa Potokar; M. Bostian brought oake; M. Drobnick, cheese cake; A, Tekavec, Potica; A. Godlar, A. Pozar, J. Comenshek, M. Vodichar, F. Gulich, P. Marik and E. Tegel, cake; and F. l'erme, refreshments. Thanks to all and to the hostesses in the kitchen. Congratulations to Mary Hochevar, for being grandma for the 6th time. Caroline and Valentine Peck celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on January 7th. Congratulations and may our Lord bless you. Caroline is our good member. So now members, we ask you to come to our meetings so we can help our new and active president. Let’s get to work, she can’t do it hy herself. In closing, we wish you all and your families, a Happy New Year. May it bring peace to our country and youth and renewed health to our sick. A. Tekavec, Rec. Secy. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Despite the very cold weather, a good attendance was seen at our January meeting. The slate of officers were installed, these being the same as last year, with the exception of one new auditor, Cyrilla Collard. We are 'uighty proud of our officers who did such a splendid job, and we are confident they will do as well in the new year. With the fine cooperation llnd support from each and every member, it will ease thier work. Vice-Pres. Dorothy Rychlak will take over the “knife project.’’ (Please turn to p. 35.) Miss Mary Hutar of Ely, Minnesota, recognized throughout the Range a-rea for her abilities as a choir director and music choregraplier, was honored at an Appreciation Tea Jan. 7th at St. Anthony’s Social Hall in Ely. Miss Hutar was recognized by the Choirs of St. Anthony’s for her 44 years as organist and choir director, and for her 45 years as the housekeeper in the rectory. Her beautiful voice and her tremendous abilities in the field of music have gained her a reputation far and wide. She often appeared on programs in Chisholm and directed community songs with her sister, Mrs. Charles Merhar. Miss Hutar’s musical career began when she was in her teens. Her talents blossomed forth when her father, John Hutar, Sr. purchased an old pump organ from the late Msgr. Jos. F. Bull, a former Ely pastor and one of the great missionaries in Minnesota’s pioneering history. Mr. Hutar thought that perhaps the organ would be of some value to his family of 7 active children. Mary assumed the leadership and within a few months, the “Hutar Choi r” was formed. This was a highly talented, exceptionally musical family. Mary learned to play the organ and the hymns, classics and Slovenian folk songs burst forth with a new vitality. She began to play the organ In the church a year later and has continued in that capacity for 44 years. She started out to help in the rectory for about G months when she was 18 years old, and she has ably continued in that capacity, saying that it just never occurred to her to leave. In addition to the many household duties that are prevalent in a growing rectory and a very busy parish, Mary found time to develop her voice and instrumental abilities at Villa Scholastica. She studies constantly and is an avid reader. She found time to direct and participate in community concerts and plays; to direct the choirs of the church and the community; to play for all of the services; and to bake cookies for the hungry little children who had a habit of knocking at the back door, knowing the cooky jar was brimming with delicious and nourishing goodies. The blending of beautiful voices for the various choirs did not just happen. Mary is a teacher, a disciplinarian, a strict but understanding musician. With her there are no excuses for skipping choir practice, and her product of choir performance is unexcelled. Among the outstanding public appearances of her choir was its presentation at Ely’s 70th Anniversary in 1958 which was observed in conjuc-tion with the local Minnesota Centennial. Several years ago, her senior choir and children’s choir were featured at a presentation of North-woods Nights observing Slovenska Noč (Slovenian Night) attended by the largest standing room audience ever to fill the Washington auditorium, more than 1,200 persons with seating for only about 975. Success in her profession, applause and compliments, have had no effect on M a it’s personality. Socially she is at home with all groups, never losing the common touch that all people are equals. She has a ready smile fore veryone and a hearty “hello” in a voice that sings a greeting. She declines to be addressed as Miss Hutar and delights in being called just plain “Mary.” What about after retirement. First, Mary will move to an apartment at the Lakeview building, just a halfblock from St. Anthony’s church. She likes to travel and has plans for that. Several years ago, she made a European trip, also took a trip to Arizona and other southwest points and stopped over in Las Vegas. She also enjoyed a Great Lakes tour from Duluth to Buffalo and last year visited Washington, D. C. as a member of an Ely delegation to take part in the Slovenian Women’s Union of A-merica Convention. Next on her travel schedule is a March 2 to 17 trip to Hawaii. Upon her return she will help Rev. Father Frank Mihelčič move to his new home. The kindly parish priest, who has served at St. Anthony’s for 50 years, is also retiring but will remain in Ely. Mary will continue her duties as the housekeeper she says, “as long as I am able.” (Reprint from Tribune Press) * * * As a member of Br. 23, Mary has always been a ray of sunshine. She lias been a member almost 30 years. Her sisters, Margaret Veranth and Catherine Merhar are long-standing members in Ely and sister, Frances Blatnik, is president of Br. 33, Duluth. A sister-in-law, Ann Hutar, be came a member of Br. 23 last year. All our wishes that Mary, the “Songbird of the Iron Range”, as she is known in Minnesota will forever keep well so she can continue with her gift of making others happy. C. L. Hermine Prisland Dicke: SSnTSTII and * »AS1*1*1® ♦ * . * Mrs. Frances Chiodo,, member of Branch 13, San Fransisco, and their Zarja reporter for years, is the kind of superlative cook who’s delighted to share her recipes and culinary secrets. For the past several years she’s been a contributor to the Recipe Exchange Column for the San Francisco Examiner especially when leaders have asked for Yugoslav recipes. Through marriage, Fran has also acquired the art of Italian cooking. The following are some of her recipes featured in the San Francisco Examiner. “POVATICA” (Potica) 1 y2 cups water 1 cup milk 3 small cakes of yeast 1 cube butter — (% pound) 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoons salt 8 cups flour 3 unbeaten egg yolks 4 to 5 pounds walnuts % cup sugar y2 pound butter 1 pint half and half Scald 1% cups water with the 1 cup milk. Cool to lukewarm and dissolve 3 cakes of yeast in the liquid. Stir in 1 cube of melted butter. In another bowl add 1 cup sugar and 4 teaspoons salt to 8 cups of flour. Add 1 cup of the flour mixture to the yeast mixture and stir. Then blend in 3 unbeaten egg yolks. Gradually add remaining flour mixture and knead well. Turn the dough into a greased bowl, put a wet cloth over the top and let rise at about an 85-degrees temperature until doubled. (Use oven with pilot light.) The filling should be started the night before and then prepared before you malce the dough, because it should be cooled before using. For 3 povaticas, Fran uses 4 to 5 pounds of walnuts. She grinds them very fine and then, for each cup of ground walnuts, add % cup sugar. Mix well and let stand overnight. Next day, melt Vž pound butter in a skillet. Add the nuts and about 1 pint of half and half. Cook, stirring constantly, for l hour and 15 minutes. You want to have a smooth paste. If it’s too thick, add more half and half. When the dough has doubled, divide U into 3 equal portions for ? L povaticas and roll each one out separately to fit an angel food pan. Spread each with the nut filling, roll up and fit each povatica into a greased angel food pan. Three angel food pans are necessary for the 3 filled rolls of dough. (By using angel food pans, the povatica bakes better and keeps better. The hole in the center of the pan distributes the heat more evenly.) Let rise again until doubled, then bake all three at once in a 325 degree oven 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. PIROSHKI Piroshki are big buns made with yeast dough filled with ground beef and spinach and fried in hot oil. A Slavic version of hamburger and you eat them the same way, with your fingers. “They must bo eaten hot for they’re awful when cold,” comments Mrs. Chiodo. For the piroshki, Fran usese the same dough as for povatica but eliminates the sugar. When it has doubled, break off a piece of the dough and flatten it in the palm of your hand. It should somewhat resemble a large, thick saucer. Filling: (may be made while the dough is rising). Put 3 large onions through the blender and cook them in olive oil just until transparent. Add iy2 lbs. ground beef, 2 cups grated parmesan cheese, 3 egg yolks, 1% lbs. fresh spinach, cooked and minced, and salt and pepper. (Fresh spinach is preferable, but 2 packages of frozen leaf spinach, minced, may be substituted. The frozen chopped spinach will not have sufficient flavor. Cook these all together until no pink remains in the beef. Spoon some of the meat mixture into the circle of dough, fold it over so all the filling is encased in the dough, seal and fry. Fran uses 1 pint of oil in a cast iron skillet and cooks only two piroshki at a time. The oil should come half-way up the sides of the piroshki. They musi be cooked slowly over low heat. Turn them as they brown. The piroshki may be frozen after they’re cooked, wrapped separately in foil. To reheat them leave them in the foil and put them into a 250 degree oven until hot through. ZINKROV (Zinkrofe) (Fried Slovenian Ravioli) They may be made with leftover roast, chicken or turkey. Cook 1 large onion, grated very fine, in 2 tablespoons butter until transparent. Add ground cooked chicken from a one pound bird (or the equivalent,) y2 cup grated parmesan cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat and add 2 eggs, mixing well. For the dough, all 3 egg yolks to 1 cup water and % cup milk. Stir in 1 teaspoon salt. Gradually add about 3 cups flour (you may need more) and knead until dough is firm. Roll out dough and cut into squares about 2 by 3 inches. Fill each square, fold over and seal it. They will look like large ravioli. Boil in salted water for 8 to id minutes. Melt 1 cube butter in a large skillet. Add y2 cup bread crumbs and brown them. Now drain your zinkrov and put them one by one, into the skillet with butter and crumbs. Fry over slow heat until zinkrov are crisp on all sides. Serve with more butter and bread crumbs over the top. This is a fine way to get rid of left-overs. Moreover, the zinkrov can be frozen before boiling. YUGOSLAV SALAD Lettuce Sliced Tomatoes Cucumbers The salad, composed of lettuce, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers is arranged on a platter in an oil and vinegar dressing flavored with sweet basil and lightly touched with garlic. Mrs. Chiodo adds, “In the Yugoslav way, each vegetable is arrayed separately rather than all tossed together. So everyone can have his choice.” * iN * February is a month of brisk weather and bright heart-wanning holidays. First there is Abraham Lin- coln’s birthday, the St. Valentine’s Day and finally the natal day of George Washington. Each calls for February’s favorite fruit — tart red water-packed cherries. Use them in sauces with ham and chicken, cakes, pies, spiced, and many desserts. * * * Thank you, Mrs. Chiodo, for sharing your excellent recipes with us. They are most welcome. Happy Valentine's Day, Willi I ove, Hermine (Br. 33 continued:) Interesting speakers or a project is planned for each meeting through May. After our February meeting a penny social will be held. Each member is asked to bring a 50c useful gift. Also, bring your pennies. We guarantee everyone a bushel of fun. By being present, you will know what the next month’s project will be. Thera Rukovina, juvenile director, is making plans for 2 sleigh ride parties to be held sometime in January. The members will be divided into 2 age groups — 1 group from 7th grade up, the other 6th grade down. Won’t that be fun? Lunch will be served after the sleigh rides in the church hall The angel of death has again snatched from our midst a long-time member, Mrs. Margaret Zalar who had resided with her daughter, Margaret Aho in Detroit, Mich, for many years and just recently moved to be with another daughter, Mary Bailey in Kenosha, Wis. where she passed a way. Her funeral was held in Duluth and burial in her family plot. I, personally, have lost a great and wonderful friend. The Zalar family and the Spehar family were always very close friends and neighbors, so that the children of both families grew up together. Our childhood days are always a subject when we get together now. The funeral was very impressive. Her grandsons served as pallbearers and her dearest and closest friends were her honorary pallbearers. To the very last, her desires were fulfilled. Surviving her are daughters Margaret and Mary and sons Jacob and Joseph of Duluth. May her soul rest in peace. Our deepest condolences to the family. Our sympathies to Renee Doble on the loss of her sister and to Sophie Malchow on the loss of her brother. May their souls rest in peace. Also our deepest sympathy to Christina Zupancich who received word from Jugoslavia of the death of her mother. To our sick members, God’s speed to recovery. See you all at our Feb. 7th Penny Social. May God bless you all! Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 42, Maple Heights O. — Happy Now Year to all! At our last meeting in December, new officers for ’G8 were elected. They are: President, Antonia Kastelic; Vice Pres., Antonia Matis; Sec’y, Mary Yemec; Recording Sec’y., Millie Lipnos and Treas., Cecelia Hočevar. Prior to the meeting, several members enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Mrs. Simončič. Many lovely door prizes 'vere donated by some members. This month, Josephine Stavec, Antonia Legan, Frances Legan and our new secretary, Mary Yemec, are all Celebrating birthdays. Congratulations and a very Happy Birthday to all of you. Just a reminder to all our members to bring bakery for our Bake Sale on Saturday, March 9th. All bakery should be at the hall before 11:00 a.m. B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — At the December meeting, the officers elected for 1968 were: Sophie Bevsek, Pres.; Ceil Groth, Vice Pres.; Rose ICraemer, Secretary and Treasurer; Recording Secretary and Sunshine girl, Vickie Sporis; Auditors, Christine Rebernisek and Josephine Kolar; Sergeant-at-Arms, Christine Rebernisek. We wish our new officers luck, and a successful year. To our outgoing officers, a well- deserved thanks for their srvice. Our meetings will be held at Vickie Sporis’ home, 1109 S. 9th and Washington Sts. on the second Sunday of each month at 1:30 p. m. Try to attend. We welcome 2 new members, Olga Zovic, an adult and Dia Frangesh, a juvenile. Mrs. Zovic’s husband is director of the Slovenian Cultural Hour on radio station W.T.O.S.-F.M. on 103.7 me. on Sundays from 12 noon 'til 1 p.m. With the new year starting, let’s all try and bring in a new member. A little help from the membership will put the branch over the top. On our congratulatory list, we extend our best wishes for happiness to the newlywed couple, Mr. and Mrs. Guiffre. Before her marriage vows, Mrs. Guiffre was Karen Delopst. Karen’s grandmother, Mrs. Delopst was very active in our branch. She held the president’s office until her death. Congratulations to Anna Mae Gog-gins who was recently engaged. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gilboy are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on Christmas day. To the parents, and grandparents John and Ann Rebr-nisek, congratulations on the new arrival. Mitz and Al Tratnik spent a week in Las Vegas, and from all reports had a marvelous time. A fitting time for our branch to send their best wishes and good luck greetings to our sons and members in the service. Alfred Mohorko, Sp. 4, son of John and Mitz Mohorko has been in the service for 18 months. He is in the 34th Infantry, stationed at, Ausburg, Germany. Another son, Joseph Mohorko, Sp. 1 served 1 year in Vietnam and is now stationed at Homestead Airforce base in Florida. George Phillips, Sp 4, son of Toni and Davis Phillips, is in the army since April 1967, and is stationed at Cam Rhan Bay, Vietnam. Rudy Pugel, Jr. son of Rose and Rudy Pugel is a corporal in the Marines. He has been in the service since Feb. 11, 1966. Five months a-go he was sent to DeNang, Vietnam working on Avionic radar. Ronald Tratnik, son of Mitz and Al Tratnik is a 2nd Lientenant, at Fort Lewis, Washington and is training recruits in the army artillery. Michael Viduski, son of Eleanor Viduski is a Sargent in the Air Force and is stationed at Okinawa since May, 1967. Our boys are today scattered throughout the Free World, demonstrating to friend and potential enemy, their readiness and ability to deal with aggression — vigorously and successfully. We hope, soon, that we can have peace, and with God’s blessing a safe return of all of them. To all February birthday celebrants, best wishes, and a Happy Valentine’s Day. Next meeting February 11th. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Our Christmas meeting and party opened with prayer with 17 members in attendance. Minutes were read and approved. The letter from our Supreme President, concerning the Shrine in Washington, D. C., was read in both English and Slovenian. After a short discussion, it was decided to make a donation in the name of our branch. Mrs. Katharine Petrovič was nominated as our Mother of the Year 1968. The 1967 officers were reinstated and installed by a majority vote of the membership. It was decided to continue having our meeting on the second Sunday of the month. Viola Pisoni and Pauline Ruzicka will share the duties of the telephone committee. We sincerely hope that Marie Golobic, Mary Gregorič and Josephine An-cel are enjoying good health. After the meeting, the members enjoyed visiting with friends, a dinner, and a social, which included the distribution of Christmas gifts. Branch No. 46 extends to all the best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Theresa Gabrian, Rec. Sec. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Our monthly meeting and Christmas party was held at the Willo-Brown Derby and I can’t begin to tell you the great time that we had. Games were planned for the event, and we had some doozies, I can say. Joan (Arko) Cable joined our club as a new member, and she used to be our Baton instructor. Toni Turek gave a rundown on the past year's activities. Ann Hočevar, Josie Urbančič and Rose Roesch were the committee for the party, and all we can say is they did a beautiful job of arranging everything for us. Thank you ladies! Carole Traven dressed an Infant o£ Prague statue to help raise some money for our Social Fund, and wouldn’t you know, our new member Joan Cable won it!! ! Congratulations Joan! What a way to start your new membership. We had two guests join us for the party and they were: Donna Arko and Justine Zakrajšek. We were very happy to have them with us. Hope they will consider joining our Branch soon. Our officers for the coming year are: FRANCES SIETZ, President; TONI TUREK, Vice President; MARIE BECK, Secy and Treas.; ROSE ŽELODEC, Recording Secy.; MITZI BENCIN, Sgt. at Arms: ANGIE LUBE, Reporter; MARIE AZMAN and ANGIE LUBE, Auditors; FRANCES GLAVAN, Sunshine Chairman. All the officers wish to express their gratitude for the cooperation that they received in the past year, and hope to have your confidence during the coming year. Thank you, one and all! MARY SUSNIK was elected as the MOTHER OF THE YEAR, and we are very proud to select her as she has done so much for our club. Mary, we all hope that you will have the best year of your life now that you have been chosen. To all you lovely ladies we do hope that you will make a New Year’s resolution to attend more meetings and join in the fun. Angie Lube To Frances Sietz, our beloved president, we all express our condolences on the death of her husband, Frank, who passed away suddenly, and we all join in hoping that this year will be better than the past, since she has had so much misfortune. And our best wishes to Albina Schmuck, her sister, who is so gravely ill. We pray that she is on the road to recovery. A. L. No. 52, Kitzville, Hibbing, Minn. — Dearest Sisters, our Jan. 3, 1968 meeting was held at the Little Grove at which time the seating of our officers took place. There aren’t any new ones — as all the old officers are taking over again. All the laws remained the same, payment of the officers were made and expenditures were read. Our recording secretary, sister Rose Trombly, was absent. She is spending a few months in California. She sure has picked a swell time to go as our temperature here is 44 degrees below zero as I write. The best place to be is somewhere where it is warm. Our turn out was the smallest we had a long time. I believe everyone was just a little afraid of the cold. But don’t forget we will be having another meeting Feb. 7, 1968 at the Little Grove again and don’t play “chicken’. Get out and enjoy a delightful evening. Well, to all our sick members, I wish them God’s Speed to a rapid recovery. Sister Josephine Oswald, our president, led us in prayer, thus bringing us to the social of evening. Our officers, sisters: Josephine Oswald, Rose Chiodi, Rose Trombly and Josephine Palitano were hostesses of the evening serving a delicious lunch. Cards were played and door prize was awarded. Sisters Josephine Oswald, Rose Chiodi, Celia Palitano, Dorothy Russo, Margaret Kochevar, Frances Shega, Angeline Russ and Ivana Prelsnik won honors. We had a very delightful evening. Please try to come and be amongst us the next time so that it will be a more jolly evening as the old saying goes: “the more the merrier”. May God bless you all and keep you all in the best of health until we meet again. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio — Our branch is starting the new year of 19G8 with a few changes. Our meetings will be held every other month instead of monthly. Our Feb. meeting will be held at home of Mrs. Mayme Sporich, 226 Eastland, S.E. at 7:30 and in April at the home of Mrs. Josephine ICassan, 2207 Milton St. S.E. We will meet in May but this will be our Mother-Daughter Dinner and arrangements are being made for a local restaurant. Further details will be in the next issue. Our meeting place, which for a year had been at Betty Vadas’, has come to a sad end because Betty is moving. Betty was very kind and generous to us and we all thank her. During the months of July and August, there will be no meetings. A discussion about a card party with all in favor was held at our last meeting and arrangements will be looked into by Josephine Kassan. We held a collection for the Slovenian Chapel Fund and our branch donated $10.00 and several members contributed generously for the cause. To all those in arrears of dues, start the New Year off “the right way” by paying your dues promptly! To ailing members, we wish you speedy recoveries and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec. Treas. No. 55, Girard, Ohio — The Slovenian Women’s Union enjoyed a Christmas Party and Covered Dish Dinner on our regular meeting night. Mrs. Katherine Futey was chairman. The table was beautifully decorated with a white linen cloth, a large ceramic Christmas tree and red candles. Needless to say, the food was delicious. Little baskets of poinsetta and mistletoe were the favors. After dinner, we had a short business meeting also election of officers. The officers are as follows: President, Mrs. Barbara Umeck; Vice President, Mrs. Maria Cvetnic; Sec. & Treas. Mrs. Matilda Cigolle; Rec. Sec. Mrs. Nancy Dombrosky; Reporter, Mrs. Barbara Umeck: Audi- tors, Mrs. Amelia Robsel and Mrs. Sophie Kren. At this time Mrs. Mary Lukz was chosen Mother-of-the-Year. Games were played and prizes went to Mines. Amelia Robsel, Alice Cer-nick, Bea Matuszewski, Barbara U-meck, Anna Umeck, Virginia Bestic, Anna Krivalt, Gail Hlasta, Jennie Selak and Marie Cvetnic. Attendance prize was awarded to Mrs. Mary Selak; door prize to Mrs. Biscan. No illness was reported. Everyone too busy for ilness with their Christmas shopping and baking! May God bless you all in the New Year with the very best of health and happiness. This is my last article for the Zarja. Mrs. Barbara Umeck will take over and now you will get nice articles from her. Mary Ann Mehalco (Ed. note. Sorry to lose you, Mary Ann — thanks for years of prompt and concise reporting. C.) No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Another year has gone by and a new one starting. Here’s hoping for the best of everything in 1968 and may God bless you all. Our December meeting was started with a smorgasbord supper. Election of officers was held and Mother-of the Year for 1968 was chosen. The following officers will guide us for this year. Anne Satovich, President; Agnes Barkis, Vice Pres.: Mary Meadows, Secy.; Amelia Domen, Rec. Secy, and Mary Drobnick, Treas. Auditors are Dorothy Ober-ster, and Elizabeth Gaige. Reporter is Margaret Skarich and seargant-at-arms Barbara Doshen. Our Mother of the Year is Mrs. Mary Babich. Following the meeting, gifts were exchanged and games were played with prizes awarded. Mr. Anthony Babich serenaded us during the evening with his concertina and carols and songs were sung. During the month of December we also lost a member, Antonia Phillips, who died in a fire. We paid our last respects to her. May she rest In peace. To her family, our deepest sympathies. Frances Puhek underwent surgery, to her a speedy recovery and all others who are sick. At our January meeting the hostesses were to be Mary Massich, Theresa Hattam, Rose Vukich, Frances Fiorl and Mary Drobnick. With best wishes. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 57, Niles, Ohio — In November, we had our elections of officers and it was voted they stay the same as in 1967. Thank you, girls. Our Mother of the Year was elected and all were in favor of having Rose Spirko as Mother of the Year in 1968. Congratulations, Rose! Our Christmas party was very nice held at Perkins Pancake House. Many guests were present. The door prizes, a hand smocked apron to Ma- ry Opalka was donated by Frances Rezek. A pair of pillow-cases went to Eva Zevkovich, donated by Rose Spirko. Favors were white milk vases each with a poinsetta flower in it. We had a gift exchange and games were played. We had a very nice turnout. So glad Mrs. Racher is improving, and get well wishes to Nancy Segreto, Frances Kosance and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flere. See you at the next meeting. Have a good 19G8, all! Mary Moller No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. — Our Christmas Party held at Blue Sky Inn in Greenville, Pa. turned out fine. Everyone had a good time, even our bus driver who joined us and made French Poodles out of baloons for everyone. After dinner the ladies danced to "Z” Band. We held our regular meeting December 10th, All the officers were unanimously re-elected as follows: Mtary Snezic, President; Louise Ser-jek, Vice President, Mary Brodesko, Treasurer; Celia Hulina, Rec. Secy.; Perclc, Reporter. Mrs. Mary Snezic wishes to thank the ladies for their confidence in her to elect her president. This is her 30th year as president. Mrs. Mary Kozule was chosen Mother of the Year. Birthday greetings to the celebrants Victoria Yardas, Celia Hulina in Dec. Anna Kinkel, Katherine Susany, in January; February, Anna Novod, Mary Kozul and Katherine Hurbo-lich. Well, ladies, February 2nd is our Anniversary. We are planning to take a trip to celebrate the event. Plans are to go to Cleveland for the "Pust” Dance, Feb. 25th. If you would like to go, contact Clara Simonič, Mary Grabenz and Violet Mehocic. A small deposit is required. Wish all that are on the sick list n speedy recovery and hope to see them at our meeting soon. May God bless you all with good health. Mary Perclc, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts. O., We had our Christmas dinner — very Rood it was! To name a few of the Koodies, there was jello salad, pork, ham, potatoe salad, saurknaut and dumplings, rice and chicken, breaded chicken, cakes, cookies, candy and cream puffs. Thanks, ladies. Welcome to two new memers, Ve-ra Kozal and Evelyn Santucci. Hope you have fun with us. Wo are doing very well, on our chapel fund donations. Keep up the Rood work, gals. We sent $127.20 so far. We want to thank these ladies, Jean Noss, Ruth Svette, Florence Qliha and Ann Fike for each giving $5 toward the Shrine. Also, with dollar donations are: Agnes Walters. Gloria Dusek, Ann Yane, Vera Kozak, Josephine Knapp and Theresa Vlasy. Many thanks and God bless you all. Members, dont’ forget, your donations are very welcome! On our sick list is Ann Fike who had a noperation on her arm and is better now. Estelle Ozog also underwent surgery. Good luck to all our ill members. Election of officers was held. President is Kay Yuratovac; vice-president is Ann Fike; secretary. Gloria Dusek; treasurer, Agnes Walters and Louise Epley is finance secretary. Good luck in the coming year. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mary Chesnik on the sudden death of her brother. May he rest in peace. As I write this, I received word that one of our members, Stella Knezeak, passed away and will be buried Dec. 4th. May she rest in peace and the perpetual light shine upon her. Going traveling are Elinor Pesek and her four children to be with her Army husband in Germany. Good luck and a safe journey. On the move is one of our members, Leona Sue Naso. She and her husband have moved to Chicago — good luck in your new home. We all wish to congratulate Rose Spremulll and her husband, Frank, on being elected Mayor again in North Randall. We are very proud of you. We have a new grandmom — she’s Ann Yane. Her daughter, Patsy, of New York, had a baby. Louise Epley is grandmom again, too, as are Helen Kunka and Sylvia Kocjan. We hope all our mothers and babies are fine. On the sadder side, we wish to extend get well wishes to Evelyn Majersic’s husband who had an o-peration. We pray he is on the road to recovery. Also, Adeline King is sick and she just lost her mother. May God rest her soul. Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all you Sweethearts! Betty Bayus No. 85, Depue, III. — Another year has drawn to a close. Time certainly seems to be going faster! (Or am I just feeling my age?) A nice group turned out for the Christmas Party. Also the commemoration of 30 years of faithful service of Branch 85. The minutes of the first meeting were read by sister Mary Stupar. It was noted that the treasury (at that time) had $2.40 A volutary collection was taken up for the Slovenian Chapel Fund, to erect the chapel in the Immaculate Conception Shrine in Washington, D. C., commemorating the Slovenian culture and contribution of the Slovenian American Catholics. Election of officers was held: sister Mary Stuper, President; sister Theresa Grilc, Vice Pres.; sister Mrs. Mary Jermene, Financial Sec’y.; sister (Miss) Jermene, Treasurer; sister Frances Machek, Rec. Sec’y.; Reporter and Honorary Chaplain. The younger members present per- suaded our president, also our financial secretary and vice president to take their offices again for another year. Years of experience are important to any organization! After the meeting, the husbands joined the group for a wonderful feast of Slovenian goodies. Games were played and I’m sure everyone went home with a good feeling of fellowship. Happy New Year to all members! Frances Machek, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. — We met the day after Christmas for our annual Pot Luck Supper and election of officers. For some reason, our members didn’t all turn out, perhaps it was because of the frigid temperatures or because of Christmas being the day before and some of us were exhausted from the day’s activities. The same slate of officers was elected by acclamation. They are President, Mary Zakrajšek;; Vice Pres. Anne Mazar; Treasurer, Christine Meyer; and Secretary, Mary Dergantz. Anne Mazar also retained her duties as reporter We also made a ten dollar contribution to the Slovenian Shrine Chapel Fund. Cards were played during the social hour which followed the business session and supper. Winning prizes were Miss Jeanette Stish in Canasta and Katie Stimac in bridge. We sincerely hope that you all had the best Christmas ever and may the New Year be safe, healthful, prosperous and bring peace to the troubled world. Anne Mazar, Reporter No. 96, Universal, Pa. — The December meeting of the SWU Br. 9fi of Universal was held in the Center Slovenian Hall where a very large number of members attended. It was good to see some of our older mem bers present. Jean Oswalt brought: her mother, Mrs. Snoznik and Agatha Mozina came with her two daughters. By the way, she celebrated her 87th birthday on Feb 3rd. We wished her a Happy Day, good health and happiness! The same to all our members. We hope to see them at our next Christmas party. Santa was also present with a big bag of gifts which were distributed among the members. Julia Starman, who lives away out in Baden, attends many of our meetings. She entered with a big Christmas package, which proved to be a very successful venture In boosting our branch treasury. The group of ladies on the refreshment committee outdid themselves setting a beautiful table of all kinds of goodies. After a review of our branch bylaws, it was decided to continue with them as in the past. Our decesead members were remembered by the reciting of the rosary. The present officers were re-elected for 1968 as follows: Josephine Perri-no, President; Helen Rickter, Vice President; Mary Klemenčič, Secretary; Mary Oblock, Treasurer; Mary Sascek, Recording Secretary. Mother of the Year chosen is Mrs. Frances Velicic. Meetings for the year 19G8 will bo held in the Center Slovenian Hall. The first will be on March 1st at 2 p.m . at which time the ladies of Renton, will make up the refreshment committee with Elsie Bogaty as chairman. To our sick members and their families I wish them a quick recovery and to all 'a very Happy New Year! Antoinette Mozina, Reporter No. 102, Willard, Wis. Our Christmas Party and meeting were held at our new parish center, with a nice group of ladies attending. Members are asked to bring Betty Crocker and Hilex coupons to our spring meeting. We will also exchange plants, bulbs or slips at that time. Then we played games and had a delicious Pot Luck lunch. Mass was said for the first time at midnight on Christmas by Father Nikolai. Services started at 11:30 p. m. with the singing of Christmas carols by the Senior and High School choirs. A verse of Slovenian “Sveta Noč” was also sung to bring out our good old Slovenian heritage and its unfailing faith in Almighty God. Many people (Protestants as well as Catholics) attended, and the church was filled to capacity. In unison we sang the Peoples High Mass giving glory and honor to God. The formal dedication of our new parish center, however, will not take place until May 30th. S. Trunkel, Reporter No. 103, Washington, D. C. In order that we might proceed writh the highlight of the day, our Christmas Program, the scheduled meeting conducted by Nika Kovacic was very brief. Members of the family and interested friends attended this colorful and inspirational program. The Junior Members were dressed in national costumes and it. was also a successful debut for the boys, who performed splendidly. The program began with a clarinet duo by Lydia Bevec. Andrej Bevec rendered a few accordian selections after which Jane Ellen Johnson entertained with two piano solos followed by Franček Chokel, also with piano selections. Member, Mrs. Agna Javornik, then read lovely Slovenian Christmas verses written by her brother, Rev. Vital Vodušek. The poetry was followed by a beautiful descriptive essay of the Christmas customs as celebrated in Slovenia. We are indeed grateful to Mr. Mirko Javornik, her husband, for taking the time to prepare this inspirational work. Mr. Ja- vornik is one of the foremost modern Slovenian writers. Member, Miss Helen Krotec, then read a translation of Mr. Javornik’s “Christmas Customs in Slovenia,” which she had prepared and delivered in English. Junior members, Ivanka Antolin, Vida Antolin, Lydia Bevec and Mariana Zebot then offered Christmas Scripture Reading interspersed with Christmas Carols—and all in Slovenian. They were accompanied by Mr. Bogomir Chokel. The finale of our Christmas Program was reached when the Stage Curtain was drawn revealing the Nativity Scene, depicted by the youngsters dressed in National Costume. The members in attendance, noted and commented that this presentation was truly awe-inspiring, sensitively portrayed and extremely touching. Mistress of ceremonies was vice-president, Nika Kovacic. Ivanka Antolin and Bogomir Chokel must be complimented for producing this Christmas Spectacle. Refreshments followed the program. Poticas, Golden Cake, Jelly Roll, and Assorted Cookies prepared by Hostesses, Ivanka Antolin, Matilda Au-sich, Jana Bevec, and Mary Mejac were delicious and enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mara Chokel donated two lovely cosmetic gifts for which the lucky winners were Matilda Ausich and Mr. Voyatzis. We are grateful for this increase to our treasury. Here is some extra news that has reached this reporter’s desk . . . . Congratulations are sent to the Mirko Javornik Family, upon the arrival of a baby boy, to Lili and Mirko Jr., now residing in Ohio. A promotion was realized for Recording Secretary, Matilda Ausich. She is now a private secretary for Brig. Gen. Nye at the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. Also in the line of work, we find that Helen Horwath is now employed with a law firm in Joliet, Illinois. Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve was celebrated at the Shrine for the Slovenian congregation, by Fr. Ceglar. Mrs. Podborsek’s son, John, will be returning from Guam sometime this Spring after being away approximately 2 years. You can imagine how excited she is. Members, if there are any new developments in your family, do let this reporter know so that they can be shared with the rest of the branch. Have a “loving month” and a very “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Irene M. Plainsek Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Our December meeting and Christmas party combined, was held at Gail Simon’s home. We had a nice attendance of 19 members. Gail’s house was ar- rayed with lovely Christmas decorations! Although it was a rainy day, nevertheless, it was real Christmasy inside. Everyone had the Christmas spirit, everyone came in with gifts wrapped so nicely. Our favorite liquid refreshments were served and we commenced our meeting with a prayer. Many topics were discussed and that I will have in our next, month’s issue. We proceeded with our donations and projects for the gift donation from our hostess Gail, which was a lovely black purse. The lucky one happened to be Katherine Musiclc’s granddaughter, Kathleen. Although she is quite young to cany a bag like that, maybe Katherine can make a little trade with her! Josephine Kriser and her daughter Alice Becker, are making a trip to Florida real soon. Have a good time you two. I think they will be gone probably before our next meeting. Gail also had a guest, her next door neighbor, a very nice lady, and I know she enjoyed herself very much, and we were all happy to meet her. I wish, and I am sure that all of the members also wish that Julia Panzica has a real happy birthday, which is coming up in February 11th. She is one of our members that attends meetings regularly each month. She is a very busy woman who does a lot of sewing, is a dressmaker by trade for Winlclemen’s. Have a real happy birthday, Julia, and we hope you have many more. Ann McGee is feeling fine now and looks very well. She’s strutting around and up to her tricks, — you cannot hold her down. Gall Simon also has lost weight a looks very well. As for election of officers for ’G8, we agreed to have the same we had in the past year. Now 1 wish to thank the following ladies that sent me lovely birthday cards, which was the day after Christmas, Alice Sheets, Pauline Adamic, Julia Panzica, Josephine Kriser, Catherine Musick and Ann Lindieh. Thank you ladies so much. They were all very lovely birthday cards. Now I must mention that I got 2 cards from Ann McGee. One was a plain happy birthday and the oudovlt razgled n«, jezero in okolico. menita božja pot. Št. 20, Joliet, III.— Lepi Božični prazniki so za nami. Nepozabljivo lepi pa so običaji v naši cerkvi pri polnočnici. Naši cerkveni pevci so se ponovno odlikovali in zapeli "Sveta noč” tako lepo, da je vsakega pretreslo. Iz zvonika so se slišale naše pesmi po celem Jolietu. Naš monsignor M. J. Butala je daroval polnočno mašo ob asistenci treh duhovnikov. Solze so nam stopile v oči, ko smo se takrat spomnile na mnoge naše članice, ki niso dočakale letošnjih praznikov; poklicane so bile v večnost, ali pa kateri član iz njihovih družin. Mnoge so pa tudi privezane na posteljo in se zaradi bolezni niso mogle udeležite te lepe cerkvene slovesnosti. Presrečni smo bili, katerim je zdravje dovolilo, da smo se zopet veselili praznikov. Naša hvala gre cerkvenim pevcem, med njimi mnogim našim članicam, ki pojejo v zboru. Naj Bog obilno povrne vsem za njihov trud. Tajnica je na seji poročala, da smo preteklo leto izgubili sledeče članice, ki so odšle v večnost: Prances Končar, Mary Rus, Prances Kerne, Catherine Matesevec, Louise Duša, Mary Mihelič, Anna Ferlin, Antonia Petek, Jean Težak, Barbara Kobe, A-inalia Plese in Veronika Stimac. Torej kar 12 v enem letu. Predsednica priporoča, da molimo za naše pokojne članice. Obenem priporoča, da njihove vrzeli nadomestimo z novimi, katere se naj pripelje na prihodnje seje, da se nam pridružijo. Naše sožalje družinam, ki so izgubile svoje drage v teku meseca in sicer družini Trippon, ki zapušča moža, dva sinova in hčerko ter tudi sestro Christine Stimac, ki sta obe naše članice. Nadalje zapušča še dve sestre in teto Mrs. Kunich, ki je tudi članica. Pokopana je bila iz farne cerkve na naše pokopališče. Sožalje Čla. Mrs. Eleanore Annunzi, ki je izgubila hčerko Marcelle Busch, za katero žaluje hčerka in mož ter oče Viktor Annunzi in stric. Pokopana je bila iz Holy Family cerkve na pokoja-lišču Resurrection. Umrla je tudi Hattie Terlep, soproga Martina ter zapušča sorodnice, ki so naše članice, Mrs. Rose Šemrov in Mary Terlep iz Oakland Avenue. Preds. Emma Planinšek je prejela žalostno vest iz Slovenije, da je v Mozirju po dolgi bolezni umrla njena sestra Alojzija Pečnik. Pokojna zapušča več sorodnikov tukaj in v do movini, med njimi tukaj tudi sestro Mrs. Pauline Lukančič ter še dve sestre v Ameriki. Pokojno Lojzko se tudi vaša poročevalka dobro spominja. Spoznala sem jo leta 1937 ko sem bila prvič na potovanju SŽZ in nato sem jo videla vsako!; rat, ko sem obiskala stari kraj. Spominjam se, ko se je leta 1961 nam prvič pridružila tudi Emma Planinšek in se je s solzami v očeh poslovila od nje ko je prišla iz Mozirja v Ljubljano, s pozdravom “Zbogom!” Vsem sorod- nikom v Sloveniji in tukaj naše sožalje. Vsem pokojnim pa plačilo v nebesih. Tajnica Frances Gasplch poroča, da je poslala kartice za Božič naslednjim bolnim, katera imena so ji znane: Anna Adamich, Barbara Dragovan, Catli. Dragovan, Mary Jerman (v Center Nursing Home), Antonia Nos-se, Helen Pluth, Mary Vlasich, Mary Plankar (v So. Haven, Mich), Catherine Butala (v Americana Nursing Home), Jennie Bambich, Ann Savol, Anna Pucel, Mary Gerl na Ruby St in Mary Muha (Rockdale). Veseli nas, da je okrevala po dolgi bolezni, Rose Jagodnik iz Rockdale. Poleg omenjenih, želimo okrevanja vsem članicam, ki se sedaj nahajajo na bolniški postelji. Bog daj, da se kmalu vrnejo zdrave med nas. Na seji sta bile zaprisežene dve novi čla.: Mary Haggerty in Mae Retif. Odobrilo se je $10 darilo za cerkev za Božič. Na seji v februarju bomo kazale zanimive filmske slike, na katere ste vse vabljene. Te slike bodo vas vs« zanimale. Za božične praznike je obiskala mater in sorodnike ter znance Miss Irene Planinšek iz Washingtona, DC, preds. št. 103. Nadalje je za praznike obiskal svojo teto Mrs. Ido Ranzinger, Mr. Branko Hlavati, ki ma ima svoj stalni dom v Londonu. G. Hlavati je bil službeno poslan v Kanado ter je ob priliki po dolgih letih obiskal teto Ido Rancinger. Mrs. Pauline Ožbolt, ki je bila nekoč zelo aktivna odbornica stanujoča v Chicagu, se sedaj nahaja na 2420 Burr Oak, Blue Island, 111. pošilja pozdrave. Hvala. Želimo ji zdravja! Pozdrav vsem članicam naše podr. in želim Vam vsem zdravja v letu 1968, enako Vašim družinam. Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Smo že v drugem mesecu novega leta, katero upam, da bo uspešno in zdravo za vse članice. Posebno upam, da bomo v tem letu bolj aktivne in da bi se sestre v večjem številu udeleževale naših mesečnih sej. če ne pridete na seje, potem ne moremo nič dobrega ukreniti. Imamo precej trdo zimo in tudi dovolj snega, smo pač v tem zimskem času, toda ne bo več dolgo, ko bo nam sijalo pomladansko sonce in se bomo zopet videle na seji v večjem številu. Več naših članic je bolnih in influenca kar razsaja okoli. V bolnišnici se nahaja Marta Radlah, Josephine Radiš, a na domu se zdravijo Mary Kastigar, Antonija Hefferle, Anna Oklejšen in Mary Savnik. Vsem želimo hitrega zdravja. Enako seveda tudi tistim, za katere ne vemo, da so bolne. Naša članica Mary Uranič, se je preselila v sončno Florido in to za stalno k njeni družini. Želimo ji, da se bo počutila bolj zdrava. Mary in Jožef Piška v Chicagu sta praznovala 40 letnico zakonskega življenja v krogu njune družine. Želimo jima še mnogo let zdravja in božjega blagoslova. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Zopet je leto zatonilo v večnost. Ako smo kaj dobrega storile za večnost in na tein svetu, potem je to dobro za nas. Pri naši podr. se je v zadnjem letu 27 članic poslovilo iz toga sveta, ene so bile starejše dinge pa bolj mlade, vse se mora ukloniti volji Stvarnilia in Iti kakor je odločeno. Vse smo lepo spremile na zadnji poti na pokopališče in molile rožni venec. Bo,; jim daj večni mir in pokoj. Prav lepa zahvala gre našim članicam, ki gredo na pokopališče spremiti umrlo članico na zadnji poti. Zahvala velja tudi vsem dobrim članicam, ki prihajate na seje in ste vedno darovale, ali za prigrizek, ali dobitek. Kar smo črez leto nabrale na sejah je zneslo $169. Prav prisrčna hvala vsem dobrim in radodarnim članicam. Naša podružnica je tudi darovala $100 za slovensko kapelico v Wash-ingtonu in med članicami sem nabrala $100. Naše članice so res do bre in bom še nabirala v bodoče, zato katera želi dati je lepo prošena, da prispev»a, ker vsak dar po dobro došel. Vabim sestre, da bi redno hodile na seje, ker v tem letu bo naša podr. slavila 40 letnico ustanovitve, dne 27. okt. 1968. Kar nekam hitro je vse preteklo. O načrtih bom še poročala Zahvala naši predsednici Mary Ko legar, ker ona vse prepelje, kadar je kaj potrebno. Mrs. Dorothy Strniša je tako nesrečno spodrsnila na stoji nicah doma, da si je roko zlomila. Želimo ji hitrega okrevanja in vsem drugim našim sosestram, katere bolehate, Vam želim ljubega zdravja. Vabim vas vse na februarsko sejo, dneve in zopet imele dober prigrizek in tudi za prilit, zato vedno skrbi naša redlteljica Mally Dezelan. Sledeče so imele rojstne dneve: Mrs. Mihevc naša nadzornica in Mrs. Feme, tudi naša nadzornica in vsem, ki so še imele, želim, da bi Vas Bog blagoslovil še dolga leta z ljubim zdravjem. Na svidenje dne 12. febr. v šoli Sv. Vida. Mary Otoničar Št. 30, Aurora, 111.— Decemberska seja je bila pri sestri Sofi Gusman,, pa žal se je nisem mogla udeležiti, ker sem bila zopet v bolnici, zaradi velike izgube krvi, zaradi ulcerja na želodcu. Dali so ml zopet Spinte krvi. Bila sem 3 tedne v bolnici, potem je pa prišla sinjaha Dorothy iz I.ombarda in me vzela k njej, kjer sem tudi bila 3 tedne, to je črez Božič, da sem dobila nekoliko svoje moči nazaj. Prisrčna hvala sinu Hermanu in »orothy, da sta me vzala v oskrbo. Bog Vama poplačaj z zdravjem! LEP USPEH DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE! Župnik Ferdinand Demšar in gl. tajnica Albina Novak Državna konvencija za Pennsylvania se je vršila v letu 19G7 pri nas v Slovenskem domu na 57. cesti v Pittsburghu i)od pokroviteljstvom naše V Lombard sem tudi dobila nekaj božičnih daril, a najlepši pa je bil ko mi je 3 letni sosedov fantek prinesel v mali posodici nralo cvetočo ponze-tio. Gotovo je mama poslala fantka z rožo, zato naj gre zahvala fantku in mami! Zaradi bolezni nisem mogla pošiljati božičnih kart, dobila sen jih pa veliko. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste se me spomnili doli v New Torku, v Clevelandu (sorodniki in drugi), gori v Minnesoti in Tilly v gorki Cal. in Illinois in nazadnje še Aurora. Najlepša hvala vsem in Bog Vam povrni z zdravjem. Jesen smo imeli prav lepo in tudi na Božični dan je bilo prav lepo, po noči pa je prišla starka zima ter prinesla snega in zdaj ko to pišem že tretji dan počasi mete in "po mojem računu” imamo zaenkrat zadosti! Da mi ostanete zdrave črez zimo in še naprej, Vam želi, Frances Kranjc Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Tukaj smo i-meli lepe vreme do Božiča, toda potem je pritisnilo, da je vse škripalo, ta se bomo morali že privaditi do pomladi. Pri naši podr. so leta 1967 preminule sestre Mary Nekic, Mary Koshar, Roso Ambrosh in Sophie Tnibina, ki je živela v Evelethu, pa je jo zadela kap in so jo hčerke vzele k sebi v VVashingtonu, kjer je umrla. Bila je globokoverna. Večkrat sem jo obiskala in ona je izdelovala krasna ročna dela. Prepeljana je bila v tu- podnižnice št. 26. Potrudile smo se napraviti lep sprejem za vse goste od sosednih in naše podružnice. Veselilo nas je, da je bilo vreme lepo in udeležba prav dobra. V čast nam je bilo, da je prišla med nas glavna tajnica Mrs. Albina Novak, ker je minilo že več let od njenega zadnjega obiska. Bila je dobrodošla, saj nam zna tako lepo povedati o delovanju Zveze. Veselilo nas je tudi slišati o slovenski kapeli v Washington, D. C. za katero bodo gotovo naši rojaki z veseljem prispevali. Seja, oziroma konvencija, se je vršila v zborovalni dvorani. Potem smo se podale v veliko dvorano, kjer je bilo vse lepo pripravljeno za banket. Vsaka članica je ob vstopu dobila lep šopek (corsage), katere so mojsterslco izdelale naše spretne članice. Pri govorniški mizi so pa bili g. stoloravnatelj Mr. Frank Lokar, glavni odbornik KSKJ, ki zna moj-stersko voditi program in tudi v petju nas je razveselil. Dalje je bila Miss Frances Lokar, glavna odbornica KSKJ. Pri naši fari imamo zelo prijaznega župnika v osebi Rev. Ferdinand Demshar, ki nas je počastil z navzočnostjo in Mrs. Mary Skerlong, ki vodi slovenski radijo program za našo okolico in nam gre vedno na roko z oznanili. Slike, katere vidite v tej Zarji je kajšni pogrebni zavod, sv. maša za-dušnica je bila na Evelethu v cerkvi svete Družine, nakar je bila položena poleg njenega pok. soproga na Gil-bertskem pokopališču. Naj v miru počiva in Bog naj ji da bogato plačilo za vsa njena dobra dela. Žalujočim naše sožalje. Na decemberski seji smo i mele Božičnico in pri volitvah je bila na novo izvoljena podpredsednica, Mary Oberstar. Tajništvu se je odpovedala ses. Lucich in predsednica Vranick, toda ker ni nobena hotela prevzeti, je moralo vse ostati po starem. Po seji pa smo se dobro imele. Članice so prinesle izvrstno pecivo in vsakovrstnih drugih dobrot ni manjkalo in ob slovesu smo si vse voščile vesele praznike in na svidenje na drugi seji. Hvala vsem za Vašo gostoljubnost in veselo leto 1968! Tončka Lucich, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Želim, da ste imele vse lepe praznike, v tem letu pa vsem želim najboljšega zdravja, še prav posebno pa našim bolnim članicam. Pri podr. je bila novo izvoljena podpreds. in obenem tudi blagajni čarka, ses. Roso Pujzdar, druge smo pa še kar iste ostale. Odbornice je ustoličila na jan. seji ses. Mary Prelogar, za kar ji prav lepa hvala. Seje se sedaj vršijo v sobi št. 6 v S. D. D. prvi torek v mesecu ob 2uri popoldne. Dobrodošla, kličemo ses. Marie Mrs. Mary Tomsic, drž. preds. posnel moj sin. Njemu smo vse hvaležne, da nam je ustregel, tako imamo lep spomin, ker slike so ved no zelo izrazite. Najlepše se zahvaljujemo Mrs. Albini Novak za obisk, ter vsem častnim gostom, članicam SŽZ in državni predsednici Mrs. Tomšič za izkazano prijaznost. Nedelja 24. septembra bo pa dolgo ostala v lepem spominu vsem, ki smo bili navzoči. Upamo, da bomo skupno dočakale še mnogo obletnic v zdravju in zadovoljnosti! Anna Trontel, predsednica Hoering in upamo, da bo pridno po-sečala naše seje. Enako tudi vse ostale članice prosimo, da se redno udeležujete mesečnih sej. Za rojstno obletnico nas je pogostila ses. Frances Stegu, za kar ji prav lepa hvala in še mnogo srečnih obletnic, Frances. Prisrčna hvala ses., katere ste darovale za slovensko kapelico v Wash., D. C. Iz blagajne smo v ta namen prispevale $50. Meseca decembra smo spremile k večnemu počitku sestri, Mary Jalovec in Jean Yakos. Pok. Mary zapušča sina in hčerko z družinami, pok. Jean pa soproga in hčerko, več sester in brate, ses. Ann Kuhar in Mary Popovich sta tudi naši članici. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo naš<; iskreno sožalje, pokojni sestri pa naj počivata v miru in ohranjen naj jima bo blag spomin. Naša agilna ses. preds. Mary De bevec, je darovala lepo darilo v prid blagajne, za kar smo dobile $4.05 za kar ji iskrena hvala. V blagajno so darovale ses. M. Germ, A. Fabian, M. Cerjak, J. Dev-masa, M. Zdešar, J. Bartol, R. Strumble, R. Kerže, M. Prelogar, F. Polc, F. Ostrelich, Lucija in Lucille Romih, K. Plemel, K. Potočnik, A. Rebolj, M. Franz, in M. Hribar. Vsaki posebej prav prisrčna hvala. Ne pozabite se udeležiti naše prihodnje seje. Iskrene pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin Št. 47, Garfield Hts, O. — Da bi bilo tekoče leto 1968 srečno, zdravo in veseli, želim vsem članicam SŽZ Letna seja je bila povoljna. Duele smo jedernato voljo, da delamo v korist podr. Po seji smo Imele dobro božično zabavo in okusno okrepčilo. Ker imamo tudi dobre pevke, smo pele lepe božične pesmice. Pecivo so darovale: Anna Kresevič, Jennie Pugely in Antonia Rolih. Finančno so podprle blagajno z darovi sestre: J. Segulin, A. Rus, J. Gerlica, J. Mezgec, M. Culkar in A. Dolinar. Prav lepa hvaJa vsem skupaj. Drugo je ostalo vse po starem, samo podpredsednico imamo novo, sestro Mary Sholar. Upam, da bo o-stala več let z nami kot uradnica. V pravilniku smo opustile točke glede obdarovanja novorojenčkov. Z letom 1968 in naprej bo to opuSčeno. Za častno mater je bila Izvoljena Jennie Gerk, ki je res mnogo doprinesla k napredku naše podružnice. Za slovensko kapelico v Washlng-tonu, so se naše članice prav dobro odzvale. Katera bi želela kaj darovati, naj pošlje z asesmentom in bom skupaj poslala na določeno mesto, i-mena darovalcev bosta Mr. in Mrs. Turek, tajnik in blagajničarka odbora za zbiranje. Čestitke Vel Mervar, ki je v novembru zopet postala grandmama in Terezija Bizjak, prastara mati. Srečni atek in mamica novorojenčku sta Mr. in Mrs. Neisen v Rosemonth, Minn. Želim vse bolnim sestram, ljubega zdravja. Sožalje sestri May C. Steigerwald ob izgubi njenega soproga Franka. Enako sestram M. Vidakovič, Stefi Novak, Sophie Zarembski, ko je preminil njihov brat. Težka je ločitev od dragih, toda ta pot čaka nas vse, ene prej, druge pozneje. Potolažimo se. Pokojni naj dobijo večni mir in pokoj, ostalim pa naše iskreno sožalje. Nenadoma se je morala podati v bolnišnico Uršula Strojin iz Madison, O. Želimo ji, da se ji zdravje zboljša. Dne 5. novembra sta praznovala 60 letnico poroke Mr. in Mrs. Anton Barbič iz Rosewood Ave. Naj ju Bog blagoslovi še mnogo let v krogu njune družine. Novoletne pozdrave vsem članicam št. 47, SŽZ. Jennie Pugely Št. 68, Fairport, O. Na naši glavni seji dne 17. decembra, je bila lepa udeležba. Naša predsednica, Jennie Mohorčič se je malo upirala in ravno tako tajnica, Mary Gržel, ki so želele, da bi katera druga sprejela njune urade, i*a smo ju primorale da so zopet sprejele, ker smo prav zadovoljne z njimi vse članice. Za angleško poročevalko za Zarjo je sprejela, Ulle Frances. Podpredsednica je Bradack Rozi. Po seji smo se lepo zabavale do noči. Božičnico smo praznovale v Slovenskem Domu. Udeležba je bila lepa, tudi možički so prišli z žena nami, da je bilo res prijetno in vsi smo bili dobre volje na tak dan. Na- pravile smo okusno večerjo, pa tudi za grla ni manjkalo. Naša predsednica Jennie Mohorčič se zelo zanima za zbiranje prispevkov za slovensko kapelico v naši prestolici. Kakor sem slišala, se je precej gotovine že zbralo, tako da je gotovo, pa Vam bo že ona poročala. Božične praznike smo vse zdrave in zadovoljne preživele, upam In želim vsem, da bi tekoče leto 1968 bilo ravno tako vse navzoče ter da bi zdave v polnem številu obiskovale seje. I^epo pozdravljam vsem članice, Vaša poročevalka, Frances Bajc Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. — Udeležba na naših sejah je vedno lepa. Članice pridno sodelujejo ln pomagajo, da vlada med nami zadovoljnost. Naš balineia klub bo pričel z vajami, kakor hitro se bo vreme ogrelo. Dansko leto smo imele tekmo s klubom v Newburghu na Prince, kjer so nam pustile zmagati (kot se spodobi gostom.) Postregle so nam z okusnim kosilom za kar smo jim bile hvaležne. Ob zaključku sezone smo se pa podale na farme k Lapa-vim za en dan zabave v prosti naravi in tam pa znajo postreči z najbolši-mi jedili, kar se jih sploh da narediti. Gotovo bomo se šle tja, kjer so nam imenitno postregli. Za nove članice nimamo preveč, sreče, ker je majhna naselbina. Toda smo pozorne in bomo tudi v tem oziru se potrudile tekom leta. Na sejah imamo vedno zabavo z najbolj priljubljeno igro. Članice pa prinesejo vsakovrstne dobrote, ki spadajo h kavi. Včasih se spravimo k delu in naredimo okusne tajževe klobase, katere takoj razprodamo in pri tem pride nekaj denarja v ročno blagajno. Vse se zanimamo za slovensko kapelico v naši prestolici Washington, D. C. Za začetek smo darovale sto dolarjev, namreč $25.00 iz blagajne in $75.00 smo nabrale v posameznih darovih. To je za začetek, ker bo še dve leti čas, da se zbere skupaj potrebna vsota denarja, smo pripravljene še pomagat. Zavedamo se, važnost te nabirka, zato je upati, da bo dosežen zaželjeni uspeh. Vsem članicam in bralcem Zarje želim v imenu podružnice srečo in zdravo leto 1968! Jennie Mohorčič, predsednica Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Naša glavna seja se je vršila dne 13. decembra ob navzočnosti lepega števila članic. Kako lepo bi bilo, če bi v takem številu prihajale na vsako sejo. — Poročila tajnice in blagajničarke so bila sprejeta. Pri volivah odbornic, so vse prejšnje odbornice zopet sprejele, tako da je ostalo v odboru po starem, 'rudi Je bilo sprejeto, da ostanejo pravila glede pogrebov ista. Moliti gremo na večer pred pogrebom in darujemo zia umrlo članico $8 za cvetlice in $5 za sv. mašo. Tudi ostane, de enkrat letno pošljemo članici, ki je v bolniš- nici darilno torto in $2. Odobrile smo $25 za slovensko kapelo in $5 za slovenski radio program. Hvala lepa gl. preds. in gl. tajnici za lepe članke v Zarji in Mrs. Pris land za "Oh ta svet”. V letu 1967 smo izgubile 3 članice: Gertrude Tomsic, Josephine Banesh in Jennie Gruden. Naj v miru počivajo. Lepe čestitke ses. Jennie Tershel, ko je postala stara mama. Rojenice so prinesle njeni hčerki dne 30. dec. zalo hčerko in upam, da bo naša članica. Čestitke ses. Mary Koklic, ki je na Božični dan obhajala svoj rojstni dan. Hvala tajnici, L. Smith, ko je prinesla več daril za door prize, da smo se lepo zabavale in po seji smo i-mele prav lepo božičnico, da smo bile vse zadovoljne. Božični prazniki so minili, upam, da ste jih vse zdrave in zadovoljne obhajale in prejele mnogo lepih daril. To leto 1968 pa naj vsm prinese sreče in posebno ljubega zdravja ter ljubi mir po celem svetu, — vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Urednici Corinne pa lepo priznanje za odlično urejevano Zarjo. Ne pozabiti priti na sejo. Pozdrav. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. -— Prva seja v tem letu je bila izredno dobro o-biskana, da je bilo veselje. Želimo, da bi se tako nadaljevalo. Tudi gostov je bilo veliko. Prečitano je bilo poročilo od cclega leta ter smo bile vse prav zadovoljne. Mrs. Prisland se je zahvalila, ker smo poslale $10 za šolninski sklad in enako smo dobile zahvalo za dar $10 odboru za beatifikacijo škofa Slomška. Sklenjeno je bilo, da se daruje $25 za slovensko kapelo svetišča Brezma dežnega Spočetja v Wasliingtonu, DC, ki bo v čast in vzor vseh Slovencev v Združenih Državah. Ta kapela bo stala $70,000. Tudi posamično so darovale, naslednje sestre: Mary Kovačič, Karmela Petrovič, ses. Kuk-man, ses. Gorišek, Mary Evanich, Kristina Filips, Mary Omejc, Mary Jasina, ses. Vlaslc, Jean Kurelich, Mary Marovich. Ta cerkev je naj večja v Ameriki in ena od sedmih največ jih na svetu. Slovenci bomo imeli v njej oltar Marije Pomagaj ob strani pa slike škofa Barage in škofa Slomška. V blagajno so darovale ses. Peri $3, Elizabeth 1’arkel $2 in Mary Kovačič $1 ter Mary Majzek zlato kapljico. Bog plačaj vsem darovalkam z ljubim zdravjem. Iz mladinskega oddelka so prestopili v odrasli: Carol Ann Harley, Frances Kurlich in Barbara Horzen. — Čestitamo. Za častno mater leta je bila izvoljena ses. Kukman, kateri Iskreno čestitamo. Ses. Kokel bo morala zopet v bolnišnico, želimo ji, da kaj kmalu o-zdravi. — Hčerka naše čla. Ide Drav-nikar, mora hoditi po palicah, ker se je ponesrečila. Želimo JI skorajš- NOVICE Z WASHINGTONA Št. 103, Washington, D. C. Ko na« je pred nekaj dnevi presenetil prvi snežni zamet, me je spomin opomnil, da se že dolgo nisem oglasila v našem priljubljenem listu. Naša podružnica prav nič ne miruje, vedno smo v kakih pripravah In pri delu prav gotovo. Organizirale smo prvo javno slovensko večerjo na Martinovo soboto, s katero smo počastile drugo obletnico ustanovitve naše podružnice. Večerja je odlično uspela. Nabralo se je zadovoljivo število ljudi za Washington. Tako smo obnovile staro slovensko tradicijo v Ameriki s proslavo martinovanja, kar je še veliko starejše, kot pa Zahvalni dan. Pred večerjo je razstavil svoja u-metniSka dela akademski kipar France Gorše, ki je nalašč zato prišel iz New Yorka. Rev. Francis Blatnik iz New Jersey je tudi tako prijazen, da je pri vsaki naši pomembnejši priredit- vi prisoten. Kako lepo je segla v srca slovenska molitev pred večerjo! Po večerji pa je bil še ples s prosto zabavo, tako da se nam kar domov ni dalo. Dne 26. novembra je bila v Washing-tonu koncelebrirana slovenska maša kot začetek akcije za slovensko kapelo v največji katoliški cerkvi v Ameriki tukaj v Washingtonu. Če še niste kaj prispevale, ne pozabite poslati svoj prispevek na naslov glavnega tajnika zbirke: Mr. Frank A. Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wick-liffe, Ohio 44092. V srcih boste čutile zadoščenje, v nebesih pa boste imele zasluženje! Končno moram opisati našo božičnico. To je bila naša tretja Božičnica v Washingtonu in gotovo najlepša. Po kratkem sestanku, katerega najpomembnejša točka je bilo obvestilo glavnega poštarja v Washingtonu, da je prejel naše vzpodbudno pismo zaradi posebne znamke v spomin škofa Barage, čigar stoletnice smrti se spominjamo letos v januarju. Predlagam tudi vsem drugim podružnicam, da pohitite v kolikor še niste odposlale, podobnih pisem, pisma naslovite na Postmaster General. nje zdravje. Ako katera ve za bolno članico, naj to sporoči tajnici, da se jo obišče. Po seji smo imele prav dobro o krepčilo, kar so darovale slavljenke rojstnih dni: ses. Kukman, Julia Vla-šek, ses. Peri in Pavla Vidergar. Bok vas živi wet mnogo let! Potem smo se prav dobro zabavale s pokrivanjem številk. Hvala vsem gostom, po sebno pa ses. Sušel in ses. Kurelich, katere se največ trudijo, da se zabavamo. Želimo, da bi še tako v slogi nadaljevale. God bless you all! Želim vsem srečno in zdravo leto. Kristina Fillps, poročevalka Otroci, ki s« nastopili pri božični akademiji v Washingtonu Washington, I). C. če želite natančnejša pojasnila, se lahko obrnete na naslov: Bishop Baraga Association, 521 Fisher St., Marquette, Mich. 49855. Sledila je slavnostne akademija. Nabralo se je lepo število Slovencev. Povabile smo namreč tudi može, o-troke in prijatelje Slovencev. Na a-kademiji so se posebno lepo predstavili naši otroci s solo točkami: na klarinetu Lidija Bevec, na harmoniki Andrej Bevec, pri klavirju Jane Johnson in Franček Chokel. Gospa Agnes Javornik nas je z recitacijami božičnih pesmi svojega brata Rev. Vitaia Voduška, župnika v San Franciscu, popeljala v božično vzdušje v Sloveniji. Gospa nam je prav tako lepo prebrala opis naših božičnih o bičajev v slovenščini, Miss Helen Kroteč paj e Isto prebrala v angleščini. Oboje je napisal slovenski pisatelj Mirko Javornik. Ko bosta ta članka objavljena v Zarji, preberite ju in obogatite si svoje znanje o lepih slovenskih božičnih običajih. Za zaključek je pri božičnici sledila ‘‘Božična slika”. Sodelovali so vsi otroci, liar smo jih mogle zbrati, posebno priznanje je treba dati družini Antolln, ki je ta prizor pripravila. Vse deklice in fantje so bili za to priliko oblečeni v slovenske narodne noše. Preden se je zastor odprl, je pet večjih deklet po branju božičnega evangelija zapelo venček božič nili pesmi. Te pevke so bile: Ivanka, Anka in Vida Antolln, Marjana Žebot in Lidija Bevec. Ko se je odprl zastor, smo videli prelep prizor svete božične noči: na sredi sveta družina z angelčki ln pastirčki, vsi v narod nih nošah. Otroci so tako živo predstavljali pomen in lepoto naših praz nikov, da je občinstvo navdušeno začelo sodelovati pri petju. Poleg An-tolinovih gre posebno priznanje gospodu Chokelu, ki je petje spremljal na kitaro in na splošno poskrbel za pravilno porazdelitev otrok pri nastopu. Ta prizor nam bo res ostal še dolgo v lepem spominu. Gostiteljice za mesec december pa so bile: Ivanka Antolin, Tillie Au- Pet mladinskih članic, Vida Antolin, Lidija Bevec, Ivanka in Anka Antolin in Marjana Žebot pri nastopu. slch, Jana Bevec in Minil Mejač. Pripravile so odlično in praznično hrano. Hvala Vam vsem štirim! Ravno ko to pišem, se pripravljamo na slovensko polnočnico, ki jo bo daroval Rev. Stanko Ceglar, kar bo prvič v našem mestu, da bo slovenska polnočnica. Vsi, ki imate slovenske župnije širom naše domovine, ..Božična slika na odru. Franček Chokel, Andrej Bevec, Jane Johnson, Bernardka Kovačič, Helen Antolin, Marija in Helen Mejač in Pavle Antolin. FINANCIAL REPORT FINANČNO POROČILO Z Br. Assessment Adults Juniors 1 $100.80 177 60 2 114.50 361 159 3 151.10 269 165 4 4 65 14 — 5 — 109 28 6 50.55 112 9 7 57.15 97 80 8 2'1.35 51 — 9 — 30 2 i 10 147.75 336 36 12 73.65 181 43 13 54.95 108 20 14 143.30 282 20 15 111.55 222 10 16 68.05 127 75 17 77.00 150 67 19 59.55 126 25 20 136.95 316 27 21 61.70 118 47 22 19.20 19 — a 23 111.2i0 231 54 24 80 00 159 80 25 360.45 674 181 26 45.20 99 10 27 — 57 3 28 44.80 82 9 29 11.15 27 5 30 — 18 — i 31 48.40 97 31 32 62.65 106 9S 33 96.70 1G3 100 34 37.60 36 6 35 34.95 63 41 37 24 3 i 38 54.20 142 2 39 21.25 47 11 10 51.60 101 3 41 93.85 228 33 12 47.70 48 2 b 43 82.30 144 74 45 22.65 51 6 4G 14 25 30 5 ■17 56.30 112 31 49 — 26 9 i 50 130.00 195 121 51 7.50 15 — 52 31.05 54 15 54 39.70 73 57 55 33.25 67 G 56 43.45 98 12 57 40 45 68 32 59 34.70 33 2 c 61 10 — G2 30 — i 03 59.45 107 38 i 04 37.70 47 2 b 65 — 53 22 i 66 2'8.5 0 51 16 07 10.80 70 12 68 76.10 58 17 b 70 14 3 1 ohranjajte in upoštevajte jihne veste kako smo mi veseli, kadar imamo slovensko sveto mašo v Washingtonu. Pričnimo lepo z dobro voljo in ne glejmo samo napak drugih, skušajmo biti kritične le do samih sebe, pa bo leto hitro neaokoli v zadovoljstvo nas samih in drugih. Nika B. Kovačič FOR OCTOBER, 1967 MESEC OKTOBER, 1967 71 57.90 116 22 72 1120 27 3 73 60.00 112 77 74 — 35 3 77 26.G5 54 32 78 15.95 26 15 79 17.80 31 21 80 — 15 — 81 15.25 29 — 83 11.60 22 — 84 12.05 63 3 85 17.GO 38 Q O 86 11.50 20 5 S 8 21.20 45 10 89 36.05 77 27 90 22.95 -17 22 91 34.60 57 12 92 15 50 24 2 93 63 94 — 17 7 95 108.50 176 28 96 23.40 47 2 97 9.40 18 o 99 7.85 18 10l) 25.20 12 9 101 25.20 35 17 102 25 3 103 18.75 28 10 104 7.55 19 105 25.50 22 6 106 13.50 22 1 Toftals $4.045.80 8,383 2,371 Asses pd. a Oct. Nov- b Sept, Oc c Aug. Sept; i Sept; d Jan. Income : Assessments $4,045. Rent in October, 1967 155.00 Interests 1,344.01 Total $5,544.81 Br. 5, Indian’lis, M. A. Dreflak $100.00 lir. 10, Cleveland, Marg. Pintar 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, M. Pestotnik 100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Mary Krulc 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, F. Laseak (B) 150.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Joh. Marolt 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Frances Brass 100.00 Br. 40, Lorain, Mary Baraga 100.00 Br. 50, Hibbing, Julia Huzak 100.00 Br. 59, Burgettstown, F. Rihel 100.00 Br. 71, Strabane, Jos. Benlch 100.00 Br. 9G, Universal, G. Sheffler 100.00 Zarja — The Dawn, 32 pages 2.207.7G Salaries and Administration 1,290.00 Rent of Home Office 75.00 Director Internal Revenue 71G.82 Insurance — office 63.00 Printing of Assessment books 391.90 Postage, (secretaries), telephone and fuel 283.50 Accrued interest 116.67 Total $6,394.65 Ledger bal. Sept. 1967 $514,445.19 Income in October, 1967 5,544.81 $519,990.00 Disbursements in Oct., 1967 6,394.65 Ledger bal. Oct. 31, 1967 $513,595.35 Albina Novak, Sec’y III, BOYS AND GIRLS! A young page, In a red velvet suit, ran through the streets of Geneva. He rang a bell and cried, “Boys and girls! Boys and girls! Follow me to the cathedral!” Doors flew open. From house after house, children came running to follow the page. “Bishop de Sales is home again,” they called to one a-nother. When the page reached the cathedral, a large crowd of children were with him. “Well done, Philip,” laughed Bishop de Sales who was waiting on the church steps. Bishop de Sales told the children stories about God and His saints. He wrote stories for the children, and lor their parents, too. The bishop wanted to help his people become strong and holy Catholics. Francis de Sales lived in a country where there were few Catholics. In some cities, priests could not offer Mass. The bishop often visited these towns. He talked with the people there about God. He wrote stories and letters for them, too. “There are three ways to bring others to God,” Bishop de Sales often said. “The first is prayer. Pray to God for others. The second is good example. Act so that others know you love and obey God. The third is learning. Know your religion well. Speak to others of God. Write letters and stories about God and His saints. In 1602 St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal established the Visitation Order, the purpose of which was teaching and the care of the sick. Because of all that he wrote including a popular book of devotion and spiritual consolation called An Introduction to the Devout Life, lie is known as the Patron Saint of the Catholic Press. February, as Catholic Press Month, is set aside to remind us how important it is for all of us to read I he Catholic Press; to learn what the Church teaches and its stand on the problems of the world; and lastly through it we may “hold and teach the Catholic Faith that comes to us from the Apostles.” St. Francis de Sales would be happy indeed, if he were living today, lo read the following excerpt from Bernadette and the Lady by Hertha Pauli: It happened on a Thursday. Dates were hard to remember for little Bernadette, but she always kept the days of the week in mind. Forever after that 11th of February, 1858, she would love Thursdays. The day started badly. The weather was cold and foggy. From the snow-covered peaks of the Pyrenees the clouds rolled down the valley, hanging low over the roofs and JUNIOR’S PAGE | steeples of the small French town of Lourdes.................. .................Bernadette paused for breath, gazing on the rock a-cross the shallow water. It looked like a tremendous sponge ol’ granite, mosscovered and honeycombed with caves. Directly in front of her was ft grotto, a small cave with an arched entrance ringed with briars and an oval niche, like a window, above and slightly to one side. A wild rosebush, thorny and bare now, climbed up the rocket to the niche. “Look,” Jeanne cried, pointing to some old driftwood near the mouth of the cave. Then Toinette spotted some branches that had been carried down by the mill-stream and washed ashore. They took off their shoes and Jeanne flung hers over the canal. Toinette kept her pair in her hand as the two of them waded across, lugging their bundles. The water was knee-deep and so cold that Toinette could not hold back a few squeals. Bernadette went to look for a shallower place but could find none. Reluctantly she decided to cross as the others had. When she bent down to take off her shoes, she heard a noise as of a sudden gust of wind. She turned around, but 110 tree in the meadow was stirring. She stooped again to pull off a stocking and heard the same rustle. Frightened, she stood up and looked at the grotto. She was afraid—but not afraid as she had been at other times, wanting to run away. It never occured to her to run away. The oval niche above the rosebush seemed suddenly aglow. The bush trembled a little. Two small golden roses appeared to flower on it. Bernadette stared in wonder. She saw the roses had not grown on the bush that bent beneath them: they adorned two small bare feet under the hem of a shimmering white gown. The gown enveloped the loveliest little figure, 110 larger than Bernadette herself, standing at the opening above the bush. It was a girl—• a little young lady of sixteen or seventeen—smiling. Bernadette could say nothing, think nothing. She rubbed her eyes and o-pened them again. The little lady was still there. On her head was a white veil that fell on her back and 'all but covered her hair. She wore a blue sash. I-Ier eyes were blue. Bernadette fell 011 her knees. Her trembling fingers groped in her pocket and found her rosary. She tried to cross herself but could not bring her hand up to her forehead as usual. It fell back limply. The lovely figure turned aside for an instant. Bernadette clutched her rosary. Then the young lady in white looked back at her with a smile-ind now she, too. held a rosary. The beads were not dark and plain as Bernadette’s, though, but shimmering white like the little lady’s gown, and the golden chain shone like the roses on her feet. With infinite grace the lady made the Sign of the Cross. Bernadette’s numb hand followed, and again the lady smiled. Bernadette said an Our Father and began the Hail Marys. The lady likewise passed her beads through her fingers, but did not move her lips. The rosary gleamed in her hands. It reached to her knees, and the shining cross on it hung from a locket that was heart-shaped. When Jeanne and Toinette name back from their stroll down the river bank, Bernadette seemed not to see them. She was on her knees, still staring at the niche above the grotto. "Save your prayers for Sunday, you fool,” Jeanne called across the canal. Bernadette did not answer. Toinette called her by name, but she did not turn her head. “That’s all she’s good for,” Jeanne said contemptuously. “Praying.” Bernadette looked at them and got up slowly, as though waking from a dream. "What are you doing there?” Toinett asked. Bernadette said nothing. Her sister was disgusted. "You should have stayed at home, 01' you should have been picking up wood.” Bernadette let the rosary slide back into her pocket. “Didn’t you see anything?” “No,” Jeanne and her sister Toinette said. “Was there anything?” A strange smile flittered over Bernadette’s pale face, and her large, dark, deepset eyes seemed Par away. “What was it? What was it?” cried the two on the other side of the stream, dancing with curiosity. Bernadette said nothing. She looked at them, calmly now, and bent down to pull off her second stocking. “What did you see? Tell us!” Bernadette was barefoot. She picked up her stockings and shoes and started for the water. “I saw a lady in white,” she said, “with a blue sash and a yellow rose on each foot.” Jeanne burst out laughing. “You just tell that to the others, and you’ll be the joke of the town!” “Then let’s not tell anyone,” Bernadette said thoughtfully, wading. Jeanne and Toinette stood with open mouths, gaping at, the way she crossed the stream. “Heavens,” she laughed as she came out, “What was the matter with you! It feels warm ..................... ” * * * “A Valentine means special thoughts and special memories too—At least, that's what it means when it’s especially for you! Happy Valentine’s Day! from Your Friend, REGINA KKOM The YOUTH DIRECTOR Hi Boys and Girls! I hope you all had a nice, enjoyable Christmas. Now that the holidays are over, 1 know you are happy to get back to your school subjects and that you all have a desire to study hard to be something some day - a nurse, teacher, doctor, aviator, policeman, of something very wonderful. I also have some ideas. Join in some sort of organized leisure time activities such as we have with the Slovenian Women’s Union. There must be a little of everything to make life enjoyable, and to make you an enthusiastic person. Bowling and “balinca”, a real Slovenian game are now gaining in popularity. Balinca is a summer sport, but bowling is fun any time of the year. I wish you could see our boys and girls bowl; they are getting to be fine bowlers and have loads of fun all look forward to that day each week when they go bowling! I am so proud of them that I get just as excited as they do. Soon you will see a picture of them in Zarja. Our boys and girls came in third in the Christmas parade and were presented a trophy. It was a great joy and exciting to them. Although it rained a little that day, it didn’t bother them, they marched along like little soldiers and also did their act. Bless their hearts! Boys and girls, I am waiting to hear from you. Did you forget? My best regards to all and may God bless you. Mary Bostian From The Reign of the Sacred Heart: FAMOUS BABIES 1. The twin boys nursed by a wolf? 2. The first baby of English parentage born in America? 3. The baby born 011 the Mayflower in Cape Code Bay? 4. The first baby born 011 the planet? 5. The first baby born in the White House? 6. The baby whose mother dipped him in the Styx? 7. Reputedly the first baby born by abdominal surgery? 8. According to Rabelais, the biggest baby ever born? i). The baby who could strangle serpents in his crib? 10. The baby called “the King of of Rome?” Scoring: 10-Superior, !) Excellent, 8-Good, 7-Pair. }pti^si|.)ia}[ 30 0)in pUl!iaA3lO .lOinStf (j ui«o t 911I1AV ouj.iSajad •£ a.reci 'Z sniuoji pm; sninuioji -x :s3|qeg snouiej joj sjsmsuv trances Gorge X bbi tfoodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27, N. Y. H227 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES t ---------K-tfSa FULL G) Metropolitan Bank bank J! and Trust Company k<5----------- 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Etnbalmera CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Try a new recipe for a special treat! S.W.U’s Famous Cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone ANTONIA TUREK Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 AVE AFELY 5 NEIGH BORI IOOD OKK1CRS 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. JB rol^U. rl ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT R.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 02nd Street Tel. IIEmlerson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio